Hello gentlemen of the world, my name is
Dr. Dain Heer inviting you to a new
exploration called
Return Of The Gentleman.
In a conversation with a really dear friend
of mine, a twenty-three-year-old
brilliant young man, we were having a
conversation about some different
aspects of what it is to actually be a
man and he looked at me and he said I
have been looking for this my whole life.
I have scoured youtube I have looked all
over the internet for somebody to give
me this kind of information where being
a man is actually about being honorable,
being kind, being caring but also being
potent, also being sexual,
also being able to make money, also being
able to contribute to family and he said
I didn't realize this was possible until
we had this conversation and I looked at
that and I realize that we need to do
something different. So I created this
series, who knows what it's going to turn
into, but right now you'll be able to get
it on youtube and a few other places
called Return Of The Gentleman and what
it's really about is returning to the
gift of being the gentleman that you can
actually be. Now we're going to cover
subjects like relationship, sex, women but
not from the place of so many of the
videos I've seen on youtube and other
places at this point about
being a man is getting your
game on and and you know having a great
game so you can get women in bed and
dominating women, because that's all
I've seen and that's not what it is
at all. The most interesting part about
this for me is when you're truly being
you whatever that is for you when you're
being authentic as you women are
attracted to you and it doesn't matter
how you look, it doesn't matter that much
how you dress, although we're going to
talk about that too because that's
definitely an aspect of what you want to
have. But what I like to do is have some
frank, open, honest discussions with you
and also give you a place to get your
questions answered
where you can write in the stuff that
you want to know about and get it from
this different perspective. 16 years ago I was at a place where I
was going to end my life. I was with a
girlfriend who I thought was the perfect
woman and she hated me I was a
chiropractor starting my second practice
and I had so little self-worth that I
felt like the most insecure man on the
planet and I found a way to change that
but not only did I find a way to
change it I started actually liking me.
So what I would invite you to is the
awareness that there's something totally
different possible but it's actually
from you being honoring of yourself,
starting to trust yourself, starting to
actually be vulnerable with you, having
gratitude for you and then having no
judgment of you. If you could just
consider what it would be like to be
that for a moment, maybe an hour,
I mean imagine that for an hour.
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and had
no judgment of you for the man you're
being in the world? Imagine if you
woke up tomorrow and looked in the
mirror at you and were like I like the man
that's looking back at me. This is where it all starts, this is
where we're gonna head. So you'll be able
to send in your questions, you'll be able
to get a as much information as I can
give you with the time I have because I
travel almost four weeks out of the
month right. I am an owner and facilitator
of a worldwide self-development business.
It's not like I have a lot of time
but I really want to give you guys this
information. The resources that are out
there for men,
there's so few available that are
actually about being the greatness that
a man can truly be. I want to read you
something and as just one tiny example
of where we're headed if you find that
you'll also find these videos
interesting. If you don't like what I'm
about to read this is probably not the
place for you. Go to one of those
alpha male channels where it's all about
dominating women.
Okay so give me just a sec I'll be right
back with that.
Okay guys I'm back and this is an
interesting facebook post that this
gentleman posted to his sons, who were
four and seven years old after
the thing with Donald Trump and how he's
treating women and Rudy Giuliani got up
and said "well men at times act like that".
So this is a facebook post this guy
wrote "Caleb and Ethan fortunately
right now you're too young to be exposed
to or interested in political discourse
and you're much too young to have
Facebook accounts but I imagine there'll
be a time in the not-too-distant future
when you're on facebook and will be
I also imagine that at some point after
that weather out of boredom or interest
you look back through your old man's
posts for some funny stories and maybe
some tidbits of wisdom. So I'm gonna
leave this right here for you. Men do not
at times talk like that
sure some individuals with an x and y
chromosome like you may say something
like that but we do not call them men, we
call them perverts, abusers or rapists, not
men. Real men don't do that and wouldn't
even think to say that. You hear a lot of
people tell you
what men do or what it takes to be a man.
The vast majority of it will be total
garbage. If you want to be a man forget
about machoism or sexual conquest. Being
a man is not about that, it's
about protecting those around you who
are weak or innocent, maybe a child being
bullied or your own children.
It's being awake at all hours of the
night to warm a bottle, change a diaper,
change the sheets on a wet bed or even
worse. Men get puked on, pooped on, blood on
and cried on. It's about being open
with someone, vulnerable and accountable.
It's admitting your mistakes and
failures in all its ugliness and seeking
forgiveness over and over and over again.
Real men play dress-up and enjoy tea
parties and we'll make a complete fool
out of themselves just to hear a child
laugh. They cry and even weep when the
situation calls for it. They respect
honor and cherish women because all of
them are human.
It's tough being a man, the hardest work
you'll ever do. So when someone tries to
justify abhorrent words and behavior by
sulling your good reputation as a man be
angry and speak up don't let them
defind you by their conduct. In short be a
Sincerely, Your Dad. So that's sort of
where we're headed where men actually
get to be men and actually get to be the
honoring beings that we are. But also
honoring of each other. I think one of
the biggest things that's missing here
men getting to actually support other
men contribute to other men, be grateful
for other men. It's like somehow we have this weird
macho football idea that you know what
testosterone tells us mount it or kill it are our
only two choices and you know what it's
not like that at all. In the last few
years I have had the the great, great
blessing of having some men in my life
who were there is really, really good
friends who truly have my back.
That's the energy i'd like to bring to
this conversation. So I hope you choose
to sign up and hope you get a heck of a
lot of information that's way more than
you ever thought you would get. It's my
desire to be a contribution to you and
all of us and the interesting thing is
as you start watching these videos, as
you get your questions answered, as you
start to explore this possibility for
being this way in the world the way
women will treat you in the way you'll
treat them will absolutely amaze you and
please no there's no particular
political point of view, there's no
religious point of view, there's nothing
other than us men getting together to
actually contribute to each other and me
hopefully sharing some wisdom that will
help you enjoy you as a man and have the
gratitude for you that you should have.
so thank you so much for listening, thank
you so much for watching. I look forward
to seeing in the next video bye
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