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dbrand concrete skin review: sexy as hell - Duration: 3:35.
brilliant just brilliant
this is what i was saying in my mind
when I saw my skin actually put on my
phone and dam! the fit is good
hey guys it's osburn here and let's
review the Dbrand skin i'm not
a huge fan of skins and I like the
device bear bone but my 1 plus X has
glass on the back so i had to do
something about getting those nasty
fingerprints off and initially I thought
that having a case would be my option
but i wanted something more sleek so
order this particular skin now dbrand is
well known for its skins worldwide and
they have a worldwide shipping as well
so that was also a great plus for what I
chose or the skin that I went with was
the concrete skin for the back and the
logo is a hyper black titanium i did
not opt for the front and the sides
skins as my side already has a
rigid aluminum ring and the front I
was pretty happy with it just being
plain and simple
now coming to the fit it was absolutely
it took me about five minutes to apply
on and it was an instant hit the cutouts
for the camera
the flash everything aligned perfectly
and even the logo is perfectly cut to
the wire
so if you want to make your phone look
go ahead and check the link down below
and you can configure various skins that
you want and they have worldwide
shipping which I mentioned so you can
definitely find your phone on the list
so also the application videos are
online on their youtube channel i
drop in that link as well down in
the description box so you can check how
to properly apply your skin
I had no problems with the application
of the skin and the skin itself is
amazing i like the concrete look and the
contrast that the titanium logo creates
on this concrete skin
overall final thoughts on this skin is
that it is absolutely amazing i highly
recommend if you want to spice up your
phone or make it look a little bit more
personalized to go ahead with this look
so that being said I think I shall try
these different skins on various devices
from now on when I buy new ones so as to
make it unique to me that being said
this is me osburn and this was a quick
little review of the dbrand skin let
me know what you guys think
and if i did a good job hit the like
button and as usual hit the subscribe
button if you're new to this channel as
there is lots more content coming your
this is my osburn and i'll catch you
guys on the next video till then stay
The Magical Story of the Holly Bush by Timothy Langston - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
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[An Encore and Continuance] Monster Strike the Animation Official (English sub) [Full HD] - Duration: 8:38.An Encore and Continuance: Pandora's Box
<i>The end is only the beginning.</i>
<i>A battle with the War Gods</i> <i>over memories.</i>
<i>Even for myself,</i>
<i>the cause of all this trouble,</i>
<i>a new beginning came, along with hope.</i>
"Shibuya Medical Center"
Thank you for everything you've done.
It was our pleasure. Take care
and please watch over her as a family.
Thank you, we'll be back for the next periodic checkup...
<i>This light is what I wished for.</i>
<i>I've caused too much hurt</i> <i>to my loved ones</i>
<i>to get here.</i>
<i>I will not repeat the same mistakes again.</i>
<i>As the creator of the monster gate</i> <i>and originator of the crisis,</i>
<i>I will shoulder the responsibility</i> <i>and manage this gate,</i>
<i>so the world may never face</i> <i>such destruction again.</i>
<i>That is my life's purpose now.</i>
<i>This is my new beginning.</i>
<i>I'll never allow another monster</i> <i>into this world.</i>
Must be my imagination.
Oh, crap.
Kaminohara Junior High School
Stop staring.
-Minami, Opario. -Opario.
Morning, Akira.
-It's so peaceful. -It is, isn't it?
Of course. The War Gods are gone.
We've reclaimed our lives.
Yeah, you're right.
I'm sure Oragon will come back.
It feels like Oragon will pop out of the blue again.
But Dora's here!
-What? Who? -Dora!
I'm Pandora-dora!
Too many doras. Unbelievable.
No matter which way you cut it, you're a monster, right?
But I'm not bad.
-She doesn't seem to be evil. -I guess.
-Should we crush her? -Wait, really?
Pandora isn't bad or dangerous.
I'm a safety first kinda monster.
But this Pandora's Box I took from my Grandpa is extremely dangerous.
What is this energy?
If this box is opened,
It's been said that it has the power to change the world.
It's an extremely dangerous box.
Don't bring that here!
What was that?
Nothing's changed, right?
Yeah, doran't worry.
There's no probdora at all.
You're way too suspicious!
You're lying.
No, I'm not.
I'll catch you later. Dora!
I wonder who that Pandora girl was after all.
Maybe she just wanted some attention.
Nothing changed at all.
See ya!
I'm home.
Ren, so you're back.
Ryoma? Why are you in my room?
I've been waiting for you, Aoi.
Will you join me for a game of chess?
Oh, my!
Nightingale and Dead Rabbits, you guys were friends?
What are you up to?
What are you doing, Kamui?
<i>Yes, because Pandora's Box was opened,</i>
<i>this world was faced with an</i> <i>unusual phenomenon.</i>
<i>Previously, monsters only appeared</i> <i>during MS battles.</i>
<i>Now, they started to appear</i>
<i>in everyone's daily lives.</i>
Are you serious?
But I wonder how Pandora got here in the first place.
You were watching the monster gate, right?
Oops. Guess I wasn't watching it closely enough.
-Unbelievable. -Wait, so does this mean
there are other monster gates out there?
Yes, it's because we've opened Pandora's Box.
Tons of monsters have already
entered this world through other monster gates.
From the gentleman over there.
No thanks.
Sunk before we've even put out to sea...
"Recommended Store Special"
It's gonna be fun!
I wonder...
<i>We're going to go meet many monsters</i> <i>in our world on this journey.</i>
<i>"Whoa, that monster's different</i> <i>from what I imagined!"</i>
<i>Something like that.</i>
<i>As Minami said, I sense</i> <i>the fun times ahead of us.</i>
So this is Kaminohara,
my new town.
Actually, this isn't Kaminohara.
-It's Akihabara. -What?
Oh, dora. I've done it this time.
Oh well, who cares!
<i>Season Two Confirmed</i>
<i>Starts 4/1/2017!</i>
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SHERLOCK on MASTERPIECE | Season 4: Sherlock as Babysitter | PBS - Duration: 0:57.- I think he'd be fantastic.
- He'd get it right.
- I think he'd be pretty hopeless.
I think it's a kind of fan moment to
think of Sherlock being a babysitter.
- I think he would pull out all the stops.
- He'd have everything in very good order,
he'd know where all the creams were,
he'd have nappies lined up,
he'd have sort of outfits all ready,
probably all hung up individually.
- He'd probably read every single book
every written about it.
- He'd read up on everything first about
what you should and shouldn't do.
- And then I think like all babysitters he'd end up
exhausted and trying to bribe the child with food.
- I think we would be really surprised.
- I think he'd treat it a bit like he did with
the best man speech, he would treat it like a case.
- I'd let Sherlock babysit my two kids
and I don't let everybody babysit my children.
There are like five people.
- Stories, I don't quite know what stories he'd tell.
- Well think the baby would enjoy it.
- They'd probably get into all sorts of danger and mayhem
but they'd have fun.
- Sherlock Holmes would be an impeccable babysitter.
- I'd let Sherlock babysit,
I wouldn't let Sherlock babysit my child.
I wouldn't let him anywhere near my child.
The Most Cruel Pranks (trollagens) With Boyfriend (Husband) - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
WORST AS SEEN ON TV PRODUCTS OF 2016 | YEAR IN REVIEW - Duration: Vivian had 1,000,000 head 1,000,000
have to Vivian head back to another
deviant rise my new series that I'm
trying out to see you guys like where I
take asking on television or any kind of
really cool kitchen gadgets and I trying
out to see if they stuck so today i have
this potato express which claims can
cook up to four potatoes in four minutes
who doesn't love a quick meal in the
microwave so i have two potatoes here
that I'm going to use in this test i'll
put them in this little baggie we're
going to put them in the microwave for
this should be a quick video I'm going
to let you guys know how many heads were
going to get to this asking on
television product sorry for long
stretches insert potato put it into my
boy perfect results that's what I want
let's see your potatoes will not fit in
here like this one too
no I don't think so insert potato potato
in the bag
so you're always saying even on my
tastes like saying okay that guy's in
there all right second one
planet I don't know how the hell for fit
in there
sounds like a stretch that no way for
potatoes but in there that's already and
no no
yep for little tiny potatoes okay all
right there in there
let's go put it in the microwave
a few moments later
Todd but it's not like really really hot
so we have all this is such a fail i can
already tell do those potatoes are
rock-hard what of sale
ok coming to the first one
no way it's hot but it's not like yeah
right that's still need about another 10
minutes in there look complete fail now
I mean it's a little cooked but not no
way this one let's see
no you can see very clearly that they're
both raw look bra from their full wrong
this is a total fail this thing no good
fail it was a fail
the potatoes are still raw and i only
put two in there and said i could put up
to 4 i'm going to give this as seen on
television gadget one Vivian had this
guy was our first sale welcome back to
another busy and tries today we are
making potato chips in the microwave
yes you heard me right my friends over
at the force with the spiky hand their
channel is linked down below
they sent me this really cool get it all
the way from Korea and we're going to
give it a try
they also sent me this guy to use to
slice the potatoes put it on this little
tray and stick it in the microwave for a
minute i don't have high hopes for this
one I don't know how we can get crispy
yummy potato chips from the microwave in
four minutes
not sure what we're about to find out
let's then
look at that now that is very sure Trump
this is very cool
look I got a thousand potato chips on
there that that's like a whole bag of
potato chips
I didn't love how it looks and they're
so then they are like paper thin
ok do you really think if this thing
yeah okay beautiful french fries
they're not french fries beautiful
potato chips now do you really think
this thing is gonna cook all of these
guys and four minutes in the microwave
let's put it in the microwave
ok for Minister let's go see what we get
out of the microwave no not even
cookbook what a fail you guys look
there's like Lindsay then like rubber
they're not cooked what a disaster
I mean I didn't have high hopes for it
but it kind of look cool on this thing
i'm going to put a man for another four
minutes what you think
let's try alright another four minutes
up lets see know how sad
look at these head there's kind of
starting to smell like french fries
this is a total fail you guys so I'm
gonna give this guy 1 million head LOL
welcome back to another baby and tries
today i have an egg gadget and I
going to really know what it does it's a
clever cracker-ass going on television
easy scramble or crack eggs with no mess
I'm nervous
we could really make a mess with some
eggs of this shit and work it's going to
crack it and scramble it for me you and
it'll even instantly removes yolks from
not that I like I mean any batteries or
anything right
its place egg onto clever scrambler
buddy watch out probably better double-a
let me go get some batteries alright
let's see what this is all about
I don't remember what the review said on
amazon oh it's it's two gadgets 1i think
this is the little scrambler which I'm
excited about that this is going up yeah
but i think this is the one that needs
batteries supercool scramble your eggs
before you even crack it
oh yeah yeah yeah okay open it we go put
in your that money up or down to say i'm
going to put them like this but up
ok screw this on oh I'm excited this
works let's see here that here can you
hear it
yeah it's working yeah
gonna scramble my egg ok it has a little
needle in there you see the needle
ok so i have an egg I think you just go
like that blue right okay ready
who here out of my face ready 1 ready
wait maybe I should get like this hand
this hand ready one losing a stronger
hand anyone I'm right-handed
one two three go if this bust all over
the place ready 123 go
whoa didn't go on ready 123
can you guys see that if I can one two
three go
I've been meeting
oh no I meant it
that's not cool oh we straighten it up
ok I got it kind of straight okay what
am i right
I'm gonna wait ok maybe you're supposed
to push it down and you don't like her I
think you have to
ready 123 go got it
did you see that it was quick you got
you have to have like super powers to
see that she goes so fast ok ready to
turn it on what you hear it you're gonna
hear it it's done just stopped myself
legs going around and around
it's a present to do you see that can
you see that on camera
don't miss the excitement of this video
what usually on look at that is turning
my egg in circles
come on look I don't know that's what
it's supposed to do
that's happening because i damaged it is
going in circles
this is entertainment right here then ok
I'm going to turn it off
it's scrambled enough let me go get a
plate so we can see his grandma wanted
have tiny little ball or put it in here
ready now and then you just take okay
that's weird
the end what it cook it the white stuff
over there
ok ready this better be scrambled if it
is not impressed ready 123 go see my own
that shit is not scramble at all and i'm
going to spill it up and show you that
that is not scrambled it busted the yoke
that it must
bale the Scrambler is a piece of the
second piece simplest what that I do
want to catch my yoke I don't like the
yokai only like the egg white what you
get and struck guns ezp there's a little
thing like they're put that in there
grab my yoke you gotta work we gotta
give you at least half credit for this
gadget alright look we'll catch the yolk
right there is yet another it not it i'm
gonna get my saying little what is this
for that extra what is this gonna put
the egg in between two little holders
like so easy i'm excited do you go like
really hard like bio or do you just
gently practice mobile-ready it makes
them mad
ready 123 go the goal here is catch my
yoke crack my egg right got it
let's see what happens I'm gonna go fast
I'm scared
ready 123 go I think it work weight it
busted the yolk if it busts the yolk
you're not separating the yolk from the
white I mean it crack the egg it did
that but if busted my go get some fuel
what a shit what a piece of junk
am i doing it wrong have you tried this
let me know in the comments below what
did I do wrong here both of the gadgets
are a fail the X scrambler it is a
really cool idea and i like that is
turning on 22 but it doesn't work i'm
gonna give this guy doesn't work i have
to give it a 1 million head and this
it kind of worked it cracked the egg but
it does not separate my yolk and the way
so i'm going to give this guy 1,000,000
have to another Vivian tries today I
have another asking on television
product i have this guy did you guys see
my last video the packaging on some of
these as seen on television products
looks a little shady makes it seem like
the product of not going to work this
guy you need to improve your packaging
i'm just going to give us a tip that's a
free tip I'm not going to charge you
guys for that one but this is called
perfect bride asking on television
one-step french fry cutter this is
supposed to be really easy
what do you do we're going to eat your
potato potato here gonna put it in the
thing and then you push the other thing
and bam you have potatoes like you do
when you go to in and out burger that
shits fresh they have cut it right there
in front of you you have internet burger
in your hails
let's see what this is gonna do
overworked you like my shirt links down
below in the description if you want one
ok easy it's easy it's so what the hell
is wrong with people
this grows at the washer guys this thing
comes out look saying be careful don't
do what I just did
ok that's it but it back and it's Prince
doesn't look complicated kind of still
sound dirty but all right here in my
ok this should be like the fastest video
I think I've made yet
ok if you want in and out french fries
at home going to see if this product can
produce why am I scared why do I feel
scared maybe because their blades in
ok maybe I should got a small baby
potato ok it's already hard to balance
the table like a jigsaw wait I feel
something happening
don't move hold on you gotta have
muscles for this what the wait
come on now place the potato
yeah push down with cover yeah okay keep
ready 1 123 go mother
okay hold on ready 123 go my right arm
that's much stronger
ready 123 go mother
what is happening maybe after maybe have
to help maybe a little bit okay let's
say you know I gave it a little sister
drink know what I was so excited about
this one because i want fresh french
fries for miles
what come on ready go
my doing wrong am i doing it wrong
do you see what I'm doing tell me what
am I doing here like your look at the
garden somewhere that's stopping me
I feel like there's a bard something
like we've got the wiggle it only be a
gigolo gotta jiggle it jiggle it
come on sweat i'm burning off the
calories of the rings I haven't had yet
there's a workout
you gotta work for your Brides fuck in
and out is better than this that that
there is no way in hell maybe I put it
oh I did it wrong
you see it's kind of going in I did it
wrong guys
we're going to start over we didn't just
see that that was my bad when this piece
fell out i put in backwards i put it in
a little i put it upside down I put the
blade down dum-dum god don't do that guy
i was just okay I'm gonna put on the
other end since i already
wait a sec at way does that good
don't let me down now ok blades are in
the right place
let's see what happens one two ready 1
what two three go better but still
mother what kind of work i'm gonna give
it up on it yet potatoes falling apart
kind of damage did but I don't have
another potato for this 1i one ball one
potato we're gonna need a lot of tickets
here but let's see what the hell it's
already been like five minutes has it
been five minutes
french fries are not supposed to take
this long i mean the idea
good Jesus right I'm not doing it wrong
the way mother go
I broke it i have mashed potatoes into
French fries you can make mashed
dude don't be a complete fail when we're
trying we're not going to give up
we're not quitters we're not giving up
that now it's big in against the potato
but one two three
yup it's like know for me I look like
I've just been run over by a car
french fries no now i can take the
potato well you're screwed
you got the holding away this is just
give me my money back this shit don't
work and i'm still trying to get one
spring triad is potato
oh well we're going to call him fail and
we're going to call it like a big fail
like not even got some mashed potatoes
it's a great idea but you don't work so
about that
don't buy this I'm gonna get this guy 1
million head while you guys and welcome
back to another baby and tries today i
have this giant box in front of me it is
a power pressure cooker right power
cooker I've seen a thousand infomercial
smooth think what do you think
does it work I thought you know what
let's try it in one of these videos to
see if it really works so i have here
some pinto beans and these guys are rock
hard i have not soak them overnight if
you've ever cooked beans you know you
gotta soak these guys for ever in order
to cook them from the research that I
have done we should cook these rock-hard
pinto beans in 30 minutes 30 minutes
no soaking no nothing cooked beans in 30
do you guys think that we can get that
done I don't think so i hope it proves
me wrong i hope it does I hope it really
worked because of it does it is a
I'm going to tell you the honest truth
so this is not a recipe video I will not
be giving you a recipe on making pinto
beans with your pressure cooker i'm
gonna give you a review to let you know
if the beans are fully cooked at the end
so all I'm going to put it in the power
flicker is going to be the beans with
water that's it in 30 minutes I'll let
you know if it really worked
let's see what's in this giant hope is
not hard to use oh my god I was so sick
got manuals with now here it is guys and
let's pull it out of here where it is it
right in the box ok get here we go
oh ok ok I got it open for steaming we
have a cup and a su and ya soon have the
little measuring in cup in searching
paper remove ok I feel like there's
something missing along the ball go
ahead and plug your fan going to set
this for 30 minutes
all right you guys so this thing has
been a total fail i think they forgot to
give me the little plastic gasket
I don't know the plot the rubber ring
that goes around to seal it because 20
minutes in this thing's thurs to spew
water all over the place i thought i was
going to blow up I immediately unplugged
it and it's not been sitting here for 20
minutes just to make sure all of the
pressure is out of it
we're going to open it i'm not happy
with it because i think i have a missing
piece I think they did not give me all
the pieces and checking the box and make
sure is not there's nothing in the
thought this is just a little steaming
thing see that it they must have not
given me that let's look inside release
Oh see you guys I think there's supposed
to be something inside of this lid with
a plastic gasket heard the instruction
that's what is telling me I don't have
that didn't give me that you guys told
me open it was not there so I don't have
a plastic nothing inside they've been oh
oh no they're still rock hard
no all right you guys so I really can't
review this thing i will give it to
Vivian heads because i'm so disappointed
that they did not give me a piece it
just spewed all over my counter what a
total waste of time
this was a total fail i might do another
review i might not even waste my time I
might just send this thing back all
right you guys thank you so much for
coming back to another Vivian tries even
though this was a failed one if you are
liking these types of videos give the
video a thumbs up if you're new to the
channel subscribe i put out a number of
videos throughout the week if you know a
food product or a kitchen gadget that
you want me to try in one of my videos
let me know that in the comments below
as well i'll see you guys in the next
one bye
220K+ (28.83x) WORLD RECORD GIANT Human/Harambe/Zombie | - Duration: World Record Giant Human Zombie
What is the Macrobiotic Diet? & How to Make Miso Soup - Duration: 3:49.Hey! Have you ever heard of Macrobiotics? I've long
been curious about the Macrobiotic Diet.
Like, what is it?
I recently met someone who shined so much light on this for me.
My first response is: it's not just diet.
It a philosophy, it's a lifestyle.
Let's talk to Angelica.
Macrobiotics, to me, is kind of like a toolkit.
to be able to you support you and me to
Ok so now I've got to tell you more
about Angelica. -So I'm an aerial
athletic performer, I also do stunts.
So for the past seven years I've
been in the show called Fuerza Bruta.
It's this aerial athletic, high-energy
show from Argentina. -Yeah, this is footage
of Angelica! She's a rockstar. Living out
wildest dreams is exactly what she does.
People often ask me, "So are you macrobiotic?"
And I'm like, "Yes! Absolutely! It's the
foundation of my whole life. And it's
based on principles of ancient wisdom.
Balancing yin and yang. So balancing expansive energy
versus contractive energy. Nourishing our
bodies and our minds and our spirits
in accordance to how nature is going and
then also supporting then your goals.
So food is huge.
Because it's the one of the main things that we can actually
really control. So we're going to make a
I like to call it a bomb-ass miso soup because I
think people know what the miso soup is
oftentimes from going to a Japanese restaurant,
but that doesn't quite have the, like,
power that this miso soup can have.
So get a pot of water to boil. Get some
carrots and cut them in chunks, leaving the
skin on. Slice onion and add those to the
water, too. Do the same with daikon: rinse,
slice, keeping the skin on, and save those
greens. Then cut tofu into cubes and
add that, too. And don't forget about the stems.
Yep, you'll add those, too! Every part of
the vegetable is used;
that's a basic principle of the
macrobiotic diet.
Stir that in and bring it back to
a boil. Cut up collard greens, reserving
the stems, you'll add those, too. Then grab
some ginger and you'll grate some in, to
taste. Add wakame flakes, which is like dried seaweed.
And the umeboshe plum vinegar.
Then miso! You'll want one
tablespoon of miso per cup of water in
the soup.
We're adding eight tablespoons here.
Using some of the water from the pot,
incorporate it into the miso. -So our
last ingredient that we're going to add
is the miso and the thing with miso
is that you you want it put it in and make
sure that it doesn't boil, because miso
has a lot of enzymes in it and you want
to kill the enzymes with boiling it.
If you do boil it, you can eat it, it tastes
it doesn't have the healing properties.
And she's adding brown rice, which is
optional. Just about ready to serve
but first cut up some green onions for
garnish, using the green and white parts.
Remember, in macrobiotics you use the
whole vegetable. Then serve it up and enjoy!
Slurp time!
Mm, it's good. -Ohhh, this is great. Angelica, thank you
for showing us how to do this. -Thank you
for having me on board. -And the thing I love about
this, too, is you can change it up,
do whatever you feel like that day. If you
want to you can: Keep It Quirky!
Always, right, guys?!
REALITY CHECK!! - ELECTRIC CARS Aren't As Green As You Think?? || MUSINGS #COLLEGEHUMOR Stupid Video - Duration: 11:37.this might be the musing of the most
stupid video of 2016
hey guys what's up
Moiz Musing back with another video if
you're here you might have watched the
video released by collegehumor called
"electric cars are not green as you think"
which i think is the most stupid video
made in 2016
no doubt it had really awesome
stop-motion cartoon but the message in
that was complete .. 💩.. before I begin I would
like to tell you that you are welcome to
disagree with whatever i'm about to say
and I'm more than happy if you drop me a
thumbs down if you disagree. but don't
just give up thumbs down
give me a reason in the comments why you
don't agree with me or something but if
you agree with me give this video a
thumbs up and go to college humor video
and tell them that Moiz Musing roasted you or something.
okay so let's just get it so the video
begin with them during the Chinese guy
walking out of a hybrid car with his
daughter and take that
oh my god this hybrid car is bad for the
atmosphere so I'm going to ditch it and
buy a new test which i personally think
that Toyota sponsor this video and they
didn't tell you about it because they
were showing the toyoto like white
use so the video is trying to show this
Chinese guys free stupid and he's trying
to save it oh my god i'm going to buy
the new test line 400 preorders cant be wrong
right then Adam the genius comes out
and he tries to tell you that electric
cars are not as efficient as we think
they are well this is the most stupid
thing that I've heard in all 2016 i will
be showing you small clip from the video
and then telling you what I have to say
about them
ok so first of all he tries to make a
bad impression of the electric cars by
giving some over-exaggerated commercials
which those car complete escape i agree
on that i absolutely agree on that it's
not only the car companies but every
company in the world tries to
over-exaggerate and / sell their product
and try to give the most positive image
again so the buyers buy their product it
is natural this is what they do this is
what marketing is
and i totally agree that it should not
be like that they should tell you what
are the pros and cons of it but the
biases that he showed was over the hood
everyone does that. get over it. next to buy an
electric car today
you're just shifting your fuel source
from the gas pump to a power plant now
he's trying to show that the charging
station used to try those electric car
i'm not that economical because they use
power stations to power up their
batteries and that's what increases more
co2 in the air because they are using
coal instead with let me just think
just think about this for a second every
gas station use electricity every house
uses electricity for example you
watching this video on your laptop or
your computer or your mobile phone use
electricity to charge the phone and for
the electric cars it is and they're
going to use the same electricity to put
into your car
I posted this comment on the video which you
can read i will give you a second read
go on Pause the videao and read it and these
guys have the guts to come and take my
god it's all about the nuclear power
they using nuclear powers which caused a
lot of global warming and stuff blabla.
come on guys
here's what I replied to them and this
is what you should know what do you
think that Patrol station work on water
same amount of energy is required to
extract oil from ground and he is
required to refine it and then
transported and those vehicles (to transport) are made
industry with use the same nuclear power
which you are talking about and extract
and here's a fun fact the gas stations
also run on electricity there is
electricity in the gases and then
it's just that that the electric car stations
use the same source of energy which i
think is way more efficent then
extracting, transporting and delivering
gas and those ecs (Electric Car Satation) are trying to go
solar as well and some of them already
where you don't see any plans for
future of gas station so electric cars
are helping and if you're not wise
enough to understand that then I can do
anything about it
come on it Adam are you trying to tell me
that electric cars are really bad
because they are charged on electricity
are you serious and then he goes on
committing even if a third of all
drivers switch to electric cars the
carbon savings could be time there will
be a slight change in the economic
well he's there will be right and what
do you think about one-third come on
this general was published in two
thousand time we are planning to gold
solar and use more natural resources now
which resulted in more eco-friendly
future what do you have to think about
that i have never seen such a pessimist
guy in my life!
he's he's trying to figure out every
single negative thing even the positives
he tried to present them as their
negative for you
why why would you what why do you want
to do that just put some YouTube views
in your video coming out you will say
that americans over 2.7 trillion miles
and you think those might work covered
by electric eyes it would be more
destructive for the planet? and then
trying to emphasize oh my god making of
the car is the most important part of
the car it makes the most co2 in the air
that anything else in the world
well here's the news that the other cars
use the same industries to make those
car Holloway Adam is right one electric
cars are more efficient manufacturing
of the car adds about fifty percent to the
total carbon footprint
according to join
fifty percent of the pollution is called
during the process of making the car
yes but at least you're saving 50%
go to the optimism his my advise
try to be a little positive and don't
think that our glasses half-empty
instead of it's half full. fifty percent
of co2 is emitted during the production
i agree but the rest of the 50%
can be saved by you using some economic
friendly things which you completely
disagree for some reason odd reason.
batteries on me from the rare mattles
which using tense and mining yeah
printable not cars and their engines
they are not made by tensing mining and
of course there's no production value
going into the right there is going
industry a separate industry by to make
the engine of the car
yeah those batteries are bad which you are
using in your phone to watch this video
and you're laptop the are really bed... and putting
the car together also adds a lot of CO2
yeah the other cars are going to you- em
but they're sold by ikea right, Ikea and
if we all ditched our trusty old cars in
favor of brand-new electrics we'd
actually end up increasing our carbon
footprint and a ditch all our trusty old
cars. Do you see where is going right. he's trying
to emphasize that you should buy old
cars which are "trusty" more than the other
part is this video sponsor if you if it
is also just say the sponsor man you
don't have to dig out everything wrong
from everything positive come on if we
go all-electric we will increase the co2
our atmosphere yeah absolutely Adam
there's one thing that you ruin.. human intellect.
so if you buy a new car too
often you can completely under the
carbon savings that you might get from
buying an electric up there's another
thing that only with him that you should
not buy new parts that often but who
does that really when you're buying a
hundred dollars and done you're actually
trying to keep it for a while and you
are you going to change it every week
and this goes to every car. got not just
electric cars when you're buying other
cars you dont have to change them as well
because that will do the same effect that
production effect. okay and the next thing is
that you should reduce how much we drive.
I agree with that.
this is another thing that you should
walk more and jog which is better for your health
Buy a cart put a donkey infront of it.
in front of it and take it to your work
yeah you could but the point is that you
should use your car as less as possible
that is correct go ahead by yourself a
nice small electric car perhaps even a
useful by a smaller car probably a used
yeah but why are small electric on you
by big a star as well the same applies
to the gas card so electric cars are all
that bad but what he's trying to say is
that everything is on par with the gas
card and electric cars but they electrick cars
Done emit CO2 but they are
still lower than the regular cars
trustworthy cars why why would why do
you want to come with this man
anything else I should know the cow says
and the Cow says "Moo"
College humor right there.. Toddlers humor.. Americans bought 17.5
million cars last year and drove a total
of 2.7 trillion miles see what I was
talking about and go about 2.7 million
miles different and driving those three
trillion miles on an electrical will
significantly lowered that co2 emitted
by the other car the other trustworthy
I'm sorry but buying another car just
isn't going to fix that
that is correct buying another car would
fix that buying an electric car will and
i'm doing this because you are looking
at the future you're sitting in the
Past and keeping your co2 emitting car and
admitting the other fifty percent of co2
we can be used by electrical not just
look at the strategy applied on this
video but i just want a Tesla and it
would help the environment
well you can't have both. the guys to say
that i want to buy it has not but I
don't want to affect the environment and
mr. adam says that you cannot have both
well you can reduce this CO2 emmision
radically by choosing electric car and
driving 2.7 trillion miles and if you're
not careful these companies will use
that desire to help the planet to sell
you more stuff that's hurting the planet
Brian green products won't solve the
problem okay so they're going to send
most of that is hurting the planet for
example "Adam" I don't know you're last name
whatever because buying stuff is
part of the problem buying stuff is part
of the problem
yeah absolutely one thing i will get
with it that reduces what we buy and we
used what we had but if we have
something which is harmful we should replace it
can't shop our way out of this
you can shop your way out of this yes
you can you're trying to use the co2
emission by your car every single day by
using electrical yes that is good for
the planet. news that you don't realise that
fine I won't buy a Tesla ah final words
"I wont buy a tesla" the sponsered video
is going absolutely fine bro absolutely
fine and then he's wrapping everything
up by calling themselves stupid that
even walking will increase your carbon
footprint in many cases walking can
actually increase your carbon footprint
you should never take this guy seriously
as I said the best thing that adam can ruin
is your human intellect intellect.
If this video sucked you know what to do
but if you like that and appreciate the
effort give this video a thumbs up
subscribe and let me know in the
comments what do you think of the
electric cars and if you will my I would get one. I would
that's it for me for this video I will
see you in the next one till then.. Stay curious
...and electrical buy electric cars.
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