Tumblr Lit Up Christmas Tree Shelf DIY - Duration: 2:18.Hi! Today we're gonna show you an idea for
a shelf that is basically a very little
Christmas tree well, the shape of a
Christmas tree and it's lit up and you
can use it to put items on it because
it's a shelf and i think it's very pretty
so for this you're going to need
obviously some lights and you can use
battery powered lights or lights that you
have to plug in
but if you have to plug them in
you'll obviously not have as much
freedom where can put the shelves so
before you start we did
measure where we needed to wrap
the lights around before because it
depends on how big your sticks are and
how long your lights are so do measure
that before so make sure you have enough
to hold everything as we did and how
you're going to wrap them around is on
each end of each stick you're just going
to put a simple knot so just wrap it and
then go under it and make sure you have
a nail on your wall because this will not
hold by itself obviously
and the three sticks one large one
medium and one small will make the pine
tree shape so it goes smaller as we
reach the top this idea looks very
pretty it's kinda of tumblrish i know I
just think it's very Christmasy BUT
you can use it all year round
I think it just looks very pretty and if
you want you don't have to use this type
of sticks you can use kind of straighter one
so it's easier to put things on them
it's up to you this is just an idea and
I think it looks very pretty
so once you're done it can be on your
wall and just add items and it looks so
pretty and you can add a Christmas
things or whatever you want so if you try it
please give a like and subscribe for
more videos goodbye ( it looks so pretty :) )
GLP VS. Telekom | Rewinside 24 Stunden Stream | So bekommst du den YouTube Verifiziert Haken! - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 1.6 VTI A.DREAM SO CHIC IN BLACK - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS4 1.6 VTI 120 SO CHIC NAVI / 18 INCH - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Boy grows his hair so he can make a wig for his female friend with alopecia - Duration: 2:47.Heart of gold! Selfless 10-year-old boy grows his hair for two years just so he can make a wig for his female friend who suffers from alopecia
A boy with a heart of gold grew out his hair for two years so he could donate 12 inches of his shiny brown locks to a friend who has a hair loss disorder.
PHOTO: Amazing: Tyler Boone (pictured), 10, from Georgia, started growing out his hair so he could make a wig for his family friend Gabby Ruiz, 12
Tyler Boone, 10, from Georgia, started growing out his hair so he could make a wig for his family friend Gabby Ruiz, 12, who has been suffering from alopecia areata since she was four.
The selfless boy told ABC Action News that he simply wanted to make his friend happy, and he has learned to shrug off the numerous times over the past two years that he has been mistaken for a girl.
PHOTO: Difficult diagnosis: Gabby has been suffering from alopecia areata, a hair loss disorder, since she was four
'I'm used to it now,' he said. Although Tyler and Gabby live hundreds of miles apart from each other, they have remained friends despite the distance.
Tyler and Gabby's families reunited at the JCPenney's store at the Westfield Brandon Mall in Florida on Thursday, and the duo posed for a photoshoot together.
PHOTO: Strike a pose: The friends, who lives hundreds of miles apart, reunited for a photoshoot at the JCPenney's store at the Westfield Brandon Mall in Florida on Thursday
The boy explained that he was about to get his haircut for Gabby, but first she had the honor of chopping off his 12-inch ponytail.
They headed to the salon side-by-side, and in less than an hour Tyler had a whole new 'do.
PHOTO: There she goes! Gabby had the honor of cutting Tyler's ponytail off before his official hair cut
After two years of growing out his hair, Tyler opted for a streamlined buzz-cut, which completely transformed his appearance.
'It's cool,' Gabby said of the haircut, and Tyler noted that he feels 'different'.
PHOTO: Perfect: Tyler's thick ponytail was 12-inches long, and will be used to make a wig for Gabby
Tyler's hair will be donated to the nonprofit, Children with Hair Loss, which will make a wig just for Gabby.
Although Gabby was a bit shy during the interview with the news station, she couldn't resist gushing about her doting pal.
PHOTO: Total transformation: Tyler said he felt 'different' after he opted to get a buzz-cut
'He's a great person. He's amazing,' she said.
PHOTO: Best of friends: Gabby gushed that Tyler is a 'great person', and they happily posed together after his hair cut
Den Fische Mann erobern – So verschenkst Du Dein Herz - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
10 Not so random facts - Duration: 2:59.It's more fun like this
1, 2, 3...
Happy New Year!
I hit my head
To end this year, we have some news to tell you...
Since we are not that good at making serious videos, we chose to do this...
2016 is almost over, and it has been the best year so far
my hair is uneven
we are moving!
Amelie didn't like chocolate until she became friends with me
but how can we not have decided for tacos yet?
we are moving to Los Angeles
we are going to be there for at least two years
we are going to be missionaries with YWAM
we can't make serious videos
we are so excited!
This is like our dream, you know (Referring to the cookie called "Dream")
- This is our dream - That is our dream
As you may understand, or may not understand, who knows...
- Have you seen channel 1? - Okay, our...
Okay, as my may understand, or may not understand, who knows...
We are moving to LA for at least two years
as missionaries with YWAM, Youth With A Mission
We are leaving in February
like in the middle, the end...?
- We are supposed to be there like the 18th - Exactly
"Like" the 18th, that's pretty exact, but yeah
Let's go with that
You go right, I go left
You can still see my hip
Ugh, I can't... wait
"I can't anymore"
What are you doing? I'm over here
But... now I'm hanging here
My tea is cold
Oh, now I can drink the tea because now I'm not going to spit it out all over the table
Kim Kardashian's Best Looks of 2016 | Splash News TV - Duration: 1:40.Kim Kardashian had a busy 2016, so we decided to put together her best looks from the year
for your viewing pleasure.
So sit back, enjoy, and try to keep your tongue off the floor.
Explaining Why Till I Met You Ending So Soon [There are subtitles] - Duration: 2:12.Hey what's up you guys?
So today, I will be officially explaining to you guys, why as to why, the show, Till I Met You, is ending so soon!
Now if you guys may recall, the-
On The Wings Of Love ended in February, 2016,
and Till I Met You is officially ending January 20. In 2017.
Now, you guys may wonder, "why?"
And I will explain to you officially why.
So, lets show you guys.
As you guys can see, I am on the ''Till I Met You (TV Series)'' website in wikipedia.
And officially says that it is ending in three official weeks...
Right there.
Now, I am on Nadine's page in Wikipedia, and I will explain to you why, as to why, it is ending so soon...
If you scroll down, to her filmography, and you go to films, you guys will see there is a new film in the process!
Now, you guys may be wondering as to why they are ending so soon.
Now, if you guys didn't know, [ stutters ] uh artistas (actors/actresses) cannot film two shows at the same time.
Well they can, but in the Philippines, apparently they can't.
Cause, filming is like at the same time, I guess...
That's when Till I Met You's ending.
Officially why they have to end it, it's because, they have to start filming Infinity Love Story.
And they can't film it, without having them [JaDine] on set on time.
So yeah.
So...that is why they are ending the show so soon.
But! I am glad to announce that they have a new movie coming out in 2017!
So you guys should definitely watch it when it hits theaters!
And you guys should definitely, DEFINITELY, watch Till-- uh, TFC, because they will definitely announce when it's coming to your hometown!
When it's coming to your hometown! [Why did I just repeat myself?] 😂
So yah, so I will see you guys [personally?] next time! BYEEEEE!
Mario Kart 8 Ninfora Tourney Highlights #15: 2016's Swan Song - Duration: 11:21.I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.
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