Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily how Jul 31 2018

How to stop hair fall in Just 7 Days | Stop Hair Fall Naturally, Natural Home Remedies For Hair Loss

For more infomation >> How to stop hair fall in Just 7 Days | Stop Hair Fall Naturally, Natural Home Remedies For Hair Loss - Duration: 3:56.


How to Prevent Grubs - Duration: 0:52.

I'm Jason with solutions pest in line if you're new to us we create these videos

to help educate people like you about DIY pest control if you want to learn

more and get your professional pesticides for grub control then click

the links in the description below prevent grubs and beetles from returning

by regularly maintaining your yard mow your grass at the right height properly

water your lawn and fertilize your lawn in the fall this will strengthen the

turf roots and resist injury from grubs and applied to minion to L or

imidacloprid granules every three months for long-lasting control solutions is a

small family-owned business and we rely on referrals from customers like you so

if you liked this how-to guide and when the products work for you please share

and tell your friends and family about us also please don't hesitate to give us

a call or shoot us an email i'm jason baker with solutions pest in lawn ask us

how didn't do it yourself

For more infomation >> How to Prevent Grubs - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> КАК НАРИСОВАТЬ КЕКС ЕДИНОРОГ || HOW TO DRAW A CUPCAKE UNICORN - Duration: 6:04.


How To Trace Location 100% Working in Hindi/Urdu 🔥 - Duration: 7:42.

Aslam O Alikum

thanks for watching please subscribe my channel

thanks for watching and subscribe

For more infomation >> How To Trace Location 100% Working in Hindi/Urdu 🔥 - Duration: 7:42.


How Career Changers Can Establish Their New Brand - Duration: 4:54.

Hey everybody, it's Andy, back for another week to help you build a career you love.

Today, we've got a great tip for career changers to establish their new brand.

Now, if you've been following me, you know I talk about career changing a lot, I know

how difficult it is, so I want to give you a lot of instruction on that.

And if you haven't caught it, I've talked about how to change careers successfully,

the first seven steps that I would take to do that, and I've also spent a lot of time

in one of my live office hours talking on this very subject.

I'll put those links in the description, so you can check them out later, they give you

a much better running start.

But today, I've got a tip to help you get yourself out there as a knowledgeable person

on this subject matter that you want to turn to make that career pivot.

Now, in those steps, I talk about when you need to change careers.

In order to do it effectively, there's going to be a researching phase that you're going

to go through, and you're going to be getting up to speed, and following leaders, and learning

and taking schooling or certification training, or studying, however you want to get educated.

And then, I also talk about a step that you need to take in marketing yourself, everything

from how to establish your new brand to your resume and all that good stuff.

Well, one of the things that you can do that does take a little bit of lead time, because

these things don't necessarily happen overnight for you to establish this new identity for

yourself, is that I think that ... and what do I always talk about, lets control what

you can control, and one of the things that you can control is what you put out into this


So, what I recommend, as a tip, is LinkedIn has a wonderful platform where it allows anybody

to put a long form post together, kind of like a blog post or an article, or a video,

or whatever it is that you want to make.

As you start to learn about your new subject, whatever that is and whatever career you want

to turn to, I highly recommend that you start writing about it.

It could be a how to, it could be an editorial or opinion piece, whatever it is that starts

to get content circulating in this world that you're distributing as the author.

And why is this so important?

Well, if you write a post one week, and you start to circulate it on LinkedIn and your

other social platforms, people will start to take notice, and what's really important

about that is your network is going to be so vital in being able to help you with your

career change because you're going to have to rely more heavily on your network to get

interviews, because the applicant tracking system submissions are not going to be kind

to you, relative to the other job seekers who actually have the hardcore skills already.

So, as part of your rebranding effort, it's a great idea to start putting content out

into the world, and sharing it with your network.

So, if you write one, one week, and you share it a couple three times a day on LinkedIn,

and Facebook and Twitter, where've you might be, Instagram, people will start to take notice.

Write another one the next week, that's two.

Keep circulating both, and then three and four.

In eight weeks, you'll have eight articles.

And what's really neat about this, is not only will your network take notice, but if

I'm an employer, and you're referred to me or you apply to me directly, and I take a

look at your LinkedIn profile, one of the things that I'm going to note is that you

have articles that you've written that are on your platform, and I will see that you

are writing about this subject, and my inclination is going to be to assume that you're knowledgeable

on this subject.

Say, hey look wow, she wrote eight articles on this particular subject matter.

Now, I'm not going to take the time to go and read them all, but I certainly will take

notice when I see your LinkedIn profile, that you have a number of these articles that you've

written about.

And if nothing else, I appreciate that you've taken the effort and made the effort to really

be committed to this.

So, this sends a lot of great messages.

So, my one tip to help you in your rebranding efforts, is to write about it, use LinkedIn's

long form platform because it's very easy, and you're going to need to circulate this

stuff to your network, and I would share it with your network.

And if you do that, you'll start to accumulate many, many posts, and so when an employer

ultimately lands on your LinkedIn profile, which most of them will check whenever they

get your resume submission, they will take note and it will do wonders for helping establish

some wind at your back as you go in for that interview.

So, that's my tip.

If you like it, give me thumbs up.

Click the share button, let other career changers know about this.

If you are watching this anywhere other than my tips for work in life blog, or my YouTube

channel, hop over to those sites, and make sure, make sure that you are subscribed to

the YouTube channel, because you don't want to miss these weekly videos, as well as be

there for my live office hours.

I spend an hour to two hours every week on Thursdays on my YouTube channel, and I hope

to see you there soon.

Until next week, have a great one.

For more infomation >> How Career Changers Can Establish Their New Brand - Duration: 4:54.


HOW TO MAKE A REESE BASS [ableton/serum tutorial] - Duration: 5:31.

sup guys today I'm gonna try to teach you how to make a Ries pace

they ask what it's the REE space it sounds like this it's kind of like a

neural base but not really Reese pace is a detuned saw wave base usually at the

minimum there's two saw waves detuned against each other and they create that

that warping sound you hear in some the way I make it

I do like a sixteen voicing saw base alright so I'm gonna do this with serum

open up serum change the wave table position to this one that's a saw wave

and we're gonna turn the unison up to sixteen so um

I'm gonna bring the octave down over here we're bringing down - so what's

your sound like that the next thing you're gonna want to do is put a filter

on it then with the filter take it down to like a couple hundred Hertz bring up

the resonance because that helps kind of accentuate it a bit um put it on mono

and legato

go enter up the drive and little fat setting but turn up the ste tune setting


you can also try throwing in another oscillator make sure the oscillator is

running through the filter as well well that's it for the basic there's some

other things you could try doing - like you could try moving around the LFO

unlike the wave table position you try moving it around a detune the cutoff you

can throw some effects on it the main effect I like to do is a

distortion so I'll open up trash - that's my favorite distortion that's

everyone's favorite Distortion so let's see what we can you get some pretty uh

character you can get some settings with a lot of character here

that's not bad let's see what else we got get a watch out some of these have a

lot of reverb or delay on it you may want to either tone that back or try a

different one

well this one's nice but it takes the volume down a lot so I'm gonna bring up

output like six decibels kind of confuse for some reason this one has a really

strong attack okay I turn off the dynamics here and it got rid of it I


obviously you can also play this dry wet knob I didn't do that with this current

one I just kept it how it is cuz it sounded good

alright so that's the end of the tutorial hope you guys enjoyed this

hopefully as you guys figured out how to make a reface I don't think it's too

difficult I think it's more so about just picking the right settings and

tweaking them right for the right song I don't think it's a very hard sound to

make you can make it much more complicated though if you want to start

creating more instances of the synth and like doing layering and whatnot I can

maybe do another tutorial on that pretty soon don't forget to comment like

subscribe I'll see you guys next time and turn on the post notifications

because otherwise YouTube's never going to tell you about a video ever again you

never know

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A REESE BASS [ableton/serum tutorial] - Duration: 5:31.


How long can your pup be left alone? - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> How long can your pup be left alone? - Duration: 3:32.


How we learn - Innovation High - Duration: 1:00.

Most of us when we were at school would have experienced a lot of it being what we used to call chalk and talk

Information take it down give it back. Well. We know that's not how humans learn best

we know that children learn best when they're learning with other people and

When they're being pushed just that little bit further by someone else who knows a little bit more and that little bit more might be

The teacher but more likely it's the child sitting next to him or her

teachers like doctors engineers lawyers they graduate

They're not expected to know everything they're going to continue learning for the next 15 or 20 years

I like to learn with other people because it helps me learn off them

if they can leave school with that drive to

Initiate and innovate, but beyond that to actually work together

That's where the secret lies in that we have people who have an inclusive

Cultural sense where it is about us all contributing our strengths and working together to achieve what we can as a country really

For more infomation >> How we learn - Innovation High - Duration: 1:00.


How To Get Motivated To Clean House - Duration: 9:01.

Have you been wondering how to get motivated to clean your house?

Believe it or not, we're taking that on at Live on Purpose TV today.

Clean your house?



Why would you want to?

This is legitimate question, folks.

Connect with it.

Why would you want to do that?


Now, notice whatever is going in your mind because there might be some resistance there.

Where's like, "I don't really like to."

Well, okay, then don't.

Yeah, but if I don't?


Okay, let's go there for a minute.

If you don't?


Well you get to live in filth?

Things to get clutter up and gets messy.

Oh, and you don't like that?

So, why would you want to clean your house?

I think if we start with a strong enough why, we'll figure out the how.

But we get in our own way a lot of times.

Let's start with some clarity around that.

Why would you want to clean your house?

And as I invite you to think about that, notice that you can bring to your mind the images

of a clean house.

A house where there's order.

Where you're surrounded by things that you love and use.

Alright, can you picture that?

Getting clear about that picture will help facilitate the motivation to actually get

it done.

Spend a little time there, okay?

I got this idea from Marla Dee.

She has a process called "Clear and Simple" and you might remember in an interview that

I did with her at Live on Purpose Radio.

I'll link to that in the description below.

You'll notice that this image of the place that you're creating, the calm, serene, peaceful,

orderly, clean environment that you get to live in once you keep your promise to yourself,

that becomes your why.

So, get clear about it, picture it, spend a little time there.

Now, as that picture continues to unfold in your mind, let's get clear about this being

a choice as well.

You don't have to.

You do not have to clean your home.

Oh, there are some clear consequences if you don't.

But I am saying that's a legitimate choice.

And if we get to choose to clean out house, that's different from telling like we have

to clean our house.

Take some of the pressure off.

Choose to, not have to.

It feels different.

It's a whole lot easier to engage in that, "who will work harder?

A slave or a freeman?"

Yeah, a freeman will always work harder and more effectively and more productively that

a slave.

If you have to do this and nobody's paying you for it, what are you?

Well you're that slave.

So, this is a mental shift, it's a paradigm where you get to choose to versus have to.

practice that in your mind and see what happens.

Now, in some other videos, we've talked more about motivation.

You connect with motivation through 2 primary human motivators, pleasure and pain.

Of the 2, which one is more motivating?

In other words, which one causes you to change your behavior faster?

Pleasure or pain?

Yeah, it's pain.

Oh, it is?

Psychologically, we will always do more to avoid pain than we will to seek pleasure.

What that means is, the pain that we perceive in making a change is probably more important

that the pleasure that we perceive that we'll get if we make the change.

But there's a little bit of a catch, okay?

And it has to do with a concept that I called a "Psychological Hurdle."

If you change your behavior around cleaning the house, for example.

Since, that's the topic we're on.

If you change that behavior and become better and more consistent to cleaning your house,

you will experience pleasure.

As we've talked about it already.

You will also experience pain.

Well, what if you don't change?

What if you just stayed the same?

What if you don't adjust you habits around cleaning the house?

Well, you're still going to experience both, pleasure and pain.

Here's the catch.

The pleasure of changing that behavior comes later on.

It's not right now.

Oh, you'll get a little bit of pleasure as you see yourself jumping in on the task.

But the pleasure of sitting in that quiet, peaceful, clean home, that comes later after

the work's done.

Do you agree?

When do have to get to have the pain of making that change?

Oh, right now, it's upfront, you get that as you enter the task.

What if you don't change?

When do you get to experience the pleasure of not changing?

Right now.

When do you get the pain of not changing?

And I mean the bulk of it?

Most of that comes later on.

Because you can anticipate the things will get worst, right?

That's the hurdle.

Because our mind will always see now pain as greater that later pain.

So, we avoid making the change because the pain happens now even though we know that

we're going to have pain if we don't change, it's just delayed a little bit.

A better example of that is smoking.

One if my clients wanted to quit smoking.

He knew that pain would be coming to his life if didn't quit.

He has read the surgeon general's warning on every pack that he opens.

He's been to health class in Highschool, he saw the black lung videos, he knows that this

is bringing pain into his life but not today.

Because today I'm okay, today I'm fine.

It's going to cause problems down the road, right?


A different client came into me and reported that he had quit smoking in one day.

And it's because he went to his doctor with diagnosis of emphysema.

This was killing him now.

When the pain is now, we change now.

Get real about the pain.

It's coming.

The hurdle is that the hard thing now keeps us from doing the thing that we promised we

do even though that's going to save a lot more pain later on.

That's something that we continue to work on through other videos.

Now, we can reduce the pain a little bit if we will start small.

Another podcast that I did was with Marla Cilley, she's better know as The FlyLady.

And she's made an entire career of helping people to start small.

Her suggestion is, "shine you sink."

That's like step 1.

Don't clean your house, don't even clean your kitchen.

Shine your sink.

You're going to polish that sink up until it is shining.

You've got everything out?

Throw down to the floor if you have to.

But get the sink shining.

And that does something psychologically.

It's like the first bite of an elephant, right?

You're going to eat the whole thing but you got to start with one little bite.

Shine your sink and then tomorrow, shine the sink, it's going to take a lot less work tomorrow

because you shined it today.

Maintenance is always easier than overhaul.

You shine the sink tomorrow and you'll have another little peace.

Whatever it is.

Marla has got a lot of ideas.

So, we'll link to that podcast down in the description as well.

And you can get some other ideas from Marla.

Start Small.

And finally, I think what I'd add is "celebrate the victories."

Noticing, giving yourself credit for the progress that you're making.

Especially, if it's a big task that you're undertaking.

See that you've taking a step for two, that you've shined your sink, that you've taken

2 boxes out of the garage, whatever it is.

Give yourself some credit for having made progress towards your goal.

Enjoy your life now.

Because now is when you get to live your life.

Not after you get your house cleaned.

Oh, you get to do it then, too.

But what I am saying is we live life now.

Let's find ways to enjoy our life now.

Celebrate those victories.

I sincerely hope that these videos are improving your life and maybe someone else that you


Share this video with someone.

For more infomation >> How To Get Motivated To Clean House - Duration: 9:01.


How to Make Horizontal Stripes on a Cake - Duration: 4:14.

Welcome to Wedding Cakes For You YouTube channel. In this video tutorial you'll

see how to create this look using fondant stripes over buttercream. I'll

also include links to my tappits lettering tutorial and my gum paste

fantasy flower video. To make these horizontal stripes, roll out a piece of

fondant very thin. Use a roller to cut the pieces evenly and easily then roll

the pieces for easier application.

Starting at the bottom of the cake, roll out the piece onto the side of the cake.

The moisture from the buttercream will hold the pieces on.

I pieced mine together and then smoothed out the connection points.

A tiny piece of fondant was placed to cover this imperfection. The next piece

was placed on the top edge of the cake.

Snip off any excess with scissors and then smooth it out. The third piece is

placed in between the top and the bottom.

The top tier is coated with a combination of gold glitter and sugar


A simple shell border completes the cake edges and this is a number 22

star, with my favorite Italian meringue buttercream frosting. If you'd like a

copy of My Top Five Buttercream Recipes and your questions answered about

buttercream, click the link in the video to go to the Wedding Cakes For You

website and download it, no obligation.

This is a reverse scroll using that same tip.

Check out my easy gumpaste flower tutorial to see how to create these

fantasy flowers with no wiring and you can also see a tutorial on making these

cool whimsical letters using tappits.

Wedding Cakes For You website, books and video provide aspiring bakers with the

recipes and steps for building skills and confidence to create beautiful cakes

and cherished memories. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the

next video.

For more infomation >> How to Make Horizontal Stripes on a Cake - Duration: 4:14.


How To Draw | Draw Honekawa Suneo | Vẽ Xêko - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> How To Draw | Draw Honekawa Suneo | Vẽ Xêko - Duration: 2:45.


How Many Fall Out Boy Songs Can Pete Wentz & Andy Hurley Name In 1 Minute? - Title Fight - Duration: 2:39.

- ummmm - oh crap this is really hard.

- The Phoenix, Sugar We're Going Down, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Immortals,

Young Volcanoes. - Dance, Dance, Thanks for the Memories, Stay Frosty, Church...

- Where Is Your Boy, Saturday, Tell That Mick He Made My List Of Things To Do, uhhhh...

- Heaven's We're Going Down... - I Don't Care,

Thanks For The Memories, Thanks for the Memories...

Dance Dance, A little less sixteen Candles a little more touch me... - What did

we play every night? Light em up, Centuries, American Beauty American

Psycho. - Um...oooooo....

- Immortals, Jet Pack Blues. This is all over the place.

Thriller. Crap, this is really hard. - Centuries. Why am i blanking? Save Rock

and Roll.

Where's your boy? Grand Theft Autumn, no that is the same song.

Crap, I'm wilting under the lights.

- American Beauty American Psycho, ummmm, Arms race, ummm

America's Sweethearts. - What other singles are there? Young and Menace. I had stuff

and then it all disappeared.

- I feel like I could have done better.

For more infomation >> How Many Fall Out Boy Songs Can Pete Wentz & Andy Hurley Name In 1 Minute? - Title Fight - Duration: 2:39.


How To Create A Can't Fail Business Using NLP - Duration: 12:01.

how to create a can't fail business using NLP stay tuned

hey this is Damon Cart from NLP Gym how to create a no fail business using

NLP if you haven't already please click to subscribe to this youtube

channel so you can get these videos on a regular basis that's the big risk that's

always the big fear in creating a business is that it's going to fail and

that's a good fear to have because most businesses do fail so how do you make

sure that your business doesn't fail the simple answer to this and remember

anytime I say something is simple I don't mean to say that it's easy because

many things can be very simple but very hard and business is extremely hard I

have two of them so I know what that's like

so the simple answer is find a business or created business that fulfills and

expresses your highest values what do you what do I mean by that your highest

values and how do you how are you gonna know what your highest values are take

something you want say it's a career or say it's a business you've been thinking

about starting a business and ask yourself why do you want to do that and

then just keep going deeper and deeper so what's important about that and just

go deeper into you enlisted three to five of your highest values I'll link

one of my videos to this video where I listed values so listening values is

super important because when you're fulfilling your highest values that

means when you're doing work or you're working on a business that fulfills your

highest values you're never gonna quit you're gonna

keep going and you're going to find a way my first business nearly failed and

I found out later after I started learning NLP why that happened because

i elicited my highest values and those happen to be freedom passion and joy so

when I started my first business I knew that it wasn't something that I was

passionate about I knew that it wasn't something that I was going to enjoy

really but I believed it was going to give me freedom and freedom being my

highest value I thought well if I have freedom then I can always have the

freedom to indulge passion and joy I can always go for passion and joy if I have

the freedom to do it now that was flawed thinking and again I didn't know I don't

be at the time I didn't even know what my values were at the time just looking

back and unpacking all of this I understand what happened I understand

why it didn't work so I'm able to articulate it now and this is the case

with a lot of people who started business I don't really know why they're

in it a lot of times it's not even their own values that they're after they're

fulfilling someone else's values who thinks it's a good idea to have a

business very very clear about what those highest

values are and then realize that whatever business you choose is not as

important as you getting to do what fulfills you what you what fulfills your

highest values so what happened to me in my first business is I wasn't

experiencing passion because it wasn't something I liked

I wasn't experiencing joy and as a result it made it very very difficult to

be successful at this and the idea of freedom well that would have come when

after I was successful after I was making a lot of money and I could just

have my employees run my business but if I couldn't get to that point then I

wasn't experiencing freedom either and I couldn't because it's really hard to be

successful at something you don't like or that you're not passionate about you

just don't want to do you're not interested in it it's very very hard and

in spite of all that I was able to make it successful successful enough not as

successful as I had set out to make it and then upon realizing all this fun

realizing I didn't really like doing it at all I was okay with not taking it any

further not my next business which happens to be

this business in okey Jim this was came from purely compassion I didn't have a

whole lot of business ideas about it or or I just knew I wanted to do it and

upon wanting to know that I wanted to do it I wanted to know how I could also

monetize it so that I could keep doing it and I could justify taking the time

to do it later found that this business does fulfill my three highest values now

remember those won't be your highest values necessarily you have your own

highest values and find the three to five for you that are your highest

values not many people know this but it wasn't even that long ago that I quit

NOP Jim I left everything up I left my website up I left the YouTube channel up

but I actually quit because I didn't think it was going to work as a business

I didn't think it was viable the problem was not that I wasn't passionate about

it it wasn't that I wasn't enjoying it I definitely was and it also granted me a

lot of freedom freedom to do what I want to do so my values were there but what

wasn't there was a good business strategy and I was a problem with not

understanding your values you get married to the strategy you think it's

all in the strategy and when the strategy fails you think you've failed

or you think that it can't work or that you went about you did the wrong thing

or you're this is not yet know the strategy you can throw out business

strategies business plans change all the time in fact that's the only way

businesses are successful because they need to be adaptable and flexible to the

market so when you know what your values are you can throw the strategy out and

start over again you can throw the business plan out and start completely

over again and that's exactly what happened to me I thought things had to

go a certain way with this business when it didn't work I thought well it's not a

viable business I got to get out and then it's strange and I know it is

attached to my values it almost felt like the business sucked me back the

business brought me back because I valued it I value doing it and as a

result I provided value to people out there and so some people started to

catch on that I wasn't doing anything some of the people who were following me

and I started getting messages left and right where are you

what happened to you I hope you're not sick I hope you're not dead and it

showed me that I had been putting out a lot of value and that people wanted it

and they wanted me to come back and do what I had been doing and it was also

then that I realized that I had been going about it in a way that really

limited me from monetizing the business from really turning it into a successful

business and it's a strange thing but this is part of the hero's journey where

when you quit that's that point where the hero quits and realizes that what

they want is not possible it's not that they quit the whole thing is just that

they realized what they originally wanted isn't possible and they give up

on it it's when rocky and rocky one realizes he cannot beat the Apollo Creed

a new possibility emerges and that new possibility emerged for me as well and

so it was easy to come back why because this is what I love doing this is what

I'm passionate about this is what I enjoy doing and it gives me a tremendous

sense of freedom so yeah throw the business plan out throw the way that I

thought it had to be right out the window and start over with a new

strategy and a new plan and that's why it's a can't fill

business when you're working at the level of your highest values you will

keep coming back you will never quit you will change the strategy you will change

the plan you might completely revamp the business entirely as you adapt to the

market and what your clients and your customers want stay connected with your

highest values and you will always have meaning and purpose and what you're

doing and you will always enjoy it so that's one of the things that I see a

lot of people do is they get into a business for the money and that is to me

the worst idea you could ever do don't ever go into business for the money go

into business because it's something you really enjoy now here's the other thing

to be careful about going into business just to go something's a hobby because

when you start depending on that hobby for money the joy that you might have

gotten out of that was that it was a hobby and that it wasn't so serious so

it goes both ways be careful about either one so you want to pick a

business that will make money and it's viable of course but don't do it just

for the money because when things get tough and when things get really hard

and when your business isn't working especially since your heart's not really

in it it's so easy to quit and you won't go back you'll drop it you'll let it go

because it's not fulfilling you but when your business fulfills and expresses

your highest values you're never going to stop you it doesn't matter how many

times you fail it doesn't matter how many times something doesn't work you're

gonna keep coming back you're gonna change the strategy in the plan and just

keep doing it so what if you don't own a business and you don't know if you want

to this year still trying to figure that

out even more reason why you want to know what your highest values are

because what you might realize is business is opening a business it's

really not right for you you might realize that you'd rather be in a career

and be employed by a corporation or a small business so that's a really

important thing to know because I know a lot of people get into business who it's

not really their thing it's they think it was they think it is or they it

sounds glamorous or they like the idea and then they get into and they realize

it's not at all what they thought it was but here's the thing here's what I would

take away from this start treating your life like a business that doesn't mean

that everything comes down to money because even as an entrepreneur not

everything comes down to money for me there are people who are like that I'm

not like that and you don't have to be like that but think about your life as

you incorporate it you're a brand even if you you don't have a brand even if

you don't have a business but start to start thinking that way

start dealing with your budget your household budget as if it was a business

budget and start looking at what it is that's going to serve you as if you were

a business this is a much bigger discussion I just want to introduce this

idea it was very helpful to me and I've carried this idea with me probably for

almost ten years now and it served me quite well and all I'm

doing is saying take that idea and hold it like I did hold it loosely and grow

with that idea it regardless if you open a business whatever it is that you do

think of yourself as you incorporate it

check out my website there I have some free NLP training and

I also have some free hypnotic inductions that will help you have

greater confidence all you have to do is download it to your phone your iPad or

your computer stick your earbuds in sit back relax and just let me take you to a

higher place of higher confidence and higher self esteem also follow me on

Facebook for real-time updates on upcoming trainings that I'll be

releasing talks or new products that I'm putting out there and as I mentioned

before if you haven't subscribed to this channel already please click Subscribe

right down here and click the bell and if you like this video please click like

right down here take care

For more infomation >> How To Create A Can't Fail Business Using NLP - Duration: 12:01.


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Air Fryer Salmon Recipe - How To Cook Fish In An Air Fryer - Duration: 6:41.

what's up everybody this is Lyle with No BBQ what I be doing today is going to be

a salmon filet in our air fryer the air fryer that I'm using today is a new air

fryer that was sent to me by Mikayla at new air my new air is a sister company

to Avalon Bay and they have a new air fryer out called the Magic Chef so I'm

going to be testing that out and not only did she send the air fryer she's

sending a nice little note as well saying that she was excited to see what

I could come up with in their new Magic Chef air fryer so Mikayla this is for

you anyway this is going to be a pretty basic salmon recipe we're just to be

working with our salmon fillets some butter some lemon and another company

that I bought some product from while back called miners mix we're going to be

using this in this salmon recipe as well I'm gonna leave links to both of those

companies in the description below this miners mix they sent me a few different

flavors this stuff is good right here anyway I was supposed to be doing a

marinated salmon out on the grill but we got a little bit of rain so instead of

using this salmon marinade by miners mix we're just gonna go ahead and knock that

grill recipe out later and work on this here for our recipe now anyway very

simple recipe come on in take a look we're gonna hook up some compound butter

and get it knocked out this recipe is gonna be as simple as knocking out our

compound butter spreading it around our salmon and getting it in the airfryer

like I said I'm using some of this miners mix I've used this on a couple

other recipes I happen to be using this garlic 1 which is the only bottle I've

opened so far and this stuff is awesome so we're just gonna go ahead and add

this to our butter I have some fresh dill that I have chopped up gonna go

ahead and get that in now we're just gonna take a fork and combine this up

now I know a lot of airfryer recipes tout the use of no oil or low oil things

like that you know what we're throwing that out the window on this one we're

getting plenty of buttery goodness on this so I just have a glove on here

we're just gonna go ahead and rub this in so that's good to go right there now

we're just gonna go ahead and just add some lemons on top just for some lemony

goodness optional of course you could rock this without the lemons you know

what I'm gonna go ahead and slice another little piece of lemon to put it

over there then we'll get it in the airfryer I can get the salmon in now

like the size of this this is a little bit bigger than the other air fryer that

I have so I really kind of like that now let's go ahead and get it on now there's

a bunch of different presets that you can use but I'm just gonna go ahead and

rock this manually so I'm going to go ahead and go the good thing about salmon

is you can cook like at higher temperatures there's enough fat in this

to where you're not gonna have to worry about overcooking it I'm gonna go it

360 degrees and we're gonna go for about 10 minutes we'll check it at that point

about 10 minutes and it looks like we are just about there the one good thing

about having these lemons on top as it does kind of protect the salmon from

that direct heat so I'm thinking I'm gonna go ahead and do it at another five

minutes you know let's just go with the same three in there 60 degrees

we'll go for five minutes and that should be a wrap right there it would

normally take your stove about this long just to come up to temperature so that's

one of the good things about having an air fryer we've gone this additional

five minutes this salmon is done one thing I'm going to tell you is this

lemon I'm gonna go ahead and pull this off did protect this salmon during the

cook so that's other than flavor that's probably a good reason why you would

want to go ahead and add that anyway if you're gonna be cooking at a higher

temperature like this this was a quick and easy salmon right here I'm going to

go ahead and plate this up and then we're gonna go ahead and taste it and

see if it tastes as good as it looks and smells

all right so that's a wrap that's what it looks like it looks good to me let me

remove some of this shrubbery from here and see we're looking like as far as the

taste goes I'm gonna grab something this thin part first

it's good I mean when you got a little bit of this garlic coming through on

this list ingredients got a little bit of garlic sugar slope chili powder black

pepper parsley thyme oregano get you some of this take a look at what else

they have this stuff is really good I'm gonna go for this thick part here right


you know what you know

for the most part anything you do in the airfryer you do in the oven things like

that I'm gonna tell you right now this right here made now that came out any

better in the oven could have probably tasted the same but this stuff was

cooked probably in the same amount of time they were taking me just to preheat

the oven and anyway nice quick easy cleanup tastes delicious

anyway instead of running my mouth a minute say goodbye to everybody

thanks for somebody to hit me barbecue I appreciate it comment subscribe and I'm

Best Air Fryer Salmon Recipe. Best Air Fryer Recipes

For more infomation >> Air Fryer Salmon Recipe - How To Cook Fish In An Air Fryer - Duration: 6:41.


How To Get Over a Girl That Friend Zoned You - Duration: 5:17.

Heya playa, were you rejected by someone that you like and now you're having a hard time

moving on and letting them go?

Don't worry, if you've been friend zoned and you want to kind of distance yourself from

that person so you don't keep feeling hurt about it, I'm going to share a few tips on

what you can do right after this.

For those of you that are new here, my name is Josh and every single Monday through Friday

I make videos sharing tips, ideas and stories teaching you how to be your best self now

all week long we're going to be talking about how to deal with loss.

How to move past it, how to understand it, how to recognize when you're experiencing

it so if you're interested in those videos hit the subscribe button.

I've talked to a lot of people over the years who have liked someone only to get rejected

or friend zoned or be told they're like a brother to them, they don't know what to do


When I give the advice, hey it's important for you to move on and kind of let them go,

that's a hard thing to grapple.

Part of it is because you don't want to lose that person from your life.

You've built up a connection with them and that connection means something to you and

just throwing it away doesn't seem like the best thing to do.

But let's work through that scenario a little bit because I was in that situation before.

Now you like the person, they told you they don't want to be with you or that they just

see you as a friend but you're going to continue being "the friend" even though you have deep

feelings for them.

Either you're going to hide your feelings and be an actual friend which isn't the easiest

thing to do or you're going to hide your feelings, pretend they don't exist, play the role of

"friend" just so you can continue being close with them.

I see this happen all the time, people will choose suffering over absence.

They'd rather be around a person and continue feeling that hurt if it means not talking

to them at all.

Meanwhile, for the person on the other side, they may know that you still have feelings

for them but they're also going to play along and pretend like you guys are just friends

and there's no weirdness there, no awkwardness, no things that you want to happen.

So everyone is pretending like there's no feelings in the air.

Your crush will go on to talk to other people and may even tell you about them and you just

kind of grin and bear it and pretend like hey, this doesn't bother me.

And in doing that, you might get to a point where you snap on them.

You get angry or rude or resentful of the fact that they don't want to be with you.

That they're telling you about other people, that they are bringing you into their life

but they don't really want to be a part of yours.

That's why it's so important to just let this person go.

To recognize that they don't carry the same feelings that you do and that by letting them

go, you're able to kind of like mentally move on and not worry and hope that things will

happen when most likely they won't.

And I get it, it doesn't sound ideal.

Basically what I'm asking you to do is to just chuck that little glimmer of hope that

you're holding on to.

That hope that one day they're going to recognize how good of a person you are.

They're going to realize how much they've missed in not being with you and they're going

to change their minds, but most likely that's not gonna happen so the better thing for you

to do is to walk away.

To stop talking to them as much, stop interacting with them as much and to just focus on yourself.

I've been there before.

I know what it's like to like someone who's friend zoned you and then to stay in the picture

because you just want to be around them, you want to interact with them and you don't want

to give that up.

Trust me guys, if you want to learn that story check out the video over here but basically

what I'm saying is it's important for you to recognize that things aren't going to happen

so you just need to walk away.

Now I know, it sounds easier said than done but here are a few steps that you can take

to start breaking that attachment to them.

First off, stop subjecting yourself to hearing them talk about other people.

Whether it's a boyfriend or girlfriend, whether it's a date or a crush that they have, don't

sit there and listen to them talking about other people when you want to be with them.

Second, if you find yourself constantly looking at their social media just to get a glimpse

as to what's going on in their lives, you're becoming a little obsessed with it.

Check out the video I have over here on how to get over your obsession over your crush

but ultimately what you need to do is either mute them or block them so you don't stay

in that rut of constantly having them on your mind.

Third, try to limit your communication with them.

Sometimes something as simple as them resting their head on your shoulder, giving you a

hug, sending you a text message or anything of that nature can kind of reintroduce those

feelings that you're trying to move away from so if they're trying to interact with you

in that type of friendly way, don't be rude just don't be as engaged.

And fourth, start talking to new people.

The more people you interact with, the more friendships you develop, the more crushes

you have, the easier it is for you to move on from this one.

If that's the only person on your mind where you're constantly thinking about them 24/7,

yeah obviously they're not gonna go anywhere from your head but if you have new people

to think about, new dates to go on, new people to just spend time with, it's easier for you

to move on.

Now I know there's a few of you out there that are thinking, Josh you are completely


If I stay persistent, if I keep pursuing this person, eventually they're going to like me

back but I think it's important for you to give an honest look at your own situation.

If there were no road blocks, no boyfriend, no busy with school, no we don't really know

each other that well, no I see you as a brother, none of that existed.

Would this person be open to dating you?

That's a question you need to answer for yourself.

And that's what I want to hear from you guys in the comments down below.

What's keeping you attached to that crush?

What's holding you back from letting them go?

Leave your comments down below and we'll talk about it.

On that note guys, thank you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed the video hit the thumbs up button and make sure to check out the playlist

over there on the side where I go more in-depth on how to deal with loss, how to let people

go, how to move on from tough situations you encounter.

I'll catch you guys tomorrow, as always love and peace.

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