Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily can't pay Nov 29 2018

Hai hello namasthey Friends..! welcome to my Channel.

Now I am going to tell a true story happened years before that you will get surprised to


so let's start if a lizard can why can't we?

A friend of mine forwarded this story to me in WhatsApp.

I was astonished to read it but I liked it so much and reproducing the same for you.

I am sure you'll also like it.

This definitely calls for Introspection by each one of us.

This is a true story that happened in Japan.

In order to rennovate the house someone in Japan breaks open the walls.

Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.

when tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail

from outside hammered into one of its feet.

He sees it and feels pity and at the same time curious, as when he check the nail it

was nailed 5 years ago, when the house was first built.

what happened?

The lizard has survived in such position for 5 years.

In a dark wall partition for 5 years without moving it is impossible and mind boggling

then he wondered?

how this lizard survive for 10 years without moving a single step, since its foot was nailed.

so he stopped his work and observed the lizard what it has been doing and what and how it

has been eating.?

later not knowing from where it came appears another lizard with food in its mouth.

seeing it he was stunned and touched deeply for the lizard that was struck by nail and

the lizard has been feeding it for the past 5 years.

Just imagine?

It has been doing that untiringly for 5 long years without giving hope on its partner.

Think will you do that to your partner?

Think that will you do it your mother who brought you after a big struggle of 9 long

months? or at least, your father, friends, coworkers, brothers and sisters.

Imagine what is small creature can do that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind like

us can't.

As Information and Communication Technology advances our access to information becomes

faster faster and closer and Closer.

But the distance between human beings is it getting closer as well?

Please never abandon your loved ones.

Don't turn your back on people in their difficult times.

You may be a bit luckier today but life is uncertain and can change things tomorrow.

A moment of negligence may break the very heart which loved you against all odds.

Before you say something just remember it takes a moment to break but an entire lifetime

to make.

God created space within our fingers so that we can hold hands.

Be there for somebody today somebody will be there for you tomorrow.

Do you believe this story?

Putting aside whether it is real or not comment what you can conclude with the story.

For more interesting things share and subscribe this channel.

Thank you for listening and watching.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> If a lizard can, why can't we? - Duration: 3:43.


Overcoming Fear of Failure So You Can Succeed as an Entrepreneur - Duration: 6:48.


That word can be so scary.

So how do you overcome fear of failure and not let it hold you back?

Hey there, this is Luisa Zhou and today I'm going to share 3 powerful tips to help you

eliminate that fear so that you can successfully achieve your business goals.

One more thing before we dive right in...Make sure you hit that subscribe button to get

notified when I share a new video every week on building your online business.

When I started my first online business, I was almost paralyzed by my fear of failure,

especially of putting myself out there and having everyone SEE me fail.

Despite all of that, I was able to overcome my fear and build that business to over 6-figures

BEFORE I left my job.

So, let's talk about how YOU can use my tips to conquer YOUR fear.

Secret #1 Stop seeing failure as an end point

When I was starting my first online business, every little failure and rejection felt like

a physical blow.

I remember one time, I submitted an article idea to a very popular website that you might

have heard of - Lifehacker - and I was so certain I was going to get accepted.

Every morning for weeks, I'd check my email and obsessively hit refresh, waiting for the

reply I knew was coming.

It never came.

And I remember thinking...I'm never going to succeed, because of this ONE rejection.

Thank goodness I didn't give up, because after that, I had about 50 other failures,

including about 2 months where I spoke with almost 30 people and had all 30 tell me that

they couldn't afford me.

But because I didn't let those failures get to me and I didn't give up, I got a

yes at person #31, and I was back in business.

I'm making a bit light of it now, but at the time, it was the most painful thing in

the world to face all of those failures and rejections.

I'm sharing this though because I want you to see that for every success, there are many

failures that had to first happen to be able to get to the success.

So, shift your thinking from thinking about a failure as confirmation that you can't

succeed or that if you fail, that's it, game over.

Instead, think about it simply as part of the process.

Secret #2 Ask yourself - what's the worst thing that could happen?

Whenever I feel fear creeping up, this is the question I always go back to.

Really, what's the worst thing that can happen?

When I first started posting content on social media and sharing my knowledge with the world,

I was so scared.

I'm a huge introvert and super sensitive, so nothing about my personality helped.

But, I thought about it.

What's the worst thing that can happen.

If I write something and no one responds, I'll still be OK.

I'll have my job at the time, a roof over my head, and maybe people will laugh at me

and think I'm dumb, but if that's the worst case, that's not so bad.

I did the same thing when I thought failing in my business.

What if no one wanted to buy from me?


Well, I remember thinking very clearly to myself even though at the time I really wanted

to leave my 9-5…

You know what?

Even if I can't make this work, I have a job.

Or I can get another one.


OK getting really honest…

I did think to myself.

If things get really bad, at least my parents will always have a place for me.

I never told them that, and I definitely wasn't hoping that would happen.

But I knew that ultimately, even if I failed in the worst way I could imagine, I'd still

have my life, health, and the people I cared about.

When you think about it that way, that fear is not so scary anymore, right?

Secret #3 - Think about your failures scientifically I remember reading a story about the billionaire

founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely.

When she was growing up, her dad would ask her and her siblings at dinner every night…

What did you fail at today?

And she credited that question with helping her develop an attitude of embracing failure

and seeing it as a learning opportunity.

That story really stuck with me, and that attitude has made all the difference in my

own business.

In fact, in my Employee to Entrepreneur course, it's an attitude that I try to instill in

every single student.

And when something doesn't go as well as hoped, I have epic spreadsheets to track everything

and scientifically figure out what went wrong so that it can be fixed.

I've seen embracing this final "secret" as one of the key differentiators of my most

successful students who are able to build the business and life of their dreams.

And I'm sharing this with you in the hope that you'll be able to do the same for yourself.

And those are my top 3 secrets to overcoming your fear of failure so that you can build

the business and life you want.

Because ultimately, when you weigh your dreams against your fears, I know that your dreams

are so much bigger and more powerful than your fears.

And that's why I also have another video for you, on 3 of the most toxic limiting beliefs

that will hold you back from achieving those dreams.

After helping over 1,000 students build their online businesses, I've seen these same

beliefs in almost every student, even after overcoming their fear of failure.

I've got your back and am not going to let that happen to you, so make sure you check

it out in the description below.

And if you want a step-by-step system for exactly what to do to build your own online

business, sign up for my latest masterclass on the EXACT system I used to build my first

online coaching business from scratch to 6-figures BEFORE I left my 9-5 job.

I'll show you how I built my first online coaching business using just my job skills,

from scratch, with no audience or $106K in 4 months while juggling my job.

I have it linked in the description, so go ahead and click there and you can sign up

for the training right now.

If you liked this video, please let me know by liking it below, and let me know in the

comments what your biggest takeaway was.

Don't forget to subscribe for my weekly videos, share this with your entrepreneurial

friends, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Overcoming Fear of Failure So You Can Succeed as an Entrepreneur - Duration: 6:48.


What Can A Psychologist Do For Me? - Duration: 10:36.

People joke about this topic all the time. I've had people come up to me and

say, "Oh so-and-so could really use you." have you ever wondered seriously what

can a psychologist do for me? When people find out that I'm a psychologist, I get

all kinds of different reactions. Some people want to tell me their whole life

story. Some people don't dare tell me anything

at all. It's just interesting what the perceptions are. You might have been

wondering what can a psychologist do for me. There are different kinds of

psychologists and I can't speak for all of them.

From a basic standpoint, I think my job as a psychologist is to illuminate the

obvious. Which is kind of cool. I get paid to tell people things they

already know. But there's obvious things that are unnoticed. Your clothing for

example. Do you notice it? Can you feel it? Yeah, it's obvious now but before I

mentioned it, it wasn't even noticed. Obvious but unnoticed. The fact that we're

speaking English. Honestly, did you notice? Some of you will say yes to that because

you're not native English speakers. And those are the ones who notice. If you

were raised speaking English primarily, you didn't

notice we were speaking English. It was just obvious but unnoticed. It's obvious

once I call it to your attention. There are processes in our mind that are just

like this they are obvious once they're called to your attention but completely

unnoticed up until that point. One of these processes is called metacognition.

Metacognition is a made-up word. Do we make up words in psychology because we

feel smarter when we can. Breaking it down, cognition means thinking. If we

place cognition right here on this level. metacognition is a higher level.

It's thinking about thinking. And do you notice that you can do this? That's good

news. Because metacognition creates a little space. And in that space, is where

choice exists. Some of the processes that are constantly going on in our own mind

in our cognition are obvious but completely unnoticed up until the time

that they're called to your attention. That's what I do as a psychologist. I

think that's what people in my industry do. We help you to see those processes in

a metacognitive way because once you go to the metacognition level, then we enact

choice. And that's huge. We go through life sometimes not even

seeing that it's a choice. And I can tell you until you see it as a choice, it's

not. You will simply roll with whatever you're programmed, train, taught and

educated to do. And it's not necessarily by choice at that point. It's just your

programming. Programming like English you know, we talked about earlier. I don't

choose to speak English, I'm programmed to speak English. Well, with metacognition,

I can see that, "Wait a minute, English is not the only language, it's not

necessarily the best language. It's just the one that I'm programmed with." Could

we pick another one? Yes, we could. And that brings up all of the issues around...

Well, I'm not used to the other language, I'm not fluent in the other language,

right. So, you enter into a practice process. That's the other thing that I do

with my clients is to create for them opportunities to practice a new language.

A new programming, if you will. Where before, "My life is terrible, horrible,

awful, no good, got stuck in depression, anxiety." Whatever

it is. To speak a new language of, "You know what? My life is awesome. My life

rocks." And I've got the power to improve it from here. Both of those are positions.

But until you see it as a choice, it's not. The world that we work in in

psychology tends to be based around feelings and thoughts and beliefs and

relationships. All of which are affected by our previous programming. Most of

which were not even aware of because we just roll with our programming instead

of experiencing our choice. One of the biggest things that psychologists can do

for you is to help you see the processes that

are going on in your own mind clearly enough that you can get back into a

choice position. And determine for yourself. See, I can't tell you how to

think. I don't have that kind of authority. Plus it would just tick you

off anyway. I just want you to see that you are thinking. That thinking has

predictable results on all of your outcomes. Your relationships, your

finances, your health, your mental health, your happiness. Thoughts have

consequences. I and my other colleagues in the industry of psychology want to

help you get out of your own way. Now, I have to add a little disclaimer here.

Because none of the psychologists that I know, including the one on the screen

right now. None of us have this all figured out. We're just fellow human

beings on the planet. What I've discovered however is that

principles determine all of life's outcomes. And there are certain

principles that by virtue of my practice and what I've been able to do here for a

quarter of a century. I have observed that certain principles determine

certain outcomes with happiness, for example. Positivity. You've heard this.

Forever, right? Just think positive. Does that annoy you too? Probably depends on

who's saying it and why. I've figured out through my practice and what all my

clients have taught me used over these years, why? That is absolutely very

literally true. The positivity is a choice in that it matters and that just

think positive, we'll take the just out of that phrase and it's more accurate.

Think positive. How do you do that? There's 2 processes.

Evaluation and creation. I went over that in another video. And in fact, you know

what? I would be happy to share with you my mini book. In fact, you know what? I

would be willing to share with you a free digital copy of my mini book.

Portable Positivity. I'm not trying to sell this to you. What I'm offering here

is an insight into the principles that I have learned through 24 years

of clinical practice where I've figured out how positivity works and how you can

immediately implement it in your life. I wrote it up as a mini book. There's a

model in here that describes 2 processes in your mind. Evaluation and

creation. You can't turn either one off and your imagination drives both of them.

You can get a free digital copy. Just check down in the description for the

link and enjoy. This is what I do in my work is a psychologist. I've been

speaking specifically about what I do as a psychologist. Other psychologists have

different specialties, different areas of practice. I used to for example do child

custody evaluations for the court. Some of the videos here on the channel are

about that. I don't do that kind of work anymore but I share what I've learned in

these videos so that you can benefit from it. I did a doctoral dissertation on

bedwetting. Who knew? I know more about that than you ever want to know. But you

what? If you want to know what I know, go see the videos that I've done on

bedwetting. Different psychologists have different focuses or areas of practice.

And so, how they can help you might differ from how I can help you. Where I

focus on things like positivity and parenting and relationships and

entrepreneurship and productivity in the workplace. See, those are the things that

light me up. Another psychologist might focus on research or on a particular

educational approach that helps to maximize learning or whatever it might

be. It's just like any other field or industry where there are different

subspecialties. Poked around a little bit and see what you can find out about the

particular areas that you're interested in. Or leave me a comment down below, send

me an email. Engage with me in ways that I can help to answer those questions for

you too. I'd be happy to do that. Hey, Live On Purpose family. I am so

impressed that you're still here. That you're listening to the outro for this

video. And because of that, you get a special bonus. Don't tell anybody else.

But down there in the description is a link where you can get a free copy, a

digital copy of mini eBook. Portable Positivity. Check it out in the

description. Thanks for watching.

again soon

For more infomation >> What Can A Psychologist Do For Me? - Duration: 10:36.


Aren't Can't Don't – episode 2: DON'T - Duration: 11:34.

[intro music]

I don't vote. I don't think my vote means anything.

I don't think it changes any opinion.

Yeah, and I wouldn't continue to even consider voting.

I just feel like what is, what is the point?

I am voiceless. No-one's gonna listen to me anyway.


The government seems to be really helping out up here

and not a lot's going on down here.

And this is why people down here don't vote because what's the point?

They're not listening to us in the first place.

What I would like is more of an advocate for, in particular, women,

young women that have left dangerous situations or toxic relationships.

For them to be embraced and empowered

rather than, like oh here we go, that's another single mum.

Oh it's a situation she got herself into. It shouldn't be viewed upon like that.

It would be really, there's a lot of talk about domestic violence, we're anti this, we're anti that

but what programme is there out there going, these women are primo. They're awesome. They're got a set of nuts, they've gone,

I'm not having this, I'm not having this in front of my kids.

I'm not having this lifestyle.

I'm not going to have my sons grow up seeing their mother feeling like this, or in tears or being hit or sworn at,

because I want my sons to grow up to be strong men.

Where's the support for those women? Where's that voice? That, I would like to see.

The whole situation's sort of heartbreaking cause you look at it and

you've got your own relationship to deal with and how you feel about that person

and then you've got the two kids to look after and you've got the animals and

I found myself staying, my last relationship I stayed in it for too long because

I found myself staying, my last relationship I stayed in it for too long because the whole, the bigger picture. I have to move house.

the whole, the bigger picture. I have to move house.

We're going to have to separate everything out.

I've got no money, so I have to go back on the benefit. How am I going to get a bond for a house?

How are the kids going to feel about us, and we have to uproot them out of school.

It's overwhelming, it's scary, it's terrifying.

And all of a sudden you're on your own

but you make that, well I, I made that choice because it was what was best for my kids.

I didn't wanna upset them and I thought if I just sucked it up,

ya know, if I just suck this up then I don't have to upset their lives.

We don't have to move house again, and go through that again.

It's just shit to be honest. It's shit.

I've tried watching Parliamentary TV, I watched it on the news, um, like the morning show.

And I hear these politicians speak and I do not understand a single thing that they are talking about.

What I care about is my kids and what's in their future and their best interest.

Maybe if they toned it down a little bit and actually spoke a language that I could understand then I would engage more.

I would probably care more.

But I simply, I just don't understand what they're talking about.

Clearly people who are on the margins of society

feel that society is not necessarily geared up to represent their interests

and that's one reason why they lack interest in politics.

The problem is that if they were to become more interested in politics and if they were to vote

then society would potentially pay a little bit more attention to their problems.

I became homeless. I had lived on the streets for seven years.

It's just horrible.

For me being in that situation it was, and I didn't know where to turn and

I had to go to the streets and ask for where do we eat? Where do we get this?

And I didn't even tell them that I had a newborn baby.

Ya know, they thought I lived in a house. They didn't realise that I lived under the bridge where the cable car was.

Up on the hill with my baby.

And then my baby turned one and then we got a house.

So, its, yeah, I would like to see them do anything for the homeless.

And seeing people begging for money.

And that could be your own brother. You know, my own brother's doing it too. Now.

And he's out there hustling and stuff and

he's been waiting for ages for being housed and it's been four years and my brother's still sleeping on the street.

I just can't put him in the house with me, with my child so,

bit heart wrenching and yeah.

It's just not fair.

When somebody says why don't you vote? It's very confronting

and you aren't wanting to say that really deeper thing which is

I don't think I can have any power to affect change.

I don't think that the people around me listen to me.

I don't feel connected here.

We find that it's pointless voting.

I mean, the government has done all these things for the Homeless Trust, the homeless people

We're not seeing anything and our services are now stretched to the lim.

It's not realistic.

So I think there are a number of reasons why Maori might choose not to vote.

One, for many indigenous peoples, they don't see themselves reflected in the kinds of colonial systems that we have.

Another reason is that actually a lot of times Maori rights and interests aren't protected by the political system that we have.

Kia ora.

The third reason is really around whether you can make a difference or not.

And again, research suggests that people who, particularly when they're younger

make some sort of political change then they're going to participate politically.

I think a lot of Maori young people, rangatahi, don't get those kinds of experiences.

My background is performing arts and sports.

I have five children and a lovely partner.

Very family orientated. We still practice our culture, tradition.

I've never been political or understand whatever goes on in the government.

Just recently when Jacinda came in, then I've sort of started engaging because

just recently, obviously, she's gonna give $24 million to our high school.

And big impact right there.

I mean, yeah I can't really say that I've been connected politically.

Cause I really haven't, it's just come recently.

So Pacific community engagement with voting in this country, I think

historically it's been non-responsive or there's been low engagement and

I think a lot of that has to do with, I guess historical mistrust.

For instance, let's use Samoa as an example.

You have a New Zealand system that stripped Samoans of their chiefly titles.

And then of course, in the late 70's, the dawn raids.

So all this imperialist kind of, colonialist activity

that worked negatively against Pacific people are still ingrained in the minds

and so when you have that kind of traumatic historical bad after-taste

you can imagine that there would be a sense of mistrust with our current government.

To get Pacific communities on board, what type of messaging are they portraying in terms of

are they really going to look after the collective?

Are they going to look after me and my family? Not me as an individual, but our families.

My sister ran for the Wainuiomata Committee Council

and then that's when I definitely voted.

Um but previous years, 20 odd years, not once.

My sister, she made me see a whole heap of information that

was important about voting.

Once she's in, then whatever our issues or things that we would like to see done

she can voice that for us.

It is important to engage in voting but I think the question, we need to flip it around.

Because we've had 125 years since women had the right to vote and we are still struggling to make voting relevant

and actually what we should be asking is:

Why is it so difficult for people to actually feel that they have a voice?

Because the moment people think, oh I can have a say

they will.

So when they see a politician that they're interested in,

an issue that they care about

they're given the resources and the opportunity and the support, people will vote.

For more infomation >> Aren't Can't Don't – episode 2: DON'T - Duration: 11:34.


Can I smoke it anywhere? - Duration: 0:16.


Can I smoke it anywhere?

No. There are places you can't smoke cannabis,

like near playgrounds, schools,

or in a car.

Have questions? Visit

For more infomation >> Can I smoke it anywhere? - Duration: 0:16.


Minecraft:CAN TRENTON MAKE IT OUT OF THE CAVE?-Part 3 - Duration: 25:35.

Love you Sam<3

He likes you a lot alyssa,treat him right :)

For more infomation >> Minecraft:CAN TRENTON MAKE IT OUT OF THE CAVE?-Part 3 - Duration: 25:35.


The POWER of SMILING - How your FACE can STEER your MIND !! (and not the other way around) - Duration: 2:33.

how to use your face to steer your mind

hello hello this is Gert from Peace in Every Breath so you have

bad thoughts bad emotions in your head and you want to get rid of them but you

don't know how that's a problem right in this video I'm gonna show you how to

use your face to steer your mind and not the other way around

the power of smiling so when I'm giving freediving courses I ask my students

when they are at their deepest point in the dive to give themselves a smile now

why am I asking this well they are beginners they've never done this before

so this is a very challenging thing most of the students they say it's a

life changing experience diving deep so obviously this goes hand in hand with a

little bit of fear a little bit of uncertainty maybe anxiety but basically

the students they are not really sure of what they're doing which is absolutely

normal so when they're at their deepest point

I ask them to give themselves a little smile and why is that

because a smile easily turns your negative thoughts your doubts your

uncertainties into positive emotions and it's unbelievable what a smile can do to

your mental state by the way if you experience problems having negative

thoughts or doubts and you don't know how to get rid of them let me know in

the comments down below another moment I find smiling beneficial for freediving

is the moment right before we go down you try to get into the zone you try to

relax as much as possible but sometimes that doesn't really work out you might

be thinking about I don't know financial problems about

your job tomorrow you got to do groceries I don't know what it is that

goes on in your mind but that's definitely not what you want to think

about right before you go down so when this happens to me I just give myself a

smile and immediately I start thinking about positive things I'm even laughing

right now because I just gave myself a smile so these are two examples of how

direct changes in our body more specifically a smile can have an impact

on our emotions so if you experience negative thoughts doubts

just give yourself a smile that's it hope you like it if you have any

questions let me know in the comments down below give me the thumbs up and do

subscribe to this channel Peace in Every Breath

For more infomation >> The POWER of SMILING - How your FACE can STEER your MIND !! (and not the other way around) - Duration: 2:33.


tomato can help you to become more beautifull in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu hindi - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> tomato can help you to become more beautifull in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu hindi - Duration: 2:37.


Portland dispatchers can now pinpoint your location on a cell call to 911 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Portland dispatchers can now pinpoint your location on a cell call to 911 - Duration: 1:25.


AISD students can get library cards - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> AISD students can get library cards - Duration: 1:34.


Kidsburgh: 7 Can't Miss Holiday Light Displays - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Kidsburgh: 7 Can't Miss Holiday Light Displays - Duration: 3:07.


How Hypnotic Influence Can Backfire: Don't Use "The Stick" - Duration: 4:56.

There are some trainers out there who purposefully choose someone to victimize and kick out just

so everyone else is basically shocked into never arguing or disagreeing with them.

I think that's an awful way of doing things, it's just terrible.

I think it's a sign of a weak trainer, someone who really doesn't have confidence in their


There's no need for it.

There's no need to be disrespectful to people.

If they generally have no value in it and they're in the wrong place, great, just

go home.

That's fine.

If you can't have that attitude, again, you have no business on the stage; otherwise,

you become a bit of a dictator telling people what they should be rather than what they

can be.

It's much more powerful to inspire people than to twist their arms.

I'll give you a story to illustrate this, if I may.

Is that okay with you guys?

Many years ago we did an experiment.

We taught a miniature version of this, it was called Group Conversational Hypnosis,

how you use conversational hypnosis in groups.

As an illustration of frame control, this whole segment here, there's more to this,

of course, we actually looked around to the seminar industry and elected a guy who did

a lot of pitching, a lot of hardcore pitching about a lot of sales and all that sort of


Very much sales oriented.

We invited him to come in to pitch to our group and this is the funny part.

I actually told the entire group, this guy is coming in, he's going to try and sell

you stuff and whether you buy it or not is up to you, it doesn't really matter to us.

What I want you to pay attention to, though, is his elaborate use of frame control throughout,

because that's what his whole presentation is made up of.

Go ahead and do that.

Of course he comes in and it was hysterical because he had a very dictatorial approach

to selling.

So he's really dictating like do this and so on, little bit of shame, little bit of

embarrassment thrown in, things that I don't necessarily recommend, which means I won't

be teaching it.

But it was useful for people to see it in action because it shows you different ways

of doing frames, because he was really quite blatant about it.

So long story short, about 150 people in the room, I think he signed up about 50 people

to his course, basically by shaming them into it, but here's the other thing.

Of those 50 or so people, 48 canceled within 24 hours, which kind of shows you the effectiveness.

The problem with using the stick to motivate is that when the stick is no longer present

the motivation goes, which is why I don't recommend it.

Of course the ethical part as well.

When you're using a stick to part someone with their money, that's called mugging.

Whether you're doing it emotionally or physically, you're still mugging someone.

In the U.K. there's actually a term for this.

You know those people who stand on the streets collecting money for charities and they're

trying to sign you up for your $10?

They're called chuggers, because it's basically a short-term for charity muggers.

They're using emotionally manipulative techniques to basically shame people into donating money.

Think about this, think about the bigger picture.

Does the charity get some cash?

Yes, it works.

However, are they actually serving the purpose?

When people are there just because they're shamed, is that going to inspire them to do

more, to build the thing up more to eradicate this problem from the earth and so on?

Not really.

Shame makes people, basically, want to hide from whatever the public eye is so they don't

have to feel that anymore and then go back to the way they were.

A much more powerful way is to inspire people to want that, which is really what we're

looking to do here.

Do you kind of get the idea?

So, once again, the idea with the heckler here, what I'm doing is offering him the

chance to leave, which is fine, but I have to be fine with it, otherwise I am showing,

basically, that I don't really believe in what I'm doing enough to be okay with it.

If you leave and I'm okay with it that's great.

It's your choice.

Everyone is going to go oh, let's just relax.

I'm not going to be pressured into anything.

Then if you make a choice it actually becomes your choice.

If you choose to support a charity it's because you think it's a good idea.

If you choose to attend a seminar, you'll get excited leading up towards it rather than

thinking damn it, I've just really wasted my money here and all the rest of them coming

back with a bad attitude and so on.

You see where I'm going with this?

We haven't left the first five to ten minutes of your training program yet, have we?

We're still in the first five or ten minutes, but there are a lot of important things.

You get the first five or ten minutes right, the rest becomes a breeze.

You mess those up and it's just playing dice.

Your numbers come up.

Your numbers don't come up.

For more infomation >> How Hypnotic Influence Can Backfire: Don't Use "The Stick" - Duration: 4:56.


Arsenal stars board plane to Kiev as it is confirmed fans CAN attend - Duration: 2:59.

Arsenal have gone through the painstaking process of contacting each and every supporter who travelled to Ukraine, with fans officially now allowed to attend the game

There was uncertainty over whether those who purchased tickets for the Europa League match in Poltava would be able to gain access in Kiev, given UEFA announced the stadium switch at such short notice

Yet following talks with European football's governing body, who moved the match because of 'security concerns', Arsenal have confirmed their near-500 fans will be able to get in to support their team

Supporters of their opponents are furious about the switch as martial law, which was imposed by the Ukrainian parliament on Monday, is not active in the city of Poltava

Some of Vorskla Poltava's fans have even called on their club to snub the European tie and refuse to play, despite the potential repercussions

Vorskla are still planning to take part but thousands of their fans are unlikely to travel, some in protest and others because they are unable to make a 420-mile round trip in the adverse weather conditions

Anyone who attends will also have to book accommodation in the Ukrainian capital

As well as several supporters, some Arsenal staff, such as security officials, were understood to already be in Poltava

Speaking on Tuesday, Vorskla head coach Vasyl Sachko said: 'I am not the organiser of the tournament

The club does everything possible to play at home. For us, let it be an additional motivation

'We need support from our city and our country. We protect our honour and this situation is an additional motivation

'Ukraine's president called for martial law to be imposed in the country because of rising tensions with Russia, whose coastguards are accused of seizing three Ukrainian ships in Crimea on Sunday

Arsenal are already through to the last-32 of the Europa League and can top their group by beating Vorskla

They defeated the Ukrainian side 4-2 at the Emirates Stadium in September.

For more infomation >> Arsenal stars board plane to Kiev as it is confirmed fans CAN attend - Duration: 2:59.


Liberty Girl Fighting So Others Can Have Clean Water Appears On 'Steve Harvey Show' - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Liberty Girl Fighting So Others Can Have Clean Water Appears On 'Steve Harvey Show' - Duration: 1:02.


What Is The Brand Name | Can You Solve This Puzzle | Latest Puzzles | Tricky Puzzles | Puzzle 24 - Duration: 6:38.

What Is The Brand Name

Can You Solve This Puzzle

Latest Puzzles

Tricky Puzzles

Puzzle 24

For more infomation >> What Is The Brand Name | Can You Solve This Puzzle | Latest Puzzles | Tricky Puzzles | Puzzle 24 - Duration: 6:38.


How you can Support Young People Living with HIV - Duration: 1:58.

(inspirational piano music)

- We will not - be erased.

- We will not - be erased.

- We will not - be--

- [Crowd] I believe Debra Ramirez.

- [Crowd] I still believe Anita Hill.

- [Crowd] I believe survivor.

(energetic piano music)

- My name is Gregory Meredith

and my pronouns are he, him, and his.

I'm most passionate about ending the stigma

of people living with HIV.

As a person living with HIV,

we face a lot of stigma everyday,

and it's hurtful so I want to change that.

Stigma shows up in language, how people view me.

I applied for Advocates for Youth ECHO program,

Engaging Communities Around HIV Organizing.

I was very excited when I got the

acceptance letter to go to Urban Retreat.

I went to different sessions with my

fellow ECHO participants, and we talked about

HIV stigma, story-telling, disclosure.

I felt empowered to go pubic with my status on Facebook

after I left Urban Retreat.

I felt on top of the world after I left,

leaving other members from the ECHO program

that was living HIV positive and they're young like me,

living all over the world.

It made me feel not scared to share my story

and to help that other young person

that might be living with HIV that can't share their story.

Thank advocates for

the openness, being welcome, like an open door for youth

to come and be themselves.

(orchestral music)

For more infomation >> How you can Support Young People Living with HIV - Duration: 1:58.


Hijiri & Akira | I can't quit you - Duration: 1:17.

I've come to like you, Sensei

I like my student

For more infomation >> Hijiri & Akira | I can't quit you - Duration: 1:17.


Can She Put down the Bottle and Get on with Her Life? - Duration: 3:08.

- Why does Steve keep coming up

when it comes to you drinking?

- 'Cause it's just annoying every time

I hear him fill up his cup.

All day.


- How about if Steve is going to have a drink,

you go out and get a job and go better your life.

What's wrong with doing that?

(applause) - I am trying.

Okay sure I get that part.

- No, I'm just saying sweetheart.

I mean if it's like you know you're getting bad results.

- [Ronnie] Yes - You know what I mean?

You're falling down, you're hurting yourself.

Your relationship with your mom is bad.

What's wrong with trying like something different?

'Cause you're like, I'm only looking for a job online,

is that correct?

- That's like the only way you can get a job nowadays.

- [All] That is not true.

- That's a story you've created.

- Ronnie, when are you gonna take responsibility

because when we showed you the video,

you immediately start talking about how

your mom wants you out of the house.

Then we talk about triggers for your drinking,

you start talking about your mom's boyfriend.


- I have to take full blame on myself I guess.

- What are you taking full blame for?

- For what I do.

- What is it?

What do you do?

- Drink sometimes, like drink.

- [Judy] Sometimes?

- Ronnie you drink all the time.

You gotta own that.

You drink all the time.

- Can I ask you Ronnie, what do you wanna do in life?

- I have no idea.

- [Mom] She's doing it.

- No, no, no, hold on.

- [Mom] She's doing it.

- At 37-years-old, you have no idea

what you wanna do in life?

- No, I lost everything when I came back from Hawaii.

So, it's hard to start all over.

- What were you doing in Hawaii?

- I was working as Property Management

and I was working at a Thai restaurant

and I was working at Round Table Pizza.

- Okay, well it seems like you like to work

in social kind of places, working at restaurants,

being around people and stuff like that.

Why don't you go to those restaurants and apply for a job?

- 'Cause they're mostly online.

- Ronnie, no stop using that excuse.

- [Ronnie] Okay. - Okay.

- Because I used to wait on tables

and pretty much every single time that I waited on tables

I had to go to that restaurant,

hey are you all accepting applications?

That's kind of like the old school way.

- [Ronnie] Yeah.

- What you're doing is

you're creating an excuse for yourself like,

Nope, I'm just apply online

and I probably won't hear back from them.

Okay, so lemme go have a drink.

That's become a routine with you.

If you were in Hawaii working at restaurants,

you could go to those jobs, they all...

Restaurants need hostesses.

A lot of times you may have to start at the bottom

but you could kind of like work your way up

so that it would give you something to do.

Do you like being around people?

- I do.

- [Vivica] Are you sure about that?

- Yes I do. - Okay.

Do you have friends?

- Not really. - Okay.

Why don't you have friends?

- Because they're all married with kids.

- No, I have lots of friends who are married,

they're still my friends.

- Yeah but well like we talk on Facebook and stuff

but like we don't hang out or anything.

- [Areva] Mom, does she have any friends?

- No.

- I think the biggest issues is that

we're trying to inspire her to go get a job

and to have friends and to be--

- [Areva] Be social, get out in the world.

- [Rosie] But that's not gonna happen--

- But you're like wanting to be just mad

at your mom and Steve.

- No guys, I've got church friends.

I go to church but I don't hang out with them.

- Mom say you don't go to church.

Girl, look at that look.

- I've never met this person,

this one person that you claim to go to church with.

- Cheryl. I didn't know that

you needed to like know all my friends.

- Because every time you come back from visiting Cheryl,

you're drunk.

For more infomation >> Can She Put down the Bottle and Get on with Her Life? - Duration: 3:08.


How Mom Can Cope with Daughter's Drinking Problem - Duration: 3:02.

- Linda just saw her daughter face the truth

regarding her alcohol addiction.

Now, it's time for Linda to face her own truth.

Your son Ron, he's still with us.

Ron, we've got your sister some help.

- Yes, but there's still a lot more to do

and only time will tell at this point.

- Okay, Truth Team, what say you to Linda?


- Linda, what I want to say to you as a mom,

first I just wanna commend you

for having the courage to hang in there with your daughter.

I think you deserve a lot of credit

for just having the courage

to hang in there with your daughter.

And, I hope the help that we'll give you today,

that will help you learn how to set appropriate boundaries.

How to stop enabling your daughter,

and how to help her, grow up, mature,

and be the young woman that I know,

that we feel like she could be.

And I know you believe she can be,

'cause you've already shown,

you have so much love and just so much inspiration,

I think, from this show today.

I'm just, hey, at the end of the day, those are our babies.

Good luck to you. - Thank you.

(audience clapping)

- [Vivica] Rosie?

- Make sure that as you are supporting her on her journey,

make sure that you're not drinking.

Make sure that your partner that you have is not drinking.

Because you want to be able to support from a place of love,

authenticity and a place of trust.

Because she's going into a new journey.

And it's not just the 30 days.

It's everything that happens after those 30 days.

- Agreed. - Okay.

- Judge Mary.

- I am so proud that you are standing here

and not in front of some judge in a courtroom,

because your daughter committed a crime, or killed someone.

So, don't be afraid to reach out and say, I need your help!

Call everybody you can.

Find someone who can reach out and touch your daughter.

And you've done that, and that's commendable,

because it's so much nicer to see you here

and not in a courtroom.

- Thank you. (audience clapping)

- Dr. Judy.

- Linda, Ronnie took a really important step today,

but, you need some support too.

(Linda laughing)

Because, you've been doing this on your own.

I mean, talk about shame and guilt.

You're hiding it from people.

You're trying to manage everything by yourself.

And that's why I suggest to you

that you really should look into Al-Anon.

What Al-Anon does is, gives you a community of people

who are going through similar things.

They have loved ones who are drinking or using drugs,

but it allows you to still hold good boundaries

and move on with your life, and have a good life for you.

Even if they are struggling and have ups and downs

in their recovery.

And, we also wanted to give you

some more professional resources.

We reached out to therapist, Marjorie Landron,

at The Healing Tree Wellness Center, in your hometown.

- Oh my God!

- And she's gonna go ahead and provide you

with six free therapy sessions.

So that you can work on things for yourself.

- Momma, this is where you walk by faith and not by sight.

Don't give up.

- Thank you. - All right.

So, thank you Ron.

And thank you, Linda.

- Thank you so very much, I appreciate it.

- We commend you so much for having

the courage to face the truth.

And we wish you the absolute best, okay?

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