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Funny Videos of Tik Tok JULY 2018 COMPILATION! TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE!! DOUYIN - Duration: 10:38.
sorry to interupt
"looked into your eyes"
"can't beat me"
"there's no way, I'm just that strong"
"can't catch me"
promise me my friends
don't be cheap, if you have money go get your hair dyed at the hairdressers
never let your retard best friend do it
last time she turned me into Garfield
this time
like the sun, i shine
clean up and get ready to die
"say it out loud"
"say it out loud"
"Watermelon For Sale"
"Selling Watermelons"
this taste so good
can you finish eating before you speak
so yummy
who gave you the courage
you dare go on my bed
and your cuddling my husband
get up, get off my bed
get off my bed
stop cleaning I think I'm sick
oh my, it's pretty hot
here's some money, go downstairs and buy me some medicine
ok, wait here, I'll be right back
baby look at this ice cream
what did you want me to buy again?
what did you want me to buy again?
what did you want me to buy again?
How to Monetize YouTube Videos WITHOUT 1000 SUBS 💥 - Duration: 3:50.if you're a small youtuber frustrated about the need to have four thousand
hours of watch time and thousand subs to monetize your YouTube channel keep
watching in this video I will show you how to monetize YouTube videos without
thousand subs I have done it myself and no five ways you can earn money from
YouTube without adsense not only will you make more money but you will also
make it faster I am Shamelle from promote YouTube videos calm let's get started
becoming an affiliate is the easiest way to monetize YouTube videos without
Adsense making money through affiliate link means you advertise certain
products in your videos and encourage your viewers to buy the product you have
a link to the product in the video description which is a special URL
attached to your account every time someone makes the purchase through one
of your affiliate links you receive a commission for that sale so now you must
be wondering how to monetize a small youtube channel with affiliate marketing
so here are the steps the first thing you need to do is register with the
affiliate program you can use Amazon Clickbank or any other applet and a
network or program that's related to your niche I've created in-depth videos
on this previously the links are in the description if you haven't seen them
already the next step is to choose profitable products to promote ask
yourself what products would be useful to your audience and also make sure that
this is something you can talk about and you have some background about the third
step is to create a video you can show how to use the product create review
videos unboxing videos just to give you some ideas to get started the final step
is to add an affiliate link to the description and then make sure you ask
the audience to visit that link the second thing is to license your content
to the media so you made a video and it went viral you can offer to license it
to media such as TV outlets online news sites and even other Creators there are
websites like the one I'm showing right now where you can upload your video and
they will buy it if they are interested another way to make money on YouTube
without Adsense is through sponsorship getting sponsored by brands means as you
will get paid to promote the said brand in your videos you can also get free
stuff as well don't think that you are a small Channel and
you can't get sponsorship there are companies that connect youtubers with
sponsors this I covered in my previous video the link is in the description
below so the first step is to register with one of those sponsoring companies
in one of my previous videos I talked about 5 sponsoring companies for small
youtubers you can check out the link in the description it has five websites you
can just start even today the next step is integrate sponsorships as seamlessly
as possible into your videos the fourth method on how to monetize your YouTube
channel without thousand subscribers is to create branded merchandise for your
channel if you are familiar with it yet you can sell various clothes online
without having to deal with buying the clothes and printing it and delivering
in terms of wood it's called print on demand there are
lots of websites offering such services I'll show you one called spread shop
here are some examples the next video monetization in YouTube is to get paid
for shoutouts youtubers are always looking for ways to promote their
channel one of those ways is by having a link to their channel posted in the
endcard or in the video description this approach is not that popular I've
actually come across a single youtuber that talks about his experience with
renting links on YouTube he says that he was offered between hundred and fifty to
five hundred per month to promote a link on his ranked videos I hope now you know
how to monetize your YouTube channel without having thousand subscribers and
I hope this works out for you if you learn something new from this
video please give it a like I upload videos every Saturday filled with
actionable tips to grow your audience and income with video make sure you
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How to download videos on android device - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
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better town bullet addict get romantic how'd it go at fucking one how did when
I got poop
I think what I thought particulate Donna hey how'd it go
are you doing
you're the high are they almost had it no chance but could double-check ones
hanamichi Chuck but or daughter honey wait all those farmers will type in the
Kingma other Irish LNG lady just how I wish took y'all so much I take one
Washington yeah how'd you get the anything careful
done Kotick very well baby
hell yeah squash take a box which you get that means come up chip system and
mister yeah we also hear them say hella dick spare another outfit asana made
Caviar's of logic gave you a double dip KK - Rhea yes I'm not a killer and again
diction Olivia's I'll finish on how to get girls of
another kidding yeah but good or what wait wait
yet another dick anymore them ice this view Candace Windermere on the rock all
right back we call them die rich buccola
another sweat wait
visca with the robot do not the killer hey wait another day another sweat
I done it you can manage watch on him
yeah but a mini Miyagi qualms I'm not the kill him
wait what's gonna call de but turn the how are we school de yeah you have a
little dick hide anything I'm assist you go mummy there is but
poor sister you get also I also must kibriya a my sis just and dad had a
there is how you see box another very America
hi guys oh yeah yeah Hannah Jim
oh but I told you I'm a system of me let it swell never it took that mask love
believe Oh or what or they can never their way or they can never hide
anything yes yeah ghetto you get bigger ready go
I don't let him Gabrielle my skin I called it are sassy talks a viola the
slams your affidavit Bravo sana great
gosh you later yeah yeah Bria Larry
there's take this Victoria
The Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Videos 2018 - New Oddly Satisfying Compilation 2018 - Duration: 4:17.The Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Videos 2018
How to make thumbnail for youtube videos? - Duration: 7:55.-------------------------------------------
SMG4: Waluigi's Time - Duration: 10:32.-------------------------------------------
Squishy Makeovers: Fixing Your Squishies #4 - Duration: 19:45.Hello
Everyone, my name is Rainbow Brite. And if you're one of those people that's scared of dolls go away
So anyway, welcome to another squishy makeover. Are you gonna give this video a thumbs up?
I know the weird intros are out of control
So last week I unboxed a bunch of squishy packages full of some old broken or unwanted squishies that some of my awesome subscribers
Gave to me to use for makeovers and if you didn't show up to that party
We have a lot of fun there. So don't miss the next one which will be happening this coming Monday
So, let's see which ones you guys picked out for today? So the first, most highly requested squishy was this yummy bear
Oh. My. Gosh.
It's yummy bear the excitement is real and next of course you guys picked out one of the most tragic squishies
I've seen in my life. It's a mermaid, right?
You're falling apart dear and somehow this little tiny squishy got everyone's attention
His story is a compelling one. There's a lost soul
This little tiny mango
who fell out of someone's package. I don't know who sent this, but thank you
No one gets left behind
Gets me every time and the final choice is this one which I unboxed quite some time ago
But a lot of you were still bringing it up, that's awesome. I'm so excited about this one
Okay. So here are the four victims. Let's jump into squishy roasting...
So let's start with the stack of macarons now to me this design looks a little
lazy, is lazy the right word?
Like each one of them is a solid color and to me it just looks kind of boring also
I don't know but it always looks like it's upside down, like which way is right side up
It's condition is okay some rips some dirt, but it does have some nice detail going on
And a good squish to it, and this is one of them smooth
Squishies that we have to sand a bit before painting and look at this scary thing
Since I've been doing a lot of sanding I got this mask to wear so that I'm not breathing in the dust
It's not that comfortable. I'm gonna rub this squishy up until it gets little rips all over it
Which you really can't see but... uh-huh
Now I'm gonna break out some matte fabric paint to use on this and I'm going for some more appetizing colors
Which ill that does not look appetizing but it'll get better once the color builds up a bit, by the way
I will provide a link in the description to a big
Giant list of materials and it will have every supply that I use in my makeover videos and where to buy them
So if you're wondering about the paint or the glue or any supply that your eyeballs are looking at check the list it will be
There so I went with a chocolate vanilla and strawberry
Theme and before I move on I'm realizing that these macarons look a little lonely. They need a little friend
So I'm gonna grab some memory foam to shape a little topping friend for the macarons also
I thought this would help with the which side is up issue that we discussed earlier
So I made this little dollop of whipped cream and hey the dollop needs a friend, too
So I shaped a little cherry to fit inside the whipped cream
And of course the cherry needs a friend - I'm just kidding that could go on forever now
I'm gonna paint the whipped cream with a nice thick coat of white paint. Yes
The foam is already white
But I want it to match with the rest of the squishy and not look like an unfinished chunk of pillow
Which is exactly what it is, so I'm double layering that white paint and while that second coat of paint is still wet
I got a throw on some sprinkles. I
Love sprinkles
So adding those for a little cute pop of color if you don't like sprinkles yikes. This may be a rocky relationship
because I can't stop with the sprinkles and now I'm
stabbing and
painting the little cherry and I definitely should have glued all these pieces together first and then painted them together as one piece because that
Usually works out a whole lot better, but whoops brain fart
So now I got to glue these together with some fabric glue rubber band them and wait 30 minutes
Remove the rubber band and now the cherry has a butt crack perfect
So I'm gonna wait for that to come back to shape in the meantime
I'm gonna go back to the three amigos and add in some white fillings so they don't look so darn basic
What is this finger doing? Who are you pointing it?
And then I'm adding some dripping fudge on the top which is not typically seen on macarons, but just go with me
And finally gluing it all together all the friends come together and I'm gonna add a little bit of white paint
Between them to seal everything up and join them together and there we go. I think this came out super cute
Wow, that is a heck of a pile of whipped cream there
I'd say it's a little it's a little on the tall side
But I still like it and I think it's really cute without the white filling. They kind of just look like blobs
So I think that was definitely an improvement. You don't see a lot of toppings on macarons
I feel like but I don't know it adds something interesting to it
And it looks like a macaron ice cream sundae or something, which I really like
Now I'm gonna tackle this mutilated mermaid
This squishy has a very serious illness called acrylic paint as you can see
This is why acrylic paint doesn't work
So well on squishies because it just cracks and crumbles and creates a big mess the severed torso
The violently bleeding scalp the black lipstick. I don't even know where to start with this girl
I do wonder about her neck as well. Like why she doesn't have one, but you know what?
This girl has been through some stuff. So let's be nice to her
Okay, so I started by peeling her face off because you know, she hasn't suffered enough and then I just started going crazy
Peeling pulling picking cutting. I was originally just gonna paint over all this mess
But I didn't like how crunchy the squishy felt with all that cracking paint
And so I just tried to remove as much of it as possible
to get the softness of the foam back and the more I looked at it the more I
Didn't like this tail. I was just gonna work with it because I felt like she had enough problems to fix already
But it's bent up under her
So strangely like doesn't that hurt so I decided to go ahead and chop off her tail at this point
She's basically a cut up ball of foam. I mean, look at this half her body is shredded on my table
So I'm gonna get out a block of memory foam and construct a new tail for her that hopefully won't look so uncomfortable
And after spending a bunch of time on this I decided I hate it
It's stiff and terrible and so I started on tail 2.0 and tried to give this one a little more curve
Don't be fooled by editing. This took me forever and I was so convinced that I was gonna lose her
Her coffin was already picked out her funeral was being planned
I thought she was gonna die
But I held on to hope and kept on believing and finally it looked like maybe she had a chance don't stop
Believin. So I'm using my trusty fabric glue to attach the tail and securing that on and getting into a wrestling match with my
rubber band ball
Don't worry. I won wait for it to dry. And wow, that does not look good. Not at all
Like how the tail is touching the bottom of the hair and how there's a huge valley in between the two pieces
So she's going back in for more surgery. I'm trimming up the foam more
I am using some skin grafts to blend the new tail onto her body
She also had some holes in her head that I'm filling with scrap pieces of foam
It's just surgery after surgery with her
And now finally we can start painting and this foam is just too smooth to paint on just kidding
So I'm gonna cover the entire
Squishy - her shell bra because I didn't want to cover the detail and a thick coat of some random
Fabric paint and this is just to smooth out the surface a little bit and seal in all the cracks and once that dried
She's still looking pretty lumpy. So let's do this again round 2 of paint
I was a little worried that all this paint was gonna make it
Firm or just nasty feeling but that actually wasn't a problem at all
It still feels very soft and flexible. So now it's time for the backside
I don't know why this green tube of paint just pops and randomly your guess is as good as mine and after two coats of
This obnoxious orange paint. Mermaid is looking a lot like a giant cheeto. Hey, so let's fix that
Shall we finally I'm starting on the real paintwork with her skin many people last episode
We're very confused about why I used to only use a popsicle stick for painting and now sometimes I use a paintbrush
Why well my friends I used to only use slick paint, which is the glossy paint
It's very thick and for that you need a popsicle stick, but recently I've started using the matte paint
Which is actually very thin so you can get away with using a paintbrush
That's why you'll see me go back and forth between the two I have a very long
frequently asked questions section in the description where I explain a lot more things like this in
detail so you can find a lot of answers to your questions there if you have any and here's where I go lavender with the
Hair and girl she has got some hair on her
I mean, geez, she could fit like 20 of her arms inside her hair, which is cool. You know, it's cool
I always appreciate a nice head of hair
And now I had the brilliant idea to paint
Individual scales on the tail because apparently four hours wasn't enough time spent on her not including drying time
So I spent another 35 minutes drawing scales
But I will say I do like how that came out. And finally I'm adding the finishing touches
I did give her a little headband with some little stars on it
I think the original had something like that on it
But of course it was hard to tell what was going on with that and here she is
I know she's not perfect
I think some people expect to see like factory perfect squishies
But like of course, it's gonna look handmade because it is I'm very proud of my creations
They come from my heart and I have a lot of fun doing them and considering the train wreck
I started with I think this turned out pretty well and I have to say it is now one of my prized possessions
I really do hope that you guys liked this squishy though because I worked my tail off making this
Now it's time for the tiny lost soul and he's in some rough shape either
Aliens came down and sucked out his brain or maybe he's just mind blown either way his head got some problems
He's kind of cute though. Of course, the first step is brain surgery
So I'm shredding some foam to stuff inside his head
And actually this is one of the more difficult rips that I've ever had to fix because it's not just one straight rip
It's like five little rips that go in different directions
I had to glue one section at a time hold it together and then use my hairdryer to dry it and I darn near
melted off my fingers doing this would not recommend and I just keep moving along sealing the ribs and
Then I'm gonna use some puffy paint to fill in the cracks until we have mango Frankenstein
And at this point, I'm thinking what in the world do I do with this
How creative can I really get with the paint job?
So I used the shrink plastic pin that I made a while ago
Which is actually the exact same size by the way
I wanted to do something
Similar with the coloring and I decided to give this paint a try which I've never used on a squishy
before it's matte paint with tiny little specks of glitter in it and let me tell you this paint has
Zero coverage power it is so see-through
And this took like ten coats of each color
Also, the paint has kind of a bumpy texture to it, which is okay. I don't know. I'm not sure
I'm really in love with this specific paint somehow
I think the bumpy texture kind of works from the mango
But I'm not really sure how often I would want to use this on other projects
I didn't end up being able to completely cover his face, but that's okay because I'm just gonna repaint it on anyway
And look at this tragedy. I didn't like the mouth. So, uh, I tried to wipe it off. Why
Okay, let's try this again. It was really tricky to paint such tiny details what that'll do
You know, I really kind of like the color of the original better
It's not as neon but the shading and the additional color on the new squishy is really nice, too
And obviously the brain surgery was urgently needed so I have to say overall
I do like the new one better most of the squishies that get requested are the Jumbo ones
But I'm really glad that this little guy got a chance and this just goes to show you you don't have to be the biggest
Or the smartest because you know the aliens stole his brain. So we ain't that smart to reach for the stars and achieve your goals
Also, this is definitely better to squish now. Finally. It's yummy bear. Yay
I don't know why I get so happy to see yummy bear. Now. This is the knockoff version
So I feel like the colors are not that great like to me the face looks a little lifeless and pale
I don't know. He just needs some sort of color or something
And of course, we have the small little issue of his head being about to fall off now
I wasn't sure if this foam needed to be sanded or not
So I test out a little spot with some random paint and once it dried I realized yeah, that paint is not going anywhere
So we can proceed as usual
so first
Of course
We have to glue the yummy bear's head back on before he loses it derp get those rubber bands off and then for extra reinforcement
I'm sealing the rips with some random paint, and I'm also filling in the waffle texture
I know that's like a signature yummy bear thing, but I'm taking my own route with the squishy. Oh
It works what he has a cold
And I'm gonna go with the soft pink color for this bear
I haven't really shown a whole lot of mixing paint colors in this video, but like 90% of the paint
I use any time. You see these little plastic containers. It's a custom mixed color
I use a lot of pastels and other weird colors that they don't make so I have to make them myself
But I've created quite the collection of custom colors already
So I didn't really have to do a whole lot of mixing in this video. And now that yummy bear is all pink
I'm adding some white details to keep the design nice and light and fluffy
And I'm going rainbow for the frosting or whatever
It's a very similar shape to approve squishy actually, but I'm guessing something called yummy bear doesn't have a poop on its head
So yeah frosting and some people ask why do I use so much rainbow?
Sometimes they're just curious and sometimes they're legit angry about it, but I just like it. I love color
I love how all the colors look together and rainbows just make me happy
I know maybe it's not everyone's taste
I see some comments saying
You know do this or stop doing that because they want me to do exactly what they would do, but you know
Everyone's got their own style and their own taste and that's okay. We don't all have to do things the exact same way
Of course, I do try my absolute best to create designs that everyone will love but honestly
You don't have to love every single thing that I do in order to get some ideas or just enjoy the video
And I am going in with some thin layers and a paint brush to blend the colors a little because they were a little
Choppy and chunky and I thought about putting more rainbow on the bear itself, but I decided to just stick with one rainbow accent
So it doesn't look like just a big rainbow barf, you know
And finally the face I love how the little rosy cheeks came out because they're so soft and light and I just think it looks
Really cute. I am beyond happy with how this came out. I love it
It can also sit up on its own which is more than the old one could do
But honestly, this has to be one of my favorite makeovers I've done so far
It does kind of remind me of something though. Remember this from my first makeover video? Yeah
I just I just I just I just
Love it to death
The best part is I can use the top of it to hypnotize people you love rainbow
You will not complain when Mariah paints things rainbow. What? Oh, no, I wasn't I wasn't doing anything and yeah
Today I'm doing a bonus waffle
I'm not gonna be doing bonus squishies every episode, but I do have a lot of squishies to paint
So I'm trying to include as many as I can wall bonus squishy is getting a makeover
I want to take this time to talk about some stuff
so as you guys know I get these squishies from
subscribers because they're damaged or not wanted anymore and on top of that a lot of people are
excited about being able to see their squishies in unboxing videos and eventually in a makeover video so story time I
Started this whole series back in May and by the end of June
I had received probably over 200 squishy packages
Which I was over the moon about I was so excited and so shocked but also a little bit overwhelmed
So at that time I made a bunch of announcements saying I'm not gonna be taking any more squishy packages
I'm gonna ask that you guys hold off on sending me any more at this point
and the main reason for that was because I really wanted to be able to show every package on camera and the
Unboxing videos and be able to thank every person
Individually, and at that time I was even sending out thank-you letters to everyone
So I put an announcement in every single squishy video and even removed my p.o box
Address from the description to buy myself some time to catch up
But that didn't stop the packages from coming not even close over the past month
I've probably gotten another
400 packages and since I've gotten so many it's going to be really tough to feature every single one in a video now and
Thank-you notes are basically out of the question
Like there's no way one person can write 600 thank-you notes, of course getting so many packages
It makes me so happy and if you watch the unboxing videos, you know
How grateful I am for these but packages sent after I made all those announcements are not guaranteed to be on camera
I never wanted to disappoint anybody and that's why I used every method available to tell everyone that I wasn't taking any more
Packages, but a lot of people either missed all of the announcements or disregarded them and now I just can't keep up
So yeah, sorry for talking your ear off about this whole thing
But it's got to be said and I've tried to say it in so many different ways and it's just not getting through
So, thank you so much. If you actually listen to me, and I will see you guys on Monday for an unboxing video. Bye
[ English Sub ] Blackmail - Brother sister funny video ( Assamese comedy video) !! - Duration: 6:24.oh Its so late already.
I have to go to work too.
and I have to polish my shoes too.
What a pain.
What should I do?
ooo Horu Maina
Horu Maina
What the matter?
What were you doing
I was watching TV
Please polish my shoes
Can't you do it yourself?
Its done. Have a look.
You're such a good boy!
OK go.
Where should I keep them?
Keep it there. Its getting late I have to go.
There are so many clothes. How should i fold them all alone?
ooo Horu Maina
Horu Maina
Not again !! What does she need now?
Horu Maina
What's wrong? What do you need now?
Please help me to fold these.
I am tired
What? You wont obey your elder sister?
Do it.
Quickly. I am not telling you to do it alone. I am doing it too.
Its getting late
Do it do it.
Damn its so hot.
I am so tired.
Oh no. Mom told me to bring some things.
What a pain.
ooo Horu Maina
Horu Maina
OO Horu maina
Mom asked me to bring a few things. The list is on the table. Please go and bring the things.
Go and Bring the things now. I am too tired.
Yeah i just reached.
What are you doing?
Why are you mad at me? please dont be.
yes. yes.
No its nothing like that.
Love you .
You won't say love you too?
Love you.
What are you doing here
Forget about me. Whom were you talking to?
I was talking to my friend
oh Yeah? Telling I love you to your friend?
Kids these days!!!. When did I say those things?
I'll give you one slap
Wait i will tell mom.
No...have you lost it?
Listen to me.
Please don't tell mom. I'll do everything you say?
Are you sure? Everything?
Yes everything.
Ok then.....
You will polish my shoes
Then go to the market, Fold the laundry clothes
And a lot more
Are you blackmailing me?
ok I will tell mom
Ok ok i will do it.
Stop laugh too much. Your day will also come.
I will tell mom
I am doing it
Do it nicely.
if i see even a little bit dirty... you will pay
Its done
Now fold the clothes
Do it nicely.
Do it quickly. There are lots more
Did you just talk to me rudely?
I am doing it
Its done
Go to the market
So it often happens at our homes
We elders order our younger ones
And they obey us
But sometimes
They get in trouble
we do such a thing that
They become capable of ruling us
So yeah...and he is my younger cousin
So I thought i should definitely do a video with him
Because i am not going to spare anyone when it come to making a video with someone
And my next video is on Sunday
If i miss a comedy video on any Sunday then it will be a dance video
He directed the video. He keeps complaining how I make my videos
So sometimes
He tells me how to do this and that
He also has a channel which is hack talent
I will provide the link. Its gaming related. You can watch if you are into it.
Please comment below which dance video you want
And if you have not watched my previous videos
Then please go and watch them
What are you doing here?
Stop laughing
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Fortnite Exclusivity, Longer Slo-Mo videos and more - Duration: 4:10.With the Galaxy S9, Samsung announced a new Super Slow-Motion mode that allowed users
to capture 960fps video at a resolution of 720p.
And, while the feature was certainly impressive, the devices were only capable of capturing
0.2s of video at that frame rate when slowed down sufficiently, that amount of time equates
to a few seconds of footage.
But, according to SamsungMobile.News, Samsung is keen to improve upon these current limitations
and will allow the Note 9 to capture a total of 0.4s of video at the high frame rate, exactly
double the amount currently possible with the Galaxy S9.
Since the the Note 9 is gonna feature the same camera module as the S9, technically
the S9 should also get this feature.
I guess Samsung will make this feature exclusive to the Note 9 for a few months and then with
an update will make it available to the S9 as well, just like they did with the landscape
home screen feature.
Samsung and Epic Games have partnered for the release of Fortnite for Android, which
basically means that the game will be exclusively available on the Galaxy Note 9.
Obviously, we're talking about a time-limited exclusivity contract, which will expire after
30 days.
It's also been said that the S Pen will feature some sort of integration for Fortnite, which
will allow players to use it for aiming at someone in the game.
Samsung is said to offer up to $150 worth of V-Bucks, Fortnite's in-game currency, to
customers who pre-order the Galaxy Note 9.
Those who aren't interested in that will be able to opt for wireless AKG headphones of
the same approximate value instead.
Of course, if you're not buying the Note 9 but want to play Fortnite on your Android
phone then you'll probably have to wait until September when the time-limited exclusivity
contract is supposed to expire.
On the S8, Note 8 and S9, a DeX dock add-on was required to bring up the desktop experience.
With the Note 9, though, Samsung will apparently let users hook up to the big screen with just
a single cable.
All you'll need to connect your Note 9 to a bigger display would be a simple USB Type-C
cable and an HDMI port.
However, without the docking station, you won't be able to charge the phone at the same
time, nor add peripherals like a keyboard or mouse unless you're using Bluetooth.
The DeX Pad is also cooling down the smartphone while it's switched to Desktop mode, so yeah,
it looks like the dockless solution for the Note 9 comes at the expense of some benefits.
Although, I'm sure the Note 9 will be fully compatible with the DeX Pad, so those who
don't like compromises might still get one.
The Most Oddly Satisfying Slime Asmr Video 😍 TRY NOT TO GET SATISFIED CHALLENGE 2018 - Duration: 11:02.The Most Oddly Satisfying Slime Asmr Video
YouTube pulls 4 videos from right-wing Infowars - Duration: 2:47.In an effort to slow a surge of graphic content on its platform, Youtube has reportedly pulled down four videos posted by Infowars, the ultra right-wing site run by Alex Jones, according to Variety
"We have long-standing policies against child endangerment and hate speech," YouTube said in a statement to Variety
"We apply our policies consistently according to the content in the videos, regardless of the speaker or the channel
" YouTube has been cracking down on conspiracy-theory videos in an effort to stop misinformation from being spread
In two of the videos posted by InfoWars, Jones rails against Muslims and claims they're taking over control of European countries
Another, "How To Prevent Liberalism – A Public Service Announcement" depicts a man shoving a young child to the ground
A fourth video, "Shocking 'Drag Tots' Cartoon Sparks Outrage" compared the creators behind an animated show with children dressed as drag queens to Satanists
All four videos are still featured prominently on Infowars' site
An InfoWars post titled "SHARIA-COMPLIANT YOUTUBE REMOVES VIDEOS CRITICIZING ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION" suggested the removal of its videos violated YouTube's own policies
The move by YouTube means Infowars is unable to use live broadcast capabilities on its main channel and runs the risk of being banned altogether
Infowars author Paul Joseph Watson writes, "the strike goes against Youtube's own policy, which explains that it is permissible to post graphic content 'in a news, documentary scientific or artistic context' so long as it is not gratuitous
" Watson goes on to say that YouTube "could have simply slapped an age restriction on the videos but instead leapt straight to copyright strike, further illustrating how this is a part of a wider assault to remove the Alex Jones Channel
" The author claims that outlets like CNN and Buzzfeed have been lobbying for social media sites to shut down Infowars, adding that the platform is being "policed by an arbitrary electronic lynch mob
" Jones had previously claimed on Twitter that YouTube was leading a campaign to take down his channel as part of an "internet purge," which YouTube disputed back in March
The site confirmed to CBS News at the time that advertisers had asked to be removed form running ads on Jones' branded channels
Los videos del pánico vivido en un centro comercial de Texas durante un asalto a una joyería - Duration: 2:45.Escenas de pánico al momento del asalto en La Plaza Mall Las autoridades de McAllen, Texas, confirmaron que este sábado hubo un intento de robo a una joyería en el centro comercial La Plaza Mall y advirtieron a los vecinos que no se acerquen a la zona
Inicialmente, la policía del condado de Hidalgo dijo en su página de Facebook que había una persona disparando en la galería, a pocos kilómetros de la frontera con México
Sin embargo, el comisario Victor Rodriguez informó luego que todos los sospechosos ya se encontraban bajo custodia y que no hubo disparos ni heridos
Y explicó que testigos confundieron el ruido de destrozos de vidrieras con el sonido de un tiroteo
Statement from Chief Rodriguez: We are investigating a robbery attempt at a jewelry store @LaPlazaMall
All known suspects are in custody. No injuries involved. Reports of shots fired are attributed to smashing glass cases
#StayInformed — City of McAllen, TX (@CityofMcAllen) July 28, 2018 Agentes de la policía local y otras fuerzas de seguridad acudieron al lugar velozmente tras las denuncias de personas que huyeron del sitio tras el asalto
El centro comercial La Plaza Mall es uno de los más importantes del valle del Río Grande
La Plaza Mall robbery suspects in custody. Pic by Glenda Barrientos pic.twitter
com/8MzWKKiQ2L — Armando Sandoval (@ozztec) July 28, 2018 Con información de AP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Violencia en México: cinco muertos en un tiroteo entre policías y narcos en Cancún
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