Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily will Apr 30 2018


Liberals Will SELF DESTRUCT if Trump's Win Nobel Peace Prize

It's time to grab your popcorn, because it looks like President Trump is on his way

to earning a Nobel Peace Prize, for his strength, leadership, and negotiating skills with North

Korea, who is ending its decades-long war with South Korea, and on the road to ending

their nuke program.

And when this happens, you can bet that liberals will self destruct in the biggest and best

way possible!

From Town Hall

The Korean War is coming to an end.

It's the conclusion of the last major chapter of the Cold War.

Both sides said there's an agreement on a peace treaty and the denuclearization of

the peninsula.

It's something that has eluded the Bush and Obama administrations.

Funny—Trump mocks North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, called him "rocket man,"

and sets off a panic among Democratic circles that his tweets could set off nuclear world

war III.


Well, because North Korea threatened to do so, which they've done for years.

It shouldn't be taken seriously—and it wasn't; the markets really didn't have

seismic shifts over this.

Everyone thought Trump was mishandling this crisis, and in the end, both sides have agreed

to officially end the war.

So, once again the media and the Democrats were wrong.

And now, President Trump is being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Could you imagine how the Left would react if he were to win it?

President Obama won it and he escalated a war in Afghanistan, failed to confront ISIS,

and dithered on Syria.

Obama did nothing when the Russians annexed Crimea.

Did nothing when chemical weapons were used in Syria as well.

Who does South Korea give immense credit for bringing North Korea to the bargaining table?

Donald J. Trump.

Besides the Twitter exchanges, the Trump White House slapped North Korea with a series of

sanctions over missile tests.

And this isn't just South Korea, or conservative media, saying Trump deserves credit, CNN admits

it as well:

Any way you cut it, President Donald Trump is entitled to significant credit for Friday's

historic opening between the two Koreas.

Whether he deserves as much as he's claiming or whether he's wise to bullishly declare

a new era of denuclearized peace on the peninsula seems much more doubtful.

Still, the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon

Jae-in keeps alive the possibility of a legacy win for Trump that would rank as one of the

top presidential achievements since World War II.

If he were to preside over the verifiable destruction of the North's nuclear and missile

programs, formally end the 1950-53 Korean War and usher in the destruction of the world's

last Cold War-era frontier, Trump would claim a feat that has eluded all of his most recent

predecessors.The administration succeeded in enacting the most stringent sanctions regime

yet imposed on North Korea — and crucially got more buy in from China for more pressure

on its nominal ally North Korea than ever before.

If those sanctions are indeed behind North Korea's decision to come to the table, Trump's

effusive praise of China's President Xi Jinping during a state visit last year, for

which he was widely criticized, could be validated.Given the stakes, and the chance of averting what

could be a murderous war on the Korean peninsula, it's possible that even in Washington's

divisive political climate, everyone might be rooting for Trump to succeed.

"Everyone might be rooting for Trump to succeed," I wish I could believe that, but

I'm not holding my breathe.

From the Democratic-media complex to a cadre of government officials—mostly Obama holdovers—leaking

sensitive information to the press to hamstring the administration, and the recent character

assassination of Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, Trump's Veterans Affairs secretary nominee,

a lot of behind the scenes politicking could happen.

On top of what could be a long and arduous diplomatic journey with the Koreas, the Trump

White House has to deal with a hostile press corps at home and a political party that will

do just about anything to destroy his agenda.

We'll see, but Trump winning a Nobel Prize would be a popcorn-worthy event.

Here's a man that many on the Left thought would bring war and misery to the world.

If Trump could pull this off, the U.S. would indeed be winning, so much winning we might

get tired of it, right?

Guy will have a more in-debt post this week about how the Korea talks, the economic/jobs

report, and the recent confirmation of judges has earned the president high grades.

For more infomation >> POPCORN ALERT! Liberals Will SELF DESTRUCT if Trump's Win Nobel Peace Prize - Duration: 4:56.


SEASON 4 IS 1 DAY AWAY!! Will Meteors Destroy Tilted?? // Fortnite Battle Royale// - Duration: 2:04:26.

For more infomation >> SEASON 4 IS 1 DAY AWAY!! Will Meteors Destroy Tilted?? // Fortnite Battle Royale// - Duration: 2:04:26.


Chandler Massey as Will Horton - Daytime Emmys 2018, Supporting Actor with subtitles. - Duration: 19:25.

Will, it's Gram--

It's Marlena Evans.

May I come in?


But I'm gonna tell you.

If you're here to try and convince me to come back,

- It's not gonna work-- - No, no.

- I'm not. - Okay.

I actually have been...

a little worried about you.

How are you feeling?

I have no idea.

It's-- you know, it's too big, it's too much, it doesn't--

it doesn't even feel real.

I'm sure that's true.

And I'm sure you must think I'm an--

I'm an idiot for believing Susan's lies all this time.


I think you're incredibly loyal

to somebody who,

in many ways, was very good to you.

She was.

That doesn't mean that I'm not...

frustrated and angry with her for what she did,

but I just can't-- I can't suddenly

stop thinking of her as my mom.

- I understand. - And I'm not gonna abandon her.

Even though, by staying here, you could impede her recovery?

Well, then what-- what--

What, then? I leave her in the hospital?

- Go off with just a bunch of strangers? - No, no, no. We are not strangers.

We actually are your family.

Why would that mean anything to me when I don't-- I can't remember any of you?

I don't even like some of you!

I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about... Sami.

All I know of her are the horrible things that Susan's told me.

Look, I'm not asking you to come home for Sami.

Or for Sonny or-- or for me.

I'm thinking that maybe...

you should come home to...

try to find out who you are.


We've had this conversation before.

Are you telling me that...

this isn't the first time that I've had amnesia?

No, no, not at all. I'm just saying that there was a...

time when you were...

you were struggling,

with who you-- with who you are,


You weren't sure whether or not you were really gay.

She told me...

on several occasions that I was not gay.

Not that, you know,

there's something wrong with it, or she had a problem with it.

But I- I think...

that, you know, now knowing that she wanted me...

to be EJ that she just thought maybe it didn't really fit with who he was.

Yes, that's right.

You-- you never said anything to her.


I let her think that she talked me out of it.

And I figured that I must've just been in the closet,

since I was supposedly married to a woman.

I'm so sorry that you had to-- to keep that part of yourself a secret.

Thank you.

Apparently, it wasn't-- it wasn't any easier when I did come out.

Sonny told me how I fought it, and how I was with Arianna's mother

because I was afraid to admit the truth.

No, you were just confused.

You were just...

You were trying very hard to-- to figure out who you were.

Did I... figure out-- figure out who I was?

Yes, you did.

It took a while, and it was-- it was painful for you, but...

the real you finally came out.

It was wonderful.

You were-- you were so at peace. You were so happy.

I wish you could feel that way again.

I guess that I was-- I was--

I was happy with this life.

And I don't know-- I don't know if I'm...

ready to leave it behind.

Well, what you know about it is that...

you're living a lie.

The same as you were before-- before you came out.

You said to me one time...

you never wanted to feel that way again.

You always wanted to be true to yourself.

True to who you really were.

I don't think that's changed.


why don't you...

just come home...

and see for yourself?

You shouldn't have come here.

You should've stayed away!

You shouldn't have come here.

You should've just stayed away.

>> Will: Please.




I can't.

I can't hurt you again.

Will, I'm sorry.

>> Will: Get away from me. >> Ben: This wasn't my idea.

I never wanted this.

She put me up to it. She put me up to this.

>> Will: She?

Your mother.

Sami Brady.

This was her idea.

Get in here!

You all right?

Hey, come on, just breathe.

Breathe in, breathe out. You're all right.

You're gonna be okay.

It was starting to work, wasn't it?

I could tell it was. I could tell it was working.

>> Ben: Are you insane?

You have to understand the only reason I did something this drastic is because...

because everything else we tried wasn't working,

and I knew we were driving you crazy trying to fill in the blanks for you,

and so I just thought that,

- If it didn't work seeing your family-- - You thought that-- that getting the--

So you thought that getting this...

guy to strangle me would do the trick?

You don't have to talk, it's okay.

- You thought that would do the trick? - Yes.

What is wrong with you!

Hey, It's okay, just calm down. You're okay, okay?

I was-- I had it all under control.

My mother said that sometimes triggering a traumatic event,

that that can help people retrieve their memories.

In fact, she had flagged this case study that documented

when people recreated a triggering trauma,

it worked, the patients got their memory back,

and this guy, he's the one who...

strangled you the night that we thought that you died, so...

we thought that-- that it would work.

He could have-- he could have killed me.

No, he was never gonna hurt you for real.

We had it all under control. I had these guys watching him.

We were never gonna let him really hurt you.

I can't believe that you did this.

I did it to help you. And it was working.

I could see the look in your eye. You were starting to remember.

If we keep trying,

if we find the right thing-- Where are you going?

You think Susan was a terrible person?

She never would've done this!

Look, I know you're mad, but if you give me a chance--

To what?

To help me remember that you're a terrible human being?

I don't need a reminder for that, thank you!

And I never want to see you again as long as I breathe!

So anyway,

Sami swears it was all "under control."

A madman strangling me,

while my loving, loyal mother is just watching.

What could possibly go wrong?

>> Belle: Ah.

Thank God, you're okay.

Yeah, you know why? Because Ben lost his nerve.

Yeah, it got too real for the psychopath, serial killer.

But Sami, but my mom.

She was mad. She was angry. "Oh, you didn't go far enough."

In her mind, if I would have just been

two, three seconds closer to death,

then I would remember everything.

Will, I--

I am so sorry you had to go through that.

Like I would want to remember that bitch of a mother now.


Yes, Sami went way too far, absolutely.


really that is just who Sami is, you know?

Never give up, never back down,

never stop fighting for the people she loves.

Do you have kids?

Yeah, I do. I have a daughter, Claire.

Would you sic a serial killer on her?

- No, of course not. - No, you know why?

Because you're a normal human being.

You're normal, Sami's not normal.

- Sami's a monster - Sami is not perfect. She's not.

But who is?

I've definitely made my fair share of mistakes.

And you know what? You made a pretty big one too.

Just forget I said anything.

No, forgetting is what got me here in the first place.

Everyone is so eager for me to remember my past. Well,

this is your shot. What are you-- what did I do?

It's really not my place to tell you.

Okay, come on.

Anything exciting happened while I was gone?

Yes, actually.

Belle was telling me that in my past I made a huge mistake.

I was out of line.

Oh, come on. Don't shut down now.

Look, maybe we should let this go till another time.

You're, you know--

- You've been overloaded, haven't you? - You think?

I mean, I have a mother

who has been lying to me about who I was for the last two years.

And now I have another, crazy mother,

who will probably lie to me for the rest of my life.

I also have a husband,

and a daughter,

that I don't remember a single thing about.

So whatever you are going to say,

I think I can handle it at this point.

So go for it.

You cheated on your husband.


I thought that-- I thought we were in love.

Why would I-- why would I cheat on him?

It's complicated.

It doesn't sound complicated.

I was married,

and I slept with another guy.

- I'm assuming it was a guy, right? - Yes, it was. - Ok.

So who did I cheat on Sonny with,

not that I know him?

You do know him.

It's John's son, Paul.

>> Paul: Will, what are you doing here?

I have some questions that I hoped you could answer.

Okay, ah...

Come on in. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed.

Oh, what's the rush?

I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable.

I'm not trying to stare.

I'm not uncomfortable, I was just--

- I was surprised. - Ok.

- I'm gonna go get some clothes on. - Sure, yeah.

You, um--

You looked happy.

We were.

Were Sonny and I that happy before I slept with you?

I made you uncomfortable again, didn't I?

Who told you that you cheated on Sonny?

Cheated on Sonny with you, you mean.

It was my Aunt Belle.

Yeah, well, it's a-- it's a complicated story.

Doesn't sound like complicated to me.

- You're staring again. - I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. It's just that...

I had to--

I had to hide who I was from Susan for so long--

She knew you were gay, right?

Yeah, sort of. And she didn't like it and she tried to change it,

and eventually I figured out it was just easier to...

keep my feelings to myself. So now, suddenly it's--

I don't know, it kind of feels good to be able to admit when I'm...

attracted to someone.

Sonny and I are-- we're engaged.

I love him.

Yeah, I know.

But you, you did postpone your wedding, you know,

because of me.

Yeah, we'll work it out.

I'm sorry if I'm causing trouble.

Well, I'm kind of sorry.

It's just that--

Look, I know that Sonny and I have a history,

but suddenly I'm finding out that...

you and I have some history, too.

Yeah, well, that's all it is. It's history.

It's new to me.


tell me,

was the sex between us good?

I don't remember being with you so,

for my mental health, you'll have to remind me.

About our physical relationship. What difference does that make?

Well, I want to know.

Maybe-- maybe it'll spark something.

Come on, why-- why can't you be honest?

It's my memory too.

- Yes. - Yes, what?

Yes, it was good.

That's all you got?

What about-- no details?

How did we-- like, how did we hook up?

I mean, I was married, so was it some sort of like secret

rendezvous thing?

I guess you could say that, yeah.

Did I find you on an app or something?

No, I was--

I was closeted.

I was-- I was playing professional baseball, so...

coming out was not an easy thing for me to do.

You were a professional baseball player?


So, how did we meet?

Did I--

see you after a game and just kinda...

go after you?

You went after a story,

and I just so happened to be the guy attached to it.

Anyway, thanks for, you know--

Thanks for being honest with me.

And, listen, I'm sorry,

for freaking you out earlier,

with the staring and--

No, no, you didn't--

You didn't freak me out, actually, it was--

- It was kind of flattering. - Oh, okay.

Listen, I know it's not easy to have me around but...

I hope that one day we can be friends.

Yeah, I'd like that.


For more infomation >> Chandler Massey as Will Horton - Daytime Emmys 2018, Supporting Actor with subtitles. - Duration: 19:25.


Will Social Security Last? - Duration: 5:53.

How firm is the foundation of social security income for American retirees?

Let's find out. Hey there welcome back to my channel! Today we're going to be

talking about Social Security and how viable it is moving into the future. You

may have that question, "Will Social Security be there for me?" and depending

on what resource you are listening to: TV, newspaper headlines, those crusty old guys

down the street that think that the world is going to pot anyway, might shape

your fears wrapped around Social Security. Today I'm going to be laying

out how it actually works - the logistics of the cash flow in the OASDI trust. But

before we get into that content, I have a question for you. Have you subscribed to

this channel? Yeah, this one. This one where I bring you a

video every single week talking about retirement and income. It's probably a

pretty important one for you to stick around on. So I suggest, humbly, that you

click that subscribe button below and enjoy the ride. Social Security came

about soon after the Great Depression. If you

remember those iconic pictures, you'll remember lines of people wrapped around

a block just waiting on charity from their government or from their community

helping them simply make it from day to day.

There were pensions that were available to people that were offered by

corporations but often they were very poorly constructed, poorly funded, and,

therefore, not actually meeting the needs of the elderly. So Franklin Delano

Roosevelt started the social security fund to help build a little bit of a

foundation for those retirees. It was constructed so that the people who were

working were paying into this fund and those who were retired were taking out

of the fund. It was always meant to be a "pay-as-you-go" system - people paying in

people taking out. However, you may know this generation called the baby boomers.

They're quite large. In fact there were about 80 million of them. That many people

paying into the system and not as many retirees taking out of the system, it

built up the trust fund. And that's what people have been accustomed to having

all of these years. So let's talk about this trust fund. Looking at 2017 numbers

the trust fund started at $2.848 trillion dollars. So

you'll see that $996 billion dollars came in, $952

dollars were paid out. And if you do the math there, that's

$44 billion dollars of money that was added into that trust fund. So as you may

know we still have the tail of baby boomers who have not actually retired

yet and I have not actually collected from Social Security. What happens when that

scale kind of tips and there's more people taking out of Social Security

than paying into Social Security? It makes people a little bit anxious because

they're thinking, "Uhhh. Once it's gone what happens to my Social Security income?" If

nothing changes at this point, Social Security benefits will drop to 77%

of what they are currently giving in 2034. So that trust fund will

be eaten up, we'll just be relying on the cash flow coming, meeting the needs of

the cash flow going out. I recognize those words are kind of scary to

understand that our benefits would be dropping to 77%. But we have a

little bit of time before then and Social Security is a hot topic within

legislation. There are a couple of levers that can be pulled in order to help the

Social Security system be extended. So what are those levers that can be

maneuvered? The first is that we can increase the wage base that has to pay into

Social Security. What you may not know is that once you earn more than $128,400

in 2018 any of those dollars above that don't

pay FICA taxes. You don't pay into Social Security. So what they could do is

increase that amount. Therefore those higher earners are paying more into the

system. Another option that could be explored is the actual full retirement

age moving forward. Right now the full retirement age is aged 66 for those born

before 1954. 67 for those who are born after 1960. And somewhere in between for all of those others. I made a

video about it you can watch it here. So it could be a matter of extending the

full retirement age when someone can actually start tapping into their full

amount of benefits. That would makes a whole lot of sense to me

especially in light of how our longevity has increased, therefore extending our lifetime

that means we're taking out of Social Security quite a bit longer than maybe

was in the past. Therefore it would make sense that we start Social Security. I

wouldn't be surprised if my full retirement age is going to be 70. We

shall see. Another lever that could be moved benefits for future retirees could

be reduced. So if we don't promise as much

it doesn't require as much money, right? This is probably not a popular piece of

legislation that would go into play. I imagine people would be pretty upset

about that. So that's just another reason for you to, in advance, be prepared and

save a little bit more. To conclude with the levers that could be pulled

legislatively, the cost-of-living adjustments could be adjusted. The actual

calculation for how that is done could be changed and that would also decrease

the amount of money that we're paying out to retirees in the long run. Alright

friends that's all I have for today thank you so much for tuning in I

appreciate it as always. If you have yet to subscribe, I will once again call you to go

ahead and click that button below. The big takeaway I want from this video is

simply that the fear that Social Security will eventually go to zero is

very irrational, because Social Security was always meant to be a pay-as-you-go

system. In theory, unless the whole world would go kaput, you will always have

people paying into the system through their FICA taxes, therefore there will

always be some sort of benefit for retirees. The benefit will look different.

And that is the big takeaway I would like you to have. Yes and will still be

there but it will probably be different. Prepare yourself accordingly, and always

be saving. That's my mantra. You'll just hear me keep saying that here, "Keep saving.

Keep saving." Alright with all of that I will leave you and you take care.

For more infomation >> Will Social Security Last? - Duration: 5:53.


These Products Will Help You Go Green - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> These Products Will Help You Go Green - Duration: 4:37.


Der Ölkonzern Total will im Amazonas-Riff bohren - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Der Ölkonzern Total will im Amazonas-Riff bohren - Duration: 1:07.


'They will not be performing as a group again' ABBA business partner RULES OUT live tour - Duration: 1:16.

'They will not be performing as a group again' ABBA business partner RULES OUT live tour

They were in dreamland when the foursome announced they were making their first new music in 35 years.

The pop legends have penned two new tracks and it is claimed they could earn as much as £1billion from a global tour.

But their business partner Gorel Hanser said: "They will not be performing as a group again." Instead the new tracks will be performed by holograms of the band members in an avatar virtual reality tour. .

"They will not be performing as a group again" Gorel Hanser        .


For more infomation >> 'They will not be performing as a group again' ABBA business partner RULES OUT live tour - Duration: 1:16.


This Is Why Steve Harvey Will Probably Not Do Anymore Stand-Up Comedy - Duration: 4:01.

This Is Why Steve Harvey Will Probably Not Do Anymore Stand-Up Comedy

Steve Harvey has come a long way since his legendary "Kings of Comedy" days.

The comedian is a multi-faceted host with his own production company.

It seems like he can anything but he's recently revealed that he's hesitant when it comes to returning to his roots.

With the current political climate and all eyes turning to social media, almost anything and everything a celebrity says and does is up for public discussion.

Personalities who state their opinion on their outlets, whether it be podcasts or social media pages, run the risk of losing sponsors just as actors run the risks of losing their roles depending on how the comments are received.

Sponsors are what keeps his talk show and his position on "Family Feud" going.

"That's the one hesitancy I have with going back to stand-up.

I'm a sponsor-driven business, and they keep moving the line of political correctness.

It keeps getting closer and closer to where you can't open your mouth negatively.

Throw away freedom of speech.

That's out the window now," Steve explained.

He also brought up another good point.

"The Ku Klux Klan and the skinheads can get a permit to walk down the street to bash Jews, gays, blacks, immigrants, anybody.

But if I tell a joke, Procter & Gamble pulls.

Once Procter & Gamble pulls, Mercedes gotta pull.

Then Kool-Aid.

That's an ugly place to be in.

But you can get a permit and put a hood on your head to walk down the street.

Really? Regardless as to what our president said, there's not good people on both sides," the 61-year-old added.

Steve is no stranger to controversy.

His talk show is currently being sued for sexual harassment after a woman claims she was booked to appear as a fit mom who likes to show off her curves.

Instead, she was made to change and stood before an audience while they voted whether she appeared as a "whore," "slut," "ratchet," or "[has] daddy issues.

Do you think Steve Harvey has a point?.

For more infomation >> This Is Why Steve Harvey Will Probably Not Do Anymore Stand-Up Comedy - Duration: 4:01.


My Dream Will be a Singer | Ei Beday Cover Song | Song Tomar Onek Fele Asha - Duration: 2:09.

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For more infomation >> My Dream Will be a Singer | Ei Beday Cover Song | Song Tomar Onek Fele Asha - Duration: 2:09.


Brann's: Signs for officers & soldiers will stay - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Brann's: Signs for officers & soldiers will stay - Duration: 2:16.


God Has the Answer to Every Problem You Face: You Will Get It All - Duration: 28:31.

Dr. Michael Youssef: Back yonder, Jesus came into my life.

Jesus assured me that he has a plan for my life.

Jesus promised me that I will reign and rule with him forever.

And therefore, no matter what I go through right now, no matter

how dark it appears right now, no matter how difficult things

are right now, no matter how tough my circumstances may

appear, my boundaries have fallen, for me,

in a pleasant place.


Dr. Youssef: I know you know that there are so many powerful

voices inside and outside of the church that are basically saying

to us that you can have it all, here and now.

You can have it all.

The amazing thing about this is that the Bible tells us that

those who are Bible-believing Christians are gonna get it all.

Did you believe that?

All right, but the difference between their all and our all is

like day and night.

Their all is material and present things; our all is

spiritual and supernatural.

Their all would be lost at death; our all will last

for all of eternity.

Now, please understand, before I get to the message, I am not

against leaving an inheritance.

The book of Proverbs says it's good for a person to leave

inheritance to their children's children, so I'm not against


Don't misunderstand me, okay?

But let me tell you a few things about our real inheritance.

You can never lose it in the stock market.

It can never be destroyed by fire.

It cannot be taken away by Uncle Sam, or anybody else

for that matter.

You cannot leave it behind, you take it with you.

It is far greater than all of the trillions of dollars that

this world could ever give.

Psalm 16 prophesied regarding our inheritance.

The psalmist looked through the eyes of faith, 1,000 years

down the road, and he saw the indescribable inheritance

that's in Christ.

And so, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, David

discovered how believers in Jesus are gonna get it all.

They're getting it all.

So, if you would turn with me, Psalm 16, as we've been going

through this series of select Psalms.

Mostly it's to do with the Messianic Psalms.

Verses 1 to 4, David tells us about the condition of our


In verses 5 and 6, he tells us about the content of that


And then, in verses 7 to 11, he tells us about the culmination

of our inheritance.

Look with me please at first the condition of our inheritance.

Now, God's word said those who have an inheritance in Christ

and with Christ, they are totally under his

sovereign control.

They are totally owned and operated by his sovereign plan.

They are conscious of the fact that their very breath is in

his hand.

They know that they can persevere and they are preserved

in Christ.

They know that they are totally engulfed by his

everlasting arms.

In fact, David's prophecy here in these four verses, that's the

first four verses, he mentioned three different names of God

just in four verses: El, Yahweh, Adonai.

He mentions them all in the Hebrew language.

Now, we saw in the last message, those of you who were here, "El"

describes the omnipotence of God.

"El" describes the all-powerful God, the almighty God.

"El" describes the all-sovereign God.

We also saw that "Yahweh" has represent different character

of God.

He is the covenant making God.

He is the covenant keeping God.

"Adonai" is a Hebrew word which means he is the Lord, my Lord.

He is the King, my King.

And here, he puts 'em all together, all three completed

meaning of who God is.

El, Yahweh, Adonai.

Say it with me.

El, Yahweh, Adonai.

And he gives us the full picture of God in the first four verses

of this psalm.

He is saying, "He is not only my Maker, he's my Mediator,

and he's my Master.

And because he is all of that to me, therefore no fear will

ever haunt me.

No worry will ever possess me.

No anxiety will be my companion.

No foe that can daunt me."


Because the condition of my inheritance is being guaranteed

by him.

The condition of my inheritance is protected by him because

the condition of my inheritance is my complete preservation

in his hands.

But the psalmist really saying something even stronger

than that.

He's saying, "El, Yahweh, Adonai means much more to me than that.

Besides him, nothing and no one will ever mean to me

more than him."

But he's also giving us a very subtle test to know if you meet

the conditions of that inheritance and if I meet the

condition of that inheritance.

A very subtle test.

What's that test?

Look at it with me.

Ask yourself the question, do I seek the companionship of

the Lord more than anybody else in life?

Do I seek the companion of those who seek his companionship more

than anybody else in life?

Do I feel uncomfortable in the company of those who openly sin?

Do I find that the values of the godless trouble me?

Does the lifestyle of the godless repulse me?

That's the test he gives us here.

IT's a very subtle test, but it's here.

That's the test by which I can know if I'm meeting the

conditions for that inheritance.

Some of you watching or you're here, you will know where

you are.

Nobody else does except you and God.

If you are like Peter, finding yourself warming your hands

at the fire of those who are hostile to Christ, be very

careful, because denial of Christ is around the corner.

Are you with me?

So first, the condition of the inheritance.

Secondly, the content of the inheritance.

I hear and read about people who go to a public hearing of a will

and they can't wait to go and hear.

And there are all kinds of stories about that but I'm not

gonna get there.

It's a temptation for me.

We know what it is.

We don't have to wait for the public hearing.

We have it.

Verse 5, "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup."

Let me put this psalm in its historic context, because

without understanding why David, at that particular point in his

life, write those words, you would think that he had written

them when he was a powerful king, sitting on the throne

of Israel.

And you'd say, "Yeah, of course.

I mean, he has made it."

No, you have to understand when he wrote this psalm, and that

should be a comfort and encouragement to every single

person who's at the sound of my voice.

Most theologians agree that David wrote this psalm when he

was a fugitive from King Saul.

King Saul was chasing David all over the countryside of Israel,

the land of Israel.

And when David being chased and running from cave to cave, he

was deprived of his inheritance.

You see, most of us know that when Joshua led the people of

God into the land of promise, they divided the land and each

tribe got a certain inheritance, except for the Levites.

They didn't get one.

That inheritance passed from generation, to generation, to

generation of the people of God.

David's share of that inheritance was in the fields

and the farms of Bethlehem, because that's where he

came from.

That's his origin.

That's why Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

You see, as long as Saul was on the throne of Israel, David

was deprived of his inheritance.

As long as Saul hunting David from place, to place, to place,

he was deprived of his inheritance.

Even his parents--if you read the Scripture, you see very

clearly, his parents become fugitives too and they joined

him in the land of Moab.

Here's a lesson for all of us.

When you find yourself in David's place, when you find

yourself in tough circumstances as David found himself, instead

of crying the blues, instead of feeling sorry for himself,

instead of saying, "Woe me," instead of becoming bitter

and angry, he said, "Forget about my earthly inheritance.

I have a far greater one.

The Lord himself is my inheritance," amen?

Look at verse 6.

David said, "The lines have fallen to me in

pleasant places."

Yay, I have godly inheritance.

I'm sure there are some here who would want to ask David some

questions, especially if you're going through a tough time.

I know because I'm not a stranger to tough times

and difficult times.

I'm sure you wanna ask David, "David, my buddy, get real here.

David, you're a fugitive.

You're going from cave to cave.

David, you are running from rock to rock.

David, you have a stone for a pillow at night when you go

to sleep.

David, you are hunted like a rabbit.

David, you have nowhere to lay your head.

David, you have nowhere to rest."

Oh, but David would say, "The boundaries,

the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant

places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

In the middle of this.

Beloved, those of us who live by sight and not by faith, and we

all have those moments when we cease to live by faith and live

by sight, those of us who want David to get real and be

realistic, I can hear David to be saying, "You see, you don't


You don't understand.

This is a life of faith.

This is seeing the unseen.

This is the life that is complete in El Yahweh Adonai.

El Yahweh Adonai is my inheritance and that's


No wonder God honored David.

Listen, we all know about his failures.

We all know about his foibles.

We all know about his problems.

We all know that, but God still honored him because of

David's faith.

David says, "You want to place your trust in your material


Good luck with that.

Do you wanna trust your statement of net worth?

That's your choice.

As for me, I am placing my trust in the glorious, eternal

inheritance," amen.

You know, every statistic I read, it says that

the Baby Boomers in our culture are bored

out of their minds because all of their focus is on this life.

The younger generation who have unrealistic expectations,

they're frustrated, they're restless, and they're depressed

because the focus on earthly inheritance, not eternal

inheritance, always makes your problems worse.

So many people look at others and they compare themselves with

others, and then they get depressed.

David would say to all of us, "That's not me.

That's not me.

Regardless of my current circumstances, I know that

I have a fantastic future.

I am going to get it all.

You might want it all now, but I'm gonna get it all.

And I'm gonna get it and it's gonna stay with me."

You say, "David, how come?

How come?" David would say to you, "Because

I remember back yonder in my father Jesse's home, there was

an old prophet by the name of Samuel.

He came over there and he poured oil on me and oil on my head,

and he told me that God has a plan for my life.

He told me that I have an incorruptible inheritance.

I have an inheritance that no one can steal from me,

inheritance that no one can take away from me, inheritance that

no one can deprive me of, inheritance that no one can

exclude me from, an inheritance that can never, never, never be

lost," amen.

Beloved, listen.

You may be going through your own private Gethsemane right


I don't know, you do.

You might be going through unspeakable pain that only you

and God know.

Like David, you can say, "Back yonder, Jesus came into my life.

Jesus promised eternal life to me.

Jesus forgave me all of my sins.

Jesus saved me eternally.

Jesus promised me an inheritance with him.

Jesus assured me that he has a plan for my life.

Jesus promised me that I will reign and rule with him forever.

And therefore, no matter what I go through right now, no matter

how dark it appears right now, no matter how difficult things

are right now, no matter how tough my circumstances may

appear, my boundaries have fallen, for me, in a pleasant


Amen, amen.

The condition of our inheritance, the content of our

inheritance, thirdly, the culmination of our inheritance.

Look with me please at verses 7, all the way to the end.

What is he saying here?

He's saying that in this life, my life is guided by

El Yahweh Adonai, not Dr. Phil.

I have nothing against the man, but be careful where you get

your advice.

In this life, I am guarded by El Yahweh Adonai, not by

a government program.

In this life, I am gladdened by God, not how much I have

or don't have.

Not only that, but in eternity, I'm gonna inherit the whole


Psalm 16, verse 10, look at it carefully.

Underline it if you have your own Bible.

It's a very important verse because it's quoted by both

Peter and Paul in the New Testament, verse 10.

And the New Testament writers have made it very clear that

this verse is fulfilled in Jesus Christ

at the Resurrection.

Therefore, this 1,000-year-old prophecy,

it says that, "You will not abandon me to the grave,

nor will you let your Holy One see decay."

And see, that's why the body of Jesus was in the grave only

three days.

It did not see decay.

The reason our own resurrection is sure is because Jesus's

resurrection is sure.

Because of Jesus's resurrection, I shall never die.

I shall never die.

It's like Moody used to say, "When you hear D.L. Moody

died, don't believe them.

I'll be more alive than I've ever lived."

Because of Jesus's resurrection, I shall live forever.

Because of Jesus's resurrection, I shall reign and rule with him

for all of eternity.

Because of Jesus's resurrection, I share Jesus's own inheritance.

Question, how much is that inheritance?

How much of that you gonna inherit?

I remember the days I was living in California when Howard Hughes

died, who was supposedly, at the time, a rich man.

And now there are a lot of people richer than him now, but

back then, the media was running around asking the lawyers,

"How much did he leave?

How much did he leave?" and the lawyer said,

"All of it."

How much of that inheritance are we gonna have, are we gonna


Well, it's not measured by millions, or billions,

or trillions.

No, it's measured by the billions of galaxies.

That's how it's measured.

In comparison to what our inheritance is in the universe,

this planet earth is a drop in a big bucket.

Verse 11, "In your presence there is fullness of joy."

You know, I was reading about Henrietta Guinness, the heiress

to the Guinness fortune.

She took her own life at the age of 35.

With all that money, with all that wealth,

she took her own life.

And she said, "I would give it all for a moment of joy."

Think about this.

And yet, we will have joy, not for a moment, but forever more.

Not just for a short period of time, but forever.

One day, the Lord Jesus Christ is going to stand at the forum

of the universe, and he will take yours and my human body,

and he will give us heavenly bodies, glorified bodies,

supernatural bodies, and he will declare to every creature

and every created being, "You are a joint heir with me."


Now, my beloved friends, this is an inheritance worth singing


This is an inheritance worth waiting for.

This is an inheritance worthy of the name "inheritance."

Do you have it?

Well, if you don't, you can ask.

Come to him in humility and repentance,

confessing your sins.

And the Bible says, that moment, in literal moment, your life'll

be transformed from death to life.

And you can do it now.

Those who know they have it, the question I have for you is this,

why are you living as if you don't have it?

Why are you living as if you don't have that inheritance?

Why are you living in defeat, and in sorrow, and in

desperation, and not trusting in the God of your inheritance?


Ask that question and don't rest until you answer it.

Because I believe with all my heart it is the will of

the Father for us to live in the power of the Son, amen.

Will you bow your heads with me please?


Dr. Youssef: I want you to celebrate with me and with us at

"Leading the Way" this milestone, 30 years of

faithful ministry.

We brought the gospel to many a living room, and to many cars,

and radio, television around the world and here in

the United States.

It is my privilege and my honor and great joy to know that we

have been ministering to you faithfully.

As you know, I receive no compensation from

"Leading the Way."

It has been for 30 years my labor of love.

So, I want you to join with me as we celebrate this great

milestone in the life of this ministry.

Dr. Youssef: By his crucifixion, he pardoned

and forgave-- Bryan Long: I started

listening to Dr. Youssef through "Leading the Way" approximately

17 years ago.

He is the most passionate preacher I've ever heard preach.

Not only is he in the Word, but he informed.

He understands cultures.

I mean, he's not afraid to say what needs to be said.

He is absolutely preaching uncompromising truth.

I own a land surveying company here in Atlanta.

I pretty much have been a land surveyor my whole life.

The main thing I wanted to do is reach my employees.

And you can invite someone to church, but they don't go.

So, what's the best thing you can do after that?

You've gotta bring church to them.

I prepare my Bible study every Wednesday by going to and going to the "Listening" section.

Bryan: Dr. Youssef talked about that too.

What happens to Christians-- Bryan: I like to use all

types of ways of teaching the Word, and one of them is

videos off

One of them is the sermons off

Dr. Youssef: Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ,

forgive me all of my sins.

Bryan: What I love about "Leading the Way" is they're not

just satisfied with one venue or one outlet to convey the truth.

People give money to charities all the time, but what is

the most important thing?

Bringing people to know Christ, hearing the gospel.

How do we get the gospel to people?

And that's what "Leading the Way" does.

Dr. Youssef: God's mission is still the world, and God's

method is still the proclamation of the gospel.

<i>announcer: Through your</i> <i>partnership, "Leading the Way"</i>

<i>is on the air at crucial moments</i> <i>for listeners and viewers who</i>

<i>need to hear uncompromising</i> <i>biblical truth.</i>

<i>Consider a generous gift today.</i>

<i>You can call or visit us online</i> <i>at</i>


Dr. Youssef: I personally think that we are coming toward

the end of time.

And Satan senses that, and therefore he is unleashing his

venom against the believers all across the world.

And that is why this is the time, more than any other time

in history, I want the believers to know that he who is in us is

greater than he who's in the world.

<i>announcer: Experience the</i> <i>victory that is yours in Christ</i>

<i>with "Conquer," the book by</i> <i>Dr. Michael Youssef.</i>

Dr. Youssef: I wrote the book, "Conquer," simply because

I have watched so many believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are

defeated and discouraged, and they don't know how to respond

to the harassing of the enemy of their soul.

I am convinced, personally, that it's just a matter of

understanding the Word of God, and understanding that the enemy

is a defeated foe, and that on the cross Jesus outwitted him

and defeated him.

And every believer needs to know that and needs to know how to be

equipped to live in victory all the time.

But Satan also knows that, and that's why he works doubly hard

on the believers, to make us weak and ineffective.

I have no doubt that the person who's gonna get this book

will no longer be defeated all the time, discouraged

and disappointed, because this is a how-to book.

It's a book that is going to show you how to have victory.

I pray that everybody will be able to say that, that I have

more victory today than I did before I read the book.

<i>announcer: Right now, you can</i> <i>receive your own copy of</i>

<i>"Conquer," when you give a gift</i> <i>of any amount to</i>

<i>Leading the Way.</i>

<i>Call or visit us online at</i> <i> to request your</i>

<i>copy today.</i>


<i>announcer: Passionately</i> <i>proclaiming uncompromising</i>


<i>"Leading the Way"</i> <i>with Dr. Michael Youssef</i>

<i>thanks you for your</i> <i>faithful support through your</i>

<i>continued prayers and gifts.</i>

Dr. Youssef: If you're ever in Atlanta on a Sunday, it would

be a great opportunity for you to come and worship with us.

For more infomation >> God Has the Answer to Every Problem You Face: You Will Get It All - Duration: 28:31.


Get Rid Of These 14 Things and You Will Feel Unconditional Happiness for the Rest of Your Life - Duration: 4:37.

Get Rid Of These 14 Things and You Will Feel Unconditional Happiness for the Rest of Your


There are things that prevent you from getting happy life.

If you throw these things away, you will get total happiness.


To be always right

Sometimes, people make mistake, and we will learn from it.

Thus, you basically can do anything you like even though it will be mistaken, and you will

be surprised on how you actually can explore things.


The need of control

There are also some things that you cannot control in this world.

Be sure to keep everything rational and just control what you can.


Blaming game

Blaming just does not help especially if you are really the one who made mistake.

Learn from your mistake, and you will feel happier because you don't regret after putting

blame on someone else.


Degrading self-talk

Being unmotivated sometimes is good since it allows you to reflect.

Unfortunately, it can be the worst thing that can happen especially if you constantly degrade


You are actually better than many other people out there.



Situations usually do not allow you to get what you want and you start whining.

However, it only takes away your energy since you can do something better in the meantime.



Appreciation is the key of success and happiness.

People like being appreciated and you also can see clearly the details on what makes

particular work beautiful naturally from you.

This will not cloud your judgment, and that is why appreciation is always better than


Just let it go away.


Impress others

If you think you can satisfy many people at once, you should stop now.

You are living in this world not for satisfying or to make other impressed.

You do everything for yourself and for people around you that will make you feel happy.


Resisting change

Change is associated with growth, and if you skip resisting change, you know you will not

go anywhere.

Sometimes, you believe that certain things work with the way you do it.

Unfortunately, it won't be long before it becomes obsolete.



You cannot just put labels on certain entities without knowing their progress.

Otherwise, we will be blinded by the real fact, and it absolutely makes your life miserable

as it is in constant pace.



Fear of something actually can be a good measurement of danger ahead.

It keeps you safe, but make sure it does not overwhelm you.

That way, you will be happier that you make decisions based on what you think safe.



Don't make excuses.

Face your condition or situation as is, and you can solve the problem properly.

Sometimes you make excuses because you are incompetent.

However, most of the time, it is because you waste too much time on contemplating it instead.


The past

Just let the past go away.

Though they shape what you are today, past is not here anymore.

Focus on what is ahead of you, and you will find joy and happiness.


Unhealthy attachment

This one is usually related to a relationship.

If you are in unhealthy relationship, letting go such relationship will bring happiness



Living based on people's expectation

Why bother?

You live in this world for the sake of yourself.

If you always think about what people want, you definitely do not have chance to earn

what you want.

Moreover, people have different ideas on what they want.

If you constantly follow their request, you definitely exhaust yourself.

All in all, that's the "Get Rid Of These 14 Things and You Will Feel Unconditional Happiness

for the Rest of Your Life".

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Get Rid Of These 14 Things and You Will Feel Unconditional Happiness for the Rest of Your Life - Duration: 4:37.


Smoggy skies will clear up later on _ 043018 - Duration: 2:13.

Good afternoon.

It's going to be warmer than yesterday in Korea, but with dusty air,... while Japan

and China will also have a sunny and warm Monday.

The whole of Korea woke up to high levels of ultra-fine dust.

But the nation will be able to breathe better later on as the air quality should improve,

starting with the southern regions in the afternoon.

Most parts of the country will be under partly sunny skies with highs going above those of

yesterday, rising to 24 degrees Celsius in Seoul, while Gyeongju and Daegu will have

summer-like temperatures at 27 degrees.

It'll continue to get warmer tomorrow, but rain on Wednesday will bring down the temperatures

to seasonal averages.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

Most of South Korea will see more sun in the afternoon along with warm highs, and most

parts of North Korea will also have sunny skies with highs in the twenties.

Bangkok will have scattered showers and thunderstorms, with similar weather patterns expected well

into next week.

In Jakarta, a foggy morning will turn mostly sunny by the afternoon.

Heading to North America, much of the U.S. saw normal weather conditions over the weekend.

By Tuesday, the warm weather will cover nearly two-thirds of the country.

As for South America, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo will be sunny and hot, with highs of

30 degrees.

Taking you to Europe,... gale-force winds and around two-and-a-half inches of rain starting

Sunday night in England could lead to major travel disruption across the south and east

of country.

Lastly to Africa, very hot weather and sandstorms will hit Egypt this week.

That's the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Smoggy skies will clear up later on _ 043018 - Duration: 2:13.


POPCORN ALERT! Liberals Will SELF DESTRUCT if Trump's Win Nobel Peace Prize - Duration: 5:15.


Liberals Will SELF DESTRUCT if Trump's Win Nobel Peace Prize

It's time to grab your popcorn, because it looks like President Trump is on his way

to earning a Nobel Peace Prize, for his strength, leadership, and negotiating skills with North

Korea, who is ending its decades-long war with South Korea, and on the road to ending

their nuke program.

And when this happens, you can bet that liberals will self destruct in the biggest and best

way possible!From Town Hall

The Korean War is coming to an end.

It's the conclusion of the last major chapter of the Cold War.

Both sides said there's an agreement on a peace treaty and the denuclearization of

the peninsula.

It's something that has eluded the Bush and Obama administrations.

Funny—Trump mocks North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, called him "rocket man,"

and sets off a panic among Democratic circles that his tweets could set off nuclear world

war III.


Well, because North Korea threatened to do so, which they've done for years.

It shouldn't be taken seriously—and it wasn't; the markets really didn't have

seismic shifts over this.

Everyone thought Trump was mishandling this crisis, and in the end, both sides have agreed

to officially end the war.

So, once again the media and the Democrats were wrong.

And now, President Trump is being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Could you imagine how the Left would react if he were to win it?

President Obama won it and he escalated a war in Afghanistan, failed to confront ISIS,

and dithered on Syria.

Obama did nothing when the Russians annexed Crimea.

Did nothing when chemical weapons were used in Syria as well.

Who does South Korea give immense credit for bringing North Korea to the bargaining table?

Donald J. Trump.

Besides the Twitter exchanges, the Trump White House slapped North Korea with a series of

sanctions over missile tests.

And this isn't just South Korea, or conservative media, saying Trump deserves credit, CNN admits

it as well:Any way you cut it, President Donald Trump is entitled to significant credit for

Friday's historic opening between the two Koreas.

Whether he deserves as much as he's claiming or whether he's wise to bullishly declare

a new era of denuclearized peace on the peninsula seems much more doubtful.

Still, the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon

Jae-in keeps alive the possibility of a legacy win for Trump that would rank as one of the

top presidential achievements since World War II.

If he were to preside over the verifiable destruction of the North's nuclear and missile

programs, formally end the 1950-53 Korean War and usher in the destruction of the world's

last Cold War-era frontier, Trump would claim a feat that has eluded all of his most recent

predecessors.The administration succeeded in enacting the most stringent sanctions regime

yet imposed on North Korea — and crucially got more buy in from China for more pressure

on its nominal ally North Korea than ever before.

If those sanctions are indeed behind North Korea's decision to come to the table, Trump's

effusive praise of China's President Xi Jinping during a state visit last year, for

which he was widely criticized, could be validated.Given the stakes, and the chance of averting what

could be a murderous war on the Korean peninsula, it's possible that even in Washington's

divisive political climate, everyone might be rooting for Trump to succeed.

"Everyone might be rooting for Trump to succeed," I wish I could believe that, but

I'm not holding my breathe.

From the Democratic-media complex to a cadre of government officials—mostly Obama holdovers—leaking

sensitive information to the press to hamstring the administration, and the recent character

assassination of Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, Trump's Veterans Affairs secretary nominee,

a lot of behind the scenes politicking could happen.

On top of what could be a long and arduous diplomatic journey with the Koreas, the Trump

White House has to deal with a hostile press corps at home and a political party that will

do just about anything to destroy his agenda.

We'll see, but Trump winning a Nobel Prize would be a popcorn-worthy event.

Here's a man that many on the Left thought would bring war and misery to the world.

If Trump could pull this off, the U.S. would indeed be winning, so much winning we might

get tired of it, right?

Guy will have a more in-debt post this week about how the Korea talks, the economic/jobs

report, and the recent confirmation of judges has earned the president high grades.

For more infomation >> POPCORN ALERT! Liberals Will SELF DESTRUCT if Trump's Win Nobel Peace Prize - Duration: 5:15.


Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho 'calls' James Rodriguez: Red Devils will make bid - Duration: 2:07.

Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho 'calls' James Rodriguez: Red Devils will make bid

The Real Madrid star, currently on loan at Bayern Munich, has impressed with the Bundesliga giants.

Rodriguez, 26, has netted six goals and chipped in with 12 assists in all competitions for Bayern this time out.

The playmaker's future is currently up in the air, with Real unsure whether to sell Rodriguez or keep hold of their £60m signing.

And according to Spanish news outlet Don Balon, who are well known for their outlandish transfer claims, United are ready to make a move for Rodriguez at the end of the season.

They say Red Devils boss Jose Mourinho has called the Colombia international ahead of the summer transfer window.

"Man Utd will make a move for James Rodriguez this summer" Don Balon sensationally claim Mourinho told Rodriguez that United will make a bid for him in the coming months.

The Red Devils will splash the cash this summer in hope of keeping up with their arch-rivals Manchester City in the Premier League.

United are back in action this afternoon when the Red Devils host Arsenal in the Premier League (4:30pm kick-off).

A win for Mourinho's men would all but secure a top four spot and Champions League football for next season.

For more infomation >> Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho 'calls' James Rodriguez: Red Devils will make bid - Duration: 2:07.


Chiquis will perform at the Latin AMAs! | The Riveras | Universo - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Chiquis will perform at the Latin AMAs! | The Riveras | Universo - Duration: 1:32.


This Ancient Key Will Unlock Miracles in Your Life! | Julie Meyer - Duration: 28:21.

Audience: [applause and cheers] SR: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world,

where it's naturally supernatural! King David and ancient Israel had a key to being in touch

with God, and having miracles take place. But you know what, it's been lost. But today,

even science is proving this key works! Anyone want to learn, this thing, that even science

agrees with what ancient Israel knew? Audience: Yes! [applause and cheers]

[music] Announcer: Is there a supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?

Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing

onto Planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world

of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of "It's Supernatural!"

Audience: [applause and cheers] SR: Julie, what did ancient Israel, King David

know about supernatural breakthroughs, that's almost been lost to Believers today?

JM: You know what? I believe what we've found is it it's the power of singing the Scriptures!

And we've lost that key, which is a tool that I called singing, and it's not just for singers,

it's actually for every single person that needs breakthrough. And I just began to think

if you want to be supernatural, sing the Bible. If you want to release the supernatural, sing

the Bible. It's all through the Word, on the power of singing the Scriptures.

SR: Y you know, many years ago today I operate mostly in words of knowledge but many years

ago I laid hands and prayed for everyone that wanted prayer. And I I don't know how I did

it, but I started one day singing their healing, rather than praying normally by just speaking

it. And I s felt I could feel there was a greater presence of God when I sang their

healing, than when I prayed their healing, and everyone was getting healed!

JM: Um hm. I love it. SR: Is that what you're talking about?

JM: Yes! The and I feel like when, when that element of song is used, it bypasses all of

our thoughts, saying, "Oh that's not me", you know, and it just literally goes to where

it needs to go. And what I found out in some of my research, because I've always sang I

love to sing the Bible but when I would do some workshops on singing the Bible,

SR: Um hm. JM: people that weren't even singers, they

began to experience freedom! SR: B b but

JM: They began to get healed! SR: they're not singers, but they could probably

at least carry a tune! JM: That's what I mean!

SR: I can't carry a tune! JM: well it didn't matter! It was just that

tone of ahhhh, it was just that tone. And death I found, because I thought, "Why is

this? Why is this?", and I found out that doctors and scientists are now doing medical

and scientific research on the power of singing! So when we talk, we're actually using the

left side of our brain. But when we add the element of tone, [singing same note] "when

we add that ahhhh", you even if you're singing it on the same note, both of these lobes are

working together. When you add the element of rhythm, [singing same note] "now I'm gonna

sing with a rhythm"! So all of your these lobes up there, they're working as one! And

then the the front part of your of your brain actually is the emotional response, so it's

as if when you sing, it's like you have this barrier in your mind, because your lobes are

working together, that all the negativity, and all the I cantís, they can't get in,

Audience: [cheers and applause] JM: because your lobes are working together!

The only thing that gets in is what you're singing, and that's the Bible! And I've seen

people go from hating themselves, to loving themselves, people go from not being healed,

to being healed. People with addictions, stopping, and they credit it to singing the Bible.

SR: You know you told me about a homeless man, and he all he couldn't even look into

your eyes. He he just you went to his shelter, and he's looking down. How in the world did

you coach him to sing? JM: I'll tell you what, I started taking,

we call it our music class. I go to the homeless shelter, I said, "Get out your Bibles, and

we're going to sing". If that day was Psalm 23, I'd put on my "Sing" CD, which is going

to be available, SR: Right.

JM: and we put on one of the tracks. And at first, he was not he was kind of just looking

at his phone. And then, as other people just began to sing, I said, "You can sing it, or

you can rap it, whatever, it doesn't matter." But then he just started listening, and I

think it was just that that song, just going into his heart. And then suddenly he put his

phone down, and he began to write. And I went over to him, and I'd go over it a couple of

times. I'd say, "Raymond! Hey, can you sing what you wrote down?" And at first it was

just a mumble, [mumble singing], "Well, he's my shepherd".

Audience: SR:

JM: You know, and I'm like, [shouting] "That's great! Oh my God!"

SR: [laughs] JM: "Keep on now! Yes!"

SR: Can I hire you JM: [laughs]

SR: as a cheerleader? JM: [shouting] Yes!

SR: [laughs] JM: I will! If we're talking about singing

the Bible. SR: [laughs]

JM: But then he I just said, "Will you do it again?", and I went to other people. And

then, he just stood up, and like he took the mic, and he stood up in front of everybody

and he goes, [singing boldly] "The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need." And

then he was like, SR: [laughs] Audience: [applause and laughs]

JM: [singing] "Oh yeah!", you know. SR: [laughs]

JM: But then and you can hear somebody videotaped you could hear everyone just like start shouting,

and I found out later that this guy, he had been a businessman, but he had lost everything.

I mean like by murder, and just he l his whole family was gone, and it made him go into a

world of drugs, and homeless, and he started coming to their shelter. And that and he would

always talk with a mumble, people couldn't understand him. But that day, when he took

that mic, Audience: [applause]

JM: and said, [singing] "The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need", that's the first

time they heard him literally sing, and speak a word that they understood.

Audience: [applause] JM: That is the power of singing the Bible!

And SR: Well what happened to him?

JM: It's the Word! It's because SR: No, no, what we can get to

JM: Oh you know what well actually a month later, my friend Eli, Eli Rose, called me

and said, "Hey, I'm standing here with Raymond, and I want you to know he's going into treatment.

He wanted you to know that." And I just talked with her last week, and she said he's doing

really good. And this was over a year ago. And this is the power of singing the Word,

it's transforming. But the key is, your ears have to hear your sound. That's when that

helmet it's almost like we wear the whole armor of God in our brains, from Ephesians

6, when we start singing the Word. SR: But ancient Israel knew this!

JM: Um-hm. SR: They had the most glorious worship time

in in the Temple! David was a musician! JM: Yes!

SR: David got rid of evil spirits just by b by playing the harp in front of King Saul!

But [sighs], it's kind of been lost or turned over just to the professionals. I I meet musicians

all the time, and I keep saying, "How can I sit down at the piano and play?" "I'm not

gonna learn how to play piano, I can't carry a tune!" This is the answer!

Audience: Yes. SR: When we come up back, you're going to

find out the miracles of healing JM: Um-hm.

SR: that happened, when you start singing the Word! The deaf person started hearing!

[music] We'll be right back. JM: Yes.

Audience: [applause and cheers] [music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to It's Supernatural!

Hello YouTube mishpochah! Mishpochah is a Hebrew word.

It means family. This is Sid Roth. Welcome to my world

where it's naturally supernatural!

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Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: And, you know Julie was telling me the great Jewish historian Josephus had a commentary

about David. And we always hear about him playing the harp, and it soothed Saul, but

what did Josephus say? JM: He said that David most likely also sang

over Saul, the Torah, or any Hebrew Scriptures that he would have had at the time.

SR: Now, you have told me about a woman that fascinates me. Her name is Eli. maybe we can

show a before picture of Eli right now. Tell that story.

JM: Now this is Eli Rose. And this was, I don't know, 5, 6, 7 years ago. And Eli ran

was homeless since the age of 12, was sex trafficked, ran with one of the hardest groups

in L.A., and she was getting ready to end her life. And as God would have it, she came

to Santa Maria, California to literally say goodbye to her family. They brought her to

the healing rooms, Apostolic Center in Santa Maria, and during worship, the Lord gave Rick

Taylor he's the director a word of knowledge, saying, "Someone wants to take their life."

He got up during worship, and he said, "Someone is here, and you want you're thinking of taking

your life." And he said, "Please don't, please don't. The Lord has already started to heal

you." And the people that brought her were saying, "That's you! That's you!" That night,

Eli Rose gave her life to the Lord. And she had already been to the doctor, she had full-blown

AIDS, she had a very bad heart. She was they already said, "You're not able to take ", "to

have children", just because of drug use. She was in and out of prison. And she gave

her life to the Lord. She literally she went into a year of treatment, but she said every

day she sang and rapped the Bible specifically the Psalms! And then I met her a little after

that, and we began to sing the Scripture! And we have an after picture because she credits

singing the Scriptures with her healing Audience: [applause and cheers]

JM: with her healing! SR: And she doesn't look like the same person!

JM: She doesn't! SR:

JM: She doesn't! And so and she credits she credits singing the Word every single day

with her healing. And let me tell you this: They took her back to the doctors and they

have all the doctoral information she has no sign of HIV.

Audience: [applause] JM: She was totally healed of HIV. She has

a heart that is like a youth. And she is married, with a little girl named Kennedy!

Audience: [applause and cheers] SR: You told me

JM: Yeah! SR: she couldn't have a child!

Audience: [cheers and applause] JM: I know! She yeah!

SR: JM: But this is the power of singing the Word!

And it's not about this is the key: It's not about, make; "Oh, but I don't know how to

make up a melody", you don't have to. It's the power of that singing. [singing same note]

You can sing on the same note, it's just that tool called song that we need to keep in our

tool belt, and every person can have the healing that Eli Rose had.

Audience: [applause and cheers] SR: Now, why is it that when we sing the Scriptures,

actually when we singing anything, science tells us we retain the melody, we retain the

words, like, [singing] "A B C D E F G" Audience:

SR: you know the song, melody you know it and they learn the alphabet easier! Why is

it, from a scientific viewpoint, we remember the Scriptures better?

JM: Um-hm. SR: We remember the melodies, and then we

get deep, deep revelation of the Scriptures when we sing them! What does science tell

us about that? JM: Well what it's telling us it's because

your brain is actually functioning as one! And when we sing, there's actually endorphins

in our body that are actually released the same ones that were released if we're working

out! And they're actually using medical studies now, and they're finding that if people will

sing, that they actually can be healed of depression! And medical science is actually,

in some hospitals theyíre giving people the option, like you can have a drug for minor

surgery, or we will give you these headphones and you can listen to music, and they're finding

that the people that listen and meditate on the music, their bodies responded better to

minor surgery! It is a SR: how much greater if it's the Scriptures

JM: And that's what I say! [laughs] SR: that you are singing! Wow! Tell me quickly

the deaf person. JM: Yeah. Well actually I was with Chuck Pierce,

and I gave my whole teaching on singing the Scriptures, and a guy came up, and he started

releasing a tongue, and I didn't think much about it. and then another person came up,

and I realized that it was the deaf community were coming up, and Chuck Peirce said, "Do

you realize what is happening? Singing the Scriptures, the deaf community, now they want

to release their sound!" And then another lady came up on stage, and she said the first

that guy that came up they'd never done it before it was just a month ago! and she said,

"My husband was the first man that came up when he released his tongue." And she said,

"When he began to sing," she said, "all of a sudden my ears started popping and I started

hearing explosions in it, and then I can I can begin to hear! And and that's when Chuck

Pierce said, "Do you realize what is happening? The deaf community, are releasing their sound,

and there's healing being released!!" SR: What

Audience: [applause] SR: What is going to happen, when I turn you

loose at the piano, when we come back, and you sing because I requested it,

JM: Yeah. SR: and God confirmed it with you, Isaiah

53, about physical healing. Whatís going to happen?

JM: Yeah well, people are going to get healed. Audience: [cheers]

SR: We'll be right back! Audience: [applause and cheers]

Audience: [applause and cheers] SR: Julie, why do you get so excited and you

do! about singing the Word of God? JM: I get excited because I love seeing people

free! I love seeing people excited about reading and singing, and retaining the Word of God,

it's life-changing. And they can literally stir themselves up, just like David did, by

singing the Bible. SR: You told me there that you've identified

3 ways of singing the Bible. Explain. JM: Well this is how I've always sang the

Word! Since 1983, this has been a part of my life. And I just take 1 or 2 Scriptures,

it's easiest if you use Psalms they're already songs and prayers. So I just the 1st way is

I just sing it straight through, word for word. And then, I sing it through again, but

I turn it into my own prayer, and I pray it as if it's my prayer. And this is powerful

because what happens is, you're not just reading about David's encounter with God, but suddenly

when you pray it as if it's your prayer, it's your prayer! It's your encounter, not just

David's. And the 3rd way I sing it is I sing the other side of it like God was singing

over me, and I literally put my name in it. "I've healed you, Julie! You're free now,

Julie!", and I sing the Word because it is the truth of what God says, it's His Word.

Audience: [cheers] SR: you and

Audience: [applause] SR: and not only that,

JM: [applauds] SR: Julie has been healed. It's wonderful

that others are healed through singing the Scriptures.

Audience: Amen. SR: It's wonderful that when she sings over

people, they get healed. But Julie finds she's been emotionally healed, physically healed,

just by singing the Scriptures. Tell me one thing, real quick.

JM: Yea well I used to hate me. I used to hate my voice, my nose, I wanted to sing like

Olivia Newton-John. And I went to the House of Prayer. This was in 2000, so I love Jesus,

but in 2000, my friends said, "For the next 2 hours, you are going to sing one thing:

Song of Solomon 1:5, 'I am dark but lovely'", which means in my weakness, He says I'm beautiful,

in my brokenness, He still p pursues me. And somewhere in the midst of that 2 hours, I

went in not liking me, but suddenly, because I had that helmet on, and my lobes weren't

letting all the negativity get in, my thoughts were replaced totally by God's thoughts about

me. In a 2 hour session, I changed, [shouting] and I love me!

Audience: [applause] SR: [laughs]

JM: Okay! SR: Alright. I have here the brand new Supernatural

Bible, and I've asked her to sing Isaiah 53. And I proclaim that you will be healed

Audience: Yes! SR: as she sings this over you. But I have

2 commentaries in the Supernatural Bible: First is by Dr. Michael Brown, proving why

Isaiah 53 could only be talking about Jesus as the Messiah. And then I have a commentary

here on the same chapter by Sandra Kennedy, proving that Jesus died for all of our sins,

and all of our sicknesses and diseases. Julie! JM: I'm going to take that. I love to people

singing the Bible. So can I get you to stand? [playing piano]

Audience: Hallelujah! JM: And I'm going to sing this, like a prayer.

And I'm going to sing a line, and then I'm going to have you sing after me, because where

what's key about singing the Scriptures is your ears need to hear the sound of you. And

this helps you be able to do it at home. [humming] [singing] "You have borne my sickness". You

sing that. "You have" Audience: "have borne my sickness, "

Julie: "You have carried my sorrows," Julie and Audience: "You have carried my sorrows,"

Julie: "And You were wounded for my sin," Audience: "And You were

wounded for my sin," Julie: "You were bruised for my iniquities,"

Audience: "You were bruised for my iniquities" Julie: "and by Your stripes,"

Audience: "and by Your stripes," Julie: "I am healed."

Audience: "I am healed." Julie: Singing

that again, "and by Your stripes," Audience: "and by Your stripes,"

Julie: "I am healed." Audience: "I am healed."

Julie: And it's right now! Audience: And

it's right now! Julie: And it's right here!

Audience: And it's right here! Julie: "I am healed!"

Audience: "I am healed!" Julie: by You Jesus.

Audience: by You Jesus. Julie: "and by Your stripes"


For more infomation >> This Ancient Key Will Unlock Miracles in Your Life! | Julie Meyer - Duration: 28:21.


These Russian Dumplings Will Blow Your Mind || Fork Yeah - Duration: 3:30.

- I was born in Siberia and Russian dumplings were originated in Siberia.

When I was growing up, my grandmother used to cook dumplings at home.

So that's how I learned how to cook dumplings.

People are always curious about the difference between Asian dumplings and Russian dumplings.

The main difference is the dough. Russian dumplings are made of all-purpose flour.

So Russian dumplings are a little thicker.

We also serve dumplings with a pickle on the side,

which makes it very traditional as well.

- Guys, I am so excited. I've never had pelmenis before,

and the first thing I'm noticing is just the dill and all the herbs that they're putting on it.

It smells like nothing I've had before, dumpling-wise.

But let's get in here and see what we got going on.


It definitely has a thicker dough; the bite to it is a lot more than your average dumpling.

The herbs and the butter on it, it's very hearty and rich.

Let's get another one of these.

So good. And the pickle's here; I might as well try it with it.

The vinegar from the pickle's really nice too. It sort of cuts through that richness, just like the sour cream

and almost like, refreshes the palate.

These are so good, but I really want to get into these Georgian khinkalis

because I am a huge fan of soup dumplings.

- Georgian khinkali originated in Georgia, which is the neighboring country to Russia.

They're bigger dumplings.

They have a little bit of soup inside, and they're stuffed with meat.

You brush them with butter, and you sprinkle a little bit of pepper on top of it.

And we steam them as well.

- Wow, these look exactly like soup dumplings, and what's really interesting is that

they're only served with black pepper; you don't have any sauce to soak them in,

to try and cool it down or add other flavors.

It's just what you see is what you get, and I'm so excited to try this out.

Wow. I had thought that there was going to be a ton of soup in here,

but really it's more of just a little bit of broth to help keep that meat nice and juicy and tender.

And the meat also has this great spice all throughout it.

I am a pretty big fan of this.

This is a little different than what I thought it was gonna be but, all the same, really good.

Alright guys, I'm gonna keep working on these dumplings, but if you liked what you saw today,

please watch another Thrillist video and like, comment, and share below.

For more infomation >> These Russian Dumplings Will Blow Your Mind || Fork Yeah - Duration: 3:30.


Coulter: A wall is the only thing that will work - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Coulter: A wall is the only thing that will work - Duration: 7:36.


Iran issues chilling threat after Syria missile attack: Strikes will be met with FORCE - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:08.

Iran issues chilling threat after Syria missile attack: 'Strikes will be met with FORCE'

MISSILE strikes on Iranian military bases by the US or its allies will not be tolerated

and will be met with "firm force", Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei has warned.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of Iran, has launched a blistering verbal attack

against the US in the wake of missile strikes on Syrian bases in Hama and Aleppo on Sunday


In a bellicose speech on Monday, Khamenei accused the US of causing a "regional crisis"

in the Middle East by creating "instability" that has "brought misery to people".

Iran will respond in kind to missile strikes on any of its bases in Syria or elsewhere,

Khamenei was quoted as saying by Israeli state media.

"The era of 'hit and run' attacks has ended, and from now on attacks will be met with firm

force," Khamenei said just hours after the missile attack on Syria that has been blamed

on Israel, the US and Britain.

Missiles struck a number of Syrian military facilities in strikes that a UK-based war

monitor said killed at least 26 troops, many of whom were Iranians.

Syrian state media closely linked with President Bashar al-Assad claimed British and US forces

were involved in the missile attack.

Allegations RAF jets were involved were denied by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) but the

US military is yet to comment.

Syrian state media said the "hostile missiles" were a "new agression" towards Assad, whose

regime have been fighting a bloody seven-year civil war with rebels.

"Some military sites in the countryside of Hama and Aleppo provinces were exposed

at 10.30pm to a new aggression with hostile rockets," a military source told Syrian

Arab News Agency.

Sunday's strike on military bases in Hama and Aleppo appears to have been carried out

by Israel, according to Russian, Syrian and Iranian media reports.

Israel has been accused of bombing Iranian military bases in the past, most recently

on Syria's T4 air base earlier this month.

However, no Iranians had been killed in the latest missile attacks, Iran's Tasnim news

agency said on Monday.

"All these reports over attack on an Iranian military base in Syria and the martyrdom of

several Iranian military advisers in Syria are baseless," an official told Iran's Tasnim

news agency.

Speaking on state television, Khamenei reiterated longstanding calls for the US to "leave" the

Middle East, warning of defeat if they "confront Iran".

"One of the ways to confront Iran is to provoke inexperienced rulers of the region," he said,

in an apparent reference to Saudi Arabia's 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

"Americans are trying to provoke Saudi Arabia against Tehran ... Their aim is to create

more regional crisis ... to push Muslims to fight against Muslims."

"If these governments gain more wisdom, they will not confront Iran.

If they confront iran, they will be defeated."

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that the US was deeply concerned by

Iran's "destabilising and malign activities" in the Middle East.

Appearing to address those remarks, Khamenei said Iran had no intention of limiting its

influence in the region.

"Americans are the ones who should leave ... The Middle East, the west of Asia and the Persian

Gulf is our home," Khamenei said.

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