Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 12, 2017
Youtube daily but Dec 31 2017
Boom (In the "SKRRRRA"guy's voice)
Ear rape
More ear rape
Oh wait! Never mind, more ear rape.
Jesus, more frickin' ear rape
Stop (More ear rape)
Christ.....I think you can guess (It's more ear rape)
Waa (In Trump's voice)
Bye! (Also in Trump's voice)
*Sneeze *
For more infomation >> Guns, but I made them sound stupid. - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
William and Duchess Kate announced names for their third baby | But What in case of Twins? - Duration: 11:22.
Trump says Russia probe will be fair, but timeline unclear NYT - Duration: 2:56.
Trump says Russia probe will be fair, but timeline unclear NYT
The federal investigation has hung over Trump�s White House since he took office almost a
year ago, and some Trump allies have in recent weeks accused the team of Justice Department
Special Counsel Robert Mueller of being biased against the Republican president.
But in an interview with the New York Times, Trump appeared to shrug off concerns about
the investigation, which was prompted by U.S. intelligence agencies� conclusion that Russia
tried to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton by hacking and releasing embarrassing
emails and disseminating propaganda.
�There�s been no collusion.
But I think he�s going to be fair,� Trump said in what the Times described as a 30-minute
impromptu interview at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Mueller has charged four Trump associates in his investigation.
Russia has denied interfering in the U.S. election.
U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said this month that he was not aware of any
impropriety by Mueller�s team.
Trump�s lawyers have been saying for weeks that they had expected the Mueller investigation
to wrap up quickly, possibly by the end of 2017.
Mueller has not commented on how long it will last.
Trump told the Times that he did not know how long the investigation would take.
�Timing-wise, I can�t tell you.
I just don�t know,� he said.
Trump said he thought a prolonged probe �makes the country look bad� but said it has energized
his core supporters.
The interview was a rare break in Trump�s Christmas vacation in Florida.
He has golfed each day aside from Christmas Day, and mainly kept a low profile, apart
from the occasional flurry of tweets.
He spent one day golfing with Republican Senator David Perdue from Georgia, who has pushed
legislation to cap immigration numbers, and had dinner on Thursday with Commerce Secretary
Wilbur Ross, an international trade hawk.
Trump told the Times he hoped to work with Democrats in the U.S. Congress on a spending
plan to fix roads and other infrastructure, and on protections for a group of undocumented
immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
Trump spoke about trade issues, saying he had backed off his hard line on Chinese trade
practices in the hope that Beijing would do more to pressure North Korea to end its nuclear
and missile testing program.
He said he had been disappointed in the results.
He also complained about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which his administration
is attempting to renegotiate in talks with Mexico and Canada.Trump said Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau had played down the importance of Canadian oil and lumber exports
to the United States when looking at the balance of trade between the two countries.
�If I don�t make the right deal, I�ll terminate NAFTA in two seconds.
But we�re doing pretty good,�
BTS DNA but it's actually about biology and sung by a bored 15 year old - Duration: 3:46.
So I had this really great idea
To help me study for my bio final
The only problem, I forgot to make it
Until after my exam yesterday (I made this a while ago)
So in short
I'm probably screwed
And my grade
Gonna suffer
But, I can at least try to
Impress my teachers and peers by
Taking a song they think is trash and make it educational
The nucleus
Acts as the brain of all our little cells
You know what's inside that thingy?
It's holds all of our genetic make up
So bascally if you'll be hot or pretty
It's all decided in this tiny thingy
All of our ribosomes
Are tiny particles
Of this thing science likes to call
It's found throughout the cytoplasm
I bet you wanted me to go and say
Are the organelles that
Capture energy
From the sunlight
And convert into
Chemical energy
In photosynthesis
Why I even need to know this?
I'm not quite sure either
However I do know
The chemical formula
It's 6CO2 + 6H2O and light energy
And once the whole process is finally done taking place
(oh yeah)
It's turns into
C2H12O6 + 6O2
If you reverse this (photosynthesis)
You get the formula for cellular respiration
What that even is
To be honest I'm not quite sure
So basically if a plant lives or dies
It will eventually impact our lives
If all the plants are dead
We'll all be dead to!
Cause then we wouldn't have any
We would surely all be very dead
I bet you really wanted me to say
The mitochondria
Is the powerhouse of the cell
Oh please, did you really
Think that I
Would go
This whole song
Making that joke
The mitchondria
Is the powerhouse of the cell
It takes all of your FOOD
And converts into energy (for da cell)
Lala la lala
Lala la lala
Biology is very
Lala la lala
Lala la lala
But it would really help if I
(JK I did study)
(I promise I'm a good student ;-;)
(almost) every 9muses mv but it's just the song titles - Duration: 1:46.
no playboy
jameun anogo
baeneun gopeugo
jameun anogo baeneun gopeugo
jameun anogo
baeneun gopeugo
ipsure ipsul
love city
love city
love city
love city
love city
love city
love city
The H3 Vsauce podcast but it's actually good (part 2) - Duration: 2:03.
Today's guest ...
... is a saucy fellow
A Vsaucy fellow, if you will
You know ...
... I disagree
Level with me, Michael
How awful is it?
Can I put my mouth right on the mic?
It feels kinda good
Michael, or- uh
*Kisses microphone*
I was paid to fly to Peru to take drugs
That's very cool
I'm going insane
Tell me about my supple childlike ballsack
If you-
If you want to find your way out of a maze ...
Oh, I'm trying to remem-
Oh, yeah
Have you ever read the Unabomber's Manifesto?
Oh, yeah
Well, okay first of all
I've been feeling the desire for ...
We- uh
I've got a swampy
Oh no!
¿Qué pasas?
*Scream in terror*
God, I'm older than you
Is that strange?
By the way
There was a child orgy
Well, I don't talk about that
It's a gangbang on this one girl
And finally
Moth blood is not brown
I really wanted to be waterboarded
I think all drugs should be legal
I got electrocuted, bro
Nonono, that's boring
How fucking-
You're a- you're a real half uhh glass full guy aren't ya?
♪ Madness - Baggy Trousers ♪
Man, I hate my fucking hair
The Quran Affirms Paul, But Paul Condemns Muhammad (PvM 22) - Duration: 5:38.
Many Muslims today attack the Apostle Paul.
Imagine our surprise when we turn to classic Muslim commentators and find them promoting Paul.
Imagine our even greater surprise when we realize that the Qur'an itself affirms the
reliability of Paul.
Allah confirms the reliability of the Apostle Paul.
In chapter 61, verse 14 of the Qur'an, Allah says that he aided the true followers of Jesus
until they became uppermost over those who rejected Jesus.
Allah says:
"O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as Jesus son of Mary said to (his) disciples:
'Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah?'
The disciples said: 'We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah.'
So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved;
then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost."
In his commentary on this verse, Yusuf Ali says that it refers to Allah aiding the Christians
until they permeated the Roman Empire.
But the Christians who permeated the Roman Empire were what Muslims would call
"Pauline Christians"—they believed in the message and authority of the Apostle Paul.
So if Allah helped the true Christians rise to power, and the Christians who rose to power
believed in the message and authority of the Apostle Paul, we have Allah's stamp of approval
on the Apostle Paul.
One of the most respected Muslim commentators of all time, Qurtubi, comments on Surah 61,
verse 14 as follows:
"It was said that this verse was revealed about the apostles of Jesus,
may peace and blessings be upon him.
Ibn Ishaq stated that of the apostles and disciples that Jesus sent (to preach)
there were Peter and Paul who went to Rome . . ."
This is a Muslim scholar telling us that Paul was sent by Jesus.
The Muslim historian Tabari agrees that Paul was a follower of Jesus.
He writes:
"Among the apostles, and the followers who came after them were the Apostle Peter and
Paul who was a follower and not an apostle; they went to Rome."
Why would respected Muslim commentators list Paul among the true witnesses of Jesus
who preached in Rome?
The reason they describe Paul this way is that many classical Muslim commentators,
unlike Muslims today, based their views on the Qur'an.
Allah said that he sent the Gospel as a guidance for mankind, and that he would protect Jesus' followers.
So these commentators realized that to say that the Apostle Paul corrupted the Gospel
is to insult Allah.
If Allah sent the Gospel as a guidance and promised to protect Jesus' followers,
but was overpowered by the Apostle Paul, this would make Paul more powerful than Allah.
So when modern Muslims tell us that Allah's plans were foiled by the Apostle Paul,
they're not making Paul look bad; they're making Paul greater than their god.
These Muslims need to change the Takbir from "Allahu Akbar!" to "Bulusu Akbar!"
So the Qur'an affirms the reliability of Paul.
We can trust what Paul says, according to Allah.
And what does Paul say?
Galatians 1, verses 8-9:
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to
what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary
to what you received, he is to be accursed!"
Paul says that anyone who preaches a Gospel different from the one he preached
to the Galatians is under God's curse.
But Muhammad preached a Gospel different from the one Paul preached to the Galatians.
Hence, Muhammad is under God's curse.
The only way for Muslims to avoid this conclusion is to say that Paul was a deceiver
who corrupted Jesus' message.
But as we've seen, the Qur'an affirms the reliability of Paul.
And since Allah promised to protect Jesus' true followers and claimed that no one can
change his words, the only way Paul could have corrupted Jesus' message and led his
followers astray was to overpower Allah, which brings Muslims back to their new Takbir:
"Bulusu Akbar!"
Hi everyone.
Thanks for watching.
In case you stumbled upon this video while browsing or searching, I wanted to let you
know that it's part of a series comparing Paul and Muhammad.
So if you'd like to see the full series, be sure to click on the playlist.
If you're already in the playlist, you're about to see that, while Muhammad's message
self-destructs, Paul's doesn't.
Top 5 Rules That Make No Sense But Everyone Follows Anyways - Duration: 3:28.
Every culture is different- but there are somethings and some rules that the majority
of the world follows.
These are referred to as social norms.
No one knows why theyre in place and no one questions it.
We all just follow them-and that's what were going to be talking about today.
Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.
Before we get started I want to know- Whats one rule you always follow.
Let me know your answers down in the comment.
And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome
channel- we bring you guys videos 6 days a week.
Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what
other top 5 lists you like to see me do.
Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 rules that make no
sense but everyone follows anyways.
Im just going to give you guys a warning this list is going to make you think about things
in ways you never have before.
Coming in at our number 5 spot--Knocking on wood- yeah this is a very weird superstition
yet when you talk about someone dying your suppose to knock on wood to stop it from happening.
Its also used when you talk about a possible positive opportunity coming up but you don't
want to jinx it.
Perhaps youre trying out for the lead in the school play or think youll be getting a promotion
at work- if you talk about it out loud then the next step is to automatically knock on
the nearest wooden surface.
Now- how could knocking on a piece of wood possibly help you out?
Well it doesnt.
its pretty much just mind over matter and its just something you can do to make yourself
feel better.
In at number 4--Eating together- now when you go out to a restaurant with a group of
people its inevitable that some people are going to get their food before others.
And yet the people who get their food need to wait until everyone has food in front of
them before they start eating.
Yeah that's just called being polite.
But when you think about it- it really doesn't make sense because the persons food will get
But being a good person matters more- right?
At number 3--Facing forward- ok this one actually surprised me- the fact that we always face
forward in an elevator.
Its like just an unspoken rule that everyone happens to follow.
I mean yeah you face the door because once it hits your floor youll be getting off.
But why when we get in an elevator do we automatically turn back around?
I mean either way were facing a blank wall.
Another unspoken elevator rule is scooting as far away form your fellow passengers as
When someone else gets on we scoot over to the other side automatically- who knows why
or when that started to happen.
But pretty much everyone does it.
Coming in at number 2--Birthday candles- something we learn from a young age is that a birthday
cake is suppose to have candles on it.
But when you think about it whats the point of putting a bunch of flaming wax sticks on
your cake each year?
I mean the wax just drips off onto the cake anyway.
Yes it's a nice sentiment because it symbolizes you making your birthday wish once you blow
them out.
but you can do the same thing with making the first cut into the cake.
Im going to be honest with you guys I don't like that this list is making me question
It's a beloved rule that im going to continue to do.
Even though now im confused on why it's a thing.
But it looks pretty and its meaningful at this point.
So yeah bring on the candles.
And in at number 1--Wearing different clothes everyday- now this makes sense for people
who only can wear their clothes for one day because after a few hours they get their clothes
all dirty and have them smelling like sweat.
But if our day is less grueling and your just chilling and not doing any running around
and keep your clothes clean and smelling fresh then why is it so weird if you wear them 2
days in a row?
Ill tell you why Because the judgmental people at your school or workplace will think youre
weird that's why.
They will think your dirty- lazy and don't have any clean clothes.
So to avoid all of that we need to look different everyday.
Now obviously underwear needs to be changed everyday for hygiene reasons.
But who cares if you wear the same t-shirt from yesterday?
It shouldn't matter yet it does and its something almost everybody follows.
And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 rules that make no sense but everyone
follows anyways.
Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.
Lilith was Adam's first wife, not Eve, but the Bible - Duration: 5:32.
Lilith was Adam's first wife, not Eve, but the Bible Kept It Secret
The Bible tells the story of how Earth was created and the start of humanity.
In the text, it says that man was created in the image of God, and then after finding
that man was lonely, he took a rib from Adam and created Eve.
However, it has been suggested that there is a part of the story that was not told in
the Bible and this is that the first woman was Lilith, not Eve.
Lilith Was Banished By God For Being More Willful
Lilith is said to have been the first woman in the world and was created by God at the
same time as he created Adam.
It is said that Lilith was then banished and rejected by God after it was found that she
was stronger and more intelligent that Adam and she would not obey the commands of Adam.
The character was not mentioned in the Bible to understand the origin of humanity as Lilith
was said to go against the tradition of the church in that women must obey a man and women
were in a lower position than men.
The traditional Bible has gone through many religious filters to ensure that it loses
some of the important sections and pieces.
However, there is a part that has been left in it that suggests God created not only a
man but a woman at the same time instead of later as it has been suggested in the Bible
when the rib was taken from Adam.
Lilith - Demon and first wife of Adam
Proof Man And Women Were Created At Same Time The original text from the King James Bible
of Genesis 1: 27 says �And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them.�
This leads us to believe that God created both man and woman at the same time.
It is said to be the clearest proof that both were created at the same time and could be
proof of the existence of Lilith.
Lilith had been created equal to Adam.
While she would have had different organs inside, the reproductive organs, in general
terms they both had the same strength and character.
But Where Did Lilith Go?
Catholic churches censored the apocryphal texts.
Lilith had been a woman who had a character that was firm, and she was intelligent and
seemed to be superior to Adam.
However, Adam was more dominant in character and had a carnal appetite.
In intimacy, Lilith demanded that Adam be on her, and she could be on him, but Adam
This was said to have caused conflict and so there was a separation of the two and Lilith
was banned by God when Adam asked.
The apocryphal book of Genesis states �Why should I lie beneath you?
He asked: I was also made with dust, and therefore I am your equal � As Adam tried to force
her to obey, Lilith, angry, pronounced the name of God, and left.�
But if Lilith went, the big question is where did she go?
There was only supposed to be two people at that time.
It was suggested that she ran straight into the arms of the devil.
It was said that all creatures lived in the Garden of Eden and there were demons.
These were beings that had specific functions, and they were not allowed to be in any contact
with any other creature.
Lilith left Adam and went to Samael, one of the demons, and she bore his offspring.
It was said that she then pronounced the name of God and so God cursed her with the generation
that procreated with Samael.
The text says �She liked the man�s reproductive liquid very much, and she always walks to
the point of seeing where she has fallen.
All the liquid of man that does not end in the matrix of the wife is hers: all the seminal
liquid that man finds wasted throughout his life, whether by adultery, by vice or in sleep.�
Lilith was made into a demon with God cursing her and all of her offspring.
When Lilith was cursed God realized that Adam was all alone again and chose to make him
a companion.
This time in order to ensure that is companion would be obedient he took one of Adams own
ribs and created Eve.
Eve was the second wife of Adam and in the Bible was said to be the one behind the sin
of the forbidden fruit.
Adam was said to have lived with Eve without issue until they both got expelled from paradise
and this was when humanity in permanent sin started.
It seems that what caused trouble with the old hierarchy of the church was the fact of
the relationship with seduction along with pleasure and equality.
Through history, the religions that have been established there have not been equality between
the female and the male religious figures.
This saw the accounts of Lilith being censored from the Bible as it gave ideas of empowerment
to women.
Lilith was the first woman, before Eve, to exist but she was more intelligent and rebellious
and had a better character than man, so she was punished and censured.
See the additional video.
The video link is in the article source link below
in our description.
Des O'Connor sparks health concerns after Christmas illness – but he's "recovering fine" now - Duration: 2:49.
Des O'Connor sparks health concerns after Christmas illness – but he's "recovering fine" now
Popular entertainer Des OConnor is recovering fine after sparking concerns over his health over the Christmas period. According to The Sun, OConnor shared that he was feeling unwell on Twitter, prompting fans to send get well soon wishes his way.
While the post appears to have since been deleted, fans replies can still be seen on the social networking site:.
However, a spokeswoman for Des has since revealed that theres nothing to worry about, adding that Des family had picked up a virus on Sunday (December 24).
All the family picked up a tummy virus on Christmas Eve – but theyve been checked out and theyre all clear and recovering fine now, the spokeswoman told The Sun.
The entertainer certainly seemed to be feeling better on Christmas Day too as he wished all of his followers a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to each and every one of you! And thanks for all your lovely and funny messages this year. Im beginning to like this Twittery thing! he said.
Des spent his 2017 touring in two different shows – the first a solo gig titled The Ultimate Des OConnor, and in the second he performed alongside Jimmy Tarbuck in Des OConnor & Jimmy Tarbuck Live on Stage.
He played his last show of 2017 earlier this month, and later tweeted that he was celebrating the shows completely with mince pies and brandy custard (our kind of guy).
OConnors showbiz career spans over 60 years and the veteran comedian, singer and entertainer was honoured with a TV special to mark his 80th birthday back in 2012.
More recently, Des OConnor featured on an episode of Keith Lemons Through the Keyhole in an episode that saw Keiths antics lead lead to the destruction of a £1 million guitar.
Ant McPartlin enjoys night out with sister – but leaves wedding ring at home - Duration: 1:58.
Ant McPartlin enjoys night out with sister – but leaves wedding ring at home
Ant McPartlin was seen enjoying a night out with his sister Sarah in London, although minus his wedding ring.
The presenter and his lookalike sister were seen smiling on a night out in the capital following Ants return from visiting the rest of the family up north for Christmas.
But as the two made their way through the town Ants left hand could be seen without his wedding ring. He was also seen without the jewellery earlier this week when he headed home for Christmas.
The TV presenter and his wife Lisa have reportedly been living apart since he spent time in rehab earlier this year to deal with an addiction to painkillers.
In photos acquired by The Sun earlier this week, the 42-year-old was seen arriving in Newcastle Airport without his wife when he flew home for Christmas – or his wedding ring for the first time.
It is believed that Ant spent Christmas with his mother Christine.
A source told The Sun at the time: 'He felt it was best he spent Christmas up North with his mum and gave them both some space to think ahead of the New Year.
'He's now looking forward to a family Christmas and trying to put a brave face on.
NHL NEWS - Golden Knights fun to watch, but can a losing streak derail them? - Duration: 12:27.
They're getting ready to throw parades, and the balloons are up.
But here's a message to the Vegas Golden Knights.
You haven't accomplished anything until you've had some boos to go with the cheers.
That doesn't come from me.
Take it from someone like a coach who has been to the Stanley Cup Final.
ESPN's Barry Melrose was on "My Guys in the Desert" Thursday on VSiN, and he told me, "The test will come when the Golden Knights lose five or six in a row.
It will happen.
It happens to every team in the National Hockey League.".
But that probably wasn't the statement that will resonate the most this week for the Golden Knights.
The loudest words came from Drew Doughty of the Los Angeles Kings after they lost at home to Vegas on Thursday.
Doughty told The Los Angeles Times that the Knights "frustrate you with their forecheck.
You make turnovers — they get chances that way, BUT there's no way they're going to be a better team than us at the end of the season.".
The gauntlet is thrown down.
The windows are open.
Let's say the Golden Knights shock Melrose and Doughty and the rest of the hockey world.
What if they don't suffer a five-game losing streak? What if they keep frustrating teams with their forecheck through the Stanley Cup Final? If they pull that off, the books around here are going to take a bashing.
It will make the bath that the Houston Astros gave the books on Nov.
1 look like a kiddy pool.
On Sunday afternoon the Golden Knights host the Toronto Maple Leafs, who beat them 4-3 in a November shootout north of the border.
Auston Matthews had three shots and an assist that night, and that was it.
You can't count on him being so quiet when he visits the T-Mobile Arena.
Matthews grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona, and that provides a lesson in another non-hockey part of the world.
The story goes that before he could even remember, Matthews got hooked on hockey by watching the Zambonis clean the ice at Coyotes games.
He grew up on a growing youth program in the Phoenix area, and that's exactly what's going to happen with the Golden Knights here in Las Vegas.
Youth programs in new markets have not only spread the word, they have provided a wealth of hockey talent.
It happened in St.
Louis, which was not a hockey town until the Blues arrived 50 years ago.
Now it is sending players to the NFL the way Phoenix has with Matthews.
It will also happen in Las Vegas.
The Vegas flu is also spreading, and even though the Maple Leafs have to play Friday night in Colorado, they'll have all day to catch the bug on Saturday.
There's a reason that those T-shirts in the VSiN on-line store that say "Vegas Flu, Puck Yeah" are selling like crazy.
But it's not just here.
When the Golden Knights beat the Ducks and the Kings on back-to-back nights on the road this week, coach Gerard Gallant showed that he has two viable goaltenders.
Malcolm Subban made 27 saves in Wednesday's 4-1 win at Anaheim, and Marc-André Fleury had 26 in his 700th game, Thursday's 3-2 overtime win at L.A.
Having those two makes back-to-back games much more manageable.
Whether or not Melrose and Doughty end up being right with their predictions, there's no doubting now that the Golden Knights just keep coming.
They dig into the corners.
They forecheck.
No one player ever stands out.
It's just a team effort.
Let's just say it, folks.
The Golden Knights are really fun to watch.
Bowl game picks.
The New Year's Six bowl games have arrived, meaning we are in for the best college football that winter has to offer.
These are the games that will attract the most betting attention in Las Vegas and globally with five more stops on the road to Atlanta and Jan.
8 finale.
— Fiesta Bowl, Saturday at Glendale, Ariz.
Washington (o/u 55) vs. Penn State (–2½).
All eyes will be on Saquon Barkley, who went from being the Heisman favorite to not even getting an invite to New York.
He is expected to be an early choice next spring in the NFL Draft.
He is a very powerful young man with an impressive burst of speed.
Not only must Barkley face a Husky defense that is the nation's best at stopping the run, but he and quarterback Trace McSorley will not have offensive coordinator Joe Moorhead.
That's because he is the new head coach at Mississippi State.
I like Washington and the over.
— Orange Bowl – Saturday at Miami Gardens, Fla.
Wisconsin (–5) at Miami-Fla. (o/u 45).
The question about this game has always been how interested will the Hurricanes be playing at home, where they've been there and done that? Meanwhile, the Badgers are celebrating another outstanding season under Paul Chryst, and they have one of the most overlooked running backs in the country in Jonathan Taylor.
If quarterback Malik Rosier looks more like he did in the middle of the season than at the end, the Hurricanes will have a chance to at least cover.
I picked Miami and the under.
— Peach Bowl – Monday at Atlanta.
UCF (o/u 67) vs. Auburn (–9½).
New Nebraska coach Scott Frost will coach the Knights this last time.
It says here that that presents an awkward situation, and so did Frost's running back Adrian Killins.
He told the Orlando Sentinel that SEC players "don't have a lot of speed.
Auburn hasn't seen any speed like we have here." Clearly this young man doesn't know a thing about the SEC.
Just ask Alabama.
If any of these games has blowout written on it, it's this one.
Since Killins opened his mouth, I like Auburn to take care of business and the drive the score over.
That brings us to college football's final four.
— Rose Bowl – Monday at Pasadena, Calif.
Georgia (–2) vs. Oklahoma (o/u 60).
This game comes down to whether the Bulldogs secondary can stop under-the-weather Heisman winner Baker Mayfield.
I broadcast the Sugar Bowl last January, when the Sooners carved up Auburn 35-19.
The 'Dawgs haven't faced a downfield attack like that all year.
Mayfield comes to play, and I love his moxie.
On the other side Jake Fromm is an excellent, freshman quarterback for the Bulldogs.
I picked Georgia and the under for this one, but I don't have a strong opinion.
I think I'm just going to watch and enjoy this one.
— Sugar Bowl – Monday at New Orleans.
Alabama (–3) vs. Clemson (47).
Beware of a Nick Saban team that has been disrespected by much of the nation and given five weeks to prepare.
Conventional wisdom says that this Clemson team is as good as the one that beat 'Bama in last season's national championship game.
I say prove it.
If the Tide can cobble together its injured linebacking corps, the 'Bama defense will be fierce.
It will be a fistfight all the way, but I'm leaning to the Tide and the under.
It looks like the betting public and the sharps are all-in on an all-SEC final.
If only they could convince Adrian Killins.
Brent Musburger's betting column appears Saturday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
His show on the Vegas Stats & Information Network can be heard on SiriusXM 204 and livestreamed at
Kim Kardashian Deletes Christmas Pics From Instagram: But Why? | news 24h - Duration: 3:28.
Kim Kardashian Just Deleted All Of The Family Christmas Photos From Instagram — But Why?
Kim Kardashian mysteriously removed all of the adorable Kardashian Christmas cards from her Instagram.
Why did she take away all of those cute family pics?!.
Only a few days after Christmas 2017, Kim Kardashian, 37, took away the best gifts that fans received from the reality TV star during the holiday season: the Kardashian familys Christmas card pictures she posted on Instagram.
Dont even bother double-checking her account: theyre deleted, gone, no more.
Look, we get its after Christmas and all — but if our neighbors can keep up their annoying decorations for a full week after Dec.
25, you can make sure those adorable Christmas photos are still available on Instagram, Kim! As for the reason why she pulled this Scrooge-like move and deleted the pics in question, were still in the dark.
It might be due to the fact that the final Kardashian Christmas card on Dec.
25 did not feature Kylie Jenners baby bump, which caused a backlash from fans.
Thankfully for all of you, you can still check out all of the pics from the Kardashians Christmas card in our gallery above.
We reported earlier how Kims new 2018 resolution is to stop obsessing over her booty and to accept her body as it is.
While were super glad shes made such a body-positive goal for the new year, we also wish shed make a resolution to not delete her holiday card photos in the upcoming year.
Seriously, those pics get us through the tough times, Kim.
Meanwhile, Kim was surprised by husband Kanye West, 40, with a huge stocking stuff: actual stocks to the companies Disney, Netflix, Apple, Amazon and Adidas.
While you wish Kim would re-gift us those cute Kardashian family Christmas card pics, click here to see sexy pics of celebs, including Kim, who had the raciest, practically nude selfies of 2017.
HollywoodLifers, why do you think Kim chose to remove those Christmas pictures? Let us know your theories in the comment section below.
Lewis Hamilton 'dresses like Rita Ora' – but still 'mocked' nephew dressed like a princess - Duration: 1:35.
Lewis Hamilton 'dresses like Rita Ora' – but still 'mocked' nephew dressed like a princess
Under-fire Lewis Hamilton was slammed last week for mocking his nephew Kaiden for dressing like a princess at Christmas.
In the controversial video, Hamilton asks his nephew: "Why are you wearing a princess dress? Is this what you got for Christmas?" He then ends the video by loudly asserting: "Boys don't wear princess dresses!".
The post has since been removed. But the Formula One champ has his own fetish for women's fashion – and it looks like he is taking tips from pop babe Rita Ora, 27.
Lewis, 32, has worn a string of outfits which could have come straight out of the singer's wardrobe.
He wore a tartan number to the London Fashion Awards but appears to have nabbed the look from Rita's Paris Fashion Week outfit back in 2013.
And Lewis donned a snazzy flowery jacket and hat for the Minions premiere in 2015 after Rita was pictured in New York in a similar outfit.
The true protogent song but when they lie it gets faster - Duration: 0:29.
so fast i cant tell
im bored but robux / Roblox - swordburst2 and would you rather - Duration: 6:27.
Nevermind ending here forgott how to add a video to another video im really horrible at this editing stuff
Youtube daily do Dec 31 2017
"Shines!! I'll wait, I'll wait"
"Wait...what was it?"
"I promise that you'll never feel the pain"
"I'll wait...I love..."
For more infomation >> Cutest little girl singing "Little Do You Know" and "Attention" Over Walkie-Talkie!! - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
Are You Depressed? + What You Need To Do! - Duration: 2:59.
Hi I'm Ryan and I suffer with depression.
And I'm going to tell you about it.
So what is Depression?
So simply put, depression is very complex.
Commonly people will tell you that it's due to low levels of chemicals in the brain.
But it isn't just that.
Really it's an unsure illness that really doesn't have a solid origin.
So I'm sorry for the vauge explaination but what you should really want to know is that
if you have it or not.
But before we talk about that, let me give you some basics.
So who gets depression?
Yet again it's another vauge answer.
Absolutely anyone can suffer from it and at any age too!
So other people I know have had it from hormonal imbalnces, pregnancy, stress but the list
is very long and some people claim that it can even happen randomly.
So I guess you're wondering, what does depression feel like?
So many depressed people will have very little ambition and they will become a very unhappy person generally.
So common symtpoms are fatigue, concentration difficulties, a lack of interest in things
that you once found pleasureabe and a very wide range of emotions that won't make sense to you.
In the description I'll give you a link to other symtpoms that you may get, these are
from the NHS website and webMD.
So if you're wondering what you should do, a good place to start is going to your family
doctor, other places you can go are places that specialise in mental health or any specialists
in your local area, whether it's a paid or free appointment.
So what these people will be able to do, is give you some advice, they may be even able
to diagnose you.
So one tip I have is to be very honest with them, give them as much information as you
can and they'll be able to do the best for you.
If you're wondering what makes me a professional about depression.
I've suffered with it since I was about six years old and that was actually the first
time I saw a psychologist.
I've been on varying ammounts of medication and I've tried a dozen plus techniques of
how to deal with stress and anxiety and just general wellbeing.
The way it used to affect me is that I tend to hide away and not deal with a lot of problems.
Now I'm able to do a lot more in my life, I still get the odd day that, you know is
not a great day and I feel bad but I try to get on with as much as I can and just stay
positive and stay active.
And I found that that helps a lot in trying to battle against depression.
So in the next episode I'll talk about what I've found helpful in my long battle with depression.
I'll be talking about mindfulness and just general positive thinking.
And I'll also give you some tips that I've found helpful along the way.
So I've been Ryan and thanks for watching.
And give us a comment if there's anything you want to share or us to cover.
10 Things To Do Yearly - Life Maintenance Checklist - Duration: 6:35.
Brainy Dose Presents:
10 Things To Do Yearly – Life Maintenance Checklist
Most of life is maintenance.
Paying bills, buying groceries, doing laundry, and so on.
We're running around, juggling our responsibilities, while trying to have some fun, too.
It becomes so easy to forget the little things that enrich our lives and make it better.
The start of each year is a time where we tend do a lot of soul searching.
Most of us see it as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, and make resolutions for
the year ahead.
In addition to those intentions though, there are a number of things that you can do over
the course of the year that will drastically improve your life.
Here are 10 things you should do at least once a year!
Number 1 - Declutter
Your wardrobe.
Your purse.
The contact list on your phone.
Your email inbox.
Get rid of everything you don't need or that brings back bad memories.
Everything that's in your life should be useful, make you happy, or motivate you.
If it isn't doing any of these things, it's just taking up unnecessary space.
Number 2 - Rearrange Your Space
The purpose of things and where they are placed change the whole ambiance of a room.
Personal space carries energy, so change the orientation of your bed, move your TV, move
your computer desk, put your favorite lamp somewhere else, and you'll probably perceive
things differently from last year.
Just make sure it's for the better!
Number 3 – Invest In Some New Clothes & Shoes
Updating your wardrobe can be very satisfying.
It will boost your confidence and improve your appearance.
Fit is everything, so only buy clothes that are comfortable and shoes that feel like you're
walking on a cloud all day.
If you can afford it, don't hesitate to spend a little bit more on quality clothing,
and always remember that quality doesn't necessarily mean the most expensive brands.
Trust me, an $800 Gucci T-shirt won't be any more comfortable than a $20 one.
If you hate clothes shopping or never know what to buy, take a friend with you.
Preferably one that has a good sense for color matching and wardrobe styling.
Number 4 – Clean Up Your E-Life
Nowadays, almost everyone on the planet spends much of their time on a computer, and the
more time that you spend on it, the more cluttered it becomes.
You know what I mean…
If your desktop or laptop is filled with icons from top to bottom, it's definitely time
for a cleaning.
You can start by creating a folder for various things.
Create a folder for your music collection, where you can also create sub-folders for
different genres, then a folder for your documents, another for movies, and so on.
While you're at it, make sure to check that your security software is up to date.
Once that's done, pull up your social networks and evaluate your connections.
This is a good time declutter those as well.
Yeah it looks cool when you have 2000 Facebook friends, but how many do you actually talk
Number 5 - Reflect
Take some time to reflect on things you want more of.
Be it romantic love, appreciation, better friends or whatever.
Decide how you will actively give that to others.
Perceiving lack from others is often a reflection of what we aren't giving enough of ourselves.
Karma works magic in this department - the more you give, the more you will get.
Number 6 - Make A List
Make a list of the things you value, and then a list of ways you're going to make those
things a priority.
If you care more about your friend's feelings than you do about some temporary
frustration, make your friend the priority.
If you care more about living peacefully with your roommate than fighting over another dirty
dish, prioritize that.
Decide what matters more to you most, and how you're going to resolve your issues.
The best way to get over something is to simply start caring about something else more.
Number 7 - Travel
Often people neglect travel only to buy a new TV, PS4, or whatever is the latest hot
product on the market.
But these are all things that will become obsolete in a few years and it's very unlikely
that you will think back and say, "I remember those magical nights when I would play Call
of Duty until 6am".
Travelling expands your horizons and creates lifelong memories.
Visiting a new place can do wonders.
This doesn't have to be a 2 month expedition through another continent.
Even if it's a place just an hour away, that will do.
Just spend a week or two somewhere else.
Visiting a new place will change your outlook and it will always be exciting to look back
It will definitely become one of the highlights of the year, believe me.
You may even find an incredible new place, meet new people, and see some amazing architecture.
And they will not only make great memories but you will have some great stories to tell.
Number 8 - Surprise Someone
Do something surprising and unbelievably kind for someone who will not expect it.
Send flowers to a random friend, give them a gift card, or take someone you love out
for a special dinner.
Do something that is so generous you couldn't possibly do it regularly.
A kind gesture that would make somebody else's year complete, knowing that somebody cared
enough about them to do something at that level.
Number 9 - Take Somebody On A Date
Things have changed a lot.
Before the internet, people actually went out on dates.
Yeah… can you believe it?
I'm talking about a time when you didn't just swipe a screen to have someone appear
in your bed.
Take someone out on a real date.
Make a reservation at a restaurant and get tickets to a show.
You will make the person feel special because everybody knows that planning these things
takes time, effort, and care.
Number 10 - Try Something New
One of the best ways to improve yourself is to try a new activity.
It can be painting, photography, cooking or whatever.
It doesn't really matter, as long as it's something new.
Now while this sounds great, the problem is that most people want to do new things, but
they never seem to get around to it.
So what can you do?
I suggest looking online for classes in your area.
Enroll yourself in one of those evening classes where you go once a week for a few hours.
It will only cost a couple hundred dollars but you will feel committed so you will actually
And who knows?
Perhaps you will discover a talent you never knew you had!
What do you think?
Share your thoughts and comments below!
Thanks for watching and thanks for subscribing!
If you thought this video was useful, give it a thumbs up.
If you haven't subscribed yet, hit the subscribe button to see more videos from us.
Hey uhh...before you do any of that can you go fire my truck up man...
Yeah... its F******* cold out there
yeah, we need to have a lil chit chat though man, its uhhh....pretty serious...
yeah..whats up ?
uhhh....well....Just go ahead and start the car...and well talk about it....just uhhh Mentally Prepare yourself....aight?
I said just mentally prepare yourself!
**Door opens**
whats going on.....?
Alright have a seat bro....something we need to address here....
trying to think of the best way this without being a....
A dick here....
I noticed this week man and it's just you know one thing being late today whatever
okay I'm not going to tripping out that....something came to my attention this week that I just gotta adress it right now...
your more than welcome to....
I think this is pretty much the terminating factor man....sooo I guess I dunno how to say this but........
HOW TO DO THE ELASTICO - Ronaldinho Football/Soccer Skill - TUTORIAL (Como fazer o ELÁSTICO) - Duration: 3:13.
Hi guys! Here's FreeKicksPT
And welcome to a new tutorial!
Today's video
Is "How To Do The Elastico"
This skill is used by players like Cristiano & Neymar
And Ronaldinho used this trick a lot too
If you enjoy the video don't forget to "like" the video! That helps a lot
And now, let's start the tutorial!
This trick has 2 ways to do it
You can do it with the outside of your foot, like this:
But you can also do it with the inside of your foot
So in the 1st step you have to drag the ball with your STRONG foot, to the side of your STRONG foot
If your strong foot is the right foot, drag to the right side
If your strong foot is the left foot, drag to the left side
In the 2nd step you have to do the opposite movement
First you do this movement
And then you do the opposite
Like this
You can also do it with the inside of your foot
Well guys, this was the video!
If you enjoyed it leave a "like" because it helps us a lot :)
Subscribe the channel and turn ON notifications (so you won't miss any video!)
Follow us on Social Media, especially on Instagram (@freekickspt)
Comment down below which video you'd like to see here!
It can be another skill, another type of video... Just let us know!
And see you in the next video!!!
A ORIGEM DAS TRADIÇÕES DO ANO NOVO- #UP Studios 03 - Duration: 3:54.
Prezenty ,prezenty i DO SIEGO ROKU!!!!!Malawi Dory.Akwarysta Niedzielny - Duration: 3:19.
What to Do When DCF Knocks... - Duration: 1:16.
Hi my name is Kevin Seaver.
I am a trusted lawyer since 1991, a recognized expert successfully specializing in fighting
The Department of Children and Families or more commonly known as DCF.
Today I want to talk about DCF investigations, a very important component to you and your
family when you are involved with The Department of Children and Families.
Do not speak to DCF until you speak to me first, when DCF comes knocking on your door,
you have protected constitutional rights.
Why is this so important?
Everything you tell DCF can and will be held against you and utilized at later hearings,
such as a: Fair Hearing, Juvenile Court where they seek custody of your children, Probate
and Family Court where they can also seek custody of your children, or Criminal Hearing
with the District Attorney and Law Enforcement, as well as any appeal to the Superior Court,
Supreme Judicial Court, or the Appellate Court.
If you do not know what your legal rights are, you have no legal rights!
Exercise your legal rights!
Call Me!
Call attorney Kevin Seaver (617) 263-2633.
Thank you.
Do pralesa a pod hladinu, Nová Kaledonie, Into the forest and under the water, New Caledonia - Duration: 7:01.
Next day was an active day.
This is a tree with the biggest perimeter I have seen in the forest today
First I ascended some hundred meters above the sea level
and then I descend few meters under the water
but, let´s start from the beginning
An evening came to Coral sea coast
and shortly after the evening came the darkness
First of all we took part in collective eel feeding
"What for a nice meal!"
"You would devour everything!"
"There is a small one!"
And then we had a relax
An evening in "Gite de Ouane Batch",
we are charging our mobiles and we also have wifi here...
The next day
"It is 4th of January, about quarter to eleven,
it is terribly hot
and I am ascending in the mountains above Ouane Batch."
"There down, there is a sea and I still have some meters to go up,
I am totally in a lather of sweat and tired,
but I will be in the forest early..."
Finally cooling shadow
"I like water from this brook very much,
I was looking forward to drink this water again
and I have to take it with me in the mountains,
as I do not know, when will I find another water..."
"I found interesting fruits here,
they are blue, look like our plums
and when I open them, they are beautifully red inside.
It smells splendidly good, I would like to eat it,
but I will better not to do it..."
Trunk of this fern is of a very strange shape,
from this angle of view it looks very thin,
but if you look from the side, it is very different.
Beautiful scene of mountain range falling directly into the ocean
End of forest!
Let´s go to water!
"While it looks like a rainy weather in the mountains,
with a mist instead of mountains now,
I go to check local reef that is protected
and should be therefore interesting"
So, let´s go to look there down together...
I almost forgot today´s rock song...
so, play!
"This was the reef in Ouane Batch.
Unfortunately the water was rather muddy
and the cloudy sky didn´t help to good visibility too,
but for basic image it was enough I hope.
I am somewhat burnt, probably by some sea anemone,
but nothing serious..."
So, it is packing time again
and as we extended the morning siesta until half past one,
we must hope to get to Koumac until the dusk.
On the way to our good hitchhiking place,
we are crossing the bridge by local tourist attraction-
Colnett waterfall
And here the river flows into the sea
Hitchhike was good,
so we saw the sun falling in the sea already on the western coast
and we were back home, close to Koumac
See you next time...
AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 179 PARTE 1 - Duration: 1:52:57.
Zapraszam do Sweet Volcanowes - Duration: 0:33.
SkyWay – tak vypadá cesta do budoucnosti (RU, s CZ titulky) - Duration: 3:59.
CD Capoeira Angola Novo - Mestre Pelé - A Paixão do Tempo Velho - Duration: 2:24.
AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 178 - Duration: 30:36.
O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Mariano descobre maldades de Sophia e se une a Clara - Duration: 2:14.
Health Tips - 6 Things You Didn't Know Your Penis Could Do - Healthy Wealthy - Duration: 3:34.
Health Tips - 6 Things You Didn't Know Your Penis Could Do - Healthy Wealthy
O Colecionário 020 (Parte 9)- A SAGA DO SAGA! Review Saga de Gêmeos Saint Cloth Legend Bandai - Duration: 17:29.
O primeiro vídeo do jokasio - Duration: 3:28.
What Should You Do To Achieve Your Fitness Goals | Reaching Your Fitness Goals | Tamil - Duration: 8:39.
So for achieving your fitness goal you spend
endless hours in your workouts
your aim may be for fat loss or muscle gain whatever
for this to happen what important things
basic things to follow
thats what we are going to see in this video
Please dont skip this video or else you may not understand some important things I say
first point for achieving your fitness goals
I bet you know
everybody does that regularly
Workout's importance
most people know about it
weight training improves muscle growth
improves muscle endurance
improves muscle strength
in case of cardio workouts
it improves heart health
all these kind of workouts regulates cholestrol levels
mainly increases good cholestrol called High Density Lipoprotein
lowers bad cholestrol called Low density lipoprotein
lowers stress
like that so many reasons are there
doing workouts
in case of people who dont want to go to gym or elderly people
30 minutes of fast walking or jogging will help
aerobic activities
those kind of activities also is a kind of cardio workouts
so many advantages are there
You viewers I think will also be knowing these
that your workout is very important for achieving your workout goals
As you might know all these things I dont want to talk much about it
but the truth is
for achieving your workout goals
these workouts only help for about 20% of your fitness goals
this may be even shocking for somebody
be it fat loss or muscle gain these help for only 20% of your goals
so what about balance 80% ?
of your fitness goal
can be done only with nutrition
but a shocking truth is
many so called 'professional people'(not properly educated or experienced regarding fitness)
are not properly stressing enough about nutrition
it should always be stressed more
but thats not happening..The biggest problem I see
Nutrition is the reason for many people
complaining about not reaching their fitness goals even after doing so many workouts
except some Medical Conditions
so its important to provide proper nutrients
for your fitness goals
balancing carbs, protein and fats
especially good nutrients
those 'JUNK FOODS'
nutrition less foods
if added
you will not achieve your fitness goals whatever
why are they called 'JUNK'
it means garbage
thats the reason its called junk
so if you put junk foods inside your body your body will reflect the same
so junk foods should be avoided
without talking about nutrition
it doesn't make sense talking about changing workout routine
nutrition should be given primary importance
if not then I don't think they are proper professional people in fitness
I have spoken in the previous video about
that I will speak about abdominal fat reduction
all these things I said in this video are important only But
especially I meant this NUTRITION topic only
as I said in previous video spot reduction cant be done
you cant reduce fat in stomach alone
when your body fat % drops down, your abdomen fat will also reduce..
thats how it works
then what about Supplements?
its just a small part
It doesnt make sense introducing supplements in to your diet when your nutrition is not proper
nothing is going to happen if you do that
If anyone gives you advice regarding supplements
without talking about your nutrition
if they talk about supplements assuring that you will reach your goals
those people for sure CANT be professional people
if you correct your workouts and nutrition
you will definitely achieve your fitness goals
supplements dont change anything...Thats the truth!!
but supplements also have a small role
a small place
which suplement works which way?, for who to advise?
for whom should it be advised? when to advise?
I will talk about those things in some upcoming videos
but in this video, we are talking about basic needs to achieve a fitness goal
for that supplements is NOT important
your nutrition is only important
so you initiate 50% of muscle growth in the gym
and after proper nutrition you activate muscle growth 100%
But where will muscle growth take place?
inside the gym??
muscle growth occurs outside the gym only
it happens only when you rest
in your sleep
not only muscle growth
process like height growth, skin growth, nails,hair growth
all these grows while you rest
rest is important
fat loss can be achieved more effectively while you rest according to research
if others are done properly and you dont give enough rest
like about 7-8 hours of sleep
you may not reach your fitness target
rest is important to reduce stress
all these 3 things combined are impotrant to achieve your fitness goals
I hope this clears your confusion
see you next time
Bye.. Take Care..