Y'all let me know if you need a [bleep] edit.
'Cause I have a lot of videos of me saying the word [bleep].
Try not to be so pitchy this time.
...from today.
Ramblers in the wilderness, we can't find what we need
get a little restless from the searching,
get a little worn out in between
Like a bull chasing a matador is a man left to his own schemes
everybody needs someone beside 'em
shining like a lighthouse from the sea
Brother, let me be your shelter
never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
when you're low
Brother, let me be your fortress
when the night winds are drivin' on
be the one to light the way,
bring you home
Face down in the desert now, there's a cage locked around my heart,
found a way to drop the keys where my failures were, now my hands can't reach that far
I ain't made for a rivalry, I could never take the world alone
Know that in my weakness I am strong, but it's your love that brings me home
Brother, let me be your shelter
never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
when you're low
Brother, let me be your fortress
when the night winds are drivin' on
be the one to light the way,
bring you home
And when you call
and need me here
sayin, "where'd you go?"
brother, I'm right here
And on those days
when the sky begins to fall
you're the blood of my blood
we can get through it all
This is the sound of one voice
one spirit, one voice
the sound of one who's made a choice
This is the sound of one voice
This is the sound of one voice
This is the sound of all of us
singing with love and the will to trust
leave the rest behind, it will turn to dust
this is the sound of all of us.
This is the sound of all of us.
Brother, let me be your shelter
never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
when you're low
Brother, let me be your fortress
when the night winds are drivin' on
be the one to light the way
bring you home
Brother, let me be your shelter
never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
when you're low
Brother, let me be your fortress
when the night winds are drivin' on
be the one to light the way,
bring you home
be the one to light the way,
bring you home.
For more infomation >> Gishwhes Virtual Choir 5: This is the Sound of All of Us - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
They don't know about us | KINZO - Duration: 1:55.
'Wipe out North Korean regime' Top US advisor issues CHILLING warning of Trump's NEXT step - Duration: 3:17.
'Wipe out North Korean regime' Top US advisor issues CHILLING warning of Trump's NEXT step
John Bolton, who remains a top US security advisor, said the world only had one play left in dealing This follows remarks from US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the South Korean Government that diplomatic efforts have not been exhausted yet.
However, Mr Bolton claimed that sanctions had no impact on Kim Jong-uns regime and one way or another the leadership will have to be toppled.
Speaking to Fox News, Mr Bolton said that US President Donald Trump should now focus on persuading China that wiping out the was in their national interest.
He told the US broadcaster: These threats will only grow worse next year, especially with both China and Russia trying to two-time us this week. I don't think North Korea will ever voluntary give up their nuclear programme.
Enormous pressure through sanctions has not slowed down the regime at all. This is a prison-camp of an economy, its people live desperate lives - but theres been no impact on the nuclear tests. There is one diplomatic play left here.
You cannot coerce China into this, but you can persuade them that their national interest requires getting rid of this regime. Reunification of the peninsula is the way to go but there may be other options.
As long as this regime stays in place, you will have a nuclear threat, not just in Asia, but they are capable of selling it to anyone around the world - be it Iran, ISIS, Al Qaeda..
According to state-run reports in the regime has stated their commitment to the countrys nuclear development in 2018 North Korea will continue bolstering the capabilities for self-defence and preemptive attack with the nuclear force as the pivot as long as the US and its vassal forces persist in nuclear threat.
Throughout the past year, North Korea has conducted a series of ballistic missile tests, despite constant criticism from the West and trade sanctions.
has called the latest UN sanctions an act of war and said the United States and other nations that supported the strict measures will pay a heavy price.
the shadows are calling us out...(Crossover) - Duration: 2:36.
Russian Fighters Entered US-Controlled Airspace, Then the F22s Showed Up - Duration: 3:01.
PD Chief: About 40 vehicles involved in SB US-31 pileup; 3 injured - Duration: 2:19.
U.S. Coast Guard Members golf at President's country club in West Palm Beach - Duration: 1:49.
The snow is not done with us yet, but a big change is on the horizon - Duration: 4:38.
North Korea warning: US must prepare for World War 3 with Kim's allies in China AND Russia - Duration: 3:28.
North Korea warning: US must prepare for World War 3 with Kim's allies in China AND Russia
has been fueling fears of World War 3 by ignoring calls from the international community to end its weapons development programme.
And North Korea expert Gordon Chang warned the US should prepare to fight off both Kim Jong-un and its allies China and Russia.
He said: I think you need to have an honest conversation with the American people. That honest conversation has to take into account that we could end up in a war not only with North Korea but with its big-power sponsor China, and maybe even Russia.
I'm not saying World War 3 is the end result but it is a possibility because the Chinese have already told us that. The author of Nuclear Showdown said Bejing had already signalled it would take Pyongyangs side in a conflict despite pledging to help defuse the tension with the rogue East Asian nation.
Speaking to , Mr Chang continued: In August, Beijing signalled that if the United States struck North Korea first then it would come in on North Korea's side.
We now actually got to do something because we caught the Chinese red-handed and really there's no more room for giving them more chances. China was recently caught allowing oil to enter North Korea in spite of widely approved United Nations sanctions forbidding oil trade with Pyongyang.
US President slammed China for its double-edged behaviour, saying he was disappointed by Bejing. Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: Caught RED HANDED - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea.
There will never be a friendly resolution to the North Korean problem if this continues to happen! North Korea was hit with a swathe of new sanctions after defying orders to terminate its nuclear development programme and conducting several missile tests – threatening both Japan and the US overseas territory of Guam.
According to senior US officials, "preliminary signs" of a missile test were shown by Kim Jong-un, making the US believe that the rogue state could be preparing to launch a new missile soon.
The US has also conducted many military exercises with South Korea and Japan throughout 2017, in an attempt to prepare against a military strike by the hands of North Korea.
Trust Us We're Liars - EP Annoucement - Duration: 0:49.
Overturned Trucks Cause Mess On Northbound US 27 At I-75 - Duration: 2:46.
Want to earn money with us? - Duration: 1:31.
Cuando eres inmune a los ladrillos :v (THE lAST OF US) - Duration: 0:07.
Worst lawn mower of the season for us- The Good, the BAD and the UGLY - Duration: 13:17.
so about six months ago I walked into my dealer shop and I saw the massport mower
sitting there and it was something that I've never seen before
so you know I walked around and looked at it and spoke to my dealer and I'm at
the time I think he was looking for the price was I want to say seven hundred
ninety five dollars so he said you know a listen I haven't sold any want any of
these so you want to test it out you know I'll give it to you and I take $100
off I say yeah you sure you know looking at the mower it looked like a tank let
me show you so by the looks of this mower I was extremely impressed you know
the tires are nice and beefy let me go over the more real quick for you
the tires are real nice and beefy and these are rubber tires this is plastic
but these are rubber tires the grips and you can tell small ones in the front
thicker fat ones in the back pretty hard cast steel which you know it was also
self propel has a shut off on an off switch and has a guard right here you
know to protect the face of the mower has a little guard right here also and
offer you our engine guys is a massport bryggen Stratton engine Professional
Series 190 CCS at the torque is 8.50 and 2,600 rpm
for this one specific engine also guys one thing that I loved about this mower
just by looking at it is the ability to grab right here I'm doing this
one-handed so I do apologize you squeeze this in and you bring it up about that
let me see if I can get it done better squeeze here and bring it up down and up
and the whole mower goes up and down so this is where you bring them over up and
down let me see back in here show you yeah
let's get that and also it doesn't have an exam aside shook basically what what
happens is you take out the plug in the back and it has this little area right
here in the grass shoots out you know
three gears and right here you know you have the
throttle so just by looking at this mower
you know contractor series it looks nice beefy so I said to myself man let's go
ahead and get this more and try it out see what's up here is your one ok those
are the pros those are the pros you know nice mower be few more let me try it out
with the guys and see if we like it right
alright so let me tell you the cons right after utilizing this more for six
months number one is just blower cuts like crap
it came with two blades the mulching blade and a regular cutting blade I hope
you can see but to me the deck is not deep enough but it doesn't mulch as well
so what I cut is centipede Bermuda st. Augustine and weeds one or two soldiers
but I'm mainly utilizing this mower on my centipede backyards I want to say 3 3
yards per week so I'm not using you know I'm not utilizing this more a hell of a
lot you know what I mean so the problem that I was getting with
this mower is it leaves a lot of straggler
so I have to double cut with this mower now I try taking out the the plug and
it's still you know it's still doing the same thing oh and I forgot to tell you
in between that time it broke down twice on me it just stopped working well I'm
not sure what it what it was so yeah that that was an issue for me as far as
they you know brand new mower now another thing guys and maybe it's just
me the handle now here is your blade engagement slash on and off switch right
lever for your mower usually it is on this side so it's kind of backwards no
big deal right I said okay let me go ahead and try it out so the issue that
I'm having is you know you always have to kind of remind yourself that you hold
it here and you're going like this look at my grip the bone like this so after
more like this for a while this right here gets annoying you know what I mean
this just doing this the whole time this here and this it gets annoying and then
you have to remember to engage your speed or your your transmission with
this back bar so you're you're holding it like this and this here is is
annoying after a while you know it seems like it's no big deal
but after a while guys having to do this the whole time it hold that grip you
know yes I can easily tie or have something a loop wear or velcro so you
know I can have it here and it is engaged
but I shouldn't have to do that it's just annoying you know so this right
here is a no-no I've tried and tried and tried guys but the grip thing you know
is it's not it's not working for us it's not working for us so yeah that portion
of it is extremely annoying then for itself is built good
the engine is giving me a lot of issues and let's see if I can start it up for
you so you can hear this engine now this is
a six months or more and listen to the way this engine sounds
okay I know some of you may say yeah all you need is an adjustment guys just a
six month old lawnmower that broke down on me twice cuts like crap and the
engine sounds like that I mean you tell me
am I being picky am I being too picky or you know I expect a lot more from a
lawnmower that I paid six hundred some dollars and that was on a deal
so imagine paying $700 for this and it sounds like that maybe I got the wrong
mower you know you you have one out of the thousands that they make that is
actually you know has some sort of defect maybe I got it but at the end of
the day guys this is what it's gonna happen to this mower come February March
or April well at the beginning of the more season guys adios hasta luego see
you don't want to be this more is gone guys I already spoke to my dealer and he
says no problem bring it back we'll go ahead and give you some credit for it
where I can purchase something else and with that amount of money guys I can
easily buy two regular homeowner mowers and have used one and have the other one
for backup you know what I mean just $600 come on guys I can definitely do
that I
yeah happy consumer right now but there's no big deal
things happen life goes on just want to give you guys my honest opinion about
this mower now it may cut well in your area depending on what type of grass you
have but when it comes to centipede grass and augustine grass Bermuda as a
matter of fact I had it at home for about a month and guys let me tell you
it is a pain in the butt it's a pain in the butt or another thing was for some
reason to balance and understand that you know you have this with a lot of
mowers but the back is extremely heavier than the front which enables you to kind
of balance a mower and you have to keep with the grip the way you gripping this
mower like so and having to hold it up so it stays balanced because the back is
heavier than the front you know it becomes a pain in the ass
excuse my French so guys there you go I'm not gonna make this into a long
video I just want to give you guys my opinion about the Massport here on a
southern turf so no here's a thumbs down for us we're gonna go ahead and get rid
of it so if you guys have any comments on on this mower please leave them below
and please keep in mind that again I'm giving you my experience with this mower
on southern turf not sure what it's going to do in your in your area okay
alright guys until the next thank you and pop smoke please
Why is Egypt Counting on US Aid to Israel? - Duration: 3:10.
Shir Hever: Leading up to the UN Assembly vote, condemning the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel, President Donald Trump warned that countries who voted in favor
may lose U.S. aid.
Donald Trump: I like the message that Nikki sent yesterday at the United Nations, for
all of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security
Council, or they vote against us potentially at the assembly.
They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they
vote against us, well, we're watching those votes.
Let them vote against us.
We'll save a lot.
We don't care.
Shir Hever: The country that initiated the vote against the U.S. and the Security Council
and in the general assembly was Egypt, which also happens to receive the second highest
level of U.S. aid in the world after Israel.
U.S. aid to Egypt is in fact closely tied to its aid to Israel.
Nothing embodies this more than the QIZ, the Qualified Industrial Zones.
Qualified Industrial Zones were approved by the U.S. Congress in 1997, and were built
in Egypt and in Jordan to promote regional economic operation with Israel.
Items produced in these zones must contain components made in Israel or the U.S., as
well as local goods in Egypt or Jordan.
If they meet this condition, they can be exported to the U.S. under preferred customs arrangements.
At the recent conference in Cairo, Egyptian business people declared their intentions
to make use the QIZ, to take advantage of the rising prices in east Asia and develop
the Egyptian textile exports.
Ramy Shaath, the coordinator of the BDS movement in Egypt, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
campaign against Israel, estimated that since 2004, the U.S. lost revenue equal to $1.29
billion due to imports from the Egyptian QIZ, while Israeli companies profited $903 million
from the QIZ.
Middle East Eye reported on protests by BDS activists against the QIZ and the plan to
involve Israeli companies in Egyptian textile exports to the U.S. Considering how aid to
Egypt is part of a broad U.S. strategy to cement an alliance to Israel, Jordan, and
Egypt, it is highly unlikely the U.S. will stop aid to Egypt, following the general assembly
vote, despite the threats by President Trump.
Belligerent language aside, Egypt was not deterred from openly criticizing Trump's biased
The member states of the UN overwhelmingly voted in favor of Egypt's proposal.
North Korean threat has moved to next level this year, with the regime successfully demonstrating
its destructive capabilities in the form of powerfully 100 kilotons nuke as well long
range missiles Hwasong 14 & Hwasong 15.
Unlike the U.S administration's deliberations on the many issues like Syrian chemical weapons
attack, President Trump has given his national security advisers far more time and a wider
degree of flexibility when it comes to North Korea.
Before the policy review began, the Wall Street Journal reported in March that Deputy National
Security Adviser K.T.
McFarland directed aides to include "ideas that one official described as well outside the mainstream."
In this video, Defense Updates analysis WHY TAKING OUT KIM JONG UN IS NOT A GOOD OPTION?
Lets get started.
We now know just how unconventional some of these options are: they apparently include
everything from reintroducing nuclear weapons to South Korea as a show of force and deterrence
to assassinating Kim Jong-un and his top commanders.
"We have 20 years of diplomacy and sanctions under our belt that has failed to stop the
North Korean program," a senior intelligence official involved with the review told
NBC News.
Reading between the lines and it's obvious what the overall message from the Trump administration
is: North Korea is a problem that has been on Washington's hot-plate for way too long,
so it's time to shake up the establishment and look for new alternatives.
There was a time when assassinating a foreign leader was an integral component of America's
national-security toolkit.
During the Cold War, leaders who were either insufficiently supportive of U.S. policy goals
or in bed with the Soviets were targets for removal.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, Congo's Patrice Lumumba, the Dominican Republic's Rafael Trujillo
and Guatemala's Jacobo Árbenz were all on the CIA's hit-list at one point in time,
and Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi was a frequent target due to his sponsorship of
international terrorism.
Things changed after the end of Cold War.
Killing foreign political officials, an option that was once always on the table, is now
generally discouraged and frowned upon.
In fact, It's been U.S. policy since the Gerald Ford presidency to stay far away from
anything that would suggest that the United States is a participant, involved in some
way or complicit in an assassination attempt.
President Ford's executive order on this is quite clear: "No employee of the United
States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination."
President Reagan restated—and some would say expanded—that restriction in executive
order 12333, which says that, "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United
States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination."
Pursuing a policy that would lead to the assassination of Kim Jong-un and the decapitating of the
North Korean leadership would therefore be a big reversal from a U.S. policy that has
persisted for forty-one years.
Policies, of course, can change and presidential directives and executive orders can be modified
or rewritten.
And there is no statutory prohibition that would prohibit the president of the United
States to order a hit on a foreign leader.
Although 18 U.S. Code, Section 1116 could be used to prosecute a U.S. person who attempts
to kill a foreign leader, this statute only applies if the crime is committed in the United
States or the leader is targeted "in a country other than his own."
If President Trump were willing to amend current executive orders on the books, his administration
would presumably target Kim Jong-un and not be penalized under the criminal code.
A question that is just as important is whether assassinating Kim or the generals in charge
of North Korea's nuclear program, ballistic missile program, military or intelligence
services would be a good idea.
There is a perception that if just the top, bad guy in the regime is taken out, all of
the other bad guys in that regime will be scared straight, change their behavior and
suddenly turn their governments into bastions of human rights and democracy.
U.S had experience with his belief before: several days prior to major military operations
in Iraq, Washington lobbed cruise missiles at Saddam and the Iraqi political leadership
in the belief that perhaps further war could be avoided.
Whether that hypothesis would have played out is unknown because Saddam survived those
attacks—it's comfortable to assume that the Baathist leadership would surrender to
coalition forces the next day, but it's just as likely that the war would go on.
North Korea is an entirely different situation than Iraq was in 2003.
Kim Jong-un is solidly in power, having killed or marginalized anyone including his uncle
and half-brother perceived to be even a minimal threat to his control.
Unlike Iraq, whose military was demoralized and degraded by the Persian Gulf War in 1991
and by a sanctions regime over the next decade, North Korea is a nuclear-weapons state with
ballistic missiles that have the capability to level Seoul quickly and target U.S. bases
in the region.
Killing Kim and banking on the idea that the regime would change how it does business after
seven decades would be a high price to pay if that untested theory proved to be wrong.
Because North Korea is such a black-hole in terms of human intelligence, the U.S. intelligence
community wouldn't be able to confidently assess that the man or woman (Kim's sister,
for instance) who replaces Kim wouldn't be just as vicious or unpredictable.
Assassinating a head-of-state is the definition of an act of war, and nobody can accurately
guess whether cooler heads in Pyongyang would prevail over those who would be itching to
demonstrate strength through retaliation.
Reaction from Beijing would be swift and unyielding, and as much as the South Korean and Japanese
governments would like North Korea to behave more predictably, it's not at all certain
that Seoul and Tokyo would believe that assassinating the men at the top would achieve that objective.
Putting Kim 6 feet underground is only one choice in a set of options, that the National
Security Council has on table for President Trump's consideration.
It may even be an option that is so far outside the mainstream that Trump's national-security
aides would discourage him of even studying it further.
It remains to be seen, how things pan out.
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