For more infomation >> వెండి దీపంతో దీపారాధన చేస్తే - How To Deeparadhana At Home - Vendi Deepalu - Deeparadhana Vidhanam - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Gig SEO | Fiverr GIG Ranking Factor | How to Rank My GIG in Fiverr | How to Get More order in fiverr - Duration: 16:25.
Gig SEO | Fiverr GIG Ranking Factor | How to Rank My GIG in Fiverr | How to Get More order in fiverr
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you can easily rank your fiver gig in a day if your gig title, tag, descriptions is right way to used. in this video I am going to show you how to rank up gig in fiverr professionally.
How to Get Your Fiverr Gig On Top Rank and Get Your More Sale - In this video i am showing you Shortcut method To Rank Up your fiverr gig to get gig sales. It is very simple way to get huge sale on fiverr in a week.
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HOW TO MAKE Angry Birds ! DIY Easy Toohee GIFTS for Friends and Family ! #12 - Angry Birds - Duration: 4:34.
Subscribe & Enjoy Happy Moments that we made with your Family !!!
How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth//Coconut Oil For Hair Growth Overnight - Duration: 1:39.
natural home remedies 100% natural ingredients 100% safe and natural
coconut oil is a popular oil for hair in all over the world coconut oil for hair
is the natural way to keep your hair and scalp healthy it's also helps to prevent
dandruff keep your hair soft and silky but do you know that coconut oil can
promotes your hair growth faster coconut oil also moisturizes hair and
keeping the hair shaft strong how to use coconut oil for hair growth required
ingredients one teaspoon of coconut oil one teaspoon of castor oil how to
prepare and apply take one teaspoon of coconut oil and one teaspoon of castor
oil then make a mixture apply this mixture on all over the scalp and hair
cover it with a shower cap and leave it on for overnight then rinse your hair in
the morning with normal water this combinational process helps to
moisturize the scalp and condition your hair to prevent split ends and thus
promotes healthy hair growth do this 3 times in a week for better results thank
you for watching if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and share it with
your friends if you want more recipes and tips subscribe to the channel to
check out my upcoming videos
How To Take Classes at 1Million Dance Studio | My Experiences (Turn on CC) - Duration: 11:15.
Totay I'm gonna be sharing
my experiences at 1m dance studio in korea
my experiences at 1m dance studio in korea
Before I posted my class video of May J's choreo
on Meipai and Instagram
and Many people asked me about
How much does it cost
and how to take classes
So today I will share my
experiences and tips with you guys
first let me talk about the price
One class costs 35000 won
215 RMB
33 $
I think it's kinda pricey
Studios like Snowglobe in LA
only costs about 20$
I suggest you check 1m official website
before you take classes
They have a schedule for the whole month
Who's gonna teach on which day
so you can see which class you want to take
and plan accordingly
I chose 12.20
which had May J and Mina's classes
I was gonna take 2 classes in a row
But I didn't which I'll explain later
The registration process is actaully really easy
You don't have to register or pay online
You just go directly to 1m studio
It's located in Gangnam district
We took subway to seonjeongneung station
(Dunno how to pronounce lol)
We went out from No.1 exit
After you go out
Don't go across the road or go back
Walk straight along the street
After you see a blah blah 43 street smth like that
Turn right and keep going straight
and there's a uphill
and you will pass by a 7-11
Buy a water from this 7-11 if you forgot to bring one
They don't have water at 1m studio
I suggest you prepare water and snacks before if needed
Their sign is easy to find
You can easily see it about 100m away
You walk to the sign and go in
and walk upstairs
and the first classroom is located on the 3rd floor
which is for beginner classes
The floor above is for regular classes
Their front desk is located on the upper floor
The registration process is easy
You just tell the front desk
How many classes you wanna take
or which class you wanna take
they will give you an information form to fill out
along with a consent form for YouTube video
After that you will need to set up an account on a ipad
and set a password
This account will only belong to you
I bought 2 coupons
1 coupon lasts for a month
you can take one class from whichever choreographer with this one coupon
So for example you buy a coupon today
but you decide you take the class the next day with another instructor
This is allowed~~
But if you use it today, you can't use it again
One coupon costs 35000 won
After that they will take a photo of you
It will be associated with the account you set up
You can't transfer the coupon to others
And then you are free to hang out until the class begins
I suggest you arrive early for popular classes
Such as May J/Mina Myoung/Lia Kim
You can come early to line up
If you lineup early, you will get a better spot
You can see the choreographer more clearly
Also you are not allowed to take pics or vids outside the classroom
you can take videos of yourself or the choreographer inside the class room
But you can't take pics or vids outside the classroom
including insta story
Once you enter the classroom you can't go out during the class
So make sure you have everything you need with you
Such as phone, lipstick, water...
They have shelves inside the classroom too
There is a dressing room outside the classroom
You can bring clothes to change
Behind the from desk is the locker/shelves
You can put your bags and clothes there
They also have restroom inside so no need to worry
I feel like it's a lot less fancier than I thought
But their classroom is really big
After you line up right before the class,
staff will bring an ipad to you and you put your password
and they will check if it's the right person
I registered for May J's class
I arrived way too early
The class starts at 5:30
i thought it's 5
and I arrive at 3ish
After I registered I went out and bought a bottle of water
I waited for an hour and half after hahaha
At least I got a good spot
I was standing at the front center
Right behind May J
So I was able to see movements clearly
She looks really small and cute in person
but really powerful
The class routine is
We warmed up and stretched for about 10 min
The warm up routine was pretty intense
The song she taught was Countdown by Beyonce
The choreo is not that hard
I learned it fast
After she taught the choreo
She split us into 3 groups
and we practiced for a few times
and we marked as a group one by one
and then full out
She will then select a few people from the groups
The selected groups will showcase one more time
I got selected the second group~~
One class takes about 90 min
and the next class begins right after the previous class
I was gonna take 2 classes in a row
But when I got out of May J's class
I saw that the line for Mina's class was hella long
I thought I couldn't get a good spot for Mina's class
plus i was pretty tired hehehe
So I didn't take Mina's class
As for talking the class videos
You have to take all the classes of that choreography
in order to participate in the filming
I wasn't able to take the second class of this choreo
I'm not sure how they select people
So you need to take all the classes of the choreography if you want to be in the video
A lot people asked me if I took pics with May J
Sadly this time they had a pretty packed schedule
and we weren't allowed to take pics with choreographers
After we finish the class
She left immediately
About 2 years ago
1m went to KCON LA
They were holding a meet n greet event
They have a game session called "dance battle"
If anyone in the audience knows their choreography
they can raise hands and come to the front and I raised my hand hehe
I got chosen by May J to dance with her on the stage
We danced to her famous "worth it" choreography
It was a memorable experience for me
We also took pics together
She doesn't really know English
We used a lot of hand gestures and simple English
She is really really cute omo
I will def go to 1m again if I go to Korea next time
To learn dances from more choreographers
I feel like I learned a lot from just one class
May J is a really good teacher
She explained moves in Korean but I can still understand pretty well by her movements
The whole process felt super smooth
She will repeat one 8 count over and over again
And practice a few times with music
It feels super easy to learn from her
I learned a lot about how to teach moves
I hope this video will help you
know more about 1m dance studio
how to take classes
and some useful tips
I hope this is helpful
And if you have more questions
about 1m, Korea trip, dance
or anything~~
you can ask me in the comments below
Don't forget to subscribe
and follow me on Instagram and Meipai
Thank you so much❤️
How To Cook Chili Chick Peas (Chili Chana ) {চিলি চানা } ~ Easy Cooking with( Eng. subtitles) - Duration: 7:37.
Capsicum: 1 big cut into square
Onion: 1 big cut into square
Garlic: 5 pods chopped
Ginger: 1/2" Julienne cut
Green chili: few slits For garnishing & few chopped
Sugar: 1/2 Tsp
Black pepper: 1 Tsp
Red chili sauce: 2 Tbsp
Tomato Ketchup: 1 Tbsp
Soy sauce: 2 Tbsp
Vinegar: 1Tbsp
salt: To taste
Oil:5 Tbsp
Cornflower: 2 Tbsp
Kabuli Chana: 100 gm soaked overnight & then boiled in pressure cooker adding salt for 1 whistle
Add 2 Tbsp cornflower to boiled chana & coat it very well
The chana is now well coated with cornflower
Heat the pan
Add 4 tbsp oil
Heat the oil
Keep the flame on high
Oil is hot ,now add chana to fry
Stir lightly & fry till crispy
keep the flame on high
Chana is fried crispy
Take them out in a container
In the same oil add chopped garlic
Add chopped ginger
Add onion
Don`t have to fry the onion too much
Add chopped green chili
Add capsicum
Stir well
Add salt to taste
Keep in mind that all the sauce contains salt & as it is a dry preparation so salt should be added accordingly
onion are lightly fried
Add sauce
Tomato ketcup:1Tbsp
Soy sauce: 2 Tbsp
Vinegar: 1 Tbsp
Chili sauce: 2 Tbsp
Stir the sauce
Add 1/4th cup water
Stir & let it start boiling
Cover it for 1 minute
Now open the lid & stir
Add fried chana in it
Stir well to mix
Add sugar
Switch off the flame
Add black pepper powder:1/2-1 Tsp as per your choice
Stir to mix everything
Chili chana is ready now
Take it out in a container
Garnish with green chili slits
Chili Chickpeas is ready to serve
You can serve it as snacks, starter or can be served with fried rice as a veg. dish
Hope you have liked the video
Good - Bye
গরুর খামারীদের জন্য, নেপিয়ার পাকচং ঘাস চাষ করে বেকারত্ব দূর করুন, How to plant Napier Pakchong Grass - Duration: 6:12.
How To Become Successful - Duration: 12:33.
What are the habits in life that determine the successful from the
unsuccessful? That's what we're talking about today here on Limitless Wealth TV.
So I'm working on a book right now and it's, I think, the working title is
Supernatural Results, 27 habits for producing results beyond your natural
abilities. Over the years, I've had a chance to mentor with some of the most
amazing men and women, these individuals have taught me a number of principles
and specific habits that have been so beneficial in helping me be me. Today, I
run a series of corporations and yet, I do it with a very minimal amount of time
because of these principles and a lot of people that know me, I get accused of
being like King Midas with that ability to touch things and turn them
into gold and I'm by no means perfect, in fact, I make lots of mistakes. There's
a lot of people that that I aggrevate and irritate, you know, I'm an
acquired flavor for some people and yet when I look at the success I've had in
life, I really attribute it to 27 powerful habits and today, I want to
share some of those habits with you, three specifically that have to do with
how I show up in my day-to-day operations and I cannot imagine living
without these three rules. So I want to share them with you today and I hope
that they will help you produce supernatural results, I hope they'll help
you take your natural abilities and figure out how to tap in and go beyond.
The first habit that I want to share with you today is to schedule time for
inspiration. What does that really mean? I believe that we in and of ourselves are
limited by only what we know here in the head, this brain has the ability to
capture information and develop habits and to develop patterns and yet if you
want to produce something in addition to what you have in the past,
you're going to need to change, you're going to need to make room for something
different. I for one, I'm a god-fearing person, a God loving person and I believe
that there is access for you and I to inspiration. Inspiration, and a lot of us
are going to argue the source of that inspiration and what that really means
but this neocortex, this thing that we have here, people like Napoleon Hill have
spoken about this amazing gift that gives us something that the animal
kingdom does not. He argues that it actually gives us access to the temples
of wisdom, actually gives us connection to God, gives us connection to
information beyond ourselves and outside of what we
know and if you've ever felt inspired, if you ever felt like you had an aha or a
moment of clarity where through life experience or just in a moment, it was
like a download of information that was new and different from what you've known
in the past, okay. I refer to that as inspiration and I schedule it. Now, I'm an
entrepreneur which means that I've got total control of my life and so in my
world, I schedule half of my day with business and a schedule the other half
with nothing else so outside of traveling or being with family, if I'm
going to work, I'm only going to allow myself to schedule half of that time, the
rest of that work time is going to be left entirely open. Why? Because I'm
waiting for inspiration. If I were to schedule 100% of my schedule the way
I used, to the way most people know how to then with that time management, I'm
only able to fill my schedule with what I know or to what I think is best but
the reality is, is that there's magic in every single day that can take you
further than what you know can and that's when inspiration steps in. So when
it strikes, you have to know how to access it and you have to know how to
act on it and first of all, when it comes to accessing it, for me, it's really
simple, if you live an inspired life, meaning you live doing what you love, if
you take time in the morning to invest in yourself, I call it my morning power
hour, take time to meditate, take time for
clarity, in that space where I become free of my future obligations for later
in the day or my past ones, when I'm entirely present and I remember reading
this book by Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now, that's a great book, sometimes you
guys ask what I would recommend reading, there's a fantastic book to
allow you to get really present and this is where that intuition and
inspiration is available to you. Well, live in a manner where if you have time
dedicated to receive inspiration then you've actually set time in your
schedule aside to act on it and do something with it and so for me, I
actually can fill an entire day's worth of work but I want to fill it with
inspired work instead of my inspiration of what I think is best. So that's the
first habit is, first of all, just make time for receiving inspiration, expect it
to be a part of your life, receive this knowledge and then make time to act
beyond what it is you're doing throughout your day. Okay, habit number
two of the 27 for supernatural results that I want to share today comes down to
being a proactive communicator. We live in a world today where there's a lot of
people with some super poor communication skills so what I want to
do right now is, I want to give you maybe a jump start on how
professionals communicate, not just professionals but someone who takes
their life serious, someone who also sees and recognizes people and wants
them to know how important they are, so I want to share what it means to be a
proactive communicator. If I were to send you a text, when am I going to get a
response from you? Is it an hour? Is it in a day? Is it in a week? Is it going to be
never? If I send you an email, same questions or even if I talk with you in
conversation, are you going to speak directly with me or are you going to put
things off? The reality is that sometimes we need time to assimilate our opinions
and figure out, you know, the right move or what to say but we can still be
proactive communicators. So first of all, I want you to understand that your
results in life keep pace with your communication style. So if you are a
really good communicator and you're proactive, I believe that you're going to
get proactive results in your life. The next one part of being responsive, you
get to create your own definition for that, I don't go to bed generally most
days until my emails have been responded to and until my texts have. Now, a lot of
you might be thinking, well, Kris, where do you make time for that? Remember the
first goal? The first goal is to leave half my schedule open so that I have
time to act on inspiration and I also set time aside for me to actually
follow up and be proactive with people. I'm known as a highly proactive
individual. For example, if at any point of being here a part of the channel and
being part of the Limitless Wealth TV, if you click that link saying, "Hey, I want to
reach out and talk to somebody." You'll usually find that within a matter of
hours, you're going to get a text from someone on our team. Usually I'm the one
even initiating that text or someone on our team that just says, "Hey we got your
message. Thanks for reaching out. Let's schedule a time where we can talk, answer
questions, lay out a plan and show you how to create wealth in real estate."
Well that's all part of a philosophy here that says we should be very very
proactive, okay. When it comes to being responsive, it's not just in text, not
just an email, it's also in talking with people. If I needed more time to figure
out an answer to something, someone, then I'd be proactive and say, "Hey, I need more
time to really figure out my opinion on that, can I get back with you later?" and
then being a man of my word, our integrity, the thing that every one
of us has control over, I'm going to make sure that I follow up and I do what I'm
going to say I'm going to do so that I'm actually not just giving lip service to,
"Hey, I'll call you in five which." means never or tomorrow or an hour later. The
third and final habit that I want to share today for producing supernatural
results out of normal character and normal ability, if you want to extend
beyond, if you want to really go on and do something supernatural with your life
going beyond your natural ability, you have to be a decisive action taker.
Decisive action really comes down to this core principle that millionaires
make decisions quicker faster and even more decisions than people that want to
make six figures and people that are decisive in action, if you understood how
many decisions it took to become a millionaire, if you knew how many
decisions it took to become a billionaire, you would all probably shift
from what most of us stereotypically are which is,
we drag our feet when it comes to decision making, sometimes we're
just entirely non-responsive. Hands down, we're not making enough decisions fast
enough, in fact, the cost of indecision is far weightier than the cost of poor
decision. I would rather take action on something rather than waiting because
people that give themselves permission to wait, bad things happen. So I've got a
rule when it comes to decisive action taking and here's the first one.. I
believe the power of now is to make 70% of my decisions today, in the moment.
So for example, if I get a text from somebody I want, I'm going to respond to
them when? Right now. If I have an idea that comes up and I want to schedule it
for tomorrow, when's the best time for me to schedule that idea? Right now. If I
feel inspiration saying I need to reach out to somebody, like this morning I had
inspiration pressing on me saying, get back in touch with your friend, Ryan, see
what he's up to. So today, I took immediate action and I
texted him. 70% of all direction that you get, you can take action on it right now,
20% is for later in the day because you know sometimes we do need to think and
we don't need a lot of time, time isn't going to really solve a lot of
decision-making issues, a little bit of time can allow an idea
to marinate and for some of you that are deep thinkers, for some of you there
oracle minded and you need time to process, it's okay if you push some of
that information off till later in the day. 10% or less of my decisions
are going to get pushed off till tomorrow and the reason why is, there's incredible
danger in tomorrow. Someday is something that never seems to arrive and too many
of us take today's important decisions and we push them into tomorrow but if
that becomes the habit, guess what we do tomorrow? We become procrastinators
because we'll push them off until when? And so the procrastinators will
never be incredibly successful because they need to be making decisions way
more decisions and way faster than they actually are,
you got to learn how to be proactive, you got to become a decisive action taker
when things come up and to make that easy for you, you need to learn the power
of yes and you need to learn the power of no. Those are two words that create
incredible freedom if responded to correctly. For example, if something's a
yes, then it's a yes and make it now, if something's a no, learn the freedom that
comes with that two letter word, no. Every time you say yes to the wrong thing,
you're putting something else on your calendar that is going to show up in the
form of commitment that's going to get in the way of the real commitment.
Ultimately, the path to becoming successful is the right series of yeses
and noes, it's saying yes to the right things, it's saying no to the right
things and when we start saying no instead yes and when we start saying yes
instead of no, we're going to actually make it impossible to achieve anything near
our potential. So become a decisive action taker and consider today what
would happen if the majority of your decisions that felt now and inspired got
taken action on right now. Imagine if the ones that needed to marinate happened
later in the day and what if only 10% of them got pushed off to the next day? This
is a total rewrite in operating system that massively shifts results. So if you
want to produce supernatural results, today, my advice is three things, first
one is, schedule inspiration, make time for it, maybe you can't do half a day
like me but maybe you can do a half hour, maybe you can do an hour. Number two,
become a proactive communicator, be known that
someone reaches out to you, that you are highly responsive. That is saying yes to
the chaos of abundance of giving me more opportunities, giving me more real estate,
give me more friends, give me more of what I'm looking for in my life,
give me more resources and the last one is, be decisive in your action. Take
action now, if it can't be in this moment and you can pause what you're doing, most
of the decisions that lead to making millions of dollars is a series of
critical key moments. Every time I make a hundred grand on a piece of property, it
came down to a few key critical decisions and if they got procrastinated,
I probably would not have made the money so become super proactive in your life.
Friends, I hope this helps you out today. Looking forward to sharing more with you
tomorrow. If you want to get the rest of my habits to be successful,
I recommending spending three days with me live out my three day limitless
breakthrough event. Click the link up here and get more of the details on what
happens when we spend three amazing days together changing your life.
HKS Straight pipe Exhaust , How it sounds on my Car - Duration: 6:37.
Hey guys, it's Prince here many of you asked me to show a full video of my curse so here
It is and in this video
I am going to show you the sound of straight pipe on this car. This is Honda City aspire one point five
This is famous car in Pakistan here
Just some sports back lights
And aspire one point five
I've attacked prismatic
Moving to the front I remove 17 inch wheels now using stock 15-inch wheels and
I'm using GoPro on wide-angle
Definitely don't forget to see the car headlights training video. I will link it in the description
Also got install this rubber lip yesterday, which is looking nice
And before showing you the straight pipe, and how it sounds let me first bring the intro clip
Okay now I'm gonna show you the straight pipe setup. Let's go to the back of the car
This is HKS exhaust which is going straight
And if you see under the car I removed the catalytic converter which is at the end of the exhaust and install this HKS exhaust
Let me show you from the middle from where I remove the stock muffler and install a piece of straight pipe
Here you can see the weld joints of the straight pipe
You can see it's going straight
And there is only one cat catalytic converter installed back there in the middle which has a oxygen sensor
And I didn't mess with it
So you can see there is only one exhaust installed in the back and
Now I'm going to show you the engine is not modified already move the air intake. Let's open the hood
You can see here, just Indian dressing no other modification
So now let's go inside the car and start it up
It's winter here, and that's why engine is cold
I'm gonna wait till the engine warms up to the operating temperature
Now the blue light is off, but the RPM is still at 1,000
It should be under 1000 like around 850 at idle state
So I guess I will just drive for a minute
Okay, now. I am back after driving one kilometer, and you can see clearly the RPM is at 800 something
I'm not sure, but it's less than 1000 so that's good
And now time to rev it, and show you how to surf
Let me set up the camera at the back, so you can hear the sound
Slow running in the store
And when you float it
Now another clip from my handycam, which has 5.1 surround mic. Maybe it will sound better. Let's see
Oh my god shaking
So now you heard the sound of straight pipe on SGS exhaust, I will tell you about my next videos, so let's open the hood
So my next video will be how to flush radiator coolant and clean it
And also how to remove and clean radiator reservoir
And I'm gonna show you in another video how to clean up serial sensor it will be interesting video and also how to clean catalytic
Converter without removing it
So let's start the car one last time from outside
And if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe have a nice day and peace out
How to Predict a Number that follows a 0!! - Duration: 3:15.
Hey everyone today, I'm going to share with you a tip on how you can try to predict a number
That's gonna come after a draw that had a zero. Please remember to subscribe if you haven't already
so this is not so much a strategy as
one of those tips that you can kind of keep in the back of your mind if you're doing a rundown or another strategy and
your state
Their most recent draw had a zero in it this might be a tip you want to apply and it can kind of help you
Narrow down what number you're going to play, so I'm using an example from Wisconsin's pick three. I've just printed out
their past results for the month of December
But of course you can apply this to your own state
Just go back and look at your own state's past history to see how it's working for you
So the theory behind, this is that?
zeros often are paired with threes or sixes and
When you have a zero in your draw you're gonna look to see if it has a three or six with it
Or if the draw before the zero had a three or six in it
and if it did then the theory says do not play a three or six in the
Draw that comes after the zero
now if your draw that had the zero does not have a three or six and the draw before the zero did not have a
three or six
Then you would play a three or a six in the next draw so what I mean by that is for example December first
Wisconsin's draw with six zero six so since you had a six here with the zero
you would not play a three or six in the next draw and
That proved to be the case the next draw was 4 0 5
now with this one
We've got 7 0 5 and so draw before it 4 0 5 neither of these two had a 3 or 6
So the draw after the 7 0 5 you would play 3 or 6 and sure enough the next draw had double sixes
now we come up here and
You've got six zero nine
Now we've got six with the 0 and you've got a three before the 0
So the theory would say do not play a three or six after this draw and that
To be the case the draw next draw was eight four five
See if we come up here
We've got zero six seven so you've got the six with the zero plus
You've got a three in the draw before the zero
so you would not play a three or a six in the draw after this zero showed and
That proved to be the case the next draw was two one four
Up here, you've got
Nine seven zero in the net the draw before it was zero five eight no threes or sixes and those true draws
But the draw next had the six in it the nine eight six
So as you're looking through your state's history or doing your workout
You can kind of see if threes and sixes are often pairing
zeros or before after zeros and try to
tailor your numbers to play accordingly
So let me know if you have questions
I know this one can be a little confusing, but I'm happy to help remember to Like share and subscribe and good luck
How to pronounce HURT, HEARD & HARD - Can you tell the difference? - Duration: 5:29.
Can you tell the difference?
Today, we are going to learn about the differences in American pronunciation between the words
"hurt," "heard," and "hard."
The first word "hurt" can be a verb, an adjective, or a noun.
As a verb, it means to cause mental or physical pain to someone.
The second word "heard" is the past tense of the verb "hear" which means to perceive
by the ear.
And the third word "hard" can be an adjective or an adverb.
As an adjective, it means solid or not soft.
It can also mean difficult to do.
To understand the differences between these words, let's compare the first two words,
"hurt," and "heard."
Both words start with an h like "huh, huh", followed by the same
"ɜr." sound like hur-t and hear-d.
Your lips should be slightly rounded and the tip of your tongue is curled as you say "hɚ."
The difference between these words lies in the last sounds of the words "t" and "d."
While the "t" sound is unvoiced, the "d" sound is voiced.
When you make a voiced sound such as the "d" sound, your throat vibrates.
You can make the "t" sound by pushing air through the opening of your mouth without
causing the throat to vibrate.
Next, we are going to compare the words "hard" and "heard."
To say "hard," you need to open your mouth bigger and drop your jaw little more, compared
to the pronunciation of "hurt" and "heard."
And the "HAR" sound like /hɑɚd/ should be coming from the back of your mouth.
That's the only difference between these words and both words end with the same soft d sound.
Let me demonstrate how to pronounce these words.
Please pay close attention to the shape of my lips and the position of my jaw and tongue.
hur-, hur-, hurt
hear-, hear-, heard
har-, har-, hard
hur-, hur-, hurt
hear-, hear-, heard
har-, har-, hard
Now, I am going to give you a quiz.
I will pick one of the three words and say it three times.
Please listen carefully and tell me which word I am pronouncing next.
I hope you could tell the differences and picked the word "hard" for your answer.
We have another question for you.
I am going to read a sentence twice that contains one of the three words.
Your job is to tell me which word I am using in the sentence.
The answer is "hurt."
I hope this was an easy question for you because, grammatically, the word "hurt" is the
only correct choice for this sentence out of the three words.
If somebody said, "I didn't want to heard him."
or "I didn't want to hard him," these sentences would be grammatically incorrect.
So, in most cases, knowing the correct English grammar can help your listening comprehension.
I have one more question.
This time, I will read a sentence that contains two of the three words.
I'll say the sentence three times and give you a little hint each time.
I'd like you to tell me which words are used in what parts of the sentence.
Okay, let's begin.
And the answer is, I heard her say, "I'm hard of hearing."
The phrase "hard of hearing" means having a partial loss of hearing.
In other words, it is difficult for the woman to hear what people are saying because she
has partially lost her ability to hear sounds.
Well, that's it for today.
If you didn't answer all of the questions correctly, watch this video over and over
until you can tell the differences between these words.
Thank you for watching and see you next time.
How To Promote Your YouTube Channel On Instagram - Duration: 3:27.
Getting your YouTube channel and YouTube videos out to as many people as possible
is extremely important for growing because you've got to have more views
more watch time to grow your videos and one of those ways is through social
media and specifically Instagram so if you're interested in learning how to
promote your YouTube channel on Instagram then be sure to watch till the
end of this video as I give you all the ways you can promote your channel on
Instagram what's going on my name is Devon Street helping
you build an online presence and make money in the process
and today I'm gonna be showing you how you can promote your YouTube channel on
Instagram but if you're not already subscribed to the channel and you want
to build a great YouTube channel but tons of subscribers and tons of views
then you want to go ahead and click the subscribe button below and those videos
are gonna go straight to your YouTube subscription box but anyway let's go
ahead and get into how you can remote your channel on Instagram the number one
way I would suggest is through Instagram stories if you don't know what these are
they're simple 24 hour stories that you can go ahead and click on and it will
show you just exactly something that someone's taking a picture of it shows
texts stickers all that so what you can do is just take a nice picture for your
Instagram story and then put some text saying I have a new YouTube video go
check it out or make the video of the story saying
what the video is gonna be about and why you should check it out but then what
you can do is you can add a link on to your story so when they swipe up it's
gonna take them straight to that YouTube video to watch it it's a very fast way
to go straight from Instagram to YouTube video in a very influential way and to
go along with that now Instagram lets you pin your stories to your profile so
they can last over 24 hours so maybe you can make one just promoting YouTube
videos so people when they come to your profile they can see there's one that's
listed YouTube videos can click on that and it will show like
all the YouTube videos you've done and they can swipe up and go to those videos
the next way is to simply just post about your new video and then you can
say in the video or in the description of your photo and video there's going to
be a link to my video or my channel in my profile bio so they go to your
profile and they seen your bio that you have your website link which is a very
valuable thing on Instagram and you have your YouTube channel or your YouTube
video there and they can go and click on that and check it out I personally don't
do this but it is useful and I instead just put my website there and it can
send them to any of my social medias whether it's Twitter Facebook Linkedin
or my YouTube channel and those are just two simple ways to promote your YouTube
videos and your YouTube channel on Instagram I want to thank you for
watching the video but if you want to build an online presence and make money
in the process then you're gonna want to go ahead and subscribe to my youtube
channel and I hope you enjoyed this video check out some other videos and I
will see you in the next video
How to paint Rainbow Dash fofucha face (Equestrian Girls) - English Subs - Duration: 3:55.
Equestrian Girls fofupencil face Rainbow Dash (easy)
Materials: styrofoam ball 4.8cms, foam, acrylics, hot glue, iron
start thermoforming half 4.8cms styrofoam ball with green
then thermoform the other half with a colour between blue and purple
it doesn't need to be perfect because we are going to cover the union with the hair
with a needle find the middle of the head and mark the eye shape
Rainbow Dash has the eyes in a teardrop shape
with white acrylic paint fill the shape we did
and we do the other eye
when is dried, paint top eye border with a thin brush
finishing in the middle of the external side
and with the same brush paint the eyelashes
you can use a permanent marker too
paint the browns with a darker blue and the same brush
and paint a small smile with white
add the border with the same colours as the browns and nose
we'll use a darker rose colour for the irises
mix rose, black and red to paint the top part of the irises
and fill only half of the irises with the mix
with a light rose make the highlight line on the eye
and with black paint the pupil touching the top part of the eye
to finish the highlights paint an oval and a small circle with white
and this is the final result. Hope you like and comment
Discover How Your Intelligence is Torturing You - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 15:23.
on a certain day Shankaran Pillai was going home 7:30 in
the evening there are rules at home you know every home has some rules otherwise
they can't be a home some rules right may not be written down but there are
roots in his home that were wives runes are 8 o clock he must be home
he saw still there is time he he doesn't want to go even a minute early
so he thought there's still time so he walked into your local bar thinking
he'll just have a quick drink and then go home well he had a quick drink and a
quick drink and a quick drink and a quick drink and a quick drink then he
looked at his watch it says 2:00 a.m.
you know drinking people are like Yogi's they're timeless I see there's a lot of
appreciation no he got off his tall stool of the barstool it's an unfair
world it's a completely unfair world you expect a man to walk on a round planet
and the damn thing is spinning you're supposed to walk on that only when you
have a few drops extra or a couple of drops missing between your two years
suddenly you realize the planet is round
with great difficulty he was trying to find his way back home he took a
shortcut through a garden and unfortunately he fell headlong into a
rosebush his face became a mess he gathered himself somehow went home and
those damn keyholes they made so small you know he took another 20 minutes to
find it somehow he went in crawled up went into the bathroom looked at himself
in the mirror a complete mess so he opened the medicine cabinet took out
some medicine plaster a band-aid everything he fixed himself then slowly
crawled into the bed fortunately the wife is a big sleeper she crawled in and
fell asleep morning 8 o'clock their wife took a bucket of cold water
and threw it on his face what about it he woke up why it's only
Sunday she said you fool again drinking he said honey
six months ago I promised since then I have not touched a drop he's our
domestic conversations okay I'm just exposing I have not touched a drop she
grabbed him by the shirt and took him into the bathroom
and showed him all the plaster was on the mirror now this is the whole problem
you feel unpleasant you think this one has to be fixed you feel unpleasant you
we need to think that one has to be fixed you feel unpleasant you have to be
you think the whole world has to be fixed now I am asking you a simple
question if you are feeling any level of
unpleasantness stress anxiety anger fear whatever nonsense rubbish whatever is
happening within you who should be fixed if something is unpleasant here who
should be fixed or if you understand this mind this is transformation you
know this is fantastic in ten minutes this is great transformation if you
if you understand this much this needs to be fixed not something else the world
will change right now everything that we are doing on this planet is in pursuit
of human well-being in the last hundred hundred fifty years
with the aid of modern science and technology we have done too much
external engineering too much which has rendered us into a certain level of
comfort and convenience we have comforts and convenience no other generation
could even imagine isn't it yes or no the level of comfort and convenience in
which you and me right now existing here no other generation could ever even
imagine we are the most comfortable generation ever do you agree with me
physically but can we claim we are the most peaceful generation or joyful
generation or loving generation or ecstatic generation in many ways we are
becoming the most neurotic generation we are complaining about any everything and
anything like never before yes we are complaining about everything like never
before in the world so we have the most comfortable definitely materially you're
living better than your father and your grandfather aren't you yes or no unless
your grandfather happened to be the Maharaja unless that otherwise all of
you are in fact what royalty could not afford a hundred years ago today an
average citizen has isn't it true all of you driving chariot with hundred two
hundred horses or so it's not the best something wrong with life it is just
that fundamental faculties of life or not
they can charge off this is an evolutionary problem in a certain way
see between you and a chimpanzee the DNA difference is only one point two three
percent one point two three percent is not much of a difference isn't it
physiologically the difference between you and a chimpanzee is only one point
two three percent in the DNA content but in terms of intelligence and awareness
we are phenomenally different from a chimpanzee so you have an intelligence
for which you don't have a stable enough base it is your intelligence which is
torturing you right now if we take off a part of your brain I think most of you
will be quiet peaceful really I should know this is why a whole lot of people
are saying I want to be like a child even spiritual leaders going and saying
I am a child they suppose you are stuck let's say your body or your mind stayed
at the age of six you are a child is it a great state to be I'm asking you may
think your spiritual I will call you retarded I should know you want to be a
six-year-old child I'm asking you because almost every adult is saying
child being a child is beautiful because they've forgotten what it means to be a
child child means when somebody says wake up you have to wake up somebody
says go to sleep you have to go to sleep go to school go to school get back get
back eat eat all the damn things that you
don't like when you were a child you desperately wanted to grow up as quickly
as possible isn't it now you want to become a child
because you messed up your adulthood
messes up this wants to be somewhere else a whole lot of people said no no
I'm not interested in all this I want to go to heaven why because the
advertisements always said heaven is a very pleasant place if we had told you
from your childhood God lives in heaven but it's a horrendous place do you want
to go there please tell me sincerely no no we will
pray from here only we don't want to go there because they were advertised that
it's a very pleasant place lot of people who've made a hell out of themselves
here want to go somewhere else those who want to go to heaven must go
isn't it they won't go that's a problem if those who want to go to heaven go
those who want to be here can create a heaven here now those who are made a
hell out of themselves they don't go
they keep on talking about going but they don't go if you're so sure you are
going to a better place you must leave today you should not
postpone your appointment with God I'm asking you if you have an appointment
forget about God if you have an appointment the local minister or prime
minister somebody you would like to jump the queue and get there quickly isn't it
even a cinema ticket if you're standing in a queue you would like to jump and
get there quickly isn't it so so if you have an appointment with God and you're
so sure what have you postponing it you must go today okay I'm saying your mind
is full of all kinds of rubbish picked up from here and there just now we were
talking just outside but somebody said something 5,000 years ago somebody said
something 3,000 years ago with all you with greatest respect to all of them do
you believe that thousand years ago people were way smarter than what you
and me are tray do you believe so
I'm asking you if you believe so it's unfortunate because life seems to be
evolving but some people are not some people seem to be those who want to be
child children now after they've grown up they're retarding consciously they
are trying to somehow wrap themselves in a situation where they will not grow so
essentially it's your own intelligence turning against you if you had come like
an earthworm or a grasshopper or a bird or a tree you would be quite fine
because you have interested with such a huge intelligence this has become your
problem isn't it you know last year in the month of August we were trekking in
Tibet I'm an attempt oh another person is cutting an apple and there's one more
person you know one of those new porcelain knives which is supposed to be
very sharp so this person is cutting an apple and other person says it's a very
sharp knife be careful it irritates me a knife is supposed to be sharp otherwise
why will I call it my knife something is blunt I don't call it a knife it's
supposed to be sharp and this is if it's a child yes I would also say or I would
go and take away the knife that's different this is a full-grown man this
is he's not handling a satellite or or earth mover or something it's just a
knife well I continued with my work another two minutes later she says again
it's a very sharp knife be careful I said come on he's a full-grown man leave
him alone he should know how to handle a knife by now no said guru it's a very
sharp knife then I continue with my work and then she whispers so that I don't
hear very sharp knife be careful in two minutes he cuts his hand
and I say okay maybe he needed so much instruction about this this is all your
problem is you have a sharp intellect but not a steady enough hand now you're
cutting yourself all the time people come to me and say Sadhguru
I can't bear with my boss my mother-in-law she is torturing me
my husband is impossible my wife oh so I tell them don't worry you come here your
boss your mother-in-law your husband your wife nobody will enter this ashram
don't worry I will give you a nice place to stay good food to eat don't have to
do anything no work nothing you stay in your room whenever I come and check you
must be joyful that's the only condition if you're miserable I don't believe in
feeding misery you're joyful for the rest of your life will bow down and take
care of you oh you'll leave them for 24 hours in one place you must see the
circus okay when you are alone when you are alone if you're miserable
obviously you're in bad company isn't it
somebody's with you and you're miserable you can always say it's because of this
person you're alone and you're miserable means you're in bad company you need to
fix it you must understand this much if you understand this much then it's very
simple you would look inward
Design a PCB | Part - 2 | How to design - Duration: 17:23.
HOW TO DO THE ELASTICO - Ronaldinho Football/Soccer Skill - TUTORIAL (Como fazer o ELÁSTICO) - Duration: 3:13.
Hi guys! Here's FreeKicksPT
And welcome to a new tutorial!
Today's video
Is "How To Do The Elastico"
This skill is used by players like Cristiano & Neymar
And Ronaldinho used this trick a lot too
If you enjoy the video don't forget to "like" the video! That helps a lot
And now, let's start the tutorial!
This trick has 2 ways to do it
You can do it with the outside of your foot, like this:
But you can also do it with the inside of your foot
So in the 1st step you have to drag the ball with your STRONG foot, to the side of your STRONG foot
If your strong foot is the right foot, drag to the right side
If your strong foot is the left foot, drag to the left side
In the 2nd step you have to do the opposite movement
First you do this movement
And then you do the opposite
Like this
You can also do it with the inside of your foot
Well guys, this was the video!
If you enjoyed it leave a "like" because it helps us a lot :)
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And see you in the next video!!!
How To Create Bootable USB Flash Drive by GWT - Duration: 2:59.
Hey, what's up guys? It's Sohail Here and today's video is going to be on the tutorial on how to create a bootable USB
flash drive for Windows installation, let's get started
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How to Make Hotspot app in Thunkable - Duration: 10:05.
Hello Friends Today we will lern how to make hotspot app in thunkable
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