Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily so Jan 30 2018

I just realized 26 episodes of a show I absolutely hated and you know what I'm actually glad I did

Rosario + vampire

my god

Did I have a disgustingly sour history with the show I was actually watching it back to make a rent review because well

thought be fun and

Worth the torturous sessions of rewatching this abomination again

And now well my perspectives changed a bit that doesn't mean I think it's good. Yeah god

No, just just look at this. I mean this looks like something I can make it Photoshop wait

Hey, Chris, the hell are you doing in there?

But despite the show being as much of a train wreck as it is I don't hate it anymore

I can find problems than anything

I look at and it takes quite a lot for me to harbor hatred for something in fact

the only hatred I felt by the end of this watch session was for my past self and that's because I betrayed an

Ideology I tried stick with whenever I critique something and that ideology is

Judge something for what it is not what you want it to be it's an ideology

I'd like to see carry over to other reviews, but it's not often. I see this in practice hell

I'm a bit guilty of it as well

honestly a

Fantastic example of this and also an appropriate segue for a video about a harem to be the critique on fanservice

I like supposed some bias and say that it doesn't really bother me most of the time

It's not because I actively want it or think it enhances the plot

It's honestly just something I don't pay attention to at this point despite this bias

I can judge a show for using its fanservice badly

But let's look at this from the opposite perspective the perspective of someone who absolutely despises it in all forms

I tend to notice they don't set aside this bias and will harshly critique fanservice

Even when it's used with some sort of purpose, or as a central part of the show

But this is the direction some take looking at things like kill la kill

I honestly don't know what you expect with the show that's advertised like this

Or synopsis like girl in skimpy outfit scissors people and learns the true power of nudity, okay?

I'm paraphrasing very selectively anyway my point is you've judges show based too much on some personal expectations

You're not going to enjoy it, and you will often miss the entire point or appeal of whatever

It is you're looking at and if you bring the overall score down due to something you personally didn't like

You end up with infamous examples like this


So how does this tie into Rosario vampire you see there's a specific reason? I hated Rosario

It's not because it's repetitive the fact. It doesn't respect your intelligence or even for its incredibly low quality presentation

It's because initially the show actually offended me not due to the sexual nature of the show

But because I thought this show offered an absolutely skewed moral

And it's ending and ending I'm absolutely going to spoil the hell out of by the way

I guess I'll leave a timestamp when it gets to it, but

Come on

Do you really think you're missing out if nothing else I could promise you that the plot is not we used to watch this show


Anyway, let's take a look into my mind from a few years ago to see what disgusted me so much so in early quick summary

Our main female character mocha is a vampire

She has two identities and the one that is or more vampiric form is suppressed by this rosary

It's the name of the show our main characters Q&A is well a harem protagonist

It's really all I could say he's kind of bland. He goes to the school for monsters yet

He is a human

Which is the whole Kinnick of the show he forms a harem with this vampire a succubus a lowly witch and an ice girl

With that out of the way, we can move on to those last three episodes

Here's that time stamp to skip spoilers

I guess

Moke asked to leave her rosary as a power source to support the magical barrier

Protecting the school and keeping it hidden and by doing so

This bright cheerful version of MOCA essentially doesn't exist and we only get this true vampiric form of MOCA, okay

I'm just gonna refer to them by strawberry mocha and white mocha sand this doesn't get confusing

Anyway, all we have now is white mocha. Who's like the polar opposite of strawberry mocha

She's cold and emotionally subdued and more mean-spirited, so naturally I found her to be a more interesting

Maybe that's where my initial bias stemmed from anyway the point is white mocha is also attracted to school night

And it's legitimately trying to flirt and talk with him and all he can really think of is strawberry mocha

Which I can't really blame them for but and this is where my hatred begets to spawn from white mocha

Essentially tells Cunha that strawberry mocha was a facade a form that suppressed white mochas true nature and showed a more caring and nice beverage

So basically at this point. I think oh this is gonna turn into a

Topic of loving someone for who they really are something like that

Nope. I don't know what the hell. I expected of course he finds a way to turn her back of course

He has no problem doing so and of course the show doesn't even really address what I was thinking so baby urban is thinking okay?

So this show wants to completely

Fuck over this girl for not being your true self

set the story in a direction that makes pertain to be something you're not to be a positive thing and then just end with a

Happy ending where no one learns a fucking thing. Are you kidding me?

It's just awful and actually a potentially harmful thing to preach

It's at this point where baby urban thought back on everything leading up to this it felt like his time had been wasted you remembered

How terribly put together everything was loving the feeling dwell within him for years

He decided that this was the enemy he hated more than anything else

it's not until this reason for you watch where you realized he completely missed the point I

Always try and make an effort to re-watch anything

I'd make a video on and boy am I glad I didn't jump the gun and actually look back at this show you see the

Scoot, I wasn't being selfish and giving white mocha the cold shoulder he actually viewed both of these Milka flavors as individuals

He was going to bring back strawberry mocha, not just because it was his favorite

But because he didn't want to be without either flavor, and if you skip this boiler. I'm sorry that this is confusing

I was so dead set on my assumption

And how the show should have handled this situation that I didn't even hear the lines about

Wanting to preserve both versions of the character the blinders were already on and I already made up my mind


that's what's nice about changing perspective and

Expectations the difference in the second watch was that I watched it drunk with the sole purpose of making fun of it

And I had a blast actually the show had so many terrible and confusing moments that often found myself nearly dying from laughter

There's some fantastic

unintentional comedy here

I was eventually

Experiencing some burnout in season two but because of the state I was in I was able to view it again with zero

Expectations and now this ending doesn't bother me this perspective shift has lifted this weight of hatred off my shoulders and honestly

That's something. I want you to take away from this video

It's not a bad idea to revisit something again to see how you look at it now

This is my personal example of this and now I could almost recommend the show I mean for ironic enjoyment at least after

Revisiting this series my hatred turned into laughter

I fell into his end like state and now I feel like I'm better because of it so go on and look back at some

Of the dumb shit you hated and laugh at it, you can honestly be a great experience

Thanks for watching guys though, I'm usually a bit more positive

I would like to look at some more bad shows or games in the future. It sounds like fun

do tell me what you guys hated or think would be fun to rant on and

Consider subscribing if you like this sort of content also consider hitting the bell for notifications if you want model notifications

All right, thanks again guys. I'll see you next video

Giving white milk with a cold showed why can't I say?

For more infomation >> Rosario + Vampire (I rewatched my most hated anime... So now what do I think?) - Duration: 7:45.


"Powermama!": So süß spricht Pietro Lombardi über Ex Sarah! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> "Powermama!": So süß spricht Pietro Lombardi über Ex Sarah! - Duration: 2:36.


TRUE HEALTH is EASY so TAKE YOURS BACK | Health and Wellness - Duration: 4:59.

good day everybody this is Anthony Reed my channel has been

around for a little while now but I've never really said what do I want to do I

want to reach out to each and every one of you to let you know that health is

something available for everyone and it's easy my passion is to help all of

you that's what drives me to get up in front of this camera that's what drives

me to wake up and do what I do coaching people every day health you don't have

it you've got nothing you're not waking up in the morning you're not being

you're not happy when I started out on this journey I had a lot of issues going

on I could barely walk up a flight of steps without without being winded

without my heart just beating and me feeling like I'm about to have a heart

attack I had a baby on the way you know what am

I gonna do if I can't carry my son so here I am you know about four or five

years later I don't have any of those issues anymore the heart issues that I

was dealing with the health issues that I was dealing with are gone my journey

it's not just to tell you you know how how to do what I did because that just

works for me everybody's different but the same a lot of the same things are

the same things for me that are for you and for everyone else if we did small

principles now it's more about getting in tune with with nature what your

body's trying to tell you I don't care if you're like the sickest person in the

world and somebody tells you you've got one week to live how do they know they

don't know everything do your own research you know jump online don't

listen to me either I just want to push you know I don't know everything either

I try and I will continue to keep to keep

trying to learn everything and I'll never get there in the meantime though I

want to bring what I have learned what I've learned from cross you know cross

across many different different areas of health whether that's on the alternative

medicine side whether that's into orthomolecular nutrition so don't just

listen to me either you know I'm not I'm not a guru I don't

know everything nobody knows everything the main reason

I've got a channel going and I want to reach out to you guys is because every

one every one of you deserves ultimate health

I mean vibrant vibrant health you can't be happy if you're in pain all the time

if everybody you knew was in vibrant optimal health life would be different

wouldn't it I mean my life changed dramatically when my health improved and

I just want to be able to help others change theirs my belief is we all can

get there we all have the ability we all have the ability to have optimal health

and yes there are some out there who can't be fully fully healthy in the way

that many of us can be but everybody can be is maximally healthy as they can be

and that's just too important I want to see everybody be as happy as they can as

healthy as they can as vibrant as they can because you only have the one life

unless you think you got more but we're dealing with this life today I have so

much planned for this channel we're going to have interviews we're going to

have breakdowns of specific specific health ailments and what you can do

about them whether you have high blood pressure high cholesterol fibromyalgia

headaches we're gonna try to you know touch on all these subjects in the

coming videos I hope you actually come back and hit that subscribe button down

below thank you so much guys you have a great one

love you bye bye

For more infomation >> TRUE HEALTH is EASY so TAKE YOURS BACK | Health and Wellness - Duration: 4:59.



hey guys today is day 18 of my juice fast and I'm still on my fast I'm doing

great I have full energy I did my two hour workout today and I'm

starting to because I'm at the 30 pound mark altogether like I said before

people who've been following me starting my journey from December 9th and then

transitioning over to a juice fast January 11th all the way to the 29th of

today which makes 18 days of doing the juice fast as a whole um and I think

majority of my weight not thing I know majority of my weight has been lost from

the juicing and it's gonna be a better week and a better way in this Sunday but

before I begin talking I want to say to you guys please subscribe to the channel

I do not do sell for subs I'm asking you to subscribe to the channel to support

my journey I have a giveaway that I will be showing you guys in the next couple

of days is a gift card for 1k subscribers I'm trying to get a thousand

subscribers and the way the rules go to get the gift card is to subscribe to the

channel and leave a comment the comment that impels me that compels me the most

is the comment that I will pick and that will be the winner of the gift card so

it's a 1,000 subscriber giveaway so please subscribe to the channel so today

is day 18 I'm doing great I'm losing on starting for the new week averaging

let's keep our fingers crossed it looks like I'm probably gonna be

losing averaging between half a pound or a little over a half a pound to a pound

a day I did some adjustments that's my said that when you start to know your

body and how it works especially on a juice fast when you

start to get on the scale each day to document how that juice is affecting you

and your weight loss you kind of switch things around so that you can lose the

proper weight fast in healthy healthy you know healthy in a healthy way sorry

didn't know how to get it out so one thing I had incorporated was I had

bought some nut bags so I double strain my juice because I was finding that the

juice was it didn't have pulp in it when it was thick but and it didn't I didn't

taste pull its soluble fiber that's inside of the juice so I really didn't

taste the soluble fiber but it was a lot still in there so what I do now is I

juice then I sift with the metal mesh strainer and then I have a nut bag and I

sift it again so the texture and the quality of my

juice now is like the store-bought cold-pressed juices that people are get

for a week or two because they don't want a juice and the consistency of it

is just like drinking water but it has all the nutrients in it it keeps you

from being hungry and it's not you know that's a whole lot of soluble fiber

still left on the glass after you finish drinking the juice because I have taken

out as much fiber as possible by the double sifting of the juice with the nut

bag I don't really have to double sis I could just use the nut bag but I prefer

to do that um so I'm so glad I got the nut bags everything is just going

wonderful I do a salt water flush every morning I don't care what anyone says

I like to do that from the Master Cleanse that's the best thing even

though I didn't do it for ten days I did it for five that I learned from the

Master Cleanse is that wonderful all-natural way to cleanse the body out

and force all the fecal matter from the mouth all the way down because our

intestines are like 80 feet long you're actually cleansing the whole colon

intestines your whole insides are being flushed out each day when you do a salt

water flush I think it's key to do one every day every morning after weigh-in

to flush yourself out because as we all know the soluble fiber

does still getting your digestive system it is easily digest it's not like the

bulk fiber from a movie but it still needs to be removed because after a

couple of days or even one day when you get on the scale the next day you could

weigh I mean you could weigh less actually then what it says on the scale

but if you're not cleansing out your colon because honestly if you're eating

three meals a day you should be having three bowel movements and if you was

doing that from the gate when you got on the scale for the most part everything

will be regulated even the water that's in your body ladies and when you got on

the scale every day it would read an accurate measurement of weight loss so

this is what I do every day I have a hack that I'm going to do I'm going to

share with you on day 19 of something that I figured out it works I've been

practicing the results for quite some time and seeing what works and what

doesn't and what is consistent and I would like you guys to try this hack I

think you'll be amazed you know but I don't want to give away too much but

anyways this day 18 and I'm still on the arm juice

fast I cannot believe that I'm almost twenty days in I can see how people go

thirty days and 60 days in 90 days and some people do 100 those people that you

know do the 60 well when they do the 30 days or the 21 days to you you're really

trying to lose the weight but when you see people go further I can see how they

can get away with doing it it's not even about willpower a point at this point

because your body's not hungry your minds not saying you have to eat I had

two juices today 12 ounce juices today and if I drink another juice today I

drink one if I don't I don't my body is not craving for juice it's not craving

for any foods do I ever want to have to do a juice fast where I have to be on

that fast until I lose the 80 something pounds that I gain no but I'd rather get

it all out the way and be done with it so this time around said is doing it in

stages and going back to food and getting my system all toxic again in my

mind foggy and then struggle with trying to lose weight and not losing it the way

I want to or fast enough I'd rather just do the juice fast until this is all off

of me all this weight every day I wake up I feel a lighter and lighter it's

almost like I look in the mirror and I have to look because my legs are not

rubbing anymore and my legs never rub it's just that my thighs were getting so

big there was nowhere for the fat to go but I'm touching each other so that's

why the two legs were touching I'm used to look at other people and say how do

they walk around with their legs rubbing and now my little arch is coming back

people call it a gap and it's and I love it it's sexy my shape is coming back

alive so I'm just letting you don't tell yourself you can't do what I

just did I'm somebody who loves food I'm preparing foods now today I did four

jars of pickled vegetables that I prepared freshly use my vinegar

seasonings and I put garlic and tomatoes and cucumbers I even put some boiled

eggs in it and I'm making those pickled vegetables prepare myself so when I do

eat my salads because I'm gonna start off with salads and then work my way

with salads and then proteins which will be like fish seafood to start with

before the heavy foods but I'm gonna start with salads and I'm preparing my

pickling vegetables for my salads so yes I miss food but not gonna die and I'm

not gonna um make the food make me stop the juicing because I know

that it's working and if it's working for me and it's also helping my anxiety

why stop it if it's not broke don't fix it

so what all that being said guys day 18 and I'll see you on day 19



A Little Update | Thank You So Much For The 600 Subs! | +Voice Reveal - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> A Little Update | Thank You So Much For The 600 Subs! | +Voice Reveal - Duration: 0:21.


so Cute Baby - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> so Cute Baby - Duration: 0:29.


Liebes-Geheimnis: So funktioniert GZSZ-Eric Stehfests Ehe! - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Liebes-Geheimnis: So funktioniert GZSZ-Eric Stehfests Ehe! - Duration: 2:16.


Lucky Girl: So feiern Julianne Hough & Brooks 6 Monate Ehe! - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Lucky Girl: So feiern Julianne Hough & Brooks 6 Monate Ehe! - Duration: 1:04.


Pregnant Mom Learns Husband Has Days To Live, So She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands - Duration: 2:01.


Pregnant Mom Learns Husband Has Days To Live, So She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands

When Diane Aulger found out she was pregnant, she was overjoyed.

Life had been difficult as her husband, Mark, had been fighting stage 3 colon cancer, but

he had finally beat cancer and they were looking forward to moving on with their lives and

bringing another little one into their family.

Then doctors told them something that left them shattered – Mark was diagnosed with

pulmonary fibrosis, a disease that stops the flow of oxygen from the lungs to the brain

and other vital organs.

Diane was heartbroken that her husband might not be there to see their daughter brought

into the world, so she made a difficult decision that many found controversial.

On January 18, when she was far enough along in her pregnancy, Diane went to the hospital

to be induced so Mark could hold his daughter in his arms before he passed away.

She thought she would be alone for the birth, but doctors actually allowed Mark to be there

as Diane went into labor.

With their hospital beds side by side, Diane gave birth to Savannah.

The moment was a poignant one for the couple.

While they were both overjoyed at the birth of their daughter, they didn't know how

much time they would have together as a family.

Diane placed Savannah in Mark's arms and, though there was pain in his eyes, he held

her and told her he was her daddy and he loved her very much.

Just days later, on January 23, Diane looked at Mark's monitors and could see that his

stats were dropping.

Knowing he didn't have much time left, she placed Savannah in his arms and they held

hands until he stopped breathing.

While the whole situation was painful and difficult, and though many questioned Diane's

decision to induce labor, she is happy that her husband and daughter were able to spend

a few precious moments together.

Those are moments she will never forget.

Are you glad Mark was able to hold Savannah before he passed away?

If you like our video then do subscribe to our channel.

Please leave us a comment and give a thumbs up.

It means a lot.

Thank You :)

For more infomation >> Pregnant Mom Learns Husband Has Days To Live, So She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands - Duration: 2:01.


How Did New York's Trains Get so Bad? | NYT - Duration: 10:44.

"The city is awake.

Across the length of its five boroughs,

a vast stream of humanity will move."

This was what a New Yorker's commute looked like in 1961.

"— can be seen the daily miracle that is the New York City

transit system."

But that was then.

And this is now.


"Stand clear of the closing doors, please."

Subway riders demanding an end to their commuting nightmare."

"So fed up with all the delays and cancellations

that they are suing the M.T.A."

The New York subway now has the worst on-time performance

of any major rapid transit system in the world.

And commuters are pissed.

This woman's commute has gotten so bad,

she's considering leaving a job she really likes.


I got a new job."

This rabbi was sent into a panic when his train stalled just

before Shabbat.

And then there's this guy, who was

stuck underground for so long, commuters

sang to pass the time.

"... Gonna make me lose my mind up in here ..."

"It's been two hours."

They ended up making a Facebook group.

They're still in touch.


"The mornings where every single line is delayed —"

"It was like cruel or arbitrary."

But it really wasn't that long ago

that New Yorkers would laugh at other city subway systems.

Four lines in Boston, two in L.A.?

That's cute.

In New York our trains run 24/7.

We have 665 miles of track, 472 stations, 27 subway lines,

and almost six million riders every single day.

"Does it really have to be this way?"

"Also, has it always been this bad?"

Turns out the M.T.A. has recovered from a transit crisis before.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are being held momentarily

by the train's dispatcher."

These were the trains in the 1970s.

"Poor maintenance, high crime and widespread graffiti."

"It was kind of scary."

And that's Jim.

He's been reporting on the subway since before I was born.

"He wrote the book about the subway, literally.

In the '70s, it was really, really bad."

"Maintenance really had suffered."

So officials poured money into the system, and it improved.


"They are working on it.

They're doing the best they can."

"They're fixing the tracks.

Well, they're fixing the track.

They put in a new escalator downstairs."

"They improve it in the '80s.

"Today we got better equipment, better parts and better tools."

"In the '90s it gets to be the best it's ever been."

The 1990s were the golden era of subway functionality.

"So if you want to prove to someone

that New York has it all, just show them your MetroCard Gold."

New York's governor at the time, George Pataki,

called it a transit renaissance.

But then, that city that has it all started

taking the system for granted, starting with Mayor Rudolph


"Cut down the size of city government."

Just a year into his first term, the mayor

cut the city's contribution to the M.T.A.'s budget

by millions of dollars.

Then, Governor Pataki followed Giuliani's lead.

And so began a trend of mayors and governors

diverting part of their budgets away from the M.T.A.

and toward their own priorities. And then blaming one

another for the problems that followed.


So while the city and state contributions

got smaller and smaller and smaller,

subway ridership went up, and so did the fares.

But fares still weren't enough to make up for the budget cuts.

So a group of Wall Street executives came to the M.T.A.

with a deal.

[cash register ringing]

These Wall Street execs, they went to the head of the M.T.A.,

also known as the governor, and said, give us your debt.

We'll pay you cash.

Pay us back later.

Pataki agreed to the deal to refinance the M.T.A.'s debt.

"Basically, they used the Amex to pay off the MasterCard."

And these bankers, many of whom were donors

to Governor Pataki's campaign, walked away with $85 million

in commissions and fees.

And that debt lives on today —

"... finally reaches its destination."

— even if some of the equipment we're still paying for

does not.

"Great habitat enhancement for fish and shellfish."

Then —

"It was a fiscal crisis globally."

"That was a really big turning point for the M.T.A."

"Maintenance was withdrawn."

"You're checking the cars less frequently,

you're repairing the cars less frequently,

then they're going to break down more frequently."

"So basically —"

"The trains became slightly less reliable."

But there were millions of dollars draining

from the M.T.A.'s budget that could have been used for maintenance.

"So what happened was —"

This summer Governor Cuomo's administration

forced the M.T.A. to bail out some upstate ski resorts

after an unusually warm winter.

"So we set out to try and find out

if there were a lot of other examples of the M.T.A. being

forced by the state to spend money on things that had

nothing to do with the subway.

And we found out about these bond issuance fees."

Bond issuance fees may sound a little boring.

So I hired a busker to write a song about it.

"Let me put it this way — the M.T.A. brings in a lot of money.

The state has used that money as a piggy bank

for other priorities."

"The next stop is Fulton Street."

"Fulton Street was the pet project

of a guy named Sheldon Silver."

He wanted Fulton Street to be the Grand Central

Station of downtown Manhattan.

So construction started, the years went by,

and the day of the grand opening arrived.

"Oh, that's way over budget."

At this point, the M.T.A. board wants to scale things back.

And one of the board members —

"Nancy Shevell, wife of Paul McCartney,

said, we're not building cathedrals here."

But the next day, Sheldon Silver demanded —

"You're going to build this thing the way it was originally

supposed to be built, or else I'm

going to veto your capital budget."

So the M.T.A. complied.

"A billion and a half dollars on one station.

It didn't get an extra subway car, an extra foot of track,


Did I say it was in his district?"

Fulton Street was just one example.

"These politicians really wanted to be

able to have a big project they could champion,

mosaics and artwork and everything is brand new."

"Clean, shiny subway stations.

This is exciting, right?"

I did this for you.

Here is my gift to you.


And I feel good about that."

"Of course you should."

"You can't really do that with replacing some ancient subway

signal system that people don't even know exists."

"No one wants to talk about the signals."

"I don't think I understand how the signals even work."

And neither did I. So I watched a documentary released

by the M.T.A. to learn more.

"People know that the system is old,

but I don't think they realize just how old it is.

It's not just the architecture that's 100 years old.

It's a lot of the basic technology as well.

We never really know where the train is."

"Um —"


"The workers don't actually know where the trains are exactly,

precisely, on the tracks.

They know what section they are in.

So they have to keep them a safe distance

apart as they go through the system.

You can't just go to Best Buy and pick up something

to replace this 1930s piece of equipment."

New signals would mean more trains running more efficiently

and closer together.

But it's been two decades since the M.T.A. first began its push

to upgrade its signals.

And so far, they've completed just one line.

"If you don't focus on the core needs of the system,

bad things can happen."

"So the trains were not as well taken care of,

the signal system deteriorated, and there was

very little margin for error."

And then that margin gets even smaller with Hurricane Sandy.

"The worst disaster in the history of the subway system."

So this is the part of the story where

all of those bad decisions of the past

really start wreaking havoc.

"The M.T.A. is openly violating its own safety directives."

A tunnel wall in Brooklyn collapses onto the track.

"We just boarded the rescue train."

"There have been 22 derailments."

Overcrowding is definitely a problem,

but the M.T.A. can't blame everything on overcrowding.

"The issue is there's not one person to blame."

There's been a lot of back and forth

between the governor and the mayor.

"Blame everybody who has been in power in New

York in the past 25 years."

A train careens off the tracks in Harlem, injuring 34 people.

And in summer of 2017, the waiting and crowding

and derailments reach a breaking point.

And at long last, Governor Cuomo declares a state of emergency.

"I mean

there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

No pun intended.

I actually did not intend that pun.

There are some signs that politicians are now

taking the maintenance of the subway system seriously."

"Elected leaders are finally expected to come out

with a plan to pay for the M.T.A.

And I think there's a consensus they can't just

rely on debt anymore."

"I believe in you, subway.

But you've got to get it together."

"We want to do this.

We need to do this.

We will do this."

"I think delay is, in a messed up way,

our way to bring people together."

"There's no New York City without the subways.

I regard it as the great public commons of New York."

"Yeah, it's good."

"Nice meeting all of you."

"They ride together.

And in this journey can be seen the daily miracle that

is the New York City transit system, upon which

the very existence of the city and its people, depend."

For more infomation >> How Did New York's Trains Get so Bad? | NYT - Duration: 10:44.


First Tax Cuts Are Hitting Paychecks And They're So Good Some Pe - Duration: 1:12.

First Tax

Cuts Are Hitting Paychecks And They�re So Good Some People Think It�s A Glitch

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout:

Democrats and their media allies did an amazing job misinforming the public about the tax

reform bill.

The benefits of the bill are starting to show up in people�s paychecks and some folks

believe it�s some kind of mistake that they�re getting more money.

Take a look at this Twitter thread:

For more infomation >> First Tax Cuts Are Hitting Paychecks And They're So Good Some Pe - Duration: 1:12.


Hundreds of top government jobs under Trump are unfilled. So who's running things? - Duration: 3:21.

JUDY WOODRUFF: The announced departure of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe opens up

yet another high-level government post under President Trump.

In his case, it's being filled by the number three ranking person at the FBI.

But, as our own Lisa Desjardins reports, there are still quite a few other posts in the Trump

administration that remain empty one year in.

LISA DESJARDINS: Let's start big.

The federal government now has close to two million civilian workers nationwide.

Now let's focus on the biggest bosses.

There are a few hundred key positions appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.

These are the people who run our government day to day.

And one year into the Trump presidency, many of those posts are still empty.

Let's take 630 key jobs, all of them filled by presidential nomination and tracked by

the Partnership for Public Service.

Of those 630 top jobs, about 240 of them right now have no nominee.

Another 140 of those jobs have nominees, but they're still be confirmed.


More than half of key positions right now are unfilled.

What are these jobs exactly?

The top jobs, agency heads and the second- and third-highest ranking rungs underneath.

What do they do exactly?

A lot.

Things like keeping roads safe.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration does not have an administrator,

its top job, right now, nor anyone to head its legal, financial or enforcement divisions.

That reportedly has frozen several new safety standards.

Something else affected?

The opioid crisis.

The White House Drug Control Office, meant to work on the issue, has no director, and

has seen several other appointees leave.

And there is a long list of other vacancies, top spots at the Pentagon and at the State

Department, at the Agriculture Department, the offices overseeing national food safety.

And at the Energy Department, several key nuclear oversight jobs are unfilled.

That's just to name a few.

So who's running things?

A change in federal law that went into effect just last year allows a temporary acting replacement

in these jobs, but only for 300 days.

That's to give presidents time to make nominations.

But Mr. Trump hasn't made nominations for hundreds of these jobs, and the 300-day clock

has run out.

That's creating an unprecedented situation.

Those acting in these jobs do not technical have the legal authority to do them anymore.

One other reason for vacancies, more workers are leaving.

The Washington Post reported more than 70,000 federal workers quit or retired in the first

six months of the Trump administration.

That is a 42 percent increase over the same period for President Obama.

But, overall, President Trump may not see any of this as a problem.

DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: We don't need all the people that they want.

You know, don't forget, I'm a businessperson.

I tell my people, when you don't need to fill slots, don't fill them.

LISA DESJARDINS: The president wants to shrink government.

And that includes at the top.

Mr. Trump has fewer slots filled or nominated than any president in 25 years.

What we don't know is whether this will make government impressively more efficient or

dangerously less functional.

For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Lisa Desjardins.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Thank you, Lisa.

For more infomation >> Hundreds of top government jobs under Trump are unfilled. So who's running things? - Duration: 3:21.


[Engsub] Radio Romance Ep.2 PREVIEW| 라디오 로맨스💜Kim So Hyun & Yoon Doo Joon - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> [Engsub] Radio Romance Ep.2 PREVIEW| 라디오 로맨스💜Kim So Hyun & Yoon Doo Joon - Duration: 2:45.


(B)EscherWisser-Taktik-Analyse - So kann Werder Schalke 04 schlagen - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> (B)EscherWisser-Taktik-Analyse - So kann Werder Schalke 04 schlagen - Duration: 2:53.


Trotz Prüfungspech: David Friedrich jetzt so beliebt wie nie - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Trotz Prüfungspech: David Friedrich jetzt so beliebt wie nie - Duration: 3:40.


Pietro schockiert: So viele Dinge brauchte Baby Alessio! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Pietro schockiert: So viele Dinge brauchte Baby Alessio! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:17.


220/110-kV-Leitungen: So gehts weiter - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 220/110-kV-Leitungen: So gehts weiter - Duration: 1:33.


Pietro schockiert: So viele Dinge brauchte Baby Alessio! - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Pietro schockiert: So viele Dinge brauchte Baby Alessio! - Duration: 3:05.


ERNÄHRUNG | KOCHEN So wird Ihr Lieblingsgericht gesünder - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> ERNÄHRUNG | KOCHEN So wird Ihr Lieblingsgericht gesünder - Duration: 2:21.


'Visual yang luar biasa di militer' Kim So Hyun, foto di balik pelatihan militer - Duration: 1:05.

'Visual yang luar biasa di militer' Kim So Hyun, foto di balik pelatihan militer

Pada tanggal 29 Januari, Foto dari Kim Soo Hyun yang sedang berlatih di pelatihan militer beredar di internet.

Ki Soo Hyun yang menjalankan tugas wajib militernya sejak 23 Oktober tahun lalu mendapatkan pelatihan dasar militer selama lima minggu di Paju, provinsi Gyeonggi dan juga mendapatkan gelar posisi di divis pertama.

Foto-foto yang dirilis didistribusikan melalui official website dari pusat pelatihan itu sendiri dan Kim Soo Hyun menunjukkan visualnya sebagai seorang prajurit. Ia mengungkapkan betapa ia sangat menghormati figur seorang prajurit dan bangga dengan pakaian prajuritnya.

Ia terlihat tersenyum dengan bahagia dengan pakaian militer dan pelatihannya. Walalupun rambutnya yang pendek dan memakai seragam yang sama dengan prajurit lainnya, visualnya tetap menonjol.

Ia juga dapat beristirahat disela-sela masa pelatihannya dan tersenyum kepada kamera, ia terlihat begitu senang dan sehat. Ia juga menarik perhatian masyarakat dengan matanya yang karismatik saat sedang pelatihan menembak.

Kim Soo Hyun telah menjadi contoh trainee prajurit yang baik dan mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai prajurit terbaik dari komandan divisinya.

Setelah menyelesaikan pelatihan dasar militernya, Kim Soo Hyun akan melanjutkan wajib militernya di Susaek Battalion sebagai divisi nomor 1. Dia juga dijadwalkan akan dikirim keluar dari Korea pada 22 July 2019 nanti.

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