I'm very pragmatic about what does it take to make life work But what I want
you to know is Australia of all the places on the face of the earth when I'm
talking to my client he just saying Tony of all the place on earth is one place
you'd pick to have a great quality of life with your family that will weather
the storm the best that's Australia by far you guys are in the best place on
earth to make it through this situation to take advantage of it but the real
secret is whether you suffer or whether you succeed is not going to be based on
the season some people freeze to death in the middle of the winter other
people's ski and snowboard it really comes down to what are you gonna do so
since coming here I was thinking what could I do to show you how to take
advantage of the season what can they do to show you how you can
absolutely doesn't matter what the season is is a bad season financially a
good or bad time to start a business tell me which one when the economy is
toughest is it a good or bad time to start a business you tell me which one
you know of course that's what he expects me to say is good but it's the
truth if you look at the fortune 1000 companies around the world 65% of them
were started in a depression or a recession the reason is they were
started with somebody when all the competition was freaking out
somebody could start like Apple computers in the middle of a recession
with selling their Volkswagen bus and come out with some ideas because
everybody else was scared it wasn't willing to do whatever it took
Disney started in the depression by Fortune magazine started in depression
how you gonna build your fortune in the middle of a depression it's why I didn't
want to strongest companies in the magazine business a business that's
pretty horrible for most people if you look at Microsoft it was a recession you
look at the best and most powerful companies it's because they understood
something that's really critical and that is don't ask it be easier ask and
make yourself better if you get strong during the tough time you'll dominate
for the rest of your life but what I think will be useful is maybe walk you
through a tool of that has developed over the years to
turn companies around and the fundamental tool is there are areas of
your business every one of you in this room no matter what your business is if
you're in business you're probably doing something well how many got seminarian
your business you're proud of whether it be marketing or sales or the product or
service how am I gonna do your products AI how do we got an area you're less
than proud of say ah the challenge is where does our energy go to the areas we
feel most skilled and powerful in or least skilled and least powerful and
which one now our energy tends to go to the areas we feel most powerful we do
what makes us feel good we do what we feel confident in not what we feel
incompetent in and business is complex it doesn't have to be but it is so I
thought maybe maybe a foreman I could give you there is let's walk through
what the business environments really like right now and let us see if we can
walk through what are the areas that if you were just to do this if I never saw
you again and my goal is to see you again my goal is do you have enough
value go okay this is no brainer I'm gonna take four days when he comes back
undergoing this experience and be immersed and grow my business 31% but if
I don't here's what I want you to do or if you don't I'm gonna cover seven areas
that are what I call the seven forces of your business each force has a forceful
impact on your level of success or failure your profitability etc there's
some areas that you're doing good in some areas you could do better in some
areas you're very weakened the problem is a chain is only as strong as its
weakest what and in business so many businesses go through challenges because
those weak links are the ones that destroy your not your strengths it's
true around the world actually Australian business is interesting a
little bit more intense than even business in the u.s. in one category
what percentage of Australian businesses are still alive five years after they
start who knows what percentage of Australian businesses
are still alive five years after they start I'll give you a clue 90% of all
Australian businesses are in the first five years if you and I are
gonna really make this thing work it's that we all look and say okay why did
businesses why do they fail why does so many businesses fail why is
it I mean a good intention people smart people strong people and yet they still
fail and maybe they make good products good services they had great advantages
when they start they may haven't been successful for three or four or five
years or even ten years and now they're gone I will tell you what I've seen in
my life and I've had the privilege now of working around the world with 50
million people through my books and tapes and audio and video programs but
I've worked with 4 million people 4 million from a hundred different
countries over the last 34 years I can clearly tell you there's patterns you
don't miss when you've been with that many people and that many businesses and
the one guy don't I can tell you above anything else is most businesses fail
because they fail to anticipate what's coming write that down write down
anticipation is the ultimate power if you fail to anticipate no matter how
smart you are you're gonna end up reacting and your
business will pay the price and the price and the sport rate is death the
death of the business just like a gladiator now what do I mean by this
maybe I can show you what I mean by giving you an example that more people
can relate to I want you to set up your chair with some energy so I know you're
in a city of some energy makes you the person that she's got some energy and I
want you to yell out I if this describes an experience you really have and I want
you to be honest if if it doesn't describe an experience you don't say
anything but if it describes experience you have I want you ready to go I all
right so here's my question how many of you in this room have ever experienced
the total and complete humiliation becomes when you play a video game
against the child how many have this experience say I
how many have this happen more than once they I who always wins we play a video
game against the child who the child why is because they're smarter quicker
sir in fact don't even tell me why think about how the process occurs first of
all you don't play many video games so you're smart you don't offer to be a
part of this game it usually occurs because one of your children or you may
be how you're an aunt or an uncle to someone or friend and they say to you at
Christmastime auntie UNK somebody mom dad play this game with me and you say
no no I don't play those games you can join it I'm not good at it I think you
know it's really easy let me show you let me hand you this little guy lingo
just chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew
bam bam bam you just shoot guys just like that it's so easy and they would
come on do this with me and finally you acquiesce and then what
happens you should know you're being set up when they say you go first
and what happens you pick up that gun and these aliens come out 2 2 2 2 and
you're dead usually in about 3.8 seconds now the child takes the gun what happens
- June - choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo
choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo
and about 45 minutes later you get your second turn we know what I'm talking
about here say ah now you're pissed alright you're like getting competitive
I'm not getting shot in three seconds see now you really focus to do to do and
you get shot in the back and you're dead in two seconds the judge the judge the
judge a 30 to 45 minutes later you get your third one the kid scores 480
million points you get three who's happiest experience say hi why just a
child always win is it cuz they're younger faster smarter
more flexible their minds are wired this way no listen to me
the child always wins because they'd played this game before
and because they played the game before listen to me keywords they know the road
ahead and if you know the road ahead you have the ultimate advantage over
everyone around you you must know the road ahead why because when you know the
road ahead you can anticipate write it down again anticipation is the ultimate
advantage in business and in life anticipation when you know the road
ahead you know what's coming when you know it's coming you can anticipate when
you can anticipate what's the benefit of anticipation when you anticipate you're
ahead of the game if you're not anticipating what do you have to do
react and when you're in the game of business and you react you're gonna die
it's that simple I don't care who you are I don't care how long you've been
business if you find yourself reacting gonna die you're in business and you
didn't anticipate some of the challenges coming up with technology and all of a
sudden it eats you up in a week in a month what you built five ten years ago
disappears who's seen this happen I knows what I'm talking about it's real
hearsay I so we're talking about the most important skill of all here
anticipation because otherwise you're reacting why does the kid succeed they
played it so many times guess what they know in the game starts first bad guys
here second bad guys here third bad guys here they don't wait they anticipate and
they take control if there's one gift you could give yourself it's to know
this write this down if you would the biggest choke hold in any business the
biggest choke hold in any business is always the owner / leader it's the owner
leaders psychology or skills the biggest choke hold in any business is the owner
leader psychology or skills your mindset what eats you up is you don't know
what's coming you don't have the skill to handle what's coming because you
don't know it or you're so beat up psychologically emotionally by what
you've been through you can't find the answer so as a result you end up with a
story that limits you you end up in a state that limits you what's stopping
the business another way of saying this is the story the state and the strategy
of the owner or the leader if you change that owner leaders state story and
strategy you change everything if you don't they're not going to succeed so
Bill Gates is a gutsy bastard Bill Gates has a lot I mean the guy took big risks
he was at Harvard had a great education setup wasn't doing so good but he read a
magazine article about the first personal computer called the Altair and
he read it he said you know what I think this is the future he anticipated the
changes that would come in the future but he had guts and he took a risk
that's why he's who he is he called the guy up and he said listen I see you got
this new computer you guys need software for that he said I've written software
for that'll make it run perfectly was that true yes or no
it's total bullshit he made it up he was just being gutsy and saying if I tell
the guy I've got software and he says come see me I'm gonna figure out how to
do it pretty ballsy sure enough the guy said bring it to me in three weeks so he
had three weeks to come up with software GE and his partner and he worked around
the clock and literally when he went to Altair in New Mexico to show the
software he never computer to tested on he didn't know it was gonna work for
sure thank God for his future worked it was a gutsy risky thing he invested all
this time and energy he blew off his school he did everything and thank God
for him it worked but that didn't make him wealthy
hila made him wealthy something called ms-dos ms-dos was software that he did
not write he bought ms-dos that made him three and a half billion dollars for
$50,000 Bill Gates bought it for $50,000 from
somebody else he saw IBM and he was studying his competition
and he said they think they're in the computer business and I think the
computer business is going to become a commodity at some point in the future I
want to control the intelligence that controls those computers so what I'm
gonna do is I'll offer the software and I'll just go buy it from this kid over
here now fifty thousand dollars is a huge sum of money most business people
don't have guts they don't take risk and they don't
invest he said I got to do this roll the dice got it locked up went to IBM and
convince them that IBM wanted it what did IBM want to do they wanted to
buy it from him he said no I'll rent it to you they said no no no he's look
you're not in the software business anyway you're in the computer business
you don't want software software changes you don't know that area let me do this
for you the biggest strategic number I said your life is controlled by your
what decisions that decision made him wealthy that decision for IBM made them
husband in a short number of years you have to anticipate the shifts am I
making sense with you here yes or no so what's the solution the solution listen
to me is constant and never-ending improvement on the areas that control
the success or failure of your business constant never-ending improvement it
does nothing huge but has to be constant incremental improvements in the areas
that matter on a regular basis and you will dominate as long as you also
anticipate so let me give you seven real fast cuz I'm on a tight tight tight on
time let me give you the first of the seven let me show you how it works I'm
gonna start with the end in mind if you're gonna be successful in business
the end outcome what makes somebody successful in business is not that they
make a sale if all you do is make a sale you made a little money to have a
business it has to be sustained to be sustained you have to build clients or
at a minimum when I recall raving fan quiets raving fan customers
now why is the target of all business a raving fan customer well first of all
what makes a human being wealthy in financial terms what will make you
wealthy is only one way to get wealthy and stay wealthy add more value to other
people's lives than anyone else can possibly do if you add more value than
anybody else you will have people be a raving fan of your product service or
company and raving fans are the best marketing in the world because today
nobody pays attention to advertising unless it's shocking and even then it
doesn't necessarily sell the product what sells products today is people
telling people this is the best shit you can get how many agree with me on this
right now say ah and you can't buy that word-of-mouth you can only deliver it by
delivering such an incredibly valuable experience or product or service that
people tell everybody about it the first key to getting to that target
if we're going to like we're gonna we're gonna grab hold of my energy and win a
race towards this target if you have to do step number one step one in a
business is you got to know where you really are you got to know where you
really are and you gotta build what I call a business map now what do I mean
by a business map well think of it this way how many of you in this room have a
five-year business plan right now for your company five-year business plan
raise your hand now a group of you know 9,000 people I'm seeing maybe a dozen
hands the reason you're seeing it doesn't answers because even if you have
to a five-year plan it's bullshit and I'm not being disrespectful it's
bullshit why is it bullshit everyone tell me why
is a five-year business plan in the world we live in today total bullshit
why because the world is changing so fast you have no clue what's gonna be
here in five years you're kidding yourself so what do you throw up your
hands you just hope it works out well that's a disaster too what you need is a
business map a business map means you understand the territory you understand
what's happening where it's happening so as you're moving along
you can adjust with that map to get where you want to go as the environment
changes the way you frame what business you're in
to yourself is the single biggest limit in your business and I promise you it's
limiting who you do business with as well you know if you have yes Peter
Drucker one of the greatest business geniuses of all time he used to say
there's really only one question maybe two in business his question is what
business he in and how's business you must control the meaning within yourself
within your team and then the way you market up you can't do that till you
crystal clear what business you're in and every seven weeks you should be
digging in deeper what business you're in or you ask a third question what
business do you need to be in because let me tell you something you didn't
experience in 2008 in Australia what the rest of the world did but you're going
to experience some of what the rest of the world has experienced coming soon
you can experience it your real estate market you're gonna experience it in
your shares market and you're gonna experience some unemployment on a much
larger scale than what you guys are uncomfortable with right now it's coming
I'm not here to be mr. positive and I'm not being negative I'm saying it's
coming so you want to take advantage of winter not let it freeze you to death
and you can because when everybody else is scared and hesitating if you're doing
the things I'm showing you you will take their market share and you will dominate
even if you're a little guy you can become a big guy in this time cuz the
time in which things change is tough times that's when little guys become big
guys because the big guys are doing the same boring shit over and over again and
they're not flexible but I got to tell you something
in order to succeed in your business you're gonna fall in love with your
clients and not with your products and services and here's the other question
what stage of the life cycle of the business are you in listen to me
this understanding is the most important standing of all and I can't give it to
you all here I take a day on this when I say I give people a million dollar
guarantee the reason I'm giving that million dollar guarantee and no one ever
takes me up on it I mean I think two times in three years someone's taking me
up on it and when they did I've been glad because I didn't want to stupid for
soon in my seminar I thought you can't see this gonna save you a million
dollars in making million bars you shouldn't be in here right happy to
refund your money is this material and this material is understanding the life
stage of a business see businesses have life cycles just like humans do so watch
this for a second which can get in more trouble an infant or toddler quick nice
and loud which one nice and loud which one why cuz the toddlers more mobile
they can go what does this rock tastes like right which one could get more in
trouble a toddler or a teenager that's right
tell me if you give your car to a teenager and you say drive it never
above the speed limit what can you promise and guarantee they're going to
do are they gonna speed yes or no and the worst thing that can happen is they
get away with it let me explain what I mean businesses have stages of
development what do they tell you was the most important thing to business the
power of anticipation what if there was a way to know in advance what problems
you were gonna have in your business before they happened you know exactly
what they were how they were gonna happen and what to do to prevent them
right now no matter what stage you're in how many think that be might worth its
weight in gold raise your right hands say hi that's what happens when you
understand the stage let's go to number two the second key force a business you
got to be working on is constant constant strategic innovation you know
what the hell does that mean sounds so complex strategic innovation
notice I didn't just say innovate you can innovate in a day innovate and it
may not make a difference and innovation takes time energy and money
it's got to be innovation the customer cares about let's go back to Peter
Drucker for a moment Peter Drucker has always said that the core of all
business is only two things if a business is successful these two things
are its core innovation and marketing everybody else in your company is
employed by the people who innovate and market for your company because without
them there is no company now what does innovation mean
it means finding the way to meet people's what needs it means find a way
to add more what then anybody else is adding but listen to me and maybe this
will help you understand innovation in a different way people say but I am
meeting their needs and are my customers are really happy so why innovate cuz
it's called innovate or die in the world we live in let me explain why how often
is Apple Computer even though they're the best find a way to innovate again
how often can you count on it is it consistent yes or no every year
sometimes multiple times a year isn't it true that's why they're number one so
what you have to do is you can't just meet your needs you gotta meet their
needs in a new way meet the needs even more add more value but do it in a new
way that's how you have raving fan clients it's not enough to meet their
needs it's not enough to add more value gotta do it new ways all the time it
makes it sexy it makes it mysterious it makes it interesting it makes them want
to engage you it gets them to tell everybody else about the new thing
you're doing ok now let's go to number 3 real fast I might have to keep this in
garrettgetschow so number 3 is if you what was it we
said Drucker said all business is two things innovation and what come on guys
innovation and marketing answer this question for me does the best product or
service always win yes or no nice and loud yes or no which company always wins
McDonald's where does that should come from no the best marketed product or
service for better or worse and let's use McDonald's ok man that's a good
example tell me something perfect example just McDonald's make the
best tasting hamburger in the world notice we got a universal 9000 person
response now is it the tastiest is it the best quality yes or no
but it is the best what marketed as you would say marketed in the world
I call it marketed the point of the matter is this company understands
marketing and even though they have a shit product they got billions and
billions and billions of people to eat that shit now here's the problem of
marketing today that's a it's a significant problem I want you think
about this does anybody know how many marketing messages the average person
had to see 15 years ago how many messages before they would start to seek
you out to consider buying your product where they would do something active to
seek out your product does anybody know 15 years ago how many times do they have
to see a message from you on average if you're in a quality ad the answer is for
15 years ago does anybody know what the number is today 16 now what do you think
that's none two companies profit abilities
add value this does make sense become an education marketer become someone that
does value because then you become the valued expert not a stupid salesperson
could you're giving me something and if you give me something I want to give you
something I'd love to give you my business if you're gonna give me
something but you're just gonna advertise advertise advertise advertise
screw you big thing if you follow this AI and then you don't have to go for 16
exposures you can get somebody in one exposure and they'll answer your emails
and they'll reach out to you and you watch your business grow like you can't
even dream forced number 4 is the constant never-ending improvement of
sales and mastery systems sales mastery systems marketing is wonderful but if
you don't convert that marketing into sales you don't have a business now
because of time here's all I'll tell you on this one we're gonna give you that's
valuable that's simple how about this how many of you right now in this room
have a business that's primarily done with no sales people all on the web
major had no sales people all automated rayji and if you have sales people if
you have sales people that work with you the majority of you
if you have an automated business them and how good it is you don't want a
one-legged stool a one-legged stool at one point can get in trouble and you
collapse you want at least three legs and one of those legs as a minimum it's
gotta be a sales team now how can you grow though when you're brand new small
business or you've been around a while well technology today allows us to be
able to hire people to go to work for us literally 24/7 365 all around the world
we literally have more than 150 people that work for one of my companies all of
which live in different parts of the world all of which we note only by way
of our experience of them by way of Skype calls where we can see them and
create you could coach them but we measure them better than the persons in
the same room with us in the old days we know what they're doing every mo more
you know people responding we know everything cuz it's all fed to us by the
web we have virtual companies now so you don't have a lot of resources we can
show you how to get three or five salespeople and your little company like
these couple of guys here that right now our operators what have you had three
people that their entire life was about how to make sure they filled your
business well you wouldn't have one little location you might have five but
here's what I can tell all of you just give you one quick hint in this area in
the time that we got right then one thing great salespeople are not trained
they are found great salespeople are not trained they are found and then trained
to be even better and this is coming from a guy that's trained two million
salespeople in the world I did that for 15 years it's one of my jobs here's what
I mean by this write down this phrase nature is the most powerful factor
nature is the most powerful factor if I was gonna give you something in two
seconds right now I'd say if this if you're gonna get a great person to sell
for you you can train somebody all day long but their nature ask them ask the
job the fifth force you gotta take control of you've got to have constant
anticipation member that key word anticipation so you're not reacting
you're anticipating you know the road ahead in two areas of your business
legal and I know you're not a lawyer you're at least most of you but you got
to know where your risks are and financial
we're counting now how many of you in this room is business owners hate
accounting if you're with me brothers and sisters can I have a hallelujah
however unfortunately even though you hate it how many of you in this room
never have ever been bitten in the bum so to speak because you thought the
numbers were one thing or they meant something or your cash was one level it
was another some accounting piece that really really hurt you at the time who's
had this experience before raising a nice and I say I I want to tell you
something more companies go down because most of you in this room do not like
accounting and I do not want to sell you on being an accountant but a boring-ass
job but I do want to sell you on knowing enough of this that you can run that
accountant or that CFO because you still have the lead and if you don't you'll
become part of the 99% that fail I don't care how big smart you are to how much
your sales are learning how to manage your business includes the economics and
we take half a day and make it fun so that you can kick ass with any CFO or
accountant and you can ask them questions they don't know let me ask you
two questions real fast question one how many of you have a
specific day of the month that you always go through your financials and
you never ever miss on your business raise your hand keep your hand up a look
around the room it's not even three percent of the room that does this
that's why ninety nine percent go out of business
remember I said in the beginning what is the chokehold in the business it's the
psychology and the skills of the entrepreneur if you don't develop the
skill of knowing how to manage the finances I don't mean write it down and
do the accounting I mean know how to read that and use that information as
intelligence to guide yourself you're gonna be in trouble in business nobody
gets a special license you can go out there and know nothing about numbers
except what you think you know and that's why you go out of business this
is a skill if you don't get it from me you better go get it now but I can give
it to you in a fun way in half a day of the four days where you'll be Arif
financials and find stuff your accountants not finding and then what
you want to find is the intelligence that allows you to run your
more effectively I'll give you a little clue who here knows the three documents
you've got to see every single month to run your business raise your hand if you
know the three and can name them look around the room look at this we got nine
thousand people in this room and maybe 20% of you even though the documents you
don't review you'll even know what they are here I'll give you a little gift
something that took me 20 years to figure out little gift if you got a
business that has a 20% margin margin of net profit and most of you probably have
a margin less than that some of you maybe more than that but if you have
that and you just cut 12% of your costs 12% of your costs on a 20% margin
company you'll grow your profits by 50% meaning you have a 30% margin if you
want to listen to me you want to grow your profits 50% all you have to do is
control cut 12% of your costs but you're never gonna do that when you don't even
rate look at your own financials let's go to the next one finally number six
number six is what if I said to you there was treasure in your business and
that treasure is just waiting for you to come by and pick it up but you got a
dick for it but if you pick it up it's gonna cost you nothing what if I said
every one of you in this room no bullshit no hyperbole no exaggeration in
the next six to 12 months 18 months at the outside in a tougher economy even
you could grow your business 3,200 30% no exaggeration no hyperbole and it's
not gonna cost you any more money to do it when I say it's not costing any money
let me be honest you might find by spending five thousand dollars you can
make 150 thousand or by spending ten you could make half a million so to me
that's not spending money how many fall I'm talking about here say I that is
this skill this is my strongest skill this is why companies call me ended your
turnarounds this is why my companies are where they are through all the economies
and all the countries I've been in all the industries you have to learn the
skill of optimization and maximization that's this point you have to learn to
optimize and maximize your business on an ongoing basis
now what does that mean it means figuring out how to do what you're
already doing where you get a geometric result from a bunch of small changes
small changes that accumulate to create a geometric change but you gotta master
this go home and figure this out by itself if you want to you to start
making progress right away
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