Have you ever struggled trying to find yourself or find your purpose in life?
I'm going to lay out for you step by step what you may be missing all along. In
this video, learn how to find yourself and your purpose in life.
There's a big search that you and I and others are going through and that's
really to find our purpose in life. But why are there so many people struggling
with finding themselves and their purpose? Like what's blocking the way?
What's really in the way of us figuring this out? Now, I've got 6 ideas for you
here of what you can do to clear the space so that this can be discovered. And
over literally the last 15 years of mentoring people one-on-one and in large
groups, I have found a common thread amongst people who are confused or lost
in this area. And I want to share those 6 ideas with you. Because what if you
did take action on these 6 ideas? What if you did this? Well, then the fog and
the darkness would pull away. And you would find your purpose. You know what
would happen? You'd get moving. You'd feel some motivation, you'd make
some progress and wow, you're actually would feel really really good. Now, if
you're not into feeling good and knowing your purpose then this is not your video.
But here we go, I'm going to give you the 6 insights of what it takes to be able
to clear that space. First, what it takes. That it clear some room and seriously,
you have to clear up your stuff. A person who has a bunch of messy stuff, garage,
closet. All the things are in those boxes and
that one room in your house where it's all messy, if you got messy areas of your
life, how can you think clearly about your purpose and really discovering who
you are at that deep level? You can't. It really causes a lot of problems and
delays when we leave our stuff messy. But where do you start,
right? How do you start this? Well, to clean up your stuff, notice it's your
stuff. First, you take some responsibility accountability for your own shirts, pants,
socks, your undies. You know, your own things. Your own books,
your own part of the of the closet or the office or you know your side of the
bed. You... You clean up your stuff. And the more you start to respect and honor your
things, you begin to find yourself. Tough to find yourself when the things you're
managing are not put in a good order. So, start cleaning up your stuff. And
start with your own personal stuff. Second, get rid of stuff. If we have too
many things, if we have too much stuff what happens is our mind has to manage
all those things even when we're not around it. There's a portion, a little
portion of our mind that's connected to each item that we call our own or that
we've kept or we chose to keep it. But there literally is this little dose of
energy that leaves our mind and goes out to hold that thing in its particular
space. And so the more things you have, the more mind space is being occupied. So,
when you clean up your stuff and then get rid of some stuff, it
opens up your mind. And when it opens up your mind, it opens up your eyes. So, you
can find yourself and find your purpose. But too much stuff is going to block
your vision, block your ability to discover what this is. Number 3,
people. You find your purpose and you find yourself through serving others.
Because when you find your purpose, that purpose is going to be about helping
other people. It always comes back to that. Now, let's say that you decided, "Well,
my purpose in life is to be a veterinarian." Well, you're helping take
care of other people's pets or animals and that helps the people. If your
purpose in life is to be a home builder, well that home helps other people. No,
matter what you do in this life, it's going to benefit some other people. So,
how you find your purpose and find who you are, start being around people. More
people. And I there's lots of ways to do that. You get to decide what that looks
like for yourself, but the more you engage with people, the
sooner this will happen. Next is spending some time in nature. Nature has this
ability to be able to help us feel calm and peaceful. And also, Nature has no
"fakeness" to it. Nature is natural. So, when we spend time in nature and we see it as
it is, the way the trees are, the way the mountains are, the way the river is. The
way the stream and the lake and all the animals. They are what they are.
There's no covering up. They just that's who they are. And so the more time we can
spend in nature which if you can spend at least 30 minutes just being in nature.
30 minutes a week. If you can be an hour out in nature. Now, I'm not saying you're
out there fishing or hiking or camping. That's an activity. When I say be in
nature, like you literally are just being in nature. You're sitting on a rock
amongst trees for a half an hour, an hour. Just to soak up being in nature. There's
no hike, there's no camping, there's no fishing, there's no bike riding. There's
none of that kind of stuff going on. Because that's all those are
distractions. But being in nature helps us get past our cover-ups. Get past our
front that we put up to show everybody else. I mean, we we as people, we try to
show up in front of other people a lot better than what we are in our natural
state. Because we were worried that people are not going to love us for who we
are. So we show up to people. And so, when you get in nature, your natural side, your
authentic side comes to the surface to help you find yourself
and helps you find your purpose. We're just going to be about people. It really
is. Okay, number 5. Your health and nutrition. You know mom always said eat
your vegetables? It's true. See how mom always said you know, "Ho ride
your bike instead of staying inside all day long." Moms are right. They they're so
smart. They're so smart. But moms are right. The
more healthy we are and the more we focus on our nutrition, what happens is
it helps our brain function better. So, the better we take care of us, the better
our brain functions. And that helps us find what we're looking for. So maybe
it's time to pick up an apple, right? Or maybe it's time to eat something healthy.
And maybe it's time to go for a walk. Get out of the house for a while and go help
energize your body and take care of your body. When you take care of your body, you
take care of your brain. And when you take care of your brain, you discover who
you are and the purpose in which you are in life and what you're doing. Number 6
here is to write. I would suggest pulling out a pad of paper or opening up a
document on your computer. And just start with the sentence that says, "The purpose
of my life is." And then just let all your crazy ideas come out of your head. And if
you can't think of anything of what your purpose of life is, if you can't come up
with anything. Then what you do is you just write a make-believe story.
Just pretend. You're not writing to find the answer, you're writing to be creative.
And so when you type on your computer or write on your pad of paper and you're
writing, you know, "The purpose of my life is." You get to make-believe, pretend, come up
with funny, crazy ideas. Maybe it's... Maybe you want to be an an ice cream truck
driver where you can drive around neighborhoods and make all the kids
happy. Whatever it is. But you playfully write what you think your your purpose
of life is. Because as you playfully write all these fun ideas and... Maybe
maybe you saw a movie and you liked what that person did in the movie. It's like, "I
want to be able to do this and I want to be able to do this." If you can open up
your mind through writing, you can open up your creative side. And somewhere in
that playful writing, one of those playful stories is going to cause a twinch
on the inside. Just this a little emotional spark. We as people, we tend
to want to find the right answer at the right time at the right moment. But what
if the purpose of your life is to be creative. What if there's a thousand
options for you and all you have to do is pick. Maybe it's time to do number 6.
And playfully right. And if you comply fully right and just keep it playful and
just kind of just you know brainstorm and make-believe for a while. You might
find that spark. Because it's what I did. Years and years and years ago. Well we're
probably talking 17,18 years ago. I had this crazy idea. I playfully said to my
wife, you know, what I want to grow up... When I grow up, I want to be a
motivational speaker. And I busted out laughing. I said there's no way. I'm an
introvert, I have nothing to teach, I don't know anything. I barely past high
school. I'll never be able to do that. But when I said that at a very playful way,
there was this twinge that happened in the center of my chest. It was like,
that's weird. And my wife noticed it. She's like, "Hey, I just saw your face,
something happened." I was like, "No, I'm good." But I was being playful. I was not
being serious. I was just... Because I just watched somebody at this big seminar
standing onstage for a couple days and and I was like, "Well, I want to do that. I
couldn't do that." But there's no way I had the training, the education by blah,
blah, blah. But I was being playful. But it opened up my mind. When we're playful, it
taps into the child's side of us. And the child's side of us opens up creativity. I
really believe the purpose of your life is to be found and created. But you get
to step into that playful side. I am going to find some incredible, incredible
experiences here as you go to write about this. But
remember, it's number 6, it's not number 1. Do these steps along the way and
when you get to number 6, you'll find that you're much more open to discover
who you are and what your purpose of life. It's that's what we like to do here
at 3 key elements. This is our mission. It's our purpose in life. To
literally share what we've found with you. Help save time. Be able to help you
find direction in your life. So subscribe here to our You Tube channel and I'll be
sure to send you another great training video that'll help open up your mind and
help dial in on that purpose. And also check us out on our website at 3keyelements.com.
We have some great training courses we love to share with
you there. So from for Kirk and Kim and my family
to you, hey your life matters. And that's why we do what we do.
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