Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily do Dec 31 2018

Do not invade my land and occupy my seat I like your words very much and tempt me

But your immunity protects me And a lifeline from your magic will save me

There must be a woman of Thawak

And more than a female gets closer and clings

Why did you leave everyone and come to me with your desire?

And make all the time of the most beautiful as I see you

Your dream grows and surrounds me with that love

I'm still feeling tired

I said: Have you finished questions and thresholds

I see you from my puzzled state in wonder Know that everything has an action and a reason

The Great Fire is only from a smaller flame And a nuclear reactor has become the metal

has run out Gems are gracious to the same acquisition

and asked Ante is a rare jewel in the world of lies

And with the abundance of flowers and more of them with thorns and fuzz

And a rose rose beyond the withering and destruction

Ask yourself, Why do I bow down to you?

Ask her about the gardener how much of a poem you wrote

It still runs behind your luster and does not feel the slightest fatigue

Despite the problems that have gone a little I give up and be depressed

I will answer you, I do not yet escape

But do not dictate that the protagonist prolong and extend

Do not cut me whenever my pen of your qualities approached

You do not have any flaws I do not know but

Mahmud over it

My admiration and love for your lightness is the strongest reason

The fires set on by your femininity were flames And your precious soul is more precious to

me than diamonds and gold

I will make you thirsty even if you do not get angry from zero to Rajab

When I sleep I find your feminine spectrum as high as

the beat

I am not a gazelle but your occupation is taking my heart and robbing

And not a witch, but the sweetness of your words, the mind is gone

A cup of sugar came to me from the unseen,

and in my mouth was poured out And digestion, how I want it has melted down

to the knees

I ran in the balls of balls that followed her before she fled

O my pet I am innocent of every accusation

I belong to But you, my love for all crimes committed

For I have killed all women from my imagination,

and they have been written off And whoever made your name the place of Abla

and Lili, even the books

For more infomation >> العسل لا يحتاج سكر Honey does not need sugar, حوار احبة , قصيدة رومانسية - Duration: 6:37.


[1hour] HÃY VỀ ĐÂY BÊN ANH - DUY MẠNH ,Coer by Do Thanh Hung & Truong Nhat - Duration: 1:00:57.

For more infomation >> [1hour] HÃY VỀ ĐÂY BÊN ANH - DUY MẠNH ,Coer by Do Thanh Hung & Truong Nhat - Duration: 1:00:57.


New Year's Eve at Disneyland | Do I Have Anything Else To Say Here? - Duration: 2:46.

I can't believe we have been doing this for two years two years we have been

making these videos these vlogs these uploads these adventures hello everybody

welcome to Disneyland of course I filmed this earlier so I'm not actually here at

Disneyland but I wanted to say thank you so very much for everything you've given

me this past year these past two years that we've been doing these shows I

couldn't have done it without you it really means a lot to me we had ups and

we head down we're gonna be going on to our season 3 of the epc vlogs what is

gonna happen in 2019 I don't know will there be a big change maybe I don't know

I definitely want to keep doing Disneyland vlogs but I also want to mix

it up a little bit when I mix it up a little bit I've been doing this for two

years at Disneyland and I definitely want to mix it up try something new try

new things at Disneyland try new things outside of Disneyland I am very very

grateful to have every single one of you in my life if you could make it to

Disneyland during the holidays but you probably didn't understand it please

it's just a lot of you all over the world at least I can give a little bit

of magic your way hopefully hopefully I can give a little magic your way by

making these videos it's gonna be incredible three seasons many shows

don't have three seasons right now I'm probably back home in New York well

you're watching this and I'm sure I'm thinking about all the beautiful things

that are happening at Disneyland that I can see at this moment in time when I'm

recording this but I'm not actually here during this time so unlike you I'm

watching this and thinking oh I wish I could be there but we all need a break

right we all need a break from even the good things in life

but once again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this

year and even the year before that so special on this channel thank you so

much for joining me on this adventure so much to come in 2019 not sure exactly

how we're gonna change it up but we're gonna change it up we're gonna do do

listen we're gonna do things differently okay things can't stay the same what

those changes will be I don't know we'll have to find out

For more infomation >> New Year's Eve at Disneyland | Do I Have Anything Else To Say Here? - Duration: 2:46.


✅ Zezé Di Camargo se emociona ao falar sobre estado de saúde do pai - Duration: 1:43.

 Momentos antes de se apresentar no Festival Virada Salvador 2019, o cantor Zezé di Camargo falou emocionado do pai, Francisco, de 81 anos, que há alguns meses enfrenta problemas de saúde

Ele confessou que tinha certeza de que perderia a companhia dele antes das festas de Natal, mas celebrou "a surpresa" de ter passado a data ao lado de seu Francisco

 "Confesso que, há três meses, eu estive com o meu pai em Goiânia e tinha certeza absoluta de que a gente não o teria neste Natal

Isso já estava certo em minha cabeça. Mas como, pra Deus, nada é impossível, tivemos uma surpresa maravilhosa, impressionante diante do quadro que ele estava vivendo", contou o cantor a jornalistas

  Seu Francisco passou o Natal com a família toda e surpreendeu filhos pela melhora Zezé Di Camargo se emociona ao falar sobre estado de saúde do pai   9 FOTOS   O irmão de Zezé, o cantor Luciano, também revela que tem comemorado cada pequena vitória de Seu Francisco

"O momento que ele melhora um pouquinho, já começa a falar demais, fica brincando com os enfermeiros

Fica o tempo todo se mostrando muito bem. Isso nos traz motivação pra ficar ao lado dele e acreditar numa melhora constante, se Deus quiser", afirmou o artista

 No Festival Virada Salvador, os dois cantaram sucessos dos 27 anos de carreira


For more infomation >> ✅ Zezé Di Camargo se emociona ao falar sobre estado de saúde do pai - Duration: 1:43.


✅ Primeiro "Diário Oficial" do governo Bolsonaro pode ter até 5 mil páginas - Duration: 3:26.

 A edição do "Diário Oficial da União" de terça-feira (1º), que vai publicar os primeiros atos de Jair Bolsonaro como presidente, deverá ter algo em torno 5 mil páginas

Essa é a estimativa de funcionários da Imprensa Nacional, responsável pela publicação, depois de advertidos para o grande volume de atos a serem assinados pelo novo presidente, segundo o blog de Cristiana Lôbo

 Na edição de terça, serão publicados todos os atos de demissão e nomeação de funcionários para cargos de confiança, os chamados DAS, e também os atos de reestruturação administrativa do governo

 O governo Bolsonaro reduziu de 29 para 22 o número de ministérios e, para isso, houve fusão de muitas pastas ou redistribuição de áreas para outros ministérios

Essas mudanças demandaram muitos estudos, pois cada ministério detém dezenas de CNPJs que seriam realocados

Um exemplo é o antigo Ministério do Desenvolvimento, que sob sua jurisdição detinha 76 CNPJs

Agora, o ministério foi incorporado pelo novo Ministério da Economia

 A edição do "Diário Oficial" vai trazer também a reestruturação da vice-presidência da República

Desde que Michel Temer assumiu a presidência, a vice perdeu toda a estrutura de assessores e, praticamente, deixou de existir – restando apenas o cargo de vice

Agora, para que o general Hamilton Mourão assuma, a vice-presidência será reorganizada com a recriação de um quadro de assessores

 Depois de 155 anos sendo impresso, o "Diário Oficial da União" é, desde 1º de dezembro de 2017, exclusivamente digital

 Bolsonaro garante apoio a profissionais da área de inteligência  O presidente eleito, Jair Bolsonaro, garantiu neste domingo (30) apoio aos profissionais do serviço de inteligência, "um dos mais importantes e sensíveis para a segurança da nação", disse em seu perfil no Twitter

 De acordo com Bolsonaro, pela natureza discreta da atuação desses agentes, eles "raramente" são reconhecidos

Mas, "no que depender deste governo não faltará apoio e valorização para os profissionais da área!", escreveu

 Bolsonaro toma posse como presidente da República na próxima terça-feira (1º), em uma cerimônia com segurança reforçada na região da Esplanada dos Ministérios e Praça dos Três Poderes, em Brasília

 Ele chegou na tarde de sábado (29) à capital federal e, desde então, está na residência oficial da Granja do Torto, onde deve passar o réveillon com sua família

 90% da rede hoteleira do DF está ocupada  Às vésperas da cerimônia de posse do presidente eleito, Jair Bolsonaro, em 1º de janeiro, quem vier a Brasília pode ter dificuldades de hospedagem

É que a ocupação hoteleira já passa dos 90%, segundo o Sindhobar (Sindicato de Bares e Restaurantes do Distrito Federal)

No DF, são cerca de 16 mil vagas em hotéis e pousadas.  Em meio à expectativa para a cerimônia, os hotéis, bares e restaurantes da cidade se organizaram para ampliar as possibilidades para o réveillon

O presidente do Sindhobar, Jael da Silva, afirmou que os empresários decidiram não fechar as portas no dia 1º como normalmente ocorre

 "Este ano uma boa parte dos restaurantes resolveu abrir. Assim, quem vier para posse terá mais opções", disse Jael Silva, acrescentando que os responsáveis pelo setor se organizaram para evitar a falta de hospedagem

diário oficialgoverno Bolsonaroposse

For more infomation >> ✅ Primeiro "Diário Oficial" do governo Bolsonaro pode ter até 5 mil páginas - Duration: 3:26.


I Want To Sell My House - Where Do I Start? - Duration: 7:46.

I want to sell my house - so where do I start? Well let's get into this topic so

you can sell your house as quickly as possible.

So I want to sell my house - where do I start? Perhaps a new addition to the family, you need another

room, maybe the kids have gone off to university and it's time to begin to

downsize. Well as these changes have come about in your life and you're

considering the next step, the first step you need to take is to make sure you get

a good realtor to help you in this process. There are a number of ways you

can go about this. One way is you can ask a friend or a family member that has

dealt with a realtor recently and go with a referral like this, another way is

just to call a few of them and interview them and just see if there's a good

connection between you all, but whatever you decide and however you go about this

process, it is important that the realtor you find is a realtor who can

aggressively market your home. Now you can put it on an MLS which is a multi

listing service, your Realtor will help you do that, that's not a problem, we will

all do that and just wait for the right kind of traffic to come across this and

there you go, you'll find somebody that may be willing to put down what you want

or enter into negotiation for that house that you're selling. But if you find a

realtor who does more than this, a realtor who aggressively markets the

house with various forms of media, that house is going to sell, and it's going to be

at the top of the pile and getting more traffic than homes that are just listed

and using the old school method just waiting for traffic to go by and

hopefully you'll find somebody who will match up with the property well. So

choose wisely, make sure that you have a realtor who can do good marketing for

your home. So once you find your realtor it's important to spend some time to

speak to your realtor about your home and how you can better present that home.

You know today many people watch real estate programs on HGTV and various

other stations and of course their expectations as a result are very very

high. Also many go to new builds and in those

new build sites they have model homes and these homes are done immaculately so

obviously their expectations are very very high. But if you take the time to

just walk through your home with your realtor, this can be very helpful, if you

do an assessment room by room you'll know exactly what to take care of and

this doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to break the bank in order

to do expensive remodeling or expensive staging of your home. Just taking a

little bit of time to take care of this in a good way with your realtor can make

all the world of difference and get that home sold right away! In the description

to this video you'll find a link to our PDF on 'How to Prepare Your Home for a

Successful Sale', this will really help you with this step. Remember, it's very

difficult to change a first impression. One of the most important things to get

right is the pricing. Pricing your home right will determine whether or not it

is sold quickly or it sits on the market. The pricing of your home must reflect

the true market value. You know today many people have access

to a lot of applications that help them see what's on the market in a particular

area, to know the homes that are there and what they're being sold for, so it's

important that you do a little homework yourself, get informed of the market area

where your home is located, find out how much the homes are being sold for in

that area, but most importantly here is where you're agent, your

Realtor is so important. You know your Realtor is very informed of the market

area, I mean this is what they do for a living day to day, they will be able to

get the home priced right. That price will reflect the true market value of

the home and this will position the home for a quick sale. If your home is sitting

way too long on the market, what's going to happen is that a prospective buyer is

going to start to think, hey what's wrong with this house, why isn't it selling

and these questions are going to really cause traffic to diminish. Research shows

that between the third and sixth week of the marketing process that's when the most

potential buyers are attracted, so it is important that, first your home has the

right pricing and second that there is good aggressive marketing behind it. You

want to maximize traffic that's going to view your home, draw them in to visit

the home and put an offer on that home. As I mentioned earlier, the visual

presentation of your home is very very important. You know first impressions are

very very hard to undo so you always want to create the best possible first

impression. For this reason I don't recommend that you do mobile phone

pictures. Get a realtor who is going to do professional quality pictures. You

know today on search engines when people are looking at multi listing services

and they're viewing the pictures, usually when a picture is presented if it's of

poor quality they're probably only going to view

the first few pictures and they're gonna move on to the next property, and this is

something you don't want to happen to your property. Getting good quality

pictures will keep them glued to that screen and they can really consider your

house the way it should be considered, and actually today even video production

is a very important part of the marketing process, so if your realtor is

able to produce a video for you, this is ideal. You know this will really maximize

the amount of eyes that will be looking at your property and considering it for

the next purchase. When it comes to marketing your home, gone are the old

days of sitting in the backseat of your real estate agents car or following

along behind and looking at multi homes. Today the Internet has changed the whole

experience for good. Today people are on multi listing services, they are also

watching videos that are aggressively being marketed through social media, so

it is important that you're estate agent, your Realtor

is up-to-date with all the modern modes of marketing, so make sure you make this

one of your criteria in choosing your estate agent. That way the right kind of

marketing will be put forth and you'll have maximum exposure of your home and

really entice those buyers to come and put an offer on your home and get it

sold quickly. If you found this video helpful, please subscribe, we'd love to

have you on board with us, we have a lot of helpful videos coming out that will

have information that you'll find useful whether you're a buyer or you're

interested in selling property. Also share this with a friend and leave a

comment in the comment section, also if you'd like to call me, call me at the

number that you see below, I'd love to hear from you and talk property with you,

also remember that there is a PDF there on 'How to Prepare Your Home for a Successful

Sale', anyway, until next time, all the best!

For more infomation >> I Want To Sell My House - Where Do I Start? - Duration: 7:46.


'Do you know where the nearest church is at?' waitress says armed suspect asked her - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 'Do you know where the nearest church is at?' waitress says armed suspect asked her - Duration: 2:14.


Trailer do canal!! - Duration: 0:16.

Hi honey <3

This is my first gacha channel.

So welcome!

In the channel we will have videos of:

1- Tutorial videos

2- Tags/facts about me

3- Memes / Menes / Try not to laugh

4- History / Mini series / Movies and more !!

So sign up and leave the like to motivate me to bring more !!

Bye bye my honey <33

For more infomation >> Trailer do canal!! - Duration: 0:16.


Libras: Principais objetos utilizados na festa do círio - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Libras: Principais objetos utilizados na festa do círio - Duration: 2:57.


Why do we make New Year's resolutions? - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Why do we make New Year's resolutions? - Duration: 1:05.


Sam and Adam do Disney - Part One - December 2018 - Duration: 24:05.

For more infomation >> Sam and Adam do Disney - Part One - December 2018 - Duration: 24:05.


How Do You Keep Your skin Looking Flawless🤗🤗🤗 - Duration: 4:02.

hey guys back with another video so today I'm answering a question someone

had asked me and that was how do I keep my skin looking flawless

I have occasional breakouts here and there and I'm not gonna say what

everybody else says because it's just so fake oh I drink a lot of water yes I do

drink my fair share of water but that's not the reason why my skin stays

relatively clear and I'm going to say to you and you probably know what I'm going

to say juice and pate played a better role in cleansing my skin and you know

making it more vibrant because of the minerals and vitamins and also the water

content because as we know and all fruits and vegetables there's about 80

to 90 percent water so hydration and minerals and vitamins from raw fruits

and vegetables is why my skin has never looked as good as it does now I'm a firm

believer that it's from the juicing this is one of the main reasons why I said to

myself I wasn't going to stop juicing because of the simple fact that it was

helping my skin it was helping grow my hair out it had made the whites of my

eyes white and there was just a lot of good benefits to juicing when the body

from the inside is cleansed out and the outside is going to look good too

there's a lot of people on Instagram photoshopping their pitches because it

skins probably bad because what they're putting in their body and also the diets

that they're choosing to use which are probably no diets they're non-existing

are showing on the skin so that's why they have this thing called airbrush

and a lot of these Instagram models that you see they're not real because

lighting and what is it called airbrushing can make you look flawless

when they really don't but there are people in the world that do exist that

have beautiful skin I do have hereditary stock spots which

has nothing to do with having bad skin it's basically that my skin to two-tone

you know but beside that I do have beautiful skin and I do owe it all to

juicing and this is one of the reasons why I will not stop juicing is something

that's going to be part of my my life because you know it just makes me look

healthy and feel great so I don't know if I said this before maybe by the time

this video comes up I'll already be on the 10-day juice cleanse but juice fast

but if anyone wants to join on January 2nd and like I said again I don't know

when this video is going to go up before after if you guys want to join and

experience getting clear skin clear mind clear body and soul by cleansing with me

for 10 days you're more than welcome it starts on January 2nd and we'll be

juicing for 10 days so just want to let you know about that

I'm not gonna make these videos long just want to answer that question so

with all that being said please subscribe to the channel like and she in

this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video bye

for now

For more infomation >> How Do You Keep Your skin Looking Flawless🤗🤗🤗 - Duration: 4:02.


Clip: Hoảng hốt khi chiếc váy cưới bị cháy xém do pháo sáng - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Clip: Hoảng hốt khi chiếc váy cưới bị cháy xém do pháo sáng - Duration: 1:16.



For more infomation >> BO BAN GHE PHONG KHACH GO NU NGHIEN - DO GO DONG KY PHU HAI - Duration: 6:19.


Reserva Raposa Serra do Sol vai ser tomada na mão grande e o que o presidente vai fazer? - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Reserva Raposa Serra do Sol vai ser tomada na mão grande e o que o presidente vai fazer? - Duration: 4:56.


Top Sertanejo 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2019 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 1:00:40.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

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