Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily how Dec 31 2018

Have you ever struggled trying to find yourself or find your purpose in life?

I'm going to lay out for you step by step what you may be missing all along. In

this video, learn how to find yourself and your purpose in life.

There's a big search that you and I and others are going through and that's

really to find our purpose in life. But why are there so many people struggling

with finding themselves and their purpose? Like what's blocking the way?

What's really in the way of us figuring this out? Now, I've got 6 ideas for you

here of what you can do to clear the space so that this can be discovered. And

over literally the last 15 years of mentoring people one-on-one and in large

groups, I have found a common thread amongst people who are confused or lost

in this area. And I want to share those 6 ideas with you. Because what if you

did take action on these 6 ideas? What if you did this? Well, then the fog and

the darkness would pull away. And you would find your purpose. You know what

would happen? You'd get moving. You'd feel some motivation, you'd make

some progress and wow, you're actually would feel really really good. Now, if

you're not into feeling good and knowing your purpose then this is not your video.

But here we go, I'm going to give you the 6 insights of what it takes to be able

to clear that space. First, what it takes. That it clear some room and seriously,

you have to clear up your stuff. A person who has a bunch of messy stuff, garage,

closet. All the things are in those boxes and

that one room in your house where it's all messy, if you got messy areas of your

life, how can you think clearly about your purpose and really discovering who

you are at that deep level? You can't. It really causes a lot of problems and

delays when we leave our stuff messy. But where do you start,

right? How do you start this? Well, to clean up your stuff, notice it's your

stuff. First, you take some responsibility accountability for your own shirts, pants,

socks, your undies. You know, your own things. Your own books,

your own part of the of the closet or the office or you know your side of the

bed. You... You clean up your stuff. And the more you start to respect and honor your

things, you begin to find yourself. Tough to find yourself when the things you're

managing are not put in a good order. So, start cleaning up your stuff. And

start with your own personal stuff. Second, get rid of stuff. If we have too

many things, if we have too much stuff what happens is our mind has to manage

all those things even when we're not around it. There's a portion, a little

portion of our mind that's connected to each item that we call our own or that

we've kept or we chose to keep it. But there literally is this little dose of

energy that leaves our mind and goes out to hold that thing in its particular

space. And so the more things you have, the more mind space is being occupied. So,

when you clean up your stuff and then get rid of some stuff, it

opens up your mind. And when it opens up your mind, it opens up your eyes. So, you

can find yourself and find your purpose. But too much stuff is going to block

your vision, block your ability to discover what this is. Number 3,

people. You find your purpose and you find yourself through serving others.

Because when you find your purpose, that purpose is going to be about helping

other people. It always comes back to that. Now, let's say that you decided, "Well,

my purpose in life is to be a veterinarian." Well, you're helping take

care of other people's pets or animals and that helps the people. If your

purpose in life is to be a home builder, well that home helps other people. No,

matter what you do in this life, it's going to benefit some other people. So,

how you find your purpose and find who you are, start being around people. More

people. And I there's lots of ways to do that. You get to decide what that looks

like for yourself, but the more you engage with people, the

sooner this will happen. Next is spending some time in nature. Nature has this

ability to be able to help us feel calm and peaceful. And also, Nature has no

"fakeness" to it. Nature is natural. So, when we spend time in nature and we see it as

it is, the way the trees are, the way the mountains are, the way the river is. The

way the stream and the lake and all the animals. They are what they are.

There's no covering up. They just that's who they are. And so the more time we can

spend in nature which if you can spend at least 30 minutes just being in nature.

30 minutes a week. If you can be an hour out in nature. Now, I'm not saying you're

out there fishing or hiking or camping. That's an activity. When I say be in

nature, like you literally are just being in nature. You're sitting on a rock

amongst trees for a half an hour, an hour. Just to soak up being in nature. There's

no hike, there's no camping, there's no fishing, there's no bike riding. There's

none of that kind of stuff going on. Because that's all those are

distractions. But being in nature helps us get past our cover-ups. Get past our

front that we put up to show everybody else. I mean, we we as people, we try to

show up in front of other people a lot better than what we are in our natural

state. Because we were worried that people are not going to love us for who we

are. So we show up to people. And so, when you get in nature, your natural side, your

authentic side comes to the surface to help you find yourself

and helps you find your purpose. We're just going to be about people. It really

is. Okay, number 5. Your health and nutrition. You know mom always said eat

your vegetables? It's true. See how mom always said you know, "Ho ride

your bike instead of staying inside all day long." Moms are right. They they're so

smart. They're so smart. But moms are right. The

more healthy we are and the more we focus on our nutrition, what happens is

it helps our brain function better. So, the better we take care of us, the better

our brain functions. And that helps us find what we're looking for. So maybe

it's time to pick up an apple, right? Or maybe it's time to eat something healthy.

And maybe it's time to go for a walk. Get out of the house for a while and go help

energize your body and take care of your body. When you take care of your body, you

take care of your brain. And when you take care of your brain, you discover who

you are and the purpose in which you are in life and what you're doing. Number 6

here is to write. I would suggest pulling out a pad of paper or opening up a

document on your computer. And just start with the sentence that says, "The purpose

of my life is." And then just let all your crazy ideas come out of your head. And if

you can't think of anything of what your purpose of life is, if you can't come up

with anything. Then what you do is you just write a make-believe story.

Just pretend. You're not writing to find the answer, you're writing to be creative.

And so when you type on your computer or write on your pad of paper and you're

writing, you know, "The purpose of my life is." You get to make-believe, pretend, come up

with funny, crazy ideas. Maybe it's... Maybe you want to be an an ice cream truck

driver where you can drive around neighborhoods and make all the kids

happy. Whatever it is. But you playfully write what you think your your purpose

of life is. Because as you playfully write all these fun ideas and... Maybe

maybe you saw a movie and you liked what that person did in the movie. It's like, "I

want to be able to do this and I want to be able to do this." If you can open up

your mind through writing, you can open up your creative side. And somewhere in

that playful writing, one of those playful stories is going to cause a twinch

on the inside. Just this a little emotional spark. We as people, we tend

to want to find the right answer at the right time at the right moment. But what

if the purpose of your life is to be creative. What if there's a thousand

options for you and all you have to do is pick. Maybe it's time to do number 6.

And playfully right. And if you comply fully right and just keep it playful and

just kind of just you know brainstorm and make-believe for a while. You might

find that spark. Because it's what I did. Years and years and years ago. Well we're

probably talking 17,18 years ago. I had this crazy idea. I playfully said to my

wife, you know, what I want to grow up... When I grow up, I want to be a

motivational speaker. And I busted out laughing. I said there's no way. I'm an

introvert, I have nothing to teach, I don't know anything. I barely past high

school. I'll never be able to do that. But when I said that at a very playful way,

there was this twinge that happened in the center of my chest. It was like,

that's weird. And my wife noticed it. She's like, "Hey, I just saw your face,

something happened." I was like, "No, I'm good." But I was being playful. I was not

being serious. I was just... Because I just watched somebody at this big seminar

standing onstage for a couple days and and I was like, "Well, I want to do that. I

couldn't do that." But there's no way I had the training, the education by blah,

blah, blah. But I was being playful. But it opened up my mind. When we're playful, it

taps into the child's side of us. And the child's side of us opens up creativity. I

really believe the purpose of your life is to be found and created. But you get

to step into that playful side. I am going to find some incredible, incredible

experiences here as you go to write about this. But

remember, it's number 6, it's not number 1. Do these steps along the way and

when you get to number 6, you'll find that you're much more open to discover

who you are and what your purpose of life. It's that's what we like to do here

at 3 key elements. This is our mission. It's our purpose in life. To

literally share what we've found with you. Help save time. Be able to help you

find direction in your life. So subscribe here to our You Tube channel and I'll be

sure to send you another great training video that'll help open up your mind and

help dial in on that purpose. And also check us out on our website at

We have some great training courses we love to share with

you there. So from for Kirk and Kim and my family

to you, hey your life matters. And that's why we do what we do.

For more infomation >> How To Find Yourself And Purpose In Life - Duration: 12:36.


How to install WINDOWS 10 Step by step || Technology star Muk - Duration: 5:04.

Assalamu Alaikum and Welcome to my channel..

Subscribe For More .......

Just Check How You can hack Wifi....

Just Follow The Steps .....

Technology Star Muk

I Hope You All Are Fine

Keep Watching Till Last For Learn Full Steps...







For more infomation >> How to install WINDOWS 10 Step by step || Technology star Muk - Duration: 5:04.


How to set up paludarium stream forest.. - Duration: 25:20.

I started to looking for stones on the beach

The sea here is very beautiful and much stone

I start work

I attached a piece of plastic pipe to the water pump

I added lots of lava rocks around the pump to create a place for microbes and water filters

Next, I choose plants to plant. You choose a tree according to your preferences, and especially it must be easy to take care of

Next is to put the stones I picked up on the beach.


Sau đó thêm nước vào bể

Next is to start the pump and check the flow of water to create a stream

Then put moss on the layout, I use here is java moss

Next, put driftwood in the layout. Make it much natural, this is an important step to make your work more beautiful

Continue, you add land moss. Here I use moss for terrarium


And done, looks great.

For more infomation >> How to set up paludarium stream forest.. - Duration: 25:20.


How To Bowl Better By Learning Lane Topography - Bowling Tip - Duration: 4:21.

Did the lane person screw you over by oiling your lanes differently? He's just out to get you!

Well, unless he's running the machine three extra times-- It's not the lane guy

So why are the lanes reacting differently from one another? That's what we'll be asking today, coming up on the Art of Bowling!

Hi, I'm USBC silver certified coach Arthur O'Connor here at the Art of Bowling channel

We discuss tips tricks and techniques

To help you bowl your best. If you haven't already, please subscribe to our Channel and hit the bell icon

So you do not miss another episode of the Art of Bowling.

The famous physicist

Isaac Newton once said, "What goes up must come down." Of course what he was referring to was the invisible force

That's all around us, affecting everything

We do, including how we bowl and even our ball motion as it travels down the lane. Gravity vs. friction

Which is the greater force?

Why does the left lane hook so much more than the right? And why do certain

sections of every bowling center vary from each other?

It's called lane topography. Lane topography

Refers to certain slopes and indents found on each lane that make every bowling lane in the world unique unto itself

Friction is the action of one surface or object

Rubbing against another. In bowling, that's your ball skidding or rolling down the lane.

Gravity is what keeps the ball on the lane, and unfortunately in the gutter on a bad shot

So which of these two things has more impact on your ball motion-- friction or gravity? The answer may surprise you it's actually --

gravity. All those depressions and

elevations on each lane play an important role on your ball motion for that particular lane.

Now if you gravitate to that answer, hit the like button.

If that answer rubs you the wrong way and is causing you friction

Please leave a comment below and tell us why.

Here's a look at the lane topography from the Nationals. The different colors

Explain why certain parts of the lanes hook more than others. This is not the oil pattern

This is the lane underneath the oil that we're seeing. Compared to other topography maps of other bowling lanes

These are some of the most level lanes I've ever seen. The USBC

Takes great care in making sure that the playing field is as level as possible for this great tournament.

This is the topography map from lanes 21 and 22 in Syracuse in 2018

I had the pleasure of playing on this pair during singles and doubles. I was not privy to this information

before I bowled on this pair. Looking at the map scale

You can see that the green is neutral, yellow and orange slope to the left, with blue shades

Sloping to the right. The darker the shade the more the tilt in that direction.

I did notice that 21 moved in the back end more than 22. You can clearly see why in the slope

differences in this image. It took me four games to figure out what was going on.

My mistake was not recognizing that the pair was different sooner.

My adjustment was to move right,

pointing off the corner and

Throwing harder. This allowed me to use that little extra slope toward the pocket to create a good angle to strike

Topography is shaped by normal wear and tear that bowling lanes endure every day,

every game and every frame. From people lofting the ball down the lane to

humidity and temperature changes

Trying to figure out what each lane is doing is part of the skill set in bowling.

One lane will never act exactly like another.

In a perfect world, all lanes would be perfectly flat and level. But as in life and bowling

Nothing is perfect. We Bowl against each other on different conditions. Sometimes tough conditions. Talk to your local

USBC certified coach to learn more about gravity and your shot. Thanks for watching and see you on the lanes

For more infomation >> How To Bowl Better By Learning Lane Topography - Bowling Tip - Duration: 4:21.


NFL Playoff Tiebreakers 2019: How It Works If Teams Tied | - Duration: 8:16.

NFL Playoff Tiebreakers 2019: How It Works If Teams Tied |

Figuring out how NFL playoff matchups are determined requires a little math and an understanding of the tiebreaker process.

Several playoff seeds could come down to NFL tiebreakers with multiple teams competing for the same spot.

What happens if two teams are tied for the same seed? Here are the tiebreaker procedures listed, in order, for two teams tied within the division per NFL.


Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs).

Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division.

Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games.

Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.

Strength of victory.

Strength of schedule.

Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.

Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.

Best net points in common games.

Best net points in all games.

Best net touchdowns in all games.

Coin toss.

Wild Card spots in both the AFC and NFC could be determined by tiebreakers.

Here's how details the Wild Card tiebreakers for teams who play in different divisions.

Head-to-head, if applicable.

Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.

Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four.

Strength of victory.

Strength of schedule.

Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.

Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.

Best net points in conference games.

Best net points in all games.

Best net touchdowns in all games.

Coin toss.

Here's a rundown of who holds the tiebreaker in a few of the key NFL playoff races.

Patriots & Texans Tiebreaker.

One of the key races is for the top two seeds in the AFC.

The Texans and Patriots head into Week 17 with identical 10-5 records.

The Patriots own the head-to-head tiebreaker thanks to their win over the Texans in Week 1.

Houston needs a win plus a New England loss to have a chance at the No.

2 seed. Chiefs & Chargers Tiebreaker.

The Chiefs and Chargers are both 11-4 with one week to go.

The two teams split their matchups this season, but Kansas City currently owns the better division record by one game.

The Chargers are hoping for a win over the Broncos combined with a Raiders upset of the Chiefs.

The division winner will likely earn a top-two seed, while the second place team will play on the road during Wild Card Weekend.

Bears & Rams Tiebreaker.

If the Bears win while the Rams lose, the two teams will be tied for No.

2 in the NFC.

Chicago owns the tiebreaker thanks to their Week 14 win over Los Angeles.

The Rams need a win or Bears loss to secure the No.

2 seed. Patriots & Chiefs Tiebreaker.

The Patriots need a victory and a Chiefs loss to have a chance at the No.

1 seed.

Since the Patriots defeated the Chiefs earlier this season, New England owns the tiebreaker.

Division Winners Automatically Get the Top 4 Seeds in the AFC & NFC.

Division winners are automatically locked into the first four seeds in both the AFC and NFC.

The No. 3 and No.

4 seeds get to host an opening-round game even if the Wild Card team has a better record.

If a division winner and Wild Card team have identical records, tiebreakers are not applied as the division winner automatically gets the higher seed.

READ NEXT: NFL Playoff Picture 2019: Standings, Bracket & Teams.

For more infomation >> NFL Playoff Tiebreakers 2019: How It Works If Teams Tied | - Duration: 8:16.


How Austin Found 300 Clients From ONE Facebook Group - Duration: 1:53.

- This reminds me about our episode

when we interviewed Graham Cochrane

who also a Florida guy.

He said something that's I think blew,

it blew my mind for sure.

He said, "With an audience, anything is possible."

And that's really your story.

You built an audience and you were able

to turn that into a full time career.

How many clients would you say you've worked with

in the last year?

- Probably about 300.

- And what percentage of that has come from

that Facebook group?

- Directly from it or at least tied

to the Facebook group at all?

- Tied to it in some way. - 100%.

- That there was some sort of...


- I have not worked with a single client outside of it.

- Yeah, I wanna actually unpack some stuff here

because you've just talked a lot

and there's so many things that people are gonna

just breeze by if I don't unpack this.

- Yeah for sure.

- Because people, immediately here's people's thoughts.

Well like, I don't have a group

to pull all those clients from.

So I wanna ask you a couple things.

First and foremost, you made a really good point

and you say people underestimate

how much work it's gonna take to go full time.

They get one paid project and all of a sudden

they think they can quit and they can't.

And that leads to a lot of frustration

for a lot of different people

because they don't understand something called deal flow.

They don't understand where these projects

are gonna come from.

The top of the funnel.

Where is all this gonna come from

and your business, your top of funnel is your Facebook group

that you curated, you created,

you facilitated the growth of

but now and actually let me go back.

You scratched your own itch to create that.

You weren't just creating it with the

grand aspirations of one day going full time

and to leech from it.

You were taking your time, your effort,

to build a group to add value to the community.

For more infomation >> How Austin Found 300 Clients From ONE Facebook Group - Duration: 1:53.


114: How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet - Hardcore Entrepreneurship - Duration: 18:29.

For more infomation >> 114: How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet - Hardcore Entrepreneurship - Duration: 18:29.


How To Make Your Hands Soft Naturally - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hands Soft Naturally - Duration: 3:12.


How to Remove Tarnish and Polish Silver Tarn-x Product Review - Duration: 16:40.

How do you remove tarnish from silver?

How do you polish silver?

Those are great questions, and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, there are lots of house cleaners that go to customers' houses,

and they either upsell special services,

or the customers ask them for special services,

like can you polish my silver?

And what product on the market do you recommend?

Now, there's a variety of different ways to polish silver.

Today we're going to talk about one of them.

The one that we're going to talk about uses a product called Tarn-X.

Now, Tarn-X is the number one bestselling product on the market

for removing tarnish from silver.

The reason it's the number one is because it's been around for over 50 years,

and it's really well known.

It's readily available everywhere.

It's available in all of your drugstores and stores like Lowe's and Walmart.

So it's easily accessible, and it's 5 to $6 for a bottle this size.

Now, there are some things that you need to be aware of, and I'm not judging the product.

I want you to decide that for yourself, but we will go over the SDS breakdown, and then

I will show you how to use it.

Then you can make a decision for yourself.

But if a customer asks you, "Can you polish my silver?"

I want you to at least have this option in your back pocket.

All right, the first thing that we need to be aware of is that

there are two types of metals.

The first type is a heavy metal.

It's a heavy metal, determined on its density and its chemical behavior.

That would be gold, silver, platinum, and copper.

Those are heavy metals.

There are lighter metals, like magnesium, aluminum, and titanium, and we're only going

to use the Tarn-X on the heavy metals.

This is a heavy chemical for heavy metals.

All right, now I'm going to spend just a couple of minutes, and we're going to go over the

SDS breakdown, which is the safety data sheet.

Every single company, by law, has to have a safety data sheet available.

This one is available to you, and it hides nothing.

The very first thing is, who is the company behind it?

The company is Jelmar Inc.

They're a 50-year-old company, and now it's third generation, and it's run by Alison,

who's the daughter.

It's a woman-owned company now, so boo-yah.

It's also the same company that creates CLR, which is a calcium, lime, and rust remover,

which is also a very strong chemical.

So that you can be aware of.

All right, the hazards.

The hazards are clearly marked on the back label of the jar.

If you buy the jar, and you forget about the SDS sheets, everything you know to stay safe

is on the back label of the container.

I'm very happy about that, and proud of Jelmar for actually being very honest in their advertising.

The product does have sulfamic acid in it, and that is a changing agent that becomes

explosive when mixed with other chemicals.

Now, in this form it's okay to use, but we do not want to mix this product, Tarn-X, with

any other polishing agents or any other chemicals whatsoever.

We're not going to mix it with anything.

The other agent that it has in it is thiourea, and that is an organic compound, which is

like urea, but it has instead of an oxygen atom, it has been swapped out with a sulfur atom.

All right, now for the first aid measures.

We want to protect our eyes, our nose, our mouth, and our skin when using this product.

It can be irritating to any of those, so we want to protect ourselves.

We will use personal protective equipment while we do the polishing.

The next thing, firefighting measures.

It is not flammable by itself, but if you mix it with other things, like I mentioned

before, it can become explosive.

By itself, it's not flammable, so we just want to use it by itself.

That's the only way we want to use it.

All right, accidental releases.

If it spills, there are no special rules for cleaning it up.

You can just use a damp cloth or a sponge.

So that's easy, right?

Handling and storage.

It is a chemical.

This is a chemical that needs to be stored in a cool dry place and away from heat, and

you want to keep the lid on at all times.

You want to keep it airtight and away from children and pets.

We do want to use this in a ventilated area.

The next thing that we want to talk about is our personal protective equipment.

This falls under the exposure controls.

Now, we want to protect ourselves, because we're a house cleaner, and we get to do lots

of this on a day-to-day basis.

Now, because of the nature of the product, we're not going to be doing a lot of silver polishing.

It's a very rare occasion that happens for special projects, but we are going to protect

ourselves, and here's how we're going to do it.

The first thing that we're going to do is, we're going to put on our mask.

This mask just goes over your ears, and you pinch it at the top so that it closes this

space at the top, and then you pull it down over your chin.

This is the proper way to wear this unit.

We're going to wear this, just to protect our mouths and our breathing from fumes.

We're also going to wear gloves.

These are just nitrile gloves, and they're disposable gloves, and we're going to use

them just in case any of the mixture comes in contact with our hands.

Again, it says protect your skin.

These disposable gloves will allow us to do that.

Now, it doesn't say anything at all about eye protection, but just because I'm uber-careful,

I'm going to protect my eyes with my safety goggles as well.

That way if anything splashes up in my face, I've got my mask on, and I've got my goggles

on, and at least my eyes are protected.

This is optional, but I highly recommend it.

The next thing that is optional, but I highly recommend, is my apron.

The reason I do this is it protects my uniform in case anything should splash on me as well.

All right, the physical reactivity.

What you're looking for in this dark container is something that looks like water.

It's clear, with a slightly hazy tint to it, and it has a very strong chemical odor.

When you pour it out, that's what you're expecting.

It's stable under all conditions, except if you mix it with something else, and if you

mix it with something else, it becomes a completely different product.

So do not mix this with anything else.

As far as the toxicological information, it is not toxic if you ingest it orally, accordance

to the FHSA and the CPSC guidelines.

Now, you're not going to ingest it for any reason, but if you do, those are the guidelines

that you're following.

All right, ecological information.

It is biodegradable, but it is not good for fish.

Do not get this near fish or your fish tank.

The regulatory guidelines for transportation, it is regulated by the Department of Transportation,

so if you're going on a job, and you're going to carry this with you, it cannot go in your

carry-on luggage.

You cannot take it with you.

But you can check it in your checked luggage that goes at the back of the airplane in the

cargo bin.

Just so that you're aware of that.

It has one of these safety lids, so that you've got to mash the lid down to turn it, otherwise

it won't open.

That is to protect this from spilling, either in an airplane or in your cleaning caddy if

it gets dumped over.

It won't leak in your car, because of the lid.

It's also a safety precaution against children, so that if children for some reason try to

open this up, they're going to have a heck of a time.

So boo-yah to Jelmar for taking extra safety precautions to keep this product safe from

people who are not supposed to be getting into it.

Alrighty, before I show you how to polish the silver, I want to show you my work smart

not hard tools.

Now, the reason I want to do this is so that you don't show up to a customer's house, and

you don't have the proper tools with you.

The first thing that I want you to do is think cotton.

Cotton is going to be our key when polishing silver.

We want to stay away from all wood products that are like paper products, paper towels,

newspaper, stuff like that.

Those are made of recycled wood, and the wood fibers can actually scratch the surface of

silver, which is a very soft metal.

We want to stay away from all paper products, and we're only going to use cotton.

The first thing that we want to do is, we want to take a cotton towel with us.

The towels, we're going to be using after we wash the silver.

Then we're going to dry them off with a cotton towel.

Then we're going to polish the silver, we're going to wash it again, and dry it off with

a cotton towel.

Then we're going to take the cotton towel, and we're going to polish the silver as a

final polishing before we're done.

One thing that we are going to use is, we're going to use a sponge.

The sponge does not have a scrubby on it.

This is just a sponge.

When this is wet, this is what we'll use to actually wash the soap and the polish off,

but the scrubby will scratch the silver, so a sponge with no scrubby.

Then we have a couple of cotton products that we're going to take with us, just because

the intricacies of the silver will vary from piece to piece.

We're going to take some cotton swabs with us, and this will allow us to put the Tarn-X

directly on the cotton swab, directly on the silver.

Another thing we're going to take with us are cotton pads.

These are makeup remover pads, and depending on the surface, this might be a better choice.

Another thing we're going to take with us are some Q-tips.

Because sometimes we need to get in small nooks and crannies, a Q-tip is perfect, and

it has the cotton tip.

And then not cotton is a very soft nylon toothbrush.

Now, this is not our regular cleaning brush, but this is a toothbrush, so that we can get

in the nooks and crannies by dipping this inside the solution.

All right, now before we begin, there's a hard fast rule that you need to know about

using Tarn-X.

Once you put the Tarn-X on the silver, you do not want it to stay on the silver for longer

than two minutes.

Two minutes is your time limit, and if you're not done, wash the thing, dry it off, and

start over again.

So two minutes, it's got a two-minute limit.

Alrighty, those are the things that you need to be aware of and things that you need to

just keep in the back of your mind as you do your polishing silver.

Let's go take a look.

Let's give it a try, and see exactly how it works, shall we?

Now, if you're listening to the podcast right now, what you can't see is that we've taken

a soft bath towel, and we've laid it on top of the counter, where we are using it as our

workstation for the polishing of the silver.

We've dipped a cotton swab inside the Tarn-X, and we're brushing it now on a small silver

platter that is badly tarnished, and we're watching it as it amazingly transforms itself

into a nice, almost brand new-looking, silver platter.

Around the edges, there is some difficulty with the tarnish coming off, and we're going

to have to dip our brush or our Q-tips inside the Tarn-X, so that we can get those edges.

Now, just a little bit of extra elbow grease might be all that's required in order to get

some of the tarnish off this platter, but you will see that there are some smudges and

some scratches that are just from age or what have you on this platter, and so it's going

to take a little bit of TLC.

You want to give yourself some time to do this.

And again, we're working in the two-minute time constraint, so before this is finished,

we're going to end up rinsing this and washing this a couple of times, so that the Tarn-X

doesn't sit and dwell too long on this platter.

Now, I have taped up all of the silver pieces that we're going to be cleaning today, and

I taped them right down the middle with painter's tape,

so that you could see the before and after.

What we're looking at right now is an amazing before and after of this silver platter.

All right, now we've rinsed and washed and dried the platter, and we're coming back for

a second round.

When you bid a job for a customer, you have to give yourself plenty of time to do the

second and the third round, because on a lot of commercials and stuff that you see, people

only clean it once and then it's magically transformed.

But the reality is, it usually takes two or three passes before you're going to get it

to meet your standard of excellence,

so build in the time that it's going to take to actually

do the job correctly, because your referrals are going to be based on

how well of a job you did.

You don't want it to be sloppy, and you don't want to give the customer back something that's

not quite complete or that it didn't work out properly.

So give yourself plenty of time to do the job correctly.

In this particular silver cleaning session, we are cleaning a gravy container, and we're

cleaning a goblet that is busted in half.

It's a his and hers version, and then combined together it creates the whole goblet.

Then we have a Christmas bell.

The Christmas bell is giving me a bit of a trouble with the top of it, where it connects

to the little part that hangs on.

It had some kind of a little, I don't know, glass piece or something that looked like

mistletoe, and it was hard to get underneath that.

So we're going to end up using both Q-tips and a toothbrush to try to get underneath

that before I actually end up taking it apart, because I'm unable to get the tarnish off

underneath that connector piece.

But you'll see that even inside all of these different pieces, even with the second pass,

the silver is starting to really shine up.

What we're looking at now is actually the third pass on this little gravy container,

and it does have lots of smudges from food over the years and fingerprints and things

that have oxidized, and the more we polish it, the nicer it looks.

But we have had two minutes on it, and then we rinsed it, two more minutes, rinsed it,

and now we're on the third section of two minutes.

Like I say, this little gravy container is taking us six to eight minutes already, just

for this particular piece of silver.

It's not taking a long time, it's just that we need to make sure that we give ourselves

plenty of time in order to, like I say, do the job correctly.

Now we're rinsing all of the silver.

We've had two minutes on each of these individual items, and now we're rinsing it.

This is after the third pass, so it took us three passes in order for us to get all of

the different corners and little tiny intricacies of the silver polished.

And now it's looking pretty good.

Now that we're doing the final rinse, I'm rinsing it just in soapy water, and then I'm

rinsing it with clear water.

Then I'm going to go ahead and dry it off, and if there are any smudges left, we're going

to do a little bit of extra polishing, so that we can polish it and buff it up really

nice before we give it back to the customer.

All right, now as we're doing our final drying, I do see a few smudges here, and we're just

going to give it a little bit of extra elbow grease with our cotton cloth.

That's just going to polish it up really nicely, and it's going to leave no fingerprints and

no smudges, nothing that is not show-ready.

This looks amazing, and you would never know that something so simple as Tarn-X could transform

and give brand new life to an old tarnished black silver.

Now, no product review would be complete without a before and after of the silver.

Right now we've gone back, and we've taken a look at the silver with all of the oxidizing

and the fingerprints and the tarnish and the scratches and all the stuff that we're looking

at from these before pictures of the platter and the gravy container, the little his and

hers goblet and the Christmas bell and the knife.

But when we look at the finished product, and those of you that are in your car, and

you're listening to the podcast, you can't see what we're seeing, so I'm going to leave

links in the show notes to this video so you can go back and look at the before and after,

because it is stunning.

If you are to produce these kinds of results for your clients, your clients would not only

hire you back, but then they're going to refer you to their friends,

who also have silver to polish.

This is a great way to upsell to a customer who has silver, or they're got a china cabinet

full of silver, or they have Christmas platters or things like this for special holidays.

Now, I'll give you a hint.

The holidays are a really slow time.

Leading up to the holidays, a lot of people will cancel on you, but if you can upsell

your services to something like this, it is a no-brainer, and you're going to get hired

back year after year to do this same process.

Now you have the tools, and you know how to do it.

Alrighty, so now we've had a chance to take a look at Tarn-X.

We've given it a try.

We've read the SDS sheet.

We've learned all about it.

We've learned about the work smart not hard tools.

And it does exactly what it says it's supposed to do.

I'm going to give Tarn-X the Savvy Cleaner Seal of Approval, and I really would like

to say high five for putting all of the information on the back, so that you can read the instructions

and remind yourself before you use it.

Now if a customer asks you, "Can you come clean my silver?" this is another product

you can put inside your cleaning caddy.

Now, I want to hear your feedback.

Do you use Tarn-X?

And if you don't, what do you use instead?

Let's start a conversation in the notes below.

Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> How to Remove Tarnish and Polish Silver Tarn-x Product Review - Duration: 16:40.


Mamra na ladoo | Murmura laddu | how to make mamra na ladoo | Puffed Rice Laddu | Lai ke laddu - Duration: 3:04.

4 Cup Murmura/Puffed rice

1 Cup Gud(Jaggery)


First,We roast Murmura/Puffed rice

Roast it till it become crispy

1 tsp Ghee

Add Gud(Jaggery)

melt it

Cook it till it colour become light brown

Add roasted Murmura/Puffed rice

Mix It

Make balls from it

For more infomation >> Mamra na ladoo | Murmura laddu | how to make mamra na ladoo | Puffed Rice Laddu | Lai ke laddu - Duration: 3:04.


What Is a Blog and How Does It Work? (2018-2019) | What is a Blog? - Duration: 18:48.

What Is a Blog and How Does It Work? (2019) - What is a Blog?

all right so let's just take a brief glance at what the term blog actually

means well you have it in noun form so that is a regularly updated web site or

web page typically one run by an individual or small group that is

written in an informal or conversational style so that blog is a noun you can

also use blog as a verb which means to add new material to or regularly update

a blog for example it's been about a week since I last blogged so you have it

as a verb so you might ask yourself well when's a good time to start and I would

say hey why would you want to wait it's so easy and accessible to start your own

blog there's really no reason to wait

now over on the Blue Hose site we have this page that tells us that we can get

the free domain and we get these other extras in there one-click wordpress

install which is what you want for your blog we'll click get started now now

over here you have different pricing options I'm going to choose what I think

is the best one but you can go ahead and make your own choice over here to the

right for pretty much just a few more dollars per month I get everything I

want including unlimited pretty much everything unlimited websites if I want

to add some more websites I can do that with this plan as opposed to just

getting one website so that is up to you as I mentioned you get some other

options down here that come with this spam experts that helps keep your

website free from viruses and actually really malware these days is what it's

called a domain privacy and backup options so I'm going to go ahead and

choose that now over here for the new domain you'll either want to add your

own domain that you have already or you can choose a new one here which is what

I'm going to do let's go with massage bloggers dot-com I'll go ahead and

choose that that should just take a moment here now I can add my information

in here so this will take you a few moments just to fill in the basic

information I'm going to block out my information as I enter it so make sure

you get this information in here

and in California go ahead and put my number from my phone my email address

now down here for the account plan you see that you have some options here if

you order for multiple years they decrease the price um I'm just gonna

stick with the 12-month price plan for now 795 per month still dirt cheap look

at this for what is that under $100 and I can have my website up so pretty much

next to nothing if you ask me I get the free domain as well as the SSL that's a

security feature for websites so I get all of this stuff now for the extras for

the SiteLock security I am NOT going to take that I can always add that later

and we should be ready to go with the credit card so right now I'm going to

enter that so I'm almost done just a few more digits then I will go ahead and put

my expert which my card is such but you probably won't see this for privacy

purposes but you can go ahead and do this along with me so agree to the terms

go ahead and click Submit

all right so we should now be brought to another page to confirm our order and we

can start putting the blog together congratulations okay I don't want to

accept cards right now I get to create a password so let me go ahead and just do

that you can do that as well

read the privacy policy I will tell them because I'm comfortable this is a

legitimate company but again that is there for you to review if there so wish

alright so right now Bluehost is getting everything ready normally it takes a few

moments to a few minutes to get things into place for you to do your wordpress

install and we should see that here momentarily

all right so now that blue house has their situation in order all you do is

click on the button to set up your blog and log in you will be automatically

logged in right here you can choose a theme so let's just scroll down here and

use this Sydney theme this is a business theme of course what is great about

WordPress is you can change your theme at any time with just a click or two

just deactivating one or activating another it's nice and simple so you can

change the layout of your website and your blog at any time you can do that

once you have it set up if you're not happy with it or you want to try

something different you have the freedom to do so so Bluehost will continue

setting up for you they need to set WordPress up now this should just take a

few moments you can be patient and everything will be in place for you

great so once Bluehost has installed your theme in your WordPress blog you

can choose start building this should give us a nice look at what you have

available to you so they go over here you can see the menu on the Left

WordPress is really easy to work with all you really need to do you can access

a menu up here for a new post you have post here on the side I'll show you how

easy it is new post now look all you have to do is enter a title let's say

three ways Massage Therapy circulation all right and then I have to do is come

down here then you can start your blog post have you ever been made aware of

the ways massage therapy in my typing here have you ever been made aware of

the ways massage therapy can improve your circulation and this operates just

like your typical word editor so you can bold you can italicize nice and easily

here that's how easy it is to get going then all you have to do we're off screen

here so I will show you you just come over here and you click publish and once

you do that you'll have your first blog post what we'll do now is I will show

you if you come up here to welcome and click visit site we can scroll down and

look at there's your first post this is the excerpt of your post all you have to

do is click on it as a visitor or for our testing purposes and you click and

you can see here's the text that we put in here it tells us when it was posted

and so forth so you can see the simplicity of creating your first blog

website and your first blog post

What Is a Blog and How Does It Work? (2019) - What is a Blog?

all right so let's just take a brief glance at what the term blog actually

means well you have it in noun form so that is a regularly updated web site or

web page typically one run by an individual or small group that is

written in an informal or conversational style so that blog is a noun you can

also use blog as a verb which means to add new material to or regularly update

a blog for example it's been about a week since I last blogged so you have it

as a verb so you might ask yourself well when's a good time to start and I would

say hey why would you want to wait it's so easy and accessible to start your own

blog there's really no reason to wait

now over on the Blue Hose site we have this page that tells us that we can get

the free domain and we get these other extras in there one-click wordpress

install which is what you want for your blog we'll click get started now now

over here you have different pricing options I'm going to choose what I think

is the best one but you can go ahead and make your own choice over here to the

right for pretty much just a few more dollars per month I get everything I

want including unlimited pretty much everything unlimited websites if I want

to add some more websites I can do that with this plan as opposed to just

getting one website so that is up to you as I mentioned you get some other

options down here that come with this spam experts that helps keep your

website free from viruses and actually really malware these days is what it's

called domain privacy and backup options so I'm

going to go ahead and choose that now over here for the new domain you'll

either want to add your own domain that you have already or you can choose a new

one here which is what I'm going to do let's go with massage bloggers dot-com

I'll go ahead and choose that that should just take a moment here now I can

add my information in here so this will take you a few moments just to fill in

the basic information I'm going to clock out my information as I enter it so make

sure you get this information in here

and in California go ahead and put my number from my phone my email address

now down here for the account plan you see that you have some options here if

you order for multiple years they decrease the price um I'm just gonna

stick with the 12-month price plan for now 795 per month still dirt cheap look

at this for what is that under $100 I can have my website up so pretty much

next to nothing if you ask me I get the free domain as well as the SSL that's a

security feature for websites so I get all of this stuff now for the extras for

the SiteLock security I am NOT going to take that I can always add that later

and we should be ready to go with the credit card so right now I'm going to

enter that so I'm almost done just a few more digits then I will go ahead and put

my expert eight which my card is such but you probably won't see this for

privacy purposes but you can go ahead and do this along with me so agree to

the terms go ahead and click Submit all right so we should now be brought to

another page to confirm our order and we can start putting the blog together

congratulations okay I don't want to accept cards right now I get to create a

password so let me go ahead and just do that you can do that as well read the

privacy policy I will tell them because I'm comfortable this is a legitimate

company but again that is there for you to review if you so wish all right so

right now Bluehost is getting everything ready normally it takes a few moments to

a few minutes to get things into place for you to do your WordPress install and

we should see that here momentarily

all right so now that blue house has their situation in order all you do is

click on the button to set up your blog and log in you will be automatically

logged in and right here you can choose a theme so let's just scroll down here

and use this Sydney theme this is a business theme of course what is great

about WordPress is you can change your theme at any time with just a click or

two just deactivating one or activating another it's nice and simple so you can

change the layout of your website and your blog at any time you can do that

once you have it set up if you're not happy with it or you want to try

something different you have the freedom to do so so Bluehost will continue

setting up for you they need to set WordPress up now this should just take a

few moments you can be patient and everything will be in place for you

great so once Bluehost has installed your theme in your WordPress blog you

can choose start building this should give us a nice look at what you have

available to you so they go over here you can see the menu on the Left

WordPress is really easy to work with all you really need to do you can access

a menu up here for a new post you have posts here on the side I'll show you how

easy it is new host now look all you have to do is enter a title let's say

three ways massage therapy

circulation all right and then I have to do is come down here then you can start

your blog post have you ever been made of the ways massage therapy forgive my

typing here have you ever been made aware of the ways massage therapy can

improve your circulation and this operates just like your typical word

editor so you can bold you can italicize nice and easily here that's how easy it

is to get going then all you have to do we're off screen

here so I will show you you just come over here and you click publish and once

you do that you'll have your first blog post what we'll do now is I will show

What Is a Blog and How Does It Work? (2019) - What is a Blog?

you if you come up here to welcome and click visit site we can scroll down and

look at there's your first post this is the excerpt of your post all you have to

do is click on it as a visitor or for our testing purposes and you click and

you can see here's the text that we put in here it tells us when it was posted

and so forth so you can see the simplicity of creating your first blog

website and your first blog post

For more infomation >> What Is a Blog and How Does It Work? (2018-2019) | What is a Blog? - Duration: 18:48.


How To Lose Weight FAST in 2019 (WITHOUT EXERCISE!!) - Duration: 8:22.

How To Lose Weight FAST in 2019 - How's it going guys Chris here back again from Crohn's Colitis Vitality

we're getting very close to 2019 so those of you who may have over eaten in

the Christmas holidays or are just looking to lose weight going into the

new year today I'm going to share with you how you can lose weight just through

diet alone no exercise nothing like that only through diet and especially if

you're living with a chronic illness doing this has actually helped to lower

my inflammatory markers to the lowest they've been in over a couple of years

so I really had me stay tuned I really hope it gives you some constructive

advice press the subscribe button if you're new around here because I'm

coming out with tips for Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis sufferers and loads

of other health diet and lifestyle related videos at least two or three

every single week so anyway on to this video now the main thing you want to

look at is when you look at the nutrition labels you know that standard

label where you see the macronutrients on any food in the supermarket you're

gonna see things such as the fat content the carbohydrate content the sugar

content and the protein content and what you really want to look towards

eliminating in your life is carbohydrate as much as possible now the big problem

with carbohydrate is it seems to be in every single food out there almost

you've got the grains you've got oatmeal pasta bread rice all of those bits and

pieces then you've got the starchy carbohydrates you know like bananas

you've got potatoes and then fruits which are high in sugar they were high

on the glycemic index which means they spike insulin so they're going to

contribute to you gaining weight so you want to remove them as well things such

as dairy are gonna add to this and also one of the biggest culprits are

hydrogenated oils so things like vegetable oil sunflower oil any oil you

see that turns liquid at room temperature is rancid its

pro-inflammatory it's the most inflammatory food out there you just

want those oils out of your life and instead to cook with something maybe

like a rendered animal fat or a coconut oil or olive oil

something like that MCT or all going to be so much better for you than any of

these hydrogenated oils which are going to keep the weight on you so now every

single product you pick up off the shelf at the supermarket you look down the

nutrition label and you see it's low in carbohydrate that's fantastic but what

else do you need to do to lose weight what do you need to consume because

we've been talking about foods to rule out what you want to look for if you

want to look for foods high in fats now there's two main reasons for this the

first one being that our body is designed to consume fat and to burn fat

so if we don't have any of this sugar and a carbohydrate being stored in us we

lose all this water weight and we feel really lean we get a lot more muscular

and defined if we're just consuming fat so what we need to be doing is looking

for the food labels that are high in fat and moderate in protein and the reason

that fat is so important for two different reasons is the first one being

that it gives you all those calories you need in a day and it keeps you energized

throughout the day almost gives you a frequent supply of energy throughout the

day where you don't get these energy spikes by consuming carbohydrate all day

and it allows you to actually stay satiated between meals meaning that you

don't have to consume multiple meals in a day and this is important for so many

reasons because every single time you eat you spike a hormone called insulin

and this is almost like a fat blocking hormone so if you continue to eat

frequently in a day you're not going to end up losing weight the only way you

can lose weight is by following something called intermittent fasting

where you're eating maybe once maybe twice or maybe three times in a day but

the best thing to do if you're coming off of a diet where you're eating

frequently throughout the day you're eating multiple snacks is to go down to

three meals to begin with then once you become more fat adapted and you don't

become so reliant on carbohydrate and sugar what you'll find is you'll be able

to then go longer between the meals and you'll be able to go down to two meals

maybe even one meal a day but you'll be consuming fat that will be giving you

the calorie but there will be slow burning calories

which means you won't feel fatigues and you'll be losing weight at the same time

and it will give you an absolutely awesome result so some of these foods

you'll be looking at will be things like avocado which is high in fact but plenty

of animal meats out there I've personally found the best lowest

inflammatory animal meats to be the red meat so you're talking beef steak lamb

steak maybe organ meats as well certain types of fatty fish but you are going to

struggle to follow this way of eating and lose weight if you don't consume

animal products because if you consume plant-based products you're going to be

eating them so frequently throughout the day because a lot of them are higher

glycemic meaning they'll spike insulin you have this high and love energy

within a day and you'll keep feeling hungry you'll keep feeling like you need

to eat constantly and doing that it's just gonna keep your metabolism working

it's gonna keep your bowel sluggish overall and it's going to prevent your

fat burning hormones doing the job as efficiently as they should do so really

to conclude this video all you need to look for guys is not how many calories

you don't need to be counting calories of what you're eating in a day you need

to be looking at the macro nutrient profile or food labels when you go out

and buy them so meat products are just a little one that are very simple to

follow because as long as they're not processed you look at things like ground

beef even kind of chicken but pork lamb anything like that you look on the food

label and more often than not they're quite light fats

there's no carbohydrates and they're moderate protein and they're the perfect

staple foods to consume day to day and you want to look towards removing the

high carbohydrate food anything that's going to raise insulin to block this fat

burning hormone you want to try and remove as many of those foods as you can

and adopt intermittent fasting where you start on maybe three meals a day bring

it down to two meals maybe just the one meal a day who knows but if you do this

alongside may be distressing your body because stress will actually release

cortisol which is a stress hormone which will then prevent you from losing weight

as well and also if you can exercise alongside this maybe if it's just really

slow paced walking making sure you move throughout the day I'm sure these three

things altogether are going to really help you guys to lose weight in the new

year and as I said consuming things like red meat while getting rid of certain

vegetable oils you're actually making fantastic replacements for

pro-inflammatory - anti-inflammatory foods and I've had this shown in my

personal blood tests where levels have gone down a considerable amount from

what they were only a few months ago because I've been following a primarily

meat based diet over the last few months so remember look for the food labels

that are high in fat low in carbohydrate and have a moderate amounts of protein

in and if you can try to remove the carbohydrate and the sugars from your

life as much as possible and eat in frequently throughout the day that's the

framework to helping you to speed up your metabolism to help you get energy

back and just to help you feel great going into the new year so I really

really hope this video helped you guys out and I hope it helps you to get those

inflammation markers down as well if you haven't already make sure you subscribe

and hit that like button if you enjoyed the video I really look forward to

dropping you guys plenty of new videos in the new year to help you manage your

Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis symptoms and just explaining healthy

diet and lifestyle tips so thank you so much for watching guys take care and

I'll see you again very shortly in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Lose Weight FAST in 2019 (WITHOUT EXERCISE!!) - Duration: 8:22.


Garmin GPSMAP 66ST - How To Update Firmware Via Garmin Express - Duration: 2:51.

in this video we'll show you how you can connect your Garmin GPSmap 66 to Garmin

Express which is probably the best tool you can use to update the firmware and

when you first connect the device out of the box there probably is going to be an

updated firmware so it's always recommended to do that so what we're

gonna do here we're gonna open up our USB weather cap here and plug in the USB

cable to our computer and proceed on the computer with Garmin Express and of

course we need to download and install Garmin Express before we get started on

our PC or Mac and once we have the app open we can click on the plus sign which

is to add the device to our Garmin Connect account and we'll click on that

and with our GPSmap 66 plugged in via USB to our computer it will take a few

seconds to detect it once it finds it we can click on add the vise and we'll go

through our synchronization process here so we can either sign in with an

existing Garmin Connect account or create a login if this is your first

time doing this okay I'm just gonna log in because I've done this a few times

and once we've done through we can now add the device to our account and finish

the synchronization and the settings transfer some of the settings over and

this next step is an optional step you don't have to do this but if you want

your GPSmap 66 to automatically connect on its own to a Wi-Fi account you can

add the network here here i've added it in a previous video we can skip that if

you wanted to and now we're back to our home page and you can see here we have

software updates available and below that we have tools and content we can

download IQ apps which are more data fields widgets and that kind of stuff to

supplement your device but here we're going to view the details of our

software update here we have a GPS software on top sometimes you might see

a firmware update but we're gonna click on install and we'll go through the

terms and conditions and basically the few notes here is well let the software

download to our computer and then we'll transfer it to our device

once that is done we can unplug the device from our USB cable and this is

the important step here so we're gonna let the GPS update the firmware or the

software up to 100% and let it restart automatically and once you're back to

your main menu or your home page once the GPS has started everybody's really

good to go you can plug this back into USB or close the app and reopen it and

connect it and you should be green lights all the way so that is how you

get yourself set up with a Garmin Express with your GPS map 66

For more infomation >> Garmin GPSMAP 66ST - How To Update Firmware Via Garmin Express - Duration: 2:51.


How Supercharger Works [CZ titulky] - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> How Supercharger Works [CZ titulky] - Duration: 1:40.


How To Make Tik Tok Account Private & Disable Allow Others To Find Me-2019 - Duration: 2:36.

Hello what's up guys and welcome back to my youtube channel

"Theta box". Today I will show you how to make your tik tok account to

privately.So before going to the tutorial, first of all why we do this

process?. Because if you set your tik tok profile to public there is

possible to every people view your profile and also download your videos. Boys there

is no problem, but if you are a girl this is very dangerous one because may be

someone download your profile photo and misuse it, like that upload it to the

unwanted websites. So to avoid this kind of problems people's are searching how to

make tik tok as privately. So if you're the one of the person, just follow my

steps and these settings are common for all android and Ios devices. So let's go

to our tutorial. First of all I try to open my tik tok application via my new

android mobile and then complete your login or sign up processes. Now in this

home page section you can press your profile icon and it is located at the

bottom and this is my tik tok profile. But in this section you can press that

horizontal 3 dot icon and it is located at the almost top of right side and this

icon will help you to access your settings.

Here it shows lots of account related settings, but in this section you can go

to "Privacy and safety" settings and the second one. Finally here you can see

it shows lot's of account related settings, but the main setting is "Private account"

so just click to "Disable" it, then it ask for confirmation so you can

click to "Confirm" and the another important setting is "Allow others to

find me", so what is this?. So once you disable this option, other tik tok

users will not receive suggestions to follow you and this is very nice one.

Same way you can disable this option, so once you disable these two settings

there is no possible to view your tik tok profile from other users. So this

is the way you can easily make your tik tok profile to privately. For more

tech videos you can subscribe my beautiful tech channel "Theta box" and

thanks for watching...

For more infomation >> How To Make Tik Tok Account Private & Disable Allow Others To Find Me-2019 - Duration: 2:36.


How to Make Beautiful Flower with Paper | Paper Crafts | Stick Paper Flower - Duration: 5:55.

How to Make Beautiful Flower with Paper

For more infomation >> How to Make Beautiful Flower with Paper | Paper Crafts | Stick Paper Flower - Duration: 5:55.


How to remove Chromium (windows7,8,10) ---READ DESCRIPTION--- - Duration: 2:17.

Hi, today i'm gonna show you how to remove chromium in your computer!

Now right click the Chromium, and click uninstall/change

In the first click, a internet explorer will pop up...

But don't mind it... Just click the exit button

Sorry it took me a while to close it.. I thought I have to wait for it :)

Now again click uninstall/change

It's now gone!, just check the task manager!


Don't mind the writings tho :D

That's all you have to do!

Don't forget to click that subscribe button and slash the like button!

If you want more of my videos, click the notification bell to get notified for more awsome videos

don't mind the writings...


For more infomation >> How to remove Chromium (windows7,8,10) ---READ DESCRIPTION--- - Duration: 2:17.


How to Start a YouTube channel for beginners| 2019 - Duration: 13:39.

how to start a youtube channel for beginners

Welcome back to my channel as you can read by the title today

We are going to be talking about how to start a channel a YouTube channel in

how to start a youtube channel for beginners 2019

2018 was a good year, but you know as time, you know

What am I gonna fit time waits for no one and we are about to be in 2019 with two super crazy. And so

I thought that I'd shared with you guys a couple tips and tricks on how to start a YouTube channel in the year 2019

If you are new everything, don't forget to subscribe click that bill. I console you can be noticed

On the regular and comment down below any other video suggestion you guys have it's for you guys for the dude

Let's get into the video. So I actually compiled a list because I have scatterbrain

Especially like when it comes to like sort of like on-the-fly stuff and if I don't have a guideline

I will screw everything up and end up talking about cats, which I'm allergic to for about two years

So let's get on with the video. The first tip would be to find your community

and when I say find your community, I mean the people that are

Focused on the same thing that you're focused

So if you that is makeup then find a community of people that love makeup if it is reviewing

Phones, then find like the tech

We call them nerds. how to start a youtube channel for beginners 2019

then fine people, um

Then find what do you call them? Geez, Louise?

Tech gurus. There we go. If it's cars and fine automobile, gurus, etc, or you or

Rubik's cubes


this is really important because this is going to aid in your channel growth because once you

hunker down

hunker down anchor down have enough once you go on to a specific niche and

A niche basically means a certain area a designated area

Once you find that specific niche that definitely has potential grow or is already growing then definitely

Tap into that and make content about that because that is ultimately how you will grow your channel if you're all over the place

like how I am

you run the risk sometimes of

You know not having as much growth

Than others so that will be the first thing is find your community and or your niche the second thing would be to love

to create content now that for me this is one of the important things because

If you don't love what you're doing then how can you expect to do it and people you know?

A lot of people they go into YouTube thing and they're gonna make so much money or they're gonna be so famous

And which this can be very true. You also want to make that you are loving what you're doing because

Nothing will literally happen for a long time

I promise you that so you have to make sure that you're doing what you love because trust me the hard work will pay off

But it first takes the hard work and so you have to really love being a content creator and what that entails

yeah, so

Number three. This one is really um

this one is really important because I feel like a lot of people skip this step and

When it comes to marketing, they they often get lost in the shadows

It's come up with a name that is either catchy or short

It can work sometimes with people like Trisha Paytas blonde sand doll for MJ or whatever

It could work for some people but if you're starting out and no one really knows who you are

simplicity is key because you don't want to a

name like

Eyeshadows Rubik's cubes on the side Plus conspiracy theory videos and all of that

like no one's gonna want to search that and so you want to make sure I just

so you want to make sure that you are honing into a name that is very simple and

easy to spell easy to find and you want to make sure that this is

definitely at the forefront when it comes to creating a channel so first it will be

Creating the content or focusing on what you want to do

And then creating your name going from there

a lot of people they're tricky with they're not tricky but their names were really catchy based on their sir nitch, so

Like many MUA like it flows, but many makeup artists which like makeup

He's a makeup guru, you know and so like names like that

Are really catchy but also serves a dual purpose in the brand and also

The name and so I would say with the names keep it simple. Nobody wants to know

Ancestry DNA results like just keep it really simple. So people can search them and

This leads me to the next one

If you are planning on starting a YouTube channel and say you get really big

You want to make sure that what you're doing ahead of time is getting your name on all social media platforms

So that's Instagram Twitter snapchat

all the above

Because what happens is is when you get big

You run the risk and and if you don't say these names you run the risk of

people trying to take the names and then have you by your own name from them and you don't want to do that because that's

stupid and so definitely make sure that if you're gonna go full-time with YouTube or if you're gonna go full with social media

that you are

Reserving all of your names even if you're not using them right away

It's just a safety net to have all your names about what you don't have to worry and they're yours

The next step I would be the next tip I would give is to engage with your audience

now this one has also overlooked a lot of the times because people think that you know,

They're just gonna have an amazing support

System and they could treat their either they could cheat their support system like crap

Or they could talk to their support system every once in a while

Literally your support system is your driving force your support system is the gasoline to your car without gas

You ain't going nowhere and it's the exact same way with your supporters

you want to make sure that you're engaging with your supporters because I think

Everyday though at the end of that at the end of the day. Those are the ones

Those are your height men in the street the ones telling other people to check out your content

So you want to make sure that you're being nice to them and engaging with them?

So this means if they're commenting, oh my gosh. I love you so much

Giving them a heart or being like thank you so much for the support

Or doing giveaways giveaways are also an amazing way to show your gratitude for your supporters as well

And so I would say just engaging with your audience because at the end of the day

Those are the ones that literally are going to make or break your career and if you want to be successful

on social media or YouTube where I start a successful YouTube channel on 2019

this is something that you definitely need to make sure that you are doing

It's crucial. All right, guys


the next thing is I think this I think this is

Yeah, this is the last thing the last thing you want to make sure that you are uploading consistently


You want to make sure that you are uploading consistently not only does this show your audience that you are

Taking your content creating seriously

but this also shows you to be algorithm that you are taking your

content seriously and YouTube the algorithm they tend to push out the creators and

Show up in the creators that are often shown in the recommendations section are the ones that are pushing out content almost weekly

If not every day

And so you want to make sure that if you want to succeed and kind of rise above the content creators that don't do that

that you are

uploading content on a regular basis because

Not only does that give you more exposure that not and not only does it give you more credibility

But in the long run what happens is the more you are consistent

literally the more money you make and I know this is not about the money aspect, but some of you guys

You want to make full you want to make YouTube a full-time job and in this life it requires money

And so why not? And so that's just one of the other benefits to

Uploading consistently and creating quality content not just content of like this is what I'm doing today

I'm so boring blah blah blah


know getting creative with your titles getting creative with your thumbnails getting creative with the times that you're using and just making sure that you're

just putting your all into YouTube and treating it as a job as it should be because if you want to reap the

rewards chi-ching you want to make sure that you are putting in the effort and the work and

Literally the effort and the work that you you put out the money. We'll match it

All you have to do is love what you love to do

Make sure that you are uploading consistently and make sure that you are uploading quality

Content which leads me into my net. This would be a bonus one. I

Make sure that you are uploading quality content literally because nobody wants to see your cat for five hours

I know I I mean show me the video but

Nobody listened to your cat for hours. And so you want to make sure that you are being original and being creative

You know how many?

Car playlists drive with me videos. Have we

Had, you know on this platform and I'm pretty sure that people love watching those, you know

But after a while the all these trends they they burn out quickly the real youtubers you'll see which one those are

Those are the ones that are really creative. I mean, what was it in the year? 2018 how many?

Thousand degree knife

Videos. Did we have how many MOOC bonds did we have? I'm guilty of doing a couple bucks

But you know, it's just it's repetitive and redundant not almost easy to chase the money

but you want to make sure that you're not only chasing a quick dollar you want to make sure that you're

chasing a fanbase and the career and how you do that is stay relevant by being

original because if you continue to do like these quick little videos or if you have it in your mind that I

Just do what Logan Paul's doing or Jake Paul or whichever one it is

The more you do that you run the risk of people being like, oh I could just watch the next the next person

That's just like this, you know, and so you want to make sure that you are creating

Content that is amazing Shane Dawson is a great example he literally

has paved the way like and has revamped his career and

And Shane Dawson is an amazing person and I think he's gonna do one of those do tubers just stick around

for a while and so I would definitely say

Be creative with your content and make sure that you are not selling your soul for money

And yeah

The next one that I want to give is definitely try to make connections, I'm sorry

I'm not a floss because I have like salmon stuck in my teeth

We're good

the next uh

The next tip I want to give you guys this make connections with other youtubers

Because I mean and you don't want to be friends with them for the sake of like social-climbing per se

But you want to make friends with them because these are the people that literally are in the same workspace as you you know

not physically in the work space but you know like internet works based like

Everyone that's all YouTube in wants to be a content creator

They all have the same goal of making it you know, and so why not make friends along the way and don't be cutthroat

Because literally being cutthroat youtuber gets you nowhere

But like exposed like you will literally get exposed

So you want to make sure you are not doing that because that is not good. So

Just make friends along the way but not for the aspect of social climbing

But for literally just to have allies and to have people that are in your corner

So yeah

The last and final one, I know I said this before but the last and final one we just to have fun

At the end of the day like there are a lot of things I can come from YouTube

But you got to remember YouTube just started as a video sharing platform where people upload

wacky crazy videos and

I think in 2019 that is something that we definitely need to bring back is just like the fun aspect of YouTube

Without like the drama and stuff like that

I could just get really like diluted and almost cutthroat and so I would say it

Just have fun with the YouTube channel. Love what you do and

like if you literally have fun with it and create quality content and


Content consistently and upload consistently literally everything will fall into line

And so that would be the final tip with just happen to have fun. You know it lighten up a little bit kid, okay

and so yeah guys that is

My how to start a YouTube channel in 2019. If you liked this video then definitely give this video a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe comment down below any other video suggestions got somebody to do Oh cloudy do it looks pretty guys


Regular I love you guys so much. Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> How to Start a YouTube channel for beginners| 2019 - Duration: 13:39.


అనుకున్న పని నెరవేరాలంటే ఈ మంత్రాలు కచ్చితంగా తెలియాలి|How to be successful in every aspect of life - Duration: 4:04.

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For more infomation >> అనుకున్న పని నెరవేరాలంటే ఈ మంత్రాలు కచ్చితంగా తెలియాలి|How to be successful in every aspect of life - Duration: 4:04.


Dji mimo app manual and setting - How we use it - Duration: 8:50.

hello everybody I am flora today we are going to talk again about DJ Osmo pocket

and we will see how to set the memo up

DJI Mimo is an app to use Osmo pocket that offers intuitive, powerful editing

tools for users to enhance their photos and videos. DJI Mimo is an all-in-one

solution that lets you capture, edit and share the best of your moments right

from your fingertips. So I will give a complete manual of the dji mimo app. let's

see all the settings of the mimo app and how we use them. Now we begin with the top on

the Left we see Home tab to return to home page the second one Wi-Fi displays

wifi connection with wireless model . the third one battery level displays current

battery level of Osmo pocket. Forth micro SD card information this place

either the remaining number or photos that can be taken or the duration of

video that can be recorded according to the current shooting modes five one flip

top to switch the gimbal facing forward you can see hello everybody

now back here down a little bit okay sixth one we Sandra tap to recenter the

gimbal can see seven shutter button top to take a photo ultra stern or stop

recording video you can see the big one red one button if you want to shoot

photo or video eight one shooting mode scroll to select two shooting mode

choose between panoramas photo video slow-motion time-lapse and story mode

who is coming soon I think and I want to think that it's coming very very very

soon because I like it's more and 9:1 we have a playback tab

super view photos videos as soon as they are captured you see maybe those photos

we go back now okay at same we have a virtual joystick pull the ventral

joystick left and right to control for Nexus movements you can see and pull up

and down to control till axis here at 11 we have our settings three eight one two

or three begin with that we have at video basic set and prop set the basic

set we have video format mp4 and no I prefer mp4 and the flicker we have 50 or

60 Hertz prefer 250 hairs grid it's off but we have Ridley's and read at the

Admirals what I prefer to be close for now and we have overexposed type if you

see at light is different you can see okay now go back to close at the pro set

we have video format the same on mp4 and move white balance I have to auto I like

and cursor because he here but I prefer to auto now we have warm application

level Auto low or moderate height preferred auto noise reduction if you

want to do at night lots of video without noise

reduction grid of the same one grid less overexposed type histogram here close

and focus mode second one is our gimbal and had lead gimbal this control off and

gimbal auto calibration if you want to calibrate your gimbal the last one here

we have the camera setting circuit our film evasion SD card capacity and format

SD card Sigma will have our resolution here at 4k we have I have 4k in 24 fps

we have super fine but at 25 FPS we have super fine quality at 30 frames FPS will

have only fine quality we don't have super fine and 14 8 50 and 60 we we have

only fine quality we don't have super fine and ultra high haiti at 60fps we

have only fine and 50 14 8 fine but at 30 we have super fine and 25 SP fps we

have super fine and fine and 24 the same I prefer 4k 13 FPS only fine in this

icon we have the next one is auto I have an auto ISO shutter and EV but if you

don't know what Auto hero has an M manual if you want to choose ISO shutter

what do you want and EV I have to also for moment the other icon

the next icon is here I have to fast follow is gimbal is going fast

I have slow follow see first follow this one is still locket see don't go

anywhere fpv mode nice and follow ok now we close

it and slow follow and you can see the other one as in time-lapse here i choose

first icon here okay second one you can put in here third one here for okay nice

and now he's shooting in time-lapse for 5 minutes very nice this was the DJ MIMO

app for the DJI Osmo pocket. I think that I help you to use the settings of the

mimo app thank you for watching and if you liked the video don't forget to


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