Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily do Feb 20 2019

- Hey, everybody.

Jeff Gellman, Gellman K9 Training with my

"What would Jeff do?" dog training tip of the day.

Tip number 202, proofing.

Guys, how many times are you doing your drills?

Everything, sit, down, place,

structured heel, like holding the dog accountable,

kennel up, come out of the kennel,

default waiting for food,

recall training, and then,

how many times are you doing it around distractions,

low-level, medium-, high-level distractions?

And then, how many times have you proofed

at a higher correction level

for noncompliance of a known command?

Literally, I mean, it's a journey.

Training is a journey.

It's, and if you always keep your dog "under threshold",

you're gonna struggle,

'cause then what happens when,

I don't know,

just anything happens, like the phone rings,

someone knocks on the door, or

a kid runs by or a skateboard, so

you wanna put your, you wanna teach all your basics,

teach all your fundamentals

of all your obedience commands, and then,

massive amounts of repeating of it,

and then, proofing it underneath

eventually, high levels of distractions,

holding your dog accountable,

making sure that they know if they're not

compliant to a known command, there's a consequence.

So, it's a combination of, let's, like, you know,

reward-based stuff to teach, and then, you know,

application of punishment to hold accountable.

I mean, but in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times,

technically, thousands of times of the good stuff,

and then holding accountable shouldn't have to be that much,

but it should be meaningful

'cause if you're getting a dog that's a selective listener

or you're getting a dog that's a stubborn,

or if you're getting a dog that you can't always trust,

I mean, that's the magic.

Anytime you see a dog that is

really well trained and well obedient,

chances are, somebody did thousands of repetitions,


And it looks sort of the same

each time, meaning, like you're really trying to create

this muscle memory in dogs, this repetitive behavior

in dogs, not robotics, but like,

reliability, reliability and trust.

So, unfortunately, or fortunately,

dogs have a lot of other choices to make out there,

and a lot of it is based on just like,

"Hey, that looks good!

I think I'll like, eh, nobody's watching.

Don't gotta hold it down.

Look, there's a chicken bone ...

half a mile away." (laughs)

So let's start doing that.

If you're not doing 50 reps a day of something,

get your butt going, right?

Get your butt going.

There's no magic to this stuff,

other than hard work, discipline, structure, repetition,


So it actually is.

Jeff Gellman, Gellman K9 Training.

Madly in love with you.

I'm in LA.

Talk to you later. Bye.

I'm visiting here for a week.

I'm based in Rocklin.

For more infomation >> What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #202 Proofing - Duration: 2:59.


Social Norms: Do's and Dont's of Driving (Comedic Sociology Project) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Social Norms: Do's and Dont's of Driving (Comedic Sociology Project) - Duration: 2:56.


Rap do Yakusoku No Neverland [The Eternal Promise] - OFOXI - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Rap do Yakusoku No Neverland [The Eternal Promise] - OFOXI - Duration: 3:00.


Alkalizacja organizmu – 6 zmian, które należy wprowadzić do diety - Duration: 5:58.

1,Zacznij od dobrego śniadania: Alkalizacja organizmu nie odbędzie się bez pełnowartościowego śniadania.

W zachodnim świecie to właśnie śniadanie uważane jest za najbardziej kwasowy posiłek w ciągu dnia.

Oczywiście nasze tradycje widoczne są w znacznym stopniu na talerzu.

Stąd wiele z nacji traktuje śniadanie jako najważniejszy posiłek i obficie je celebruje.

Inne państwa, w tym te śródziemnomorskie takie jak Hiszpania czy Włochy stosują skromniejszą wersje śniadania. Często też w słodkiej interpretacji.

W ten sposób dzielimy świat na tych, którzy na śniadanie zajadają herbatniki, płatki śniadaniowe,

jogurty, dżemy czy kawę i ciasteczka; oraz na tych, którzy nadając większe znaczenie pierwszemu posiłkowi jedzą: jajecznicę, jajka sadzone z bekonem czy omlety i tosty.

Większość tych produktów ma kwasowy odczyn i właśnie to uniemożliwia nam doprowadzenie do zasadowego pH organizmu. Jeżeli chcesz przeprowadzić alkalizację swojego ciała – musisz należycie rozpocząć dzień.

Zanim wejdziesz do kuchni po poranną kawę – wypij szklankę wody lub wodę alkaliczną, wodę z cytryną czy napar z ziół. Najważniejsze w tym kontekście jest nawadnianie organizmu.

W ten sposób nawodnisz komórki i uzupełnisz braki spowodowane długimi godzinami snu i bezruchu.

Ten nawyk bezpośrednio przyczynia się do zwiększenia zasadowości organizmu.

2, Oddychaj prawidłowo: Czy wyobrażamy sobie życie bez prawidłowego oddechu? Oczywiście, że nie.

Często jednak ignorujemy higienę oddychania uznając to za najbardziej fundamentalny proces w naszym organizmie,

który dzieje się sam. Warto jednak wdrożyć w codzienność następujące ćwiczenia: Weź głęboki wdech.

Pamiętaj, że możesz odpowiednio zwiększać proporcje czasu w tym ćwiczeniu. Wydychaj przez 2 sekundy. Wstrzymaj oddech na 4 sekundy.

Możesz brać oddech głęboko, wstrzymując powietrze na 16 sekund i powoli wydychać.

To bardzo skuteczne ćwiczenie, jednak należy wdrażać je powoli.

3, Alkalizacja a właściwie nawodnienie: Woda oczyszcza organizm z kwaśnych toksyn i przyspiesza metabolizm.

Ponadto odczucie pragnienia często mylone jest z głodem, co powoduje wzrost apetytu. Generuje to przyrost masy, co nie jest wskazane kiedy chcemy uzyskać alkaliczne pH organizmu.

Alkalizacja organizmu to nie tylko kwestia zachowania młodości na dłużej, to również kwestia profilaktyki chorób większości układów – a w szczególności układu krążenia. Nasz organizm niestety nie wytwarza substancji zasadowych.

4, Postaw na zdrowe tłuszcze: Jak wiemy nie wszystkie tłuszcze są szkodliwe dla organizmu, w dodatku mogą być nawet bardzo przydatne w procesie alkalizacji. Musi je dostawać z otoczenia.

Spożywanie większej ilości kwasów tłuszczowych, takich jak Omega 3pozytywnie wpłynie na reakcje chemiczne w naszym organizmie.

Ponadto pomagają wzmocnić nasz układ odpornościowy, poprawiają trawienie i zapobiegają przedwczesnemu starzeniu się.

5,Alkalizacja organizmu potrzebuje dobrego masażu ciała: Historia masażu wywodzi się już ze starożytności,

kiedy to był on uzupełnieniem obrzędów religijnych, a z czasem części oddziaływań tradycyjnej medycyny ludowej. Oprócz komfortu i niebywałego relaksu dobry masaż pozwoli ciału zregenerować siły i uwolnić się od nagromadzonych ciężarów.

Skóra odzyska witalność i elastyczność a w Tobie wzbudzi ochotę do działania.

Masaż pobudza niezbędne w ciele mechanizmy, które eliminują kwasy zmagazynowane w mięśniach.

6, Dbaj o swoją skórę: Utrzymywanie skóry w czystości, dbanie o jej nawilżenie zapewnia niezliczoną ilość korzyści dla całego ciała. Odgrywa też ogromną rolę w alkalizacji organizmu. Wystarczy wziąć pod uwagę proste zabiegi jakimi są: szczotkowanie skóry czy peeling.

Oto kilka wskazówek: Szczotkowanie skóry na sucho to prosty zabieg, który pozwoli usunąć martwe komórki tak, aby ciało mogło generować te nowe.

Sprzyja też cyrkulacji krwi, dzięki czemu efekt dociera do wszystkich warstw skórnych. Ten prosty zabieg umożliwi redukcję cellulitu i pomoże ujędrnić skórę.

Taka forma masażu wywodzi się z Azji, jest bardzo popularna w tradycyjnej medycynie chińskiej oraz w hinduskiej ajurwedzie.

For more infomation >> Alkalizacja organizmu – 6 zmian, które należy wprowadzić do diety - Duration: 5:58.


ALLEGRI: "VI DO UN LECCA LECCA.." | UCL | Atletico Madrid - Juventus - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> ALLEGRI: "VI DO UN LECCA LECCA.." | UCL | Atletico Madrid - Juventus - Duration: 1:21.


Introducing the WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF THERE WERE TWO? project!! - Duration: 4:50.

hey again everyone I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about a new project

that I've been working on something that has been really fun to put together and

in the early days of actually doing it has been really fun to do. So this is

something that I have been calling the what would you do if there were two

project. On its own maybe that name just sounds ridiculous and actually maybe

once I explain it it sounds ridiculous still. But the premise is based on a lot

of things I've gone through lately I was asking people to identify if there's

anything that they've always wanted to do but that they felt a little

uncomfortable doing on their own. And then the whole point of this project is

to say if there is something that you would like to do let me know--you can let me

know privately you can let me know publicly and then we will figure out a

way to get that done. It's a pretty simple premise but it does touch on the

importance of people understanding the impact that doing even small things can

do. As someone who recently came out as pansexual

I understand the total freedom that comes from sharing things . And there are

little things that I've always wanted to do as well: wear makeup, do karaoke. Things

like dyeing our hair or shaving our heads, wearing revealing clothing with

some, there's there's a broad spectrum of things that people have reached out with

wanting to do. Some of the examples so far have been people wanting to get back

into the habit of running in the morning. As a parent and as someone who used to

do marathons and half marathons I can fully attest to how difficult it can be

to do these things and I haven't been a practiced runner in a while. So what we're

doing is one day week setting aside a morning time where me and the other

person will make sure that we go out in our own locations and get our run in.

The first thing that I started was doing yoga with someone else and yoga is now

one that four or five people have come forward with saying that they'd really

like to try. And it's really great because I get to offer the support and I

get to do a lot of things that I've wanted to do as well. And it's important

to note that other people have stepped up as well and said hey I noticed that

this is something that you've wanted to do I'd love to do that with you. I've got

a nail salon day planned for me to go on. Another one that I've got coming up

that I'm really excited that is wearing colorful pants which is what

someone reached out to me for so I'm heading to Old Navy this week to

hopefully I have my eye on a pair of yellow pants with some daisies on them

that I'm hoping to try on hoping that they fit and that I can wear them next

week as a partner in their remote location wears their red pants. And so

this is basically it. This is what the what would you do if there were two

project. It's taking on that very simple idea that supporting others can be

extremely meaningful and extremely important to them accomplishing little

things in their lives. What would I ask of you?

Well I'd love for you to support the project. Like this video, comment on this

video but I think importantly is there anything that you would like to do? I

will leave a contact link below as well where people can get in touch with me

because this doesn't have to be something that you share widely. I would

love to share the things that I'm doing just in case that there are other people

that they're hoping to see this kind of thing but it doesn't mean at all that

whatever you want to do is something that I will broadcast to the world. So

people can absolutely be as upfront about it or as secretive about it and it

doesn't matter to me I just want to help people do things that they've always

wanted to do knowing the wonderful feeling that can come

from finally accomplishing something that's really meant something to you. And

sometimes that thing may be a one-time thing for you and other times it may be

hey I really enjoyed this I'm gonna do this again. It is such a wide collection

of things that people have set forth and to me it really shows that we're all extremely

different and we all have these little things

would love to do and that we would love to be supported in doing. So that's that

that for me is my presentation, my pitch to you to join in on the what would you

do if there were two and if all you want to do is cheer lead the people who are

doing these great things I'll be sharing project pieces that were taking on so

maybe just leave comments on them and say hey this is great this is a really

cool thing to have tried. It doesn't have to be anything that's pumping me up but

I would love for people to show support to the people who are trying something

that they've been a little uncomfortable to do but that they're finding the

strength and conviction and courage to go ahead and do and to understand that

it's really important for us to be able to enhance our identities by taking on

things that are meaningful to us. And not letting societal pressures kind of tell

us that what we want to do isn't important. Because it is extremely

important and it is extremely valid to want to do these things and the only

reason people may not do them is because of the fear of what others may think.

And I think that is crap. So there. What's your thing gonna be? Let me know.

Talk to you later.

For more infomation >> Introducing the WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF THERE WERE TWO? project!! - Duration: 4:50.


Oração do Amor! - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Oração do Amor! - Duration: 0:50.


Do I Need Music for My Small Prayer Group? | Ask Jennifer LeClaire | Awakening Blaze - Duration: 1:53.

people asked me do I need music for my small prayer meeting for my prayer spoke

do I need music I say no you don't need music you know the old school

intercessors would say ah 'we don't need any music we've gotten so used to having

music in prayer meetings largely because of the awesome I hop culture where

there's 24/7 prayer with worship all the time and that is awesome if you can do

that that is fantastic if you can have that sort of environment but you don't

need music to pray now I will say this music does serve a wonderful purpose in

conjunction with prayer you know you can start your small prayer spoke meeting

with worship with praise why because it helps ever get everybody sort of on the

same Accord you know people come into your prayer meeting you don't know what

they just you know maybe got in a near accident or some kind of a disagreement

with somebody they come in with the cares of the world they come in having

had a bad day entering into worship together helps the people to focus on

Jesus and to cast their cares on the Lord and to just let him have all those

worries all those things that bother them so they can really really enter

into prayer you know sometimes people come in and they need to repent of

something maybe they they had a little road rage on the way over whatever

happened sometimes they just need to get right with God for a minute before they

enter into prayer which is always a good idea so do you need music no of course

you can pray anytime anywhere whether or not you have music but music can help

set the atmosphere for your prayer meeting


For more infomation >> Do I Need Music for My Small Prayer Group? | Ask Jennifer LeClaire | Awakening Blaze - Duration: 1:53.


Número do Poder e Sucesso #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Número do Poder e Sucesso #NUMEROLOGIA - Duration: 5:11.


Do My Clothes Make A Difference? - Duration: 6:12.

Last year, I hired a wardrobe consultant and completely changed my entire

wardrobe. Did it make a difference? I'm going to answer that in this video. So, do

the clothes that you wear really make a difference? Yeah. They make a huge

difference. Just in the last 6 months, my new wardrobe has been responsible for

making me hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, what's my story? Well, if

you go back in the history of my YouTube channel, you'll see that I used to wear

my old Be The Hero logo. It was more of an athletic shirt made out of polyester.

And I thought it was so cool. But one of my good friends for many years as a

wardrobe consultant, I've always wanted to work with her. And as I was starting

to get some traction in my business, I thought, "You know what? I'm going to have a

conversation with her. Get her advice. See what she thinks of what I wear." She told

me right off the bat. "You got to stop wearing that. Do not wear those shirts

ever again. Maybe if you're going exercising but not any other time." And I

said... Well, I was surprised. I was really shocked. The reason she gave me such bold

advice is I gave her permission too. I said, "You know what? This is my ideal

client. This is who I am working with and this is who I want to

work with. This is the type of service that I offer. This is what my brand

represents. This is what I stand for. This is what I'm doing." Came with that

understanding, she saw how I was dressing and says, "That doesn't match. You can't do

that. Uh-uh, that doesn't work. If everything that you have told me... Let's

go shopping together and I'll show you how to dress." Okay? So, this is one of the

shirts. Okay, this is a real casual. This is a... You

know, if I'm if I were going out networking, I'd wear something I'd wear a

button-down and whatnot. We'd go to Dillard's or Nordstrom. And we went into

the shoe section. And she pointed at, "Would you like these? Do you like these?"

And I'm like, "Okay. You can see me wearing those?" Like everything seemed so foreign

to me. But I decided to be coachable and just like, "Alright. I'll give it a try."

And I bought a couple pairs of shoes. And right away, I felt the difference. I mean,

one there really good quality shoes. But people

started commenting. Like, "Oh, I like your shoes. Those shoes look really nice." And

then I went to Nordstrom Rack and there was a pair of shoes there I don't have

him here with me to show you. But there's a pair of shoes, they're dress shoes that

were like those are sharp. They were slightly too big for my foot. But they

were... They're still expensive being it that they are at the rack. They were

originally like $400 shoes. And I'm like, I think I'm just going to buy some inserts

and see if I can make these shoes work. They became instantly one of my favorite

shoes. I wore him to church, I warm to meetings and people would notice. Okay, I

want to show you the shoes that I'm wearing today right now. Just in my socks.

Let me go grab my boots. Okay, I'm back. Check out these beauties. Wow! Alright.

So, these weren't the ones that I purchased at first. After I learned that

there was something to this that the shoes that I wear, the pants that I

wear. By the way, I used to be a Levi's guy. Now wearing Mavi jeans. These are so

much more comfortable than Levi's. Just have to say. They look way better but

they're way, way, way more comfortable. Just saying. And anyway. So, these boots I

bought after I'd already been having some good experiences with my new

wardrobe. And I asked my wardrobe stylist to go shopping with me again. And she

said, "You know what? These boots are awesome. You're going to love these boots." I

was not a boot person. I've never worn boots like that. I've had like just ugly

snow boots that are functional. These were $400 boots. Am I saying that

to brag? It's almost kind of embarrassing just say. I don't know, it still feels

embarrassing to say that I spent 400 bucks on a pair of boots. Why would I do

that? Why would I spend 400 bucks on some boots? Well, I wanted my clients to notice.

My clients appreciate stuff like this. And I wanted my clients to notice. I

wanted them to feel comfortable. And it's worked. It really has worked. These very

shoes, anytime I've worn these boots with my clients. They comment on them. And they

talk about their favorite shoes and where they got them. It's just... It really

works. Now, let's talk about confidence. I had no idea that confidence was

connected to the way I dressed. But I tell you when I go places, when a network,

when I walk into a room and I'm right, I feel great. And of course, I like

it when people compliment me. On Sunday, I wore a new blazer to church. And I got

the same compliment for multiple people. They said, "That looks sharp." They use the

same word like, "Wow, you look sharp." I said, "Thanks." See, if I want to get new clients,

if I want to make a good first impression, they're going to see my clothes

first. They're going to see my outer shell first. They don't know what's on the

inside. They don't see my heart. They don't see how genuine I am. They don't

see my capability. They don't see my track record. They don't know the results

that I can help them with. They just see my exterior. They see my facial

expression. They see my haircut. They see my shirt. They see my pants, they see my

shoes, they see my confidence level. And they make a judgement. You make a

judgment of me, I make a judgment of you. That's how it works. And the way that we

dress really can set the stage for how everything else goes. So, I am NOT your

wardrobe stylist. But I have a great one. If you'd like me to refer you to

somebody. She works with men and women. But I just have to say. I highly

recommend it. I hope you enjoyed this episode. It's really made a big impact

for me. And unrelated, but I've got 2 things that I like to give away. So, you

know that I do keyword research for YouTube videos. And I've got a keyword

research guide. You can find a link to that down below. Also, I've got a whole

team with people that I employ in the Philippines. And I talk a lot and teach

people a lot about how to hire people in the Philippines. So, also in the link down

below, you can find my outsourcing guide. If either of those things would be a

value to you, then you can get them for free and be sure to subscribe and I will

see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Do My Clothes Make A Difference? - Duration: 6:12.


Woman who helped homeless during subzero temps seeks to do more - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Woman who helped homeless during subzero temps seeks to do more - Duration: 2:22.


Sadhguru -There is nothing to achieve. Do what you love! - Duration: 11:00.

As an ethical, matured human being how I should approach competition?

How I should view competition?

How I should behave and handle that?

As an ethical, matured human being - an ethical human being is a very immature human being.

I want you to know this.

You are holding on to your ethics because you have no consciousness.

Ethics you picked up from outside.

Whatever your society, your religion or your profession something they have put down some


Maybe they are the norms with which one can function when they don't know how to function.

Now for example, let's say you are a doctor.

There are the ethics of Hippocrates, you know?

That you must serve a person, it doesn't matter your convenience or inconvenience

when somebody is ill, when somebody's life is in danger, you must go and do it.

If you go by these ethics, yes you will go and do it but in the process you will become


Suppose you're a loving human being.

Yoga means fundamentally...

Today modern science has proved to you beyond any doubt that the whole existence is one

energy, isn't it?

Everything in the existence is one energy manifesting itself in millions of forms

or in other words this and this are same energy.

Now that you are sitting here, suppose for one moment

actually you experienced within yourself that all the people sitting in this hall are actually

a part of you.

Let us say you experienced something like this, not taught; actually you experience

like you experience the ten fingers of your hand; you experienced all these people for

a moment.

If you experience these people like this, after that do I have to teach you morality

and ethics?

Don't harm this person, don't kill this person, don't rob that person, would it

be needed?

Would it be needed?


So yoga means just that, that you experience everything as one.

The word 'Yoga' comes from the word 'Union' where you see everything as one in your experience

because that is the reality.

Only because you have gotten enslaved to the limited dimension of your mind

everything is fragmented in the existence.

Only because you're right now you are basing all your experience through the sense perception

which perceives everything in comparison.

If you want to compare you have to divide.

If you want to compare you have to fragment the world into million pieces otherwise you

cannot experience.

This is the way of the sense perception

because your perception is limited to sense organs you have fragmented the world into

million pieces otherwise you cannot experience it.

So the whole process of yoga is to evolve beyond the sense perception so that you can

experience the existence as one.

Suppose you experienced all these people as a part of you, do I have to teach you ethics?

You will joyfully go and do what's needed and you will not become sick in the process.

Yes or no?


So you are always trying to find poor substitutes for truth.

That's the biggest problem.

Now to study in one university you don't have to compete with anybody.

If you are truly interested in knowing what you want to study, you will study to the best

of your ability, isn't it?

Not because your friend is studying, you want to know that's why you study.

When you study like this; your study releases you.

When you study to get one mark more than your friend, you are getting entangled and sick

you are becoming.

You are actually becoming sick in the process, isn't it?

So to do what you want to do well, you don't have to compete with anybody.

What is it that you want to do?

Throw your life and do it.

What has to happen will happen according to your abilities and your capabilities.

Somebody is doing so much if you try to do that you will go mad

or if you compete with somebody, you also limit yourself; you never realize your full


If somebody is a monkey, you will become a little better monkey than him, that's all.

You will not realize your full potential, isn't it?

You look it into yourself.

What is that you want to do?

Offer your life to it and do it.

What has to happen will happen to the extent your capabilities, your intelligence and abilities

allow you, isn't it?

Why are you working against somebody?

It's not necessary.

And stop achieving things in this world.

There is nothing to achieve.

Do what you love to do with all your heart.

What has to happen will happen, isn't it?

Sadhguru: See, morality

morality has become an important thing in the society

because people have forsaken their humanity.

If your humanity was alive and active,

you would not need any morality.

People have put their humanity to sleep

and trying to behave like human beings with morality

and it's not working

because everybody will come up with his own morality.

And your kind of morality and another person's kind of morality is at war all the time.

What is right and wrong,

if you open this debate you will end up with a fight,

even within your family, believe me.

Yes or no?


If you start a debate as to what is right and what is wrong,

whether it's in your

in the world

or in your neighborhood

or within the family,

fight is inevitable because no two people can agree on what is right and wrong

and it's never been settled ever

because no such thing exists.

Instead of trying to be right,

why don't people try to be sensible?

We need some sense in the planet.

These righteous people are always a trouble.

Once you have a strong set of morals,

you will see nobody in the world is all right.

If nobody in the world is okay,

you have a psychological problem.

The first sign of psychological imbalance is you start thinking,

'Nobody is okay.'

So morality is just that it's the first step towards insanity.

You just have to stretch it;

if you stretch it, you will go there.

Maybe you won't stretch it that far,

you are willing to bend it.

So you manage.

These are substitutes for humanity.

Why is it… our education systems,

our social mechanisms,

we are not doing enough to stir up humanity in a human being,

we are trying to fix it with morality and it's never worked.

All we will do is divide people into different kinds of moral sects

and they will always fight

because nobody can fit into your morality

because even you don't fit in actually.

Unless… you are smart enough to subvert it secretly (Laughs),

you understand?

Otherwise it doesn't work

because morality will not just stick to your profession,

it will enter every aspect of your life.

Once you start thinking what is the right thing to do in my profession,

you will also think what is the right thing to do on all levels of life, isn't it?

Once you start thinking this is the right thing

and somebody else think that is the right thing,

there is going to be a conflict

and a constant conflict.

If you stir up the humanity within you,

you will do the most sensible thing that's needed for that moment

and that's all that matters that

your actions are in context with the realities in which you exist.

And the context is always changing;

if you don't change according to that,


People who are moralistic are always looking archaic for the new generation of people,

isn't it?

They wonder why these guy is still alive.



If you're very moralistic,

even your children will wonder why are you still alive,

because you look like you are from somewhere else.

So what is the most sensible thing to do

what brings well-being to you and everybody around you;

this is all one needs to look at constantly.

Is there some way to fix it?

There is no way to fix it.

We have to be alive to it;

we have to be alive to it every moment

and as the context changes,

what we do has to change.

Morality and mortality are not very different.


For more infomation >> Sadhguru -There is nothing to achieve. Do what you love! - Duration: 11:00.


Srdjan Roje: Don't EVER Do "Self Help", And This Is Why... (Excerpt from "Manifesting Abundance") - Duration: 5:12.

And it is the second great insight that Buddha gave us

in his very concise "Four Noble Truths".

And that is: Happiness is your natural state.

When you remove whatever makes you unhappy,

you are getting back to your natural state of being.

Not filtered through your mind, which will make it real.

Whatever circumstances are going on will make them real.

So, once you remove suffering, you're raising your vibration.

You don't need to add anything to you.

You just need to remove what you are not.

Or in Buddha's own words:

"It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person free from remorse."

All you need to do is remove what you do not prefer.

What you are not.

What does not resonate with you.

You just need to find out about your attachments and about your resistances.

And let them go.

Once you let them go,

once you release the weights that are holding you down,

you will naturally lift your vibration.

That is kind of surprising.

But it is in the nature of things.

It's just the way it is.

It's just like the great sculptor, Michelangelo.

He created some real gorgeous sculptures, masterpieces.

Like the Pietà or David.

And someone asked him once:

"Oh, my God, Michelangelo, this is gorgeous."

"How could you create this beautiful sculpture from a piece of stone?"

And he said: "You know what, David was already in the stone."

"I just removed the extraneous stone."

I just removed what David was not.


And by removing what David was not, there it is, David.

As we know him today.

So you don't need to ADD anything to you.

You are already perfect.

As the Eastern traditions would say.

You're already perfect.

What you need is to remove from yourself what you are not.

It's kind of like a balloon.

You know those hot-air balloons.

There is a balloon and here you're inside.

And these balloons often have some weights.

That's called ballast.

The only function of these weights is to keep you at a certain altitude.

If you want to go higher,

what you need to do is cut off one of those ballasts.


Then you will make yourself lighter

and the balloon will go higher naturally.

You don't need anything to add to that balloon.

Only remove the ballast, the weight that you don't need.

If you want to go higher.

And that is why...

I am strongly opposed, personally, to calling this,

what we are talking about, self-help, or self-improvement.

Because self-improvement means that there is a better version of yourself.

Somewhere in the future.

And if there is a better version of me in the future,

that means that this version now is not good enough.

That immediately puts you in guilt and shame.

Because you are not good enough or you are afraid.

You're worried about what people will think of you.

Because you should be better.

Please don't do that!

Please don't do self-help and please don't do self-improvement.

What you should do is self-exploration.


Find out what you already are.

And when you find out what you already are...

The path to finding what you already are

is by removing from yourself what you are NOT.

As the great poet Rumi said:

"Your task is not to seek for love,"

"but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself"

"that you have built against it."

For more infomation >> Srdjan Roje: Don't EVER Do "Self Help", And This Is Why... (Excerpt from "Manifesting Abundance") - Duration: 5:12.


[ENG] TXT 투모로우바이투게더 'What do you hear?' Voice Teaser 03 Debut Celebration Show - Duration: 0:31.

I am a person who is soft hearted

Therefore i can make friends very easily

I also joke around while other members are recording videos.

I am mischievous like that

For more infomation >> [ENG] TXT 투모로우바이투게더 'What do you hear?' Voice Teaser 03 Debut Celebration Show - Duration: 0:31.


✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Budapest - Duration: 5:02.

Budapest, made up of two cities, Buda and Pest, is divided by the majestic River Danube.

Although they are joined by a number of spectacular bridges, they're two very different places,

each with a unique character, and each offering plenty for visitors to see and do.

Much of Hungary's capital city has been granted UNESCO World Heritage Site status,

and many visitors consider the city to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Before we get into the top 10 things to do in Budapest, we've included links in the

description to various discount codes and links to resources of things to do, so make

sure you check those out.

10) At number 10 is The Chain Bridge

The iconic Chain bridge is the city's most famous bridge that connects Buda and Pest,

the western and eastern sides of Budapest.

The Bridge is known for its historical significance and beautiful architecture.

A footpath allows pedestrians to walk across the suspension bridge, enjoying views over

the Danube, while stone lions at either end are one of the monument's most defining


9) Number 9 is the Hungarian Parliament Building

The Hungarian Parliament Building, which was designed and built in the Gothic Revival style,

is one of the largest buildings in Hungary, and is home to hundreds of parliamentary offices.

Although the impressive building looks fantastic from every angle, it is worth viewing it from

the other side of the Danube as well.

Tours of the building's lavish interior are available and visitors can see the majestic

Dome Hall, the stunning main floor, upper lobby, gold-plated staircases, and more.

8) At number 8 is the Hop-on Hop-off Bus Budapest

This Hop-On Hop-Off tour of Budapest allows you to discover one of Europe's greatest

cities at your own pace.

Buses come every 15-30 minutes, making your sightseeing experience hassle free and flexible.

This bus tour also includes some of Budapest's hidden gems, giving you insider knowledge

of one of Europe's finest cities.

All the main attractions are en route from the Millennium Memorial, to the St. Stephen's

Basilica and everything in-between!

7) Number 7 is Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden

Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of the oldest zoos in Hungary and opened its

doors in 1866.

It has over a 1,000 animal species at the zoo and is located within Városliget Park,

in the centre of the city.

It has several iconic areas, such as the Palm House, the Elephant House and the 100-years-old

heritage merry-go-round.

With a wide variety of flowers and plants on display as well, it offers plenty of leisure

options for all ages.

6) At number 6 is St. Stephen's Basilica

St Stephen's Basilica is one of the tallest buildings in Budapest, standing at 96 meters


Construction was completed in 1905, with the Roman Catholic Basilica built in the neoclassical


The interior has beautiful gold details, intricate decorations and spectacular paintings and

its central dome is home to a panoramic lookout point that is well worth the small entrance


5) Number 5 is the Budapest Pinball Museum

The Budapest Pinball Museum is Hungary's first and Europe's largest interactive pinball exhibition.

Visitors can see pinball machines from the 1800s right through to today and play on up

to 150 machines, including the world's first pinball with flippers.

The museum is open until midnight on some days and is an extremely popular tourist attraction.

4) At number 4 is Margaret Island

Margaret Island is a 2.5km long island which sits in the middle of the Danube, it is covered

in parkland and recreational facilities.

One of the most famous sites is the music fountain, from which water regularly dances

in time to classical music.

Other notable features on the island include medieval ruins, a small aviary, an open-air

theatre and a beautiful rose garden.

3) Number 3 is the Hungarian Chocolate Museum

Learn about the history of Hungarian chocolate making at the Hungarian Chocolate Museum.

Visitors can dip a cup or a candy into a chocolate fountain, learn to make their own chocolate,

and watch a short film about the history of chocolate.

There are lots of delicious tasting opportunities with cookies, liqueurs, hot chocolate, candies,

and more all waiting to be savoured.

2) At number 2 is the RiverRide Budapest

The RiverRide transforms from a bus into a boat, sweeping visitors around the stunning

city for a sightseeing tour like no other.

Drive along Budapest's streets and see the sights, such as St Steven's Basilica, Hero's

Square and the Parliament, then splash into the River Danube for an amazing river cruise.

1) And at number 1 is Széchenyi Spa

The Széchenyi Baths complex is one of the largest Spa Bath centres in Europe.

The waters are rich in sulphates, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and fluoride, which

are believed to be very beneficial.

With 15 indoor pools, saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs and 3 huge outdoor pools this delicious

indulgence should be part of any trip to Budapest.

So that sums up our top 10 things to do in Budapest, we hope you enjoyed, if you did

please leave a like and if you're new here feel free to subscribe.

Until next video have a great day.

For more infomation >> ✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Budapest - Duration: 5:02.


Forró do Zé Buchudo - Luiz Gonzaga - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Forró do Zé Buchudo - Luiz Gonzaga - Duration: 1:53.


What Manchester United must do to complete Jadon Sancho transfer - Duration: 2:35.

 Manchester United's hopes of signing Dortmund star Jadon Sancho for around £100million this summer hinge on the club's Champions League hopes

 The Red Devils have made the 19-year-old a priority target ahead of the summer transfer window following his rapid rise to stardom in Germany

 The winger left Manchester City for the Bundesliga in 2017 in the search of first team football and hasn't looked back since, making his Champions League and England debuts since becoming a Dortmund player

 As revealed by earlier this month, United have discussed the possibility of signing Sancho and have followed the winger's development closely in Germany

 United were interested in the England star when he decided to leave City but Pep Guardiola's side refused to sell to a Premier League rival

 United are prepared to go for him this summer and are confident that Dortmund will sell if they obtain their £100m valuation of the winger

 However, the Red Devils know this will not be possible if they fail to qualify for the Champions League, according to the Mirror

 The club's summer budget is based on playing in Europe's elite competition and they would also struggle to attract Sancho while outside of the Champions League

 City stand to gain around £15m from any deal that sees Sancho leave Dortmund as they have a 15% sell-on fee in their agreement with the club, while they can also match any accepted bid for the winger

 Guardiola, though, recently admitted that he doubts Sancho would return to the Etihad

 There is still much uncertainty over who United's next permanent manager will be despite the success of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in the role

 Nevertheless, the Norwegian has been consulted on United's summer plans and has spoken to Ed Woodward about the strengths and weaknesses of the squad he inherited from Jose Mourinho


For more infomation >> What Manchester United must do to complete Jadon Sancho transfer - Duration: 2:35.


為什麼唱歌要唱 Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si?唱名是怎麼來的? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 為什麼唱歌要唱 Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si?唱名是怎麼來的? - Duration: 4:04.


Why did Jesus Talk in Parables & What do they Mean? - Duration: 8:04.

did Jesus use parables to teach have you ever wondered that I wondered what they

mean well that is what we're going to talk about today I'm crazy simple align

your mind with God's truth with God's Word

hello you beautiful soul I am Nicki Drake founder of a crazy simple truth if

we have not met yet welcome to my You Tube channel I am going to take some

information right out of this thrift store book I actually believe that there

is a current version of this it's by Mark Littleton the book of the Bible all

your questions answered I got it for 50 Cent's but I think I've looked on Amazon

by the way I got a call Amazon out on something here I love Amazon and we shop

there whenever we need something but I twice have applied for their associate

program and both times I have failed and so all the links that I had under my

videos and in my website I had to like take those off because people would

think that they are helping me support my ministry by purchasing Amazon through

my link and they aren't anymore and so I've been debating on reapplying

apparently I don't really know what I did wrong the first time I didn't have a

certain amount of sales within a certain amount of time the second time I I think

the mistake that I made is I said help support my ministry by purchasing

through any of the links below whatever I guess I worded that wrong and I'm not

supposed to say that your help and support me so I don't have Amazon links

right now and I am gonna reapply eventually I'm kind of mad at some wait

until I'm not mad at them anymore it took me almost five hours to take all

the links of all of my videos oh my okay so anyway I think you can get this book

there why did Jesus tell parables Jesus told some 30 different parables several

found in different forms of each gospel the favorites among them are the Good

Samaritan Luke 10 25 through 37 the prodigal son Luke

15:11 through 32 the sower Matthew 13 3 through 8 and the pearl of great price

Matthew 13 45 and 46 Jesus told parable parables because they were a simple way

to explain complex truths okay hmm so I think they're supposed to be a

simple way but for some reason for me I have a lot of troublesome to Tulsa

sometimes understanding them so if you do let me

know in the comments do you have Charles sometimes understanding his parables it

says they were interesting entertaining and to some degree crowd pleasing this

isn't that funny to think of all the crowds that followed Jesus around and

wanted him to heal them and all of those things and they probably like thought

that was a really great story Jesus you know that was really cool the guy like

left his dad and took all of his inheritance and then he came back and

the father came running to him and set it in I mean can you see the crowd going

oh yeah Jesus that was great ha ha ha I don't know maybe not

ok parables were a traditional method used by rabbis to illustrate truths and

abstract concepts when Jesus's disciples asked him why he taught in parables

Jesus answered in Matthew 13 11 through 13 because it is given unto you to know

the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given for who

whose ever hath to him shall be given this must be King James Version or New

King James Version which always makes me feel like like fingernails on a

chalkboard it's like incredibly uncomfortable when

I read it anyway for Hoost ever hath to him shall be given and he

shall have more abundance but who's ever hath not from him shall be taken away

even that he hath therefore speak I to them in parables because they seeing see

not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand wasn't that entertaining

okay no not really what did Jesus mean by this he meant

that those who believed in him would receive more truth as they grew in faith

those who rejected him would think they understood what he was saying but they

wouldn't truly understand so does that mean I'm rejecting him no but let's go

on to the next category because it says how can we interpret the parables Jesus

explained one parable to his disciples the parable of the sower and I have done

a couple different videos with that story in my video because I love that

and it says we can use the same principles to interpret all the others

all the parables are about Christ's Kingdom I've never read this you guys

this I'm just reading it out of here for you because I happen to notice it was

about parables and I remembered that I promised you I do have a video on

parables so that's why it says the different characters and events

represent elements of his kingdom or elements of the world within the kingdom

parents they are in this sense many allegories with different people places

and things representing various real-life people places and things the

parable of the lost sheep symbolizes how God feels about one lost person and how

he searches throughout the world for that person some parables are more

difficult than others see yeah the lost sheep I understand the

sower I understand some of them are really really confusing so some parables

are more difficult but they're not necessarily meant to be easily

understand ooh that's good nose good nose good nose to me that's good news to

me people of faith must use their ability to think research ponder and

reason but most of all we must use faith to see the spiritual realities in

parables you know what and that's all it says hmm I hope that was helpful it kind

of explained to me that we're not really meant to understand them like some of

them so I guess I don't have to feel bad when I don't understand some of them

most of them I can understand there are they're parables that you have trouble

understanding I'd love to know if you're going through this easy Bible study with

me through the book of mark I know there's been a day or two

that I've said I honestly don't know how to interpret that parable without

looking it up and in this study is a beginner study so I'm trying to show you

how to pull something out of the Word of God without having those resources so

you can easily Google what does this parable mean and I'm sure you'll find

all kinds of information just make sure you back it up with scripture so you

know that it's the truth just like everything else I say always check the

scripture for your self so parables are a little bit confusing but sometimes a

little bit helpful and they all point back to God's kingdom I hope this was

helpful I hope you have a great day I mean seriously you know life is so

good and it's so short and it's so hard sometimes but I meant to say life is so

hard but God is so good and life is really really hard sometimes and we all

struggle in one way or another but God loves you so much and if you want some

crazy simple tips to read and understand and live by his truth the Bible then you

should consider subscribing to my channel because that's what I try to

teach you so you can live a life of freedom and have joy peace and a freedom

whenever you are going through whatever you are going through so subscribe and I

will see you in the next video bye

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