Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily How to Feb 20 2019

To open and use the Layout app on your immersive headset,

press the "Windows" button on

your controller to open the "Start" menu.

Then, select the layout tile to open the app.

From the layout menu,

select a layout or select "New Layout".

Now, you're ready to get started.

For more infomation >> How to open and use the Layout app | Dynamics 365 Layout for HoloLens - Duration: 0:32.


HOW TO PACK A BAG FOR A DAY MISSION with Xavier De Le Rue | HOW TO XV - Duration: 6:01.

So today we're gonna see how to pack your bag for a day mission.

So for a day mission I usually like to have a bag between 20 and 30 litres,

I usually like to have long bags, so you can fit your poles, you can fit your ice axes

and everything in a pretty easy way.

You're gonna be looking for powder, so powder means avalanches,

so I always recommend to take an ABS.

For me what's key, is that like having a dedicated pocket for avalanche gear

for all the safety gear

and the carrying system for your skis or your board

that's gonna be the determining factor for me for choosing a bag.

One basic rule for packing, first of all is to try to put the heavier stuff at the bottom,

and to prioritise between what you're gonna be needing first and then later.

So another rule is to try to avoid the Christmas tree effect,

so I'm pretty good at that, it's just having your backpack

and attaching all sort of things, your water bottle, your helmet, your things and

have everything dangling like it's Christmas!

So let's pack for this day mission,

so first priority is all your safety gear; probe and shovel should be with you at all time.

I like to have it in a separate compartment.

With my safety equipment, I like to have a blanket,

if you did cold, if you get trapped somewhere, if you have to stay in the snow

this can happen.

One thing that doesn't weigh anything, but it's good to have it in there,

is the little recco reflector, I have it attached to my bag so I know it's there.

Added safety, safety is all about having all the chances on your side.

One other thing that I put on my pack is my Resero,

my emergency beacon, so in case anything happens "tuke" I pull.

A communication device is really important as well,

so your telephone if you have network, or a radio if you're outside of network.

So in terms of safety, it's really important to know where you're at at all times,

having a map with you is really good.

And when free-riding I like to take a helmet,

because I'm gonna be riding like above rocks and maybe with a bit of speed.

Super important is to have a down jacket or down vest at the bottom of your bag

because you never know what happens

and if you have to sleep up there you're gonna have to be warm

and it's always good when you reach the summit

to chuck the down jacket over everything and feel great

and enjoy the moment, because it's all about that right.

So gloves I usually try to start the day with a small gloves

which I'm gonna be touring with, so that I don't sweat in the bigger gloves.

All of that stuff, the goggles, the gloves and the down jacket at the bottom of the bag.

Sunnies, quite important, I always take a hard case

because it's just so easy to break them, either in your jacket or in your pack

If you tour, use your sunnies as much as you can, because you're gonna be fogging up your goggles.

The poles, pretty important

if you have a 30 litre bag, you're gonna be able to fit them inside your pack really easily

and avoid the Christmas tree effect.

The skins. Are you gonna skin straight away out of the car?

Are you gonna skin straight away out of the lift?

Are you gonna skin after riding for a few hours?

So that all depends on where you're gonna place it in your bag.

This is a Petzl Gully, it's my favourite ice axe I would say,

and it's 45cm so it will fit in every backpack and doesn't have to be outside.

I like to have two medium size bottles, I like them to be packable,

so that once you've drunk them, you can just chuck them in there, they don't take space

and I usually try to put them, you know, on the side of the pack,

so that they can be accessible really easily, by just opening the zip a little bit.

I like to use isotonic drinks once in a while with a lot of electrolytes,

that keeps me going a long time.

In terms of snacks if I take something, I could have a little bar

but sometimes the whole point of going up the mountain is to have one of these bad boys

and actually having them at the top of the mountain is pretty freakin special!

There is one thing not to do is take one of these guys,

a banana at the bottom of your bag,

he's gonna get squished and it's going to make a little mashed banana puree

that's gonna stick to everything, nightmare, avoid!

When touring you're gonna be out there on your own,

things could go wrong, you could break something

and I have, like, a little tool essentials that I always take.

First of all is the duct tape, another one is the stone being able to clean your edge

and then last but not least is having a little multi-tool,

and then have a little piece of metal that you could bend around

and maybe hold your binding if you break it or something like that,

so I usually carry this in my little tool pocket.

Alright this is it, that's my way of packing,

but now let's stop talking and let's go riding!

For more infomation >> HOW TO PACK A BAG FOR A DAY MISSION with Xavier De Le Rue | HOW TO XV - Duration: 6:01.


Sports Work Experience | How to Get it NOW - Duration: 5:44.

- So you're ready to work in sports

but half of the jobs that you're applying to

require prior sports related experience.

Watch this video so can learn exactly

how to get started immediately.

What's up baller, it's Adriene.

For the best sports industry career and internship advice

make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be

notified when I post a brand new video every single Tuesday.

If you want to know how to get

sports related experience without any prior experience,

by the end of this video you'll know exactly

what to do to get started today

and be able to put that on your resume.

I've used this method to break into the sports industry

and land multiple internships and jobs from the NBA,

the LA Clippers, Adidas, and beyond.

Alright baller, let's jump right into it.

The first thing that you can do is

create or join a sports group.

So whether you're a student or not

you can join a sports fan group.

And what you can do there is explore if they have

any leadership opportunities available.

So let's say that they don't have any

leadership roles open at the moment.

That's totally fine, what you can do is continue

to be an active participant and member of this club

and see if there's any areas of improvement

while your just attending club meetings,

seeing what the club is about, and it's values,

and what their needs and goals are.

If you see an area of improvement within this club

and propose this to the leadership committee,

than you can potentially create your own position

for yourself and gain that experience.

I use this exact tactic to get my first

sports related experience and utilized it on my resume.

What I did is I joined my school's

sports fan group called UCLA's The Den.

Which is the super fan group of the UCLA Bruins, go Bruins.

Now when I first joined the group, I was just

a participating member, did not have

any leadership roles or responsibilities.

However, over time I realized that there was

a need for the student fan group to have

a connection and tie to the UCLA Athletics Department

and specifically the student athlete .

And not only was I able to add this leadership experience

to my resume, it also opened tons of doors for me.

So eventually I was able to land

an internship at Fox Sports.

Let's say that a sports fan club doesn't exist at all

or you want to do a different sports related club

like sports analytics or something similar.

You can also create that club as well.

I use this exact tact to start a sports media club

at my school called ESPNU Campus Connection.

Which is part of a larger program organized by ESPNU.

By creating a club, again, this is something you can

put on your resume but it's also a way for you

to get experience in something that

you're interested in or potentially interested in.

See if this is something that you'd like to pursue.

By creating a club, this showcases your leadership skills,

initiative, innovation, and then again that

tie back into the sports industry experience.

Which is really crucial for you to gain that experience

and knowledge and be able to apply it

to whatever position that you're applying for.

The second thing that you can do

is create a blog or social media page.

Now the reason why you wanna create a sports blog

or social media page is to really spread exposure

of your personal brand and ultimately share your experience

and knowledge in the sports industry with others.

When you're thinking about what type of topics

that you want to cover in your blog or social media page,

keep in mind a couple of things.

What are you passionate about?

That could be anything that you want, under the sun,

related to the sports industry.

Whether it be your favorite team,

favorite player, favorite sports league.

Whether it's technology in the sports base, you name it.

Another thing that you wanna keep in mind is

what ultimately do you wanna be doing in the sports world?

Is it sport psychology, physical therapy,

coaching, business.

Whatever it may be, you want to tie both

what you're passionate about and what you ultimately

wanna be doing within the sports industry

into that blog or social media page.

And ultimately this is sports experience

that you can get right now.

You just have to create it for yourself.

And a lot of people actually turn these social media pages

or blogs into full fledged careers.

And what I mean by that is if you follow House of Highlights

on Instagram, you'll have an idea of what I'm talkin' about.

This started out as a page that was just meant

for NBA highlights after games and has now turned

into an entire franchise owned by Bleacher Report.

So who knows.

Comment below with what you're passionate about in sports.

The third thing that you can do is volunteer.

Now what you wanna do here is think about different sports

companies that exist in your area.

Whether that's your local school,

local gym, or local sports team.

Whatever it may be, what you wanna do next

is go to the company's site and see if they have

any upcoming philanthropic opportunities or events.

This'll not only give you experience in the sports base,

whether it's even just one sporting event,

it'll also give you chance to really

grow your network in the sports world.

And this is crucial because if there's upcoming events

with this company and you continue to volunteer with them,

they'll begin to know your name.

You'll begin to grow a connection with these people

and ultimately this is gonna give you

a taste of what it's like to work at that company.

Now you know three ways to get sports experience.

But what about when you're ready

to build your sports network?

If you have another chance to watch my video about how to

grow your network in sports, definitely check that out.

The link to watch it is in the description below

and also at the card at the end of this video.

And if you wanna join a community of sports professionals

just like you, join my exclusive networking group BallerrsIN

where you can connect with sports professionals,

get career tips and advice, and learn about

new jobs and internship opportunities.

The link to join is below.

If you like this video please

let me know by hitting the like.

Subscribe and share with your friends

who wanna work in sports too.

And comment below, useful, if you found this video

helped and what your biggest takeaway was.

Thank you so much for watching.

I'll see you in the next video.

(upbeat funk music)

For more infomation >> Sports Work Experience | How to Get it NOW - Duration: 5:44.


Inteletravel and How To Promote a Group Cruise Booking with Facebook - Duration: 5:23.


For more infomation >> Inteletravel and How To Promote a Group Cruise Booking with Facebook - Duration: 5:23.


How to play a video on Arduino Uno (5/6): playing a 20 ksps audio from SD card! - Duration: 13:56.

For more infomation >> How to play a video on Arduino Uno (5/6): playing a 20 ksps audio from SD card! - Duration: 13:56.


How To Create A Vision For Your Life // UFTN Lesson Series - Duration: 4:00.

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\f0\fs24 \cf2 Personal contract\'85 \ Now, some of the simplest questions are often

the most profound and necessary to accomplish the growth and breakthroughs that we want

to achieve. \ But, in our lives, it\'92s easy to end up

side tracked and never really spending the time\'85 or getting around to truly assessing

what the things are that will get us to where we want to go. Especially for us creatively

minded individuals out there\'85 who\'85 you know, let\'92s be honest can quite frequently

get caught up in exploring elaborate visions with both our current projects and just with

life itself\'85 without ever bringing it home and back to centre to tangible goals of what

that would actually look like\'85. \ So, today we\'92re going to be jumping in

to some exploration of specific goal setting to truly bring an element of clarity and confidence

to your visions. \ You see, goals are what give us the ability

to essentially create our future in advance. They are an incredibly powerful way to support

our growth, our expansion and our\'85 ability to develop success and transformations in

our lives. \ Because when we spend the time to get clear

on what we want, why it\'92s important to us and how we\'92d know we\'92ve arrived\'85.

the how, the action steps and the strategies becomes much less daunting and opens us up

to way more possibilities on how to make it happen.\

If you\'92ve already done a goal-setting workshop in the past or you know some of your goals

already, amazing, I want to invite you take this opportunity to do it once again to inject

even more strength to your goals. \ Alright, to develop a deeper sense of clarity

of vision, as well as confidence in why you want what you want, the format of this exercise

encompasses three main components that will support you in building out a strong personal

contract for yourself. \ Number 1 is simply asking yourself\'85 what

do you want? \ In your relationships, in a partner, in your

career, in your artistry & creativity, your health & fitness, finances, in your personal

development. \ What. do. you. want?\'85 6 weeks from now,

3 months, one year\'85\ See, something magical happens when you take

generalized impulses of desire and start writing them down more precisely\'85 They empower

us to feel a deeper sense of meaning, significance and purpose to truly honouring and committing

to going after them. \ So, number 1\'85 what do you want? \

Number 2 is to explore why you want what you want? \

Ask yourself, Why is that goal important to me?\'85 Why do you want it? What will it give

you? And when you have that, how would you show up in the world then? Who else could

benefit from that? \ There\'92s massive power in taking the time

to discover the reasons behind our goals. \

When it comes to what\'92s within our control in life, our reasons comes first\'85 and the

answers come second. So spend time here to truly explore your reasons. Because when you

get a significant and overarching why behind accomplishing something, it becomes much simpler

to figure out how to do it.\ So, number 2\'85 why do you want it? And why

is it important to you?\ Number 3 is to ask yourself\'85 How would

you know you\'92ve got it?\ Now, we\'92ll be diving deeper into this in

the next module, but I invite you to look into this a little bit now. \

It\'92s one thing to have our goals & reasons, but without being aware of how we\'92d know

we\'92ve achieved it\'85 we can kindof end up on a never ending hamster wheel and miss

the opportunities to celebrate and appreciate our accomplishments. \

So ask yourself\'85 how would you know you\'92ve got it? What might you be seeing? Feeling?

Hearing?\ Now feel free to utilize this video along

with the exercise\'85 \ Going back and pausing and starting after

each question\'85 or if you prefer to just go about it on your own\'85 all of the questions

are also within the attached worksheet. But, either way\'85 give yourself at least a timed

5 to 10 minutes per section and be fearless in thinking and feeling boldly as you explore

this exercise. See you in the next module.\ }

For more infomation >> How To Create A Vision For Your Life // UFTN Lesson Series - Duration: 4:00.


Praying The Psalms: 4 Ways to Use God's Prayer Book - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Praying The Psalms: 4 Ways to Use God's Prayer Book - Duration: 4:45.


The Video Title - How To Make It Stand Out To Get More Views - Duration: 7:58.

What makes a video title compelling, thought-provoking and throat-grabbing? In

this video we'll look at how important a carefully crafted video title can make

the difference between prospects watching your video....or not. So welcome to

this video entitled: "The Video Title - How To Make It Stand Out To Get More Views".

Iin other words, make your video title simple, succinct and attractive. Hi, my

name is Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow and in this video we're going to delve

into what makes a highly compelling video title that makes people just want

to watch your video. But first, if this is the first time you're watching a Video

Cashflow video and you like what you hear, see and read then please subscribe

and remember to click the bell icon to stop missing out on important updates.

Tim Schmoyer of Video Creators summed up the purpose of a video title perfectly.

He said the video title should be optimised for a human to see it so they're

emotionally enticed to watch the video as opposed to the title being written

for the benefit of the SEO robots. You can check out Tim's video by clicking on

the URL link in the description box below this video. A video title is no

different to the headlines that you see in the daily newspapers, the magazines

or in blog posts so take note of any headlines that grab your attention or

make you take a second look. If you're on the bus or on the train what do you tend

to do? That's right, you read the adverts. Now, look at those adverts

differently from now on ask yourself why you read a particular advert first. What

was it that attracted your eyes to their advert rather than the adverts on

either side of it? So here's what your video title should comprise: 1. An

exact keyword phrase. This is so that it matches what people are keying in to the

YouTube and Google search bars. There are many ways to search for exact keyword

phrases and many software tools to use but if time is of the essence then why

not get your exact keyword title ideas for your videos straight from YouTube

itself. Start entering the keyword title you want to use

and as you do make a note of the suggested titles or keywords that

YouTube starts automatically listing. The words and phrases that you see are the

frequent recent actual phrases people are entering into the YouTube search box;

2. A benefit. This is so that people want to know what's in it for them; 3. A

power word. This is effectively sprinkling the keyword phrase and the

benefit with the magic that either compels people to take a second look at

your video title and then to click on your video title or the video thumbnail

image; and 4. Here's a couple of tips for you for when you enter the video

title just before you upload the video to YouTube (as an aside also check the

video title immediately after you've uploaded to YouTube to make sure the

title is as it should be): Tip 1: make sure each word in the title

begins with a capital letter; and Tip 2: maximise the space in the title box.

Here's what I mean - there are a maximum of 99 characters you can enter in the

title box but you only want to enter a maximum of 60 as that is all that shows

up in the search results. So stick to 60. Here's an example. Let's use the title:

"How To Get Your Videos Watched - And Increase Your Sales

Now let's dissect this bad boy of a title and see how all four components of

compelling title are at work here: 1.: An exact keyword phrase i.e. "how to get your

videos watched"; 2.: A benefit - the keyword phrase is implying that the main benefit

of getting your videos watched is more sales; 3.: A power word - in this case the

power word is "increase" i.e. "increase your sales"; 4.: Note the capital letters at

the beginning of each word in the title and note that the character count is

within the 60 (character) limit now. If you spend a bit more time working on this title you

can no doubt improve upon it and probably squeeze in a full 60

characters but time is of the essence and good enough is good enough. You will

improve your technique over time with the more video titles that you work

on. Now, let's dissect the title of this

video which is: "The Video Title - How To Make You Stand Out To Get More Views".

1.: An exact keyword phrase - in this case it's the video title; 2.: A benefit -

here the benefit is more views; 3.: A power word - "stand out" is the power word; and 4.:

Note the capital letters at the beginning of each word in the title and

that the character count is within the 60 character limit. Here's an easy way to

determine the character count. Let's just nip over to the computer.....

Welcome to the computer, and this is the example I just want to show you. So the

title for this video is: "The Video Title - How To Make It Stand Out To Get More

Views", and if you just highlight that (phrase) there and then if you look over here

down in the bottom (left of the screen) here, just left click with your mouse and that will come up with

this box. Here you see characters with spaces, 60. So that is actually spot on

the 60 character limit. And that's how easy it is to determine your character

count. Thanks for watching. Now we've looked at what makes a compelling title to

encourage people to click on your video thumbnail image or on the title itself,

be careful of going to the extreme and risk being accused of your videos being

click-baity. Here's what I mean. Supposing the title of this video was:

"Compelling Video Titles - How To Attract The Opposite Sex". Now, unless you're in the

online dating business, whilst the title is likely to make people take a second

look and click on the thumbnail image out of curiosity, it's not going to do

you any favours at all when people soon realise your video has nothing to do

with attracting the opposite sex! So be sensible when crafting your title. And

here's a bonus tip for you: remember that as well as using a compelling title to

attract the attention of your target audience the video thumbnail image is

also aiming to achieve the same result so these two powerful marketing weapons

should be working in tandem. Therefore, you need to seriously consider that you:

1.: Ensure the 3 or 4 words on your thumbnail image are in line with the

video title; and 2.: You actually refer to the title at the beginning of your video

when you start talking, and then when you start talking about the subject matter

the viewer knows that what you are actually talking about is how they

understood what the title is or was conveying. In effect, this helps to start

build trust from the moment the viewer engages with the video. Finally, here's

one thing to consider when you're compiling your video titles - should you

use emojis in your video titles? That's it! I hope you found the content of this

video helpful. Don't forget to download your free PDF copy of: "How To

Be The Best You Can At Youtube". You'll find the URL link in the Description box

below this video. Thanks for watching. For more helpful video marketing and YouTube

tips please subscribe and remember to click the bell icon to stop missing out

on the important updates. Just click on the red "Subscribe" button below this

video. Until next time.....bye for now!

For more infomation >> The Video Title - How To Make It Stand Out To Get More Views - Duration: 7:58.



Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.

In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with

the links to where you can buy the new adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and

notification bell to be notified every time i upload a video.

Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.

As you know Adidas will be releasing the adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any

resale Predictions.

Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase

links daily.

Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this

video or that thumbs down if you didn't.

I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.



how to download and install visual studio 2017 - Duration: 3:10.

Hi everyone it's vikram here. Solution domain presents how to download and install visual studio 2017.

Type this link in your google address bar and press enter.

The Download link is given in the description. Check out the description.

It is available for windows and macOS In this video am going to download for windows.

Click on windows Next click on download button.

Choose the location where you want to save the file and click on save button.

Now let us see how to install.

Open the downloaded file or double click on it.

Click on continue.

It will fetch the required files, so Wait for some time depending on your internet speed.

After that choose dot net desktop development and click on install button.

Here downloading and installation is going to happen at the same time back and forth.

wait for some time

Once the installation completes. Click on launch button.

No need to sign in, select not now, may be later.

Choose color theme if you want to OR leave everything as it is and click on start visual studio.

let us execute one simple console based program

Close the start page.

Go to file, Select new, Click on project

Select console app as of now for this video.

Type your project name and click on OK.

Now type these two lines of code as shown.

Click save button & click on start.

Boom there is our output.

For more infomation >> how to download and install visual studio 2017 - Duration: 3:10.


Animation Voice Acting Basics - How To Be a Voice Actor - Duration: 7:11.

You remember those days right?

Saturday mornings with a big bowl of sugary cereal ready to immerse yourself into a world

of cartoons?

Do you want to know how to get your voice into there?

Here we go.

For more instant tips on how to get into voice acting, make sure you hit the subscribe button

below and hit the bell icon so you get notified when I post a new video on this series every

single week.

My name is Joe Zieja, I'm a former air force captain turned voice actor and author in the

Los Angeles area.

My voice has been in thousands of corporate videos, commercials, video games, anime and

cartoons and today I am here to tell you three tips on how to get your voice into traditional

television animation.

Tip number one, finding the opportunities.

I don't want to sound bleak here and I made a similar comment in my video game video,

but if you're looking for the big animation opportunities, you probably have to get to

Los Angeles, but if that's something that's super important to you like it was to me,

I had a very strong corporate and commercial career not in Los Angeles and I decided that

what I really was passionate about was character-driven voice acting, games, anime and animation.

So my manager at the time said, "Get to LA," and here I am.

Los Angeles is pretty much the only place where you can get really good, solid, union

network TV animation stuff.

So if you're looking for those opportunities, most of them are going to be here and unlike

video games, which has a strong independent industry that you can do remotely from anywhere

in the country, animation is just not quite the same, it's still kind of in the same place

it was 25, 30, 40, 50 years ago, that is Los Angeles.

There's a lot of reasons for that.

One of the primary ones is that bigger budget animation, cartoons, movies, they record in

what's called an ensemble cast.

All the cast is in the same room at the same time, which is wildly fun because you get

to play off of each other, you get to see other people work, which doesn't necessarily

happen in some of the other genres of voice over, like video games and commercial.

You're typically alone in those cases.

With an ensemble cast, you get a much richer performance, I think, where everyone's kind

of bouncing off everybody else's energy but unfortunately you all have to be in the same

place and that place is Los Angeles.

The second thing that I wanted to mention is that the community for animation, you'll

notice if you've ever noticed who'd been voicing your favorite cartoons for the past 50 years,

is it's very small.

The community for animation is small, voiceover itself is small, animation is extremely small.

The same people tend to get work over and over again because they're excellent at what

they do.

Getting into animation, breaking into animation takes a very long time.

People have told me it's taken them five to 10 years to get their first animation so expect

a long haul when you're out here in Los Angeles looking for the animation work.

I don't say that to discourage you, I say that because I'm here to give you the realistic

perspective on what it takes to get into animation.

That being said, you need to make sure you take every audition opportunity seriously.

Casting directors have long memories.

I can tell you stories about a casting director looking at me to be like, "Oh yeah, you did

that audition for me two years ago and I really loved it and I put a little mark next to your

name and now I've hired you for this."

So even though it may take a long time, you've always got to make sure you're giving it everything

you've got.

What is your favorite memory of Saturday morning cartoons?

Post it in the comments below.

Tip number two, understanding the medium.

Are you noticing a pattern in these genre videos so far?

Everything I'm saying, it starts with getting to know your medium.

If you had never in your life seen a Spanish telenovela and then auditioned for one, would

you expect to do it right?

It has a particular style, it has a particular script, you need to make sure that you know

the medium before you go out to audition.

I know that sounds like a really difficult assignment, "Hey, I want you to go watch cartoons,"

but if you're not familiar with the very particular style that animation has, you may end up throwing

a Doc McStuffins read into a batman cartoon and that is just going to make you look super

silly, although it might make for a really interesting cartoon.

If you can't figure out what show you're auditioning for, dig something up.

Look for the characters, look for the show title, even look for if you have a chance,

who is casting it and see what they've worked on in the past.

Check out what their style is because they tend ... each casting director has their own

particular style on what they're looking for.

So you have the internet at your disposal, make sure you're using it to know your medium.

Tip three, nailing the read.

Animation in particular has a lot of pitfalls that people are just read to dive face first


The first thing being that everyone calls them cartoons.

Not every cartoon is going to sound like Bugs Bunny and have something wacky and loony that

goes with it.

Cartoons run a wide gamut of emotional ranges from deeply serious and somber to completely

zany and weird and you have to understand what you're looking at and what you're going

to do and usually they're going to give you some ideas in the specs on whether or not

it's going to be grounded and real, or zany and cartoony and my favorite direction, over

the top.

When you hear over the top, you can just go crazy and get silly and that can be really

fun but it's important that you know the difference when you're looking at it.

Don't just go for something crazy and cartoony.

When you're auditioning, it's important that you show variety, even within the copy.

Even if your character is a mad scientist who screams all the time, you're going to

have to find some way to show that yes, you can show the mad scientist screamy stuff,

but you can also show that he has underlying motives, maybe he has insecurities, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah.

Find some place in the script to introduce variety, even if the script itself doesn't

necessarily lend it to that.

Lastly, understand the context of the scene that you are auditioning.

Animation copies typically comes in film script format so that you can see what's happening

with other characters in the scene.

Read them and understand them, even if it's not a line you're going to say, understand

what's going on in the scene, otherwise it sounds like all of these lines are just plucked

out of the air and plopped into your microphone and believe me, casting directors can tell

the difference when you understand the context of a scene and when you're just reading line,

line, line, line.

So, that's it for animation basics and I do mean basics.

Animation is extremely complex, it's been around for a long time and you need to make

sure that you understand your medium and that you have some patience to be proficient in

the craft.

Keep working on it, get your butt to LA if this is something that you're super passionate

about and just keep going.

Eventually something's going to land for you.

Hey, what's a cartoon that you really want to be an actor in?

What's the show that you could see your voice popping out of?

Post it in the comments below.

All right everyone, that is a wrap for today.

If this video helped you, let me know by putting it in the comments below.

Leave me a like, give me a subscribe and make sure you're checking out on Twitter and Facebook

when I'm posting links to new videos, different behind the scenes stuff and all kinds of other

fun stuff on my social channels.

Thanks again for stopping by and I will see you in the booth.

For more infomation >> Animation Voice Acting Basics - How To Be a Voice Actor - Duration: 7:11.


General Tso's Chicken – How to make in four simple steps - Duration: 7:47.

Hello everyone.

My name is KP Kwan.

I work in a restaurant and is a huge fan of Asian Food.

In this video, I want to show you how do we prepare the famous American Chinese dish,

General Tso's Chicken.

I've divided the recipe into four steps.Step 1, Marinate the chicken

Step 2, Coat the chicken with the dry coating ingredients, and deep fry.

Step 3, Making the General Tso's sauce.

Step 4, Saute the aromatics and combine everything together.

Let's take a look how to make it.

Step one is to marinate the chicken.

We always choose chicken thigh instead of breast meat because chicken breast is dark

meat is more flavorful.

Remove the bones, and also remove the skin and cut it into bite size.

Nest we add some egg white to produce a smooth texture, some dark soy sauce, that is to provide

some caramelized flavor and add some color too.

Nest we have two teaspoons of light soy sauce, that is basically to give you the umani of

the soy Add a tablespoon of Shaoxing wine.

Lastly some cornflour, that is to make sure that the liquid seasoning adheres to the chicken


Combine all the ingredients, and marinate overnight.

The prolonged marination enables the seasonings to penetrate through the meat.

Step 2 To prepare the dry coating ingredients

We will use this dry mixture to coat the chicken before deep-frying.

There are one, two, three, four, four items in this dry mix

We have cornstarch here.

We use cornstarch because it can create a crispy crust.

And then we have some plain flour.

That is the flour we use to make cakes.

The use of plain flour and cornstarch give a right balance of volume and crispiness.

So, we add both together.

And then, we add a little bit of baking soda.

-A small amount help to make to coating airy, light, just a little bit.

And lastly, salt, the standard item to season anything.

Mix all together.

And set aside.

We will start to fry the chicken, we gonna use this to coat the chicken first.

Step 3 is to prepare the sauce for the chicken.

We have dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, vinegar, some sugar.

A small amount is added to improve the color of the General Tso's chicken.

Sesame oil, some cornstarch to thicken the sauce.

And finally, a little bit of water.

I will use this sauce to coat the deep-fried chicken before serving.

Step 4 - fried the chicken

Drain off any excess liquid from the marinated chicken.

Put it into the dry flour mix.

Combine the chicken with the flour mix.

Pour about 1 to 1.5-inch depth of oil into a pan and heat it up until it is about to

360 °F (180 °C).

Then shake off the excess flour on the surface of the chicken.

Deep fried the chicken until cooked through and turns golden brown about 5 minutes.

Stir occasionally to avoid the chicken pieces from sticking together.

After 4 minutes, drain the chicken pieces on a plate lined with a paper towel.

Coat the chicken with the sauce

After we have got everything in place.

It only takes a few minutes to finish the cooking.

Saute some aromatic ingredients in the wok.

We have minced ginger, minced garlic, some thinly sliced scallion, and dry chili.

Remove the seed and cut into 2cm length.

Sometimes we omit the dry chili upon our customer's request

Stir fry these items until aromatic.

Add the sauce to the wok and cook until it starts to boil.

Add the deep-fried chicken to the sauce.

Coat the chicken with the sauce thoroughly.

And it is done.

You can now serve your General Tso's chicken.

I hope the video showing every step clearly.

You can get the recipe and the in-depth explanation at

Please leave your comment below and subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the subscription


Until then, I will see you again in the next video.

My name is KP Kwan.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> General Tso's Chicken – How to make in four simple steps - Duration: 7:47.


DIY Garage Shop Workbench | How to Build - Duration: 10:46.

What's up guys, I'm Brad Rodriguez from fix this build that and today

I'm going to show you how to make the perfect workbench for your garage workshop

It's got a large work surface and a place to sit and do some work

It's got a ton of storage with five drawers on each cabinet and it's got a hutch with built-in pegboard storage and a light

Stay tuned and I'll show you just how I did it.

I modeled this build after the setup that I've been using for over a decade here

It's - 15 inch cabinets on either side with a 60-inch top and a pegboard hutch

I'm gonna leave out the center cabinet down below for now and make this a nice workbench or shop desk

My dad's gonna be getting the old version for his garage

I'm gonna walk through the full bill here. But this is basically a mash up of the garage base cabinets

I just made and my drill press stand that I made last year now

I'm gonna share a lot of tips and insights to make this build or any similar one go smoother

I'm building both cabinets at the same time out of three quarter inch Baltic birch plywood

Each side piece gets a toe kick notch, which I marked for and cut on the bandsaw

If you're cutting these with the jig saw you can stack two sides together

And cut them both at once since you don't have a fence for repeated cuts like I do here

the cabinet sides are joined together by a bottom piece and four stretchers

and you want the width of the bottom and the length of

The stretchers to be exactly the same

so take the extra time and make sure they match up when you're cutting them and

I have a square cabinet here makes everything down the road a lot harder now

With a small cabinet like this

Connecting the sides is a lot easier since you can use smaller clamps

I held the stretchers in place between the sides and attach them with pocket screws

and when putting the bottom on make sure the check that it's 90 degrees to

both the sides and your workbench before attaching it if

the bottom slopes from the front of the back of the cabinet this can follow up your drawer install if you'll be

using spacers like I do

the back stretchers are secured to the top and bottom to firm up the whole assembly

and give an attachment point for anchoring to the wall

I'm using the same homemade adjustable leveling feet for the cabinet's as I did before I

Cut three by three blocks to beef up the base for the t-nuts

They're gonna be installed then I attach the blocks with glue and Brad nails and moved on to the drawer slides while the glue dried

I typically install my slides with the cabinet sitting upright, but this time I tried it with the cabinet on its side

It's a bit easier doing it this way

since you don't have to clamp the spacers in place or worry about the slides

tipping over as you go to grab some screws just

Make sure that the slides remain at a right angle to the front of the cabinet since

you don't have gravity holding everything down firmly to the bottom here.

Have full detailed plans available for this whole build including the exact measurements

for the drawers slides and all the other parts

There's a link in the description. You can go check that out

To close up the cabinets

I cut backs for them out of quarter-inch plywood

And I attach them with glue and staples to finish up the carcass

You can use Brad nails as well. But staples are gonna really hold better in a thin would like quarter-inch plywood

Next up was the drawers. I'm making ten of them here which means 40 parts with four different widths in two lengths

So having a cut list here is clutch

especially if you're trying to use odd size materials and offcuts from other projects like I did I

Printed out the layout on bond parts from Sketchup to get the most from each piece of plywood

Then I label the plywood with exactly what Parts I needed to get from it. I set the table saw fence for each width

I needed and I cut all the parts that were that size and

After I cut the parts

I marked them off the little sticky note and kept that little note on the plywood

Until I've gotten what I needed from each piece of plywood

Now this might seem like overkill but I can't tell you how many times that I've tried to wing it and I end up cutting

The wrong parts out of the wrong piece and I end up having to buy more wood

and like they say an ounce of planning

is worth $48 a Baltic birch or

Something like that

Now cutting the drawer fronts and backs to their final size is always a little bit tricky when using plywood

the total drawer width should be one inch narrower than the opening to account for the slides an

Easy way to check the sizing before you cut your parts is to do a dry fit in the cabinet

Use scraps to represent the sides in the front and see if they're gonna move easily between the slides

Being a little bit under vs. Over is a better side to err on for a good fit and easy sliding drawers. I

Took the stack of parts back to the pocket hole jig and I drilled the Front's in the backs and

putting the drawers to goes pretty quick with a set of clamps to help things along and

If you need a pocket hole jig a set of clamps or even drawer slides check out woodcraft the sponsor today's video

They carry a full assortment of woodworking power tools

Accessories and finishes and they have stores in over 70 Metro cities in the US and a full assortment on their website

I'm gonna have links down below in the description to all the items I use today in the build in

Thanks again to woodcraft for sponsoring this video.

I finished off the drawers by cutting full-sized quarter-inch bottom panels for the boxes

If your drawer box is a little out of square

There's an easy way to fix it here

line up the bottom and staple the panel to the front edge flush with the front of the box and

If the reveal running down the side isn't consistent and just use the bottom panel and pull the side into square to make that reveal

Consistent and fix it into place with staples. You can finish up with more staples along the side and that thing's not gonna move

After finishing the drawers I moved back to the cabinet base

I drilled holes in the blocks that I installed earlier for the leveling feet

each foot gets a 5/16 of an inch t9 and a 2 inch carriage bolt that allows for leveling on uneven garage floors and

all garages should slope from front to back and so you're gonna need these I

Finished off the base by installing a toe kick on each cabinet with Brad nails

Actually start calling these me nails more often

Yeah, maybe not

The last cabinet parts they make were the false drawer fronts. I cut them to size

I have a large sheet of plywood to get that continuous grain look that I love so much

Then I applied two coats of water-based polyurethane to the Front's in the cabinet sides

Installing the drawers becomes pretty straight forward at this point save for some minor adjustments

I used a quarter inch spacer for the bottom drawer and then I stacked on a

three-quarter inch piece for the next two drawers

Now the plywood that I'm using was even more undersized than normal and

that's gonna add up after several drawers

So if your spacing gets too far off, you can get drawer bottoms and fronts

running into each other and that is no bueno

So an easy way to check where you're at and see if there's any interference is to mock up the Front's

Using an eighth of an inch spacer between them

And then you can see if there's anything going on between the drawers and this one wasn't hitting. I don't want Adam

Anyway, just to be safe since it was a little too close

Before mounting the drawer fronts I went ahead and I drilled the holes for the pools first

Then I started at the bottom and I attached them to the drawer boxes with one in the quarter inch pocket screws from the inside

After getting them all installed

I finished them off by extending the holes for the pulls all the way through the drawer box and attaching the hardware on the front

At the top of the workbench is a plywood panel trimmed in hard wood like my other cabinets I

Cut the panel to size and I used 3/4 inch maple for the trim

to cut the trim to the right width

I used 2 pieces of plywood to set the fence

And this gave me about a one and three-eighths of an inch trim

Which will marry up perfectly with the double stack of plywood that I'll be using on the edge

And I attached the front trim to the top with pocket screws and glue leaving the trim long on each side

Instead of leaving the side pieces long like I've done before I went ahead and trim them to the exact size and join them the

Same way as I did the front

After those were attached. I came back with a flush cut saw and trimmed off the excess length of that front trim

Instead of using two full sized pieces of plywood for the top

I used 3 inch strips along the edges and the front in the back

To build it up and have a place to attach the lower cabinets. I

Glued and screwed the pieces down and I put two more small strips in between the front and the back

where the cabinets would overlap on that inner edge I

Wrapped up the top by sanding all the seams flush and applying two coats of polyurethane

The finishing touch on the work bench is the hutch

I love having that light right above the workbench and all that pegboard is great for easily accessible storage

So I left the design pretty much the same but just made it a little bit sturdier

it's a two piece hutch with a frame for the pegboard held between the sides and top I

Use pocket hole joiner for the whole thing for easy assembly

And it's pretty big

So you might need some extra support like scraps stacked on top the cabinets that you just made

Note to self make that larger assembly table pronto

Considering the size of this hutch putting finish on the parts before assembly also makes this task a lot easier

After making the frame I joined the sides in the top of the hutch together then I moved on to the pegboard

I'm using just a basic white pegboard here and I cut it to size to fit the frame

Now to assemble the hutch

I turn the top upside down and I brought over the frame. I

Clamped it on and I used some offcuts of the pegboard

To set the frame forward a bit so that it would be flush on the back when it was attached

I'm working my way around the hutch. I connected the frame to the top and the sides with pocket screws

At this point I brought over the 4-foot LED light that I'm going to be using and I measured it for placement in the mounting

hardware I

Drilled holes and I installed some screw hooks, which I decided to replace with some screw eyes, which were a little bit smaller

You'll see that in a minute

Before mounting the pegboard. I located a spot to drill a hole for the power cord for the light

I'm probably gonna come back later and drill a similar hole at the bottom to run a power strip so that I can have power

Accessible right there on the top of the work bench as well

The pegboard goes on with 5/8 and an inch screws around the frame and that wraps everything up. I'm ready for final install. I

Couldn't take the old cabinets over to my dad's just yet

So this is a temporary setup over here on this wall, but for final assembly

I'm gonna secure the top to the cabinets and the hutch to the top with hidden screws and

Here are the screw eyes that I replace. They're quite a bit shorter and they give you another usable row of the peg holes

And this workbench is a great low-profile spot to work on projects and go through plans for your builds


Think this is gonna be a great addition to a lot of people's garages and I can't wait to get it in its final place

And complete the look of my own shop organization if you want to see some more shop storage videos

There's a link right down there to the playlist. You don't see another video

I've got one for you right there. If you want plants for this build. There's a link down below in the description

Go check that out if you're not subscribed to the channel already

I'd love to have you as part of the team and until next time guys get out there and build something awesome

For more infomation >> DIY Garage Shop Workbench | How to Build - Duration: 10:46.


How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation - Duration: 10:10.

How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation - Duration: 10:10.


FREE Masterclass: How To Become A High-Performing Boss People Love To Work For - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> FREE Masterclass: How To Become A High-Performing Boss People Love To Work For - Duration: 0:46.


5 Tips To Get Ranked Higher On Fiverr - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips To Get Ranked Higher On Fiverr - Duration: 5:28.


Riders of Icarus - How to set loot ? ( Loot- Ödül Ayarları ) - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Riders of Icarus - How to set loot ? ( Loot- Ödül Ayarları ) - Duration: 1:34.


How To Spray Primer Sealer and It's Purpose - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> How To Spray Primer Sealer and It's Purpose - Duration: 9:18.


How to Communicate Better (In Social Settings) - Duration: 8:48.

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. In today's video I am going to teach you

my five tips on how to improve your social communication skills no matter

where you are whether you're at the office

or in a social setting so that you can speak more confidently and present

yourself in the best possible way

Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon! For more info

and free training head to JOINTINI.COM As a career strategist I've had the

honour of being able to help numerous professionals land their dream job

offers and so if this is something that you're interested in working with me one

on one I can give you details about that at the end of this video in the work

that I do I get many professionals ask me to help them to improve their

communication skills now many of them are actually people who may not

originally be from North America or Australia or Europe and you're

struggling to communicate at a social level because even though you naturally

aren't really a shy person but when you're faced with certain social groups

and certain social settings you find that you just simply don't know what to

say and so if this is you I just want to say first of all I'm not an English

teacher so I'm not here to teach you English but I'm here to show you a few

tips on how you can improve your social communication skills so that you can

interact with others in a more natural and confident way tip number one

entertain yourself differently what I mean by this is if you really want to

truly be able to connect with others in your environment and really immerse

yourself in the environment then you need to entertain yourself differently

by watching different types of entertainment whether it be TV shows

movies or even live shows now this is the first time I'm sharing this with

people publicly but I happen to love watching Korean dramas when I feel like

watching something that's going to get me hooked and I really want to get a

good cry I'll turn to a good Korean drama to watch but here's the thing if

you happen to be Korean for example like you are originally from Korea you grew

up there and as an adult you moved to the States or Australia or wherever you

don't want to be spending most of your time watching Korean dramas because as

much as they're entertaining and fun and you feel comfortable watching them

you're not necessarily enabling yourself to immerse yourself in

a different culture you're simply reconfirming what you already know and

so if you mix it up a little bit and watch different types of TV shows and

really pay attention to the nuances the language the way that they make jokes

and the way that they speak to one another you're opening yourself up and

your brain to a new way of thinking a new way of communicating

once you broaden your variety of entertainment including by going to

comedy clubs going to different types of live events theater perhaps whatever it

could be you're allowing yourself to learn the humor the different phrases

that people use you're understanding how people really speak and you get to learn

what people really talk about so what happens is once you're in a social or

even just office setting and people are talking about something that is relevant

to what's happening you're gonna understand it and you're gonna be able

to communicate to them in their language that way all of this is going to help

you to relate to your colleagues and co-workers in a more personal way you'll

be able to understand what it is they're talking about and you'll be able to

contribute to the conversation I'm not telling you to completely give up on the

type of entertainment that you love because of course you deserve to watch

what you want to watch but at the same time I'm just saying if you brought in

your variety of entertainment that's going to help you expand and grow as an

individual and that's going to help you with your social communication skills

tip number two hang out with people outside of your culture join an

in-person networking group or Club anywhere where you can meet people

face-to-face so for example if you like playing volleyball maybe join your local

volleyball team or if you happen to work at a large corporation a big company

they likely have social clubs that you can join and meet people there as well

participating in these things is a great way to get yourself to interact with

people who you probably wouldn't normally interact with outside of work

you'll learn what people talk about how people interact and it'll help you to

develop those habits as well tip number three open up share your thoughts and

observations if you want to be able to get closer to people then opening

and sharing things with them is the key way to turn acquaintances into friends

just simply watching different TV shows and being around different types of

people still isn't enough to improve your communication skills if you're not

going to be bold and be willing to speak up to be interesting you need to be able

to share your observations about things so whenever someone brings up a topic

about something that you have an opinion about don't be afraid to share your

opinion obviously you don't want to sound negative about it but you can say

things like you know I always thought it was weird that and say whatever you

thought was weird or I always noticed blank you know when you can share these

types of observations that you've had throughout your life about a certain

type of topic that people happen to be talking about it shares a different

dynamic about you and it reveals a little bit more about your personality

and it makes people feel a little bit more connected to you because who knows

they might be thinking the same thing tip number four is get to the point part

of good social communication is knowing how to articulate your ideas in a clear

and concise way without over explaining the details this takes practice one way

you can start to monitor this is moving forward whenever you want to tell a

story to someone or you want to share something with someone instead of giving

yourself five to ten sentences to tell the whole thing it's better to try to

cut it down to two to three sentences get to the point as quickly as you can

right away and what that's going to do is if there's more that needs to be said

the other person has the opportunity to ask for more and therefore you can have

a free-flowing conversation between the two of you now if you have the opposite

problem where you don't say too much and instead you say too little then you also

want to monitor how much you say by trying to say at least two or three

sentences as well so at the end of the day you want to be able to elaborate

what you're saying in a way where people can understand what it is that you're

talking about but they don't feel drowned in the details and finally tip

number five Connect by being genuinely curious I've said this before in other

videos and it's because it's extremely important

in order to be able to connect with other people you have to be genuinely

curious about them you have to be willing to truly ask questions about

themselves and then ask them why and really genuinely listen to their answers

and then from listening to their answers you're going to learn how people

communicate and you'll be able to do the same as well

and to end this video I thought I would leave you with an inspiring quote which

says you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar environment in order to truly

understand your own so there you have it those are my five tips on how to improve

your social communication skills now if you're someone who has been looking for

a job for the last little while you've been getting some interviews but you

haven't had much success and you realize that you need one-on-one professional

guidance from me then feel free to reach out to me on my website at read through the page fill in the application

form and from there if it seems as though we are a potential match to work

together then one of my team members will be reaching out to you directly if

you like this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your

friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video

Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon! For more info and

free training head to JOINTNI.COM

For more infomation >> How to Communicate Better (In Social Settings) - Duration: 8:48.


How to Make Easy Baked Chicken Meatballs - Duration: 3:11.

Today on The Stay At Home Chef I'm showing you how to make Easy Baked Chicken Meatballs

If you're avoiding red meat or you just need a leaner, more

healthy option, chicken meatballs are always a great choice! They're super tasty!

To start you'll want to preheat an oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and

lightly grease a 9 by 13 pan or a baking sheet with a little bit of nonstick

cooking spray or you can use parchment paper. You'll need 1 to 1 1/2 pounds

of ground chicken or you can use this same recipe with ground turkey and

make turkey meatballs. Then add in 3/4 cup of plain dried breadcrumbs,

1/2 cup of freshly grated Parmesan cheese which is a great binding agent.

You'll also need some minced garlic and I like to use 2 to 3 cloves, 2 teaspoons of

dried basil, 1 teaspoon of salt, and then about 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes

to add a little heat. Add in your wet ingredients starting with 1 egg, 1 to 2

tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil olive oil. It is optional but it does make

for a juicier meatball but if you're watching your calories you can always

leave it out. Last you'll need 2 tablespoons each of milk and worcestershire sauce

Then we'll use our hands and get right in there and knead it all together.

You want all of the ingredients to be evenly dispersed throughout the ground chicken.

While your hands are nice and dirty, pinch off a little piece and form

them into one to one-and-a-half inch meatballs and then place them onto the

prepared baking sheet. Looks like I ended up with 18 meatballs. Not bad. They're a

pretty good size too! Next we're gonna bake these in the 400 degree oven for 25

to 30 minutes. If you like your meatballs extra crispy add an additional 15 minutes.

Chicken needs to be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit

so you can always check for doneness with a thermometer.

Thanks for watching! You can find the full written recipe in the video

description. Be sure to subscribe, like, and follow and check out the rest of my

videos where you can find hundreds of restaurant quality recipes you can

easily make at home. See you later!

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