Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily do Feb 1 2018

A Nice Goat Family Eating Food in Field | How Do We Feed them? Mike N.Seidel

For more infomation >> A Nice Goat Family Eating Food in Field | How Do We Feed them? Mike N.Seidel - Duration: 2:35.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso, Passado misterioso de Renato revela que ele poderá ser o grande vilão - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso, Passado misterioso de Renato revela que ele poderá ser o grande vilão - Duration: 5:42.



welcome to jgodgaming in today's video I'll be focusing on how to use

your bribes effectively in the new resistance event and how to make sure

that you can get every item in this event so the first thing we're going to

look at is what the bribe actually is and when you actually go to the

quartermaster they actually have it right here

and we'll go ahead and pull up that description and zoom in a little bit

closer so you have an idea of what exactly it does so the one that you can

pay for the description reads as contains ten resistance supply drops and

one resistance bribe which contains three duplicate protected resistance

items so I'm gonna read that last part again which contains three duplicate

protected resistance items so that's the key with these you want to make sure

you're saving these because you want to use them strategically what am I going

to show you what I mean by that everyday you're gonna want to log in and do all

of these contracts at least the top six to make sure you get these resistance

supply drops and then you're gonna want to open these right away there's no

reason to hold off and saving on these ones just because you want to make sure

you can get whatever item you can so I went ahead and opened this one I got an

epic resistance item so that's gonna go part of the collection which we're gonna

talk about right now so let's go ahead and look back at the collections and see

how this impacts you see the bribes right there so let's go ahead and look

at our collection and see what we have here so obviously your collections gonna

look different because you get a different RNG to get your items but you

can see I'm missing two items here from this collection as well as two items

from here and then three items from here so in total you're looking at what is

that two plus two plus three that's seven items so you'd say hey you should

open all your drops right now that's nine items you can clear out and you'll

be done you'll have the entire collection but what sledgehammer doesn't

clue you in on is there other items that aren't included in these ones that you

need to double check to make sure that you have your whole collection before

you actually go forward so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and show you that

and where those are at but the first thing I want to do is demonstrate a

bribe opening so right now you would assume hey you know what I should go

ahead and throw that out there let me do a bribe opening I'm gonna get all these

amazing items I'm gonna get the heroics I'm gonna get everything I'm looking for

so let's go ahead and take a look at that because there's a lot of items that

are hidden so that's why you really want to wait til the end of the event to open

but I'm gonna demonstrate it anyways I don't really care about supply drop so

I don't mind wasting it if I'm gonna make it for a videos show you guys so

right here let's go ahead and take a look at the three items I get all

garbage right all garbage where the heck were all those items so you can see I

got two emblems one was a legendary one was a rare and then I got one of those

grips so obviously what you're gonna have to do is look through your items

look through your grips look through your emblems and see which ones are

resistance there's also resistance helmet so

there's a lot of items you're gonna go through I'm just kind of kind of breeze

through here because you can see that my list did not change I had the one item

there but it's still there because I ended up purchasing some of them which I

would recommend doing at the end of the event just so you can make sure you

clear out any items that you can clear out as possible so now I'm gonna go to

my calling cards there's calling cards that I have there too

they're listed are the ones as part of the collection so I'm not worried about

those and then I got to go ahead and go over here to the resistance emblem so

you can see I got two there and really is just a way so now you got to count

them up I have one two three four five six seven more of those items so I gotta

make sure I clear those off before I open the remaining bribes shows give you

more bribes along the way you know I had two right there left so I'm gonna

continue to save those towards the end of the event and that's what I recommend

you guys doing is save their bribes until the end of the vent open your

regular surprise drops now and then go ahead and make sure that you buy

everything on the last day that you can afford that you want to get so that you

can actually remove those from the pool and that's gonna be a video for today I

got a goal of 75 likes so if you could help me out that'd be much appreciated

remember to like subscribe comment because it's completely free thank you

for watching as always have a great day



Via Barradão será entregue na véspera do Ba-Vi - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Via Barradão será entregue na véspera do Ba-Vi - Duration: 0:56.


Do We Really Need An App For Sexual Consent? - Duration: 2:06.

- Amid a fiery conversation this week

around dating culture and consent,

a new blockchain app is gaining attention for, yes,

documenting consent between partners

before any sexual activity occurs.

Consent apps have been around for a few years now,

but most recently they found their way into pop culture

through the dystopian series Black Mirror.

- So I'm consenting to everything now.

- Could this do more damage to the culture than help?

Here's why this matters.

After a young woman spoke out anonymously

about a date she went on with comedian Aziz Ansari,

a night she called the worst of her life,

a conversation has emerged around what it means to consent.

The woman,

known in the online article as Grace,

says Ansari, quote,

"ignored clear non-verbal cues,"

and even her verbal resistance

until she ultimately left his house.

The next morning, she confronted the comedian via text,

who apologized, saying he, quote,

"misread things in the moment."


a Dutch-based company recently started promoting

their app Legal Fling,

designed to clear up the murkiness around sexual consent.

How exactly?

By allowing people to give legally binding

explicit and formal consent through the app,

which is then recorded and then stored on their blockchain.

While you might think this technology

could be the final word on consent,

let me tell you clearly:

it's not.

People want to believe that there's a magic solution

that will help them better understand

when it's okay to have sex with someone.

They want an app

or they want a checklist,

or some other cure-all

that will demystify the situation for them.

And there is an answer,

but it's not an app.

Just as someone can be intimidated into

sex that they don't really want to have,

someone could be forced into

signing a legally binding contract.

And what exactly is in this contract anyway?

Is this for a one-time consent?

Is this for multiple times?

Is this for different kinds of acts?

You'll probably want your lawyer to review it.

If you want to know how to have consensual sex,

here's a tip.

Think about someone other than yourself, like your partner.

Consent is about communication, open and frank,

both in the bedroom and about dating culture,

which is so focused on sex.

There doesn't need to be an app for this.

For more infomation >> Do We Really Need An App For Sexual Consent? - Duration: 2:06.


TJ Aparecida | Coisas do Brasil: conheça a arte milenar da falcoaria - 30 de janeiro de 2018 - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Coisas do Brasil: conheça a arte milenar da falcoaria - 30 de janeiro de 2018 - Duration: 5:48.


Como Otimizar as Imagens e Diminuir o Tempo de Carregamento do Seu Site-Dica de SEO - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> Como Otimizar as Imagens e Diminuir o Tempo de Carregamento do Seu Site-Dica de SEO - Duration: 12:06.


VLOG#007 O FUTURO do ramo Imobiliário (IMOCIONATE iTEC 2017) - Duration: 4:28.

We did not have much success here

but it is part of our job to have persistence and perseverance



We are now on the way for another day of prospection.

This time we are making a different prospection

this time there are several of us. Usually we go by pairs or alone.

We are now going for an event.

called "IMOCIONATE", done for the first time in Portugal.

organised by CRS

it will have guests from United States of America, Spain, several speakers

namely Jeff Turner, Ricardo Monteiro (ex)president of HAVAS

Massimo Forte, representing Portugal

This event is about real estate tendencies

and the technologies that are used.

What we are doing in the office is what is being spoken today

And I am very motivated to see what is happening in other countries,

what will happen in one to two years from now.

We are already doing a lot but we will see.

We are going to an area of Cascais, this is the source of our business.

Is to find new business everyday for our buyers.

We are arriving at the office after the speeches

it was an amazing day. They spoke about technology at every level directed towards real estate

And it is a bit scary, because technology is making such giant leaps

*phone rings*

Are you hearing me? (David Teixeira) - Yes Ruben, how are you?

You tried to call me?

- Yes, you were in the training right?


- How did it went? Was nice?

It's what we are doing basically.

... and it was very nice. Lourenço Medeiros was there from SIC (TV Channel).

They spoke about a lot of stuff, Lourenço Medeiros didn't speak much about real estate

but about technology in general.

But I'll talk to you soon, I just arrived. See you soon.

- Bye bye.

As I was saying, there were speakers that said something like

some years ago

when we shifted the house sales from newspaper to the internet

the ones that stick with the newspapers had to close their business

and the rest had to switch to the internet

The one's who didn't switch got behind

Nowadays the one's that don't make videos will be left behind

Basically some speakers said that if you don't make videos you will have to forfeit your business.

The future is videos, the consultant's self promotion, the realty, the store and brand promotion is very important.

It was very nice, this training couldn't be better!

For more infomation >> VLOG#007 O FUTURO do ramo Imobiliário (IMOCIONATE iTEC 2017) - Duration: 4:28.


Do You Trust + Challenge Your Partner Productively? - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> Do You Trust + Challenge Your Partner Productively? - Duration: 15:15.


Organization of nail polish and decorations * Store my soak off gel collection * Candymona - Duration: 11:01.

Hello It's Candymona

In today's movie, I will show you my organization of nail polishes and other nail stuff

What does my nail kingdom look like?

but I don't have my nail kingdom, a separate room for my nail stuff, and even a separate nail table ;)

all my nail products are in this room in the one cabinet, in the organizers

I record my nails movie on a small coffee table, sitting on a miniature chair

you will see what it looks like in a moment

So this is my nail studio ;)

Everything is very small and does not take up much space

it is not very convenient, but enough for me now ;)

As you can see to record videos about nails, you do not need to have a separate room for this ;D

This is my cabinet with organizers

the organizers are standing on each other, and behind them are other useful products

This is an organizer 14"

I left one sticker to show you ;)

it can easily be used to organize nail polishes, gels, and various nail decorations

I bought these organizers in Castorama, but they were probably withdrawn from sale in this shop

now I saw them in Carrefour, so I recommend looking there

organizers are cheap - 13PLN (about 3.5$)

here I have another same organizer with more nail polishes

you can see that it is very roomy and you can put many varnishes in it

we can hold varnishes up to 8,5 cm in it

Informatiom : when I bought the organizers, they had a little defect

because the compartment overlapped the handle and therefore the organizers did not want to close easily

but I found a way to fix it

I took out the compartments, cut off a narrow strip and stuck two parts together

after shortening the compartment they pulls the middle part back

and thanks to that there are no problems with closing anymore

in my opinion, they are very comfortable for storing nail products

but I also have one smaller organizer

I decided to use it for glitter, dusts and pigments

I prefer to keep such products apart, because if they spilled out in a large organizer there would be a lot of cleaning

here I have a scattered pigment ;)

so to avoid problems I keep them separately and I think that the small organizer is great for this purpose

this organizer was even cheaper than the big one, but I don't remember the price

Mid-size organizers were also on sale, but their compartments were not on the whole height

this is not a problem with nail polishes,

but smaller products, like glitters, stampers etc. could move between compartments

that's why I chose this big organizer and the smallest one

one of the big organizers I have for decorations: stamps, stickers, etc.

and I think it works perfectly for storage stuff like this

I also have organizers for stamping plates

I really love the big one

we can hold plates of various sizes in it

it costs 7 and I think it's worth it

I also have a smaller organizer

if you do not have big plates, this one will also be ok

in the cabinet I also have a glass with brushes that I do not use anymore

they are brushes of poor quality so they are only "just in case"

I sometimes remove excess dust from the nail with red brush

I use brushes from this glass ;)

as you can see, they are brushes with plugs

brushes with no caps can "cure" from the sun if there is gel on them, and You dont hide them

so I recommend buying brushes with plugs

I have also nail displays

I like show my colors on display like this

it is with a screw

such dusplays are conveniently stored in my organizers

I have also round and "flower" displays to nail art practice and show effects like glitters

I make a holes in round displays with my drill machine and I put them on a circle

as you know, I have a lot of lamps, I threw away the UV lamp, but I have several led lamps

but I do not have a separate place for them

they are just standing on the cupboard

lamps stand in boxes on themselves, like a tower :D

I take out the lamp for use, and after use hide it again in the box

Yeah, it's how I organize my nail stuff

I still have some new items in a separate box, but I do not put them in the organizers

because I could forget to show them to you ;)

after I publish "haul" and show them in the movie, I put them to cabinet with other nail products

let me know if you have any ways to organize your nail stuff

And that's al for today, Bye Bye :*

For more infomation >> Organization of nail polish and decorations * Store my soak off gel collection * Candymona - Duration: 11:01.


We can do more to stop sexual harassment - Duration: 9:40.

It is with mixed feelings that I stand to speak in the House today.

On the one hand, I am deeply grieved that we even have to have this conversation right

now with regard to this topic of sexual harassment.

On the other hand, I am glad that we are having this conversation to bring attention to a

very important matter, and my hope is that we are able to do something about it going


All parties in this place agree that there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment, but

if we were to pick up a newspaper or watch the newscasts at night, or if we were to read

through the comments staffers from the Hill have posted to social media, we would see

that there are far too many stories with regard to sexual harassment taking place in the workplace.

The issue before the House is not a partisan issue, and we must begin by agreeing not to

make it so.

This is an issue of power and the balance of power between an employee and an employer.

When it comes time to hire or fire, members of Parliament have complete control over this

process and the staff in their offices.

For every paid staffer, it is important to understand that there are a dozen interns

hoping to take that job.

This places employees in an extremely precarious position and makes them very vulnerable.

Add to this the lack of an independent process for handling harassment allegations and it

is no wonder employees can quickly find themselves in a position where they feel that they have

no option but to keep silent and hope not to rock the boat.

For those reasons, I welcome the initiative of the government to implement a more formal

structure for preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the public workplace.

I believe it is very important for this bill to make it to committee as soon as possible,

where it can be further assessed.

At that stage, legislators would have the opportunity to examine it closely and make

the necessary changes to strengthen it going forward.

To serve all employees and all employers well, sexual harassment must be clearly defined.

That said, we must discuss whether it is better to define sexual harassment through legislation

or to allow cabinet to define it through what is called regulation.

Traditionally, sexual harassment has been defined in part III of the Canada Labour Code.

However, clause 16 of the bill before this House would delete the legislated definition

of sexual harassment from the code.

In its place, the Liberals would give authority to cabinet members to define sexual harassment

through part II of the Labour Code.

This means that the government of the day would be empowered to define what sexual harassment

is in both the House of Commons and all federally regulated workplaces, with zero input from

this place, Parliament.

As a general principle, important changes like this should be enshrined within legislation.

[The Assistant Deputy Speaker]I hate to interrupt, but I just want to remind the hon. members

that debate is taking place, and I am kind of having a hard time.

Maybe it is my age.

My hearing is not as good as it used to be.

I am having a hard time hearing the hon. member for Lethbridge.

The hon. member for Lethbridge.

The rest of the members could maybe whisper a bit more softly or take the discussion into

the lobby.

[Rachael Harder] Mr. Speaker, as a general principle, important changes like this should

be enshrined in legislation.

Now, it stands to reason that most Canadians, including the employers bound by the Canada

Labour Code, believe that the definition of sexual harassment is something worth preserving

in law and that it is the process we should be going through.

The second thing that will need to be examined by the committee is how we ensure that all

employees, including those who work for government members, enjoy the full protection of this


The House of Commons is not like other federal government workplaces.

This place, by design, is meant to be partisan.

Democracy is best served by the official opposition skilfully testing the government's policies

and bringing them to the Canadian public's attention.

The ability of the opposition to do its job without fear of reprisal or retribution by

the Prime Minister, or any member on that side of the House, is foundational to our

democracy, which is why I am a little concerned about how this legislation would actually

be applied to the House of Commons.

The bill before us would bring members of Parliament and their staff under the authority

of part II of the Canada Labour Code.

It is important, then, to understand how this code uniquely empowers the Liberal Minister

of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour to personally initiate investigations and

make compliance orders under the act.

Upon receiving a complaint from an employee or employer, it is the Minister of Employment,

Workforce Development and Labour who would be authorized to conduct an investigation.

Once an investigation was conducted, it would also be the Minister of Employment, Workforce

Development and Labour who was authorized to issue compliance orders.

This would be done, of course, through the Member of Parliament who was brought forward

through a complaint.

The minister also has the power to issue emergency directives to an employer and to make those

orders public.

We can see how devastating this could potentially be to a member's career if, in fact, a complaint

was found not to hold water.

For those watching from their homes and workplaces today, let me take a moment to quickly outline

the implications.

An employee would have the opportunity to make a complaint directly to the Minister

of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.

At this point, the minister could decide not to investigate if she felt that the complaint

was vexatious or made in bad faith.

Right away, this should raise some red flags, given the circumstances.

The question we must ask is whether Canadians can have complete confidence that the minister,

behind closed doors, would impartially judge complaints when she had the power to protect

her Liberal colleagues from allegations that could potentially end their careers.

What also worries me is that there would be no appeal process.

Once the minister made her ruling, the complaint would simply go away.

On the other hand, if the minister decided to launch an investigation, she would then

have the power to enter the workplace to compel the production of documents and to force testimony

from staff.

Let me be clear on this point.

This legislation, as it is worded now, would grant a Liberal minister the legal right to

enter an opposition MP's office to compel the office to turn over any record she deemed

necessary for the investigation.

This could include emails, private or personal calendar pages, social media accounts, text

messages, etc.

The minister and her staff could be entitled to snoop through the member's data and records,

which would then give them access to a ton of politically sensitive information, information

that may or may not find its way into the hands of, let us say, a journalist.

I am sure all members are able to see how this could be used for partisan gain.

Of course, we hope not, but nevertheless, I must highlight the potential.

Even if the minister delegated the initial decision to investigate and also delegated

the actual investigation, the minister would still need to sign off at the end.

There would be no way for the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour

to completely excuse herself from the process.

The question then becomes this: Could Canadians rightfully expect that the Liberal minister

would treat a Conservative MP and a Liberal MP the exact same way?

Furthermore, the minister would also determine whether an order had been complied with.

If, in the minister's opinion, an order was not observed, a subjective determination,

I might add, she would have the power to table the order in Parliament publicly, thus shaming

the member.

Finally, the minister would have the authority at any point after a complaint was made to

issue an emergency compliance directive if she believed that the health of an employee

was at risk.

Emergency orders would be immediately tabled in the House of Commons, and made publicly

known, announcing that an investigation was under way, before any facts of the situation

had actually been determined.

It is hard to imagine that the minister would not be tempted to perhaps use this provision

by announcing an investigation into an opposition MP, perhaps as soon as possible or when it

seemed necessary or to the advantage of the party in power.

If we are serious about providing equal protection for employees of members of the government

and members of the opposition and about ensuring the non-partisan application of this law,

then we need to ensure that there is an arm's-length, neutral, third-party regulator put in place

who will make decisions about whether a complaint is valid and about how to conduct the investigation.

One may think that no one would seriously consider using something such as sexual harassment

as a tool for political advantage.

I would certainly hope not, but I believe we must do everything in our power to ensure

the safety of employees without risking the potential of partisan gamesmanship.

We owe it to every current and future employee of this House to get this right, including

the staff of the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, who, let us be really

honest, is quite unlikely to investigate and prosecute herself should a complaint be made.

This begs the question: Where do her employees go?

I urge my hon. colleagues to send this bill to committee, where its members can work with

expert advisers to figure out how to ensure that the integrity and impartiality of this

process is upheld.

We owe it to the staff of the House of Commons.

We owe it to the members in this place.

We must address this issue with regard to sexual harassment and create a safe and secure

work environment for all.

For more infomation >> We can do more to stop sexual harassment - Duration: 9:40.


O Outro lado do Paraíso: Para ficar com Mariano, Sophia revela segredo bombástico sobre Lívia - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> O Outro lado do Paraíso: Para ficar com Mariano, Sophia revela segredo bombástico sobre Lívia - Duration: 3:14.


Será que a grama é realmente mais verde do lado de lá? - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Será que a grama é realmente mais verde do lado de lá? - Duration: 10:57.


Practice English & Korean: What do you like to do on the weekends? - 10 Common Answers - Duration: 3:16.

Hello, how are you?I am from the Republic of South Korea. I am Iris. Pleased to meet you.

Well, shall we practice Korean and English?

Hey everybody, it's John from the United States. What's up people!

What do you like to do on the weekends?

That is what we are gonna explore today as we practice Korean and English.

What do you like to do on the weekends?

I like to go to the movies on the weekends.

I like to go hiking on the weekends with friends.

I like to exercise on the weekends.

I like to go to restaurants on the weekends.

I like to relax at home on the weekends.

I like to play soccer on the weekends.

I like to go to the library on the weekends.

I like to go to the coffeeshop on the weekends.

I like to swim on the weekends.

I like to go clubbing on the weekends.

For more infomation >> Practice English & Korean: What do you like to do on the weekends? - 10 Common Answers - Duration: 3:16.


Do For One Kid What You Wish You Could Do For All Kids - Josh Shipp - Duration: 1:19.

This community, First Orlando, here's the challenge: you do for one kid what you

wish you could do for all kids. If everybody in this house steps up in

be the Rodney in their own way, investing time, investing resources, investing talent,

whatever you bring to the table, then we help a lot of kids that way collectively.

Now you might be skeptical. You might be a like, "Well what's the big deal about

time?" Here's the big deal about time: kids spell trust T I M E. Right now everybody

think of your own Rodney. Think of that that teacher that made a difference in

your life. Think of that coach. Think of that youth pastor. Think of that aunt.

That uncle. Why did they make a difference in your life? Not because they

were perfect. Not because they were without flaw. Not because they never

disappointed you. They did that, they invested time even when you didn't

deserve it. Even when you were unappreciative of it or grateful for their



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