Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily how Feb 1 2018

Hi, my name is Emily and this is Pensions 101, a series designed to help you make sense

of pensions.

Today, we're discussing how to transfer your old Aegon pension to PensionBee.

Recently, we've seen some encouraging innovation from various big pension providers.

Aviva opened a digital garage in Shoreditch.

Legal and General launched a mainstream eco-friendly pension plan.

However, there is one pension provider that's still getting with the times: Aegon.

When you transfer to PensionBee, instead of moving your money electronically, Aegon will

send you lots of transfer forms.

It's your money, but the boys and girls in suits at Aegon seem to think otherwise.

Would you use transfer forms to move your money from one bank account to the other?


Is it normal to be asked the same set of questions six times to move your money?

Of course it isn't.

That's why we're challenging Aegon to move from a steam-powered paper pension process

to a modern one that transfers electronically.

In the meantime, how do you transfer out of an Aegon pension?

Sign up to the provider of your choice.

If you sign up to PensionBee, you can follow the simple steps on our website.

Next, update your details with Aegon.

They may try to contact you as part of the transfer process and if they can't reach you,

they may cancel your transfer.

Once we have received your request to move your Aegon pension to PensionBee, your dedicated

BeeKeeper will be in touch.

All of our BeeKeepers are well-trained on the Aegon transfer process.

Aegon will send you various transfer forms.

Check out the description box to see what they look like and what you should do with them.

Aegon transfer times can take up to a few months so don't give up.

And remember, your personal BeeKeeper is always on hand to answer any questions you have.

Remember, pensions are an investment and as with all investments, the value of your pot

can go down as well as up so your capital is at risk.

For more info on how to transfer out of an Aegon pension, check out our handy guide.

The link is in the description box.

Thanks for watching!

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section below and don't forget to

like, share, and subscribe.

See you soon, and good luck!

For more infomation >> How to transfer out of Aegon - Pensions 101 - Duration: 2:24.


How to Find Time to Practice - Make a Date with Yourself #flowthoughts - Duration: 3:12.

Hey gang!

Drex here from and today I want to talk with you guys a bit about making

time for practice.

We all have busy lives and there are so many things we'd love to be doing.

So how do we make the time to practice regularly so we can get better at whatever we're pursuing?

Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the friends of the


Big thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys, Spinballs, and Ultra Poi for helping to make

the videos on this channel possible.

You can visit them all on the web by following the links down in the description of this

video.'s what I want you to do right now: I want you to pull out your calendar,

whatever form it may be.

Maybe your smartphone, a personal planner, a wall calendar, who knows?

Now I want you to write down an appointment in it every week.

This is an hour you're going to spend with a thought leader in your industry or someone

who's at the top of your favorite sport.

How important would it be for you to keep that date every week?

Think long and hard about where you want to schedule it, what you want to move aside in

order to make this thing happen every week.


So you've got that meeting in your planner every week?


So who are you meeting with, then?

The person you're meeting with is your future self.

This is your practice date every week.

Let me explain.

A lot of us think of practice as being this very painful or difficult process that we

have to get through.

We put it off, thinking, "Oh, I'll get to it as soon as I'm done watching this

video or getting a snack or I've had a few moments to chill after work."

What if Bill Gates or LeBron James were waiting on you for that meeting?

Would you finish watching that video or getting a snack?

You'd hightail it out the door to be there as fast as possible.

And here's the thing you've got to shift in your thinking: practice isn't that painful

process you go through to see incremental improvements.

Practice is an investment in the person you want to become.

Every hour of practice you put in, you get closer to being the thought leader in your

field, to being at the top of your hobby or past-time.

You have to think of that time spent practicing as meeting with that person for whom you have

the utmost respect.

Because that time is the act of creating that person.

Are you going to become the master of your field by practicing an hour a week?

But it's a start.

Make this date with yourself every week for six months and keep it religiously.

I guarantee you'll start to see improvements in whatever you're working on.

Once you get there, see if you can add an additional hour of practice another day of

the week.

Work to make your practice a regular ritual over time.

You'd be surprised how effective even this is!

Last year when I did my video on the Health Benefits of the Flow Arts I ran across a study

that showed that the biggest deciding variable in people picking up a skill is regular practice

rather than the quantity of said practice.

I'll link to that video in the description if you want to check it out.

So...making a date with yourself is a great place to start!

In fact, I'd love to see how your date goes.

Make your date and take a video of what you've done every week and post it to Instagram with

the hashtag #mydatewithmyself.

I'll be checking up on the stuff that gets posted here and drop in to give encouragement.

Thanks so much for watching.

If you got anything out of this video, please hit that like and subscribe button to help

my channel grow!

Special thanks to all my awesome supporters on Patreon--you guys are the ones that make

these videos possible.

If you're not a current backer and would like to sign up to support the work that I

do, please go to

Thanks again and peace!

For more infomation >> How to Find Time to Practice - Make a Date with Yourself #flowthoughts - Duration: 3:12.


How to Get Brushed-Up Brows - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> How to Get Brushed-Up Brows - Duration: 1:35.


how to get over rejection from your crush (Someone You Love) animated video - Duration: 4:01.

how to get over rejection from your crush, 5 Steps to do So.

welcome to lifestyle therapy channel, stay tuned.

Avoid fearing rejection.

It's natural to feel a little hurt after getting rejected, but it's important that you don't

let yourself become afraid of rejection in the future.

That kind of fear and avoidance, are part of catastrophizing, which involves assuming

that one experience is part of a larger, more serious pattern.

Remember that even though rejection may be inconvenient and even painful, it is not a

horrible, life or death situation.

Keep in mind that rejection is never permanent.

New opportunities will always present themselves eventually.

Focus on You.

Guess what, as cliché as it may sound, it's really their loss, not yours.

You already have so much going for you, so instead of letting your sadness get the best

of you, focus on all of your amazing qualities, and do activities that make you feel happy

and empowered.

Go on a run, or call a friend.

You are your No. 1 priority right now, and that's pretty awesome.

Try to see rejection as opportunity.

Yes, it's unfortunate that your crush didn't feel the same way about you, and it's probably

a little painful.

However, it's just one person, and that person wasn't right for you.

Try to think of rejection as an opportunity to find a better situation with someone, who

will feel the same way about you.

If your crush didn't think you'd be compatible together, that just means that there's someone

else out there, with whom you'll be even more compatible.

Don't Take It Personally.

I think a good exercise is to put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine getting asked out by someone, who just isn't your type.

If you're a decent enough person, you don't hate them, you don't pity them, you don't

wanna make fun of them, you just don't really want to go out with them.

Our minds tend to immediately go for the worst case scenario, but just remember that most

people aren't out to get you.

Sometimes you just aren't their type.

The more you are able to not take it personally, the more you can handle the situation.

Have an Abundant Love Life.

The fastest way to get over rejection is to spend time with other attractive people.

If you let yourself rot at home in a puddle of tears, then all you're doing is extending

your misery.

Have you ever liked someone a lot, then found someone new to like and got over the first

person quickly?

This works in all kinds of situations, except the best approach is to probably start dating

multiple people, so that you don't just get attached to one person as a substitute

for the person who rejected you.

This is a trap that many people fall into.

Instead, spread your love around a little bit, and be less attached to the results.

Appreciate what you like in other people, without worrying too much about what they

think about you.

This is what New Age types tend to call, Abundance Mentality, but really what it means is that

you're not feeling needy and overly-invested.

This can apply to many parts of your life, even your health and your financial situation,

but in this case it can have a huge impact on your love life.

if you want to know why Your Crushes Keep Rejecting You

watch this video, the link in the description

For more infomation >> how to get over rejection from your crush (Someone You Love) animated video - Duration: 4:01.


How to Customize Your Youtube Channel 2018 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> How to Customize Your Youtube Channel 2018 - Duration: 7:25.


How to Register for the GRE® General Test - Duration: 6:06.

Welcome to the "Registering for the

GRE® General Test" how-to video.

We are excited to walk you through the registration for the

GRE® General Test so you can move forward

on your graduate education and career path.

As we begin, please note that if you have a disability or

health-related need and require testing accommodations,

you must have your accommodations approved

prior to scheduling your appointment,

before you register for the test visit the

Accommodations page of – as shown here.

Select the grey "ETS Account" button in the upper right

portion of your screen to get started.

Enter your username and password

in the "Returning Users" fields.

This is your very own My GRE® home page.

On this page, you will see your name at the

upper right of the screen.

You will also see your ETS ID number as well.

While we know there's plenty to explore on this page,

you'll want to focus on registering

because seats do fill up quickly and we want you to get

the test date and location of your choice!

Select the blue "Register/Find Test Centers, Dates"

button to continue.

Select the test you want to take from the drop down box.

In this case, the GRE® General Test.

Then as you begin to type in the "Find test centers at or near

this location" field, select one of the prepopulated options.

If you know you want a test date that is outside of the displayed

two-month window, use the blue arrow to change months.

Select the blue "Find available test centers and dates" button.

Now you can select your test date by sorting with the

"By Date" or "By Distance" tabs at top left.

We will use "By Date" in our example.

To select a date, choose any of the dates highlighted in green

in the calendar or scroll through the date options list.

Both options display the same information.

You will see the available times for that test center.

Select the time you prefer by selecting

"Register" to the right of the time.

Before you finalize your test registration, review the test,

test date, time and test center location information in the

yellow shaded box at the top of the page.

Should any of the information be inaccurate or you decide to

change something, you can do so by selecting

the blue "Edit Test Information" button.

This option will remain persistent throughout the next few

steps so you can access it later should you decide

to change something.

Otherwise, continue by reading the policies on the page.

Once you have done so, if you agree to the policies, check the

"I understand" box below them and then select "Next."

You will now be able to review the

personal information you entered

– once you confirm it is all in order,

select the blue "Next" button.

You will be asked if you would like to participate

in the FREE GRE® Search Service.

By adding your profile to the database

of prospective students,

recruiters from around the world will be able to find you.

If you match their recruitment profile, you may receive

information about their programs, fellowships,

financial aid opportunities, and other

graduate education opportunities.

Review the full details, select your preference and

select the blue "Next" button.

It will take you just a few minutes to complete the

Background Information section so please review

and respond thoroughly.

Before you process your cart, take a look at all the test

preparation items available from ETS, the maker of the test.

If nothing else, you should add all the FREE

POWERPREP® Online options to your cart.

They simulate the actual test and are a great way to identify

your strengths and weaknesses as you prepare to test.

They will also allow you to become familiar with the

test-taker friendly design features

you will encounter on test day,

like moving back and forth between questions,

changing answers within a section

and the on-screen calculator.

Just select the box next to "add to cart"

and you will receive them - remember they are FREE!

When you finish reviewing all of the other test prep options and

finalize your shopping cart, select the blue "Next" button.

It's time to check out – just confirm all your purchases and

select the blue "proceed to checkout" button.

If you have a voucher or promotional code,

enter it at the top of the page and

then select the blue "Apply" button to activate it.

Then scroll down and select the blue "Pay Now" button.

On the ETS Check Out page, select your payment option from

Credit or Debit card, US bank funds transfer or PayPal and

then select the grey "Continue" button.

Enter your payment information and

select the grey "Buy" button.

That's it!

You are now one step closer to making your graduate-level

education dreams come true!

Be sure to check your confirmation page and

your registration confirmation email for accuracy.

Best of luck on test day!

For additonal information on the GRE® General Test,


For more infomation >> How to Register for the GRE® General Test - Duration: 6:06.


Mint Tea Recipe | How to make refreshing mint tea | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 1:21.

Mint Tea Recipe | How to make refreshing mint tea

For more infomation >> Mint Tea Recipe | How to make refreshing mint tea | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 1:21.


How to Have a Successful Business When Working with Family Members - Duration: 11:40.

hey guys welcome to the Marisa official channel today where we help businesses

to grow so my question for you is this you know how many of you have challenges

working with your loved ones siblings parents fathers or mothers and you know

most of the time when we talk to business owners about this a lot of them

find it find it as a regret they're like oh my gosh don't ever do it

and I so how do you get the best of it and this is what today's video is all


so guys what are the challenges about you know when you're working with your

family members and loved ones what are the challenges like you know number one

tantrums you know that people are throwing tantrums at work they are their

salt King and you're blowing up and you know people get temperamental people get

emotional at work you know and sometimes it becomes very hard for the rest of the

other people in the company number two treating your workplace like home you

know unprofessional dressing wearing your clothing as though you're going out

to the shopping mall or you're hanging out at home you're wearing t-shirts you

know I mean it's okay that's a culture for you for some startups but you know

if everybody else dress is pretty corporate it was pretty nice and then

you're kind of like coming in the stuff that you wore last night or even playing

video games treating your workplace like home you know so if you're caught in on

the sofa playing video games you know and you do that at your workplace what

are you encouraging number three professional positions get confused with

family positions you know so what I mean by this you know sometimes the CEO is a

younger brother or a younger sister but simply they have the skills and the

abilities to bring the business forward and that should not be confused in the

hierarchy of the family so that's very very important for a family business and

number four and this is a very very big one poor understanding of the boundaries

between work and home so a lot of family businesses and family members that I

talk to before I start coaching them most of them are exhausted they're tired

you know why are you tired because at work they do work they talk work when

they get home these two talk about work so there are no boundaries and it's

almost as though it's a continuation and there's no switch ON or switch off and

so literally 24/7 that you're awake you're talking about work especially if

your business partner happens to be a loved one a significant other or a

brother and sister you go home to your family and your dinner or you work for

your father you work for your mother and even drop dinner they're talking about

work so there's no time that you actually really get to switch off

and this exhaustion does take a toll on the family business and family members

too in working with so many family businesses and companies with loved ones

in it yeah and sometimes they're your business partners too you know

there are six criteria and I'm going to share it with you why they can maintain

a successful business working together with a great amount of trust but they're

also happy so that's very important I'm going to share that six with you right

now number one and this is a clear one having clear rules of the game you know

talk with your family members your loved ones talk to them what are the rules of

the game and you gotta set it up very clear stick it on the wall and have it

gospel you've got to be able to do that yeah for instance and you can set any

rule you know number one no work talk at the dinner table no work talk at the

dinner table means that you know no talking about hey what happened to that

supplier hey what happened to that customer yeah you know that problem that

we had you know this is how we solve it no delegating and the work table yeah

and of course it takes two hands to clap yeah so one person starts talking about

it call it and go action no work talk at the table after 7:00 o'clock you know

when you guys go to you go to the club or you go to to play badminton stop

talking about work go back to your positions as you're your father's

daughter go back to being the elder the the older brother go back to being the

younger sister go back resume those positions and you'll find that you're

gonna have a better quality of life together

number two no personal attacks oh gosh and this is a very important one you

know sometimes I find that you know where it we're in board meetings and the

the brother says something and it says yeah you're always like that you know

you're so forgetful you know and since you were ten years old everything has

always been about you you know ah and oh gosh so I heard something

that's a personal attack so it's really real

important to be in a family business where you still know the boundaries of

communicating professionally when you're in a board meeting you're not talking to

your younger brother you're talking to your Operations Director you're talking

to your HR manager you're talking to these people and how you would address

an employee that's not a family member that would be exactly how you do it even

with your younger brother the minute you bring personal attacks

into it it becomes a whole new level and then that's when it's spy rolls all the

way down all right so very important number two number three and I always see

this in some family business no double standards for loved ones the this

confuses the daylights out of people who work employees there are not family

members it confuses the daylights out of how come it is that this rule applies to

me but doesn't apply to him doesn't apply to her you know how come they can

play with Facebook for like three hours straight and when I play with my

facebook the CEO breeze on my name is there hey how come you're doing that but

hey you know your sister was just doing it earlier you know so no double

standards make sure that your business has consistent policies that everybody

can uphold and it's very very important when it happens what you do about it all

right it sends a very clear message to the rest of your company whether there

are family members or not family members number four a clear CEO position and

sometimes when the CEO or the founder who is maybe the father or the mother to

get a little bit too old and you want to retire they passed the business down to

a group of siblings and a bunch of them operate without any clear leadership so

a very very important part of when you are having a second generation take over

it's important to assign a CEO CEO you see when that happens there is

one one centralized there is one centralized decision-making of course

the decision-making must go across all the siblings all the directors must make

a decision but there is one way forward and someone does make a decision because

if you find some family businesses a lot of things just kind of stand still there

waiting for the brother to make a decision but the brother is waiting for

the sister to make the mission sister is waiting for the younger sister to come

up with stuff so a CEO position moves the business forward and this is very

important in a family business and I would I even say you know it is not even

just siblings that take over the business you know sometimes you have

four or five friends that come together and they want to do business together

but there is no leading position now this is important why because when you

have a leadership position sure there is one person that is responsible for a lot

of the things that move forwards of course you can hear you can hear

information you can get information from here you get information you get input

but you still need to be able to move it forward

and make decisions so that there's no complacency there's no confusion and the

strategies do get implemented number five number five the fifth criteria for

very successful family businesses is number five clear expectations of

positions in a row so if you have family members in a business you've got they

gotta have titles there's gotta be a title and the title must be scoped up so

if the younger brother is a marketing manager what does the marketing manager

do what does the marketing manager have to deliver what is his performance just

the same like how you would any employee that comes into your business but what

we find is that the younger brother could be a marketing manager and then

sometimes he does operation stuff and then the sister is also doing operation

stuff spills into a little bit of marketing and financial stuff as well so

it becomes confusing because a lack of clarity around the position so that's

very very important and number six criteria of having a successful

family business if I didn't mention it earlier it is being able to switch on

and switch off this is very very critical for a lot of family businesses

please don't work yourself into exhaustion don't keep talking about work

because there is a real thing of being tired and it's a real thing that you

need to be able to switch off and if you live with your brother or your sister or

your loved one your significant other and you can't switch off it starts to

take a toll on the relationship the sisterhood the Brotherhood the family it

starts to take a toll on you a bit because of the business you know so I

know how to be able to switch off that's more important than switching on yeah so

businesses with life partners with family members you know it can be a

whole lot of fun yeah where you achieve things together it can be a whole lot of

agony as well and most of the people that I talk to it's more like agony you

know they are depressed if you get stuck you know and I talk to a lot of family

members they say oh you know I've got no choice you know this business was handed

down to me so I have to continue the family heirloom you know I take that as

a privilege you know it's a it's something to be really proud of but a

lot of people are suffering at it and and that's the thing why suffer it's

just knowing how to do things differently that will allow you to have

a better quality of life there you have it a successful business is about having

a system so if you know how to operate your business from systems from

processes from clarity from rules of the game from policies and everyone does

their best to stay consistent to follow to respect when you have that level of

alignment in a family business loved ones siblings you will be able to find

success because the environment is neutral you keep the environment neutral

keep the environment systematize and everybody

the rules you'll be able to find happiness and have great results in your

business as well so guys remember this it's really about having a great

business and a great life because being in business is about more life take care

and I'll see you next week okay cut vividly

For more infomation >> How to Have a Successful Business When Working with Family Members - Duration: 11:40.


How to fix the lip contour in the dense color filling technique ? - Duration: 2:22.

There are two ways

So you should have a contour, in fact, more dense.

In this case, you'll get a thicker line

along the contour.

Here, the first way will be more successful option

Hello everybody

My name is Evgeniya Yakushkina.

I'm a co-owner and top-artist of the

permanent makeup studio in Krasnodar.

And also I'm a teacher at the Elena Nechaeva. permanent makeup school.

In the previous video, we were talking and showing

how to fix the contour on lips if you plan

to have a natural technique like watercolor.

Todays's theme of the video is the fixation of

the contour on the lips with the technique of tight filling.

There're two ways of fixing the contour


You can use the same way as with natural technique.

Work with airy shading.

But there must be much more strokes per millimeter,

and they need to be drawn much more densely.

So you need to get a contour more dense

than the most translucent, which we do

when we fill with watercolor.

Or the second possible way: 2.

When you fix a contour with a dense thin line,

I mean, slowly moves forward and backward, continiue moving forward.

In each case, the choice of technique depends on

the properties of the skin, how good the pigment comes inside the skin.

If it comes well, the best way is the first,

when there are a lot of tightly drawn strokes.

In this case, you will get a thicker line along the contour,

from which it'll be easier to draw

the rest of the surface of the lips.

If the pigment comes badly, only the second way will suit you

thin line, but it'll be clear enough,

vivid and then you will also start slowly drawing the rest of your lips,

going faster to the center

and waterline.

If this video was useful for you - like it,

in the comments write your questions if you still have them.

We will definitely record video responses to them.

Thank everybody for watching and see you in the following videos


For more infomation >> How to fix the lip contour in the dense color filling technique ? - Duration: 2:22.





How To Make Long Video On LIKE APP in Hindi - Create Long Video Upto 15 Seconds on Like App -Youtube - Duration: 9:04.








For more infomation >> How To Make Long Video On LIKE APP in Hindi - Create Long Video Upto 15 Seconds on Like App -Youtube - Duration: 9:04.


How to wakeboard in Canada - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> How to wakeboard in Canada - Duration: 11:53.


How I Was Targeted by a Child Sex Offender - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> How I Was Targeted by a Child Sex Offender - Duration: 12:11.


How People Insulting Newly Married Girls in India by Checking Their Secret Parts - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> How People Insulting Newly Married Girls in India by Checking Their Secret Parts - Duration: 2:50.


A Nice Goat Family Eating Food in Field | How Do We Feed them? Mike N.Seidel - Duration: 2:35.

A Nice Goat Family Eating Food in Field | How Do We Feed them? Mike N.Seidel

For more infomation >> A Nice Goat Family Eating Food in Field | How Do We Feed them? Mike N.Seidel - Duration: 2:35.


How to overcome exam stress and fear? Win in GATE 2018 - Duration: 7:38.

good evening everyone my name is Rahul Kanyall helping you to live a better life

today we are going to talk about steps that we can take to dissolve fear of

failure and stresses in an examination firstly let's take fear of failure

step number one is to face the fear and let me tell you that a fear is in the

form of a thought a thought comes up what if I don't succeed what if I fail

here what if I don't get opportunities after this what if no one likes me and

once you accept this fear once you say all right let it come by doing so you

actually reduce the magnitude of the fear you make it less stronger you make

it weak in contrary if you say that no no I can't fail no no I can't not

succeed so by doing so what you're doing is you are resisting the fear and once

you are resisting a thought it becomes magnified it becomes stronger it becomes

more powerful so in order to dissolve a fear you have accept it step number two

is to know that whatever we think in our head as fear is a magnified form of a

thought let us take a very classical example of it for example you want to

propose a girl who happens to be a friend of yours the first thought that

comes to your mind is what if she says no I know then then further thoughts further

fearful thoughts keep on coming to your mind for example what if she never

talks to me again what if she breaks our friendship what if she slaps me what if

she gets me beaten through her brother and believe me

when you actually propose her she just says a yes or a No

you never get that beating you never get that slap what I want to tell you here

is that whatever we are thinking on our minds are magnified version of what

actually happens so the second step is to be aware of this fact step number

three you have to ask this beautifully profound question what will happen to me

if I really fail for example all the way back to 2012 when I was quitting BHEL

my mind was filled with lots of fears because that was a government company

and to leave a government company was not wise I thought what if I never

succeed what if I never get opportunities what if I fail miserably

after this what if society abandons me to all these questions were creeping

into my mind at that point of time so what I did I asked this profound

question what will actually happen if I fail and believe me I noted it down the

responses to it and the responses were okay I'll fail but I will not die I will

be still alive I'll figure out something I'll not give up certainly I'll teach to

class 12 I'll teach to class 10th I'll do

something so what I want to say here is that when you write down the responses

to the question what if I really fail your life becomes better

this is also in parallel to the step number two that we have talked about

because whenever you are thinking you're always thinking very worst things that

might happen but they never happen so here's the exercise for you if you are

having a fear please note down what might happen to you if you fail note down all

those responses and believe me those responses will be manageable as were

manageable to me this was all about facing fears and conquering them now

let's talk about what to do if you are stressed and let me offer to you with

great respect and love stress might be because of two reasons one we have

already talked of the fear of failure the second it might be because you are

over exerting you are reading continuously for 10-12 hours you are not

taking rest so here what I suggest with all love and respect is you listen to

music listen to it completely listen to the voice listen to the instruments that

are being played listen to the lyrics and just dissolve yourself when you do

so you do a meditation meditation is nothing but being aware of of ourselves

in and out in the present moment second meditation that I can suggest to you is

to take a walk and when you walk focus on your body focus on your thoughts when

your mind integrates with your body automatically meditation happens and

when meditation happens you will find yourself relaxed

and believe me relaxation is the opposite of being stressed thirdly what

you can do is you can breathe heavily stop for a moment then exhale breathe in

stop it then exhale this will actually relax you

down and make you stress-free thank you very much if you liked the video you can

press thumbs up button if you have further questions you can put them in

the comment section below and I also encourage you to share this video with

with people who might need it right now and most importantly if you have not

subscribed to my channel and if you want to receive life-changing content and

because an idea can change your life you can subscribe to my channel and with

this I wish you all the best I wish you good health

I wish bliss and peace to you stay blessed thank you

For more infomation >> How to overcome exam stress and fear? Win in GATE 2018 - Duration: 7:38.


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How to use NOVATION LAUNCHPAD! Ableton Live 9 Tutorial - Duration: 4:08.

Hey guys!

In this video I'm going to show you how to get started with your Launchpad.

I just recently did a tutorial on getting started in Session View in Ableton Live, which

you can check out right here , and it's honestly completely changed music making for me.

And since I wanted to get even more into session view, I did what any music nerd would do:


So this is a Launchpad S. I know I'm super late in the game on getting one, but I've

wanted one ever since I saw Madeon's Pop Culture mashup on YouTube.

In essence, the Launchpad is a physical representation of Session View in Ableton Live.

You can trigger clips, control faders, launch scenes, and do all kinds of awesome stuff

with it.

So let's plug this baby in.

This is the Launchpad in all its shiny light up eye catching glory.

Right now, I have Novation's Launchpad demo project loaded up with only the deepest of

house tracks, which I'll link in the description.

When a pad is lit up amber on the Launchpad, it means that this slot in Ableton contains

a clip.

When I hit one of the Amber pads, that clip starts playing and turns green, like this.

To stop it, hit any of the pads that are not lit up on the track below the track that's

playing, just like you would press the stop button in Ableton . If a clip is armed, and

you press on of the empty slots on the track, it will light up red to indicate that it's


Stop recording by pressing one of the empty clips below the clip.

If there are no empty clips, just press the down arrow up top to move the matrix down

and open up an empty clip.

That's a perfect segue into talking about the top row of buttons.

The up, down, left and right key will move the playable area of clips in those respective


You can see the yellow box around the clips moving as I hit these buttons, and you can

see the lights on the Launchpad changing as I move it, on or off a respective set of clips.

Session Mode on the Launchpad is this mode where you can launch clips and scenes.

Clicking it while in any other mode will return you to session mode.

If you have a TON of clips in Session View, holding down the Session key lets you zoom

out and see an overview, where each lit up pad here represents an 8x8 section of Session

View represented by the yellow box around clips.

Clicking on these pads will let you quickly switch between 8x8 sections of Session View.

Here, amber represents the currently selected matrix, green represents a section where clips

are playing, and red indicates there are clips in that section but none are currently playing.

This helps you move around the board quickly.

User 1 mode lets you play a drum rack in Live if it is loaded on a MIDI clip and the clip

is armed.

A normal 4x4 drum rack is represented by the bottom 4 pads on the Launchpad.

User 2 mode gives you quick access to your Max for Live presets.

Either of these modes also allow for custom MIDI mapping of any of your pads to any MIDI

parameters in Live.

Mixer view is probably the coolest part of this whole setup.

The top four rows indicate the status of track volume, pan, Send A, and Send B, the labels

for which can be found in orange along the side.

On these tracks lit up bright green, these parameters have deviated from default, and

pressing these pads will reset the values to default.

Super cool.

The bottom four rows give you access to the stop, track activator, solo and arm parameters

for each track.

Pressing the right most button on each of these will stop all clips currently playing,

turn all tracks on, un-solo all solo-ed tracks, or un-arm all armed tracks depending on which

button you push, which can speed up your workflow like crazy.

And then for what I think is one of the coolest features in mixer mode: FADERS.

Clicking the rightmost button on any of the top 4 rows will turn your Launchpad into faders

for that parameter for that track.


So now I can be playing a scene and instantly lower the volume on all the drums then bring

them back in when you want them.

And that's it!

Session view in the palm of your hand.

okay… a little bigger than the palm of your hand.

But regardless, the Launchpad lets you operate Ableton without ever having to look at the


I can't wait to play around with this awesome tool some more, and eventually start doing

some live performance stuff with it.

Don't forget to like this video and leave a comment below, and subscribe to my channel

for more music in the future.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to use NOVATION LAUNCHPAD! Ableton Live 9 Tutorial - Duration: 4:08.


How much does a good accountant cost? - Duration: 3:02.

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