hey guys welcome to the Marisa official channel today where we help businesses
to grow so my question for you is this you know how many of you have challenges
working with your loved ones siblings parents fathers or mothers and you know
most of the time when we talk to business owners about this a lot of them
find it find it as a regret they're like oh my gosh don't ever do it
and I so how do you get the best of it and this is what today's video is all
so guys what are the challenges about you know when you're working with your
family members and loved ones what are the challenges like you know number one
tantrums you know that people are throwing tantrums at work they are their
salt King and you're blowing up and you know people get temperamental people get
emotional at work you know and sometimes it becomes very hard for the rest of the
other people in the company number two treating your workplace like home you
know unprofessional dressing wearing your clothing as though you're going out
to the shopping mall or you're hanging out at home you're wearing t-shirts you
know I mean it's okay that's a culture for you for some startups but you know
if everybody else dress is pretty corporate it was pretty nice and then
you're kind of like coming in the stuff that you wore last night or even playing
video games treating your workplace like home you know so if you're caught in on
the sofa playing video games you know and you do that at your workplace what
are you encouraging number three professional positions get confused with
family positions you know so what I mean by this you know sometimes the CEO is a
younger brother or a younger sister but simply they have the skills and the
abilities to bring the business forward and that should not be confused in the
hierarchy of the family so that's very very important for a family business and
number four and this is a very very big one poor understanding of the boundaries
between work and home so a lot of family businesses and family members that I
talk to before I start coaching them most of them are exhausted they're tired
you know why are you tired because at work they do work they talk work when
they get home these two talk about work so there are no boundaries and it's
almost as though it's a continuation and there's no switch ON or switch off and
so literally 24/7 that you're awake you're talking about work especially if
your business partner happens to be a loved one a significant other or a
brother and sister you go home to your family and your dinner or you work for
your father you work for your mother and even drop dinner they're talking about
work so there's no time that you actually really get to switch off
and this exhaustion does take a toll on the family business and family members
too in working with so many family businesses and companies with loved ones
in it yeah and sometimes they're your business partners too you know
there are six criteria and I'm going to share it with you why they can maintain
a successful business working together with a great amount of trust but they're
also happy so that's very important I'm going to share that six with you right
now number one and this is a clear one having clear rules of the game you know
talk with your family members your loved ones talk to them what are the rules of
the game and you gotta set it up very clear stick it on the wall and have it
gospel you've got to be able to do that yeah for instance and you can set any
rule you know number one no work talk at the dinner table no work talk at the
dinner table means that you know no talking about hey what happened to that
supplier hey what happened to that customer yeah you know that problem that
we had you know this is how we solve it no delegating and the work table yeah
and of course it takes two hands to clap yeah so one person starts talking about
it call it and go action no work talk at the table after 7:00 o'clock you know
when you guys go to you go to the club or you go to to play badminton stop
talking about work go back to your positions as you're your father's
daughter go back to being the elder the the older brother go back to being the
younger sister go back resume those positions and you'll find that you're
gonna have a better quality of life together
number two no personal attacks oh gosh and this is a very important one you
know sometimes I find that you know where it we're in board meetings and the
the brother says something and it says yeah you're always like that you know
you're so forgetful you know and since you were ten years old everything has
always been about you you know ah and oh gosh so I heard something
that's a personal attack so it's really real
important to be in a family business where you still know the boundaries of
communicating professionally when you're in a board meeting you're not talking to
your younger brother you're talking to your Operations Director you're talking
to your HR manager you're talking to these people and how you would address
an employee that's not a family member that would be exactly how you do it even
with your younger brother the minute you bring personal attacks
into it it becomes a whole new level and then that's when it's spy rolls all the
way down all right so very important number two number three and I always see
this in some family business no double standards for loved ones the this
confuses the daylights out of people who work employees there are not family
members it confuses the daylights out of how come it is that this rule applies to
me but doesn't apply to him doesn't apply to her you know how come they can
play with Facebook for like three hours straight and when I play with my
facebook the CEO breeze on my name is there hey how come you're doing that but
hey you know your sister was just doing it earlier you know so no double
standards make sure that your business has consistent policies that everybody
can uphold and it's very very important when it happens what you do about it all
right it sends a very clear message to the rest of your company whether there
are family members or not family members number four a clear CEO position and
sometimes when the CEO or the founder who is maybe the father or the mother to
get a little bit too old and you want to retire they passed the business down to
a group of siblings and a bunch of them operate without any clear leadership so
a very very important part of when you are having a second generation take over
it's important to assign a CEO CEO you see when that happens there is
one one centralized there is one centralized decision-making of course
the decision-making must go across all the siblings all the directors must make
a decision but there is one way forward and someone does make a decision because
if you find some family businesses a lot of things just kind of stand still there
waiting for the brother to make a decision but the brother is waiting for
the sister to make the mission sister is waiting for the younger sister to come
up with stuff so a CEO position moves the business forward and this is very
important in a family business and I would I even say you know it is not even
just siblings that take over the business you know sometimes you have
four or five friends that come together and they want to do business together
but there is no leading position now this is important why because when you
have a leadership position sure there is one person that is responsible for a lot
of the things that move forwards of course you can hear you can hear
information you can get information from here you get information you get input
but you still need to be able to move it forward
and make decisions so that there's no complacency there's no confusion and the
strategies do get implemented number five number five the fifth criteria for
very successful family businesses is number five clear expectations of
positions in a row so if you have family members in a business you've got they
gotta have titles there's gotta be a title and the title must be scoped up so
if the younger brother is a marketing manager what does the marketing manager
do what does the marketing manager have to deliver what is his performance just
the same like how you would any employee that comes into your business but what
we find is that the younger brother could be a marketing manager and then
sometimes he does operation stuff and then the sister is also doing operation
stuff spills into a little bit of marketing and financial stuff as well so
it becomes confusing because a lack of clarity around the position so that's
very very important and number six criteria of having a successful
family business if I didn't mention it earlier it is being able to switch on
and switch off this is very very critical for a lot of family businesses
please don't work yourself into exhaustion don't keep talking about work
because there is a real thing of being tired and it's a real thing that you
need to be able to switch off and if you live with your brother or your sister or
your loved one your significant other and you can't switch off it starts to
take a toll on the relationship the sisterhood the Brotherhood the family it
starts to take a toll on you a bit because of the business you know so I
know how to be able to switch off that's more important than switching on yeah so
businesses with life partners with family members you know it can be a
whole lot of fun yeah where you achieve things together it can be a whole lot of
agony as well and most of the people that I talk to it's more like agony you
know they are depressed if you get stuck you know and I talk to a lot of family
members they say oh you know I've got no choice you know this business was handed
down to me so I have to continue the family heirloom you know I take that as
a privilege you know it's a it's something to be really proud of but a
lot of people are suffering at it and and that's the thing why suffer it's
just knowing how to do things differently that will allow you to have
a better quality of life there you have it a successful business is about having
a system so if you know how to operate your business from systems from
processes from clarity from rules of the game from policies and everyone does
their best to stay consistent to follow to respect when you have that level of
alignment in a family business loved ones siblings you will be able to find
success because the environment is neutral you keep the environment neutral
keep the environment systematize and everybody
the rules you'll be able to find happiness and have great results in your
business as well so guys remember this it's really about having a great
business and a great life because being in business is about more life take care
and I'll see you next week okay cut vividly
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