Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos | Satisfying Cake Videos | Amazing Cakes Compilation
Iceberg Slime Pressing - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video! OSVchannel - Duration: 5:06.Iceberg Slime Pressing - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video!
Funniest & Cutest French Bulldog puppies Videos Compilation 2018 | Funny DOG vines compilation #345 - Duration: 10:28.Thanks for watching
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Bangla Waz New Short Video || আমি সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছি তুমি মিথ্যুক নবী । মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 6:09.-------------------------------------------
Bangla Waz New Short Video || আমি মুসলিম না কাফের না Sayed ashraf - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Gandi Websites par Videos Dekhne Par 7 Saal ki Saza ka Elan - Duration: 3:22.SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel For Daily Videos
SIF: BRILLIANT SCOUTING VIDEO #1 - Duration: 2:36.there we go let's start
it's me and my
let's do this
I have
How many I have?
52 loveca
and I wanted to save them
for the second part of the ice-cream set
cause I've really wanted this
but then I thought
Step-Up Scouting is
this is something always worth your loveca
aaand I can try scouting for ice-cream Maki on her birthday
I've got a sticker!
it's my 3rd SR+ Chika's card
I have an idea
I have an idea x2
we'll also do Blue Tickets
How many stickers do I have?
totally not many
but it's okay tho
okay then
Rin is an event card so we won't get rid of her
we could...
we're for sure getting rid of Maru
and thus we've got our 5th Blue Ticket
gotta buy it
and once we have it I'm gonna scout for Muse
cause I'm trying to get at least 1UR per girl
so it would be nice
fuck I clicked on AQOURS
fuck me
YOUTUBE KEEPS DEMONETIZING MY VIDEOS!! - Duration: 5:57.what's up everybody its Meech welcome back to on the radar so I've been having
all these technical difficulties hopefully I'm done with it
and they won't keep going but um I haven't been uploading any workout
videos lately because I haven't been getting my vintage build in just came
from my workout I haven't been doing that getting any footage lately I've
just but I'm still in the gym still working out just haven't been bothering
to record having been wanting to just interrupt my process and so Jim has been
a lot more crowded lately all of the new you know the movies want to come in and
test the gym out and get their workouts oh I'm so so a lot a lot more crowded
so that's ass but I got in the gym today knocked out some legs yesterday I did
chest and arms so they had this in the legs
not the greatest session probably because you know I just came from work I
don't even want to blame it on being tired cuz I really wasn't tired I don't
know what it is just wasn't strong you know just wasn't strong got some
squats in didn't really do good on the squats just did some other leg accessory
work 45 minutes of cardio nothing crazy I wanted to talk about my drink this
vintage build shut up old-school abs by the way four centimeters shaker bottle
also before I get into what I was going to say there is a sale today for vintage
burn and vintage for been vintage burn and vintage blast it's 25% off off the
Amazon sale so click the link in the description all the information to be in
it in the description but definitely for everybody who loves burn and blast
that's the free workout in the fat burner it's 25% off definitely check
that out you know you know all information is in
the description but Alma what I was going to say is the other day
uploaded the Thai pod challenge video and it was more of an awareness video I
wanted to get a point across of course I did not you know eat the tide pod and
all that stuff but you know and I got a lot of good response from it but you two
decided to demonetized a video and somehow it seems like they actually
stopped the views on it because it went from you know it was it was it was
getting views and all of a sudden I was watching it on the live whatever is
called the live counter thing and the live view feed or whatever and it just
stopped right when it got demonetized that the view just stopped and typically
the the videos don't just stop like that when they're when they're generating a
certain amount of views so I found that to be weird you know this is some of the
funny stuff that YouTube is doing for whatever reason they they deem this
video to be unsuitable for advertisers and they they cut it they cut the
monetization then you have to send it in for a review but if you don't read this
reach a certain criteria you know they won't even review it it's
a lot of funny nonsense going on and you know this is what I was talking about in
the previous video why I said these are the things that makes creators you know
not want to upload and you know I didn't upload it for views or for um you know
for money it was more to just get a point across but still you know it's
frustrating when you see that it seemed to get cut you know it definitely and
when I mean get cut it seems like they did something to stop those views and
stop the video from being seen you know and they D monetize it so YouTube is
bugging out so I don't know what's going on with that but hopefully I'll get back
in the gym today for a second session and I'll definitely get some extra
footage so that's just it just that's just it wanting to give you guys a
just check in with you guys let you guys know what's going on still on the grind
check my Instagram if you don't / if you're not already following me on
instagram check the Instagram because I upload clips you know a lot faster and
more consistently than I do on YouTube so that's that Lincoln isn't it in the
description also that's pretty much it I'll be knocking out some more fitness
workout videos this week and some other content so just stay tuned also
everybody who's been commenting on the videos lately I have enough and had a
chance to get back to that stuff I will be commenting and responding to that
stuff to the night Instagram Facebook and YouTube I will be making those
rounds and catching up with you guys so that's pretty much it just gonna drink
my vintage build get some work I mean get some sleep you know you know that's
it and hopefully get back into the gym today and like I said check the 25% sale
for the vintage burn and the vintage blast in the description so until next
time stay focused stay fit please hit that like button show you support people
tune in next time to see what else pops up on the radar so look you could tell
I'm tired I'm saluting too early gotta get some sleep
this is gonna help with recovery though I'm tired you see that it's bad it's
time to something get some sleep
Making videos and films while legally blind - Duration: 5:12.- Hey everybody what's going on? So in the past few weeks I've been talking about my bad eyesight.
My legal blindness, now the one thing I haven't really talked about is...
You guys are probably wondering. Some of you may be wondering.
"Well if this guy is legally blind how exactly is he making short films and videos on YouTube in the first place?"
Well here's the video for that.
[whoosh, clapper sound]
So in my video. The one I talk about accepting my blindness I mentioned that I have to take a few
extra steps order to make films and videos because well just because I can't see very well.
Now what are these steps? I'm gonna highlight some of them starting now.
I don't know what else to say.
I don't know how else to segway into that.
Now when I'm filming I have to of course look at the screen on the back of my camera.
The thing is because the numbers kind of get tiny a little bit I have to lean in a little bit.
Still I mean it's not that big of an inconvenience. The problem for me happens to be when I'm focusing.
Now the good news for me is that the software that I used to film my videos called Magic Lantern
has this nice little zoom in feature where you just press this button and this little window pops up.
That rectangle, that window will turn green whenever something is in focus.
So the thing is that takes a lot of guesswork out of me.
As soon as that rectangle turns green I know bang, in focus right there,
and you may be wondering, "Well why don't you just turn the screen around for your camera
and just look at yourself right there?" That's the thing, my camera doesn't have a screen that turns around.
What happens is that I have to go into this long process of focusing going back and forth.
Walking back and forth to the camera. I made a video talking about that.
So if you want to check that process out, right over here.
Now if you've been watching my channel for a while you're gonna notice that I have a lack of exterior daylight
Outdoor shots,
and this is basically because well, I have trouble seeing in the daylight.
When the sky is overcast everything looks kind of foggy and misty.
Not because of the clouds just because the light dissipates all over.
Like if I'm walking down the street it just looks like a big fog.
When it's direct sunlight a cloudless day I can see better but the problem is
when I have my camera screen on I still have to like just you know
do this to properly see even if I have the screen at full brightness.
So this clip is from a collab that I did with JessaJay a couple of years ago and well...
the shot may look fine, but the thing is.
I couldn't really see the top and bottom of the frame and I was just like.
"OK, well here's the lines of the parking lot." and I was trying to frame everything properly,
but trying to cup my hands over the camera. "Okay this kind of looks good.
I kind of have an idea where it is I'm gonna go out and walk."
Now contrast this when I'm in a darkened room or a darkened area.
Let's say I have one light just lighting everything or a couple lights lighting everything.
Most of the set is going to be dark and I have to really watch out for not tripping over cables.
Or you know the mic stand or light stands or even my tripod which I've done a couple times already.
Or I think it's been more than a couple times.
Those are the more obvious things let me give you a better example here.
So I have one light here and one light here.
I may not be able to see where the camera is especially if it's dark, if it's night.
This is where I put in old-school, yes iPod nano. I just put a rubber band around it and just
put it on top of the camera, Very high-tech solution here.
So what that does is the screen. The light from the screen actually is a guide point for me
because I'm not looking at the screen directly but what it tells me is that,
"Ok, the lens is a couple inches, two, three inches below that so look there."
I can't really see much right now I just see a bunch of blobs the only reason why I know
the camera is right there is because there's a dark blob right in front of me being backlit by the window.
That's how I know the camera is there
When it comes to editing it's a little bit more interesting. here let me show you.
I think it's better to show than tell.
So this might look a little jarring a little inconvenient a little "What the heck is this?"
This is my normal this is what I'm used to seeing when I'm editing
and really if I would go back to the old-fashioned way of editing it would be very jarring for me.
I have to zoom in because a lot of the numbers there a lot of the sliders there a lot of the settings there
have tiny font. It's so normal for me that well. When I go online, when I go on social media,
When I use my computer I have to zoom in. So when I'm on YouTube I sometimes zoom in quite a bit too.
Also Final Cut Pro, YouTube, Twitter, thank you for having dark mode.
if you had a white interface I would be just my eyes would be hurting.
Facebook, Instagram, Mac OS...come on.
So those are some of the hacks that I have to do to make life easier for me to edit in film and stuff like that.
Now I'm wondering. You don't have to be visually impaired or anything like that.
but do you happen to have a special setting a certain setting that you turn on when you're editing
when you're filming that makes life easier for you? Let me know in the comments below
because I mean that'd be really interesting. I might be able to maybe
adapt something that you use for my own needs as well.
Anyway I will see you guys in the next video. Hopefully you enjoyed this. If you did give it a thumbs up
and if you're new to my channel. Hey my name is Juan. Welcome to JC5 Productions.
I am a legally blind filmmaker and I makevideos like this.
I make a lot of videos where I tell stories. A lot of them are short films. A lot of them are comedy sketches.
I recently made a trailer it's over here or just go to my main channel page.
Anyway I will see you guys in the next video. I will talk to you later.
Time Lapse Background Music for Videos I Ambient, Epic, mostly Instrumental I No Copyright Music - Duration: 1:12:19.» Time Lapse Background Music for Videos «
Presented by MrSnooze
Generation Instagram und die analoge Fotografie | Deutsch lernen mit Videos - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
How To Download YouTube Videos [2018] - Duration: 2:06.Hello Guys Welcome to iSpecss
In this video I will Show you about how to download youtube videos in just a minute Or
All you have to do is simply copy and paste the video URL.
So before we Start up get subscribed to this channel and click on the bell icon and become
a part of our notification squad.
First Go to then search and open the video you wanted to download.
then right click on the video and copy the video url.
now open new tab and type SAVEFROM.NET
paste the video url here and you are good to go.
select the video quality you need and click on download.
Thats all .
So in case if you are wondering how to download from your smartphones.
i will tell That too for you.
simply open youtube app or go to from your smartphone browser and copy the
video url
now go to from your smartphone browser, paste the video url and download.
so thats all for this video guys.
comment down on how you guys will download and while you are down there toss us a like
if you end up liking this video.
and get subscribed.
thankyou guys for watching.
have a good time untill we meet in our next video.
Dump truck videos for kids, Car toys for children - Construction Trucks for children: Bipi Toys - Duration: 34:00.
Dump truck videos for kids, Car toys for children - Construction Trucks for children: Bipi Toys
Train toy videos for children - Repair railway with truck, crane truck | Kids Videos for Kids (2018) - Duration: 10:32.Train toy videos for children - Repair railway with truck, crane truck | Kids Videos for Kids (2018)
Gang Arrested by FIA Who Upload Child Por-nog-raphy Videos on Websites - Duration: 2:47.SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel For Daily Latest News
Homemade Mozzarella Recipe - Duration: 15:53.-------------------------------------------
Which Celebrity Has The Best Guacamole Recipe? - Duration: 6:19.- Hey everyone, my name is Jesse
from the Buzzfeed Food team,
and today, I'm gonna be testing five famous
celebrity guacamole recipes to see which one
is actually the best.
Today, I'll be testing recipes from Rachael Ray,
Ayesha Curry, Alton Brown,
Marcella Valladolid, and Beyonce.
I measured all the ingredients precisely
as the recipe stated to level the playing field,
and I got three of my friends
to try our guacamole in a blind taste test.
I picked my winner, but I wanna see what they thought.
So, game on. (whistle blows)
Rachael Ray starts by mixing diced red onions
with lemon juice and salt, mixes it up,
and let's it sit for about 10 minutes.
After that, she cuts and pits two avocados,
and scoops the flesh out on top of that onion mixture,
then adds some cilantro, jalapeno and garlic,
and mashes it all together.
But, here's where things get crazy.
Next, she adds even more lemon juice,
diced apples, and pureed chipotle in adobo,
then mixes that all up and seasons it.
To finish it, she transfers some into a bowl,
and tops it liberally and entirely with toasted almonds
and even more apples.
- We got almonds on the guacamole, that's not a thing.
- Ooh, okay, okay, very chunky.
- If I could think of, like, Hawaiian guacamole,
this is what I think I'd be getting.
- Guacamole usually has big texture problems,
so I don't mind the little bit of crunch
from the almonds.
- The almonds are good,
they kinda break up the fruitiness
and make it a little more savory.
- I'm kinda freaking out about this one
'cause I don't know what to make of it,
but I do like it.
- I don't love it.
- I like it.
It's different, but if we go around not liking things
that are different from us, come on, man,
America, wake up.
- [Jesse] Ayesha Curry starts by scooping the meat out
of a single avocado and placing it into a bowl.
She called it meat, not me,
so don't @ me in the comments for this one.
She then adds diced shallots,
hot sauce, chunky garlic paste,
lime juice, salt and pepper,
then just mashes that all up with a fork
and that's it for this one.
- Looks like this was a project
between a mom and a child,
and this is all they could achieve.
- If something slaps me across my taste buds,
I'm gonna be angry because it is so unassuming-looking.
- This is definitely, yeah, like a bar-quality.
- Nothing special, it's fine.
- That's very good.
You know, it's not spicy, but it's very creamy.
Just your basic guacamole, but it's good.
I like this one.
- [Jesse] Up next it Alton Brown.
He starts with three whole avocados,
cuts them in half, takes the pit out,
and scoops the flesh into a bowl.
To that, he adds lime juice,
tosses it all together, and strains out the extra juice
into a tiny bowl 'cause you'll use this later.
Next, he adds cayenne and cumin,
and mashes it all together with a potato masher
to give it a nice, creamy texture.
He adds garlic, onions, jalapeno,
cilantro, tomatoes, and the reserved lime juice,
and mixes that all together.
And, that's it for this one, super classic.
- This looks like a classic guacamole.
The colors here say, "Viva Mexico."
- This looks like the type of guac
that you get when you order it at a restaurant.
- It's not very guacamole-y-y.
- There's an issue here.
There is a lack of flavor.
- It almost doesn't taste like avocado
or like vegetables, it tastes like taco seasoning.
- There's not enough seasoning in here,
not enough salt.
The basic
of all
- I'll say I don't like this one.
It presents itself in a way
where it looks like it's gonna be
the ultimate guacamole, and then it isn't.
- [Jesse] Up next is Food Network personality, Marcela V,
just 'cause I don't wanna butcher her last name,
with her sweet and spicy guacamole.
She starts by cutting open five avocados,
pits them, and roughly mashes them all together
with a fork to give it a nice texture.
To that, she adds diced mango,
red pepper flakes, a generous amount of salt,
and a ton of lime juice, and mixes it all together.
She places it into a bowl
and tops it with chili oil to add a pop of heat.
- It looks beautiful, it's attractive.
- This looks like it's gonna be spicy.
- There's a big chunk of an orange fruit,
really throwing me for a loop here.
- Oh, I lost sense of time.
Where am I?
- What is that?
It tastes like Chinese food oil.
- Tastes almost, like, Asian-infused.
- This one is the most interesting by far, and it's good.
I'm into it.
- [Jesse] And last is the Queen Bee herself
with a super traditional recipe for guac.
She starts by peeling two avocados
and smashing them together with a spoon
to smooth it all out.
Next, she adds lime juice, tomato,
diced onion, salt, pepper, and garlic,
and mixes that all together until it's all incorporated.
Transfer it to a bowl, and that's it.
- There was another that looked like
it's about to be a classic experience.
- Picturesque, little tomatoes in there.
- This is what you'll have at a Mexican restaurant.
This has the right amount of seasoning,
the right amount of tomatoes, onions.
- This is almost, like, the closest to just, like,
By the books, it seems pretty straightforward.
- The consistency is really nice,
there's some texture to it, it's not too chunky.
It's really good.
- [Jesse] Which celebrity has the best guacamole recipe?
Let's find out.
- My favorite out of all these five recipes
was number four.
A beautiful reinvention of a classic recipe,
done the freakin' right way.
You got sweet, you got salty, you got everything.
Are you serious?
Marcela, that is awesome.
- My favorite was number five.
It was just, like, your typical guacamole,
but it was very good, like, a good texture,
still creamy, there was something to,
like, bite into with the onions and the tomatoes,
and I could eat that any day.
(gasps) Get out.
Blue Ivy is one lucky girl,
eating that all the time. (laughs)
- If I had to pick a favorite guacamole today,
it is, without question, guacamole number four
with the oil and the mangoes in there.
I was blown away, it's good guacamole.
I don't know who that is,
but my theoretical hat is off to you.
- [Jesse] There you have it,
Marcela Valladolid has the best guacamole.
Which celebrity recipe should we try next?
Hit us up in the comments below.
- It may be even better than the classic recipe.
FUNNY AND AMAZING VIDEOS 😂😎😱 BEST COMPILATION 🔥👌🍌 #4 - Duration: 8:09.* Intro starts *
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Tiny Kitchen Deep Clean - Clean With Me - Duration: 5:24.- I am like 99% sure
that there is some sort of
infectious disease in this kitchen.
(upbeat acoustic music)
Hey everybody, my name's Ashley
and today I have a little bit of an unusual video for you,
it is a clean with me video.
Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't.
I just discovered them recently
and I am totally hooked.
They are basically vlogs of people cleaning their houses.
I know what you're thinking,
hmm, that sounds more boring than actually cleaning.
But I promise for some reason it is not.
They are totally mesmerizing.
I am completely hooked.
I can't stop watching.
Now, all I wanna do is clean my apartment.
I'm gonna take you guys along for the ride.
I hope you enjoy, I hope it inspires you
to maybe clean one of your own spaces
and yeah, I got a lot of work to do,
so let's go get scrubbing.
(upbeat acoustic music)
This is why I'm emptying the entire kitchen first,
things like this soap scum and stuff,
I would have never even noticed
if I hadn't removed the soap container,
the dish rack, and all those things.
You just don't realize the scum and stuff
that is building up in your life.
(bell chiming) (upbeat acoustic music)
The kitchen is empty, it's looking pretty good
and now it is time for admittedly
my least favorite part of this whole thing
and that is scrubbing and sanitizing.
(mellow electronic music)
(electronic beeping)
Okay, let's see if that worked, I don't know.
Whoa, okay, this hack is a good one.
(mellow electronic music)
(upbeat acoustic music)
(bells chiming)
It is time to start my all-time favorite part
of any deep clean, organizing.
(bells chiming)
(upbeat soft rock music)
(bells chiming)
(upbeat acoustic music)
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