Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily so Feb 1 2018

Hi guys this is Toni Stricklin how are you doing. Im here to share Kathy Ireland

Supermodel Billionaire, Kathy Ireland, excited about Cherish ,Premium, Sanitary, Napkins. Share with

you some information you know that I'm so excited about I just want to let you

know the reason why I'm excited is because to see what has Kathy Ireland

the supermodel billionaire are so

excited about all the cherish premium sanitary napkin and I just want to share

with you a little bit you know about the excitement and and as a woman first of

all I could see why she's excited about the cherish premium sanitary napkin and

by her being a billionaire and a supermodel and because of the

comfort and the dryness of the pad and the absorbency

how keeps you dry how it keeps our bacteria the odors and and also it helps

with inflammation and then those who are seasonal or women it helps them with the

hot flashes the hips it it it assists with that but but the real Jean R is I

believe is that because of the campaign that we have and I'm just going to read

something with you just a little bit here to share who we are what we are and

the reason why she's excited but now we know campaign is is that as an informing

men and women all over the world about the harmful effects that today's

sanitary napkins and tampons may have on women's bodies okay it's brain child is

of inspire network and the founders are the consistence with our philosophy of

being a mission-driven people and now we know campaign movement will partner with

women's organizations and cancer awareness groups internationally to host

5k walks bike rides basketball games to bring awareness to the potential

threatening issues okay we're going to be having a 5k run/walk in our February

2 2013 to the 25th and everything so we had one last year and it was very

successful and the information that we're getting back from the field from

the women that have tried our sanitary napkins the chairs brand and the success

that it has it's a no brainer it's a no-brainer

the way of is absorbs and keeps you dry keeps the orders down and everything and

I mean you know and we have a phenomenal campaign because we lead with the

campaign and now you know with anything else because we are mission driven

people we have a purpose we have a passion and we have a solution and our

solution is to share with you but now we know campaign that you have a better and

a healthier alternative a safer comfortable dry sanitary pad and and I

just want to share with you to let you know to see what has the supermodel

billionaire Kathy Ireland so excited about cherished premium sanitary napkins

click on the links below all the information is there if you want to know

more information on tony's Strickling at Rochelle's wealth dot-com and I'm just

super excited to share this information with you and and I'm look me up and I

can help you out alright you take care and I hey listen to this

love the way you feel got it love the way you feel talk to you next time bye


For more infomation >> SuperModel Billionaire Kathy Ireland so excited about Cherish Premium Sanitary Napkins!! - Duration: 3:48.


So Many Junkrats!!! - Overwatch - Turn On Subtitles!!! - Duration: 1:28.


Listen For The Junkrats :)

1 Time

2 Times

3 Times Now!

4 Times! Wow!

Had To Include This :)

Thanks For Watching!!!!!

For more infomation >> So Many Junkrats!!! - Overwatch - Turn On Subtitles!!! - Duration: 1:28.


Trump's Making America So Great, Even Public Radio Is Admitting - Duration: 3:51.

Trump�s Making America So Great, Even Public Radio Is Admitting It

Democrats have insisted that President Donald Trump�s tax plan would only benefit the

wealthy, going as far as to call the plan �pathetic� for what it does for working


Southern California public radio station KPCC was among those who made such claims, reporting

that the new law would give big cuts to corporations and wealthy Americans and only modest reductions

to other Americans.

The station echoed liberal talking points when it claimed the bill would leave lower-income

families in the lurch.

As usual, these claims are absurd, and KPCC had to make that embarrassing admission while

attempting to prove how bad Trump�s tax reform bill would be for those with lower


The station enlisted the help of H&R Block tax preparer Aaron Martinez to calculate the

taxes for a group of Californians at different income levels that ranged from low-income

grad students to highly paid professionals

Based on 2016 tax returns, Martinez found that the impact of Trump�s tax reform resulted

in savings for a wide spectrum of incomes, including those who are considered to be low


For example, graduate student Christine Vega, who earned $23,446 last year, would receive

a refund increase of $400.

Middle-income earners Megan and Marlee Malone-Franklin, who made $69,192 last year, would receive

a tax cut of $1,497.

KPCC reported that Martinez said the cases showed that �most people will see a reduction

in their tax.

But not everyone.�

However, the station failed to present anyone who would not benefit from the tax bill.

KPCC went on to report that Martinez said that claims that the bill was skewed toward

the rich depended on where people were rich.

�The new rules don�t always give much back to highly paid workers in a state like


They pay higher state income taxes than residents in other states, and now their ability to

deduct those taxes will be capped,� the station reported.

�The impact to residents of California is going to be different than a state like Texas

or North Carolina or Florida,� Martinez said.

�They�re going to get more of a benefit out of it than what we will get,� he added.

So, those who do not live in California can expect to see even better numbers.

It must pain liberals to admit that the president�s tax plan is going to benefit low- and middle-income

families after all the scaremongering that took place before the bill was passed.

Once again, we have proof that liberals simply cannot be trusted.

Share this story on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about how this public radio

station had to admit that Trump�s tax reform bill will actually help low-income families.

What do you think about this admission?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Trump's Making America So Great, Even Public Radio Is Admitting - Duration: 3:51.


Entitled Hollywood Celeb REFUSED To Leave… So Farmer Sprays Her With POOP! - Duration: 6:02.

Entitled Hollywood Celeb REFUSED To Leave…

So Farmer Sprays Her With POOP!

An irate farmer sprayed raw sewage at Oscar winning star Emma Thompson and her sister

Sophie after they flouted a court injunction protecting a fracking site.The stars were

filming a Great British Bake Off parody for Greenpeace when the owner of the field they

trespassed on drove his muck spreader in circles around the demonstrators.

A group of protesters were hit by the manure but the actresses remained dry in their tent,

complete with Bake Off-inspired bunting.

Police were also called and also spoke to the actresses, who climbed over a gate and

set up camp on land earmarked for gas exploration in Fylde, Lancashire.Emma and Sophie, who

won Celebrity Masterchef, filmed a pastiche episode of the Great British Bake Off called

Frack Free Bake Off to voice their opposition to the fracking plans.The incident reportedly

occurred in the English borough of Lancashire this Wednesday, when Thompson and her sister,

2014 "Celebrity Masterchef" winner Sophie, tried to film some silly "Frack Off Bake

Off" parody video on the farmer's property.

But this afternoon the landowner, who leases the contested patch of land to fracking company

Cuadrilla, drove his muck spreader in circles around the demonstrating group.After a couple

of circles around the group, who were shouting for him to stop it, the farmer drove off.

Protesters are banned from the site, near Preston, after company Cuadrilla applied for

an injunction in 2014.

It is not clear if the fracking company will now take civil action – but it appears unlikely.

The sisters, who are also Greenpeace supporters, baked a wind turbine cake and a solar lemon

cake in a white marquee complete with vintage utensils and bunting.Soon afterwards at least

five police officers arrived – Lancashire Police said they were there for safety reasons

and made no arrests.

Explaining the stunt Emma Thompson said: 'My sister has won Celebrity Masterchef and is

viciously competitive.

She might have planned to do away with me while we are doing this.'I have a feeling

she's been up all night practising and I haven't been because I'm lazy.'

She added she doesn't fancy her chances in the competition, saying: 'I'm not a

good baker, I don't have a great deal of skill so I'm fairly sure it won't go in

my favour but we are all winning because we are protesting these fracking plans.'Local

authorities soon showed up, but certainly not to arrest the farmer.

Instead they asked Thompson to explain why she had violated the law by showing up on

the farmer's land.

"I've been aware of this issue for a while with my work with Greenpeace and it came to

a head for me when David Cameron went to the Paris Climate Conference and signed on to

the protocol and then on the sly at Christmas, when nobody was looking, gave the nod to 200

fracking sites in Britain," she said.

I suppose she therefore felt entitled to just waltz on the farmer's property and interfere

with his business.

By the same token, the farmer felt fully justified dousing her in some disgusting manure so odorous

that it might take a couple loads of laundry for her to remove it from her clothes.

She's lucky she was trespassing in Britain.

Had she done so in the U.S., she might have faced a property owner defending his rights

with something a little more dangerous than manure.

It's funny though how liberals invariably take the wrong side of every issue, be it

illegal immigration, radical Islamic terrorism or fracking, which according to the Brookings

Institute offers an abundance of economic benefits.

Whereas trespassing on someone's property and filming a dumb video offers no benefits,

unless of course you enjoy the smell of manure.

Sophie Thompson said: 'There's nothing like food to bring people together, and nothing

like fracking to pull them apart For'For years, to oppose fracking, this community

has played by the rules of our democracy.

'Yet the Government has rigged the competition undemocratically to favour the fracking industry.

'If our Government energy policy were a cake, it would probably be a crossover between

a crumble and an Eton mess.'

The government backs fracking and developing shale oil and gas in the UK, claiming it has

the potential to: 'provide the UK with greater energy security, growth and jobs.'

In 2014, Prime Minister David Cameron described fracking – short for hydraulic fracturing'

– as 'good for our country'.

In January, a leaked Governmental 10-page plan set out a timeline for the expansion

of the shale gas industry in Britain.

It could see wells classified as 'nationally significant infrastructures' – meaning

drilling permission is taken away from councils.

Friends of the Earth, which obtained the leaked letter, branded the proposed changes 'an

attack on democracy'.

Greenpeace's Hannah Martin said: 'We don't need fracked gas to keep Britain baking.

'We need renewable energy, like wind and solar.

We are fighting for this land to remain frack free.'

A police spokesman added: 'We were this morning made aware of a protest on land at

Plumpton Hall Farm at Little Plumpton.

'A local neighbourhood patrol attended and spoke to a representative of the protestors

to establish their intentions.

'It was not felt necessary or proportionate to maintain a police presence at the site

but resources are available to attend again if necessary.'

But Ken Cronin, chief executive of UK Onshore Oil and Gas, said it was 'ironic that Sophie

Thompson, who uses gas stoves in videos to promote her own cook books, and her sister,

who described Britain as "a cake-filled misery-laden grey old island", should want

to attempt to hijack the UK's love of baking for an ill-conceived publicity stunt'.

For more infomation >> Entitled Hollywood Celeb REFUSED To Leave… So Farmer Sprays Her With POOP! - Duration: 6:02.


Jesus needed to pray, so we need to even more - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Jesus needed to pray, so we need to even more - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> SHE LIKE DEM LI'L YOUNG BOYS,SO SHE CAN PLAY DEM "HEAD GAMES"...SNEAKY ***!!! - Duration: 16:31.


Entitled Hollywood Celeb REFUSED To Leave… So Farmer Sprays Her With POOP! - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Entitled Hollywood Celeb REFUSED To Leave… So Farmer Sprays Her With POOP! - Duration: 5:37.


Mark Salling's Suicide: What We Know So Far | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:14.

News is still pouring in about the untimely death of former Glee star, Mark Salling, and

here's what we know.

The 35 year old reportedly hung himself near the Starwood Riding Club, an equestrian facility

located about six miles from his home in Sunland, California.

His black Nissan Infiniti was parked on the side of the road near a where he was found,

and the chief coroner pronounced him dead at 9 in the morning.

Mark was just six weeks away from a sentencing hearing in his child pornography case, where

he was facing between four and seven years in prison.

Salling pleaded guilty to a federal charge of possessing material involving the sexual

exploitation of minors.

A source close to the star told Us Weekly that he knew he had nothing to come back after

he went to prison, and that his acting career was beyond over.

It is also being reported that Mark had attempted suicide back in August by slitting both of

his wrists.

Mark is survived by his father, mother, and his brother.

For more infomation >> Mark Salling's Suicide: What We Know So Far | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:14.


„Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so heftig zugeht" - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> „Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so heftig zugeht" - Duration: 1:07.


DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 1:01.


DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 1:02.


Zurückgezogen: So verbrachte Mark Salling seine letzten Tage | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Zurückgezogen: So verbrachte Mark Salling seine letzten Tage | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:19.





Grow your Personal Life so you can keep the assets you gather - Duration: 1:01.

So this is where I put my stuff.

Here is Business and Project, here is Church and Children Leader.

Here is School of Medicine and here is Personal Development.

Personal Development cannot stand on its own.

It keeps falling down.

It always keeps falling down.

Now, it can either fall this way, or it can fall this way.

Now listen.

when it falls this way you see everything falls down with it.

So listen.

There are people in this life, that have everything together.

They have their school all standing, they have their church, they are going to church

putting money, they have their business all standing but their life is down. and you ask

them "are you okay" and they say " yes they are okay"

For more infomation >> Grow your Personal Life so you can keep the assets you gather - Duration: 1:01.


Dschungel-Diät: So viel hat Natascha Ochsenknecht abgespeckt - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Dschungel-Diät: So viel hat Natascha Ochsenknecht abgespeckt - Duration: 2:14.


"So normal eifersüchtig": Für Raúl Richter gehört's dazu! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> "So normal eifersüchtig": Für Raúl Richter gehört's dazu! - Duration: 1:29.


So sieht Zac Efron als Serienkiller aus - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> So sieht Zac Efron als Serienkiller aus - Duration: 0:56.


DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC *ACTIE* NAVI/DAB+ (RIJKL.) - Duration: 0:54.


So funktioniert die Neubauer-Diät - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> So funktioniert die Neubauer-Diät - Duration: 9:09.


Why Are Relationships So Hard? | Cheryl Piper Ascended Unity - Duration: 17:36.

hi everyone so we're still talking about conversations and relationships and why

our relationships so hard sometimes you know thinking about this and you know

it's like do we do we find ourselves constantly arguing with people or often

arguing with people around us and sometimes we just think why our

relationships so hard so that's what we're going to talk about today and for

those of you who don't know me I am Cheryl Piper Ascended Unity your only

one thought away and that's my tagline and I like to talk about that and put it

out there because really you know our thoughts create our reality and your

only one thought away from peace joy hope all of those wonderful things and

we're going to talk about that a bit more as we get going but let me know

that you're out there put some some likes that would be great love the likes

I love the wells and any comments that you can put in I appreciate that I'll

try to respond and answer I am here by myself oh it looks like we're having a

little bit of technical challenges things will yeah there we go things are

smooth back out again and I just need to do a little bit of housekeeping here so

if you can just let me know that you're out there that's great let me know where

you're from where I'm also going to be doing something a little bit different

today I am going to be sharing a screen with

you be able to talk about some of the conversational intelligence things that

I talked about in our last few broadcasts so let me just there we go


and here we go now we can go ahead and share that over and I will hide that

screen open things up so I can share my screen with you soon and this is going

to be my first time sharing my screen so I you know just not really sure where

I'm going to show up so when I do that you can just type in the box or

something and let me know what's going on that would be great I'm like I said

we're talking about conversational cocktails which is the

webinar I have coming up this Friday February 2nd at 2 o'clock Eastern Time

hi Lisa thanks for joining just getting started here and so that is kind of what

we've been talking about the last few weeks in discussing conversations and

you know how come it seems so hard sometimes and and you know we just not

quite sure what's going on so we're going to be delving into that deeper

today what I thought that we would talk about is I'm going to go ahead and and

do my screen share with you but oh my goodness now I can't find it like I said

I haven't done this yet so hmm I really want you to be able to see what I'm

talking about here so I'm not quite sure where that went right all right well

we're just going to talk and so I have what's called the conversational

dashboard and boy it just comes in so much handy or if I can show it to you

and just pause with me for a second Lisa it looks up oh hi Kim Kim just join paws

with me guys for a second I have not shared my screen yet on Facebook and I

just downloaded to be able to do that and I practiced before I came on and

everything shared wonderfully but now all that button seems to be gone and hmm

you know what it's okay I'll have to figure it out later let's just go ahead

and chat so what we're going to talk about today is the conversational

dashboard and what it looks like is it it goes from red to green and it talks

about things along the way like are you in a resister state of mind if you're

going to resist your state of mind that's that's when you're in that space

where it no matter what someone talks with you about you just really resist

that thought you'll find every reason to prove it wrong state how it's wrong

you're just in a very resistor state and when that happens it's it's that area

when we were talking about last broadcast that area of the brain called

the amygdala when that the amygz look oh my goodness my words when the amygdala

has that amygdala hijack and we go into that protect mode then our level of

sight is really tightened up and we really aren't able to see different

ideas or new ideas we can be in that real resisters state and so when we're

talking with someone and we see that that's really what's going on that

they're in a really hard resistor state then you know what we maybe would like

to do is not try to get them all the way into you know creative thought that's a

huge jump but the next level up on that chart is called skeptic and so if you

can move from resistor to where you're not interested in hearing anything that

has to do with anything about that subject to skeptic then at least

when you're moving into that space of skeptic you're starting to open the mind

a bit more you're moving yourself out of that threat protect mode by simply

moving into a thought of well I don't know you know I'm I'm gonna just kind of

I'm gonna you know be skeptical about that that's why it's called the skeptic

but at least in that state of mind you're not completely resisting every

thought you've stepped into a space of being a skeptic so if something is said

when you're in that state of mind that kind of resonates with you then you will

much more quickly move up that charge into creative thought and so the next

level up from that is called wait-and-see and you know I'm sure

there's a lot of times that you've been in conversations or you've been with

people in conversations and you can see the look on their faces like a well and

you can tell that's a more of a wait-and-see type of a thought process

and so that kind of sits really kind of right in the middle of that chart and

it's not all the way open in that in their thought process but it is in a

space of wait-and-see and so once again if something is said in the conversation

that starts to resonate with you or resonate with them if you're the one

speaking then they're gonna be much more quickly moved up to that next level

which is called experiment and so when you're when you move to experiment

that's where you're you're actually willing to well you know maybe let's try

to look at this or or let's look at it this way or what would it look like if

and and that's that's kind of that experimenter space because we're really

opening our mind up or to that level of thought and then of

course past experimenter is where we move into that co-creating space that

space of inspirational thought where we really do have that oxytocin going which

is what we talked about before being that feel-good neurochemical that's the

I call it the love drug it's that's that's the chemical that's released in

us when we do something kind for someone when we go out of our way to just be

kind be compassionate and that feeling that comes over us

that's oxytocin that's the feeling and so we don't know what that is we've

experienced that and so the more that we can move into a state of feeling or

being in this way and our level of thought the the more we're going to be

in a space of being able to have our minds open be open to creative thought

the open to ideas coming to us to inspire us because that's what happens a

lot of times is we get we have our minds opened up and then all of a sudden this

this inspirations just dropped right into the middle of us and and we're like

wow what about this and we get this idea and where did that come from you know

that comes from that space of being open and being open to having inspiration

come to you because think about it if we're down in that space of resister and

you know skeptic our level of sight it's it's not very broad we're still in a

pretty much of a protective scanning fear mode because that's what happens

when we go into that amygdala hijack it really is fear and sometimes fear can

just be paralyzing and you just don't even know how

because remember what I said before about that amygdala hijack we're going

to do one of those four things it's gonna be fight flight freeze or appease

and that all depends on who you're talking with because let's let's say

that you're in a situation where you're talking to your boss or your manager and

they're just really coming at you with you know stuff that is not kind is a

really threatening to you and making you feel bad like well you don't know what

you're talking about and why did you do it that way and I mean just listen to

the tone of my voice when when someone speaks to you in that way that a niggle

it takes over and says well there's threats going on here I need to I need

to protect and so in that situation being there sitting with your boss you

may appease and what that is it looks like is when you're just nodding your

head and agreeing and they think you're agreeing with them you're not really

agreeing you just don't want to deal with it sometimes this happens in

situations with a spouse or with friends you know you just don't want to deal

with it and you're just going to appease and yes yes yes and so that's one of

those four things that I mentioned that you go into with that amygdala hijack

and so I wish I could show you this chart why I have got to figure this out

well you know what I'm just gonna read a little bit because this chart is talking

about ways to create that space that allows the mind to open when someone is

in skeptic when someone is in oh okay Lisa see you in a bit when someone is in

skeptic mode when someone is in that full means of a hijack of resistor so

what this is is I'm just going to kind of read a little bit to you if we being

the people who are speaking to them can you really show

pairen see you know just really be able to be transparent with our conversation

with our thoughts with our feelings it helps to remove that level of threat so

focusing on something and sharing it with with that person because that shows

that transparency and then another thing is relationship you know determine you

know what's important to someone else and really being able to step into their

shoes when you can be transparent and then build that relationship of being

able to step into someone's shoes that trust starts to come back and that's

what we've been talking about with that amygz oh hi jack

or are we in a space of co-creating difference being face of space of

co-creating where the oxytocin is flowing that's a state of trust where

being in resister and being in that amygdala hijack and cortisol is flowing

which is the stress hormone that's a state of distrust and so moving someone

into that state of trust is so important to having you know the best conversation

and communication with another person so another area is understanding you know

listen actively you know listen to connect this is so important because if

you're listening to be right which sometimes and and we've all been there

that's definitely a state of resister listening for something to be wrong so

that you can be right or are you listening to connect so thinking about

those things and being able to move into that state of co-creating and helping

someone to move into that state of co-creating we need to be listening to

connect and so what it is they're saying to us we listen

four things that we can connect with them we can connect with a situation

where we understand and they know we understand this is truth this is

authentic this is not I mean if you try to do these things and you're not being

authentic people can tell that you know they can tell that you're just you know

trained and then they're going to be thrown right back into that amygdala

hijack big of distrust because you're not being true to who you are and people

can sense that so this is all about you putting your heart out there you being

kind you being compassionate and when you're in that state people do respond

and it's much easier to bring them into that space to be able to have

conversation with you so oh my goodness I can't believe it I always like to talk

about fifteen minutes that's been sixteen and a half already

I've not gone through everything I wanted to chat with about today but you

know really wanted to talk about this conversational dashboard and of course

in the webinar I know I will be able to share my screen and talk with you

because you know that's easy I've done that before and there won't be any

challenges there so you guys will be able to see all of the charts that I'm

talking about all of the tools that are available to help in moving into that

state of co-creation getting that oxytocin flowing so check out the link I

put the link in on this post where you can register for the webinar which again

is this Friday February 2nd two o'clock Eastern Time and I'm Cheryl Piper a

scented unity and remember you really are only one thought away have a great


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