Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily is it May 1 2018

hi everyone welcome to my channel my name is snow and today I'm uploading my

first video sorry if I'm bothering you guys and I'm really really sorry if I cannot

speak properly because I'm shy I like chatting instead of speaking to other

people and I'm lonely in real life because I

like to be lonely you know instead of a game i don't like people that much

because I only want to say that because I care about other people I hope you

guys enjoy and I'll see you guys next time

bye everyone

For more infomation >> Hi Guys ( This is kinda trash, but hope you like it ) - Duration: 1:04.


Is It Ever Okay to Lie? (Lying by Sam Harris Book Review) - Duration: 15:13.

is lying ever okay well that's exactly what we're gonna be talking about in

this video so make sure that you stay tuned what is up everybody this is Chris

from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the

solution and this is another mental health book review I've been really

getting into Sam Harris lately it has a very short book very short book called

lying ok like it's so short that I got the audible version and it's like an

hour and 15 minutes and it's only 5 bucks so it is definitely worth your

time so in this book he talks about is it morally or ethically ever right to

lie all right so it's a great great great great book that you need to check

out all right so as you can see I'm kind of excited and jazzed up about this this

is a topic that I am so so passionate about and the reason being for over 20

years of my life lying was probably the biggest part of my personality so if

you're the child of an alcoholic or addict parent one of the key symptoms of

children of alcoholic or addict parents is that we lie when it would often be

easier to just tell the truth it's part of our DNA I'll make more videos about

why that happens but I was constantly lying most of my life not only was it

causing more suffering to myself and my mental health but it was also increasing

the suffering of everybody around me since working on my mental health for

the last six years or so it has been so important for me to tell the truth as

much as possible I would be lying to you right now if I told you that I've been a

hundred percent truthful all the time but it is close to I'd say 90 to 95

percent there are still parts of my character that spring up every now and

then for example I was just at the gym and I was actually listening to this

book while at the gym and my best friend he was calling me and I sent him one of

those quick reply messages on the iPhone and it said can't talk right now I'm

working or call or text you later but replied afterwards and I was like hey

man I'm at the gym I just did a quick reply you know what I mean so if I do

catch myself being untruthful like 99% of the time I'm being honest but this

book helped open my eyes about the other little aspects I can really work on to

improve my mental health this is 100% a mental health issue I've

done another video which I will link up in the info card about how long actually

fuels your anxiety like real quick recap on it when you tell a lie you build up

your own stress about are you going to get found lying can also fuel depression

one of the symptoms of depression is a lot of negative self-talk so for example

if you are someone who is constantly lying and deceiving people you are going

to beat yourself up and say I'm no good I am NOT a good person on costly line

fun fact I make half as much money as I used to make because I got out of the

sales industry I knew that I could not do that job and support myself as well

as my son if I was being honest all the time in that industry so this is very

very important I knew that it would make me depressed it would make me too

anxious and for me as a recovering drug addict that can lead me right back to

addiction so before I jump further into this book I really really hope two

things one is that you pick up this book these are the audible version or the

book copy okay the second thing is please share in this video please share

this video so we can work on creating more onus people and have better

communication better relationships and all that good stuff

all right so I'm gonna dive into a few topics from this book first and foremost

let's talk about what is a lie sam harris defines a lie as to intentionally

mislead others when they expect honest communication so he goes into a few

different topics about telling the truth and being truthful the difference

between those two things he also talks about secrets being different than

honesty he also talks about the difference between being deceitful and

lying okay like there's some little nuances in there that I think are very

interesting topics that he covers in this book real quick disclaimer before I

jump to a few of the examples Sam Harris does

a great job of saying even though it is morally correct to be honest as much as

possible you don't got to be a jerk about it okay

so I know people immediately like wow that would be rude to say that he gives

plenty of examples on how to be honest without hurting the other person's

feelings or minimizing the hurt that may be inflicted so the first one let's

cover let's cover the white lie to a friend it's more specifically let's talk

about not being truthful about their skills or their abilities by telling a

lie you are withholding the person's ability

to either a improve upon their skills or abilities or be completely switch paths

this is something I always have to do let's reverse the seats real quick what

I want a bunch of people telling me that my YouTube videos are amazing if they

sucked I might spend so much time and effort on this YouTube channel get no

following at all and be completely confused because nobody was telling me

the truth about my skills and abilities on YouTube now I'm also a writer if you

didn't know I got a couple books up in the Kindle Store now what if nobody ever

told me that I'm a terrible writer this could lead to me spending countless

countless hours some authors spent a ton a ton of time on their books and when

they're requesting feedback from friends colleagues family members if they're

being lied to when we publish that book we might face a ton of criticism and in

some cases we might ruin our reputation because we say things in the wrong way

by the way this is why you have an editor you see what I'm saying like we

can waste countless hours if people aren't honest with us about our skills

and our abilities sure it might hurt at first but what's the alternative

would I rather keep people in my life who I know are lying to me constantly

what else are they lying to me about can I ever value their opinion and this can

be rough like my girlfriend she's an amazing artist by the way follow her on

Instagram and sometimes she'll ask me what I think about her artwork and the

other day she actually asked like oh you know like I think the

proportion on the head is a little bit off but here's where you keep yourself

out of trouble like I am not necessarily her target audience either like I'm not

somebody who values art as much as some people so what I often tell people

especially when they ask me for honest feedback about their craft is I say that

I might not be the best judge of this specific scenario but when you keep

people around who are honest with you it actually improves a relationship because

here's the reason why here is the reason why that I can't

stress enough when that person gives you praise you know they are being honest

with you like for example I make sure to go out of my way to praise my girlfriend

when she makes stunning art that actually I'm just like whoa like I tell

her I'm jealous of her abilities and half the time she's like oh I didn't

even really like that one you know same thing happens to me when

you all actually like a video that I didn't think much of but I give praise

left and right and it lifts people's spirits up because they know that I'm

always being truthful with them next should you ever lie about an illness to

your friends and family members if you're somebody who has lost somebody in

your life maybe it's your parents grandparents friends whoever it is if

you've lost anybody to an illness that you did not see coming that they knew

about you already know the answer to this question I've personally been

dealing with this with my own father he's had some health issues since last

year last year the day of my birthday he had an open heart surgery and ever since

then like myself my sister my family we've all kind of been on edge my dad

has this ability to minimize everything okay and I told him is that you'd be

honest with me like why do you tell me if your health is deteriorating

then the hurt that I would feel by being completely caught off guard from you

dying and you knew that this was coming but you didn't tell me when we lie to

our loved ones about our health issues we are denying them the ability to show

us love and affection we are stripping them of that right and now the worst

question of them all that we all get at some point or another do I look fat now

Sam Harris brings up an excellent point when discussing this one he talks about

like the chances are that you know your audience you know your audience very

well what I mean by that is chances are you're not just walking down the street

and some random strangers gonna be like do I look fat like that never happened

so think about who your audience is for example is it your wife or husband

boyfriend girlfriend isn't one of these people okay something I often try to do

is like that's like what's the root what's the root of this question or they

just ask me if I love them or they ask me if I love them unconditionally right

are they asking me if I'm attracted to them or are they asking because they've

had some health issues lately or the doctor said something you know what I'm

saying like this helps me gauge my response to it and like for example I

going back to this whole role reversal thing anybody on planet Earth

ever came up to me and said Chris you're not overweight I would never ever ever

ever trust a single word that came out of their mouths like they are blatantly

lying to your face and as humans we wonder what else are they lying about

again disclaimer when answering this question honestly you don't have to be a

jerk about it another person who might ask you this is it like a friend right

is it a friend is it a family member you know them very well is this somebody who

is desperately looking for a relationship are they on the path to

trying to get married and start a family and are they asking you does this outfit

make me look fat right well again going back to the skills and abilities

question on should you lie to them like are you going to let your friend walk

out in public looking awful when they're trying to find a potential partner are

you really helping them or are you hurting them in this situation but

another way of talking to somebody about this is like this hey it's completely up

to you on who you're looking for yes there are men or women who prefer a

different type of physique than what you have so if you're looking for that type

of person then yeah maybe you might want to lose some weight but about that

empowerment though like I tell people straight up I'm like listen there are

people who might like your size right like that's totally correct and like

realtalk if you are looking for somebody who is purely only going to date you

based on your weight maybe they aren't the best person for you you know what

I'm saying so I'm very honest when it comes to even the topic of weight and

these are ways that you can talk about it in a safe way and is the person

talking to you or asking you about your weight because they're trying to get a

beachbody you know what I'm saying like again are they looking for a potential

mate I'd also ask like are they comfortable with their body because you

know truth be told if they're comfortable with their body do you think

go for yourself on the beach or at the pool like it's that simple like are you

happy with you anybody ever ask me about weight it's like are you comfortable

with yourself if not if you're not comfortable going out and you know a

bikini or a speedo or even like a bathing suit then yeah maybe you should

lose some weight so lastly women is it morally okay to lie basically what I

love about this book is Sam Harris literally suffocates every excuse to lie

except in two scenarios the first one is like a life-and-death situation okay

like if you're in war or if like a murderer is in your house or like just

crazy scenarios like that right like yes then it's okay to lie to preserve life

the other example that he talks about is if you lie would it do more harm than

good and the example given in this book is say a guy cheated on his wife years

ago okay he stopped the affair everything with his wife and his

children is going great and now he wants to be honest should he tell his wife

about the affair the answer being no okay reason being is because a lot of

people can be affected two marriages are involved right that persons as well as

the person he had a affair with also the kids lives are involved too so this is

something I often teach my clients too because sometimes we tell the truth just

to clear our own conscience and we don't think about the damage it can do to

other people if any of you are familiar with step 9 from 12-step programs you

know a lot more about this subject and basically what sam harris says as an

answer to this is if this is the new way of living that you're trying to have

start moving forward okay moving forward with this honesty so he

also covers a variety of other topics in this book like is it okay to lie to

children should you lie job interviews when you're desperate for a job and a

really interesting what I found is should you lie to somebody about

throwing them a surprise party this was very very interesting I really enjoyed

his answer on this one so Sam basically says the golden rule this is the golden

rule that I stand by as well is if the walls were reversed would you rather the

truth be told to you or along if you use that as your North Star or your rule of

thumb you will be set up for success and better relationships with others as well

as yourself and your mental health again please share this video please share

this video so other people could start reevaluating the way they look at line

even white lies okay and if you want to check out this book is down in the

description below along with my entire mental health reading list alright but

here's the question of the day I think this will be fun Sam Harris did this at

the end of his book this is something I do with my clients leave comments down

below I want you to give me scenarios in which you think it's okay to lyin let's

discuss I'm really interested to see what you all say but anyways anyways

thank you so much for watching if you like this video please give it a thumbs

up and if you are new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your

mental and emotional health click that little right subscribe button right

there if you want check out some other videos on this channel you can click or

tap on one of those thumbnails okay so again thanks so much for watching

Quitline today and I'll see you next on

For more infomation >> Is It Ever Okay to Lie? (Lying by Sam Harris Book Review) - Duration: 15:13.


Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:53.


Falco Tarassaco: What is the true purpose of Damanhur? (EN/IT/ES/DE) - Duration: 1:51.

Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guest each Friday, responding to their questions.

Falco: Please

Participant: I'm new, I've only done some seminars on Past Lives

Question: What it the true mission of Damanhur?

Why was it born?

What is the message?

Falco: The mission is to become owners of our choices

Instead of the fact that they're always indicated by others

or by religions, or politics or the social state or what it can be

To be able to make choices so that people learn self-determination

Or, as we said before with another language:

To rediscover the God within

The forces that we have inside of us, and to use them

outside of our contexts in which our minds are closed

and then there are infinite...

there's the individual realization, there's also the collective

you can easily find them reading the the oath when people become citizens

it gives an idea of what it means to put part of yourself into the game

so that also the others can reach the goals, finalities and so on

So, a collective force that allows each single individual

to extend their own power, their own force

then there's thousands of shades inside that you need to discover a little bit at a time

Thank you!

You are welcome!

For more infomation >> Falco Tarassaco: What is the true purpose of Damanhur? (EN/IT/ES/DE) - Duration: 1:51.


Professional Behaviour at Work that is NOT professional at all - Duration: 10:00.

Hi Everyone.

In this week's video we will share with you examples of what people might think its professional

and it is simply not.

If you want to learn about 4 mistakes that you may be making while thinking you are professional,

please continue watching.

Mistake number 1.

Being serious equals being professional.

Some people sadly think that being serious all the time and having a really straight

face on is what professionalism is all about.

This is completely not true.

And probably for the most of the part, it will only get you a PR of someone who may

be really good at their job but at the same time may not be very enjoyable to work with.

Basically, people will think that you are dull.

So I think the key to success here is to be able to adjust the communication to the topic

that is being discussed or worked on.

So for example, if there is a serious financial issue that you are discussing with a client,

the straight face is definitely something that you should be putting on.

Because this is about money. This is about topics that are not to be laughed at or to be treated


But if you are having a briefing with a client or a workshops or working with people from

your team.

Definitely you should be the person that has a good energy and smile on their face and

so you are seen as professional, as a person who is eager and a person who understands

how to tune in into a specific situation.

Mistake number 2 Stating the obvious in an inappropriate way.

So this is a funny one.

Imagine for a moment you are a client and you are working on a project with your agency

and something has gone terribly wrong.

And it may not be a mistake of a client or yours.

It may be like a power cut and you just need to deliver something and things happen.

And a client is being really pushy and they might not be even pleasant to talk to and

you are just trying to moderate and feed them information.

And because they are pushy and maybe there is a lot of media, maybe there is a commercial

that needs to go on air and a company will be loosing hundreds of thousands of pounds

in media.

Obviously, it is important to them and even though you understand that, having people

asking you about this every 5 minutes obviously can set people off.

Now, how do you go about that?

It is completely not OK to say to the client that this is just life, you know these situations

happen in life.

This cannot be more wrong.

Do not ever ever say that.

If you want to, if you are feeling that you are being frustrated or irritated when someone

is always on your back, make sure you always explain to them: What's going on, where are

you currently with that, what are the next steps.

And if they keep on coming back to you, just always repeat that thing over and over again.

No advice in terms of how long is a piece of string, or this is just want happens in


You could not be more wrong and its majorly inappropriate and not professional.

Mistake number 3 Having I will show you attitude

Do you remember those moment when someone makes you feel really really angry at work?

And they may be blaming you for something that you haven't done or made you feel like

you've done something wrong.

Where in fact it was actually their fault.

And you are just about to start to write that email that will be like:I will show them that

they are wrong and I'm right and I have all this evidence and I'm going to show them!

So my advice would be to not let ego drive your decisions and drive your actions because

I think we live in a very ego driven environment and everybody wants to have it their way.

They are stubborn, and I think it's about finding solution that works for both parties.

I think the important point to highlight that the way you treat others is not a reflection

of them but a reflection of you.

So whenever you have those situations, if you'd send that email full of all the negative

energy it's not going to solve the situation it's going to make it even worse.

Because people will want to get back at you again.

It is a constant war.

The point is to rise above it and basically reply in a very professional manner which

is not full of emotions, esp. none of the negative emotions which I know is really hard

to do because the first thing when some has attacked me I want to attack back.

It's like our nature.

The point is to focus on a solution.

And work on it together. You need to find a solution that is good for the client and

this is what's going to help the relationship that you have with this person and the relationship

that you will have with the client.

So having the attitude is going to cause you more trouble than to fix what has already been

done in a wrong way.

And always remember, just to add to that, there is enough of negative nasty people in

the world that want to make you feel like you are stupid.

They are trying to make you feel like you don't matter, you are insignificant and

why would you want to be one of them?

And maybe the way the person is communicating is because they don't know any different,

so be the person that shows them that there is a different way how to communicate certain


And I think that if somebody is rude to you and you are not being rude back.

This is showing this person that you are a way above this and basically you make them

realise that they are actually making a mistake and they should actually change it.

The easiest way to influence someone is by giving them kindness in return.

Exactly, and if they are still trying to point out the mistakes what I sometimes do I try

to make them look as little bad as possible.

That's also important and you may even figure out that it can have a transformational effect

on your relationships.

Mistake number 4 Sending smiley faces in your emails

So I realise this is quite a controversial topic because of how a communication is shaped

these days and how emojis and smiley faces became inherent part of the communication but

I think this is important to highlight that at work if you are addressing people that

are quite at a senior level in their organisation or you are addressing your clients I think

you should not initiate the use of emojis or smiley faces in your emails first.

Because you should set the tone to the person who you are addressing.

So if you sent a very important email about budgeting or something that is very important.

I would avoid using smiley face at all times because I think it's very inappropriate because

you should focus on facts and what you are trying to put through.

If you are trying to build a relationship with a client or a person that's not about

straight facts or something that's extremely single point focused.

Then I think it's fine to use smiley faces but only if person who you are addressing

is doing it first.

Then you basically know that they are fine with that and you are adjusting to their tone.

And I think it's also important not to overdo it.

As sometimes I get those emails and I get a simley face at the end of each sentence.

And I get that someone is trying to show me that they are friendly and they are very positive.

Look I get it.

But doing it too much its showing that's something is not right here.

So I'd try to do it at the very end of the email or after you make a sentence about some

good news.

Then it's fine but please do not overdo it.

Please do not send emails with smiley faces to the CEOs or Heads of Departments because

I don't think it's gonna work in your favour.

And I think it's also just simply because we are trying to show the verbal side of communication

in an email where we are not able to express obviously, it's a written communication.

We are not able to smile.

However, written communication needs to be positive, needs to reflect what you want to


So if you have doubts that your email may not come across positive, rewrite it.

And if you feel like it's not conveying the message again, rewrite, rewrite and rewrite

until you are happy with that.

Because I think if you focus on getting the tone right and using positive words you don't

need simley faces as much and I think especially when I think now about some people that I

work with.

They send an email that has completely wrong tone and the sentence has a very negative

meaning which they don't realise because they are not native speakers and they think that

when they put the smiley face at the end it's going to do the trick. But the problem is if

the sentence has a negative feel about it and then you put a smiley face the recipient

may think it's sarcastic.

So I think it's adding more danger to the situation.

Or you are just being simply rude or you know or they will think that you are a jackass.

That's genuinely what people think.

Yes so basically work on your tone not on the smiley faces and you are good to go.

We hope you did find this video helpful and if you did, please give it thumbs up and subscribe.

And we would also like to encourage you to share the examples of unprofessional behaviour

that you experienced at work so we can have a very nice discussion in the comment section


That's it for now and we shall see you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> Professional Behaviour at Work that is NOT professional at all - Duration: 10:00.


Sadhguru about The Way of Shiva and Buddha, it is no way comparable, out of 112 Gautama explored 1 - Duration: 13:38.

Questioner: Namaskaram Sadhguru..


Just want to know the basic difference of the way of Shiva and

the way of Buddha..

Sadhguru: It's very easy to talk about buddha's way, Because it's very logical,

It's quite simple actually.

and It's very long drawn-out process.

Generally the methods that gautama gave to people were always a question of a few lifetimes.

You can clearly see this today.

The buddhists are always talking about this.

particularly the Tibetan buddhists.

who are the best-known Buddhists in the world today

for [whatever] political reasons.

They're always talking about a few lifetimes of work.

So if you have that kind of patience, that you're willing to work for a few lifetimes,

Gautama's way' is very efficient ,very logical, scientific, Step-By-step process,

that one can take . Because this is a part of awareness.

the significance of walking the path of awareness is- There are milestones on the way, which

tell you you'll come one mile, two miles ,10 miles

it tells you where you are.

That is the most important aspect .that Is without too much trust or devotion you

can still grow?

Because you have a method to hang on to you just keep doing it, keep doing it keep doing


It clearly shows you.

that you're progressing..

But with Shiva there is no such guarantee and

He doesn't fix milestones.

You don't know whether you're going forward or backward.

But you're going somewhere.

That's all you know.

It's like falling into your bottomless pit. that sounds terrifying..

I want you to understand this : a bottomless pit is the safest place [to] fall into.. a

pit with the bottom is Dangerous, a Bottomless pit is absolutely safe..

Your life is done, if you just jump into it.

It's done.

Simply you fall.

If you ever do ..has anybody done skydiving? you? [did]

so if you have a free fall, Then ..if you do not open your parachute for

a few thousand feet, You don't know whether you're going down or

going up, nothing ,it just feels like you're floating around And it's wonderful.

only when you look down the dam

Planet is coming at you at tremendous speed.

If this planet is taken off, this is a great experience.

Only if you look down, it's just coming at you at tremendous speed.

That's the only problem.

Falling is.. don't understand the falling as

a negative thing, falling is a great thing.

did you ever fall in love?

Only when you hit the bottom, then it gets bad.

If you fell into your bottomless pit, then there is no problem.

So Shiva is a bottomless pit.

His methods are very different.. but ,you cannot limit him that way because

with seven different disciples, the seven Saptarishis that celebrated

Rishi's of the [or], He tought seven basic ways,

In which a human being can explore his consciousness.

from these seven, in multiples of seven ,it went further and 112 different ways he explored

and he said this is all.

This is beautiful story.

no time for stories.

so, He expounded 112 different ways, as to how

a human being can attain to his peak. and

These 112 are the 112 Chakras in the body..

There are 114, but two of them are outside the physical body, he left those two and he

said 112 different ways of attaining.

when you're embodied.

that means Every Chakra in the body, every meeting point

of the energy system one particular way of attaining.

So, he did not leave anything out.

so buddha is a small part of his work.

I Want you to understand..

Gautama himself Didn't go simply sit in the forest,

The eight years of his sadhana.

He spent with various teachers across the country and

The whole spine of this spiritual process, this knowledge has essentially come from Shiva.

Wherever it is, whichever part of the world it is, the basic spiritual process comes from

this spine and it's been taken to different parts of the

world in so many different forms, they look so different, because

These 112 different ways look absolutely different from one another.

So, what is the difference between Shiva and Buddha is not an appropriate question..

Which aspect of Shiva did buddha explore?

He explored the path of awareness, which is one aspect.

It's very you uni- dimensional, but the significance of Gautam Buddha is - he is very

scientific, clinical..

He appeals to the logical mind.

But he is like..

He also sat like this..

Many times he was an ascetic.

He just sat unmoving.

But many times he was a mad, dancing ,drunk..

He was in all kinds of States..

Because he didn't limit himself to any particular dimension.

He just explored every aspect of life.

So what you call as buddha's way- He's just one aspect of this 112 different

ways and So many others have brought so many other

aspects, but individual ways..

Of the seven disciples of the seven Saptarishis - the one who walked south,

south means ,anything south of himalayas is south.

I Am talking to all the Mumbai people.

Anything south of himalayas is south ,so Agastya walked south.

And he became particularly active Beyond the Vindhya mountains.. you know that story

about vindhya mountains bowing down to Agastya Muni, and he never came back, so..

you know thet story?

NO? you must learn something about India..

So particularly the Deccan plateau He spread himself in such a way, every human

habitation in Deccan Plateau he touched.

wherever you see, you will hear something about Agastya Muni and

He started this action for rural rejuvenation.

He did not leave a single human habitation.

He brought spiritual process to everybody's life ,the whole population.

They say he lived over four thousand years.

We don't know how long he lived, but definitely his lifespan was not a normal span of life,

It was extraordinarily long .when you just calculate the mileage that he covered .if

you had put a speedometer on him and Seen how many miles

he covered- you could see it's an extraordinary length of


We don't know whether it's four hundred years, or four thousand years.

people say it's four thousand, but definitely he lived very long

and He touched every habitation and made sure

a spiritual process became a living reality for them.

We are still enjoying his work.

I want you to know.

The Southern part of India is still enjoying his work .a certain.. without knowing why..

a certain level of settled nature That you see is his work.

Because he brought yoga into people's lives, without a label, without a format.

Just like life process, as you wake up in the morning, brush your teeth, cook, eat

all this he made it into a spiritual process.

and We are still enjoying the benefits of that.

If you look at any spiritual process anywhere on the planet, you will see, it is not outside,

the 112 ways in Which Shiva explored this..

So comparing gautama and Shiva is inappropriate.

I Have great respect for gautama.

He's a great being .no question .his work is phenomenal.

He caused a huge spiritual wave, Which is still on after 2,500 years?

But it is not comparable.

It is no way comparable.

All we can say is: Shiva's work Contains Gotama's work as a small element.

it is less than 1% ,because out of 112 Gautama explored one.. and

The important thing is- he marketed it well, and he encouraged thousands of people to take

the path.

That's his success.

But Shiva is little too inebriated to do marketing..

You should do marketing for him.

he is..

He won't do marketing..

But still, I have to Generally, it's believed.

This is somewhere 40 to 60 thousand years ago ,that

He started his work.

But after sixty thousand years or [40] thousand years it is still alive, you can't kill it.

You still can't kill it isn't it?

By the time I am done with my life.

I'm sure I will leave him little more popular than the way he is today..

For more infomation >> Sadhguru about The Way of Shiva and Buddha, it is no way comparable, out of 112 Gautama explored 1 - Duration: 13:38.


'Her Kidney Is Crushing It:' UCLA Dr. Touts Kidney Re-Gifting Program That's Saving Lives - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 'Her Kidney Is Crushing It:' UCLA Dr. Touts Kidney Re-Gifting Program That's Saving Lives - Duration: 2:01.


Discover that, there is only THIS - Guided Meditation by Mooji - Duration: 15:36.

observe there is a stillness inside you that that has been here before the

beginning of time itself

it's unalterable it simply is it has no name has no form has no texture

inside it

this body itself is felt

functioning senses

or sensations flow inside this infinite space of being

there's no such thing as a person here only pure awareness ideas such as this

or that or getting closer or moving away from our only imagined there's only this

truly there's only this be aware of this

the awareness of this and this are the same

the feeling of being here now is due to the the presence of being this being is

not personal it has no religion has no belief it is earlier than the formation

of mind earlier than thought earlier than any sensation notice deep within

your being I is this

the actions reactions interactions of the mind and body do not trouble this

the sense of individuality of other Ness arise in this is purely imagined pure

dream it is not wrong but it is not this

watch the breath rising and falling feel the subtle hum of existence all

appearing in this that has no name has no farm has no beginning has no end

subtler than even the beingness itself

it has no name it does not call itself truth or untruth it causes the powers of

imagination of thought intellect memory identity belief to operate in a domain

of consciousness do not put any pictures to it

it is it that is aware of its own self

not another

it plays I and you and other but essentially it is indivisible timeless

flawless perfect beyond even a concept of perfection it is yourself be one with

this the comings and goings of the mind and body do not affect this their did

they derive their meaning from this

when it manifests the creative power emanating from this we know is love we

are this love

there's nothing to imagine or to create here no there's nothing

incomplete there's no work to be done on behalf of this there's no leaving this

or reentering this these are dreamed there's only this we are this knowing

this then you may play as that yet remain this

this cannot be shared you cannot be lost cannot be separated these are mere ideas

arising in this we are this I is this you are this that is this

the sense I am arises from this the subtle intuition the knowingness

I am perceiving arises from this in this this is this that is this this is that

this is

observe the senses present and functioning according to their own laws

unforced notice don't combine

you cannot be pinpointed there are no coordinates for you being everywhere


there are no images no photographs of this

there's no left or right up or down in or out for this this is not delicate it

does not need looking after

it does not depend upon you know yourself as identical one with that

there's no need to try to be this because you're very efforts already

appear in this be aware of this stay as awareness

in a few moments you'll hear the sound of a bell just an indication that you

can you may open your eyes or move about but it will not make any difference to

your inmost state be aware of this and confirm now can this itself fade is

there any such meaning for this can it be lost and by whom powerful effects

will come from that region we call mind like a spell that makes you feel

separated but know deep within your being this too is an illusion

oh poor mashallah home ultra nacho no home no more bhagavati sri rama Leia Oh

Papa gkj Oh Buddha say oh Christ KJ o sincerity jo3 older Amstrad come on TJ o

Madhava ki ki jai Oh Sri Lanka my mark today Oh

Sri Krishna to change oh she robbed Oh Shanti Shanti Shanti



For more infomation >> Discover that, there is only THIS - Guided Meditation by Mooji - Duration: 15:36.


DEAR VEGANS: Consuming Animal Products Is NOT IMMORAL Because It's LEGAL. - Duration: 2:24.

Dude, stop your morality drivel!

I am legally allowed to buy and consume meat, dairy, and eggs,

and so it's okay to do that.

No further discussion needed!

I will change when laws change.

But enough of that. Let's watch some TV!

My favorite show will start any moment!

Do you have problems to figure out what's ethical and what's not?

Worry no more!

In each new episode, this show will give good citizens like yourself examples of legal practices

to solve some of your biggest ethical dilemmas.

Because as we all know,

if it's legal,

it's ethical!

And today in Ethical because Legal,

"Grinding Animals that are Useless to Humans!"

Millions of male chicks are ground up alive each year in the egg industry

because they are of no use to the industry.

Now, watching footage of living, breathing animals being shredded into pieces while fully conscious

maay seem upsetting and...

like stuff straight out of a horror movie at first -


Don't feel bad, this is a LEGAL practice,

and therefore, it's fiiiine.

And therefore, you don't need to feel responsible or guilty

for supporting this definitely ethical industry with your food choices.

Because our laws do the thinking for you!


What I'm doing?

Oh, I just applied those totally reasonable, ethical teachings!

I mean, since laws prove that grinding up

chicks is ethically acceptable because they are useless to humans,

I figured that it also must be ethically acceptable to grind up these useless

mixed-bred baby kittens that my purebred cat popped out the other day!



Sorry, little guys, but you are of no use to my breeding business!

I'm sure you would understand!


For more infomation >> DEAR VEGANS: Consuming Animal Products Is NOT IMMORAL Because It's LEGAL. - Duration: 2:24.


3 Reasons Reality Transurfing will Change Your Life (How to Apply it) - Duration: 22:06.

this video I'm gonna be showing you three reasons that reality Tran surfing

will change your life I'm going to share with you why it's changed my life and

the powerful way you can apply it so that you get a similar result welcome

back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their

consciousness on this video we're going to be going more in detail to the

reasons reality is your answer fin can be even more powerful then what we call

the law of attraction now I still think a lot of traction is cool I've hundreds

of videos on my channel about it and I'm not saying in any way that the law of

attraction doesn't work however what I am saying is that there are certain

paradigms certain ways we can go about understanding the process or just simply

the way reality works and that when we start to apply these it starts to change

everything because literally the world that we

experience on the outside is a reflection of our internal beliefs and

our internal focus so when we change the way we view ourselves when we change the

beliefs we have everything on the outside can begin to change in a very

powerful way now here's the thing with reality Tran surfing and I'll give a

little bit of a basis of here in a minute but with reality Tran surfing

when we are able to apply some of the principles we're able to see that as we

make the process easier it becomes easier as we redefine the whole process

of manifestation it changes everything it really does and that's the main thing

that I've come to understand is how powerful simplicity is you know there's

ways and the intellectual ideas can still be powerful we can go in detail to

it that's what I've done a lot of my videos but guess what when we break it

down really simple and we start to just believe that it can be that easy it can

be that easy it's a self-fulfilling prophecy fulfilling prophecy so that's

why I think reality Tran surfing can just be so much more powerful than that

of the original processes we might be using and just to give it a little bit

of a basis like I do it a lot of the realtor and surfing videos so it has to

do with understanding that reality trance or if you first off it's a book

that was written in Russia by a quantum physicist named

Vadim Zeeland now he wrote this book has to do with understanding that there are

an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that what we want to

experience exists right now in the present moment now our intention is the

direction to which parallel realities we choose now this has to do with

understanding the choices that we make in daily life and that as we set those

intentions were going in a certain direction

now most people they are kind of ran by that of social conditioning meaning we

grow we learn things growing up we have certain beliefs and we just kind of let

that take us in a certain direction but until we start to give ourselves our own

intention we start to really decide what we want that's when we start going on

our own path that's when it can be very powerful but wouldn't we just keep on

kind of being like a leaf in the wind almost it's like we're just kind of

going with whatever is given to us we kind of absorb in our environment in a

way guess what we continue to get the same results over and over again so with

that of reality transfer fee the reason it can be so powerful is because when we

learn to really come from our heart that's not a part of reality transfer

fee we must find goals that connect to our heart because the heart is thousands

of times more powerful than that of the head and when we start to apply it we

start to see that there's a feeling that comes along with it if you start to

follow that feeling amazing things will happen that's what I did I simply

started to make videos and I started to feel something when I made the videos I

got like a flow state so I was like you know I'm gonna do this a lot more often

and that's what I did is I said you know what I'm gonna go daily because I

enjoyed so much and even though it's gonna be hard going daily because at the

time I had a full-time job I still did it but guess what that passion that

feeling grew more and more and then the side effect of that was an explosion of

growth you know we went from like 3,000 subs to like a hundred thousand in like

three maybe four months I forget but it happened very fast

because I was aligned to my heart I was aligned to my goals so the powerful part

of understanding also parallel realities is that what you want to experience

exists at a certain frequency you're just not perceiving it because of the

current choices beliefs and self-image that you currently have this is what

quantum physics shows us as far as that every possible parallel reality exists

right now and when we start to tap into this we could see it can be so much

easier than we make it because we don't have to create something out of nothing

we just have to choose and have our energy in the right direction we just

have to choose the right choices and they go about it from that point of view

I mean think of even the words reality Tran surfing

literally what it means is it means this is gonna sound kind of complicated it

means to glide through the space of variations now it's like that's even

what is the definition of that well space of variations is kind of like the

infinite number of parallel realities and gliding is kind of like surfing

right Tran surfing so think of it like surfing dude you don't have to control

everything right it's the idea that's like you're this

wave is coming and you're just riding the wave it's easy

it's something that once you learn to do it's like you you become very efficient

at it and you just let it carry you you don't to try so hard you don't have to

do all of these things so is this level of awareness now in general as our state

of being increases so does the good that comes into our life that's when we can

start to find ourselves becoming more lucky

that's what amazing things begin to happen and the other part of

understanding reality train surfing has to do with this thing of so first off of

that social condition you know that I was mentioned that's where I was going

with that pendulums thought structures the top structures of society even

though we don't physically see our thoughts although we do see the

materialization of our thoughts because that's everything we experience even

though we don't physically see our thoughts they do have an electromagnetic

type reality this is what they've thrilled with like the dr. Masaru Emoto

where they put you know energy over water and they change the molecules it's

been shown that there is an effect with our thoughts to what we experience so

what we can begin to do is to realize there's a mass consensus reality so it's

like we're individually creating our own layer of the world but all of us

collectively have certain collective belief systems that run themselves out

so many times we think we're having our own thoughts and in reality we're having

the thoughts of the what's called the pendulum a pendulum is a thought

structure we may may not be able to physically see it but there's thoughts

if one of the most well known pendulums you can think of is whether you're

Republican or Democrat if you're even a part of the system at all you may think

that this is who I am and a lot of times when

you watch the news or something it's sucking you into that energy flow

pendulums feed on energy so what happens is these pendulums are draining our

energy all the time because they're getting triggered with the media we're

getting triggered with all these things and because we're getting triggered it's

draining us it's draining us and then we don't have the energy to actually create

what we want because we're being distracted by everything else so the key

to this is to take our power back by being aware of the pendulums you know

even if you go to a sports game you may say I like to go to a sports game

because you know you can kind of feel the energy there it's funner to go to a

sports game that is to watch it on TV now they're both pendulums but one of

them you're actually physically there and you could feel the rush the kind of

the high of the pendulum and then once the game is over it goes away and now

not all pendulums are bad but in general pendulums will run people's life without

them knowing the power is and when you take your power back and you start to

say yo I'm gonna create my own layer I'm gonna create my own life and you start

to kind of realize I'm gonna observe my thoughts when you observe the pendulum

but you don't react to it that's when you have the power if you find a

pendulum you'll always kind of lose because if

you fight it you're still you're still affirming it right you're still

resisting it and the resistance keeps it alive so taking the power back being

aware of it observing it and then the last part I'll talk about the reality

tramp surfing is what it's called the balance of coordination it's the energy

from which everything comes if we put something to make it very important we

immediately distance ourselves from it and it becomes much less attainable so

when we start to instead see it as natural for us to achieve our goals

it becomes very powerful now decrease in importance is one of the most powerful

concepts from reality trans surfing that has changed my life it is one of the

ones I think can also change your life if you apply it so in that most people

have come to mean saying this has been the biggest game-changer in all of my

manifestation results now decrease in importance is not that hard to do it

simply has to do with a couple key principles of awareness of who you are

and how you relate to the environment if you want a free guided meditation that

will help you to decrease the level of importance you're giving to your goals

I've created one it's absolutely free you can download it in the top of the

description box below and it will help you to decrease the level of importance

to then increase the probability that you experience what you want so the

three reasons that reality transfer feed will change your life the first one is

actually something to do with that social condition I was talking about now

this isn't the most sexy thing social conditioning if I put it in keywords on

Google it's not going to get the most views it's not going to be the most

intriguing by people but if you D plug yourself from social conditioning it

will probably be one of the biggest game changes you make in your whole life now

what this means is you become aware of the pendulums the thought structures

what you're paying attention to because that is controlling the narrative of

your life now think about it we grow up sub thinking about this subconsciously

we grow up under and watching marketing online that is all geared under this

premise that you are not enough that you must buy the next product you must be

better than your neighbor you must be always trying to get to some external

place and you must always compare yourself to other people that is a

pendulum that has always been given to us since we were young and we are always

trying to buy the next you know women are trying to buy the next cosmetic

product to make them look a certain way guys are trying to get the next best car

so that they can impress their friends everyone is trying to do things to

upgrade their status of the way they see themselves as if they're not good enough

already you see this is a tricky thing but it's so in the background that most

people aren't even aware of it so the key to this is to become aware of what

that narrative is and to realize that you could start to take your power back

by observing what these could possibly be do you feel sometimes pull to

reassert who you are in front of people maybe someone's talking about something

they just achieved and you feel like I'm gonna get in there I gotta say something

I done you know or maybe you just become aware that you know oh maybe I'm part of

this political affiliation and now I'm becoming aware it's not like I'm telling

you just ditch it but I am saying be aware of it if you're aware of it it's

not it's not as big of a deal it's okay you know but if you aren't aware of it

you don't know what you don't know and that will run your life for show so okay

and that's what you have to become aware of it's just simply

when you start to take your pouch you start to observe your thoughts first off

observe your thoughts observe why you do what you do

observe the collective beliefs that you may be a part of what triggers you what

triggers you is it you know when some people talk about gun violence because

if so whether you're on one side to the other if it triggers you that pendulum

is carrying you you that is draining your energy of things that could

actually be beneficial to you so social conditioning if you start to and it's

really more so about just being authentic to you a lot of the thoughts

and a lot of the social conditions you might align with aren't really you

they're thoughts that have been here for a long time they're the thoughts of the

mass consensus reality you may think they're important because the media says

yo this is so important you look at all this negativity in the world this is the

way the world is even though it's a skewed sample of something that's

projected to you to distract you from who you really are that's why it's about

waking up wake up to who you are wake up to the true power that you have which is

to create your own reality from your choices from once you focus on the more

you focus on that media the more you focus on those perspective the

perspectives that don't serve you guess what the more you end up experiencing

that your life so take your power back that's what I want to encourage you to

do now I'll be doing more videos on this in the future

it's not the most sexy thing you know talk about pendulums and social

conditioning a lot of people don't like it because the it sounds negative the

social conditioning but the truth is is when you take your power back you start

becoming authentic to you you know we think that this is the goals I have I

have this goal of living in this type of house and doing this is that really what

you want or is that what you've been led to believe you want maybe it is I have

goals of being very very successful and I'm on that path right now and I make

you choices with it and I'm taking action and I love what I do but I'm also

aware is if this is this my narrative or is this the social narrative because I

can go straight to the feeling if I want I just have to focus on that level of

awareness now the second one the second reason that reality transfer fee can

completely change your life is it can make the process so much easier than you

currently think it has to be so what does this mean this means that we have

these beliefs that everything is complicated a lot of times with the law

of attraction it's like we are intending to do things we are we have these

beliefs that it's like oh this manifestation you know am I going to win

the lottery hear that all the time on the channel I'm gonna win the lottery

I'm gonna track this you know attract this into my life nothing wrong with it

but ask yourself that question where is this energy coming from we'll talk about

that more in a minute as well but the key is making this easy what are your

beliefs about the process see reality tree of surfing gliding through the

alternative space this is where the game changer was for me start to allow more

into your life this is what I'm gonna talk about what it's called a reality

amalgam I've talked about talked about this before back in the Venetian times

what they would do is they would put gold tint into the mirrors so that when

you looked at the mirrors you looked more attractive you had this glow hue

and that in a way is a reality amalgam it's an overlay of that mirror that

makes you look just a little bit better now a reality amalgam is a belief about

life in general this isn't like a belief that like money's gonna bring me this

and that this is a very general belief the world always takes care of me I'm

always in the right place at the right time yo when we say things like that and

we start to with that so general that we can connect to it right because it's so

it's not specific at all for like oh I'm gonna attract a million dollars into my

life that's like there could be a lot of resistance with that because maybe

you're making currently like 50,000 a year I mean that's such a big jump now

saying it can't happen but if you go more general like amazing things are

happening for me right now amazing opportunities are coming into life guess

what that can be very easy to connect to because the amazing things is perceptual

depends on your perspective but start to set these reality amalgams start to set

this belief that every day gets better that things get easier for you that it

is easy for you to focus in the direction of what you wanted to see

evidence of things coming into your life if you make it easy it will be easy the

more intellectual you may get the more chopped up it gets

I found that from experience and even though a lot of the YouTube channel and

back in the day was on some of these like Cola you know the beliefs and all

that and those are still powerful I still get people that emailing me

every day saying that you know those videos have changed their lives

however there's a paradigm that's higher than that and that higher-level paradigm

is how does it feel to you break it down to the feeling you are already enough

and as you start to feel into that realize this can be easy this is natural

people ask me all the time what do you manifest your life everything is a

reflection of a manifestation does that mean that means more so what are you

aware of in your life that you have created what have you consciously

decided you know and it's like well let's see the YouTube channel grew I had

an attention for that you know moving into a new place had the intention of

that you know having a better relationship with like my family members

and stuff and like connecting at a deeper level because I've been so

focused on business things that it's like sometimes I find myself

disassociated from it because I'm so focused done that done you know it

really can be that easy but everything is a manifestation of

what you believe to be true everything's a manifestation of your focus so pay

attention to what that is and as you pay attention to what that is

you start to more so connect to it you start to more so realize it all right

the third part the third reason reality Tran surfing can change your life is

because you will become more aware of where your energy is and how to increase

your own state of being now this is the thing with the law of attraction in

general this is where we are this is where we want to be so we do all this in

the middle but the thing is this over here is where we are this over here

anything that we want is because we believe we will feel better in the

having of it it's because we believe there's this a certain emotion that

comes from that thing so think about it you want

more money what do you want you want freedom you want security and because of

that that's an emotion if you want a relationship what do you want you want

connection you want compassion that's an emotion anything that we want is because

we believe we will feel the better half in the having of it that's like an

abraham hicks type quote but it's so true so what we can be good to do is

realize where is our energy coming from where is our questions coming from is it

coming from lack because here's the thing people ask me all the time on the

channel you say yo Aaron how do I attract a specific person to my life I

get that question almost every day of my PMS they go into DM so like you'll Aaron

I wants a specific person I'm not bagging on you but this is the thing

where is that energy coming from it's coming from a place of lack it's coming

from a place that I'm not already enough therefore I need to attract a specific

person if you're trying to attract I get all the time as well can I track my ex

let go up the outcome focus on you where is that energy coming from you start to

become more aware of where your energy is coming from and how you can just

exist in the emotions that you want to feel right now think about how

ridiculous this is and I'm not bagging on the whole Pacific

Pacific the specific person thing I'm bagging about this in general we give

ourselves permission to feel the emotions we want once we get to some

external time in the future so I say for example when I had a million subscribers

I will feel this a static feeling it's going to be amazing so what I do is I

get closer and closer to it eventually I hit a million subscribers then my body

my it's mine it's manufactured by my mind and I'd say now you can flush

serotonin and dopamine because you've hit your goal and then I'm feeling these

emotions I'm like whoa this is really cool I feel this because I accomplished

this when in reality I gave myself a rule in my head that said when you hit a

million subscribers you can feel this type of emotion and you can start to

feel the serotonin and dopamine mouth quite consciously I'm not like oh it's

serotonin and dopamine however when it comes to the emotion

that's what happens we give ourselves permission to feel it how about this

instead though this is a game-changer this will change your whole life if you

apply it you're here your goals are here instead feel what your goals would make

you feel what emotions is it feel it now in the present moment if it's freedom

you want money freedom and opportunity you have those in your life right now at

some level focus on those focus on what you're already grateful for focus on the

things that are already coming into your life and you will get more of it

whatever you focus on grows you want connection to a specific person or a

person in general focus on the relationships you already have focus on

family doesn't have to be a romantic you just focus on what you already have and

as you focus on connection you will get more connection as you focus on the

connection with yourself you will proceed more of that in your life so

this is a game changer but feel the emotions now and then paradoxically

enough everything that you want to experience happens quicker because you

resonate with it just like the process talks about parallel realities they

already exist it's a matter of tuning into it you tune into it with your

emotion with your state of being give yourself the permission to feel that

state of be now and everything will begin to change in a very powerful way

so remember as you start to decondition yourself from society's beliefs from

trying to be good enough and that also intertwines into the other ones of

where's the energy coming from am i already whole and complete start to

focus on that make it an easy process this is so much easier it's a natural

byproduct of who you are it's not this you know what have you manifested look

around look around so you got to do it sits in front of your eyes it's a

reflection of what you've been thinking

so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to like

this video if you guys liked it subscribe if you haven't ready hit the

little notification gear next to the subscribe button because the way YouTube

does things is you have to hit that in order to see my daily vids and on that I

will see you guys tomorrow there's much love and


For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Reality Transurfing will Change Your Life (How to Apply it) - Duration: 22:06.


25 Phobias You Might Have and Not Even Know It - Duration: 9:46.

We all have fears.

Some people, of course, have a greater severity of fear than others.

Negative experiences tend to be the thing that creates fear, and depending on the experience,

they can create outrageous phobias.

But, not all fears are from negative experiences; sometimes fears just happen without a way

to trace back where they came from.

We might not even know we have the fear at all until it's too late, like speaking in

public for the first time and having a panic attack seconds before.

However, fear doesn't always play out as a fight or flight response.

Phobias can crop up in bizarre and strange ways.

At the end of the day, fear can be a debilitating problem we need to face and overcome.

So, hike up your big boy pants, cause I'm Mike with List25 and here are 25 Phobias You

Might Have And Not Even Know It.


Consecotaleophobia For people with this fear, spoons, forks,

and knives are the usual weapons of choice when tackling sushi because they're terrified

of chopsticks.

The idea of picking up two pieces of wood as an instrument of eating gives them a ton

of anxiety.


Sinistrophobia Ever wonder why when you drive you hate taking

left turns?

Maybe you look at your left hand with disdain or are afraid of some swift attack from the


It's because you have a fear of anything from the left side.


Liticaphobia With this phobia, you're terrified of lawsuits.

But honestly, who isn't?

The idea of a lawsuit makes most people get a little bit fearful.

It's likely, though, if all you think about is someone suing you, then you probably have



Peladophobia Many men likely have this fear.

It's the fear of being bald or a fear of bald men.

A little worry might not be a problem, but once you find yourself in a bathroom with

every shampoo and hair loss product in the world, then it's time to get help.


Coulrophobia For many, clowns represent humor, silliness,

and children's birthday parties.

But others see a far more sinister villain hiding behind that red bulbous nose and colorful


If you get serious anxiety with clowns around, then you probably have a fear of clowns.


Phobophobia This is exactly what it sounds like, a fear

of phobias.

Usually, people with this phobia already have an established phobia.

So, phobophobia is an anticipatory anxiety whereby someone fears to be afraid.

It sadly becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.


Ephebiphobia Have you ever said something like, "Kids these

days, they don't respect their parents, they're rude and impatient and are always breaking

the rules?"

Well, you might have early symptoms of ephebiphobia or fear of young people.


Philophobia Most people want to be loved and have a lot

of love to give.

For others, it's a horrifying prospect.

The fear of love is probably more common than you think, with plenty of people showing it

in different ways, from fear of commitment to unhealthy relationships.


Kathisophobia If you're terrified of sitting down, then

you have kathisophobia.

It's similar to the fear of idleness.

It's also kind of hard to believe many people have this fear, but it is a thing.


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia There's a tinge of irony to hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.

It's the fear of long words.

If you have this fear, definitely don't look at this word for too long.

Then again, we didn't need to tell you that.

You probably already noticed that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is a super long word and moved on.


Scriptophobia If you're afraid to write things in public,

then you have scriptophobia.

This fear can manifest itself in various ways, like not being able to complete school papers

or writing in the dark so no one can see you writing.


Myxophobia Who doesn't love Nickelodeon's slime?

Well, you might not if you have Myxophobia, the fear of slime.

It's sticky, messy, and the idea of it gives you serious anxiety and panic attacks.


Novercaphobia You either had a bad experience as a child

or watched one too many Disney movies growing up if you have novercaphobia, the fear of


Subsequently, you might also suffer from victricophobia, the fear of stepfathers.

People with one of these phobias often have both.


Aulophobia If you ever wondered why flutes freak you

out, then wonder no more.

You have aulophobia, the fear of flutes.

Maybe they sound creepy to you or the story of the pied piper really messed with your

head, either way, flutists are your worst nightmare.


Haphephobia If you can't stand it when people reach out

to touch you, then you might have haphephobia.

Usually, this fear comes about because of a traumatic event, but not always.

Sometimes there is no known cause.

Sadly, not wanting people to touch you is a lonely and debilitating fear.


Euphobia Most people love the thought of hearing good

news, like getting a promotion or winning an award.

Those with the fear of good news, or euphobia, usually thrive on negative thoughts and feelings

and find a way to turn the good news on its head as something bad.

They hate hearing good news because it isn't really good for them.


Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia If you're afraid of the number 6, particularly

666, then you have Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.

You might especially notice this number more frequently than most and get upset seeing

it on license plates, your library card, or your order number at a restaurant.

A good example of it was when Ronald Reagan moved to a new house on 666 St. Cloud Road

in Bel Air and he and his wife had the road changed to 668 St. Cloud Road due to concerns

of Satan worship.

They definitely had hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.


Nomophobia This is an especially new fear.

For instance, few people would be afraid to be without their phone in the 1970's.

But, here we are, terrified to be apart from our mobile phone for even a few minutes.

Let's face it, we probably all have nomophobia, constantly thinking about it, keeping it by

our bedside, and freaking out if we lose it or drop it.


Deipnophobia If you have deipnophobia, then the idea of

eating out with friends terrifies you.

You'd rather make dinner at home and eat under your dining table in the cover of darkness

than go out to eat.


Kenophobia This is the fear of voids and empty spaces

and usually shows itself in hoarding and keeping tons of junk in your house.

These people can't stand empty spaces and want to be confined because the sight of a

void makes them feel lonely.


Pogonophobia There hasn't been a U.S. President with a

beard in over a hundred years, which might mean the United States is fraught with pogonophobia,

the fear of beards.

People who have pogonophobia think men with beards as untrustworthy and have something

to hide.


Gelotophobia Some people love to hear laughter and to laugh

with the joke.

For others, it's no laughing matter.

Chuckling, giggling, or any kind of laughing is a big no-no because they're always afraid

they're the butt of the joke.


Glossophobia The fear of public speaking, or glossophobia,

is one of the most common fears of all.

Afraid they'll be laughed at, ridiculed, or ignored, people afraid of public speaking

often have intense anxiety and sweating before they get up on stage to talk.


Chirophobia Related to the fear of being touched, chirophobia

is the fear of hands, either one's own or the hands of others.

People who suffer from this might cover their hands with gloves and may not ever wash their


Shaking hands is an especially great cause of anxiety.


Panophobia With panophobia, people straight up fear everything.





Usually, they're in a consistent state of fear that something bad might happen or something

terribly evil is after them.

So, what are you most afraid of?

Let us know in the comments below, or tweet your answers to us @List25.

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For more infomation >> 25 Phobias You Might Have and Not Even Know It - Duration: 9:46.


Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:41.

Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever

I Want!'

In 2017 the Ball family exploded on to the social media scene.

Headed by father, LaVar Ball, they have created their own TV show, "Ball in the Family,"

and run the basketball apparel brand Big Baller Brand.

Lonzo Ball, was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers and is currently playing in his first

year with them.

LaVar Ball has been the voice of the family, he is known for his obnoxious rants, and his

claims of being able to beat legendary baller Micheal Jordan in one on one.

However, larger than life LaVar has found himself in hot water.

According to TMZ, The Better Business Bureau has awarded Big Baller Brand with an F rating.

TMZ goes on to write, "The BBB is warning consumers about BBB — the Better Business

Bureau tells TMZ Sports the Big Baller Brand is a disaster … and has earned the lowest

possible rating, an F.

Ever since LaVar Ball launched the apparel company, the BBB has been inundated with complaints

from customers who either didn't get their orders … or got the wrong items.If you're

into keeping stats — how's this: Big Baller has 41 negative reviews and ZERO positive

… with 33 formal complaints on file.

FYI, the Better Business Bureau is a 105-year-old non-profit organization that monitors businesses

across the country to help protect consumers.

The BBB reached out to Big Baller Brand twice to help resolve their issues — but no one

at Big Baller ever called them back.

Blair Looney, CEO of Better Bus.

Bureau Central CA, tells TMZ Sports consumers should be very careful when considering making

a Big Baller purchase."

But LaVar's problems didn't end there, he is now being sued by the apparel company.

According to, "All those hats, shirts, and other high-priced apparel

sold by Big Baller Brand that is screen-printed and embroidered were done by the Chino company

Closet Collection, and they are not happy because they have not been paid.

Now comes a lawsuit.

"In a breach of contract lawsuit filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court, attorneys

for Closet Collection allege that Big Baller Brand owes the company almost $25,000.

"When it came time to make payments, they kind of bailed," a Closet Collection representative

told The Times on Monday on the condition his name not be used because of the ongoing

legal proceedings.

"We tried for about three months.

They said they would make payment about seven times.

They just kept pushing it back and kept pushing it back."

The lawsuit, filed in November, had not previously been reported.

Big Baller Brand representatives didn't respond to a request for comment.

The Closet Collection representative estimated the company provided about 2,500 pieces of

merchandise to Big Baller Brand last May.

"Basically their entire website was produced by us," the representative said.

The civil complaint noted that Closet Collection also provided storage and brand management

for Big Baller Brand."

Looks like Big Baller Brand has some Big Baller Problems."

Good luck to LaVar Ball, we're not sure he's going to be able to talk his way out

of this one.

For more infomation >> Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:41.


Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Infamous Trump-Hater LaVar Ball BUSTED And Is Now Losing It ALL – 'I Can Do Whatever I Want!' - Duration: 3:47.


Liberal LA Offers Bad Solution To Homeless Crisis, And It Will Cost Taxpayers Millions - Duration: 5:30.

Liberal LA Offers Bad Solution To Homeless Crisis, And It Will Cost Taxpayers Millions.

Liberal-run Los Angeles has a serious crisis on their hands.

The city is overrun with homeless people.

Their new solution won't tackle the problem, but it will cost residents millions.

People who live outside California might not know what's going on.

They're also much happier than the poor souls who live in the once Golden State.

Thanks to the state's Democratic majority, it's been run into the ground.

This is also true of California's many large cities.

From San Francisco to San Diego, California's greatest cities are collapsing.

Taxes are sky high.

Businesses (and with them jobs) are shutting down.

A thriving drug trade ensures countless citizens are left addicted and penniless.

What do their leaders do?

They spend money for obvious slush funds for useless projects, like Gov. Jerry Brown's

high-speed rail.

Perhaps the city that's suffered the most is Los Angeles.

The City of Angels is hardly considered a shining jewel among American cities, but it's

certainly seen better days.

The town which is known for Hollywood and super elite liberals is facing the worst homeless

crisis it's ever seen.

The streets are flooded with homeless people.

Thanks to poor leadership, shrinking jobs, and growing drug addiction, things won't

improve anytime soon.

But that's okay, Los Angeles brain-dead leadership has the solution: showers in the

train stations.

No, I'm not making that up.

As the homeless population continues to grow in Los Angeles, the agency that operates public

transportation in the county is considering putting showers, in or near some of its train

stations in an effort to promote hygiene.

Metro's Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion on Thursday following a four-month

study to examine a pilot hygiene and mobile shower program, which would also examine incorporating

public restrooms at all new rail stations on the system.

"I hope that when we look at this, it's a first start, it's about a humanitarian

issue in my opinion because we do have a very diverse population that uses our rail and

bus services and our hubs," Metro Director and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis

told board members.

[Source: Fox News]

Wow, where do I even begin?

The city is falling apart; more and more people are put out on the streets.

All the city's leaders can think about is hygiene.

How appropriately Los Angeles of them.

Just got to keep up appearances, right?

So what if the person next to me on the train is a raving lunatic, ready to stab me?

He smells good!

Notice how Solis dressed up the problem by calling Los Angeles population "diverse."

That's code for filthy homeless drug addicts.

You know, if the city keeps going the way it is, more people will be on the streets.

It's not really "diverse" when everyone's homeless.

Instead of confronting what's leading to this epidemic, they are slapping a Band-Aid

on the situation.

How are showers in the stations going to help get these people off the streets?

Sure, some of the homeless you cannot help.

But many simply need rehabilitation and a chance at a job.

Others are sick and need medical care.

They're not going to get help if you ignore the real problem.

These leaders are under the delusion that the homeless will actually use the showers.

They are forgetting the fact that you can't force someone to clean themselves up.

And if they do then what?


I think these city leaders need to reevaluate their priorities.

And LA citizens should reconsider voting for them.

"I'm not merely saying that everyone deserves a shower.

I mean, you can't force someone to do that, but I think once service is provide, sanitation

services, that actually provides more safety and dignity not just for the person that's

impacted, but also for, potentially, people who pass them and walk onto our rail system

and our buses," Metro Director and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis said.

[Source: Fox News]

Am in the Twilight Zone?

What is she talking about?

So, you're going to spend potentially millions on showers in train stations, just to give

the homeless "dignity"?

Um, I think not being homeless anymore is a better path to dignity.

And safety?

You know what doesn't make me feel safe?

Knowing that strange people are getting naked and taking showers a few feet from the train

the train I take every day to get to work.

But instead of this basic common sense, Los Angeles leaders double down on the whole dignity


Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin said the program could be "fundamentally transformative",

and "restore dignity" for the homeless population to be able to take a shower to

use a bathroom "other than an alleyway or behind a bush."

[Source: Fox News]

Oh, my God.

This is a real SMH moment.

Instead of finding ways to get these people off the streets, Los Angeles is poised to

spend millions on showers.

All I can say is, to every patriot, get out of Los Angeles while you can.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Liberal LA Offers Bad Solution To Homeless Crisis, And It Will Cost Taxpayers Millions - Duration: 5:30.


Can Apple overcome investor concerns it is a one-trick pony? - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Can Apple overcome investor concerns it is a one-trick pony? - Duration: 3:43.


Blue Origin highest test flight - Selfies from space? How is it different to SpaceX? - Duration: 7:08.

Jeff Bezos's space tourism company just had a massively successful launch and landing

of both its reusable rocket and its passenger-carrying capsule.

Despite a delayed start due to thunderstorms, Blue Origin successfully launched its reusable

rocket, New Shepard.

Not only did the rocket lift off and launch, but the passenger carrying capsule also landed

safely on the ground.

Blue Origin, owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, launched the New Shepard suborbital capsule

from its launch pad in Texas.

This particular launch marked the eighth of its kind for the New Shepard rocket.

The ultimate goal for Blue Origin was to bring tourists close to space and become the leader

of the private space industry as it grows and evolves.

In this video, Engineering Today will discuss about Blue Origin First Reusable Space Tourism


What is it?

How does it work?

Should the passenger-carrying capsule compete with United Launch Alliance's upcoming Vulcan

rocket and with SpaceX boosters in the U.S. launch market?

Lets get started.

Blue Origin, boosting a suite of microgravity experiments and an instrumented dummy astronaut

known as Mannequin Skywalker to the edge of space in the company's eighth test flight.

Designed to carry up to six "space tourists" to altitudes above 62 miles, the widely recognized

threshold of space, the unmanned New Shepard capsule separated from its booster, as planned,

at an altitude of about 47 miles, before soaring on its own to a height of 351,000 feet, or

66.5 miles.

That's nearly 20,000 feet higher than the normally targeted altitude in a bid to "expand

the envelope" and gather additional flight data.

As it arced over to begin the long fall back to Earth, the capsule experienced four to

five minutes of weightlessness before plunging back into the dense lower atmosphere, subjecting

the spacecraft to heavy deceleration and about four times the normal force of gravity.

Perched atop a reusable booster powered by a single hydrogen-fueled BE-3 engine, the

New Shepard spacecraft blasted off from the company's Van Horn, Texas, test facility and

smoothly climbed away, generating 110,000 pounds of thrust and trailing a brilliant

jet of flame.

The booster, making its second flight, dropped back toward the launch site tail first, re-igniting

the BE-3 engine and deploying four landing legs before settling to a landing on a concrete

pad near the launch site about eight minutes after takeoff.

The New Shepard capsule, also making its second flight, completed a more leisurely descent,

slowly falling under three large parachutes before settling to a rocket-assisted touchdown

near the launch pad about 11 minutes after launch.

It was Blue Origin's eighth New Shepard flight overall and it's seventh successful booster

flight in a row.

It was the company's first test flight since Dec. 12.

The spacecraft features a powerful, already-tested abort system that can quickly push the capsule

away from a malfunctioning booster and six large windows, each measuring nearly four

feet tall and two-and-a-half feet wide that Blue Origin says will provide customers with

spectacular panoramic views.

For last flight, the New Shepard capsule was loaded with a variety of experiments, including

instrumentation provided by NASA to measure pressure, acoustics, acceleration and other

factors, along with components that will be used aboard the agency's Orion deep space


Other research focused on microgravity gene expression, basic physics and tests of technology

designed to demonstrate the feasibility of wi-fi delivery to spacecraft.

These experiments included tests regarding life-support technologies that would be used

in space missions.

It was the second flight for Mannequin Skywalker, a dummy astronaut equipped with instrumentation

to measure the effects of the flight on an actual crew member.

"He is a little sensitive about being called a 'dummy,' as he conducts astronaut telemetry

and science studies.

Blue Origin is developing the reusable New Shepard rocket and spacecraft to carry up

to six space tourists, researchers and experiments on brief suborbital flights, with piloted

test flights presumably starting later this year.

Along with the suborbital New Shepard rockets and spacecraft, Blue Origin also is developing

a powerful new engine, the BE-4, to help boost satellites into orbit using much larger New

Glenn rockets.

Blue Origin has built a sprawling rocket factory near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to

manufacture New Glenn boosters and is developing a launch pad at the nearby Cape Canaveral

Air Force Station.

The New Glenn will compete with United Launch Alliance's upcoming Vulcan rocket and with

SpaceX boosters in the U.S. launch market.

In the suborbital space tourism arena, Blue Origin will be competing with Virgin Galactic,

a company owned by Virgin-founder Richard Bransom that is developing a rocket-powered

spaceplane to carry tourists on suborbital flights to the edge of space.

Though, neither company has announced when they plan to launch the first private citizens.

let's hope for the best.

For more infomation >> Blue Origin highest test flight - Selfies from space? How is it different to SpaceX? - Duration: 7:08.


How bad is Rainbow Six Siege Starter Edition? How long does it take to unlock everything? - Duration: 5:00.

The starter edition is the cheapest way to enter Rainbow six siege at $15 - a

whole $25 cheaper than the $40 standard edition. The low price comes at the cost

of a significantly longer grind, which is why the start edition is seen as a bad

deal. Just how bad of a deal is it? This video explores how long the Starter

edition takes to unlock everything and compares it to the regular edition. Let's

start by looking at the differences between the two editions with

information from Ubisoft's website. As of operation Chimera, the standard edition

unlocks all twenty launch operators right away, while starter editions bought

after 6th March unlock just 6. The other 14 can be unlocked for 12,500

renown each which Ubisoft estimates will take you 15 hours. Unlocking all 14

launch operators will take you 175,000 renown or in terms of time 210 hours.

That's 210 hours you can bypass by forking over the extra $25 for the

standard edition. The Starter Edition is worth it only if you make less than $25

in 210 hours - a wage of 11.9 US cents per hour.

If you bought Starter Edition before the 6th March, you only get two unlocked instantly leaving

you to unlock the other 18, which adds up to 225,000 renown or in terms of time

270 hours. You did get 600 credits which could unlock another 2 launch operators

saving you 30 hours and bringing the total time to unlock the launch roster

to 240 hours. However, these 600 credits could have been spent on another

purchase such as one DLC operator or cosmetic skins. Since credits are no

longer bundled with any edition of the game, we will leave credits out of our

calculation for consistency and focus on unlocking purely by grinding renown.

Unlike the standard addition, Operation Chimera did not unlock any operators for

players who had already bought the Starter Edition before the patch went live.

When it comes to DLC operators, both editions are identical: you can either unlock each

with 25,000 renown or buy a season pass for eight of them. Our last video

already explored how long it takes to unlock all DLC operators with renown:

2,286 matches or 611.4 hours of grinding. To calculate the grinding in

the Starter Edition, we just add this figure to the time it takes to unlock the

remaining launch operators at 12,500 renown each. Adding the time needed to

unlock all DLC operators pushes the total to 821.4 hours of continuous

grinding to unlock everything in the Starter Edition bought after Operation

Chimera. Due to the 175,000 additional renown

the Starter Edition takes 39% more renown to unlock everything than the

standard edition. Starter Edition bought before operation Chimera take

225,000 to unlock all the launch operators which will take you 270 hours

using Ubisoft estimates. This adds up to 675,000

renown to unlock all operators in the game, a 50% increase over the standard

Edition. In terms of time, this will take you 881.4

hours. You cannot upgrade to the standard edition once you purchase the starter.

You can still purchase season passes to skip unlocking 8 DLC operators per each

pass. Let's calculate how many hours they'll save you. If you have bought one

season pass for either of the completed years, year 1 or year 2, you reduce the

number of DLC operators you need to unlock from 18 to 10 which you can

obtain in approximately 339.6 hours.

Put together, unlocking everything will take you 610 hours if you bought the starter

Edition before operation chimera and 550 hours if you

bought it after. If you bought season passes for both year one and year two

you reduce the number of DLC operators you need to unlock to 2, which will take

you 68 hours to obtain. All in all, unlocking everything will take you

338 hours if you bought the Starter Edition before

operation chimera and 278 hours if you bought it after.

To conclude Rainbow six siege's Starter Edition extends the grind by 39%

to 50% depending on your date of purchase. if you are

interested in Rainbow 6 Siege, but haven't yet bought it

the Standard Edition is the way to go. Keep in mind, our estimates do not account for

additional renown you can obtain through completing challenges and playing during

bonus events that Ubisoft holds from time to time. We have already covered

challenges in significant detail in two previous videos, so feel free to check

them out for additional analysis and tips. In our next analysis, we'll take a

look at Siege's season pass and analyze whether it's a good deal for you so

please hit the subscribe button and bell icon.

For more infomation >> How bad is Rainbow Six Siege Starter Edition? How long does it take to unlock everything? - Duration: 5:00.


Dandelion and why it is good for your liver - Australia 360 - Duration: 6:41.

Dandelion and why it is good for your liver

Dandelion is known for its detoxifying power.

However, if you are on medication, consult a specialist before taking it to make sure there won't be any adverse interactions.

Even though dandelions are considered weeds, they are actually great for you: they are diuretic and used to treat a variety of digestive and renal conditions.

In addition to being used as natural medicine, dandelion also has a place in the culinary world, like in salads. .

Medicinal properties of dandelion.

Thanks to its special components, dandelion provides your body with a lot of nutrients.

It is also a natural detoxifier, which makes it great for eliminating liquid retention.

Dandelion helps stimulate bile secretion, which helps improve any digestive issues you may have.

Its laxative properties are very effective for constipation too.

Also, dandelion is an excellent stimulant, which helps improve your renal system's activity.

The plant helps treat problems caused by excessive uric acid and gout.

Dandelion has been used to eliminate kidney stones.

They are also rich in iron, which makes them very good for your body.

Additionally, they help clean your blood and free your body from toxins, allowing it to work like it should.

Dandelion for your liver.

The plant is bitter, which stimulates your liver and helps with hepatic detoxification.

It is very useful for patients with hepatitis or cirrhosis.

As we've already said, its purifying properties help clean our blood and therefore protects your liver from any possible breakdown caused by chemical intoxication or diet.

Medicinally, it has been used for people with cirrhosis.

The majority of cases are from abusing alcohol, causing the person's liver to break down.

But fortunately, improvement has been seen after drinking dandelion tea.

The recommendation is to drink dandelion tea two or three times a day.

Dandelion is often a recommendation for treating hepatic problems along with other treatment.

However, it will not be effective if you do not stop smoking or drinking.

In general, the plant is used as a complement after having been treated with anti-inflammatory medications for hormonal problems or if a person is overweight.

 Hot dandelion tea is best, as the boiled water will help extract the properties we've mentioned above.

Side effects.

Taking dandelion is not a good idea for a period of longer than four months, since it can have negative effects on your skin.

In normal cases of overuse, allergic reactions or sensitivity to sun exposure has been reported.

Other, less common, cases include diarrhea or stomach pain.

Final considerations.

You can use dandelion in your salads as a great way to keep your liver healthy, or make a detoxifying tea out of it.

It's excellent for your digestion and also helps your kidneys fight off certain issues.

However, it's very important that you drink it responsibly and don't overdo it.

As you can see, despite it being annoying for those who want a beautiful yard free of weeds, dandelion can be very good for us.

If you consume it and notice any issues, talk to your doctor.

Don't take it as your primary medication, but as a supplement for any treatment that your doctor has prescribed you.

We also recommend adopting healthy habits, such as exercising and walking more.

Sweating helps your body free itself of toxins that it doesn't need, in addition to helping it burn fat.

So, enjoy the fresh air while you collect a few dandelions to use in a nice cup of tea, and keep your body healthy.

For more infomation >> Dandelion and why it is good for your liver - Australia 360 - Duration: 6:41.


Colourpop Semi Precious Eyeshadow Palette: Swatches, Full Review and Demo - Duration: 10:42.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's high-end makeup review is on the

colour-pop semi-precious palette so if you'd like to see full swatches a little

eye look then please keep on watching make sure you also subscribe to my

channel hit that notification bell I upload a video every single day the week

I don't want you to miss any so I did receive this semi-precious palette from

colour-pop in my April's boxy charm I know some people don't consider color

pop to be high-end I do guys this palette does retail for $26 okay you get

eight shades they are beautiful shades not gonna say they're not but yeah eight

shades for 26 bucks to me that's pricey but I do know that they do have

affordable makeup this is the first color pop product I have tried so guys

like I said this is the semi precious palette you get eight shades they are 20

grams each so the whole entire palette is 16 grams or 0.56 ounces of product

okay guys this is cruelty free it's made in the United States so yeah okay guys

so let's go ahead and do some swatches shall we okay there's no mirror which is

fine okay but we have this first shade right here and this is celestial

beautiful okay guys this kind of blue shade is called beam me up what it's

beautiful too I mean they're they're all really really pretty really really

pretty shades K this red one is called easy go crazy pigmentation guys this

copper one is called up and Adam mm-hmm down here guys we have Weststar

it's kind of like a chocolatey brown shade this green one is called bashful

okay then we have upon a star which is kind of like a pretty kind of almost

like a rose gold ma B shade it's beautiful and then the last one guys is

called the game so guys that is all eight shades watched guides really

creamy really buttery guys all the shades are shimmery metallic shades okay

so guys for so personally this might not be a standalone palette for a lot of

people if you're doing it very simple I look and use a little bit of shimmer

across the eyelid then you can definitely just use the semi-precious

palette but guys super super beautiful pigmented creamy beautiful shades really

really pretty okay so guys I'm gonna go ahead and do start doing a look guys I

okay I am going to do something kind of fun so I think I'm gonna go ahead and

use this red shade I'm just gonna be starting with a dry flat brush okay and

my eyelids are primed and everything just kind of scooch in close okay so

it's just Dipper in right there just gently patting because I don't want

there to be a whole bunch of fallout okay so let's just go ahead and I'm

gonna start towards the center of the eyelid and work my way out okay guys

once again this is a dry brush so guys it is crazy crazy pigmented so so pretty

I mean can you please not to drive I brush I mean I know all of us know to go

ahead and use a damp brush when it comes to shimmer shades but this is just so

crazy ly pigmented it's so beautiful I

mean there are really a nice big pan size too so it's also pretty I have to

say but this being my first color pop experience I'm very very pleased they're

really really beautiful shadows for sure do I think it's worth $26 yeah honestly

I do I've worn this before not the shade but I've used this palette and guys I

always prime my lids using concealer and setting with powder and this stuff

lasted forever I think I'm gonna go ahead and go in with celestial this kind

of gold shade right here and I'm going to just turn my brush over that's gonna

go in our inner corner I think these would be the perfect shadows if you are

wanting to do kind of like a cut crease and you want something like really

pretty and something that will stand out and guys I mean this is just amazing kay

I mean you guys see how harsh it is on this eye that line where I put that red

shadow guys you barely have to kind of run over it and it just almost blends

itself so so pretty but you guys you can do a really really fast easy look very

very quickly it's all spending too much time and it's just give such a beautiful


I'm gonna go ahead and go in with a matte shade so I'm not pulling another

eye shadow paladin or anything like that I'm just gonna be I know it's guys it's

a huge shot gonna be going in with my Physicians Formula butter bronzer and

I'm just going to just gently place that into my crease just to kind of get that

blended now this really is just such a beautiful palette I'm really really

happy that I got to try this semi-precious palette as my first color

pop experience because guys I am not disappointed at all at all

it is stunning guys like I am blending I'm not gonna say right on top of it but

you know I'm obviously putting a shade into my crease area you obviously get a

tiny bit of shadow into that crease area and guys the pigment stays true it

blends beautifully and it just gives a beautiful look so easy and guys you want

to know the best thing about it I was on colourpop's website and guys the

semiprecious fella it's actually on sale right now so you're not gonna spend $26

on it it's less than 20 so if you want to pick

up this semi precious palette guys because absolutely beautiful I don't

think you'll be disappointed guys not only does a swatch beautiful ek I mean

obviously those swatches are just killing it okay just beautiful okay but

guys it it applies and wears beautifully on the eyes and that's the important

thing right and it totally does I did check last week and like I said this was

on sale for less than 20 I don't know what it is right now definitely go check

it out so if you are looking for a nice beautiful vibrant shimmer palette I

think you would really enjoy the color pop semi-precious I'm glad I got to try

it in a beauty box but I'm definitely going to be researching and maybe

purchasing some color pop products I've heard their concealers are amazing so

I'm really really pleased with this eyeshadow palette I think is stunning

it's beautiful it's easy to work with you can just throw a couple of matte

shades into your crease or like I said you can definitely use one of these

lighter shades and just pop it all over the lid and just use your fingers to

blend it it would be a beautiful simple like very pretty look so you know

whatever you would like to do but guys they are just beautiful and stunning and

yeah I love this palette so guys I really hope you enjoyed this video if

you did then please go ahead and give it a thumbs up leave in the comments down

below what is your favorite color pop product if you receive boxy term what

color pop palette did you get did you get the semi-precious semi-precious

pellet did you get another palette because I'm really really happy with

this it is beautiful and I love it do you hate color pop leave down in the

comments below because I'm trying to do some research and the best kind of

research is reviews from people like you guys so I'd really love to know heavy

trailer pop are you not impressed let me know down below in the comment section

do it do it and guys um also make sure that you share this video I know color

pops all over but I'd love to get the word out on affordable makeup and guys

$26 to someone like me for an 8-pin eyeshadow palette but guys the quality

is definitely up there and it is a beautiful palette I don't think you'll

be disappointed there's also make sure that you follow

me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all

a bunch of glam babe guys I post makeup looks everyday on my Instagram everyday

plus lots of cute cat pictures and sneak peeks on my facebook so why aren't you

following me there you'll want to it's pretty awesome but you guys thank

you so much for watching I hope you guys have a beautiful day and yeah I'll see

you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys bye


For more infomation >> Colourpop Semi Precious Eyeshadow Palette: Swatches, Full Review and Demo - Duration: 10:42.


L18 - What is a Block (CBDE Course) - Duration: 3:44.

In this lecture we are talking about blocks.

A block in Ethereum, like on the bitcoin network, has to be mined.

Let's directly deep-dive into how that works:

Currently, at the time of recording this lecture, mining still works with proof of work.

That means - somewhere on this world- ethereum nodes are competing to find the solution to

a mathematical riddle.

If this riddle is found by one node then this node can add another block to the blockchain.

Here is exactly what will happen when a node found a block:

First, the node will get a reward for finding that block.

That is currently 3 Ether.

The node is adding 3 ether to it's own coinbase or etherbase address.

Then the miner will look at the list of pending transactions.

It will sort these transactions by the gas price from high to low and include as much

transactions as it can in the block.

The gas for these transactions is also added to the balance of the miner.

Then it will also include uncles or ommers and reward them.

They are called orphans on the bitcoin blockchain and dismissed.

In Ethereum they are rewarded as well, but that's another story.

And then the whole block is sealed and pushed to the network.

And then all of the transactions are also re-done basically on all other nodes of the


This makes sure that the miner node wasn't cheating and everything is working exactly

as planned.

That is called consensus.

Everybody agrees on the result.

But there are also more things happening under the hood.

The block has several properties if you are looking at a typical block explorer.

There is the difficulty for example.

The difficulty determines how difficult is it to solve that mathematical riddle.

And the difficulty is variable.

A block in Ethereum should be mined every 10-19 seconds.

If it takes less than 10 seconds, the difficulty increases.

If it takes more than 19 seconds the difficulty decreases.

The next blocks will be either easier or harder to mine.

The exact algorithm is implemented in each and every Ethereum node.

And by having consensus across the network, meaning that every node will redo all calculations

that the mining node did and therefore validate a block, it is clear that every node will

itself increase or decrease difficulty.

Well, or leave the difficulty as it is.

So here is your take away:

When you send off transactions then a mining node will include this transaction in a block.

Blocks should be created every 10-19 seconds.

If it takes longer difficulty decreases.

If it takes less than 10 seconds to mine a new block, then difficulty increases.

And every calculation is re-done across the network, which is the way consensus is reached.

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