this video I'm gonna be showing you three reasons that reality Tran surfing
will change your life I'm going to share with you why it's changed my life and
the powerful way you can apply it so that you get a similar result welcome
back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their
consciousness on this video we're going to be going more in detail to the
reasons reality is your answer fin can be even more powerful then what we call
the law of attraction now I still think a lot of traction is cool I've hundreds
of videos on my channel about it and I'm not saying in any way that the law of
attraction doesn't work however what I am saying is that there are certain
paradigms certain ways we can go about understanding the process or just simply
the way reality works and that when we start to apply these it starts to change
everything because literally the world that we
experience on the outside is a reflection of our internal beliefs and
our internal focus so when we change the way we view ourselves when we change the
beliefs we have everything on the outside can begin to change in a very
powerful way now here's the thing with reality Tran surfing and I'll give a
little bit of a basis of here in a minute but with reality Tran surfing
when we are able to apply some of the principles we're able to see that as we
make the process easier it becomes easier as we redefine the whole process
of manifestation it changes everything it really does and that's the main thing
that I've come to understand is how powerful simplicity is you know there's
ways and the intellectual ideas can still be powerful we can go in detail to
it that's what I've done a lot of my videos but guess what when we break it
down really simple and we start to just believe that it can be that easy it can
be that easy it's a self-fulfilling prophecy fulfilling prophecy so that's
why I think reality Tran surfing can just be so much more powerful than that
of the original processes we might be using and just to give it a little bit
of a basis like I do it a lot of the realtor and surfing videos so it has to
do with understanding that reality trance or if you first off it's a book
that was written in Russia by a quantum physicist named
Vadim Zeeland now he wrote this book has to do with understanding that there are
an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that what we want to
experience exists right now in the present moment now our intention is the
direction to which parallel realities we choose now this has to do with
understanding the choices that we make in daily life and that as we set those
intentions were going in a certain direction
now most people they are kind of ran by that of social conditioning meaning we
grow we learn things growing up we have certain beliefs and we just kind of let
that take us in a certain direction but until we start to give ourselves our own
intention we start to really decide what we want that's when we start going on
our own path that's when it can be very powerful but wouldn't we just keep on
kind of being like a leaf in the wind almost it's like we're just kind of
going with whatever is given to us we kind of absorb in our environment in a
way guess what we continue to get the same results over and over again so with
that of reality transfer fee the reason it can be so powerful is because when we
learn to really come from our heart that's not a part of reality transfer
fee we must find goals that connect to our heart because the heart is thousands
of times more powerful than that of the head and when we start to apply it we
start to see that there's a feeling that comes along with it if you start to
follow that feeling amazing things will happen that's what I did I simply
started to make videos and I started to feel something when I made the videos I
got like a flow state so I was like you know I'm gonna do this a lot more often
and that's what I did is I said you know what I'm gonna go daily because I
enjoyed so much and even though it's gonna be hard going daily because at the
time I had a full-time job I still did it but guess what that passion that
feeling grew more and more and then the side effect of that was an explosion of
growth you know we went from like 3,000 subs to like a hundred thousand in like
three maybe four months I forget but it happened very fast
because I was aligned to my heart I was aligned to my goals so the powerful part
of understanding also parallel realities is that what you want to experience
exists at a certain frequency you're just not perceiving it because of the
current choices beliefs and self-image that you currently have this is what
quantum physics shows us as far as that every possible parallel reality exists
right now and when we start to tap into this we could see it can be so much
easier than we make it because we don't have to create something out of nothing
we just have to choose and have our energy in the right direction we just
have to choose the right choices and they go about it from that point of view
I mean think of even the words reality Tran surfing
literally what it means is it means this is gonna sound kind of complicated it
means to glide through the space of variations now it's like that's even
what is the definition of that well space of variations is kind of like the
infinite number of parallel realities and gliding is kind of like surfing
right Tran surfing so think of it like surfing dude you don't have to control
everything right it's the idea that's like you're this
wave is coming and you're just riding the wave it's easy
it's something that once you learn to do it's like you you become very efficient
at it and you just let it carry you you don't to try so hard you don't have to
do all of these things so is this level of awareness now in general as our state
of being increases so does the good that comes into our life that's when we can
start to find ourselves becoming more lucky
that's what amazing things begin to happen and the other part of
understanding reality train surfing has to do with this thing of so first off of
that social condition you know that I was mentioned that's where I was going
with that pendulums thought structures the top structures of society even
though we don't physically see our thoughts although we do see the
materialization of our thoughts because that's everything we experience even
though we don't physically see our thoughts they do have an electromagnetic
type reality this is what they've thrilled with like the dr. Masaru Emoto
where they put you know energy over water and they change the molecules it's
been shown that there is an effect with our thoughts to what we experience so
what we can begin to do is to realize there's a mass consensus reality so it's
like we're individually creating our own layer of the world but all of us
collectively have certain collective belief systems that run themselves out
so many times we think we're having our own thoughts and in reality we're having
the thoughts of the what's called the pendulum a pendulum is a thought
structure we may may not be able to physically see it but there's thoughts
if one of the most well known pendulums you can think of is whether you're
Republican or Democrat if you're even a part of the system at all you may think
that this is who I am and a lot of times when
you watch the news or something it's sucking you into that energy flow
pendulums feed on energy so what happens is these pendulums are draining our
energy all the time because they're getting triggered with the media we're
getting triggered with all these things and because we're getting triggered it's
draining us it's draining us and then we don't have the energy to actually create
what we want because we're being distracted by everything else so the key
to this is to take our power back by being aware of the pendulums you know
even if you go to a sports game you may say I like to go to a sports game
because you know you can kind of feel the energy there it's funner to go to a
sports game that is to watch it on TV now they're both pendulums but one of
them you're actually physically there and you could feel the rush the kind of
the high of the pendulum and then once the game is over it goes away and now
not all pendulums are bad but in general pendulums will run people's life without
them knowing the power is and when you take your power back and you start to
say yo I'm gonna create my own layer I'm gonna create my own life and you start
to kind of realize I'm gonna observe my thoughts when you observe the pendulum
but you don't react to it that's when you have the power if you find a
pendulum you'll always kind of lose because if
you fight it you're still you're still affirming it right you're still
resisting it and the resistance keeps it alive so taking the power back being
aware of it observing it and then the last part I'll talk about the reality
tramp surfing is what it's called the balance of coordination it's the energy
from which everything comes if we put something to make it very important we
immediately distance ourselves from it and it becomes much less attainable so
when we start to instead see it as natural for us to achieve our goals
it becomes very powerful now decrease in importance is one of the most powerful
concepts from reality trans surfing that has changed my life it is one of the
ones I think can also change your life if you apply it so in that most people
have come to mean saying this has been the biggest game-changer in all of my
manifestation results now decrease in importance is not that hard to do it
simply has to do with a couple key principles of awareness of who you are
and how you relate to the environment if you want a free guided meditation that
will help you to decrease the level of importance you're giving to your goals
I've created one it's absolutely free you can download it in the top of the
description box below and it will help you to decrease the level of importance
to then increase the probability that you experience what you want so the
three reasons that reality transfer feed will change your life the first one is
actually something to do with that social condition I was talking about now
this isn't the most sexy thing social conditioning if I put it in keywords on
Google it's not going to get the most views it's not going to be the most
intriguing by people but if you D plug yourself from social conditioning it
will probably be one of the biggest game changes you make in your whole life now
what this means is you become aware of the pendulums the thought structures
what you're paying attention to because that is controlling the narrative of
your life now think about it we grow up sub thinking about this subconsciously
we grow up under and watching marketing online that is all geared under this
premise that you are not enough that you must buy the next product you must be
better than your neighbor you must be always trying to get to some external
place and you must always compare yourself to other people that is a
pendulum that has always been given to us since we were young and we are always
trying to buy the next you know women are trying to buy the next cosmetic
product to make them look a certain way guys are trying to get the next best car
so that they can impress their friends everyone is trying to do things to
upgrade their status of the way they see themselves as if they're not good enough
already you see this is a tricky thing but it's so in the background that most
people aren't even aware of it so the key to this is to become aware of what
that narrative is and to realize that you could start to take your power back
by observing what these could possibly be do you feel sometimes pull to
reassert who you are in front of people maybe someone's talking about something
they just achieved and you feel like I'm gonna get in there I gotta say something
I done you know or maybe you just become aware that you know oh maybe I'm part of
this political affiliation and now I'm becoming aware it's not like I'm telling
you just ditch it but I am saying be aware of it if you're aware of it it's
not it's not as big of a deal it's okay you know but if you aren't aware of it
you don't know what you don't know and that will run your life for show so okay
and that's what you have to become aware of it's just simply
when you start to take your pouch you start to observe your thoughts first off
observe your thoughts observe why you do what you do
observe the collective beliefs that you may be a part of what triggers you what
triggers you is it you know when some people talk about gun violence because
if so whether you're on one side to the other if it triggers you that pendulum
is carrying you you that is draining your energy of things that could
actually be beneficial to you so social conditioning if you start to and it's
really more so about just being authentic to you a lot of the thoughts
and a lot of the social conditions you might align with aren't really you
they're thoughts that have been here for a long time they're the thoughts of the
mass consensus reality you may think they're important because the media says
yo this is so important you look at all this negativity in the world this is the
way the world is even though it's a skewed sample of something that's
projected to you to distract you from who you really are that's why it's about
waking up wake up to who you are wake up to the true power that you have which is
to create your own reality from your choices from once you focus on the more
you focus on that media the more you focus on those perspective the
perspectives that don't serve you guess what the more you end up experiencing
that your life so take your power back that's what I want to encourage you to
do now I'll be doing more videos on this in the future
it's not the most sexy thing you know talk about pendulums and social
conditioning a lot of people don't like it because the it sounds negative the
social conditioning but the truth is is when you take your power back you start
becoming authentic to you you know we think that this is the goals I have I
have this goal of living in this type of house and doing this is that really what
you want or is that what you've been led to believe you want maybe it is I have
goals of being very very successful and I'm on that path right now and I make
you choices with it and I'm taking action and I love what I do but I'm also
aware is if this is this my narrative or is this the social narrative because I
can go straight to the feeling if I want I just have to focus on that level of
awareness now the second one the second reason that reality transfer fee can
completely change your life is it can make the process so much easier than you
currently think it has to be so what does this mean this means that we have
these beliefs that everything is complicated a lot of times with the law
of attraction it's like we are intending to do things we are we have these
beliefs that it's like oh this manifestation you know am I going to win
the lottery hear that all the time on the channel I'm gonna win the lottery
I'm gonna track this you know attract this into my life nothing wrong with it
but ask yourself that question where is this energy coming from we'll talk about
that more in a minute as well but the key is making this easy what are your
beliefs about the process see reality tree of surfing gliding through the
alternative space this is where the game changer was for me start to allow more
into your life this is what I'm gonna talk about what it's called a reality
amalgam I've talked about talked about this before back in the Venetian times
what they would do is they would put gold tint into the mirrors so that when
you looked at the mirrors you looked more attractive you had this glow hue
and that in a way is a reality amalgam it's an overlay of that mirror that
makes you look just a little bit better now a reality amalgam is a belief about
life in general this isn't like a belief that like money's gonna bring me this
and that this is a very general belief the world always takes care of me I'm
always in the right place at the right time yo when we say things like that and
we start to with that so general that we can connect to it right because it's so
it's not specific at all for like oh I'm gonna attract a million dollars into my
life that's like there could be a lot of resistance with that because maybe
you're making currently like 50,000 a year I mean that's such a big jump now
saying it can't happen but if you go more general like amazing things are
happening for me right now amazing opportunities are coming into life guess
what that can be very easy to connect to because the amazing things is perceptual
depends on your perspective but start to set these reality amalgams start to set
this belief that every day gets better that things get easier for you that it
is easy for you to focus in the direction of what you wanted to see
evidence of things coming into your life if you make it easy it will be easy the
more intellectual you may get the more chopped up it gets
I found that from experience and even though a lot of the YouTube channel and
back in the day was on some of these like Cola you know the beliefs and all
that and those are still powerful I still get people that emailing me
every day saying that you know those videos have changed their lives
however there's a paradigm that's higher than that and that higher-level paradigm
is how does it feel to you break it down to the feeling you are already enough
and as you start to feel into that realize this can be easy this is natural
people ask me all the time what do you manifest your life everything is a
reflection of a manifestation does that mean that means more so what are you
aware of in your life that you have created what have you consciously
decided you know and it's like well let's see the YouTube channel grew I had
an attention for that you know moving into a new place had the intention of
that you know having a better relationship with like my family members
and stuff and like connecting at a deeper level because I've been so
focused on business things that it's like sometimes I find myself
disassociated from it because I'm so focused done that done you know it
really can be that easy but everything is a manifestation of
what you believe to be true everything's a manifestation of your focus so pay
attention to what that is and as you pay attention to what that is
you start to more so connect to it you start to more so realize it all right
the third part the third reason reality Tran surfing can change your life is
because you will become more aware of where your energy is and how to increase
your own state of being now this is the thing with the law of attraction in
general this is where we are this is where we want to be so we do all this in
the middle but the thing is this over here is where we are this over here
anything that we want is because we believe we will feel better in the
having of it it's because we believe there's this a certain emotion that
comes from that thing so think about it you want
more money what do you want you want freedom you want security and because of
that that's an emotion if you want a relationship what do you want you want
connection you want compassion that's an emotion anything that we want is because
we believe we will feel the better half in the having of it that's like an
abraham hicks type quote but it's so true so what we can be good to do is
realize where is our energy coming from where is our questions coming from is it
coming from lack because here's the thing people ask me all the time on the
channel you say yo Aaron how do I attract a specific person to my life I
get that question almost every day of my PMS they go into DM so like you'll Aaron
I wants a specific person I'm not bagging on you but this is the thing
where is that energy coming from it's coming from a place of lack it's coming
from a place that I'm not already enough therefore I need to attract a specific
person if you're trying to attract I get all the time as well can I track my ex
let go up the outcome focus on you where is that energy coming from you start to
become more aware of where your energy is coming from and how you can just
exist in the emotions that you want to feel right now think about how
ridiculous this is and I'm not bagging on the whole Pacific
Pacific the specific person thing I'm bagging about this in general we give
ourselves permission to feel the emotions we want once we get to some
external time in the future so I say for example when I had a million subscribers
I will feel this a static feeling it's going to be amazing so what I do is I
get closer and closer to it eventually I hit a million subscribers then my body
my it's mine it's manufactured by my mind and I'd say now you can flush
serotonin and dopamine because you've hit your goal and then I'm feeling these
emotions I'm like whoa this is really cool I feel this because I accomplished
this when in reality I gave myself a rule in my head that said when you hit a
million subscribers you can feel this type of emotion and you can start to
feel the serotonin and dopamine mouth quite consciously I'm not like oh it's
serotonin and dopamine however when it comes to the emotion
that's what happens we give ourselves permission to feel it how about this
instead though this is a game-changer this will change your whole life if you
apply it you're here your goals are here instead feel what your goals would make
you feel what emotions is it feel it now in the present moment if it's freedom
you want money freedom and opportunity you have those in your life right now at
some level focus on those focus on what you're already grateful for focus on the
things that are already coming into your life and you will get more of it
whatever you focus on grows you want connection to a specific person or a
person in general focus on the relationships you already have focus on
family doesn't have to be a romantic you just focus on what you already have and
as you focus on connection you will get more connection as you focus on the
connection with yourself you will proceed more of that in your life so
this is a game changer but feel the emotions now and then paradoxically
enough everything that you want to experience happens quicker because you
resonate with it just like the process talks about parallel realities they
already exist it's a matter of tuning into it you tune into it with your
emotion with your state of being give yourself the permission to feel that
state of be now and everything will begin to change in a very powerful way
so remember as you start to decondition yourself from society's beliefs from
trying to be good enough and that also intertwines into the other ones of
where's the energy coming from am i already whole and complete start to
focus on that make it an easy process this is so much easier it's a natural
byproduct of who you are it's not this you know what have you manifested look
around look around so you got to do it sits in front of your eyes it's a
reflection of what you've been thinking
so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to like
this video if you guys liked it subscribe if you haven't ready hit the
little notification gear next to the subscribe button because the way YouTube
does things is you have to hit that in order to see my daily vids and on that I
will see you guys tomorrow there's much love and
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