Hello You
Andy Rivera: "Ella me ayudó a escoger 'Víbora' como sencillo" | En Primer Plano | El Espectador - Duration: 5:42. For more infomation >> Andy Rivera: "Ella me ayudó a escoger 'Víbora' como sencillo" | En Primer Plano | El Espectador - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
WHAT MY MOM TAUGHT ME INSPIRATIONAL STORY | Mark Mero | Millionaire Mind - Duration: 5:04.the greatest gift my mother ever gave me she believed in me I have overdosed on
drugs on three occasions where I should have been dead but I believe I was kept
here for a reason you show me your friends I will show you
your future how do I know this I hung out with
losers and I became the biggest lose them all because I gave up everything I
dreamt about as a little boy because of who I chose surround myself with my
friends drive me home at 2:00 3:00 4:00 in the morning we'd be drunk and high
laughing in the car we pulled it from a house in yard they go mark mark the
light side I go oh man my mother's up see my mom wouldn't go to
bed until she knew her son was still alive I'd walk and she say hi mark
how was your night it goes good mom it's gonna go to bed shoes can I can I talk
to you for a minute I go mom I'm tired I'm just gonna go to
bed just mark I haven't seen you all day and all night
can I please talk to you it's a man just leave me alone
yeah bogged me I'd slam my bedroom door I'm the one person who believed in me I
was on a worldwide tour we arrested overseas in Japan after my wrestling
match well upstairs my hotel room and I fell asleep there was a knock at my door
at 3 o'clock in the morning I got out of bed I looked for the safety window and I
could see it was a Japanese promoter so I opened the door he said mark you need
to call home there's been an emergency I went got a hotel room phone I called
back tonight citizen hey what's going on they said mark I don't know how to tell
you this I said just tell me what happened I'll start trying to go but I
can't tell you I said just say it I said mark your mother died
I just threw the phone down there ran out of my hotel room I took the elevator
to the lobby when the doors opened up I just ran out into the street I mean
there was no cars there was no people's 3 o'clock in the morning and I walked
down the middle of a street in Hiroshima Japan and I remember looking up and just
say mom I am so sorry I flew home for her funeral and I was so nervous to walk
up to her casket so I just stood way in the back and I kept looking from a
distance I kept thinking to myself
please get up and then I finally got the nerve to walk up to her and as I got
closer I could see my mom for the first time I mean she was so beautiful she was
dressed in white I mean I just stood over it I said mom you are my hero
everything I am everything I hope to be was cuz you you loved me so much you
gave me a life you're the only one that ever believed in me how did it repair I
can drunk by then high I get stupid by hanging out with losers full o do to me
I wish I could talk to you now mom I wish you could see what I'm doing why
couldn't I have been a better son we are defined by our choices but if you
surround yourself with people involved in drugs and alcohol and pills it's a
dead end I'm not here to preach to you I'm here
to tell you I live that life it leads to broken hearts broken
relationships broken dreams and death for one to get high if you have a mother
or a father when you go home tell about what you love them see my whole life was
about being rich and famous I had to be a millionaire I had to win the race I
don't win the race expensive my marriage my family my friends for what to be all
alone in the world and learned what is truly important and that is how precious
this gift of life is and our families and how quickly they could be taken away
see I no longer live in time I live in moments she's not what's in
your pocket that matters it's what's in your heart that truly matters love love
is just a word until somebody comes along and gives it meaning you you're
the meaning
did antidepressants help me? - Duration: 10:11.Hello my lovelies before the video starts
I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing another gathering
This will be my third in total which is mad. I get to host it with my beautiful friend Delphine
And it's actually on my birthday this year
which is
Just insanely wonderful. the link will be at the top of the description box below. if you can come along; please do, you don't need
To worry about if you know anyone
or if you're gonna feel awkward, because you won't! because we have a
Lovely time. okay now that I've mentioned that we can get started with the video. here on Maja Anushka
We like to talk about brain stuff a lot
I've made a ton of videos in the past about mental health and
All that jazz and I thought it was a really good time to do a kind of update because I'm coming up to
one year on
antidepressants which is crazy. I get a lot of questions about my medication on my tumblr and my Twitter and such so I
thought I would make a little video talking as openly as I can about my
Antidepressants and the process of getting on them and what it's been like since I started them. before I get into how I actually feel
about my antidepressants
I will give a bit of context about my situation and what led me up to going on them just because
mental health is so subjective and I don't want anyone thinking that this is a
blanket solution for everyone because it's not because no one is the same. my first bought of
Depression came when I was about 16, and I was going through my GCSEs, which if you're not from the UK are
Basically the exams that you do at 16
Which lead you to kind of be able to apply for jobs and further education and all that stuff.
I've never particularly struggled with school. I'm lucky enough to have a brain
That's pretty compatible with the way that the exam structure is set up
But I hate being forced to learn about subjects. I don't care about and maths and science
Just don't agree with me. my brother is great at those subjects but for me
it's like they fall out of my ear while I'm asleep. the stress and pressure of school made me really miserable and
really unhappy in general we went to the doctor a couple of times and were recommended counseling and
At one point during that time I was in three different forms of counseling which was
Exhausting. a lot of the doctors that we were talking to telling us that this was fairly
Normal and that it would pass once my exams were finished which was very frustrating at the time
But they were right because as soon as my GCSEs were done. I started to feel better and my mood lifted
I still consider that depression, and I still think of it as the first time
I really struggled with depression
But it was a very different form to what I had to deal with
Later on which was then the thing that led me to go onto antidepressants. However once my gap year rolls around it gets to about
February, March time and all of a sudden, I'm just
Really sad and it's not like when I did my GCSEs because I could pinpoint the exact reason I felt shit
And it was because of school pressure. this just hit me like a train out of nowhere
And I couldn't solve it because I couldn't figure out. What was wrong
I had no motivation to do anything whether it was going to work or seeing my friends or doing my hobbies I
Felt horrible about myself. I felt horrible about the future
I had gotten into university, so I knew that that was on the horizon, and I was excited about it
but I just felt so hopeless and
honestly spent a lot of days in bed because
There was nothing else that I really felt like doing I kind of waited it out
Expecting it to maybe just get better by itself, but when three months had gone by and I still felt horrible
I took myself to the doctor and
Asked for antidepressants. the reason I did this was
Counselling is fantastic and it really works in certain situations
But I just had this feeling,
and I've never had one this strong before of it being in my gut and me just,
Knowing that the thing that was wrong was that I didn't have enough serotonin in my brain
I could feel that I didn't have the correct
Chemical balance as much as talking about it with my friends and family was helping to an extent
It wasn't upping the chemicals and that is what I needed hence why I went and asked for medication
I was very very strongly discouraged by my GP, and
By my family, and pretty much everyone, to go on medication
And I was turned away from that appointment, which is possibly one of the lowest moments
During that time. it's actually the only day that I remember feeling really angry
I'd kind of lost all the intense emotion in my depression
But I was so frustrated because it felt like I knew exactly what I needed and no one was listening to me
and I could understand why they were telling me no, but if they would just
Listen. so I let another two weeks roll past and I was just getting more and more
Distraught and depressed and nothing was changing, and I had a wonderful friend
Take me to the GP again and asked for medication again
And I was given it. I was put on
50mg of sertraline, and I started on the 1st of July last year
And I've been on that ever since
Antidepressants are not a magical fix of a solution because there is no magical fix when it comes to depression
It's so deep and complex and difficult that nothing is going to instantly make it better
antidepressants gave me a neutral, because before I had either really high highs when I was with my friends or
the lowest of lows where nothing felt like it was worth it, and I was just
miserable from the first month of being on my antidepressants onwards I could tell that I
Had the ability to feel fine. I wasn't either over the moon or
horribly, horribly depressed I had an
OK; I had a grey area, which was so exciting
After months and months of not being able to access that. of course
I still had, and I still have, because recovery is a long fucking process, the negative thought
Cycles that cause me to feel depressed, the low self-esteem, the self-destructive tendencies
All of that isn't going to be cured by drugs it can only be cured by cognitive thinking
Methods and therapy and working on yourself. however the thing that my medication did was give me the energy
to start making myself better
Before I just had no motivation to improve whereas once. I started taking sertraline
I actually could get up in the morning and go and do the things that I loved which subsequently made me happier. ultimately
I'm still in recovery and I probably always will be because I'm
Mentally ill and that is not going to be changed with a couple of pills or a couple of weeks of
Positive thinking and yes, there are negative consequences of taking
Medication and there are side-effects and all of the things that you get warned about, but when the alternative was me
literally being a shell of the person that I want to be and I get to be now I
Will happily take the side effects because it means that I at least get to actually be alive. if you want to know more about
Antidepressants and the kind of technical side of them because I didn't get to go into that here
I've left some links below about my specific
Medication which again is Sertraline and also just general
antidepressant information. if you are a
Young person who feels like they need or they want to go on medication my heart goes out to you
And I've been there and I was there and I understand how frustrating it is to feel like no one's listening to you or
No one's taking you seriously, and I promise that
There will be a solution whether it's medication or not this will not last forever. I absolutely swear that to you
I know it feels like it will but it won't the first steps to getting on
medication are to talk to your friends and your family, because it's good to have an outside perspective and
Sometimes they can say things to you that will make you reconsider the situation entirely, and also going to your doctor. it can be
Terrifying to do that and to feel so vulnerable and to potentially be told no
But if you don't go, then you'll never find out if it's a possibility, and like me it took two tries
So don't give up immediately.
And lastly if there's someone watching who feels like they need help, but medication is not the answer that is totally fine
Medication is one of so many solutions to mental health issues and for a lot of people
They don't actually work and people try them out, and then they go to other things there will be an answer for you
Don't feel completely hopeless because you're not and your brain will lie to you and tell you that you are, but the world is
enormous and gorgeous and loves you and there will be a fix I
Promise. I really hope that this video was helpful to at least someone who might be considering going on antidepressants
Or just want some more information and even if you're not you get a better insight into what makes me tick because it's it's these
That's it. of course. I'm joking there is a lot more to me than the fact that I take antidepressants
But they definitely allow me to be a person
Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you guys next week with another video
If there's anything that you want me to talk about or you think I should make a video about
Let me know; all of my social medias are right down there, and, uh, and yes it is true
that I work at Best Buy.
The rumours are correct.
Funniest and most awesome replay of me ever!!!!! - Duration: 6:50.233 meters!!!
lol... noobest player ever?
Mia And Me End of an Era Episode 45 - Mason Moss - Duration: 19:46.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
AKHIYA SATGURU CHARNO ME LAGI II deep narayan prabhu BHAJAN II अँखिया सतगुरु चरणों में लगी - Duration: 8:44.Mangal Films
180428 林明禎 #ME&U 派對 音樂會 《You make me want to fall in love》 - Duration: 3:31. For more infomation >> 180428 林明禎 #ME&U 派對 音樂會 《You make me want to fall in love》 - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Anxiety + Me : My Experience - Duration: 15:38.hello everybody I am Luciana and today we're doing a little bit of a different
video I want to begin to share with you guys a little bit more of my own journey
throughout the years as I've been teaching meditation and seeing my
clients I sometimes give you guys a lot of examples but I don't always share
with you more profoundly my experience with certain things so I want to begin
to do that simply to put out there how it is possible to begin to move past
things that may be limiting us and I really really wanted to share this video
specifically because because the more and more that I work with people that I
talk to people about what they're experiencing emotionally the first word
that I hear out of everybody's mouth is anxiety I am experiencing my son my
daughter my mom my friend somebody if not you is experiencing anxiety around
you and it's still a thing that not a lot of people understand it's still a
thing that has many perspectives so it's okay to see things differently than what
I am gonna share here with you but today more than anything and more than
teaching you anything I want to share with you my experience of anxiety how I
experienced it how I lived it and the way that it affected my health my body
and my emotional state with all of that said I want to begin I guess where it
all starts in my childhood I feel that since I was a little girl I was always
very afraid of the world so I had a beautiful childhood I had a healthy
childhood things happen in my childhood like my parents getting divorced but it
wasn't really dramatic at the time or in any way at that moment from what I knew
too how can we say too difficult together it
was a transition that seemed kind and normal now I can understand that they
were emotions there that I didn't process but I want to put that out there
first sometimes people believe that if you experience anxiety is either because
there is something wrong with you it's either because you're weak and you don't
know how to handle your emotions or it's because you lived something very
difficult and traumatic in my experience and I would say this is pretty much the
definition that I have concluded that has to do with anxiety is that it is a
resistance to something that eventually becomes mental emotional physical we are
resisting an experience we're unable to process it excessive whatever we are
living is too overwhelming we're assisting it not because we want
to but because we don't know and what how other way to handle it that we begin
to have symptoms like I said some people do not experience physical symptoms of
anxiety some people experience more emotional maybe they might feel a lot of
fear that they do not know why it's there or maybe the anxiety is being
experienced in a very mental way where they're just thinking maybe intrusive
negative thoughts and for most people anxiety becomes something physical I
feel I experience a little bit of all but I did experience it a lot in a
physical way or you begin to feel literally the tension inside in your
chest maybe sweaty palms may be hard
palpitations and things like that I was never officially diagnosed with
anxiety as I was growing up it wasn't a thing because I never expressed anything
one of the big signs of why I was resisting so much it was almost as if I
believed that everything that I was living inside would be an inconvenience
for other people so I never expressed it and this is one of the biggest big
things that cost me from a young age to begin to gain a lot of weight it's
almost as if having the extra weight because if you think about it that
physiologically for your body is meant to protect so it was doing the same
thing for me you know it's like I feel vulnerable I feel nervous
simply because because there was really not much going on it was just my I guess
fear like I said of being in the world and out of not knowing how to handle
then I started from a very young age protecting myself with extra weight
mentally did not make me feel any better but I guess at certain level it brought
some comfort because it became my identity for those of you that may be
watching this maybe you don't experience with anxiety but you have a weight
problem it usually might have happen at the period in your life or you felt you
needed the most protection or you felt that you needed to feel safe emotionally
and little by little habits start to change and suddenly you feel overwhelmed
and suddenly you find yourself overweight for me like I said it started
at a very young age now my mechanism of coping with all of that was to do
nothing but continue to suppress the emotions I really wouldn't talk too much
to anybody there was a lot of shame you know a lot of us people that find
ourselves over overweight we carry a large amount of shame with all of the
weight we carry a lot of shame because we do live in a society that rejects the
way that you look when you're overweight when for you is your only it might be
your coping mechanism to get through so when we're going through life and we're
hearing people remind us of something that we're so aware of even and we don't
talk about it it only creates more of that resisting to live and continuous to
create more weight and this is mainly like I said my experience I became aware
of my anxiety so that's another thing maybe you have you have been
experiencing anxiety for a long time but you really haven't become aware of
it I think I became aware of it around 15 and 16
I guess it's also the period of my life when my hormones began to be more
present and the little fears and the little emotions became big emotions I
still did not express them but I still started to feel a lot of more anxiety
fear I have moments of panic here and there and I never did anything to treat
it the outcome of that is probably within the next three four five years me
reaching a weight of almost 300 pounds and I guess it was around that time that
something in me started to click you know I always had an interest in
meditation I always had an interest in learning you know about something
something bigger than ourselves and that started very young but it was mainly
probably after I graduated high school that I started to read more about it and
learn more about it it's one thing to read it's another thing to practice but
it was not until I was you know in my mid-20s or the 20s that I started to
really really really begin to practice what meditation was and it took time
because at the beginning it makes no sense you're going through anxiety
you're feeling depressed you hate yourself cause you're overweight and
somebody comes and tells you to breathe and relax you don't think that's gonna
help you you you really don't or at least I didn't a lot of the time I was
like this is not gonna help let me go back to what I'm doing but I'm a true
example of the fact that even working through things little by little
eventually pays off the fact that my anxiety got really bad
with physical symptoms to that point where you want to Google to see if
you're about to die you know it's like am I about to die right now with how I'm
feeling at some point I said no more at some point I said let me try different
things my route was to educate myself because like I said I was very skeptical
of many things and every time I talked to my clients because I offer
alternative therapy hypnotherapy techniques from life coaching emotional
integration meditation a lot of people think that I was just like out of the
blue believing in these things believing them because I've seen the
results in my life and in other people's lives but I was there reading about it
learning about it asking about it trusting as I was moving through working
with clients until I've seen it so that was my journey but with all of this said
it took a while and every time little by little I started trusting more and more
and more that I had the power to apply things so my big thing now is that I
recognize when it comes to the emotion of anxiety it is required to be willing
to feel the uncomfortableness of flowing with the uncomfortableness if that makes
any sense it is required to feel and that's gonna
make you uncomfortable either you resist it and the anxiety will continue or you
flow in it will feel uncomfortable at the beginning because you have to allow
if you've ever felt the guilty or ashamed or alone you know it's
uncomfortable and if you're human you have you know but if you're willing to
let yourself experience it something and you will happen where you realize it
wasn't that big of this huge deal that I was making it wasn't this huge drama
that I was imagining it's simple it requires trust it requires letting go
of being the judge of what's happening in your life we are our biggest critics
we are so obsessed especially in our society with thinking that everybody
cares too much about us and how we look and how what we do but at the end of the
day whatever comment or look or opinion people may have it's a surface of what
they're going through but everybody has one spot line and that spots the
spotlight is usually facing in towards themselves everybody's obsessed with
themselves everybody wants something for them I always tell my students in my
classes you're here feeling uncomfortable that there's other people
nobody cares because everybody's feeling uncomfortable about them thinking
but other people care it really requires recognizing that there is nothing wrong
with how things are that it's okay to make peace with things being sometimes
difficult outside of our comfort zone it's okay to make peace with endings
it's okay to make peace with changes like I shared with you um throughout my
childhood my parents got the voice and that was a huge change and I wasn't
expressing too much how I felt and I kept it all inside by the time I was 12
years old my appendix had to be taken out by the time I was 18 years old my
tonsils had to be taking out my gall bladder had to be taking out and at some
point somebody told me what else do you want to come out of your body for you to
pay attention my body could no longer resist could no longer hold the
resistance that I was putting into you know in it and I had no other option but
to wake up and take charge and take responsibility and be willing to feel
uncomfortable temporarily to feel better in the long long term it's an act of
love towards yourself to not put so much pressure to your mind to your emotions
into your body it literally kills us I know it sounds a little dramatic but our
thoughts and our emotions literally affect our body and it can literally
kill us maybe in a long time but it does affect our health we're so obsessed with
little things until things become real that's why I'm a firm believer that we
need tools you know for those of you that may be watching this the follow me
I sometimes sound like literally like a broken record but now more than ever I
have this passion on this mission of wanting to share a lot of the things
that have helped with helped me with the people that are ready a bunch of people
are gonna hear me and they're not gonna like it and maybe you don't believe in
what I say maybe you find it like you've heard it five million times that's good
this is not for you then I want to reach to the people that are ready to simply
receive tools that they can apply in their lives because that's what
transformed mine you know and we have to be strong because not
everybody's gonna agree with us I remember being 12 years old and because
I was so overweight and my belly was sticking out really you know really far
people would tell me are you pregnant but it sarcastically kind of bullying of
course and I remember number one I didn't speak the language because I was
just coming from Mexico so I didn't speak English and I would just sit there
feeling completely humiliated feeling that I wish I knew how to not feel like
this how to change it I feel like most of the my life I was in search for tools
and now that I found them for the people that are also searching for tools I
wanna at least do my little put my little grain and and put that out there
and now it's like I'm really passionate about that so anyway so that's pretty
much what kind of what I wanted to share with you guys and more than anything
please if you're experiencing anxiety or depression or anything the only thing
that I want to remind you of right now is that you truly hold the key and the
power maybe right now you don't yet know that different tools that you can use
but you do have the power just don't forget that a lot of people and I was
there we feel so powerless and worthless when we're going through something we
feel small in front of everybody else in the world even if we have recognition
it's because of what you're feeling inside just want to remind you you have
done nothing wrong you're not experiencing anxiety and depression
because you're being punished it's simply the side effect of until now how
do you process your emotions and you've truly been doing it the best that you
can the only thing is that this way doesn't
work anymore because it's only not helping but hindering so it's simply
about looking for support and the tools you know I teach about the process of
emotional integration I teach about the power of meditation to help emotions if
that doesn't work for you go reach out to whatever method person author
purpose that helps you but you need to take charge stop resisting allow
yourself to flow and instead of freaking out of the flow
take charge yes so that's what I wanted to share with you guys I hope you guys
have a beautiful beautiful day and I'll see you soon bye bye
THE YOUTUBE PURGE PUT ME BELOW 200 SUBSCRIBERS. - Duration: 2:19.Oh, yeah, oh yeah, this is good. This is that good ish although ladies and gentlemen
Hello, ladies and gentlemen,
this is Dante and welcome to my channel! If you're new here, I'm a Nintendo gamer
I'm a vlogger so if you want to, y'know, if that sounds interesting to you,
please hit subscribe because ya boy dropped below 200 subs.
So, it's kind of ridiculous, because I recently did a video,
where I did a 200 subscriber special, it was a question and answer and it was awesome!
Y'know, I had a lot of vulgar questions, so I woke up this morning, and I was like
"Oh wow, I lost a couple subscribers. Oh, no!" I was like, that's fine. Y'know, people don't like this kind of stuff
THAT'S OKAY. I'm not offended. It was pretty extreme because there were some pretty vulgar questions,
and it's not the kind of content that I typically upload so if that's not your thing,
That's okay! So I'm like chillin here
and I'm like trying to figure out exactly what happened and where these subscribers went, and then I get on Twitter
and I see that boogie2988
tweeted out that there is a subscriber purge going on right now. Okay, so a subscriber purge
we haven't had one in a while, so yeah, I guess we're kind of due for one.
So I'm just kind of chilling here, and I'm like okay. There's a subscriber purge going on. That explains
why so many of my subscribers have disappeared because I'm not exactly a big channel so whenever I take a hit of like... five
or six subscribers like I did, that's noticeable to me. Especially when it drops me to a whole different hundred number.
So I'm sitting here below 200 now.
I feel awkward just crap because I went through all the trouble to make this video and all these people went through the trouble of
commenting and now I'm sitting here with
a hundred something subs. I feel like a phony.
Then I see other YouTubers start to comment and say that y'know there's a subscriber purge going on right now.
That's why I'm kind of not freaking out as bad, but hey just kind of sucks cuz ya boy got dropped below
200 for a little bit.
I don't know if I'll be below 200 at the time of this upload. I'm gonna try to get back
y'know, cuz when you take an L, you just gotta bounce back.
That alone is probably gonna make people stop watching this video play. We'll just stop there,
we'll keep it short and sweet.
So hey, if this is your first time passing through, go ahead and consider hitting that subscribe button and drop a like and
if you're a small YouTuber like me hit by this, leave a comment.
I'll check out some of your content!
So thank you all for watching this quick little video, and as always, the most important part, have yourself a blessed day!
Me desenquadrei do MEI, e agora? - Duration: 2:28. For more infomation >> Me desenquadrei do MEI, e agora? - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Speak to Me: A Year in the Life with Gemiini & Down Syndrome | Episode 5 - Duration: 6:43.[Fox making sounds]
Mollie: "Fish."
Fox: "Fish." Mollie: "Fish!"
[Fox starts laughing]
Mollie: You did so good, brother!
[Fox making fish sounds]
Last day of Spring break, it's like 50 degrees and the wind is blowing
but - we're here. We're having fun anyway, right buddy?
["Goats. That's right!"]
So we're at Griffin Farms today because Fox just wrapped up
the Animal Sounds. We had talked a lot about them
at the house and read books with animals
and finger puppets and so we decided that we would come out today
and kind of celebrate together as a family.
Fox is definitely, he's not making all the animal sounds
but he's definitely babbling a lot and he even tries to say, like with "donkey,'
he's trying to say "donkey."
When we saw the goats he was trying to say, "goat."
So, he's definitely made a ton of progress in that area.
And Wren's - they have a playground over there
She is very busy playing on the playground so she doesn't have time for the interview.
There she is!
She's just not gonna do it.
There she is! Wrennie!
Oh well. [Laughs]
So this month Fox and Wren actually both moved up a level.
So Fox is now on level 3
and level 3 is Basic Words.
The videos that he's watch so far have been like shapes and body parts.
But we're also continuing to do, um -
- So awesome, Pip! Okay! - Good job, buddy!
So we're continuing to make videos using the Gemiini clips.
So this month we're focused on the letter, "D."
And we incorporated the Dad video that we custom made
and a lot of other fun things.
Yeah, some words like, "duck," "down," and some other "D" words.
Drink. - Drink, yeah.
Fox has really done well with that so we're kinda
letting him guide us in that. So "D" has been what he's
um, kinda been babbling a lot so we're focusing in on those words.
And last - I guess the end of last month and earlier in the month
we were doing "B" words and he really just loved that.
Fox: "Bear."
["Bear!" Good job!]
That's really worked well for Fox to kind of use the
videos that are set up with the Gemiini program
and then kind of do some things really more for his interests
on the side so he watches 2 videos everyday.
With Wren - So she's moved to level 7? Is that right?
Yeah, it's Modifiers.
So she's on Modifiers now.
So the video that she's watching now is like colors -
[Fox makes loud vocalization]
-Woah. - Yeah. What do you have to say?
Yeah, so her level now is Colors. So it's like black, red, blue
and she is also still working on the pre-reading curriculum.
She's going really good.
[Gemiini Video: "White."] Wren: "White."
[Wren and Gemiini Video together: "White."]
[Gemiini Video: "White."] Wren: "White."
[Gemiini Video: "White."] Wren: "White."
She's shown a lot of interest in books so we're really trying to capitalize on that.
Wash your hands.
[Jarrod: Here you go.]
[Gives Wren hand sanitizer]
[Jarrod: Now rub your hands together.]
And so with it being Spring break one of the great things is like,
for Fox and for Wren, they are very routine-oriented
so week's like Spring break, although they're fun and it's nice to have a break
from school it can be kind of hard on them
being out of their normal routine
so it's been a huge bonus having Gemiini to kind of
keep that, at least that one thing consistent in their schedule.
Yeah, a little bit of structure still.
Yeah, and, you know, they're not at school so they're not getting
their school instructions and therapy this week.
We haven't really - they haven't really skipped a beat
as far as making progress though.
Even like this, he's just like babbling a lot more.
Seein' him moving his mouth the way we want him to move it, making that "B" sound.
Bah, bah, bah.
- Smart boy! - Beep beep!
Come see me!
Good job!
I'm so proud of you!
[Mollie and Jarrod calling back and forth to Fox]
Go see Daddy! Go see Daddy!
[Everyone applauds and cheers]
Girlfriend Hasn't Texted Me in 2 Days l Dating Advice for Men - Duration: 8:07.hello guys welcome to my channel it's your boy andrew today I'm gonna tell
you what to do when she doesn't speak to you anymore and very often we do some
small mistakes in our relationships in our interactions and girls just decide
to not speak to us anymore in this video I will make sure you understand what to
do if she doesn't speak to you anymore so I will deliver on that just make sure
you watch this video till the end because I have some interesting
strategies that you don't want to apply step-by-step the very first thing we
need to do is we need to understand for a second what exactly let being upset
and decide to not answer you anymore now maybe it's something you said maybe it's
the way you behave if it's a thing that she wanted you to understand maybe it's
a deep topic that she was hoping you would understand but you didn't some
help for you it didn't click now there are a lot of things you can do it I have
a previous video that helps guys to get that access back and basically the same
strategy apply one thing you need to understand maybe you're approaching
girls on Facebook what is the grammar for some reason they don't answer or
they answer two or three times they don't answer anymore after maybe you are
boring yeah I'm not saying these things all do you trust me I like you I don't
even know you but I'm sure you're a nice person you
you're usually us man I swear 95% of the men I've met in person they're amazing
people amazing but for some reason the energy they try to transfer over text or
try to you know deliver to girls in general when approaching them somehow
it's somehow creepy or less interesting boring so one thing you need to
understand girls are approached every single day by a lot of guys and a lot of
creepy guys by the way and a lot of needy guys so one thing you need to do
is that actually if you are approaching on Facebook and Instagram and this topic
applies to you when you approach you need to be interesting you need to think
outside of the 90% of guys that approach us so let me just give you an example if
a guy if nine guys actually approach a girl by saying that she is beautiful now
that's a validation nine guys decided today to offer that girl that girl is
actually what she's throwing up of that
compliment because nine guys nine confirmed the fact that she's beautiful
now what you want to be you want to be the tenth that goes to her and oh my god
you are so beautiful oh you don't want to do that you want to be interesting
you want to be different you want to diversify let me give you an example I
would approach it girl and let's just say she is dressed in black like myself
I am right now I would be like oh my god ha
I just saw you hey what's your name she's gonna tell me how my name is
Elizabeth what do you want from me and I'm gonna be like wow it is a bit
interesting name you look like a girl that is dressed from Zara you see why am
i assuming this because Zara is very elegant Zara by the way has a lot of
clothing that is black I dress from Zara this is from Zara now this video is not
sponsored in any ways that you should sponsor me by the way am i doing I'm
still delivering a message like she's elegant and she's somehow captured my
attention but I'm acting cool I'm not desperate I'm not creepy I'm not needy
I'm just assuming she was in Zara and from that you will see the girl that
she's actually laughing and be like oh my god why did you listen from Zara I
usually dress from Primark oh that is shitty by the way once again I'm joking
but the main idea is to diversify to be different now in case this is not the
scenario for you maybe you are just in a relationship with a girl and you've done
something that led to her not contacting you any more now if it's a topic the
deep topic let's just say like she told you her their mother died let's just say
which I do hope he's not gonna happen by the way let's just say they just assume
like she's told you listen my grandmother died and somehow you made
this stupid joke about it and you know that kind of triggered her to you know
to see you as a very rude guy and maybe that thing made her thought for a second
oh my god wait a sec this is not the guy I would like to date you know so you've
done a mistake so one thing you need to do you need to be a man and approve of
the fact you know be in peace with yourself acknowledge the fact that
you've done a mistake try to eventually give her a phone call or deliver a voice
message has she one probably ask you know don't cry over it them see see I
see a lot of guys when they apologize they they are way too creepy they're
like listen babe I just want to say I'm extremely sorry for what I did cuz yeah
they are the other no the the actual way a guy apologized like an alpha guy and
telling you it will be it will make more impact it's just by saying sorry in a
very simple way so you're gonna pick up the phone be like listen I just want to
tell you that I just realized how er how much of a douchebag I was because that
thing was very important to you and that thing is very painful now I realize then
trust time has passed I can't make it come back you know so I can't take what
I said back but I do apologize for that I'm very sorry and you just hang up the
phone now if for some reason she blocked you everywhere you can't even you know
call her because she changed her number something like that try to be in contact
try to make contact with a friend a very close friend of hers that can actually
deliver this message to her that saying that you are sorry and the third
situation you might be in and that person decides to not talk to you
anymore is because you've been in a relationship and somehow things ended
there was a loss of attraction or something you may have done or you know
may have lets that breakup that eventually made her take the decision
that she doesn't want to hear anything about you anymore she doesn't want to
see you anymore so one thing you can actually do to shift the decision you
need to think about it very logical when you've been with someone a specific
amount of time that person knows you extremely well that person knows
everything about you so what you need to do you need to shift everything she
knows about you that's person knows that you like football for example that
person knows you're passionate about cars and that person knows that you just
sport every single day now what can you actually do to shift those things all of
a sudden you don't like football anymore you like basketball you post pictures on
Facebook where you play basketball all of a sudden you dress elegant you're not
dressing casual or sport anymore you like elegance you're a new guy that's
what she's gonna notice straightaway all of a sudden you're not passionate
about cars just bought motorcycles so you know you're the right the right now
so all these things sugar curiosity raised questions in her head all these
things all these things are gonna lead to what happened who's this guy
I was with this guy I thought I knew him but now I don't know him at if I might
add the bonus tip for you build social value the way you build social value is
by actually in acting with new people posting pictures
every single day with new friends going being being a social popular person
posting pictures with new girls every single day will once again raise
question on the old boring guy that you were that you know you wouldn't going up
so much you you were dressing sporty you were like you are in love with football
now all of a sudden you have abundance in your life you you know you date a lot
of people you have a lot of photos with new friends you go out you dress elegant
your mentality shifted completely so she or he might be considered the idea that
wait a second I thought he is this guy but look at him
something clicked something change and this is how you grab interest again I
thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing
I will be posting amazing powerful information every single day and if you
want to go more in depth with me you can contact me on Facebook for consulting
sessions you have the link in the description below and you have the link
to also a guide in seduction that I wrote especially for you it's actually
not a book as more of a program in 10 steps literally I take you by the hand
in 10 steps and literally in less than 45 minutes you can understand what is
the best strategy to actually gain confidence and abundance in your life
with women so you won't ever have problems anymore in that specific topics
so thank you very much for watching I do hope you will have an amazing day an
amazing day my friend have a nice day
Maher Zain - Guide Me All The Way Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat - Indonesia (KM-ROHIS STIKES MRM) - Duration: 3:25. For more infomation >> Maher Zain - Guide Me All The Way Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat - Indonesia (KM-ROHIS STIKES MRM) - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
BoTalks - Lost Like Me (Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:34.Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Do you feel lost sometimes, Tell me do you feel
And I feel lost sometimes
Cause I've been running
Do you feel lost sometimes
Tell me something
Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Do you feel lost sometimes, Tell me do you feel
And I feel lost sometimes
Cause I've been running
Do you feel lost sometimes
Tell me something
You know that I'm searching, Just like you
Show me you want me, I know that you do
Like it was last weekend, Put it on me
Get that body speaking, Get that body
I'm thinking maybe I should quit thinking bout you
When I'm thinking bout you
we do, I see indigos and violets
It gets louder love, and every time you and I rise above
I've made friends with the silence
Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Tell me do you feel
La la la la lost like me
La la la la lost
La la la la lost like me
Do you feel lost sometimes, Tell me do you feel
And I feel lost sometimes
Cause I've been running
Do you feel lost sometimes
Tell me something
You know that I'm searching, Just like you
Show me you want me, I know that you do
Like it was last weekend, Put it on me
Get that body speaking, Get that body
cause honestly I don't know what the f it is with you
Did you get the messages
With you, Unspoken but honest
My intelligence I think I'm at war with the elements
Emotions in conflict
I MADE A UNICORN CAKE | BAKE WITH ME - Duration: 10:28.Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And today I'm going to bake a cake.
I'm actually really excited to make this.
It's for my friend's niece for her birthday.
She wanted one of those unicorn cakes I haven't made one yet.
I have been really wanting to try one, but I haven't gotten around to it
so I'm pretty excited to make this.
So I already have all my fondant pieces made up,
they have been drying out for a little while.
So we will get that together and we got to make all of our cakes.
So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below
there is some good stuff down there.
And let's bake a cake!
Alright guys I made a unicorn!
It is so cute I love it!
OK let's not break it.
So thank you so much for watching, go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up,
check all the links down below and I will see you next time.
Como me santificar através do trabalho? (Homilia Diária.835: Festa de São José Operário) - Duration: 5:24. For more infomation >> Como me santificar através do trabalho? (Homilia Diária.835: Festa de São José Operário) - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
【Krystal】我的卸妝➕晚間護膚程序🧖🏻♀️Get unready with me【中文字幕】 - Duration: 6:22. For more infomation >> 【Krystal】我的卸妝➕晚間護膚程序🧖🏻♀️Get unready with me【中文字幕】 - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
They tried to FOOL Me!! - Duration: 15:18. For more infomation >> They tried to FOOL Me!! - Duration: 15:18.-------------------------------------------
H.E.R. ft. Chris Brown - Focus (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:21.Me Can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Please Hands in the soap
Have the faucet's running And I keep looking at you
Stuck on your phone And you're stuck in your zone
You don't have a clue But I don't wanna give up
Baby, I just want you to get up Lately I've been a little fed up
Wish you would just focus on Me—Can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Me—Me Can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
What is this a joke?
You know I get this money So I guess you can't complain
You don't have to be alone If you bring your ass home
You been running through my mind all day I can't fuck it up
Baby I just want you to let up Maybe I been a little selfish, I should do better
Wish you would just focus on me
Can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby—Me Can you focus on me?
Baby, focus Can't you see?
I just wanna love you, baby Look me in my eyes
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