COMO PLANTAR TOMATE DA MANEIRA MAIS SIMPLES DO MUNDO - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Prédio de advogada paranaense morta ao cair do 4º andar é periciado - Duration: 4:05.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "
dtd"> O Instituto de Criminalística e a Polícia Civil realizaram a primeira perícia no prédio onde a advogada Tatiane Spitzner, de 29 anos, foi encontrada morta após queda do quarto andar
Preso desde domingo (22/7), o marido da vítima, Luis Felipe Manvalier, 32 anos, não acompanhou os agentes
O crime aconteceu na Rua Senador Pinheiro Machado, em Guarapuava, na região central do Paraná
A Polícia Militar chegou ao local, após ser acionada por vizinhos, o corpo da advogada estava dentro do apartamento
No entanto, foram encontradas marcas de sangue na calçada em frente ao prédio, no hall de entrada e no elevador
A suspeita é que o marido tenha carregado Tatiane Spitzner para dentro da casa após a queda
Mais sobre o assunto Advogada é encontrada morta após cair da sacada Luis Felipe Manvailer foi preso por suspeita de feminicídio em São Miguel do Iguaçu, a mais de 300 km de casa, após sofrer um acidente na BR-277
Ele foi transferido para a Penitenciária Industrial de Guarapuava (PIG), na terça-feira (24), afirma ser inocente e diz que a mulher se jogou da sacada
Tatiane Spitzner e o marido Luis Felipe Manvalier Segundo informações do Jornal Nacional, da TV Globo, Um boneco com a mesma altura 1,72 m e o mesmo peso, cerca de 62 kg, de Tatiane foi usado na perícia
O objetivo é entender como a advogada caiu da sacada. Ao todo, três simulações foram feitas
Em todas as vezes os peritos encontraram divergências entre a versão do suspeito e as disposições finais do boneco após lançado pela sacada
A promotora Dunia Rampazzo afirmou que espera o resultado da perícia, entretanto não há uma data estabelecida
Já a Polícia Civil pretende concluir o inquérito sobre a morte da advogada até a próxima terça-feira (31/7), mas existe a possibilidade deste prazo ser prorrogado
Technology Analyst: Innovation through Technology | What We Do | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 0:53.Darpan: My name is Darpan, and I am a technology analyst
in Corporate and Investment Banking.
My work is to code, to develop, and to analyze solutions.
To provide the best technology solution to the bank,
and to cater to the different requirements that come from
the business in a technology proven environment.
And I'm proud to say that I'm a part of such a team where
I am developing the entire full flow technology
to deliver a particular application
which is going to be used for working trades.
Coreia do Sul lança quarto submarino de ataque tipo 214 - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
GALIOTTE CONVOCA REUNIÃO DO CONSELHO PARA DISCUTIR CONTRATOS COM A CREFISA - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
The Crying Boy | Teaser Trailer [2018] - Duration: 1:16.a famous 80's legend a terrible curse...
it is this picture
it's distracting me
Tổn Thương Cột Sống Do Bê Đồ Vật Sai Cách Và Cách Phòng Tránh/ Học Cùng Y Khoa - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Dongyoon, do grupo de k-pop Spectrum, morre aos 20 anos - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO DO LOW-CALORIES SUSHI ROLLS! **COMMENT FAIRE DES SUSHIS FAIBLES EN CALORIES! - Duration: 8:16.So today we'll talk about food and it's not a regular food.
We'll talk about sushi.
As everyone knows, it's generally made of rice and fish.
Those 2 ingredients should not get you extra weight
But eating sushi can get you fat and I'll tell you why.
It is because we put a lot of sugar inside the sushi rice and sugar makes you gain some weight.
But today,
like a valiant knight that I am,
today, I'll challenge myself to teach you how to make sushi without gaining weight,
but as tasty as a "normal sushi".
But before letting you watch the tutorial,
don't forget to like, to share with your friends, but especially don't forget to Subscribe to my channel <3
If you don't, you'll miss a lot of interesting videos
that you sure will like.
Cucci loves you people <3 Byeeee
We'll start with a short introduction to the ingredients
First of all, you need rice.I used some risotto rice in this video.
You'll need some sliced cucumber as shown.
Some sweet paprika that we'll slice and cook later.
Some avocado that I also sliced.
In this bowl we have :
Some salmon,
some surimi, and because I'm a little kid, I play with it.
Here we hve some sesame, use it only if you like it.
This is cream cheese, or philly if you like to call it this way.
And i'll put it in my sushi (I used the light version)
And here we have some smoked salmon.
This is the most important ingredient to make sushi : Nori sheets.
And finally, you'll need a knife and a bowl of water.
You'll also need a wooden mat,
gloves for hygiene,
a wooden plank where you'll put the wooden mat to roll your sushi
First of all we'll put the rice in a pan.
I forgot to mention that you can also use special rice for sushi that you can find in a supermarket.
Like I told you, I used risotto rice because that"s what I had in my house.
Put some water in the pan and clean the rice.
You'll see that the water will be white, get rid of it.
Repeat this action till the water becomes clear.
Then let it cook ~25 minutes.
You have to put a lot of water in the pan,
so that the rice becomes sticky after cooking like you can see in this video
Attention please! Mission rolling sushi begins and we'll start by putting the gloves on.
Take a nori sheet and put it on the wooden mat
Put some water on it,
this allows the rice to stick to the sheet.
Now take a good quantity of rice and put it on the sheet.
It has to cover 1/3 of your sheet.
Flatten the rice just like I do
Just like that, that's great, that's perfect Christiane
Wow you killed it. (haha)
Now for the filling of this sushi, I choosed some surimi
with avocado.
Now let's learn how to roll a Maki.
Take you mat, and the Maki that's on it
You take both and you start to roll, but don't forget to press on it. The sheet has to stick, if it doesn't, press harder.
Repeat the action.
Again, press it so that the sheet doesn't open.
Do it again and again and again till the end of the sheet.
At the end, don't forget to put some water on the sheet so that everything sticks well.
Now i'll teach you how to do some California rolls.
Take a lot of rice and put it on the sheet.
Leave a little bit of space at the end of the sheet
so that you can add your fillings.
I added some sesame on the rice but you don't have to do it if you don't like sesame.
I turned the sheet and I put my fillings on the little space that I left before.
I used some salmon, avocado and cream cheese.
Now you start rolling it like I did with the Maki.
Now let's learn how to do some Nigiri.
Take a little ball of rice,
roll it like I do it.
Flatten it on the top and on the sides
Till you obtain a little longer ball.
Just like that.
Now take a piece of the smoked salmon.
Cut the salmon till you obtain the same size as the Nigiri and put it on top.
Voilà! Your nigiri is ready.
Now before you cut your sushi,
don't forget to often put your knife in the bowl of water
so that it doesn't stick to your sushi.
Last step before you fill up your belly,
I put some fried onions on my california rolls to get some crunchy taste from my sushi
Don't do it if you don't like it, but I love it.
My sushi are now ready to be enjoyed.
Enjoy your meal!
And much much love to everyone <3 <3 <3
Ultimate MAUI Travel Guide! Plus, some SECRET Things to do in Hawaii... Don't Tell Anyone! - Duration: 10:39.Welcome to Maui Hawaii.
This is the Third part of this Hawaii Travel Guide.
We end this vacation on Maui the most beautiful of the three islands from this trip.
We start our Maui Vacation at this phenomenon called the Nakalele Blowhole.
A small 5 to 10 minute hike brings you to the blowhole.
From this small hole in the rock water launches into the air when the waves come crashing
This phenomenon is astounding and a great place to check out here on the Northwest side
of Maui.
On a hot day the mist feels really nice.
And as long as you don't do anything really dumb you are totally safe here.
Some people for some reason think this is a really dangerous spot.
Have some caution and you'll be safe.
You need to check out the Nakalele Blowhole.
Now as a bonus if you look around and just go slightly the other direction you will come
to this heart shaped hole in a rock.
And now for my favorite spot in Maui, the Olivine Pools.
And one of the best things is that people don't know about them.
A ten minute casual hike down the hill brings you to this inlet.
Huge waves just crash all around you here but like you're in the eye of the storm the
pools are as calm as can be.
The placed signs and a headstone here to try and scare you away from this location, but
if you have any sense of caution you are fine.
And you can just chill and just see these massive waves just crashing all around you.
I'm telling you the Olivine pools are incredible.
Just come here and chill, put your feet in the water, read a book, or whatever you want
and just enjoy the sounds and the senses and the surprisingly chill atmosphere of these
waves crashing all around you.
The next morning we ate at Maui's most coveted diner.
The Gazebo Restaurant.
If you are willing to wait over an hour this is my favorite restaurant on Maui.
It does not take reservations.
It has an amazing view of the ocean and there are no bad seats.
To top it off their food is amazing.
And both my wife and myself love the food here.
In fact I will give you a tip the best time to go for a smaller line is actually near
lunch time.
Now we move on to a helicopter ride over the islands.
Maui is the best place in Hawaii to take a helicopter ride.
It has the most beautiful waterfalls and valleys from above and to go through and get next
This is no ordinary helicopter either.
It is a doors off helicopter ride which has a couple of perks over other Helicopter rides.
Most obviously you get to feel the cool Hawaiian air and don't feel all cooped up like on other
helicopter rides.
Maybe not so obvious of a perk is that there are no bad seats in these doors off helicopters.
Just look at the views of these waterfalls.
You also fly above some of the smaller Hawaiian islands.
My favorite part was the shoreline Sea Cliffs and waterfalls of Molokai.
It looks surreal and this video just doesn't even do it justice.
Other great things about this flight is they let you use a camera unlike other doors off
Up in the air you feel fresh and over every peak is another beautiful valley, waterfall
or shore line that make this flight exhilarating.
Seeing Maui from above is a must do while on Hawaii.
So I would use this company.
AND one time we asked if we could to an area again and the pilot turned around and gave
us another pass near our favorite waterfall.
I will link to this doors off helicopter along with all the other things I do in my Hawaii
travel guide in the description below this video.
Most vacationers in Maui like us decide to stay in the city of Lahaina.
And here is my favorite restaurant in Lahaina.
The Lahaina Pizza Company.
The view from this restaurant is amazing and their pizza cannot be beat.
So relaxing.
This is one of two don't miss restaurants in Maui.
But you will just enjoy the chill atmosphere at the Lahaina Pizza Company I guarantee it.
The road to Hana is the number one thing to do on Maui.
This extremely scenic drive is all about the journey, and unlike the title suggests is
not about the Destination of Hana.
All along the way there are stops that are different ways to enjoy and experience this
rain forest.
I recommend getting up as early as possible for the road to Hana because first, there
is more than a days worth of things to do and second to beat all the rest of the tourists
to some of the attractions.
We first stopped at the Garden of Eden.
My wife and I love animals and we wanted to see the Peacocks that roam in this park.
They are one of natures most exquisite creatures and you can get right up close and take some
pictures with them.
But if you like to enjoy nature with just a casual stroll this is a good place to do
But there are definitely more exciting locations along the road to Hana than this.
Next I am gonna take you to a Secret waterfall that only few people know about.
Now I will share the secret with you...
sort of.
This unknown path is a 20 to 30 minute hike of rock hopping up a hidden valley until you
get to this secret peaceful cove with a picturesque waterfall.
Its main appeal is that no one knows about it and that is how the locals want it to stay.
The hike and the cove are like a magical dreamland.
And I will give you a Hint.
Your hint is that it only has one parking spot along the road to Hana and it is a hidden
To find this waterfall you have to want it but it is so worth it.
Everything else on the road to Hana can be found in this book.
I recommend buying it and planning out what sounds most interesting to you in this book.
I will link to it below.
Down the way is the Keanae arboretum.
Now I mispronounce everything so I am sorry for that.
When I first saw this in the book, I overlooked it.
But it is a quick easy stop and has the coolest trees on all the Island.
It is well worth a stop to see the palm and banyan trees among a variety of others but
the best trees are these rainbow eucalyptus trees.
They make an awesome background of colors for an up close shot as well.
A quick detour from the road to Hana is the Keanae peninsula.
It is a great place to relax and take in the scenery of the coastline and see some of the
homes and a nearby church.
What makes this small town even more worth it is that by this point your are probably
getting a little hungry and Aunt Sandy's Banana Bread is the best and it is also a great place
to stop and eat.
The best place for Hawaiian shaved ice is featured in my Oahu Travel Guide.
I will link to that video at the end of this video.
But most shaved Ice here on the island is good just like here at the Halfway to Hana.
Now, like I said, there is too much to do in one day on the road to Hana.
In fact, Hana itself only has one thing that I love to do and I didn't even get to do it
this trip.
This is a Trike.
It is basically a motorized hang glider and it still is one of the coolest things I have
ever done!
The footage here isn't that great because it is before I started travel vlogging.
Starting on this random runway in Hana you take off and really get to see the rain forest
from above.
And I highly recommend this especially if you didn't get to do the doors off helicopter
ride from the beginning of this video.
Make sure you book this way in advance and I will link to it below.
Next we make are way to Wai'anapanapa State Park and this is another must do while in
Unfortunately everybody else knows this is a must do as well.
It is most famous for its black sand beach.
If you have never been to a black sand beach this one is really impressive.
What makes this black sand beach stand out more than others is its strikingly vibrant
The water is a crystal blue and the foliage is a bright green making this beach a sensory
If you watch my Big Island video I visit my other favorite Black Sand beach and that one
is not very busy at all.
Because there is so many people here to make this slightly more personal I recommend going
on a five minute stroll to the edge of the rocks where the vegetation is most vibrant
and sit right next to where the waves crash.
It is such a cool little area slightly more secluded than the rest of the beach.
Next to the main beach there is a small cave that opens to the ocean.
It is a pretty little gem that a lot of people miss just walking right by it.
When you find the small cave it opens into a beautiful silhouette for pictures should
you so choose.
And as you can see here the sand is magical.
The Pipiwai and the seven sacred pools are my last must stop along the road to Hana.
First you hike along the tall grass or whatever that is to an overlook where you can see a
large distant waterfall.
You make your way to this old majestic banyan tree.
It is a nice place to relax and climb.
After that you cross a few old bridges.
Here my wife is reenacting a movie.
Can you guess which one?
Okay anyway, my favorite part of this trail is the bamboo forest.
At points the bamboo towers over you and makes this amazing tunnel to walk through.
And it really feels mystic as you walk through them.
At the end of this trail you are rewarded with another breathtaking and huge waterfall.
Near the seven sacred pools is the Wailua falls.
It is a quick and very magnificent waterfall.
You can see it from the road.
If you want a lot of waterfall for just a little bit of effort the Wailua falls are
for you.
To be honest I am always astounded this place isn't even more packed.
And it opens into this pretty little cove to take a dip in and breath the fresh Hawaiian
Now if you want to know what to do on Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii watch my other
Travel Videos.
Below I link to the things I did in this video and my equipment.
Comment on any questions that you have about Hawaii and I will answer them below, like
this video if it helped you out, and subscribe to mine or my wife's makeup channel.
This Is What Happens When You Do Not Brush Your Teeth - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Why Diets Wreck Metabolism And What To Do About It - Duration: 1:02.One of the issues with yo-yo dieting is that, we lose a lot of muscle in those diets because
they are very drastic.What happens is our body kind of shuts down a little bit, so our
metabolism slows down and we are losing more muscle, when you lose more muscle it becomes
even more difficult for you to burn calories because muscle burns way more calories.You
may be happy that your weight is going down, but remember weight is not showing what the
body composition is.
So you may be losing more muscle, which is what we don't want to lose because it is a
healthy tissue.
It's a tissue that we need for our normal functioning of the body.
So practical advice that I would give anyone is really to maintain physically active, maintain
your levels of physical activity for your age, resistance training exercise if very
important for building muscle mass, and also eating diet that have the muscle building
O que é o W na viscosidade do óleo? - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
DO YOU LOVE MiE with milk (?) || keke challenge #JaCha #3 - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
A Citizen of the Kingdom - Duration: 7:36.I'm here with my little popcorn, my
Rebeca. She's gonna be participating with me.
I want to share a word that's
found in John 3,
verse 3. It is written: And
Jesus responded, saying:
Truly, truly I tell you, that if
someone isn't born again,
they will not see the kingdom of God, or have
part of the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus asked him: How can a man,
being old, be born again? Can someone
go back to their mother's womb a second time?
Jesus responded a second time saying: Truly,
truly I tell you unless you are born of
the water and the spirit, you cannot enter the
kingdom of God.
I also wanted to share with you about
this subject:
What is the purpose of the "being born again" process that
Jesus is talking about? What is he referring to?
I brought little Rebeca to use her as
an example. Rebeca what city were you born
in? "Boca Raton" Boca Raton? Boca Raton is in Florida in
the United States. We've lived here in
America for 7 years, and Rebeca
is five years old. At around the 2nd year
that we were living here, she was born and I had a very
interesting experience. I wanted to
frame today's message with that experience.
Rebeca was born in West Boca Raton Hospital and
we brought her home the next
day. She's a beautiful princess, very
special. My little princess. After 6 days,
I go get the mail and when I open the
mailbox there was a letter from the
united states government.
I was a bit surprised because I had never
received a letter from the government before.
When I entered my house, opened the letter, there was a
document there.
This document is called a "Social Security Number"
its almost like the CPF from Brazil.
When I opened it, I was
very impressed! The Holy Spirit
ministered greatly
to my heart. My family has been here legally in
the United States for 7 years but in order for
us to be here legally we had to
apply for documentation, get a lawyer, and there's a whole
process for us to remain in the
nation. And even so, we don't have certain
rights that an american citizen has. There
a few limitations.
When I opened the government letter and saw
a Social Security Number with the
name Rebeca Conrado, I became ver
impacted and the Holy Spirit spoke greatly
me. He said, do you know why she
received this letter? A child who's
been alive for 6 days. A child who
was just born, already receives a
document that gives her rights.
The Spirit said to me, it's because
she was born here. She was born with those
rights, because she is an
american citizen. When you're a
citizen of a nation, you're already born with
the rights of that nation. So there are
many rights that an american citizen,
that a brazilian citizen has, that the
foreigner doesn't have. That's why Jesus
is saying to Nicodemus, beloved, you
have to be born again, because when
you are born again from water and the spirit,
you have a part in the kingdom of god. In other
words, you will be able to enjoy the
benefits of the kingdom.
You will be able to enjoy that which
the kingdom has to offer.
Because the one who is born of flesh
lives in the flesh, but the one who is born
in the spirit, the one who is born by water and
spirit, begins to be a
participator in the kingdom of God. Jesus
is inviting Nicodemus to be born
again so that he might have the rights that the kingdom of
God offers. You, today, can make the
decision to be born again.
Going back to your origin, accepting Jesus,
surrendering your life to Jesus, and letting the
Holy Spirit come take over your
life, and - just like Rebeca, who was
born here and has all the rights that her nation
offers her - you, being born of water and of
the Spirit, into the kingdom of God, you will
be a participant in everything that
the kingdom offers. of every benefit,
of everything that flows, that emanates from
the throne of God. You will have the legal right
because if you who are listening to me today
benefit from the rights or
benefit from a few things of the kingdom without
having been born again, you are in the kingdom
You don't have the legal right to benefit
so take up your cross and follow Jesus. Being born again
is going back to your mother's womb.
It's going back to God's womb, it's going back to your
origin, it's relating with Him, it's going back to
the place of relationship, it's going back
to the place of fellowship with God because you left
Him but now He wants to
live in you, and as He lives in you,
the Spirt and the life, the water which is the word and
which is Christ begins to mold the image of
Jesus in you, and you can benefit from the rights
that the kingdom of God has for
your life. All glory, all the
benefits, all healing is in the Kingdom.
the miracle is in the kingdom. The character of
Jesus is in the kingdom. The life of God is
in the kingdom. And, by being born again, you
will take hold of all of this for the
glory of the name of Jesus.
So you won't need
anything else because when you're born again,
the social security, the CPF of the kingdom of
God comes to you automatically.
It's not by strength, nor by might, but
by the Spirit, by the relationship, by
the life lived with God.
So I invite you today to take hold of
this word, you who haven't yet given
your life to Jesus, wherever you are now,
give your life to Him now, make this
prayer with me.
Jesus, I give my life to you,
I recognize you and receive you as my
Lord and the savior of my life, because
I want to live with you for all
Jesus, all of my life is in your hands
I accept you and recognize you as my
Lord, and my savior.
Amen. God bless you. You are a new
creation in Christ Jesus. Take hold of this. God
bless you.
Jak przygotować się do testu Chester Step? - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Diário de viagem:Férias em Barra do Corda /Evilyn. - Duration: call me all friendly telling me how much you miss me that's funny I guess
you've heard my songs well I'm too busy for your business go find a girl who
wants to listen because if you think I was born yesterday you have got me wrong
I don't need love cuz I already cried enough fucking have it moving on since
we said goodbye I'll cut you up I don't need you so you can try all y'all time
is up I'll tell you why
I remember that weekend when my best friend got you creeping you'll bring me
down I'm the alcohol so I'm decision is you made your bed sleeping play the
victim is up I'll tell you why
sawaki cancer sure doesn't a Latina an umbrella for our mother him by the
collar you can see you bet you whatever I will say that continues
to deserve our basic to this forest Omega versus
you didn't explain to a multiple said it was just experiment ice
yes I do I love him robusta reverse it Yoshio me finish you
yota parikia Olivia keen do we have it oh don't you to feel the income yeah
I am your music
jantuah whistle on a moped Oh gentlemen humane application election
is happiness that rotation Cassano space
- coming from the Petrella no free if don't work because you're so
into acquiring funny buddy Carter Busey
please embark on the moon she should come down here since she started never
you grab a key
would you secure the furnishing I can old a stranger can she know I marry him
only memory I dream you know dream Nietzsche
nope I'm anonymous is the solution you should look it up you see each other
Dunning Gavin are you cold
that was in bada boom change oh sure Bernie I could have a minute doc you
grab my stuff with me you're happy she got to Hugh you have enjoyed a big
boom we gotta go graphitization which ihy Unibet Satya I changed procurement
but I never saw you as much if I ever go back to the cage operation which
provides better change in shot I can occur in a picture here it looks like he
can switch it off or tag where it is okay
religion with my feet so I can sleep at night
Megan my stuff crazy what is party voltage v-0 nepotism a young to be sure
it comes on yabba-doo me consider that intelligent
changing generation of a lot of me a four-way stop like revelation analogy to
me Iijima yoga de cada año vigraha I see no browser for comfort the a but
important photograph will happen by the similar if for the meat can focus on a
cabbage from a pitcher who you know gravel 406 local kia sportage acumen non
Gravina II got the bouncer yeah he's - oh my god Kabir give each child a jacket
a venture other a mind sewing a wound okay motion voice rose
I'll Bible NGO yeah be sure your doctor
show you in the program improvement in visual Haskell yarmulke I'm a machine
that another ballot of data a kindergarten each year II the Brazil of
my snake moves to improve those windows iacovone sarcoid Ramanujam people
there's a monster
Thank You mr. Okita motivational and milkshake ajikko no card only here's a
Vig for movement that centralizes of I need water wash and what amazing for a
smiie is a crisis
chicken katsu talking kal-el festival each year my domain you can see he is
born s sepulveda spare Akeem bursts are since clever now they should buy stench
like a at a movie
MY ID IS GANGNAM BEAUTY Eps 1. Do Kyung Seok Being Savage! - Duration: 0:54.You were really good at drinking back there.
Sorry, I think I'm drunk.
I'm so foolish, dont you think?
I get drunk only after a few drinks.
Excuse me.
Don't you have anything to help her sober up?
She says she is drunk.
- Soo A - Drink this.
-It's best for sobering up - Get on my back.
-I'll carry you on my back -it's really effective
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