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Apple Removes Ex-Gay App, Google Lets it Stay: Dec 28 Debrief - Duration: 2:23.Marriage equality starts in just a few days in Austria.
A new report confirms the horrific reports of violence against queer people in Chechnya
and urges an international response -- but the US has still done nothing.
Marriage equality could come to Thailand.
And Apple has blocked an ex-gay app from its store, but for now Google has allowed it to
We'll have the week's top LGBTQ news and actions you can take on Weekly Debrief.
Weeky Debrief is made possible by the folks who pledge a dollar or more a month on Patreon.
Head over to or click the link in the description to join the folks
who make the show possible.
Congratulations to Austria, where marriage equality starts on January 1.
It's been a long time coming, with various court cases and proposed laws for more than
a decade.
It finally took the Constitutional Court to rule in 2017, and while conservative lawmakers
were able to delay the start of marriage for a year, they're out of options and weddings
can begin in just a few days.
Also this week, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe released a harrowing
report, documenting widespread kidnapping, torture, and killing of LGBTQ people in Chechnya.
The report confirms what we've been hearing for over a year, and calls for other countries
to help bring perpetrators to justice.
So far the US has been silent on the atrocities.
The Thai cabinet approved a bill that could lead to marriage equality in the country,
but it's still far from a sure thing.
It'll need approval from the incoming parliament, which is difficult to predict because elections
won't be held until the end of February.
Still, if the law is approved, Thailand could become the first country in Asia to recognize
the freedom to marry.
And finally this week, Apple has cut off access to an app that promoted ex-gay abuse.
The app directed users to advice for ending same-sex attraction.
As we know, every major medical organization in the country agrees that it's impossible
to control a person's sexual orientation, and that trying to do so causes tremendous
The Living Hope Ministries app is now gone from the Apple store, but it's still available
via Google Play -- where it's rated as appropriate for teens.
So this week's action item: keep your eyes peeled, and if you happen to encounter an
app that promises to change a person's sexual orientation, go ahead and report it.
As always let me know about stories that need covering @mattbaume on Twitter and in the
YouTube comments.
Thanks to everyone who makes Weekly Debrief possible with a pledge of a dollar or more
a month on Patreon.
Click the link in the description or head over to
And I'll debrief you next week.
How to recover deleted Passwords, history and Bookmarks from Google Chrome | COMPLETE REAL RECOVERY - Duration: 10:22.hi guys, today I'm going to show you how to recover or restore the passwords to
your Google account if you have accidentally cleared the passwords from
your browser and it got synced to your Google account it's difficult to get
them back, so I'll just quickly create the scenario first and then show you how
to recover those passwords. Okay, so let's get started...
I'll just quickly create the scenario by clearing my cache including the passwords and then it will
sync to my Google account from where I cannot restore them back
I'm just showing you these are my passwords in my Google account
here you can see this is my Google account and passwords are in sync with
my browser so I will quickly clear my cache
I'll select this passwords to create the scenario where I lose all my information
including my passwords
so I'll go back and see here all my passwords are gone
so this is my browser
and let's verity... see this is my Google account where my changes got synced
to my Google account so I cannot get them back in any of my Android or laptop devices
so I will show you how to get this information back
so let's get started
very first thing you need to do is
turn the sync off for all these options
from advanced sync settings in your browser
so this browser should be on
your PC where you had Google account logged in previously or you used this PC before
so just turn this sync options off then
disconnect from the internet so that if you restore the passwords it will not
get overwritten by your Google account again with this sync when you enable it
so I am just disconnecting from the internet
so I'm not connected to the internet now
then go ahead and close this browser or any other sessions if you have opened
now just go to this path I'll put this path in the description below here you will
see user data folder under Google Chrome it should have your previous version of
settings and Google data so right click on this folder and go to restore
previous versions
here you will see the list of previous versions of this folder so you should
select the version which is before you cleared the cache or before you deleted
the passwords so I am just selecting the latest version and one thing if you
don't have any previous version here I am afraid you will not be able to get
these passwords back so once you select this folder just click on restore so it
will ask you for the confirmation are you sure you want to restore the
previous version so yes restore so depending on how much
information or how much data you have in previous version including your history,
passwords it will take some time so let this process complete
so I got this message that folder has been successfully restored to the
previous version okay okay then open google chrome again and go back to the
settings so here you will see the sync's are enabled again because we restored
the data so go ahead and disable them once more
so once again I disabled all the sync's options and check whether we got the
passwords back.. yes I have the passwords here but stay disconnected from the
internet if you connect it now you will lose them again because it will get
synced to your Google account so now I want to make sure that these passwords
are in sync with your(*my) Google account so it will not get cleared again so for
that I have to make some changes in this list so that Google will will see this as
the latest list of passwords with latest timestamp and then it will sync from
this browser to your Google account not the other way around so for that just
select any of the entry and make some changes for example in this case here I
have no username in this list so I will just go ahead and remove it so that the
timestamp of this information will be updated and Google will sync this
information to my similarly I will do this for this entry as well where there
is no user name so now I have the latest version of passwords here
then go ahead and connect to the Internet
so I am connecting to the internet now
yeah, I am connected now then go back to the settings and login again
so here I am logged in again but sync is still off so I'm just checking what is
there in my Google account
so you'll see I still don't have any passwords here but in browser I have
these passwords so now I'm going to enable the sync and let's see if these
passwords from my browser are getting synced to my Google account so let's go
back here and enable the sync
and wait for some time so that your passwords are getting synced to the
Google account so let's see if I have these passwords again back in my Google Account
yes, I got them back in my Google account so I can sync this information
to my other android or laptop devices. Hope guys this information is helpful
for you and this video helped you to get or retrieved your passwords back to your
Google account if you like this video like, share and subscribe to my channel
Thank You!
Google's Plan to Rid the World of Mosquitoes - Duration: 2:26.Mosquitoes kill more people than any other animal combined.
They carry deadly diseases like Zika,
yellow fever and malaria.
According to the World Health Organization,
mosquitoes are the cause of more than one million deaths per year.
So, Google is getting rid of them.
The goal is to slowly
render the mosquito population unable to
reproduce until they simply don't have another generation.
Debug has been raising male mosquitoes at a lab in California.
Researchers infect those mosquitoes with a bacterium called
Wolbachia which causes infertility in female mosquitoes.
The infected males which do not bite would be released into a given area
to mate with the female mosquitoes and render them unable to reproduce.
Mosquito borne diseases are hard to prevent,
and they disproportionately affect warmer climates.
Over six months in 2017,
Debug release more than 15 million infected males in Fresno, California.
This reduced the female biting population by two-thirds.
With recent tweaks, the project has been able to decimate
the overall mosquito population by 95 percent.
The CDC only endorses six insect repellents like a toxic DEET,
which can cause side effects like vomiting and seizures.
Insect nets only work 50 percent of the time and must be replaced every few years.
The authenticity of the drugs used to treat
these illnesses can also be called into question.
A quarter of all malaria deaths are attributed to counterfeit antimalarial medications.
Of course, eliminating an entire species off the face of
the planet would destroy our ecosystem, right?
After all, mosquitoes are a primary food source for fish,
birds, lizards, frogs, and bats.
But a study published in 2010 in the journal,
Nature, says the food chain would stay intact.
It says other insects would probably fill the void left by mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are more than annoying,
they're deadly, and it turns out,
the planet might not even need them.
Do you think we should get rid of mosquitoes?
Leave a comment below,
throw us a like, subscribe,
and make sure you ring the bell.
ADEVARUL DESPRE ANTONIO PICAN SI GOOGLE TRANSLATE (FOARTE CREEPY) - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
🔍GOOGLE * El proyecto PAGERANK * Historia [V:181229] o(👁👃👁)o - Duration: 11:55.-------------------------------------------
Google My Business | Local Listing Basic Features - Duration: 3:16.I just got my Google My Business listing set up,
but it seems like there's so much more you can do there.
What are the things you can do, and what you recommend?
So Google My Business is an important tool for you as a small business owner,
and it's really important to note you need to either have a local business
that's a brick and mortar store with a physical address or a service-based
business that has a service radius.
Right now, Google My Business does not apply if you have an online only business or an
ecommerce business, it doesn't make sense because it's all
about local search and someone being able to find you and act upon that
search right away.
You have some different scenarios. Number one,
you may have an existing listing and it could be sitting there,
maybe someone created it before, a past owner or a staff member that
created for you, but you haven't claimed or verified it -
easy to do.
The other situation that you might have
is that you have a brand new business or a business that has not been submitted
to Google before.
That's where you're going to want to create a brand new Google My Business
profile. Either of these things can be done by
going to
By going there, what you're going to be able to do is
either claim your listing or you're
going to be able to create a brand new Google My Business profile.
On that, you'll submit your [Business] name address,
phone number. You're going to be able to put your
website in, add photos and videos,
add your logo. There's a lot of cool stuff you can do.
The possibilities are endless with how you can communicate with your leads,
prospects, and current customers.
There are such things as posts that allow you to update them every day if
you want to, every week,
and even Google takes it one step further, they'll give you a little nudge.
- Nudge Nudge -
They're going to email you every time you need to update your post
because a post, usually expires within seven days.
The other thing you can do on a Google My Business profile is upload videos and photos.
This is very big!
Now I could describe my business to you and tell you,
come into the door, turn left,
turn right, whatever,
or I could take a video of a tour of my business and I could walk you through.
Isn't that impactful? I could describe a dish to you if I own
a restaurant, what's in it,
what the ingredients are, how it looks,
or I can take a photo. Yum.
Ultimately what you want to do is you want to take advantage of these
different tools, photos,
videos, posts.
You can even have people schedule appointments through your Google My
Business profile. It's insane the amount of stuff you can
do. It all starts by going to and you'll find that down in the
description below. Hope this helps.
Hey, thanks for watching.
You know, bigger,
better biz is dedicated to equipping you with the tools and know
how to grow a bigger, better,
small business. It all starts with you,
so if you enjoyed the video, click like below.
Feel free to ask questions in the comments and if it's not too much to
ask, subscribe to the channel and click that
bell because you will be notified every time we have a new video to help you
grow that bigger, better business.
Here's to your success!
How to add google maps in opencart contact us page? - no coding required - Duration: 4:23.Hi everyone, today I'm going to show you how to add a Google map in contact us page
of opencart without no coding so for that first go to
then search your location - webocreation so once you find the location.
Click Share then click embed a map then copy the HTML. I'm going to admin
section - Login to admin.
Go to the Extensions >> Extensions >> Modules
then find HTML content if it's not installed just click the install and
click this add new then give it a name let's say Google Maps. In the title you
can add the title or if you don't need then no need to add the title so click the code
view and paste the HTML here. The width is only 600 600 pixels so let's
make it 100% percent and you can change the height as per your needed. You can
click on the code view enable it and Save.
and go to your design layout
contact us >> edit. And if I if I want to show into the contact top then click
Add and choose the Google map and save it. Let's go to the frontend and contact us page
and your map is shown to the contact us page. If you want to show a full
width you can go and add you can remove from here and add the Google Maps and
content full width. Now when you refresh it you will see the Google Maps and
content full width. This content top full width position is not provided by
OpenCart core so you have to install these free module which you can get
into here which I will paste into the description of these video and you can
add the free extensions to add full with positioning in the layout of opencart 3 version.
So like this way you can show a Google map in the contact us page
hope you like the videos you can
subscribe our onlinegyannepal YouTube channel and you can follow me on Twitter
rupaknpl, and you can send us any kind of suggestion requirements at
Thank you
How to edit a YouTube video on Google Pixel English Subtitles Translations - Duration: 2:40.hi guys okay this is going to show you how to edit a video on a google pixel
mobile device and so so what you what you want to do is look here at the
bottom bar and so you've got the home trending subscriptions inbox and library
you want to click on library right there your library of content right there and
so I like to go here to my videos because I'm pretty positive there's more
ways to get to it than this but I'm going to tap on my videos right there
now what we want to do is look for the three vertical dots you see the three
vertical dots right here tap on that and you have the ability to edit tap on edit
and so then we can tap right in there and so it takes us here to be able to
add in to I think this is the video description right here so if I wanted to
if I wanted to add something else in there well let me do I'm typing with one
thing but I can do I like to add in
English whoops thank goodness for spell check their
English sub titles trans trans L translations so I'll type that in there
and then we'll go next and done and so then that saved just like that and so
then I want to exit out of the video oh no I'd wait a minute oh I've got to
select this little thing up here to save okay so now it's saving there and so
when I when I tap on there I should be able to oh no that's
not the one I just did I messed it up but
okay here I found the one that I just did and here I added English subtitles
and translations okay yeah all right so let me know what you
think and hope this helps you guys the three vertical dots it has a lot of
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