welcome welcome welcome everybody its Nicole here just coming with a very
really quick video on I get tons and tons of people that contact me about SMS
phone leads system it is a super easy way to advertise your business and I use
it too it's a supplemental income it's one of my passive income streams so
I primarily market the system itself I don't really use it to you know forward
people to another business if you call my my number I do have one of my
businesses advertise there but I'm primarily using it to resell the system
you know you can use it however you want to sms phone leads
I had another video up one of my first videos that I did where I spoke about
1,000 leads I'm no longer subscribed to that lead system so I put up underneath
that video but I'm not giving away leads anymore just so you guys know I've had a
couple people contact me and they did not read my description I am not giving
away leads anymore for this system because you cannot actually upload them sms phone leads
to the system anyway so what goes on here is you can set up your you know you
pick your phone number and then you you can ever have people call the the number
or you know I use Craigslist marketing and like I say I primarily resell the
system it's a great system you know and it's pretty easy to draw people in
because it's a low cost per entry for this system so you know that's what I
use it for you can use it however you like but people ask me am I making money
like I say all I do for this is I run a Craigslist ad maybe once every 45 days
but I get all of my leads from my YouTube videos and this is my youtube
video that you probably have seen I've got another one I'm just up and down sms phone leads system
this front page and this is how I get my sales guys when I tell you guys to do
video marketing is what I mean but we're gonna go to my
yahoo account it is actually attached to my stripe account so here you see a
payment that came in a couple days ago and I get these constantly here's
another payment here's two payments I mean guys this is non-stop of stripe
another payment you know so it definitely works you know if it's not
working for you you probably don't have our marketing it correctly
here's another payment and guys this just keeps on going straight here you
see straight straight straight so anytime you see those payments there
it's coming in from those videos that's it that's all I do like I say I
occasionally run a Craigslist ad you know not saying that it will be that
simple for you but if you if you aren't drawing leads in it's probably because
you have poor ad copy or it's something that you're not doing properly because
as far as for the system itself you see I've made well probably almost two
thousand dollars from this passively all I do is when people text me I refer them
to my lead capture page and that's what I do I make these videos are you guys
you know click on my link which is a great thing and I appreciate that
so if you're struggling to resell the system or you know you want to know more
about the system and you won't need good ad copy you know feel free to click on sms phone leads
my link and kind of look at some of the things that I'm doing with this there's
nothing special to it you know the system pretty much sells
itself if once you you need to reseller license which is nine ninety seven to
actually resell the system so you're gonna spend $20 to get the SMS phone
leads then the 997 reseller fee and if you want to use the SMS text broadcaster
now understand that it's $33 a month and it comes preloaded with 200 leads every
day you don't get to see those leads so let's just be very upfront with that you
do not get to see the leads the name to contact the phone number anything you
put in your message when you get access to your leads at nine o'clock in the
morning and you put in your message and you send
to whatever lengths or whatever it is you want to do if you want to have them
call this number that's how that works so please understand you cannot upload
leads to this and that's basically all I wanted to say it's super easy to market
guys you know you've seen proof that I make recurring income from this you know sms phone leads system
a lot of people do grab the thirty three dollars a month per part of the system
and guys you get you get fifty percent of that month after month after month so
that's just another residual income stream so definitely want to click on
that link down below what's gonna happen now those of you right now I want to get
some more people in my mastermind group which is a paid group right now those
that come in they spend the twenty you do the 997 and you do the thirty three
dollars a month I'm gonna let you in my paid mastermind group free for 30 days
so once again you you will get access to my mastermind group there's normally $25
a month you will get 30 days free understand after 30 days if you want to
stay it will be $25 a month but that's more than enough time you know if you
just want to come and see what's going on and learn some things and then you're
gone after 30 days that's cool too I have training on YouTube marketing
Pinterest marketing Instagram Twitter I have everything inside my paid
mastermind group guys I don't just specialize on one thing I run a social
media marketing agency so I have to stay abreast of all the algorithm changes
across all the platforms alright guys that's it I click that link down below
be sure to smash that subscribe button and I'll hit the little bell so you can
get notified every time I upload a new video god bless you and if you're
catching this I'm making this before Thanksgiving if you catch it after then
you know I but everybody have a great Thanksgiving
they miss after Thanksgiving and just scratch that last statement alright guys
god bless you
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