Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily or Dec 29 2018

So alligator just took off

where did it go? I mean do they come back up again?

There it is again. That's a gator huh? Thats a big splash.... darn it....


Previously on Luckyfish we worked like crazy to splash in time for

a weather window that would take us all the way to Nestle


with Luckyfish back in the water we felt excited about the adventures that

lay ahead but sad to be saying our goodbyes to new friends we would be

leaving behind

Lew. That's slick.

Jim. Seeing as though you are in the middle of epoxy.

Robert. I like the way you got that set up.

Chris. Yeah. Sangria. She had that in her little....

Malinda. It pays to have paid crew you know.

and Tony. Put it back in the bottle....

Bruce. We smuggled 3,000 bottles of scotch in on the Chinese junk to Tahiti

Tim. In three or four minutes there won't be a piece this big

Gerry. Wee... Mongolian flag.... Ohhh!


Brandon. Hey !!!

and Danielle. I dont think theres any alcohol in that punch

Danny. Go off and try something new

and of course Wayne Brown himself. It's just whether or not you want to be...

And to good buddy Curtis who'd been a massive help

getting back in the water on time and introducing us to the local wildlife so

So, alligator just took off. We came down to look at Danny's proa

and err.. where did it go? Do they come back up again?

he was on a ... it could have been a big turtle... oh yeah fair enough

this is the old river, coming around, through that way

there's a fishing boat just going through the grass over there

that's a weird scene

I assume he's heading towards the bridge he is

all right

There it is. Thats a gator huh. Thats a big splash.

Darn it.

Yeah. That was a big splash.

Yeah. That aint no little turtle.

Geez. I would feel very precarious sitting out there on Danny's net


Something.... there he is. Right there

There is the gator. Right here.

Thats him

the eyes? on the water or what?

You see him out there?

hes just under the bow of that boat...

which boat the proa?

ohhh, the other one. I have gotta come over where you are then mate.

Nahhh. I cant see him eh?

Here is. Over here. Right there.

He's turned around looking at us.

oh I see yeah just below the anchor right Wow he's he's not the big one

right now that's to the little guy there's something else over there too

there might be two of them out there

See. He is there. Yeah. Thats the little one.

don't fall in now. yeah.

imagine if this dock tipped and we just

ended up in the water wouldn't you get out in a hurry with that little guy just

sitting there

it's the bridge closing

Its a beautiful morning. Yeah its a beautiful morning. We left at 5:30 from Labelle

just bumped the bottom of the port engine as we came out of the cut there

but a little bit of brute force and we pushed our way through the silt

Labelle bridge opened for us right on when he clocked on.

We caught him at 6:00

So for once we actually got away and did something on time

There is the next bridge

there's all this beautiful water front homes

5 knots. 4.9.

pretty much every one of them have this little docks, private docks. Right?


Next ones a swingbridge. Is it?

What's the name of it?

The next bridge is Fort Denaud.

It's a swing bridge. It's only got a vertical clearance of 9 feet.

Ooooh yeah. we need it open....

just looking at our wake there you can see in the middle of the river

the waves are moving ahead of the stuff on the edges

Okeechobee, the Lake, they are discharging water so we're getting a nice push

maybe half a knot or so if we stick to the middle of the river

so we'll certainly take advantage of that

what are you doing honey

Sailing to the moon

Its beautiful right?

Suns just coming up

Suns coming up on that side. Moons on this side.

that's a pretty river boat

we cleared customs yesterday we drove to Fort Myers and went to the airport and met

a very friendly customs and immigration official

RADIO Captain you will be clear to pass on the right hand side of the span

once the bridge is fully open

message understood thank you very much

I thank you sir

something I forgot about. Look

It's not 8. Its one hour ahead

it's 7 o'clock. 7 am

we made pretty good progress this morning it's 20 after 9:00 and we're at

Franklin Lock

Another catamaran has joined us. Zaya is up there, ready to tend her lines

ready to drop down. a foot and a half

one and a half feet we going down back to sea-level get a bit of surge in these

locks so pays to hang on to the lines and watch the side of the boat here we

here we are right in the middle of Suburbia

closing the lock gates

getting ready to open the ones on the downstream side

both just surged forward quite steadily

as the downstream lock gates opened

see the water rushing out there now

we're going backwards

Franklin Lock

I'll just change the mooring line over to the other side of the cleat

Now we're going forwards again

Zaya thinks this is all good fun

The boat's still got quite a bit of unfinished work on it

the tools are still out. that is always a bad sign

we've got a few hours now before we

reach the sea out at Sanibel bridge and probably got about six hours or so to

get the sails rigged and bolt a few of the last fittings back on again after

paint and get the boat set up for afternoon of sailing into the night be

able to shake the boat down and the daylight which is great and the weather

just is so favorable for our trip. I will try and run through what's in store over the

next couple of days but the wind looks very favorable for our run southeast

down to Marathon and then we should be in there by noon tomorrow or there

abouts nearly it's opening them up a bit faster now so the water level is almost

reached equilibrium yeah we should get to marathon around noon tomorrow barring

any hitches then the wind looks like it's going to swing in our favor for a

crossing of the Gulfstream to Bimini so if the weather forecast holds we can

leave Marathon about 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and make the run across

to Bimini and if the weather's still favourable and we've got daylight we

might continue onto to Nassau we'll play all that by ear generally we just

try make plans for the next leg one step at a time we were just given

instructions to exit the chamber when we're ready so we've just started the

engines and and now motoring out of the lock

arriving at Fort Myers we saw Chris's trimaran and swung by but he was not at home

where are you Chris?

Is it him?

yeah. It is his boat.

Well we just passed Fort Myers and it's so busy it's a Friday I mean don't any of these people work ?

There is so many boats on the water, many powerboats. The bigger they are....

the faster they go it's funny

big fat ones they just power straight past ya, like they've spent their whole life not

caring about other people

They get on the water with all their millions and...

its situation normal for them

but there's a few, I gotta say, in

the mid size range smaller ones don't bother us but the ones in the mid-size range

can pick up quite a trough in their wake. It pitches the boat around

and there is always one or two slow down and I get a big fat wave from us smiles but boy there is

some inconsiderate people out there

Sanibel bridge was fast approaching and beyond that the leg to marathon it was

time to finish the jobs we found a place to anchor away from the wash from other

boats rigged the sails and put the tools away at last

well it's Saturday February the 4th about 9:00 in the morning we had a good

run last night we stopped the boat after transiting down the river

to Sanibel bridge and spent about two hours just rigging

the sails before crossing under the bridge and starting our 120 miles

crossing overnight to Marathon Key and we're approaching marathon key now we're

in very shallow water that 2.1 meters under the keel and we're on the banks

behind the keys picking our way through a couple of parts of shoaling ground not

very familiar with the approach to marathon key we have to pass under the

bridge apparently and then on our left should be Boot Key marina where we will take

on some fuel and overnight and take advantage of this wind that's going to

continue to veer we've been really fortunate with the winds part of the

reason why we left Labelle when we did we saw this weather window opening up

where we'd have a brisk Norwest changing nor'easter norther came through last

night so we had broad reaching conditions initially and fairly light

winds and the nor westerly and then the nor'east filled in at about 22 23

knots and we gave the boat a good shake down flying along at between 6 and 9

knots boat speeds on a beam reach boat behaved beautifully vane steering setup

ran no problems although the ride was a bit noisy and a

bit bumpy at times got us down here really fast we're covered 160 miles or

so from Labelle and did it in under 28 hours that wind is going to continue to

veer tomorrow morning it'll move from the nor east through East and then South

around 6 a.m. tomorrow morning but to confirm that with this morning's weather

forecast the forecast yesterday evening which is just ideal I mean if we can get

a southerly boost along with the Gulf Stream north up to Bimini and that's

textbook crossing of the Gulf Stream so we'll see how that pans out and then

from Bimini we need to get across the Nassau by the 10th meet our first

guests we really couldn't have asked for a better re introduction to sailing and

a good shakedown for Luckyfish

Well the crabpots that everyone warned us about we're really thick as we were warned

all the way from pretty much Sanibel Britain we're still an amongst

them just it's incredible think there's any crabs left I mean they are just simply


they didn't prove a problem for our boat we must have run over a few

of them but we didn't get hung up on any of the appendages which is pretty neat

we didn't run the hydro generator last night because of that reason we thought

we might get that thing hooked up in one which would not have been good

so we ran the wind genny instead all night and it did really well I mean we've got both

battery banks topped off this morning it was a very brisk breeze the wind genny was

putting out plenty of power turned it off now the Sun's up and we are just using the

solar panels to keep everything topped off


this is Boot Key harbour where we will anchor tonight and get ready to leave in the

morning for Bimini

Well everyone we hope you enjoyed this episode we'd like to

give a special thank you to our patrons it's because of patrons like you that

make our productions sustainable so please if you haven't already consider

becoming a patron for as little as a dollar of video and become part of the

Luckyfish story feel free to question comment and give

us a like and sub below until next time thank you for watching

For more infomation >> GO or NO GO? – How important is the Weather Window? – Ep 60 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 16:20.


Bagged or bagless? Consumer Reports examines vacuums - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Bagged or bagless? Consumer Reports examines vacuums - Duration: 1:51.


How to crate train your puppy (or dog) - Duration: 1:10.

One of the most common misconceptions with crate training is that

someone's dog will be instantly comfortable inside their crate

and for some dogs that might be true.

For a lot of dogs they need a lot more time and they need a lot of smaller steps

to build up for that comfort in their crate.

The best way to start getting your dog used to the crate

is simply by feeding them in their crate and leaving the door open.

Once your dog is comfortable in the crate, use lots of yummy treats

to make the crate a really great, fun, happy, positive place for your dog.

Then begin shutting the door just for small amounts of time and always stay in view.

What you don't want to do is shut the crate and walk away

before your dog is ready for that.

That can make the crate a really scary place for your dog

and can make them less likely to go back into their crate again in the future.

If your dog is whining or barking, don't open the crate door.

Wait until your dog has calmed down and then let them out.

What your dog learns then is they get to come out of the crate when they're calm and quiet

and not when they're whining or barking.

For more infomation >> How to crate train your puppy (or dog) - Duration: 1:10.


Trump Gives Democrats Ultimatum 'Build The Wall Or Close The Border' - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Trump Gives Democrats Ultimatum 'Build The Wall Or Close The Border' - Duration: 2:41.


OneAd Real or Fake payment proof this video Tamil Earn money 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 - Duration: 9:16.

onead tamil

For more infomation >> OneAd Real or Fake payment proof this video Tamil Earn money 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 - Duration: 9:16.


Karolina & Nico | With or Without You [+S2] - Duration: 3:44.

Have you thought that...

maybe your darkness is you.

Your power.

Like how my light is for me.

I was just wondering.

Are you kinda into Nico?

You like Nico.

Who likes Alex.

I don't wanna fight anymore, Nico.

Fighting requires talking.

I'm fine with you needing space.

Then why did you even come in here?

Sorry I intruded.

I feel like I'm going crazy.

I've been thinking...

I don't think I can get through this without you.

...If the only way we can sleep is together then

maybe we should just give in.

I've been lying to you.

I know you have.

After I tell you nothing will ever be the same.

And I don't want that because I've never been this-

as happy as I am now.

With you.

You really are amazing.

I know.

Nothing is gonna change.


Whatever it is

we can handle it.

We can fix the world that they broke.

The only way to figure this out...

is to stick together.


I need you in there with me.

I don't want to leave you.

I'm not leaving you.

I'm the only one that has a chance.

You taught me this.

Now go!

Nico, go.

You have to go.

I can't lose Karolina like I lost Amy.

I just...

I can't!

There's no leaving each other.

Not anymore.

I will always come back to you.


I just felt so powerless...

watching her hurt someone that I love.


I never want to feel that powerless again.


I love you.

I've just wanted to do that for a really long time.

I've already told you, you're not scary.

Not to me.

Not ever.

You were brilliant.

I'm just glad you were there by my side through it all.

For more infomation >> Karolina & Nico | With or Without You [+S2] - Duration: 3:44.


She committed suicide or murder? នាងធ្វើអត្តឃាត ឬឃាតកម្ម? Khmer Riddle - Duration: 12:10.

A pair of novice couples

Trekking on a waterfall

Can you jump down to prove my love to you?

The man looked very nervous

With the words of his wife

Suddenly, he went to the place where he was going

He only told her one

What's he saying?


At home, a billionaire has a party

He had a rare diamond in his house

He knows one of the guests

So he invites an investigator to seize him

I know most of them

It is from a high society

Suddenly, the lights were off

What's the matter?

The keys are missing

Close the door, do not let anyone leave

From here

Where's the millionaire?

He may visit the gem

In his office

Do you see who did it?

No, he wore a mask

He does not have a lot of time

He might have left some sluts

Can you find those traces?

Thieves should wear clothes

Red and guns

We need to ask the suspects

What did you do before 20 minutes

I got a call from my husband

And going out here, it's too oily

I've been watching the paintings

I went to the back of the cigarette to avoid the wife

I've seen I smoke

Who is lying?

She lies

The locks were locked

She can not go outside

Another, she had a black label after wearing masks

And her clothes were torn

In an old hotel in the city

At night there was a murder

A guest was beaten up

And was killed in his room

The police questioned the staff


I do not know, it's a coincidence

But electricity was cut off by rainstorms that night

I spent an hour

In the basement

To find the reason

That makes blackouts

Room manager

I talked in the hotel room

With guests

He was worried about power outages

He seemed hopeless

He told him not to bother him

And do not take breakfast for him

You take care

Mike was a successful individual

There was a man come here by his car broken

During which he was murdered

run to look over Auto for him

Who is killer?

You roommate lied

She could not speak the phone in the hotel

No, without electricity

No one in the Hotel

So she killed the rich guest

Hopefully she can steal money

she's got plenty

There was a horrible murder

In the countryside

The police found a knife with the scars

Hands on it

The police also questioned the case immediately

Is she beautiful?

I found out

She has been disappointed many times

I got a thumbprint of

You've done it

Or maybe she was killed herself

We also got her fingerprints

Let's compare everything

Is one of them

Killer kill her?

The answer is

She decided to kill herself

For more infomation >> She committed suicide or murder? នាងធ្វើអត្តឃាត ឬឃាតកម្ម? Khmer Riddle - Duration: 12:10.


CRT PC Monitors in 2019 - Ancient Trash or Display Treasure? [Tech Scrapyard] - Duration: 20:18.

Every time I see advertisements and videos about new computer monitors, I have to chuckle.

The past 3-4 years have seen high refresh rate and higher than 1080p resolution monitors

flood the markets - 75hz, 120hz, 144hz, 1440p, 4K.

As a pixel junkie, I'm certainly not going to complain about more frames or pixels - but

most of these monitors are so boring.

We spent 10 to 15 years with flat panel LCD monitors being far inferior to their CRT ancestors,

that I find it hard to be exciting for this modern technology to catch up.

I'm EposVox, and welcome back to Vox Talks Tech.

I'm a huge tech head, but I still prefer those "old tube monitors" that most people

think are garbage or ancient relics.

In this video we'll be deep diving into why you should, or shouldn't, buy an old

CRT PC monitor in 2018.

Get those cathodes warming up.

Let's go.

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And you can basically run your entire house without losing a signal.

What more could you ask for?

Learn more by clicking the link in the video description.

This video is going to go deep and there will be a little technical details - but the important

part is the fun.

Exploring old technology, high refresh and frame rates, crazy resolutions, awesome looking

screens - the early 2000s was a much cooler time for tech than today in some ways, and

hopefully that shows here.

Before we get too technical or complicated, I want to mention that PC CRT monitors are

not the same as CRT TVs that you might have played your old Nintendo or Playstation on

- without specialized signal conversion, which we will cover later in the video, most PC

CRT monitors cannot view signals from composite or the old RCA cables and your old video game


If you're just looking to get a more authentic retro games fix, you likely want to pick up

an old CRT TV - I posted a full video about that experience last year, which you can check

out in the link in the video description.

Let's get vocab and history out of the way first.

CRT means "Cathode Ray Tube" and the displays work by shooting electrons from a cathode

in the back of the box to the front.

This is very different than how modern LCD and LED screens work.

CRT technology was also widely used for old TVs, as well, as we mentioned and have a dedicated

video on already.

CRT monitors are big, bulky, heavy, and don't support modern video connections - so they're

useless, right?

Well, that common perception is only partially true.

They do take up more room than flat-screens, but they aren't always huge.

CRT monitors DO have to fit on a desk - or at least desks from the 90s and early 2000s,

after all.

CRTs are available in a plethora of sizes, colors and even shapes!

There's a lot more personality to CRTs than the flat black design of just about every

modern screen.

And not all CRTs have the bubbled-out screen that's so prone to glares.

There are a variety of flat-screened models out there - CRT monitors with a flat Trinitron

screen are highly sought after by enthusiasts.

Unlike their TV counterparts, PC CRTs haven't had anywhere near as much of a resurgence

in popularity for retro gaming.

Mainly because people consider retro gaming to just be about old consoles - and a lot

of progress has been made to keep old PC games playable, such as all of the efforts made


A site that sells new games, but also does a ton of legwork to make old games playable

on modern hardware and even includes digital versions of the original goodies included

with the games.I'd also recommend NoClip's documentary on their work, linked in the description.

But PC CRTs still have redeeming qualities that make them fun for enthusiasts and just

for those of us who prefer CRTs to LCDs in general, it naturally makes sense to extend

that to computer use, as well.

There's a few generalized reasons that people prefer CRT monitors over LCDs: Nostalgia,

proper compatibility with older PCs and games, input latency, refresh rate and resolution

flexibility, and perceived color "depth" or dynamic range.

Technically, normal LCD or LED monitors and CRT monitors have the same "dynamic range".

This is referred to as "Standard Dynamic Range" or "SDR" - a light variance measurement,

or "maximum luminance," of 100 nits.

This has been the standard for a very long time, as it was based on the limits of CRT


Only recently are we seeing a change to this with HDR technology for new screens.

The issue, here, is in how different types of screens actually display light.

Despite having the same measured dynamic range, CRTs and Plasma TVs actually appear to the

eye to be better in this regard.

Some often refer to this as the CRT's image having "more color depth."

Blacks are deeper, whites are brighter, colors pop more.

LCDs more often look flat due to the backlighting's inability to vary brightness enough, or on

a per-pixel basis like OLED, and just not being able to go to pure black in the first


This is even better when combined with how CRT monitors handle sharpness.

Unlike CRT TVs that have a small number of vertical lines and can usually only accept

up to 240p or 480i signals via noisy analog connections, CRT monitors are PURE RGB via

the HD-15 or DE-15 connector, also known as the VGA connector by most normal people.

On rare occasion a CRT monitor will have a different connector - such as the direct BNC

RGBHV connections on this Impression 200VX monitor I have, but it's all meant for the

same signals.

Some of the more exotic older 3D and CAD workstations had bigger connectors like this weird 13W3

here, but these aren't common finds from consumer sets.

This expensive Gateway I have, has TWO VGA inputs, and a USB hub.

Crazy stuff - but this thing was 1000 bucks in the year 2000.

Too bad it's dying and won't be usable.

This means the monitor has a much cleaner image connection than your old TVs hooked

up to your old game systems.

Plus, CRTs don't have a fixed "resolution" in the first place.

Depending on the maximum horizontal refresh rate and the video bandwidth, or "pixel

clock," of the monitor, a CRT monitor can display resolutions from 640x480 up to a phenomenal


My main CRT monitors with 96kHz max horizontal rates can go up to 1600x1200 resolution, but

this broken Gateway monitor with a 121kHz max rate can do 1800x1440 at 80hz.

That's essentially the 4:3 aspect ratio version of 1440p at 80hz from the year 2000!

This is starting to show why newer screen tech hasn't impressed me much - we were

doing all of this 20 years ago.

Hell, a commonly-shared article when people first get into PC CRTs is this one showing

that John Carmack was developing Quake on a 28 inch 1080p CRT monitor way back in 1995.

Unlike LCDs, however, CRTs generally remain sharp at non-native resolutions.

LCDs need to use the monitor's scaler to scale up a lower-resolution signal to the

monitor's actual display resolution, which results in the image looking a lot softer

than it should, and potentially adding input lag.

It usually just looks plain bad - especially if you're not using proper integer-scaled


CRTs, however, are pretty sharp through most resolutions.

Sometimes some of the higher resolutions aren't as sharp as lower resolutions due to how some

of the tubes work - but for most usable resolutions, generally they're sharp no matter what you're

throwing at them.

This era of PC gaming was so much better because of this.

You could run 60fps slower detailed games at crazy high resolutions, then drop down

to 1024x768 or 1280x960 at a higher refresh rate for some stuff, and down to 640x480 to

run older DOS games.

And your image will look amazing through and through.

On a LCD… it's generally safer to crank down your in-game detail than to lower the

display resolution - though some newer games are finally releasing with separate render

resolution functionality to help combat this.

And all of this is delivered with no inherent added input latency.

No perceivable lag.

This is still mostly analog, versus digital-only on LCDs and LEDs.

Digital equals processing time equals input delay.

It's always there, even if it's low enough that you can't detect it.

However, generally speaking analog means no input lag.

It's not quite that simple, I know, but it's a good rule to keep in mind.

Granted, if you're using a PC CRT with a video converter of some kind, there might

technically be some added delay from that process - though good ones would add a max

of 1 frame's worth of delay.

Just like with CRT TVs, PC CRT monitors have no latency, which is hugely important for

many gaming enthusiasts.

Heck, for a long time, Counter-Strike competitive players still preferred using CRTs for the

high refresh rates and no latency up until very recently.

While old games themselves are being adapted by their various communities to run on modern

versions of Windows, if you want to use your old childhood Windows 98 machine, or build

a dedicated Windows XP machine - generally that's only going to output VGA.

You can get conversions to up-convert that to HDMI, and in many cases that's fine,

but the same games on a CRT don't always look so hot on a LCD.

Some people just want the pure authentic experience.

Alternatively, some people want to use their CRTs on modern machines.

Basic DisplayPort or HDMI to VGA adapters are alright for a basic setup - but they will

add a tiny bit of input lag in some cases, and they are very limited in terms of what

resolution and refresh rate combinations they can support.

Most are using old HDMI and DisplayPort specifications, and raw VGA to VGA analog actually supported

a lot more bandwidth than early HDMI and DisplayPort.

If you want something truly capable of this kind of conversion, look to the HD Fury devices.

They produce HDMI devices that can do virtually anything, including low lag, high bandwidth

signal conversion.

This isn't a problem if you have a graphics card with the analog pins still in the DVI

connector - these are the 4 pins in a square around the horizontal big pin.

This is referred to as a DVI-I connector, with both analog and digital pins, and the

last GPUs to be produced with the analog pins still included were the Nvidia GTX 980ti and

AMD Radeon R9 380X.

Then you can use a native analog DVI to VGA adapter and have access to your monitor's

full capabilities.

Maybe try out the Custom Resolution Utility software, too, if needed.

Side note, the Xbox 360 actually had a specific VGA cable kit sold with it, to allow users

who only had access to VGA and CRT monitors to play the system, which can make for an

interesting experience.

Most CRT monitors are 4:3 aspect ratio.

Wider aspect ratios didn't become mainstream until a while after LCDs took over.

But there are a couple options.

You could try to hunt down the SiliconGraphics widescreen models of the late 90s like what

Carmack used - though, good luck, they're incredibly rare.

Or there's the holy grail Sony FW900 and W900 16:10 widescreen CRT.

It's 24 inches, probably weighs as much as I do, and is highly sought after by many

enthusiasts - myself included.

Been hunting for one for two years now, and no real leads.

And they're expensive.

A lot of the more exotic monitors like the 1995 1080p one are old CAD 3D design monitors

from the 90s, which have no OSD or on-screen display controls and have to be adjusted by

specialized software, which can be quite the hassle.

Later ones are fine to work with, however.

Most of the CRTs I have can even run 720p, 1280x720 at 120hz, which is awesome.

And if you use custom resolution tools to run interlaced modes - which it's still

a CRT so you won't see interlace lines - you can frequently double the refresh rate, making

it feel a bit snappier.

But choose wisely, as things are not all sunshine and rainbows on the CRT front.

Unfortunately, without the original manual, it can be hard to find the specs of specific

CRT models.

I've been lucky that a lot of the ones I have looked at have some specs listed on CNET

- I hope someone has archived their CRT pages, I'll be sad when they go down.

There you can sometimes find the max bandwidth and horizontal rate to see what resolutions

and refresh rates are supported.

They're not always 100% accurate, but good for getting a glance's info at the monitor,

if you can't find anything else.

Other times, like with this Impression 200VX I have, there's not an ounce of information

available by Googling.

The size and weight can be a big deal.

It may not sound like it at first, but it really is.

Once you start getting to the 20+ inch size range, these things can weigh up to 80-ish

pounds in some cases.

And it's by no means an evenly-distributed weight, it's all in the front.

This 21" Impression monitor is almost 70 pounds, as is this big Gateway.

While CRTs were built to last, the components do die eventually, and there's not many

repair shops left that will touch them - and it's VERY dangerous to open them up and

work on yourself.

The voltages running through there would put more than a little sizzle in your step.

(I haven't found ANYWHERE local to me that will touch them.)

A lot of these monitors were the ugly beige or white, which can yellow over time.

Some retro-brite can take care of this, but it is extra work.

This Gateway VX1120 that I got for free is a very high end monitor with a maximum horizontal

refresh rate of 121kHz, but it's very worn and dying - the screen is incredibly dark

and almost unusable.

I can try to open it up and adjust a dial to brighten it more, but that may not fix

the issue.

And now it's up to me to safely dispose of this 72 pound beast.

And burn-in IS an issue.

If you find some that were in offices or healthcare spaces where the same screen had been pulled

up for years on end - you'll have burn-in such as on this screen here, which isn't

really fixable.

If it's light such as on this screen here, you won't notice it much in-game, but it

can be obvious on scenes of pure dark or a solid color background, or something.

Thankfully, most PC CRT monitors do degauss themselves upon starting up, but you have

a built-in degauss tool in the OSD menus, so no need for a degauss wand or coil if you

do somehow develop issues which require that specific fix.

Sometimes you'll find one and someone has chopped off the VGA connector to recycle the


A lot of CRTs did not have detachable VGA cables, so good luck soldering on a new one

to that mess.

And if you bite off more than you can chew with a giant CRT, it's not something you

can easily get rid of, either.

There's the issue of physically moving it, sure, but it's not something you can just

dispose of.

You should never put electronics in the trash, but rather send them to recycling centers

or send in programs such as through Staples, but it's actually illegal to put CRT monitors

in the trash.

They're dangerous to waste employees and to the environment.

Some cities have recycling centers you can drop them off at, but the end locations are

actually nothing but a stockpile of these, as they have been completely unable to keep

up with the disassembly process.

If you do need to get rid of one, I highly request you start with Craigslist, local Facebook

seller groups, LetGo and Offerup.

Don't expect to get much money for it, but list it for free and someone will take it.

Or put it on the edge of your yard near the street with a "FREE" sign on it and pickers

will likely grab it.

Some people can see the actual image flicker or refresh of the screen on a CRT monitor

at 60hz.

This is usually resolved by going literally any higher than 60hz, it's something I see

sometimes, but it's there.

This can lead users to get headaches from CRT usage, which can really suck.

I did mention that they're not compatible with your old game consoles.

There are some fancy multi-sync monitors that can do both, such as from NEC, but these aren't


Instead, you would have to use an upscaler or line doubler - such as the Open Source

Scan Converter or Retro TINK to make this happen.

I LOVE doing this - I have this running in my retro game room, running my older consoles

through the OSSC line doubler means I get sharper retro games blown up on my nicer-looking

PC CRT monitor, and still nearly lag-free.

I run the systems into their appropriate switches, either for component, RGB via SCART or VGA

for the Dreamcast, then into the OSSC.

Then I take the OSSC's HDMI output and run it through the HD Fury Nano GX to fit it to

VGA and we're good to go.

This monitor can handle all of the full scaling modes of the OSSC - even 5x.

It's awesome.

GameCube via component cables at 480p 2x mode, is amazing.

BUT this is a complex setup, and gets quite price, so certainly not for everyone.

For systems that already output 480p, but through Component YPbPr cables, you can get

transcoders that just convert the signal type without adding lag.

Just be careful to not get one that tries to scale the signal - you don't want a scaler,

just a transcoder.

Check out Key Digital for some.

I'll try to have a couple examples linked in the description.

If you want to buy a CRT monitor - look local.

Facebook Marketplace or local Facebook groups, Craigslist, LetGo, OfferUp, driving around


Avoid eBay - everything is price gouged to take advantage of those wanting to get into

retro gaming, and shipping these things is usually a death sentence.

I actually bought TWO of these Impression 200VX to go together, but one got killed in


It was sad.

This is incredibly common.

Press F to pay respects.

Keep checking regularly.

I have found the ones I have by creating a custom Craigslist search as a bookmark, and

just checking it weekly.

Sometimes new things pop up.

Most people don't even want money for these.

I can't make the choice of picking up a CRT for you.

It can be an easy decision "oh pick up this little old monitor and enjoy peak display

experience," or it can be a super involved process, depending on how you want to approach


I can't, in good faith, blindly just say "Yeah go buy one," but I do think it can

be a good experience for many with an open mind.

I started with the a small IBM with burn-in from a buddy, and now have FIVE CRT monitors,

in my apartment as well as a few CRT TVs.

There are options available to you, factors to consider, use cases to really evaluate,

and risks involved - but a CRT computer monitor can be an amazing gaming and overall experience.

If you want to get serious about CRTs, consider joining a Facebook group that I'm a part

of called "The CRT Collective" linked in the description, and we also have a PC

CRT group branched off of it.

I'm EposVox, and thanks for listening to Vox Talks Tech.

I hope you enjoyed this fun video.

It's by no means a complete guide, but should be enough to get you started down the rabbit

hole, should you desire.

Hit the like button if you enjoyed, subscribe for more awesome tech videos and random deep

dives into topics like this.

Also consider joining the inner circle of Patreon subscribers where you can get early

access to videos, behind the scenes Q&As, special roles on Discord and more.

I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> CRT PC Monitors in 2019 - Ancient Trash or Display Treasure? [Tech Scrapyard] - Duration: 20:18.


Maatey or Mate? - Duration: 0:31.

Hey guys! I am not really sure why many YouTubers, I must include all Linux YouTubers pronounce

M A T E as Maatey. I have heard them saying Maatey all the time when they talk about the

Mate Linux desktop environment. The spelling is M A T E. So according to English

dictionary, it must be pronounced as Mate. But, why do they call it as Maatey. Please

let me know your theories in the comments.

For more infomation >> Maatey or Mate? - Duration: 0:31.


List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 3:49.


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You guys wanna hear sicko mode or mo bamba ?

For more infomation >> SICKO MODE OR MO BAMBA ? 🤓🤷(TikTok Meme Compilation) | #YouWannaListenToSickoModeOrMoBamba - Duration: 12:51.


hit or miss - Duration: 0:16.

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Bangladeshs Choice Authoritarianism or Extremism - Duration: 2:19.

Bangladeshs Choice Authoritarianism or Extremism

Sunday's election is a contest between two bad options — but one is worse than the other.

Mr. Ahmed is publisher of the Dhaka Tribune.

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Elections in Bangladesh are never tame. There were boycotts during the last parliamentary election in 2014, and voting-day violence killed some 20 people. The one before that, in December 2008, was notable for having taken place at all: Originally scheduled for January 2007, it was postponed after a military-backed coup and street battles that shut down the country.

This year again, in the lead-up to the next parliamentary election on Sunday, violent skirmishes have broken out between supporters of the two main camps, the incumbent Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (B.N.P.). Fatalities remain lower so far than in the past, but the stakes of this race are no less high:Atbottom, this election is a contest between two forms of authoritarianism — only one is more dangerous than the other.

Bangladesh, one of the largest Muslim-majority nations in the world, has done well in major respects. Its economy has grown at an average rate of about 7 percent for several years. It performs better than its bigger neighbors, India and Pakistan, on development indicators like gender parity and school enrollment. At the same time, its democratic culture has been corroded, including by the steady erosion of fundamental rights.

Since the advent of democracy in 1991, the Awami League and the B.N.P. have essentially been trading places running the country. The ruling Awami League is pinning its hopes for being re-elected again on its development record and secular credentials. (Disclosure: one of my brothers is a member of Parliament and is running on the party's ticket.)But after a decade in power, and two consecutive terms, it faces serious anti-incumbent feelings. Its heavy-handed suppression of student protests earlier in the year and crackdowns on dissenting voices have only intensified that wariness. Since 2009, the government has decimated the opposition with politically motivated lawsuits and arrests, and even extrajudicial disappearances and murders.

And so one may wonder if granting the Awami League a third term now would fatally weaken democracy in Bangladesh. Is it time to give the B.N.P. another chance?

The B.N.P. has a dark record of stoking religious extremism. It has long been allied with the violent Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami. During the B.N.P.'s last term in power, between 2001 and 2006, bombings by Islamists multiplied. In 2004, extremists linked to the party attacked an Awami League rally with grenades in an attempt to assassinate Sheikh Hasina, then the opposition leader, now the prime minister. (More than 20 people were killed and hundreds were injured.) A former Awami League finance minister was killed the following year. Terrorist groups like Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh and Harkat-ul-Jihad al Bangladesh also flourished under the B.N.P.'s political cover.

It is true that the Awami League has resorted to forms of street agitation and shutdowns — notably when the B.N.P. has refused to step down from power — and those have sometimes led to violent confrontations. Yet it has not deliberately targeted ordinary citizens. The B.N.P.-Jamaat alliance, on the other hand, has set out to kill and injure innocent people — for example, by attacking buses with petrol bombs in 2013 and 2015 — in vain hopes of toppling the government through terror and chaos.

The B.N.P. seemed to acquire a veneer of respectability recently, after Kamal Hossain, a renowned 82-year-old lawyer and a former Awami League cabinet minister, decided to form a coalition ticket with it in the upcoming election, under the joint banner National Unity Front. Mr. Hossain is an unlikely partner for the party: He helped draft Bangladesh's secular constitution in 1972 and has urged the B.N.P. to sever ties with Jamaat-e-Islami. But if he joined forces with the B.N.P. banking that the association might temper the party, he is unlikely to prevail: The party nominated 25 Jamaat political leaders to run in the election, out of a total of 300 seats in contest. There is little reason to believe that the B.N.P.'s worst tendencies have changed.

There also is little reason to believe that a B.N.P.-led coalition would, say, benefit the economy. Just one example: During its last stint in power, the B.N.P. increased the country's power output by only a negligible amount. The Awami League tripled it over the last decade.

The question facing voters this weekend essentially comes down to this: Would changing governments just for the sake of change be good for democracy in Bangladesh? No. Not given the B.N.P.'s known support for political and religious extremism. On Sunday, Bangladeshi voters will have to pick one of two very imperfect options. Yet the choice is clear.

K. Anis Ahmed is a writer based in Bangladesh and publisher of the Dhaka Tribune.

For more infomation >> Bangladeshs Choice Authoritarianism or Extremism - Duration: 2:19.


Earn money by your Android or Iphone for daily chats and types Full Proved - Duration: 6:47.

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