Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily Or Nov 30 2017

Good afternoon, please welcome General Manager Microsoft,

Grad Conn.


>> Hi I'm Grad Conn, I'm the General Manager for

Microsoft Dynamics U.S >> And

just a quick sort of preview of the rest of the afternoon.

We're gonna have Nigel talk for about an hour.

The we're gonna take about a 15 minute break and

go into industry breakouts.

Then we'll end the day with Dr Oz, which should be super fun.

So this morning, Jetson talked through some

great customer examples And James took us through some

really fantastic technology examples, some great demos.

That PowerApps demo was really compelling, wasn't it?

Like basically making programs like you make a PowerPoint doc.

I though that was something else,

it reminds me of a great quote.

Doctor General, excuse me, general, I'm thinking of Dr Oz,

General Eric Schineske >> He has this great quote,

which is "if you don't like change, you're going to like

irrelevance a lot less." You know, it's- I love that quote.

'Cause it's, 'cause people are often like "Jeez,

I don't want to change," but you know, the alternative is,

is not great.


In a moment I'm gonna be joined by Nigel Finnick.

Nigel is the vice-president and principal analyst at Forrester.

He's been there for about 11 years.

Looks at digital transformation as his specialty.

So very deep on digital transformation

it's gonna take us through some really interesting examples and

cases just gives you to think about digital transformation in

a really expansive way Just before I invite him out,

though, I'm just going to run a quick video just to

introduce the Forrester perspective.

And then we'll invite Nigel out.


All right, Nigel, welcome.

>> Thank you very much.

>> I'm going to let you talk for about 45 minutes, then I'll be

coming out, and we'll do a Q&A, so think about questions as we

go through it We got a couple of mic runners in the room so

we'll be able to take questions and, sir, break a leg.

Thank you very much.

We were just having a discussion on where Break a Leg comes from.

So, an honor and a pleasure to be with you this afternoon.

The title of my session, "Digital Predator or

Digital Prey?" I've actually been using this title for

a few years now.

I keep changing the content up but the title.



Because partly it's designed to be provocative.

But also because innately we think it's better to be on

the predator side than the prey side, I think.

It's sort of something we kind of understand.

And when we started doing research around digital

transformation, I used to do a researcher on business strategy.

And about five or

six years ago, I started seeing some interesting things change

in the way some companies were running their businesses.

And we looked at this thing.

It was built a lot around emerging technologies,

a lot around what was kind of social media.

And we wrapped this all up into what we called digital

transformation, which at that time, when you Googled it,

there was zero results if you can believe that.

The content, what I said at the time was every company by 2020

will become one of two things, digital predator or

digital prey.

And you have to figure out whether you can help your

company become the predator Or

whether you're gonna stand by and let it come prey.

So my task today is to help your challenge your

thinking that'll lead to some of the change and

hopefully help your companies become the survivors by 2020.

Because we're getting very close to that point,

that's only two years away now.

And we've been

seeing acceleration of this change over the last few years.

The more and more companies are ging

under because they are losing customers to more advanced

companies that are innovating faster.

Everybody is talking about digital transformation. Why?

Because it's real.

Because it's something that we need to do

to change our business.

What I'm gonna help you do is understand partly the why, but

it's really how the companies are changing,

what the fundamental things are we have to change beyond

technology and some of those we touched on this morning.

So why predator or prey?

Well, partly because when you look at, say,

the robin redbreast, right?

The robin redbreast Is a predator, clearly.

We've all see the little bird outside our windows in

the morning, and we know, there goes a predator, right?

>> [LAUGH] >> From the worm's perspective,

this is a predator.


Okay, so predators don't always look like

the real predators we think they are.

Sometimes they appear in different guises.

and sometimes They're actually not what we think.

Sometimes the predator comes out of left field,

comes from where we don't see it.

And that's the challenges.

Your business is likely to have a predator

that you don't see coming.

A company that is gonna do

things in your industry differently,

that are gonna change the way you think about your business.

that'll help transform the industry.

And you will be able to react, but you will be reacting.

And the speed at which you can react will largely depend on

how well you've prepared your company to change in an event.

And what's behind all of this?

Something that's fundamentally very simple.

We all have smartphones in our pockets today, right?

All of our customers have smartphones, right?

Whether you're B to B or B to C, every person you sell to

has a smartphone, and if they don't well they soon will have.

And what happens with these smartphones?

Few years ago I could unlock a hotel room

door with my smartphone.

Anybody have that experience where they're

unlocking hotel room doors?

Now I asked this question two years ago.

Nobody in the room had done it. Okay?


now we see a change in experience.

Those changes in experiences slightly reset our expectations

about what's possible.

Now I can unlock a door With my phone.

I can unlock anything with my phone, potentially.

I can do things with my phone I couldn't do before,

changes expectations.

Now it may not be enough to say, I wanna go stay in that hotel,

cuz they allow me to unlock my room door.

Because frankly, the old key thing worked pretty well.

But It does change expectations slightly.

But then what happens when the experience changes yet again?

What happens when another hotel company comes along and

says, hey, you can now pick your hotel room

the same way as you can select a seat on a plane.

Any frequent travelers in the room?

A few of you right?


Well how important is it that you're not overlooking the train

station that sits on the side of this hotel.

Pretty important.

So the fact that you can now pick your hotel room

can have an enormous impact on the value of being able to stay

in this hotel chain.

It changes the expectations about what's possible and

it may also change your behavior And

this is the dilemma that we have as companies.

And our customers whether their

expectations are changing every single day.

When was the last time you had an app download on your phone?

An app update?

This morning?

Most of you don't know, right?

Cuz it just happens I mean, I don't know.

I think my apps seem to be updating every minute,

maybe I've got too many apps, that's probably a downfall.

But here's the thing,

you put this in to a mathematical formula.

I like to have very simple mathematical formulas.

So this is a very simple formula,

experience over expectation equal to perceived value.

Now,think about this,if the experiences are constantly

changing,the resetting expectations, right?

So where do we get our experiences from?

We get our experiences all over te place.

When we shop on Amazon.

When we go to an airport and jump on a plane.

When we stay in a hotel.

Everywhere, when we buy a cup of coffee, we get a new experience.

Those experiences are changing expectations.

Now, what happens if your customer's

expectations are evolving?

But your experiences that you deliver to your customers,

stay the same.

This formula goes out of balance, and

when it goes out of balance, perceived value decreases.

Now, I know I'm asking you to do mathematics right after lunch.

This is hard, so I'll make it easy for you.

All right, let's put some numbers in here, 100 for

experience, 100 for expectations,

we could see how we perceived value of one.

What happens when the expectations changed and

the experience doesn't?

Then we see the perceived value goes down.

This is happening everyday in every business.

This is why we call it the digital dilemma because

you have to design your business to constantly evolve

that experiences that you're delivering to the customers.

Because if you don't you're guaranteeing that they will get

decreased value over time.

The problem is that,

our businesses are not a designed to costantly change,

our businesses are actually designed evolve very slowly.

Many businesses are very conservative.

We have processes in place to ensure that employees do

things the right way.

They don't change things.

They're designed to evolve slowly.

In today's business climate, the experiences have to deliver

desired outcomes in order to create value.

Experiences start to shape expectations but it's the degree

to which they deliver an outcome that the customer values,

the changes of perception of value your customers have.

So if you connect the dots here,

you see that solving the digital dilemma.

Demands this fundamental shift in how a firms delivers value

and drives revenue.

This is what we call digital transformation,

because you are fundamentally changing the business.

Transformation, think about the caterpillar into a butterfly.

A transformation, a big change.

This isn't incremental.

This isn't just adding a website to your business or

adding a new mobile app.

This is about fundamentally re-thinking how

we create value for customers.

Now, I did some research looking at high performing companies,

high performing digital companies,

what we call digital predators.

And compare them to the digital items, and

we asked executives in these companies,

what are their number one success factors?

What are they measured on?

And in digital predators, we find that the number one success

factors are two things, they both came out of the top.

Being able to create new sources of value for customers and

being able to create world class customer experiences.

That was above revenue, above profit.

Yes, revenue and profit are important.

But they understand that we have to do these things first.

Because that's what drives revenue and profit.

They aren't customer obsessed companies.

So one of the things we see in companies, is this need to

change the culture to become customer obsessed.

What does it mean to be customer obsessed?

Understanding how to create value for the customer.

How do we create value for the customer?

What we have to understand that it's not just about building

better products and services.

Yes, we still need to deliver products and services but

have value to customers.

But we have to understand that when,

the way we design our business today, we have to design

the experiences that deliver the outcomes,

which satisfy the desires of our customers.

And if you understand that,

now we have to get to, how do we measure desires?

How do we know what our customers desires are?

What are their desired outcomes?

And it's interesting and I work with a lot of marketers.

And in marketing,

we've talked about satisfying customer needs for years.

It's easy to identify customer needs.

But the challenge is needs are not the same as desires.

How many people in this room drive a Prius?


I think it's count two.

I bought one for my daughter, by the way.

This is nothing against Prius.

So Prius, great car, very economical.

Well done, good sound choice sir.


So, why don't we all drive a Prius?

I mean, it's one of the most economical cars on the road.

It's not that expensive, right?

It gets you from A to B pretty easily.

It has room for passengers and luggage.

We don't all drive the same car,

because emotion changes our choices.

Desire affects the car we drive, right?

And so we have to understand desires that the foundation of

every buying choice a customer makes.

It's an emotional choice.

In order to be able to connect with customers and

create value, we have to connect to their emotions.

We have to understand their desired outcome.

In a B2B business, we have to understand

the desired outcome of the company and

the employees inside that company and then B2B, that very

often means we're selling to more than one customer.

Is this person buying the product or service?

And is the person using the product or service?

And then we've got to look at their customers, and

what their customers are doing.

So let me put this in context,

we kind of all understand the agribusiness.

Farming, farming's been around for centuries.

Farmers, do farmers actually want to buy products like

farm machinery, like seeds, like fertilizer, like pesticides?

They don't want to buy those things.

But that's what companies have been selling them for years.

What they want, the outcome they desire, is high yield.

High yield per acre.

Agri companies are being understanding and

starting to see the value of data to deliver the outcome that

customer values, which is high yield.

Using data to help a farm understand the soil chemistry on

their farm, to understand how close to plant seeds,

to how much to fertilize, how much to irrigate,

understanding patterns of pest as they move across the country.

To be able to predict when to lay down pesticide.

All of these things can help a farmer increase high yield and

they have value to the farmer.

So, it changes the agribusiness, something that's been around for

centuries, relatively unchanged.

As we've looked at all these different companies and

organizations and industries to understand what's going on,

we've seen four clear, distinct patterns emerge.

So we call these things the new rules of business because I like

to keep things simple.

The new rules of business really state this,

you have to do these four things together, not one and

focus on one but do all four these things together.

So, digital experience.

Digital experience is really about delivering experiences

that are easy, effective and emotional.

When you look all the disruptive technologies,

the all the disruptive businesses.

They typically do a couple of things really, really well.

They give customers back,

the most valuable thing that you can give them, which is?

>> Time.

>> Time.

There's always somebody who gets it.

Time, right? It's the most

precious thing in the world.

We can never get more of it.

If you can give customers back time.

You're creating value almost immediately for them.

Somebody much wiser than me once said,

if you can figure out a way to give people time,

you'll print money.

Give them back time, but also make it easy, right?

Make it easy and enjoyable.

And that's really about what's at the heart of creating great

digital experiences.

You look at a company like Yorkshire Bank in the UK.

Yorkshire Bank, traditional retailer bank.

They understood that they had a very old kind of way of going

to market.

The traditional Come into our branch, apply for loans,

very traditional way of looking at things.

In order to think about their business differently,

they set up, essentially, a competitive bank.

They reinvested in the retail banking experience

to create a new online banking experience,

to build a bank around the customer and

what the particular things those customers wanted to do.

To simplify the transactions, to give customers back more time,

to build consistent experiences, but they

did it all on top their existing backend systems, because they

didn't have the money to go change their backend systems.

So they focused on creating great digital experiences.

Now one of the challenges in the financial services industry is

how do we change all those back-end systems,

cuz ultimately, they're probably gonna need to be changed.

Which gets you to digital operations,

which is the second rule.

Focus operations on the things customers value.

Now, we talk a lot about creating operational efficiency.

And there's enormous energy going into how to apply digital

into our operations in order to be able to extract value

to reduce cost.

Well we've been doing that for 30 years.

We can still do that and extract cost out of the business.

But when we do it in a way that also focuses on creating value

for customers, it changes the focus of how we do it.

Because we want to understand that we need to

create agility in the business.

The operations have to be designed to change very quickly.

Go back to the digital dilemma,

their expectations are constantly evolving.

So our experiences have to constantly evolve.

If we have to design our business to constantly change,

now we have to design our operations differently.

We'd have to design operations not just for efficiency.

We have to design operations for the speed at which they can

change and react to market changes.

So, we may need to invest in architecture that is actually

designed to support rapid change in the business, right?

So the way we look at operations is very different.

GE's been on this journey for a number of years.

They're in the news a lot this year, quite interestingly.

I was just at their event in San Francisco last week,

the Minds and Machines event.

GE's transformation's been going on now for five years, and

really sort of accelerated two or three years ago.

They've been doing these five steps to change their business,

and they started at looking at how do we change

our operational capabilities?

How do we understand how to use the technology to improve

the way we operate, and then how do we take that to customers and

help them do it?

Now interestingly,

this highlights another dilemma that's going on,

which is if you're a public company,

you only have a certain amount of time to be able to do this.

Now Jeff Immelt took billions of dollars of cost out of GE and

did not return it to shareholders.

He put it into investing and building up GE digital because

he knew that was the right thing to do for GE in the long term.

Ultimately, he didn't have the runway to be able to do that and

see it play out.

As you may know, he was asked to step down this year.

Whether that's the right strategy for GE,

will play out in the next two or three years, we'll see.

But fundamentally, what GE's being doing is saying,

we need to reinvent our business.

We need to change how we operate and create value for

customers in different ways.

And that shows how hard it is to do it in a big business

across the world and how much money it costs.

So, we see when we look at different industries

on how they are investing and

changing on what they called digital transformation.

We can see that we're still spending a lot of money on

the things that tend to touch customers, customer experiences

and relatively little on the operations of the business.

There's a lot of opportunity to still improve the operations

to create agility and service to customers, to change the way we

think about the business and to change how we operate.

A lot of investment is still focused around IT process.

If you look on this, you see supply chain stands out to me as

one that's enormously opportunistic for change.

And we're just starting to scratch the surface there.

In manufacturing, we're just starting to scratch the surface

on what's possible in changing manufacturing using technology.

And that gets me to the third rule which is

building out the digital ecosystem.

So you see companies looking at how to change their ecosystem,

how to partner with other companies.

So, for example, in retail,

retailers traditionally have figured out, okay, we need to

buy things, sell them in store, and we'll put them online,

we'll build a website, we'll create a mobile app.

But now we see retailers actually partnering with

companies like Amazon,

to help them sell through the Amazon channel.

So Amazon becomes an extension of their retail property.

Right, so they understanding that you don't have to do

everything yourself, you can partner with other companies.

You can partner with companies like Microsoft to help

build on the cloud.

So there's companies you partner with to help you do what you

need to do to create value for customers.

On the supply chain side, improving the way companies

modify their supply chain to react to changes in

the supply chain and be able to move much faster.

So they're part of the business ecosystem that creates value.

If you take a boring industry like energy production,

there's a lot of change going on in energy production.

But I highlight this example here,

not because it's a cool website.

Yes, they've got the ability to go pick a plan on a website,

that's great.

But these two energy plans on the left,

they have a Nest thermostat built in with them.

Now you may notice there's a higher rate per kilowatt hour.

But why do they have nest thermostat built in to them?

They have a Nest thermostat built in to

them because it allows this company to create value for

their customers in new ways.

So instead of just saying we'll just deliver you energy when

you want it.

They're now able to say we'll work with Nest, to partner with

them, to make sure that we manage your energy so

that you don't need to put as much demand on the grid.

And we can return the energy saved to you in a rebate called

rush-hour rewards.

So what happens in a typical environment?

When you get a heat wave,

you see a graph something like one on the upper right there.

Which basically is, all the air conditioners turn on at

once because the room's got too hot, and they all try and

cool it down to a temperature.

And this puts enormous load on the grid and

energy providers have to produce what's called peak energy.

Peak energy's very expensive for them to produce,

it's above their normal load.

If you can smooth out that demand by cycling the AC units

on and off, which you can do because Nest is able to do that.

You don't notice a difference in the room.

The room ambient temperature remains the same, but

the demand is spread out on the system.

You produce less peak energy and you're able to produce

much better value for the entire ecosystem.

And you create value for customers in new ways.

Interest, I don't if you knows it was in the news last week I

think it was, Germany now has so much energy produced from wind.

There was a period last week the price of energy,

price of electricity was negative.

They were paying people to take energy off the grid.


Because the converse is true,

peak energy is very expensive to produce.

Shutting power down is very expensive to do as well, right?

So it's actually more efficient for the energy companies

to pay people to take energy than it was for

winding down the power production.

Because there was so much wind energy being produced, right?

Crazy world we live in.

So you've got digital experience, digital operations,

digital ecosystems, the ability to create value

through the ecosystem, and you have innovation to be able to

innovate at the intersection of experiences and operations.

This is where all the real value can be unlocked,

this intersection between customer experiences and

customer operations.

And so when you think about it, this intersection between

the customer and how the customer is touching our company

today and all the operations that sit behind it, there is so

much opportunity to create innovation.

We estimate that about 20% of the spend is on the customer

ecosystem and the 80% of the potential to unlock is actually

on the operational side of the business.

And yet when you think about digital transformation and

how many people look at it,

they focus almost entirely on the digital experience.

But there's so much to unlock in the operations.

And you have to be able to innovate inside this digital


So when you think about the digital ecosystem,

it's not just the ecosystem of your business.

But every customer you have, has their own ecosystem.

If you sign to a company, that company has a digital ecosystem.

How many of us have exactly the same apps on our phone?

None of us, right.

We all have different apps, why?

Because we all choose the apps that have value to us.

And if you're like me,

you have way more apps than you use, right.

So all the apps you use are on that front screen, all right.

And all the other ones, like the other 400 are somewhere behind

and you go find them occasionally.

That's your ecosystem of value, right.

You selected your own digital ecosystem,

the things that create value for you.

They help you get to an outcome.

You only use an app when it helps you get to an outcome.

There are many great apps on your phone, you look at and

go, that's cool, but you don't use it, why?

Cuz it doesn't help you get to an outcome you value.

A cool app can be great.

You can have a great experience.

But if it doesn't deliver an outcome that you value,

nobody's gonna use it, right?

You have to focus on the outcome of the customer's value.

So when you're thinking about your customers and

the outcomes they value.

You have to think about the desired outcomes,

you have to think about their digital ecosystem.

One of the things that you

need to do in market research when you're looking at customers

is find out what their digital ecosystem looks like.

What are the apps they use?

Why do they use them?

How do they use them?

Because they all help them get to an outcome they value.

If we wanna understand the outcomes they value,

we have to understand how they get there.

Cuz therein lies the potential for us to unlock value for them.

To unlock that ability to help them get to that outcome

in a new way.

Think of the farmer.

There's a great line in sales training.

I always remember when I went to various forms of sales

training with my career.

And at one point new sales people sometimes get asked

to sell something.

And there's this whole thing about, you're bringing yourself

a person and it's okay well here's an electric drill.

Sell me this drill.

And the new sales people will come on and

they'll talk all about the features and

benefits of the drill.

How, it's got variable speed and

the chuck's easy to use and all this.

Pretty good.

And then experienced sales person will come on and they'll

talk about what a beautiful hole this drill allows you to get.

How smooth the edges are.

How it goes to just the right depth.


Because you're not buying the drill because you wanna

own the drill.

You're buying the drill because you want the hole, right?

You have to think about what is the hole your customers want.

What's the outcome they want, right.

Whenever we buy products,

it's not because we wanna own the product,

it's because we want the outcome.

Some of us buy a car, not because we want the most fuel

economy, but because we're just passionate about autocross and

that's what we do every weekend.

Okay, so now you know my hobby.

But, I couldn't drive a Prius at autocross.

It's a great car. I bought one for my daughter.

But it's not a great autocross car.

It just doesn't quite have the same performance.

I'm sorry.

So you have to think about the outcome the customer wants.

And you have to incubate these emerging technologies.

So you have an example here of Lowe's using HoloLens to do

kitchen design.

Well, why do this, because it's not at a point where it can

be scaled across all stores yet?

Well they do this because if they start now and understand

how to use the technology, how to create volume,

work with customers to co-design, co-develop.

They have now got the ability

to accelerate that when the technology's ready.

When the technology is ready for

them to be able to scale that out across multiple stores, and

create value for customers in new ways, they have that DNA.

They have the understanding about how to scale it.

So we have to understand how to build that DNA in our companies.

To experiment, to create that culture of innovation.

And so this focus on rapid experimentation becomes

really critical.

So this is an example of Capital One is The Garage.

Capital One recognized that they had built it to create value for

customers around car insurance and

car loans to help their design team understand and

get in the mind of the customer, they built the garage.

For their design team to work in that environment, to

constantly think about what is the outcome my customer wants?

And to be able to bring customers in and co-design,


And it works, the products that came out of this drove

revenue well above beyond what they'd previously experienced.

So there are lots of things we can learn by looking

at existing companies.

So I wanna give you six strategies to create

an innovative culture because innovation is at the heart

of being able to drive revenue in the future.

We have to think about

changing the culture of our organizations.

To be highly innovative, highly creative.

So number one we've touched on,

embrace holistic experiences that transcend touchpoints.

Now when you think about this,

it's not about just improving one experience.

It's about an understanding the entire customer journey.

Think about it from the customer's perspective,

the outcome they wanna get to,

when is it they know that they wanna get to that outcome and

all the things they do to get to the outcome.

And it's probably well beyond the experience they have with

your company.

There are other companies they get involved with before and

after or alongside.

And you have to understand their entire experience.

Your customers are now empowered, as you know.

And they expect personalized experiences tailored

to their moment of need.

In other words, when I'm at the gate in an airport

to board a plane, I expect, when I pull out my phone,

that it will load up my mobile ticket.

And I don't have to go find the app and

find out where the ticket is.

It knows where I am.

It knows what flight I'm going on and

it knows it's boarding time.

This isn't rocket science guys, give me my boarding pass, right?

This is kinda how you have to think,

you have to get in the mind of the customer.

Create the experience in the moment of need.

In order to be able to do this, we have to understand all

the touch points on the customer journey.

And we have to look at all the underlying components that sit

behind it.

We can't just focus on the touchpoint

because very often what will happen, and

we've all seen this, you develop a new digital experience and

then you find out the experience is great, but

something seems lacking behind it.

If you go off the typical path, the customers might go on.

You suddenly find that everything else seems

to fall apart.

Anybody have that experience where you're doing fine then you

do something that's out of the ordinary.

And now all of a sudden the company's like,

your experience just goes, nosedives.

There's nothing there to support it.

You have to look at all of the things in the backend to

make sure the experience sustains itself.

And you have to understand that we create these dynamic

experiences, right.

So if you think about the car example, I apologize I'm a bit

of a car nut so I have a lot of car examples in my talk.

So think about through this outcome,

the desire to easily move from place to place.

And these are maybe a collection of apps that you have

that will help you get to this outcome, right?

So some of you may have some of these apps,

some of you may have other apps.

But you have some apps that will help you get to the outcome

you value.

You have to understand what's going on with your customers.

What is their ecosystem and

build their ecosystem around the desired outcome.

And you have to remember,

as you build the personas around desired outcomes,

if you think about it, this is an cones, not on a race track.

It's around cones.

Stay safe.

[LAUGH] But think about it, the desires evolve, right?

You think about as you get older,

I put some broad categories on here,

as you get older your desires evolve, right, they change.

I can see some of you are chuckling at sort of the as you

get older.

Those of you who've gone past the crisis stage and

pass the grandchildren to freedom.

They will understand as I am saying here.

[LAUGH] So you have to understand where the customer is

in their lifecycle right?

And not just the customer lifecycle as you classically

think about it.

But where are they on their life journey right?

And the people inside those B to B companies we're selling to,

those are people.

Where are they on their life journey?

What's important to them?

How are they being measured?

What does success look like for them?

What's the outcome they most value?

And to get there, we have to become insights driven.

We've heard a lot about using data insights today.

You have to become insight driven.

So we have to learn how to use technology better

to create insights that help us create value.

So let me give you an example of the perfect healthcare app.

Right, so the little pill on the left here is a digital pill.

Hopefully, you've all seen this before.

Cuz this pill's been out for years.

I've been talking about this for years.

But in case you haven't, this pill, so

the little dot on top of the pill is a chip.

It's smaller than the size of a grain of sand.

Now, why would you put a chip on a pill?

Well, when you swallow this pill,

the acid in your stomach acts like battery acid.

Powers the chip.

And it sends the signal to the patch that you're wearing on

the outside.

And it records when you've taken the pill.

Now, why would you do that?

Well, medication is only effective when it's taken.

Some medication you may be appalled to learn, tens of

thousands of dollars per pill and so if you're an insurance

company, you wanna make sure the patient is taking the pill if

they're paying for it because you want them to get better.

And if you're a doctor because you want your patient to get

better, you want to make sure the patient is taking the pill.

There is huge value and actually being able to insure that

patients taking the pill when they should.

Because it helps them get to the outcome which is getting better.

Right, okay, you're with me so far.

So, come with me on this journey.

You can take a pill that sends data onto the outside, right?

How far are we away from being able to swallow a pill

that gives you a complete body chemistry breakdown?

That sends all that data to your app.

The ultimate healthcare app.

Remember when I said this is the ultimate healthcare app?

It's called Days Left To Live.

>> [LAUGH] >> You pull the app out,

it tells you how many days you have left to live.

>> [LAUGH] >> Why is this the ultimate

healthcare app?

Okay, so you go out on town and

you have a few drinks with your buddies.

You eat too much pizza and you wake up the next day and

you pull out your app.

And your days left to live has gone, ugh.

Okay, I'm going to go to the gym.

Right, so I go work out at the gym.

I go for a run everyday.

I'm diligent about it.

And a month later my days left to live has not only gone back

to where it was, it's gone passed it.

What have I done?

I've created a feedback loop.

I've created a feedback loop to change the one thing that we can

do that has more impact on our health than anything else,

any medication or anything else.

The one thing that will have more impact on our health than

anything else is what we do to our bodies, right?

And if we provide the health data to tell us what we're

doing to our bodies, we can change the dynamic.

The simple fact is days after live I call it the ultimate

healthcare because it's a feedback loop, and

it's the one thing that we most value.

Think about it, time.

Most valuable thing you can have.

The ultimate representation of time is how many days we

have left to live.

All right.

And if we can give ourselves more time back,

that has huge value.

Now, I've done this speech a number of times and

you can imagine, and

I sat with healthcare professionals afterward.

And more than one of them has come to me and

said we've gotta build that.

[LAUGH] So somebody somewhere will think about how to do this.

But you do this through analytics, right?

You gather the data to gain insights

to help somebody make better decisions.

And that's what the ultimate health care app would be.

Would help us all make better decisions.

And you could scale right?

With artificial intelligence, you can scale.

We saw earlier a little clip of Rolls Royce.

Rolls Royce has been doing this for years, putting sensors into

engines, and pulling data off those engines.

And actually using that data to do predictive analytics

to figure out this engine is behaving differently this flight

then it did the last flight.

And something's wrong, what's wrong,

let's figure how to change that and so

we need to preposition pass at the airport so that we can get

the engine change service and back up into the air.

Changes the aircraft industry because airlines don't really

want to own the engine what they want

is hours of proportion cuz they don't get paid when the aircraft

is sitting on the ground.

Well, they get paid by the hours flying.

And really, airlines are quite happy to pay for

hours in use as opposed to owning the engine.

So, learn how to scale experiences,

create insights through AI and machine learning.

Number 3, is invest in business agility.

So I talked about the need to constantly change and

evolve our business.

Agility is much more than just our business.

It's about thinking about how we connect

to other companies differently as well.

So we have this shift from from this sort of thinking about

a linear value chain.

The linear value chain's evolving to much more of a sort

of nimble API enabled ecosystem where we're able to connect to

other companies that can help create value for a particular

set of customers and quickly change to the right supplier,

the right company, the right partner to create value for

a particular set of customers.

This ability to dynamically change the ecosystem

according to what's going on in the market is much more

significant than thinking about it as a linear value chain to

think about that ecosystem interconnects to create value.

And today's customer experience really demands its adaptable


We have to understand that the experience we have

connects to all these things that sit beneath it.

And some of those things are not going to be inside our company.

They're gonna be delivered by partners, by ecosystem partners,

by other companies that are helping to create value toward

that outcome.

Think about the next example, the energy companies

partnering with NIST to create an outcome for

the customer, not just doing it on their own.

But to be able to do all these things,

we need to be able to invest, right?

We can't just plow a whole bunch of money into the company and

not be able to get that money from somewhere else.

In order to trait the agility,

we have to look at where we can stop doing something.

And part of that is looking at the what differentiates

the company and what doesn't?

Evey businesses in here has a set of capabilities that allow

you to bring values to your customer.

What we have to understand is what are those capabilities that

really differentiate the company in the mind of the customer?

Why do they buy from us and not somebody else?

Those are your strategic differentiating capabilities.

Focus on those.

Now, the good news and the bad news is that 90% of the other

capabilities you have, they're generic.

You share those in common with every other company in

the industry.

Company customers are not buying from me because of those


And you have the opportunity to radically simplify them.

And when you simplify them,

you can remove cost from the business in many ways.

One, because you can simplify the process and

create more agile processes.

Two, because you can actually change the technology

that sits underneath those capabilities.

To apply standard off the shelf software which isn't customized.

How many of you have customized off the shelf software?

Only two of you.

How many of you have software that's developed in house?

One of you.

Okay so all the rest of you are running completely vanilla

software, no changes.

I don't believe you.

[LAUGH] I've seen this happen.

So let's say you have a staff turnover of 10%.

Any sizeable organization,

you have maybe 100 managers you bring in to the company a year.

Maybe it's 1,000, maybe it's 10,000,

depending on how big your company it is.

Every single one of those managers that you hire,

did they come into your company thinking, well,

I was hired because everything's going okay,

I've just gotta leave it all as is, not touch anything,

don't change a thing, I'll just keep things going.

Or do they come in because they think, I've been hired for

my skills and talent,

you've hired me because you want me to come in and change things.

So I'm gonna set about changing things and making them better.

I think it's the latter.

And what happens when they start to change things?

Well let's change the process, change the people or

the technology.

Well, if they change the people, those people have got their

own ideas about what to change when they come in, right?

And then you're left with changing the process

and the technology.

And all those process and technology changes, where do

they all end up? In IT, and

they're asked to go change the software,

tweak it, change the process. And all of those changes ripple

through the entire organization. And

what you end up with is this massive complexity of

technology architecture that is very slow to change,

very expensive to change. And then everybody in

the company complains that IT's so slow, so expensive.

I can't figure it out why.

You have to look at what's going on inside of the organization to

understand why.

So simplify, and thereby create agility, and

take cost out of the business.

Redesign the organization from silo to connected.

So when you think about organization design,

we have these sort of siloed organizations.

What we're seeing in many of the more progressive,

more digitally savvy organizations is this shift from

siloed to much more of this cluster approach, right?

To take a cluster of skills and have them tackle a persona, or

a particular customer journey, or

a particular customer outcome, and work toward that.

When you do this, though,

you've got to think about how we measure employees.

Because part of what we're doing

is changing the culture to become more innovative.

The metrics that we use signal

to employees what's important to us.

So I did this study.

We asked sort of executives across companies,

what were their KPIs?

And on this chart,

the dark gray at the top is the business unit leaders.

The next one down is marketing, marketing leaders.

And then the next one down is technology leaders.

And so you have this variation.

To help understand what the variation looks like,

I drew a line between the top of each of these.

Now if you just remove the data and just sort of see this for

what it is, really this is like a noise chart.

In most organizations what you want is this nice,

smooth line between the business units, the marketing teams, and

the technology teams.

Everybody would be focused on the same kind of thing.

In most organizations what you have is a chart that looks like

a noise graphic that's like, my God,

look at all this noise that's in the organization.

Because now we're asking people to work in these same teams and

we're measuring them on completely different things.

And guess what, when they sit in the team and

try to figure out what the solution is,

if we're measuring them on different things,

they're gonna come to different conclusions, right?

And therein create friction inside the organization.

If you wanna move friction out of the organization and

create agility, you have to smooth out the metrics.

You have to have everybody working in the same direction.

Which gets me to the last one which is fueling this

customer-led innovation.

Being able to incubate emerging technologies,

like the example I showed you with Lowes.

Understanding how to use these emerging technologies,

test and learn.

And focus on sort of rapid experimentation,

this is an example of Rebecca Minkoff in New York,

building a digital dressing room.

Right, understanding how to use a technology

to create a better experience.

The last rule I want to leave you with,

is one I call avoiding the pit of doom.

The reason why I say avoiding the pit of doom is when i

started you in this presentation,

I used to have this analogy to the Lord of the Rings.

And when Gollum falls into the crater at the end, so

that's the pit of doom.

So how do you avoid that?

And really it's about delivering outcomes.

Now this is a cautionary tale because,

Remember I had this example of opening the hotel room door?

So the first time I did this a few years ago, I went out for

dinner with some clients.

And I got back to the hotel room.

It was kind of late.

And I needed to use the bathroom.

I thought okay, well, I'll just go in the hotel room, as you do.

And so I get to my hotel room, take out my phone,

press the button, and nothing happens.

Wow, damn.

Now, you've all been here, right?

I'm sure you all understand the discomfort I was

in at this point.

So I get out my hotel room key, I don't have one on me.

I get out my plastic key, cuz I got

a plastic key when I checked in.

And I try that in the door.

It doesn't work.

Now I'm starting to really feel uncomfortable.

So I take care of things, I go down to the lobby.

I find the restroom, take care of that.

And I go to the reception.

And I say, my key's not working.

So they said to me, they look at me and

went, are you on the hotel Wi-Fi?


Well, it only works if you're on the hotel Wi-Fi.

So now we have a great experience that is only capable

of working if it's predicated on being connected to the hotel


And did we design the hotel Wi-Fi to automatically connect

to the phone when you come back to the hotel?

No we did not, cuz nobody told us in the operations side that

we had to do that.

And why isn't my plastic key working?

Well, because it's policy.

If you have the digital key, we disable your plastic key for

security reasons.

>> [LAUGH] >> Did anybody ask me if I

wanted my plastic key disabled?

No, but it seemed like a good idea at the time, I'm sure.

So we have to think about the operational side of

the business and

is it in tune with the digital experience we're creating?

This is why at some point I think about the operations

side of the business.

The ecosystem that we create delivers the outcomes.

So we have to focus on the four rules of business and

these six guidelines to build strategies that create value

that help deliver the outcomes that customers value.

When you do this, right, so think about these six things,

you can develop your digital DNA to design the experiences that

deliver the outcomes that satisfy your customer's desires.

Thank you.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> That was fabulous.

>> We're gonna take some questions.

>> We are, I've never had a presentation where someone

talked about Gollum before.

>> [LAUGH] That's what you got from this?

[CROSSTALK] >> I got the pit of

doom and Gollum.

>> [LAUGH] >> Anyway,

we have two mic runners, Brenda and Laurie.

Brenda, Brenda's here.

And Laurie's here.

Does anyone have a question for Nigel, cuz I do.

Nigel told me and

gave me a long list of questions he didn't like to be asked.

So I have those ready to go.

Okay, in the front here, Brenda.

>> From Hal Estate, all right.

>> Go ahead, sir.

>> Yes, so, I'm in the healthcare segment,

in medical devices.

I'm curious, I experienced and I'm in a Fortune 500

corporation and, highly matrixed, multiple divisions.

And we have the challenge of connecting all those dots and

trying to get people out of their silos.

So, what do you believe is the major disruptive change

that is going to enable the silos to come down in the next

five to ten years beyond trying to push digital and

have people be more aware that this can happen?

Because things do move slowly.

And as you said, or to paraphrase, you have spaghetti

code, so to speak, where resources and efforts gets put

in the wrong places and has that long stream, down stream impact.

>> Right, so great question.

So I'm trying to put this in the right context, so

the challenge in a large organization,

you obviously have these big silos and

how do you move without the burning platform?

It's kind of what you're saying, if there's no burning platform.

Clearly, if there's a burning platform,

you get people's attention.

Where you don't have the burning platform,

it's slightly harder and we see a number of efforts that

go to what we describe as digital bolt on.

So you add these digital capabilities to the existing

business to prove the potential for change.

To then accelerate the understanding

inside the leadership, cuz it's really down to the leadership.

You can never get the transformation we're talking

about without the CEO.

The CEO is the most important factor

in driving transformation, as you at Microsoft know, right?

So unless the CEO understands, A, the potential for change and

B, how to create that ambition to get to where you need to,

empower the employees to make the change,

you won't accelerate fast enough.

So if you don't have a CEO that's there yet,

there are some things you can do like create these bolt on

projects that demonstrate the capability.

Some companies will try to take their executive team on what's

called a digital safari.

Where they will take the executive team to

Silicone Valley and they will go around lots of startups and

show what's going on to show them potential and

hopefully scare them a little bit, right, in terms of saying,

okay, we need to change.

But you have to have the awareness to change.

And then, dealing with a spaghetti code

in a regulated industry, it's much harder, obviously.

But dealing with that code is something that is the technology

that we've talked about for

years, it will have to get paid back at some point.

Some companies are learning to try and forget how to do that by

extracting savings out of the business and re-doing it.

Other companies are still scratching their heads thinking

we don't know what to do with that, we'll just build all these

APIs and just keep all of that stuff there and not touch it.

And that would work for awhile, don't know how long, but

it will work for awhile.

I don't know if that answers your question.

>> There's a whole issue in our culture and culture change,

especially coming from the top.

Someone once asked me, they were in a company, they knew they

needed to change, the CEO didn't believe in change.

They asked what recommendation I had for them.

I said, go to a different company.

>> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] It's often my advice,


>> [LAUGH] Yeah, any other questions?


Laurie if you can zip down, someone in the front.

Thank you.

>> Hi, I work for a wholesaler of novelties, party supplies,

and balloons.

And most of our customers are either entertainers, clowns,

twisters or decorators who are delivering these experiences to

their customers.

And you mentioned earlier how B2B companies have to

balance between multiple different experiences.

So how would you recommend balancing the considerations

of what experiences we're delivering to our customers?

And how to help them deliver better experiences.

>> I would always focus on their customers,

because you want stuff removed from their consumer, right?

So, what are your customers trying to deliver in terms

of an outcome?

As they can deliver that outcome equates mainly for

their customers, they can be more successful.

So how can we help our customers deliver that outcome better,

to create a better outcome for that customers?

When you can create value for your customers by helping them

deliver the value to their customers, you help them grow.

When you help them grow, they stay all clear.

So, understand the outcome they try to create,

understand how to help them get to that outcome.

And that will help you accelerate your growth.

Does that make sense?

>> I love that question.

Often people say their customers are clowns, and

in your case your customers are actually clowns.

>> [LAUGH]. >> It's so awesome [LAUGH].

To a certain extent what job are they hiring your products to do

right, which is to deliver joy.

All right, so how else can you help them deliver joy?

I think it would be an interesting way to

investigate that and find out more.

Another question for Nigel?

Okay, let me ask you a question just while we're waiting.

Someone else may have a thought while we're talking.

The thing that fascinates me the most about this whole category

is that if you go into a company and

you talk about digital transformation,

everyone has a different definition.

>> Yes. >> Right?.

So I know you work with a lot of different companies so you've

got a very broad portfolio across many industries.

How do you coach that up?

How do you talk about trying to get at least a common definition

of what DT means inside a company.

Can you share an experience with that?

>> Well, so, funnily enough,

I will get hired by somebody in the company to come in and say,

can you give our executive branch what is our transmission.

>> Perfect. >> Right, so, and

we do our sessions, not so much this,

with the executive team to help ground set, to level set.

What are we talking about here?

And used to be five years ago, okay,

digital transformation isn't social media.

Five years ago, wow, social media, no it's not social media.

>> We got an app, right?

We got an app.

>> It was like we got an app or what science is like.

And once you can show people sort of pulling

back the curtain to see the bigger picture, right?

So what's behind the curtain.

The Wizard of Oz, right?

It's understanding that there's a lot more

going on which is why I loved the demonstrations this morning.

Because a lot of sessions the I go into,

you hear all the right words- >> Right.

>> But you don't see people doing it.

>> Right. >> Right?

>> Right.

>> And what I loved about

this morning was, you see what's going on behind the curtain.

This is an example of what we're doing with customers.

And they love companies that can do that,

that show here's what we're doing with customers.

Because that's what the executive team needs to see.

When I talk about going on a digital safari, they're taking

the executives to show them here's what's possible.

One of the questions that I get asked a lot is what

are the other companies in my industry doing?

And my answer's that's the wrong question, right?

Because you have to understand,

what are companies in other industries doing?

>> Right.

>> And how can I apply what they're doing to my industry?

Cuz that's how you're gonna make some breakthrough innovation.

Not by copying whoever's in front of you.

But by understanding the outcome the customer's trying to get to.

How can I learn from another industry to deliver the outcome

a different way, because there in we can create value in

a new way for customers, we create value in new ways,

new sources of value, we drive revenue.

>> Right, because if you're a traditional thermostat company,

would you have really woken up in the morning and think,

I'm gonna be competing with Google one day.


>> Right.

>> The next product.

>> Right, right, right.

>> Just wouldn't be the way you'd think about it.

That's very interesting.

>> But if you think about

what's the outcome the homeowner wants to get to?

>> Yeah. >> And so, well,

the outcome the homeowner wants to get to, well,

is it to own a thermostat? No.

>> Comfortable temperatures.

>> Comfortable home, right?

>> Right. >> Maybe a comfortable safe

environment to raise a family.

>> Right.

>> That opens up a whole host of opportunities.

>> Right, right. >> RIght?

In terms of how we can help customers get there.

>> The thing I found shocking with that Otis Presentation was,

there was a comment he made near the end that some of

the elevators they're servicing today are a hundred,

that just blew my mind.

I just.

>> I'm working on my gut,

I'm getting to an elevator that's a hundred years old.

>> I want an app that tells me which of those

elevators is 100 years old.

All right, any other questions?

We got time for one more.

Buckeye State again, here.

Go ahead, sir.

>> Sure, so putting a financial side to this.

What is reality today for let's say a company at moderate buy

in to all in buy in, on the time it takes to do

this and before you see an ROI and what do anticipate five and

ten years from now, that curve is gonna look like?

>> That's a really good question.

So, it does depend on the size of the company.

Let's say it's a $10 billion company,

several thousand employees, for start,

they're doing projects towards to get to the outcome, right?

So you got a vision of where you're gonna get to.

You have to be able to create capabilities

along the way to get to that.

Each of those has to be able to create a return,

not necessarily a positive ROI, but a return you can see

potential down the road in order to be able to get there.

The how long it takes?


>> [LAUGH] >> This is a journey,

it's not a destination, right?

So we're changing our business to constantly change.

You had in the slides this morning,

this is a transmission's a journey.

A lot of people still look at this like this is a project.

This is not a project.

>> Right.

>> This is a journey in terms of changing the way we operate,

changing our business, you never get there.

You have to change how you fund investments.

So you see changes in way people invest and instead of

investing in projects, they're now investing in outcomes, and

continuously investing in changing toward that outcome.

So we have project management in IT, instead of project

management, because we're changing the governance model.

We're changing the way you budget in a business.

And the strategy is changing as well.

The strategy has been changing for

years, moving from annual strategies or

three year strategic plans to a quarterly review.

>> Yeah, we're in a quarterly rhythm inside Microsoft

now, yeah.

And Justin talked about the fourth industrial revolution,

and we're at the beginning of an industrial revolution.

When do you finish, we're gonna multi year, multi generational.

>> Well, think about the first industrial revolution, right?

You tend of think of it what just happened over night?

It was 80 years.

>> Yes, absolutely.

>> Some people say it's longer than that.

If you were just in that first part of that industrial

revolution, you'd be sitting there saying, okay,

well, what's the answer?

Well, actually,

you don't know because we haven't played it out yet.

>> Right.

>> In ten years time we'll look back on where we are at today

and think that was like my God,

they had no idea what they were doing, right?

That's part of the challenge is that we're just at the start of

this journey and it's going to go on for awhile and

the thing is its accelerating so fast, right?

We've all seen the exponential curves, right?

The speed of change of technology.

But, we just better get used to change.

Because today, the speed of change is slow,

relative to what it's going to be in two years time.

>> Well, humans feed off each other.

And as it's easier for us to communicate,

we are feeding off each other more and

things are just continuing to speed up.

So speaking of speeding up, we are out of time,

and this was awesome.

I had a great session.

Thanks to Nigel.

Let's give him a round of applause.

>> Thank you, thank you very much, thanks.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Hold on a second,

and I must say one of the things that I always enjoy about these

presentations, and just as a presenter inside baseball thing

is we get to wear a makeup and so and

I wanted to say you look lovely.

>> [LAUGH] >> And.

>> Well I've never had anybody say that on stage before.

>> [CROSSTALK] Anyway everyone there's a quick break now.

And at 2:30 going to industry session.

So thank you very much.

Thanks for the time.

>> Thank you.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Business Forward 2017 | Digital Predator or Prey? - Duration: 1:02:00.


CPD: Lock it or Lose it - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> CPD: Lock it or Lose it - Duration: 0:53.


Period sex - yes or no? - Duration: 0:37.


For me, nay.

In general, yay.

It depends.

It's a good time for shower sex.

On the level of

intimacy between the other person because it's an experience and

maybe it's not for everyone.

Not if you don't want to if you don't feel good if you have back pains then whatever.

I've had boyfriends that loved it, didn't care.

Just put a towel down.

It's messy, and I prefer white sheets.

And partly because there's like too much moisture.

For more infomation >> Period sex - yes or no? - Duration: 0:37.


Stay Local or Go Global with AdWords - Duration: 2:16.

hey everybody it's Ben and Simon here from Pallant Digital. We're here to

help you get the digital stuff right. So today's video is about staying local or

going global, so with Google location targeting you can reach potential

customers who are searching for a local business or reach people globally who

are looking for businesses like yours for example searching for what to do on

holiday you can target a customer who is searching physically close to your

location and you can even target around a radius on a point on a map, a country,

city, region, or even postcode. Ads appear like this on Google Maps on desktop and

they appear like this on mobile devices it's worth noting here that space is at

a premium on mobile devices so it's worth making sure at the top of the page

by using ads. So ads are great for raising awareness at that research stage

as these ads show in the search results as well as on maps they link to your

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hundred percent complete so on mobile these ads can also have clicked call or

make a booking links which is great if you're a restaurant and of course you

can measure all of these conversions as goals you can also get directions and it

shows how far away you are from the business so if you have a physical shop

the local inventory ads can help drive in-store sales

shopping ads will show if you have the product the user is searching for in

stock and where your store is relative to their location so maps are really

good for raising awareness of your business locations they can be great for

driving action on mobile devices especially when using local inventory

ads so you can raise awareness and influence for people who are considering

buying locally you can drive action when people are looking for what you offer at

the exact moment and remember it's always about reaching customers when it

matters I'm working with a Google Partner can save you both time and money

don't forget to Like and subscribe so you don't miss out

see you next time!

For more infomation >> Stay Local or Go Global with AdWords - Duration: 2:16.


English Books, London or Italy, My Job (Q&A) | doyouknowellie - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> English Books, London or Italy, My Job (Q&A) | doyouknowellie - Duration: 9:37.


Hope my BOO dont see this....... smash or pass challenge with grils from snapchat!!! - Duration: 13:50.

For more infomation >> Hope my BOO dont see this....... smash or pass challenge with grils from snapchat!!! - Duration: 13:50.


How to Permanently delete or remove or deactivate my Facebook account bangla tutorials | safe my fb - Duration: 4:03.

How to Permanently delete or remove or deactivate my Facebook account bangla tutorials | safe my fb

in this videos I am going to show you How to Permanently delete or remove or deactivate my Facebook account.

how to delete facebook account delete or deactivate permanently

কিভাবে ফেসবুক Account ডিলিট করবেন Permanently,

Bangla Tutorial, how to deactivate facebook account temporarily

Protect your Facebook Account from Hackers

For more infomation >> How to Permanently delete or remove or deactivate my Facebook account bangla tutorials | safe my fb - Duration: 4:03.


Padmavati - reaction or emotion - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Padmavati - reaction or emotion - Duration: 10:17.



hello guys and welcome to buy coupon in today's video I will show you how you

can install Kodi on your amazon firetv or amazon firetv stick and this will be

my December 2017 update for you guys so let's get started so the first thing you

want to do is go to settings press it down move over to the right-hand side

until you reach device click on that scroll down to developer options click

on it enable these two press ok then scroll down to apps from unknown sources

click on it and then click on turn on so we're going to press the home button hit

the left key press down and type the word down

the one we're looking for is the third one on the list so scroll down to the

one it says downloader press okay so under apps and games press ok on the

orange icon that says downloader and you're gonna click OK to download if you

see a get option all you gotta do is do the same thing however if it's not

allowing you to download the downloader app you have to go to your Amazon

account by using a browser you can do it on your phone you can do it on your

computer just log on to your Amazon account and then go to one-click setting

and then putting your billing address there and once you save it go back here

and then press ok to download

okay so now that the downloader app is installed let's go ahead and press ok

you're gonna see this little notification just go ahead and press ok

and on the blinking cursor go ahead and press ok and from here we're gonna type

in bi t dot ly /lv Y and then the number 18

you can press play or you can just simply go down over here and click on go

like so you will see this little notification go ahead and press ok and

then look on your remote control and find the menu button it's right next to

the home button if you press that you will see this little screen so scroll

down to enable JavaScript and reload page so click on it and then we're gonna

click on download

just click on it alright so from here just press the down twice and then move

to the right-hand side click on install

so now that the live the app is installed go ahead and press down move

to your right click on open press down on the blinking

cursor just simply press ok and we're gonna type in the latest version of Kodi

which is version seventeen point six Krypton so let's type in VI T dot ly /

vhy 33 and again that's bi t ly /bh Y 33 and then go ahead and click Next or

press play from your remote and then when I click on OK to go and it will

fail so just go ahead and hit the back button and then press ok again it should

initiate the download this time how are you guess we're back

so once you're finished downloading the Kodi app I'm going to install it so go

ahead and simply press down twice move to the right hand side click on install

alright so now that we have successfully installed Kodi on your fire TV or a fire

stick we're going to go ahead and open up the Kodi app so press down move to

your right click and open alright so in order for us to completely set up your

Kodi all we got to do is press the up key move to the right hand side the one

in the middle that looks like a gear go ahead and press ok here go to file

manager click on it scroll down to add source click on ok and click on none so

we're going to type in the source for the titanium build so type in HTTP

colon double slash repo dot supreme builds calm

and again guys as usual make sure everything is lowercase no spaces in

between otherwise that will give you an error message so again that's HTTP colon

double slash repo dot supreme builds com go ahead and click on OK over here

press down hit OK just name it whatever you want

clicking ok press down click on OK again and from here we're gonna hit the back

button twice like so scroll down to add-ons click on it

move up I'll add this little open box click on it and then scroll down to

install from zip file click OK you will see this warning move to the left hand

side click on settings click on unknown sources and then say yes click on yes

and then hit the back button now go ahead and click on install from zip file

again and you will see this little window so you want to choose the source

that you just added it's in my case it's this one go ahead and press ok here and

then scroll down to the very bottom the one that has the dot zip and then press


move up to install from repository click on it scroll down to supreme builds

repository click on that scroll down to program add-ons and then choose supreme

builds wizard click on install

once the add-on is installed you will see this little notification go ahead

and choose this miss click on continue click on build menu

and then there we go if you're in the u.s. I want to make sure you choose this

one titanium USA server one or two whichever

works for you if you are in Europe or UK then choose this one and as you can see

there's a lot of builds available

depending on your preferences but for this tutorial we're going to use

titanium let's go ahead and click on it and then scroll down to fresh install

and then press ok

move to the left click on continue

and then wait for it to finish off the installation process

are you guys if you feel uncomfortable streaming movies online using Kodi what

you need is a virtual private network or a VPN my recommendation is ipvanish so

here's what you need to do to register click on the address bar and type in

here bi T del Y / IP B hy again guys this should be all lowercase

so VI T del Y / IP B hy press enter all right so there we go so all you got to

do is click on get protected and if you need more information on how the VPN

works or virtual private network works you can check out the information on the

website so let's click on get protected and right now there are on sale at two

thousand eighty seven cents for two years so it's a price lock guarantee

guys so you might want to take advantage of this if you want to do a trial do

this one month for ten dollars per month basically and just for a year if you

want to do it for just a year you can go ahead and click on 649 over here now to

register I had and click on create an account over here click on enter valid

email address and then enter your password and this will be your username

and password so you can log into your ipvanish account you can use credit card

PayPal or any other payment methods

all right so once it's finished installing you're gonna see the screen

go ahead and press ok under force closed

hit the home button and then press down three times so under your apps and games

move to the right-hand side click on see all hit your left key from your remote

and then press the Menu button from your remote the one that has three dashes and

then we're gonna click on move to front like so and then press ok and it

immediately moves the Kodi icon at the very top of the list let's go ahead and

open it so press ok

all right so congratulations you have successfully set up your Kodi on your

fire TV or fire stick now give it five minutes to update guys it takes a little

while and it's not gonna respond on your clicks so just let it sit there for a

while how are you guys if in case you had troubles with the build not

responding all you gotta do is four stop it under manage installed applications

and then from here let's go ahead and check out the menus available so we got

main menu movies TV shows free live TV support replays combat zone Kids Zone

hen espanol gears TV later streams PVR plus subs music Android apps and we're

back at the main menu let's go ahead and go to the movies and you will see this

just in movies on top if you want to manually use a video add-on or a movie

add-on you want to go down over here on the list

so we're gonna try to play a movie using covenant when they scroll down to new

movies alright so let's go ahead and pick a random movie over here let's go

ahead and try this

I hope you enjoyed watching this video please like share comment and subscribe

to the channel and thank you so much guys for watching

For more infomation >> HOW TO INSTALL KODI 17.6 ON FIRE TV OR FIRESTICK (DECEMBER 2017) - Duration: 15:20.


We will annex Alaska or die! - Duration: 4:15.

The 21st century has come,

The planet Earth has tired from russian aggress.

The hegemon Putin frazzled out the population on the planet.

Euro Union has no the own opinion.

The Middle east cries from russian bombardments.

Donald Trump has lost a power fully!

Our country extends from Arctic Ocean to the south boundary

from Kuril islands to the Baltic coast.

The peace is possible on the whole Earth,

But if the Chief Commander orders us to die,

Uncle Vova, we agree [ to be alive bombs ]

Vladimir Putin took off his coat and jumped in the panzer Suicide children will run ahead of the panzer. What will our generation get?

If we give the slack, putin's Russia will disappear!

Our loyal friends are the Navy and the Army,

Childhood's friendship, military medal of grandad

Our country extends from Arctic Ocean to the south boundary

from Kuril islands to the Baltic coast.

The peace is possible on the whole Earth,

But if the Chief Commander orders us to die,

Uncle Vova, we agree [ to be alive bombs ]

если драка неизбежна - бить надо первым if the Nuclear war is unavoidable - it is necessary to strike FIRST

Samurais will not get Kuril islands. Never!

We agree to die for ex- Konigsberg - the capital of amber, also!

Now Sevastopol belong us and Crimea belongs us also!

We will save this territory for the next generations.

We will "return Alaska in own harbor" == We will annex Alaska also!

Our country extends from Arctic Ocean to the south boundary

from Kuril islands to the Baltic coast.

The peace is possible on the whole Earth,

But if the Chief Commander orders us to die,

Uncle Vova, we agree to die!

Я вам устрою ядерную войну! l shall arrange a Nuclear War for you!

For more infomation >> We will annex Alaska or die! - Duration: 4:15.


Skylanders Academy My Way or The Sky Way Part 5 - Red Hippo - Duration: 18:14.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

I've gathered you for a mission of utmost importance so vital that the future of the Academy relies on nothing short of

Absolute success. I this time your foe is different, but no less formidable. It is the basement pipes

They are being attacked by a vicious clog of beard you heard the man up on your feet people. We've got plumbing to do

Plumbing is that right I know this being there anyway go

Bad guys every second of every day we provide many essential services to Skylands great and small and sometimes that means

money-saving plumping missions, and that still sounds weird

Huh also do you have a mouse for breakfast? Do you have any idea how pungent those things are they big?

They smell worse on the way out by the way move

Okay what we have here is a category eight o'clock

Haven't seen one of these since the great back hair crisis of all six this thing blows all the Academy's Oh awesome

So what is it jet back?

I'll tell you as soon as I think of it cheapy all due respect

But I I don't have much time to think this through as opposed to what?

Expats relax first when I have a proper plan in place which I have already if you weren't interrupting guys

This is about to get ugly. Oh, you ain't kidding that pipes ready to blow I do


The tips of the disappearances when I thought of what you were considering your plans which I'm sure would have worked too

So crisis averted before 11:00 brunch anyone

But you never come to my lair - what do I you?

I don't want to spend any more time down here that I have to so let me just say what I have to and

Actually mother you are the reason I'm putting together this little presentation

I want to show the core of light that I found locked away. It's Skylanders Academy, but now it won't project out

Why isn't my head working question? I've asked myself since you're a small boy

What get a real job and start paying rent like today, or I'm kicking you out yeah?

That's what I came down here to tell you have a great day

With me I kept bidding piling up, and you're the troll to do it don't worry gloomy

Oh fix this as soon as I can so I can get back to destroying the

Skylanders and harassing on his way of doing that the important thing is I saved the world today

Uh you unclog the pipe


You say potato I say

You're welcome rogue on that pipe today your rebellious impulsive nature needs to be tamed

And I'm just the bird to do sure yeah great good

Here's the bathroom obviously Oh

And over there aspires room Spyros will hey well, let's get a good like right now, and what a dump?

Please thank you

Would you say dump? I call them like I see em Spyro no wonder. You don't play by the rules

You're equals poor spinal alignment poor alignment equals a poor attitude a poor attitude equals poor Skylander Inge and this

Video games these things make you lazy no

Experience on your application 300 years for

And since then I've stayed plenty busy trying to annihilate all Skylanders mmm-hmm, man. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Supreme overlord of darkness and destroying anyone who gets in my way you're legally required 10-minute break

Hello I'm hey gizzard eat me

Really well


Don't eat a gizzard or something I would like a gizzard. I would like a whole bucket of good job. It's horrible

Be strong just try and go to the happy place in your mind

You know your memories of all the fun we have together like when you clip my toenails

And I'll be back as soon as I can

Looks like we have a few more hours to catch up man

So tell me more about your days and the thief closings couldn't recognize me in this getup that means no one else will either

and that gives me a

brilliantly evil idea

Space so the plan is we're gonna live in a sewer

Forever well I was just gonna hide in the sewer until jet-vac retired, but I think I like your idea better

Seriously, how old do you go?

Thing we have to do the charges page one well now the owner of a supercharger

Yes my favorite stations are priests in the

Spiral why are you stop it? Do the job for you, but well someone had to our team for the win

So how'd you get held up fight with chaos on the way here


Jetpack, what happened at the falling forest today turns out nothing per your request it was safe and burning to the ground by kabuemon snapshot

Huh didn't feel that long was a real page-turner

Alrighty, then now back to the task at hand

Lunch do I start with the business come to me? I didn't see that coming

Did you and now I have your food you know why because I didn't plan it. I just did it

What are you getting at sir I was?

Your righty honor yes

I've been riding Spyros tail pretty hard at rue Skylander trusts their instincts as much as their training jet-vac

Spyro does this very well me Hugo

Hello, master eons assistant. Enjoying your gizzard. Well. I was just about to dig in

Right that sounds like a swell idea. Let's go there now

After you

Nervous I've seen that kind of behavior burn way too many Skylanders whoa. What do you mean? Oh?

I was just like you once son talented cocky those in an epic moment of heroism

There was a widow an orphanage a huge fire. They even wrote a song about it

Look. I just want you to know a track record of doing things the right way

But I I think you'll find that my way can be effective - you oughtta, try it sometime. Maybe I will

But I probably will

Some coupons huh cuz he didn't realize there were Skylanders here honest mistake well not that honest since okay fine

But before we leave you totally alone with hypnotized Hugo

So you can go into the relic room and do whatever you want do the loser dance?

To the core


Would you believe now? Oh what without planning it? I I think I did that felt good, right?

How should we handle this trespassing swerve, don't yep?

We made real progress today, and I even followed every order jet vet gave during the fight

And I made a few impulsive moves of my own

Remember when I kicked lessard guts weaponized lizard guts pal hoo

Gizzards the face some in the eyes a little got her mouth. I may never get that smell out of my nostrils well

I got a real job

I worked all day and I got pummeled in Skylanders be a productive member of society

Instead of a guy who basically still lives at home in his mom's basement well mother when you put it like that

It's way more fun equipped to take on Richard the third man up so she was mocking your theater days again

How come he never never gets old for her sir you poor troll?

As I was saying this lesson is about focus now as a reward for your tardiness skull you and hex get

to go first

Oh, I sprained my sphenoid

Alrighty class

No, my report is about a certain feathered Skylander ets well. Let's see that one first wait

No, what don't even need to you get an anger and his name is skull

My name is also skull if you're thinking to yourself. Hey the future Skylander

That skull is referring to is himself then hooray

I'm afraid if you changed the subject of the report from me to you, aka

Somebody who's definitely not a Skylander well then I have no choice, but to give you an F

Now to gracefully slip away from these doom readers without these idiots being any the wiser

It'll be like I was okay stopping the mone my friend

What we doing

We never gonna let you go who found out I couldn't find the location of your mom's

Castle so now to massage your ego, and keep stringing you along until she does find Cassandra

She's planning a put in this context. I think it's like a party with jokes

hmm this is

Perfect while everyone's distracted eating mini hot dogs and making typical parties. What is up with those things?

There's an interdimensional travel for a glorified disco or make up your mind

Cassandra as I whereas my comedic alter-ego the unknown control

Yet works, I already wish I didn't know you Oh terrific

Wants to hire unknown troll comic to be the MC for a roast she's throwing for chaos tonight

This might be exactly what I need to test my theme if I can see how strong

He is then I'll know how much time I have left to keep ultimate evil from finding its way back to sky lands

That sounds bad as much as they trust themselves

Come on. Skull. What is it? Now? We're partners. You can tell me anything

Haha, that's what I like back

And I know that skull has mine because as I continue my journey to become a Skylander

I know that he realizes how important is your journey to become a skyline Belle in the heat of battle hex me

That's who which means I know a lot of spells a lot of them, and this one will free me from being your familiar forever

Hit work I'm free now

I can finally do what I want to do hang some drywall, but first us. That's something she does a lot

It's not like hex to miss our after-school undead Club meeting totally

And I haven't seen her since she's weird have you been yodeling again?

Oh, I've never felt better

And I can't wait to share all of my good feels with both. What should we do now?

Let's hug


Chaos well I see some familiar faces in the audience tonight like the O so scary doom Raider

Or as I call them show them some live

Now chaos don't let all that applause go to your head or actually go ahead

It looks like there's plenty of these jokes are aimed squarely at me, I know

Isn't this fun

Oh, yeah, you know you can't be a Skylander without her

But that's the thing I'm a free agent now see no more old thingy around my head hmm

What based on your alarm tone and the uncomfortable proximity of our faces? I'll say

Something not good once hex made you her familiar. You could never part

It was a nice peaceful walk to a portal so I can go home and watch my nighttime


Totally not creepy that there's no one else on campus for the first time since when he is so eerily I mean late

I'm giving out free hugs


Oh boy you

Know who wants the squishiest tag you could ever ask for

More scary cadet

Side of her supernatural essence to overtake the good within

Now she's a vessel of even

The worst kind of a so now hex can spread that evil to anyone in

Practice and without me that I thought she was about to kick me to the sky skull

You are integral to hexes success and vice versa even if your main, duties as a firm mist there there

You mustn't beat yourself up the other cadets will take care of that later right now

You must find hex and make things right to stop this madness. How do I do that?

They're evil essence will cease but how do I get close to hex if she's surrounded by all their evil cronies?

I'll air drop you in

Where I come from parents make their kids eat all the chaos on their plate before they believe the table

I came up with the most fiendish scheme to finally defeat the Tigers

How about another round of applause for our guest of honor who has been such a good sport


The obvious had the biggest joke of the night his chaos himself

And the best part of all is not

Just calm down. I'm done being calm, and I'm done being lied to you

So you can use me to find my mother's castle?

So to be my ignorant pawn, then I'll just have to find a more permanent way to keep you around as my trumpet

Sorry Queenie, but it looks like your powers are simply fool's gold doom Raider

There's one last yester who needs to learn his lesson about messing with me make you pay

Well well just the head I was looking at home I

Stopped back-to-back reverse evil blasts



Yeah listen

Buddy story but go with me here

I kind of sort of turned you into a vessel of evil by breaking out in life or the afterlife

So I panicked and acted out I was training solo, so we'd be great skull

I want us to be Skylanders. I just want to be your familiar and friend again

My orbs back in this situation, and hope that God Wow I am just striking out left and right today

Hey ty one more thing skull

Hears that hug. He wanted for evermore

For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy My Way or The Sky Way Part 5 - Red Hippo - Duration: 18:14.


Naughty or Nice with Jimmy and Guillermo - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Naughty or Nice with Jimmy and Guillermo - Duration: 5:54.


JoJo Siwa, Breanna Yde, Jade Pettyjohn & More Play 'This or That' 🎁 Holiday Edition  | Nick - Duration: 2:21.

What's up? Breanna Yde here,

and we're about to play a holiday version of This or That.

Nick's This or That, holiday edition!

Cats wearing holiday hats or dogs wearing antlers?


Cats wearing holiday hats.

Dogs wearing antlers.

Oh, dogs wearing antlers.

Dogs wearing antlers.

Ooh, er... Cats wearing holiday hats? Yes, yes.

Dogs wearing antlers, how cute is that?

Sleeping in during winter break or waking up early to play in the snow?

Oh, sleeping in!


Sleeping in, for sure, always.

Getting up early to play in the snow.

Getting up early to play in the snow.

Sleeping in during winter break.

Oh, sleeping in all the way!

Play in the snow.


Wrapping paper or gift bags?

Wrapping paper.

Wrapping paper.

Wrapping paper.

- Gift bags. - Wrapping paper.

- Wrapping paper. - Wrapping paper.

Wrapping paper if I could be a good wrapper, but I'm not.

Winter boots or puffy coats?

- Puffy coats. - Puffy coats.

- Winter boots. - Winter boots.

- Winter boots. - Neither of those.

Winter boots, those are nice.

Eleven pipers piping or twelve drummers drumming?

Twelve drummers drumming.

Twelve drummers drumming.

Twelve drummers drumming.

Probably eleven pipers piping 'cause that's not one you hear every day.

Twelve drummers drumming.

[drumming sound]

That was me imitating a drummer.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Frosty the Snowman?

Frosty the Snowman.



Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, he was a baller.

Rudolph, oh wait, but I like snowmen!

You make these so difficult!


Christmas music or Christmas movies?

Christmas music.

Christmas music.

Christmas movies.

Christmas music.

Christmas music.

Christmas movies.

Christmas moviesics.

Both, I like Christmas music and movies!

Ice skating or sledding?

- Sledding. - Ice skating.

- Sledding. - Sledding.

Ice skating.

Er, sledding 'cause I actually have a fear of ice skating.

And that was a holiday edition of This or That.

For more infomation >> JoJo Siwa, Breanna Yde, Jade Pettyjohn & More Play 'This or That' 🎁 Holiday Edition  | Nick - Duration: 2:21.


How To Add A Beautiful Portfolio Grid To Showcase WordPress Websites Or Demo Websites - Duration: 22:17.

If you're building websites for people you need to show off your work and in this video

this is what I'm going to show you how to add to your website it's right here this is

a interactive portfolio where you can show your best work or in the example I'm going

to show you in this video you can show work that you can do maybe some starter sites that

uses a starter point so here is what this will be able to do you can have multiple ways

of categorizing your work so in this example we have Beaver Builder or Elementor based

websites but then you can also have them categorized by type will also be able to have this search

option and here is how the portfolio works now any of these items it's

you they can see what this is gonna look like on a tablet or a mobile device and then there's

a little X here to collapse that in their back inside the portfolio and they can look

at other sites of yours so this is a great way to showcase the work that you have done

or in the example for this video the work that you can do to show you how to do all

of the circuit of a few gotchas that I get to in a moment hi my name is Adam from

wire make WordPress tutorial videos for non-techies to help you get more out of WordPress faster

if you're new here consider clicking on the subscribe button and if you don't want to

miss a thing click on the Bell notification Bell and YouTube let you know I have new videos

okay let me explain how this is going to work now I did put a video out maybe a month ago

and here it is it's on something called PODS and that's creating custom post types and

all of that kind of stuff and in that video I didn't go through the example of creating

a portfolio now I'm a firm believer that just because you can custom in hand do something

yourself it doesn't mean that you should if there's a better off-the-shelf option so you

can watch this video I use PODS I love PODS it's a great option but to get all of that

polish like you get here with all the hovering in and all of this kinda stuff the I-frame

and all that you're not going to get that out of PODS without some serious serious custom

work so what I'm talking about is a new plug-in that the folks from Astra just built and I

was showing you the portfolio that's actually on their website and they turn this into a

plug-in now initially starting tomorrow this is good to be available to anyone who has

purchased an Astra agency license that has access to these website demos I know a lot

of people on the channel have this I've been talking about it a lot for the past six months

now I don't know the details of what they're going to do the plug-in for the general public

I do believe they're either going to give it away or they're gonna sell it my guess

is they're going to sell it because there isn't anything like this this is an amazing

plug-in and I'm gonna show you it in this video but there some special goodies for people

that have been are using Astra and so I'm to show you the aster agency to get to this

site I have a link in the video description or you go to one word

just quickly show you the aster agency pricing it's it's a little bit of an investment is

250 bucks per year but it comes with a ton of stuff in Cape number one it comes with

the theme of the Pro version of Astra it comes with a suite of plug-ins and these just aren't

random Huggins these are finely crafted plug-ins that are the best at what they do there's

a ton of value in it and plus it also comes with something called Astra Sites premium

so those website demos that I showed you your you to be able to restore those with a single

click and I'm in a show you that in this video as well so comes a whole bunch of really cool

plug-ins that you can use on these sites it really is kind of a business in a box so nothing

like chitchatting let's see how we can implement this plug-in on your website so I have a fresh

installation of WordPress here are the only things that I have done is I've installed

Astra I've installed the Pro version of Astra I've installed Astra premium cites actual

images show you and I as I've installed this portfolio plug-in that will be made available

tomorrow Astra portfolio it looks like it's going to be available-for-sale some point

because there is a license code to activated now what I show you in this video just know

that there are many things that might change get better they are constantly making improvements

of things I've already made one or two suggestions that I'm pretty sure that they are going to

add to it so you can see right here I just have portfolio premium sites and asked her

probe if you have asked for agency you have access to these two and soon you'll have access

to the portfolio here's what the front end of the website looks like it is nothing impressive

this is how Astra looks right when you install it there is no content so first I want to

make a beautiful website so I'll go to appearance of a good Astra Sites and it's good to show

me all these websites and a click your words is Elementor and let me choose this one right

here now this is a website for a web developer so I really know I'm going to click on details

and preview looks like I need to install these to some just to click on install buttons it's

going install two little plug-ins and it's can activate those plug-ins and this is the

website right here the website preview of what the websites can look like you're in

a moment okay now my plug-ins are downloaded and installed on the click on import this

sites click on okay so now what is going to do is it's gonna take that website I just

showed you and it's going to take this and just set everything up for me to be very convenient

so right now just saying it's importing everything which is fine will give it a moment okay looks

like the site is done so this is how my site looked like a minute ago if I do refresh and

if everything works right it's gonna look like the site we just saw doing a refresh

and you can see this is now my website it is gorgeous it is beautiful okay while is

actually very nice and it's all done with Elementor and you can see right here it is

showing off some of those Astra Sites right I probably will maybe swap this section out

for the exact actual portfolio or let's see what here's a tab that says websites may be

output the portfolio in here so yeah get rid of these and I'll actually put the portfolio

it puts these in but it doesn't as not the actual portfolio or someone can click on it

and see the website so that's fine okay so we know this is the page I'm going to edit

so back into WordPress so go ahead and click this X and I've already built my beautiful

website so now here is portfolio when you activate the portfolio plug in your to see

the portfolio options and here are those of various options is so all portfolios these

are to be the each individual portfolio item I can add new ones there's the categories

these are to be words is all blog business fitness other categories is here on the left

were chose Beaver Builder and Elementor's you can choose to leverage those however you

want I want to go to settings though to show you something really really neat if you are

going to sell these Astra Sites and sell them a starter site so someone comes your website

that could be the starter and you're really just changing text and image there's is really

awesome little button here now I've actually already clicked on this button if you click

on it it's a set essentially going to take all of the Astra Sites it's can import them

into this portfolio plug-in so you can beautifully display them on your website and they're all

white label does show you that in a moment now the way you're going to show these portfolio

items is with the shortcodes so let me just save a moment here and put this into my clipboard

and now we also have these options so we can name it enables sorting by categories and

I'm also to check sorting by other categories that's where was Beaver Builder or Elementor

you can leverage it however you want and I'm also going to enable the the search box there

and you can choose how many columns and then when some scrolls to the bottom of the list

you can put some form of a call to action right here now this will accept HTML and also

short code if you wanted to do a really nice styled call to action that you make in Beaver

Builder or Elementor you can put the short code for that save it and then put the short

code here for that but I just put a little bit of text right now just so when you see

it on the front and you'll know what I'm talking about our rights so all I wrote was that you

pry when you some HTML to have a link or a button or something like that I just puts

or do with the short code I just put ready to get started contact us today have a beautiful

website to morrow summer go ahead and save these changes that I made right now let me

show you all portfolios this is where all the individual portfolio items are now when

you do the import like I did it's going to automatically add them all and when it does

that they'll be sitting here in draft mode so if I was a put that short code anywhere

something to show anything because actually need to publish all of these so here I'm just

going to click on this box to go to bulk actions edits to click on apply and this is going

allow me to publish them in bulk so many go ahead and do that now let me show you the

anatomy of one of these portfolio item options so here's actually the site that I imported

right here someone to go ahead and click on it so you have the name and this is what's

going to show just underneath the thumbnail picture then you have the URL now in the way

it's imported this is how it looks you see it doesn't have the HT to answer anything

like that I've tested this in order to do it here in a moment were going to actually

create one of these portfolio items but if you do put HTTPS in the www.all that it works

just fine so we have that we have the categories you can drop these in categories and then

we have the other categories that I was showing you than just the master settings that doesn't

even have any bearing on this and that we have the few that featured image showing the

dimensions of these featured images here actually let me go ahead and click on media because

you're going to see what happened was all of the thumbnail images for all of these websites

were imported and here they all are so if I click on one of them you can see right here

the dimensions of the images need to be 600 x 600 but I got you covered to them to show

you how to make that in this video as well okay so let's go ahead and added a portfolio

item and then integrate this with our website someone to go to portfolio I'm in a go to

add new and I'm in a go ahead and fill this out really quick okay so I put this in the

put and I put the URL to my website you notice I put the HTTP S and there

I chose blog for the category for other categories I clicked on Beaver Builder however I want

you to know that I recently put Elementor on my website and some pages are to start

being done in Elementor and I don't have a featured image so let's go ahead and get one

now there's a really great tool that's free if you use the chrome web browser it's called

full page screen captures of you do a Google search for full page screen capture. To see

this Google Chrome extension right here this should be the one that I have it should say

installed added to chrome that means I have this installed okay so now I'm in a show you

how to use this basically it's an extension and makes Chrome do more for you I don't know

how way of doing this and the other web browsers so you should have your web developer you

should have all the browsers on your computer anyway okay so when you install and activate

this is good extension in your web browser you're gonna see the option right here it

looks like a camera right there so when you hovered it says a full-page screen capture

so not let me show you how that works so here we are on my website and all I have to do

is click on that little camera and you'll see what happens it's going to do a quick

scan of my websites and then it's going to open up in a new tab here is a beautiful screenshot

of my website everything that's on that page so then there are these four options in the

top right the third one is to download it right here in this is download image so my

go ahead and click on download image now you need to have some kind of an image editor

to crop this to be 600 x 600 so let me show you how I do it on a Mac but you should have

a similar application on a PC so when I open that it's here's the name it auto generated

and then here it is and I have options on a Mac is actually kind of hard to show you

so I go to tools and I go to adjust the size you see this pop-up right here and I can adjust

the size so I know he needs me 600 x 600 so for the width I'm been a change that to 600

now when I change it to 600 it automatically adjusts the height someone go ahead and click

okay and it's going to well make it disappear let me see what happened to that I think I

might've just crashed my program okay that's odd it actually crash that's a rare thing

that happened on my Mac but that's okay anyways I have it here and it's now 600 in width so

let me just click on this little plus a little bit to make it easy larger in my eyes okay

there it is so now what I want to do is I can just drag like this and I want to make

it 600s you can kinda see a number there is a 600 x 4 79 I want that to be 600 x 600 up

there is let's go like that and that's good enough for me so now I've selected 600 so

I'm going to crop it by hitting command K and here it is it's 600 x 600 know if I go

to tools adjust size you'll see it's now 600 x 600 essentially just need to use any of

that image editor to make it that size so I go ahead and close that and you can close

this tab right here let me go back into my add new portfolio item a minute click on set

featured image and I'm going to go ahead and drag that over now I'll tell you this is the

file name I would probably suggest changing the filename not leave it screen capture blah

blah blah you might want to change it to maybe WP website template or something like that

so I'm dragging and dropping it across there it is set featured image and there it is 600

x 600 I'm a to go ahead and click on publish okay we now added a new portfolio item this

is awesome so I'm go back to settings and get that short code in my clipboard and let's

let's go ahead and toss this in to the website okay so I think we decided this was going

to be the site were going to get rid of all of this and were going to go ahead and put

this and instead some to click on edit with Elementor and I'm sure that's just the section

and I can delete everything out of it yeah just a section here someone to be able to

delete all of these some to go up here and let's get rid of that let's get rid of that

get rid of that and that and now I have nothing there so for shortcodes in any of these page

builders usually want to use the HTML widget so let me do a search for that so here it

is HTML someone to go ahead and I want to drop that right there and right here minute

pace my short code and then a minute click on save okay so that's going to save and it

should render out if I got this correctly let's see what happens when I go to view page

writes up there it is it works okay so sometimes when you do this short code it might not show

here if I was to maybe get out of this and then get back into it maybe it would show

it then slid CM out let me get back into Elementor to see if it actually shows it's no pictures

showing me the shortcut but that's okay so here I am on the site and you can see now

I have this in here I would probably add a little bit of padding and it looks like there

might be a little bit of a CSS issue here know it's actually pulling the color from

here or for their so there is this branding image this branding option that's what it

looks like is happening but here it is I beautiful portfolio on my website now and it was so

easy right so you can showcase your websites that you designed or you can you can show

these these Astra Sites that you're trying to sell so I'm a scroll down to this and see

if we get our call to action up there it is ready to get started contact us today and

have a beautiful website tomorrow so now let's see what happens when I load this up on my

website I'm a click on quick view and you know what's weird I think it might be that

URL it looks like it broke out of the I-frame somehow you notice the URL change to let me

go ahead and see about that I want to go back and this is what happens when I make these

videos without doing everything in advance let's look at this one okay aster agency.local

and okay so this is staying on the website so I must've done something wrong with the

URL that I'll go fix right now you notice the website is completely white labeled let

me get out of that so for example I did make a whole tutorial on this one and it used to

say Astra appear but now it's white labeled you don't see it saying Astor are making references

to Astra anywhere and I like that not even in the in this is nice not even in the footer

credits as a make reference to Astra all these demos are completely white labeled now so

anyways this is the plug-in I love it I I like the way you can sort I like how you can

have the multiple categories it's all optional I showed you how easy it was in this video

to make thumbnail images of your websites and I just love this poor folate you know

I've looked in the past for something that actually does this and I only found one little

option on code Canyon it was poorly supported and it had no polish like this as this is

a beautiful way of displaying your prior work so anyways if you don't have master agency

and are interested in it go to the video though be a link in the video description

down below I will add information as well to the pin comment when I know when and if

this is available separately so if you don't have aster agency in you but you really want

this type of portfolio I'm sure that is not far behind the actual release to aster agency

customers I think this is huge I think it really adds so much value to the aster agency

package you saw how just in the short span of this video I built a beautiful website

filled with demos that I could start selling to potential customers immediately everything

white labeled and hosted for you you really can't beat that you really can't beat that

at all so anyways let me know what you think about this and do that in the video comment

section it down below and as always thank you for watching this video and I can't wait

to make the next one for you beautifully modern portfolio you can hover over it and then there's

a quick view button you click on that and it's going to load a preview of the website

just like this not what's really nice about it is it's the person is still on your website

if you notice the URL did not change and that's because the websites can unload and then I

frame and what's nice on the bottom right here you have responsive options so your visitor

that's checking you out checking your workout or checking out what you can do

For more infomation >> How To Add A Beautiful Portfolio Grid To Showcase WordPress Websites Or Demo Websites - Duration: 22:17.


Feeling Too 3D Or Too 5D Don't Worry! It's Cosmic rEvolution - Duration: 11:39.

Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network


On November 25, President Donald Trump re-tweeted an alternative news article lauding many of

the accomplishments achieved during his administration so far.

The site he retweeted, MAGAPILL soon crashed as many of the President�s 42 million followers

went there to learn more.

What is significant about the article and site he retweeted is that it featured a November

19 story about an alleged whistleblower called Q, who has been releasing a lot of information

about what is really going on behind the scenes in Washington DC.

In retweeting the story and link to the MAGAPILL site, which he lauded as a genuine news site

in contrast to �fake news� sites, was Trump indirectly endorsing Q�s information

as genuine?

If so, then the ramifications are enormous.

First, let�s begin with Trump�s re-tweet.

The article he referred to is titled �President Donald Trump�s Accomplishment List� and

an archived copy is available here.

It lists his accomplishments across a broad spectrum of political, economic and national

security areas.

What is arguably more significant is that at the very top of this article was a large

banner linking to a featured story �Q Clearance Patriot: The Storm and the Awakening: follow

the white rabbit�.

By clicking the banner�s link, Trump interested readers are taken to a November 19 article

that discusses the revelations of Q, an alleged high-level insider spilling the beans on what

is happening behind the scenes.

The Q material discusses an enormous number of topics such as secret indictments of the

political elite, current events in Saudi Arabia and Trump�s national security briefings

by figures such as NSA Director, Admiral Michael Rogers.

The preface found on the MAGAPILL site mentions the enormity of the information released in

this article, and provides some highlights of the released material.

Among the more interesting is the view that rather than former FBI Director Robert Mueller

conducting a serious investigation into the links between Russia and the Trump Presidential

campaign, Mueller is really investigating a corrupt pedophile network that has secretly

monopolized power in the US:

The Special Counsel is not corrupt.

Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt


He�s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team.

This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the


There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that

have not been executed, over 1100 sealed indictments at last glance.

Many high level officials will soon be arrested to actually �Drain the Swamp� beyond what

anyone thought was possible.

Once the corruption and the �type of corruption� is revealed to the American people, it will

trigger �The Awakening�.

This event will be something unlike anything you�ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite

behind Trump and his administration for cleaning house.

There have been persistent rumors of hundreds of secret Grand Jury indictments that are

on the verge of being unleashed.

These rumors have been circulating for weeks and a number of alternative media figures

have closely analyzed some of the Q material that refers to them.

Among these figures is Jordan Sather, whose �Destroying the Illusion� Youtube channel

has gained over 65,000 subscribers due to his cogent analyses of the Q material and

other topical issues.

Sather released a video on November 26 analyzing Trump�s retweet of the MAGAPILL article,

and was the first to raise the possibility that Trump was indirectly endorsing the legitimacy

of the Q material.

While the Q material is quite extensive, its core claim that Mueller, as Special Counsel,

has really been investigating a corrupt pedophile network, rather than the alleged Russia Trump

campaign connection, is very significant.

Of special interest is Meueller�s background as a former US Marine Corps Captain (1968-1971)

who was highly decorated for his bravery during the Vietnam War.

It�s worth noting that the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis is a retired four star

USMC general, as is Trump�s Chief of Staff, John Kelly.

Given the deep loyalty of former USMC personnel to their military service (semper fidelis

� always faithful), it�s very possible that Meuller is secretly following an agenda

sanctioned by Mattis and Kelly.

We also need to keep in mind claims that on November 18, a number of USMC helicopters

allegedly buzzed the CIA�s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

While initial reports erroneously referred to the CIA�s HQ being stormed by the USMC,

a former FBI agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had

only �buzzed� the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.

Did nearby residents in McLean suddenly notice a large number of loud helicopters overhead,

moving toward or from the area of the CIA.

The repeated answer to that question has been �Yes.�

Many (very many) residents of McLean, VA have confirmed they found themselves hearing large

numbers of loud aircraft overhead on Saturday, and that the sounds lasted more then 30 minutes!

The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA�s clandestine services division

to get on board with the Trump administration or else.

This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening

to unleash the US military against its facilities.

In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA�s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with

invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose

all its classified programs there.

In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower

tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility,

for which the CIA provided operational security:

We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and

S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing�.

I want you and your boss to fly out there.

I want you to give them a personal message�.

I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they

have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me.

And if they don�t, I�m going to get the First Army from Colorado.

we are going to go over and take the base over.

I don�t care what kind of classified material you got.

We are going to rip this thing apart.�

This takes us finally to the testimony of Michael Gerloff, who has served with the USMC,

US Army Rangers and Seattle Police over a period spanning 20 years from 1978 to 2001.

Gerloff says that he was part of a secret USMC intelligence group established by President

Eisenhower in the early 1950�s, that continues to the

present day.

According to Gerloff, the USMC was given special responsibility by Eisenhower to act as an

institutional bulwark against systemic corruption that threatened the US Constitution and the


This corruption stemmed from the creation of secret space programs that worked closely

with major defense contractors at remote locations such as Area 51.

What we are witnessing now with over a thousand secret indictments allegedly generated by

Mueller, Trump�s USMC/Navy dominated administration, USMC helicopters buzzing CIA HQ and Gerloff�s

claims, is that we are on the verge of major revelations about deep systemic corruption

that has plagued the US.

The role of the USMC in taking the lead in cleaning up this systemic corruption is slowly

being revealed.

Trump�s retweet of the MAGAPILL article appears to be an endorsement of the view that

secret indictments established by Meuller are on

the verge of being disclosed, thereby triggering many further revelations that will awaken

the general public.

In the meantime, Trump is encouraging those among the American public who are ready, to


down the rabbit hole to learn the truth about systemic corruption, powerful pedophile networks,

and secret space programs.

For more infomation >> Feeling Too 3D Or Too 5D Don't Worry! It's Cosmic rEvolution - Duration: 11:39.


Manchester United, Chelsea or Barcelona – who should Mesut Ozil join? - Duration: 7:56.

Manchester United, Chelsea or Barcelona – who should Mesut Ozil join?

Ozil is out of contract in the summer and has so far shown little desire to sign an extension at the Emirates, with Manchester United leading the queue of suitors offering him an escape route.

But Chelsea have reportedly now joined them, while he has also been muted as a cheaper alternative to Philippe Coutinho at Barcelona.

With so many massive clubs in the running for his signature, Ozil has a difficult decision to make….


In almost every respect, Ozil feels like a perfect fit for United.

This is a club synonymous with silky creators but who are currently missing an Ozil-shaped spark in their attack.

while Mourinho is the manager who has managed to extract the most consistency out of his game to date.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has shown his class only in fits and starts, whereas the German is the finished, proven article.

Not that you'd necessarily know that given the amount of criticism he still receives.

His detractors say he does not work hard enough, does not score enough goals and is passive to the point of invisibility when it matters most.

Yet he has consistently been one of the most creative and influential players in the Premier League, and Arsenal are an infinitely better team when he is on song.

But there is a very real sense that he is not his decisive best often enough.

This is where Mourinho holds the edge over Arsene Wenger.

At Arsenal Ozil has been allowed to coast – a certain level of mediocrity is accepted, the top four celebrated with selfies – but only first place and silverware satisfies Mourinho.

At Real he managed to motivate Ozil through an almost physiological warfare, firing him up and challenging him to improve.

It could be hard to resist rekindling that connection.


The prospect of Ozil moving to Stamford Bridge emerged in SportBild this week, and from Ozil's point of view it would make a lot of sense.

He is known to enjoy life both in the Premier League and specifically London, while reigning champions Chelsea offer a greater shot at winning what would be just the second league title of his career.

Quite how well Ozil would fit into Antonio Conte's 3-4-3 formation is a different matter, though the prospect of a Hazard-Morata-Ozil front three is worth taking the risk to find out.

Moreover, Conte is not so wedded to any one system that he could not tweak his formation to accommodate the German.

He has done exactly that this season with Cesc Fabregas – one of few players to keep pace with Ozil's creative numbers – switching to a 3-5-2.

while Andrea Pirlo flourished under his management despite possessing little of the all-action skills he now requires from his central midfielders.

Chelsea would tick a lot of boxes for Ozil: the chance to challenge for major silverware without relocating, a manager that could coax out his best form, and teammates that feel ready-made to play off him.

But it is missing the Mourinho factor, which, coupled with the uncertainty that surrounds Conte's position at Chelsea, just takes the edge off the Blues' appeal.


If swapping Arsenal for Chelsea would cause a stir in London, imagine the impact Ozil – a former Madrid player – would have if he elected to join Clasico rivals Barcelona.

He's been linked with the Catalan club as a cheaper alternative to Philippe Coutinho, whom Liverpool are demanding in excess of £100million for.

Ozil would cost nothing, and can sign a pre-contract agreement with foreign clubs in January.

The lure of Barca is clear.

With Andres Iniesta in the twilight of his career, Ozil would have the chance to step into the boots of a bona fide legend, while the pace and style of La Liga has always felt like a better fit for his qualities and personality.

Ozil has adapted to the Premier League well, but ultimately fans will generally applaud tireless pressing or a crunching challenge more than even the most perfectly weighted through-ball.

Barca's possession style suits perfectly with the way Ozil plays, and the opportunity to play alongside Lionel Messi could be too good to turn down.

He could also become just the third player, after Henrik Larsson and Gerard Pique, to play alongside both the Argentine and Cristiano Ronaldo at club level.

Then again, with Coutinho Barca's real No.

1 target, would he really want to be the booby prize?.


Of course, Ozil does not have to leave Arsenal.

The Gunners have tabled a lucrative offer that would double his wages and make him the highest paid player at the club.

he has a manager who nurtures and supports, and few will be as accommodating of his occasional bouts of anonymity.

and he is happy and settled at a club with a burgeoning German core.

Perhaps Arsenal have not offered the kind of platform needed to fight for Premier League and Champions League glory in recent years, but that feels like it is starting to change.

They broke their transfer record for Alexandre Lacazette, they have added to their backroom team by poaching Raul Sanllehi and Sven Mislintat from Barcelona and Dortmund respectively.

Perhaps the grass isn't always greener elsewhere….

For more infomation >> Manchester United, Chelsea or Barcelona – who should Mesut Ozil join? - Duration: 7:56.


Rihanna Only Sleeps Three Or Four Hours A Night; What's Her Reason? - Duration: 3:58.

Rihanna Only Sleeps Three Or Four Hours A Night; What's Her Reason?

Rihanna confessed that she only sleeps for 'three or four hours a night'.

She has admitted she finds it tough to switch off from the demands of her daily life at night and, as a result, she gets less sleep each evening compared to the average person.

She said that 'I have a lot of trouble switching off.

Even when I get home early, which means before 1 a.m., I start binge-watching shows or documentaries, which I love.

I can't go straight to bed.

I only sleep three or four hours a night.'.

Rihanna regards the likes of Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Tina Turner to be among the most significant inspirations in her own life.

Rihanna was reportedly also inspired by the late Princess Diana – and in particular, the so-called revenge dress she wore to the Serpentine Gallery's summer party in 1994, shortly after it emerged Prince Charles had been unfaithful to her.

She told French Vogue magazine that 'Every time a man cheats on you or mistreats you, you need a revenge dress.

Every woman knows that.

But whether her choice of this knockdown dress was conscious or not, I am touched by the idea that even Princess Diana could suffer like any ordinary woman.

This Diana Bad B***h moment blew me away.'.

Rihanna previously admitted that her fashion sense was hugely influenced by her male friends, recalling that 'When I was 13 or 14, I didn't want to wear what my mom wanted me to wear.

I was very much a boy in my style, my demeanor.

All my friends were guys.

I loved things that boys did.

I loved being easy with my clothes.

I loved wearing hats and scarves and snapbacks on my head.

It was my way of rebelling.

I wanted to dress like my brother,' she continued.

'After a while, it was just easier for Mom to dress us both the same.

We wore the same jeans, the same T-shirts,' Rihanna concluded.

For more infomation >> Rihanna Only Sleeps Three Or Four Hours A Night; What's Her Reason? - Duration: 3:58.


11/29/17 4:15 PM (4001-4403 OR-221, Salem, OR 97304, USA) - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> 11/29/17 4:15 PM (4001-4403 OR-221, Salem, OR 97304, USA) - Duration: 10:28.


Want to watch something that doesn't mention Matt Lauer or Garrison Keillor? We've got you covered - Duration: 1:23.

Today on the Drop …

I'm Justin Mack and this is "The Drop."

In a recent interview, NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal named Indiana Pacers great Rik Smits

as one of the four players he feared the most, along with David Robinson, Hakeem Olajuwon and Patrick Ewing.

And clearly, one of these guys sticks out like a sore thumb.

Do I have to say it. Yeah it's David Robinson. He's left handed!

A bug MacOS High Sierra, the latest version of Apple's operating system, allows anyone with physical access

to your computer to log in by just typing the "root" as the username and clicking enter.

No password required. A bad, bad bug, but the good news as that Apple is already working on a fix

that should roll out to Macs really, really soon, and it's only gonna cost you $3,000.

And finally, the president of ESPN announced in a memo to employees Wednesday that the company

is going to lay off about 150 employees, majority being behind the camera positions.

And this is just awful news. Not only are a bunch of people losing their jobs, but it seems like every time there is a cut at ESPN,

Stephen A. Smith gets another hour or two of airtime to scream at nothing. That's awful.

That's it for "The Drop." I'm Justin Mack.

For more infomation >> Want to watch something that doesn't mention Matt Lauer or Garrison Keillor? We've got you covered - Duration: 1:23.


German-bavarian band at oktoberfest event in Berlin (or Munich) - Duration: 1:32.

All it took at this oktoberfest themed event in Berlin

was enough beer and the right music to make

this group of managers from all over the world freak out.

The german-bavarian band „Bergvagabunden" started

with traditional music like oom pah polkas and waltzes,

and continued with international party music after dinner,

just like the famous Munich oktoberfest.

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