Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily videos Nov 29 2017


I hope you are well

I hope you enjoy watching this video




For more infomation >> November 2017 - VIRAL MAKEUP And Hair TIPS VIDEOS ON INSTAGRAM By Amazing Artist (EIGHT) - Duration: 10:22.


How to convert h.265 videos with subtitles - Duration: 3:46.

Hi, in this video we will convert videos from H.265 to H.264

Here we have a sample taken on a gopro, is a 4K video at 60 frames per second.

If we try to open on VLC it won't play properly

Checking the codec details show its a H.265 codec file

If we only want to play it we can use Windows Media Player in Windows 10

it plays it flawlessly

However if we want to edit or use it elsewhere we need to convert it

For this purpose we will use the free software Handbreak

it will allow us to convert to H.264

opening the program will prompt us to select the original file

Then we select the target new file path and name

we give it a name and press Save

On the right side we will select the "normal" preset

I will leave the defaults on the first 2 tabs

on Video tab i will ensure it has Constant Frame rate

Here you can also choose desired converted quality

the other tabs will remain unchanged

Finally i click on Start Encode to begin.

Encoding time will change depending on the file size and quality chosen

Once finished we can see the new file is played correctly on VLC

this time we also reduced the quality besides the code

thats why we also have a smaller file size

Hope it was helpful, see you around!

For more infomation >> How to convert h.265 videos with subtitles - Duration: 3:46.


How to Make Youtube Videos Cheap & Still Look Pro - Duration: 4:46.

- I'm gonna tell you how to look like a pro

without the pro budget.

There are four different and distinct areas

you can make inexpensive improvements to take your videos

to pro status without breaking the bank,

and I'm gonna reveal them next.


Welcome to the channel where I talk about all things

Business Cinema.

That's video with a plan, a purpose, a system,

and a strategy.

And if you wanna learn more about Business Cinema,

make sure to hit that subscribe button

and then click the bell to turn on your notifications.

So first, let there be some light.

If you have no budget,

use what you have available to you, which is the sun.

So shut off any overhead lighting.

Focus on the times of day when your lighting

is gonna be best in the location where you wanna shoot.

Here's some examples.

Now I have shut off all of my lighting that I use,

and I'm just using the overhead light

and the natural light coming in from the windows.

As you can see,

there's dark shadows coming in from underneath here,

and it's because the light is above.

And this is also a very warm light,

whereas the light coming in from the windows

because it's daylight is very cool,

and they're mixing together and it's just not a good look.

So definitely don't recommend doing that.

If anything, make sure you always shut

your overhead lighting off,

and if you're gonna use natural light,

use just the natural light.

Here's what that looks like with just the natural light.

It is pretty late in the day.

This is not the time I would typically shoot

using only natural light in this room.

And it's really overcast and dark out

because I think it's gonna rain any second.

So this wouldn't necessarily be ideal.

Ideally you want to sit in the room

or the location where you're gonna be shooting your videos

and run a little test.

Set up the camera and start super early in the morning

and record a little test,

maybe 30 seconds every hour.

So then you can see how the light coming in

from the windows is going to affect how you look on camera.

And this will help you determine the exact

time of day when you're going to be getting

the best light in that room.

The lighting kit that I'm using is just under

about $2,000, not in the budget for a lotta people.

So what do you do?

You have to take advantage of natural light.

I didn't start out with this expensive lighting kit,

just so you know.

I started with one soft box and brought

daylight balanced light bulbs so I could mix it

with the natural light coming in from the windows.

Next, upgrade your audio.

You can do this in a few different ways.

First you don't wanna rely on

the built-in audio, but if you have to,

what you wanna do is make sure you have as much

control over the background noise as you possibly can.

Try to make sure it is as quiet as possible

when you start to record your videos.

If you can afford to make a small investment,

I recommend the Rode smartLav for your mobile device

or the Blue Yeti for your USB mic,

and I've made videos about both of these.

You can find them in the description below.

Next up, graphics.

Don't worry if you're not a motion graphic designer

or you have no clue what After Affects is.

You can make simple graphics in Canva

and bring them into your video editing software.

I will have a video on how to do this next week,

so make sure to subscribe and click the bell

so you will be the first to know when it's live

and available for you to check out.

Adding in a few simple graphics will add that pro touch

without breaking the bank.

Then last but not least,

this may be the most important way to take your videos

from oh no to super pro,

and it's one of my favorites.

It's planning.

By simply spending a little time planning

out the details of your videos so you don't ramble

or worse waste a ton of time which costs you money

filming take after take after take and then

double the amount of time to edit it because ah

where was that good take again,

I think it was number 13 or maybe it was the ninth take.

I can't remember.

I've worked as a professional videographer,

producer, and editor since 2008,

and I have never ever ever ever showed up on a set

of a project where everybody was like,

well just gonna wing up,

just gonna see what happens, there's no plan.

That's never ever happened, just so you know.

So if you wanna look pro, you have to act pro.

And how do you act pro?

By taking the time to plan out your videos.

I use the Business Cinema production planner

to make sure all of my videos always look pro

and that I'm not wasting time,

which one makes my videos look great,

and two saves me time.

So let me know what was your biggest takeaway.

Did you learn something new,

get reminded about something you forgot,

or something else?

I'd love to hear from you,

so leave me a comment below.

And to learn more about Business Cinema,

make sure that you subscribe to this channel

and check out the links in the description

for even more great resources.

And remember, you're someone's reason to smile,

so don't give up.

For more infomation >> How to Make Youtube Videos Cheap & Still Look Pro - Duration: 4:46.



hey guys back with another video I know you guys are wondering what happened to

me with my weight loss journey videos nothing happened to me actually right

now I am doing Asmar

where basically there's no talk and eating sounds it's a very therapeutic

type of content that I'm putting out for the public and it fits in great with my

channel I got the idea one from one of my youtubers that I watch who does

weight loss I can't think of her name right now don't want to get too stuck on

that quisha +4 she does mukbangs but mines is a

little bit different I do asmar no talk eating sound you know videos and I

basically every day I cook I will do some fast food wine videos cuz I'm gonna

do a video for the next 30 days and you're probably gonna say well how oh

you want to be losing weight on this weight-loss journey by doing what they

call mukbangs or eating show videos well I said to myself I have to start

somewhere the only thing that always worked for me

to lose weight fast was the intermitting fast and maximizing it and doing the one

meal a day so basically I stopped preparing my food at 2 p.m. and then at

3 o'clock I eat my meal and I eat everything that I want to eat in that

one hour period so basically if you look at two videos that I have uploaded I had

yesterday Korean noodles spicy with fresh spinach in it and sausage and I

had turkey stew turkey in it and what else did I have in it I had a whole

bunch of stuff I put authentic soy sauce I put fresh garlic I even cut up thin

thinly slices of onions and put that on top when when the soup was ready and I

had a mini pecan pie for dessert which I didn't eat in the video because I got so

full because what you're gonna realize if you ever was to do the interning fast

one meal a day 23 hour fast is that when you do eat you're not gonna eat as much

as you probably would at your regular meal because you're just not gonna be

hungry because when you're fasting fasting for 23 hours your body has

accepted that and it's eating the stored fat and what I mean by the stored fat is

the fat the stored fat that gives us the love handles or the bulging stomach or

the big thighs or the fat back in the back of our backs if my body is eating

off that stored fat so the 23 hours that I'm not eating I'm not hungry at all

because my body is eating off itself which is the stored fat and when I eat

my one meal for that hour surprisingly enough I get full faster and when you're

full and you can't eat anymore our brains tell us to stop eating don't

eat even people who are severely overweight or obese is the same for them

when their body tells them you've had enough even if you even if they weigh

that 23 hours a eat once they had that one meal and if your body's saying I

can't eat anymore I'm just I'm full I know it's been 23 hours and I should be

you know allowing you to eat more but

the brain is telling you when the brain

tells you that you can't eat anymore you can't eat no more so again I'm back on

the 23 hour fast one meal a day and I make it count I have dessert I don't

have like strawberries and bananas I do actually I haven't talking about

that I have some bananas I want to cut up and eat today because I don't want

them to go bad but I eat cookies for my dessert yesterday I had a mini pecan pie

you know whatever I have a taste for if I want to make fried chicken you know

from home that's what I'm gonna do if there's some days I want to have Burger

King for that one meal then that's what I'm gonna do so I'm really excited I've

been doing it for the last three days I'm still on my weight-loss journey I

have not forgot about my my content that I've been doing and where I'm at I'm

still on the same page as I was three or four days ago I am still on this

weight-loss journey and I am determined to lose weight and I want you guys to

join me today I went to the store and I was like somebody on speed or who drank

a gallon of coffee my weight is dropping within the last couple of days and I

feel lighter on my feet I didn't have that shortness of breath by the time I

usually get up the stairs coming into my house I'm sweating and I'm out of breath

like I have asthma I did not experience that today um and I feel really good

about that so I'm going to keep updating you every couple of days with my weight

loss journey videos but please people who are watching now look out for my

daily uploads of my eating videos no talk eating food

sounds and in some of the videos I do talk but I try my best to keep my voice

at a at a lower tone I try to do the whisper but that doesn't work for me so

I'm just gonna try to do like let's practice it now hey guys my name is

whatever I'm just gonna talk as low as I can my whole family's loud it's a

problem and I'm working on it so I don't want to be too long in this video just

want to check in with you guys and let you guys know that yes I am doing my

weight loss journey I have not fell off I am just doing the intermitting fast

and I had bumped it up a notch I'm doing the one hour window to eat in 23 hour

fast and this is because I need to regulate the water weight that's going

on in my body from the excessive amounts of water I was drinking because of years

and years and years of thinking that drinking eight eight ounces of water was

what I was supposed to do not knowing that you only are supposed to really

drink when you're thirsty it really messed my body up and then a lot of

water for someone that's overweight or obese doesn't work well with us because

we hold on to it and then we never get like I said before a true weigh-in when

we weigh ourselves we could be actually losing more weight faster and be smaller

than with the skill of saying a lot of that could be water weight so keep that

in mind guys so today I will be doing another some of you call it mukbang I

call it um as Mar evening video eating sounds video it's very therapeutic you

don't usually see like my whole face you just

see my mouth where I'm eating the food that's how these videos are done and I

actually like them I'm subscribed to a few people's channels there's one lady I

love her channel because she does a lot of sushi videos I don't know of a sushi

place in my area those are the most popular videos is watching people eating

sushi they don't talk they just eat sushis sushi and and for me it's not

from the sound some people like they eat I'm watching

people eat delicious food and then the the sounds from the food I guess it

makes them calm I don't really get a calming effect from listening to people

eat food I get a calming effect getting ideas of okay I never tried that

sushi roll I'm gonna try that when I go to you know my next sushi restaurant or

when I when I get sushi to go you know but um it gives me ideas of things that

I can you know put into a video like before I was even doing these eating

show videos it gave me ideas of what I was going to eat when I started making

these videos or what I could cook at home so I'm very excited you know I've

been kind of rusty because I'm new I'm the new kid on the block so a lot of my

own videos gonna be choppy looking because you know but by 30 days I think

that I'm gonna get better and better at it and I'm gonna be able to know how to

angle the camera so that you guys can see the fool better or hear me better or

you know where you can sit through the whole video because everything is

starting to look like I know what I'm doing so with all that being said please

like share and subscribe to the channel and make it a favor and I'll see you

guys in the next video bye for now



SVP comedy videos #9 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> SVP comedy videos #9 - Duration: 1:56.


BHARTI SINGH WEDDING VIDEO | DANCE On Her Bangle Ceremony Will Make You Believe Why Punjabis - Duration: 1:25.

bharti singh wedding video

For more infomation >> BHARTI SINGH WEDDING VIDEO | DANCE On Her Bangle Ceremony Will Make You Believe Why Punjabis - Duration: 1:25.


Possibly Incoming Videos From Citadel: Forged With Fire - Duration: 6:26.

Hey everyone!

Welcome to this new game (new to the channel).

I just want to say that I started to play it and I'm currently addicted to it, to Citadel:

Forged With Fire.

I know that many people abandoned the game for a few reasons.

Probably the devs made the game a little bit more grindy, from what I've read.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it a lot and having fun.

That's all what matters for me.

I know the game still has, you know, a few issues, and some enemies cross through these


And, on this server, I will be actually finishing this base some time, and make a base building


I'm not sure how it will look like in the end, but this is were I usually play, on a

friend's server, but I will start playing in another server as well, because this server

is meant to relax and to build, so you will evolve your character really fast.

So I've started to play this last weekend and, in just a few days, I'm almost at the

level 60, that is the level cap.

This game, yeah, indeed has issues, of course, it's early access...

Sorcery games are not my cup of tea, but I'm enjoying this game a lot.

After all, it's just a game.

And I do have a broom... and this thing here.

I still need to try more times melee weapons.

I tried before, but I've been, you know, just going around with these ranged weapons for


And this is my little... stone shack!

So, I haven't been crafting anything today yet.

I haven't had time for it, but there's loot here.

And I got a lot of loot from killing dragons and other monsters, from the place I usually


And they gave me a lot of armor as well, which I'm wearing right now.

And I need to spend more points here, because I levelled up a while ago again.

This is the spell book for the things that I got here... for the weapons.

And, as you can see, I have unlocked basically almost everything, so I need to reach level

60, and I'm done with this.

This has a lot of structures to build... ok?

Structures pieces, which was what I was mostly looking for, ok?

When I started to wish this game.

So, it has a lot of decorations and... many other things.

It's quite interesting, to be honest.

I like the building system of this game, at least so far.

The things here are a little OP... this broom is OP because you can escape easily from your


Sometimes I got here dragons surrounding my place and they start... you know, I'm here,

and they start to spit fire...

These guys are dangerous, but I'm so strong right now, that they don't even...

If Istand still, probably they will spit fire on me or something, but, I can even go here

and play around with them.

To play with them a little bit, so they can hurt me.

I'll even use this.

Usually, you know, being on first person is better to aim.

Well, I don't even know how to do that but, it's not good for the field of view, ok?

You have the field of view way increased, if you use the... oops!

The third person, of course.

And I'm just gonna loot this...

I don't really need these things, but I believe there's an item, a building item that lets

you recycle things, but haven't tried it yet.

I haven't tried to recycle anything yet, so I am not sure if I can recycle these armor

pieces that they drop...

You know, and I like the fact that this game has several kinds of creatures, and you can

tame creatures.

I had a horse, but, there's the glitch where they go through the walls.

That's a bug, they have to fix, so...

Other games have the same issue, ok, of... you know, NPC's (animals, ...) go through

your base and try to attack you, and you don't feel safe anywhere, because of that.

I eventually got lost on what I was about to say...

Oh, yes!

I was talking, I had a horse, and they killed my horse...

So, I may wanna get a flying pet next time.

I'm maybe, levelled up enough to grab one of these guys, ok?

To tame one of these.

You know, I could also try with this one, but I have to change... to switch the spell

of my weapons to the taming spell.

I may plan to make gameplays of this game, ok?

A few episodes, but in the other server, ok?

I will play for real.

Here, more for base building and for relax a little bit.

And take care of the server as well, ok?

Thanks a lot for watching, and Ihope to see you in the next video.

Stay tuned, even if you are looking for other games videos.

I may make them once I can, ok?


Real life has been, you know, a little tricky with me lately, but I will try to do, hopefully

my best in a while.

Goodbye and have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Possibly Incoming Videos From Citadel: Forged With Fire - Duration: 6:26.


10 webs para editar videos online gratis | #RedesSociales Nilton Navarro - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 10 webs para editar videos online gratis | #RedesSociales Nilton Navarro - Duration: 2:17.


Teaching Colors to Preschoolers | Kids Learning Video | Learn Colors With Colorful Jeep - Duration: 29:59.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

round and round. round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish.

swish, swish, swish. swish, swish, swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep.

beep, beep beep. beep, beep, beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa.

waa waa waa. waa waa waa.

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa, all through the town!

The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh.

shh shh shh. shh shh shh.

The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh, all through the town!

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

round and round. round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

For more infomation >> Teaching Colors to Preschoolers | Kids Learning Video | Learn Colors With Colorful Jeep - Duration: 29:59.


The Most Satisfying Video in the World | 99.995% Get Satisfied Awesome | Oddly Satisfying Video 2017 - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video in the World | 99.995% Get Satisfied Awesome | Oddly Satisfying Video 2017 - Duration: 11:01.


Kheech meri photo - Whatsapp status video - Himesh Reshammiya Hit song - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Kheech meri photo - Whatsapp status video - Himesh Reshammiya Hit song - Duration: 0:34.


How To Download Youtube Videos in 25 Seconds - Duration: 0:26.

I ,am ,going ,to ,show ,you ,how ,to ,down ,load ,any ,you ,tube ,video

, first ,enter , s s, , ,in ,front ,of ,you

,tube ,on ,the ,address ,bar , ,then , ,press , ,enter , ,and ,it ,will ,take

,you ,to , save

scroll ,down , and ,click ,on ,down ,load ,video ,in ,browser ,

,then ,pick ,the ,format ,you ,want , ,and ,click ,download ,

, , ,we ,are ,legion ,

,expect ,lulz

For more infomation >> How To Download Youtube Videos in 25 Seconds - Duration: 0:26.


Learn Colors Soccer Ball For Children 3D Learning Colours Soccer Balls Videos For Toddlers - Duration: 1:07.

Learn Colors Soccer Ball For Children 3D Learning Colours Soccer Balls Videos For Toddlers

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Soccer Ball For Children 3D Learning Colours Soccer Balls Videos For Toddlers - Duration: 1:07.


Quick Tip Tuesday: how to get captions & subtitles on your videos for Facebook - Duration: 1:48.

Hey guys it's Holly from Culture Creative and today is "Quick Tip Tuesday".

Today this one's gonna be a tad longer because we are focusing on getting

subtitles for your videos which are fantastic for Facebook. So once you have

created your video you need to sign up and get a YouTube account, upload your

video into YouTube, and then just down here, on the right-hand corner, you then

go to edit video. You want to go to subtitles, you want to go to English

Automatic, and then on the left-hand side, it has generated the words that they

think you have said in that video, and then you can start editing that to the

correct words that you have said, and then you go publish edits. Then you come

back to English Automatic, then you want to go to the top left-hand corner to

actions, drop it down and the SRT file is what we want. This is going to save the

captions this is what you then upload into

Facebook, so you right click that, you go to "Save Link As", I would then name mine "Quick

Tip Tuesday", then at the end of the title you need to put . en underscore capital

U capital S dot SRT, then you need to save that as "All Files". It will then download

as what looks like a little piece of paper, now once you have done that go to

Facebook, upload your video as you normally would. And then you click

"Captions" this is where you then upload that SRT file, which you just got from

YouTube into that. Once that is done, and you have posted your video, when the

sound isn't on and people are scrolling through Facebook you will have captions

on your video. And it's as simple as that if you need any help email hello@

For more infomation >> Quick Tip Tuesday: how to get captions & subtitles on your videos for Facebook - Duration: 1:48.


Funny Videos Compilation || Most Funny Videos Big Boobs || Babu The Phoring - Duration: 4:27.

hot video

For more infomation >> Funny Videos Compilation || Most Funny Videos Big Boobs || Babu The Phoring - Duration: 4:27.


Why Your Videos Hate Your Customers - - Duration: 10:11.

Are you uploading professional videos about your business

to YouTube but they're not getting traction

from your customers?

Well, it could be that your videos actually

hate your customers.

Is this possible?

Let's find out.!

Hey, this is Dane Golden from

This is the channel where we give you

video content marketing tips to help get your customers

coming back to your video channel again,

and again, and again.

So today's question: Do your videos actually

hate your customers?

Well, let me ask you this question.

When you're interviewing somebody in your video

about your business, maybe it's the vice president

or the president, or someone that works at your company.

Are they looking at the camera, or are they talking

to someone off camera that's interviewed?

Are they looking this way?

Do you hire sales people?

Do you have sales people at your company?

If you do, do you ever instruct them to walk

into a customer's office and talk to them like -

This is, you're the customer, okay?

Hello, it's great to see you.

No, you don't.

Of course not.

That's ridiculous.

You talk to the customer.

And that's the problem with some videos, how

they're shot today.

They're shot at an angle.

They're not addressing the customer.

The thing about it is when you bring in somebody

to shoot videos about your business, they know

you're not comfortable looking directly at the camera.

But that's problematic because you're representing -

You're a salesperson, essentially.

You are a salesperson for your business, you're a proxy

for your company when you're on video.

Video is a representative of your company,

and you know that.

It just happens that video producers, they know that

it's going to be hard for somebody who isn't really

rehearsed in talking to a camera to speak to a camera

like it's a person.

So they sit off, they sit off camera.

They sit over here, and they talk and they ask the

vice president questions, and the person

is very comfortable.

But what happened recently is I was watching these

videos from MasterClass.

Have you ever heard of MasterClass?

There's a lot of people that do master classes,

but this is a brand that they have people who are

well known in the arts, and film, and literature.

They teach you a class about what they do.

Well, I saw this one with Ron Howard.

Now Ron Howard of course, is a very famous movie guy.

He was an actor as a kid on television then

a film director.

So he's going to do it right.

Now even though I'm sure he's never spoken directly

to a camera, that's exactly what he did in these videos.

Why did he do that?

Because he's actually selling something.

Now, he doesn't have to sell a lot of things.

I'm sure when he goes to get a hundred million dollars

in money at a studio, or whoever invests in movies,

that he's going to look directly at the person.

He's not going to look off camera.

But what did he do in this video?

He looked directly at the camera.

And I want you to pay close attention to this.

Ron Howard starts the video by looking at the camera,

and saying the word "you."

He says, quote, "You have to understand

one thing about directing," unquote.

That's huge.

He's looking at the camera and he's saying the word "you."

He's speaking to me as a single person, "you."

In this case, it's not the entire audience, it's me.

Just me. One person.

He's addressing me directly like he cares about me.

Now, in the video, they actually have different shots

of him, but he starts in the first few cuts, speaking

directly at me.

Then they do the establishing shot.

But that doesn't come in until about 20 seconds

into the video.

Think of it, they haven't done an establishing shot

until about 20 seconds in.

That tells you a little bit about what Ron Howard,

and the people he's working with at MasterClass

know about what sells on a YouTube video,

and how to capture someone's attention.

There are some tools when you're shooting a video

of someone who's not comfortable on camera

to make them feel comfortable right away.

There's something called the EyeDirect.


The EyeDirect is basically a hood that you put over,

on top of the camera.

And it's actually a sideways periscope where the subject

can see you, the interviewer, directly through it,

and they feel very comfortable speaking directly to you,

which in turn makes them seem as if they're speaking

directly to the audience, because through the mirror

is the camera, and through the camera is the viewer.

And they can feel very comfortable doing this

on day one, hour one, minute one.

Or if you're on a little bit of a tighter budget,

you can actually use a teleprompter.

So this is from a Facebook Live from last year

where my friend Brighton West demonstrated how

he uses a teleprompter to get people to look at the camera.

He talks a bit about ISOs and a whole bunch of stuff

that I'm not an expert on.

But the important part for me is that you, the subject

can look directly through the teleprompter, but

instead of the teleprompter, you use FaceTime.

There's someone off camera who

is interviewing you via FaceTime.

They can be in the same room, but it appears like

you're being interviewed through the camera.

So you tend to look directly at the camera,

because our brains are geared to look people in the eyes.

Normally, so Dane's doing a good job

of putting himself on camera in the right spot,

which is very little space above his head.

You can actually see what's called the upper third,

there's -

If you divide the screen in thirds, that upper third is

where his eyes are.

However, in this circumstance, I would suggest that

we put some space above his head,

Right there? Right there,

because right now his eyes are where the lens is.

So, my eyes should be in the center?

Yeah, your eyes should be in the center

because the lens is in the center.

So this would be the one time I would recommend you

have a bunch of space above your head.

But that's what it's going to look like to the

on-camera talent there, and when they

say something funny, the -

Ah-ha-ha-ha. Exactly.

They get that positive reinforcement that they're being

funny, they feel good about being on camera.

If they're saying something sad, they get -

Sad face from Dane.

It's emotional resonance.

Emotional resonance. I like that.

So after looking at thousands and thousands of videos,

I noticed anecdotally, which means not statistically proven,

that videos where business people looked at the camera

did better than videos where they did not.

At any rate, I couldn't study this.

I couldn't come up with a provable way to prove

that looking at the camera is better than

not looking at the camera.

But I realize that the word "you" was really important.

Of synonyms of the word "you".

Like, yourself, or you will, you'll.

Y, O, U, apostrophe, L, L,

I found ten synonyms.

At any rate, I worked with a company called TubeBuddy.

That's a partner of mine.

And we did data, we did a lot of research, and what

we found was that the word "you" has special power.

And if you say the word "you" it will do much better

particularly very early in the video.

Videos will do much better if you say the word "you"

at the very beginning because it catches people's attention.

What I also realized, it's almost impossible

to say the word "you" during a video, and not be looking

at the camera.

So, think of the viewer, "you," you're watching right now,

as the hero in this story.

Think of the viewer as the hero in the story.

It's all about you.

It's not about me.

Nobody cares about me.

They care about themselves.

That's you.

Think of the viewer as a single person, not as an audience.

So what we did was we looked at tens of thousands

of videos, looking for the word "you", or its synonyms,

and we found that if you can say the word "you" once

in the first five seconds of a video -

I'm not talking about the first five seconds after

the spinning logo - the first five seconds of the video

is the first five seconds.

If you can say the word "you," or a synonym yourself, or

whatever, in the first five seconds, you can improve

the viewership of your YouTube video by 66%.

And if you can find a way to say it twice in the

first five seconds, you can improve it by almost double.

So 97% - that means if you had 100 views without

the word "you," you'll have 197 views with it.

Now that could mean double the business for you.

Is that something I could interest you in?

I'll give you an example of a sentence that says "you" twice

in the first five seconds.

Hi, today I'm going to show you how to fix your car.

The word "you", and the word "your," Y-O-U-R,

both count as you in my study.

Would you like to make twice as much money

just by saying one word?

So how do you feel about what I've said today?

Do you think I'm right?

Am I full of crap?

I want to know what you think.

Tell me in the comments.

And if you like this channel, please subscribe. is about helping you get customers to come back

to your videos again and again and again.

How do you do this?

By giving them your expertise.

You share your expertise with your customers

and you'll earn their loyalty and their trust,

and their business.

My name's Dane Golden of

I hope you'll subscribe.

Come back next week.

Thank you.

Yes, I know there was a reflection in my eyes.

It's going to be okay.!

For more infomation >> Why Your Videos Hate Your Customers - - Duration: 10:11.


Funniest & Cutest Golden Retriever puppies Videos Compilation 2017 | Funny Golden Retriever Part 41 - Duration: 5:53.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Funniest & Cutest Golden Retriever puppies Videos Compilation 2017 | Funny Golden Retriever Part 41 - Duration: 5:53.


DIY Vampirina Doll Cumstom LOL Surprise Dolls Videos Disney Jr - Duration: 5:45.

DIY Vampirina Doll Cumstom LOL Surprise Dolls Videos Disney Jr for kids on the Jazzy Puppet Show.

I'm friend it's me Jazzy Puppet today we're going to make a custom lol doll

we're going to make up a Vampirina! let's make her friends I'm princess pink and

I'm gonna help Jazzy make this cute custom lol doll first we need to cut off

her hair right here trim it off this is will be carved pumpkins with we're gonna

saw it off saw saw saw saw saw this lol doll is DJ poor little DJ guess what DJ

I'm gonna turn you into a vampire

Franken baby she looks pretty horrible sorry DJ no

don't worry I'm gonna make you look beautiful

silver brain silver brains boom it kind of looks like the creepy baby from Toy

Story we're gonna use air dry clay to make her hair to make her little

pigtails and to make the dress let's make her have a helmet head it's not

really a helmet head it'll look like that Barinas hair okay so maybe it does

look like a helmet head but hey that's okay so we're gonna cut out her little

bangs right here it's kind of like a little heart in the front but at least

she doesn't look like that crazy baby toy story anymore here's vamper in his

hair sit for a little pig cows we're gonna make those a little while

and when I say a little while I mean right now they look like little bat

wings so it's kinda like making to go bat wings and you put the little rubber

bands on the end Hades a little bat wings stick out of her head

let's make a little pink rubber bands

dan fariñas wearing a short sleeve shirt so we're gonna have to chop off

these golden sleeves chop-chop

whoa you hop turn into her clothes let's put her little skirt on he just like

wrapping a towel around her waist wrap it around and then take off the extra

from the back time to trim the skirt it was a little

long now we're gonna form little scallops that kind of look like the edge

of em purina's spider Rab the dress each time I use the clay I let it dry

overnight now it's time to paint the entire dolly white poor little baby she

went from looking like Frank and baby to ghost baby baby little shirt for some

school pink too I'm just gonna go ahead and paint your feet

all of her skin goes purple purple purple it's a purple baby little pink

lips I'm using a darker metallic purple for the eyes so they look beautiful and

sparkly she has little blue blood let's put on her on later it's makeup time

baby pink black round the top and some little eyelashes this makes her eyes

look so pretty

let's paint your dress black now the whole thing goes black black of a black

her helmet whoops I mean her hair goes black also

he has a teeny tiny small necklace and webs are the dress so we're gonna

use this light blue to paint the stripes down and then we're gonna make little

scallops connecting them it's a little interweb dress she's starting to look

cute now not so ugly like Franken baby what lol surprised all custom should I

make next write it down below in the comments and maybe we can make it for

you the teeny tiny little small need some eyes trying to do her pigtails wait

a minute are they back tails are bat wings I

don't know I marked the little spot where they go and I'm gonna glue them on

the superglue have to hold it in turrets drive bat wings super cute

let's put little purple shoelaces on her little boots

and she's done a custom stamp arena and we'll surprised all the surprises she's

a vampire ha ha ha ha I told you I'd make you a cute little DJ doll she

turned out so cute I just loved her and here's the back down below in the

comments and maybe I can make it for you to watch mark Jessi puppet videos click

one of those boxes up there and to be my best friend

click the bell down below so you know when all my new videos come out here I

hope that you have a beautiful day and remember to always be kind

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