Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily do Jan 30 2019

and therefore , we should seek refugee with Allah from doing anything that will make the Jews or the Christians be pleased with us

because doing anything that will make the Jews and the Christians be pleased with us means according to Allah's judgement in the Quran , that we have followed their religion

because he said '' they will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion ( Quran 2:120 )

'' they will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion '' therefore , we seek refuge with Allah that they will be pleased with us

For more infomation >> Muslim Cleric says '' We shouldn't do anything that makes Christians and Jews be pleased with us '' - Duration: 0:33.


13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do By Amy Morin - Animated Book Review - Duration: 6:24.

A 23 years old young lady was recently graduated from college and had started her career as

a psychotherapist.

She was happily married with her lover, also she had managed to bought a house with her

own money.

At the age of 23 what we call as success was totally achieved by the writer of the book

"13 things mentally strong people don't do" Amy Morin.

But suddenly one day she got a phone call from her sister, her sister told her that

her mother was found unconscious and she had been taken to the hospital.

Amy and her husband rushed to the hospital.

There the doctor told her that her mother had a brain stroke and she was no more.

Her mother was completely ok the night before.

Naturally as Amy was very close to her mother, she was grief-stricken.

As she was a psychotherapist she knew how to get out from that grief but still it took

her a long time to recover.

No sooner she had recovered from the grief of her mother's death than at the age of 26

her husband got a heart attack and passed away.

That 23 years old happy and successful lady, now at the age of 26 had become a widow who

had lost her mother also.

A few years later luckily Amy was able to find love in her life, and she got married

for the second time.

She sold her old house, and moved to a new house with her new family with a hope to start

a fresh new life.

But again after a few days her father in law was diagnosed with cancer.

Amy was broken by the repeatation of the same incident again and again.

It came to her mind, "why is it happening with me again and again!"

She was unwilling to face the same difficulty that she had to face for last two times.

So from the day, her father in law was diagnosed with cancer, she started to make a list of

things that mentally strong people don't do.

And in this way she was able to find 13 bad habits that mentally strong people always

avoid practicing.

She started to read them daily and prepared herself to become mentally strong.

After a few days her father in law died, but this time Amy was able to recover very quickly

by avoiding the 13 bad habits that she had listed.

So with just a thought that it may also help someone else like Amy, she published the article

in a blog post over the internet.

At the time of posting the article Amy had never imagined that the article would went

viral and read by more than 50 million people.

So later to discuss about those 13 bad habits in details, she published the book "13 things

mentally strong people don't do".

And the book became international best selling book and was published world wide, getting

translated into more than 30 languages.

So today I am going to share with you some smart ideas from this best selling book,

Smart idea 1: Mentally strong people don�t waste time feeling sorry for themselves

"Why it has to happen always with me?"

Do you also ask this same question when something bad happens with you?

Then let me tell you that you are making yourself mentally week.

Because studies have shown that self-pity always makes us mentally week.

Because in this way indirectly we tell ourselves that I have nothing to do to improve my life's


We start to blame others for our own situations.

Whereas we should take responsibility of every situation of our life and take action with

our own hands to improve it.

Because it is only when, instead of blaming someone else we take our own responsibility,

then we start to become mentally strong.

Smart idea 2: Mentally strong people don�t shy away from change

The only thing that is constant in this universe is change.

That's why mentally strong people don't shy away from change, instead they always welcome

change and are ready for it.

If your current habit is to sit with your laptop or phone just after coming back from

office or college in the evening and continue watching some movies or TV shows untill you

go to sleep, then to change this bad habit with the good habit of a evening walk, you

have to face a lot of mental difficulties, which is a very uncomfortable state for everyone.

So that they don't have to face this uncomfortable state of mind, mentally week people always

try to avoid change, which in result make them more week day by day.

But mentally strong people never fear to get out from their comfort zone to do something

great, because they know it very well that it will help them to become more mentally

strong day by day.

Smart idea 3: Mentally strong people don�t focus on things they can�t control

Your wife's habit of quarreling on little things, rude behaviour of your boss, that

always angry teacher in your college, traffic in the roads, today's weather these are the

kind of things that you can never control no matter what you do.

That's why mentally strong people don't waste their time and energy focusing on these things

which they can't control.

Because they know it very well that this will make them mentally week day by day.

But to learn how to keep calm in any kind of situation, to finish the work within the

right time, taking action calmly according to the situation these things are always in

your control.

That's why mentally strong people always focus on these things which they can control, and

which in result make them more mentally strong day by day.

As to remain physically fit and strong, only doing some exercise is not enough, avoiding

junk food is also very important, similarly to remain mentally fit and strong following

a few good habits is not enough, avoiding bad habits is also very important.

Amy has shared these kind of 13 bad habits that we should always avoid to remain mentally

fit and strong, among which I have shared my favourite 3 habits in this video.

If you guys really like this video, then I will make a 2nd part of this video where I

will share the remaining habits with you.

So if you also want to watch the 2nd part of this video very soon then don't forget

to like and share this video and comment below and let me know your opinion about this video.

If you want you can also buy this book from Amazon by following the link given below in

the description.

Next video is on the next Wednesday.

Thanks for watching.

More wisdom more solution better life.

For more infomation >> 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do By Amy Morin - Animated Book Review - Duration: 6:24.


O novo canal de aula de japonês! Sou Harumi do Japão. - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> O novo canal de aula de japonês! Sou Harumi do Japão. - Duration: 1:59.


Atualizadas do SPFC 30/01/2019 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Atualizadas do SPFC 30/01/2019 - Duration: 6:08.


PEDIDO DO PREFEITO | Declarado inconstitucional direito de vereadores a fiscalizar e requerer cópias - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> PEDIDO DO PREFEITO | Declarado inconstitucional direito de vereadores a fiscalizar e requerer cópias - Duration: 4:05.


Do I Have A Girlfriend!? | 1000 Subscribers QNA Video! - 3MtnBros - Duration: 4:52.

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Do I Have A Girlfriend!? | 1000 Subscribers QNA Video! - 3MtnBros

For more infomation >> Do I Have A Girlfriend!? | 1000 Subscribers QNA Video! - 3MtnBros - Duration: 4:52.


Meghan królewska - Córka Kukulskiej podobna do Anny Jandar. Pójdzie w ślady mamy i babci? - Duration: 1:58.

 Natalia Kukulska musiała się mierzyć z porównaniami do swojej matki, Anny Jantar

Teraz okazuje się, że przyszedł czas na jej starszą córkę. Faktycznie Ania Dąbrówka jest bardzo podobna do swojej babci

Okazuje się, że podobieństwo jest nie tylko wizualne, ale starsza córka Kukulskiej jest też utalentowana muzycznie

Nic w tym dziwnego w końcu pochodzi z muzycznej rodziny!  Zobacz: "Cała mama!" Natalia Kukulska pierwszy raz pokazała swoją najmłodszą córeczkę! Czym zajmuje się najstarsza córka Natalii Kukulskiej?  14-letnia Ania Dąbrówka jest bardzo utalentowana muzycznie, jej mama od najmłodszych lat występowała na scenie, tata jest perkusistą, a babcia jedną z najpopularniejszych piosenkarek

Dziewczynka też ma już za sobą pierwsze występy na scenie, w Teatrze Roma. Wystąpiła też w teledysku „Żywioły"

Na co dzień uczęszcza do Akademii Musicalowej w Warszawie. Jej głos jest coraz częściej porównywany do głosu Anny Jantar

   Już teraz to nie Natalia Kukulska, ale jej córka Ania jest porównywana do legendy polskiej sceny, jaką była Anna Jantar! Widzicie to podobieństwo?  Anna Jantar  Anna Jantar i Natalia Kukulska

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Córka Kukulskiej podobna do Anny Jandar. Pójdzie w ślady mamy i babci? - Duration: 1:58.


What Due Diligence does Property Partner do when Selecting a Property? - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> What Due Diligence does Property Partner do when Selecting a Property? - Duration: 5:53.


🏈 ARIZONA CARDINALS: significado, pronúncia e origem do nome do time da NFL 🏈 - Duration: 2:02.

-Jerry! -Yeah, what can I do for you, Rod?

You just tell what can I do for you.

It's a very personal, very important thing.

Hell, it's a family motto.

-Are you ready, Jerry? -I'm ready.

I want to make sure you're ready, brother.

Here it is.

Show me the money.





The next act could come tonight

as the Arizona Cardinals face the Dallas Cowboys

on the national broadcast of Monday Night Football.

I'm not going to cry, Roy.

Well, actually we have some very good news for you.

This has just been handed to me.

A memo, it's signed. It's a contract, guarantee.

Arizona Cardinals,

four years,

11.2 million dollars.

You're going to get to play in Arizona where it all started.

Finish up your career in Arizona.

What do you think of that?

Show me the money! Show me the money!

For more infomation >> 🏈 ARIZONA CARDINALS: significado, pronúncia e origem do nome do time da NFL 🏈 - Duration: 2:02.


Tech Fox Tip #29 : How do I get help!? - Duration: 0:19.

hello I'm Orkin and this is another tech Fox tip

today's tip is how to access help files

in most applications if you press F1 you'll open the help file

this has been a tech Fox tip thanks for watching be sure to follow for more

For more infomation >> Tech Fox Tip #29 : How do I get help!? - Duration: 0:19.


BRUNY ISLAND TASMANIA | WHAT YOU SHOULD DO? | Live in Tassie - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> BRUNY ISLAND TASMANIA | WHAT YOU SHOULD DO? | Live in Tassie - Duration: 4:38.


Barragens do Piauí são monitoradas para evitar riscos de rompimento - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Barragens do Piauí são monitoradas para evitar riscos de rompimento - Duration: 4:04.


Danny Dyer Discovers He's Related To A Saint! | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 4:56.

Pretty wonderful you first walked in here maybe feel a bit sick or this

beauty the overwhelming gutter or failing of John away I mean I don't

think I've ever been in a building that smoked godlike where you think that you

could see God flying up in here you know wait that's exactly what he wants you to

feel if God was gonna have some windows there Bay's winders yeah that's right

it's like a spinning kaleidoscope in here all the time but what you're

looking at is almost the entire Bible represented in color and light it's a

quite big book and we're within that book thus a Chappell is a space designed

to house the crown of thorns and that first arrived as a gift to King Louie

the ninth in the year 12:39 this was built just nine years later to hold that

gift the people around Louie the ninth believed that because he had the crown

of thorns it means that he sort of made Paris into a new paradise because at the

end of time when Christ comes back to judge he needs to wear his crown again

so where does he come back to make that judgment the palace in Paris so he's not

just building this for himself at all for the return of Claus return of Christ

he's giving Christ a throne room on earth that's why the man who hated

luxury is glorifying this space because it's for Christ the true king and he

shout out loud did it there was actually one more thing I need to tell you about

King Louie the ninth he wasn't just a king he was a saint

27 years after his death the Pope canonized him st. Louis there are very

few Saints that aren't virgins or martyrs so to have the blood of a saint

in your blood is an extraordinary thing there is

and it's just so much to take in you know just lights recite that blood is

secret blood it works miracles in the church I'm not gonna coach him through

my veins

shall we have a look at the high altar the high altar the space you're about to

enter was reserved just for King Louie the ninth in his lifetime and then only

the kings of France

and up there would have been the relic of the crown of thorns which today is

loved way at notre-dame Cathedral

first time I really they feel like okay

so there's 33 coins in there which is weird because it was age 33 the Christ

died so I'll leave that with you

let's just have it rolled but I did find it difficult not to swear terrible

really in it and I'm not gonna swear much in the future


For more infomation >> Danny Dyer Discovers He's Related To A Saint! | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 4:56.


What to do with your kids when it's too cold to play outside - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> What to do with your kids when it's too cold to play outside - Duration: 1:25.


Notícias Udesc 29/01 - Editais do Prafe 2019.1 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Notícias Udesc 29/01 - Editais do Prafe 2019.1 - Duration: 1:18.


Fall in Love? |Do Dream| Ep.1-1 ENG SUB - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Fall in Love? |Do Dream| Ep.1-1 ENG SUB - Duration: 7:06.


nothing to do in oregon - Duration: 7:56.

hey everyone, Ruth Hamblin here

And welcome back to my vlog

So I'm still in a bit of a limbo here

But have decided to just make the most of it

And since I'm in Oregon and had nothing to do this weekend

I figured, why not take a solo road trip down the Oregon Coast?

So here I am, about to capture the sunrise

Let's go

Okay, next stop here

we are at the South Neah-Kah-Nie

mountain trail

and I'm about to hike up to the top

Because apparently there's a spectacular view

ooh guys! This sunset is going to be good! I just have a feeling

Okay, starting off day two here

at the Oregon Dunes

I didn't even know Oregon had dunes

So this is a very pleasant surprise

Super excited for what we're about to see here

The trail that I picked for this is the John Dellenback Dunes trail

So far I don't see any dunes, but ya know

it's always the hidden gems that are the best ones

we'll see, so far some very beautiful lush greenery

We got sand!


No way!

Am I in the Sahara Desert?

I would think so... not in Oregon

What the heck

Is this even real right now?


so far everyone that I've passed has been

taking their dog for a walk

well, seeing as my lifestyle doesn't allow me to have a dog

I'm taking my drone for a walk

come here!

that's a good boy!

let's go!

Proud Mom


stay with me

time to bring him home

well, as much as I would love to just play here all day

it's time to hit the road again

I don't even remember what's on the list next at this point, but

we're going to go somewhere

well, my google maps brought me here

side of the highway in a forest

hopefully I can find a trail

oh my gosh, first of all I think I just found the two guardians, second of all


The final day of the road trip has finally come

and today it's just covering the final stretch between

gold beach and crescent city and then I'll just zoop up

the i5

I'm currently climbing down the side of a cliff to go see the natural bridges

and it looks like it's going to be so worth it

as long as I don't die on the way

well I think I just realized that this isn't the right trail so now I get to go all the way back up

clearly I was trying too hard because there's literally

a beautiful sod path

all the way out there I'm gonna assume

oh my gosh

please don't fall Ruth

please don't fall

I made it

and this is amazing

this is just so much fun

about to do climb this rock over here

can't stop me

nobody can, cause it's a solo road trip

that's the whole point

how about that view?

do you know what kind of crime it would be to come all the way down the Oregon Coast

and not go visit the famous redwoods?

that would be treason my friends


oh, I hate myself

I love you, I love you so much

well I think that's officially the last stop of my epic weekend road trip down the Oregon Coast here

thanks again for following along, make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss next week's episode

and I'll see ya then

For more infomation >> nothing to do in oregon - Duration: 7:56.


Prática do bordado está ganhando muitos adeptos em Teresina - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Prática do bordado está ganhando muitos adeptos em Teresina - Duration: 2:19.


Barcelona force Denis Suarez to do ONE thing before sanctioning Arsenal move - Duration: 3:03.

 But, in a weird twist to the transfer, Suarez will also sign contract extension at Barcelona

 Arsenal and Barcelona have agreed terms over Suarez's switch this week. The midfielder is jetting to London to formalise his move to the Premier League side

 Arsenal manager Unai Emery has conceded he can only sign loan players in this window

 But the two clubs have worked out a deal that could see Suarez join permanently at the end of the season

 The contract extension at Barcelona is likely to protect Suarez's transfer value

 Players see their value drop as they approach the end of their contracts, as they can leave for free once their terms are up

 Arsenal could feasibly have signed Suarez on loan for the rest of this season and then gambled on agreeing a cheaper deal in the summer

 But Barca locking the player down to an extra year effectively maintains his £20m transfer value for another 12 months

 Suarez will be Arsenal's first signing of the January transfer window - and he may well be the last

 The Gunners are said to have had an approach for Torino defender Nicolas Nkoulou snubbed by the Italian side

 Recent injuries to Laurent Koscielny, Rob Holding, Hector Bellerin and Sokratis Papastathopoulos have greatly impacted on Emery's defensive options

 Meanwhile, landing Suarez almost certainly comes too late for Arsenal to sell Aaron Ramsey to Juventus

 There were claims the Gunners could look to sell Ramsey this winter, rather than seeing him leave on a free transfer at the end of the season

 Signing a replacement was a priority but Suarez arriving with just over 24 hours of the transfer window remaining is too late to then look at Ramsey's situation

 Arsenal were demanding £40m off Juventus at the start of the window, a fee that reported dropped to £20m

 But now they will simply lose Ramsey at the end of the campaign - unless a contract with the Wales international can be struck

For more infomation >> Barcelona force Denis Suarez to do ONE thing before sanctioning Arsenal move - Duration: 3:03.


How to Live Like Oprah- 3 Vital Must Do's | Motivational Video | 2019 - Duration: 13:55.

Hello and welcome, in this video I'm going to discuss how to live like Oprah three vital must do's

but if you haven't met already I am Mona Vayda I'm a motivational

speaker a business growth strategist and a life coach and this channel is

dedicated to motivation and inspiration and helping you get to the next stage in

your lives and if you haven't subscribed please do press the subscription button

and don't forget to bring the bell how to live like Oprah three vital must

do's now I'm sure we all know who Oprah is and if you've been living on an

island far away somewhere then let's let's get back to basics

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most renowned the most celebrated woman of

our time she is a beacon of hope of light of happiness success of power not

just in America but all over the world and not just for women but for millions

and millions of people worldwide how to live like Oprah three vital must do's

must do number one who are you Oprah talks about this quite a lot in a lot of

her videos in a lot of his speeches she drones into this topic Who am I?

you need to ask your question of the question Who am I and when we say that

you know she doesn't mean on on the basis at all I'm a woman I'm a man I'm a

mother and my father I'm a McDonald's worker or I am a Microsoft executive

no who are you like who I really take away all those onion peels of the titles

that sit on your head but who are you really right deep down in here

and if you don't know that and a lot of us don't at some point in our lives

the sooner you find out the better now for me that realization or that

understanding came in a very hard time I was 33 years old and I was getting a

divorce as a lot of people do but at that point I thought we were about to

start a family so this whole divorce thing completely

threw me off my feet as you can imagine and in that one moment I lost

a marriage that I thought was going to be for life a house a home a career

money all gone and if any does ever happen to anyone

I'm sure you understand that all those things are probably one of the most

important things for anyone in anyone's life and I was finding myself or I found

myself in a very dark and miserable spot in life and I asked a lot of questions

you know I went to a lot of soul-searching and at that point is when

the questions arise who are you Mona? you know who are you?

Who are you? yes I'm a daughter yes I am a woman yes I've dabbled in a whole lot of

careers you know but it's not who I am who are you and at that point in that depth

of that darkness I finally realized who I actually was I wasn't just a title I was

a spiritual being I was a spiritual being and this this body that I am

in it's just a mere vessel to something much more profound much much

greater than that and at 33 I had this realization this profound realization

and I can tell you something from that point onwards everything's changed

everything so Oprah talks about this and when she

when she when she mentions that when she's asked who she is she's so many

things but really who she is and a simple answer was I am a child of God I

am a child of God now I don't think it can be anything more grander or bigger

than that and I think sometimes a lot of us have to just take a step back in life

and understand that there is something greater and bigger out there that we

might not understand but the sooner we accept that the sooner we are on the

path of realizing who we are as individuals and what our purpose on

this earth is so ask yourself the question please

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? and don't stop until you find the answer how to

live like Oprah three vital must do's must do number two what do you want what

do you want do you have a clear vision of what you want and where you're going

because there's no point you know if you're driving a car blindfolded you can

only drive it so long before it crashes and that's life all right so if you're

just gonna wing it let's just wing life and you know see what happens there

things will come let's just wing it it's probably not the best strategy so

find out what you want realize what you want discover what you want do whatever

you need to do but find out what do you want what is your purpose why are you here we

all have a purpose and the purpose is not to sit in front of the couch 24/7 or

to whine about life or to think that God does not love us and has a purpose that

we do not understand you need to wake up to life you need to find your purpose

and you need to go bang on and go with it and again I was in the same place you

know at a younger age you know you don't know what you want I don't know what I

want it's too difficult I'll decide when I get older and then before you know it

10 years clock by oh wow okay shit um what do you want I didn't know what I

wanted so I just did a lot of things that I thought I wanted but I didn't

actually sit down ever and write my goals down and this is something as

consistently come up in a lot of things especially with Oprah and a lot of

successful people keep talking about this write your goals down if you don't

know what goals are well then we completely lost aren't we but and I did

that and that's why I have a whole video on just how to set goals in life and

achieve them six important ways don't miss out on that video if you haven't

seen it ready please do go and see but write your goals down you have to be

specific if you don't know what you want in life

you ain't going to get it that simple and I realized that the hard way

so find your purpose what do you want once you realize what you want the

question is what are you going to give up that's right what are you going to

give up because there's no such thing as something for nothing so if you want

your your goal if you want the grand picture in front of you what are you

going to give up in return for it your time your energy your focus what it has to be

something and you better forget that out and the thing is you know the only thing

I can say on top of that is that if once you figure that out make sure it's

something you're truly passionate about you need to find that passion you have

to have that passion to drive you and I will you know a lot of my videos I keep

talking that is passion but bigger with that this passion nothing in life

happens the way you want it so figure out what that is what do you want how do

you want it and for me the realization what my passion was came at that same

stage where I realized who I was as an individual and sometimes you need to be

in those dark places sometimes not but those who have can understand what I'm

saying that finding yourself in all those dark

places and realizing that okay this is what I want this is where I'm going now

finally I've got direction in my life I've got goals written down and I now

know what truly I'm here for what's my purpose and for me is this it was to

talk about motivation inspiration about life lessons about human development I

find that absolutely exciting I think that is one of the most exciting topics

anyone can talk about when it comes to how to improve a human beings life and

that's what I do now and I could do this 24 hours a day if I had to and I would

do it happily so that is the passion you need to find what is it that you truly

love that you know doesn't matter what time of the day they woke you up to do

it or whether the kids are screaming in the background or whether you know you

sick or you tired or you drunk whatever this passion

doesn't stop and start and stop and start this passion continues and

continues and continues each and every day 24/7 find that passion and once you

do find that passion do it with excellence Oprah talks about it a lot to

find your purpose in life once you've found your purpose is why are you here

and what you're here to do do it with excellence you know I don't do it with

don't half-ass do it don't do it a little bit here good a little bit be a

good and not so good there and not to do it with excellence all the time and when

you learn this thing that you need to elevate your life or the way you conduct

yourself in life or your passion or your purpose in life to a level of excellence

consistently your view and focus and your perception of everything

automatically changes because once you only are working at this level things on

this level become irrelevant become non-existent so do whatever you do but

do it with excellence do it with pride and the third a most important how to

live like Oprah three vital must do's third most important vital must do is

whatever you do do it with honesty and integrity you know it's not a

competitive plane it's not a competitive world where we all think are we better

particularly rush get out there before Joe or Sandra or whoever is going

to steal that cake was going to take away my share once you move out of this

competitive plane that is enough for everyone there's enough for everyone

even as you fight for it but whatever you do therefore do it with honesty and

integrity and not just honesty and integrity where you've got a thousand

cameras on you or when the whole world is watching no do it with honesty and

integrity when you're all alone in the dark and you have to make a decision but

you have to do something where not a single soul is watching where no one

would possibly know what your decision was or what you did in that moment do it

with honesty and integrity not for anyone else

but for yourself because once you start thinking at that level that I am doing

everything with honesty and integrity you'll be surprised at how that stuff

starts coming back to you it's like Karma right I do something good something good

comes back to me I do something bad something bad has come back to me I

intentionally do something bad something bad comes back to me but I intentionally

make a point of working as an individual behaving as a human being in the most

honest and integral way one person can possibly can then just let the stuff

happen miracles begin to happen let the good things begin to come in but this is

again not I am now like this and I'm now like that no this is to be on a

consistent basis 24/7 it's like a blanket of honesty integrity that sits

on you forever so in summary if you want to live like Oprah you have to have to

do these three vital must do's number one find out who you are ask yourself the

question do some soul-searching but come with an answer Who am I?

step number two what do you want do you have a clear vision of what you want in

this life and what is your purpose find that vision find that purpose and

whatever you do do it properly do it with excellence do it with pride step

number three conduct yourself in life in business in every corner every every

every area you have to with honesty and integrity as the basis and foundations

of who you are as an individual and human being honestly honestly with

honesty and integrity and watch what happens

you know Oprah hasn't come to the position she's in by not following these

steps or not truly believing in these three vital must do's so if you truly want

to have an exceptional life you need to start doing things and making changes


thank you for watching now if you've enjoyed this video please

hit the like button also if you think there is someone that could benefit from this I

would really appreciate if you could share it with them of course if you haven't

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forget to ring the bell so that you don't miss our new videos

remember you can live an exceptional life why because you deserve it

thank you for watching take care of yourself I'm Mona Vayda.

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