Customers you can't please.
Oh yes, we all have some of those.
Let's talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by
and the great news is that spring and summer
is here, so we go outside and we have plants and yards in our gardens we need an irrigation
system that we can count on, because as that sun blasts the summer heat on us we want to
make sure that we are able to water our plants and our yards accordingly.
Now, if your sprinkler is not working and you need some irrigation help, you can find
some help on
There are a bunch of landscapers, and people who do spring clean and irrigation repair
They'll come out to your house and they'll fix whatever your problem is.
Okay, on to today's show, which is from a house cleaner who has customers she can't please.
Here's what she has to say.
Speaker 2: Hi Angela, my question today is when you go to clean for a client and you
do the very best that you can and you feel good about the job that you have done, but
the client comes in and starts nitpicking and claiming that certain things don't look
like they got a clean, et cetera, et cetera, and they are just so unhappy even though the
house looks wonderful, what do you do?
Do you knock off some of the cost of the cleaning price, or do you stick with the price that
you have estimated for that job?
Angela Brown: All righty, so that's a very interesting question, and it comes down to
a couple of different things.
Do you give their money back?
First and foremost the answer is no.
If you have a satisfaction guarantee, that's going to require that you either come back
and clean the things that the customer is not satisfied with, or it means that you give
all their money back.
Now, my suggestion is that you give all their money back.
And in our company I prefer to give all their money back for a couple of reasons.
If I'm just coming back to re-clean, that's easier, that lets my people off my hook.
It's no big deal, we don't have to clean so great.
If a customer calls and they catch something we missed, we'll just come back and re-clean
it, it's no big deal.
But if the customer knows that we are going to give all their money back, there's a little
bit of guilt in there as well.
Well, you did a pretty good job, no, no, no, if you're not satisfied with the work that
we do, because our reputation is based on it, we want to give all of your money back.
And the customer will say, "Well no, no, no, let me pay you something."
No, no, no, we work for our reputations, and we work for money to pay our families.
If our work does not meet your standards, I want you to have your money back.
So, what happens is that it forces our people to be diligent in the work that they do,
and it forces our customers to show up and say okay, so this was a human error.
I don't want to call them and make them feel bad, I do want to bring something up, but
I want this to be remedied.
Now, back to your original question about customers you can't please.
Okay, so right up front there are a bunch of customers you can't please no matter what.
They can't please themselves.
And so, their lives are made of mystery, and if you find customer like this, or you stumble
upon them, or by chance end up with one, cut them loose as soon as possible because they
will just spin their wheels making your life miserable and wreaking havoc.
The customers that we have that we can't please no matter what we do, it doesn't matter what
you do, you cannot please them.
So, call it a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just know that there are some people like that.
There are some people in your lives that you don't clean for, and they're like that as well.
So, we just know people like that.
Right, now, the next thing I want to talk about is I want to talk about how you're setting
up your business with your customer.
So, when you come to your customer's house, you've got to have a worksheet.
And I talk a lot about the worksheet, not because I want to sell you a copy of my free
worksheet, because it's free, you can download it free and you can edit it and use it, and
I want you to because it does so many things in your business.
Here's what it does, when you get to the customer's house and you're doing the initial walk through
with the customer, I give my customer a worksheet and I have a worksheet.
As we walk through the house together they can see the tasks
and the chores that my company does.
And you can say is there anything on this list in this room that is not important to you.
And they can say well you know what, the blinds are not a priority to me, and I can cross
through the blinds.
Because if time is of the essence, which it is in a house cleaning business, if I have
to make a choice on a particular day, hey we're running really short on time because
I had to spend more time elsewhere, I may not do the blinds that day, because the customer
already told me that is not their priority.
But, if you don't have that conversation with the customer, and you skip the blinds, and
then you go home and you say the house looks lovely and the customer comes in and they
run their hands over the blinds and they're like oh my goodness there's dust, well then
you owe them something.
Either a re-clean or their money back.
Whatever your satisfaction guarantee says.
Now, the reason I bring this up is this, what you've checked off on your checklist is what
activates your satisfaction guarantee.
So, what you're saying is I got to your house today, there was a bunch of stuff strewn around.
I cleaned up all the stuff, and I did all the tasks that I was requested to do,
today we did not get to your blinds.
And so, we will throw that into next week's rotation.
That's what you're saying.
We did not do your blinds today, because we ran out of time with whatever.
Then, when the customer comes home and they see the dust on the blinds, they're like hmm,
maybe I should pick up after myself so that I don't leave so much work for the house cleaner,
because they didn't get to the blinds today.
So, it's two people working together.
Never do you just come in and you're the house cleaner and you're the only one that does the work.
You and the homeowner are a team.
If I'm your house cleaner and I come to your house and I clean your house, I did my job,
and now when I leave, you have to do your job.
You have to wash the dishes every night, you have to wipe down the counters in the bathroom
when I'm not here.
There are things that you have to pick up after yourself when I'm not here.
You have your own chores.
And so you can't just leave the stuff for the house cleaner, because there's no way
the house cleaner's going to get through it.
Now, I know house cleaning companies that are like we do everything at your house every
time we come, and I think wow, that's ludicrous because not everything needs to be done every
single time, nor do we have time to do everything every single time, because different levels
of messiness happen at different times based on what's going on in the person's life.
So, when I get to your house and I have my check sheet, my check sheet is what determines
what I get done that day, based on your priorities.
So, if a customer is never easy to please because they're nitpicking things, here's
my guess of what happened.
You did not clarify what you were doing when you came to their house, and you had a series
of priorities that you did, and you walked away and said yeah, the house looks great.
And then the customer came home and they had a different set of priorities, and they looked
at the house and they were like holy cow, I had spent all this money and a house cleaner
came to my house and I can't tell what they did.
It's not that you didn't do a great job, it's that you did a different set of priorities
than the customer's set of priorities.
Does that makes sense?
So, what you want to do is you want to make sure that your priorities and the customer's
priorities are in alignment, and that this is marked off on your check sheet, because
if I hire somebody two weeks from now, they've got to have this check sheet that says these
are the priorities.
In the vent that you get in a pinch and you have to make a decision that we are not going
to be able to do something today at this particular customer's house, you are able to skip the
blinds today, today only.
And at a different customer's house it might be something else.
And so if you skip the blinds at every customer's house, you're screwed, because to some people
that's really important.
They open the blinds every day when they have their morning coffee, and if there's dust
on them, you don't get paid.
So, my suggestion to you is do you really have a customer that's really difficult to please?
Or is it that you haven't clarified what is important to the customer?
Because if you have a customer that's impossible to please, it's impossible to work for them.
Say goodbye and move along and go find some nice customers.
There are guards of people out there that need house cleaning, and there's a multitude
of really nice easy to work with people.
So, don't punish yourself working for the miserable ones that make your life miserable.
Just don't do that, just move and let somebody else clean their house.
All right, that's my two cents for today and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
For more infomation >> Cleaning Customers You Can't Please - Duration: 9:07.-------------------------------------------
Michigan GOP Debate: How can we protect Michigan's water? - Duration: 4:47.
love always can not bring happiness,ভালবাসা কাঁদায়ও। - Duration: 1:56.
10 Awesome Football Tricks Anyone Can Learn |10 Beginner Football Skills - Duration: 8:56.
Hi Friends ! Shubham here again back with another video.
In this video i will show you 10 awesome football tricks that anyone can learn easily.
These are simple as well as impressive. So you must learn them to show your skills.
If you have not yet subscribed my channel then PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE.
California Handyman Law Explained / What you can and can not do - Duration: 6:47.
Hey friends, Allen Lee here with Honest Lee Handyman Services in Sacramento California.
Today I wanted to talk to you specifically about the handyman laws and regulations here in California.
Now knowing the laws and regulations in the state that you live in is one of the most
important things that you can do when you are starting out your handyman business.
For me being in California that was one of the first things that I ever did when I even
thought of starting my handyman business, was really research what the handyman laws
were in California.
Now this is very hard to find, If you guys are in any state you can probably relate with
what I am saying is that it is very hard to find out exactly what the laws and regulations
are in your state regarding handymans and contractors.
So I was told many different things, everything from you can't do this, you can't do that,
you can't do this and it all contradicted itself.
So what I personally did is I signed up for quite a few courses and training classes at
the CSLB which is the contractors state license board here in California, it's actually not
too far from where I live.
So I signed up for some classes there, took those, and I asked specifically what were
the laws regarding handymen in California.
And this is what they told me, they said the laws regarding handymen in California is if
you are an unlicensed contractor meaning a handyman and you don't have a contractors
license, you can only legally perform work up to $500 including labor and materials.
Now this means that you cannot split a job up at all.
So a lot of times people tell me, like customers tell me they'll say "oh we can pay you $500
this week $500 next week and $500 the week after.
According to the state of California, that is a no no and completely illegal and you
cannot split up jobs like that.
And again this is my understanding of the law so uh don't take what I am saying as truth
and facts um the final be all end all I would highly recommend you do all your own research
because laws are so tricky.
When you're gonna start something you really want to take responsibility for that and take
that into your own hands and figure out exactly what it is for you.
So this is how I understand them and this is the way the things have been explained
to me um if you guys have anything to add to this video I would love to hear it.
Um but alos in California regarding trades what trades you can work in and what trades
you cannot work in so legally at least the way I understand it if you are an unlicensed
contractor you can work in any trade you want.
So you can do painting, you can do plumbing, electrical, HVAC, roofing, uh but you cannot
do jobs that are over $500 including labor and materials so obviously that law there,
the $500 limit excludes some of those trades so like roofing well you can probably do roofing
repairs and roof patches but you couldn't replace a whole roof that would obviously
exceed the $500 limit um and so from what I understand and what I've been told about
the projects law is it's $500 per project including labor and materials so if someone
wanted you to install a ceiling fan in one room and a kitchen sink I mean a kitchen faucet
in the other room then you could legally do that, but if they were remodeling their whole
house and they just wanted to hire you as a handyman to come in and install a ceiling
fan and a kitchen faucet, you technically could not do that cuz it's part of a whole
project so I hope that makes sense so say like someone buys a bathroom vanity for $499
I asked them this particular question this is kind of crazy, if they buy a bathroom vanity
for $499 you can only legally charge them $1 for labor to install that vanity now that's
completly asinine I know it's crazy and a lot of people say well it's just worth just
trying everything and you know just hoping you don't get caught but there are believe
it or not a lot of stings that go on um state governments are pretty strong especially here
in California they want to uphold their authority so if you check out the CSLB which is the
contractors state license board they have a YouTube channel and you can see all their
stings that they do.
They do quite a few stings all around California that are catching these unlicensed contractors
these people that operate as a handyman but yet they do Contractors size work and they
don't disclose that or anything like that so there's a lot of risks in this so that's
why I say to do your own research and figure out exactly what the laws are in your own
city or town um and also another thing is advertising is huge.
They can I mean so I don't know if it's just California but the California state government
is very huge and they want to just play their authority so even advertising right so if
you advertise like say you're a handyman Joe Shmoe handyman and you put on your tool trailer
I do painting I do electrical I do plumbing technically, there has been cases out there,
where they have fined the person and they have given them the same penalty for contracting
without a license because in their eyes at least it doesn't really make sense to me painting
can the whole painting category can go over $500 plumbing can go over $500 electrical
can go over $500 so what I have been advised to do and what makes it legal is advertise
that I do minor painting, minor plumbing, minor electrical, so putting the word minor
in front of it in some sense where it doesn't go over $500 even though I think minor can
definitely go over five hundred dollars but you want to stay above the law and not break
the law as much as you can so I'm doing this series right now where I want to help people
out one of the most common questions that I get is people ask me what are the handyman
laws and regulations in my state and honestly I only know Californias laws and regulations
right now but I want to expand that I want to figure out what other peoples laws and
regulations are and make videos on that and that would help them out as well.
So if I get enough questions for a specific state in the comments section below I will
definitely do your state next and just launch a full investigation on that state kind of
like I did in California figure out exactly what the laws are and bring that here to you
guys on YouTube so comment in the comment section below with what state you're in also
what country you're in what your laws are and like this video please subscribe to this
channel and check out all my other videos because I have a whole bunch of them pertaining
on a whole bunch of things all on the handyman lifestyle.So thank you all so much for tuning
in and I hope you guys have a fantastic day.
What can we learn from fantasy? - Duration: 7:44.
Chesterton once said:
"Fairy tales do not tell children
the dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons
can be killed."
The question I'll discuss today is
whether fantasy can lead us to a better
comprehension of reality or not.
I wanted to make this video because
talking with some friends about cinema
and literature, when I say I love
fantasy, they answer: man, that's childish.
We'd rather watch some human drama.
Fantasy is just popcorn.
We need
something more intellectual.
Something closer to our real world.
To our real concerns.
I also know many parents worried
about how watching or reading fantasy
stories can hurt their children's mind.
According to them, since fantasy describes
a world which is not real, it alienates
their kids minds.
Watching dragons
and princesses and knights
Can give no insight into reality,
they rather drive us away from it.
I think they're wrong.
I think they stay on the surface.
I think that good fantasy can explain
the real world better than many
hyper-realistic novels or films.
I will try to prove my point.
Let's take a look at this picture,
from Goya.
The 2th of May of 1808
the Spanish people in Madrid
rebelled against the Napoleonic troops
that had invaded Spain.
This picture represents the French
repression at the following day.
Look at those faces.
This picture is not realistic at all.
But somehow, it expresses horror much
better than a simple photograph.
Now, let's have a look at Picasso.
He could've been painting things like this
But he felt that he wanted to express
If he had stayed painting things
like that.
He would have never painted the
Guernica, which is known to be
his masterpiece.
Which expresses the horror
of the Spanish civil war.
And also, quite abstract but
manages to express the
reality of the war much better than
a realistic paint would've done.
Now let's talk about fantasy.
The point is the same.
Let's take a look at the LOTR.
If somebody watches the Lord of The Rings
and says: oh, that's just childish.
Orcs killing each other, that's stupid.
What can we learn from that?
You're staying on the surface!
Dig deeper!
LOTR is much more than an adventure story
of some strange people fighting orcs
and running away from monsters.
It's a very deep analysis of human...
The ring: the power that
overtakes over human will.
A story full a values: Sam's loyalty to...
Frodo's decision to finish
his work despite the obstacles he finds
in the way, with the help of his friends.
Boromir's redemption.
I think this moment explains friendship
better than any rational explanation
would have done.
Hobbits, elves, dwarves: all represent
different aspects of our human nature.
We enjoy having laughs with our friends
like the Hobbits do, but we are greedy
like the dwarves.
The monsters are just the surface.
It's not the essence of the story.
Maybe a representation of our
inner fears.
Of course there are many fantasy books
and films which stay on the surface and
don't manage to dig deeper.
But that doesn't mean, that it can't
be done properly.
Aristotle once said, that
"poetry is more philosophical than
Poetry, art, beauty.
On the surface, they seem
to talk about something inexistent.
But somehow they manage to dig deeper
in human nature than a simple
They stimulate our imagination,
they awake in us the sense of wonder.
And they help us understanding
the world as it really is,
not as it looks to be.
Tiny's So Hurt Over T.I.'s Latest 'Screw Up' She Can't 'Look At His Pictures' So She Unfollowed Him - Duration: 2:19.
T.I. and Tiny are going through it! Things between them have gotten so bad since his alleged affair with Asia'h Epperson that Tiny has unfollowed him on Instagram
Get all the EXCLUSIVE details here! It's safe to say T.I. is in the doghouse. After a video surfaced of him slapping Asia'h Epperson on the butt on June 15, things between him and his wife Tiny have not been good
The Xscape singer is so furious with her estranged husband that she doesn't even want to see him! "Tiny is hurting so much right now she can't even look at pictures of T
I. without getting emotional, so she unfollowed him on Instagram. She doesn't want to see what he's posting, or who he's still following," a source close to Tiny tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY
I mean, we don't blame her! Before, T.I.'s alleged affair with Asia'h, the couple's relationship was seemingly on the right track following Tiny's multiple divorce filings and his alleged cheating scandal with Bernice Burgos
"It hurts her to her core that he won't unfollow Asia'h on Instagram. He did the same crap with Bernice and refused to unfollow her for the longest time too
Tiny is done playing these games. She's turning it out and taking care of herself first
She still loves T.I. with all her heart, that's why this is so painful," the source added
For those of you who don't know, T.I. and Tiny have been married since 2010, but have been together since 2001
They also share three kids together– Major, Clifford, and Heiress, who was born in 2016
So, you can understand why this is so hard for Tiny. However, her friends are urging her to cut the cord and finalize their divorce
"Those close to her are trying to convince her that the healthiest thing for her, the kids, and T
I. is to get the divorce over and done with so they can all move on," another source told HL EXCLUSIVELY
Good Product design | ONE thing that can make all difference - Duration: 3:48.
How Failure Can Pay You In Real Estate - Duration: 7:26.
Hey, friends. Kris Krohn here and today on Limitless TV, I'm gonna be talking
specifically with you about the ultimate mindset you need to win in real estate
because you're going to fail but it's not what you think it is. In fact, every
failure pays you a lot of money.
So how does every failure actually pay you in real estate? Well, here's what I
want to share with you..Real estate to some extent is a numbers game and if you
don't know what that really means, it means that sometimes you win and
sometimes you get the deal and sometimes you don't and more often than not, you
don't. In fact, to get the very best deals, you've got to wade through a lot of okay
deals, good deals, sometimes even amazing deals to get the
very best deals like literally this last month, I closed on the best real estate
deal of my life and I look at it and the reality is I've done over 3,000
transactions all across the United States and it's I've been doing it for
15 years and I just found the best deal of my life, like this is a seven-figure
cash cow, it's absolutely amazing. Someone could argue that I had to wade
through 15 years, 3,000 deals, maybe hundreds of thousands of deals I didn't
do to get to like the juiciest deal that I've ever wanted to do, right? So let's
back out of it for just a moment and actually talk about the definition of
success and failure. Society has trained you to feel ashamed
of your failures, society has trained you to feel bad about yourself and tell you
that you're not good enough and you know what? That just comes from childhood
because we're trying lots of things and they're not always working out but now
we're adults, even if you're 17 years old, you're an adult and listen up. Whether
you're 17 or whether you're 60 years old, the reality is is that you're gonna do
things that aren't gonna work out but it's not failure, those are necessary
moments that actually bring you forward. Let me give you simple math.. Say for a
moment that you had to actually look at 10 amazing deals but only one of them
would end up going and that deal would make you a hundred thousand dollars. You
have to look at ten deals and the deal that's gonna work is gonna make you a
hundred grand. I've done deals like that I've made over a hundred thousand
dollars on houses. I want to ask you.. Would you be willing to fail nine times,
face potential rejection or face discouragement nine times to actually
find the one deal that makes you a hundred grand? Would you do it? Okay, that
I think I heard a yes through the camera. Awesome. I hope so because guess what,
you're probably sitting there saying that that reward is totally worth it I
totally want to make the hundred grand so this is what I want to share with you.
Here's what a numbers game means. Your first deal might be the deal that what?
Makes you hundred grand. The tenth deal might be the deal that what? Makes you a
hundred thousand dollars, it could be any one of the deals but here's the way that
most people are trained and here's what I want you to change is that if your
first deal doesn't go down, you could be like oh, I thought that it was the one
and then it didn't work out, the bank rejected me, the buyer wouldn't sell to
me at the price I wanted, I didn't get things lined up the way that I wanted,
the bank told me they wouldn't use my credit, I failed. Let's actually find out
what that failure is. If on the tenth deal you do it you make 100 grand, divide
$100,000 by your ten attempts with one of them being successful. What's a hundred
grand divided by ten attempts ? Hundred grand divided by ten is $10,000.
Dude, that first deal that ended up being a rejection, by the time I actually get
to the deal that actually works, what was this rejection worth ? Is worth
$10,000. Guess what the next one doesn't work out? You could be tempted to be like,
oh, nothing goes my way. Are you kidding me? You just made $10,000, it's
not in your bank account yet but what should you be doing? Yeah, you should be
freaking celebrating, right? Because you just freaking make $10,000. I don't know
about you but when you're just starting out $10,000 is what? Dude, $1,000 is
exciting, 10 grand is exciting, $1,000,000. It's all exciting because it's all
progress. There is no failure. Are you freaking kidding me? All you did was have
someone tell you that that wasn't the deal . Be grateful, you didn't want to do
it anyway. It's not the deal that was for you so by the way, the first deal.. 10
grand. How you feeling? Yes, fist bump. The second deal doesn't go
down, fist bump. This the third deal doesn't go down, another $10,000. This
seventh field goes down and it doesn't work out, 70 thousand dollars in my bank
account. Every rejection it's an exciting step to where you're
really trying to get friends that's the way a numbers game really works,
it's that instead of saying when I do the deal that works I'm happy and when I
do the deals that don't I'm not happy, the reason why you can't afford
unhappiness or discouragement is because guess what could happen, it could
actually keep you from what? Ever finding the deal that makes you
hundred grand. Listen, I'm telling you from experience. Right now real estate we
tie in appropriate emotion to rejection or when things don't work out, you gotta
let go all of that you got to actually get some some thicker skin here
that ultimately says I can stay in the game and I'm okay to look at deals and
when they don't go down, dude, I'm pumped because it just means that's not the
deal and now I'm looking for the right deal. Friends, this is the winning mindset
in real estate. Now if you don't cultivate i,t you're done, this is you
like seriously this isn't gonna work out for you. If you can cultivate it, there's
no limit to what you can do. Ultimately if you want to become limitless in your
ability to transact massive amounts of real estate, if you want to really
succeed in the game then you got to take the real estate between your ears and
you got a cultivate of mindset that says that every deal that's not the one pays
me so that when I get to the one that actually is the one, I get paid on all of
my efforts because guess what, that deal that didn't go down, it costs you effort
and you're eventually gonna get paid if you stay in the game. Now even in the
beginning, your first deal. Let's say you had to look at a hundred deals and then
finally did one that made you ten thousand dollars, how should you feel?
Dude, I hope you get pumped, I hope you get excited because guess what, that's
called learning curve that might be what your learning curve is. Some of us have a
steeper one, some of us have a shorter one and hang tight for the end of the
video I'll share with you what you can do to greatly shorten that learning
curve. What you need to get out of this right now is that it's a numbers game
and you're always being paid, a lot of deals don't work out, you just stick with
it until you find the one that does that makes it all worth it.
Hey, thanks so much for watching today's video, please subscribe, give yourself an
opportunity to, get some more training like this. Often my videos are here to
give you the tactical training of how to make money in real estate, the game of
finance and even alternative investments but often it's here to share with you
the mindset because the mindset is going to always precede the outcome of a
result, you need both of those trainings so subscribe so that I can keep
delivering that to you and check out everyday the videos that we're posting
here for you. Hey, if you're looking for the unfair advantage of Kris, what if I
don't want to look at a hundred deals to find the one? I already got the one. I
already anticipated you, I already knew that you somewhere in the world were
gonna be watching this and me and my team, we've already lined up the deals,
some of them take very little money some of them take no money,
some of them take more money and if you want to get in on the action, all you got
to do is hike over the website, check out the options and just request a follow up
call with my team, we'll get in touch with you, we'll share with you what the
options look like so we can get you having success now.
Can you clean Goalie Equipment in a Bathtub? - Duration: 2:15.
Can you really clean your goalie gear in a bathtub? Let's find out together coming up next!
Voice Over Goalie
Hey guys, Wayne the VO Goalie here. So now that it's officially summer, it's the perfect time to clean your gear.
So, I hit a little snag with my video this week.
I had this epic plan to show you guys how to wash your chesty in your bathtub.
And it's not like I didn't do it...
I filled the tub, poured in the detergent,
dumped in my gear,
Sloshed it around,
Rinsed it,
Squeezed it out and hung it to dry with my dehumidifier.
But in all honesty, it was as epic as watching me do this.
In hindsight, this topic wasn't as awesome as I thought it'd be.
But I had already released my teaser trailer on Instagram TV. Hey guys, Wayne the VO Goalie here!
Thanks so much for checking me out on IG TV, where you get a sneak preview of my video this week!
So I guess you can clean your goalie gear in your bathtub.
But you probably don't need to see me do it.
So to save this video, I made this little documentary:
Here we have a rare single B Star Arm separated from its mother and sibling.
Its natural habitat is the frozen tundra, but as summer time approaches and the ice melts away,
this over-sized monster can easily fall prey to a watery trap.
Out of its element and helplessly floating about, it succumbs to the Predators violent attack!
Can PRP+ACell Stop Hair Loss in Men? Importance of Classifying Hair Loss Severity - Duration: 7:37.
Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP is emerging as a popular treatment for hair loss.
Some doctors have begun using a limited formula of PRP with ACell.
As a pioneer of this treatment, which we refer to as Hair Regeneration or TrichoStem Hair
Regeneration, I can provide perspective based on actual first hand experience treating hundreds
of patients from around the world since 2011.
I'm Dr Amiya Prasad.
I'm a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon and Fellowship Trained Oculofacial Plastic & Reconstructive
I've been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.
I am the founder of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration Centers, which we started after spending years
developing customized treatment strategies for a wide range of patients of all ages with
male and female pattern hair loss.
TrichoStem Hair Regeneration was the result of an observation made when some patients
after undergoing hair transplant surgery appeared to have improvement in their native existing
hairs 1 year after hair transplant surgery.
This occured after the application of PRP with Acellular matrix for better hair graft
survival and improvement in donor area healing.
This led to my developing specific formulations and different methods to deliver ACell with
PRP which worked so successfully, we created TrichoStem Hair Regeneration.
During the early years of development, I found myself questioning the need for DHT blockers
such as finasteride.
Men who were on finasteride and who were not on finasteride both consistently saw improvement.
However, some men did not respond to ACell with PRP.
When I placed these men on a DHT blocker, and then performed the treatment, they responded
very well.
A question which naturally arose was, would they have done well just on finasteride.
I've observed having treated many men who've been on finasteride for years that finasteride
does not significantly stimulate hair growth.
It appears to allow hair growth of some DHT sensitive hairs.
I've seen significant improvement of scalp coverage in men who were on finasteride and
came in feeling that they were still losing hair.
My conclusion is that a combination approach is optimal for many male patients.
Over the course of time since 2011, I developed a hair loss classification system where I
determine based specific characteristics, different levels of DHT sensitivities which
guide my treatment plans.
The classification system I developed factors in gender, age, age of onset of hair loss,
degree of hair loss,other medications taken, and other medical procedures.
This approach has resulted in successful improvement in hair growth for over 99% of men and women
we treat.
It's important to understand that there is no cure for hair loss.
Hair loss is still progressive.
The strategies I employ help my patients have better scalp coverage for longer periods of
time then they otherwise would have had without treatment.
Many doctors working with a standardized mixture of extracellular matrix for hair loss treatment
are using doses which are less likely to achieve the level of longevity of benefit we've
been able to achieve with only one treatment.
Based on your individual hair loss profile, I provide you with a treatment plan which
may include a second booster treatment at 15 to 18 months after one treatment.
This has been sustaining hair growth for my patients for 3-5 years or more depending on
the level of severity and aggressiveness of their hair loss.
This is in sharp contrast to many PRP+ACell treatments which require you to come in multiple
treatments within during the year with no clear longer term treatment plan.
I would say that from the feedback I get from many patients who come to us is that many
doctors have a limited commitment to treating hair loss which is reflected by the amount
of time and resources they use to insure optimal success for their patients.
Patients who come to our practice see how long we spend taking microscopic photos, standardized
digital photography, in depth history and review of medical laboratory tests before
starting any treatment.
Further, we follow every patient every 3 to 6 months and perform detailed photography
and make comparisons for patients to see how they're doing.
All this work is highly time intensive and requires skilled personnel dedicated to performing
these tasks.
Managing hair loss is not just something you do as a side service in your practice.
It requires significant time and allocation of resources to do right by your patients.
Genetic Pattern Hair loss is managed.
Not cured.
The goal is to help you maximize coverage and delay progression for as long as possible.
Recognizing that DHT sensitivity is an important part of any hair loss management strategy
for men is important for long term planning.
Our work with ACell and PRP which resulted in us creating TrichoStem Hair Regeneration
has made an impact at a global level and inspired many doctors to recognize the value of regenerative
medicine technology in the management of hair loss.
Since there are a few options for managing hair loss, a strategic approach is critical
to maximize your potential.
I hope you found this information helpful...thank you for your question.
Can CBD help with the national opioid crisis? - Duration: 1:58.
Recent Studies Suggest Cash Transfers Can Empower Some Women - Duration: 1:00.
VERIFY: What we can verify about the Annapolis shooting - Duration: 2:29.
Rep. Brady: We can build off the momentum of tax reform - Duration: 3:16.
Sony WF-SP700N & Sony WI-SP600N Review - Well, They All Can't Be Winners - Duration: 7:46.
If you've been following the channel for a awhile you know I absolutely love the Sony
1000XM2 headphones…
And in general I like Sony's headphone line up so much that I dedicated a whole video
on it which you can watch right here.
And I'm also a fan of Sony's new XB41 and XB31 speakers.
But I feel Sony could have and should have done better with their new SP600N and SP700N
sports wireless ear buds.
They aren't all bad, but both of these headphones have a few quirks that just make you think
Sony rushed them out the door.
The reason I'm reviewing both of the headphones together is because they're basically the
same product except ones completely wireless while the other still has a wire connecting
both of the ear buds but gives you the added benefit of the inline controller.
The Sony WI-SP600N retails for $150, while the completely wireless WF-SP700N retails
for $180.
If you want to pick these headphones up I'll have links in the description below, and if
you use the links it really helps out the channel.
I suggest you check them out sony headphones routinely go on sale… but im also going
to link some better alternatives as well.
Namely the Jaybird X3 and Powerbeats 3…
I feel that you cant go wrong with either of those.
Also, check out the Merch Self Down Below!
Regarding whats in the box… both of these earphones come with pretty much the same things.
They both come included with a Micro USB cable for charging, they both come with an extra
pair of larger ear fins and they both come with 3 additional pairs of ear tips of various
But what struck me as weird is that the Wired SP600N didn't come included with a carrying
pouch and there are no cable management clips either.
The reason I'm mentioning the lack of cable management clips on the SP600N is because
the wire itself is pretty long and heavy.
With most other wired ear buds like this you can either taught the cable or clip it on
to your shirt for better cable management so its not constantly bouncing around.
But the cable on these wired ear buds is pretty durable and it has a built in inline controller.
The buttons themselves have good tactile feedback and they're easy to tell apart.
And the controller also houses a micro USB port for charging.
And yes… this micro usb port should have been a USB C port instead.
Ok, now lets talk about what you're actually here to see… the completely wireless SP700N.
And first lets address the carrying case… its nice, light weight, and feels nice in
the hand…
But its pretty cheap.
The lid feels a little flimsy and I wouldn't be surprised if people accidentally snapped
it off.
And on the back of the case theres a micro USB port for charging and again sony this
needs to be a USB C port.
Come on.
But heres a problem with the case.
The LED indicator light only shines red when you plug it in, and after awhile the red LED
turns off.
But it doesn't shine white to let you know the case is fully charge and there also isn't
a gauge telling you approximately how much of a charge the case it self has.
And Sony's app which ill get into in a minute only tells you how much battery the ear buds
have, not the case.
And when you put the ear buds in they'll verbally let you know the current state of
their battery level.
But theres no way of telling if the case is charged or dead.
Now when it comes to actually placing the Ear Buds into the case, the ear buds aren't
magnetically aligned… you have to wedge them in.
Which does feel a little unnatural.
Regarding the ear buds themselves they each have a single button.
And its not these big circle things, its these little clear wedges the stick out.
The left one controls your ANC settings and the right one controls your music playback.
So you can play or pause you music or skip a track.
But you cant adjust the volume, so thats ones of the benefits of having and inline controller
like on the SP600N or Powerbeats 3… you have full control of your music playback while
you work out while with fully wireless ear buds you only have partial control with out
having to nag your voice assistant.
Regarding fit, these ear phones go in REALLY deep into your ear cannel and they also form
a very good seal which provide a lot of passive noise isolation.
Both of these ear phones also feature Active Noise Cancelation and ambient sound settings.
But even though I feel Sony currently has the best active noise cancelation on the market,
I don't feel its really worth using on either of these ear buds.
The ANC does block out some sound, but a lot of sound still manages to get in.
But the ambient sound feature is much more useful if you're someone who likes running
or biking on the streets.
Like I just said these ear phones provide a lot of passive noise isolation… but with
Ambient Mode turned on, the ear buds will pump in all of the surrounding sounds and
its like they're not even there so you can still be aware of your surroundings.
Regarding tech specs, both of these earphones are rocking an IPX4 certification and they're
both using bluetooth 4.1.
The Wired SP600N have very little latency so if you're going to watch a video with
them, they're ok.
The SP700N on the other hand have a lot of latency.
The connection doesn't really stutter for me, but these are strictly for listening to
But keep in mind, the left ear bud is the master and right ear bud is the slave.
And when you take phone calls with these ear buds only sound comes out of the left ear
When it comes to battery life, they're not fantastic.
The Wired SP600N can hold a 6 hour charge which should be good for about 2 or 3 workouts
and the truly wireless SP700N can hold up to a 9 hour charge.
But the Ear buds themselves hold a 3 hour charge and the case it self can charge the
ear buds back up two times.
But neither of the headphones have quick charging which I feel is a must these days.
And now lets talk about sound quality… if you think the Powerbeats 3 have a lot of bass…
then these have way more.
And depending on who you ask thats a good or a bad thing.
The Bass is very deep, and its very punchy.
But unfortunately I feel Sony only focused on the bass on these ear buds.
I feel the mids are very shallow and the highs are very tinny.
The highs on both of these earphones are so sharp they constantly pierce your ears so
there not pleasant to listen to.
So basically the music on these earphones is constantly drowned out by the bass.
But if you jump into Sony's headphones app you can select from a few pre made equalizer
But no matter which one I used I found that they all have way to much bass and the highs
still remain tinny.
Personally I found Mellow sounds the best, but unfortunately you cant go in and adjust
the EQ settings to your liking.
You're stuck with the Pre made settings.
Also Sony advertises google assistant integration with these earbuds, but that feature isn't
available yet.
So in the mean times you can summon your voice assistant by pressing and holding the button
on the right ear bud on the 700N or pressing and holding the Play button on the SP600N
So on paper I feel the truly wireless SP700N sound pretty cool but execution wise I think
they fell short.
First off I feel these are bad sounding earphones with way too much bass.
Their carrying case looks nice but needs some major improvements like a more durable lid,
fast charging, and a battery gauge or a multicolored LED to let you know its current battery status.
The SP700N are very light, stay in place very well, and the ambient sound feature is very
useful but I wouldn't pay $180 for them.
The Wired SP600N are a little better, but its kind of hard to recommend them over the
Jaybird X3 or the Powerbeats 3 given than you can get either one of them for less than
the Sony's if you know where to look.
Why some speakers can't understand speakers who understand them - Asymmetric Intelligibility - Duration: 8:32.
If you and I both speak the same language, we can communicate. If we don't, we can't.
Except consider this documentary where they interviewed someone in the Sea Islands off
Georgia. He says ever since radio and TV came to town, our way of speaking just became more
and more American. Now we sound like them, they sound like us. Just one problem: this
interview has subtitles because America, this Gullah speaker understands you perfectly,
but it's not so easy to go the other way.
See, sometimes when languages come together they create this really odd situation, where
it's easy enough for one person to communicate one way but it's much harder in reverse.
Today I want to get animated about that. Including one time I noticed it myself and, even better,
three countries full of people where this kind of asymmetric intelligibility is normal.
Do I finally get to use this one? I've been sitting on it for a year. It felt like such
a NativLang moment. So I'm in the store, standing in line with a handbasket full of what my
friend Javier calls my rabbit food. I'm agonizing over whether or not to put back the nuts.
They were on the pricey side for what you're paying me these days. Enter a fashionable
woman. She glides over to the fancy tea-juice-potion section, the one that's for the $8+ crowd,
not the 5.99 uh that's a little pricey for nuts crowd.
Seconds later, I swear out of nowhere - phwooh - one of the employees is right next to her
unboxing stuff. I hear the eagerness in his voice when he asks, "you need help finding
anything?" She turns and sounds come out of her mouth but no words. Wait, no. She's speaking
Italian! Our selfless helper doesn't flinch. He switches from English on the spot. No momentum
lost. The two exchange a bit of banter, he shows her down an aisle and their voices fade
into the store.
There's something I forgot to mention though, and it's why the moment stuck with me. When
the employee switched, he spoke Spanish... y español con acento caribeño, which I find
quite lovely. Two languages were crossing paths but in a lopsided way. He was clearly
having an easier time helping her than the other way around.
Why? Well, we could come up with reasons. He's eager to help. Maybe he's heard Italian
before. Maybe he's used to juggling languages. In short, motive and opportunity. But one
more factor can come into play in situations like this: the languages themselves.
To see how, let's visit a place where this kind of communication happens every day. This
frozen-looking area at the top of Europe is home to a bunch of languages plus a ton of
dialects, but focus on the Scandinavian "North Germanic" languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish.
For most of us, understanding another language takes study and time. But Scandinavians are
lucky. Their languages are close enough that they can go next door and mostly communicate,
semi-communication style! It's like a triangle. A beautiful triangle of understanding. This
is mutual intelligibility, and it is glorious.
But the triangle isn't evenly balanced. I hear it's much harder to semicommunicate in
Swedish and Danish than it is in Swedish and Norwegian.
And it gets even more unequal in each pair. If you're Danish, Swedish is easier for you
than if you're a Swede hearing Danish. So unfair! It's "asymmetric intelligibility".
Wow, that's a lot of syllables.
We could try to boil this down to, like I said before, motive and opportunity. But what
if it's not the people but the languages themselves that are creating Scandinavia's asymmetry?
How could we tell? Well, the languages are close enough that their grammar and, mostly,
vocabulary don't change much from tongue to tongue. The big difference is in how they
get pronounced. So here how a Swede says Copenhagen: Köpenhamn. Now here's a Dane: København.
Smart people decided to measure this difference with the Levenshtein distance. I'm not your
math teacher or your math channel, but here's the function if you really want to play with it,
in its recursive glory. I'll honestly be doing the same, so we can nerd together. Solidarity.
The results estimate what it takes to transform one word into another, so how far apart cognates
should sound. Danish cognates should be more distant from Swedish than the way Norwegians
say them. Swedish and Danish should be extremes, and Norwegian should settle down
right in the middle.
One of those authors teamed up for another study hoping to do even better using entropy.
Again, not your math teacher here. That's my mom's job, and she rocks at it. Basically,
model the uncertainty Scandinavians feel when they're semicommunicating
and guessing at sounds.
An example. Danish grammatical endings can only have one vowel in them. But their Swedish
cognates can have three. This creates uncertainty for Swedes listening to Danish. So, using
conditional entropy, just how uncertain is Swedish given Danish? How intelligible is
that intelligibility?
Calculating with a bunch of cognates, it looks like Danish to Swedish should be more complicated,
higher conditional entropy, than Swedish to Danish. Swedish and Norwegian are lower, but
we expect more of a challenge going from Norwegian to Swedish than the other way. Denmark should
understand Norway better than vice versa. Really, Danes should get everyone better than
they get the Danes.
Danish does have a reputation for being the tricky one. We could do a whole animated tangent
on Danish's very evolved sounds, but, here, one more time: kʰøb̥m̩ˈhɑʊ̯ˀn.
Enough said.
So now we have numbers guessing what intelligibility should be. What happens if we invite real
speakers in for a real test? Ask Scandinavians who use one of the languages at home to listen
to a reading in another language, then quiz them. How well did they understand? Did high
entropy predict low intelligibility?
Let's see. Danes have an easier time understanding Swedes than vice versa. Check! Norwegians
and Swedes understand each other better. Perfect! Except, wait... why are Norwegian speakers
having such an easy time with Danish? I'm reading that right? Yeah. Danish should be
hard for Norwegians, but these results makes it look like Norwegians understand everything
better than everyone.
Hhh, why? Well, researchers speculate. I'll have to leave it a mystery this time, but
the reasons probably bring us back to motive and opportunity.
These three factors make asymmetric intelligibility happen not just in Scandinavia but around
the world. Written Estonian looks more like Finnish to Finns than written Finnish does
to Estonians. Lao and Thai are close, but you Lao speakers out there have a leg up,
possibly thanks to Thai soap operas and magazines. Jamaican Patwah speakers understand English,
but the reverse is notoriously vexing. And my amazing patrons pointed out Québec French
for Parisians, Romanian for Italians and Spanish for many kids in the US.
So the next time you can't understand someone who understands you, it might be because they're
motivated. Maybe they want to help a well-dressed Italian. It could be exposure: they've met
your words before, like Gullah. But, most intriguing of all, it may be because something
about your language tilts the odds in their favor.
Just because you don't understand someone, it's no guarantee they can't understand you.
Thanks to my patrons for voting for this and for keeping the channel's heart beating and
tongue talking. Oh, let me know if you have any asymmetric intelligibility stories of
your own. I'm collecting any good ones. And stick around and subscribe for language.
ABDUCTIONS! Can Aliens really abduct you? - Duration: 16:15.
You Can See This HUGE Asteroid Close To Earth - Duration: 2:47.
Apparently, there's a really really big asteroid close to earth right now, and its so big that
you can see it with the eye.
This asteroid is one of the biggest in the solar system that we know of, and I'm going
to tell you all about it, right now on IO.
Welcome back to IO where we like to scare the out of you with videos about terrifying
I'm Charlotte Dobre.
Its time to grab your boo and go stargazing on a rooftop, cuz there's a really big asteroid
close to earth right now.
Before I get into this video, tell me in the comments below, if you could name a planet,
what would you name it and why.
I'm going to introduce you to Vesta, the asteroid that is so big, its actually classified
as a protoplanet.
She's named after the roman goddess of the household and the hearth.
Vesta was discovered in 1908 by German astronomer Heinrich Wilheim Olbers.
Vestas discovery marked the 4th ever asteroid discovered by scientists on earth.
Vesta is the second biggest object in the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter, The
biggest, in case you're wondering, is the dwarf planet ceres.
Vesta is 570 kilometers or 355 miles across.
That's three times bigger than the united kingdom, and its 50 times wider than the asteroid
that off the dinosaurs.
It's travelling at a speed of 43 thousand miles per hour.
now, it's the closest its been to earth in over two decades, the last time it was
this close to us it was 2007.
Back in 2011, NASA studied vesta up close with the dawn spacecraft.
On June 19th, 2018, it passed by earth at distance of 170.6 million kilometers, or 106
million miles.
And when its this close, we can actually see it without a telescope or binoculars, just
with the eye.
So for all you star gazers out there who wanna catch a glimpse of her, where can you find
She's hanging out in the constellation of Sagittarius.
If you're in the northern hemisphere, its in the southeast portion of the sky.
If you're in the southern hemisphere.
Its a lot higher in the sky.
If you know where Saturn is, its just east of it.
You should be able to see vesta with the eye for the until july 16th, but if you want
a really good look at it, take out a pair of binoculars or a telescope.
Without binoculars or a telescope, vesta is just going to look like a dim yellow dot in
the night sky.
Cracky animations – why is this the best news.
Why are you the best potato.
Terrorbear – you save me from depression.
Aw, well if its any consolation, you guys save me from depression too.
Fangirl22 – what happens if we find out where charlotte lives and then the next day
potatoes are out her door.
I mean I probably wouldn't be mad, I would invite you in.
James g – I accidentally swallowed a stethoscope.
U better get that checked out bro.
The video is over, thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed it, make sure you show us some love by smashing the thumbs up and subscribing
to IO for all your news.
If you wanna stay on this channel, make sure you check out this video, or this playlist.
And if you're on social media, definitely follow us, our links are posted in the description.
That's it for me and ill see you in the next IO video.
50 MORE Things A Dummy Can't Do! - Duration: 7:22.
50 more things a dummy can't do!
Peel a banana
Brush his teeth
Take a selfie
Pour a bowl of cereal
Take a shower!
Make slime!
Support his own weight
Wash his hands
Eat candy
Taking out the garbage
Assemble a LEGO set
Make a cup of coffee
Send a text message
Ride a skateboard
Sweeping the floor
Riding a pogo stick
Play with a fidget spinner
Do a handstand
Close a door behind him
Riding a scooter
Operate a remote control
Do the dishes
Eat in the dining room
Cleaning up the newspaper
Edit a video
Feeding the dog
Deliver a fragile package
Play video games
Dodging a ball
Lose at a staring contest...dang it!
Put on a shirt
Take off a shirt
Going on a vacation
Having any sense of balance
Solving a Rubik's Cube
Tying his shoes
Turning off a light switch
Do gymnastics
Repair a hole in the drywall
Walking the dog
Sit on the floor
Telling a joke
Reading the mail
Drawing a sketch
Truth be told, he did fly pretty well
Hey guys did you like this video
Do you have any more ideas of what we could do with a dummy?
Don't forget to like comment and subscribe
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We post new pictures videos and stories every day
Join us right here on Babyteeth More
Every Wednesday for our Live Show
And remember, don't be a dummy, subscribe!
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