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Instagram: 400 Million Use 'Stories' Feature Every Day - Duration: 0:25.-------------------------------------------
IGTV New Round for Instagram Users? - Duration: 6:33.what's up guys welcome back to my channel and
in this video slightly different than usual
i don't give tutorial but this video is
only my opinion about IGTV or
because instagram tv right now
trend to discussed, these several days
IGTV launching
so this my opinion which I have
to spend in video form
ok like that, back to main topic
so it matches this title, What
IGTV is able to bring our instagram to the
next level? or upgrade our level
in instagram user, so my answer
Absolutely Yes, so my answer
yes, Why is that? we know
instagram is the biggest platform digital photography
right now, and with the latest platform
called IGTV, you know
the content on IGTV are all videos
so if you want make channel on IGTV
you must learn about videography
like that, I mean about Instagram tv
can bring the next level, that is
we can get
the new skill
that's what keeps our level going up here
so we get the new skill , besides
having photography skill, now you also
videography skill, learn about
video shooting process
camera setting/ video setting
lighting, and also
learn about process editing video
it's the thing that needs to be prepared in making the video
this makes the IGTV is able to give our
instagram to the next level
ok IGTV also is a biggest market or
opportunities for you
digital influencers, there are rumors
right or not, in IGTV
our videos can be monetized
ya the similar on youtube
our video can be monetized like that
which mean, sorry if you do not know yet
our video can be filled advertisement
automatic here you can make money
of the content we create on IGTV
if it is true that our videos can be monetized here
this is a great thing,
to earn an income
if you have channel on youtube
and in IGTV all of this
therefore this is a great opportunity
for you and why not to try
just wait for the future
the importance ,
work to start
to create quality videos
not enough with
one scene but
collect some footage and edit
merge into one video
things to be prepared for making videos
first a recording device
as camera dslr,
camera mobile
just a tool or media to record video
so you can making video
ok the next off course
we go to process editing
we can use PC, laptop, mobile
which specifications support for editing
from my experience
I have used a computer that is not adequate
for editing, this is very inhibiting
on editing video
especially in rendering the process is very heavy
requires higher computer performance
after editing,
when rendering crashes
and start again in beginning
make me frustrating
no matter what tool you use
the importance
in process editing,
the formula is all there
for software editing to many software you can use
Determine your editing software from now on
because it will affect the next habits
i recommend like on PC
is Adobe premiere pro
next Final Cut Pro
for Mac user
next Sonny Vegas
can use on windows or PC
and in mobile device if in Android
like Kine Master, in iPhone
like iMovie
and adobe premiere is available on mobile
is called Adobe Clip
it is an
example of some editing software that you can use
and choose from now
for maximum knowledge
like me
i use Adobe premiere pro
so I continued to deepen it
we are more accustomed and proficient
in one software
so much about IGTV this time
certainly not just
be the audience only
please you are also free to be a creator
which will bring your career to success
please support me so this channel can growing
like and subscribe if you already yet
and don;t forget hit the bell bottom
so you can get notification
when i post new video
Instagram TV : une révolution ? - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Instagram Hacks - Get More Engagement, Untag & More! - Duration: 5:58.- Hi guys, I know it's not Hard Facts Friday,
but I've been getting a lot of FAQs
based on the recent Hard Facts episodes covering Instagram.
And there are a ton of Instagram hacks out there,
and I'd like to share a couple of them with you today.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is,
"How do I make sure I'm not tagged in things?
"I want nobody to see."
I mean, I don't know about you,
but I feel like my friends post the pictures,
and they look great in it, and I'm like,
That's the best you got?
So, I've gone through and untagged myself
in some things nobody needs to see.
And here's how you can do it too.
Head over to your profile,
and you want to make sure to tap
the section of your photos that appear
that you've been tagged in.
When you do so, tap on the picture that you want to edit.
Tap again, and you'll see the tags pop up.
Now click on your tag.
Now you'll see a window pop open
that gives you a few different options.
You'll want to untag yourself and voila,
you're no longer going to see
those photos appear in your feed.
Everybody wants more, more, more,
and I would recommend you only focus
on one more, more engagement.
Because more followers are great,
but if they're not engaged, it serves you zero point.
It serves you zero benefit.
So, taking a look at some ways to do that,
according to Sprout Social,
including a handle in your Instagram comments
will increase your engagement 56%.
So, that's a lot, increasing engagement by 56%.
I'll take it.
So, think about how you can partner with
other brands, other people,
include the products in your photos or your videos,
to be able to leverage their audience and drive engagement.
The other thing here as well,
is you can increase engagement
over 70% by including geotags.
And here you're going to want to think about
how micro you make it, depending on
what type of content you're putting out there,
or what kind of location you're in.
So, if you're going to geotag all of your content,
instead of geotagging at our office at Protratz,
which I do from time-to-time,
I might be better off tagging it for the New York area,
where I'm going to be able to
expand my reach and audience by doing so.
Another Instagram hack is in regards to your filters.
So, I don't know about you,
but there's a couple that I use
more frequently than anything else.
I find that I'm always tapping all of them,
but still revert back to my favorites.
Did you know that you can reorder your filters
for preference, and even turn other filters off?
What you'll want to do is go where you edit photos,
and see the filters on the bottom.
Slide all the way over, and you can click manage filters.
Here you'll see the screen pop up where
you can actually deselect filters, or reorder them.
So now instead of having to play 24/7
when you're ready to do a new photo,
you can just pick your preference.
And talking about colors and filters in photos,
did you know that photos that are predominant blue
receive 20% more engagement compared to others?
Now, if you don't believe me,
take a look at Kaylea Nixon and the Nixon Pack.
They have a beautiful Instagram page,
and one thing you'll notice is most of it is blue.
Now whether that was a cognitive decision
or her favorite color, I'm not quite sure,
but it shows in the audience
and engagement she's able to receive.
And when you're thinking about
setting up your profile, creating your audience,
and having a conversation with them,
one question I've gotten asked a lot lately is,
"How did you get your Instagram description
"to have the spaces and the icons?"
So head over to your computer and go over to settings,
and you'll be able to see all of the areas
that you can completely fill out.
And I find it's easiest to be able
to set up your description here,
because there's such a limited options for customization
that really all you're able to do
is hit return a couple times,
or add a couple space bars,
or add in a few emojis.
But emojis are a great way
to draw people's eye to content,
as well as signal what that information is going to mean.
Because for example, a camera
usually means a video, or a photo,
whereas a pen means you're writing something or a blog.
And a mountain, well, hey, that could mean
you like to hike, right?
So, another question I get often is
"What about highlights, should I use 'em,
"how should I use 'em?"
And quite honestly, you want to think about
who your intended audience is,
and the value you're providing them,
then to make sure your highlights kind of match that.
But, also use it as an opportunity
to show part of who you are
and what you do aside from work.
And what I mean by that is,
if you take a look at my highlights reel,
that only is the things like conferences
I've spoken at, quick tips
from Hard Facts or What's Trending,
but it also has some of my passions in it,
like total archery challenge,
and things I'm doing on the weekends
because I'm a lot more than just Hard Facts here.
So one thing to think about
is when you're posting to your highlight reel,
it is chronological.
So although you can reach archived photos,
or, excuse me, stories, you are going to want to
think about how you're telling the story
as people are clicking through them.
So, if you create a highlight reel from your story,
you click on the little plus button,
and add it to highlights,
you create a naming convention,
you will be limited on characters here,
so you may have to make some abbreviations.
In addition to that, you can set a cover photo.
It will default, but you can update that.
And it can be any photo in your highlight reel.
So that's a bonus there that you'll be able to
make sure that that cover photo communicates
what the highlights are about,
especially if you're using an acronym
in the naming convention,
that photo is going to be incredibly important.
And what I like here, too, is because
you can change this out from time to time.
So for example, if you have a highlight reel
of your food, or your cooking,
and you want to make sure you're keeping it up to date,
but there are some tried and true loved recipes,
you can make sure that it has
as many little bubbles as you want on the top.
But you can also periodically reference things
from the past and pop them on your highlight reel.
So you can use things you previously posted,
which is a great way to still make sure
that the content is fresh.
Reiterate it on your stories,
and you direct them to your highlights reel
to re-engage them.
So those are just a few of the Instagram hacks
and answers to your FAQs.
I hope you'll find this video incredibly helpful
and, if you have a topic, strategy or question
regarding digital marketing, social media
or how you can manage and improve your team,
comment below, shoot me an email,
or direct message me.
I'd love to hear more from you,
and feature your question, comment or topic
in an upcoming episode of Hard Facts.
(upbeat music)
WORLDSIGN | Instagram IGTV, Indonesian Ferry Sink, Koko Gorilla Died, Use of Weed and more news - Duration: 24:26.Georgia: Turkey president wins reelection
after 15 years as prime minister
-The Turkey electoral board announced
prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
has been elected as the first
president of Turkey on Monday.
Erdogan won 52% of the ballots and
will gain executive powers with
greater decision making that requires
less approvals from the parliament.
As a result of a constitutional
referendum held by the Turkish people
last year, this new executive
presidential system was approved
which also gives Erdogan complete
decision making in appointing
ministers and officials, issuing
decrees, preparing budget, and
determining security policies.
-Erdogan declared a state of
emergency in 2016 after a failed coup
by Kurdish rebels. He has been
accused of attempting to become
one-man rule, but he is loved and
respected by his supporters. His win
could possibly weaken diplomatic and
economic relations with the
country's Western allies, who had
expressed concerns about the
country's weakening democratic
system. But the Turkish people
elected him because of his economic
policies that brought prosperity and
stability, and electoral promises to
making Turkey one of the world's top
10 economies by 2023, when the
country celebrates its Turkish
Republic marks its 100th anniversary.
Now, let's go to next story.
Alessio: Victims missing after
Indonesian ferry sinks
-An Indonesian ferry transporting
approximately 200 people sank near
the island of Sumatra last week.
Eighteen people survived, including
the captain, and 184 are missing. For
one week following the sinking,
search and rescue teams tried to find
bodies in the lake which is 1,600
feet deep but divers could only dive
up to 160 feet deep. Many of the
victims are believed to be trapped inside the ferry.
-The location of the ferry was found
last Monday, with sonar equipment.
Officials said it will take days to
"recover the wreck", and need
international help. Hundreds of
family members of the missing
remained are angry that "hardly any
bodies have been recovered" but
officials said they are limited by
their resources but would continue
the search. The ferry captain has
been charged on suspicion of negligence.
Georgia: Iranian protests over economic problems
-Thousands of Iranian demonstrators
rallied for the third day at the
Grand Bazaar in the Iran capital city
of Tehran on Tuesday to protest the
hyperinflation of its national
currency, the rial. The value of rial
dropped to 90,000, equivalent to $1
USD, from a previous level of 45,000
which is a 50% drop. After the
United States pulled out of the
nuclear agreement with Iran,
international firms also started to
withdraw to avoid sanctions from the
U.S. As result, this has weakened
Iran's competition in the global market.
-Protesters confronted riot police
the day before. Police unleashed tear
gas and arrested some protesters.
While it is unclear who were leading
these protests, some observers
believe that citizens who oppose
President Hassan Rouhani's economic
policies were behind it. Rouhani,
however, blames the current financial
difficulties on U.S., warning his
people there may be an "economic war" with U.S.
Now, let's go to next story.
Alessio: Death of Koko, among Apes who Signed
-Koko, who became famous as an ape
that learned and used sign language,
died in his sleep on June 19. He was
46 years old. Born at San Francisco
Zoo in USA in 1971, Koko reportedly
knew over 1,000 signs! Weighing 280
pounds (127 kilograms), Koko was
gentle, liked to fuss over pet cats,
and watch movies and TV.
He was, however not the only ape to
communicate in sign language!
Michael, who grew up with Koko
also learned to sign.
Koko was a gorilla. There are
different species of apes that can
sign. Let's take a look at other apes.
-This is Viki, a chimpanzee in the
U.S. who lived up to 7 years old.
-Washoe, also a chimpanzee, in the
U.S. who died in 2007 at 42 years
old. Washoe's adopted son Louis also
learned from his mother to sign!
-Chantek is an Orangutan in the U.S.
who learned 150 signs. After the
research project ended, Chantek still
remembered to sign whenever his
former caretaker Lyn visited him.
He died at 39 years old.
Scientists say that human and chimp
DNA is closely related as both
descended from a single ancestor
species around six or seven million
years ago. Over time, the DNA of
each have slowly changed.
Georgia: Deaf Call Centres
-Many businesses around the world
have call centres for their customer
services or technical supports.
Communication Service of the Deaf
(CSD) in the USA state of Texas has
created "ConnectDirect", a service
that helps businesses provide
customer service in sign language.
ConnectDirect would become a sign
language call center and can be
contracted by call centers. More
recently AnswerNet, who operates over
25 contact centers in USA and
Canada, announced they had contracted
with ConnectDirect to offer sign
language customer support.
-ConnectDirect says "AnswerNet can
provide instant video chat services
with deaf or hard of hearing call
center agents who can speak to
consumers through American Sign
Language (ASL).Other call centers in
India and Saudi Arabia are also
offering sign language support
services. The Roads and Transport
Authority (RTA) in Dubai, for
example, is offering video chat in
sign language for Arabic speakers.
Now, let's go to next story.
Alessio: Struggle for Unlimited Data Plan
An online petition in USA to allow
unlimited data access for the deaf
customers held in 2014 got support
from 11,867 people. Nowadays,
according to a news report, all major
USA wireless providers offer
unlimited data plans. Deaf people
consume greater volume of data on
their mobile plan due to their
greater use of video apps for
communication. This puts them at a
disadvantage especially when most
mobile plans include voice minutes
that they often do not use at all.
The most expensive countries cited in
the report is Canada, Belgium,
Germany, Czech Republic, and the
Netherlands.The definition of an
ideal "unlimited data only plan" is
muddy: generally data refers to
emails and Internet access. Deaf
people also find sending text
messages, also called "SMS", but
texting may require a voice number -
which a data plan does not always
include. Deaf Communities across the
world need to unite on what an ideal
Data plan is, and educate data
providers of the need to provide
uniform data plans with greater
provision for data in place of voice minutes.
Georgia: Instagram Introduces IGTV
-Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom has
announced IGTV, a new video service
that can play videos for up to 10
minutes for most users, or up to
1 hour for larger IGTV customers.
-The goal of IGTV is to attract young
audiences by giving more flexibility
for users and will generate revenues
through online ads similar to
YouTube. YouTube celebrities with
millions of followers will then be
able to consider switching to
Instagram. IGTV will show vertical
video to appear on entire screen of
smartphones, as opposed to YouTube
videos which requires the phone
to be tilted horizontally.
Now, let's go to next story.
Alessio: Use of Marijuana
-Canada has become the third country
to legalize use of marijuana.
Marijuana is a drug usually smoked as
a cigarette (joint), and it takes a
few minutes for the effects to be felt.
There are several different way to use marijuana.
-Edible - marijuana can also be
eaten. There are food products
infused with marijuana - brownies
being a popular one. Any food product
could be infused with marijuana and
eaten, and there is also marijuana-
infused cooking oil for frying or
searing food. For eating, effect may
take between one to three hours.
-Vaping - Inhaling smoke of burning
dried leaves in the lungs is still
harmful to the body so smoking
marijuana has same harmful effect as
cigarettes, but cannabis vaporizers
have been designed to inhale without
harmful smoke toxins as it heats
cannabis without creating smoke.
-Oil - An alternative option,
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an edible liquid
oil often used as medication. There
are CBD oil for dogs, in health
drinks, pill form for medicating,
body oil, and other applications. It
is debatable whether cannabidiol has health benefits.
-Thank you for watching WorldSign Week,
visit H3WORLD.TV for more shows,
all in International Sign.
See you next week.
free instagram followers | how to get free instagram followers | how to get followers fast 2018 - Duration: instagram followers | how to get free instagram followers | how to get followers fast 2018
Edit Vertical Videos - New Instagram TV - Duration: 10:54.I honestly can not believe that I at final is making a video about how
edit vertical videos I can not believe because I've always criticized a lot
that format the fault of all this the has Instagram and its fashion to include the
vertical video in their stories and from very recently on Instagram TV
although to me personally I do not I really like vertical videos if I've
to recognize that in social networks they work since it is a format that is
thought to be reproduced exclusively on a mobile without having to
rotate it what makes it a very product Easy to play and record in
any moment. As each day they climb many videos to social networks is
necessary if you want your video vertical stands out from others that or
either have a very original content or that your edition manages to capture the attention
of the spectator. In this video we will see how to edit them in Adobe Premiere how
create a vertical sequence how save that configuration to be able to
use in future video projects verticals and how to export it are you
The first thing we will see is how to create a vertical video sequence that
have the exact size for it once open premiere we're going to file -
new - sequence opens the window of new sequence with the settings that
we use in our last production in presets of sequences of
moment to date you are not going to find any preset for videos
vertical so we're going to have to adjust
and create it manually to adjust a sequence manually we go to the
Adjustment tab in edit mode we have selected the mode we use
in our previous edition in my case AVCHD 1080p how are we going
perform a custom configuration in this section we select the option
customize on time basis we select the frames per second
of the sequence that we are going to configure the normal values are 25 frames per
second or 30 depending on whether your camera or mobile I record at 25 or 30 frames and I
I'll leave at 25 frames per second in the video section is where we are going to
include the size of the sequence in size of the
frame I have by default 1920 x 1080 and this makes an aspect ratio
16: 9 the format that Instagram TV uses has a 9:16 ratio so what
The only thing we have to do is invest these values to the horizontal pixels
we assign it the value of 1080 and vertical 1920s and as you can see the
Aspect ratio has changed and now It's 9:16 the other adjustments we'll leave
as they are but before closing the window so as not to have to go back to
perform this configuration every time let's go make a vertical video
let's create a preset or adjustment preset for it we click on the
save button preset we assign a name for example "video
vertical Instagram "and press accept from this way the next time we go to
create a vertical video in the tab to presets in the folder
personalized we will find our preset
we select that adjustment and press accept as you can see you already have the
size of the sequence set in the panel program ready to create your new
video, then let's see how edit the videos depending on how
be the size of the material that we are going to use if the videos that you are going to import into
program to edit it have been recorded on a mobile or camera vertically
when you include them in the sequence you are not going to have to modify its appearance. I will
include a video to the timeline vertically recorded, Premiere is going to
give a notice of discrepancy since even if you have placed the phone or camera
vertically Premiere does not know and warns you through this message of the
two options we always choose to keep the existing settings the video that
we take to the timeline as you can see perfectly occupies all the
size of the frame if on the contrary we would have recorded it at a resolution
minor would not occupy all the space. I will take a video to the timeline
recorded at a lower resolution as you see does not occupy all the space in this case
its scale will have to be increased we select the clip we go to controls
of effect and we increase scale up make it match the size of the
sequence from here everything is exactly the same as when
we edit a horizontal video we add the videos to the sequence applying the same effects
that we have been learning in the videos previous, transitions, audio, text in
The only thing that changes is the size of the sequence let's see now what
happens when we add a video that is has recorded horizontally
Premiere warns us again that the clip settings that we are going to include not
match the settings of the sequence and as before we click on
keep the existing settings as was of waiting the video does not fit with the
size of the sequence and we will have to modify its scale if we want it to be
see completely will have to do match your horizontal size with the
horizontal size of the sequence for we select the clip and in the panel
effect controls we decrease scale until both limits match
horizontals this is the only way to to be able to show completely all
frame of a horizontal video in a vertical sequence can lower it or
upload it using position property but if you do not want to lose any part
of the video this is the only way if you decide to use this option and you do not like it
leave so much black space you can fill that space with other elements
You can include another text background color logo in short create a composition
that is attractive and adds value to video
one option that is often used a lot is the to include the same video as the background
we are seeing but out of focus for perform this effect we duplicate the clip
using for example the keyboard shortcut alt and drag
in the video edit faster with shortcuts of keyboard I show you the 22 shortcuts of
keyboard that I usually use more once that we have doubled it we put it
making it match in time but in different video tracks to the clip
that is in the lower track what we scale so that it occupies all the size
of the frame and once we have it scaled it
we apply a blur for it we go to the video effect effect panel and in the
Tray blur and focus we select Gaussian blur and
we apply it to the track clip lower in the effect options you
we add blur until we're left a result that we like
if you use horizontal videos and you want that occupy the entire screen is necessary
scale them using the scale property and choose the frame that best suits us
agree using the property position of this way we can go adjusting each
clip that we are importing to the line of time
once adjusted perform the edition as always including transitions
music text in short what we are go happening
having to climb and choose the frame the videos to fit them in
the size of the sequence are open to us many possibilities in terms of power
apply false camera movements this would be done in the same way as
we saw in the video how to create fakes camera movements in this example
I'm going to create a camera movement this video for it at this point
initial I will create a keyframe with this position by pressing on the stopwatch
animation then I take the playback head at the end of
clip and I'm going to vary the position of this moving it to the right creating the
second keyframe if we now reproduce it we will have created a panning movement
horizontal to our video clip
once the edition is over we are going to export the vertical video for it with
the selected timeline click on file -
- export and half the window opens of export settings in format
we chose h264 for its compatibility with all social networks in adjustment
preset we select match with high bitrate origin in
exit name we assign you in the save the name of the video
for example "timelapse new york" and we select where we want
Premiere save it for example in "documents" by pressing to end in
save in the video options we will leave everything as it is in the
codec speed adjustment options I recommend a speed of 16 Mbps depending on the time you have to wait for the
depending on time you have to wait for the
export you can choose a VBR coding of a pass or two
passes in the case of choosing two passes on video will take a little longer to export
because Premiere will analyze the video in two passed to better adjust the speed
of the codec in each frame of the video if you choose to be coded in two passes
gives the option to add once the maximum I usually adjust that speed
at 18 when I'm going to upload a video to a social network. Now, if you have a
File size limit you can go modifying these values
until you get the desired size you have more information on this subject in the
video "how to reduce the weight of a video" once we have finished adjusting
the export parameters we press in export and coding will begin
of our video to upload it to the social network we can
do directly from the computer or from the mobile if we are going to do it from
the mobile phone we have before take the video that we have created to
mobile device using the method that Normally use, by cable by bluetooth
going up to the cloud if you're going to do it directly from the computer is so
easy as going to the network page social in this case I will go to my account
of instagram and to publish it in instagram tv we go to the IGTV tab to
the right as you see you have a button to upload the new video we press it and it
we open the upload options we drag the video to the area with
the "+" sign or press directly over the "+" symbol to choose the
video we select it and press select you just have to fill in the information
choose the cover and click on publish. Well I hope as always this video
on how to create vertical videos has been helpful if it's been like that
forget to leave a like and as always I say I would love to be able to read your greeting
or your comment about the video you think that this fashion of creating vertical videos
will succeed or on the contrary it will be a Faster fashion, subscribe to the channel if you
like its content and if you want continue this adventure by my side a
hug and see you in the next video
Yo! #020 - New Yo! Website, Dribbble Hiring Platform, Free Instagram Stories Kit - Duration: 6:50.Yo! friends, its Rob from One Page Love and this week I'm covering a new Yo! website,
Dribbble new hiring platform, Instagram Story Templates and more in the design
and development space. So welcome to Yo! #020........ Yo! 2 - 0
Yo! South Korea - Germany... Two quick announcements the Yo! website is live at but it's only got the last two episodes I completely
underestimated that since you're one I've covered over 300 news stories so
I'll spend the weekend and buy your 21 that'll all be live and secondly have
started a real low production coffee vlog where I just find a different
coffee spot around Cape Town every week I speak about what I've been building
what I'm looking forward to and I want to encourage friends and other makers to
do the same if you can low production just so we can follow each other and
stay motivated big love to the show sponsor flywheel managed wordpress
hosting once your site is up they take care of everything from Nike backup
speed optimization security and more just a routine reminder everything I
mention is a link below so sit back relax and enjoy the show
for years now trouble has been struggling to connect brands with their
platforms plethora of talents in their latest effort they offer multiple
premium tiers for brands to try better engage with designers the pricing ranges
from $49 per month for 10 messages to $200 per month for unlimited
interactions and advanced filters so when you paste lorem ipsum dummy text
into your mock-ups you can't deny it weakens the realism of a design this is
why the team over at boom online have created a lorem ipsum text generator
with a twist you start by entering in a topic and
it's skims Wikipedia to generate realistic paragraph text to strengthen
your proof design Pablo Stanley has put together this a
neat one pager with useful keyboard shortcuts for envision studio it's
pretty straightforward and exactly how we'd like it but if you want to laugh
check out his promo video link below for the resource with a sea of subpar stock
photography sites out there our show sponsor flywheel managed wordpress
hosting have curated the best free stock photo sites in 2018 the roundup covers
overall quality of the images ease-of-use and image use guidelines so
before you head out on your next Harrow image quests give the article 5 minutes
and I promise it'll save you time and a final little shout out to the simple but
useful drawing zone online tool you just choose your color and brushstroke then
sketch your mock-up to download a perfect quick addition to a body of text
to clarify your concept
the gang at HTML stream have launched their flagship bootstrap for UI kit
fittingly named stream heads-up you have to sign up for a free account to
download but once you're in it's open source and honor MIT license this kid is
clean and particularly handy for devs with average design skills and wants a
clean presence for the MVP launch your regular pair borgin has published a new
course on his scramble platform covering how to build a chat app with react ojs
and chat kits the free course consists of 17 interactive lessons with 5
challenges in which you'll have to edit the code yourself as you progress and a
quick final shout out to chris Koya who updated or you could say minified the
CSS tricks tutorial on how to center an element horizontally and vertically in a
our first most-loved award from one peddler calm is this beautifully
arranged case study in a one-pager representing the gorgeous new UEFA
Champions League branding the super long scrolling site showcases their new
opening titles european night sky color palette champions typeface motion
graphics studio designs merchandise and more second up is this beautifully
designed landing page for Vox vertical Village a new residential building and
Romania the single page website features subtle parallax scrolling affects
quality big imagery good whitespace and stunning typography lastly as this
awesome campaign by Strava for their give kudos hashtag campaign the long
scrolling one page of features and neat animations when hovering over intro
images an interactive kudos generator and of course a curated feed of images
using the give kudos hashtag
this week's freebie on creative market is this natural-looking handwritten
script font could call jeff the typeface comes with numbers and punctuation z'
including stylistic and contextual alternatives the team over at nice very
nice or giving away these great looking Instagram story templates to integrate
with your own products the download consists of twelve retina optimized
layouts for photoshop and sketch also on creative market this week is this badges
and banners kit containing a hundred and twenty badges sixty nine banners and
eleven cool pre-made logos great for stamps sports Kress or vintage branding
and last but not least our coney fonts are giving away fifty two lovely little
shopping icons in PNG and SVG formats
that's it for yo 20 just a final shout out to this week's show sponsor flywheel
managed wordpress hosting if you enjoyed this episode hit that like button if you
dig what I'm doing why don't hit subscribe and I'll see you next
Dagis Schwester Leni Mariee weint auf Instagram! - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Drake Unveils Tracklist For His Double-Album 'Scorpion' on Instagram | Billboard News - Duration: 1:36.With anticipation building for the release of Drake's fifth studio album Scorpion,
Drizzy set the Internet ablaze this afternoon when he unveiled the tracklist
for his forthcoming project on Instagram.
As you can see here... Scorpion will in fact be a double album, with the "A SIDE" carrying
12 tracks and the "B SIDE" clocked in at 13. Though the one glaring piece of information
that's missing from the 25-track album is that there seem to be no features.
Earlier this month, several billboards in Toronto with texts reading "Side A/Side B" left
fans dumbfounded, as many wondered if Drake would be aiming
to release a double album.
On Wednesday, Mal, a co-host of The Joe Budden Podcast -- who has strong ties to OVO
-- indicated that Drake's Scorpion was going to be a double album.
According to the podcaster, he said that one side is catered to R&B
while the other is geared towards rap.
So far, Drake has released three singles from Scorpion, including "I'm Upset,"
Nice For What," and "God's Plan," with the last two tracks both topping
the Billboard Hot 100 respectively.
Alright you guys, I got to know! How pumped are your for Drake's new album?
Do you think he'll address the Pusha T drama, and the baby mama drama?
That is the big question. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and until next time,
for Billboard News, I'm Chelsea Briggs.
I Copied Lisa Marie Schiffner's Instagram for a Week!! - Duration: 23:19.Hi guys! It's Doreen and welcome back to my channel! I've been waiting so long to
do this video and I'm super excited that I finally get to film it. And the reason
why is because this video took a really long time to make. That is because
I've been following this kind of challenge video that's been going around
on YouTube. I'm sure some of you guys have seen it but I wanted to do somebody
like copy somebody's photo that I haven't seen being done before like I've
seen a lot of Kylie Jenner and a lot of like SuperDuper famous people so I
wanted to do something a little different.
I've been watching a lot of these videos and a lot of people they put a lot of
effort into it and I said that if I was gonna do this I was going to go all-out.
So there's this youtuber / Instagram type of model that I've been following
recently and her name is Lisa-Marie Schiffner I believe that's how you pronounce her last
name. She is German and she has I think around like maybe 800,000
followers on Instagram. So she's pretty significant she has I think around
200,000 subscribers on YouTube and around 1.2 million on musically so
that's really what she's known for. She posts really positive videos and just
very happy photos and very unique photos as well and her edits are absolutely
amazing so I wanted to try to recreate that there was a lot of similar clothes
that we had. I went through her Instagram and just chose photos that
wouldn't be too difficult for me to recreate so there's no particular order
in these photos this is just what I chose and I'm not gonna ramble on too
much but let's just get right into this video
so the first photo I chose was this bath photo with a whole bunch of flowers and
honestly this one was really really difficult for me to recreate I think
it's probably one of the hardest ones and it was also the first one that I
tried I think that we pretty much nailed it though but the main issue was for me
is that I had a lot of hard time just because my head needs to be under water
while my face was above water and that included my ears being in the water so I
couldn't really hear Alexander giving me direction I just had to sit very still
and it was also very difficult because if the water wasn't completely still
then the flowers would keep moving around so always Alexander had to
readjust them hi guys so we're taking the underwater photo and I'm excited for
all the flowers are you starting to bring them I got these flowers from the
flower market or something in downtown Los Angeles and they were really cheap
and they're dying because we were wasting a lot of things there's some
white roses and I Ketan kidding she's not gonna be in that video and in this
photo sorry nothing yet I don't have any tube tops I did but I didn't think I
needed it so I gave it away a long time ago but I'm just gonna use this black
shirt and then fold it so it's just gonna be covering my upper chest area
and then we have the box a bowl full of what the ring why are you here Philip
Alexander is gonna get in the tub with me to take the photos with the car
already top swimsuit bottoms so I'm super-excited to set this one up to
move very interesting and let's get right into the photos but war should be
until here most of my ears are and I can't hear anything
I see water should be in until they're
just so weird keep the way you are right now and I'll
put your hands I'll just put your body varus but keep your hands like this and
don't move okay okay
these are all out of the water yet think so good
overall I think that I give this photo a 10 out of 10 just because of the
difficulty level and I honestly think it looks really accurate when you look at
the side-by-side comparison obviously if I wanted to look exactly a hundred
percent like hers like contacts everything I would have honestly just
took her photo and posted as mine and that's not the point of this challenge
this challenge is to try to create a photo as much as you can and the best to
your ability the next photo I did I actually filmed it and did the photo
twice but the first time it just was going through all the photos and I was
not happy with a single one of them so I decided to come back and redo it again
and the hardest part about this photo was getting the pose correct because for
one she's a lot skinnier than I am and honestly going through this challenge I
was feeling very self-conscious about my body and honestly like taking these
photos I wouldn't have post to them other than for this challenge and a lot
of them I wasn't the most happy with but at the same time I still said okay I
still want to post it and not gonna felt pretty good for me too even though I
wasn't the most popular fit I still posted it anyways
so we are here and in a beautiful hidden hello of Calabasas California bring me
filming the bench picture this is my outfit of the day I got it from fashion
OVA I got some New Balance shoes and some black socks that Alexander gave
me I just put you painted my nails blue you guys can see beautiful beautiful and
then we got my makeup done
so let's get started
I think the better she's fitting in smile baby smile more up
with Carly
oh my god that is perfect finally we can't retreat stop recording
by now or not finally we found something that was the most similar took a really
long time and I'm pretty happy with the outcome
overall I'd give this photo maybe a six and a half out of ten maybe a little bit
on the lower side maybe a five but for the pose and a composition everything I
think that this was the best I could do
this next photo was extremely difficult and mainly because we just don't have
any snow right now in California and she just has a whole mountain of snow behind
her so I just decided to try to look for a place that had a lot of mountains and
in the background a lot of mountains but overall I just decided to completely
Photoshop the background or not me Alexander did it for me but I completely
photoshopped the background because even though it's a very gloomy day and that
kind of helped to tone and mute down the colors a little bit then I still needed
to have that background be very vivid so I just decided to just take the photo
and Photoshop it we have the rose the dead rose and we have my angel wings and
this child side skirt that's super short but I just ran quick because I'm about
the Reznick there's two more two cycles just now waiting at us and I feel like
oh I'm gonna get some booth with my very short skirt see my underwear from the
the sun's coming out and it's beautiful cuz we don't have any snow in LA so wait
should I just talk about my outfit then no skirt is a child-size since been
dresslink and then this top is for 21 it's actually has a collar built um but
just put in the back and then I rolled up the sleeves and the top is tucks into
my sports bra and then the wings I just ordered them online from Jets and the
flower let's move Ventura and I just tried it
myself a few months ago shirt but different we're good let's go
this photo was honestly very difficult for me to post but just because I just
felt like it didn't fit and with everything else especially with the snow
I think I'll probably give this one a 5 out of 10 this next photo was the stairs
at the beach photo and this one it was hard for me because I really didn't have
an outfit that was similar to hers I saw that she did have an EF which is I think
like education first and it's like a school for international students or
something and they probably just gave her a shirt you have so obviously I
couldn't get the exact same top that she had I just borrowed Alexander's UCLA
shirt which I think was ok because it was great I had the lettering with the
white outline so I thought that was fine for the shorts I just used some shorts
that I had I really wear them but they were a little bit ripped up hers were a
lot more high-waisted than mine but of course I just had to make it work and
then shoes I just used some Nike shoes I don't know how you guys can hear me but
we are doing the picture on the stairs there's a lot of people today it's super
busy but we set up the camera on the tripod and whenever there's like no
bounce to people that's where we're gonna go is it recording
yeah it's already pretty
the most difficult part about this photo is that there was a lot of people at the
beach this day cuz it was a Sunday and there was just a lot of people and they
need to go up and down the stairs because I was the only way to get to the
beach so yeah it was hard for me because I couldn't have too many poses or too
many options I think maybe we took like 10 to 15 photos or something this
picture honestly came up the worst in my opinion I just feel like it looks super
photoshopped and that's because I had to photoshop it especially at the
background and everything but I think that I probably will give this one a 3
out of 10
next we have the photo on the floor with the mascara and my hair and hearts again
I just used the same outfit from fashion OVA and it wasn't too hard to do I just
had to sit very still and pretty much Alexander was doing all the work
same with the first photo of the flowers it was just Alexander doing all the work
me just sitting there trying my best not to move so yeah I really enjoyed this
one it was a lot of fun to do I think it came out pretty accurate we're doing the
picture now where she is lying down I'm super
excited because I think I got my makeup pretty much on point and I found this
rug literally took me forever to find I went to probably around 10 different
stores we found something similar and it's
gorgeous and I was only twenty bucks so that's good Thank You t.j.maxx
this is our setup right now we have the camera the lighting or my ring light and
another umbrella lights and the kitten is in the room so she doesn't mess up
the rug or play with the cords so let's get started Alexander
if I was super long time it would be out of frame and disappointing
firstly I'm over each other and then it's like easier to do it's like a nice
heart yeah
overall I think this photo went very very well and I give it a 7 out of 10
the second to last photo was the close-up and this one wasn't too
difficult I just had a lot of problems with Daisy wanting to pull out the cords
and everything so it wasn't anything too crazy we just sent her putting her in
the room and shooed me all off but it was fine
it wasn't too much to it there wasn't too much composition in it so I didn't
have to worry too much about my outfit or anything it was just mainly my makeup
hair and a black t-shirt here we go okay guys so we are doing the close-up photo
and there's not much to this she's wearing a black shirt so that's what I
have and then I just put my hair up in a bun
I gotta stop my nails but it doesn't matter because you're not gonna see them
honestly I don't think she's bringing a nail polish but this is our setup let's
get started we just have two of my lights which is gonna give us the right
shadowing higher lower and also do the edges are
not good yeah so maybe if you why don't retract my big camera while losing my
phone we're raising the phone well because you would be the hair of the dog
this is not a ploy okay why don't you put it one up so soon though video
motive then you can see here and oh my god if it wouldn't have touched you okay
stand on your two feet even like this so we have your balance
so gonna make sure she's good I think I need to I love my hair being see how
it's really tight fuck yeah that body's the best girl ain't trying
to pressure
I think side-by-side these photos look very accurate and there are a few subtle
differences such as the shadowing of her as being a little bit more darker than
mine but other than that I think that overall this photo came out very very
well and I will give this photo also a seven out of ten
all right and finally we've gotten to the last photo and I actually have two
photos for last one but I I did it that way to kind of decide between which one
I wanted to use so I had some options there in the same location same
everything it's just two different style of photos so one of them is with the
done' and one of them is just holding the hair and I don't know why my hair
didn't want to curl that day I guess because it was a very gloomy day and my
hair just like did not want to stay up at all so my curls by the time that we
actually got to Santa Monica they I completely fallen and they were getting
a little bit more straight while hers are very voluminous and staying in the
place but I think that this photo was the most easy to do because it was just
the location and the outfit and everything and the poses weren't so
complicated I think we were done maybe within like 10 minutes I definitely
think this one was the easiest out of everyone to create I just wore the top
from fashion OVA I wore a Calvin Klein bra that just had a very thick strap at
the bottom and I just wore some workout pants I couldn't find pants that had
this stripe like she did but I just put the workout pants and just Photoshop the
stripe on the side I wore some socks from Alexander and some converse shoes
so weird here these are the wings and we even got a load
this one is the lavender skies that has little sparkles on it we couldn't find
the pink one as she had but I think we're just gonna Photoshop it No
and we also got some extra jealous for my family cuz they were part gonna go
visit them on the way back and yeah we'll do both pictures just in case I
decide to do one or the other
if you guys are curious to know how the donor photo came out I'll have it right
here so you can see them side by side in comparison and that's pretty much it if
you guys want to go check out these photos it will be on my Instagram and my
Instagram handle is at doing angel with an underscore at the end so you guys can
go check them out comment down below what you think I'm definitely untag for
these photos not that this challenge is over and if you want you can tag her as
well I would love to hear her opinion and what she thinks of these photos but
yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this video so I'll see you guys in my next
video next time thank you so much for watching bye
U&D/ Sara sbugiarda Luigi su Instagram: 'Non sapevo che stesse male, fa la vittima' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
İnstagram - Şifresiz Takipçi Hilesi 2018 ( En Yeni Versiyon ÇALIŞIYOR ) - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
50-летняя Джулия Робертс завела аккаунт в Instagram - Duration: 3:33.50-летняя Джулия Робертс, в отличие от многих других знаменитостей, долгое время противилась новым веяниям и отказывалась заводить аккаунты в социальных сетях, стараясь больше времени проводить с близкими и друзьями
К счастью для фанатов, звезда решила изменить свою позицию и завела Instagram. Всего за один день за актрису подписались более 400 тысяч человек, среди которых ее племянница Эмма Робертс, а также российские звезды Сергей Лазарев и Юлия Топольницкая
Сама Роберт пока ни на кого не подписалась. Актриса уже подтвердила свой аккаунт, но профиль еще не заполнила, описав себя довольно скромно: «человек»
Свое первое фото актриса запостила 26 июня. На снимке она сидит на лужайке под деревом одетая в джинсовые шорты и черную кофту с длинными рукавами и надписью «Love»
«Привет», — подписала фотографию звезда. Второе фото появилось в Instagram Джулии около часа назад
Джулия Робертс завела аккаунт в Instagram Поклонники актрисы предполагали, что звезда завела Instagram чтобы продвигать свой благотворительный фонд, однако вторым снимком, появившимся в микроблоге Робетс, стала реклама одежного бренда The Reset
«Ты не можешь нравится всем, ты не авокадо», — гласит надпись на майке звезды. Комментариев к обоим снимкам никто пока не оставил
Возможно, чуть позже Джулия начнет выкладывать в Instagram фотографии мужа и детей
Джулия Робертс завела аккаунт в Instagram Напомним, что в начале года Джулия Робертс начала вести беспощадную борьбу с лишними килограммами, которые набрала для роли в фильме Ben is Back
А чтобы не было скучно и не искушал соблазн все бросить и съесть гамбургер, она уговорила мужа тоже изменить свой рацион питания, хотя ни в каких диетах ее супруг не нуждался
Джулия Робертс и Дэниел Модер поженились 4 июля 2002 года и прожили вместе уже более 15 лет
В 2004-м у них родилась двойня, девочку назвали Хэйзел Патриш, а мальчика Финнеасом Уолтером
А в 2007 году у пары родился сын, которому дали имя Генри. Читайте также: Джулия Робертс объяснила свое желание уйти на телевидение По фильму «Красотка» с Ричардом Гиром и Джулией Робертс поставят мюзикл на Бродвее
✅ Julia Roberts fait ses débuts sur Instagram - Duration: 1:46.L'actrice Julia Roberts a longtemps résisté à l'appel des réseaux sociaux. Mais voilà qu'à 50 ans, elle a succombé, et rejoint Instagram
Elle a posté une première photo, toute simple, d'elle assise dans l'herbe, toute sourire, vêtue d'un short et d'un tee-shirt noir
En légende ? Un simple « bonjour ». Pourtant, la star n'a pas toujours été pro réseaux sociaux
Un lieu de haine Lors d'une interview à Marie Claire en 2013, elle avait évoqué les périls que représentaient les réseaux sociaux
« Les réseaux sociaux, c'est comme la barbe à papa. Ça fait très envie, tu ne peux pas t'empêcher d'en profiter, mais tu finis avec les doigts qui collent et ça n'a duré que quelques instants
Le fait d'être anonyme laisse croire aux gens qu'ils peuvent diffuser de la haine librement
Je préfère une bonne vieille bagarre quand on est en colère contre quelqu'un », avait-elle déclaré à la publication
Il semble qu'elle ait changé d'avis.
✅ Julia Roberts fait ses débuts sur Instagram - Duration: 1:46.L'actrice Julia Roberts a longtemps résisté à l'appel des réseaux sociaux. Mais voilà qu'à 50 ans, elle a succombé, et rejoint Instagram
Elle a posté une première photo, toute simple, d'elle assise dans l'herbe, toute sourire, vêtue d'un short et d'un tee-shirt noir
En légende ? Un simple « bonjour ». Pourtant, la star n'a pas toujours été pro réseaux sociaux
Un lieu de haine Lors d'une interview à Marie Claire en 2013, elle avait évoqué les périls que représentaient les réseaux sociaux
« Les réseaux sociaux, c'est comme la barbe à papa. Ça fait très envie, tu ne peux pas t'empêcher d'en profiter, mais tu finis avec les doigts qui collent et ça n'a duré que quelques instants
Le fait d'être anonyme laisse croire aux gens qu'ils peuvent diffuser de la haine librement
Je préfère une bonne vieille bagarre quand on est en colère contre quelqu'un », avait-elle déclaré à la publication
Il semble qu'elle ait changé d'avis.
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