Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily is it Jun 30 2018

 World UFO Day is observed every year on July 2, since the holiday's inception by UFO hunter Haktan Akdogan in 2

 The existence of UFOs and other extraterrestrial travellers is a fiercely debated topic among so-called alien truther and scientists alike

 World UFO Day is supposed to be a day for everyone to pause and ponder the possibility we are not alone in the universe

 The creators of said: "World UFO day is the day dedicated to the existence of Unearthly/Unidentified Flying Objects

The first World UFO Day was celebrated in 2.  "There are several reasons why this day has found its way into the world

 "One of the first and foremost reasons is to raise awareness about the undoubted existence of UFO's and with that intelligent beings from outer space

 "Also this day is used to encourage governments to unclassify their knowledge about sightings throughout the history

 "Many governments, the US government for instance, are believed to have gained exclusive information about UFO's through their military departments

"World UFO Day 28: The annual alien event is held on July 2World UFO Day 28: This is believed to be the oldest UFO photo in existence  In the past World UFO Day was celebrated on both July 2 and June 24 but the World UFO Day Organisation () has since consolidated the celebrations to one date

 The organisation hopes to see a future were UFOs are publicly discussed and longer subject to speculation

 Ahead of the event, has shared a collection of UFO pictures on its website, which it believes are definite proof of alien existence

 Among the pictures is "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken" – a photo of a supposed flying saucer atop the summit of Mount Washington, USA, snapped in 87

   said: "Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world

 "Thanks to a reader, we now have the original 'stereo' photo." Another photo dated to 926 or 9 purports to show a clear flying saucer hovering over Cave Junction, Oregon

It was allegedly taken by a volunteer fireman. Other UFO pictures show a streak of light over the Eiffel tower in 953, a flying saucer over Poland in 947 and a cluster of lights in the sky over Massachusetts in 952

World UFO Day 28: Alien truthers are encouraged to publicly celebrate the dayWorld UFO Day 28: The celebration falls before UFO Festival 28 in Roswell, New Mexico Just a few days after UFO Day 28 wraps up, thousands of alien truthers will descend on the US city of Roswell, New Mexico, to attend UFO Festival 28 between July 6 and July 8

 Much like UFO Day, UFO Festival celebrates the supposed existence of aliens and the 947 Roswell weather balloon incident, which many claim was a crashed UFO

 The event organisers said: "The City of Roswell invites UFO enthusiasts and sceptics alike to join in the celebration of one of the most debated incidents in history

 "If it isn't on your bucket list it should be, and once you attend you may find, like many of the festival visitors, it becomes one our your annual vacation plans


For more infomation >> UFO Day 2018: What is World UFO Day and when is it? Best UFO pictures - Duration: 5:25.


She kept gaining weight and didn't know why. It turned out to be a 50-pound ovarian cyst. - Duration: 6:01.

Kayla Rahn before her surgery to remove a massive ovarian cyst, and at right with her boyfriend, Jonathan Pittman, several weeks after the operation

(Kayla Rahn) For months, Kayla Rahn had been struggling with abdominal pain, swelling and shortness of breath

She had also been packing on pounds, gaining weight that seemed impossible to lose

People would ask whether she was pregnant — perhaps even with twins? — and when she was due

They would also volunteer to load groceries for her. "I used to tell them I was going to name it Taco Bell," the 30-year-old told The Washington Post about the jokes she used to make in response to all the awkward pregnancy questions

It wasn't until recently that Rahn learned what was really happening: A watermelon-sized cyst was growing inside her ovary and squishing her other organs — a potentially dangerous situation, her physicians said

Rahn underwent surgery in late May to remove her ovary and the 50-pound cyst — the biggest one her surgeon said he had ever extracted

Officials at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery, Ala., announced the surgery in a press release this week and said Rahn had a mucinous cystadenoma, a benign cystic tumor in the ovary

 Since it was removed, Rahn said she has lost 75 pounds — and her surgeon said they are "excited things went well for her

" "It wasn't a fun surgery, and there were moments I was in pain," Rahn said Friday

"But I had such an awesome support system, I didn't have a chance to be worried about anything

" [The risky surgery to remove a woman's 132-pound tumor that grew by 10 pounds every week] Kayla Rahn's ovary, which contained a 50-pound benign cyst

(Jackson Hospital) Following months of health issues and no solutions, Rahn said her mother took her to the emergency room at Jackson Hospital, not far from where she lives

There, Rahn said, physicians discovered an enormous mass in her abdomen, later telling her it was in one of her ovaries — and that they needed to get it out right away

Rahn said that she was relieved to finally have some answers. "I remember crying every time we talked about it," she said

When the doctors told her what they had found, Rahn didn't seem that surprised, said Gregory Jones, an OBGYN at the hospital

"She knew something was wrong," said Jones, one of Rahn's surgeons. "What was interesting is that she never had the shock and awe; she had this relief, like, 'Of course there's a mass

' " Rahn — mostly reassured but still concerned — was wheeled into an operating room at the hospital the next day, May 26, she said

Her surgeons confirmed it was an ovarian cyst and removed it. Rahn was kept in the intensive care unit for a couple of days as her organs, which had been crammed inside her abdomen, started to move back into place, Jones said

The surgeon explained that once the body has been decompressed, some patients can experience changes in blood pressure or electrolyte or renal issues

But Rahn, he said, did "extremely well." Ovarian cysts are common and usually harmless

Many women never even know they have them because the cysts come and go without causing problems, according to the Mayo Clinic

However, in cases in which the cysts do not dissolve on their own, they can cause pain and bloating and, when not treated, can force the ovary to twist or can rupture, causing internal bleeding, according to the Mayo Clinic

It's unclear how long Rahn had the cyst, but her surgeon estimated it was more than a year

Rahn has an incision stretching from her chest to her pelvis, but said she is otherwise on the mend — and regaining self-confidence, wearing clothes she hadn't been able to fit into for some time

Now, she said, she has a message for others: Listen to your body and advocate for yourself

It's important, she said, for people to press for answers concerning their medical problems

Her surgeon agreed. "She was seeking help from multiple physicians, and we had missed it — as a medical community, we had missed it," Jones said, emphasizing the need for patients to seek help and for their doctors to listen to them

Read more: A plan to keep drug users from shooting up in public restrooms — and why it may be a bad idea I had a bit of an app addiction

Until these apps saved me. These animals depend on darkness. But humans have ruined their nights

For more infomation >> She kept gaining weight and didn't know why. It turned out to be a 50-pound ovarian cyst. - Duration: 6:01.


A tour in the Tatarstan republic of Russia. What is Sabantuy? - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> A tour in the Tatarstan republic of Russia. What is Sabantuy? - Duration: 11:09.


How to Manage and Reduce Panic Attacks by becoming Spiritually/Energetically Re-aligned - Duration: 11:33.

Hello and welcome to this episode of "Carmen's Coaching Corner" if you've ever

had a panic attack or an anxiety attack this episode is for you, and if you know

anyone that suffered with this please please share this video, that container is

going to contain some information to really help them shift orl help you

shift out of panic and into realignment. So I have to preface this, I may swear

during this video, and I also need to state that I am not a Doctor, or

psychologist, or a therapist, I am sharing this information based on what works for

me, and what I've used with my coaching clients who have also been afflicted

with having panic attacks. So in my late 20s, in my late 20s I've suddenly

started to get really major panic attacks. They came out of the blue and I

thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was going to end up in the loony bin and

what added to this panic, on panic was there is a history of mental illness in

my family, so I was absolutely terrified that I was gonna just end up in the

psychiatric wards in hospital somewhere, and so when this happened to me I was

really resistant about going to the doctors at first. So about two months in

I did go to the doctor, and I spoke to him and I said, "this is what's happening

to me" and he gave me pills and told me to go to a meet meeting group and like a

panic attack group, and you know you share him everything. And the pills made

me have a massive reaction all over my body body. So I ended up flushing those

down the toilet and then when I went to these meetings they just made me feel

even worse and it's a really debilitating thing to have because for

me personally it was a real effort to try and get through my day and act

"normal" and not panic about panicking in public. So that I didn't embarrass my the

people that I was with, myself, there was a lot of shame that I was carrying

around it, so it just added more and more stress and panic to what I was already

going through, and unless you've ever been

through one you will really not be able to understand it, but if you if you know

someone who has at least hopefully, or give you an understanding of maybe

what help you can suggest to them if they're willing to to hear it. So it took

me a year to get through, and eventually get rid of having panic

attacks. Now fast forward to January last year and I decide that I'm gonna go for

like an additional position at work, which was a training position, and it

meant that I would be traveling two weeks out of the month for a year

rolling out this training program to all the employees in the US would be part of

a team that was doing that, but I would still in addition to that still

have my current role, roles and responsibilities, and so I thought this

is great because I get to use my training skills. I get to use my

mentoring skills. I get to use facilitation and coaching skills. It's

really going to complement what I'm trying to create with SOAR!

Transformational Life Coaching, so I thought it was really a complimentary

thing to be doing at work while I was trying to build up my practice on the

outside. So come February I've been I'm going for two weeks training out of

state, and from leaving the house to arriving at the destination for the

training, I just suddenly have this feeling of unease, like really strong

unease and it felt really to familiar to me and I was

thinking, "oh shit this is this is not gonna be good ." So I get to the hotel room

it's about 10 o'clock at night and I am just a mess. I am crying. I'm having major

palpitations, everything feels really claustrophobic. I'm feeling really

confined. I'm an absolute mess, and I have no idea why I'm feeling like this. So I

get up the next morning and I go through the training, and I'm doing my whole you

know pretending I'm everything's fine and all of that, and I get back to the

hotel room that second night, and the same thing happens. I am just wanting to

cling to the ceiling. I'm just so terrified about nothing. It seems, right?

So finally about three o'clock in the

morning I'm just sitting on the bed in the hotel room and I just suddenly

realized, "Carmen you have tools. Use your tools." And so with all the coach coaching

certifications I've been doing, and what I've been learning is you have to

go within. So it's at 3:00 a.m. on the hotel in the hotel room on the bed,

and I said to myself, "Okay Carmen what is it my soul, my inner guidance, my inner

wisdom is trying to tell me right now, that I am just not listening to, and it's

causing me to have this major panic? What is it I am not hearing?" So I ask myself I

went within and I ask myself, "okay what is it? What is the message you're trying to

tell me?" And I got quiet, and the voice that I heard was, "this is taking you further

away from your coaching practice, rather than towards your coaching practice ,and

this isn't the path you want to go down." And I was like, "oh shit." And my immediate

reaction was, "well I've got to leave this training. I got to pull out right now, but what

is everybody going to say back at work, because they were all excited for me to

go on this training, and blah blah blah blah all of that. And so then I was like, "shut the F up. I

knew I absolutely knew as soon as I heard that message that that was in

alignment with what I needed to do, which was pull out of the training, and get

back to Phoenix, and just carry on doing my day job as normal, and focus on my

practice in my spare time. So at 3:30 a.m. I get back, I get on my laptop for

work, and I email the guy that's managing the training, and I email my boss, and I

said I gave an explanation I said, "look like I need to pull out this training,

this isn't for me." So the next day I literally by 11 o'clock that morning I

think it was one o'clock in the afternoon, sorry my flight, I was flying

back to Phoenix, and as soon as I've made that decision because remember we always

have a choice right we can either choose bondage, which staying in the training

would have been bondage for me, or we can choose freedom and sometimes choosing

freedom takes a bit of courage. Right? So it took a lot of courage for me to just

call my boss, and and talk to this guy who's running the training and tell him,

"I'm really sorry, but I got to pull out, and as soon as I've made that decision. I drew

that line in the sand, and I was like. I just fetl all this weight lifted off my

shoulders but I still had the aftershocks of being in prolonged panic

attack for about two or three days so in order to help me get realigned, not just

physically, and mentally, but spiritually aligned, these are the things that I use

in order to help me do that. So if you ever feel yourself having a panic attack,

prolonged panic attacks, go within and ask yourself those two questions. What is

it? What is it you your soul, your wisdom is trying to tell me that I'm not hearing?

That I'm not listening to? What is the message you're trying to tell me? And

just listen now. Be open to how the answer comes to you because it could

come to you as a voice in your head, and you might think really, "I'm going nuts",

but just be open to that. It may come to you on something that you read, like a

sign, a license plate, a book in, a passage in a book. It may come to you when you're

maybe just running errands. You might hear something over hear somebody saying

something and that message is actually for you. So just be open and really be

open to how you receive that message from your inner guidance, from your inner

wisdom, from your soul. And then the other things I suggest is to have some

energetic healing. So go through some Reiki, or some chakra balancing, or

reflexology, or a massage, anything that's just going to get your energy vibration

back up, and I've posted in the comments a lot a lot a list of suggested

ways that you can suggested energy healings, and then combine that with, it's

not one over the other, but combine it with maybe going to see your doctor and

saying, "hey look help me. I need help here." But what I also suggest you do

is eliminate sugar if you can, and that's like things from sweets and alcohol in

particular will really help you eliminate your sugar or at least

reduce it. Eat non processed if you can organic foods. Use essential oils to help

keep you calm or lift up your mood. My go-to is lavender to help me calm down,

and Bergamo to help me lift. I love those, I love those oils. And there's a

number of other things that I've also listed in the comment section that I'm

suggesting that would be of use to help you heal a lot faster than you would

have if you just go the traditional route which is dr. please give me some

pills, and come see a therapist. And they all have value but I'm saying combine it

if you can, and whatever combination works for you be consistent. You can't

just do this one day and expect it's gonna be your fix because it really

isn't. For me to get over the aftershocks of the panic attacks I was

experiencing, it took me another three or four months. Now it was progressive

improvement, so it wasn't like it was three or four months of panic, panic.

In fact it was three or four months of just gradual progressive

improvement, and I felt like I was coming back in my body again and everything was

just normal again. So in summary remember if you're ever having panic attacks

don't always look for external ways to try and fix the issue. Go within and ask

yourself, ask your soul, "what is it that you're trying to tell me. Why, what is it?

What that's out of alignment for me right now", and listen for the answer in

whatever form that may come to you. And then combine it with the other

suggestions like like I said which was eliminating sugar, or at least reducing

it, eating non processed foods,

eaten at least two hours before you go to bed, meditating, watch something that

makes you laugh, watch a comedy, watch cat videos whatever makes you laugh, just do

it, but be consistent in your approach, and you will really see that it will be

rather than a long drawn-out process where it could be a year, or more where

you're having this this issue. You can really greatly reduce them with the

amount of time that you're having these panic attacks. Please share this video.

If you have any other tips, and recommendations on how to manage panic

attacks I'd really love to hear you, hear your thoughts, and if you have

suggestions for future coaching videos please please tell me I'd love to make

create video on the topic that is burning for you and in loving life

always Carmen. To get started please call, or email me, or schedule an appointment

on my website.

For more infomation >> How to Manage and Reduce Panic Attacks by becoming Spiritually/Energetically Re-aligned - Duration: 11:33.



previously I've done a decomposition video and this time I'm going to do a

decomposition and a reconstruction video just to really bring those two aspects

of the game together and I'm just gonna start off with a quick decomposition

refresher so that we know what's going on and in case some of you guys haven't

seen my previous video so let's start with this little symbol if you look

under decomposition you'll see evolvable and orange customizable and green design

material in brown and or purple I can't tell and class material in teal these

ones are going to be symbols that you might see on your items so for example

for gourds that when I just selected right now it has available customizable

and design material so this means that this particular item can be used to

evolve so let's go to here and recipe workshops and evolution we can evolve it

so gourds is here this is one of the available things the second thing you

can do is you can customize it so gourds again you can make it primary which is

brown or actually I think it was black first and then you can change it doesn't

matter so you can either make it brown or black and the third thing was that it

was part of a recipe I'm not entirely sure which recipe it's a part of right

now but the best thing you can do is go on love Nikki's info and then search

gourds and then see what type of item it built into so for example if I just

search gourds here or just gourd because it doesn't need to have the same entire

what is it called seam spelling we came to search here at the bottom over here

you can see what it crafts into and it crafts into chrysalis too and if you

really want to use it then sure you can say five of them and then make chrysalis

is tail so the problem with this one is that you don't necessarily know if it's

going to be part of a recipe in the future and it most likely will because

there's so many items in my opinion I'm just gonna assume that this is what's

going to happen and then it says that I need five so that means that as long as

I have five plus one which is a black in case I want to recolor

then I meet six chords in total so that means that technically can get rid of

the 13 chords I have right here but another thing you should take into

consideration is that these items only show up if you already have one of them

so this means that I actually have 20 gourds and that I don't actually need a

safe six but I'm gonna say five so do you get what how I got to that number so

five because I need it for the recipe craft one because I want to customize it

it's six but then I already have one that is saved for sure because you can

only decompose clothes that have more than one item so that means I already

have one in the bank no matter what so I can say that's the original so

technically I only need five I know that is like a little confusing but it does

work out in the end you can slowly like calculate all other things that you need

and just for you guys to know if you accent okay so let's say you've worked

really hard and then you ended up selecting these but you accidentally

selected an extra gourd and you're like crap I don't want to decompose the extra

gourd remember that you just can't press the minus sign on the top left in the

green and then you're back at one so don't worry about it you don't you know

we select everything back because I know it's a pain to do so another thing you

can do is just exit if you don't want to select anything and then go back to here

so the second thing I want to talk about is just the heart if you look up on the

top left there was something called lost casket and if you get a hundred energies

you can use that to unlock the casket and then it can give you specific things

like stamina it can give you diamonds it can give you started coins

it can give you even item drops from the turret lady and that's why the turret

lady is such a difficult outfit to complete it's because you have to

decompose a bunch of stuff then you need to wait for it to draw and then you need

to evolve it to an epic form so that's really hard to complete and I've only

seen like for people who've ever completed so props to them let's go to

the last thing here and it's the heart so you see that there are different

hearts for this so at the top there's like two hearts then sound of Sumer has

five hearts and then some things may even have six hearts I don't think I

have any six hearted hairs right here but that's totally fine and the reason

why there's different heart levels it's because it gives you different things so

if you press the question mark beside the decomposition sign underneath the

coins right here in pink you can just go to

this page and you can see that you can randomly get it when you decompose three

plus heart items I think that the three plus is a little misleading because if

you decompose a four heart item then you won't actually get a hope ring I think

I'm pretty sure you can't that's why people are struggling if you decompose a

sweet heart am you're probably only gonna get hope rings and then if you

decompose a four heart item then you're gonna get a rebirth ring and then

earring and then if you decompose the five heart you're going to get the

eternal necklace so if you've been waiting the rebirth earrings to drop and

you think that you should have gotten it since you keep decomposing five heart

items well you're not going to get it unless you decompose the four heart item

this might be entirely wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm right and if I'm wrong

obviously clear it up in the description box and you can scroll to the very

bottom to see how many energy points you get up to five you get six energy points

and if you're not really looking for any eternal necklaces but you probably will

if you want to reconstruct something then it's best if you just decompose

five heart items so I just wanted to quickly go through what easy items you

can get that you can just farm from maiden chapters so for an easy three

heart item you can go to four of one because this is the place where you can

get a possible two items at the same time because sometimes you can get

dropped design director and knit black boots and I don't have any because I

don't really feel the need to at the moment because I already have 1,000

items worth and you can see me decompose at the end of the video for the design

director in the black boots that gives you three hearts each so if you do it

once and you get both you kind of have to three heart items so it's really easy

to farm if you feel that I mean although the NIP black boots can be customized to

two different colors that design director can't be customizable and it's

also not used to craft any other items so it's really useful to get these ones

so you don't feel like you're actually wasting items that you could have been

possibly using to construct something and it's also a made in Chapter so not

only do you get to spend for stamina it you can just do it the entire day

because there's no limit cap of how many tries you do I made it unlike princess

which you can only get three pictures a day another stage you can go to is seven

seven meted and this one gives you a three and a four heart item so let's go

to seven seven this one so Lance like brown and silent Rose so although

lamp-wick brown is needed to craft instant internat II and let of truth and

you need 30 and seven so you need 37 of those in total and then you can also

customize it to two different colors which isn't lamp with neon and lamp like

black so that's a total of another two so that would be 39 you can use this

lamp look Brown to decompose because this will give you three hearts again

but at the same time it's also gonna possibly drop some Rose so silent Rose

is a four heart item you do need it to craft camouflage coat maple leaf coat

elfs head where miss forest and textile leggings which is 22

coats you need in total at the very base if you were planning to craft any of

these you can use both of these drops to farm for things you needed to decompose

because if you think about it you definitely get the three hearts but you

also get a four heart so if you're looking to craft something that needs

like the necklaces as well then it's good to use the stage to farm another

stage I want to talk about is the one where it drops camellia because camellia

is a five star item and it's from a maiden chapter so let's quickly search

camellia and you can go to eight five meet and for this one this one is an S

drop so it's a little harder to get but it's a five star item so obviously it's

more worth it it's also a top item so it's great to just have that in general

and it's used to cut for other items called blue and white shoes knotting

culture cross pendant and vintage lady cap so all four of these items need a

required 1616 camellia branches in total if you're planning to craft it but if

you don't care you can just scored these branches and then you can just decompose

them in the end since these items that I've shown you

both of them are customizable or evolvable won't be automatically

selected if you use this option in the decomposition so if you look underneath

the quest material you see a circle that says select extra clothes so if I select

it these are all the things that it selects that don't have the evolvable

trait the customizable trait the design which illustrate in the quest material

trade so this is a great because technically if they don't have any of

these traits then they're useless you can't do anything with them you can't

craft them obviously you can't like make it into a different color so it's

so if you just decomposed it the last things I want to talk about is 93's

princess basically this one will give you 2's drops and then both of these

items are four hearts each so if you're really looking to make an eternal

necklace and you're like short on time or whatever you can just use this as

well if you are tired of just trying to wait for the meeting job but just know

that as drops are much harder to get and you need to get an s-rank in this

particular chapter stage in order to even be eligible to get the estra now

that's over we can look at the things that you can buy from the shop because

the shop always has different things that you can buy for coins and then you

can use that to decompose my favorite thing to get is either the northern

soldier or the peach sweetheart because they are both five heart items obviously

the northern soldier is not as worth it to get because it's 5000 coins and then

the peach sweetheart is only 3000 coins you're never going to be in a situation

where you think that oh if I buy like ten peach sweethearts in one northern

soldier it's going to be more worth it because any situation it will be peach

sweetheart would be the best option to get the next thing you can get is red

fruit which is this one it's five thousand coins the thing with this one

is that as long as you have a VIP or actually at six thousand I only have

five thousand because I'm VIP six if you have a VIP level these ones are all

going to be discounted for you and it's great that red fruit is discounted but

I'm never actually going to go and buy this one unless I have to the only

reason why I would buy it at least once is to get the item since I don't have

any right now I'm just gonna stick with peach sweetheart since it's the cheapest

one and I get five hearts and especially if I don't want to wait for any drops

and waste my stamina you can see that purple bowtie over here

is only 2500 gold and there's also this other one you can think about getting

its 2600 but like why would you buy a little deductive when you can just buy

purple bowtie and now it's like a hundred coins apart but if you buy ten

of them you're just gonna lose one thousand coins for no reason right so

I'm just gonna stick with purple bowtie if I ever need to buy a four heart item

with coins and the last thing I want to show you is snow pom-pom right here this

is the only one I really want to show you because you can get three hearts

from this and it's eight hundred eight and it's eight hundred coins so these

are the items you can think about I scoured the rest of this and there's an

actually not much cheaper items you can get those ones are the best things you

should go for it if you want to buy any items for decomposition and I think that

covers most of this and I can just put this in action I've been waiting to do

this video for the longest time because I wanted to collect at least 1,000 items

and then it would be kind of a mass decomposition video so right now if I

used to select extra clothing I only have 767 but I recorded a bunch of this

stupid apricot leaf dress and then I have nearly 200 of that so I'm just

gonna a select all and by the way a quick tip is that you can just hold it

and it's Alexa for you I might just go over 1000 and I'm just gonna see what

else I can do I also collected a lot of ice warrior I know where you actually

need ice warrior for a lot of different item crafts so for example you need ice

warrior for at least 14 different items I know you need at least 25 ice warriors

to make white wind which is part of the Snow Queen lady or whatever but I don't

care actually if I have more time I would really just go through every

single one of these and just check whether I need or not for example

remember how I said I need at least 7 gourds to or 6 to make whatever I needed

so I'm just gonna go ahead and start with this I don't need what I'm actually

doing is that I'm love Nikki's info and then I'm searching each of the different

items that I have it's because right now I just have a bunch of time and I have

nothing to do and I'm searching elegant tunable Matic for example and I see that

it's needed to craft six different items and that's a total of 21 there's also

two different customizations I could do so I'm not going to use elegance

gentleman and I'm really just looking at things I have a lot of

if I go to transfer student at Brown I can see that six items at least need

this to make and then it can have one different we customization better you

have that so that makes it a total of 22 because although there's six items

already crafted two of those I mean 22 of these that means I can just like get

rid of 46 of this so I think I'm going to get rid of 58 of this as for cloudy

day I only need 12 of it maximum so I'm just gonna get rid of 32 in this at the

end of the world if I overshoot because I can just get these from any of the

meet in levels again so I don't really care and I'm just gonna keep adding on

and you guys can see how I slowly do this

okay I'm legitimately bored of doing this I don't think I'm gonna do it a hit

mm maybe I just did 2018 because that's a year yeah I made it meaningful great

decomposed 2018 items in 2018 Wow magical great so I'm just gonna press

decompose right now Thank You Rico confirm so I got 32 lost caskets from

that I have so many this here we go 299 hope rings three thousand three hundred

three hundred thousand gold sixty two eternal necklaces 133 star coins 15

rebirth earrings and no stamp over my memory I was scared for a second because

I'm lose my stamina and gold it's in the last casket eight diamond oh okay well

I'm not gonna add that up maybe I'll just see how many diamonds I have so I

had five 1510 diamonds let's see how many I get at the end Tara card is

always a great thing so I already have all of these in like I need these to

make the turret lady I don't think I can make any at the end of the day because

you just need so many turret ladies so it doesn't matter to me anymore and I

only get one guy that's actually so sneak 15 diamonds well that's nice

twelve diamonds so that's already 30 diamonds I got from this I'm actually

not even mad that I'm getting dies cuz I really need dies anyway so it's great oh

I got a lately gained by the way I didn't notice so there was that it was

pretty good actually let's see if I can customize and not not customize let's

see if I can evolve any parts of the territories since you know I have got a

bunch especially the hair I'm hoping that I can at least get the hair

I mean like one more so do you see how hard this is out of 2,000 you still

don't have enough terribly I'm pretty sure I had one to begin with and you

need at least like 20 of them let's see how many turret ladies you need so we go

here we can go to Moe's guide you need at least 16 more of the hair so mm you

get around like four hairs and then that's over 10,000 items you need to

decompose and you might not even get all the hairs at the same time that's a

little misleading because you can just decompose a lot of five hard items in

order to get more energy points and then you can get more chances to get the

turret lathe but you know what like at the end of the day it's still really

hard to get and if you're going for that like good on you that's crazy

enough of that decomposition we can go to a reconstruction now because I

finally have a lot of these earrings and the necklaces so I think I might even be

able to finish the superstar let's check it out so I need the hair the socks and

I am just gonna do it over here so I make sure I don't overshoot oh I can

finish the suit today so I was so confused because I'm like what's going

on I don't have any of these yet so I can just make this but how many do I

need go craft maybe five of them so I'm gonna get four more two and I have so

many coins just from that decomposition things so it's like perfect I thank God

I only need like the first part of it because if I needed the extra part of it

then the rare what the epic would have been crazy

I can't make any more of these uh it's because I need more earring okay see

that's so bad because I assumed that I could finish all of it today that I

can't and even after he composing so many of these items I'm not even close

to being done with this because in total I need 32 more earrings and in order to

get earrings I need at least four heart items so that's a pain in the butt since

I don't want to decompose any of these four heart items yet how can we compose

this one but it's not going to make a difference anyways you know I'm saying

oh whoa and I didn't even get earrings so I'm just gonna ignore that well

anyways you can make a lot of these reconstruction and there are different

outfits that require with instructions or they're just full outfits that are

reconstructed only so you can just maybe check out your wardrobe see what extra

things you have because you might have a lot more extra clothes than you think

and you can just you know finish an outfit here and there and it'd be easy

diamond yeah so you get third Oh so you get 30 diamonds actually and you know

it's easy you're not really losing anything you get coins back diamonds

back I think we got so I'm gonna back a lot of dyes and it's you know it's just

part of the game so if you're interested in it tell me what you're gonna craft

and I'll talk to you guys later thanks for watching



Dem Congresswoman Has Finally Been Arrested And It's Not Pretty – Nobody Is Above The Law! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Dem Congresswoman Has Finally Been Arrested And It's Not Pretty – Nobody Is Above The Law! - Duration: 5:59.


Trey Gowdy Flips Out, Tells Those Investigating Trump To "Finish It The Hell Up" - Duration: 4:18.

On Thursday of this week, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher

Wray were called to testify before Congress, because the Republicans there wanted some

answers about that recently released Inspector General report which actually said that the

investigations into Trump were not politically motivated.

But that wasn't good enough for Republicans, so they held this emergency hearing as what

it was called to get some answers about, I guess, why it wasn't politically motivated.

A lot of people focused on Jim Jordan, because Jim Jordan, Republican representative from

Fox News, made a total ass of himself.

They had a field day with that.

But what a lot of people aren't mentioning is this little exchange from Republican Trey


We've seen the bias.

We've seen the bias.

We need to see the evidence.

If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to

the damn grand jury.

If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American


There's an old saying that justice delayed is justice denied.

I think right now all of us are being denied.

Whatever you got, finish it the hell up because this country is being torn apart.

See to me, the Trey Gowdy outburst right there is far more important than anything that Jim

Jordan did, and here's why.

First and foremost, Trey Gowdy is pissed off that this investigation has been going on

for 13 months.

Can you imagine?

13 months.

Even though we've had five indictments or guilty plea, excuse me, two people currently

in jail, many more subpoenas and indictments handed out here, but yeah, yeah, yeah, totally

13 months is way too long.

Even though Gowdy himself is the one who dragged out the Benghazi hearing farce for nearly

three years.

Hillary Clinton sat in public testimony for 11 hours, answered every question they had,

and they still couldn't come up with anything to pop her on.

Trey Gowdy was the man responsible for that, but now he's pissed off that this thing has

taken 13 months.

"Finish it the hell up, and get on out."

Well, here's the thing Gowdy, and I hate to have to remind you about your own life, but

I do.

Because not just the Benghazi thing that you drag on for almost three years, but the fact

that I think it was about two, three weeks ago maybe, you, you personally along with

several of your colleagues who were actually in that hearing on Thursday met with these

same people you were talking to behind closed doors in D.C. and they explained to you everything

that they had to start the investigation.

They talked about some of the things that they found, and you left that meeting saying

that this investigation into Donald Trump was not politically motivated and that it

was fully justified.

Now, suddenly, now that all of your buddies are around and this is being shown on C-SPAN

and other networks running clips of it, suddenly you're like, "You need to hurry it up.

This is ridiculous.

I can't do this anymore."

Which is it?

Were you lying when you left the private meeting with these men, or were you lying to the public

in order to gain a little bit more political favor?

Because we already know what you said about this investigation.

We know that you believe in it that it was not politically motivated and that it is fully


Yet, here you are just a few weeks later saying that they need to "finish it the hell up."

Let me tell you some Gowdy, it's going to finish when it finishes.

It's going to finish when the special prosecutor has all of the indictments and all of the

pleas and all of the interviews that he needs.

If you wanted to finish the hell up, how about you walk over to the White House and convince

Donald Trump to go sit down for an interview with Robert Mueller, because I promise you,

that would help speed things along more than anything else that you can possibly do.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Flips Out, Tells Those Investigating Trump To "Finish It The Hell Up" - Duration: 4:18.


Dem Congresswoman Has Finally Been Arrested And It's Not Pretty – Nobody Is Above The Law! - Duration: 6:39.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Democratic Congresswoman from Seattle, Washington and an all-around

Marxist, protested the president's "zero tolerance" immigration policies yesterday

on Capitol Hill.

It was some kind of women's march and she was arrested with approximately 575 of her


The protesters marched from the Department of Justice to the Hart Senate building, where

they sat and chanted in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience, which led to the arrest

of about 600 women.

They were charged with unlawfully demonstrating inside the atrium of the Hart Senate Office

Building in Washington D.C.

Almost two thousand women showed up to protest and included in their ranks were Democratic

Senators and other politicians looking to push an open borders agenda.

They chanted "WE CARE" and "ABOLISH ICE."

Abolishing ICE has become the new favorite talking point of the left.

It's part of the communist agenda along with doing away with police officers and prisons.

The protesters are demanding that Congress act to end Trump's policies that criminalize

and detain undocumented immigrants and separate detained families.

Democratic Sens. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Kirsten Gillibrand

of New York and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut were also at the protest to support those

going after President Trump and his policies.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth showed up in her wheelchair with her daughter in her lap.

Nothing like using your newborn as a piece of political propaganda for a cause.

The protesters have their fur up over the separation of families at the border, which

as far as I know isn't even an issue anymore.

Trump has reunited families as of last weekend.

Now, the cause du jour is the call for not imprisoning families as a whole… let them

all go.

See how that works?


Open borders and no one is an illegal alien anymore.

But, as of right now, we are not prosecuting families that come over.

I think they are just sending them back which works for me.

The left has ignored President Trump's actions and are engaging in grandstanding and massive

lying to further politics on their side.

All the lawsuits, judicial orders and protests are over a non-issue here.

Jayapal said she was arrested at the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.

It was not a pretty sight.

She said she was protesting the "inhumane and cruel" immigration policies of President


"I was just arrested with 500+ women and @WomensMarch to say @RealDonaldTrump's cruel

zero-tolerance policy will not continue.

Not in our country.

Not in our name.

June 30 we're putting ourselves in the street again."

No one is above the law and the women who were arrested were being disorderly and making

a scene.

They broke the law and were busted for it.

Jayapal had it coming.

She is an extreme leftist and enjoys being provocative.

Of course, she was arrested, processed and released right on the spot.

They almost always are.

The rally was organized by the Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy.

The women sat in the building in protest of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' and President

Trump's "zero tolerance" policy that maintains a hard line on illegal border crossings.

"I'm proud to have been arrested with them," Jayapal said.

They were arrested for illegally demonstrating in a government building and charged with

crowding and obstructing others.

It took place inside the atrium of the federal building as part of the #WomenDisobey protest,

according to CNN.

Demonstrators reportedly wore Mylar blankets, similar to ones given to children detained

at the border.

"They want to create a big moment up here on Capitol Hill the day that many lawmakers

will wrap up their legislative work and head home without addressing the family separation

issue," CNN correspondent Sunlen Serfaty reported.

Crowds from the "Women Disobey" march disrupted traffic in the streets of Washington

earlier in the day.

Not long after being released, Rep. Jayapal gave an interview about the protest, saying

women were sitting and chanting in the Hart building, "drawing attention to the tragic

situation [of] children who are in cages, separated from their parents, parents who

are seeking asylum, who are in prison."

Jayapal said the demands are simple: They want Trump to reverse the zero-tolerance policy,

free the children who have been detained and reunite them with their parents, and allow

the parents to seek asylum in accordance with due process laws.

She's not in control or in a position to demand anything of the president and she's


"I'm just so proud of these women who understand what a serious moment we're in

and what a cruel and inhumane and intolerable and unAmerican thing we are doing thanks to

the Trump administration," Jayapal continued.

Jayapal has previously visited immigrant mothers who were brought to a federal prison in Seattle,

some of whom have been separated from their children.

Even after a federal judge ordered this week that the administration reunite the families,

she says it has yet to happen: "When I was in the federal prison, I saw a slip of paper

that a mother handed to me that had her name, her identification number, and then supposedly

her kids, except she said, 'These are not my children.'

So we know that the Trump administration has no idea which kids belong with which parents

and where they are."

That is not true and she knows it.

"We have a lot to do, and this is still a crisis of extreme proportions," Jayapal


"As a member of Congress, it's a shame that this government, my government, is doing

this to children…

I think it is a really beautiful thing that people are allowing themselves to feel so

deeply the tragedy of what we're doing.

And that is what's turning them out, so I'm just grateful to people who refuse to

let this d*e and who are keeping it at the forefront even with all the important issues

we have in front of us."

It's this kind of dishonesty from leftists such as Jayapal that is ripping this country


And that's what they want.

She should have been put behind bars to cool off and consider her actions, but there were

too many to arrest.

Still, this is the sort of thing that leads to unrest, chaos and violence in the streets.

She's not above the law and she should have to answer for her actions.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Dem Congresswoman Has Finally Been Arrested And It's Not Pretty – Nobody Is Above The Law! - Duration: 6:39.


Colors Song for children and kids. Do you know what color it is, this is red... - Duration: 2:33.

This is red, the color red, red,red,red,

This is red, the color red, red,red,red,

do you know what color it is, this is red

This is blue the color blue, blue, blue, blue,

This is blue, The color blue, blue,blue,blue,

do you know what color it is, this is blue,

this is green, the color green, green, green,green

this is green, color green, green, green,green,

do you know what color it is, this is green ,

This is yellow, the color yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,

do you know what color it is, this is yellow,

This is white, the color white, white, white, white

do you know what color it is, this is white,

Thise is grey ,the color grey, grey,grey,grey,

Do you know what color it is, this is grey,

Thise is black, the color black, black, black,black,

Do you know, what color it is, this is black,

For more infomation >> Colors Song for children and kids. Do you know what color it is, this is red... - Duration: 2:33.


Kody attempts to start UCN (then freaks out and closes it, he had one job damnit) - Kody Plays - Duration: 1:15.

I've literally got my headphones on really weirdly...

I am so scared.


I'm turning my volume down...

(From Kody: I'm super bad at horror games. Here I literally turn my volume down to about one and I'm still scared stiff...)

Let's just go for the- Let's just go for the first four...

*Regret Intensifies*

Ok, I am super terrified right now.

*so many damn buttons...*

*trying not to freak out, and failing miserably*


*silently begins to realize this was probably a bad idea*

*takes one look at the office and freaks the fuck out*

*It was at this moment, Kody knew - He fucked up.*

NOPE *chickens out*

I can't do this. :(

For more infomation >> Kody attempts to start UCN (then freaks out and closes it, he had one job damnit) - Kody Plays - Duration: 1:15.


Schoolgirl invents incredibly clever fruit bowl that can save families thousands - Daily News - Duration: 3:38.

</form> A schoolgirl has invented an intelligent fruit bowl that could save households thousands of pounds in wasted food

 Rumaan Malik, who is just 11-years-old, said she hopes to help cut back on the £13 billion worth of produce that ends up in the bin each year - with a simple, but clever piece of tableware

 Her fruit bowl, named the 'Alarm Cup', has been crowned the winner of the Ocado Food Waste Challenge with Little Inventors

 The clever device, which features a mini touchscreen display with icons for different produce, alerts its owner two days before its contents are about to expire

 Currently in development phase, it can also pair with Ocado's shopping app to prompt users to use up fruit with waste-fighting recipes such as apple crumble and banana bread

 Judges praised her device for challenging disrupting habits and routine thought processes

 Helen White, special advisor on household food waste at WRAP, said: "We were particularly impressed by Rumaan's invention as it addresses one of the key issues behind food waste: behavioural patterns

 "The process of buying food without paying attention to expiry dates, leading to their disposal, is something we're all guilty of from time to time, and it has become a habit for many

 "The Alarm Cup challenges this, disrupting the pattern and helping people unlearn the subconscious behaviours that cause household food waste

"  Rumaan's invention will be showcased as part of the Little Inventors stand at the Great Exhibition of the North this summer from now until Sunday 9 September

Read More Beating food waste  Her invention triumphed over 500 entries from primary school Little Inventor workshops for one key reason: it challenges the thought processes and habits that lead to food waste

 Talking about her inspiration behind her idea, Rumaan said: "Apples are my favourite, but they were always going all soft when my mum left them out in the fruit bowl and forgot about them"

 Suzanne Westlake, at Ocado, added: "Food belongs in bellies not bins. We were captivated by the children's drawings and it was great to see so many imaginative ideas

  "The Alarm Cup has the potential to truly make a difference when it comes to saving food from the bin – I think we've uncovered something very special

We're testing the prototype at the moment, but we're certainly keen to explore opportunities to roll this out and make it available on ocado

com for our customers.  "Watch this space."

For more infomation >> Schoolgirl invents incredibly clever fruit bowl that can save families thousands - Daily News - Duration: 3:38.


World Cup 2018: How long would it take for England players to earn World Cup prize money? - Duration: 5:52.

 The last match of the group stages saw England concede their first match of the tournament to Belgium on Thursday

 However, the Three Lions managed to finish second in Group G, ensuring them entry into the knockout round

 England players are the best of the Premier League, playing for top teams and they have salaries to match their prowess

 FIFA have devised a prize fund that will see them give £301,802,000 in varying amounts to the 32 teams participating in the World Cup this year

 The winning team will take home £28million, the second placing team will receive £21million and the third and fourth placed teams will bag £18million and £16million respectively

 It isn't all lost for those who have failed to get past the group stages, however, with teams failing to progress receiving £6

1million. Teams eliminated from the round 16 stage will receive £9.1million, as well as all World Cup teams being given £1

1million to prepare for the tournament.How long would it take for England players to earn the World Cup prize money?  Combined, England's 23 strong squad of top Premier League players earn a staggering £2,095,000 a week

 The difference between the most paid and least paid player in the team is significant, with £175,000 between Harry Kane's £200,000 a week wages and Nick Pope's £25,000 a week salary

 Should England win the tournament, they will receive £28million which when shared between the whole team equals just over £1

2million each. Kane would take only six weeks to earn his share of the prize money with his impressive Tottenham Hotspur salary

 Similarly, Raheem Sterling earns £175,000 a week meaning that it would take the Man City footballer seven weeks to earn his £1

2 million if England were to win the World Cup. It would take those at the lower end of the pay scale months or even years to earn their share of the prize

 Burnley player Nick Pope earns £25,000 a week meaning that to earn £1.2million it would take him 82 weeks, or just over one year

 Deli Alli would have to work for 16 weeks with his salary of £75,000 per week to earn his share of the World Cup first prize

 Here is the full list of how much players earn, and how long it would take them to earn their share of the World Cup prize fund: Harry Kane - £200,000 per week and would earn £1

2million in six weeks Raheem Sterling - £175,000 per week would take seven weeks Gary Cahill - £130,000 per week would take nine weeks Kyle Walker - £130,000 per week would take 11 weeks Jamie Vardy - £120,000 per week would take 10 weeks Danny Welbeck - £115,000 per week would take 10 weeks Ashley Young - £110,000 per week would take 10 weeks Jordan Henderson - £110,000 per week would take 10 weeks  Jesse Lingard - £100,000 per week would take 12 weeks John Stones - £100,000 per week would take 12 weeks Jordan Pickford - £90,000 per week would take 13 weeks Fabian Delph - £90,000 per week would take 13 weeks Dele Alli - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Eric Dier - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Harry Maguire - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Jack Butland - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeks Phil Jones - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeks Ruben Loftus-Cheek - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeks Danny Rose - £60,000 per week would take 21 weeks Marcus Rashford - £50,000 per week would take 24 weeks Kieran Trippier - £45,000 per week would take 26 weeks Trent Alexander-Arnold - £40,000 per week would take 30 weeks Nick Pope - £25,000 per week would take 82 weeks  Peter Watton spokesperson for OddsMonkey said: "Following England's promising performance in their friendlies against Nigeria and Costa Rica, spirits are high for England's highly anticipated debut in the World Cup

 "Along with the glory of winning the World Cup, the 23-man squad could earn a nice £1

2 million windfall from the £28 million prize. "While it may only take Harry Kane 6 weeks to earn his share of the £1

2 million prize, the prize is the ultimate payday for Pope who would otherwise have to work 82 weeks to earn the same amount!"

For more infomation >> World Cup 2018: How long would it take for England players to earn World Cup prize money? - Duration: 5:52.


The Best Way to Install a VPN to your PC and Watch TV Channels - Duration: 4:09.

Hello and Welcome to my Tutorial.

When You go to vacation or maybe move temporarily or for good to a different Country than Yours,

when you try to watch online your favorite TV Channel, the content will be automatically

banned for Country restrictions.

There are tons of possibilities to overcome this problem however, I will only suggest

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Some of You already saw my video where I do explain how and Why I promote Pure VPN which

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In my description You will find a Tiny URL link, click on it, step by step I will show

You how to install and use Pure VPN not worry its going to be easy.

After You have clicked the tiny URL link in my description, you need to proceed with the


It costs less than a cup of coffee per month, if this stops you I am sorry to tell you but

you are a fool because, a year from now you will buy one and you will regret loosing a

year looking for a free method that will never work.

If You making the payment pause this video now and come back when you have finished.

In the download page choose properly, there are many different OS from Windows to Apple,

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I have done the same and I have it now on my desktop.

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Right click on it and choose Run as Administrator, read and than accept their agreement and click


Click Next again to confirm the installation folder and once again to Create a Shortcut

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I uncheck Run Automatically at log on because I want to use it only when need it.

After I click on Install.

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Depending on your system it will take from 1 up to 3 minutes.

Once the setup is finished, leave Launch Pure VPN check marked and click on Finish.

When it is launched click on Login use the ID and password that was given to you and

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Here You find 5 different windows You can choose depending of what are your needs.

I choose Internet Freedom because I want to overcome a Country restriction to watch a

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There are many countries you can choose from, I am now in Denmark and I choose Italy.

The first time you connect Pure VPN You must set the network location, I am at Home and

I choose Home and after I can close the window.

As you can see the location is Milan Italy therefore when I open the browser I have google

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I now enter a link address for an italian sport channel RAISport and as You can see

It did not block the content as I can easily watch the Giro d'Italia in HD and in full


The quality will be better than the one you see in this video since this is just a reproduction.

This is it for today.

If you liked my tutorial do not forget to subscribe to my Channel.

This way every first Weekend of the month, you will find a new video here on my YouTube


If you have a question please leave a message, I will answer as soon as possible.

Thank you for listening and, enjoy your favorite TV Channel thanks to Pure VPN. Ciao.

For more infomation >> The Best Way to Install a VPN to your PC and Watch TV Channels - Duration: 4:09.


Russia map: Where is Kaliningrad? Is it safe for England fans? - Duration: 4:34.

 Both England and Belgium are guaranteed a place in the final 16 of the World Cup, but they will still play each other at the Kaliningrad Stadium, in Kaliningrad, at 7pm BST on Thursday

  Lucky fans who have a ticket will have not be travelling to Russian mainland to watch the match though

  Where is Kaliningrad?  Kalingrad is a Russian exclave, a piece of land which is politically attached to a larger piece but not physically

Related articles England vs Belgium: Our man goes behind the scenes in Russia Trump and Putin meeting is ON, Kremlin confirms as tensions SOAR  The Kaliningrad Oblast (region) is sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea and is closer to the Danish capital of Copenhagen than it is to Russia

  The city was founded by Teutonic knights in the 13th century and its original German name was Konigsberg

  Soviet trooped annexed the territory in 1945 and remained it Kaliningrad after Mikhail Kalinin, a high-ranking Bolshevik revolutionary

  Josef Stalin, who was Soviet leader at the time, used the city's port, as it was able to stay open through the winter, unlike many freezing ports in outer Siberia

  GETTY/EPARussia Map: England will play Belgium in Kaliningrad on Thursday EPARussia map: Women sit next to the Triumphal column at the Victory square in Kaliningrad, Russia After Lithuania joined the EU, travelling between Kaliningrad and Russia without crossing the territory of an EU state is now impossible

  Is it safe for England fans?  The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is the Union's agency dealing with the analysis of foreign, security and defence policy issues

  The agency admitted: "Kaliningrad is notorious for the immense problems it has to deal with

 GOOGLEMAPSRussia map: Kaliningrad is located between Poland and Lithuania England team predicted to face Belgium in World Cup Group G clash Wed, June 27, 2018 Express Sport predicts who will start for England when they take on Belgium in their World Cup 2018 Group G clash at the Kaliningrad Stadium on Thursday (7pm) Play slideshow REUTERS 1 of 12 Who will start for England in their World Cup Group G clash with Belgium?  "Kaliningrad's officials have to deal with the highest percentage of HIV infections in Europe and with an intimidating scale of organised crime

 "Large outdated industries face structural collapse, resulting in high unemployment rates

One third of Kaliningrad's one million inhabitants live below the poverty level." However, it has been suggested by analysts that Putin is using the World Cup to portray Kaliningrad in a more positive light

  Zachary Witlin, an analyst at the Eurasia Group, said: "Being able to invite World Cup fans to see the city and to welcome guests is a rare chance to associate the city with something positive in the international media

For more infomation >> Russia map: Where is Kaliningrad? Is it safe for England fans? - Duration: 4:34.


Wasn't too hard, was it? UK has made 'significant progress' in spy control - Duration: 5:09.

 The UK's surveillance regime is no longer "worse than scary" – but there are still a number of imperfections, the UN special rapporteur on the right to privacy has said

 Over the past week, Joseph Cannataci has met public bodies, spy agencies, civil rights groups, politicians and the judiciary to assess the UK's privacy and surveillance set up

 In his preliminary assessment, released today, the rapporteur is generally positive about the UK's progress since 2015, when he branded its oversight of intelligence services "a joke" and said the draft Snooper's Charter was "worse than scary"

 For instance, he noted that the new oversight body, the Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office, appeared on track to be better resourced than the three separate offices it replaced – but recommended bringing in about 30 more staffers in addition to the existing 50

There should also be a "strong contingent" of techies who were able to "get their hands dirty" with the nitty-gritty checking of spy agencies' systems

 He also praised the creation of the double-lock mechanism for granting spy warrants – where judicial commissioners countersign politicians' warrants – but warned that this means IPCO has a role in both authorising surveillance and then overseeing how that surveillance is carried out

 "To many observers, and especially people sitting outside the British isles, this arrangement still smacks of the new UK law creating a position where somebody is expected to be marking his own homework," he said

 Cannataci added that the "proof of the pudding doubtless will be in the eating" and that this aspect should be subject to special attention when the law is reviewed by or after 2021

 Although remaining broadly positive on the UK's national surveillance regime, Cannataci said that detailed provisions of the arrangements the nation has with other governments – including the Five Eyes alliance – was "not transparent to the public" and safeguards are not clearly set out in the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA)

 "Intelligence sharing must not result in a backdoor to obtain or facilitate for others the obtaining of intelligence free from domestic safeguards, nor a loophole for foreign Governments with lower standards on the protection of privacy (or other human rights) to obtain intelligence from UK intelligence that could give rise to human rights violations

"  Cannataci endorsed Privacy International's calls for greater public scrutiny of such deals, and added that he had not received satisfactory answers on how the government would avoid facilitating non-compliant surveillance by allies

 The rapporteur also considered other data protection and privacy issues facing the UK at the moment, including the government's recently canned sharing of non-clinical health data with the Home Office and DeepMind Health's work with a London NHS trust

 Of the latter case, Cannataci said there needed to be "clear, strong guidelines on and oversight of any data-sharing agreement entered by the NHS, either at the UK or local levels"

Smaller or less experienced health bodies might need extra help when making deals with global corporates, and such guidelines should be drawn up within the next couple of years

 Cannataci also seemed unimpressed with the increasing use of automated facial recognition, which has been deployed by London and Welsh police forces in a set of ongoing trials

 "In addition to the admitted lack of precision of the technology, I find it difficult to see how the deployment of a technology that would potentially allow the identification of each single participant in a peaceful demonstration could possibly pass the test of necessity and proportionality," he observed

 Overall, though, Cannataci said that the UK had "equipped itself with a legal framework and significant resources designed to protect privacy without compromising security"

 The generally positive tone of the assessment, especially on many aspects of the IPA, may come as a relief for the UK government ahead of Brexit and the expected negotiations for a data adequacy deal that will also consider surveillance laws in the nation


For more infomation >> Wasn't too hard, was it? UK has made 'significant progress' in spy control - Duration: 5:09.


You think you script your narrative, when in fact it scripts you | Stanley Fish on Language - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> You think you script your narrative, when in fact it scripts you | Stanley Fish on Language - Duration: 4:33.


Todd Chrisley Talks Complicated Relationship with Son Kyle: 'My Hope Is That [Chloe] Will Know Who H - Duration: 1:09.

 Todd Chrisley says granddaughter Chloe has helped the family learn more about racism and how "it is a very prevalent situation in this country"

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For more infomation >> Todd Chrisley Talks Complicated Relationship with Son Kyle: 'My Hope Is That [Chloe] Will Know Who H - Duration: 1:09.


Multiple Sclerosis - is it Several Different Diseases? Precision Medicine (Part 2) (5) - Duration: 3:14.

Is there any evidence for multiple sclerosis' heterogeneity from advanced imaging studies

that you conduct in your multiple sclerosis research? Dr. Anton Titov MD

I think all of the neurology listeners are well aware of, within the last decade, a number

of discoveries, first at the Mayo Clinic, and supported by additional work in Oxford

and other institutions, demonstrated that this syndrome, or this aspect of the MS syndrome,

was specifically associated with presence of an antibody directed against Aquaporin

4 that was found in the serum.

Moreover, it was found that this Aquaporin 4 antibody was responsible for the Oriental

form, the specific oriental form of the disease [NMO], as well as the Caucasian form, providing

a unifying biomarker for this syndrome [NMO].

Much has been learned since then, because it also has been possible to make animal models

and to really start to understand the pathophysiology relatively precisely.

I think this is the most prominent success for a precision medicine-based approach, in

which it a subgroup of what had previously been considered to be multiple sclerosis,

has been able to be defined as a specific disease entity now considered quite distinct.

It responds to medications differently, has different prognosis, and occurs in different


As we look at what is left of the broader multiple sclerosis syndrome, it is also clear

that the patients with different HLA genotypes are susceptible to MS severity at different


For example, the HLA 1501 haplotype is associated with a more malignant progression of the multiple


Increasingly, we hope to find other strong genetic markers that may help us stratify

patients to begin the path towards personalization [of treatment].

Now, finally I would just note that the path to personalization of this multiple sclerosis

is likely not to be so simple as a single biomarker.

I believe that the NMO case was very fortunate but probably going to be less usual.

For personalization, as we move forward, multiple risk factors will likely need to be taken

into account: genetic, environmental, lifestyle, recognizing the influence of latitude, vitamin

D levels, smoking, and other high-risk behaviors, all of which, in conjunction with genetic

factors, will help us better assess patients on first presentation [visit to doctor] to

begin to provide them with information what likely prognosis is.

Finally, I think that this personalization can be enhanced substantially by the use of

imaging [MRI], which provides us a direct view of the pathology as it evolves.

Serial imaging studies, which are able to document the rate of change of T2 lesion load

in the brain, the accompanying damage that occurs with T2 lesions expressed in terms

of measures of demyelination and axon loss, and, of course, measures of brain atrophy

- altogether give us a sense for the severity of the pathology, which in conjunction with

these other factors, I hope, will lead us to algorithms to allow to stratify patients

much more precisely within the first year into those who really need very highly effective

therapies, or those who may benefit equally well from therapies with the lower anti-inflammatory

efficacy in the group overall, but potentially better safety profiles.

Clearly this is one part of the precision medicine, the predictive abilities at the

early stages of disease to stratify those patients who would need more aggressive versus

less aggressive therapy Yes, I think that's clear.

What we want to move to in precision medicine is, first, a better explanation to an individual

patient what they're likely prognosis is, and then using this with the patient had to

decide what the best benefit-risk profile is for the broad range of medicines that we

now have, because we are in the fortunate position now having medicines that really

do have such a broad range.

For more infomation >> Multiple Sclerosis - is it Several Different Diseases? Precision Medicine (Part 2) (5) - Duration: 3:14.


Multiple Sclerosis - is it Several Different Diseases? Precision Medicine (Part 1) (4) - Duration: 2:39.

Precision medicine advances often lead to discovery that a disease that was considered

to be a single entity is, in fact, several distinct molecular entities, even though there

is a common final pathway of clinical manifestations that make this disease entity to look very

similar. Dr. Anton Titov MD

And this is especially true for many cancers.

There is a view that multiple sclerosis might also represent several distinct pathophysiological

entities, and perhaps that can explain a very wide heterogeneity in clinical course of multiple

sclerosis and challenges in treatment strategy selection for some individual patients.

Is there any evidence for multiple sclerosis' heterogeneity from advanced imaging studies

that you conduct in your multiple sclerosis research?

And if so, what are the implications for personalizing the therapy selection for multiple sclerosis


Well, multiple sclerosis is diagnosed as a syndrome, it's a collection of a particular

type of clinical presentation, typically, these days, supported by laboratory evidence

for inflammatory disease in the white and gray matter, in some cases, in particular

distributions and in the absence of evidence for other potential causes.

So, we don't diagnose multiple sclerosis by a specific type of biomarker.

Now, within the syndrome of multiple sclerosis we also observe that there are a range of


Some people have, some very lucky patients, a small proportion, have a very good prognosis.

They may be followed for 20 more years and show little progression of disability.

Others may show rapid progression of disability Some may have infrequent relapses, others

may show frequent relapses.

Some may start with the progressive multiple sclerosis, with disability progression from

the start, others may start disability progression only in the late stages of multiple sclerosis.

This heterogeneity of the syndrome can be explained in two different ways.

One, is that it's a multifactorial disease, arising from multiple genetic susceptibility

factors, influences of the environment and lifestyle that may vary from patient to patient.

This is commonly seen with a variety of other diseases.

In fact, this is amongst the most common of the kinds of explanations that we have now

for syndromes, variety of diseases with syndrome presentations.

The other hypothesis is that within that syndrome there are recognizably distinct pathophysiological

processes that look like multiple sclerosis, but can be defined in distinct ways.

Now, the most prominent example of this, and really one of the only terribly clear examples

to date, is that of Neuromyelitis optica [NMO].

Clinically, this was recognized to be a syndrome that was relatively unusual within the MS

spectrum, in that optic neuritis and typically relatively severe spinal cord myelopathic

presentations were conjoined in a group of patients.

Moreover, these patients often showed relatively malignant course, in which each relapse was

associated with significant irreversible functional impairment.

Now, there were also ethnic differences in the frequency of this aspect of the syndrome.

It was found more commonly in oriental populations than in the Caucasian group.

From an imaging standpoint they showed some very particular features, the most prominent

of these was longitudinally extensive T2 hyperintense inflammatory lesions in the spinal cord, and

relatively sparser, typically, cerebral lesions load.

For more infomation >> Multiple Sclerosis - is it Several Different Diseases? Precision Medicine (Part 1) (4) - Duration: 2:39.


World Cup 2018: How long would it take for England players to earn World Cup prize money? - Duration: 6:42.

GETTYEngland have managed to progress through to the knockout stages in the World Cup  The last match of the group stages saw England concede their first match of the tournament to Belgium on Thursday

 However, the Three Lions managed to finish second in Group G, ensuring them entry into the knockout round

 England players are the best of the Premier League, playing for top teams and they have salaries to match their prowess

 FIFA have devised a prize fund that will see them give £301,802,000 in varying amounts to the 32 teams participating in the World Cup this year

Related articles World Cup Fantasy Football tips: Midfielders to sign Arsenal transfer news: When Lucas Torreira deal will be completed  The winning team will take home £28million, the second placing team will receive £21million and the third and fourth placed teams will bag £18million and £16million respectively

 It isn't all lost for those who have failed to get past the group stages, however, with teams failing to progress receiving £6

1million. Teams eliminated from the round 16 stage will receive £9.1million, as well as all World Cup teams being given £1

1million to prepare for the tournament.How long would it take for England players to earn the World Cup prize money?  Combined, England's 23 strong squad of top Premier League players earn a staggering £2,095,000 a week

 The difference between the most paid and least paid player in the team is significant, with £175,000 between Harry Kane's £200,000 a week wages and Nick Pope's £25,000 a week salary

 Should England win the tournament, they will receive £28million which when shared between the whole team equals just over £1

2million each. Kane would take only six weeks to earn his share of the prize money with his impressive Tottenham Hotspur salary

GETTYHarry Kane is the most paid player in the England squad Similarly, Raheem Sterling earns £175,000 a week meaning that it would take the Man City footballer seven weeks to earn his £1

2 million if England were to win the World Cup. It would take those at the lower end of the pay scale months or even years to earn their share of the prize

 Burnley player Nick Pope earns £25,000 a week meaning that to earn £1.2million it would take him 82 weeks, or just over one year

 Deli Alli would have to work for 16 weeks with his salary of £75,000 per week to earn his share of the World Cup first prize

World Cup Fantasy Football tips: Midfielders to sign in knockout rounds Fri, June 29, 2018 World Cup Fantasy Football midfielders can be tricky to find – but who are the top tips for the knockout rounds? Play slideshow Getty Images 1 of 10 Philippe Coutinho (Brazil) £9

1m – One of the players of the tournament so far  Here is the full list of how much players earn, and how long it would take them to earn their share of the World Cup prize fund: Harry Kane - £200,000 per week and would earn £1

2million in six weeks Raheem Sterling - £175,000 per week would take seven weeks Gary Cahill - £130,000 per week would take nine weeks Kyle Walker - £130,000 per week would take 11 weeksGETTYNick Pope earns the least out of all the members of the England Squad Jamie Vardy - £120,000 per week would take 10 weeks Danny Welbeck - £115,000 per week would take 10 weeks Ashley Young - £110,000 per week would take 10 weeks Jordan Henderson - £110,000 per week would take 10 weeks  Jesse Lingard - £100,000 per week would take 12 weeks John Stones - £100,000 per week would take 12 weeks Jordan Pickford - £90,000 per week would take 13 weeks Fabian Delph - £90,000 per week would take 13 weeks Dele Alli - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Eric Dier - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Harry Maguire - £75,000 per week would take 16 weeks Jack Butland - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeks Phil Jones - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeks Ruben Loftus-Cheek - £60,000 per week would take 20 weeksGETTYIf England win the World Cup they will receive £28million in prize money Danny Rose - £60,000 per week would take 21 weeks Marcus Rashford - £50,000 per week would take 24 weeks Kieran Trippier - £45,000 per week would take 26 weeks Trent Alexander-Arnold - £40,000 per week would take 30 weeks Nick Pope - £25,000 per week would take 82 weeks  Peter Watton spokesperson for OddsMonkey said: "Following England's promising performance in their friendlies against Nigeria and Costa Rica, spirits are high for England's highly anticipated debut in the World Cup

 "Along with the glory of winning the World Cup, the 23-man squad could earn a nice £1

2 million windfall from the £28 million prize. "While it may only take Harry Kane 6 weeks to earn his share of the £1

2 million prize, the prize is the ultimate payday for Pope who would otherwise have to work 82 weeks to earn the same amount!"

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