Home Remedies For Dry Skin.
How to get rid of dry rough skin from face?
Simple, using home remedies.
Instead of spending on expensive cosmetic products why not use simple yet effective
home remedies for treating dry, rough and cracked skin.
Dryness is caused due to lack of moisture in the skin especially during winters.
So using natural products that re-hydrate your skin, it is possible to get rid of dry
skin using home remedies.
In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of Dry Skin.
So please like share and subscribe our channel for more videos.
Number 1.
Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is known for its soothing and cooling
But Aloe vere has more than these qualities in its kitty.
Aloe vera is a miracle plant which helps in giving you all-round beauty from head to toe.
Aloe vera gel can be obtainted right from the plant.
These days the market is choc- a- bloc with several aloe vera gels.
Number 2.
hot shower.
Few things feel better than a steaming hot shower on a cold day.
Your skin disagrees.
Super hot water dries it out to no end.
Give it a lukewarm shower, and if you use soap, make sure it is all natural and the
most gentle one you can find.
Number 3.
honey and olive oil.
Honey has incredible properties that make it a great friend to skin; olive oil does
Combine them as suggested in 8 ways to use honey to pamper your skin and hair: Mix a
spoonful of honey with a spoonful of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice (a natural
skin brightener).
Apply this lotion to dry areas and let sit for 20 minutes.
Number 4.
Moisturize With Coconut Oil.
Light and aromatic, coconut oil is full of saturated fat that helps your skin retain
Erica Joy Dunn, certified holistic health coach and Reiki master, recommends keeping
a jar at your desk, bathroom, or kitchen to quickly replenish hands between washes.
Like me, I'm sure you're wondering if the cayenne in this recipe will burn.
Number . Avocado.
Avocado pulp is rich in natural oils that moisturize your skin.
It is also rich in vitamins A and E, and antioxidants like vitamin C and carotenes which help maintain
healthy skin.
Mash the avocado and place it in a bowl.
Make sure there are no large lumps present.
Apply the pack on your face, and keep it on for 15 minutes.
For more infomation >> Apply This Home Remedies And See Magical Results Within Hours │ How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Kissing Scene || How to a Kiss || Local Kiss || Petikot Ka Khajana || PetikotKaKhajana - Duration: 0:29.
How To Support Loved Ones Transitioning: The People Around You Are So Important | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 9:12.
How To Remove RED Spots At Home || Simple Ways To Remove Red Spots On The Skin - Duration: 7:06.
do you have these red spots on your skin the occurrence of small red modes on the
skin also known as cherry angiomas can certainly be alarming however while they
may seem unsightly this particular type of hole tends to be harmless cherry
angiomas look like small red molds but they are
actually not skin growths they are small collections of blood vessels close to
the skin surface they are typically raised and smooth and appear most often
on the chest back and upper arms cherry angiomas are very common and affect
people of all races they usually begin appearing in adults during their 30s or
40s and often increase in number with advising age cherry angiomas are not
cancerous because they are made up of blood vessels they tend to bleed if
nickman no one is sure what causes them but it
seems to be genetic so if your mom and dad had them there is a good chance you
will get some too newly discovered moles can be alarming especially when paired
with a distinctive color most common walls are dark brown or black
so finding red moles on the skin can be scary at first however the appearance of
a reddish colored mole does not mean that you have skin cancer color size and
shape distinguish a potentially cancerous mole from one that is harmless
they are often just an indication of aging skin a cherry angiomas won't go
away on its own but it is also unlikely to cause you any problems it may bleed
from time to time if it is irritated although most red moles are harmless
their location or size may make them undesirable have a work that does not
mean you should stop practicing prevention a monthly mole check will
keep you aware of the size location and coloring of all of the moles on your
body in order to prevent the advancement of skin cancer you should always check
your moles and have them evaluated professionally by either a dermatologist
or your family dr. possible removal methods you
probably want me to have a cherry and geometry tea but you do have options if
you want it removed for cosmetic reasons you might need to have it removed by
laser laser surgery this type of surgery involves using a pulse to the dilation
PDL to get rid of the cherry and coma the PDL is a concentrated Lu laser that
gives off enough heat to destroy the lesion home remedies for saggy facial
and body skin collagen and elastin are two proteins that keep your skin smooth
tight and wrinkle free and also they are essential for healthy youthful looking
skin but factors like aging sun damage and exposure to alcohol toxins can cause
collagen and elastin to break down over time when that happens the skin around
your face neck and chest may become wrinkled saggy and loose but sometimes
when you lose more weight at a shorter period of time it leads to lose excess
skin luckily there are a number of things you can do to give your skin the
tightening treatment its craving and help prevent sagging skin one honey with
aloe vera gel honey is loaded with natural hydrating antiseptic antioxidant
and anti-aging properties therefore can be termed as an effective natural
treatment for a loose skin aloe vera extract works as a natural skin
tightening agent this is recommended to treat untighten the sagging skin it is
only tightens the skin but also removes the wrinkles from the skin aloe vera gel
when mixed with honey can be an effective remedy for sagging skin for
this remedy you need honey 1tsp aloe vera gel 1tsp and above take one
teaspoon of honey with the same amount of aloe vera gel in a bowel
unmix well apply this mixture on your face arms or in the areas where you have
excess skin let this pack stay for 30 minutes and then rinse with plain water
use this remedy twice a day it will till it treats this condition effectively two
egg white with the lemon juice for skin-tightening lemon contains vitamin C
which boosts the collagen production of the skin thereby its application helps
to restore the elasticity of the skin the astringent properties of lemonade's
to tighten the skin and at the same time it help to decrease the wrinkles and
other signs of premature aging for this remedy you need egg one lemon juice 2
tablespoons separate the white portion of the egg from the yolk mix well the
lemon juice and the egg white to prepare a paste
apply the paste on the affected area and leave for 20 to 25 minutes wash it off
with plain water repeating this remedy at least four times a week will give you
effective results against the loose skin along with the remedies have
well-planned the diet regular workout and use of moisturizers may help your
skin to get back its previous tightness and elasticity have a protein-rich diet
collagen and elastin are two main ingredients required to keep your skin
plump and elastic protein rich foods like milk cheese tofu nuts fish and
beans or rich sources of collagen and elastin drink plenty of water water is
an important component of maintaining the elasticity of your skin
you must intake at least 2 liters of water every day
water helps to keep your skin hydrated which is a key to tighten your skin do
strength and weight training focus on strength and weight training exercises
as these will help to build and tone the muscles and give a shape to your skin do
only massage massage your loose skin with essential oils like olive lavender
and coconut oil etc to increase blood circulation in the areas of the sagging
skin which will result in tightening of the tissues and muscles underneath the
skin thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
How to buy a house when you're young: Expert tips you need to know - Duration: 6:19.
Are you in your 20's or 30's looking to buy your first home? In this video we'll
look at how to buy a house when you're young, that's coming right up.
Welcome to Homebuyer's School brought
to you by Brookfield Residential.
Hi everyone I'm Karl Yeh, and welcome to another Homebuyer's School video, a
channel where you get the latest strategies tactics and tips from home
buying experts, and remember if this is your first time on this channel and you
want to get the latest strategies from the experts, make sure to hit the
subscribe button below hit the little notification bell so you don't miss
anything. Today I'm joined by Cory McDonald, community manager with
Brookfield Residential and the question we're gonna answer today is, how do you
buy a house when you're young?
There's a lot of great resources out there to help
inform young buyers it's not impossible, it's--there's a lot of programs in place
to help young buyers but you want to be informed talking to a really good lender,
we'll have a good discussion with them to break down exactly what you're
qualified for but maybe also more importantly what you're comfortable
paying because what you're qualified for can sometimes leave you house poor if
you're not comfortable with--you want to go out to dinner on the weekends or you
want to have enough extra money to have a social life as well and then getting
multiple opinions because each lender might be able to provide a slightly
different program for you as well on top of just the mortgage there's a couple
things that young buyers might be surprised about when purchasing a
brand-new home, there's some additional costs associated with the home that
might--you might not be fully aware of right off the bat. Property taxes that
are that are due on an annual basis would be one, each community is going
to have a slightly different property tax and you'd want to know exactly what that
breaks down to on a month-to-month basis on top of your mortgage payments. As we
discussed earlier there's also either residents association or condo fees with
a multi-family site that you'd be paying for on top of just your mortgage. Again,
this goes towards you either your utilities or insurance and maintenance
on the exterior of the home or general upkeep of the community or the parks in
the area but then you also want to be looking at if it doesn't include
utilities what your water bills is, what your heating bills are gonna cost you
on the month month basis, so having a good discussion with a lender
or with a brand new sales team they'll help break down maybe some of these
additional costs that aren't as easily visible when you're first looking at
just a mortgage payment on a new home.
Now we've covered questions that you
need to ask as a first-time homebuyer above, but is location and community
really top priority for young buyers in your experience or is it more of like--
is it more pricing that would be--that would be the lead factor?
That's a really interesting question
and I have to say that it depends on what the individual
is primarily looking for. There's no such thing as a cookie cutter buyer, each
person has a as a unique idea of what they want or a unique lifestyle they're
trying to fulfill with purchasing a brand new home so for some people a
community would be very vital. They want to have easy access to the downtown
core, they want to be close to specific schools or specific parks for some
people, yes they're very price driven so that might limit the communities that
they're able to go to or maybe being further away from the interior core to
accommodate a lower price point potentially.
Now you--I remember you
talked about making sure you are prepared right because obviously if you
were buying your second or your third or your fourth home you've had that
experience you know, you've gone through the ringer of all the processes
throughout the home for a home buyer right, but as a first first-time home
buyer in addition to research, what are some things that they should also do
like for example, talk to family members, talk to--how about Realtors right? What
are some additional things that young people need to be aware of?
I would agree with both of those. Having those conversations and taking your time
to have those conversations with family members that have purchased homes
before. Have mom and dad have their say and what you should be looking for as a
first-time homebuyer based on their experiences. We love working with
Realtors and I think there is definitely an asset in having their experience come
with you as well to narrow down the search of what you're looking for, the
prices you can afford in specific communities as well so there's plenty of
resources online, so different builder websites or even
you go to third-party surveys such as avid which is a third-party customer
service survey that new homebuyers would fill out so you get an idea of which
homebuyers are happier in which communities, in which with builders, so
getting a sense of where people are happier buying versus maybe they
haven't had the greatest experience.
So going off here your avid comment,
things like Google reviews, Facebook reviews as well you know, just to get a
sense of maybe which communities, which home builders are the best that you--that
would meet your needs obviously.
100 percent. There is a big difference in
different builders so if I was buying a home I'd want to probably go with one
that had a great reputation and a great priority on customer service.
Perfect and remember, as an additional resource watch these videos too. Do you
have anything else to add in terms of helping young homebuyers?
It's completely free to look,
it doesn't cost anything to look through show homes even when you're
looking with the realtor. There's no fees in just looking so it doesn't hurt to
take your time, go explore, come visit some show homes. If you end up buying
that's fantastic, if not there's no harm done either, so come out and have a look.
Perfect well thank you very much Cory, thank you very much to everyone for
joining us, the question I have for you is, are you a young homebuyer and what
experiences and questions do you have in terms of the home buying process? Let us
know in the comment section below.
Thank you very much and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of
Homebuyer School. Tune in next time for
more expert tips and tricks, and visit
homebuyersschool.ca to bring you one
step closer to finding your dream home.
As with everything, it would be great if
you like and share our videos, also
please let us know if you have any home
buying questions you want us to answer.
Roanoke Disc Golf teaches 10 Sports Alyssa Rae how to play - Duration: 2:18.
How to Repair Damaged Ends on a Garden Hose - Duration: 3:01.
Hello everyone today I'm gonna show you how to repair the connectors on your old garden hose
Do you have an old hose kicking around your yard that you don't use anymore?
Because when you connect it to your hose bib on your house
It sprays everywhere or perhaps you drove over the other end with your car and you can't put on a nozzle anymore
It's kind of squished
the solution for you is to head on over to your hardware store and pick up these brass fittings that come in other metals as
Well, I find the brass ones the best. This was a combo pack so it came with both the male and female
What you're gonna need is some sort of about cutter a knife or a clipper
Some stronger scissors might work as well as a screwdriver or a socket driver. So those are the tools you're gonna need
Taking a look at the fitting this this is the male fitting and there's also a female fitting with a rubber gasket on the inside
This kit also came with two hose clamps for connecting them to the hoses. I
Bought five eighths inch fittings have a look at your hose. You may need to buy a different size
So there's a couple different sizes there. So grab your hose and we're gonna be slicing the hose just back from the end
You can use your knife or your Clippers give that a cut
It just comes right off
The next thing we're gonna be doing is taking one of the hose clamps and sliding it over the end of the hose
now grab one of the fittings and slide it into the hose and twist it all the way back until it meets the end of
the hose
you're gonna slide the hose clamp forward and leave a little bit of a space there and tighten that off with your screwdriver or your
Socket driver make it nice and tight
Now grab the other end of the hose and we'll do the same process again
So snip that off a little bit back from the end so you get a nice clean cut
Make sure you put the hose clamp on first and then put the fitting right into the end of the hose
Slide that hose clamp up
And then begin to tighten off the hose clamp with your screwdriver or your socket driver again
Now let's test it out
screws on nice and easy and we'll turn on the hose and see if there's any leaks and
Looks like we're all good there
So we'll turn on the nozzle on the other end and spray some water there and the same thing it looks to be all
Dry at the connections, so we're good to go all in all
I think these fittings are a great way to fix up an old hose
It's really easy to do and it'll save you a lot of money get you another 5-10 years of wear out of your hose
So I hope this video helped you out. If it did, please give me a thumbs up down below
I've also got plenty of videos coming up
So if you want to subscribe, I'd be more than happy to share those with you in the future
Thanks again for watching and take care!
NF - How Could You Leave Us [Nightcore] (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:54.
How could you leave so unexpected?
We waited, we waited For you, but you just left us
We needed you, I needed you
Yo, I don't know what it's like to be addicted to pills
But I do know what it's like to be a witness, it kills
Mama told me she loved me, I'm thinkin' this isn't real
I think of you when I get a whiff of that cigarette smell, yeah
Welcome to the bottom of hell They say pain is a prison, let me out of my cell
You say you proud of me, but you don't know
me that well Sit in my room, tears running down my face
and I yell Into my pillowcases, you say you coming to
get us Then call 'em a minute later just to tell
us you not, I'm humiliated I'm in a room with a parent that I don't barely
know Some lady in the corner watching us while
she's taking notes I don't get it mom, don't you want to watch
your babies grow?
I guess pills are more important, all you have to say is "no"
But you won't do it, will you?
You gon' keep popping, 'til those pills kill you
I know you're gone, but I can still feel you
Why would you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
How could you leave us here?
How could you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
I got this picture in my room and it kills me
But I don't need a picture of my mom, I need the real thing
Now a relationship is something we won't ever have, but why do I feel like I lost something
that I never had?
You should have been there when I graduated Told me you loved me and congratulations,
instead you left us at the window waitin' Where you at mom?
We're too young to understand, where you at, huh?
Yeah, I know them drugs have got you held captive
I can see it in your eyes, they got your mind captured
Some say it's fun to get the high, but I am not laughin'
And what you don't realize and what you not graspin'
That I was nothing but a kid, who couldn't understand it
I ain't gon' say that I forgive you 'cause it hasn't happened
I thought that maybe I'd feel better as time passes
If you really cared for me, then where you at then?
Why would you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
How could you leave us here?
How could you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
Our last conversation, you and I sat in the
living room Talkin' 'bout my music and I brought you some
to listen to You started cryin', telling me "this isn't
you" A couple weeks later, guess you were singin'
a different tune You took them pills for the last time, didn't
They took you from us once, I guess they came back to finish you
Cryin' my eyes out in the studio is difficult Music is the only place that I can go to speak
to you It took everything inside of me, not to scream
at your funeral Sittin' in my chair, that person talkin' was
pitiful I wish you were here, mama, but every time
I picture you All I feel is pain, I hate the way I remember
you They found you on the floor, I could tell
you felt hollow Gave everything you had, plus your life to
them pill bottles You gave everything you had, plus your life
to them pill bottles Don't know if you hear me or not, but if you're
still watching, ma
Why would you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
How could you leave us here?
How could you leave us?
Why would you leave us?
Sometimes I think about like Sometimes I think about things like,
you know
When I'd have kids, I'm like You won't be there, you know?
You won't be there for any of that
And I'll never get to see you again
Sometimes I wish I would've just called you I wish I would have just picked up the phone
Wish you were here I mean you should of been there for us
You should have been here!
Them pills got you, right?
Them pills got you, right?
I wish you were here…
How To Get The Void Hat | Event Tutorial - Roblox - Duration: 1:05.
How To Get The Void Hat | Event Tutorial - Roblox
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The Universe Event is the newest event to Roblox! The Void Hat Is the item awarded to players who complete a certain task. I will explain the task in this video. If you did find this video useful then please subscribe. I hope you have a good rest of your day! Thanks!! :D ------Link's------ ► Roblox: http://bit.ly/2MXxRrc ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/2tFMg2v ► Discord: http://bit.ly/67WCjJ ► YouTube: http://bit.ly/2lxwwe9 ►Music: N/A ----Contact Me---- ►Email: wiztech3mtnbros@gmail.com ►Discord: @3MtnBros#5325 *3MtnBros*
How To Check World Cup Scores from the Ubuntu Desktop - Duration: 1:40.
Here's how to quickly cure herpes on the lips at home! - Duration: 1:17.
Herpes on the lips is a disease, which is provoked by viruses.
Therefore, rapid treatment herpes on the lips is achievable
at home with use of funds
traditional medicine, as well as special antiviral
If you do not want to use pharmacy products, not
trouble, because herpes on the lips can be cured and folk
Quickly cure ailment can with the help of soda.
For this it is recommended to boil water, about 150ml, when
water boils, add in it one teaspoon
soda, then remove from heat, soak in this solution
cotton swab and apply on the affected area.
No less effective means against herpes - fir
The earlier you start lubricating this oil wound, the more
effectiveness from its use.
Apply fir oil preferably every 2-3 hours.
How to Register and Buy Products from PartsBaba.com | How to Apply Discount Code | Free Training - Duration: 7:36.
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!ENG SUB! How does a girl become a knight? I want to be in National Team! Episode 1 - Duration: 8:27.
I want to be in National tean!
Hi, everybody!
My name is Sergei Ukolov, and this is Ira.
Today we are starting a new video project.
I think this will be useful for beginners. And I think it will be fun!
Ira came to our gym.
As you can see, she is tall and in good physical shape.
But she does not know how to fight at all.
We will try to fix this.
Our main goal is to get into the Russian national team on 5 vs 5 female nomination.
I hope this will happen this year. But it's hard. Or next year!
So it will be more reliable and I'm sure we can do it.
We have a lot of work to do. She will have to learn from the basics.
This will also be useful for you.
Anthropometric parameters do not greatly influence the result.
You need to learn a lot to be a HMB Fighter.
This is not a stupid fight between two huge dumb guys.
We will make new videos. You can watch her progress ..
How she gets a new armor, how she learns something new.
I will look for her weaknesses and will explain how I am going to fix them.
What will be the physical exercises and the regime of the day.
I hope this will be useful for many novice fighters.
I think that's all.
No, not all!
Now we will have a small duel with her.
We will not test her emotional stability and we will not wear armor on her.
A small duel with soft weapons, shield strikes and wrestling elements.
In a few minutes of our fight, we will be able to see all of her mistakes. They will show themselves.
Then, I'll tell you what she did wrong and how to fix it. And you can see her progress in the next videos.
It's all. Let's go fight
Well, you saw it all yourself.
Ira is a strong Lady. She's actually taller than me.
She has a lot of potential. We need only realize this potential.
She does not understand where to put her feet when she wrestle.
How to take the pelvis out of the throw.
She does not know how to fall right.
In other words, she does not know how to wrestle.
For the first twenty seconds she shows a good fight. she makes strikes with a shield, defends herself.
She fights as she can.
As soon as she is a little tired, all her weaknesses come out.
And, as you have seen, she is not a very good fencer.
We will not train her as a fencer. For now.
Our goal for now is a Buhurt. Buhurt is a fight. It's a fight next to the list.
Buhurt it's a...
Buhurt it's a fight in steel armor! :)
Ira still did not even wear armor.
Because she is not ready yet.
Now, all work will be aimed at studying the basics of the Wrestling.
Wrestling and one good and powerfull strike!
For example, a direct blow to the head.
This is not to throw people on the floor.
This is so that she does not hurt herself.
If she learns the basics well, she can easily throw girls that are shorter than her.
While she has to "dance" with a "boy" who weighs 100 kilograms..
She is not very good at it.
The List? You saw everything yourself.
I just threw it over the list.
A small announcement.
Ira has no armor.
If you make armor, you can help her!
And we will advertise you on my channel.
Ira will fight in the armor of your production.
In this armor, she will come to the Russian national team.
I hope you will support her!
Thank you for watching! Wait for the new series.
See ya!
How To Lose a Console Generation, The Sony Story - Sony Is Killing The Playstation 5 Already! - Duration: 4:36.
Well, Sony didn't have the best E3.
They had technical difficulties and questionable decisions like having that guy stroking his
instrument for several minutes and having some of the games look more like movies I'd
like to watch, but not play followed by the disasterous realization of their playerbase
that Sony is preventing Fortnite players from playing the game on other devices.
We aren't talking playing with people on other devices, which they also disallow, we are
talking about once you play Fortnite on PS4, you can only ever play it on PS4 going forward.
It's been quite the show since with gems like the hashtag Fu**ThePlayers, but the thing
is Sony is digging their grave and doesn't seem to realize it.
Sony is probably planning to show and maybe release a new console in a year, it might
come out in 2 or 3 years, the point is they are prepping to hit that scary reset button
and have zero players.
Microsoft is planning to have a console to show next year for sure and they also have
been buying up studios left and right too, with bullishly growing confidence.
Xbox has been oozing confidence since before Sony pissed off players of one of the biggest
casual hits the last half of this decade.
On the other front, Sony is facing down Nintendo on the warpath with the Switch, a console
with game changing functionality that I believe is still on trajectory to outsell the PS2
in less time and has software selling ridiculously high numbers for how many systems are currently
Very consistently the switch version of a game outsells all other platforms combined;
you could argue that Nintendo has captured the hardcore gamer or created a new breed
of hardcore gamer.
Sony is in no position to be cocky and fill their bellies with the pride of the past success,
their 2 rivals are putting everything down to give Sony a run for it.
When Sony is sending the 9th gen PS5 to market, they will likely be looking at Microsoft riding
the wave of renewed goodwill over services like Gamepass and embracing crossplay, while
also trying their best to emulate the Switch's first year schedule with as many exclusives
as they can, a couple big ones they expect to sell the system, and smaller projects to
appeal to smaller, but very passionate audiences, rounded out by a few enhanced ports of games
we've just heard about or will hear about very soon.
Nintendo very well could have about 60 million Switch consoles if their sales projections
remain steady next year and will likely have between 2500-5000 games at least announced,
many having been released and unless Sony has something portable, that function aspect
may be especially tricky to overcome in much the same way they were tricky for Nintendo
and Microsoft to dominate with their own PS2 and it's ridiculous library, but Sony is facing
that situation on steroids.
They could very easily have a much more powerful system, that gets slightly enhanced ports
of the Switch version that is all but guaranteed to sell in much the same way the Gamecube
and Xbox were heldback because the PS2 was the primary target system and even when 7th
gen started, it was a wait for developers to stop porting the PS2 version to the new
If they don't check themselves now, Sony will be there having alienated many people with
their anti-consumer antics, facing an Xbox ready to steal their thunder and a well established
If at that moment they realize their error and embrace crossplay on the PS5, will it
even matter?
Will they be forgiven?
Not likely; the Xbox One tried to embrace DRM to restrict your ability to play games
on your terms and when they changed their attitude a few days later, it was too late
and it's just now are they rebuilding the bridges they burned with their cocky-foolishness.
It's easier to think you are the biggest chicken, too big to be challenged and create bad blood
in your cocksure arrogance than to convince anyone you are truly sorry.
How to NOT be BORING on Camera 😴| 4 Ways to Create Engaging Videos - Duration: 9:38.
How To Get The Alien Backpack | Event Tutorial - Roblox - Duration: 1:28.
How To Get The Alien Backpack | Event Tutorial - Roblox
The Universe event is the latest to Roblox! The Alien Backpack is the item awarded to players who complete certain challenges. Tne in to find out what you need to do. I really hope you enjoyed. Comment down below if you found this video useful. Thanks!! :D ------Link's------ ► Roblox: http://bit.ly/2MXxRrc ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/2tFMg2v ► Discord: http://bit.ly/67WCjJ ► YouTube: http://bit.ly/2lxwwe9 ►Music: N/A ----Contact Me---- ►Email: wiztech3mtnbros@gmail.com ►Discord: @3MtnBros#5325 *3MtnBros*
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How To Apply Bihar Board 11th Online Admission form 2018 | Step By Step | Compartmental exame form - Duration: 6:27.
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SimplyFly by Safran - episode 9: Landing gears and how they work! - Duration: 3:51.
You may not think about landing gears all that often.
But they're essential components on airplanes
or helicopters.
They support the aircraft on the ground during takeoff
- they also cushion shocks -
taxiing and braking.
Airplanes usually have two main landing gears under the wings
and a nose landing gear under the cockpit.
When the plane lands, the two main landing gears touch down first
and the pilot then eases the nose gear onto the runway
and uses it to steer the plane.
Each landing gear has 3 main parts:
the struts, the wheels and the brakes.
The first thing the struts need to be is strong.
They're made of very-high-strength materials
such as titanium and steel.
A landing gear can carry more than 500 tons
and travel almost 500,000 kilometers during its life cycle.
It has a hydraulic mechanism that can either deploy or retract
for take-off and landing
and ultra-high-efficiency shock absorbers
to treat passengers to a smooth ride.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've just landed at Acapulco international airport.
The captain and crew hope you have a pleasant stay.
Each landing gear has several wheels.
The number of wheels and their size depend on the type of aircraft.
As you can see, a commercial medium-haul jet
usually has 2 wheels on each landing gear.
And a wide-body transport aircraft can have 3 times that many.
The wheels are made of aluminum.
The wheels and tires need to hold very heavy loads
at take-off speeds that can exceed 300 km/h.
Then, the brakes have carbon discs.
They have to slow down and stop a 100-ton load
in about one kilometer
and withstand up to 800°C on landing.
The brakes can also count on the thrust reversers built into the nacelle
and the flaps behind the wings.
As they have such a tough job to do
landing gears need to meet extremely stringent requirements
and undergo many tests before they fly.
Take these landing gears, for example.
They are for big military aircraft that need to land just about anywhere
on the sand in the Sahara,
on the ice in Greenland,
on earth trails, tiles and the carpet in your living room!
Well, ok, that won't happen all that often.
As a Safran-powered aircraft takes off somewhere in the world every 2 seconds
the teams need to innovate non-stop.
For example, embedding chips in tires will enhance safety
and simplify maintenance.
"I need more air!"
And the electric taxiing systems that planes will be using on tarmacs
in the near future
will enable planes to push back from the gate by themselves
without waiting for the tractor.
So they will only use their engines to fly!
There, now you know everything.
Or nearly everything.
So, next time you take a plane
take a minute to ponder the technological gems
hidden just beneath your feet.
How To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out - Tips For A Better LinkedIn Profile - Duration: 6:19.
With 98% of recruiters and 85% of hiring managers using LinkedIn to find
qualified candidates for open positions, LinkedIn is the place to be if you are
on the hunt for a new job. So in today's video, you'll learn how to stand out and
get noticed so that you'll have recruiters and
hiring managers knocking at your door and if you stay around until the end,
I'll show you where to find a free LinkedIn mini course. If we've never met
before, I'm Heather Austin from ProfessorAustin.com and The Career Club on
Facebook and on this channel I share simple solutions to help you build a
business or launch a career you love so if you're new here consider subscribing
and hitting that Bell notification down below so you don't miss a thing and real
quick comment down below with what your biggest frustration is when it comes to
using LinkedIn. Not only is LinkedIn the fastest growing professional network
online, it is also a powerful search engine for recruiters and hiring
managers to find talent. So what can you do to make your LinkedIn profile stand
out so that you can get the attention you deserve?
Let's jump into it. Step number one is to focus on the top half of your profile.
The top half of your profile is one of the first places that a hiring manager
or recruiter will look when they want to learn more about you. The top half is
considered your profile photo, your headline and your summary. Now I've got
you covered with two videos that go in detail about the photo and the headline.
I'll go ahead and link both of those up below. Step number two to make your
LinkedIn profile stand out is to make your profile keyword heavy. Once you
find a position that really interests you, highlight keywords or phrases that
appear multiple times in the job posting. These words or phrases are indicators of
what the employer is looking for in an ideal
candidate. With these keywords pinpointed, you want to incorporate them into your
headline, your summary and your work experience sections.
Do your best to place emphasis on hard skills rather than soft skills. Soft
skills are things that will show your personality and behavior such as
communication, leadership or even teamwork. Although these skills are
important and employers want to see them, they also want to see more tangible
skills. That's why you want to focus on hard skills. Hard skills will be
something that you've learned or gained from work experience or education. Hard
skills include things like graphic design, accounting, sales and programming.
Think about this step as market research. It's important to tailor your profile to
the position or industry that you want to be in so keywords are going to be
essential to helping you do this. This leads us to step number three to make
your LinkedIn profile stand out and that is to make connections. Believe it or not,
recruiters and hiring managers want to know who you know. They want to know how
well-connected you are in your industry and if you have the ability to form
relationships. For example, if you're lacking in connections this might lead
someone to believe that others just don't want to connect with you or that
you don't want to connect with others. This is a red flag to employers and it
could be an indicator of your lack of people skills so to beef up your network
start connecting with people you know personally and then move on to those
that maybe you haven't yet met in person but you have something in common with,
such as a shared connection, maybe you attended the same school, maybe you even
work for the same company. Now the goal here shouldn't be just to connect with
as many people as you can. You want to make sure that your connections are
going to be real relationships. So to do this, make sure you customize the
connection request when you actually invite a person to connect with you. Step
number four to make your LinkedIn profile stand out
is to get recommendations. One of the most powerful things you can do for your
LinkedIn profile is to secure some well-written recommendations. Now I
always say to get a recommendation you need to give a recommendation. So
pinpoint others in your network that you would like to receive a recommendation
from and compose a high-quality recommendation for them. Cances are
they'll return the favor and don't be afraid to ask for recommendations from
others. A good recommendation will include the qualities that you have that
make you unique in your industry, how the person knows you and what they are
recommending you for. Now here's the cool thing, LinkedIn always allows you to
proof your recommendation before you publish it to your LinkedIn page so if
there's something that's not quite right about the recommendation, don't feel bad
to go back to the person and ask them to revise it before you publish it to your
LinkedIn page. This leads us to step number five to make your LinkedIn
profile stand out and that is to get active. Recruiters and hiring managers
love to see candidates that are active on the platform. This means joining
groups and engaging in high-quality conversations with others inside those
groups. This also means creating your own posts
and articles and commenting, liking and sharing other people's posts and
articles. Another way to get active on LinkedIn is to follow the company pages
of positions you are applying for or even just companies you might want to
work for in the future. Now if you want even more tips to help your profile
stand out, make sure you take a look at my free LinkedIn mini course. I'll go
ahead and link that up below also if you want to build a business or launch a
career you love, be sure to subscribe and if you know someone that might benefit
from this video, please feel free to share it with them and don't forget to
hit the like button below and I will see you guys next time.
Xin Jin -how learned behaviors are organized and controlled by different brain cell types - Duration: 3:11.
(light upbeat music)
- We all perform series of movements throughout our day,
but we still don't really understand
how those series of movements are organized.
There's been this longstanding debate
that series of actions might be organized
as either a hierarchy, and you can think of this
as having different levels of control,
or they might be organized in a chain.
You can think of this as kind of like dominoes.
You set off that first action
and it causes a cascade of subsequent actions
- Why is this important?
Our study has provided very important insight
in terms of how to treat disease, like Parkinson's Disease,
which has problems with start or stop action,
or psychiatric disease like OCD,
which has problems with switching from one motor program
to another motor program.
- What we did is we turned to mice,
because we can train mice to perform action sequences
and we also have all of these amazing tools and techniques,
such as optogenetics, to actually turn on or turn off
different cells in the brain.
We designed a task for the mice,
you can think of this like playing the piano for humans,
instead of playing notes on the piano,
they're playing a series of lever presses.
And what they do is they perform this series
of lever presses to receive a little treat at the end.
We could actually use optogenetics
to activate different cells in the brain
while animals perform this sequence.
And by disrupting the behavior in a very precise way,
we could investigate how the sequence was organized.
What we found is that in the striatum,
which is this area of the brain
that's part of the basal ganglia,
thought to be heavily involved in movement,
it's classically believed that different pathways
in the striatum function in opposition to control movement,
but what we found is that actually there was more complexity
to how these two pathways are behaving.
- In this particular study, we provide
conclusive evidence that suggests
that learned action sequence is actually organized
in a hierarchical manner, and not in a series chain.
And more importantly, we found cells
in the brain structure called striatum.
There are different cells responsible
for different levels of behavior.
Meaning, they work together and are complementary
to control the behavior hierarchy.
- I hope that down the road this will have
important implications for individuals
that struggle with properly performing action sequences,
such as Parkinson's or Huntington's disease
or individuals that have difficulty transitioning
to new actions like those with obsessive-compulsive disorder
who often have trouble switching to new things.
- I'm particularly excited about the study,
because it solved a long-standing debate in the field.
At the same time, it provides new insight
for potential treatment for different neural disease.
(light upbeat music)
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