- I'm Romesh. How you doing? - I'm good.
I think you've been speaking to my publicist.
Thank you very much for sorting out a ticket.
- Um, I do a podcast... - Right.
...called Hip Hop Saved My Life.
It's named after one of Lupe's songs, obviously.
Um, I was wondering if there's any chance I could get a chance
to, like, just ask him
to be on the podcast.
Are you an artist? Do you, like, rap?
I'm really into hip-hop.
Like, I used to do a bit of stuff myself
and things like that, so...
You think you can, like, rap for me?
Y'all wanna hear him freestyle?
[woman] Yeah, what-what-what you got?
Shit, you want me to actually do it now?
- Yeah. - Yes!
I can't really rap, so I'm just giving it a go, because...
[man] Spit the bars, my -----
♪ My name's Romesh and I'm hot like Tabasco ♪
♪ I'm at the Belasco backstage at Lupe Fiasco ♪
♪ I love Lupe, but Lupe don't know me ♪
♪ So I'm gonna announce and pronounce my name slowly ♪
♪ Romesh Ranganathan, hip-hop is my heaven ♪
♪ An Uber driver told me I look like I work in 7-Eleven ♪
- Bars. - Thank you very much.
♪ I come rotten like a sheep shaggin' some mutton ♪
♪ My style is super memorable, your style is soon forgotten ♪
♪ It's not on, I rock on ♪
♪ Any track I drop on ♪
♪ Scary like a prison guard about to strap his cock on ♪
♪ But facing away ♪
♪ I come wicked, like the devil's ejaculate ♪
♪ The immaculate conception of my form is uncompassionate ♪
♪ To mediocrity, hypocrisy, or monotony ♪
♪ Stepping to me first in this cypher is false economy ♪
♪ Ask your friends about me ♪
♪ They'll tell you that I'm the nicest ♪
♪ I'm MC Colonel Sanders ♪
♪ I've got flavor like 11 herbs and spices ♪
- [cheering] - [man] Whoo!
[Romesh] Thank you, that's it. That's all I've got.
- [cheers and applause] - Cheers, mate.
[Ben] You were surprisingly good.
[Romesh] Thank you.
[Ben] You were quite lucky that
the venue was called Belasco.
Also lucky
that one of my favorite hot sauces is Tabasco.
[Romesh] Thank you. Holy shit.
Oh, shit, what's up, bro?
- How you doing? - [Lupe] What's up, man?
- What's your name? - Romesh.
- Romesh? - Yes, um...
I do a podcast that's named after one of your tunes,
Hip Hop Saved My Life.
Okay, okay. Thank you.
And it would be an absolute honor
if you'd be on it, man. That'd be amazing.
I don't know, man. Um...
I got my mum--uh, my mum was the last guest on it,
to be honest with you, 'cause she likes it.
But she can't really spit, so...
But you can spit, though.
- Uh, well, I gave it a go. - [Lupe] You got some bars.
- You got a little bar. - I used to do a bit, you know.
So look, I jump on on your show.
You come on my show, yeah?
For more infomation >> 'You Can Spit Though' ft. Lupe Fiasco Ep. 9 Official Clip | Just Another Immigrant | SHOWTIME - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Even The Doctors Are Shocked || This Simple Drink Can Cure Diabetes In Just 5 Days. - Duration: 4:27.
doctors shocker Okra water cures diabetes okra is fast gaining a
repetition as a superfood for people with or at risk of diabetes or cancer
okra commonly referred to as lady's finger okra is known to have a positive
effect on blood sugar control among many other health benefits evidence of okra
having anti-diabetic properties has increased in recent years with multiple
laboratory and animal studies confirming okra as a potent - blood glucose
lowering and anti diabetic foot in one study published in 2011 in the Journal
of pharmacy and by or allied Sciences researchers in India found the diabetic
mice fed dried and ground or appeals and sieves experiences a reduction in their
blood sugar levels while others showed a gradual decrease in blood glucose
following regular feeding of okra extract for about 10 years
the drink is made by putting okra parts in water and soaking them overnight some
of the valuable nutrients in the skin and seed parts will be observed into the
water if you were not crazy about the taste of
okra drinking this okra water solution is a quick and simple way to derive the
benefits of okra without eating it outside of scientific research many
people with diabetes have reported decreasing blood sugar levels of the
soaking cut-up okra pieces in water overnight and then drinking the juice in
the morning while in turkey roasted okra seeds have been used as a traditional
diabetes medicine for generations the superior insoluble fiber contained in
okra is believed to help stabilize blood glucose by slowing the rate at which
sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract okra recipe ideas the gel inside
of okra is a thickening agent making it a common ingredient in some soups and
stews if you would like to start to use okra as a part of your diet you can
start with a simple gumbo recipe pickled okra is another popular okra variation
that replaces the bitterness of the okra part with a so taste picking okra also
softens the pea if you own a dehydrator drying out okra parts and seasoning them
with sea salt makes it tasty snack to satisfy your craving or crunch woke up
with rice water cures diabetes the seeds and peel of okra have anti-diabetic
properties which led to stabilized blood glucose levels whereas a moderate amount
of healthy whole grains such as brown rice or white rice instead of processed
grains may reduce the risk of complications like diabetic neuropathy
firstly prepare rice water by boiling rice in a bowl now strain this water
into a glass or jar and keep aside take four medium sized okra parts cut both
ends of cords
and make okra into small pieces place the okra pieces into your glass
and covered them with the rice water ela walk reduce it in rice water overnight
space okra pieces before removing from the rice water finally discard the
pieces uncut down the water do this once in a day to reduce the efforts of
existing diabetes or to keep diabetes at bay as a pre diabetic person it takes
almost no effort on your part and could potentially save your money in reducing
the need for expensive treatments thank you for watching this video like and
subscribe for more videos
Stunning DUO75 A frame House Can Be Built by Just Two People - Duration: 1:24.
Stunning DUO75 A-frame House Can Be Built by Just Two People
How Congress can keep the momentum going from tax reform - Duration: 3:47.
Save for Retirement or Kids' College? Plus Find Out How You Can Make Money From Home - Duration: 16:53.
Hale please give this video a thumbs up and if you would share it, that would be awesome and
I'm gonna go ahead and invite my facebook friends now
Hi Kelli here from FreebieFindingMom.com and
I'm just gonna take a few minutes and address the money questions that I've received this week
and as always if you have any other questions
Feel free to leave them in the comments or go ahead and message me on email, but whatever is easiest for you
And I think retaining - really finances and managing your money saving your money
oh, and if you're watching either on youtube or on facebook, please give me a
Please leave a comment. Let me know where you're viewing from. I just like to know where everybody is
is watching from it's it's just fun and
So like I was saying ask any questions you have
Pertaining to your finances whether that is how to manage your money
be it that investing or how to budget your money how to save money and even actually today I'll
Inform you of a way that you can make money from home
Because I tend to get several questions about that and I'm a pretty regular basis about how largely moms can make money from home
So I have an idea
Of something that you can do if it's of interest to you that I'll share with you a little bit later here
But without further ado
I want to go ahead and jump into a couple of the money questions that we've received this past week
The first one came from Anna and Anna one - no. She said they have some extra funds that they managed to
Set aside each month now and she wanted to know if they should be starting to save for their retirement
Or if they should be starting to save for their kids college
You know and you guys were so kind you responded back. Yeah, pretty much all in agreement to be honest and
And basically you had said you really need to start saving for retirement first
I know Barbara had mentioned that you should start saving for retirement
Because there's always going to be scholarships and financial aid available for your children for college
great my Barbara because as someone who has a
Lot of financially to put herself through college like loans and I have had France I've had scholarships
I also was a co-op in college, which is if you don't know what that is. It's basically like a paid internship. So
Yes, those are all options that you when your children get to that age when they need to be going to where they're going to
Go to college then there are a lot of different options available to them
So definitely start to say for your retirement first
If you have any additional funds now like Mandy said is she brought up a good point
It's getting harder and harder for people to even retire anymore because of the cost of living so
You know
She brought up that point and quite honestly like she said maybe your children won't even go to college never will go into the military
Maybe they will go into a skilled trade
so, um just you but if you can save for college, that's great and wasn't that mention that um,
Yeah that Charlotte brought up that good point
Like if you can say four colors for your children great
By all me and start it set up a 529 and for them and start saving for college
It's wonderful, but if you can if it's a decision of whether or not to say for college
or to save a retirement hands down start to save for your retirement and
Like I mentioned before Charlotte brought up the great point about you know
We don't really have our children a college education and I someone who did not have a college fund when I went into school
Basically, just you make it work and like Charlotte said she also went got her education and went through school and worked and it worked
Out just fine. Now. I'm gonna tell you it's gonna probably be stressful, but it's doable
I did it many many many people do it
and like I said
You'll probably your children will just have to likely do a combination of things
Like they have to they may have to work when they're in school, which I did which is not a bad thing
it's probably a great thing actually and
You know besides working and then getting loans which unfortunately many of us have to get as well
Grants or scholarships are great if you're eligible for any of those
So Anna to answer your question. I think we pretty much all agree
You really should start saving for your retirement
Before you start worrying about your kids college if there is any additional funds after you've saved for your retirement
Then by all means go ahead and put some money away the 529 for your children
and now I would one of the questions I wanted to talk about with Valerie's this week and Valerie made the comment that
She wanted our stiff question. She wanted to know where are the best place to get quality cheap swimsuits and
for kids and
Tricia I mentioned justice for girls since I don't have a girl
I don't I wouldn't know that but I do know that justice has super cute stuff because my friends like that store
For their kids, but Tricia mentioned justice Jacqueline
mentioned Old Navy which is one of them that came to my mind first Ross Marshalls our Burlington and
I mentioned target is another option that you can find cute clothes act and Beth had mentioned Costco has speedos and
Which is a good name brand?
I I've worn it for many years and then Rachel
Mentioned Kohl's which I love too
Especially with when you shop at Kohl's and getting all their coupons and promos and things you can really get great deals at Kohl's on
Name-brand stuff. So hopefully that helped you Valerie's
Places were to go to get quality
Swimsuits for kids and adults to be honest and number the store not just as perhaps but I know Old Navy sometimes has really cute
Suits and Target and Kohl's does so so today. So check those out if that's helpful a
Few other points I wanted to mention about what's going on here at crew be find a mom. The first one is I
Well, don't forget to mention that today the Kroger through Friday downloads
So if you have a Kroger or a Kroger affiliate store near you be sure to grab that download today
I think it's a called amp organic. I want to say it's it's some kind of a drink so grab that coupon today
I'll have another I think at least a couple of weeks to redeem that but be sure to grab that freebie and
Then another item I wanted to mention today is I was able to get my new finance video out called something
it was the best financial decision that I ever made and
I that was a fun video to do because I actually collaborated with a fellow bloggers friend whose name was also Kelly
She blogs over at freedom and a budget. So if
If you haven't checked it out I shared her video here
I believe it was mine morning on the Facebook page
But if you haven't checked it out if you're on YouTube or find my link here in Facebook
Be sure to check out Kelly and freedom in a budget. She's great
She has loads of great videos about money saving tips, and I'm living frugally and getting out of debt
so be sure to check her videos out and
Mine is up and it's live on
YouTube my best financial decision I ever made which
I will go ahead and put a link to that in the bottom of this post as well here on YouTube and on Facebook and
That was one thing I went to mention and then this weekend I'm gonna be taping I'm gonna try to tape it
we've got a busy weekend, but I'm gonna try to tape a video of
How you can save money?
making your own homemade face moisturizer and using essential oils now, I will say I
did some quick calculations for this last weekend and I
started basically
Just breaking out the cost of like buying a standard homemade face a by a standard face moisturizer verse making your own and quite honestly
you can save
Easily over $100 a year and that's not buying like expensive face creams or anything. That's like buying
Stuff at the grocery store at the drugstore now, if you go to one of those fancy stores in the mall to buy
You know your face cream and you would save even more so and actually that brings me to the point
Um, I have a video on how to make your homemade face moisturizer. I will share that down here as well
Just so that you have that as a reference
but what I'm gonna take this weekend is to show you the
Calculations how much exactly you can save by making your own homemade face moisturizer
so, like I said, it was over 100 dollars a year, so
Which brings me to another point is?
If those are using I use essential oils a lot of my DIY Beauty recipes if you follow a freebie finding mauve you'd know that
I loved sharing
Recipes or like skincare and just beauty recipes and those are just one of the ways as you can use essential oils
if you're not familiar with what essential oils are and
And most people probably are but if you're not familiar with what they are
They're really a way that you can just use them
Like I say a myriad of ways in your life in your family's lives to live healthfully to live more naturally and chemical-free
so a lot of people diffuse the oils in the air like we love diffusing more the centrist citrus scents like
Lemon is one of my favorites
Grapefruit, we really like to and having said that you can you can also use them topically and I last why I like these DIY
Beauty recipes I've got so many of them on the blog. It's not even funny
I mean if you go to free be finding moms calm and go to the DIY section
There should be a drop down for anything like homemade beauty products or for my Beauty recipes and in there you'll see
Just so many I'm probably over I bet I have about 50 by now and I still make them all the time actually. So, um
that is
One thing I'm going to be doing more of and I think it'll probably be sharing more recipes on how to make your own homemade
cleaners using essential oils too because what I think people don't realize is that you can see so much money using essential oils and
Which is why I am bringing them to young livings line
Anyways to you guys Young Living Essential Oils has been around for over
27 years a lot of people use them and love them and I think it'd be a good fit for you guys since
We're frugal and we'd like to have great products
But also save money doing it so lat which brings me to another item is last night. I had fun
We I taped a Facebook live video with my friend Stephanie and I here on youtube if you're watching on YouTube
I did share that video here on YouTube as well
But if the Facebook live with my friend Stephanie who's been selling Young Living Essential Oils for several years now
Basically, I wanted to kind of just give you kind of an overview of like how you can get started either using and or selling
Young Living Essential Oils, no mind you when a lot of people buy what they call this Young Living premium starter kit
Most people never sell them
But I wanted to mention it on the video because I thought it was important because I get so much feedback from you guys
that you want ways that you can make money from home and so once I learned like with Young Living Essential Oils
how I guess how easy it is for moms, and I mean for everybody but especially for moms you have limited time and
Need something that works and that they can actually you know
Get behind me passionate about and that they can make money for their family. I thought I got to mention it to you guys
So that's why we did the Facebook live last night. We'll do some more videos over time
Probably in the next week or so. I'll just try to more informative educational videos about essential oils and
But I'd love like I said use them for homemade beauty recipes that you can use them in cleaners
Like I said, you can use them gosh, like I say it's for healing and like to be honest
And I probably should mention the supposed to be honest
If you follow me on Instagram
You know this past week that I wiped out on a treadmill like full-on flew off the back the treadmill
so I used lavender essential oil to
To help the scrapes on my knee. I'll spare you from showing you what they look like
but um, they were really gross and now they're healing and that's the only thing I'm use on them is lavender essential oil, so
So anyway, so I use them that way too
So I diffuse them I use them for kind of cuts and scrapes and I've used them on cold sores before correct
That's what I usually use them on is a cold sore
I use them for DIY beauty recipes one of my favorite beauty recipes
Which I've actually done in YouTube that you want before is for a microdermabrasion paste recipe it is
so simple to make and I kid you not if it honestly may it leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth and
so, um, so I encourage you if it's something that you have an interest in and you think you know,
You would like to explore being able to save money for your family
But and still live naturally
and then I encourage you look into Young Living Essential Oils whether it just to be to pick up a kit or whether just to
To sell them even potentially and just I don't talk too much about the selling aspect. You can watch the face book life
I thought that I taped last night, but if you're interested in in doing that
You would essentially be a member on my team and I would be the one helping you grow your team
selling in Living Essential Oils, but so that's that and then a 1-dimensional another thing is
Young Living Essential Oils now actually has an all-natural mineral makeup line, which I use and
Love and it's called savvy minerals if that's of something of interest to you. Message me or leave a comment on here
I'd be happy to give you more information about it. I love that line. I'll tell you why because I
I have only always only worn mineral makeup because
more information that you need but in high school, I had horrible bad acne, which is why I have like
crater sized pores today
but that's why I've never worn like the liquid foundations and stuff as I just felt it was like very clogging into my skin and
So that's why when I found out that Young Living was coming out with savvy minerals, which is a mineral makeup line
I was like, yes, finally because I
I was using the other kind of popular mineral makeup lines that I'm sure you probably know what those are
And they were working fine
But I love the fact that as savvy minerals has come out with a makeup line where the product is actually good for your skin
Because that's why the reason I don't like to wear a lot of makeup because that's like I don't want to irritate my skin
I don't aggravate it. I
It's just I just don't want that on top of my skin and like it feels like a blanket on my skin
I never held that way with savvier minerals. And actually the makeup is actually good for your skin. And so I think it's great
It's great for anybody
But especially if you have like a young girl who's starting to wear makeup?
I if I had a daughter that's exactly what I would use be savvy minerals on her because I feel like
Why not stress about what this stuff is actually good for your skin
It's not gonna irritate it especially if they have any like problem areas and their skin
I just I really like savvy minerals and so you can check out that line
They also have a Savi mineral starter kit that you can get and if you're interested in selling those you can sell
Saghini minerals as well. So that's just a I mentioned that because I like the products
I think you guys might as well and
Also because I get feedback from you guys asking how can I make money from home either?
I want to quit my job and stay home with my kids or am already mom
And you know, we've had discussions about this here on on our lives
It's just I want to be able to do some things that my husband won't either let me
Or I feel guilty spending the money or someone like that
So I love opportunities like this where it can empower you to feel like
You can bring in some money into the family and do with it. What you feel is what you want to do with it
So I just I don't know. I love empowering women for that reason, too
So that I think I touched on everything I touched on the kroger free Friday download me address those two questions
I talked about a new video coming out
and Also, I'll put a link down below for the video that I just put out this past week with in collaboration with Kelly. Akin
Freedom in a budget and oh one last thing if you do have any interest in essential oils
Learning about Young Living or and that whether you want to sell it or not
or whether you just want to get a kit or you just are curious about that and
Any of those are applicable you are more than welcome to join my new
Facebook group which is called oily friends. My son actually came up with the name
We came up with a few random names before he got down to oily friends, but he did get eventually down the oily friends
I was like, oh that's cute. I like that Ian
So, um, so my new facebook group called oily friends and in there
I'll share more tutorials more information about essential oils. And if you're interested in making a business or if you're just interested in using them
Or if you know if somebody who might be you're more than welcome to share this group with them and they can join
So I'll put the link for my new Facebook group also
down below here, so you can go ahead and join that if that's of interest to you and
Without further ado. It's really beautiful outside today. So I don't want to take up too much of your time
I hope it's really nice where you are as well. You have something fun planned with your family and friends as
Always please leave any money questions you have in the comments. I always come back and check them throughout the week back
I checked them at least once a day
So I will get to those even if you leave a comment three days from when I'm when I'm taping this it doesn't matter
I'll come back and get it. I promise and
Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned and thank you so much for taking a few minutes to watch this. Bye. Bye
Doctors Are Shocked | Drink Can Cure Diabetes In Just 5 Days - Duration: 2:49.
Dogs Can Sense When A Human Is Being Mean To Another Human - Duration: 2:45.
Study Says Dogs Can Identify Mean People We all know that dogs have super keen senses
that surpass the abilities of humans.
They can sniff out bombs, alert us to intruders, and have the ability to turn us into piles
of loving mush.
But one study says that dogs can even recognize whether or not a human is being a jerk.
A study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews says that dogs
can sense when a human is being mean to another human.And they use this information to decide
how they're going to respond to someone.
"Dogs are known to consistently follow human pointing gestures.
In this study, we asked whether dogs 'automatically' do this or whether they flexibly adjust their
behavior depending upon the reliability of the pointer, demonstrated in an immediately
preceding event," the study says.Researchers had dog owners act out different scenarios:
one where a volunteer helped someone struggling to open a jar, one where the volunteer was
passive, and another where one flat out refused to help.
At the end of the scenarios, the volunteers gave the dog a treat.
The study found that the dogs were just as likely to take the treat from the person who
was passive as they were to take it from the person that helped their owner open the jar.
They were, however, more likely to take the treat from the volunteer who was nice and
offered to help their owner open the jar.But the dogs were significantly more likely to
ignore the volunteer who was mean and refused to help their owner open the jar.
The study found that dogs are more likely not to trust those who are jerks.
And that says a lot especially when treats are at stake.
This means that they are capable of judging human behavior."These results suggest that
not only dogs are highly skilled at understanding human pointing gestures, but also they make
inferences about the reliability of a human who presents cues and consequently modify
their behavior flexibly depending on the inference," the study says.
So, if your dog is staring at you like they're judging you, they probably are.
You might want to start watching what you say around your dogs and not just the children.
You can also watch your dog's behavior around people that you're iffy about.We've all
heard that dogs can sense danger, but apparently, they can also sense whether or not you're
an asshole.
And if a dog thinks you're a jerk, you probably are… a big one.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Russian Safari park where you can HUG a lion - Duration: 2:56.
tourists at a safari park in Russia have been seen hugging and kissing a lioness
footage from tagging Safari Park in Crimea show the family including a child
driving without even windows for protection before getting up and close
with the fearsome cats lion it slowly goes for a cuddle with one of the group
as he sits in an open-sided vehicle just inches from the child the beast is
pulled away by world-famous lion whisperer alerts up calm fifty owner of
the park with his bare hands the lioness also sought to cuddle a
young woman who moved away a sub cop seen in the green shirt pulled her away
the untethered animal rescue two years ago from being put down by a private zoo
in Russia was reportedly purring like a cat although this is something Lions are
supposed not to be able to do to other Unchained male lions are nearby as the
video was shot zubkov allows visitors to mix with big cats and seams that define
normal health and safety rules and would be forbidden elsewhere if a giant lion
has jumps into your arms while you drive around Safari Park and purrs like a cat
then you can be sure that this is Lola from jellybeans said Safari Park
director Tatyana Elsa Spina life in the park has transformed her
into one of the kindest wild animals we've seen she just gave birth to her
first cub a lion as we called liveth and she loves coming to say hello to
tourists in fact she is so passionate in jumping into Safari bus with kisses and
hugs that many tourists can't handle it they can't believe that although Allah
wants to do as kiss and hug she had been neglected at a zoo which was poised to
put her down because they couldn't afford to feed her when Lola arrived at
the park she was hostile to people but she was eventually tamed by zubkov who
insists his animals will not harm tourists and that they are safe if
accompanying him the lioness was rescued by Karin demo Qian a vet and animal
shelter owner and Chelyabinsk Lola was in horrible condition after being fed
with too much cheap cooked meals like porridge
a huge tummy didn't let her jump and her joints ached from carrying extra weight
she had to go through a strict diet and in a matter of weeks she started to move
around and jump like any young animal is supposed to do we knew from the start
that Lola could not stay with us as our open-air shelter and chelyabinsk was too
cold for her we got in touch to Lyons shelters around the world in Mexico
Sochi and Crimea tigrin Safari Park was the first one to respond
How REALTORS® Can Survive Facebook's Ad Changes - Duration: 4:52.
Facebook removes they're likely to move ad targeting. What does that mean to you
and how are you responding to it? Today we're going to talk about that on this
week's Above the Noise.
Hi I'm Joshua Stike, Vice President of Marketing here at ReminderMedia. And if you haven't been watching the news lately, Facebook
CEO Mark Zuckerberg went before Congress in April to talk about Facebook's data
policies and how they're targeting their users through advertising. If you're a
REALTOR® and using Facebook Ads you probably use the behavior targeting
likely to move. Now the way that Facebook collects this information and targets
these users is by activity that it sees on its own platform as well as obtaining
information from other third-party sources in order to track people's
buying behaviors and predict future purchasing. Now as a response to the
controversy, Facebook is actually going to start removing partner categories
starting on August 15th. Specifically, likely to move will be removed on that
date. Now it's important to look at Facebook's Help Center and look at the
language there because what it says is it will no longer provide that option
for ad creation duplication or editing. So, your ads should continue to target
that group beyond August 15th until October 1st when all partner categories
will be removed from the site. So, today I have three tips for you to be able to
use where you can still leverage this audience that you once had after the
audience goes away. So first, if you're not targeting this audience you have to
start doing it right now. Go into Facebook Ads manager, create a
new campaign, and optimize for lead generation or website conversions. Once
you have your campaign set up in your ad set you're going to go into audience
detail targeting, and type in likely to move into the search box. That's going to
bring up an audience of like nine point seven million people. Then you want a
segment further by your geographic area either by typing in zip codes, or your
town. Once you have your audience set up, create two ads. One is going to be for
buyer leads. This is going to be for your most recent listings where you're going
to be promoting that and generating interest in your current listings. The
next ad that you want to set up is your seller leads. This would be anything from
a lead magnet like a free market analysis, or an eBook on how to get more
money out of your home when selling. This is going to start to qualify
your leads separately from people that are looking to buy, people that are looking to
sell. Start following up with those leads immediately, and keeping track of them in
your CRM. Now, if you are already targeting this behavior, great! Now is the
time to start doubling down. You want to generate as many leads as possible now,
not only for your business today, but it'll also start to give you data that
you can use in the future to target this behavior later. So, if you have been
collecting leads through either the lead form through Facebook, or in your own
website, you're going to want to export that list out, and then re-upload it to
Facebook as a custom list. Go into audiences, click create audience, hit
custom audience, and then upload your CSV file with all of your prospects in your
list. The more information that you can give Facebook—phone numbers, email
addresses, names—the more likely it is to match those people. Remember, that Facebook
needs at least a hundred people to make this custom audience. Once Facebook has
finished creating your custom list, go back into audiences, click create
audience again, and this time choose lookalike audience. You'll have a field
there where you can choose the source. Choose your custom list as the source
for your lookalike audience and Facebook will automatically start to
build a new list for you. And like any marketing on Facebook, monitor the
results. See what's working, do more of what is, less of what's not, and test
constantly. And the last and most valuable point is to get involved with
the community. Facebook is changing their algorithms and how their site works
constantly. They don't always tell us. Sometimes the community figures this out,
other times the CEO takes a trip to Capitol Hill and the whole world finds
out. But most importantly, you want to get involved with other Facebook users
because it's going to help you learn and be able to adjust with when they change
their platform, they change their targeting, or they even change how your
content will display organically from your business page. So, join groups. You
can actually join them right on Facebook. Go into Facebook, and search groups for
Facebook Ads, Facebook Business Pages, Facebook marketing, and there's a ton of
information and a great community out there. You need to make sure that you're
focusing and learning about what you're spending your money on. So, definitely get
in there, and check that out. So, there you have it guys. Make sure to comment on the
video, and let us know how you're responding to the most recent Facebook ads
changes. If you want to learn more about how to be more effective with ReminderMedia
products make, sure to check out our Product Toolkit playlist and if
you're just looking for more sales and marketing advice check out our main
Above the Noise playlist here on YouTube. As always, please if you like this, give
us a like, give us a subscribe, but most importantly what you heard today about
Facebook Ads manager and the likely to move targeting, take action on it today!
✅ Είναι επίσημο: Φεύγει από το Survivor και ξεκινάει το My Man Can - People Greece - Duration: 1:49.
Αυτό θα πει αστραπιαία κίνηση! Το ψυχαγωγικό του ΣΚΑΪ κινείται με ρυθμούς-αστραπή και όχι άδικα
Το Survivor μπορεί την περσινή χρονιά να μονοπώλησε, όμως φέτος το στοίχημα της τηλεθέασης έχει κερδηθεί με shows όπως το My Style Rocks και το Power of Love
Στο ίδιο μοτίβο φαίνεται πως κινείται και για το καλοκαίρι, καθώς θα δούμε το Γιώργο Λιανό να μετακομίζει σε χρόνο "DT" από τον Άγιο Δομίνικο στους δέκτες μας αυτή την Κυριακή μετ ο «My Man Can»! Ο σταθμός εξέδωσε επίσημη ανακοίνωση για το νέο show ζευγαριών, η οποία αναφέρει: My Man Can! Το μοναδικό show με παγκόσμια αποδοχή κάνει πρεμιέρα αυτή την Κυριακή 1 Ιουλίου στις 21:00 στον ΣΚΑΪ
Ένα παιχνίδι γεμάτο αθλητικές δραστηριότητες και δοκιμασίες που απαιτούν οξυδέρκεια και ευελιξία
Πρωταγωνιστές ζευγάρια που όμως τον πρώτο ρόλο τον έχουν οι άντρες. Ή μήπως τελικά τον έχουν οι γυναίκες; Γέλιο, αγωνία και μεγάλη δόση τρέλας σε ένα από τα πιο διασκεδαστικά show που έχουμε δει στην τηλεόραση
Ο Γιώργος Λιανός, με τη φαντασία που τον χαρακτηρίζει, αναλαμβάνει την παρουσίαση του show και γίνεται ο οικοδεσπότης «τρελλών» καταστάσεων
Το παιχνίδι ξεκινάει αυτή την Κυριακή στις 21:00 με ένα Special επεισόδιο!
English Tutor Nick P Proverbs (41) You Can't Take it With You ( When You Go ) - Duration: 2:40.
Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 41. All right. Let's take a look at the proverb.
The proverb today is 'You can't take it with you when you go. " The when you go is in
parentheses because sometimes you could just say the proverb as 'You can't take it
with you, " and people will stop there. Or you could add the ' when you go, ' to the proverb.
Okay. So let's look take a look at the first note. This proverb basically means that when
you die, you cannot take your wealth with you to the next world. To the spiritual
world. So you might as well make the most of it and enjoy it while you are alive,
or at least put it to a good use. So , so we might come up with many sort of examples
that we use it this way. Okay. Let's look at example number one. I saved up a lot
during my working years. I am starting to get up there. Yeah. If somebody says I'm
starting to get up there, it means they're starting to get older. Their age number
is probably very high. Maybe they are 70, 80 I don't know. Something like that. You
say you're starting to get up there. The numbers getting high. You know, you
probably only have so much of a longevity. So that's what I mean I'm
starting to get up there. So I decided to spend some of my savings on luxury
vacations. After all, you can't take it with you. All right. So this is a typical
way we would use it. All right. Let's look at another note here. Yeah.
The proverb is also sometimes used as a warning against materialism. Remember
materialism is when people just are overly concerned with you know getting
more things, owning more things, having more things especially kind of in a
status symbol sort of way. So we say materialism. So sometimes this proverb is
used to warn against materialism. So that's what the second example is like
here. Stop buying so much expensive stuff. Do you
really need all this ? You know, you can't take it with you when you go.
All right. So that's again. That's the perfect example, where you're trying to
warn somebody against materialism about about owning too much. Just wanting or
desiring too much. Okay. Anyway. I hope you got it.
I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.
Parked cars can become extremely dangerous on hot summer days - Duration: 1:45.
#1 DAD: I CAN LIFT ALL KINDS OF STUFF - Duration: 1:09.
(keyboard clicking)
- You ready to cash that change?
- (grunts) It's too heavy.
- Easy. - Wow.
- I can lift all kinds of stuff.
(upbeat music) - Whoa.
(man grunting)
You don't have to do that.
- I got it.
- Wow. - No sweat. (grunts)
- Dad! - I'm fine. (grunts)
Go get your mom.
Asian Multifandom - I Can See Your Halo - Duration: 3:34.
Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby, they're tumblin' down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standin' in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out!
Everywhere I'm lookin' now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my savin' grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burnin' through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like fallin'
Gravity can't begin
to pull me back to the ground again
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out!
Everywhere I'm lookin' now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
Everywhere I'm lookin' now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my savin' grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can see your halo
I can feel your halo
I can see your halo
Xabi Alonso confident new Liverpool FC signing can adapt to Jurgen Klopp's style - Duration: 1:38.
Xabi Alonso believes maybe Keita will be able to adapt to Liverpool FC's style of
play under Jurgen Klopp the Reds completed the signing of Keita in a 48
million pound deal from Bundesliga outfit RB Leipzig on Wednesday evening
Keita was officially unveiled at the mercy slide outfit last week ahead of
the new Premier League campaign the guinea international will wear the
Liverpool FC number 8 shirt to follow in the same footsteps as club legends the
23 year old scored 17 times and 71 games in all competitions for our B Leipzig to
underline his undoubted Talent Keita will be tasked with replacing Germany
international mr.can in the middle of the park and Jurgen Klopp standing next
turn former Liverpool FC midfielder Alonso believes the Reds signing will be
able to adapt to collapse team he will have to adapt to the idea of clops
philosophy but I don't think that he will have many problems because he's a
great player and very complete Alonso told Liverpool FC's website under jerk
and you need to do play like bangs best
✅ Jess Glynne announces 2018 UK tour dates and here's how you can get tickets - Duration: 2:01.
Pop starlet Jess Glynne has announced a UK tour for November later this year to the delight of fans. After the release of latest single 'I'll be There', the songstress is continuing to make chart history as it's her seventh Number 1 single, and music fans are expecting new album 'Always in Between' which is due for release in September to be a huge hit too
The tour will start on the 15 November in Glasgow, and finish in Bournemouth on the 2 Decemeber. Eager fans will be able to access an exclusive pre-sale from 12pm on 3 July by pre-ordering the album on Jess Glynne's webstore , and general tickets go on sale 6 July at 9am from Ticketmaster and AXS
Jess Glynne Always In Between Tour: 15 November - The SSE Hydro, Glasgow 17 November - Manchester Arena, Manchester 18 November - Genting Arena, Birmingham 20 November - The O2, London 21 November - Brighton Centre, Brighton 24 November - Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle 25 November - First Direct Arena, Leeds 27 November - 3arena, Dublin 29 November - Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff 30 November - Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham 02 Decemeber - Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth Glynne's debut album was a huge success selling over 2 million copies worldwide featuring hit singles 'Hold My Hand', 'Take Me Home' and 'Don't Be So Hard On Yourself'
Her new album 'Always in Between' is said to find Jess 'on a breath-taking journey of self-acceptance as she comes to terms with her new-found fame, heartbreak and the well-known pressure of writing a second album', resulting in an album that perfectly captures 'the heart of what being a 28-year old woman in 2018 can feel like'
We can't wait to hear it.
Erkenci Kuş/Ranny Ptaszek, odcinek 1, napisy PL - Can i Sanem pierwsze spotkanie - Duration: 2:02.
Mental Health Experts BEG For Rule Change So They Can Talk About Trump's Declining Mental State - Duration: 2:53.
Hundreds of mental health professionals here in the United States are lobbying the American
Psychiatric Association, begging them to repeal a rule known as the Goldwater Rule that current
prevents mental health professionals from publicly talking about the mental health of
elected officials here in the United States and why do they want this rule repealed?
Because currently, our country is being run by a crazy man who desperately needs to seek
mental help and these mental health experts, currently more than 200 of them are desperate
to get out there to the public and warn us about the dangers that this man's fragile
mental state pose to this country.
This isn't about them wanting to be famous.
This isn't about them wanting to do TV interviews.
This is about them warning us about what they see with the President of the United States
and to be honest, a lot of people have said, "Well, it's hard for them to give a diagnosis
if they've never sat down and talked to the guy."
It's actually not.
When you have hundreds upon hundreds of hours of speeches that you can go through, TV interviews,
things like that, dating back decades, it's actually very easy for mental health professionals
to be able to put together a very accurate portrait of what is happening inside of Donald
Trump's brain and we have seen a few of these mental health professionals in the last year
and a half break this Goldwater Rule, saying, "To Hell with the consequences.
The public needs to understand what's happening to Donald Trump."
But now they want to be able to come out as a united front, as experts in their field,
which they are, to warn us about the dangers of Donald Trump and his declining mental capacity.
It's pretty obvious.
I mean, seriously, go back.
Watch five minutes if you can stomach it of any of the recent rallies that Donald Trump
has done.
There's something wrong with him.
Maybe it's the narcissism.
Maybe it is dementia.
Maybe it's anything in between all that.
But something's not right.
The mental health professionals agree with this.
These are doctors.
People went to medical school for this.
They understand how the human brain works, how consciousness works and they're telling
us that something is wrong and so they are begging this association that they are a part
of that is holding them back to unleash them and let them tell the rest of the world, but
mostly the people here in the United States what kind of danger we're in because our country's
currently being run by a madman.
Hey YouTube what's going on it's Richard founder of short-term run to university
and Airbnb super host today's video is what can we learn from these guys big
hotels not better not worse they can learn from us and we can learn from them
so what is it that we can learn from them so the very first thing that I want
to point out that a hotel knows its selling that the average Airbnb like
newbie doesn't realize is they're not selling four walls and a location
they're actually selling hospitality they know how to greet you they know how
to check in they know how to be responsive they know how to anticipate
they know how to make you feel welcome and these are the things that a hotel
does that a lot of new Airbnb hosts that even those with a lot of experience
don't really do but I think that that's what differentiates a hotel from an
Airbnb and actually a really good Airbnb host stands superior to somebody who's
just started who thinks that somebody's just renting the space and they want
nothing else and that's not generally true they want the space they want the
location but they want to feel warm welcome invited personal right like
that's a huge advantage that US Airbnb hosts have versus this huge hotel behind
me they've got hundreds of rooms and thousands of guests maybe even hundreds
of thousands of guests a year at most you may have a hundred guests if you
treat them all as individuals you have a huge advantage at their own thing
hospitality the second thing that we can learn from a hotel is just sort of how
to run the business right they have processes and procedures they've created
manuals they've trained people every check-in should be similar to the last
check-in if there's a little hiccup they learn from it they make it better the
next time and we as small businesses and
entrepreneurs often I find we're just like constantly in the weeds we're
behind we're trying to get this ready we're trying to clean that we're fixing
this we're constantly behind and everything is like the one-off or the
exception and that's why small businesses tend to stay small because
they never actually start to think about putting in the time and the energy to
scale and get bigger now these big boys that's what they do
really well and so what we can start to do is think of ourselves not as a small
business owner that's just doing everything ourselves with the clean and
repair or whatever you can do all that but start to think about
menteng what it is that you do when you do it how you do it and you could start
to train somebody maybe it's your spouse maybe it's an employee maybe it's your
child but as soon as you start to put in place processes and procedures test them
train people on them see if they work now you've got something that's
sustainable and repeatable much like they do and that'll help you scale and
get to your second place or your third place the third thing that hotels do
really well is they understand their bottom-line and they run a business and
we see all the time in the Facebook group all these exceptions somebody
wants to check in early somebody wants to check out late somebody wants daily
cleaning somebody wants a discount somebody wants this somebody wants that
that's not hosting and that's not hospitality that's somebody trying to
perhaps take advantage of you now if you can accommodate it it's no big deal
all the power to you go for it I mean that could make a great experience and a
great review and that's wonderful but at a certain point you need to stand your
ground and sort of say wait a minute that doesn't work for me I have another
guests coming in or it doesn't work for me for this reason and get that sort of
backbone in place that says I'm willing to risk getting a worse review I'm not
going to give away the farm I'm not going to bend over backwards I'm
not going to just comply with every single request no matter how you know
ridiculous it seems because of fear of getting a five-star review in fact if
you do it properly you can express to them why it's important that you
maintain this rule or why you can't accommodate them and come off as a
consummate professional somebody that they respect and still earn that
five-star review and I do it all the time so I want to be perfectly clear I
don't view these guys as a threat they're definitely competition but I
think we have a huge advantage and if you haven't stayed in hotels put a
little budget item in go and save for a hotel go stay for a night for a week and
take your loved one away but see what you learn from them pay attention to
things about like where they hang the art where they put the beds can you lose
stuff underneath pay attention to the check-in process like just experience it
yourself because then you can start to see what the other opportunity if
somebody could book you or they could stay there what do they get for staying
at the Hilton or the Sheraton the Marriott what do they get from you I
personally think Airbnb hosts are a much bigger threat to
the big hotels than vice-versa and that's why they're starting to do all
these hybrid models and they're all rolling out these like millennial is
what they call them hotels and opportunities so they view us as a huge
threat and you know why because we're personal we're small we're fast to react
we can really create an experience we can do all sorts of things that they
can't do we're nimble we're small but we have to
be smart and intelligent in business people and professional and keep the
guests first if you do that we win I mean we can all coexist I operate from a
position of abundance but I'm just saying we as a small hosting community
we win we grow we have side income we have passive income we have multiple
opportunities and expand and expand so I hope you found this video helpful please
go ahead and like it and subscribe to the channel and with that I'm gonna go
see my girlfriend Charl show them who I found over here check this out I mean
isn't she lovely great swimmer beautiful I mean look at this it's a match made in
heaven don't you think Oh
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