Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily but Dec 29 2018

Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This

Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This

For more infomation >> Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This - Duration: 10:17.


Ninja Gaiden 4...but in 2D - Duration: 13:28.

every year there is an indie title that really hits home for me and these days

indie games often scratch that particular itch you had for a long time

they deliver on every level and some more and every year there is an indie

game that just hits the right notes owl boy night in the woods but this

year's contender was the one true thing a 2d platformer that does everything

right it pays homage to the original and improves upon it worthy to be called a

successor to the classic the original Ninja Gaiden games and Ninja Gaiden game

for a new generation a game where you can ride a dragon and fight the baby

Skeletor Ninja Gaiden 4 but in 2d but before we talk about all the

improvements the amazing and fun gameplay the well told story the humor

grab yourself some pizza and a coffee kick back and make yourself comfortable

and let's talk about the messenger

thirty years ago still no announcement team ninja the first Ninja Gaiden game

was released in the arcades a 2d side-scrolling beat-em-up that changed

the gaming landscape forever it introduced the world to Ryu Hayabusa and

paved the way for his many adventures after being a smash hit in the arcades

Ninja Gaiden was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System since I was a small

kid back then I connect only painful memories with the classic ninja gaiden

games because these games were hard really hard but thanks to ninja gaiden

black I got a second chance they were added as in secret unlockable in Ninja

Gaiden black and in order to unlock them you were sent on a journey to collect 50

scarabs to access the original Ninja Gaiden trilogy and let me tell you one

thing these games were still hard as nails well worthy the title of quarter

mantra but after the Ninja Gaiden franchise made this step into the 3d

world the truly serious was left in the dark

until this year when the messenger had 2d 8-bit and 16-bit more on that later

side-scrolling action masterpiece released with critical and commercial

success to both PC and a Nintendo switch even the creators of the original Ninja

Gaiden games admitted that this is how a true 2d

Ninja Gaiden game has to look like and it was praised as the spiritual

follow-up for the original Ninja Gaiden games so my Ninja Gaiden fanboy honor

demanded and left me no other choice than to jump into the crazy world of the

messenger starting off in a small village as one of the last survivors on

earth demons have taken over the world and the only hope is an old prophecy

foretelling the arrival of a great hero that will save humanity

and after barely fighting off the demon king it is revealed that surprise

surprise we are the chosen one the messenger set on a journey to deliver an

ancient scroll to the top of a mountain starting off like you're by the numbers

video games story it goes off in a completely unexpected direction with

tons of twists and turns but enough said about the story because it is one of the

strongest points of the messenger that you should experience yourself the world

building and character interaction is great that has this light-hearted tone

it helps lighten the mood for the hard as nails sections of this game because true to

its predecessor ninja gaiden this game is hard so it's always a great relief to

have a good loss after defeating a boss right from the get-go their controls

feel super fluid and responsive jumping attacking wall running you feel in

control all the time the game gives you tons of options to tackle certain

challenges from gliding over a bottomless pit using your hook or your

enemies and the platform to get across where there's a will there's a way and

there are tons of creative options too and with the simple upgrade system that

allows you to improve your mobility options the game encourages the player

to try out new play styles and those looking for an additional challenge try

to collect all the coins in the hidden challenge rooms the messenger really has

some tricks up its sleeve not only does it break the fourth wall constantly for

some good jokes it also manages to invert your expectation when it comes to

game point halfway through the game you're able to jump between timelines

and change the gameplay from eight to sixteen bit by using these portals and

to top things off it even changes the structure of the game from linear level

design to open-world Metroidvania it really manages to keep things fresh from

start to finish and that effect that I have to drive home is the amazing

soundtrack this is possibly the best soundtrack of the year you got all these

different pieces of music excellent track

and if you jump ahead in time and change the graphics start from 8 to 16 bit the

soundcheck gets remix - how cool is that everything is so well thought out in

this game diving into water the sound forgets this underwater - small details

like that really soda developments were passionate about this game and all these

gameplay elements go seamlessly together because this game is polished as hell no

challenge feels unfair and there is always different options to approach the

difficulties the game throws at you it feels like sabotage Studios has flown

all the parts that made the original Ninja Gaiden game so great into the

blender and a next-gen gameplay amazing human love and passion and said here we

go so it is an honor to give the messenger the title in the game of the

year but now to the important question if this is the 2d Ninja Gaiden 4 we've

all been waited for what can we learn from it for a new free Ninja Gaiden game

why am I not

now the font in dragon ninja bloodline is withered jyo Musa I really loved the

messenger the surprise hit I didn't see coming and these are the best ones and

easily the second place on my top 10 list for this year but since we want to

see a new Frida Ninja Gaiden game let's talk about the things we could learn

from this masterpiece because the messenger did everything right and

improved every aspect of the classic ninja gaiden games and went way beyond

with new gameplay features since this is another universe I didn't mind his humor

at all and it made the journey through space and time even more entertaining so

let's focus on the gameplay I think that I really enjoyed what's the level

structure it encourages speedrunning and keeps the action going the level design

is amazing the levels and gameplay mechanics are built to keep the flow of

the game going from the placement of objects to the soundtrack everything is

crafted to encourage an aggressive and fast-paced gameplay style by sizing

enemies and certain objects the messenger can keep on moving forward

without the need to stop this would be a nice feature for a 3d ninja Garden game

to focus more on mobility and keeping the combo meter up with features and

upgrades that enable new movement options this worked really well for the

Dark Soul serious - well the classic Dark Souls games had their focus on

blocking and using a shield to your advantage

blood-borne subverted these expectations and focused its gameplay more on

invading the enemy attacks and fast movement

combine that with let's say the Ted feature from shinobi which if you kill 4

or more enemies with no more than a few seconds between each kill to perform an

exaggerated violent 8 attack that makes you more powerful with every attack this

mechanic ensures the emphasis on killing all the enemies in battle as quickly as

possible the ninja way of fighting some of you

also wanted to see classic characters from the 2d ninja gaiden games return

which is always a great way to satisfy longtime fans and build a consistent

game world since many of the younger gamers never

experienced the story of the original games themself it would be a great

opportunity to build on that if you have played Red Dead Redemption 2 and see how

the story is interconnected with the first game in this very satisfying way

that doesn't even require you to place predecessor but still lets iconic

characters make an appearance so anyone who played ratted Redemption one can

make the connection and relate to those characters even more it is reminding you

of all the good times in the first part and at the same time is giving you a new

experience and lets you see the world from a different perspective

details like that make it even more relatable the idea here would be the

team ninja takes some time and contemplates on what made the characters

in the previous game so memorable what are the defining features for show

Hayabusa more Asami Ayane how can you give them a proper motivation for a new

story what are the goals and dreams take a look outside the box take a look at

other successful game franchises and see how they innovated their story but don't

copy and paste them like your ninja gaiden free just take the basic concept

and implement it in your own way into a new Ninja Gaiden game what made the

story of Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 connect so well what rate the character

of crater so interesting for me Ninja Gaiden is everything I love about

videogames fast paced action challenging gameplay interesting world and story

learn to love your own history and build upon each team ninja

because we do we care about Ninja Gaiden and we would love to see a new Phrygian

engine Gaiden with the amount of polish love and passion that the messenger got

because the one thing that helped yaaaa back from being great apart from the

mediocre gameplay was the non-existent story on

Yaiba had no character progression at all

he stayed practically the same through the whole game he didn't grew at all

just an unlikable angry dude what I'm trying to say is give your characters a

while our backstory and a character arc that

shows how they grew for their adventures this is what keeps games interesting

even decades after their release gameplay and graphics can grow old but

well told stories never die my network of ninja have uncovered the reason for

the attack the samurai who burned the village was Doku the messenger is well

worthy the title of 2d ninja gaiden for this game takes the classic formula

improves every aspect of the original games proceed at tons of new and

innovative elements into the mix and it does its own thing with it it goes from

classic Ninja Gaiden level progression to open-world flawlessly and tells a fun

and entertaining story throughout the difficulty is really challenging and

these freaking go straight is rock my last words but it always gives you the

means and abilities to overcome all these challenges Team NZ takes notes

this is how you improve upon the original games if we ever see a 3d Ninja

Gaiden game with such a high quality with this amount of polish you will

baffan money all that's left to say is check out the messenger if you're a fan

of the classic ninja gaiden games and now that we have a 2d ninja gaiden 4

develop a step forward and take the challenge to develop a truly worthy

successor for the frida ninja gaiden games but what do you think are you a

fan of the original Ninja Gaiden games have you played the messenger and what

is your favorite indie game of the year do you like pineapples on your pizza and

what do you think we can learn from the messenger for a new 3d Ninja Gaiden game

let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and as always if you

enjoyed this video and want to support my channel click the like button

subscribe and follow me on Twitter but most importantly have a great day and

get a kick out of gaming you know what fun fact it seems like Nintendo has

forced indie and the water levels in the original Ninja Gaiden game don't

we all love underwater levels thank you for that Nintendo

For more infomation >> Ninja Gaiden 4...but in 2D - Duration: 13:28.


Al-Wurud, is to come to.. But, how is it explained? By Sheikh Salih Al-Maghamsi - Duration: 29:52.

Today, we will speak about a word..


in Qur'an and Sunnah.

In the Book of Allah, Almighty..

This word was mentioned..

and its derivatives..

in many Surahs.

So, we will stop at some of them..

according to the sequence of Mushaf..

Allah, Almighty, said at Surah Hud:

"And We did certainly send Moses with Our signs and a clear authority." 11:96

"To Pharaoh and his establishment.." 11:97

".. but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not [at all] discerning."

"He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection.. " 11:98

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led[Al-Wird Al-Mawrood]."


The ruler of Egypt at the time, when prophet Moses was assigned the message..

And he lead his people..

not to accept the Da'wa of the prophet who was sent by Allah, Almighty..

And he is the one who had led his soldiers..

after Moses..

and the believers who were with him..

till they reached them at..

the seashore!

The rule is; 'Reward is of the same kind of deed.'

So, at Resurrection Day, he will be..

ahead of his people to the Fire!

Because, basically, the first person to enter Jannah..

is the most righteous!

likewise, in case of the Fire..

the person with the biggest guilt, is the first to enter.

So, Pharaoh..

[we seek refuge with Allah]..

had done enough big guilts..

and, it is enough what he had said, as it is documented in Qur'an..

"And said, "I am your most exalted lord."." 79:24

And, he had said to the Egyptians, at his time..

".. I have not known you to have a god other than me.. " 28:38

So, he had prevented people..

to believe.. in Allah!

And when the magicians believed..

he fixed them on the cross.. and he threatened them..

".. and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees.." 20:71

".. and you will surely know which of us is more severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring."

Then, as it is.. 'Reward is of the same kind of deed.'

"He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection. ".. as Allah has said..

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led[Al-Wird Al-Mawrood]."

So, he will be ahead of his people to enter the Hellfire..

[we seek refuge with Allah from it]..

Blessed viewers, that was about the verse at Surah; Hud.

After that, the word[Wurud] was mentioned at Surah Yusuf..

And as for Surah Yusuf..

we know the story in details..

But now, we will talk about the word[Al-Wurud] at Surah Yusuf!

Allah, Almighty, said:

"And there came a company of travelers.. " 12:19

".. then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum].. "

".. and he let down his bucket.. "

".. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy.".. "

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise.. "

".. and Allah was knowing of what they did.. "

That had happened after..

the brothers of Yusuf had gathered against Yusuf!

The expected consequences.. logically..

when man..

expresses his fear of a thing..

others would..

take advantage of this weakness..

to influence him!

If his fears of a thing were explicit..

then, his opponents would..

use this path to reach him!

The prophet of Allah, Jacob, said..

to his children..

".. and I fear that a wolf would eat him.. " 12:13

then, the brothers of Yusuf, have picked that word..

So, when they took their brother and threw him inside the deep well..

they came back to their father..

and they said to him, the issue that he was afraid to happen!

".. They said, "O our father, indeed we went racing each other and left Joseph with our possessions.. " 12:17

".. and a wolf ate him.. "

and they know that the wolf didn't eat him!

but, they've just left him inside the deep hole..

in a deep well.

And, as for the well..

it was were people come to take water..

And, Allah, Almighty..

he arranges things as He wills!

He won't be asked about what He is doing!

He brings forwards whoever He wants, with His graciousness..

And He keeps behind whoever He wants, with His justice..

And a creation can not ask Him, the reason of His actions..

And the rational person cannot object to His rational.

The Lord of Dignity said..

and He is the most truthful, above all speakers:

"And there came a company of travelers[Sayarah].. " 12:19

the word; [Sayarah]..

is the plural form of [Sayar].

i.e. people who were passing by.

on the way.

And, as you know..

people always need water..

these people..

the top leaders of the caravan..

logically, it wasn't their duty to bring water..

Allah, said: ".. then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum].. "

and they are people working for them..

their servants..

and, they usually advance to the site of water..

And, linguistically this action is called[Faratan].. as we will explain later..

So, they've reached the well.. first..

and they lowered their bucket in it..

to get water..

as usual..

nobody would expect..

to lower a bucket inside a well..

and have a human coming out with it!!

this is unusual!

unexpected to happen..

Allah said: ".. then they sent their water drawer.. "

The prophet of Allah, peace be upon him..

they had different opinions about his age, at that time!

and for me.. most probably..

[And Allah knows the best.]

he was less than 10 years old..

because, if he was 17 years old..

as some interpreters had said..

no one can say that the wolf had eaten him!

because, he can fight the wolf..

and Jacob won't believe this story..

But, most likely..

[And Allah knows the best.]

that, he was about 10 years old or less.

So, he, peace be upon him.. caught the bucket..

and they pulled the bucket up.

Then the person who lifted the bucket, he saw a nice glowing boy

a boy.. Allah has written that he will be a prophet!

and usually, on seeing such a thing..

lifting a bucket.. with a boy in it!!

this would make the person shocked.. surprised!!

But, he said: What a good thing!

because, the glowing face of Yusuf..

with the treasures of prophethood that were in him.. granted to him by Allah..

all of that, made the water fetcher..

the person who had lowered the pail..

not subjected to shock!

actually he said; 'Good news! Here is a boy.'

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise.. "

".. and Allah was knowing.. "

Why they've taken him as merchandise?

because, as you know..

the servants, the water fetchers.. they need to have money..

And, if a person finds a lost item..

e.g. money or other items..

so, most probably..

he would ask for the owner.. around the area..

Suppose, you found a wallet..

in a certain neighborhood..

so, it is better to ask for the owner, within that neighborhood.

But, they were afraid that, people living close to the well..

might come and look for the boy..

So, they've hided him!

Allah, said: " And they concealed him, as merchandise.. "


they've decided..

in their hearts..

to sell him!

to earn some money..

and they didn't tell their masters about him!

Because, if they would tell the masters..

the masters are not in need of money..

so, they wouldn't sell Yusuf..

they would keep him to serve them.

and this way..

won't make Yusuf, peace be upon him, able to reach..

the throne of Egypt!

And, Allah, Almighty, has a plan that certainly will happen.

So, Allah, Almighty, has made these people..

the servants.. to..

keep Yusuf with them.. as merchandise..

and to sell him away..

Allah said:

"And they sold him for a reduced price.. " 12:20

".. a few dirhams - and they were, concerning him, of those content with little."

they were not interested in keeping him for long!

because, if he stays with them..

they would have the burden of hiding him..

and they didn't want that..

they wanted to have the money..

even if it was a small amount of money.

And, anything that..

you can get it easily..

it is easy for you to get rid of it!

And this is well known for all people..

all through the centuries!

Allah said: "And there came a company of travelers; then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum], and he let down his bucket.."

".. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy.".. "

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise; and Allah was knowing of what they did."

That was about the word[ Wurud] at Surah Yusuf.

Then, we have the word [Wurud]..

at Surah Maryam..

and this is..

our topic here.

Allah, Almighty, said, in His Great Book..

"Does man not remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?" 19:67

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils.. " 19:68

".. then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees."

Allah swore.. to his prophet..

that these leaders from Quraish..

who were antagonising you..

who were ridiculing you

.. mocking you

.. rejecting your Deen..

.. claiming that nothing was revealed to you!

Allah said to His prophet:

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them.. "

we will collect them all..

and Shayateen..

They were followers of Shayateen..

So, Allah, Almighty, will gather them.. and those who had deceived them.

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then.. "

".. We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees[Jitheya]."

on their knees!

they can't stand up.. because of the severity of what they are seeing!

"Then We will surely extract from every sect[Shea'ah].. " 19:69

[Sheea'ah] means; a group

".. those of them who were.. "

".. worst against the Most Merciful in insolence."

We've said.. who comes first, is the person who did the biggest guilt.

"Then, surely it is We who are most knowing of those most worthy of burning therein." 19:70

Who should come first..

Allah, Almighty, knows who is he?

Then, Allah said a verse.. that was difficult for many scholars..

and it is still..

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. " 19:71

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

This is an oath, said by the Lord of Dignity..

that, there is no one..

Because Allah said; None of you!

So, Allah did not exclude anyone!

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

".. This is upon your Lord.. "

i.e. that matter..

".. an inevitability decreed."

i.e. definitely, it will happen!

And Allah is saying..

".. Allah does not fail in His promise.. " 30:6

and this is one of the promises that Allah does not fail in them.

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha]. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

"Then We will save those who feared Allah.. " 19:72

".. and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees."

Still there is one question!

What is the meaning of..

".. he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

that was the point that had caused differences among scholars..

In this matter, the early people of knowledge, had said many explanations..

[May Allah put mercy on them, all]..

We will mention the most prominent among them!

It was narrated that the Scholar..

Abdullah Bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased of him and of his fathers..

he said:

the word [Wurud] here, it means; entering!

So, the explanation of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased of him..

and he is a respected scholar..

of the verse; And there is none of you except he will come to it.. means..

No one..

except he will enter the Fire!

all will enter the fire!

One of the Kharijites.. [dissenters]

his name is Nafi'a Bin Al-Azraq..

he is a well known man..

he came to Makkah..

he found Ibn Abbas have a circle, and he interpretes Qur'an to people..

and Nafi'a had some knowledge of language and some knowledge of Fiqh..

except that he was..

[We seek refuge with Allah]..

he was infected by the whims..

and by erratic ideas..

and this is an old issue..

the problems that you are seeing today..

the aberrant ideas and stray opinions..

people who deviate to the extremes..

and they raise the sword on the heads of Muslims..

This is an old issue!!

And, Nafi'a Bin Al-Azraq was one of these people..

So, he entered the circle of Ibn Abbas..

to ask him a question.. for making difficulties

not for learning..

So, he asked him about the meaning of [Al-Wurud]!

the, Ibn Abbas said; Al-Wurud, means [Ad-Dukhool].. entering.

then Nafi'a didn't approve the answer, he said:

How that can be, and Allah said:

'"They will not hear its sound.. " 21:102

and you say, they will enter it?!'

Then Ibn Abbas became angry, and he said to him: 'Are you crazy??'

Then he said to him..

i.e. Ibn Abbas giving Nafi'a the evidence from Qur'an..

He said: ' Didn't Allah say..

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led." 11:98

What is the meaning of the word[ Wurud] here?'.

then Nafi'a couldn't say different..

[Al-Wurud] here means; entering!

Then Ibn Abbas said: ' Didn't Allah say:

"Indeed, you [disbelievers] and what you worship other than Allah are the firewood of Hell.." 21:98

".. You will be coming to [Waridoon=entering] it."

What is the meaning of [Waridoon].' asking Ibn Abbas.

[Waridoon] means entering.

So, here, the saying of Allah, Almighty: " And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

i.e. none of you except he will enter it!

But, it was narrated that he had said:

'It will be, for the believers,..

cool and peaceful..

as that fire upon Ibrahim, it was cool and peaceful..

and as for the disbelievers, it will burn them.

whose Tafseer was this?

It was the interpretation of Ibn Abbas..

And it was said by some early scholars, as Jaber, may Allah be pleased of him..

and by other scholars.. other than them both..

by scholars of this Ummah.

The most famous opinion.. the most weighted.. that most of the scholars are adopting it..

That the word[Wurud] here have the meaning of; passing on..

have the meaning of crossing..

Another opinion..

[before I talk more about the crossing]..

there is an opinion that was conveyed from Ka'ab Al-Ahbar..

And, the status of Ka'ab Al-Ahbar in knowledge, is very high..

What did he say?

He said: 'At Resurrection Day, the Fire..

It becomes like[Al-Ihalah]!!..

What is that??

It is the oil.. the grease.. the fat..

when it is solidified!

e.g. when you bring some fat..

then you spread it on a surface..

then you let it to become solid..

then, it will be like[Al-Ihalah]..

Ka'ab Al-Ahbar said:

'At Resurrection Day, the Fire becomes like[Al-Ihalah]!!..


all the creations come..

the righteous and the wicked..

They will stand on top of the Fire, on their feet..

the righteous and the wicked..

this is the explanation of [Al-Wurud=entering] as said by Ka'ab Al-Ahbar..

Then, a caller will call.. the Fire:

'Take your companions..

and leave my companions..

Then, what will happen?

the Fire will drop in.. all the disbelievers..

And, at that Day, it is knower, who are the disbelievers..

more than a man knowing his son.

So, they will be destroyed..

But, as for the believers..

they will come out of it with their bodies hydrated..

This explanation was of Ka'ab Al-Ahbar.

We've said; there is an explanation, that most of the scholars are adopting it..

that [Al-Wurud] indicates..

the crossing of the bridge over the Hell..

And the people who are passing along the bridge of [Jahannam]

are in 3 groups..

as were described by our prophet, SAW..

a survivor.. who is safe!

i.e. he will survive, unharmed by the Fire..

may Allah make us all among this group..

And these people..

have subgroups among them..

Some of them will run like the fast horse

some of them will glide like the fast wind..

some of them will pass like lightning..

and some of will them crawl slowly..

And some of them will have as little light as that, which doesn't exceed their big toes.

Yet, they all will be saved.

And a survivor, who will be scratched..

i.e. he will be saved at the end.. but, the Fire will scratch him.

And, a person who will fall upon his face in the Fire.. we ask refuge with Allah..

and these are the disbelievers..

Allah said:

"Then We will save those who feared Allah and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees."

So, most of the scholars..

say that the verse; 'And there is none of you except he will come to it.[Waridoha]."

means; the crossing..

along the bridge over Jahannam..

And, it was said to Imam Ahmad, may Allah put mercy on him..

When will the believer have rest?

he said; 'after he leaves the bridge of Jahannam behind.'

And this opinion, And Allah knows the best..

is the most acceptable explanation, that the evidences agree upon it.

And, some scholars prefered to stop here..

i.e. they couldn't give.. a definite explanation..

for the words of Allah, Almighty..

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wareduha].. "

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

Because, Allah said:

".. they are from it far [Muba'adoon= set away." 21:101

and this doesn't go with..

them entering the Fire!

But, here, He is saying:

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

And He said: ".. he will come to it[Wareduha].. "

And, this does not coincide with being away from the Fire!

So, when we look at all of that..

definitely, they do not contradict each other..

But, the shortage is in our comprehension..

So, the most probable explanation.. the intended meaning..

and Allah knows the best

Is the crossing.. the passing along the path[Sirat] of Jahannam..

and people pass this path[Sirat].. with the light they are given..

and the best thing to bring you this light..

to pass the path of Jahannam with it..


Isha Salat and Fajr Salat.

So, keep doing these two Salat..

is a cause for granting man a light..

and many other deeds deliver light.. any good deed will grant light.. at Resurrection Day..

But, these two Salats were specifically mentioned..

because, there is a Hadith from our prophet ,SAW, about them..

He, SAW, said:

' give good tidings to those who walk in the dark..

that they will have the complete light, at Resurrection Day.'.

And the walkers in the dark, are those who go out to pray Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr.

That was about[Al-Wurud]..

in the Book of Allah, Almighty.

Next, we will talk about[Al-Wurud]..

in the news that were conveyed from our prophet, SAW..

There are some Hadiths..

the most famous is that..

He, SAW..

went to the graveyard..


And it is..

most probably, most of you have visited it..

it is where more than 10,000 Sahabi are buried..

So, the prophet, SAW, went to visit that place..

After he came out, he said:

'I wish if I could see my brothers.'

They said: 'O messenger of Allah, Aren't we your brothers?'

He said: 'in fact, You are my companions..

but, my brothers didn't come yet!

And, I am..' [And next is the point we want to stress upon.]

'The first, in front of them[Faratohum], at Al-Hawd.'

i.e. ahead of them, at the [Hawd=water-pool]

[Al-Farat] is who comes first, ahead of his people.

'and I am the first, in front of them at the water.'

i.e. the prophet, SAW..

at Resurrection Day..

will be standing by his[Hawd].

And his [Hawd], SAW..

is whiter than milk..

and sweeter than honey

and the number of its cups, are as the number of the stars of the sky.

whoever drinks from it, he will never feel thirsty again!

and when people come out of the graves to the gathering place..

they will be thirsty, and what they need most will be a drink of water..

So, the believer should..

observe Allah, Almighty..

while applying that what we were told about the messenger of Allah, SAW..

guided with his guidance and following his Sunnah..

hoping that Allah, Almighty, might make him have a drink..

from the Hawd of our prophet, SAW.

Some people might say..

may Allah forgive us and them.. and guide us and them..

Because the prophet, SAW, has said, some people will be prevented from drinking from Al-Hawd!

So, they have claimed that people of high status..

like Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman..

they will be prevented from drinking from the Hawd..

because, these people claim that.. this honored group were apostates!

So, if abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were apostates..

Who has remained steadfast?

And, we know that As-Siddique, may Allah be pleased of him and please him..

he is the one who had carried the burden of this Ummah..

after the death of its prophet, SAW

and He is the one who had fought the apostates!

May Allah be pleased of him.

So, when the person..

is subjected to beliefs or to ideologies..

He should not imitate others..

but, he must put his mind at work..

on what he is told.. on what they say to him..

so as not to be misguided!

and to avoid falling into mistakes and weaknesses..

as regarde the Deen of Allah, Almighty..

and he must know that there are matters that are basics..

we can't argue about them or doubt them.

Magnanimity[Al-Muro'ah], when it supervenes among people..

side by side with Deen..

the community will be preserved!

So, it is wrong not to train people to have; sense of honor[Muro'ah].


are be prevented from..

falling into felony..

by 4 things!

or, by one of 4 things!

His Deen might prevent him..

or his magnanimity[Muro'ah] might prevent him..

or the ruler might prevent him..

or his disability might prevent him.

So, the disabled person.. he is incapable.. so his impaired ability will prevent him..

he might want to do the crime, but he can't.. he is incapacitated.

irrespective of the cause of disability.

The second situation.. he doesn't belief in a religion..

and he doesn't have any sense of honor[Muro'ah]..

but, he is afraid of the legislation.. the regulations..

afraid of the Governor.. of the Ruler..

and, he knows that the Ruler have no mercy in such matters.

Now, he refrains, not because of his incapacity..

nor because of his Deen, nor because of his magnanimity[Muro'ah].

And some people..

might not be a person who prays so many..

He might be Non-Muslim..

And yet, he doesn't commit felonies..

Why not? Because, he have sense of honor[Muro'ah]!

and the reason for that Muro'ah, is the intellect..

So, his way of thinking..

has led him to the fact that doing such a thing is unreasonable..

and it will harm him.

The fourth situation is; Religion!

Man, sometimes..

he might be weak, in his religion..

but his dignity[Muro'ah] lasts

he feels shy of others..

he is afraid of being stigmatized as dishonored.

he fears so many matters..

and this is a kind of [Muro'ah].

So, if we are to educate..

in schools..

in universities..

our sons.. our daughters..

our brothers.. our sisters..

our neighbours..

we must talk about Deen..

and glorify its matter..

and the fear of Allah..

and we must glorify [Muro'ah].

and that man..

must increase his [Muro'ah], greatly.

And, we've said so many times, in our lectures..

here, at this big gathering or at other places..


The man, who had escorted..

Umma Salamah, from Makkah to Madinah..

to help her to do Hijrah..

and he wasn't a Muslim himself!

and she wasn't from his tribe..

But, he was a man of [Muro'ah]!

and he couldn't break that trust..

and he didn't intimidate her.. all the way long!

He wasn't hindered by religion..

actually, he didn't belief in life after death..

he didn't belief in Resurrection..

he was a pagan!

But, he was restrained by his [Muro'ah]!

The point..


People at that old time..

they had [Muro'ah].

They had Deen.. in their hearts..

and they had [Muro'ah].. in themselves.

So, they've supervened.. as we read about that society..

about our righteous ancestors..

may Allah put mercy on them.

That was about the word; [Al-Wurud] in the Hadith of our prophet, SAW

So, that was the [Wurud] in the Book of Allah

and the [Wurud] in the biography of our prophet, SAW

So, to close.. we have one verse..

Allah, Almighty, said..

about His Kaleem, the chosen, Moses Bin Imran..

"And when he came to the well of Madyan.. " 28:23

".. he found there a crowd of people watering [their flocks].. "

".. and he found aside from them two women driving back [their flocks]. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

".. They said, "We do not water until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks].. "

".. and our father is an old man."."

Moses, peace be upon him..

he is one of the great figures along history..

and he is one of those of determination among the messengers..

in spite of having.. in his tongue..

as it was stated in Qur'an..

he had a sort of aphasia..

otherwise, he was..

great in himself!

devoted in his heart..

directed to Allah with the core of his heart..

excessively asking for forgiveness.. of sins.

For that, Allah had talked to him!

And this gift..

as we've said many times..

it is really something!

If it wasn't for Allah, telling us about it..

no one would have believed him!

Allah said in His great Book:

".. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech." 4:164

And.. "[ Allah ] said, "O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My words [to you].." 7:144

This prophet..

He left the land of Egypt..

after the event that, he had killed a man..

So, the rumor went on that Moses was the killer..

and they were conferring over him, intending to kill him

he left!

after a man came to give him an advice to leave..

"And a man came from the farthest end of the city, running.." 28:20

".. He said, "O Moses, indeed[Inna]. the eminent ones are conferring over you to kill you.. "

And, I've said many time.. I don't remember if it was here or somewhere else..


I don't know if you have this in your culture or not..

but at our region, if people had doubts about a matter..

They say: ' There is;[Inna], in this matter.'

It is a common phrase..

' There is; [Inna], in this matter.'

this idiom was taken from this verse..

".. He said, "O Moses, indeed[Inna]. the eminent ones are conferring over you to kill you.. "

And how the idiom was started?

It was written by a man..

to a scholar.. to given him an advice

he just wrote to him one word; [Inna]!

so, he understood the meaning..

that there is a conspiracy against him.

The point is..

He, peace upon him, left the city..

counting on his Lorad..

".. he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."." 28:22

And I say..

to all believers.. men and women..

If you initiate a matter that you don't know how you would proceed on it..

read this verse, frequently..

".. "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

By Allah, He is The Guide, the only Who gives guidance.

the only One Who gives success.. and only Allah Who gives support!

".. he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

Allah said:

"And when he directed himself toward Madyan, he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

So, he went to the water place of Madyan..

in some narrations, they say; he reached there after 7 days..

the front of his belly was about to get stuck to its back..

[of severe hunger]

He found a crowd of people..

all are taking their flocks to the well..


And, there were two women doing the opposite..

When their herd try to go to the well..

they prevent them from going to the well.

".. and he found aside from them two women.. " 28:23

".. [Tathodan].. " i.e. they were driving back their flocks

Then, the prophet of Allah went to the women..

".. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

the question gives you an idea about the personality of Moses!

".. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

They said, "We do not water.. "

".. until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks].. "

This would need another question.. Why??!

But, they didn't give moses a chance to ask..

They said; ".. and our father is an old man."."

i.e. What is preventing our father of coming here is that..

he is an old man, and he can not compete with the crowd

So, we are doing the job instead of him..

".. and our father is an old man."."

and this conversation, that was documented in Qur'an..

clearly indicates that, their father was not Shu'ayban!

The scholars who had said that he was Shu'ayb, the prophet from Allah..

they went very far..

this saying was attributed to Al-Hasan Al-Basri.. but it is not correct.

It is not possible..

because the people of this village..

we know that the people of Shu'ayb..

some of them were destroyed..

and the believers had survived..

So, if this man was Shu'ayb..

the people with him must be, the believers.. who had survived..

So, it is not logical that a people would leave their prophet..

send his two daughters to water the camels..


As believers, they should serve their prophet properly.

The point is..

".. So he watered [their flocks] for them.." 28:24

So, he drove the herd..

and he fought his way forcefully.

Then the two girls were back home earlier than usual..

that has surprised the father..

has made the old man get astonished..

Usually, the two girls return home late..

But, because Moses has watered their flocks.. they could return home early.

So, being early to home, their father asked them..

and they told him..

After telling him, they had to explain to him.. to defend themselves from accusations..

in front of their father..

and the wise person does not condemn himself..

[Allah is the Protector]

putting it under suspicion..

So, they explained to their father..

"One of the women said, "O my father, hire him.. " 28:26..

".. Indeed, the best one you can hire is the strong and the trustworthy.". "

It was said.. [In Tafseer Books]...

he asked them..

How did you know that?

about his strength and his integrity.. then they told him.

He was strong, because he could do so and so..

so that we were done early..

That was because of his strength..

and as regards his honesty..

When we walked in front of him..

and because of his piety, he asked them to walk behind him, so that he won't be able to look at them!

on their way home.

after she said; ".. "Indeed, my father invites you that he may reward you for having watered for us.".." 28:25

The point of that all..

[Wurud] the prophet of Allah Moses to the well.

and what he did there..

when he was good to the creations..

the creator has granted him goodness..

Allah, Almighty, said:

'.. he said, "Fear not. You have escaped from the wrongdoing people."." 28:25

That was about [Wurud]..

in general..

in the Book of Allah..

and in the biography of His messenger, SAW.

Before ending..

we say..


that we are looking for..

is [Al-Wurud] to [Al-Hawd]

Allahumma, we ask you to make us come to the [Hawd] of your prophet, SAW. and to drink from its water..

And [Al-Wurud] that is feared..

is [Al-Wurud] on the path of [Jahannam]

and that is documented in Qur'an.. for ever..

in a great verse..

Allah, Almighty, said:

".. [on] the Day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with him.. " 66:8

".. Their light will proceed before them and on their right.. "

".. they will say.. "

".. "Our Lord, perfect for us our light.. "

".. and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.". "

This Du'aa.. supplication..

it is good, if the believer could..

supplicate very much with it.

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

you say it always while you are doing your stuff..

for matters you want to succeed in doing them..

for matters that you have began, and you want Allah to finish them for you..

Say this Du'aa..

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

Sometimes, try to do Qiyam Salat, at night, with reciting this verse..

to get a perception.. a sense of what you are about to do..

So, if Allah would perfect your light for you..

Allah will lighten your way at Dunyah..

and Allah will illuminate your grave..

blessedness for a servant who had prayed Salat, before they pray salat on him.

and blessedness for a servant who had illuminated his grave before being inside it.

And blessedness for a servant, for whom Allah would perfect his light on the land of gathering..

And blessedness for a servant, for whom Allah would perfect his light on the path of Serat.

The believer must free himself from the wrongdoing of the servants

and he surrender his Heart to Allah..

and continuously ask for forgiveness, from Allah, the One, the Subduer[ Al-Qahar]

and ask goodness from Allah, with expectation..

thinking perfectly, about his Lord..

and say, as Allah had taught us..

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

and may Salat be upon Muhammad and his family.

and [all] praise be for Allah, Lord of the worlds.

For more infomation >> Al-Wurud, is to come to.. But, how is it explained? By Sheikh Salih Al-Maghamsi - Duration: 29:52.


Jump Up, Superstar! But half the beats are missing [CC] - Duration: 2:03.

Here we oh

are in

don't you oh

don't you oh time rasin

freedom like

freedom like never ooh

do abs

do abs, ASS

say "burn me

say "burn me in a ash!"

you say

you say my happy

you say my happy on you

we do

we do Malaysian doot 🎺

we do Malaysian doot 🎺 UHHHH

in the whack Earl

Jump me

Jump me, coin me




Time jump

Time jump in air

I don't

I don't care!

I''ll bend your

I''ll bend your air sorbet!

Dip your arm

Dip your arm starboard


I'll be one

I'll be one up girl

So lets run super high

High up in

High up in guy!

Know how we're back

Know how we're back at sea!

Now you're

Now you're superstar

No else canteen

No else canteener

Look in my

Look in my bear

Ready for

Ready for Melissa

Let's move

Let's move odyssey

Ah see yes

I'll tee, yes

I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes

I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes

I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes

I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes

I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'll tee, yes I'LL TEE, YES


Spin eel

take chance

¡Aver! dark

¡Aver! dark durance!

You were all

You were all out-you'ed


Turn my ass

A new dish

A new dish to cast!

No gammy captain

No gammy captain needs through

To kill a giant noodle

To kill a giant noodle eye

To kill a giant noodle eye, AYYY

If your coin through

Jump me

Jump me, coin me


On of in the air

Y'all got air 🤠

Y'all cuz your

Y'all cuz your boat out there

If I'm

If I'm Jouerdalaire

The bridge don't

The bridge don't get us!

You're still one up boy

So ate

So ate up ass

Like a talking bath

Riddle me

Riddle me Spanish

Riddle me Spanish, through

We'll you're

We'll you're super high 🍀🍃

No one else liked dinner

Go through that

Go through that ash

You've got pinashhe (??)

You've got pinashhe, OHHHH

Let's through Odyssey

Time jump in the air

I don't be-care!

I'll bend the air

I'll bend the air sorbet!

If the eyes

If the eyes start burn

We're ga-teen-er!

I'll be one up girl

Miss 'em all

Miss 'em all boys hurl

All around her

Be ain't there all

Be ain't there all ACK-Achoo!

Now we're all

Now we're all sustars!

Welcome to

Welcome to Vick's farm!

There's some more at

There's some more at Benny's

There's time to waste?

There's time to waste? NO!

Do the Odyssey!





[band synchronized stroke]

Leave like Su-cribe fo-more

For more infomation >> Jump Up, Superstar! But half the beats are missing [CC] - Duration: 2:03.


Man remains hospitalized, but doing OK after carjacking turns to shooting - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Man remains hospitalized, but doing OK after carjacking turns to shooting - Duration: 2:10.


Texas' new state senators jump into work, focus local but think big - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Texas' new state senators jump into work, focus local but think big - Duration: 2:11.


MEME REWIND 2018 but it's phisopholical - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> MEME REWIND 2018 but it's phisopholical - Duration: 2:19.


Trumbull Co. state representative says he's pro-life but wants money for birth control - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Trumbull Co. state representative says he's pro-life but wants money for birth control - Duration: 2:19.


موكبانغ اكلة إيطالية بس ضايج!!☹️ ☹️!!Mukbang but pissed - Duration: 6:28.

hello this is Ali Mukbang, how are you hope everything alright

today i'm so pissed

i made Italian style pasta

and cooked chicken, and bought some cheese blend

and i started recording with for around 20 minutes

without knowing that my camera battery has died while i was recording

when i was done with my video recording i tried to replay clip finding out only taped for 2 minutes because of my battery was low and the camera went to sleep mode

i worked for almost an hour for mukbang video 'i supposed to upload' so i apologize about this unorganized video , i just wanted to make this video so i can share my frustration with you!!

i bought all the ingredients for the dish for mukbang such as chicken,vegetable cheese,pasta,and sauce and i was happy

so i can show you my mukbang video but everything was not recorded

but anyway i will upload better videos

next time i will remember to check the battery to prevent this situation from happening again but support my channel

so please by hit LIKE, drop me a comment, donate me a subscribe lol


thank you for watching my videos.....stay posted for my next videos

please remember to subscribe and like

this is Ali Mukbang i will see you next time thank you

For more infomation >> موكبانغ اكلة إيطالية بس ضايج!!☹️ ☹️!!Mukbang but pissed - Duration: 6:28.


Digitakt vs Octatrack MK1 // So Same.. But So Different - Duration: 13:09.

yo what's good so the octatrack mark 1 is pretty cheap on sites like eBay and

Craigslist and whatnot it's basically as cheap as the Digitakt so I figured

it'd be a good time to compare the two in case you're considering getting one

there this sleepy ass dog right here woke her up for no good reason and she's

pissed real quick let me start this comparison by saying that this is fully

just my opinion and I'm really just comparing the main differences that

matter the most to me so yeah that's what this is gonna be in bow no free

time as a good girl she's best the first main big difference to me is sampling

this is both how you sample and what you can do with the sample thereafter on the

Digitakt you would sample as you would expect to sample on a sampler you

have you know a left and right input you can sample directly into the Machine

throw it on to attract and apply all the little pages in one ayah as you would

expect right on the Octatrack you can do everything that you can do on the Digitakt

in terms of sampling and stuff but you can also slice samples which you

cannot do on the Digitakt easily you can actually legitimately slice samples

on the optic tract which is a huge plus for me when it comes to using samples

speaking of sampling the Digitakt only has a left and right input just a simple

left right can be used as either left or right and just given you two channels

but the OctaTrack has - left and right inputs a B C and D which

effectively can also be used as for mono inputs and that's actually a perfect

segue into my next reason why I really enjoy using Octatrack and that's

because I can use it as a mixer and sure you can totally monitor the input of the

Digitakt through the machine but you can take it a step further on the octave

track by actually sending that input through a track in the Octatrack and

apply LFO, amp envelopes, effects, filters, you name it through the machine in real

time without having to sample it in real time and that has been a huge crucial

factor for me especially in a live setup with that feature alone

effectively been able to completely eliminate a mixer from my live setup and

if you're curious about that and want me to break it down a little more I already

did it in a video like this one speaking of for inputs on the octatrack

you also have four outputs you have the left and right main output in the left

and right cue output when I first got the octatrack didn't bother with the Q

output at all I thought was cool that's a cool feature but I'm never gonna use

that that is however until I found this weird setting in the personalize menu of

the octatrack which sets it so that when i cue a track

it'll mute it out of the master but send it out of the queue AKA ascend in return

if you're wondering how I do that check this video out it's honestly like my

favorite feature about the octatrack and it's one of the reasons why I'll

probably never end up selling it another plus side to the octatrack over the

Digitakt is the arranger mode and sure it could be a big pain to learn but it's

really really powerful if you do essentially what this is is song mode

which the Digitakt does not have and sure you can chain patterns on the

Digitakt but that's not song mode and personally I don't use the arranger mode

that often I'm currently kind of forcing myself to because I've seen some people

do some crazy stuff with it and I'm sure once I figure it out I'll learn it for

the rest of my life just like anything you know I learned English once a long

time ago now I know it for the rest of my life so same thing right and to take

full advantage of something like the arranger mode on the optic tract the

octatrack actually has 16 banks of 16 patterns each as opposed to the

Digitakt which only has eight banks of 16 patterns each ensure the octatrack also

has parts but that's like straight-up rocket science so I'm not even going to

count that staying in the realm of storage and possibilities the octatrack

utilizes a compact flash which essentially gives you as big of a hard

drive as you want I don't know if it works past 64 gigs I use the 32 gig one

have yet to hit that limit but the dig attacks stuck with a one gig plus drive

which doesn't give you any kind of expand ability in the future and last

but not least in terms of performance stuff the octatrack has its famous cross

fader it could be as simple or as crazy as you want it to be the Digitakt

does have some performance stuff though like the part mute

section four the pattern mutes or for the global mutes as well as the control

all feature which is really cool but after the second to third song in a live

situation that effect gets kind of old long story short that crossfader can be

set to either a single parameter or a bunch of parameters and that setting

lives in a scene and you have a total of 16 scenes which can be assigned to

either side of the crossfader so that right there is a ton of possibilities

when it comes to performance tools okay okay I know what you're thinking I love

the octatrack way more than that Digitakt in that video I did two weeks

ago where YouTube captions screwed me over

look I said complete lie but it's not it's not all unicorns and rainbows for

the octatrack there are a couple upsides to having a Digitakt and features that

the Digitakt has that the octatrack may never get first and foremost this

applies to octatrack MK1 not MK2 but that my friend is the hardware

overall they're both super solid super sturdy machines are both made out of

steel and whatnot but the Digitakt is just newer has a nicer screen has way

nicer encoders that has backlit buttons I mean think about it the octatrack came

out in 2010 and no I'm not saying if you buy an octave track MK1 today you're

gonna get one that was made in 2010 but the way it was designed and the hardware

that it had and the buttons and the screen and stuff was kind of limited to

the technology that they had at hand back in 2010 so unless you're getting

the mark 2 you're gonna be getting something that was designed to be its

peak in 2010 a simple but crucial reason why I really like the Digitakt is that

screen it is a lot higher resolution than the original octatrack and it's an

OLED screen and it's just a lot nicer in a dark studio because it has a black

background with light text on it as opposed to the octatrack which has like

a white kind of blueish background with black lettering on it so it's just like

a light bulb in your eyes sometimes especially depending on how dark your

studio is and speaking of dark rooms those backlit buttons on the Digitakt

are super nice in a live situation I don't

have to have a little USB flashlight or something kind of giving me some

illumination to see what I'm trying to read The Digitakt you have the backlit

buttons letting you know where you're at and what you're about to press but the

octatrack only has the screen print and these tiny little LED dots to show you

where you're at and another plus for the Digitakt even though it's not out

yet which I hope it's gonna be out soon NAMM 2019 bringas good news is over

bridge that will never be on the octatrack the octatrack when it was

designed even the mark to the design of it the architecture and what it was

designed to do was never meant to work with Overbridge I'm not even sure that

was an idea when they were thinking of the octatrack

but the Digitakt however is it was totally designed for that and I'm sure

by now you already know what overbridge is especially watching a video like this

but TL:DR Overbridge is essentially just Audio over USB and yeah if you want to

find out more just go to electrons YouTube or Google it last but not least

the Digitakt over the octatrack is way easier to learn but personally I

think the octatrack is totally worth all the pain and agony because it kind of

feels like it can be the centerpiece of your studio or the Digitakt feels a

little bit more like a sketch pad or a simple drum machine but the Digitakt

is definitely a step in the right direction when it comes to looking into

more complex machines things like maybe a circle on or an octave track or an

analogue rhythm you want to get to synthesis and sound design and stuff the

Digitakt is definitely a step in the right direction with a little bit of an

easier learning curve than most electron boxes alright so now on to some

similarities that maybe a pro or a con depending on who you are and what your

current situation is when it comes to putting in samples and whatnot onto

these machines Digitakt is going to be using the transfer app by Elektron which

is super cool super neat easy UI to understand even lets you send samples to

and from the Digitakt and the analog rhythm in case you're kind of already in

the ecosystem it also helps with keeping your dig attacked up today and whatnot

which is a neat feature but I think the octave track nails it for the simplest

and easy way to rearrange and take samples on and off

of your device which is the USB disk mode all it does is turns your octatrack

into an external hard drive and you can kind of pull it up in your finder or

your Windows Explorer or File Explorer thing and just drag and drop samples in

and out of it it's the most awesome easy thing because it all lives on that

compact flash drive honestly they're both really easy and simple to use so

I've call that a draw ok so here's a really tricky one that I still don't

even know the answer to whether it's a pro or a con or which one handles this

better but the way that the tracks act on each device I'll start with the Digitakt

a track on the Digitakt is tied to the pattern right so let's say I

make a song across 8 patterns and all of a sudden I want to change the kick drum

of my song I'd have to go into each pattern all eight of them and change

that track to the new kick drum sample but on the octatrack the tracks are tied

to the bank so if I were to make that same song those same patterns all I

would have to do is change the track on one of the patterns to the new kick drum

and it'll change it across all the patterns I hope that makes sense I hope

I made sense I don't even know if I said that correctly and like I just said I

really don't know if this is a pro or a con I see that it helps my creativity on

the Digitakt side where I can explore using different samples and the same

song but different patterns but it helps my workflow on the octatrack in terms of

just kind of going and making the track all this kick drum sucks let's find a

new one BAM it's applied to everything I'd have to go and sit there and kind of

rearrange and reach Ange a bunch of stuff so now on to my final thoughts of

these two and that's that they couldn't be more different

I know that might not be the answer that you want to hear but it could also just

be because I'm so used to using the OctaTrack as one thing and I'm so used

to using the Digitakt as another the Octatrack in my situation is my

sampler slash live mixer and the dig attacked is mainly just my drum machine

for the most and being completely honest I used these

pretty much side-by-side in the studio I use the OctaTrack more just on its

own but the Digitakt kind of lives in and breathes with everything and it's

mainly just my drum machine and by itself I use it as a sketch pad for the

most part but the OctaTrack can honestly run my whole studio if I really wanted

it to but I have other means to do that so then the next question is which

should you get well that's going to be completely answered by what your current

situation is and where you see your future self and going if you already

have a solid drum machine like a tr-8 or a drum brood or a volka thing then I'd

say the OctaTrack can serve as a perfect sequencer for those for a really

solid sampler in your current studio situation or is your current studio

situation something more along the lines of I'm just getting started or I would

just want to kind of take a step into the hardware world the Dawless world or

whatever then I would definitely suggest getting something like the Digitakt

it's a solid machine it's pretty future proof at this point as opposed to the

OctaTrack it's a lot easier to learn it may not be as deep as the octave

track but it's a lot more rewarding immediately to use and it's a Swiss Army

knife it could be a sequencer it could be a sampler it could be a drum machine

it can kind of serve a lot of these purposes and it will find a way into any

setup so they both work really well in a live situation and they both work really

well in a studio situation it really just comes down to speed immediacy

creativity and expandability and honestly the amount of time you're

willing to put into something to learn something new because always remember

that somebody can have the exact same studio as you but the one thing that

they cannot replicate is the amount of time and effort that you're willing to

put into something to get really good at your craft so take it or leave it the

ultimate decisions up to you well that's it for me I hope you found

this video helpful if you did I'd greatly appreciate that thumbs up and

feel free to subscribe if you want to see more content like this especially on

a weekly basis but that's it for 2018 on to 2019 and you already know the drill

and that's to share the love, share the knowledge, knowledge is power, peace✌ .

For more infomation >> Digitakt vs Octatrack MK1 // So Same.. But So Different - Duration: 13:09.


Thank U Next, But Hungry - Duration: 4:06.

The leftovers were gone They all went down the hatch (days ago)

And I ate all my brownies Should've made another batch

And my fridge is all empty But I'm feeling so hangry

Wish I could say thank you to postmates (non spon)

Cause delivery will save me GrubHub is love

DoorDash is patience Takeout's a pain

But Tai food's amazing I've loved and I've lost

But now I've got curry Careful it's hot

I'll throw down on dumplings

To my dumplings I say  Thank u, next

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Plump and juicy, I have no regrets Thank you, next

Thank you, next Thank you, next

All the dumplings

Damn I'm hungry again I ain't worried bout nothin

I'll go meet up with Johnny We having better discussions

I know they say that I eat too fast My food's not gon last

But I got a belly (additional storage) And I'm so good with that (so good with

that) Pizza is love

Pizza is patience Pizza is pain

But cheese is amazing I've loved and I've lost

All hopes of my vegan fight The dairy's on blast

Betrayed by my appetite  To my slices I say,

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Thank you, next I'm so constipated, no regrets

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Thank you, next Constipated

One day I'll walk down the aisle And actually buy some groceries

My intestines will thank me And I'll keep my stomach at ease

Only want to meal prep once this week Gon make that food last

God forbid something happens Least the cover's a smash

I'll make it with love I'll make it with patience

I've learned from the pain It turned out amazing

I've loved and I've lost My sodium intake

My nutrients high From dinner that I make

To homemade meals I say

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Thank you, next Stocking up my freezer no regrets

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Thank you, next Stocking up my freezer no regrets

Thank you, next Thank you, next

Hey, it's ya girl Ahsante helping you move consciously and creatively through life, and

I love food! So this is me creatively showing my love for food, and my love for loving food,

and loving my body you know, team body positivity. Okay? I've also been quite enjoying these

hair extensions, like these are very fun.

So I hope you enjoyed that, a little something different for my channel but if you want to

see more things like this then let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe to

get more fun, thoughtful, and creative videos.

I have big plans for this channel in 2019 so stay definitely tuned. And if you want

to be a part of this channel and taking it to the next level, then you should join my

Patreon fam. My patrons are amazing and special shoutout to my newest patron Hannah Ackermans.

Hannah, I see you and I appreciate you, thank you so much.

As always, remember to live spiritedly and think creatively and I will see you next time.


Thank you, next!

For more infomation >> Thank U Next, But Hungry - Duration: 4:06.


YouTube Rewind 2018 but it's actually good (BassBoosted) - Duration: 5:35.

*beep* My name is Jeff


It's rewind time

You know, if I could control Rewind, I would want it to be an actual rewind


[Logan Paul:] I really hate to say this - I think there's someone hanging right there


Rewind Time, everybody

Hit or miss?

I guess they never miss, huh?

Do u know da wae?

u have to know the fucking wae





I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab

Rewind time everybody!

Bitch lasagna, Bitch lasagna

T-series ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna

Bitch lasagna

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitchbitchbitchbitchbibibibibibitch

Rewind time everybody!

Number 15, Burger King foot lettuce, the last thing you want in your burger King burger is someone's foot

It's rewind time!





agh, agh

agh, aghhh


agh, agh


( f o r b i d d e n f r u i t )

It's rewind time everybody!

We're forgetting something. I think we should read what the comments actually says

Rewind time, everyONE

Damn, boi, he tHICC


Seriously? He just said that?

I'm gonna copyright strike this guy

Here for you on Before They Were Gone

Who is Marshmello?

Hey Vsauce! Michael here.

No, I'M HowToBa-

Attention! All epic Fortnite gamers!

Ninja is in grave danger and he needs your help.


What does this one say again?

Subscribe to PEWDIEPIE for original content

*bitch lasagna playing in the background*

There's one thing this video needs


Ho ho! Phil Swift here!

Y'all can't afford things like Lil Tay. I wears a belt (?)


If I controlled Rewind, I would want

Fortnite and Marques Brownlee

Is this what you wanted? (hell no)


You have to be kind of a sociopath


Aaaah, that's hot


That's hot

I feel like this was a stupid hat to wear

Oh, you think this is a joke?



You're heating up your breakfast when I'm heating up my dinner!

*unintelligible sobbing*

Attention, all libtards!

Now Ben Shapiro wants to know my location.

Okay, that was epic. Next 👏 meme 👏


Stephen Hillenburg

Stephen Hawking

[Stephen Hawking:] Although my body is very limited, my mind is free to explore the universe.

[Stan Lee:] If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good,

don't let some idiot talk you out of it.

[Stefán Karl Stefánsson:] A special thank you to all of you, my dear meme friends. Thank you so much.

Now concentrate...

Rewind time, everyone

Rewind time, everybody

So, what if I'm the mons-


FBI, open up!

[Ninja:] You kiss your mother with that mouth?

Hulo, me old chum

[Pyrocynical:] So guys, we did it










Ah, that's hot. Ah, that's h- ha ha

For more infomation >> YouTube Rewind 2018 but it's actually good (BassBoosted) - Duration: 5:35.


Not much lives in the Dead Sea -- but this artist's work comes out of it - Duration: 3:10.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Finally tonight, our "NewsHour" Shares, which is something that caught our


Sculptors traditionally use bronze or marble or even wood.

But one Israeli artist works with a rather striking material.

The "NewsHour"'s Julia Griffin explains.

JULIA GRIFFIN: From the waters of the Dead Sea recently emerged the glistening, dripping

form of a ballerina's tutu.

It wasn't weighted down by the heft of water, but crystallized in salt, a dancer's costume

frozen in time.

SIGALIT ETHEL LANDAU, Artist: This mineral is really like rocks.

You put something completely flimsy and weightless, and after the sea and the crystal accumulation,

you're raising something which has multiplied its weight times 10, times 20.

JULIA GRIFFIN: Sigalit Ethel Landau is an Israeli sculptor, video creator and installation


But, for nearly 15 years, the Southern Basin of the Dead Sea has been her studio.

SIGALIT ETHEL LANDAU: It's not the easiest water.

It's not the nicest place to be in August.

But I have a language going on there, definitely.

JULIA GRIFFIN: At more than 1,400 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea lies on the lowest

piece on land on Earth.

Its mineral-rich water is nearly 10 times saltier than the ocean and nearly devoid of

all life.

But it has attracted health-conscious tourists for millennia.

In the summer, temperatures in the area regularly top 100 degrees, and because heat speeds up

the crystallization process, summer is when the Dead Sea becomes Ethel Landau's artistic


SIGALIT ETHEL LANDAU: Anybody can just come and you can put your glasses in.

And if you take good care and if you are lucky, you might end up with a beautiful piece of


But there is a limit.

And there's a right size and there's a right time of year.

JULIA GRIFFIN: As a child, Ethel Landau spent many Saturdays with her family relaxing on

the Israeli shore of the Dead Sea.

After working indoors for years, she first experimented creating art using its hypersaline

waters in 2003.

Since then, she has placed nearly 100 handcrafted pieces and everyday items, such as shoes and

musical instruments, underwater.

Some objects, like the ballerina's tutu, have biographical ties.

Ethel Landau used to be a dancer.

Others play off the water's ability to transform, like this traditional Yiddish mourning gown,

now a sparking wedding dress, or blue flags turned white.

SIGALIT ETHEL LANDAU: With a white flag, you can go to a president and say, look, this

is a kind of healing process.

A white flag says something about sharing, about water, about coping, about healing.

JULIA GRIFFIN: And while Ethel Landau's salt sculptures have traveled the world for museum

exhibitions, she never loses the constant pull of the Dead Sea.

SIGALIT ETHEL LANDAU: I work in many mediums, but there is something about the Dead Sea,

that I'm proud of realizing that I chose to stay close to it.

JULIA GRIFFIN: A book chronicling Ethel Landau's work in the Dead Sea will be released in the


For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Julia Griffin.

For more infomation >> Not much lives in the Dead Sea -- but this artist's work comes out of it - Duration: 3:10.


Full Hoyer: 'Open' To Border Security Discussions, But Wall Is A 'Nonstarter' | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Full Hoyer: 'Open' To Border Security Discussions, But Wall Is A 'Nonstarter' | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:29.


Where Should We Live? (But first! Let's go swimming and then go to a giant park!) - Duration: 17:01.

I haven't told them that yet file it under snuffleupagus and other things I don't

like muppets and I don't like sloths yeah I'm fine with clowns Jesse and I

were talking a little bit more about just how we don't know where on earth

we're going where we're gonna be what does home mean does that even exist

hey guys and happy December ah I think I'm getting more vitamin D I think

that's making me really happy and today we are going to spend some

time in this pool check it out

Jesse and I bought a GoPro as our family Christmas present and we are

going to play with it today this is our place this place is nice they've also

got a gym I don't know about you but whenever I vacation somewhere that's

that I know has a gym I always pack gym clothes and I never use them like the

planning stages I'm always like oh yeah I will totally go to the gym and then I

get there and I'm like or I could lay in bed some more

yeah I'll do that

also I wanted to talk to you about the way that place like impacts here like

who you are in a certain place and I wanted to ask you guys some questions

about how place affects you I have always been super super affected by

place and I'm finding that being in these spaces being in Mexico and now in

Costa Rica is really like unlocking a lot of stuff for me so let's talk about

that but first let's go swimming

it's cold!

it's cold!

it's cold

ahhh it's cold

it's really cold. come on Mom you can do it! I can't do it

you can do it! you can do it! it's too cold!

and we're gonna go out to lunch but I wanted to duck out here onto the balcony

to chat with you for a minute before we did that so something that I've been

thinking about is the impact that place has on like just how you're feeling and

how you see yourself and just your psyche and I realize getting here that

like I was really really craving green nature plants I've spent a lot of time

in cities in the last six months which have been fabulous and phenomenal and

super exciting but as I sit here on this balcony and look out at the green

mountains with these clouds kind of coming down and sitting on them my soul is just

so happy to see it especially once we get out of San Jose we're just gonna be

in nature nature nature nature nature and I'm just really really excited about

that another thing that I was thinking about is that you know so I was born in

West Virginia but we we moved to Florida the day before my fourth birthday

so almost Harper's age we moved from West Virginia to Florida and then I

spent the rest of my childhood and young adult life in Florida I didn't move out

of the state until I was 22 so I spent 18 years living in Florida

and then the next 10 years in Wilmington North Carolina which is on

the coast near the beach and ever since then I've been landlocked Charlotte was

not near the beach we're in central Mexico so we're not near the beach where

we live now and I'm really like my soul wants the water do any of you have that

feeling with with certain landscapes be it beaches or tropical things or maybe

the desert what is the landscape that like speaks to your soul and also how

does place impact you being in Latin America is really huge for me I've never

been to Latin America before we moved to Mexico and there is like a relaxed vibe

here there is an accepting vibe here that it makes it a lot easier to just

kind of let go and chill out and just be a little less uptight I did a video on

this like back in San Miguel okay so here's the thing about lunch we're going

to KFC I'll let you guess whose idea that was

I have been promised Cuban food for dinner

it's the KFC double cheesy it's got chicken bunch of cheese and then they asked me

if I wanted to add bacon which of course you got to say yes to that... we'll see

that is some tasty lowbrow food there friend

oh yeah

okay so we are in parque la sabana

it is the giant-est craziest biggest park in San Jose in fact the

National soccer stadium is in this park that's how big it is and there's a lake

and the Museum of Art is over there so we're gonna explore and see what we can


so this park is very big and it's very pretty

the trees are beautiful and it's a Saturday afternoon

so everybody's out having picnics with their families flying kites playing

sports just having a lovely time so and so are we


it's so good

500 colones

Harper do you want some? nope. okay. all for me.

okay Jesse so we have been

talking about place and like how it affects or doesn't affect you how you

feel and yourself and all that stuff like I mean like when I'm in a music

store I feel happy like that yeah I think you and I have always felt

differently about place like yeah so so what the thing I don't get is you you

always talk about place exterior place affecting you like the town the city the whatever

like yeah to me that's very incidental because I

spend the majority of my time indoors in front of a computer so to me what

affects me if in that space I feel comfortable

so like the house is more important than the city like the house affects you more

because the city's optional the city is occasional like you you you know

especially now that we have UberEats it's optional totally optional you do

not have to see it so uh catchphrase I'm what you would call indoorsy this is

true this is true now having grown up in Florida do you

that's probably part of it right the outdoors was inhospitable and was trying to

kill you constantly with savage heat and mosquitoes and evil and inside was air-conditioned yes yes yes yes is there any landscape that

speaks to you more than than others yes. beach, mountains? mountains 100% mountains yeah

you love mountains love mountain yes and I think a lot of it is because it's so

new to me I just think it's it's beautiful it's just so much more

interesting I was telling them earlier I just feel like feel like a little bit

like thirsty for nature right now because we've spent so much time in

cities is it illegal to pick up a sloth and put it on someone's back answer in the

comments you are not, I do not want to touch a sloth! you wouldn't touch it, it'd be touching you know it's different

no I don't like sloths okay I just I haven't told them that yet file it under

snuffleupagus and other thing I don't like muppets and I don't like sloths yep

I'm fine with clowns ugh clowns

hey little guy!


he's coming to you, he thinks you're less threatening because you're small

maybe if you had this he might think it's... hey squirrely

squirrely friend!

come here

hey guys dinner was amazing Harper and Jesse are playing we're gonna put Harper

down to bed soon and I'm sitting on the balcony looking at this view Jesse and I

were talking a little bit more about just how we don't know where on

earth were going where we're gonna be what does home mean does that even exist I

gotta say that that's all on my mind tonight

but as I sit here on this balcony and look at these mountains and these

beautiful clouds

I'm really happy and it's okay there's not an answer

because that makes things really exciting

and car horns I don't know if you can hear that or not

okay let's get Harper to bed I'll talk to you later love you bye-bye

For more infomation >> Where Should We Live? (But first! Let's go swimming and then go to a giant park!) - Duration: 17:01.


SICKO MODE - BUT ITS WEIRD AF😵 - Duration: 5:24.

Astro, yeah

Sun is down, freezin' cold

That's how we already know winter's here

winter's here

My dawg would prolly do it for a Louis belt

That's just all he know,

he don't know nothin' else

I tried to show 'em, yeah

I tried to show 'em, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Gone on you with the pick and roll

Young LaFlame, he in sicko mode

For more infomation >> SICKO MODE - BUT ITS WEIRD AF😵 - Duration: 5:24.


Reunited But Impact Of Separation Remains | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Reunited But Impact Of Separation Remains | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:08.


Trumbull Co. state representative says he's pro-life but wants money for birth control - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Trumbull Co. state representative says he's pro-life but wants money for birth control - Duration: 2:00.


China releases Canadian teacher but others still held in Huawei row World news - Duration: 1:54.

China releases Canadian teacher but others still held in Huawei row World news

Sarah McIver received 'administrative punishment' for working illegally, say Chinese authorities

Sarah McIver received 'administrative punishment' for working illegally, say Chinese authorities

A Canadian citizen detained in China earlier in December has been released and returned to Canada, according to the government in Ottawa.

Canada's national broadcaster, the CBC, identified the citizen as Sarah McIver, a teacher. China's foreign ministry said earlier this month that McIver had been undergoing "administrative punishment" for working illegally.

McIver was the third Canadian to be detained by China following the 1 December arrest in Vancouver of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the Chinese telecommunications company Huawei. A Canadian official said there was no reason to believe the woman's detention was linked to the prior arrests.

The Canadian foreign minister Chrystia Freeland did not mention the woman in calling for the release of the other two Canadians last week.

China arrested two men – former diplomat Michael Kovrig, employed by thinktank International Crisis Group, and Michael Spavor, a consultant on North Korea – on 10 December. They were detained on suspicion of "harm to national security", a phrase often used by Beijing when alleging espionage. But it was seen as retaliation following the arrest of Meng Wanzhou.

Ottawa has repeatedly said Meng's arrest was not political but rather part of a judicial process in keeping with an extradition treaty with Washington.

Further testing tense relations, another Canadian, Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, is due to appear before a court in north-eastern China on Saturday on drugs charges. A Chinese government news portal,, identified Schellenberg as Canadian and said he was accused of smuggling an "enormous amount" of drugs.

For more infomation >> China releases Canadian teacher but others still held in Huawei row World news - Duration: 1:54.


Coast Guard remains on patrol, but with no pay during shutdown Miami Herald - Duration: 2:28.

Coast Guard remains on patrol, but with no pay during shutdown Miami Herald

December 28, 2018 02:16 PM

South Florida and the Florida Keys is one of the busiest theaters of operations for the U.S. Coast Guard.

But, while members continue to perform search and rescue operations and patrol for drug and human smugglers, they will do so without pay indefinitely, .

Rear Admiral Matthew W. Sibley, acting assistant commandant for the Coast Guards human resources department, stated in an open letter to the roughly 42,000 service men and women in the agency that until Congress passes an appropriations bill or a continuing resolution temporarily funding the federal government, they will work and not be paid.

On Dec. 22, 2018, the United States Coast Guard partially shut down due to a lapse in appropriations. While all Coast Guard members continue to report for duty in service of our country during this partial shutdown, they do so without pay until an appropriation is passed by Congress, Sibley wrote.

Last chance to take advantage of our best offer of the year! Act now!

According to a , they will not receive their salary going back to the Dec. 15 through Dec. 21 pay period.

All other military branches fall under the Department of Defense and their members will continue to be paid as Congress and President Donald Trump argue over his proposed wall along the Mexican border. But the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Homeland Security, whose funding, along with several other cabinet level agencies, expired right before Christmas.

The Coast Guard will return to pay status as soon as possible, Sibley wrote. In the interim, they will continue to execute their duties and ensure our homeland remains secure.

David Goodhue covers the Florida Keys and South Florida for and the Miami Herald.

December 28, 2018 06:14 PM

No serious injuries were reported after a Ruskin woman crashed her car into six vehicles Friday as she drove into Key West. She hit a patrol car.

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