Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily do Dec 29 2018

 „M jak Miłość" zalicza właśnie małą przerwę od emisji. Jest ona oczywiście związana ze świąteczno-noworocznymi zmianami w ramówce

Chociaż teraz fani muszą pogodzić się z kolejnymi dniami bez swojego ulubionego serialu, to tuż po przerwie czeka ich prawdziwa bomba emocjonalna

  „M jak Miłość" przyniesie w najbliższych odcinkach bardzo dużo mocnych wrażeń. To co wydarzy się w serialu będzie wielkim testem dla telewidzów

Okazuje się, że scenarzyści postanowili sprowadzić śmierć na bohaterów uwielbianych przez miliony

„M jak miłość": strzelanina i widmo śmierci Tak wielkiej jatki w „M jak Miłość" mogło jeszcze nie być

Pomimo 18 lat spędzonych na wizji, serial ciągle potrafi zaskakiwać swoich fanów i wprowadzać wątki, które wciskają w fotel

Kaczyńska spali się ze wstydu?! Jej kolejny mąż przyłapany w jednoznacznej sytuacji  W 1410 odcinku Ula dowie się, że Bartek został postrzelony

Mężczyzna zdecydował się wziąć udział w napadzie. Jednak wcześniej przekazał właścicielowi lokalu informacje dotyczące planów szajki

To doprowadziło do dramatycznych zdarzeń. Ula w panice popędzi do domu rodziny Mostowiaków

Tam zastanie Marię i zrozpaczona zwróci się do niej o pomoc. W tym samym momencie rozpocznie się zakrojone na szeroką skalę śledztwo w sprawie strzelaniny

Gangsterzy będą świadomi tego, że jeśli Bartek powie cokolwiek na temat skoku, to będzie mógł wszystkim poważnie zaszkodzić

Ranny mężczyzna dojdzie tymczasem do siebie i wtedy funkcjonariusze dowiedzą się, że maczał palce w przeprowadzeniu skoku

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄBohater zmuszony współpracować z wymiarem sprawiedliwości  Początkowo Lisiecki nie zdecyduje się na pomoc Policji i zdecydowanie zaprzeczy możliwości jakiejkolwiek współpracy

Zostanie jednak zauważony podczas rozmowy z Jankiem. Podczas ich wymiany zdań, Ula usłyszy charakterystyczny dźwięk dzwonka jego telefonu

Kobieta odczyta wiadomość tekstową, która okaże się niczym innym, jak groźbą śmierci

 Gangsterzy zawiążą zmowę na byłego wspólnika i jego ukochaną. Nie cofną się przed niczym, żeby zniszczyć jego życie, a w ostatecznym rozrachunku nawet je zakończyć

 Wszystko wskazuje na to, że w nadchodzących odcinkach Bartek będzie zmuszony do podjęcia współpracy z wymiarem sprawiedliwości

Wydaje się, że tylko przekazanie odpowiednich informacji Policji będzie w stanie zagwarantować bezpieczeństwo jemu i jego rodzinie

 1410 odcinek „M jak Miłość" zostanie wyświetlony już po Nowym Roku. Jego premierę zaplanowano na wtorek, 8

stycznia, o godzinie 20:55, oczywiście na antenie telewizyjnej Dwójki. Epizod można przedpremierowo zobaczyć na oficjalnym kanale VOD „M jak Miłość" uiszczając jednorazową opłatę w wysokości 5 złotych

Co bardziej cierpliwi fani mogą poczekać kilka dni, po których odcinek wejdzie do bezpłatnej strefy

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Wstrząsająca śmierć w M jak Miłość. Fani serialu długo nie dojdą do siebie - Duration: 5:50.


PUBG Mobile | Đây là lý do tại sao y tá luôn là người sống lâu nhất | Phú GM - Duration: 19:52.

For more infomation >> PUBG Mobile | Đây là lý do tại sao y tá luôn là người sống lâu nhất | Phú GM - Duration: 19:52.


Ibovespa sobe 3% no último pregão do ano | Minuto Eleven 28/12 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Ibovespa sobe 3% no último pregão do ano | Minuto Eleven 28/12 - Duration: 1:13.


How Do Spiders Fly? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> How Do Spiders Fly? - Duration: 3:38.


Becky Lynch Is Ready to Do Damage to Ronda Rousey - Duration: 1:26.

Hi Friends wellcome to C4E Wrestling News Becky Lynch Is Ready to Do Damage to Ronda

Rousey Becky Lynch is in the middle of a very interesting point of her push She is no longer

the champion but she is still training for that next step This is a step she very well

might get to by WrestleMania The Man recently told TMZ that she wants to slap the head off

Ronda Rousey when asked about her recent Holiday break training activities She is obviously

gearing up for something big Lynch spent some time during Holiday break working out with

Conor McGregor's coach John Kavanagh It couldn't have been easy but Becky Lynch

loved it We will just have to wait and see what is next for Becky Lynch She could get

her SmackDown Women's Title rematch at Royal Rumble if WWE decides to re-announce the match

Hopefully whatever it is Lynch will be ready as she heads into 2019 with some serious momentum

Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Becky Lynch Is Ready to Do Damage to Ronda Rousey - Duration: 1:26.



For more infomation >> RETROSPECTIVA DO CANAL DO INICIO, POR QUE CRESCEU TANTO. - Duration: 15:58.


Cupcake para Iniciantes com decoração do Homem Aranha/Magda Mundo Doce #17 - Duration: 17:35.

For more infomation >> Cupcake para Iniciantes com decoração do Homem Aranha/Magda Mundo Doce #17 - Duration: 17:35.


Barwy szczęścia" odcinek 1979. Szuman wróci do Polski, by pomóc Pawłowi! Znów będzie chodzić? - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Barwy szczęścia" odcinek 1979. Szuman wróci do Polski, by pomóc Pawłowi! Znów będzie chodzić? - Duration: 3:01.



the kind of art I do is nature animals people I don't know if they're good or

not but my mom says it is but I love doing it I really like nature and I'm

very connected with nature so I like to draw a lot of outfits and people with

that as strange as it sounds it makes me feel like I am myself and it makes me

feel like nothing bad is going on my health don't matter

nothing else is nothing in the world that's going on it's just me and my

tools and paper I like to sing I like to swim I like to ride my bike I like this

sew and cook I like to sing the national anthem

For the land of the free, and the home of the brave!


For more infomation >> WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE THINGS TO DO - Duration: 1:33.


Where do most Croatian people live? | Let's explore Croatian streets! - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Where do most Croatian people live? | Let's explore Croatian streets! - Duration: 6:25.


Random Franzosen kennen gelernt | When do you see this , Thank you | QuatriFox - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Random Franzosen kennen gelernt | When do you see this , Thank you | QuatriFox - Duration: 6:23.


Previsão é chuvas no Piauí na virada do ano - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Previsão é chuvas no Piauí na virada do ano - Duration: 1:33.


Mostrando os presentes que as babys ganhou do Papai Noel 2018 - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> Mostrando os presentes que as babys ganhou do Papai Noel 2018 - Duration: 12:21.


Sadhguru - How do we stop Fear ? - Duration: 11:12.

Many people say that thoughts create karma and sometimes our biggest fears keep on recurring

in our minds on a daily basis.

So, how do we stop that flow of thoughts and how do we stop those fears from materializing?

And also how to cut down on unwanted karma?

Sadhguru: Whoa!

See, this whole karma business has been very misunderstood and been projected as a fatalistic


Karma means this - karma means action.

Literally translates as action.

As you sit here there is physical activity going on, there is mental activity going on,

there is emotional activity going on, there is energy activity going on.

These four dimensions of karma are happening within you every moment of your life.

Both in wakefulness and in sleep, it's happening.

Now, if I ask you a question, since today morning, since you woke up to this moment,

how much of these four dimensions of karma are you conducting consciously?

How much do you think?


Well below one percent, believe me.

It's way below one percent.

When one percent of your life let us say is conducted consciously and ninety-nine percent

accidently, you must be shit-scared of life, how else to live, hmm?

(Laughs) If you are driving a car and ninety-nine percent it is accidental the way you are driving,

will you be scared or not?

So, fear is a consequence of your inability to manage the nature of your intellect.

See, your life's experience is happening this way.

These are three dimensions.

There is something called as memory which feeds you all the time.

Memory is not just what you remember.

You don't remember ten generations ago how your great-great-grandmother looked, do you?

You don't but her nose is sitting on your face.

Yes or no?

You have genetic memory, you have evolutionary memory, you have karmic memory, articulate

and inarticulate levels of memory.


This entire thing is memory, head to toe.

Every cell in the body is memory, isn't it?

We can take one cell and create the whole of you and that's how your parents also


Just one cell and see, you've become like this.

So, there is enormous amount of memory in this.

This memory rules certain things, but there is a present experience.

Memory is of the past, but the present is of experience, your ability to experience.

If you want to experience anything, you must be conscious, you must be aware, only then

you can experience.

The future is an imagination.

So memory, experience and imagination, it is between these three dimensions in which

you exist.

Memory, you cannot change because it's already there.

Present, you don't have to change because that is also here right now.

It's only the imagination which you can change.

So what are you fearful about?

Something that will happen or you think will happen, isn't it?

Fear is always about something which does not exist right now; it's always about what

will happen.

So you are suffering that which does not exist.

If you are suffering that which does not exist, there are psychiatric terms for that.


Your only comfort is everybody is in the same state.

That's how it is in a asylum usually.

Everybody is in the same condition but right now people are in this condition – what

happened ten years ago they can still suffer, what may happen day after tomorrow they already


They are suffering things which does (do?)

not exist, simply because in your education system (Laughs) you are studying about everything

except how to manage this (Referring to Oneself).

If you do not know how to manage this, it doesn't matter how much nonsensical information

you have gathered, it'll be not of much use to your life.

You must know how to keep this, how to conduct this body, how to conduct this mind, how to

conduct this emotional structure and the energy structure.

If you do not know anything about this, then you are an accidental being, you being fearful

is good otherwise you may cause enormous harm to yourself.

The next question is something which all students deal with is how does one figure out their


And should one necessarily follow their passion even if it means sacrificing comfort, lifestyle

or geographical proximity to family?

And should passion always override such considerations which might also be important in their own


Sadhguru: See what is…

Let us understand what is passion.

Passion is just a certain thought in your mind to which you invest certain emotion.

That's your passion, right?

You can be passionate about a certain activity, you can be passionate about a certain person,

you can be passionate about a certain thing.

How did this happen?

It's a thought in which you invested a certain amount of emotion.

I am saying if you know this and if you know how to generate thoughts consciously and invest

emotion consciously, this wouldn't be… even be a (an?) issue.

Right now, passions are happening compulsively.

What happens compulsively will lead you wherever it leads you.

Sometimes it takes you to a good place.

Sometimes it takes you to a bad place.

But if it means so much to you, it means so much to you means it is just that you have

invested so much emotion in it.

That's all it is.

Because you have invested so much emotion in it, you may not be able to look at it logically

once again.

You have lost your fundamental discretion simply because you've invested so much emotion

in it.

I don't think that's a way to build one's life.

One must build their life consciously but most people don't understand what is building

life consciously.

They only do things by chance.

This is why those who are successful are stressed.

Those who have failed are frustrated.

Both are suffering.

What else should happen in their life?

That's what they need to look at.

What needs to happen in their life is they must learn to conduct their physical body,

their psychological process, their emotional process, and the fundamental energy process

in the body consciously.

If this happens consciously, this will happen the way you want.

If this happens the way you want, you living joyfully or blissfully is a natural thing.

In the world what you do is not according to your passion.

In the world what you do is what is most needed today, that's what you must do.

"This is my passion" the world doesn't need it but you keep on doing it, what is

the point?

(Talks Aside) …what we are referring to as life is essentially a certain combination

of time and energy.

We can make many things out of it, but essentially this life is a certain amount of time and

certain amount of energy.

Time is rolling away for all of us at the same time.

It's rolling away at the same pace.

If you sit it goes, if you stand it goes, if you work it goes, if you just sleep it

goes, awake or asleep time is rolling away.

It's the energy that we can manage.

When you're youthful or when you're in that segment of life which is referred to as youth,

this is the time when your energies are at their peak and they are at their highest.

Most youth do not understand this that this level of energy, the intensity of energy is

with you only in this stage of life, it's not going to last for a long time.

Most youth will not understand this right now.

But you must look at the older people and see, they were also youth and it's happened

to them and it's going to happen to you.

So when your energies are at its peak, if only if you can bring a little more clarity

and balance into your life, this energy could become a phenomenal force both for yourself

and for the society and the country and the world that we live in.

So it's in this context that this Youth and Truth has been launched.

We hope that we will be able to bring some sense of clarity and balance into your life.

After this is over - this is going on for about three to four months - after this is

over, we will also offer tools for transformation which will be available for all of you free

of cost, it doesn't cost anything - certain people are sponsoring these things.

So it is going to go out on the platforms that we have, the online platforms - simple

things that you can do with your body and your mind so that your body and your mind

never works against you.

When I say your body and your mind never works against you, people are calling it by many

names – people call it stress, anxiety, misery, madness, whatever you want to call


All these things are essentially this, that your intelligence has somehow turned against

you, that's all there is.


If your intelligence turns against you, there is no force in the universe which can save


So it's very, very important at this stage in your life you make your body and your mind

in such a way, your intelligence and your energy never works against you.

There are enough people in the world to work against you.

Leave it to them, you don't have to work against yourself.


See right now the situation is this, most people don't need any enemies, they are

doing fine by themselves (Laughter).

For more infomation >> Sadhguru - How do we stop Fear ? - Duration: 11:12.


⏲Does Your Schedule Reflect Your Priorities? #SilverPerspective with #Silver - Duration: 7:15.

does your schedule reflect your priorities let's have a look

welcome to Silver's perspective the place where we ask ourselves

empowering questions to get a wider perspective while

thinking long-term I'm silver you can think of me

as your future self yes yourself in 10 20 even 30 years sitting

on the rocking chair watching you

knowing who you really are and guiding you

so while you get in touch that older wiser version of you

get comfortable while thinking about your day

imagining your day your schedule see your day as a movie

see your day step by step 1 hour by hour take your time

now ask yourself where do you spend most of your time

is it work is it with your family is it working on your project

is it working out what are the top three things that you spent

most of your time on take your time think about it

be true to yourself now think about your priorities

the things and areas in your life that are most important to you

what are your top three priorities maybe health maybe your family

maybe the project you're working on what are the 3

top priorities right now in this period of time

don't judge yourself just ask yourself what is

most important to you right now in your life

now ask yourself that question again

does your schedule reflect your priorities

do you spend most of your time on the things

that are most important to you think about it take your time

are you being true to yourself to your priorities

spending the most time on them well if you are

isn't it a good sense of completeness knowing

that you are true to yourself spending most of the time

on the things that are most important to you

well if you are I bet this is an amazing feeling of

completeness and if you don't

what can you do about it what are some small actions

that you can do to get a little bit closer to that state

what can you do in your schedule to match your priorities

just a little bit better what can you do

or maybe what can you don't do what can you leave behind

and put out to make room to make space to the stuff

that are most important to you isn't it a great time to take control

over your time schedule and be more true to yourself

to your priorities maybe that's the time to get

that sense of completeness knowing that you put more time

baby steps you put just more time on the stuff that are really

important for you isn't that an amazing idea

what can you do today to make that effort

to adjust your schedule to match your priorities

do something about it today and if you have other things

that you want to feel complete about just like that that

adjust your schedule to match your priorities and get that sense

of completeness knowing you are true to yourself

if you have more things that you want to feel that sense

of completeness share them below

so we can ask more empowering questions to get a wider perspective

about life in the next episode of Silver's perspective

the place where we ask ourselves empowering questions to get a wider

deeper better perspective about anything and everything

we experience in life see you in next episode

For more infomation >> ⏲Does Your Schedule Reflect Your Priorities? #SilverPerspective with #Silver - Duration: 7:15.


🛌Do You You Plan A Day Off From Your Daily Routine? ★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 69 ★ - Duration: 6:25.

yeah I have a question for you do you plan to take a day off a day off from

your daily routine yeah a day off just for yourself

well more about that just after the amazing intro

the day one journey

episode 69 chi ching yeah so a day off sounds good sounds

exciting yeah just laying back just resting doing nothing sounds good for

you it does sound good let's take a walk

well a day off

imagine yourself you took your day off

enjoy it now remember

that's the day off that you said I said just for yourself wait

what about the other days

aren't they for yourself or not are they for yourself or not the

other days wait remember this is the day off not the day off from work don't

be confused don't be confuse this is a day off from your daily routine yes

the daily routine that we created together in the last 20 episodes or so

but it's the daily routine why should we take a day off from our daily routine

wait wait

I'm all confused think about it first we wanted day off just for ourselves but

what about the other days the days that we do the daily routine they are not for

ourselves who they are for I think we forgot something

it's the daily routine that we chose remember it's about the habits remember

the habits that create who we are

we are what we repeatedly do therefore excellence is

not an act but a habit

you see what we do repeatedly turns out

to be we are does it make sense to you we mentioned it in the last episode make

sure to check the last episode and also we mentioned that we sow a thought it

becomes an action we sow an action we reap habit a habit a daily habit we

sow a habit we reap a character who we are

we sow a character we reap a destiny it

makes sense right now we do the daily routine every day no days off

at least this is what I chose to do

because I know where I wanna be I know what's my destiny at

least have a sense of it and I also know who I want to be my character so I

push it every day why should it take a day off from that and don't be mistaken

it's not about rest you need to take your rest by the day off just for

yourself it's a little bit like twisting reality when I said that to myself okay

I wanted day off just for myself I really thought about that and

reminded myself that the other days are also for myself just for the long

run yeah for the long run it's distinguishing what I want right now

maybe I want today just a day off maybe I wanted today I just said it I have

empathy to myself but the daily routine I care even more about myself because

that's about what I really really want it's about the character I want to

become it's about who I am it's about the destiny and legacy I want to leave

leave behind me does it make sense or does it make sense

think about it so today's episode we're a little bit out of time here in amazing

6 a.m. in Iceland so back to you we spoke about habits we spoke about daily

daily routine and you spoke about day off now I want to imagine yourself

having a day off from work meaning your schedule changes right it just changes

so the daily routine can can get twisted a little bit so in these situations I want

to ask you a question what is your core habit one core habit think about one

core habit that leads to everything else it's sort of the trigger of the other

habits so if you don't do it everything might don't work out and then it can

even start a bad negative cycle of not getting back on track on the habits

that you do want to do every day to reach whatever you want to reach so

again the assignment I have for you today goes like this

think about that core habit that leads to the other habits the one that you

want to make sure to do when your schedule changes for example when you

have a day off from work so what is that core habit that triggers the other ones

the one that's a little bit risky not to do that day

so I have that assignment for you

you can share these core habits below my habit for example is working up early

because when I wake up 4:30 I am like I do every day it set the stage for

everything else to happen so what is that core habit for you maybe that's

going to sleep early share that below write it to yourself and make sure you

do this core habit today

so until next time which is tomorrow have an

amazing day one

For more infomation >> 🛌Do You You Plan A Day Off From Your Daily Routine? ★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 69 ★ - Duration: 6:25.


What To Do When You Have No Direction In Life - Duration: 11:48.

In this video, I'm going to show you 6 things you can do when you have no

direction in life. Don't waste any more time. Let's get this figured out now.

Alright. No direction? Wow. I know what that feels like. Sometimes

some things happen and just rattles our head and we can actually lose our

direction and be completely, completely lost in what to do next. Well, I'm glad

you clicked on this video because I'm going to show you what I do to get my head

back in the game, get some clarity and be able to make some choices and

re-establish that direction. Now, you're not alone in this being lost and

confused and not sure what to have. You know, what to do next. And because there's

a couple of things that can happen. Number 1, you could get broadsided by

some dramatic thing to happen in your life. You know, my son he was riding his

motorbike one day and and he got in a really serious motorbike accident. That

took about 3 days of my life to kind of settle back down my thinking because

he got beat up pretty bad in the motorcycle accident. And when I went back

into my office, I felt completely lost of like what exactly to do next. Another

reason why you might have lost your direction is you could have had a

mind-expanding moment. Maybe you just went to a training class. Maybe you just

finished reading a book or maybe just finished having a discussion with a

friend or a person and and they literally opened up your mind to a whole

bunch of possibilities. That actually can overwhelm us so much that we actually

lose direction. It doesn't have to be something bad to have happen to us to

lose direction. We could actually have too many things to choose from that we

lose our direction. So, whichever end of the spectrum here has happened to you,

let me give you some steps here. And in fact, there's going to be 6. 6 different

ideas here to literally help you get back on track and decide what to do next.

So number 1. And if you haven't heard this from me yet, it's

something that's I really believe in. Number 1 is to journal. If you haven't

heard me say this yet too, you're probably going to hear me say it a bunch. But

journaling is a great great step to help you figure out where you're at. Now, are

you journaling like a history of what your.... Of what's going on in your

life? No. You journal about what it feels like

to not know where you're going. Get all that out of you. You know, what's... What are

the worries, the concerns, the fears, the anxieties, the uncertainty? What's

going on in your head and inside your heart that may be messing with you?

So, express yourselves and get all that out inside of a journal entry. Another

step to be able to help you move forward here is literally to ask others. And ask

others where they're going? What are they doing? What are their thoughts? What are

they doing over the next month, 2 months, 6 months when it comes to the

fun things about life or the work side of life. You know, ask people what their

goals are. But to literally get your mind open back up to what other people are

doing. It's this is not so that you can do what other people are doing. It's to get

you in to the idea of thinking. Other people have direction. You know, other

people have made decisions of where they're going. And so it helps you

realize, "Oh, yeah. It is possible to figure out where you're going." So number 1 is

journaling. Number 2 is ask others. Number 3, meet someone new. Meet

someone new. And what this looks like is if you, if you've been talking to the

same people over and over again in your life and nothing's helping you figure

out where to go, it's time to meet somebody new. So where do you find that

person? Well if it has to do with a direction when it comes to business, go

join a business network group. If you... If it's not about business and it's about

you know, your own personal life, maybe open up and and go to the next door

neighbor and say hi. I know it sounds crazy. But I don't think you've met all

your neighbors. And I know it sounds weird to go over your neighbor's house

to figure out how to figure out you're particular

direction of life. But you need some new conversations. Some new thoughts, some new

things that are happening. And so go talk to your neighbor and see what

they're up to. I have a neighbor that just lives just down the sidewalk from

me here and every time I talk to him, he just opens my mind to all these new

things that are possible. Because he into building and construction and he's

got big ideas. Whenever I get stuck, I should go down

there and knock on his door. And he gives me his ideas away he's doing and it just

builds my my hope and faith in myself. So, go meet somebody new. It's time for

some new conversation. Now, number 4, 5 and 6. It may be you know you, may

be looking at this like, "What's that going to do?" But over the years for me in

figuring out how to keep me moving? These have all made a really big difference in

my life. Number 4 is to go to new places. And

if you've been driving down the same roads, going to the same restaurants,

going to the same movie theaters, you just are doing the same things all the

time. Change directions in how you drive home after work, change the road patterns,

go to a different restaurant in a different part of town. Go to a different

movie theater, go to a different grocery store. Not only do we get caught in the

ruts of how we think but we also can get cut caught in the ruts of how we think

about the future. So if if we always have predictable patterns of where we're

going with a grocery store, where we go to if we got to the restaurant, with

movie theatres. We go to and it's the same thing all the time. And we're trying

to get up and out of that thinking to think some new thoughts about our

direction. It kind of been away keeps us trapped. And so seriously, I one of my

mentoring clients, I asked him. I said, "Do you go home the same way every day after

work?" "Yeah, I go home the same way." I go, "Take a different road everyday. This next

week on the way home. And just go a completely different way. And then tell

me at the end of the week what that has done to help you with your thinking."

Within 5 days of changing his driving patterns,

his thought patterns changed. And something he noticed was this. He said,

"Kirk, you know on the way home because I was driving somewhere different, I had to

pay attention to the turns. I had to pay attention to the routes. And what it did

is it literally woke up his mind to literally pay attention."" And he didn't

realize what a kind of a... Not a zombie state. But almost like a sleepy brain

state. Like your brain didn't even have to think about anything always doing the

same thing always you know, over and over and over again. But go to new places. The

way you get there, the different kind of grocery stores. You go to a new grocery

store, you have to really look around to find stuff because you don't know where

anything is. But it helps you keep your mind open and

and have the ability to pick some new directions. Okay. Number 5 is give yourself

permission to test and try the new direction. I noticed when I watch people

make a new direct, new choice and a direction, they get super nervous and

they're worried that it's going to fail and they're overly concerned and then they

kind of get confused. And they don't do anything. They don't take any small steps.

So I suggest to them to remind yourself you're testing the direction. Not all

choices are the best choices. So we need to test it and give ourself a time

period to test things. You know when you pick a new direction, tell yourself, "You

know, I'm going to... I'm going to try this new direction out for a week or maybe 2

weeks. Maybe a month." And then I have permission to reevaluate. That can help

you make some decisions in the direction you want to go. But give yourself the

permission and also the timeframe to test it. So you're not sitting there

trying to figure out what is the perfect answer to move me forward in life.

Sometimes having no direction can be a signal or a sign that you're a little

bit of a perfectionist. Where you're holding back until you have the perfect

idea with the perfect steps so you can do the perfect work. And you might be

using this as an excuse while you're working on your perfect... Your

perfection side of you and try and have perfect idea. But back off that so you

can choose something and then test and try it. Now number 6. This one is super

fun. To travel. No, I don't mean like traveling clear across the world or you

know. I'm not saying you have to go to a secluded island or a different country.

But if I ever in a place where I have no direction, what I will do is I will take

a trip and I will drive to the top of the mountains here. There just right next

to the Salt Lake City. Drive to the top of the mountains or we'll go on a short

little getaway vacation. But I need some fresh air, I need a different atmosphere,

I need to be around different people. And just the different differentness. Is

that a word? It's not a word but I'm going to say it again. The differentness. So

not a word. But the just that everything's different. And when I go to

those places, right? Drive to the top of mountains or we go to a restaurant and

way over that's a couple hours away, I take a journal with me. You know, or I'll

just type notes on my phone. When I'm in that different place, it helps me think

differently. If you don't have direction, it's not because you lack ideas. I think

you just need to have some new fresh things happening in your life to spark

the ideas that are inside of you. Yeah, I I think what you got going on is you're

a little bit of a perfectionist or you have had a very big mind-expanding act

experience recently or you've been broadsided by something tough in life. So

perfectionism or a mind-expanding experience or even broadsided by

something. So your ideas are still inside of you. They're still there. If you were

to take action on 1 or 2 of these, you can begin to bring those ideas back

to the surface so that you can take some action and test and try it. Just a test

and try it. You're not as lost as you thought you

were. You're really not. You're not as lost as you thought you

were. You just have had something happen to you recently. And this can help you

get you through it. The simplest out of all of these is number 1. That will

help you in finding and clarifying your direction. It's also why we

make these training videos to be able to help you. I mean, check it out. You're

maybe you're sitting there in your pajamas. I don't know. Maybe you're just

watching me on your phone. You're off you're sitting there just for a moment.

And here, you and I are able to talk and I was able to give you some steps to be

able to help get things moving again. So, don't miss out on any of our other

training videos. So subscribe. So that the next training video I have can

automatically come to you and you don't miss a thing.

So, before we go here though, take action on number 1. I don't think you're as

lost as you thought you were. Something's happened but this could get you back on

track. And thank you for watching. Because here, your life matters.

For more infomation >> What To Do When You Have No Direction In Life - Duration: 11:48.


Kitchen Instruments | I Got Tagged To Do A 15 Question Q & A! (by Just8Ate) - Duration: 10:02.

hello everyone welcome back to kitchen instruments now today is gonna be a

little bit different because I got tagged to do a 15 question QA about the

show by just eight now if you've never seen just the eight eight

I'll leave a link in the description box below

but go visit their channel they're an amazing couple who cook amazing food

they have a cookbook that just came out and it is really something special you

should definitely give him a look-see okay so just 88 sent over a compilation

of 15 questions that they would like me to answer so I'm gonna spend this video

doing my best to answer those questions and hopefully there were questions that

you guys had as well so let's dive in question number one what camera do you

use well I actually use a tablet I have a

Lenovo tablet that and I have two of them that I fell on I'm actually filming

on my new one right now and I use those primarily because I couldn't I can kind

of pull them out and take pictures like on the fly kind of stuff like that I

just if for me it works a little bit better and question number two what

editing system do you use well I like to edit on wondershare filmora well I like

to edit on wondershare filmora I know a lot of people like to do moviemaker

or Adobe I like wondershare I think for especially for a beginner it's

definitely a great way to learn how to edit and they keep growing there there

are some old tools that you can use to make you know movies and videos and and

stuff like that so they're actually a really really good company to go to I

highly recommend them and they're very reasonably priced question number three

do you use artificial and natural lighting well I use both I'm actually

filming with natural light right now I'm right next to a window I also use

artificial lighting I have like box lights that I have set up right now and

I use those a lot primarily to film at night but honestly I use them every time

I shoot because they're just they're fantastic

but they really do help with night shooting but I don't have time to film

during the day okay question number four what is the top item on your filming

wish list in terms of equipment and plan well that's a tough one because I never

really have a plan on what I want I've pretty much picked up everything that I

that I had on my wish list but in terms of that goes I guess in generalities you

can always use a better camera I can always use better like microphone sound

system I have this guy right here but yeah you can always look to pick up

better microphones better you know better lighting better cameras and stuff

like that anything that makes you look and sound better you know it was always

a plus so a question number five what is your favorite day of the week to film

well I typically film on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays Mondays and

Tuesdays on the restaurant and then Wednesdays I film in the morning before

I go to the restaurant and I've also filmed on Thursday before it just

depends if I need to do any retakes but typically I film all day Monday Tuesday

and then I do a lot of the speaking parts and stuff on Wednesday all right

question number six do you plan your video meticulously yes I start on

Saturday when I read the script and develop the recipe and I usually have

been thinking about the recipe for a couple of days and then Sunday I pick up

the stuff for the show Monday I started filming and I have everything prepped

out everything so it's yeah everything is meticulously planned out meticulously

setup to try to just make filming you know more efficient question number

seven how long does it take to film an average video that's kind of a tough one

it just depends on the complexity of the recipe as well as you know how many

steps if something takes a lot of steps to make like if I was gonna make a taco

that's not too difficult to make it goes very quick but if I'm making a sauce for

it if I'm making like mole a four or something like that then yeah it just

adds more time so I just depends what you're making and how many steps it is

but typically um anywhere between three to ten hours per show and I can

usually batch film stuff so I could film like two or three episodes just in kind

of one 10 to 12 hour sitting so I mean I've gotten pretty decent of being

efficient so you know question number eight how many hours do you spend

editing an average video usually 10 to 15 hours per show so I do two to three

shows a week at 10 to 15 hours a show sometimes it takes more fun doing

special effects in it it takes maybe up to 20 hours and sometimes it takes less

so you just have to you know if it's a 60 second tutorial it's not gonna take

me as long as making a 10-minute video or or whatever so you know it just it

just varies on what type of video I'm making but typically 10 to 15 hours per

show okay question number 9 what is your favorite type of video to film I

obviously am a Cooking Channel so I like to foam cooking but I like montage work

I really enjoyed filming the hundredth episode because it was essentially just

a montage of all the quirky things that I've done in the show over the last year

and a half and it was it was a lot of fun to make I enjoyed making that kind

of music video type of type of videos so yeah that's typically what I enjoy doing

question number 10 do people at your school or work know about your channel

yes I literally tell everybody as a matter of fact I have business cards

that I printed out that I hand people customers people at work with anybody I

could talk to you about the show you just got to get your name you got to

advertise you got to do the what do they call it these days the kids call at the

hustle anybody I can tell that I have a show I tell

so alright question number 11 what is your process of thinking of a video idea

well typically I have the video idea planned out a couple of days ahead and I

typically just go by what the subscribers asked me to make where other

people asked me to make they might have a question about a recipe and honestly

it's just easier for me to show you through a video than it is for me to

explain it to you so sometimes I just do it that way or a lot of times it's just

something that I see that I think is really interesting and I just want to

make it because just for my own personal amusement and I think you guys will get

kick out of it too so and make a video out of it and then after that it's just

on to on the script writing and planning and and that's that's it question number

12 do you feel awkward filming in front of other people who are in public

probably it's easier to film in your own kitchen where only your neighbors think

you're crazy but I could probably do it now you kind of get a different

personality when you leave film so if you're typically shy but you get in

front of the camera all of a sudden you you know you kind of come alive a little

bit so it just kind of depends and just you know if it's a it's like a crowd of

a thousand people yeah I'll probably be like scared to death but if it's like

now five or ten yeah alright question number 13 do you or your YouTube friends

planned out filming videos together if you're gonna do a collaboration with

another youtuber or a friend you need a plan you have to have a set guideline

you have to be able to tell them essentially what they're stepping into

or they should be able to tell you what you're stepping into because the whole

idea is that you know you're supposed to share audiences you're supposed to

broaden your your audience base so if if you're going into a video and you have

no idea what you're in for you're kind of flying by the seat of

your pants and that's just not very professional so if you're gonna collab

you definitely wanna plan together but if not

alright question number 14 what is your subscriber goal by the end

of the year well considering the end of the year is like a week away I don't

really have one my year started in August when I started the channel so I

go by that based on the year but in a year I'd like to I like to get up to a

thousand subs I think that'd be great but I tend to set long-term future goals

and short-term goals so long term I would like to see a thousand subscribers

or as many as I can get but short term I'm happy just hitting certain

milestones certain bu counts certain like every 10 20 subscribers or

something like that you know I just those were little benchmarks I shoot for

every week so as long as I'm hitting my benchmarks every week I'm totally happy

okay finally question number 15 who do you tag to do this QA tank next I'll

tell you who I'm gonna tag I'm gonna tag a gentleman by the name of hungry black

Panda I was in his stream the other day and he was kind enough to send me a

shirt so just look for that hungry panda boom if you're watching thanks man I

appreciate it I definitely go check him out he's based in Chicago and he's got

it really he's got a really cool channel so definitely give him a look-see

you won't wanna miss it alright and there was 15 questions that I got tagged

in by just a taint com you should definitely go check him out again

they're definitely worth the look also check out hungry black Panda because

he's a cool dude based out of Chicago and his channel is pretty awesome so I

give them both a look up and see what you think

thank you for stopping by again and you know I'm glad I got to answer a little

15 questions that was a lot of fun I wanted to do an episode like this for

quite a while you know it's nice that nice to finally get an opportunity to

knock that one out of the body list so thank you for stopping by and I'll see

you guys next week you

For more infomation >> Kitchen Instruments | I Got Tagged To Do A 15 Question Q & A! (by Just8Ate) - Duration: 10:02.


Policie vnikla do banky v Příbrami a zadržela ozbrojence, rukojmí jsou v pořádku - Duration: 2:22.

 „Muž údajně nechce nikomu ublížit, chce vyjednávat a údajně podat nějaké trestní oznámení," informovala krátce po přepadení banky Schindlová

 Muž byl ozbrojen krátkou palnou zbraní, upřesnila policie. Přepadení banky bylo oznámeno kolem 14:30, na místo dorazila zásahová jednotka a policejní vyjednavač

  Na místě zasahoval celostátní Útvar rychlého nasazení (URNA) spolu se zásahovou jednotkou Středočeského kraje

Podle šéfa URNA Libora Lochmana s mužem hovořili dva vyjednavači.   Situaci ze vzduchu monitoroval policejní vrtulník

Policie uzavřela část obchodní zóny v Pražské ulici a celé centrální náměstí TGM

Střed města byl uzavřen i pro motoristy. Doprava byla odkláněna po okolních silnicích

 „V tuto chvíli máme v bance jako rukojmí šest klientů a dva zaměstnance. Přesný záměr pachatele zatím není znám," uvedl v době přepadení mluvčí banky Petr Plocek, který odmítl komentovat, zda má pachatel nějaké vazby na zmíněný bankovní dům

 „Na místě jsou i krizoví interventi, kteří pracují s rukojmími. V současné době probíhá vyšetřování," doplnila policejní mluvčí s tím, že byl zadržený muž odvezen k výslechu

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