In this video, I'm going to show you 6 things you can do when you have no
direction in life. Don't waste any more time. Let's get this figured out now.
Alright. No direction? Wow. I know what that feels like. Sometimes
some things happen and just rattles our head and we can actually lose our
direction and be completely, completely lost in what to do next. Well, I'm glad
you clicked on this video because I'm going to show you what I do to get my head
back in the game, get some clarity and be able to make some choices and
re-establish that direction. Now, you're not alone in this being lost and
confused and not sure what to have. You know, what to do next. And because there's
a couple of things that can happen. Number 1, you could get broadsided by
some dramatic thing to happen in your life. You know, my son he was riding his
motorbike one day and and he got in a really serious motorbike accident. That
took about 3 days of my life to kind of settle back down my thinking because
he got beat up pretty bad in the motorcycle accident. And when I went back
into my office, I felt completely lost of like what exactly to do next. Another
reason why you might have lost your direction is you could have had a
mind-expanding moment. Maybe you just went to a training class. Maybe you just
finished reading a book or maybe just finished having a discussion with a
friend or a person and and they literally opened up your mind to a whole
bunch of possibilities. That actually can overwhelm us so much that we actually
lose direction. It doesn't have to be something bad to have happen to us to
lose direction. We could actually have too many things to choose from that we
lose our direction. So, whichever end of the spectrum here has happened to you,
let me give you some steps here. And in fact, there's going to be 6. 6 different
ideas here to literally help you get back on track and decide what to do next.
So number 1. And if you haven't heard this from me yet, it's
something that's I really believe in. Number 1 is to journal. If you haven't
heard me say this yet too, you're probably going to hear me say it a bunch. But
journaling is a great great step to help you figure out where you're at. Now, are
you journaling like a history of what your.... Of what's going on in your
life? No. You journal about what it feels like
to not know where you're going. Get all that out of you. You know, what's... What are
the worries, the concerns, the fears, the anxieties, the uncertainty? What's
going on in your head and inside your heart that may be messing with you?
So, express yourselves and get all that out inside of a journal entry. Another
step to be able to help you move forward here is literally to ask others. And ask
others where they're going? What are they doing? What are their thoughts? What are
they doing over the next month, 2 months, 6 months when it comes to the
fun things about life or the work side of life. You know, ask people what their
goals are. But to literally get your mind open back up to what other people are
doing. It's this is not so that you can do what other people are doing. It's to get
you in to the idea of thinking. Other people have direction. You know, other
people have made decisions of where they're going. And so it helps you
realize, "Oh, yeah. It is possible to figure out where you're going." So number 1 is
journaling. Number 2 is ask others. Number 3, meet someone new. Meet
someone new. And what this looks like is if you, if you've been talking to the
same people over and over again in your life and nothing's helping you figure
out where to go, it's time to meet somebody new. So where do you find that
person? Well if it has to do with a direction when it comes to business, go
join a business network group. If you... If it's not about business and it's about
you know, your own personal life, maybe open up and and go to the next door
neighbor and say hi. I know it sounds crazy. But I don't think you've met all
your neighbors. And I know it sounds weird to go over your neighbor's house
to figure out how to figure out you're particular
direction of life. But you need some new conversations. Some new thoughts, some new
things that are happening. And so go talk to your neighbor and see what
they're up to. I have a neighbor that just lives just down the sidewalk from
me here and every time I talk to him, he just opens my mind to all these new
things that are possible. Because he into building and construction and he's
got big ideas. Whenever I get stuck, I should go down
there and knock on his door. And he gives me his ideas away he's doing and it just
builds my my hope and faith in myself. So, go meet somebody new. It's time for
some new conversation. Now, number 4, 5 and 6. It may be you know you, may
be looking at this like, "What's that going to do?" But over the years for me in
figuring out how to keep me moving? These have all made a really big difference in
my life. Number 4 is to go to new places. And
if you've been driving down the same roads, going to the same restaurants,
going to the same movie theaters, you just are doing the same things all the
time. Change directions in how you drive home after work, change the road patterns,
go to a different restaurant in a different part of town. Go to a different
movie theater, go to a different grocery store. Not only do we get caught in the
ruts of how we think but we also can get cut caught in the ruts of how we think
about the future. So if if we always have predictable patterns of where we're
going with a grocery store, where we go to if we got to the restaurant, with
movie theatres. We go to and it's the same thing all the time. And we're trying
to get up and out of that thinking to think some new thoughts about our
direction. It kind of been away keeps us trapped. And so seriously, I one of my
mentoring clients, I asked him. I said, "Do you go home the same way every day after
work?" "Yeah, I go home the same way." I go, "Take a different road everyday. This next
week on the way home. And just go a completely different way. And then tell
me at the end of the week what that has done to help you with your thinking."
Within 5 days of changing his driving patterns,
his thought patterns changed. And something he noticed was this. He said,
"Kirk, you know on the way home because I was driving somewhere different, I had to
pay attention to the turns. I had to pay attention to the routes. And what it did
is it literally woke up his mind to literally pay attention."" And he didn't
realize what a kind of a... Not a zombie state. But almost like a sleepy brain
state. Like your brain didn't even have to think about anything always doing the
same thing always you know, over and over and over again. But go to new places. The
way you get there, the different kind of grocery stores. You go to a new grocery
store, you have to really look around to find stuff because you don't know where
anything is. But it helps you keep your mind open and
and have the ability to pick some new directions. Okay. Number 5 is give yourself
permission to test and try the new direction. I noticed when I watch people
make a new direct, new choice and a direction, they get super nervous and
they're worried that it's going to fail and they're overly concerned and then they
kind of get confused. And they don't do anything. They don't take any small steps.
So I suggest to them to remind yourself you're testing the direction. Not all
choices are the best choices. So we need to test it and give ourself a time
period to test things. You know when you pick a new direction, tell yourself, "You
know, I'm going to... I'm going to try this new direction out for a week or maybe 2
weeks. Maybe a month." And then I have permission to reevaluate. That can help
you make some decisions in the direction you want to go. But give yourself the
permission and also the timeframe to test it. So you're not sitting there
trying to figure out what is the perfect answer to move me forward in life.
Sometimes having no direction can be a signal or a sign that you're a little
bit of a perfectionist. Where you're holding back until you have the perfect
idea with the perfect steps so you can do the perfect work. And you might be
using this as an excuse while you're working on your perfect... Your
perfection side of you and try and have perfect idea. But back off that so you
can choose something and then test and try it. Now number 6. This one is super
fun. To travel. No, I don't mean like traveling clear across the world or you
know. I'm not saying you have to go to a secluded island or a different country.
But if I ever in a place where I have no direction, what I will do is I will take
a trip and I will drive to the top of the mountains here. There just right next
to the Salt Lake City. Drive to the top of the mountains or we'll go on a short
little getaway vacation. But I need some fresh air, I need a different atmosphere,
I need to be around different people. And just the different differentness. Is
that a word? It's not a word but I'm going to say it again. The differentness. So
not a word. But the just that everything's different. And when I go to
those places, right? Drive to the top of mountains or we go to a restaurant and
way over that's a couple hours away, I take a journal with me. You know, or I'll
just type notes on my phone. When I'm in that different place, it helps me think
differently. If you don't have direction, it's not because you lack ideas. I think
you just need to have some new fresh things happening in your life to spark
the ideas that are inside of you. Yeah, I I think what you got going on is you're
a little bit of a perfectionist or you have had a very big mind-expanding act
experience recently or you've been broadsided by something tough in life. So
perfectionism or a mind-expanding experience or even broadsided by
something. So your ideas are still inside of you. They're still there. If you were
to take action on 1 or 2 of these, you can begin to bring those ideas back
to the surface so that you can take some action and test and try it. Just a test
and try it. You're not as lost as you thought you
were. You're really not. You're not as lost as you thought you
were. You just have had something happen to you recently. And this can help you
get you through it. The simplest out of all of these is number 1. That will
help you in finding and clarifying your direction. It's also why we
make these training videos to be able to help you. I mean, check it out. You're
maybe you're sitting there in your pajamas. I don't know. Maybe you're just
watching me on your phone. You're off you're sitting there just for a moment.
And here, you and I are able to talk and I was able to give you some steps to be
able to help get things moving again. So, don't miss out on any of our other
training videos. So subscribe. So that the next training video I have can
automatically come to you and you don't miss a thing.
So, before we go here though, take action on number 1. I don't think you're as
lost as you thought you were. Something's happened but this could get you back on
track. And thank you for watching. Because here, your life matters.
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