Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily how Dec 29 2018

For more infomation >> How To Deposit Funds In IQ Option Real Account with Skrill Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:10.


2019 New Year Greeting Cards || How To Make Greeting Cards For New Year || Paper Girl - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> 2019 New Year Greeting Cards || How To Make Greeting Cards For New Year || Paper Girl - Duration: 8:32.


How To Draw Abstract Painting/Abstract Painting With Acrylic Color/Demonstration/Dream Ladder-2 - Duration: 4:10.

How To Draw Abstract Painting

For more infomation >> How To Draw Abstract Painting/Abstract Painting With Acrylic Color/Demonstration/Dream Ladder-2 - Duration: 4:10.


How to Design Graphic Elements, UI as Non Designer | - High Quality Design Platform - Duration: 8:34.

Hi Everyone my name is Abdul Aziz Ahwan from Indonesia and welcome back to my channel

today we are going to talk about How to Design as Non-Designer

but before we are going to the main topic of this video I'm very grateful if

you want to click the subscribe button to make this channel growing up ok thank

you so much and let's get started with my video

first of all I want to say sorry for my English is not good

so if the words i use are incorrect please help me to point out

today we are going to talk

about how to design as non designer like me it sounds like something heavy

where only those who have artistic skill are allowed entry the sheer

volume of buttons and doohickeys in professional design program like

Photoshop or Illustrator can send even the boldest of creatives running for the

hills but now there is good news for you they are more tools than ever to help non

designer create stunning custom graphics and they are very easy to learn with a handy

program and just a little design know-how you will be creating impressive graphics

for your brand or business in no time Introducing PikBest - high quality

design platform that help us to create impressive design and bring our ideas to

life. In PikBest we can find many templates like Brochure, Business Card

illustration, graphics element, PowerPoint even user interface for webs and apps

and now maybe you have any question where we can access PikBest website?

the next step is we can open our browser in this action I use Google Chrome just

opens and then we can type here make sure you have internet

connection because PikBest work with internet connection and it will bring us

to the PikBest website here we can see many template here graphic elements

background, powerpoint, UI, video and much more we can scroll up scroll down

we will see many template here okay and something

we should know is PikBest have limited download if we are free user so to get

unlimited download we should be premium user okay the next step is we can login

or register with our social media in this section I use Google account

and here my PikBest account okay in this section I will show you how to

download UI design from the PikBest.

We can select here on the navigation we

can choose UI just press

here many UI design template here we can

scroll up scroll down

we can search based on the category icons apps UI and then web UI because of

I am premium user I can download unlimited template from the PikBest so

if you if you want to download unlimited template from the bigness you can select

here unlimited download to be premium user. Ok maybe I choose this template

and then we can see on the right side

you are welcome to embed these limits in your website or blog we can copy

this the small size images for your website we can copy these and maybe we

want to download this template we can select this free download we can see

here Slipper is the contributor of these templates and we can select here

Unlimited Download because I am Premium user thanks for PikBest give me this

Premium user just select

and then we can select start download very simple to get

stunning design stunning template from the PikBest just find template and then

select template and then we can select download we can get impressive design the

conclusion is this website can help me for developer to design to get

high-quality design to the implement in code and more because design need more

time and can wasting my time okay i think enough my video today if you have

any question or comment you can write it down on the comment field thank you so much and

see you again on the next video :)

For more infomation >> How to Design Graphic Elements, UI as Non Designer | - High Quality Design Platform - Duration: 8:34.


Walking war robots:How many bot does Heachi can kill? - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> Walking war robots:How many bot does Heachi can kill? - Duration: 11:15.


DIY Fairy Dust: How to make Frozen Fairydust Glitter for Snow Fairies! ♥ Magical Glitter in a Bottle - Duration: 3:31.

Hello hello!

Are you ready to learn how to make magical Snow Fairy fairy dust for the winter time? Well, if you are

stay tuned because we'll be learning how to do that in just a second.

But first, I would love it if you could subscribe to my YouTube Channel so that you never miss a video.

I post new magical videos every single Friday at 3 o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time

and I would hate for you to miss one.

So please subscribe, so that we can hang out forever and ever and ever!

Alright, let's learn how to make this magical fairy dust glitter. Here is what you'll need:

You will need a glass potion bottle with a cork stopper on top.

You will need glitter of different varieties.

If you have biodegradable glitter, that is the best thing to use.

You will need a spoon.

You will need a mixing bowl.

And last, you will need a funnel.

Now that we have everything we need let's get started with this magical fairy dust tutorial.

The first thing you need to do is add three tablespoons of regular white glitter.

This is one you could definitely replace with biodegradable glitter.

Now go ahead and grab 3/4 teaspoon of a regular purple glitter.

Grab a heaping one and a half tablespoons of superfine white glitter.

Take 1/4 teaspoon of a smoky blue glitter and dump that into your mixture

This is a superfine glitter.

Grab 1/4 teaspoon of super fine of purple glitter and pour that into your fairy dust mixture as well.

1/2 teaspoon of a superfine silver glitter is next. Pour that into your giant cauldron.

And now, pour in 6 tablespoons of cellophane chunks.

Go ahead and get your spoon ready and mix up your fairydust!

* Beautiful Winter Music is Playing *

Time to take the cork stopper off of your vial and put the funnel on top.

Now slowly spoon the glitter into your potion bottle.

* Beautiful Winter Music is Playing *

Once all of your magical snow fairy Fairydust has gotten into your vial,

you can grab your cork stopper and put it back on top of your vial to make sure

all of this magical snow fairy dust stuff stays inside and doesn't cause a snowstorm somewhere in Northern Michigan.

Because we don't need it!!

If you enjoyed this magical video showing you how to make Snow Fairy fairy dust,

then I think you'll like these videos right over here!

Please check out this playlist and this video here

for some more amazing, exciting and magical things that you will totally dig! ♥ Thanks for watching

Have a very magical day! ♥

For more infomation >> DIY Fairy Dust: How to make Frozen Fairydust Glitter for Snow Fairies! ♥ Magical Glitter in a Bottle - Duration: 3:31.


GO or NO GO? – How important is the Weather Window? – Ep 60 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 16:20.

So alligator just took off

where did it go? I mean do they come back up again?

There it is again. That's a gator huh? Thats a big splash.... darn it....


Previously on Luckyfish we worked like crazy to splash in time for

a weather window that would take us all the way to Nestle


with Luckyfish back in the water we felt excited about the adventures that

lay ahead but sad to be saying our goodbyes to new friends we would be

leaving behind

Lew. That's slick.

Jim. Seeing as though you are in the middle of epoxy.

Robert. I like the way you got that set up.

Chris. Yeah. Sangria. She had that in her little....

Malinda. It pays to have paid crew you know.

and Tony. Put it back in the bottle....

Bruce. We smuggled 3,000 bottles of scotch in on the Chinese junk to Tahiti

Tim. In three or four minutes there won't be a piece this big

Gerry. Wee... Mongolian flag.... Ohhh!


Brandon. Hey !!!

and Danielle. I dont think theres any alcohol in that punch

Danny. Go off and try something new

and of course Wayne Brown himself. It's just whether or not you want to be...

And to good buddy Curtis who'd been a massive help

getting back in the water on time and introducing us to the local wildlife so

So, alligator just took off. We came down to look at Danny's proa

and err.. where did it go? Do they come back up again?

he was on a ... it could have been a big turtle... oh yeah fair enough

this is the old river, coming around, through that way

there's a fishing boat just going through the grass over there

that's a weird scene

I assume he's heading towards the bridge he is

all right

There it is. Thats a gator huh. Thats a big splash.

Darn it.

Yeah. That was a big splash.

Yeah. That aint no little turtle.

Geez. I would feel very precarious sitting out there on Danny's net


Something.... there he is. Right there

There is the gator. Right here.

Thats him

the eyes? on the water or what?

You see him out there?

hes just under the bow of that boat...

which boat the proa?

ohhh, the other one. I have gotta come over where you are then mate.

Nahhh. I cant see him eh?

Here is. Over here. Right there.

He's turned around looking at us.

oh I see yeah just below the anchor right Wow he's he's not the big one

right now that's to the little guy there's something else over there too

there might be two of them out there

See. He is there. Yeah. Thats the little one.

don't fall in now. yeah.

imagine if this dock tipped and we just

ended up in the water wouldn't you get out in a hurry with that little guy just

sitting there

it's the bridge closing

Its a beautiful morning. Yeah its a beautiful morning. We left at 5:30 from Labelle

just bumped the bottom of the port engine as we came out of the cut there

but a little bit of brute force and we pushed our way through the silt

Labelle bridge opened for us right on when he clocked on.

We caught him at 6:00

So for once we actually got away and did something on time

There is the next bridge

there's all this beautiful water front homes

5 knots. 4.9.

pretty much every one of them have this little docks, private docks. Right?


Next ones a swingbridge. Is it?

What's the name of it?

The next bridge is Fort Denaud.

It's a swing bridge. It's only got a vertical clearance of 9 feet.

Ooooh yeah. we need it open....

just looking at our wake there you can see in the middle of the river

the waves are moving ahead of the stuff on the edges

Okeechobee, the Lake, they are discharging water so we're getting a nice push

maybe half a knot or so if we stick to the middle of the river

so we'll certainly take advantage of that

what are you doing honey

Sailing to the moon

Its beautiful right?

Suns just coming up

Suns coming up on that side. Moons on this side.

that's a pretty river boat

we cleared customs yesterday we drove to Fort Myers and went to the airport and met

a very friendly customs and immigration official

RADIO Captain you will be clear to pass on the right hand side of the span

once the bridge is fully open

message understood thank you very much

I thank you sir

something I forgot about. Look

It's not 8. Its one hour ahead

it's 7 o'clock. 7 am

we made pretty good progress this morning it's 20 after 9:00 and we're at

Franklin Lock

Another catamaran has joined us. Zaya is up there, ready to tend her lines

ready to drop down. a foot and a half

one and a half feet we going down back to sea-level get a bit of surge in these

locks so pays to hang on to the lines and watch the side of the boat here we

here we are right in the middle of Suburbia

closing the lock gates

getting ready to open the ones on the downstream side

both just surged forward quite steadily

as the downstream lock gates opened

see the water rushing out there now

we're going backwards

Franklin Lock

I'll just change the mooring line over to the other side of the cleat

Now we're going forwards again

Zaya thinks this is all good fun

The boat's still got quite a bit of unfinished work on it

the tools are still out. that is always a bad sign

we've got a few hours now before we

reach the sea out at Sanibel bridge and probably got about six hours or so to

get the sails rigged and bolt a few of the last fittings back on again after

paint and get the boat set up for afternoon of sailing into the night be

able to shake the boat down and the daylight which is great and the weather

just is so favorable for our trip. I will try and run through what's in store over the

next couple of days but the wind looks very favorable for our run southeast

down to Marathon and then we should be in there by noon tomorrow or there

abouts nearly it's opening them up a bit faster now so the water level is almost

reached equilibrium yeah we should get to marathon around noon tomorrow barring

any hitches then the wind looks like it's going to swing in our favor for a

crossing of the Gulfstream to Bimini so if the weather forecast holds we can

leave Marathon about 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and make the run across

to Bimini and if the weather's still favourable and we've got daylight we

might continue onto to Nassau we'll play all that by ear generally we just

try make plans for the next leg one step at a time we were just given

instructions to exit the chamber when we're ready so we've just started the

engines and and now motoring out of the lock

arriving at Fort Myers we saw Chris's trimaran and swung by but he was not at home

where are you Chris?

Is it him?

yeah. It is his boat.

Well we just passed Fort Myers and it's so busy it's a Friday I mean don't any of these people work ?

There is so many boats on the water, many powerboats. The bigger they are....

the faster they go it's funny

big fat ones they just power straight past ya, like they've spent their whole life not

caring about other people

They get on the water with all their millions and...

its situation normal for them

but there's a few, I gotta say, in

the mid size range smaller ones don't bother us but the ones in the mid-size range

can pick up quite a trough in their wake. It pitches the boat around

and there is always one or two slow down and I get a big fat wave from us smiles but boy there is

some inconsiderate people out there

Sanibel bridge was fast approaching and beyond that the leg to marathon it was

time to finish the jobs we found a place to anchor away from the wash from other

boats rigged the sails and put the tools away at last

well it's Saturday February the 4th about 9:00 in the morning we had a good

run last night we stopped the boat after transiting down the river

to Sanibel bridge and spent about two hours just rigging

the sails before crossing under the bridge and starting our 120 miles

crossing overnight to Marathon Key and we're approaching marathon key now we're

in very shallow water that 2.1 meters under the keel and we're on the banks

behind the keys picking our way through a couple of parts of shoaling ground not

very familiar with the approach to marathon key we have to pass under the

bridge apparently and then on our left should be Boot Key marina where we will take

on some fuel and overnight and take advantage of this wind that's going to

continue to veer we've been really fortunate with the winds part of the

reason why we left Labelle when we did we saw this weather window opening up

where we'd have a brisk Norwest changing nor'easter norther came through last

night so we had broad reaching conditions initially and fairly light

winds and the nor westerly and then the nor'east filled in at about 22 23

knots and we gave the boat a good shake down flying along at between 6 and 9

knots boat speeds on a beam reach boat behaved beautifully vane steering setup

ran no problems although the ride was a bit noisy and a

bit bumpy at times got us down here really fast we're covered 160 miles or

so from Labelle and did it in under 28 hours that wind is going to continue to

veer tomorrow morning it'll move from the nor east through East and then South

around 6 a.m. tomorrow morning but to confirm that with this morning's weather

forecast the forecast yesterday evening which is just ideal I mean if we can get

a southerly boost along with the Gulf Stream north up to Bimini and that's

textbook crossing of the Gulf Stream so we'll see how that pans out and then

from Bimini we need to get across the Nassau by the 10th meet our first

guests we really couldn't have asked for a better re introduction to sailing and

a good shakedown for Luckyfish

Well the crabpots that everyone warned us about we're really thick as we were warned

all the way from pretty much Sanibel Britain we're still an amongst

them just it's incredible think there's any crabs left I mean they are just simply


they didn't prove a problem for our boat we must have run over a few

of them but we didn't get hung up on any of the appendages which is pretty neat

we didn't run the hydro generator last night because of that reason we thought

we might get that thing hooked up in one which would not have been good

so we ran the wind genny instead all night and it did really well I mean we've got both

battery banks topped off this morning it was a very brisk breeze the wind genny was

putting out plenty of power turned it off now the Sun's up and we are just using the

solar panels to keep everything topped off


this is Boot Key harbour where we will anchor tonight and get ready to leave in the

morning for Bimini

Well everyone we hope you enjoyed this episode we'd like to

give a special thank you to our patrons it's because of patrons like you that

make our productions sustainable so please if you haven't already consider

becoming a patron for as little as a dollar of video and become part of the

Luckyfish story feel free to question comment and give

us a like and sub below until next time thank you for watching

For more infomation >> GO or NO GO? – How important is the Weather Window? – Ep 60 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 16:20.


Amazon Gift Card Codes - How To Get Free Amazon Gift Cards Codes - Duration: 3:21.

1.Visit Website

1.Visit Website

1.Visit Website

1.Visit Website

1.Visit Website

For more infomation >> Amazon Gift Card Codes - How To Get Free Amazon Gift Cards Codes - Duration: 3:21.


How to properly dispose of a Christmas tree in Columbus - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> How to properly dispose of a Christmas tree in Columbus - Duration: 1:45.


How Do Spiders Fly? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> How Do Spiders Fly? - Duration: 3:38.


Try This Face Mask For A Natural Glowing Face | How To Glow Your Skin - Little Herbs - Duration: 3:40.

if you want to get an A or all Lifting effect without using costly cosmetics or

surgical treatments you should try this face mask that rejuvenate sand firms

your skin today's video will discuss face masks for a natural and surprising

lifting effect before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe

our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon

so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily with some

ingredients like argan oil eggs and essential oils you can help with the

regeneration of your skin cells this will give you from her skin with fewer

wrinkles 1 antioxidant ingredients as we continue we will go over the antioxidant

ingredients that will help your skin achieve a lifting effect 2 eggs raw egg

is an ancient remedy for the skin and hair thanks to its excellent and

complete nutritional value for our natural lifting we will need the white

and yolk of the egg white the egg white is very beneficial for our skin 3 argan

oil argan oil is an ancient health and beauty remedy with powerful antioxidants

that keep the skin from aging as a result of free radicals for wheat germ

wheat germ is a superfood that's ideal for the skin whether you consume it or

apply it topically thanks to its content of vitamin a great antioxidant wheat

germ keeps your skin hydrated firm and free of wrinkles 5 vitamin C vitamin C

air ascorbic acid is vital for good health and help support the immune

system however we should also be aware of it's surprising properties for our

skin both when used orally and topically six essential incense oil essential

incense oil in addition to being known for their intense aroma has astringent

and antioxidant properties for skin that promote the regeneration of cells

this results in radiant clear and firm skin

the relaxing properties in this oil also help improve the appearance of our face

natural lifting mask ingredients 1 raw egg 1 teaspoon of argan oil 5 drops of

essential incense oil 1 teaspoon of wheat germ 1 vitamin C capsule or 15

drops of lemon juice what should you do 1 first beat the raw egg well 2 then add

the argan oil in the essential incense oil and beat them all together

incorporate the solid ingredients we German vitamin C and mix them until they

are combined well 3 keep the masks in the fridge for up to 24 hours

application to get the natural lifting effect apply this mask to your recently

cleansed dry face once a week let it sit for half an hour if possible while you

rest laying down with your eyes closed it is helpful to keep your face relaxed

then wash your face to take the mask off and hydrate your skin as you normally

would have you ever tried this natural lifting mask for lifting effects let me

know in our comments section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up

and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel

below thank you

For more infomation >> Try This Face Mask For A Natural Glowing Face | How To Glow Your Skin - Little Herbs - Duration: 3:40.


(TURN ON CAPTIONS!) How to get 100% from our trainings and seminars. Part 1. - Duration: 7:47.

Why don't the seminars of the Project help?

Have you asked yourself that question?

And indeed, sometimes our female students ask this kind of question:

"Why is someone getting married, and I am not? Even this 67-year-old woman

married a baron, and I'm not married yet. "

Or a lot of our students give up on their debts and

loans literally after the first seminar.

Debts amounted to 3, 4, 5 million rubles! You might not have any debts,

but you would probably like to improve the financial situation!

Why is it not happening?

We have a tremendous amount of successful students.

We happily publish their results, and tell

about it in our social networks, on websites, everywhere.

But why does not everyone get such results?

Who are they? They are probably some chosen students,

and there are very few of them, who succeed, and the rest does not.

Or they are just fake, fictional stories

that we feed you, as if they were real.

Let us find the answers to these questions,

and today we are going to examine together 4reasons

why the seminars do not help. And if you are not going to eliminate those 4 reasons,

even the most effective seminar, which contains the knowledge

that can simply turn your life around,

will not help you.

[4 reasons why seminars do not help!]

Let's take a pen, a notepad, and write down each point: Number 1!

[#1 Non-compliance with the recommendations of trainers] You do not follow recommendationsof the coaches. Very often I hear during individual

consultations, when the girls come and say:

"You know, it seems like I did everything, but it didn't help me."

I say: "Well, please give me the list

of the recommendations you received during your last diagnosis?

I don't have it, I lost it.

OK, what did you do from this list?

Well, um, began to walk more. Could it really be only thing

the coach recommended you? No, there was also this,

that, that, and that. Did you do it?

Well, um, yes, but not all the time, and not quite that".

Generally speaking, pretty often you think

you follow the recommendations,

but it isn't so. Let's draw such simple analogy.

What does usually follow after a complicated surgery?

A recovery process takes place. The doctor gives you some

time for rehabilitation in order to go back

to given state, and prescribes the necessary recommendations,

like bed rest, certain diet, etc. etc.

You recover very quickly, once you follow them.

Correct? And you function again.

And what is going to happen if you do not follow the doctor's recommendations the doctor after

after the surgery? For instance, you will go run a marathon

right after you have just been sewn up?

The seams will disperse, and on top of that, you will have extremely

negative consequences. I think no one needs to

get explanations, but not many understand that a seminar, my dearest,

a seminar, or an individual work of a coach, an expert

of our Project with you, is the same

surgery, only done on your body's energy.

Seriously! We are kind of making a small

cut in the subtle bodies, getting out all the fears,

resentment, anger, self-pity, all the negative.

And then we sew you in an implant of joy, success, self-confidence,

wealth, success. Yes, yes, yes, you can sew

fortune in you! The task we have as experts,

is to remove all unneeded things, and add

all that you need in order for you to achieve

your goals, and be happy. However, we always give you recommendations,

which must be carried out during at least 21 days, as a rule.


And they need to be followed. Not until then will you easily go

through the recovery, and self-confidence will stick

to you. Follow the recommendations

of the experts - this is the first rule.

The second reason, why

seminars don't help is doubting.

[#2 Doubts] Indeed, you yourself doubt that they can

help you. My favorite phrase, and

I often use it: "If you are afraid that you will not succeed

- stop being afraid, it won't work." And it is so.

If you even doubt something, a tremendous amount

of your energy and strength simply flows down this "doubt pipe."

If you doubt that a seminar, individual

practices, an amulet will help you, my dear friends, they are not going to work.

They will not be able to bring those changes and the power

you want and need into your life,

into your destiny. Because a part of your energy

will simply flow down the doubt pipe.

We lately had one case - 2 sisters came to our class:

one elder sister, who seemed to be happily married,

but the relationship with her husband didn't work out very well somehow,

they began to argue and fight. However, this happens often

after the marriage. The second one graduated recently from the

institute, and has not yet decided what she would like to do in life.

When the elder sister came to

the class, she would always say: "Well, I even doubt

that this will help me, and I am not at all sure that all this

knowledge works." The younger one, on the contrary,

took up everything that we offered with great enthusiasm: she carried out all the practices,

recommendations, felt herself great, her mood

would improve. While her elder sister came

home grouching, continued to fight with her husband, and, sure enough,

their relationship was turning sour, and they were heading to divorce.

The younger sister, while fulfilling absolutely all the recommendations

(see point number 1), and having absolutely no doubt in

the Academy's ability to help her, eventually married the owner,

no wait, the son of the owner of one Italian enterprise.

And now she lives in Italy on lake shore, she has a beautiful

daughter, and her husband loves her a lot. Therefore, my dear, not

hesitate. When you doubt, you lose everything.

Come up to the mirror right now,

look into it with confidence, straighten

your back, and say: "I am sure that the Academy's seminars will help me."


How does it feel?

Look this woman into the eyes.

If there is a shine of confidence in them, then this point was not about you.

Do not hesitate, but rather act,

and then you will succeed.

Good luck.

For more infomation >> (TURN ON CAPTIONS!) How to get 100% from our trainings and seminars. Part 1. - Duration: 7:47.


How TO Draw Sunflower With Color Pencil Step By Step - Duration: 4:16.

How TO Draw Sunflower With Color Pencil Step By Step

For more infomation >> How TO Draw Sunflower With Color Pencil Step By Step - Duration: 4:16.


How the New Tax Bill will Impact Housing - Economic Insights - Duration: 3:38.

well let me throw you a bit of a curveball okay so what about the tax

bill how does the tax bill affect the housing market. Yeah so the tax bill

and I know you're not a tax expert so do the best you can here all right so the

tax bill so it's not new it passed at the end of 2017 right it's been in

effect for all 2018 and in fact most people have probably already seen

slightly higher take-home pay because the IRS changed withholding to account

for the new tax plan yep but no one's actually filed their taxes under this

new plan because you file your taxes sometime between January February and

April when they're due so that's when it's really gonna hit home for a lot of

homeowners and renters are going to see exactly how much they benefit or lose

out from this tax plan you know we know that the tax plan had a couple of

changes that directly affect the way you know homeowners and renters are going to

do their taxes so for renters they didn't really have a lot of tax benefits

under the old tax plan so for most of them it's going to be a positive they

were less likely to itemize deductions because of the structure and the old tax

plan it should be more like so they should benefit from the higher standard

deduction so it's good to know for homeowners they were likely to itemize

under the old tax plan about half of homeowners itemize for the new

prosecutors it interesting because you have to have mortgage debt so about a

third of the owners don't have any mortgage debt so really they weren't

necessarily cute or likely to itemize so there were less so homeowners are more

likely to itemize and they may not going forward because there's a limit on the

amount of mortgage interest you can adopt so it and that's the new part

right I mean basically when you talk about itemize you're talking about

basically deducting it you know so it was a powerful deduction for homeowners

and we're saying that now there's a cap so people really can only only there's a

limited tax advantage yeah for deducting mortgage interest but actually in fact

the bigger change is that the standard deduction so that okay let's take a step

back so there are two ways to do your taxes you can either take a standard

deduction it's a lump sum you subtract it no matter how you spend your money

how much you give away how much you save it doesn't matter if you take the

standard deduction and then you you know you subtract that off your income the

new page is on the rest okay or you can itemize

your deductions so you don't take that standard deduction instead you're gonna

list out specifically the tax advantage things you spend your money on so you

get to take money off for mortgage interest you used to be able to take

state and local income and property taxes unlimited that's a change so your

mortgage interest is now limited you can only deduct up to $750,000 interest on a

mortgage up to $750,000 versus a million under the old tax rules used to get

unlimited state and local taxes now you can only deduct up to ten thousand

dollars so well charitable contributions you can just those from your income as

well that was unlimited it stays unlimited so no major change there

that's group and there are some other minor tweaks but those are the big ones

but ultimately it only makes sense to itemize if the dollar amount of your

itemized deductions exceeds the standard deduction right and so the fact that the

standard deduction and the new plan is a roughly double but it wasn't any old

plan means we're going to see way few fewer item visors okay I think that was

I feel like that was a little mini tax course that was awesome so you're

definitely more of an expert than you say


For more infomation >> How the New Tax Bill will Impact Housing - Economic Insights - Duration: 3:38.


How to install fl studio in Mobile for free full step by step process - Duration: 5:40.


For more infomation >> How to install fl studio in Mobile for free full step by step process - Duration: 5:40.


Dead Space 1-2-3 (Complete Series) - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 5:56.

Dead Space is the franchise where only the dead are meant to survive.

It's a shame that this franchise is most likely dead and that we won't be getting

any new Dead Space games.

But, for the people that haven't played these games, or for the returning players

– here's something that will smooth out and improve the performance of your Dead Space

games, that is – if you need help, of course.

Welcome to: 'going above and beyond' in Dead Space series.

So to improve the performance and make the game smoother – we'll need some help.

It's a very simple optimization process, just follow the guide carefully and pay attention

to what I'm doing and saying throughout the guide section.

So, before you do anything else – head over to my website and download this little software

which is called the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

If it was possible otherwise, I wouldn't be making this video.

After you download it, simply install it, and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

From this drop-down menu select Dead Space, Dead Space 2 or Dead Space 3 and then press

load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


When the optimization control panel loads, simply select the method of optimization and

resolution you would like to run your game on.

After you did that simply press the execute optimization button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's it from me for this video.

Don't forget to sub, like and comment if you found this video useful, and I'll see

you all next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Dead Space 1-2-3 (Complete Series) - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 5:56.


Free Vbucks Fortnite Season 7 - how to get free vbucks fortnite - Duration: 4:11.

Free Vbucks Fortnite Season 7 - how to get free vbucks fortnite

For more infomation >> Free Vbucks Fortnite Season 7 - how to get free vbucks fortnite - Duration: 4:11.


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For more infomation >> How Baker Mayfield's faith in Breshad Perriman salvaged the former Ravens' 1st-rounder's career - AF - Duration: 11:43.


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Diy Flower Vase using Newspaper & Woolen || How to make Flower Vase using waste Newspaper

For more infomation >> Diy Flower Vase using Newspaper & Woolen || How to make Flower Vase using waste Newspaper - Duration: 4:42.


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5 methods to find the exact delivery date

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