Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily is it Dec 29 2018

So alligator just took off

where did it go? I mean do they come back up again?

There it is again. That's a gator huh? Thats a big splash.... darn it....


Previously on Luckyfish we worked like crazy to splash in time for

a weather window that would take us all the way to Nestle


with Luckyfish back in the water we felt excited about the adventures that

lay ahead but sad to be saying our goodbyes to new friends we would be

leaving behind

Lew. That's slick.

Jim. Seeing as though you are in the middle of epoxy.

Robert. I like the way you got that set up.

Chris. Yeah. Sangria. She had that in her little....

Malinda. It pays to have paid crew you know.

and Tony. Put it back in the bottle....

Bruce. We smuggled 3,000 bottles of scotch in on the Chinese junk to Tahiti

Tim. In three or four minutes there won't be a piece this big

Gerry. Wee... Mongolian flag.... Ohhh!


Brandon. Hey !!!

and Danielle. I dont think theres any alcohol in that punch

Danny. Go off and try something new

and of course Wayne Brown himself. It's just whether or not you want to be...

And to good buddy Curtis who'd been a massive help

getting back in the water on time and introducing us to the local wildlife so

So, alligator just took off. We came down to look at Danny's proa

and err.. where did it go? Do they come back up again?

he was on a ... it could have been a big turtle... oh yeah fair enough

this is the old river, coming around, through that way

there's a fishing boat just going through the grass over there

that's a weird scene

I assume he's heading towards the bridge he is

all right

There it is. Thats a gator huh. Thats a big splash.

Darn it.

Yeah. That was a big splash.

Yeah. That aint no little turtle.

Geez. I would feel very precarious sitting out there on Danny's net


Something.... there he is. Right there

There is the gator. Right here.

Thats him

the eyes? on the water or what?

You see him out there?

hes just under the bow of that boat...

which boat the proa?

ohhh, the other one. I have gotta come over where you are then mate.

Nahhh. I cant see him eh?

Here is. Over here. Right there.

He's turned around looking at us.

oh I see yeah just below the anchor right Wow he's he's not the big one

right now that's to the little guy there's something else over there too

there might be two of them out there

See. He is there. Yeah. Thats the little one.

don't fall in now. yeah.

imagine if this dock tipped and we just

ended up in the water wouldn't you get out in a hurry with that little guy just

sitting there

it's the bridge closing

Its a beautiful morning. Yeah its a beautiful morning. We left at 5:30 from Labelle

just bumped the bottom of the port engine as we came out of the cut there

but a little bit of brute force and we pushed our way through the silt

Labelle bridge opened for us right on when he clocked on.

We caught him at 6:00

So for once we actually got away and did something on time

There is the next bridge

there's all this beautiful water front homes

5 knots. 4.9.

pretty much every one of them have this little docks, private docks. Right?


Next ones a swingbridge. Is it?

What's the name of it?

The next bridge is Fort Denaud.

It's a swing bridge. It's only got a vertical clearance of 9 feet.

Ooooh yeah. we need it open....

just looking at our wake there you can see in the middle of the river

the waves are moving ahead of the stuff on the edges

Okeechobee, the Lake, they are discharging water so we're getting a nice push

maybe half a knot or so if we stick to the middle of the river

so we'll certainly take advantage of that

what are you doing honey

Sailing to the moon

Its beautiful right?

Suns just coming up

Suns coming up on that side. Moons on this side.

that's a pretty river boat

we cleared customs yesterday we drove to Fort Myers and went to the airport and met

a very friendly customs and immigration official

RADIO Captain you will be clear to pass on the right hand side of the span

once the bridge is fully open

message understood thank you very much

I thank you sir

something I forgot about. Look

It's not 8. Its one hour ahead

it's 7 o'clock. 7 am

we made pretty good progress this morning it's 20 after 9:00 and we're at

Franklin Lock

Another catamaran has joined us. Zaya is up there, ready to tend her lines

ready to drop down. a foot and a half

one and a half feet we going down back to sea-level get a bit of surge in these

locks so pays to hang on to the lines and watch the side of the boat here we

here we are right in the middle of Suburbia

closing the lock gates

getting ready to open the ones on the downstream side

both just surged forward quite steadily

as the downstream lock gates opened

see the water rushing out there now

we're going backwards

Franklin Lock

I'll just change the mooring line over to the other side of the cleat

Now we're going forwards again

Zaya thinks this is all good fun

The boat's still got quite a bit of unfinished work on it

the tools are still out. that is always a bad sign

we've got a few hours now before we

reach the sea out at Sanibel bridge and probably got about six hours or so to

get the sails rigged and bolt a few of the last fittings back on again after

paint and get the boat set up for afternoon of sailing into the night be

able to shake the boat down and the daylight which is great and the weather

just is so favorable for our trip. I will try and run through what's in store over the

next couple of days but the wind looks very favorable for our run southeast

down to Marathon and then we should be in there by noon tomorrow or there

abouts nearly it's opening them up a bit faster now so the water level is almost

reached equilibrium yeah we should get to marathon around noon tomorrow barring

any hitches then the wind looks like it's going to swing in our favor for a

crossing of the Gulfstream to Bimini so if the weather forecast holds we can

leave Marathon about 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and make the run across

to Bimini and if the weather's still favourable and we've got daylight we

might continue onto to Nassau we'll play all that by ear generally we just

try make plans for the next leg one step at a time we were just given

instructions to exit the chamber when we're ready so we've just started the

engines and and now motoring out of the lock

arriving at Fort Myers we saw Chris's trimaran and swung by but he was not at home

where are you Chris?

Is it him?

yeah. It is his boat.

Well we just passed Fort Myers and it's so busy it's a Friday I mean don't any of these people work ?

There is so many boats on the water, many powerboats. The bigger they are....

the faster they go it's funny

big fat ones they just power straight past ya, like they've spent their whole life not

caring about other people

They get on the water with all their millions and...

its situation normal for them

but there's a few, I gotta say, in

the mid size range smaller ones don't bother us but the ones in the mid-size range

can pick up quite a trough in their wake. It pitches the boat around

and there is always one or two slow down and I get a big fat wave from us smiles but boy there is

some inconsiderate people out there

Sanibel bridge was fast approaching and beyond that the leg to marathon it was

time to finish the jobs we found a place to anchor away from the wash from other

boats rigged the sails and put the tools away at last

well it's Saturday February the 4th about 9:00 in the morning we had a good

run last night we stopped the boat after transiting down the river

to Sanibel bridge and spent about two hours just rigging

the sails before crossing under the bridge and starting our 120 miles

crossing overnight to Marathon Key and we're approaching marathon key now we're

in very shallow water that 2.1 meters under the keel and we're on the banks

behind the keys picking our way through a couple of parts of shoaling ground not

very familiar with the approach to marathon key we have to pass under the

bridge apparently and then on our left should be Boot Key marina where we will take

on some fuel and overnight and take advantage of this wind that's going to

continue to veer we've been really fortunate with the winds part of the

reason why we left Labelle when we did we saw this weather window opening up

where we'd have a brisk Norwest changing nor'easter norther came through last

night so we had broad reaching conditions initially and fairly light

winds and the nor westerly and then the nor'east filled in at about 22 23

knots and we gave the boat a good shake down flying along at between 6 and 9

knots boat speeds on a beam reach boat behaved beautifully vane steering setup

ran no problems although the ride was a bit noisy and a

bit bumpy at times got us down here really fast we're covered 160 miles or

so from Labelle and did it in under 28 hours that wind is going to continue to

veer tomorrow morning it'll move from the nor east through East and then South

around 6 a.m. tomorrow morning but to confirm that with this morning's weather

forecast the forecast yesterday evening which is just ideal I mean if we can get

a southerly boost along with the Gulf Stream north up to Bimini and that's

textbook crossing of the Gulf Stream so we'll see how that pans out and then

from Bimini we need to get across the Nassau by the 10th meet our first

guests we really couldn't have asked for a better re introduction to sailing and

a good shakedown for Luckyfish

Well the crabpots that everyone warned us about we're really thick as we were warned

all the way from pretty much Sanibel Britain we're still an amongst

them just it's incredible think there's any crabs left I mean they are just simply


they didn't prove a problem for our boat we must have run over a few

of them but we didn't get hung up on any of the appendages which is pretty neat

we didn't run the hydro generator last night because of that reason we thought

we might get that thing hooked up in one which would not have been good

so we ran the wind genny instead all night and it did really well I mean we've got both

battery banks topped off this morning it was a very brisk breeze the wind genny was

putting out plenty of power turned it off now the Sun's up and we are just using the

solar panels to keep everything topped off


this is Boot Key harbour where we will anchor tonight and get ready to leave in the

morning for Bimini

Well everyone we hope you enjoyed this episode we'd like to

give a special thank you to our patrons it's because of patrons like you that

make our productions sustainable so please if you haven't already consider

becoming a patron for as little as a dollar of video and become part of the

Luckyfish story feel free to question comment and give

us a like and sub below until next time thank you for watching

For more infomation >> GO or NO GO? – How important is the Weather Window? – Ep 60 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 16:20.


What is Cedar Fever, and when can you 'get' it? - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> What is Cedar Fever, and when can you 'get' it? - Duration: 2:07.


Al-Wurud, is to come to.. But, how is it explained? By Sheikh Salih Al-Maghamsi - Duration: 29:52.

Today, we will speak about a word..


in Qur'an and Sunnah.

In the Book of Allah, Almighty..

This word was mentioned..

and its derivatives..

in many Surahs.

So, we will stop at some of them..

according to the sequence of Mushaf..

Allah, Almighty, said at Surah Hud:

"And We did certainly send Moses with Our signs and a clear authority." 11:96

"To Pharaoh and his establishment.." 11:97

".. but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not [at all] discerning."

"He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection.. " 11:98

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led[Al-Wird Al-Mawrood]."


The ruler of Egypt at the time, when prophet Moses was assigned the message..

And he lead his people..

not to accept the Da'wa of the prophet who was sent by Allah, Almighty..

And he is the one who had led his soldiers..

after Moses..

and the believers who were with him..

till they reached them at..

the seashore!

The rule is; 'Reward is of the same kind of deed.'

So, at Resurrection Day, he will be..

ahead of his people to the Fire!

Because, basically, the first person to enter Jannah..

is the most righteous!

likewise, in case of the Fire..

the person with the biggest guilt, is the first to enter.

So, Pharaoh..

[we seek refuge with Allah]..

had done enough big guilts..

and, it is enough what he had said, as it is documented in Qur'an..

"And said, "I am your most exalted lord."." 79:24

And, he had said to the Egyptians, at his time..

".. I have not known you to have a god other than me.. " 28:38

So, he had prevented people..

to believe.. in Allah!

And when the magicians believed..

he fixed them on the cross.. and he threatened them..

".. and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees.." 20:71

".. and you will surely know which of us is more severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring."

Then, as it is.. 'Reward is of the same kind of deed.'

"He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection. ".. as Allah has said..

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led[Al-Wird Al-Mawrood]."

So, he will be ahead of his people to enter the Hellfire..

[we seek refuge with Allah from it]..

Blessed viewers, that was about the verse at Surah; Hud.

After that, the word[Wurud] was mentioned at Surah Yusuf..

And as for Surah Yusuf..

we know the story in details..

But now, we will talk about the word[Al-Wurud] at Surah Yusuf!

Allah, Almighty, said:

"And there came a company of travelers.. " 12:19

".. then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum].. "

".. and he let down his bucket.. "

".. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy.".. "

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise.. "

".. and Allah was knowing of what they did.. "

That had happened after..

the brothers of Yusuf had gathered against Yusuf!

The expected consequences.. logically..

when man..

expresses his fear of a thing..

others would..

take advantage of this weakness..

to influence him!

If his fears of a thing were explicit..

then, his opponents would..

use this path to reach him!

The prophet of Allah, Jacob, said..

to his children..

".. and I fear that a wolf would eat him.. " 12:13

then, the brothers of Yusuf, have picked that word..

So, when they took their brother and threw him inside the deep well..

they came back to their father..

and they said to him, the issue that he was afraid to happen!

".. They said, "O our father, indeed we went racing each other and left Joseph with our possessions.. " 12:17

".. and a wolf ate him.. "

and they know that the wolf didn't eat him!

but, they've just left him inside the deep hole..

in a deep well.

And, as for the well..

it was were people come to take water..

And, Allah, Almighty..

he arranges things as He wills!

He won't be asked about what He is doing!

He brings forwards whoever He wants, with His graciousness..

And He keeps behind whoever He wants, with His justice..

And a creation can not ask Him, the reason of His actions..

And the rational person cannot object to His rational.

The Lord of Dignity said..

and He is the most truthful, above all speakers:

"And there came a company of travelers[Sayarah].. " 12:19

the word; [Sayarah]..

is the plural form of [Sayar].

i.e. people who were passing by.

on the way.

And, as you know..

people always need water..

these people..

the top leaders of the caravan..

logically, it wasn't their duty to bring water..

Allah, said: ".. then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum].. "

and they are people working for them..

their servants..

and, they usually advance to the site of water..

And, linguistically this action is called[Faratan].. as we will explain later..

So, they've reached the well.. first..

and they lowered their bucket in it..

to get water..

as usual..

nobody would expect..

to lower a bucket inside a well..

and have a human coming out with it!!

this is unusual!

unexpected to happen..

Allah said: ".. then they sent their water drawer.. "

The prophet of Allah, peace be upon him..

they had different opinions about his age, at that time!

and for me.. most probably..

[And Allah knows the best.]

he was less than 10 years old..

because, if he was 17 years old..

as some interpreters had said..

no one can say that the wolf had eaten him!

because, he can fight the wolf..

and Jacob won't believe this story..

But, most likely..

[And Allah knows the best.]

that, he was about 10 years old or less.

So, he, peace be upon him.. caught the bucket..

and they pulled the bucket up.

Then the person who lifted the bucket, he saw a nice glowing boy

a boy.. Allah has written that he will be a prophet!

and usually, on seeing such a thing..

lifting a bucket.. with a boy in it!!

this would make the person shocked.. surprised!!

But, he said: What a good thing!

because, the glowing face of Yusuf..

with the treasures of prophethood that were in him.. granted to him by Allah..

all of that, made the water fetcher..

the person who had lowered the pail..

not subjected to shock!

actually he said; 'Good news! Here is a boy.'

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise.. "

".. and Allah was knowing.. "

Why they've taken him as merchandise?

because, as you know..

the servants, the water fetchers.. they need to have money..

And, if a person finds a lost item..

e.g. money or other items..

so, most probably..

he would ask for the owner.. around the area..

Suppose, you found a wallet..

in a certain neighborhood..

so, it is better to ask for the owner, within that neighborhood.

But, they were afraid that, people living close to the well..

might come and look for the boy..

So, they've hided him!

Allah, said: " And they concealed him, as merchandise.. "


they've decided..

in their hearts..

to sell him!

to earn some money..

and they didn't tell their masters about him!

Because, if they would tell the masters..

the masters are not in need of money..

so, they wouldn't sell Yusuf..

they would keep him to serve them.

and this way..

won't make Yusuf, peace be upon him, able to reach..

the throne of Egypt!

And, Allah, Almighty, has a plan that certainly will happen.

So, Allah, Almighty, has made these people..

the servants.. to..

keep Yusuf with them.. as merchandise..

and to sell him away..

Allah said:

"And they sold him for a reduced price.. " 12:20

".. a few dirhams - and they were, concerning him, of those content with little."

they were not interested in keeping him for long!

because, if he stays with them..

they would have the burden of hiding him..

and they didn't want that..

they wanted to have the money..

even if it was a small amount of money.

And, anything that..

you can get it easily..

it is easy for you to get rid of it!

And this is well known for all people..

all through the centuries!

Allah said: "And there came a company of travelers; then they sent their water drawer[Waridahum], and he let down his bucket.."

".. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy.".. "

".. And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise; and Allah was knowing of what they did."

That was about the word[ Wurud] at Surah Yusuf.

Then, we have the word [Wurud]..

at Surah Maryam..

and this is..

our topic here.

Allah, Almighty, said, in His Great Book..

"Does man not remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?" 19:67

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils.. " 19:68

".. then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees."

Allah swore.. to his prophet..

that these leaders from Quraish..

who were antagonising you..

who were ridiculing you

.. mocking you

.. rejecting your Deen..

.. claiming that nothing was revealed to you!

Allah said to His prophet:

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them.. "

we will collect them all..

and Shayateen..

They were followers of Shayateen..

So, Allah, Almighty, will gather them.. and those who had deceived them.

"So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then.. "

".. We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees[Jitheya]."

on their knees!

they can't stand up.. because of the severity of what they are seeing!

"Then We will surely extract from every sect[Shea'ah].. " 19:69

[Sheea'ah] means; a group

".. those of them who were.. "

".. worst against the Most Merciful in insolence."

We've said.. who comes first, is the person who did the biggest guilt.

"Then, surely it is We who are most knowing of those most worthy of burning therein." 19:70

Who should come first..

Allah, Almighty, knows who is he?

Then, Allah said a verse.. that was difficult for many scholars..

and it is still..

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. " 19:71

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

This is an oath, said by the Lord of Dignity..

that, there is no one..

Because Allah said; None of you!

So, Allah did not exclude anyone!

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

".. This is upon your Lord.. "

i.e. that matter..

".. an inevitability decreed."

i.e. definitely, it will happen!

And Allah is saying..

".. Allah does not fail in His promise.. " 30:6

and this is one of the promises that Allah does not fail in them.

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha]. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

"Then We will save those who feared Allah.. " 19:72

".. and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees."

Still there is one question!

What is the meaning of..

".. he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

that was the point that had caused differences among scholars..

In this matter, the early people of knowledge, had said many explanations..

[May Allah put mercy on them, all]..

We will mention the most prominent among them!

It was narrated that the Scholar..

Abdullah Bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased of him and of his fathers..

he said:

the word [Wurud] here, it means; entering!

So, the explanation of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased of him..

and he is a respected scholar..

of the verse; And there is none of you except he will come to it.. means..

No one..

except he will enter the Fire!

all will enter the fire!

One of the Kharijites.. [dissenters]

his name is Nafi'a Bin Al-Azraq..

he is a well known man..

he came to Makkah..

he found Ibn Abbas have a circle, and he interpretes Qur'an to people..

and Nafi'a had some knowledge of language and some knowledge of Fiqh..

except that he was..

[We seek refuge with Allah]..

he was infected by the whims..

and by erratic ideas..

and this is an old issue..

the problems that you are seeing today..

the aberrant ideas and stray opinions..

people who deviate to the extremes..

and they raise the sword on the heads of Muslims..

This is an old issue!!

And, Nafi'a Bin Al-Azraq was one of these people..

So, he entered the circle of Ibn Abbas..

to ask him a question.. for making difficulties

not for learning..

So, he asked him about the meaning of [Al-Wurud]!

the, Ibn Abbas said; Al-Wurud, means [Ad-Dukhool].. entering.

then Nafi'a didn't approve the answer, he said:

How that can be, and Allah said:

'"They will not hear its sound.. " 21:102

and you say, they will enter it?!'

Then Ibn Abbas became angry, and he said to him: 'Are you crazy??'

Then he said to him..

i.e. Ibn Abbas giving Nafi'a the evidence from Qur'an..

He said: ' Didn't Allah say..

".. and lead them[Awradahum] into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led." 11:98

What is the meaning of the word[ Wurud] here?'.

then Nafi'a couldn't say different..

[Al-Wurud] here means; entering!

Then Ibn Abbas said: ' Didn't Allah say:

"Indeed, you [disbelievers] and what you worship other than Allah are the firewood of Hell.." 21:98

".. You will be coming to [Waridoon=entering] it."

What is the meaning of [Waridoon].' asking Ibn Abbas.

[Waridoon] means entering.

So, here, the saying of Allah, Almighty: " And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wariduha].. "

i.e. none of you except he will enter it!

But, it was narrated that he had said:

'It will be, for the believers,..

cool and peaceful..

as that fire upon Ibrahim, it was cool and peaceful..

and as for the disbelievers, it will burn them.

whose Tafseer was this?

It was the interpretation of Ibn Abbas..

And it was said by some early scholars, as Jaber, may Allah be pleased of him..

and by other scholars.. other than them both..

by scholars of this Ummah.

The most famous opinion.. the most weighted.. that most of the scholars are adopting it..

That the word[Wurud] here have the meaning of; passing on..

have the meaning of crossing..

Another opinion..

[before I talk more about the crossing]..

there is an opinion that was conveyed from Ka'ab Al-Ahbar..

And, the status of Ka'ab Al-Ahbar in knowledge, is very high..

What did he say?

He said: 'At Resurrection Day, the Fire..

It becomes like[Al-Ihalah]!!..

What is that??

It is the oil.. the grease.. the fat..

when it is solidified!

e.g. when you bring some fat..

then you spread it on a surface..

then you let it to become solid..

then, it will be like[Al-Ihalah]..

Ka'ab Al-Ahbar said:

'At Resurrection Day, the Fire becomes like[Al-Ihalah]!!..


all the creations come..

the righteous and the wicked..

They will stand on top of the Fire, on their feet..

the righteous and the wicked..

this is the explanation of [Al-Wurud=entering] as said by Ka'ab Al-Ahbar..

Then, a caller will call.. the Fire:

'Take your companions..

and leave my companions..

Then, what will happen?

the Fire will drop in.. all the disbelievers..

And, at that Day, it is knower, who are the disbelievers..

more than a man knowing his son.

So, they will be destroyed..

But, as for the believers..

they will come out of it with their bodies hydrated..

This explanation was of Ka'ab Al-Ahbar.

We've said; there is an explanation, that most of the scholars are adopting it..

that [Al-Wurud] indicates..

the crossing of the bridge over the Hell..

And the people who are passing along the bridge of [Jahannam]

are in 3 groups..

as were described by our prophet, SAW..

a survivor.. who is safe!

i.e. he will survive, unharmed by the Fire..

may Allah make us all among this group..

And these people..

have subgroups among them..

Some of them will run like the fast horse

some of them will glide like the fast wind..

some of them will pass like lightning..

and some of will them crawl slowly..

And some of them will have as little light as that, which doesn't exceed their big toes.

Yet, they all will be saved.

And a survivor, who will be scratched..

i.e. he will be saved at the end.. but, the Fire will scratch him.

And, a person who will fall upon his face in the Fire.. we ask refuge with Allah..

and these are the disbelievers..

Allah said:

"Then We will save those who feared Allah and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees."

So, most of the scholars..

say that the verse; 'And there is none of you except he will come to it.[Waridoha]."

means; the crossing..

along the bridge over Jahannam..

And, it was said to Imam Ahmad, may Allah put mercy on him..

When will the believer have rest?

he said; 'after he leaves the bridge of Jahannam behind.'

And this opinion, And Allah knows the best..

is the most acceptable explanation, that the evidences agree upon it.

And, some scholars prefered to stop here..

i.e. they couldn't give.. a definite explanation..

for the words of Allah, Almighty..

"And there is none of you except he will come to it[Wareduha].. "

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

Because, Allah said:

".. they are from it far [Muba'adoon= set away." 21:101

and this doesn't go with..

them entering the Fire!

But, here, He is saying:

".. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed."

And He said: ".. he will come to it[Wareduha].. "

And, this does not coincide with being away from the Fire!

So, when we look at all of that..

definitely, they do not contradict each other..

But, the shortage is in our comprehension..

So, the most probable explanation.. the intended meaning..

and Allah knows the best

Is the crossing.. the passing along the path[Sirat] of Jahannam..

and people pass this path[Sirat].. with the light they are given..

and the best thing to bring you this light..

to pass the path of Jahannam with it..


Isha Salat and Fajr Salat.

So, keep doing these two Salat..

is a cause for granting man a light..

and many other deeds deliver light.. any good deed will grant light.. at Resurrection Day..

But, these two Salats were specifically mentioned..

because, there is a Hadith from our prophet ,SAW, about them..

He, SAW, said:

' give good tidings to those who walk in the dark..

that they will have the complete light, at Resurrection Day.'.

And the walkers in the dark, are those who go out to pray Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr.

That was about[Al-Wurud]..

in the Book of Allah, Almighty.

Next, we will talk about[Al-Wurud]..

in the news that were conveyed from our prophet, SAW..

There are some Hadiths..

the most famous is that..

He, SAW..

went to the graveyard..


And it is..

most probably, most of you have visited it..

it is where more than 10,000 Sahabi are buried..

So, the prophet, SAW, went to visit that place..

After he came out, he said:

'I wish if I could see my brothers.'

They said: 'O messenger of Allah, Aren't we your brothers?'

He said: 'in fact, You are my companions..

but, my brothers didn't come yet!

And, I am..' [And next is the point we want to stress upon.]

'The first, in front of them[Faratohum], at Al-Hawd.'

i.e. ahead of them, at the [Hawd=water-pool]

[Al-Farat] is who comes first, ahead of his people.

'and I am the first, in front of them at the water.'

i.e. the prophet, SAW..

at Resurrection Day..

will be standing by his[Hawd].

And his [Hawd], SAW..

is whiter than milk..

and sweeter than honey

and the number of its cups, are as the number of the stars of the sky.

whoever drinks from it, he will never feel thirsty again!

and when people come out of the graves to the gathering place..

they will be thirsty, and what they need most will be a drink of water..

So, the believer should..

observe Allah, Almighty..

while applying that what we were told about the messenger of Allah, SAW..

guided with his guidance and following his Sunnah..

hoping that Allah, Almighty, might make him have a drink..

from the Hawd of our prophet, SAW.

Some people might say..

may Allah forgive us and them.. and guide us and them..

Because the prophet, SAW, has said, some people will be prevented from drinking from Al-Hawd!

So, they have claimed that people of high status..

like Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman..

they will be prevented from drinking from the Hawd..

because, these people claim that.. this honored group were apostates!

So, if abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were apostates..

Who has remained steadfast?

And, we know that As-Siddique, may Allah be pleased of him and please him..

he is the one who had carried the burden of this Ummah..

after the death of its prophet, SAW

and He is the one who had fought the apostates!

May Allah be pleased of him.

So, when the person..

is subjected to beliefs or to ideologies..

He should not imitate others..

but, he must put his mind at work..

on what he is told.. on what they say to him..

so as not to be misguided!

and to avoid falling into mistakes and weaknesses..

as regarde the Deen of Allah, Almighty..

and he must know that there are matters that are basics..

we can't argue about them or doubt them.

Magnanimity[Al-Muro'ah], when it supervenes among people..

side by side with Deen..

the community will be preserved!

So, it is wrong not to train people to have; sense of honor[Muro'ah].


are be prevented from..

falling into felony..

by 4 things!

or, by one of 4 things!

His Deen might prevent him..

or his magnanimity[Muro'ah] might prevent him..

or the ruler might prevent him..

or his disability might prevent him.

So, the disabled person.. he is incapable.. so his impaired ability will prevent him..

he might want to do the crime, but he can't.. he is incapacitated.

irrespective of the cause of disability.

The second situation.. he doesn't belief in a religion..

and he doesn't have any sense of honor[Muro'ah]..

but, he is afraid of the legislation.. the regulations..

afraid of the Governor.. of the Ruler..

and, he knows that the Ruler have no mercy in such matters.

Now, he refrains, not because of his incapacity..

nor because of his Deen, nor because of his magnanimity[Muro'ah].

And some people..

might not be a person who prays so many..

He might be Non-Muslim..

And yet, he doesn't commit felonies..

Why not? Because, he have sense of honor[Muro'ah]!

and the reason for that Muro'ah, is the intellect..

So, his way of thinking..

has led him to the fact that doing such a thing is unreasonable..

and it will harm him.

The fourth situation is; Religion!

Man, sometimes..

he might be weak, in his religion..

but his dignity[Muro'ah] lasts

he feels shy of others..

he is afraid of being stigmatized as dishonored.

he fears so many matters..

and this is a kind of [Muro'ah].

So, if we are to educate..

in schools..

in universities..

our sons.. our daughters..

our brothers.. our sisters..

our neighbours..

we must talk about Deen..

and glorify its matter..

and the fear of Allah..

and we must glorify [Muro'ah].

and that man..

must increase his [Muro'ah], greatly.

And, we've said so many times, in our lectures..

here, at this big gathering or at other places..


The man, who had escorted..

Umma Salamah, from Makkah to Madinah..

to help her to do Hijrah..

and he wasn't a Muslim himself!

and she wasn't from his tribe..

But, he was a man of [Muro'ah]!

and he couldn't break that trust..

and he didn't intimidate her.. all the way long!

He wasn't hindered by religion..

actually, he didn't belief in life after death..

he didn't belief in Resurrection..

he was a pagan!

But, he was restrained by his [Muro'ah]!

The point..


People at that old time..

they had [Muro'ah].

They had Deen.. in their hearts..

and they had [Muro'ah].. in themselves.

So, they've supervened.. as we read about that society..

about our righteous ancestors..

may Allah put mercy on them.

That was about the word; [Al-Wurud] in the Hadith of our prophet, SAW

So, that was the [Wurud] in the Book of Allah

and the [Wurud] in the biography of our prophet, SAW

So, to close.. we have one verse..

Allah, Almighty, said..

about His Kaleem, the chosen, Moses Bin Imran..

"And when he came to the well of Madyan.. " 28:23

".. he found there a crowd of people watering [their flocks].. "

".. and he found aside from them two women driving back [their flocks]. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

".. They said, "We do not water until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks].. "

".. and our father is an old man."."

Moses, peace be upon him..

he is one of the great figures along history..

and he is one of those of determination among the messengers..

in spite of having.. in his tongue..

as it was stated in Qur'an..

he had a sort of aphasia..

otherwise, he was..

great in himself!

devoted in his heart..

directed to Allah with the core of his heart..

excessively asking for forgiveness.. of sins.

For that, Allah had talked to him!

And this gift..

as we've said many times..

it is really something!

If it wasn't for Allah, telling us about it..

no one would have believed him!

Allah said in His great Book:

".. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech." 4:164

And.. "[ Allah ] said, "O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My words [to you].." 7:144

This prophet..

He left the land of Egypt..

after the event that, he had killed a man..

So, the rumor went on that Moses was the killer..

and they were conferring over him, intending to kill him

he left!

after a man came to give him an advice to leave..

"And a man came from the farthest end of the city, running.." 28:20

".. He said, "O Moses, indeed[Inna]. the eminent ones are conferring over you to kill you.. "

And, I've said many time.. I don't remember if it was here or somewhere else..


I don't know if you have this in your culture or not..

but at our region, if people had doubts about a matter..

They say: ' There is;[Inna], in this matter.'

It is a common phrase..

' There is; [Inna], in this matter.'

this idiom was taken from this verse..

".. He said, "O Moses, indeed[Inna]. the eminent ones are conferring over you to kill you.. "

And how the idiom was started?

It was written by a man..

to a scholar.. to given him an advice

he just wrote to him one word; [Inna]!

so, he understood the meaning..

that there is a conspiracy against him.

The point is..

He, peace upon him, left the city..

counting on his Lorad..

".. he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."." 28:22

And I say..

to all believers.. men and women..

If you initiate a matter that you don't know how you would proceed on it..

read this verse, frequently..

".. "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

By Allah, He is The Guide, the only Who gives guidance.

the only One Who gives success.. and only Allah Who gives support!

".. he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

Allah said:

"And when he directed himself toward Madyan, he said, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the sound way."."

So, he went to the water place of Madyan..

in some narrations, they say; he reached there after 7 days..

the front of his belly was about to get stuck to its back..

[of severe hunger]

He found a crowd of people..

all are taking their flocks to the well..


And, there were two women doing the opposite..

When their herd try to go to the well..

they prevent them from going to the well.

".. and he found aside from them two women.. " 28:23

".. [Tathodan].. " i.e. they were driving back their flocks

Then, the prophet of Allah went to the women..

".. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

the question gives you an idea about the personality of Moses!

".. He said, "What is your circumstance?".. "

They said, "We do not water.. "

".. until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks].. "

This would need another question.. Why??!

But, they didn't give moses a chance to ask..

They said; ".. and our father is an old man."."

i.e. What is preventing our father of coming here is that..

he is an old man, and he can not compete with the crowd

So, we are doing the job instead of him..

".. and our father is an old man."."

and this conversation, that was documented in Qur'an..

clearly indicates that, their father was not Shu'ayban!

The scholars who had said that he was Shu'ayb, the prophet from Allah..

they went very far..

this saying was attributed to Al-Hasan Al-Basri.. but it is not correct.

It is not possible..

because the people of this village..

we know that the people of Shu'ayb..

some of them were destroyed..

and the believers had survived..

So, if this man was Shu'ayb..

the people with him must be, the believers.. who had survived..

So, it is not logical that a people would leave their prophet..

send his two daughters to water the camels..


As believers, they should serve their prophet properly.

The point is..

".. So he watered [their flocks] for them.." 28:24

So, he drove the herd..

and he fought his way forcefully.

Then the two girls were back home earlier than usual..

that has surprised the father..

has made the old man get astonished..

Usually, the two girls return home late..

But, because Moses has watered their flocks.. they could return home early.

So, being early to home, their father asked them..

and they told him..

After telling him, they had to explain to him.. to defend themselves from accusations..

in front of their father..

and the wise person does not condemn himself..

[Allah is the Protector]

putting it under suspicion..

So, they explained to their father..

"One of the women said, "O my father, hire him.. " 28:26..

".. Indeed, the best one you can hire is the strong and the trustworthy.". "

It was said.. [In Tafseer Books]...

he asked them..

How did you know that?

about his strength and his integrity.. then they told him.

He was strong, because he could do so and so..

so that we were done early..

That was because of his strength..

and as regards his honesty..

When we walked in front of him..

and because of his piety, he asked them to walk behind him, so that he won't be able to look at them!

on their way home.

after she said; ".. "Indeed, my father invites you that he may reward you for having watered for us.".." 28:25

The point of that all..

[Wurud] the prophet of Allah Moses to the well.

and what he did there..

when he was good to the creations..

the creator has granted him goodness..

Allah, Almighty, said:

'.. he said, "Fear not. You have escaped from the wrongdoing people."." 28:25

That was about [Wurud]..

in general..

in the Book of Allah..

and in the biography of His messenger, SAW.

Before ending..

we say..


that we are looking for..

is [Al-Wurud] to [Al-Hawd]

Allahumma, we ask you to make us come to the [Hawd] of your prophet, SAW. and to drink from its water..

And [Al-Wurud] that is feared..

is [Al-Wurud] on the path of [Jahannam]

and that is documented in Qur'an.. for ever..

in a great verse..

Allah, Almighty, said:

".. [on] the Day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with him.. " 66:8

".. Their light will proceed before them and on their right.. "

".. they will say.. "

".. "Our Lord, perfect for us our light.. "

".. and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.". "

This Du'aa.. supplication..

it is good, if the believer could..

supplicate very much with it.

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

you say it always while you are doing your stuff..

for matters you want to succeed in doing them..

for matters that you have began, and you want Allah to finish them for you..

Say this Du'aa..

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

Sometimes, try to do Qiyam Salat, at night, with reciting this verse..

to get a perception.. a sense of what you are about to do..

So, if Allah would perfect your light for you..

Allah will lighten your way at Dunyah..

and Allah will illuminate your grave..

blessedness for a servant who had prayed Salat, before they pray salat on him.

and blessedness for a servant who had illuminated his grave before being inside it.

And blessedness for a servant, for whom Allah would perfect his light on the land of gathering..

And blessedness for a servant, for whom Allah would perfect his light on the path of Serat.

The believer must free himself from the wrongdoing of the servants

and he surrender his Heart to Allah..

and continuously ask for forgiveness, from Allah, the One, the Subduer[ Al-Qahar]

and ask goodness from Allah, with expectation..

thinking perfectly, about his Lord..

and say, as Allah had taught us..

'Our Lord, perfect for us our light..

and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.'

and may Salat be upon Muhammad and his family.

and [all] praise be for Allah, Lord of the worlds.

For more infomation >> Al-Wurud, is to come to.. But, how is it explained? By Sheikh Salih Al-Maghamsi - Duration: 29:52.


Is AdWords Worth It? - Duration: 4:52.

Is AdWords worth it?

Can it help you to grow an audience here on YouTube?

We'll get into it.

Hey it's me Brian G.

And on behalf of myself and Nico at Morningfame welcome!

Simplify your growth here on YouTube by subscribing.

Let's talk about AdWords.

Can it help you to move forward and grow?

It's such a common question.

I see it all the time.

Is AdWords worth it?

Can AdWords help me grow my channel?

The answer is possibly.

You know, coming from a perspective as someone who teaches YouTube, someone who has taught

internet marketing and audience growth for many many years it's really easy to say

no, it's not worth it.

But the fact of the matter is it really depends on your individual channel.

So let's talk about some of the things you may want to think about when deciding if you

should move forward with AdWords.

Number 1: Your channel is currently making money.

Hundreds of Dollars on a monthly basis and you can count on that income source.

For example, I've been really digging wearing the hoodies lately.

And let's say you've got merch on your channel and you are selling hoodies for 30


If that's the case then AdWords will give you all the tools you need to be able to track

every single click determining how much it costs in advertising spent to sell a hoodie.

Obviously the idea is to generate a profit with your advertising Dollars.

But you know what?

For most of you that are youtubers, that are excited about YouTube, you are probably not

making a hundred Dollars a month.

In that case does it mean that AdWords is something you shouldn't move forward with?

Absolutely not!

It depends again where your channel is at.

One of the things to consider is you wanna have a strong unified brand.

That's item number 2: a strong unified channel and brand.

What that means is it looks put together.

You are using the same fonts, you are using the same color palette, you've got your

brand messaging dialed in.

This is something that YouTube talks a lot about: a value proposition.

What is the value that you are proposing to viewers when they land on your channel?

Now if you don't have a consistent branded message, if your channel does not look put

together, if you are not leveraging the same color palettes in your channel art, in your

thumbnails, if you don't have a consistent look, you may wanna invest in that area first.

And it makes sense, right?

After all when a viewer lands on your channel and they can easily identify that you've

taken time to create something that matters they gonna be more likely to click on and

watch a video.

And item number 3: high converting videos.

Think about this: In order for this to work it's not just about getting your video in

front of an audience.

That audience has to like what you are producing.

They gotta dig and enjoy your videos.

So measure how many viewers it takes before you get a subscriber.

The rule of thumb I like to use is one subscriber for every 100 views to a particular YouTube


And that's a 1% conversion.

100 viewers generates 1 subscriber.

And the other thing to think about is how long are non-subscribers watching your particular


And here is why: If you are advertising, who is gonna find your video?


And you want to ensure that non-subscribers like and watch your video so you'll get

a boost in the algorithm, so you'll get pushed out and you'll really start to grow.

So look at these metrics and use that to help you identify if it makes sense for you to

start advertising.

And this is why: Advertising agencies hire spokespeople.

It's why advertising agencies hire actors who have the ability to clearly communicate,

well, on camera, well, doing a voice-over.

The most successful youtubers here on this platform are master communicators.

So these are the things you can think about dialing in and focussing on.

And once those are in alignment then move forward and leverage the power of AdWords.

Now lastly, when it comes to AdWords you can get a lot more click for the same amount of

money by improving your thumbnail click-through ratio or CTR.

Learn more about that by checking out the video in the YouTube... well, that one right


And I'll see you next time.

You dig?

For more infomation >> Is AdWords Worth It? - Duration: 4:52.


How to Reprogram Your Mind and Think Powerful Thoughts - Duration: 8:25.

So, it's important that you should engage in thinking the highest thoughts that are


The highest thoughts are the mantras.

I was just reading from a scholar who is in the United States, he is Guy L. Beck on Sonic

Theology, and he is Professor at a University, from Louisiana or somewhere.

This is something that was written thousands and thousands

of years ago.

"I shall describe to you the supreme character of the mantras, their key letters, and the

way to use them.

This is, however, a secret.

It is by mantra that God is drawn to you."

It is by mantra that God is drawn to you.

Why do you have to draw God?

Because God is intelligent.

He is omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.

It is by mantra that he is released, God is released, means he is made visible.

God is made visible through the mantra.

If we can go on chanting Om for instance, you can see God.

Nobody wants to believe that and everybody wants to think stupid thoughts and enjoy that.

That's the problem.

"By secret utterance, these are mantras, and therefore they are not to be published.

Their form is not to be written, and their speeches is not to be described."

(12:27 word not clear) 6.2 to 4

In one minute meditation that I gave I was using Na Ma Si Va Ya – you have to do it

within one minute, maybe less than a minute, half a minute.

Within this half a minute, you will have a tremendous amount of power flowing into your


Why are we not doing?

People say is karma is collective ignorance.

Collectively we are ignorant.

Somebody came and presented a newspaper this morning, the Tamil newspaper and an English

newspaper, and there was a great pull for me to go and read that news.

Is it going to benefit me?


So, I don't want to waste my time.

But there will be a tremendous amount of pull to go and read the newspaper.

Sai Baba used to call the newspaper as waste paper.

It is.

What do you care about the news items?

Most of them are negative.

Is it going to enrich your personal wealth or your health?


If you want to know about personal wealth and other things from news, you can get it

from another source, more in a direct search.

There is some movie star at some wedding of a rich man, is happening.

Everybody wants to go and read who went to the wedding, and what are the items that were

served at the wedding – the food, the dessert.

The whole world is screwed up, completely screwed up.

Our consciousness is screwed up.

So, these reflections made me to reorganize the Mystery School Program.

I don't want to waste my time anymore in teaching to people who are not taking it seriously.

My wife is a physical therapist, so she used to tell how to handle even a person who is

400 pounds heavy, and then when he comes in an ambulance, everybody should be licensed

to remove the person from the ambulance to the wheel chair.

If you are unlicensed, people cannot touch.

Because you can break his bone, and the hospital will have to pay a high price for it.

There is a system.

It is all brain waste.

Everything is worthless.

Now it will take a long time for the rest of the world to catch up with a few countries

in Europe, and also the other countries, United States and Canada – they have luxury.

But how can people who are living in other countries be successful?

It is all by using simple mantras.

Shreem Brzee is a gift to the world.

But do people believe in it?

They don't believe; they believe in newspaper, they believe in watching TV shows.

There is now a way they quantify this happening in terms of resonance, further actions.

My job is to create a new world where people can use their brain better.

God Bless.

For more infomation >> How to Reprogram Your Mind and Think Powerful Thoughts - Duration: 8:25.


A new safety commission is coming and you can use it to tattle - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> A new safety commission is coming and you can use it to tattle - Duration: 2:34.


How fast it is to defeat all areas with tier 4 pets in snow (read desc) - Duration: 6:57.

hey guys lol

what are you doing watching this video

this is cringe pls help me lord

helpp meee








BUdeee bap da DEEE


imma stap with tha captions see u lator l0l

hey honey i brought some milk

stop watching this cringe or so sub

lol hey there


yaw im tired

brb getting some food

no seriously brb

hey hold on gotta oepn the f00d


*crunchy cereal intensifies*

if u made it this far say #help me

lol hi ther

ur probably like can a man eat a quesadilla in peace?

owwy my teeth hurt from the cereal :(

am i trying to buy something with 0 robux?

this is smore cereal it yummy :)

budda bap buh DEEEE

this is painful

i dont get payed enough


um okay


dam did i just glitch


yay we did it

now u can quit bye

bye bye

duritos u want no ok


say #finallymadeit if u got here

dam i have to stretch my head to do this welp bye

For more infomation >> How fast it is to defeat all areas with tier 4 pets in snow (read desc) - Duration: 6:57.


Not Losing Weight On Calorie Deficit? It's NOT Your Fault - Here's WHY - Duration: 8:50.

What's up guys!

Carlo Macapinlac here from

I help busy professionals look good shirtless so they can feel more confident and get the

most out of their lives.

And in this video, I'm gonna tell you why you're not losing weight on calorie deficit

and if you stick around until the end of the video, I'm gonna give you a proven plan

on how to break through your weight loss plateau breaker.

If you're new to the channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified

every time I post a new video every week.

Alright, let's dive in.

Okay, if you're not losing weight on calorie deficit, then you're most likely following

the classic calories in vs calories out explained.


And it's built around this idea that if you just eat a little less, a.k.a be on a

calorie deficit diet and move a little bit more, like exercise, do that over time, and

you're gonna lose weight.

And almost everyone I know including their dog has tried this method of weight loss in

some way, shape or form.


The problem is, it might work at the beginning, but then it stops working, you hit a weight

loss plateau breaker, you get frustrated, you blame yourself, and then you quit.

Sound familiar?

And that's where a lot of people find themselves.


So, the calories in calories out model while it's technically true, is almost entirely

dependent on the calories out part and the calories in makes very little difference.

And nobody talks about this part.

Because reducing the calories in, again being on a calorie deficit diet, often reduces the

calories out.

And we just make this false assumption that the calories out stays stable.

But it doesn't.

Your calories out, also known as your basal metabolic rate can actually go up or down

by as much as 50%.

In fact, according to studies done on the biggest loser contestants, you know, they

just get put on these massive calorie deficit diet and it works at the beginning.

They lose a ton of weight and everyone's happy.


The problem is, it's not sustainable.

Over time, they're still on this massive calorie deficit, and their metabolic rate

just goes to shit and they stop losing weight even though they're on a calorie deficit.

Sound familiar?

Why do you think there's never any Biggest Loser reunion?

Because most of them have gained back a lot of the weight they've lost.

And the reason for that is there's really only two places that you can get energy from.

And this is the thing that a lot of "experts" out there don't talk about is that your

body actually functions as a two compartment system.

Let me explain.

If you look at the energy that your body wants to expend just to keep you alive, you know,

keep your brain active, keep your heart pumping, keep your organs functioning, basically, your

basal metabolic rate.

Let's call it BMR for short.

Let's say your BMR is 2000 calories.

Well, there's two different places where you can get those 2000 calories.

You can get it from the food that you eat, OR, you can get it from your fat stores.

So the assumption is that if you go on a calorie deficit diet, let's say 1500 calories.

You eat 1500 calories worth of food, you'll make up the difference of 500 from your fat

stores and your 2000 calorie BMR will stay stable and therefore you're gonna lose a

pound a week and you're gonna lose 52 lbs in one year and you're gonna weigh zero

pounds in a couple of years.

(facepalm) Of course, if that was true, we'd all be walking around with a six pack.

And this is the weight loss model that we've been led to believe for decades.

And almost every body i know has done a calorie deficit diet.

And it's almost never worked for anybody for a sustainable amount of time.

Now, going back to the two compartment model.

I want you to think about your body as sort of a railway switch.


Think of a train having to go through a fork.

You can only go one of two directions.


And this is the most important concept that I want you to take away from this video.

You can either take your energy from the foods that you eat or you can take your energy from

your body fat.

You can either get it from one or the other.

Meaning you can't get a little bit from the foods you eat then get a little bit from

your body fat.

It doesn't work like that.

It's one or the other.

And the biggest determinant of this railway switch is the hormone insulin.

Whenever you eat a meal, assuming it's a blend of protein, fat, and carbs, your insulin

goes up.

All you have to remember is that if your insulin goes up, you turn off fat burning.

You're in fat storage mode.

Now, when you stop eating, your insulin levels go down, and you switch from fat storage mode

to fat burning mode.

If we're being technical here, you're switching from the fed state to the fasted


You start using some of the stored energy in your body and that's the reason why you

don't die in your sleep every single night.

You've probably never thought of it like that before, haven't you?

Because as your insulin falls, you switch fuel sources and you get your energy from

stored glycogen and body fat.

So it's a pretty well run system assuming that you keep your fed and your fasted state

in balance.

And that's what you want.

You wanna have periods where you elevate your insulin levels to take in the nutrients from

the foods that you eat, but then you also wanna have periods where insulin levels are

low so you can use body fat for energy.

The problem is, that's not what happens in today's society.


6 meals a day, anyone?

Let's talk about that model real quick.

So, as you eat constantly throughout the day.

If you eat snacks, if you eat a lot of foods that are highly insulin stimulating like refined

carbs and sugar.

And that's the problem.

Most go-to snacks out there are highly processed and full of sugar like granola bars and protein



So, as you keep your insulin levels high from eating all the time and eating refined carbs

and sugar, you've switched over to this track where you can only get your energy from

the food that you eat.

Remember, you can't burn fat if your insulin levels are high.

And again, this is where a lot of people who go on a calorie deficit diet find themselves.

They're not losing weight even though they're eating less and they're on this massive

calorie deficit diet, they eat low calorie and low fat foods which are high processed,

they're hungry because those foods are not satiating, so they snack all the time, and

they end up blaming themselves for not losing weight.

Let's look at some numbers to paint a better picture here.

Let's say you go on a diet where you're on a 1500 calorie deficit diet.

But again, you're snacking all the time and you're eating a lot of refined carbs,

highly processed foods, and sugar.

If only 1500 calories are coming in, you can only burn 1500 calories.

I mentioned this earlier in that you can't just go on a calorie deficit and expect your

body to make up the difference from your fat stores.

It sounds like a great idea but your body doesn't work that way.

So your body is forced to ramp down it's metabolic rate instead.

And this is the problem with the classic calories in vs calories out model.

As you start off for example with a BMR of 2000 calories, then you go on a calorie deficit,

your body compensates for this by turning down your metabolic rate to 1500 calories.

Then let's say you eat 1700 calories because you're tired of eating so little.

Here's the crazy part.

Even though you're eating less than you did before, remember, you're only eating

1700 calories now, still lower than the original 2000, but since your metabolism has gone down

to 1500 calories, you're gonna start gaining back the weight you've lost.

So then you kinda do it again, and this is the definition of yo yo dieting.

You decide that you're gonna go on an even bigger calorie deficit.

Let's say 1200 calories which is insanely low.

But you're eating constantly, you're eating highly processed, low fat, low calorie food

which are usually loaded with sugar.

Well, now your metabolic rate has to go down to 1200.

Your body now has to start conserving energy.

It has to slow down normal body functions because there's barely any energy coming


So you start to feel cold because your body isn't generating as much body heat, you

feel tired and lethargic, you're hungry all the time and you're not losing weight.

Comment below if you've ever found yourself in this situation before.

The good news is that the metabolic rate can go up as well.

But again, the key determinant of that is insulin because you have to open up those

stores of body fat for you to burn.

It's not just there for looks.

Now if you're someone who's being struggling with your weight loss efforts for years, You

know, you've tried every diet under the sun, you've gone on this calorie deficit

diet, you workout every day but you just can't seem to lose weight?

Or maybe you're feeling stuck because you've hit a weight loss plateau and you can't

seem to get out of it, you feel like life is just passing you by, you're missing out

on opportunities, and you realize that it's time to get one-on-one professional help?

Then feel free to reach out to me.

Head on over to my website,, read through the page and the success stories,

and fill out the application form for a free consultation.

If I think that we're a good fit, then I'll personally reach out to you directly.

Now if you enjoyed this video, then please give it a thumbs up and share it with your


Please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already, I post a new video every week.

And hey, leave me a comment below if you found this video helpful or if you have any questions

about this video.

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the comments section.

Virtual high five!

For more infomation >> Not Losing Weight On Calorie Deficit? It's NOT Your Fault - Here's WHY - Duration: 8:50.


MSFT Stock - is Microsoft's Stock a Good Buy Today? Best Investments - $MSFT - Duration: 12:11.

Hey YouTube. I'm Jimmy

and this video I'm going to walk through my analysis

of Microsoft ticker symbol


This is the 20th video in our

series where we're analyzing all 30

stocks in the Dow Jones industrial

average. What the ultimate goal

of taking all of that analysis

and building three different portfolios

a value a growth

and a dividend you could see a link

to all of those videos in the description below.

So Microsoft is a technology company

that breaks your business into three main

segments. They have productivity

and business processes Intelligent

Cloud and more personal computing.

And as we could see they're actually fairly

spread out when it comes to a revenue perspective.

The largest is more personal computing

and that's got about 38 percent of revenue.

This segment is where they book revenue for

their Windows products.

And then they have devices like their

surface laptops Surface Pro

things like that.

They also have x box both the hardware

and the software.

Something like x box live.

Then the next largest segment

is productivity

and business processes.

That accounts for about 33 percent of revenue

in this segment Microsoft has all other office

products including Office 365.

They also have Skype one drive

all the revenue they generate from owning LinkedIn.

They also have their Dynamics Business

Solutions products

and then they have their smallest segment which

is their intelligent cloud.

This segment consists of their cloud

and server products.

The key product in this segment is Microsoft

Azure Azure is similar to Amazon's

AWS. In fact it's the second

largest public cloud service

behind only AWS.

And this brings us to an interesting point about Microsoft

and that is if you think about

it Azure is behind AWS

as Bing is behind Google.

And for me this could be both a positive

thing and a negative thing.

Microsoft has a couple big components of

their business that is second


You could say on one hand that there's

plenty of upside on the other hand you could say there's an enormous

competitor in their way.

They may never get to be number one.

So it's just something to keep in the back of our minds.

Now Windows 10 is doing quite well for Microsoft.

So it's going to be tough for competitors

to knock them out of that position.

So now let's look at some numbers

and see if Microsoft is worth investing

in. So here's a chart of revenue

and the green bars are estimates.

And as we could see analysts are expecting

Microsoft revenue to grow nicely

in the next couple of years

and leading up to 2018.

Microsoft has actually done quite well

in recent years.

Now as we could see in the most recent year revenue

jumped from about ninety six billion to 110

billion. That's more than a 14 percent jump.

Now if you want to dive a bit closer

and we could see where that revenue came

from. Here's a chart of revenue going back to 2014.

This time broken out by

percentage of contribution to revenue

by segments as we could see

the cloud revenue is getting a bit bigger

each year for the past few years

at about 29 percent of revenue.

Right now.

Meanwhile personal computing

is falling.

It hit a high of about 46 percent

in 2015

and now they're down to 38 percent as

of last year.

Now this shift in revenue mix may

be a good thing because when we add

our operating margins by segment

for the end of 2018

and the end of 2018 is actually as

of their 2018 ends at the end of

June. So their fiscal year runs

June to June just there where they just finished

their first quarter recently.

But either way when we add our operating margins

we could see that more personal computing is

only 25 percent.

In fact that's the smallest of the three segments.

When we look at the other two segments Well they're

both getting larger from a percentage


and their margins are better.

This should make a good case for

Microsoft margins continuing

to get stronger.

Now moving over to earnings per share we could

see that earnings per share looks very

similar to the way revenue looked.

So it seems that Microsoft is rolling

along nicely when it comes to both


and profits.

Now before we get into valuing Microsoft stock

let's look at some key points.

So recently Microsoft bought

a company called GitHub.

GitHub is a software development platform

this acquisition helps promote

Microsoft's management's

belief that over

the long term software

development will be key for the long term

success of any business.

So they hope to remain a staple

in all businesses going

forward. Now one more thing I want to point

out is when Microsoft's new

CEO took over his name is

Satya Nadella.

He took over.

If we jump back to the revenue chart we

could see he took over in 2014.

He replaced Steve Ballmer as

CEO of Microsoft.

And since then it appears that he's

been shifting the business towards

a more growth like company

and he's trying to set

up the company to dominate for

the future.

The fact that they're gradually shifting

towards better margin businesses

I think could be a very good indicator

that he seems to be doing a good job.

Plus look at the revenue chart.

Since then he's really started to pick up pace

and analysts have him expecting to

continue to do OK so now would valuation

method do we think would be best to value

Microsoft stock so

PE would probably the most popular one

and that would probably work well here

since they're a fairly stable company

and I doubt that profits

will be compromised anytime over the long

run. So my

personal favorite is of course

discounted cash flow.

So what I'm thinking is that we tried both

see how they shake out

and then try to come up

with ultimately what we believe is the best


with Microsoft.

Does it belong in one of our portfolios.

And if you can stick around for the discounted cash flow

valuation because I'm actually going to do something

a little different this time that I've done in some of

the other videos where we use DCF.

So let's start

with PE for me finding

peers from Microsoft might be a bit tricky

because they have so many different businesses.

Google is a good competitor when it comes to

Bing Amazon's a good competitor

with Azure.

Apple is a good competitor.

While Apple is a big competitor in a lot of different ways.

So for me it makes a lot of sense to use

Microsoft's own historical

PE averages

and then try to come up

with what we think is the best one to use

going forward.

So right now Microsoft's

current forward PE is about

21 x.

It's actually about twenty one

and a half X

but either way. Call it 21 X their

one year average is 24 x

their three year average is about 22

X and their five year average is about 19

x. So which one should we use.

Well since it seems that growth is picking

up in the past few years I think

it makes sense to use the three year average since

this would account for

the fact that things have started to pick up from


If we use the five year average we might pick

up part of what we'll call the transition period

for management since they just took over in 2014.

So if we're gonna use a three year average.

Well we need a forward PE.

Let's take the 22 X we multiply

that by the expected earnings per share

and that's about four dollars

and ninety six cents according to analyst

estimates. That gives us a fair value

of about one hundred nine dollars.

Okay so we have a hundred nine dollars

with PE. Now let's look at discounted cash flow.

Okay. So now to come up the fair value using discounted cash

flow from Microsoft stock I'm going

to try to use the multi-stage

discounted cash flow valuation model.

Basically what that means is I'm going to break

their growth into different stages.

So the first stage I'm going to take

a growth rate of 14 percent

to get that number I took I simply

took the average of the past two years

and the next year projections averaged

them out came out of the simple average of 14


Now if we take that 14 percent

and we apply it to the next three years

of free cash flow.

So we have each year grow by 14 percent.

That brings us to our second

stage in that stage we're going

to assume a growth rate of 7

percent. Where did I get 7 percent.

Frankly it's half of 14.

Because ultimately what I'm trying to do

is instead of

a typical just kind of cash flow valuation

that we typically do what we do is we say

OK you have

growth rate of 14 percent

and then the next day

or the next year whenever it is it drops

immediately down to our perpetual

growth rate.

So for our case we're going to use a perpetual

growth rate of 2.5 percent.

So now we have high growth of 14

percent. Then it drops for a couple of years

at 7 percent

and then it hits our perpetual growth rate.

Now another way to do this is you can

have Phase 1

where it grows at a certain period then a transition

period and then it

tapers off into your perpetual growth rate.

But again to that another video.

So after growing free cash flow by 7

percent for a few years we end up at 2025.

Now we assume each of these

stages lasted three years

and there's no hard and fast rule for

how many years each stage should


I stuck with three years because I feel like three

years is an easier number to project I could

project out three years more confidently than I could

protect our let's say five

and then after another stage would be 10 years

and 15 years that could get a bit complicated.

Now typically what we've got is

we want our research to drive

our projections

and what it might be.

So before

pretend you had a pharmaceutical

company that was going to grow

revenue by 15 percent a year

and then in year 5

they lose their patent

and you expect it to drop off quickly.

Well you could adjust this type of model would be

perfect for that you'd adjust it down

from whatever the percentages

down to whatever you believe the perpetual growth rate

is from there. Okay.

But now focusing on Microsoft now we actually

apply a perpetual growth rate

to our free cash flow.

So what that means is that from

2026 forward Microsoft

will grow forever.

In our case at 2.5 percent.

That being said this is actually

a three stage discounted cash

flow valuation method.

The yellow section is the first stage than

the bottom section is Stage 2.

Then the perpetual growth rate.

Well that's the final stage.

So now all we need to do is convert Microsoft's

free cash flow to a present value.

We do that by dividing that by

our discount factor.

In our case we're going to use a weighted

average cost of capital of eight

point five percent.

That's in blue.

And basically what do as we take

our 1 plus our eight point

five percent.

Then we raise it to the

power of whatever time period right.

So for 2019 it's one plus

eight point five percent raise to the power of


And since that's only one time period way

right now you could see it as one point zero nine.

But that's only that's a rounding thing if I had Excel

round to three decimal places it would be showing


Then in 2020 it's 1.085

raise to the power of 2.

And so on right down the right down the line

then all we have to do is we take

our projected free cash flow

divided by our discount factor

and we end up with the present value.

Add those all up we end up

with a fair value.

Today all we have to do is divide

that by the number of shares outstanding.

And that shows us that our fair value

is 80 dollars per share according

to our discounted cash flow valuation.

So this is a chart from Microsoft stock going

back over the past year.

And based on our own PE valuation

which was about one hundred nine dollars

and our discounted cash flow was

about eighty dollars.

Well we landed right

about in the middle of that right now that's about

where Microsoft is trading.

So called into our calculations

it looks at Microsoft.

Looks like Microsoft is somewhat fairly


Now personally I really like


I like the growth potential of Microsoft.

I think that Microsoft likely

belongs in our growth portfolio

because it's possible

that their free cash flow ends up being

better than this over the long run.

It's also possible that they get

valued higher simply

because they become more of a growth company

and the market has a way of favoring growth companies.

So for me this is a tricky one.

I really like the company

but they seem somewhat fairly valued.

I would at the early stages before

we go ahead and build the portfolio.

I like the idea of putting them in the growth portfolio

value portfolio probably only belongs

there if it falls even more

dividend portfolio probably not they have a dividend

yield of less than 2 percent.

So I'm not sure belongs there

but what do you think.

Does Microsoft belong in any of our portfolios.

Let me know what you think of the comments below.

If you haven't done so already hit the subscribe

button and thanks for sticking

with me all the way to the end of the video.

I see in the next video.

For more infomation >> MSFT Stock - is Microsoft's Stock a Good Buy Today? Best Investments - $MSFT - Duration: 12:11.


VERIFY: Is the leaked RodeoHouston 2019 concert lineup real? - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> VERIFY: Is the leaked RodeoHouston 2019 concert lineup real? - Duration: 2:00.


SNAPlife: Why IS IT A Mountian Made Out Of A Molehill - Duration: 2:50.

I'm Bill Snodgrass. Welcome to this SNAPlife episode. In this SNAPlife episode

we're gonna talk about a communication concept… a communication concept and

again this this comes from this comes from I son, Nathan, who actually has a

friend who they had this conversation and he passed it on to me you ever been

in a conversation where someone's like ah ah and you think why are you making

why are you making a mountain out of a molehill why are you making a mountain

out of the mole no that's actually the right question to ask if you think

someone is making a mountain out of a molehill you're you're not really

listening the way you should be that sound like a contradiction to everything

you've ever heard before think about it if this is a mountain to them and you're

thinking it's no big deal you're missing something you're missing something in

that conversation that would explain why it's a mountain to them why is it a

mountain to them that is the question that you need to be asking yourself not

criticizing them for making it into a mountain but investigating and as to why

whatever the situation is that's no big deal to you why I said a big deal to

them that is when you begin to do the kind of communication that's gonna lead

you and your relationship to a growth potential you're gonna grow towards one

another when you start figuring out why whatever that thing is is a mountain to

that person and you don't think it's a big deal now what are some of the

options one is they're just messed up and they're making a mountain out of a

molehill for no good reason the other option is there's a good reason that

that's a mountain to them what whatever it is if you're a good friend

you're a good communicator if you're a good listener a manager talking to an

employee an employee talking to a manager a teacher and student counsellor

or whatever whatever whatever if communication is the goal you're

gonna find out why it's a mountain that's it for the snap life episode

click easy 1 camera clip 1 take that's all for this episode click the like

button and subscribe to the channel and sign up for notifications leave me a

comment question and I will see you in the next episode


For more infomation >> SNAPlife: Why IS IT A Mountian Made Out Of A Molehill - Duration: 2:50.


Did I Meet My 2018 Art Goals? || All 2018 Artworks - Duration: 7:47.

So, is it worth it to take part in YouTube Artists Collective next year?

Hi everyone!

First of all, we hit 2000 subscribers, thank you so much!

And now it's time to show you all the art I made in 2018 and talk about the past year

and my art goals for 2019.

Although, I don't really like to call them goals, because I tend to get new ideas and

shift my focus and not reach that many of the goals.

So, they're just what I'm planning to do with my art and my YouTube channel as of right


Let's start with the art collectives.

I took part unofficially in all of the 5 themes of YouTube artists collective and all 6 themes

of animal artists collective, which started back in February.

Both of these made me paint a lot more than I did the previous year.

I don't think I set out to participate in all of them for the year, but once I'd done

a few, I didn't want to break the streak.

So, if you have trouble getting out finished paintings, maybe you like to sketch and get

many ideas and start on multiple art projects, but don't finish many of them.

In that case taking part in a bimonthly theme like that so that you have a set deadline,

can help you.

Or on the flip side, if you just can't think of ideas for your art, different art prompts

like this can also be helpful.

I also noticed that even if some theme didn't spark any interest in me and I had to really

dig deeper and brainstorm and do research to find something within that theme that I

found interesting, the result actually turned out a lot nicer than I expected.

For example, I wasn't that into the World in a Bottle theme at first, but I was really

happy with the painting I made.

Now, on to the downsides of taking part in 11 collective themes in a year.

It left me with less time for my own ideas and paintings.

Most of those videos were also very basic speed painting videos, which don't do that

well on my channel.

The YouTube Artists Collective videos did better, because that collective has been around

for longer and there are more people watching those videos as well as taking part in the

themes and I mean specifically people who are not officially part of the collective

still taking part in the themes.

So, there's more of a community around it.

So, when I published a YTAC video on the same day or same weekend as others taking part

in it, I would usually get a bigger initial viewership on my videos.

But the videos don't necessarily keep getting views after the fact unlike for example tutorials

that are still valid a year or two later.

So, I decided that I won't take part in these collectives in 2019 at least not in the same

way as I did in 2018.

I still think these collectives can be beneficial to the artists and Animal Artists Collective

also donates money from the sold original pieces to animal conservation and they raise

awareness about endangered species, which I think is absolutely great.

However, I want to concentrate more on doing art tutorials and tips and calming real time

sketching videos and sometimes videos where I'm talking about a specific topic, kind of

like this one, on my channel.

They're more beneficial to those watching, whether they're teaching you something or

helping you relax and they're also evergreen content.

So, I might still take part in some of the themes, if it's something I find really interesting

and have been wanting to do, but I won't force myself to take part in every theme and stress

out to get the paintings finished.

And I'll try to wrap the videos into a different package, maybe it's a tutorial of some specific

painting technique or trying out a new art supply or it's just real time sketching sounds

and not even a finished painting.

Moving on to the next topic, I haven't added new coloring pages to my Etsy shop in a long


It's been a year.

I did update the coloring calendars for 2019, but that's it.

And it's not because I haven't made new art to make coloring pages of as you can see in

this video.

I made a lot more art than last year, I have a lot of new sketches to turn into coloring


I even have enough animal sketches now to make a whole animal coloring book, although

I'm not sure it's a good idea to make such a general coloring book, it could be something

more specific, but we'll see.

I did an ASMR unboxing video earlier in the year of a drawing tablet and I decided the

next coloring book I upload will be digitally inked to try and make it a better quality.

However, I still haven't tried out the tablet and I'm not sure if it's even good enough

for precise digital inking.

So, I will try it out and if it doesn't work out, I will continue inking traditionally

and making more coloring products that way.

One of my goals for 2018 was to try live streaming.

I did go through a free online course on setting up for a live stream and found out that my

point-and-shoot camera that I film all my videos with might actually work for live streaming,

too, so I wouldn't necessarily even need to get a webcam for it.

But with other things going on in my life such as renovation on my apartment and having

to move out, I gave up on the idea of trying to live stream.

But when YouTube rolled out Premieres for all channels, which is a kind of a mix of

a live stream and an uploaded video, I was eager to try it.

The video is pre-recorded and edited so if it's an ASMR video you don't have to worry

about not being able to edit out any loud sounds from the traffic or neighbors, but

when the video premieres live, you still have the live chat and even the super chat feature

to support the creator and notifications and youtube promoting the video more heavily.

I tried it with two different types of videos.

A long, no-talking ASMR video and a short YouTube artists collective video.

I promoted both of them the same on my social media and email list and so on.

The long video did a lot better.

I think youtube is sending out notifications like 5 min late so a longer video has more

of a chance to be seen while it's premiering.

The short video did badly, especially for a YTAC video, although I'm not sure if the

premiering had anything to do with it, but it certainly didn't help.

Hopefully youtube continues to tweak that feature.

And I do see myself using it on certain types of videos, where the live aspect adds something

to the experience.

If you want to read more of my youtube statistics and whether I hit my goals I set a year ago,

I'll put a link to my yearly review blog post below and if you want to see my art tours

from previous years, click on the video on the screen.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Did I Meet My 2018 Art Goals? || All 2018 Artworks - Duration: 7:47.


Is It Too Late To Plant Onions? - Duration: 8:55.

Hello I'm Liz Zorab and this is Byther Farm and this morning I'm planting

onions in this raised bed here.

The sun is just glorious, it's a really cool, crisp day, the air is very damp

which is making the wind a bit chilly. But these onions are a little bit late

in going in. These should have been autumn sown and we're now in the winter,

so I really need to get these in. I have my two dibbers with a piece of twine

between them. Thank you Erica. And so I'm going to make some nice straight

lines and get these onions in. This bed is the old parsnip bed and at this

end I've still got, one, two, three, four rows of parsnips, but they will come out

over the next few weeks. And this end I'll put something else but for now I'm

going to get the onions in here and I think possibly as I lift the parsnips,

I'll either put in more onions or I'll put in some shallots.

So I'm using the string to give myself a guideline and when I did this with the

garlic last week I used my hands to create holes. I think it's just way too

cold so I'm going to go and find my little trowel.

Victory! It was just

where I'd left it.

So I'm going to make some neat holes about six inches apart.

This is really a guide for me more than a definitive decision.

We use a lot of

onions in the kitchen, they are the basis of many a meal.

And this variety is Senshyu Yellow.

So the yellow skin variety. I've grown them before I didn't

find them hugely strong in flavor but actually I really rather liked them.

So in they go, and as with all onions, shallots and garlic it's the root end

down. The easy way to tell that is that the pointy end goes up! Now I'm not

covering up the holes until I've made the holes for the next row. So here we go,

pop my string in about here, and may have these a little too close

together, let's have a look.

I'm aiming for them to be about six inches apart when they're planted, which

means as they grow it gives them a little bit of space, they're not going to

be touching. It also gives me room to get a hoe in between them to remove any weeds

if I want to or I can add more compost and mulch out any weeds.

Now the reason

that I didn't cover these holes over is that they then give me a guideline for

the next holes, of where they're going to go.

Because whilst I'm not obsessive about straight lines if you want to be able to

weed in between bulbs, having them in a fairly straight line really helps.

Once you've got organized it actually doesn't take very long to plant these, if you've

got the holes there, it literally is just a case of popping them into the ground,

pushing them in to the level that you want them to be. Now as with my garlic I

want these to be a couple of inches, so that the top is an inch or two, two

preferably, below ground level. I just think it helps stop the birds from

pulling them out. So once the little shoots appear they

have actually got some some roots to hold them into the ground. So I'm covering

over my first row but leaving the second row so I can see the second row as a

guidance again.

It's not a long job, it's not a difficult job and it's quite a satisfying one to

have got done!

It hasn't taken very long to plant six rows of onions.

I think now I'm also going to put a stick in here, which will show me the point at which

the onions are planted up to. So they're up to here.

The only other thing I want

to think about for these onions is to put some sort of covering over them To

try and a) dissuade the birds from pulling the onions out as their little green

shoots grow but also to try and discourage the local cats from using

this lovely bed as a toilet. And it's not just Monty, there are other

cats in the neighborhood. So I'm going to put a layer over it which will just,

hopefully, invite them to go and use somewhere else for their toilet rather

than this onion bed.

In a week or two's time I'll have access to lots of old

chicken wire which could be used over this bed, but in the meantime I've

got some plastic netting which is like a strawberry netting that you can throw over

to protect fruits.

I've had this for about three years now, I'll just keep on

using it on the grounds I don't really want to be getting plastics and then

chucking them away all the time. So they get reused and I'll do the best I can

with draping this over and fixing this, just to give these onions a little bit

of protection here for a month or so.

So there we go, that's the netting over the top. Now it isn't done in a

terribly fancy way, it is literally two pieces. I've got them as tight as I can

so that there's less chances of anything be able to get underneath them. I mean

certainly we don't want any birds getting underneath them, so I will just

go around the edges make sure that these are held down. A couple more sticks on the

side I think will do that. This isn't going to stay on for very long but

hopefully enough time to give those onions a really good chance to get going.

And so wherever you are in the world and whatever you've got planned for today, I

hope it's a good one and I also hope you'll join me again next time!

For more infomation >> Is It Too Late To Plant Onions? - Duration: 8:55.



alright yo so boys and girls today's video..erm..josh cook & ksi we're dating!!

joking...I'm just lying again but today we are indeed reacting to my ksi sh*t track

i mean..diss track... sorry yeah diss track now this diss track okay there's a man out

there and he's fun looking at me hi now this dis track is that the diss

track of all these trucks it's absolutely shit okay so I put the

ad as well I've had the haircut that's why it looks a mess right now poor and I

am gonna get a shower in developers I don't know why I telling you all this

information but my mum's idea at the moment and I'll be waiting like five

hours be by the time they probably about 10 minutes actually but I'm an impatient

bastard well I am by laptop here and I've also got a phone which hasn't got

any charge I mean that's irrelevant also let me know what do you think to these

like natural lighting look now I don't really like Higgs he kind of baked me

out a little bit before if you boys and girls want my bride to call the videos

not really call her I'm still a fucking on-call person but I am down to like

film when it's daytime instead basically I filmed it a day today because I

thought maybe I'll make the video seem brighter and just all that sort of stuff

and I know it's like a stupid thing to say everything I say is fucking stupid

but and let me know if you want more natural lighting videos instead of be

filming in the DAC where you can barely but fuck it save me Savion it's but yeah

let's react to ksi diss track oh Christ alright I'm just gonna quickly go get

the headphones because I need to actually listen to this amazing diss

track it's not amazing what's the opposite of amazing shit that's what

this is shit so I have got my headphones here we go baby let's eat them now choke

it right let's put them in my ears and react to this fucking thing anyway

so this video got a hundred and thirty-two likes admittedly

about five of them was me now I'm not even gonna lie fourteen dislikes why

dislike the video that's prettier he was uploaded on June the 12th of 2016

and M now put in the description today I roasted the one another ksi and fuck me

it was fun now Josh I wouldn't even say your roasted ksi from the way you are in

this video you kind of roasted yourself does that make sense

essentially what I see is it was that bad that I dished myself in some ways

because he was that bad I've just said that

ladies react to this two minutes Oh Bettina Fortis one second video let's go

so who did you guys want me to roast them all okay yes I'm pausing it seven

seconds in already fucking take that top off Josh you can see your fucking

nipples secondly and nobody asked me to roast ksi I just I don't know why I did

really just chat become relevant really which didn't work every didn't like

anyway let's go see you know when rappers do like a and shit the twelve

don't like that but you know when to do it this time song that's what I was

trying to represent no you know come across that way I was may look how ugly

he is not the guy in the video but belt without fugly

now I was trying to lip-synch the blue Rick's didn't work I was around fucking

hour behind them but I am I don't like this guy at all

also I've got 3d cinema glasses on which I thought before it it's not even funny

is it because I've just a childish bastard anyway sporty Fawcett cuz then

let's keep going really fucking lame so our flow Haitian me get obtained yeah

although I am vibing a little bit you could just see where I live now this

wraps a bit cold now recently that gab shocking fucking shocking aking dad

better now hang on hey oh Christ essentially I didn't know how to dab and

this is when dabbing was like a massive thing and my friend taught me out to

doubt but I still didn't listen did up because what the fuck's that anyway

you'll see metabolites you in the video sexy dev twice in this video which is

legal and then even worse than this one somehow but yeah one minute one let's

continue with this shit beautiful Road

subscribers old I don't like you know look at that up oh Christ on that it hey

I went like that I'm here oh no more so cool I like a funky

bobblehead pushing that sky orange coat oh my dad coming up a Christmas oh

thanks dad this this beat this beat I had to change so can it yo is it in sync

I mean it wasn't you single before you first be I walked up the size of a golf

club so I got my neighbors were thinking I'll be quite interesting anyway cut

you'll get my neighbors to this which he doesn't have anymore anyway I didn't

enjoy that now also it's pretty quickly adds that thing on my head I don't want

to call it high doesn't deserve to be called that fucking shit on the head

I've still got it which I don't know why I need to fucking get rid of it maybe I

should film the video like this I mean I've already filmed the video so it'd be

fucking pointless now I need to put that in the bin and pretty buddy wondering it

is from Billabong I think that's a deed off really anyway

literally one of the lyrics was because who needs a lambda when you have a box

on what a fucking stupid thing Tyr's what idiot say that who would choose a

box all over a Lamborghini I mean depends on box all really now what is

that the riches I said so big no it wasn't my name is just cook and I stand

so tall now I don't know what I'm five foot three fuck right now where the fuck

of us said that now joke six-foot-two or something I'm not five

foot three for crying out loud for fuck's sake let's continue watching it

because it's actually another minute to this video with me talking shit so one

minute forty 19 let's go again subscribe

just thanked us twice how much year likely three times actually if you

include this fucking video the only good thing about this is a fucking fee isn't

it let's be honest SmartWater on the recycling bin now class it about while

actually quite a nice to be fair not on out I wish you was these speeds in place

I shut the Gary's uni actually got caught on the bike and make the tire

flat which is a bit fucking input shit but I've so been worked and so

wonderfully and thanks for watching if you could share this video will be

hugely appreciated don't share that video share this video please because

I'm not that person anymore I'm probably some not admittedly I am wearing the

same hat and I'm also wearing an adidas Jackie like I was back then so I haven't

changed that much boy are young that dis track was fucking epic now wasn't

literally though I remember filming that distract my friend came over yes I do up

a friend just the one now and he came over and we filmed it and we had folded

that could be taken our context also I've just find me on the radio that

fucking hurt but if you do want a kiss ID strike Pat - why the fuck would

anybody want that I would seriously don't know why you would want that but

if you do let's do it for 500 likes no not 500 does a bit two-minute let's

do 444 likes and I will get one of my friends my only friend to come over and

we'll fill the case itís track again and I'll try I'm actually trying to recreate

that sheet but literally I enjoyed reacting to my kids I distract so it's

like chaos eyes you watching this me let's fucking box together and you beat

the shit out of me probably no it's not box also just wanna quickly disclaim as

a lord you know in England right now it gets dark so early what the fuck they do

lover he gets - about 4:00 p.m. so I had to get up very early so I got up to PN

that's quite that's actually really early for me but no literally I go oh

it's there this has got a chilling cook and

came home and filled this video anyway thank you for watching I don't know who

loved this video before or after Christmas but if it's after Christmas I

hope you had an amazing Christmas it is before Merry Christmas

oh shoot me someone but thank you so much watching my reaction to my ksi

whatever that was more than further ado I would speak to you all in the next


For more infomation >> I MADE A KSI DISS TRACK AND IT WENT VIRAL... - Duration: 8:46.


Horror Movies That Will Blow Everyone Away In 2019 - Duration: 11:13.

2018 was a great year for horror movies, but horror fans have even more to look forward

to over the next couple of years.

Intriguing remakes, sequels to smash hits, and awesome original projects from beloved

filmmakers are all making their way to horror fans in 2019.

2017's Happy Death Day was a surprise hit, a slasher-y take on Groundhog Day that cleverly

milked its premise for scares and featured a winning lead performance from Jessica Rothe.

The original film's ending saw our heroine's time loop finally broken, but director Christopher

Landon has teased that he left some important details unanswered for the sequel.

Landon will handle scripting duties in addition to directing this time around, with much of

the cast set to return.

Rothe has confirmed that the sequel will indeed pick up right where the first film left off,

comparing its aesthetic to the Back to the Future series.

Happy Death Day 2U is expected to hit theaters on February 14, 2019.

The directing team of Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer will helm the upcoming remake of one

of Stephen King's scariest stories.

Pet Sematary has a killer creative team lined up, with a script co-written by David Kajganich,

who wrote this year's Suspiria.

Jason Clarke will star as beleaguered father Louis Creed alongside Amy Seimetz as his wife

Rachel, while John Lithgow will play the Creeds' neighbor Jud.

The film is set to spook audiences on April 5, which gives you plenty of time to rewatch

the terrifying 1989 original.

"I finally came back for you Rachel.

I'm going to twist your back like mine so you'll never get out of bed again."

The Curse of La Llorona is an upcoming flick based on a famous Mexican urban legend surrounding

the ghost of a mysterious woman.

Director Michael Chaves makes his feature debut on the film, and early reviews are extremely


A recent screening at San Diego ComicCon reportedly brought down the house.

The cast is headed up by Linda Cardellini and Raymond Cruz, a veteran actor who made

an indelible impression as the psychotic Tuco Salamanca in Breaking Bad.


Damn, man, look at that look!


Ya s'messed up."

Set in the '70s, the film follows Cardellini as a widowed social worker who begins to turn

up unsettling similarities between her family's own tragedy and that of a case she's investigating.

It turns out that both of them may have ties to the vengeful ghost that the movie is named


The legend of La Llarona is well-known in Mexican culture, but it's all set to go mainstream

on April 19, 2019.

2004's The Grudge, based on the 2002 Japanese film Ju-On, didn't exactly wow critics, but

audiences were scared out of their shorts by the film's insanely creepy imagery.

Next year, audiences will once again have a chance to get spooked by the vengeful ghosts

in the upcoming remake.

This revival holds significant promise for one good reason: the involvement of writer-director

Nicolas Pesce, whose 2016 debut feature Eyes of My Mother was a master class in suspense

and atmosphere.

John Cho and Lin Shaye have joined the cast, and Sam Raimi, producing the film through

his Ghost House Pictures imprint, has said that the new adaptation will draw on the source

material rather than the 2004 version.

Grudge is scheduled to arrive on June 21.

The Conjuring universe just can't seem to stop expanding outwards.

As if the recently released The Nun and the newly announced The Crooked Man wasn't enough,

a certain supernaturally possessed porcelain doll will be coming back for Annabelle 3 next


Returning screenwriter Gary Dauberman will be taking over the directing reins as well

in his debut for the as-yet untitled Annabelle sequel.

The film will see the return of The Conjuring's psychic investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren,

played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga.

The Annabelle sequel will reach the big screen on July 3.

From the moment that 2017's It ended, speculation has been running rampant about a sequel, in

particular, who would fill the roles of the adult versions of the Losers' Club.

Well, wonder no more, since It: Chapter Two has cast a bevy of excellent actors to play

the modern-day version of the Losers' Club.

Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, and Bill Hader will all join the cast, while the extremely

talented child actors that anchored the first It will appear in flashbacks.

And of course, Bill Skarsgard will return as Pennywise, in all of his terrifying glory.

Considering that It shocked everyone by virtue of being one of the best horror films of the

decade, It: Chapter Two is one of the most highly anticipated films of the year in any

genre, but it's got a pretty long wait.

The film is slated to hit theaters on September 6.

Escape rooms, in which people pay to figure out how to liberate themselves from seemingly

escape-proof places, have become all the rage in recent years.

It's anybody's guess what took Hollywood so long to come up with a thriller based on the

claustrophobic premise, but finally, here we are: the aptly titled Escape Room is coming

our way in 2019.

The film brings together six strangers who receive mysterious invitations to participate

in a hardcore escape room which promises a $1 million prize to anyone crafty enough to

complete its challenge.

As seen in the harrowing trailer, this is a room which has ways of making sure nobody

ever leaves.

Director Adam Robitel, responsible for Insidious: The Last Key as well as the underrated The

Taking of Deborah Logan, will be at the helm, with a cast headed up by Deborah Ann Woll,

Taylor Russell, and Logan Miller.

Escape Room will make its debut immediately after the new year, on January 4.

2017's Split was a triumphant return to form for M. Night Shyamalan, following years of

questionable choices and poor reviews.

Telling the story of Kevin Wendell Crumb, a man with 24 distinct personalities, the

film was a lean, triumphant piece of horror filmmaking.

It also had the old patented Shyamalan twist: Split revealed itself at the end, via a well-placed

Bruce Willis cameo, as a stealth sequel to Shyamalan's 2000 hit Unbreakable.

"They gave him a funny name, too.

What was it?"

"Mr. Glass."

"Oh yeah."

Speculation immediately started running rampant that a third installment was forthcoming,

and it didn't take Shyamalan long to confirm that Glass, named for Samuel L. Jackson's

villainous Unbreakable character, would reach theaters in 2019.

Jackson himself didn't realize there'd be a need for him to reprise his role until he

saw Split, but as he told a CinemaCon audience, he's thrilled about it for a specific reason:

"It's about time I got the title role in my own motherf—-ing movie."

The trailer features Sarah Paulson as a psychiatrist specializing in patients who think they're

superheroes, and considering the superpowered denizens of the Glass universe, she's probably

bitten off more than she can chew.

It appears Jackson's Mr. Glass will once again be pulling strings, manipulating Willis' David

Dunn into a confrontation with the Beast; McAvoy also returns, as does Split's Anya


Glass premieres on January 18.

Ever since MGM quietly resurrected the long-defunct Orion Pictures imprint in 2014, the studio

has struggled to find an identity.

Once responsible for classics such as First Blood, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure,

and Silence of the Lambs, Orion has spent the last four years cranking out films which

have gone largely unnoticed by the general public, with a couple of exceptions like The

Town that Dreaded Sundown and James Gunn's 2017 thriller The Belko Experiment.

These films were fairly well-received and enjoyed relatively high profiles, and they

had something else in common, they're among the studio's only horror pictures making up

their post-2014 output.

Perhaps MGM execs finally noticed the extreme profitability of the genre in recent years,

because Orion's first effort of 2019, The Prodigy, looks suitably terrifying.

Nicholas McCarthy will direct the film which looks to bring us a new spin on the Creepy

Child subgenre.

Plot details are thin, but the trailer looks atmospheric as all get-out, and the films

boasts a pretty stellar cast.

We may have an Omen for a new generation on our hands.

Fox Studios' New Mutants, part of its Marvel/X-Men universe, has had a troubled history.

Originally scheduled for release in April 2018, it was first pushed back ten months

to February 2019, and then an additional six months to August, after a series of test screenings

didn't produce the reaction the studio had hoped for.

Audiences responded well to the film, but Fox had been shooting for stellar scores,

and decided to take extra time to make New Mutants as good as it could be.

Since it will be the first true horror film of the X-Men franchise, this seems like a

reasonable approach.

The trailer released ahead of the film's initial release date promised a claustrophobic, creepy

good time, but this is a film in which tone will be everything.

The recent deal between Fox and Disney, which will likely see the X-Men, Fantastic Four,

and Deadpool end up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at some point, doesn't seem to have

affected Fox's plans for New Mutants.

The film will appear in theaters too soon for any cross-pollination to take place, even

if any was planned.

Despite rumors that the long delay and Disney deal meant the project might be shelved, it's

been confirmed that New Mutants will arrive in theaters on August 2.

Followed may sound a bit familiar at first, it's part of the new breed of found footage

flick known as "Screen Life," in which all of the action takes place within the confines

of computer and smartphone screens.

If it seems like a cheap gimmick, consider that the well-received Unfriended and its

sequel established the viability of the device as an effective storytelling tool, and the

John Cho-led Searching did even better critically.

And despite its similarly tech-y title, Followed doesn't appear to be simply capitalizing on

this trend, but expanding on it.

The film stars Matthew Solomon as a controversial vlogger who specializes in the "sick and twisted,"

who must up the ante after a benefactor promises a huge influx of cash if he can pump up his

subscriber base by Halloween.

He plans to get a subscriber bump by livestreaming his stay in a haunted hotel, which of course

does not go according to plan.

Aside from its Unfriended-meets-1408 premise, the film innovates by periodically breaking

the immersion to take on the first-person viewpoint of whoever is watching the video

clips, adding to the growing mystery of just what exactly is going on here.

Followed made its debut in 2018 at the Burbank International Film Festival, where it took

home the prize for Best Horror Feature, making it among one of the more intriguing horror

films to watch once an official release date gets announced.

2017's 47 Meters Down was a tense nail-biter of a deep-sea thriller, featuring Mandy Moore

and Claire Holt as sisters who get way more than they bargained for on a shark watching

adventure in Mexico.

The modestly budgeted production turned a respectable profit, so in 2019 Entertainment

Studios will bring us 47 Meters Down: The Next Chapter.

The sequel will feature an all-new group of characters in a Brazilian locale who run into

some serious shark-based problems while searching for a lost underground city.

For more infomation >> Horror Movies That Will Blow Everyone Away In 2019 - Duration: 11:13.


Will My Ex Come Back After No Contact - Will Your Ex Come Back? - Duration: 8:43.

Will your ex come back after no contact?

Stick around and I'll let you know if you are stacking the deck in your favor or if

you're just really wasting your time with all of this and stick around to the end because

I'm also going to be sharing with you the biggest sign that I've seen in people that

have been successful in getting their ex back after no contact or just in general anyway.

My name is Clay.

This is the channel and we help people get the dating and relationship

outcomes that they are looking for without the BS or the mind games.

If you like what we're doing here at any time during this video, please consider subscribing

to this channel and please consider interacting with us down below in the comments section.


Let's go ahead and get into this.

So the first thing to look out for when it comes to whether or not your ex's given to

get back together with you after no contact is if you have resolved the main reason why

the two of you broke up, they may not know specifically why the to be broke up, especially

if it was one of the breakup types that we called the blind side breakup or just kind

of came out of nowhere.

But if you really stop and think back, if you look back over the last couple of weeks

or maybe even months of your relationship, you can probably start to piece together some

signs that things weren't really going kind of in the optimal direction.

If you can kind of look at that, you can say, okay, well maybe our connection was kind of

falling apart a little bit.

Maybe we weren't bonding the whether we used to.

Maybe she was complaining about how I spend too much time working.

Maybe he was saying I wasn't taking enough of an interest in his life or whatever it



If you can go ahead and resolve that issue, then that is going to be a very, very, very

big sign that you can actually get back together with your ex after no contact or just in general.

Your ex isn't going to walk back into the same broken dynamic or broken relationship

that they walked out of in the first place.

They want to come back to something that he knows is going to be completely different.

They want to be in a relationship that they know isn't going to have the same problems

that caused them to leave in the first place.

So if you have resolved the reason why your ex broke up with you, then that's a huge sign

that there might actually be something going on or they might actually want to get back

together with you.

The second sign that you might actually get back together with your ex is if you haven't

just wasted your time during no contact, kind of white knuckling it through the process.

Now I have something called active, no contact, but I know that there are a lot of people

out there who watch other videos online or read other websites and they hear about this

thing called the no contact rule and they think that there's just like one version of

no contact, but there isn't.

There's many types of no contact.

I happen to teach one called active, no contact if you'd like to learn more about that, check

out the card that should be showing up over there in the corner and that'll take you to

a playlist or I'll tell you more information on active, no contact for better or worse.

A lot of people just kind of white knuckle it through, no contact that just try and on

and just think that somehow not talking to their ex for, in most cases, 30 days is going

to somehow healed some sort of magical result.

But I hate to break it to you if that's all you're doing is not talking to your ex.

Your results with no contact are going to be very, very limited because like we just

mentioned, they would be coming back into the same dynamic to be coming back into the

same relationship.

They would look at you and say, you're the same person I broke up with, but if you do

something like active, no contact, then they're going to see a new side of you.

Then they're going to know that they're not walking back into the same relationship, but

if you have actually put in some time to demonstrate to your ex, they're not walking back in the

same relationship, then that is a very strong sign that you might get back together with

your ex after no contact.

The third sign is that interacting with you feels good, right?

So you've resolved whatever caused the two of you to break up in the first place.


That's very important, but your ex also isn't going to get back together with you just because

of that.

They're going to need to actually be moved on an emotional level and this means interacting

with you has to feel good, right?

It can't just be like, oh, hey, you know, I promise I won't cheat on you, and you know

it has.

It has to feel good on an emotional level, right?

In order to do that, you have to really get good at bonding and connecting with your ex.

You have to get good at creating emotional interactions that uplift both of you.

Things that feel good.

I know it seems really obvious when you, when I kind of explained this, but the interactions

between the two of you have to feel good on an emotional level.

It's like, yeah, Duh, but a lot of times people lose sight of this.

They focus on things besides the emotional connection.

They focus on things like text messages on what it means.

If your ex unfollows you on this social media thing or if they like this post that you put

on this website or what it means if they put an online dating profile up, and what I'm

saying is you don't need to worry about that.

If you just focus on making the interactions between the two of you, feel good and also

it wouldn't hurt to fix whatever caused you to break up in the first place to the fourth

sign that you will get back together with your ex after no contact is you have gotten

out of damage control mode.

Damage control mode is that mental place of panic and anxiety that a lot of times people

find themselves in immediately after a breakup and sure, a lot of times people will think

that time heals all wounds, so if you just do no contact, you'll get out of damage control


Not true time can turn down the volume on some of these things, but if you're still

not really resolved, a lot of these deeper things that you might be experiencing, you

still can easily slip back into damage control mode.

A sort of offhand remark that your ex makes can send you into a panic, some sort of news

that you get like, oh, maybe they're dating somebody else.

Maybe you saw their online dating profile or maybe they posted something about how they're

glad to be single or something like that.

I can send you into damage control mode, so it's really important that you do your best

to get out of damage control mode because I'm going to go as far as to say that it is

almost impossible to have an interaction that feels good, which again is thing number three

is almost impossible to have an interaction that feels good.

If you were coming from a place of damage control mode, you must get out of damage control


If you want to get back together with your ex and the fifth thing that is a very strong

sign that you're going to get back together with your ex after no contact, and this is

the most important thing that I've seen with people that I've worked with over the years,

is that you're not the kind of person that gives up easily.

Now, I wish there was a way to say this and make it different, but getting back together

is not going to be a smooth journey.

They're going to be ups and downs, there's going to be setbacks, there's going to be

hot and cold behavior.

Your ex will probably do things like go through the stage of getting back together, called

riding the dragon where they're giving them mixed messages.

One day they're really into the next day they're cold.

There's going to be positive pullbacks.

There's going to be all sorts of things that come up along the way and if you're the kind

of person that gives up easily, then you're going to have a real hard time because when

those setbacks happen, you're much more likely to give up.

You're much more likely to retreat, but if you know what you want and if you're willing

to stick with it, if you're willing to just set your sights on what you want, you are

much more likely to actually get it in the long run.

And that includes getting back together with your ex.

The people that I've worked with that have been the most successful are the ones who

don't give up easily.

They're the ones that know what they want and they're willing to go after it.

Okay, so I hope this has helped you know if you have a good chance of getting back together

with your ex after no contact.

If you liked this video, please give us a thumbs up or subscribe to the channel.

If you want more help, check out the resources in the description box below this video or

head over to our website

I mean if you have any questions, ask them down in the comments section below.

We do our best to respond to as many comments as we can, so don't be shy about interacting

with us.

Oftentimes, some great tips and advice are down in the comments section anyway.

This has been Clay with and I'll talk to you the next video.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Will My Ex Come Back After No Contact - Will Your Ex Come Back? - Duration: 8:43.


Wyatt Russell Is Engaged to Meredith Hagner: 'It Was an Epic Surprise' - News today - Duration: 2:06.

Future Mrs. Russell!

Wyatt Russell got engaged to actress Meredith Hagner in Colorado over the Christmas holiday, she announced on Instagram Wednesday.

"The love of my dang life proposed to me," the Set It Up actress, 31, revealed. "He is the best guy in the world."

Hagner added about the details of the proposal, "It was an epic surprise surrounded by our closest family and I would give the proposal 5 stars on yelp!!!!!"

Reps for the couple didn't immediately return PEOPLE's request for comment.

The couple fell in love on set in 2016 while filming Folk Hero & Funny Guy together, following in the footsteps of Russell's parents Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, who hit it off while shooting Swing Shift in 1983.

Last year, Wyatt, 32, opened up to PEOPLE Now about the last show he binge-watched, which also happened to star his future wife.

"She's a fantastic actress and also my girlfriend!" the actor quipped about Search Party.

A family affair — like the proposal — the newly engaged couple recently stepped out with Wyatt's superstar family to support his parents' role in the The Christmas Chronicles.

Kurt and Goldie hit the red carpet for his new Netflix movie The Christmas Chronicles along with most of their brood: Oliver Hudson (from Hawn's marriage to Bill Hudson) and his wife Erinn Bartlett, as well Wyatt and Meredith. The group was also joined by Oliver and Erinn's three kids: sons Wilder Brooks, 11, and Bodhi Hawn, 8, and daughter Rio, 5.

Noticeably missing were Kate Hudson and her little ones: sons Ryder, 14, and Bingham Hawn, 7, and 3-month-old daughter Rani Rose.

For more infomation >> Wyatt Russell Is Engaged to Meredith Hagner: 'It Was an Epic Surprise' - News today - Duration: 2:06.


Royal fans spot something odd about New Year's Honours list - and it's to do with William and Kate - Duration: 4:41.

When it comes to fans of the Royal Family, they really know their stuff.

From royal protocol to royal traditions, they can walk you through just about anything to do with the Queen and her relatives.

If that weren't enough, they're also really good at coming up with interesting theories about the royals and their behaviour.

Their latest theory comes after the release of the New Year's Honours list and is all to do with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Natasha Archer, personal assistant to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has been included on the New Year's Honours list (Image: PA)

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People on social media are speculating that Prince William and Kate Middleton's personal assistant, Natasha Archer might soon be leaving royal life behind.

This is because she was included in the Queen's New Year's Honours list for 2019, in which she was made a member of The Royal Victorian Order (MVO).

The Royal Victorian Order is a knighthood that dates back to 1896 and was created by Queen Victoria, it intends to recognise distinguished personal service to the monarch of the Commonwealth realms, or members of the monarch's family.

Typically royal staff are given such an honour when they leave their position.

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Royal blogger Gert's Royals shared the news of Natasha's honour on Twitter, sparking debate about what it really means for her future.

One user responded by asking: "So Natasha is leaving???"

Another said: "This kinda confirms my suspicion that she'll be leaving the team after the birth of baby Theo but we'll have to wait and see!"

A third praised Natasha for doing a wonderful job, while someone else said they "don't want her to go".

She's been working with the Royal Family since 2007 (Image: PA)

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Gert's Royals added: "Royal staff are often given an honour when they leave. But it's also common for staff members to get an honour after some years of service.

"And I think when someone is leaving they are typically given the honour after they leave. Not before."

Kensington Palace have been contacted for comment on this.

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Two members of Kate Middleton's staff quit after she joined the Royal Family - just like Meghan Markle

Natasha first began working for the royal household in 2007 and has played an important role in William and Kate's lives - predominantly assisting the duchess with her style and travelling the world with the couple on official tours.

Most recently she was spotted arriving at the Ludo Wing in St Mary's Hospital following the birth of Prince Louis, to help the Duchess of Cambridge get ready for her public appearance.

The 30-year-old is currently on maternity leave after giving birth to a son with her royal photographer husband Chris Jackson - who was recently chosen to take Prince Charles' official 70th birthday portraits.

Named Theo, the couple's baby was born at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London on December 19.

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