Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily videos Dec 29 2018

Robot Dancer Video

Funny To Make Kids Surprised

Location: Solo Square Mall in Indonesia

this is a human who is dancing a robot

arms and hands move like a robot dancing

This robot dancing man attracted the attention of square mall solo visitors

it turns out that kids are allowed to take pictures with robotic dancers

At first Raisha was a bit afraid of approaching a human robot dancer

after a while, finally Raisha wanted to take a photo with a human robot dancer and mother

Thank you for watching

Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share friends ...

See you later...

For more infomation >> Robot Dancer Video - Funny To Make Kids Surprised - Duration: 3:29.


Teen Patti Gold 1000 CR POT video TB - Duration: 4:53.

Teen Patti Gold Poker Game 2018 Tricky Boy


Teen Patti Gold Poker Trick 2018

Teen Patti Gold Poker Game Trick My Good Luck Time 2018 Tricky Boy

For more infomation >> Teen Patti Gold 1000 CR POT video TB - Duration: 4:53.


Visiting A Christmas Story House (Live) - Paranormal Videos - Duration: 30:23.

santé for red white or BB gun for Christmas you definitely shoot your eye

out you should stick with the leg lamp

well hello there pair of peeps and welcome to another episode of our

haunted travels I am your host Sean Donnelly I'm your co-host Marion darling

do you have a problem up there little mental issue that's the other movie

that's between me and my daughter that's Uncle Eddie cousin Eddie hope

everyone is having a great day today we're trying something new no yeah

before I get into that though if you're into the paranormal history and some

forensic type videos you're in the right spot go ahead right now smash that

subscribe button ring the bell this is the right place for you panic the videos

alright today we are talking about the Christmas story house and we're doing

things a little bit different because normally these type of videos which we

call location videos which means we've been to that location right these come

out on Friday and it kind of wraps up the week but we thought hey we're off

work why not let's pray at least I thought that Marian's like I'll be back

I'll come and sit in a chair and look pretty

be your clickbait but this particular location you had their website up right

yeah I know cuz I need their address this particular location is not in the

panic decom database no it's not this is the first time we've done a location

video no second time second time now first time we've done a location video

that's not in the database but it does have a little bit of paranormal stuck to

it a little bit maybe we caught a report

about this location a couple years ago that there was a TV crew that was going

out to film a paranormal show and I'm thought hey Jack bought another

paranormal location let's go go there and add it to the database but nothing

came out about it yeah absolutely that show never

made it to air the the show was American haunts and it was supposed to be in the

seventh episode that's what they were told it was gonna be the Christmas story

house was gonna be part of the seventh episode but then they never I guess got

picked up and so it just kind of drifted away kind of drift it away so it doesn't

make the database right because we don't add them in the database if other people

don't report paranormal claims however here is a very cool location we're going

to tell you how it became a museum and show you some pictures and stuff from us

being there and tell you about our experiences but before we do that let's

take a look at chat see yous all here do you have chat oh my dear I'm getting

you your address all right all right okay so I can go back into my doing this

live we're gonna have to mingle in some of our livestream stuff to say hello to

chat and whoever's whole here that's right that's right but it said that we

were the only ones there and I know that's a lie so I refreshed and now we

have people that 15 watching us so she's doing that if anybody can let me know

and chat this is our first while second first live stream has a couple on this

new computer so if you guys can hear us and see us and everything's okay please

let me know chat there's a problem I guess I should have asked that in the

beginning yeah I think the camera needs to move over a little bit cuz you're you

got a lot of gap on your side I'm like right up against the edge but it's all

good have to fix that yeah so I have the participants if you

are ready go for okay Abraxas paranormal is here cliff riser

happy trails hiking joy Stewart Justin mellow Kells fam lady Abraxas Marty's

crew our family adventures McGee films Michael fire junior shot girl

tu-114 and that's how I wrote well hello everybody and welcome wampa welcome

that's how I roll great news about Justin by the way yes great news look

and sound pretty good well I guess I my late night I was

working on this kind of worked out late night early morning

yeah Maryann was out alright so anyways locations video so what we do is we kind

of show the record in a panic the home database I already just said hey it's

not in panic deep so we're gonna skip that part

but normally have a little video that we throw in there that my lovely narration

partner here does a history video about the location we don't have that for this

we're gonna do it live we are ok I keep saying Jesus the talent she just shows

up whatever you need me to do alright so how many people like the movie A

Christmas Story I know this has been a debate she could tell Marion doesn't

like it so I really hope the owners of the location find this video doodle

spite doug is here and super excited so I think doodles likes Christmas story

okay well Marion doesn't write Michael fire junior says I bet Annette Reagan's

in here - I probably yes

so anyways everyone knows you know if you've watched a movie have you ever

even watched it I watched it once and that was poncy - that's enough well

there's like so many infamous things from that movie mm-hmm you know like

when we opened about the BB gun you put your eye out the slide we talked about

last week we talked about castle Noel where a lot of those movie props are

still there tomorrow on our live stream at 5 o'clock we're gonna be doing

Christmas Story movie trivia some behind-the-scenes stuff on let's talk

paranormal it's gonna be fun we might make it a little trivia game but a lot

of that movie was filmed right in Cleveland Ohio okay

some of it was up in Canada and some other place somewhere on sound stages

but I'll tell you a lot about about the Christmas story house which is located

at three 159 West 11th Street in Cleveland Ohio and of course it is open

to the public but I will tell you there every night now yes you could stay there

overnight and you could stay at the bump of this house yes

overnight what's it is I have no idea I would recommend not going at

Christmastime oh absolutely we went in July and it was packed and on our tour

there was 40 some people on the tour in July because this is like one of the

number one it's up there I know it's top five tourist attractions for Cleveland

now I can just imagine if you get flight it gets stuck in Cleveland where you're

gonna go you're gonna go to heart the the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame probably

Christmas Story House are you serious it's in Cleveland we're gonna go check

it out I bet you at Christmastime that place is packed I'm sure it is

because there seems to be a lot of people who do like that although there

are a few people in our chat who are with me

I'm just saying really yeah okay well I'm glad we picked this for a topic

there are some people who agree with you and like it's here okay that's all right

that's okay all right so let's move on what we're gonna talk about is not

really the history of the house when we do a location video Maryann really digs

into the history of the building okay when it was built the size of it who the

architect was who the builders were that kind of thing

anything I can find anything it she could dig up no pun intended but

anything that she could find we put that well she puts that in the history videos

the location videos this one it's a house okay so basically it's just a

regular house that the I think it was built in 1895 say she knows was built in

1895 the movie studio pretty much bought it to film there and then it kind of

just went into private hands and it was one of those things where it was

starting to go basically so what we're going to talk about is how it became a

regular house and into a museum how it was restored and now you can actually go

see it this is one thing I like about this of course you do when you get to it

I'm sure you have it in your information over there and your stuff so I'm sure

that that will be the how it became a museum yes okay this is what she likes

about this yes so let's get started okay let's do that

Brax this wants to know if the leg lamp is still there they do make them so yes

there is a good question great Segway yeah stay tuned here we go all right so

everyone knows about the Christmas story house this is where they lived

yeah okay that's from the movie that's a picture from the movie there that's the

way it looked like in the movie so get it good you know commit that to memory

that type of thing because the picture I'm going to show you at the end it's

gonna be pretty interesting alright so what we're talking about is a gentleman

named Brian Jones this guy is one of our heroes well one of my heroes last week

we talked castle Noel we talked about Mark Klaus and some of these other

places that we're gonna be talking about like next week was the the guy who saved

the fort these guys are our heroes they're going out and saving these

locations whether their paranormal historical doesn't matter these guys

kind of like step up and basically their lives they put their life and to change

you know saving these locations yeah what if we had if we had the money

absolutely I had the funds I definitely go and try to save some of these

especially the history behind him and that kind of thing so anyways the story

about Brian Jones he's the owner of the of the museum right now so how do you go

from you know how do you get one of these locations and make it a museum

like how do you do that unless you have like tons of money and it's a hobby like

Henry Ford and he collected buildings you know but he had the money to do it

so the way this happened is basically Brian Jones is originally from San Diego

which we were just knows that and he was in the Naval Academy he wanted to become

a flyer a navy flier yes he did so he got his degree in aerospace engineering

but when he went to become a pilot he had a problem his vision his vision he

couldn't pass the test to become a jet pilot very sad so this was I could

imagine very depressing mm-hmm okay and

he was having a hard time so in order to cheer him up his family and this is this

is this is pretty cool story his family sent him a leg lamp now the whole family

were big fans of a Christmas story apparently so yeah so his parents

actually went and got a mannequin and pulled it out and made a leg lamp and

Senate him as a joke ya know they kind of cheer him up and Brian's the kind of

guy who was like hmm this is kind of cool it basically he made a business out

of it yes well other people kept saying hey

where'd you get that where'd you get that leg lamp so they started making him

so he did he started a business and he launched a new website to sell the lamps

ecommerce website April 9 2003 mm-hmm and in the description is a link to

their store I already put it in there see how that works do that early morning

in hours but there's a link to the original story and it's actually now the

Gift Shop ecommerce site yes and he did quite well very well yeah

you could say that very well so now that you see where you can go and by the leg

lamps and stuff like that they all come from Brian basically he has a company

that manufactures him of course I'm sure he had to go through all the hoops and

get the licensing and all of us are like that but that just became a passion for

him that that he wanted to do that the cool thing about it is is that he

generated some some cash some spending cash that's right a little pocket change

from doing that actually I'm jumping ahead so there it is that's the link to

the e-commerce site that link leads down in the description so when his parents

actually sent him this lamp they actually packaged it in the crate

and it said fragility on the side that's okay all right so let's keep going so

Brian's wife sent him an email one day enter my favorite part of the whole

story and said hey by the way guess what I found on eBay

yeah found on eBay that the house from the movie is for sale yeah she thought

it would be kind of amusing little this you know he would take her seriously

that's right he's the kind of guy who's like hmm I'd like to head back so he got

ahold of the seller yes originally on eBay it was going for

ninety nine thousand dollars he got a holder to the seller and said hey I'll

give you 150 thousand for today and within 24 hours he owned the house

everything taken care of he flew to Cleveland for the first time to sign the

papers yeah and it he did decide that you know hey the house has not been kept

the same and a lot of the inside was actually filmed in sound stages and

things like that so he watched the movie and he took meticulous notes use the

movie as research yes to put everything you know the way it is in the movie they

didn't film a lot of that and you know that's how it they do it at a studio but

when they did film there across the street there's a tavern yeah which we

went to we did very did that was there and all the actors would hang out there

and a crew and stuff like that and had a great time and all that stuff

but what you're seeing right now is the original eBay ad okay that went out and

it was going for ninety nine thousand dollars you can see the house right here

where it doesn't look like the way it did in the movie okay there's that

picture blown up a little bit he's like yep I want it so he bought it and he

turned it he renovated it back to the way it looked in the movie right it cost

him two hundred forty thousand dollars to do the renovations so you know he

bought it for a hundred fifty did all those extra renovations to put it back

to movie quality yeah yeah so if he had it up he paid 150 would you say 150

spent 250 on renovations yeah it's actually 240 but that's roughly four

hundred thousand dollars he spent to make this museum that's how it started

was just that just the house now it's a whole complex they owned buildings

across the street then there's a museum that had props in it and like I said

they just bought the bump was this house too did the first year the first year

when he opened the door 2006 2006 Thanksgiving of 2006 actually that first

season right sixty thousand people went through that house at $10 a pop yeah in

2006 and the numbers have gone up every year so they're generating couple coins

they don't have to worry about the fact that he didn't get to you know fly

planes for the military don't have to worry about being a pilot

so pretty cool place we were there in July of June or July of 2017

July July tonight towards the end of July yeah yeah and that actually we went

there the same day we went to Castle Noel the second time because we went to

how did we do it the we went to the we went to the Christmas story house first

first and we had to be a castle Noel by 2 right because in the summer time

Castle Noel only has one tour a day yeah yeah we took Mary Ann's dad with us on a

little adventure so I'm going to show you some pictures yeah we went in the

house we didn't go across the street to the other building they have actually

three buildings that they use now the house the gift shop and then they have

another building where they have memorabilia from the movie we didn't go

in the memorabilia from the movie building because we had to leave we had

to get to castle to get to the castle all day too so yeah you'll see this this

guy in here looking at stuff that's Mary Ann's dad

yes that's a net for those of you who know Annette Regan from Michael fairs

stream that is her husband my dad yeah so you can see how inside he renovated

it too and that's a fake turkey by the way but you've renovated the house to

make it look like the movie which is kind of cool no fire extinguisher how

much was the tour well they range in price okay offseason I think it was

seven dollars seven eight dollars on season it's it's ten eleven actually

general admission is general admission is currently $13

children three to 12 is ten dollars seniors 60 and over and get in for 1150

yeah they do a very good tour that's actually how we learned the story of how

the house became a museum originally they tell you that story about Brian and

they take you into the house you could go upstairs

you could go out back yes now if you are a member of the

military you know knowing Brian's military background he actually is a 20%

discount to anyone who is active or retired military yeah so you could go

all over the place spend as much time there that you want also like Mary Ann

mentioned earlier you can actually rent a room there and spend the night if you

want to that's probably a little bit pricier I know when they first opened it

it was to be the first person to stay in there it was very expensive but it was

that probably went to help offset some of that renovation cost but the link to

their website is down in the description where you can find out more of this

stuff I even put a link directly to the eBay stuff and I'm gonna be posting all

that on our patreon page and all that stuff so our experiences there yeah our

experiences as far as being there what did you think you didn't like the movie

you like the movie experiences but the way they had we didn't have any

paranormal experiences but as far as the the house itself goes I it was very

nicely put together they had really cool thing I don't know if you have a picture

of it gonna come up but they have a telephone that you could pick up and you

can hear them yelling and screaming and like stuff from the movie and just it

was really I thought if I liked the movie this would have been really cool

yeah there's another little tidbit that we learned when we were there because

you don't really catch it unless you really watch clothes in the movie but

that box that the lamp came in yeah that was stamped for Julie yes it's actually

cut off yes it doesn't say fragile all the way

across I think there might be a picture of it popping up here we'll talk about

this on the live stream tomorrow too but the reason behind that is is when they

were carrying the box that go into the house it was too wide yeah they couldn't

get had they had to stop stop production walk cut the box didn't have time to

make a new prop cut the Box make its Bowl or so it goes

through the door so it just says fragile I think it cuts it off on the on the eye

or the ill or something like that yeah but the it's just it's off-centered

I think it I think it still says all of fragile doesn't it but it's it's

off-centered and they are and they were like oh we need to cut the other side

and they're like no that way it's kind of cooler just leave it but the gift

shop is all set up like those crates so when you come in it looks like you're

inside one of them crates for the for the lamp it's actually pretty neat yeah

kind of cool my experience yeah thanks for asking

yeah anytime I thought it was too busy to be honest with ya we did when we got

there we had to wait mm-hmm a half hour maybe forty minutes we had to sign up

for the tour yeah for the tour then they give us a ticket and it's like okay

you're at this time yeah so we want to wear a cross the street you know what's

the thing so yeah we went we were an eight and though in the bar restaurant

that all of the actors aid in so that was kind of cool because I wanted to go

as we were sitting there eating lunch we looked out and one of the tours was

leaving in a day just they were just pouring out like I said forty forty-five

people on there yeah that or I could just imagine right

now they actually have a webcam that's on there their website yeah

even watch the outside who's gonna go at Christmastime and just see how many

people are there yeah but they say they line down the street it's it's crazy

parking would be horrid yeah because parking is horrible in the

summer well I went and somebody in the chat had asked they said I bet you the

neighbors love this Oh the neighbors do the neighbors do love it because they

get to charge for parking right they make money on parking yeah they let you

park all over their yards and they charge you you probably have to go

someplace and take a you know a bus in or something like that

yeah don't you think yes all right so what we got going on in chat here I

don't know what's going on in chat but I did look up the prices for that for the

house to stay in so if you want to stay there on

Christmas Eve oh geez if you want to stay there on Christmas

Eve it is two thousand four hundred and ninety five dollars two thousand twenty

five hundred dollars basically to spend the night there on Christmas Eve but how

cool would that be spend the night so much four hundred and ninety five

dollars January seventh through October 31st and then they have you know five

hundred seven hundred so so dollars for other times but Christmas Eve that's the

biggie that's the biggie it would be cool to say that you did that but not

$2,500 cool no no I can rent that there's a Lizzie Borden house oh I can

rent the whole Lizzie Borden house for about this yeah and it's the Lizzie

Borden yeah is a little pricey but there are

fans out there that will pay that and they're getting that and they're renting

that it's just I'm really impressed with I don't know what it put with Myron

Oriole sales with Bryan because he didn't really get you know totally like

upset because he just went through this and he couldn't become a pilot now I bet

you he was on that would have really made me upset you know if you were doing

that in this is not gonna happen but then to see this leg lamp arrived

you just tell you like count on how his family is you know your cheer up there's

a there's a lady yeah it's a special prize yeah okay so I think we're coming

to the end I think we're gonna wrap it up here we've been on for 25 minutes

this is a long one Oh long location okay we are gonna go live tomorrow at 5 p.m.

for let's talk paranormal but we're gonna be talking a Christmas Story house

movie trivia and yeah yeah so just before you know we say I was

gonna say is there anything else there so there you go there always is we did

talk at the beginning about how there was you know no official paranormal

claims and they had had a movie crew was coming out to do the videography they

actually did a whole big thing for it they were there for several days and

everything but it turned out that America huh American haunts not America

American haunts actually asked to go there because of the age of the house

they thought that that would have some so they basically went there without any

without any existing claim great I would love to have a conversation if you catch

this I would love to have a conversation with you sometime I'll buy you a cup of

coffee not a problem just sit down for like 5-10 minutes because if there are

paranormal claims in that house he would know about it he renovated the house

personally by himself and we all know when you do renovations renovations

stimulate my activity yeah I would love to sit down with it five minutes but

just five minutes how come you are haunted travels t-shirt so anyways I was

supposed to be in episode 7 but it never came to fruition so I don't know if

something there but it's not around water it's in the middle of a

neighborhood I think if there was any activity now it would be fans coming

back maybe I don't know hmm interesting it is interesting we didn't do any

property search or anything like that like we normally do to find out if there

was any bad stuff right it happened there were there were several deaths

that did happen in the house okay I documented that there was we don't have

an invitation I don't have personally that documentation it's just all

secondhand yeah that I've gotten so far okay

but since it's not in the database we haven't really dug in that deep yeah be

interesting though again Brian free t-shirt button just let me know the

size and I'll bring it just sit down have a cup of coffee maybe over there

across the street at that little bar hickey dooku bar that's fire Hickey

dhikr I don't know I made a coming up come on all right are we gonna look at

check let's look at chat here one more time before we say goodbye they like

move on fans and friends and family they like the phone beautiful like the movie

but not too yeah my dad loved the phone and he loved picking up the like BB gun

take a picture by the Christmas tree oh there's a speaking of which it's on my

screen over here yeah there's always a deli but basically they like the movie

or they didn't like the movie but the ones that like the movie don't like it

enough to spend $2,500 there say that Christmas Steve yeah but there are there

are probably big-time fans out there that would do that and Marty's crew

likes my new word I made up already well hey again thank you everyone for coming

by and playing with us here for half hour and we'll be back with community

announcements and all that fun stuff and everything tomorrow 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Time that's right right that's right four

live at five a lot of fun all right hey until next time thanks for watching

and happy hunting let's know if you like this video by hitting that thumbs up

also if you'd like to see more videos from us in the future support our

channel by hitting that subscribe button pinging that bell so you get notified

that next time there's a video the video

thanks for watching happy honey

For more infomation >> Visiting A Christmas Story House (Live) - Paranormal Videos - Duration: 30:23.


Must watch funny comedy videos must watch funny video comedy #Funnybabaji - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Must watch funny comedy videos must watch funny video comedy #Funnybabaji - Duration: 4:14.


What makes Rewind 2018 the most disliked video yet - Duration: 13:32.

Ay, it's Will Smith!

Our no. 1 and beloved YouTuber on the platform.

What could go wrong?

"Fortnite and Marques Brownlee"

Oh, so that's why.

YouTube wraps up all the highlights that happened each year with Rewind, and it's considered

as the biggest celebration on the platform year-ends.

Its first Rewind was in 2010 and 2012 marked the year where they increased the production

budget to create what it is known today.

But why is 2018's Rewind such a mess?

To answer that, we have to look at how YouTube evolves with its content creators.

YouTube was officially launched in 2005, created by Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley,

a website where everyone can share their videos with anyone easily.

Google, one of the major tech companies in the world, acquired YouTube in October 2006.

During this period, we've seen some of the classic memes and viral videos which defined

YouTube in the 2000s.

The birth of viral videos has opened the doors to other viral videos, one after another,

and it is indeed a platform where anyone can be a star.

On May 2007, YouTube started to pay content creators with its own monetization program,

and YouTubers can now earn money by recording and uploading videos on the platform.

Ads now began to roll after the program started.

And this is where YouTube saw a bigger change.

The late 2000s saw some of the first content creators, or the OG YouTubers, with millions

of subscribers.

Ryan Higga, Shane Dawson, Fred, and Smosh were among the most subscribed YouTube channels

during this time.

Also, in this era, higher production value, HQ videos and better video editing started

to become a norm for YouTube videos, and YouTubers started to upload their contents weekly with

a fixed schedule to maximize viewer counts.

Early versions of commentary videos, vlogs, and comedy skits were everywhere.

With the increasing number of daily users, more and more videos are being uploaded every


During this era, we saw the rise of gaming channels, and Pewdiepie comes first to mind

when everyone hears the phrase "YouTube gaming".

He became and still is the no. 1 subscribed YouTuber since September 2013, dethroning


He is the face of YouTube.

He is the king and no one can beat this indie creator.

But this YouTuber also faced something that everyone was afraid of later in his career.

One word, the "adpocalypse".

It was such a depressing time for YouTubers.

Advertisers such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper started to pull out ads from YouTube.

Demonetization became a meme and one person was blamed for the incident.

That person is none other than the king of YouTube, Pewdiepie.

Various news outlets attacked him mercilessly, and the Wall Street Journal started the whole

"PewDiePie is a Nazi" thing.

Adpocalypse did not start because of PewDiePie's infamous video, where he made a Nazi joke,

but rather the incident when big companies' advertisements were shown on controversial

contents (one of them being Chief Keef Dancing to Alabama N****r).

Then, in New Year 2018, we have the infamous Aokigahara forest incident, which added more

fuel to the already blazing fire.

As a result, YouTube's Partner program increased their requirements from 10,000 lifetime views to

4,000 hours total watch time in the past 12 months and a minimum of 1,000 subscribers.

Smaller creators suffered from this the most, although the change is necessary to avoid

such controversy to be happening again.

YouTube is becoming more and more distant from its community, and one way to see that

is through YouTube's own year-in-review, the Rewind.

It is created and produced by YouTube themselves and also with the help of Portal A Interactive.

2010 was the fetus Rewind, it was the first and it was... nothing.

It's a simple video showcasing the top 10 videos that were trending or viral on that


It's like any other listicles but it's simple, minimalistic and, pretty much a year-in-review.

In 2011, YouTube invited Rebecca Black to host Rewind that year, and like the previous

Rewind, it's a listicle which shows the top 10 viral videos that year.

People during that time actually hated the video because the host is the singer of the

worst song ever, Friday

...and this is where it got bigger.

2012, Gangnam Style.


We have a perfect template for future Rewinds.

They increased the production value and it turned out to be great.

This was the first time they included content creators in the video and made a song mashup

and everyone is dancing and everything about it is so energetic.

Rewind 2013 saw more YouTubers, and they introduced non-Youtuber such as talk show hosts and Sesame

Streets characters.

It's a fine addition since their screen time is actually quite short.

This is also the first time they introduced the official YouTube Rewind logo.

The cute little Obama Kid hits the Rewind button and it's the most epic, the most uplifting

video at that time as viewers and fans of their content creators were all hyped.

And the video ends with Pewdiepie burying the button, and coincidentally a perfect foreshadowing

of the near future of YouTube.

The following years pretty much followed the same formula.

The colors are bright, the music is epic and they also started to include more memes into


2014 is opened by Pewdiepie, parodying the TDFW music video, and then he falls into a


Everyone starts to dance and you can feel the emotion, the hype from the video.

2015 features more memes and gaming channels.

Nothing much has changed but it is better than the previous ones.

2015 also marks the 10th anniversary of YouTube, and they referenced some of the past viral

videos in Rewind 2015.

So far, so good.

In 2016, they feature more and more YouTubers that their screentime is less than a couple

of seconds.

More things are happening in the video, and memes get more spotlight too.

They also got Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to open Rewind that year.

2017... it received backlash from fans as PewDiePie [and other Youtubers] wasn't in it and they chose to feature

family-friendly YouTubers more.

The Paul Bros somehow got featured in Rewind even though their video quality is pretty


More non-YouTuber celebrities are featured and it shows how YouTube is becoming disconnected

from the community.

But everyone didn't know what comes next.

Rewind 2018 quickly became the most disliked YouTube video on the platform.

No one likes it, and that's just me being generous.

The video feels different.

It does not feel like a Rewind video.

It is an utter mess.

Will Smith isn't a YouTuber, Ninja isn't a YouTuber.

Talk show hosts aren't YouTubers.

The massive dislikes the video got reflects how YouTube has become out of touch with its

own platform; it is now an advertising platform.

Will Smith, Fortnite, Kpop, forced propaganda; they're all cringy.

The video centers around Fortnite heavily, reminiscent of Rewind 2012 with Gangnam Style.

It doesn't have anything much to it, other than the fact that YouTubers "control" Rewind

on a campsite.

The video is less colorful, a bit dark and bland.

You can't feel the vibe from the video, unlike previous Rewinds.

The settings are less compared to previous ones.

Kpop has always been big.

This year BTS has finally broken into the American market.

But Rewind only referenced BTS, which does not reflect Kpop as a whole.

Besides, Girls Generation was featured in Rewind 2014.

Honestly, the Kpop scene in Rewind is cringy because only BTS can rock the visuals and


YouTube finally included animations, which is good

but it won't change the fact that the whole video is a mess.

Then there's the "emotional" campfire scene and it feels forced.

Take a look at Rewind 2011 and Rewind 2017.

See how they're different from 2018?

Rewind 2018 executed it very badly.

It's better to show, rather than talking in front of the camera because the emotion is

in the videos, unscripted and unfiltered, not through scripts and the mouths of YouTubers.

Mental health is no joke.

Everyone should be aware of it.

But YouTube suddenly cared for them and it feels fake since these YouTubers are reading

from a script.

Asian representation.

OK, what does this have to do with YouTube?

Crazy Rich Asians is the only movie that is very Asian this year, so I'm not sure what's

the impact that it has on YouTube.

Female empowerment is on the rise these days and it's good, although it can be quite toxic


Rewind 2018 however made it into a feminist propaganda bait.

I'm quite puzzled when they mentioned drags empowerment.

I don't remember drags being impactful on YouTube this year.

And after the scene ends, they decided to read the comments, RIGHT AFTER THEY TALK ABOUT


Everyone knows the no. 1 rule to taking care of your mental health on the internet is to

NOT read the comments.

Plus the comments shown on the video aren't real.

Who commented this?

Who wants Will Smith in Rewind?


And the irony of the whole video is...

when in reality none of the viewers really asked for these.

And somehow YouTube unconsciously referenced the Aokigahara forest controversy in Rewind.

PewDiePie once again wasn't in Rewind 2018 but he himself said that he's glad he's not in the

cringy video.

Thankfully Jaiden Animation featured PewDiePie's chair in her scene.

KSI vs LP and the iconic Shane Dawson documentary series are also two of the biggest events

on YouTube in 2018 but YouTube didn't reference them at all.

Jaiden Animation had put some Easter eggs in her scene, and she became the savior of

Rewind 2018... well not really but everyone is thankful for that.

From a humble beginning to the very messy love-hate relationship with its community,

it has become into a giant corporation which

relies heavily on advertisements to pay YouTubers.

When we take a look back at previous Rewinds, it

seems a like a big party where all YouTubers can have fun with themselves and their achievements.

Rewind 2018 feels claustrophobic and empty because it doesn't feel like Rewind, it feels

like an advertisement.

For more infomation >> What makes Rewind 2018 the most disliked video yet - Duration: 13:32.


New couple goals by mrunal panchal musically video 2019 | expressions queen mrunal panchal - Duration: 4:12.

I have many faces cute sexy this is the song dama sing my friends yeah oh

wait I have no friends

they're super shy

come closer what is the sound of one hand clapping I don't know what is the

sound of water I'll be good by jaga okay popped your cork and I'll kick it

Bulaga Papa was it quarter papa was a quarter

ha ha ha

Aaron are given a Perico seriously pen

g-man steps you need monkey get America Charlie again

don't suck your guns at me come through on either qu so motherfucker all right

this is a police investigation okay so you have to tell the truth you are under

oath got it okay so please state your name to

the camera okay hi I'm Steve Jobs no gotta tell the truth hi I'm Godzilla

just skate your real name hi I'm Batman's dad just get out

For more infomation >> New couple goals by mrunal panchal musically video 2019 | expressions queen mrunal panchal - Duration: 4:12.


Most Satisfying Birthday Cake Videos 2018 🍔 Top 10 Perfect Cake Decorating Ideas In The World - Duration: 10:09.

Most Satisfying Birthday Cake Videos 2018 🍔 Top 10 Perfect Cake Decorating Ideas In The World

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> Most Satisfying Birthday Cake Videos 2018 🍔 Top 10 Perfect Cake Decorating Ideas In The World - Duration: 10:09.


How To View The Name Of Deleted Youtube Videos - Duration: 0:58.

Welcome to another mini clip with FlightSim205!

I am going to show you how to find out the name

of the deleted videos on YouTube.

So go to your YouTube playlist,

And find the deleted video,

And copy its URL.

Then go to Google!

And paste in the URL.

Delete the "&" symbol and anything after it.

Then, delete this "=" sign, and anything before it.

Press "Enter" or 🔎!

And you should find it.

Just keep in mind that,

this may not work for ALL deleted videos.

After you had found the name of the video,

Go back to YouTube.

And try to find another video that is related to it.

Good luck!

I hope that this tutorial had helped you!

Have a great day!

For more infomation >> How To View The Name Of Deleted Youtube Videos - Duration: 0:58.



1000 ci Abone ve 1000 ci Like atana kanalımızdan özel hediye



123 Numbers: Toddlers video for learning numbers & counting - Duration: 2:23.

Learning colors and counting. About Yellow egg. Videos for kids.

I am Yellow.

Hi, hi, hi.

I like smile.



Red, one, one, one.

Orange, two, two, two.

Yellow, three, three, three.

Green, four, four, four.

Blue, five, five, five.

Violet, six, six, six.

Purple, seven, seven, seven.

I love you.

Subscribe me.

Like me.

Thank you.

And learn english fun.

For more infomation >> 123 Numbers: Toddlers video for learning numbers & counting - Duration: 2:23.


How to edit your videos on android no watermark!! - Duration: 1:53.

hey guys today I am gonna show you the best Android video editing app for

beginners so let's begin first of all download kine master Mod apk from the

given link in description this the pro version the real version is available on

Google Play but it includes charges for removal of watermarks and many more


after downloading this apk just open it and start editing in the next upcoming

video you will learn how to make a cool intro in kine master tutorial till then

stay calm and watch tech wap

For more infomation >> How to edit your videos on android no watermark!! - Duration: 1:53.


MINECRAFT LET'S PLAY Survival 🌿☀️🌊 [44] minecraft videos gameplay survival series un modded 🌿☀️🌊 - Duration: 16:13.

Hello and welcome back to my minecraft we've got our farm here, I hope you're not tired of working on the farm yet

Cuz we are gonna keep working on that. I found I had a whole lot a whole lot of dirt in my inventory

So we are absolutely gonna on my inventory in my chest. Excuse me

I would have known if I had in my inventory. I had a lot of dirt just store it in my


So that I because when we were taming, I guess we dug up a lot of dirt I think is what happens

And we were like climbing on mountains like a week ago or two

and I got a lot of dirt from that I guess and so we're gonna use that dirt to

Fill up our farmland. So we get everything nice and level. We're also gonna spend a lot of time cutting down trees today

I definitely still have my flu. So that is gonna be a

Unfortunate reality for us

and it is gonna

mean the commentary and gameplay are gonna be


100% as better as good as when I was well

when I'm fully healthy, you know, but we're just gonna have to

Work with what we have here and and enjoy the experience for what it is. We've got a lot of floating trees over here

I just do not care for this nonsense

I need to try and cut it down

but I'm not sure how I don't want to use flint and steel because I don't want to like destroy everything but

More than I need the wood. I just want it to go away

We got a lot of trees to clear out we absolutely want this farm line to be significantly bigger and

I am absolutely talking myself out of air with this flue. This is a


little bit unpleasant

our dogs we are down a dog because an angry nasty creeper decided that they were

they they didn't like the dogs and the dogs decided not to defend themselves against the creeper and then

And now we're down a dog. I probably need to build an iron golem. I

I want to do that, but I don't know the recipe off the top of my head and we've got other stuff to do so

Why am I doing this this doesn't need to come down

I don't need the dirt right this second, but we do need to get rid of this

Our dogs are not very good companion animals because they do not attack the monsters by themselves

Which is just crazy. I don't understand why that is you think after all the updates minecraft has had the dogs would

Figure out that the bad guys are bad and we don't like them

But the docile dogs just do not know how to defend themselves

Against angry monsters and one of our canines paid the price for their stupidity

They were

Consumed by a creeper explosion, could you just have things go some days I guess

we really need to get this farm line leveled out and I refuse to make it Hollow because I think that would give us a

lot of problems down the line

Like we would just dig one down and then we'd fall for blocks and then we'd be stuck in the dark and would be awful

We got some more dirt I am burning through this dirt faster than I thought I would

We don't need that torch there because we're just gonna fill it in and

then with all this new land we have we're gonna have to UM you


Make sure that's all lit up and stuff although with all the crops

I don't know if the monsters can't even spawn properly and we really get an iron golem. This dog is absolutely in the way

The poor dogs are just too dumb. Sometimes I

Really? Wish they would stop

Being a pain, but I do enjoy the dogs company

Which is why I keep them around evidently. They're not very good

at fighting


The dog was the thing with the creeper and the dog that was on camera, by the way, so if you missed it

You know, it's just because you didn't watch it, but it's it's on YouTube in a video on the channel

Not that you have to watch every single video. I'm just saying

The thing with the creeper and the dog was on camera

I'm still sad about it, but we can breed more dogs

At some point in the future. We are a little bit busy with our farm though and three dogs is still plenty of dogs

And maybe well, okay so my concern with the iron golems is I don't know if they

Were on a dirt are we really on a dirt?

We got more I didn't we're using up a lot though

You know, I'm not sure if we got this more caving or mounting or what but I do appreciate having all this dirt

It is nice

Maybe got it some other way this dog is in the way

But I do love these dogs they are

Friends to me in my virtual world of Minecraft I

Think that having a big farm is the best way forward in the future. I think that

Having a big farm and a solid home base will help us on our adventures

I do want to get back to adventuring, but we do need to

Make sure our farm and our home base has everything that we need to

Supply our adventures so that we are our best selves. I don't think this is working. I think that

I'm gonna finish this wall and then we're gonna stop doing it this way

I think that

We should start building

That sucked move, oh my goodness, you're like taking up two whole squares here you are the worst as well. I

Think that we need to instead of building, you know vertical walls and a horizontal manner we need to build



vertically upwards I

Don't know if that made sense

We're gonna do it like this because I've been building the wall sideways for a little while and I didn't like it

we also need to

Clear out these trees. I

do love trees but we're we need to we need to grow other stuff here and

The dog name you get out of these holes that they have created

By standing where I was supposed to

Okay, you need to not sit. Get out of there. You tube, buddy

Come on we need

Hello, okay. There we go. We are gonna need to take some time to cut down a bunch of these trees

Of course, I love the trees, but we do need to space

This dog here is still confused. Is he sitting competi not be sitting? He's not sitting

Let's cut down the street from the top because we're here and

Because of where it's situated, I'm not sure that the branch the leaves will break by themselves

So we are gonna make sure to help them along the big tree that

Is the top half that is floating which was actually probably multiple trees we need to

Cut that down

Which will be quite a bit of work I think and it will take a while

But it needs to be done

The melons seem to grow significantly slower than the pumpkins

Which does make me sad?

So we need to plant

Significantly more melons. I also want to

Try replacing the week with carrots since I you have to like cook with a wheat, you can't just eat it


Since the carrots you don't need a recipe or anything for I think it'll be easier for me

We do need to cut down these trees most of these are trees that I planted I

Planted a lot of trees all at once


While I do not regret planting the trees, I do regret planting them. So close to my base. I didn't I

Didn't think we would need this much farmland, and now I realize we absolutely do

And then even once our farm is pretty much done

We will need to land for any kind of

Contractions and like, you know item farms and stuff as opposed to plant forms or farming plants here

But we also will need land or

you know the other types of farming the more video-gaming kinds where you're harvesting enemies and items I

Felt off there that was a mistake. We need to get back on the street

Come on now

I imagine that breaking branches with the axe is horrible for the durability, but I cannot be bothered to switch back to

Off and then back on

Hopefully these will all break

We might need to help them out a little bit make sure there's no connections sit down

The Sun is a bright white searing force in real life and in Minecraft. It's just kind of this white square. That's just a

Signals daytime these pumpkins are doing a good job growing

We have a huge number of pumpkins

We don't really need more but they grow really fast the melons are growing slower

They are growing though

It's still daytime I want to do I have carrots let's

Let's see about this wheat I mean the wheats beautiful


I'm thinking the carrots will be easier to use I

Do read the wiki in Minecraft? But I have not memorized the wiki and I am actually somewhat new to the game

which you may have probably

surmised yourself from watching

So since I don't remember the recipes for wheat, I think we're just gonna go with carrots. I

May have broke more wheat than I needed to but that's okay

This dog is in the way

Which is kind of as usual to be honest, but it does not make it less annoying

I want to hold this land here real fast. There we go

And I kind of planted the carrots at an awkward shape

Not totally sure why I did that but I did

let's harvest the sugarcane while we're here and

We need to look up slightly so that we prevent ripping up the one little ground

Our dogs are

following us around as they're lovely selves I

kind of want to expand the

these frogs I guess but

We should probably get our land

Flattened a little bit more and all that jazz. Um, I

do have an infinite water pool type thing in front of our base and


I don't know what you call them

Aqueducts, it's not an aqueduct trenches

The water things that water the crops, its I don't remember what they're called

These things also serve as infinite water pools

Irrigation so I call it

Irrigation trenches the irrigation trenches that what you call them

Maybe I don't know

That all the sugarcane I

Feel like it might be oh hi

Did I cut down the pumpkins yet?

Or inventories full I'm not totally full but very full

These pumpkins, we will find a use for them. We may build structures out of pumpkin

Obviously coming out of the holiday season, you know Halloween is

a fair ways behind us and

and not gonna be in the future for quite a long time, but pumpkins are

And my opinion pumpkins are lovely at any time of year, even though they're not grown

All year round

They are

specifically planted and grown for Halloween they are

Lovely lovely plants that we will absolutely harvest to our little arts content in Minecraft. I

May actually I need to see

How you can um

What do you call it what the pie recipe is for pumpkin pie because we have a lot of it I think you need wheat

And maybe an oven I mean we have an oven it's just

My opinion the easier the food the better

but I'm still attached these fun things we could also make

Snow golems with these but the problem of the snow bulbs is that they do need a roof over their heads

Do we want to harvest these melons we absolutely do and then

There even turn looking we still got space we do need to deposit all this stuff right back in our home base

You know because our inventory is really full um

So we got a mess what the chests did some of my melons despawn that was weird

alright and

You know, we're just plotting along at the farm

That melon tried to kill my dog

That melon to destroy my dog

That was crazy

The dogs. Oh my goodness

death by suffocation from melon that's

Hi. Hi dog. There we go

We can rest after a hard day's work on the farm

Like I said this farming stuff isn't gonna be forever. We just do need to do it for a while

We can go in here

Logs go in our block chests

Our melon slices we probably want to actually plant more of these

Apple that's good shears. I should probably put away. I haven't used them in a while

Bucket we want the bucket and I can't remember how to make another shield. I need to look that up

So we definitely need to work on cutting down those trees

Please subscribe to my youtube channel if you have not this channel is just for Minecraft

So if you like minecraft, this is the channel for you

So make sure to subscribe to my channel so you can see more videos just like this one from me

sorry, this video is gonna be a little bit shorter, but I do have the flu and it's um, you know,

I'm quite a bit more drained

than usual just because of

Flu like sometimes I know that it's you know subtle and you probably can't tell but trust me. I got the flu

So subscribe to the channel if you have not I'll see you in another video

Have a nice day. Goodbye

For more infomation >> MINECRAFT LET'S PLAY Survival 🌿☀️🌊 [44] minecraft videos gameplay survival series un modded 🌿☀️🌊 - Duration: 16:13.


YouTube Course Part#5 | how To Use Video Editor(Free) - Duration: 10:32.

YouTube Course part#5 How To Use Free Video Editor

Leave Your Questions Below If You're Getting Value From This YouTube Course :)

For more infomation >> YouTube Course Part#5 | how To Use Video Editor(Free) - Duration: 10:32.


the videos that meant something - Duration: 9:19.

Here's a weird question.

How would you describe my channel?

I asked a few of you on Twitter, and received quite a bit of varied feedback.

"The common man's video essayist"

"A grab bag of interesting videos"

"Videos about information I didn't know I wanted to know"


"A mixture of seemingly unrelated topics"

"Visual wikipedia articles"

"passionate filmmaker who makes high quality videos with questionable research"

"Indie film maker downgraded to indie video maker"

Even, "Bearded guy from Missouri making interesting videos about obscure stuff."

Over a hundred responses later, and the general consensus seems to be - there is no consensus.

I suppose this is by design.

I've purposely tried to avoid a regular routine on my channel, focusing instead on

a plethora of different topics and subject matter.

One week we're investigating ink cartridge scams, the next, the study of traffic flow.

Then, how the government protects against counterfeit currency.

Then, I'm off to LA to watch a Harry Potter parody stage play I inspired?

Later, a VR video about VR?

An interview with an award-winning independent filmmaker, and then a behind-the-scenes snafu

during the production of Toy Story 2.

Did I mention I held a workshop that nobody came to?

So, yeah - how EXACTLY would you classify this channel I've been slowly yet surely

building for the past 12-odd years?

I don't know.

And, lately, at least, that's really been bothering me, for some reason.

I've released over 40 videos in 2018 - I had originally planned for just 20.

I've had some hits, and some misses… some praise, some criticism - I mean, nobody's

perfect, right?

It's been a LOT of videos, though, and as I head into next year and start considering

what my channel will look like if I'm lucky enough to keep doing this, I find myself thinking

less about the videos that were popular, and more about the videos mattered.

Because, a dirty little secret of mine (and for A LOT of YouTubers, I'm willing to guess)

is that, the videos I most enjoyed making this year were often the least popular.

This is dedicated to the videos that meant something.

See this graph?

This is the average first week performance for every video I've ever released on YouTube.

Combine all the hits and all the misses and you get this approximation of average performance.

If I release a video and it performs above this area, it's been an overwhelming success.

Anything below it has performed poorly.

The challenge is to stay above this threshold with everything I make.

(Of course, the more I do that, the higher the threshold becomes.)

Maybe it's because of my background in local television, but I'm a stats junkie.

I like crunching numbers, deconstructing ratings, and playing around with programming analytics

- weird hobby, I know... but one of the cool things about YouTube nowadays is that I can

track that abundance of data with my own channel.

Occasionally I have video sponsors, and companies are interested in that data, as well.

For better or worse, we both share a common goal, and that's to get more people to watch

the stuff I make.

The "holy grail of YouTube" is to find stuff that you enjoy making that stays above the


In other words - videos you love to make, that people love to watch.

Despite the fact that my channel has had its biggest growth this year, I still feel that

this is something I've yet to master.

It's pretty obvious to see.

My view counts vary wildly from week to week.

Sometimes I'm getting over a million, sometimes I barely break 50,000.

Sometimes… *crickets*

And while this is due in part to the varied subject matter on this channel, I also can't

help but wonder if it's because I can't quite figure out my own holy grail.

The most successful video on my channel was made in an afternoon as a joke, with very

little work put into it, yet it's the thing I'm probably most known for.

If I wanted to, I could have just released a whole slew of these types of viral parodies

and shot up the YouTube charts.

In fact, several people who make a living as YouTube Gurus advised me to do just that:

change the name of my channel and make that my "schtick", but... compared to several

others, that video certainly doesn't MEAN anything to me.

And while an entire series of those videos might have gotten plenty of clicks and maybe

even made me plenty of money, I'm not sure I would have been challenged or fulfilled

creatively by making them.

After all, what good is having a successful channel, if My heart isn't actually in it?

Buuut on the flip side - what happens when the videos that mean something are my least


This video I put together with one of my sisters-in-law was certainly one of the most fun I had making

this year.

It's one of the lowest viewed.

Shenmue's Greatest Moment was the one I had the most fun writing.

I even crunched the production time with two all-nighters to finish it in time for that

game's rerelease on PC and modern consoles.

It was even lower.

Revisiting my Childhood Comic Book - another video about a story close to my heart... evidently

didn't connect as much as this video about diverging diamond interchanges.

Now, that's not to say that I'm not grateful for the audience that I have.

I am.

Nor am I suggesting that people who flock to videos like this are somehow "watching

my channel wrong".

They aren't...

I just wonder sometimes if there's a disconnect between what you all want to watch and what

I want to make.

Or, maybe I'm massively overthinking things.

I make a lot of videos, and not all of them are going to be successes.

It's probably as simple as that.

After all, THIS video about my failed workshop was one of my most popular this year - and

it's also one of my favorites!

Every now and again the stars DO align, and I'd like to figure out how to make that

happen more often.

Now, don't get me wrong - this isn't a signal that I'll be massively overhauling

everything about my channel in the coming year.

I'm not gonna be doing any drastic changes.

I'm not starting a vlog, and this isn't a cliche manifesto about creative integrity.

I guess as this year comes to a close, I just wanted to share the thoughts going through

my head, and to get yours, as well.

Here's what I know.

I know I like making videos.

I know I have an incessant need to tell stories through them.

And, I know that the stories WORTH telling AREN'T determined by analytical thresholds

like this.

Sometimes the best story will be above it, and sometimes (perhaps most of the time) it

will be below it.

Regardless of the metrics, I know a lot of people are watching now, way more than last

year, way more than I deserve, and in 2019, I want to be better about the stories I choose

to tell.

Some of them might interest you, some of them might not, but I hope you'll stick around

from week to week and upload to upload as I share them with you.

I think I'm going to stop worrying so much about this stupid graph.

I think it's high time that I start looking beyond it.

To stop worrying about fitting into some predetermined mold that's algorithmically proven to be


In 2019, I'm going to try and make more videos that mean something.

Because, frankly, the lazy-cash-in over-the-top cynicism and faux-outrage-driven stuff being

pumped out by a lot of people today has become so uninteresting and monotonous that I find

myself numb to all of it.

Everyone's always upset about something on social media or, in the entertainment realm,

trashing the latest blockbuster release - but the noise of anonymous internet mobs has yet

to ever inspire anything great out of me - and focusing on making videos this next year to

counteract that is at least something worth pursuing - but I'll need your help.

As much as I want to inspire many of you to pursue something meaningful in life, I'm

hoping you can inspire me, too.

I'm wanting to dedicate more time next year to helping other people.

Doing some actual good in the world, highlighting worthy causes, and maybe spearheading a few,


There are plenty of small creators out there who deserve a bigger platform, and I hope

to introduce you to some of them, along the way.

I'm still going to cover obscure and interesting stuff, but I'm also working on a big special

something, and I intend to take you all along for the ride.

If those kinds of videos seem up your alley, then I hope you'll tune in.

And I hope more than anything that you'll spend next year doing something meaningful,


Big thanks to Squarespace - they've been a consistent sponsor of my videos this past

year, and without them, the exciting stuff I'm prepping for 2019 just wouldn't be


They care about creators - they want to help make it easier for them to get their creations

seen by the world at large by providing them a way to quickly put together a beautiful


Squarespace has a number of stunning templates that are completely customizable to make your

own, and you can try it out for free by going to to start a free trial - nothing

to lose.

If you decide, as I did, that you like the experience, then when you're ready to launch,

go to to get 10% off of your first purchase of a website

or domain.

Hey - thanks so much for watching and supporting, you guys have been awesome.

Happy New Year, and I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> the videos that meant something - Duration: 9:19.


Funniest Baby Making Funny Actions 4 - Fun and Fails Baby Video - Duration: 10:11.

Hello everyone! Thanks for watching! Were you having a happy time?

For more infomation >> Funniest Baby Making Funny Actions 4 - Fun and Fails Baby Video - Duration: 10:11.


Pornhub's End Of Year Statistics Unpacked - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Pornhub's End Of Year Statistics Unpacked - Duration: 2:24.


Balloon Popping Food Challenge! How to Make Candy & Desserts with balloons! - Duration: 15:39.



Sometimes the more we try the more everything goes wrong!

So today we're going to embrace the beauty of chaos and make a bunch of amazing deserts

with help of balloons.

Let's do this!

I love waffles!

But one thing I love even more is a waffle cake made with cream and raspberries or any other fruit.

It's super quick and easy to put together but tastes divine!

Let's decorate this yummy cake using balloons.

Safety first – I'm putting my experiment glasses on to protect my eyes.

Let's grab a needle and pop this balloon to find out what's inside!

Wow what an explosion!

A real cloud of sweet icing sugar.

That looks delish.

But hold on, we need more toppings!

There's definitely something yummy inside this long funny balloon.

It's raspberry sauce!

Nom nom this is going to be so delicious.

Check out this sweet waterfall of raspberry sauce – it seems incredible and I am getting

so hungry just looking at it!

We have one more mysterious balloon to pop before we can attack this tasty desert.

Let's see what's hiding inside.

Oh the colorful sprinkles!

They make any desert so colorful and fun!

I mean this looks incredible doesn't it?!

Such a rich and filling treat.

You can make your own waffles to make this cake or buy the pre-made ones and literally

put this dessert together in 2 minutes.

I can't wait any longer, I'm just going to take a bite.

Yup, this is just as good as it looks.

I am so impressed and my tummy is happy as well!

I can't wait to make this waffle cake with strawberries and blueberries or even try the

chocolate version.

It will be delightful for sure!

How about we make some fruity mousse?

I'm totally up for it!

But since I got no clue how to make it from scratch, I'll just use a store bought packet

to prepare it.

The instructions say to put the content of the package in a bowl and add a bit of water.

Now let me just grab my trustee hand mixer and let's make this thing all fluffy and full of bubbles.

Obviously, if you make your mousse, make sure to follow the instructions on your packet

because they may be different from mine.

When you're happy with the consistency grab a mold and pour the fluffy deliciousness into it.

OMG can I just drink it, because it looks way too good!

No no, we need to place the dessert in the fridge and wait for it to harden.

I can't wait any longer, so let's have a look if our mousse turned out any good.

Flip it upside down on a plate and lift the mold up to reveal your delicious masterpiece.

This actually turned out perfect!

A true strawberry mouse cake!

To make it even more tempting let's decorate the plate with some marshmallows.

This is such a great idea for a quick birthday cake for you or your friends.

I think it looks so cute and I like how shaky and bouncy the texture is – totally adorable!

What kind of topping would you go for?!

I think strawberries and chocolate go super well together so I'm picking chocolate sauce!

Let's snip away a piece of the balloon and let it rain!

Can you imagine if chocolate rain would be a real thing?!

Ah a girl can dream right!

But this desert!

OMG guys it looks incredible, I can't cope with it.

Seriously I don't think I've seen anything prettier in my life.

This is what I call an epic shot of chocolate perfection – I am in heaven!

I think we need to add some color back to our mousse cake.

Let's see what we have.

Pink sugar no, cocoa no, icing sugar no – you know what I'm feeling adventurous

let's go for the mysterious balloon.

Can you guess what's inside?

Let's find out together!

It's a variety of beautiful sprinkles!

These look so pretty!

I am super impressed with our dessert and I think it looks gorgeous.

It's true right - sometimes we want to make everything so perfect but in the end it's

better if we just decorate the desserts randomly using balloons.

We get a perfectly beautiful mess!

Mmm tastes even better than it looks!

The fluffy consistency from the mousse works so well paired with decadent chocolate

and crunchy sprinkles.

Definitely a 10 out of 10!

You can even cut it in pieces and mix up a little bit – I know doesn't look the best now,

but tastes amazing trust me!

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

For the longest time my fave was vanilla but with years I have become more experimental

and now I like to try different especially fruit flavors.

However today I went back to basics with a scoop of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

To make the ice cream cup even more delicious let's stick in two waffle rolls as well.

Time to transform this rather plain ice cream into a true specialty!

Oh yes, we're making oreo cream for the topping.

Put a bunch of oreos and some cream in a blender.

Whizz it up well until you get an even smooth and rich consistency.

If you switch cream for regular milk you actually get an oreo milk shake

that you can drink straight away.

Alright time to transfer this creamy yumminess into a balloon and we're ready to spice up

our ice cream!

Snip of the end of the balloon and let the oreo cream pour down your ice cream cup.

This is so much fun to watch!

Finally the ice cream is becoming rich and decadent – just as we like it!

But hold on, there's more.

We have one more balloon.

Hmm... I wonder what's in it.

Can you guess? Maybe sprinkles or coconut?

You know what, let's find out together.

Wow it's a beautiful explosion that's for sure!

But what is it?

We have to take a closer look!

Oh it's cereal!

Such a cool idea – using cereal as a desert topping.

These tiny stars are sweet, crunchy and nonetheless so adorable!

Mmm our ice cream cup really looks so extra and delicious right now I can't wait to dig in!

Yup that's officially the best ice cream I've ever had!

But wait presentation is super important so I'm going to stick in one of these lovely

little umbrellas to make it even more cutesy.

That's what we're talking about!

Small details like this can make all the difference, don't you agree?

If you have a chance, try making oreo cream or oreo milk shake.

Trust me it is so good and you can thank me later!

I am always in the mood for a good old cake roll!

This one looks pretty tasty by itself but are you ready for an epic transformation?

I bet you are!

Which balloon should I pick?

Too late, I already decided for a yellow one. Sorry!

Hmm what on earth is inside it!

Well – only one way to find out.

Is it snow?

Of course not – that's icing sugar, but I agree this looks like snow would be falling

down on this yummy cake roll.

Now I want to show you a quick and easy way to make yummy and surprise surprise - healthy

fruit sauce for any cake or desert.

Take a blender and put in a banana, some raspberries or other fruit of choice and a bit of coconut milk.

Mix it well until you get a nice smooth and even consistency.

You could drink this as a smoothie, freeze it and make popsicles or use it as a cake

topping like we're doing today.

Cut away a piece of the balloon and enjoy this most delicious view ever!

How yummy, right?

Cake rolls can sometimes taste a bit dry and dull, but this fruit sauce will take it to

the next level for sure!

Time to continue with one of my favorite foods ever – coconut!

I love coconut milk, water, yogurt, coconut itself, coconut oil, you name it.

It is the best!

Put some inside the balloon and POP!

How gorgeous!

Let it snow once again, this time with yummy shredded coconut.

For the final topping we're going to take… sprinkles no, cacao no, let's try chocolate pearls.

I wonder how they look like!

Ready set go!

Mmm looks so yum!

I think we can all agree that this was one extreme makeover of a rather boring cake roll.

I mean check it out – icing sugar paired with raspberry sauce and coconut, topped with

delightful crunchy chocolate pearls.

Let's cut into this beauty and have a taste!

This cake bun is actually so soft and tender, I am impressed.

And the cake overall tastes divine, just like I imagined.

I definitely approve this one - it's delicious!

Do you know how to make the fluffiest pancakes that turn out perfect every single time?

I'll show you real quick!

Separate egg whites from egg yolks – you remember the plastic bottle hack – I still

use it all the time!

Beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until you get stiff peaks.

This looks perfect so it's time to set it aside.

Take the bowl with your egg yolks and pour in 220 grams of plain flour, 2 and a half

deciliter of milk and one teaspoon of baking powder.

Mix for a minute until all the ingredients are well combined.

Lastly you want to add the egg whites to the mixture.

Fold them in carefully so you still keep all the bubbles and the fluffy texture.

When the batter is nice and even we're ready to bake some pancakes!

I'm sure you know how that's done.

Pour some of the mixture in a hot pan and wait until it gets brown, then flip it around

and get the other side golden brown too.

Check out this perfect little pancake!

On the plate it goes.

I made a bunch of these because I love them so much!

I want to turn this pancake tower into an amazing, out of this world epic treat.

Let's start with chocolate!

I've decided to spread a generous amount of chocolate on top of each pancake layer and

oh my - the result is unreal!

It looks like a real chocolate pancake cake, doesn't it?

My birthday is coming up soon and I know what kind of cake I want this year.

Seriously – this thing looks so good I can't wait to eat it all!

What? you're saying we're not done yet?

Oh the balloons!

Alright alright, let's see what's inside!

More chocolate?!

Well what can I say, I take it!

Told ya - I am a real chocoholic, it's a problem.

But oh man, how can this look so gorgeous.

Do you see the light reflecting on that chocolate sauce – this literally is a chocolate masterpiece!

I almost can't believe my eyes!

I feel like some crushed nuts would make this cake look even more divine.

Ready, set, go!

What a marvelous explosion of crushed hazelnuts nom nom!

And you guessed it, there's more!

In my opinion no pancakes are perfect without fluffy fresh whipped cream.

And we have a lot of it to decorate our pancake tower!

Wow what a delicious waterfall of white fluff.

This looks too good to be true honestly!

And you know what?

There is more!

Any guesses what's inside this mysterious red balloon?

Quick, quick cause we're popping it in a second!

3, 2, 1 boom – It's mini smarties!

One of my favorite sweets ever!

How flipping delightful does this look!?

So rich, decadent, too much of everything but at the same time just the perfect combination

of my favorite things.

That's it! I can't wait a second more!

I am totally ready to take a bite of this.

Oh wow this is just incredible.

I wish you could all come here and taste it!

It is that amazing.

And of course this is way too much sugar for anyone to eat alone so if you decide to make

this epic desert, make sure to share it with your friends!

Here's how I make my favorite hot chocolate!

Put in a blender one ripe banana, a table spoon of 100% cacao powder and hot milk.

Usually, I go for the almond milk.

Whizz it up and you have the most delicious, creamy and healthy hot chocolate.

If you use cold milk you can call it a smoothie but in any case – it tastes amazing!

You can enjoy it just like that but we have to proceed with some balloon popping action

and make it a bit more extra!

First up is the long yellow balloon – I wonder what's inside.

Oh it's whipped cream!

No hot chocolate is complete without it so lots of whipped cream is definitively a must!

This looks so tasty already nom nom!

Let's see what this pinky balloon has to offer!

Oh a bunch of fluffy marshmallows!

Mm... marshmallows and hot chocolate really are a match made in haven!

But we have one more balloon, ready, set, go!

What an epic explosion of cacao powder.

Let's ignore the fact that this powder ended up all around my apartment cause this looks

too tasty to worry about that.

And the shot looked spectacular so I take it!

The last thing missing is a sweet candy cane so pop it in and you have the most yummy,

festive drink ever to indulge with!

Right now is a perfect time for warm drinks like this!

You can customize them and add other toppings like shredded chocolate, melted chocolate

sauce or even peppermint extract to make it even more holiday appropriate.

Just explore and have fun with it!

Alright we had quite a bit of practice with balloon decorating so I think we need to pass

one final test.

Yup – the birthday cake!

It's time to forget what happened earlier and let's use balloons to decorate our cake

this time around!

I like to start by frosting the cake with some simple whipped cream and I apply an even

layer allover.

To make the side of the cake nice and neat make vertical lines with a help of piping

bag or one of those plastic cake decorating tools.

I also mixed a few drops of food coloring to cream here, which gave me a lovely pinky color.

I decided to make a sprinkles explosion cake, which means I have to put together a variety

of sprinkles in different colors and sizes.

Are we guys ready to pop this monster?

OK let's do it, although I am pretty scared I must admit.

3, 2, 1!

Can you hear the sound of sprinkles entering every single corner of my apartment?

I tell ya, the mess is real but the result is so stunning, don't you think?

The cake looks so colorful and fun!

It definitely proves that a random explosion of fun can be pretty and interesting plus

we don't have to stress about making everything perfect and precise!

I would call this a beautiful chaos cake!

I think it's time to celebrate so let's stick a cake sparkler into our gorgeous cake

and put it on fire!

I feel like this is the best day of my life – there's just too much delicious food around

me and I'm living for it!

Check out how magical this is!

I'm a perfectionist and always want everything to be pretty, super neat and perfect especially

when it comes to DIY projects and my videos.

I definitely learned a lot filming this!

Sometimes you just have to let loose, set free and just enjoy your life and your work

even if it's not picture perfect.

The important is that you have fun, appreciate moments and embrace the beautiful and chaotic

mess around you!

For more infomation >> Balloon Popping Food Challenge! How to Make Candy & Desserts with balloons! - Duration: 15:39.


How To Earn $100 Per Day On Youtube Without Making Any Videos - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> How To Earn $100 Per Day On Youtube Without Making Any Videos - Duration: 10:45.


Food Beggar: Funny Dog Bailey Videos Compilation - Duration: 6:17.

Funny Golden Retriever Dog Bailey Begs for Food

For more infomation >> Food Beggar: Funny Dog Bailey Videos Compilation - Duration: 6:17.


దిక్కులు ఎన్ని | Vastu | Devotional Videos | Vastu Training Class Telugu EP 01| Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 10:24.


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