santé for red white or BB gun for Christmas you definitely shoot your eye
out you should stick with the leg lamp
well hello there pair of peeps and welcome to another episode of our
haunted travels I am your host Sean Donnelly I'm your co-host Marion darling
do you have a problem up there little mental issue that's the other movie
that's between me and my daughter that's Uncle Eddie cousin Eddie hope
everyone is having a great day today we're trying something new no yeah
before I get into that though if you're into the paranormal history and some
forensic type videos you're in the right spot go ahead right now smash that
subscribe button ring the bell this is the right place for you panic the videos
alright today we are talking about the Christmas story house and we're doing
things a little bit different because normally these type of videos which we
call location videos which means we've been to that location right these come
out on Friday and it kind of wraps up the week but we thought hey we're off
work why not let's pray at least I thought that Marian's like I'll be back
I'll come and sit in a chair and look pretty
be your clickbait but this particular location you had their website up right
yeah I know cuz I need their address this particular location is not in the
panic decom database no it's not this is the first time we've done a location
video no second time second time now first time we've done a location video
that's not in the database but it does have a little bit of paranormal stuck to
it a little bit maybe we caught a report
about this location a couple years ago that there was a TV crew that was going
out to film a paranormal show and I'm thought hey Jack bought another
paranormal location let's go go there and add it to the database but nothing
came out about it yeah absolutely that show never
made it to air the the show was American haunts and it was supposed to be in the
seventh episode that's what they were told it was gonna be the Christmas story
house was gonna be part of the seventh episode but then they never I guess got
picked up and so it just kind of drifted away kind of drift it away so it doesn't
make the database right because we don't add them in the database if other people
don't report paranormal claims however here is a very cool location we're going
to tell you how it became a museum and show you some pictures and stuff from us
being there and tell you about our experiences but before we do that let's
take a look at chat see yous all here do you have chat oh my dear I'm getting
you your address all right all right okay so I can go back into my doing this
live we're gonna have to mingle in some of our livestream stuff to say hello to
chat and whoever's whole here that's right that's right but it said that we
were the only ones there and I know that's a lie so I refreshed and now we
have people that 15 watching us so she's doing that if anybody can let me know
and chat this is our first while second first live stream has a couple on this
new computer so if you guys can hear us and see us and everything's okay please
let me know chat there's a problem I guess I should have asked that in the
beginning yeah I think the camera needs to move over a little bit cuz you're you
got a lot of gap on your side I'm like right up against the edge but it's all
good have to fix that yeah so I have the participants if you
are ready go for okay Abraxas paranormal is here cliff riser
happy trails hiking joy Stewart Justin mellow Kells fam lady Abraxas Marty's
crew our family adventures McGee films Michael fire junior shot girl
tu-114 and that's how I wrote well hello everybody and welcome wampa welcome
that's how I roll great news about Justin by the way yes great news look
and sound pretty good well I guess I my late night I was
working on this kind of worked out late night early morning
yeah Maryann was out alright so anyways locations video so what we do is we kind
of show the record in a panic the home database I already just said hey it's
not in panic deep so we're gonna skip that part
but normally have a little video that we throw in there that my lovely narration
partner here does a history video about the location we don't have that for this
we're gonna do it live we are ok I keep saying Jesus the talent she just shows
up whatever you need me to do alright so how many people like the movie A
Christmas Story I know this has been a debate she could tell Marion doesn't
like it so I really hope the owners of the location find this video doodle
spite doug is here and super excited so I think doodles likes Christmas story
okay well Marion doesn't write Michael fire junior says I bet Annette Reagan's
in here - I probably yes
so anyways everyone knows you know if you've watched a movie have you ever
even watched it I watched it once and that was poncy - that's enough well
there's like so many infamous things from that movie mm-hmm you know like
when we opened about the BB gun you put your eye out the slide we talked about
last week we talked about castle Noel where a lot of those movie props are
still there tomorrow on our live stream at 5 o'clock we're gonna be doing
Christmas Story movie trivia some behind-the-scenes stuff on let's talk
paranormal it's gonna be fun we might make it a little trivia game but a lot
of that movie was filmed right in Cleveland Ohio okay
some of it was up in Canada and some other place somewhere on sound stages
but I'll tell you a lot about about the Christmas story house which is located
at three 159 West 11th Street in Cleveland Ohio and of course it is open
to the public but I will tell you there every night now yes you could stay there
overnight and you could stay at the bump of this house yes
overnight what's it is I have no idea I would recommend not going at
Christmastime oh absolutely we went in July and it was packed and on our tour
there was 40 some people on the tour in July because this is like one of the
number one it's up there I know it's top five tourist attractions for Cleveland
now I can just imagine if you get flight it gets stuck in Cleveland where you're
gonna go you're gonna go to heart the the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame probably
Christmas Story House are you serious it's in Cleveland we're gonna go check
it out I bet you at Christmastime that place is packed I'm sure it is
because there seems to be a lot of people who do like that although there
are a few people in our chat who are with me
I'm just saying really yeah okay well I'm glad we picked this for a topic
there are some people who agree with you and like it's here okay that's all right
that's okay all right so let's move on what we're gonna talk about is not
really the history of the house when we do a location video Maryann really digs
into the history of the building okay when it was built the size of it who the
architect was who the builders were that kind of thing
anything I can find anything it she could dig up no pun intended but
anything that she could find we put that well she puts that in the history videos
the location videos this one it's a house okay so basically it's just a
regular house that the I think it was built in 1895 say she knows was built in
1895 the movie studio pretty much bought it to film there and then it kind of
just went into private hands and it was one of those things where it was
starting to go basically so what we're going to talk about is how it became a
regular house and into a museum how it was restored and now you can actually go
see it this is one thing I like about this of course you do when you get to it
I'm sure you have it in your information over there and your stuff so I'm sure
that that will be the how it became a museum yes okay this is what she likes
about this yes so let's get started okay let's do that
Brax this wants to know if the leg lamp is still there they do make them so yes
there is a good question great Segway yeah stay tuned here we go all right so
everyone knows about the Christmas story house this is where they lived
yeah okay that's from the movie that's a picture from the movie there that's the
way it looked like in the movie so get it good you know commit that to memory
that type of thing because the picture I'm going to show you at the end it's
gonna be pretty interesting alright so what we're talking about is a gentleman
named Brian Jones this guy is one of our heroes well one of my heroes last week
we talked castle Noel we talked about Mark Klaus and some of these other
places that we're gonna be talking about like next week was the the guy who saved
the fort these guys are our heroes they're going out and saving these
locations whether their paranormal historical doesn't matter these guys
kind of like step up and basically their lives they put their life and to change
you know saving these locations yeah what if we had if we had the money
absolutely I had the funds I definitely go and try to save some of these
especially the history behind him and that kind of thing so anyways the story
about Brian Jones he's the owner of the of the museum right now so how do you go
from you know how do you get one of these locations and make it a museum
like how do you do that unless you have like tons of money and it's a hobby like
Henry Ford and he collected buildings you know but he had the money to do it
so the way this happened is basically Brian Jones is originally from San Diego
which we were just knows that and he was in the Naval Academy he wanted to become
a flyer a navy flier yes he did so he got his degree in aerospace engineering
but when he went to become a pilot he had a problem his vision his vision he
couldn't pass the test to become a jet pilot very sad so this was I could
imagine very depressing mm-hmm okay and
he was having a hard time so in order to cheer him up his family and this is this
is this is pretty cool story his family sent him a leg lamp now the whole family
were big fans of a Christmas story apparently so yeah so his parents
actually went and got a mannequin and pulled it out and made a leg lamp and
Senate him as a joke ya know they kind of cheer him up and Brian's the kind of
guy who was like hmm this is kind of cool it basically he made a business out
of it yes well other people kept saying hey
where'd you get that where'd you get that leg lamp so they started making him
so he did he started a business and he launched a new website to sell the lamps
ecommerce website April 9 2003 mm-hmm and in the description is a link to
their store I already put it in there see how that works do that early morning
in hours but there's a link to the original story and it's actually now the
Gift Shop ecommerce site yes and he did quite well very well yeah
you could say that very well so now that you see where you can go and by the leg
lamps and stuff like that they all come from Brian basically he has a company
that manufactures him of course I'm sure he had to go through all the hoops and
get the licensing and all of us are like that but that just became a passion for
him that that he wanted to do that the cool thing about it is is that he
generated some some cash some spending cash that's right a little pocket change
from doing that actually I'm jumping ahead so there it is that's the link to
the e-commerce site that link leads down in the description so when his parents
actually sent him this lamp they actually packaged it in the crate
and it said fragility on the side that's okay all right so let's keep going so
Brian's wife sent him an email one day enter my favorite part of the whole
story and said hey by the way guess what I found on eBay
yeah found on eBay that the house from the movie is for sale yeah she thought
it would be kind of amusing little this you know he would take her seriously
that's right he's the kind of guy who's like hmm I'd like to head back so he got
ahold of the seller yes originally on eBay it was going for
ninety nine thousand dollars he got a holder to the seller and said hey I'll
give you 150 thousand for today and within 24 hours he owned the house
everything taken care of he flew to Cleveland for the first time to sign the
papers yeah and it he did decide that you know hey the house has not been kept
the same and a lot of the inside was actually filmed in sound stages and
things like that so he watched the movie and he took meticulous notes use the
movie as research yes to put everything you know the way it is in the movie they
didn't film a lot of that and you know that's how it they do it at a studio but
when they did film there across the street there's a tavern yeah which we
went to we did very did that was there and all the actors would hang out there
and a crew and stuff like that and had a great time and all that stuff
but what you're seeing right now is the original eBay ad okay that went out and
it was going for ninety nine thousand dollars you can see the house right here
where it doesn't look like the way it did in the movie okay there's that
picture blown up a little bit he's like yep I want it so he bought it and he
turned it he renovated it back to the way it looked in the movie right it cost
him two hundred forty thousand dollars to do the renovations so you know he
bought it for a hundred fifty did all those extra renovations to put it back
to movie quality yeah yeah so if he had it up he paid 150 would you say 150
spent 250 on renovations yeah it's actually 240 but that's roughly four
hundred thousand dollars he spent to make this museum that's how it started
was just that just the house now it's a whole complex they owned buildings
across the street then there's a museum that had props in it and like I said
they just bought the bump was this house too did the first year the first year
when he opened the door 2006 2006 Thanksgiving of 2006 actually that first
season right sixty thousand people went through that house at $10 a pop yeah in
2006 and the numbers have gone up every year so they're generating couple coins
they don't have to worry about the fact that he didn't get to you know fly
planes for the military don't have to worry about being a pilot
so pretty cool place we were there in July of June or July of 2017
July July tonight towards the end of July yeah yeah and that actually we went
there the same day we went to Castle Noel the second time because we went to
how did we do it the we went to the we went to the Christmas story house first
first and we had to be a castle Noel by 2 right because in the summer time
Castle Noel only has one tour a day yeah yeah we took Mary Ann's dad with us on a
little adventure so I'm going to show you some pictures yeah we went in the
house we didn't go across the street to the other building they have actually
three buildings that they use now the house the gift shop and then they have
another building where they have memorabilia from the movie we didn't go
in the memorabilia from the movie building because we had to leave we had
to get to castle to get to the castle all day too so yeah you'll see this this
guy in here looking at stuff that's Mary Ann's dad
yes that's a net for those of you who know Annette Regan from Michael fairs
stream that is her husband my dad yeah so you can see how inside he renovated
it too and that's a fake turkey by the way but you've renovated the house to
make it look like the movie which is kind of cool no fire extinguisher how
much was the tour well they range in price okay offseason I think it was
seven dollars seven eight dollars on season it's it's ten eleven actually
general admission is general admission is currently $13
children three to 12 is ten dollars seniors 60 and over and get in for 1150
yeah they do a very good tour that's actually how we learned the story of how
the house became a museum originally they tell you that story about Brian and
they take you into the house you could go upstairs
you could go out back yes now if you are a member of the
military you know knowing Brian's military background he actually is a 20%
discount to anyone who is active or retired military yeah so you could go
all over the place spend as much time there that you want also like Mary Ann
mentioned earlier you can actually rent a room there and spend the night if you
want to that's probably a little bit pricier I know when they first opened it
it was to be the first person to stay in there it was very expensive but it was
that probably went to help offset some of that renovation cost but the link to
their website is down in the description where you can find out more of this
stuff I even put a link directly to the eBay stuff and I'm gonna be posting all
that on our patreon page and all that stuff so our experiences there yeah our
experiences as far as being there what did you think you didn't like the movie
you like the movie experiences but the way they had we didn't have any
paranormal experiences but as far as the the house itself goes I it was very
nicely put together they had really cool thing I don't know if you have a picture
of it gonna come up but they have a telephone that you could pick up and you
can hear them yelling and screaming and like stuff from the movie and just it
was really I thought if I liked the movie this would have been really cool
yeah there's another little tidbit that we learned when we were there because
you don't really catch it unless you really watch clothes in the movie but
that box that the lamp came in yeah that was stamped for Julie yes it's actually
cut off yes it doesn't say fragile all the way
across I think there might be a picture of it popping up here we'll talk about
this on the live stream tomorrow too but the reason behind that is is when they
were carrying the box that go into the house it was too wide yeah they couldn't
get had they had to stop stop production walk cut the box didn't have time to
make a new prop cut the Box make its Bowl or so it goes
through the door so it just says fragile I think it cuts it off on the on the eye
or the ill or something like that yeah but the it's just it's off-centered
I think it I think it still says all of fragile doesn't it but it's it's
off-centered and they are and they were like oh we need to cut the other side
and they're like no that way it's kind of cooler just leave it but the gift
shop is all set up like those crates so when you come in it looks like you're
inside one of them crates for the for the lamp it's actually pretty neat yeah
kind of cool my experience yeah thanks for asking
yeah anytime I thought it was too busy to be honest with ya we did when we got
there we had to wait mm-hmm a half hour maybe forty minutes we had to sign up
for the tour yeah for the tour then they give us a ticket and it's like okay
you're at this time yeah so we want to wear a cross the street you know what's
the thing so yeah we went we were an eight and though in the bar restaurant
that all of the actors aid in so that was kind of cool because I wanted to go
as we were sitting there eating lunch we looked out and one of the tours was
leaving in a day just they were just pouring out like I said forty forty-five
people on there yeah that or I could just imagine right
now they actually have a webcam that's on there their website yeah
even watch the outside who's gonna go at Christmastime and just see how many
people are there yeah but they say they line down the street it's it's crazy
parking would be horrid yeah because parking is horrible in the
summer well I went and somebody in the chat had asked they said I bet you the
neighbors love this Oh the neighbors do the neighbors do love it because they
get to charge for parking right they make money on parking yeah they let you
park all over their yards and they charge you you probably have to go
someplace and take a you know a bus in or something like that
yeah don't you think yes all right so what we got going on in chat here I
don't know what's going on in chat but I did look up the prices for that for the
house to stay in so if you want to stay there on
Christmas Eve oh geez if you want to stay there on Christmas
Eve it is two thousand four hundred and ninety five dollars two thousand twenty
five hundred dollars basically to spend the night there on Christmas Eve but how
cool would that be spend the night so much four hundred and ninety five
dollars January seventh through October 31st and then they have you know five
hundred seven hundred so so dollars for other times but Christmas Eve that's the
biggie that's the biggie it would be cool to say that you did that but not
$2,500 cool no no I can rent that there's a Lizzie Borden house oh I can
rent the whole Lizzie Borden house for about this yeah and it's the Lizzie
Borden yeah is a little pricey but there are
fans out there that will pay that and they're getting that and they're renting
that it's just I'm really impressed with I don't know what it put with Myron
Oriole sales with Bryan because he didn't really get you know totally like
upset because he just went through this and he couldn't become a pilot now I bet
you he was on that would have really made me upset you know if you were doing
that in this is not gonna happen but then to see this leg lamp arrived
you just tell you like count on how his family is you know your cheer up there's
a there's a lady yeah it's a special prize yeah okay so I think we're coming
to the end I think we're gonna wrap it up here we've been on for 25 minutes
this is a long one Oh long location okay we are gonna go live tomorrow at 5 p.m.
for let's talk paranormal but we're gonna be talking a Christmas Story house
movie trivia and yeah yeah so just before you know we say I was
gonna say is there anything else there so there you go there always is we did
talk at the beginning about how there was you know no official paranormal
claims and they had had a movie crew was coming out to do the videography they
actually did a whole big thing for it they were there for several days and
everything but it turned out that America huh American haunts not America
American haunts actually asked to go there because of the age of the house
they thought that that would have some so they basically went there without any
without any existing claim great I would love to have a conversation if you catch
this I would love to have a conversation with you sometime I'll buy you a cup of
coffee not a problem just sit down for like 5-10 minutes because if there are
paranormal claims in that house he would know about it he renovated the house
personally by himself and we all know when you do renovations renovations
stimulate my activity yeah I would love to sit down with it five minutes but
just five minutes how come you are haunted travels t-shirt so anyways I was
supposed to be in episode 7 but it never came to fruition so I don't know if
something there but it's not around water it's in the middle of a
neighborhood I think if there was any activity now it would be fans coming
back maybe I don't know hmm interesting it is interesting we didn't do any
property search or anything like that like we normally do to find out if there
was any bad stuff right it happened there were there were several deaths
that did happen in the house okay I documented that there was we don't have
an invitation I don't have personally that documentation it's just all
secondhand yeah that I've gotten so far okay
but since it's not in the database we haven't really dug in that deep yeah be
interesting though again Brian free t-shirt button just let me know the
size and I'll bring it just sit down have a cup of coffee maybe over there
across the street at that little bar hickey dooku bar that's fire Hickey
dhikr I don't know I made a coming up come on all right are we gonna look at
check let's look at chat here one more time before we say goodbye they like
move on fans and friends and family they like the phone beautiful like the movie
but not too yeah my dad loved the phone and he loved picking up the like BB gun
take a picture by the Christmas tree oh there's a speaking of which it's on my
screen over here yeah there's always a deli but basically they like the movie
or they didn't like the movie but the ones that like the movie don't like it
enough to spend $2,500 there say that Christmas Steve yeah but there are there
are probably big-time fans out there that would do that and Marty's crew
likes my new word I made up already well hey again thank you everyone for coming
by and playing with us here for half hour and we'll be back with community
announcements and all that fun stuff and everything tomorrow 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time that's right right that's right four
live at five a lot of fun all right hey until next time thanks for watching
and happy hunting let's know if you like this video by hitting that thumbs up
also if you'd like to see more videos from us in the future support our
channel by hitting that subscribe button pinging that bell so you get notified
that next time there's a video the video
thanks for watching happy honey
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