hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is alia thank you guys for tuning
in today today I'm gonna do something different that a lot of you guys have
requested it's just to like follow me around for the day and I know that's a
weird request but a lot of people like that and I've noticed people like that
like in the vlogging world that's really popular to just kind of like hang out
with a person so y'all are hanging out with me the whole today so today it is
really wet and it's just wet in North Carolina and I don't want to be inside
the weather hasn't been too good but I'm done being inside so we're gonna go out
we're gonna run some errands together we're gonna get some lunch some late
lunch and yeah we're gonna hang out we're gonna hang out so yeah let's go
first we're gonna go to mom oh it is raining I'm second-guessing going
outside but I just don't wanna be stuck oh look at my baby
look at her oh poor thing this is her first shower I feel so bad
for her we'll get her cleaned up all right bye have a nice day
okay all right let's get going all right guys so today we're first
gonna go to the mall
we're gonna go to the mall and find my girlfriend some shoes she really wants
some black Tim's or any type of black boots she wants so we're gonna go get
her son and then we're gonna run some other errands so I'm really sorry like I
said today it is dark outside so the lighting for this video might really
really really slow but it is what it is
all right let's go I went the complete wrong way to the store but we will
figure it out I don't really know my way around other
than that we're gonna go to the beauty supply store because of course I need
beauty product of course so we're gonna go over there we're just gonna go to a
couple stores really like nothing super exciting today just literally gonna be
running some errands
my god this car goes so fast and I don't even realize it like I barely pressed
all the gas and it just went so fast I think it's I don't know anything about
cars but I think there's eight is that it like eight cylinders is that a thing
because it has eight I think I don't know I could be completely off what I
think it has eight alright y'all so just got into the mall it is raining
so crazy like I literally have an umbrella right now I don't even own an
umbrella but we are going to first go into I don't know what Square to go into
first so I'm honestly trying to find a deal I'm just trying to find a discount
because it's after you know Christmas so hopefully they'll have some type of sale
right now so
okay so first I'm gonna check out these like discount stores for her shoes
because I know off the bat if I go to journeys or Foot Locker they're gonna be
the most expensive I'm always looking for that bargain deal here we go here's
the oops who's the black Tim that she wants except for these are high and she
wanted the low ones and they have her size they're 20% off
which is amazing but she didn't want these guys
let's look inside and see
look inside if we can see them for a little bit cheaper okay so I found the
shoes I also got myself some boots so I got her some boots and got me some boobs
I'll show them to you in a second but I'm here at Sephora I'm looking for a
punt or stick because I bought one at Ulta and it's way too light and I hate
that it's hard like being a woman of color and getting a contour stick dark
enough so I'm here at senti I trust her and I'm gonna get one of these match
sticks because they look pretty dark they look dark enough to contour so
let's see hmm I think this one might be too dark and I
don't want to I don't want to do that so let me see oh I think this one might
actually be perfect so this is the shade truffle if you guys can see that yeah so
I'm gonna get this one if they have any left cause I think that
would be perfect to contour
okay so I'm gonna get this one this truffle so let's get that one and then
we're gonna get out of here I'm super hungry so we're gonna go eat okay let me
show you guys what I got the shoes that I got I just got her these legs because
like I said she wanted the low-cut and they didn't have any Tim's and the
low-cut so I got her these loads I think they're nice I don't care she doesn't
care about name brands I don't care about name brand and these are really
inexpensive they're like 3040 bucks and then I got myself these these are on
sale so these came out to like 20 bucks and then they used to shoot super cute
booties I'm actually gonna change my shoes right now because these are the
shoes that I'm wearing they're some Coach boots these are actually a
girlfriend his boots which is hilarious I just found them we wear the same size
and I found them in her closet and I'm like yeah I'm wearing these today let me
put these on real quick
all right so stop training you and I have these cute boots on oh I really
wish I tried these on in the store because they're honestly not the most
comfortable but we're just gonna do it okay so now we're going to go get
something to eat
really good nutritious and filling so we're gonna find some AP and then we're
gonna go so I picked Italian for lunch sorry it's super dark in here but I
don't know what to get I don't really want anything super heavy because it's
the middle of the day but I also I don't know if I want pasta you know what I
mean pasta in the middle of the day no one
else I think I really want some eggplant parmesan I haven't had that a long time
I'm hoping they have that ooh but they do have some mushroom ravioli
I might have a cocktail maybe or some wine
I do have wine at home though I don't like wasting money on wine when I go out
when I know I have a bottle at home because it's like I'm spending the same
amount on this one glass of wine that I have a whole bottle out
yeah I'm definitely gonna do the eggplant parmesan I'm so excited I got
this pair of martini oh my god it's so good
oh my god how good does this look
oh my gosh it looks amazing so I got like this wild mushroom ravioli mmm it
smells so good let's try it
oh my god it's gonna be so good it was a good choice
oh my god that was the best ravioli I have ever had in my life
look I killed the hell out of that place if it wasn't super awkward to like lick
my plate I literally would cuz that was fantastic
oh my gosh I don't even know what to say that was
amazing so I'm gonna wait for the check and then we gotta go one more place
we're gonna go one more place we gotta go to the beauty supply store and get
some deep conditioner I ran out of deep conditioner I also got to get I kind of
want to straight my hair I'm not sure if I'm going to but I kind of want to
straighten my hair if the weather permits imma straighten my hair so I
need to get some heat protected so I'm gonna get that if I'm gonna get that
stuff from this beauty supply store and then we're gonna go to the grocery store
so I can make dinner tonight I think I'm gonna make fajitas we've been eating
Christmas leftovers for the past few days and I'm over it I know she's over
it so I'm gonna make some fajitas and then we're heading home it's been a long
day but I like it I'm happy that I got out and about because yesterday I did
not go out because the weather and today the weather was trash but I still went
out and I'm very proud of myself for getting out and having a good day and
getting stuff done because nobody wants me in the house all day it's depressing
hey guys I'm at the grocery store right now I am gonna make some vegetarian
fajitas tonight for dinner so I'm literally just gonna pick up a few
things I have everything already that I need I just need bell peppers I hope
this place got bell peppers being here somewhere
bell peppers where are you right you're the UH bell peppers okay
that's interesting they're sold as singles for 129
each okay I'm gonna do an orange do these two
and that is all that I need from here all right you all I am back home I am
about to make some dinner like I said I am gonna make some vegetarian fajitas
actually they weren't gonna end up being vegan first I'm gonna make a cocktail
for my girlfriend because she just got home so I'm gonna do that and then I'm
going to start cooking
oh my gosh
all right so let's start cooking like I said today I am making some vegetarian
or vegan fajitas they're both I'm not going to show you guys the whole thing
because that will make this vlog painfully long but let me just show you
the ingredients I have bell peppers I have these three color of bell peppers
then I have tomatoes I have jalapenos I have an avocado I
have a purple onion and then as like the meat part of the fajita I'm using
portobello mushrooms they turn out really good and really hearty for the
fajitas and I have a tortilla of course but anyways I'm not going to show you
guys me cooking because I'll take a while but I will show you guys the end
result I almost forgot to show you guys like I finished making it and I just
gave it to my girlfriend and but here's the final product literally it's just
fajitas you just replaced the meat with portobello mushrooms and I gave her all
the necessary sides what do you think Oh
beautiful is it look good it smells good too okay
take a bite
is it good hmm oh but stop good okay all right that's
it for today's vlog I did so much today I hope you guys enjoyed that if you guys
like vlogs like this comment down below because I need to hear your feedback
whatever you guys like I would love to do while I'm not travelling so give me
your feedback thank you guys again for your loyal support and leave me a
comment down below subscribe as always give me a thumbs up and I'll see you
guys in the next one
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