Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily me Dec 29 2018

hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is alia thank you guys for tuning

in today today I'm gonna do something different that a lot of you guys have

requested it's just to like follow me around for the day and I know that's a

weird request but a lot of people like that and I've noticed people like that

like in the vlogging world that's really popular to just kind of like hang out

with a person so y'all are hanging out with me the whole today so today it is

really wet and it's just wet in North Carolina and I don't want to be inside

the weather hasn't been too good but I'm done being inside so we're gonna go out

we're gonna run some errands together we're gonna get some lunch some late

lunch and yeah we're gonna hang out we're gonna hang out so yeah let's go

first we're gonna go to mom oh it is raining I'm second-guessing going

outside but I just don't wanna be stuck oh look at my baby

look at her oh poor thing this is her first shower I feel so bad

for her we'll get her cleaned up all right bye have a nice day

okay all right let's get going all right guys so today we're first

gonna go to the mall

we're gonna go to the mall and find my girlfriend some shoes she really wants

some black Tim's or any type of black boots she wants so we're gonna go get

her son and then we're gonna run some other errands so I'm really sorry like I

said today it is dark outside so the lighting for this video might really

really really slow but it is what it is

all right let's go I went the complete wrong way to the store but we will

figure it out I don't really know my way around other

than that we're gonna go to the beauty supply store because of course I need

beauty product of course so we're gonna go over there we're just gonna go to a

couple stores really like nothing super exciting today just literally gonna be

running some errands

my god this car goes so fast and I don't even realize it like I barely pressed

all the gas and it just went so fast I think it's I don't know anything about

cars but I think there's eight is that it like eight cylinders is that a thing

because it has eight I think I don't know I could be completely off what I

think it has eight alright y'all so just got into the mall it is raining

so crazy like I literally have an umbrella right now I don't even own an

umbrella but we are going to first go into I don't know what Square to go into

first so I'm honestly trying to find a deal I'm just trying to find a discount

because it's after you know Christmas so hopefully they'll have some type of sale

right now so

okay so first I'm gonna check out these like discount stores for her shoes

because I know off the bat if I go to journeys or Foot Locker they're gonna be

the most expensive I'm always looking for that bargain deal here we go here's

the oops who's the black Tim that she wants except for these are high and she

wanted the low ones and they have her size they're 20% off

which is amazing but she didn't want these guys

let's look inside and see

look inside if we can see them for a little bit cheaper okay so I found the

shoes I also got myself some boots so I got her some boots and got me some boobs

I'll show them to you in a second but I'm here at Sephora I'm looking for a

punt or stick because I bought one at Ulta and it's way too light and I hate

that it's hard like being a woman of color and getting a contour stick dark

enough so I'm here at senti I trust her and I'm gonna get one of these match

sticks because they look pretty dark they look dark enough to contour so

let's see hmm I think this one might be too dark and I

don't want to I don't want to do that so let me see oh I think this one might

actually be perfect so this is the shade truffle if you guys can see that yeah so

I'm gonna get this one if they have any left cause I think that

would be perfect to contour

okay so I'm gonna get this one this truffle so let's get that one and then

we're gonna get out of here I'm super hungry so we're gonna go eat okay let me

show you guys what I got the shoes that I got I just got her these legs because

like I said she wanted the low-cut and they didn't have any Tim's and the

low-cut so I got her these loads I think they're nice I don't care she doesn't

care about name brands I don't care about name brand and these are really

inexpensive they're like 3040 bucks and then I got myself these these are on

sale so these came out to like 20 bucks and then they used to shoot super cute

booties I'm actually gonna change my shoes right now because these are the

shoes that I'm wearing they're some Coach boots these are actually a

girlfriend his boots which is hilarious I just found them we wear the same size

and I found them in her closet and I'm like yeah I'm wearing these today let me

put these on real quick

all right so stop training you and I have these cute boots on oh I really

wish I tried these on in the store because they're honestly not the most

comfortable but we're just gonna do it okay so now we're going to go get

something to eat

really good nutritious and filling so we're gonna find some AP and then we're

gonna go so I picked Italian for lunch sorry it's super dark in here but I

don't know what to get I don't really want anything super heavy because it's

the middle of the day but I also I don't know if I want pasta you know what I

mean pasta in the middle of the day no one

else I think I really want some eggplant parmesan I haven't had that a long time

I'm hoping they have that ooh but they do have some mushroom ravioli

I might have a cocktail maybe or some wine

I do have wine at home though I don't like wasting money on wine when I go out

when I know I have a bottle at home because it's like I'm spending the same

amount on this one glass of wine that I have a whole bottle out

yeah I'm definitely gonna do the eggplant parmesan I'm so excited I got

this pair of martini oh my god it's so good

oh my god how good does this look

oh my gosh it looks amazing so I got like this wild mushroom ravioli mmm it

smells so good let's try it

oh my god it's gonna be so good it was a good choice

oh my god that was the best ravioli I have ever had in my life

look I killed the hell out of that place if it wasn't super awkward to like lick

my plate I literally would cuz that was fantastic

oh my gosh I don't even know what to say that was

amazing so I'm gonna wait for the check and then we gotta go one more place

we're gonna go one more place we gotta go to the beauty supply store and get

some deep conditioner I ran out of deep conditioner I also got to get I kind of

want to straight my hair I'm not sure if I'm going to but I kind of want to

straighten my hair if the weather permits imma straighten my hair so I

need to get some heat protected so I'm gonna get that if I'm gonna get that

stuff from this beauty supply store and then we're gonna go to the grocery store

so I can make dinner tonight I think I'm gonna make fajitas we've been eating

Christmas leftovers for the past few days and I'm over it I know she's over

it so I'm gonna make some fajitas and then we're heading home it's been a long

day but I like it I'm happy that I got out and about because yesterday I did

not go out because the weather and today the weather was trash but I still went

out and I'm very proud of myself for getting out and having a good day and

getting stuff done because nobody wants me in the house all day it's depressing

hey guys I'm at the grocery store right now I am gonna make some vegetarian

fajitas tonight for dinner so I'm literally just gonna pick up a few

things I have everything already that I need I just need bell peppers I hope

this place got bell peppers being here somewhere

bell peppers where are you right you're the UH bell peppers okay

that's interesting they're sold as singles for 129

each okay I'm gonna do an orange do these two

and that is all that I need from here all right you all I am back home I am

about to make some dinner like I said I am gonna make some vegetarian fajitas

actually they weren't gonna end up being vegan first I'm gonna make a cocktail

for my girlfriend because she just got home so I'm gonna do that and then I'm

going to start cooking

oh my gosh

all right so let's start cooking like I said today I am making some vegetarian

or vegan fajitas they're both I'm not going to show you guys the whole thing

because that will make this vlog painfully long but let me just show you

the ingredients I have bell peppers I have these three color of bell peppers

then I have tomatoes I have jalapenos I have an avocado I

have a purple onion and then as like the meat part of the fajita I'm using

portobello mushrooms they turn out really good and really hearty for the

fajitas and I have a tortilla of course but anyways I'm not going to show you

guys me cooking because I'll take a while but I will show you guys the end

result I almost forgot to show you guys like I finished making it and I just

gave it to my girlfriend and but here's the final product literally it's just

fajitas you just replaced the meat with portobello mushrooms and I gave her all

the necessary sides what do you think Oh

beautiful is it look good it smells good too okay

take a bite

is it good hmm oh but stop good okay all right that's

it for today's vlog I did so much today I hope you guys enjoyed that if you guys

like vlogs like this comment down below because I need to hear your feedback

whatever you guys like I would love to do while I'm not travelling so give me

your feedback thank you guys again for your loyal support and leave me a

comment down below subscribe as always give me a thumbs up and I'll see you

guys in the next one

For more infomation >> HANG OUT WITH ME! (shopping, cooking, & more) - Duration: 15:03.


【純享】周深 - 《Think of Me》(Live) (聲入人心) 完整高清音質 無雜音純歌聲版 (歌詞CC) - Duration: 1:41.

Think of Me (Live) - 周深

词:Charles Hart/Richard Henry Simpson Stilgoe

曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber

Think of me

Think of me fondly

When we've said goodbye

Remember me once in a while

Please promise me you'll try

When you find the lover once again

You take your heart back and be free

If you ever find a moment

Spare a thought for me

We've never said our love was evergreen

Or as unchanging as the sea

But if you can still find a moment

Spare a thought for me

For more infomation >> 【純享】周深 - 《Think of Me》(Live) (聲入人心) 完整高清音質 無雜音純歌聲版 (歌詞CC) - Duration: 1:41.


The Spy Who Shrunk Me - Vodka! Borsch! Ushanka! (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 4:08.

*immitating russian movie translators from early 90`s*

Starring: maniacal General Bolshevik as the main villain.

Nazi scientist as a supporting villain.

Super soviet soldoer as a super secret weapon (oh, spoilers!)

and David Blaine as a sexy (maybe) spy...

In the movie...

oh sorry...

in the game...

The Spy Who Shrunk Me!

Before the game starts, it prepares us "morally" to it.

*translating this*

Hmmm, sounds very intriguing.

Perhaps I have to add such awarness before all my videos too.

Moscow, 1980`s.

British spy is charged with the mission to put a crimp in a plans of soviet General.

Аt our disposal we have the most ordinary spy kit:

an aimlessly squandering ration,

Lada Priora (russian car) airbag,



and a soviet remote with a standart teleporting feature.

The recipe of the game is quite simple:

take a pinch of stealth action...

a little bit of puzzle...


And we get The Spy Who Shrunk Me.


And really every single element in the game was the victim of Developers sense of humor.

Guards dream how they will have borsch tonight and drink after shift.

In labs you can find plans to create a super vodka-resistant soldier...

But why? We are used to vodka since childhood and have an immunity to it.

And polls about favorite color shows very predictable results.

And the cherry on top of this is...

Ok, im not gonna spoilering.

Im very dissapointed that I didnt meet any bear with Kalashnikov in his paws - that is the worst thing in the game :(

BTW, the stealth is made really just for the sake of appearance, the emphasis is those jokes about soviets

So if you have "inflammatory soviet patriotic sense" and cant understand absurd stereotype jokes, the game most likely is not for you.

For all the rest it is a good way to spend a couple of hours.

For more infomation >> The Spy Who Shrunk Me - Vodka! Borsch! Ushanka! (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 4:08.


100 Me Se 90 Dhokha Deti Hai (Bhojpuri Mix 2019) || Bhojpuri Remix Song New 2019 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 100 Me Se 90 Dhokha Deti Hai (Bhojpuri Mix 2019) || Bhojpuri Remix Song New 2019 - Duration: 3:21.


2019 Goals|About Me|Plan with me|Effective 2019 resolutions|Arpita's Space - Duration: 9:53.

New year's arrival brings with it the thoughts of setting effective New year's goals, as the first thing in the mind!

Before sharing my New Year's Resolutions, let me begin with telling a little bit about myself

For more infomation >> 2019 Goals|About Me|Plan with me|Effective 2019 resolutions|Arpita's Space - Duration: 9:53.


Hᴇᴀʟᴇʀ ❘❘ 𝒦𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝓂ℯ 𝓉ℴ 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓎ℴ𝓊 - Duration: 3:17.

Bong Soo!

Bong Soo.


could get you hurt.


You won't hurt me.


Don't make me leave.

Don't do that...

For more infomation >> Hᴇᴀʟᴇʀ ❘❘ 𝒦𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝓂ℯ 𝓉ℴ 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓎ℴ𝓊 - Duration: 3:17.


Aikatsu - Take Me Higher (Off Vocals) + Lyrics - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Aikatsu - Take Me Higher (Off Vocals) + Lyrics - Duration: 4:06.


[FREE] Calboy Type Beat - Wishful | Envy Me Type Instrumental - Duration: 3:16.

[FREE] Calboy Type Beat - Wishful | Envy Me Type Instrumental

For more infomation >> [FREE] Calboy Type Beat - Wishful | Envy Me Type Instrumental - Duration: 3:16.


食人族女王 Me Me Lai Bites Back 2018 - Duration: 1:19:56.

For more infomation >> 食人族女王 Me Me Lai Bites Back 2018 - Duration: 1:19:56.


[DIET VLOG #6] A day with me visiting Hong Kong | 香港遊, shopping, getting bubble tea & binge eating - Duration: 16:56.

Hi guys, It is JanDay

I have been back to Hong Kong from Bangkok

So my plan is to stay here a couple days

So right now it's around 11 am

I am going out and explore around

For more infomation >> [DIET VLOG #6] A day with me visiting Hong Kong | 香港遊, shopping, getting bubble tea & binge eating - Duration: 16:56.


Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.

Hey friends, Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride and I'm back again with another video! This time

I'm setting up my husband's bullet journal for January 2019.

Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video for my monthly giveaway!

So this month in my husband's bullet journal

I am doing an Apollo theme. If you're not familiar with the Apollo program,

it was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to earth and ran from 1963 to

1972. Six of the Apollo missions achieved their goal: Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 16 and 17.

And Apollo 11 is probably the one you have heard the most about because that is the one that landed the first

human on the moon in 1969.

As you probably know from watching my videos, my husband and I are both big nerds.

We both love space and we love sci-fi but something I haven't really gotten into in

M=my life is the Apollo missions,

I've never spent a lot of time watching videos about them or learning about them

for whatever reason, but my husband finds them fascinating and loves the moon. If he had a choice

he would definitely be living on the moon right now. So this month is completely dedicated to Jason's love of

space and the moon and the Apollo missions. For the cover page I decided to write January in the

classic NASA font and then 2019 is based on an image that NASA put out for Apollo 11

Where the Os in Apollo were depicted as the earth and the moon and then they had the flight path leaving Earth's orbit coming around

Swinging around the moon and landing and when we saw that we thought it was super cool

So I decided to repurpose that idea and make it fit in with

2019 so of course the zero is earth and then the circular part of the nine is the moon you'll see this theme is very

Minimalistic, everything is black and white essentially only done with a pen. So it's very easy to do

You don't need a lot of materials, but you can still really get that space feel. After the cover page

I'm moving on to the monthly spread setting it up as I always do with six by six boxes for each day.

Down the side

I'm writing January 2019 again in that NASA font and then the days of the week along the top. I then decided to

recreate an Apollo logo from the 60s.

This is I believe the official logo of the Apollo missions from that time.

So the font I did is not exact,

but I tried to replicate the look of this logo as much as I could in a very tiny

version and of course again only in black and white.

So the basic logo is a large A and then it shows the moon and the earth and again that flight path

coming around

This one took me a while to do because it had such fine detail

So I was using my Sakura microns and then I went back in after with my Sakura white Jellyroll

Gel pen to bring back some lightness to areas that I filled in a little too much with the pen

This is a great tip in general

if you are doing a black and white sort of

drawing and you find that you've coloured in places that you shouldn't, made mistakes,

you can always go in with a gel pen or some other kind of white pen or marker to kind of fix those mistakes.

So now I am moving on it to the weekly spreads which are very similar to what I have done in Jason's bullet journal in

the past. As I've explained a couple times before

Jason is a freelancer. So he needs space to track his hours and clients so that he can create invoices for the work

he does, so that is the main basis of his weeklies.

There is space for each day of the week to write down his hours, places

he has to be and then their space for tracking his hours worked and income. and

then the other side of the spread is just a blank page for notes and then he has another full empty spread after that

for notes as well in the week. So he ends up getting three total pages for notes for each week.

There is one little change on his weeklies this time around, we've added an extra column.

So you can see along the left side

There is one thin column along each day's tracker and that is for him to track whether or not he has invoiced for those hours

So I'll explain this again quickly for anyone who has not seen my previous plan with mes in my husband's bullet journal

(which will be linked if you want to go watch them). So essentially each day you have four rows total

The first three rows are space for three separate clients in a day

And then the fourth row is for totals. Looking at the columns,

The left column is for checking off whether or not these have been invoiced,

the second column is to indicate which client to the work is for, the

third column is for how many hours worked for that client,

and then the fourth column is for the total amount earned in those hours and then the totals are for total hours worked and

total income for that day.

And then at the bottom of the week

we have an extra totals line for total hours worked in the week and total income made in the week.

So that extra column is

just to track whether or not these hours have been invoiced which is something Jason

decided he needed after using his bullet journal for a couple months.

And that's one of the best things about bullet journals in my opinion is that you can completely change your system from top to bottom

If it doesn't work for you

But you can also make little tweaks here and there to really make it work for your life

And there's no one saying you can't and it's as easy as drawing your spread differently next time

All of the weeklies are the same so I won't show the setup of weeks two through five

But I will show you the little drawings I'm doing in the corner. The first drawing for week

one is an astronaut looking up to the stars.

The second drawing I'm doing is a recreation of a classic NASA logo from the 60s

I wasn't super happy with how this turned out when I first filled it in with pen

So I ended up going back in with my posca white paint pen to

Brighten up some of the areas thicken up the letters and just kind of fix the spacing because I honestly didn't do a great job

Of filling this in which is a great chance for me to remind everyone that mistakes happen

There's no with making a mistake and there are lots of creative ways you can use to fix mistakes and no one will ever know

Next I'm drawing a plan of Gemini, this is taken from a NASA

reference book from the 60s

I tried to recreate this drawing as closely as I could because it was a really really cool

Graphic drawing with Gemini and reference book kind of written into the plan

It was a really cool looking so I did my best to recreate that

Gemini technically is not part of Apollo. It was the mission right before Apollo and

Geminis objective was the development of space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land humans on the moon

So while it's not technically part of the Apollo missions

It definitely was foundational to the existence of the Apollo missions and the success of the Apollo missions

So I decided to include this especially just because when Jason saw this diagram he thought it was super cool

He really likes these kinds of patent and interior plan drawings of ships

He actually has a interior plan

Rocket ship tattoo on his side and this is very him and very me as well

I love drawing interior plans and diagrams of things

So this just had to be included even though it technically is not

actually from the Apollo missions next up on week 4

I am drawing or trying to recreate the Grumman logo from the 60s the Grumman aircraft engineering

Corporation was a producer of military and civilian aircraft

So they actually designed and built the Apollo Lunar Module which was a spacecraft that was flown to and landed on the moon

This was definitely a bit of a complicated logo to recreate but it is super cool

So I was happy to try and then on tweak five our last drawing here. This is another original Apollo logo

That was on a lot of their reference materials

From the 60s a lot of the internal NASA reference materials had this Apollo logo in the corner

So I did my best to recreate this as accurately as I could a lot of these logos

Originally had some kind of color going on and I just decided to keep everything black and white and very simple for this setup

But this logo originally had red and yellow in it. It was very cool-looking

I highly recommend you go google some of this stuff if you're interested in it

it's very cool to look at and

The very last spread that we have in this month is actually a new spread and it is a honey-do list

So Jason actually asked me to add this to his bullet journal for last month and we both completely forgot

So I'm adding it now for January and this is essentially a master to-do list

We're calling it the honey-do list, but it's not just things that I'm asking him to do

It's also just whatever comes to mind that he needs to get done

It's kind of one place to collect all of those tasks

And as you all know

I love a good to-do list and I love a good master to-do list just to combine

Everything that's on my mind so I can make sure I'm not forgetting anything

especially if it's something that doesn't need to be done in the next week or a couple weeks and

I want to make sure I don't forget about it

So now that we've gone through all the spreads it is time to talk about the giveaway and this month

I'm really excited to be giving away both a notebook and a pen to act as a little bit of a starter kit for any

Of you who want to start bullet journaling in 2019?

But maybe don't have a notebook to use or don't have the resources to get yourself one

So I've never actually used this type of notebook, but I've been really intrigued by it

They sell it at Crees the artist store downtown Toronto, which is where I buy a lot of my supplies

And I've been really intrigued by it multiple times, but just haven't needed a new notebook recently

So I never bought one to check them out, but I decided this would be a great time to do it

I could give it to one of you

It looks like it's incredible and I'm really excited to hear from whichever. One of you wins it to hear your thoughts

And of course if the rest of you who don't win are interested in learning a bit more about the specific notebook

Let me know I can always pick up another one and do a review video

This one is the pen talaq traveler pocket journal

It has a dot grid five millimeters spacing between the dots which is pretty standard in bullet journals

it has completely it recycled paper, which is

120 GSM which is pretty thick. So hopefully whoever wins this won't have any issues with bleeding or ghosting

It has 160 pages. The pages are acid-free slightly

Toothy recycled bright white sketch paper and the cover is italian-made flexible

Water-resistant cover there's also an elastic closure and a ribbon marker as for the pen

I'm giving away the lip and drawing technical drawing pin in 0.3

This is one that I've been using in my notebook reviews recently for pen tests

And I found that it's done really well at being one of the least

smudged bull pens that I own

and I've actually started using it recently in my bullet journal on a day-to-day basis and really love how it

performs and love the nib size

I just think it's a very


basic pen to have in your kit and a really good one to start bullet journaling with it's fine enough that you can get some

Really detailed work out of it, but it's not so fine that it'll take you forever

If you're trying to do something a little more bold, so I'm really excited about this prize pack this month

And I hope you all are too I'm gonna give you a super quick rundown of the rules

But as always they will be written in the description box

If you need to double check, make sure you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and hit the bells

You're notified when I post new videos like this video go follow me on

Instagram and lastly leave a comment on this video it can be whatever you like

But just make sure you include your Instagram handle so that I can find you if you win if you don't have Instagram

But you still want to enter you can follow me on any of my other social media

You can like my Facebook page or follow me on Pinterest whatever you like, whatever kind of social media you have

I know not. Everyone has Instagram and you still want the chance to win so I completely hear you. No problem at all

Just pick another social media and let me know the handle

from that social media that you followed me on and which social media you picked so that I can still keep track of you if

you do in

Thank you again so much to my patrons

I appreciate you so much

If you're interested in becoming a patron and grabbing a bunch of awesome rewards

Make sure to check out the link in the description or the cards to come join at the plant-based bride patron squad

Don't forget to go check out my plan with me in my bullet journal if you haven't seen it already

I did a letter board themed for January and I'm so in love with how it turned out it took forever

But it was very fun

So definitely go check out that video if you haven't seen it yet and as always leave all of your recommendations

In the comments for themes you want to see in 2019. I'm currently trying to kind of plan out all the themes

I'm gonna do in my journal and and Jason's bullet journal for 2019. So be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments

So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video in


bye friends

For more infomation >> Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.


Ellie Goulding – Love Me Like You Do [8D Nation] ( 8D Audio) Use headphones 🎧 - Duration: 4:10.

You're the light, you're the night You're the colour of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain You're the only thing I wanna touch

Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care 'Cause I've never been so high

Follow me to the dark Let me take you past our satellites

You can see the world you brought to life, to life

So love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Fading in, fading out On the edge of paradise

Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find

Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire Yeah, I'll let you set the pace

'Cause I'm not thinking straight My head's spinning around I can't see clear

no more What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (yeah)

Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

I'll let you set the pace 'Cause I'm not thinking straight

My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (yeah)

Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)

Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (oh)

Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

For more infomation >> Ellie Goulding – Love Me Like You Do [8D Nation] ( 8D Audio) Use headphones 🎧 - Duration: 4:10.


One piece Amv look what you made me do - Duration: 3:42.

I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage

The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you

I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie

You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me

You ask me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what!?)

The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama

But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma

And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure (sure)

Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick

of time (nick of time) Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all

the time (I do it all the time) I've got a list of names and yours is in red,

underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

(Ooh, look what you made me do) (Look what you made me do)

(Look what you just made me do) "I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the

phone right now" (Ooh, look what you made me do)


(Look what you made me do) "Oh, 'cause she's dead!" (oh!)

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

For more infomation >> One piece Amv look what you made me do - Duration: 3:42.


Take Me Hands - DAISHI DANCE | MV + Vietsub Vietnamese | Lời Việt | - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Take Me Hands - DAISHI DANCE | MV + Vietsub Vietnamese | Lời Việt | - Duration: 4:20.


Me voy de youtube.... - Duration: 0:28.



*Begin to cry*


*crying* I just wanted to tell you one thing

crying* I'm leaving youtube

*crying* do not ask me why

and also

*taking off the tears*

*Happy April Fools Day*

I hate you >:v



For more infomation >> Me voy de youtube.... - Duration: 0:28.


15 Facts About Me!! - Duration: 2:04.

Hi everyone, I'm Nehir!

I am filming about 15 facts about myself.

This is my mindmap.

Let me show you like a beauty guru... anyway

Let's start!

First, I am a messy person. There is nothing more to add to that.

Two, I am so lazy. That's why I am a messy person!

Three, I am a fuzzy eater. That means I don't like eating everything.

Next two facts will be about this one.

Four, I hate coffee. Even the smell of it makes me wanna throw up.

Five, I hate pizza and birthday cakes (except for ekpa)

I usually don't like things that normal people do.

Six, my celebrity crushes are Ed Westwick, who is a British actor...

...and Shawn Mendes, a Canadian singer.

im too lazy to do the rest, so sorry :)

For more infomation >> 15 Facts About Me!! - Duration: 2:04.


Raffaella Fico a Vieni da me: "Cristiano Ronaldo non mi ha ringraziato" - Duration: 2:29.

Le nuove dichiarazioni di Raffaella Fico su Cristiano Ronaldo Raffaella Fico è tornata a parlare di Cristiano Ronaldo a Vieni da me,

Qualche mese fa la soubrette ha difeso il calciatore della Juventus dalle accuse di molestie. il nuovo programma di Rai Uno.

L'ex del Grande Fratello ha vissuto una fugace relazione con il portoghese prima dell'incontro con Mario Balotelli,

che gli ha regalato la figlia Pia, e prima dell'attuale fidanzato Alessandro Moggi.

"Cristiano è come lo vedi: un bell'uomo, molto attento al suo fisico.

È un po' egocentrico ma prende sul serio il suo lavoro. Ama il calcio ed è molto attento.

Stento a credere alle accuse contro di lui: con me è stato un gentiluomo", ha confidato la napoletana a Caterina Balivo.

"Se mi ha ringraziato dopo le mie parole? No, ma va bene così. Non ci tengo", ha aggiunto la Fico.

Il nuovo rapporto tra Raffaella Fico e Mario Balotelli Nell'intervista a Vieni da me,

Raffaella Fico si è soffermata a parlare pure di Mario Balotelli.

Dopo i litigi di qualche anno fa, Raffaella e Mario hanno ricucito un legame per il bene della figlia Pia.

"Oggi i rapporti sono distesi, siamo molto sereni.

Lo raggiungo spesso a Nizza in modo che Pia possa trascorrere un po' di tempo con il padre.

Lei è felice di stare con lui", ha spiegato Raffaella, che vive da tempo a Napoli.

Ma nel 2019 si trasferirà a Milano, subito dopo il matrimonio con l'attuale fidanzato Alessandro Moggi.

I due stanno decidendo data e location mentre in Comune sono già apparse le pubblicazioni delle nozze.

Raffaella Fico sta per sposare il fidanzato Alessandro Moggi "Alessandro Moggi è il mio presente e stiamo costruendo insieme il nostro futuro.

Crisi? In tutte le coppie ci sono alti e bassi", ha detto Raffaella Fico, felice dal 2016 accanto al procuratore sportivo nonché figlio del più famoso Luciano.

For more infomation >> Raffaella Fico a Vieni da me: "Cristiano Ronaldo non mi ha ringraziato" - Duration: 2:29.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today tonight I'm gonna do a night kitchen cleaning my

kitchen is a very big mess we also had like spaghetti and meatballs for dinner

so of course all the pots that come with that so I got to get this cleaned up

before I go to bed I'm exhausted and ready to lay down

but we'll get this done first

so I hope this inspires you to get your kitchen clean before you run off to bed

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

let's clean up this horrendous kitchen

alright guys the kitchen is clean I am beat

done done for the day I've been going all day

so oh

I don't even know what to say

so thank you so much for watching

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> NIGHT TIME KITCHEN SPEED CLEANING ROUTINE // CLEAN WITH ME - Duration: 17:17.


Can You Hear Me Now, Birthday Ticket, and Video Proof - Duration: 6:58.

(funky music)

Victoria Koswalsky?

I think help is coming on the way.

Who's this?

That's my mom.

I have a cold, so I can't really hear that well.

So I brought her along.

Mom, you wanna get next to that mike?

And what is your first name?



Yes, Your Honor.

And your husband's name is Robert?

Robert, yes.

How do I know?

(Victoria laughs)

It's on the ticket.

She's smart.

Alright Crystal, you're gonna do the talking for Victoria?

Well no, I'm gonna, just in case she can't hear you.

Her ears are blocked.

My ears are very blocked, so.


I received a parking ticket.

I was working at the Johnson and Wales bookstore,

and the meter was broken, I actually have pictures,

I don't know if you um.

The first picture there is of a car

that's parked next to me.

He has no sign in his window and he doesn't have a ticket.

And then the one with the, there was a parking envelope,

a ticket envelope on my vehicle,

and there was no ticket in the envelope.

So I thought someone was playing a mean joke on me,

so I threw the ticket envelope away

and I went back into work.

I said there was no ticket in the envelope.

And then on Friday I received this summons.


(whispering) Can you hear me now?


He's not talking. What?

He's not talking. Oh, okay.

You can't hear me?

Now I can.

Oh, you can hear me now?

(Frank chuckles)

Tell him what happened with the meter.

Inspector Quinn.

Your Honor, there's, in one of the photographs here,

she has a note on the dash and it's dated 2/21/18,

and it's saying meter not working,

spits out coins and did not accept cards.



Here's the threshold question I have to ask you is this:

you have to keep your eye on her from now on.

'Cause she's led an exemplary life.

Actually, she keeps an eye on me, Your Honor.

Well, she's a good kid, she's been doing good,

she's in school, right? Yes, sir.

She's gonna have a bright future, we hope.

'Cause the thing that bothers me is she never had a ticket

and now she got a ticket, and we're just concerned

that maybe she's gonna be taking a wrong turn in her life.

She better not, Your Honor,

'cause she's going in criminal justice.

Okay, you're gonna watch over her then.

Yes. Alright.

Alright, based on that, the matter's gonna be dismissed.

Thank you very much, Your Honor.

(whispering) Goodbye, can you hear me?

(laughs) I wasn't talking.

He's playing a mean joke on me.

Yes he is.

I'm going to the doctor's now.

Alright, the matter is dismissed, bye bye.

Thank you very much.

(funky music)

David Diaz Almante.

You have an overnight parking ticket, sir,

on Diamond Street.

Translator, Judge.

He has an overnight parking ticket

on Diamond Street.

(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)

There was the person in living in the first floor

had like a party, and they block the driveway,

so he couldn't park in his driveway.

Oh, was he invited to the party?

(speaking in Spanish)


Oh, what kind of a party?

What kind of a party was it?

(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)


Oh, birthday.

And they didn't invite him?

He's a neighbor upstairs?

(speaking in Spanish)


No, they didn't.

Oh, ask him if he's friendly

with the people on the first floor.

(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)

Yes. Oh, very friendly, right?

Ask him.

(speaking in Spanish)


He can't be too friendly,

they didn't invite you to the party.


I'm just trying to figure out if you're telling truth.

If you're lying about that, I don't know about the ticket.

Inspector Quinn, what do you think about this?

Did he get a piece of cake?

This is the uninvited guest defense.

Did he get a piece of cake?

That'll be the tell-all.

Did they give him any cake or anything like that?

(speaking in Spanish)

Yeah. Yes.

He's friendly.

Oh, they sent it up.

(speaking in Spanish)

All of a sudden, he's gonna remember

he did attend the party.

They were the best friends, yeah.

He started the party.

I can't make this stuff up.

I'm trying to be fair.

If I believe him, they had a party downstairs

and people were there.

Now, how old was the person whose birthday it was?

(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)

Like, four.

Four years old.

Four years old, yeah.

Well this had to be one hell of a party.

Let me tell you something.

Baby's four years old, the party's going on

at 2:30 in the morning, that's when the car was parked.

So they were having a birthday party for a four-year-old

at 2:30 in the morning, Inspector Quinn.

It must've been after the nap.


(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)

Yeah, they celebrate the birthday and keep on going.

See the clerk.

Michael Vierra.

Good morning, Your Honor.

Good morning, sir.

Mr. Vierra, you have an expired meter on Friendship Street.


I go to family court a lot, ongoing divorce matter.

So I pulled up to a spot, the meter was expired,

I put some self quarters in, I realized

that the meter wasn't taking, like tallying up the time,

so I took a quick video of it,

I put one more quarter in.

And it didn't register.

And it didn't register, no.

Alright, show Inspector Quinn.

So if you just hit that triangle,

it'll start to play I guess.

'Kay, here's my car, here's the meter,

here's a quarter going into the machine.

Watch the time, I can't see it.

It's all scratched and mangled.

There it is.

Hear it, look at the time, not going up.

I've put four quarters in.

So when I get a ticket, I'm fighting it.

Okay, I heard it.

I'm putting quarters in, meter's not registering,

that's what you said.

That's what I said.

But the one thing that bothers me

is at the end of this, you said, and if I get a ticket, I'm.

Fighting it.

Fighting it. Yes.

Now, it's my sad duty to inform you

that you have to fight Inspector Quinn.


You're not fighting me, 'cause if you fight me,

I got this, right?

So I don't suggest you fight me.

Inspector Quinn, how do you feel about this?

Your Honor, based on the video,

the city will move to dismiss.

The motorist did put coins in, and the time did not change.

Alright, the matter is dismissed, good work.

Thank you, Your Honor.

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