Ianisin here and welcome back to the Last of Us remastered now we left off
we're a hunter I'm shot us from other side of the building we had a duck and
now here I am trying to escape the building and go to Salt Lake City and
Utah so let's do it okay I covered this way I just know it oh he's got an axe
shit who knows how much damage that thing does gotcha
that thing's loud really you're just gonna charge that someone with a damn
gun like I said um I think a few videos ago why would you do that
unless you're extremely fast runner Hey look the freakin lamp came up I thought
it just knocked you down yeah whatever good enough now go down for me he's good
enough for you watch this watch how good of a shot I am like I don't like to brag
but hey sometimes it's kind of worth it ooh sniper rifle mm shot his face clean
off right Bryan Joel please hey Rico damn I bet this thing's loud especially
when you're inside whoo awesome good all right so which goods cuz the matter as a
matter of frickin bullets and I guarantee I will find some as I progress
okay here comes some more just be silent they don't know where I'm at
be silent it'd be nice if you could throw the ax
I went trying to be stealthy about this
gotcha down before he got me
whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa Kim Ali you're not gonna shoot the little girl but
you're gonna shoot an old man that's fucked up I should get the other actors
it's got another hit on it I've got to say how the hell that not hit him look
at this idiot look at him just wait for him to frickin make a move it frickin
took away I damn hit even though I'd even hit him but whatever I get this
weapon look at the same one said it's got more hits on it magani ammo for
rounds nope hey let's get out of here go down there
I can go this way careful okay that's probably just the same way said it's
just a release to a different route hurry hurry
oh good shot Ellie hey bitch child and freaking hmm feel like you desert the
dog doing that shit to little girls strong with you alright Buster this door
Oh every month hey get up ahh Kalon chill you're an old man but you
got some freaking fight in you dumbass you just go gotcha gotcha
told you Joel's tough guy all right whoa so I can even reload of when he's hurt
that's good where's my weapons at besides my pistol they just
see I like that freaking positive yeah all right come on go through it
careful Oh God
all right be quick about it
no I got this Oh God Ellie gotcha look at this hand
that thing's like frickin covered in blood all right let's go I know it hurt
you guys deal with it I'm trapped you can at least help an old man out here I
can't because my freaking controllers stuttering come on
there's no people around your gun um get the Safety's off
and make sure you're well prepared hang on just wait a second I'm hurt and I'm
badly injured damn how the hell did she survive bad I'm a stick hit nice hit it
not the good out of her hand
man freakin love jewel
just get the horse
you get on
I think we're safe
this won't last very long
you're just Starla
where'd you go damn awesome cutscene bone up I don't mind that dear well stop
walking on sticks i warp that dear sir probably still there well you're
probably saying what do you think but hey I'm just saying I don't really go
hunting that often in real life I used to but I just kind of got a little bored
with it you know kind of makes that deer can't smell her cuz in real life it's a
completely different story because deer have a good sense of smell and they're
really hard to UM hunt alright careful don't stick out the don't step on them
sticks otherwise that's a complete run away yeah that's what happened hey I
can't see the little dot garter all right
I probably stained up just for a little bit but try not to walk on any sticks so
I see them on the ground that's gonna automatically yeah like that right there
don't walk on any of that because quite as you possibly can
alright so coming up is it here okay is that thanks to a lob look at it it's lip
it a little bit I can't see the freaking UM died cuz the bow and arrows in the
way how do you spit you know I can't see we hold it like that yeah this way it's
better got it
all right chase after it that thing's got to be dead now it's still running Oh
over there look at it how is that thing still alive man
wait it's still running ain't no point of even stopping yeah that's what I want
to know that's kind of like jewel how the hell did he survive a freaking
little on metal spike thing to a dang the side of a stomach I mean I mean I
know you probably can't survive it but still an old man like jewel he's a tough
guy he's gotta be one of the toughest people
and probably the last of us well he'll probably in any video game cuz he'll who
can who the hell could survive ask yep I like that attitude scissors we're not
gonna make my own ship I'm just now noticing I'm playing us Ellie yeah I
know call me crazy but it's true
who's there come out hello we just want to talk any sudden moves
and I put one right between your eyes ditto for buddy boy over there what do
you want name's David this here's my friend James from a larger group women
children we're all very very hungry so am i women and children all very hungry
too well huh maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you
need weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics we do back at the
camp welcome to follow me I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go
get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours anyone else shows
up you put one right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the
penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on
I'll take that rifle
back up
it's probably gonna be a while you uh why don't we take some shelter from the
cold bring him with us
you know you really shouldn't be out here on your own
I don't like company I see what's your name why
look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers
whoever's heard you clearly care about them sure it's gonna be just fine we'll
you had another gun sorry really like my rifle back no you have your pistol
you know how to use that thing I've had some practice alright
it's got three bits amo now back with the infected love killing these guys I
hear one wait hey wait doc hi that thing's loud hey good shot be nice if I
had a scope on it a stick it's so I'm still doing good
look at it just go look up they come in here what
the hell thank you where the hell your name is
oh thanks I need more ammo I'm running low a bit I'm glad this thing does one
on one hit kill unlike jewels must be a completely different story for him
alright anymore oh I miss one shot I guess one way to the boy and saw the
nuts stop boy has some of these um in his head flame all of them I just find
that a little pudding face
look at me go whoa damn anymore well yeah I can still hear them going
but I can't you see them loader he'll whoa you're a strong man didn't
get me didn't hit me ammo or pistol ammo
mace I still have that pistol I know what I had that while you sit on the
damn deer anything okay still find a little where how they just
put that there that's clear this way well it's good but like in real
life it's you just saying yourself what Wes twice this here that's exactly what
I would have said stay close
mm there's some down here aren't they oh Jesus there's three of them okay go slow
because these are extremely of them clickers are really hard to be stealthy
with cuz yeah I can't go I'm really silent
I gotta be sound and silent I gotta be like a mouse silent look don't move
because they're really aware they're hot they're on high alert so yeah they could
pretty much hear anything as long as I don't move turn around that scared the
hell see what I mean they'll have any eyes and they're really
hard to not and it's really hard not to be seen
remember bet you they can't see you but they have a good sense of freaking here
even moving I don't have any ista pistol rather than using a freaking knife or
running up against it I don't bow and arrow gotcha damn lucky
shot to God run oh this thing's are terrifying
okay her from the load that's six pick two ammo it lost me
okay come on go a little quicker you come this way that's right look at
village slow motion stay your ass down a mo nope
saw a brick but yeah that you had no point of even getting it cuz I don't
think she could probably like yeah she can't she can't use the little thing
that Joel did with the brick hit it three times she can't do that because
the a brick is really heavy thank you
okay plus like an upgrade something
probably that self defense uh it's um it's a fence
yeah it's I mean besides heal myself I could just throw it against a go forward
at the infected yeah kill a lot of people out right
yeah come here boost me up
you'd be quick keep a lookout for this thing you got it okay hey Mari full hey
what else okay some down there I couldn't smell them baby well that was a
wasted but a bit of a mo they clearly know where I'm at now does it smell like
it me shooting a gun yeah nothing's alright when you shoot a gun unless
you're going hunting with like animals and shit I get it no I did it but I
don't know where I'm at you tell me that thing can't shoot through the frickin so
I just wasted all my damn ammo they can hear me but they can't I'm just glad
they can't see there's one down can I wonder if I can shoot this and from
there eat okay there's more ammo down there but hey you ready no point it's my
junk down it's probably I'll get back up
all the supplies pinned it can upload something else - Travis Christophe a
hey upgrade nail bomb yeah get that might as well just get some help
why not just to be safe alright hurry
yeah not the ladder there knife that's what
exactly what I do come on good idea yeah no shit shit Wow
that she could read my mind more ammo fire some more supplies up there okay so
blow sit for explosive pistol ammo perfect ooh yeah have you really okay
without me God all these scissor bits of ammo healthkit in another one that's
pretty much I pretty much got almost everything cuz I upgraded no idea so
what do we do
I don't mind holding our ground I like being I like being the underdog
oh they're coming from that direction run l l le there we go
watch this that Bank fell straight down wait about the waste of damn AM L good
mister gotcha you're welcome bear give me more ammo
after this speaking ahead I just got one bit of a mail from a denim picker
hurry even though they can't see they're still aggressive oh yeah thanks sound
like what's in here okay get the ammo from him
whoa how'd you get up there that's effect you don't know where they come
from especially how'd that thing get in here oh yeah you got a gun I don't gotta
do everything around here him look he can't hear that just looking all over
the place like what the hell what the hell are they
hmm gotcha would youwould fine you mean like it ah it's like Henry he
didn't really do nothing but he say we
where are they I hear them but I can't fight stuck I
don't know that was a lucky shot right there
alright pistol ammo whoa did you see the brain come out
yeah just punch it with your fists exactly when you did when you got a
freaking pistol you just use your fists instead your gun ain't got nothing
except my bow and arrow and that thing does shit damage it's hard to hit them
too or you could just do that motor
all right thanks but I'll take a long time to go down hey get them all Toph
good thing I crafted it alright just kill it
gotcha okay got more ammo alright yeah about
Tom got four bits amo too and that was good
is that it that's gotta be it
I'll check the bridge
now unaffected no infected what I tell you
alright let's head on back check on that bucket bars
well you handled yourself pretty nice back there let's say we make a pretty
good team well yeah lucky lucky no no no such
thing as luck now you see I believe and everything
happens for a reason sure I do and I can prove it to you now
this winner that's been especially cruel a few weeks back I sent a group of men
out nearby town look for food only if you came back
he said that the others had been slaughtered by a crazy man
and get that he's crazy man traveling a little girl you see everything happens
for a reason don't get upset it's not your fault I'm just a kid
James lower the gun
no way David I'm not gonna let her know her Oh God now give her the medicine the
others won't be happy about this yeah well that's not your concern
with a fuck out of the way won't survive long out there I can't protect you
let's get out of here
Joel I only managed to get a little bit of
food but I did get this here we go
well then
I'm gonna make it
I'm gonna draw them away from here go back for you
go giddyup and at bat shots to go this way if they
go a certain way go the other way or they could just let him person get on
well shoot oh he got me nice shot
let's go got careful he had a two easy shots and he could have just hit me
right there all these all these hunters Jesus Christ just for a little girl
wow that merely they really want to kill me yes shoot the horse they're just now
figuring that out miss oh shit my horse you freaking mm-hmm Oh hurry ain't no
time for your worry about your legs
gotcha high gear or him I think I did all right
heel on my own now anyway I'm a stuff right
here I love y'all and I'll see you on the next video for when we take on the
rest of the hunters deal with David and James and we'll figure out what we're
gonna do with joel and fix him up and get him back in the action so I'll see
y'all then Ianisout!
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