Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily US Dec 29 2018

Bad news for creeps: Starbucks has announced that it will soon block access to porn websites via the company's WiFi network

So pervs have only until the end of 2018 to get their jollies in public while sipping on a grande juniper latte

In January, Starbucks will introduce a content blocker that bans access to pornographic sites while using its free in-store WiFi

Viewing porn at Starbucks has long been banned, but there was no mechanism in place to prevent customers from doing so

Business Insider reports that the company has instituted the filter after pressure from an outside group that advocated for a porn site ban for years

Enough is Enough, a nonprofit dedicated to Internet safety for children, launched a petition encouraging Starbucks to ban porn

It received more than 26,000 signatures. [The new Starbucks juniper latte tastes like one too many gin and tonics] The group wrote in its petition: "Starbucks is keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and patrons to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public WiFi services to view or distribute graphic or obscene pornography, child pornography (an illegal crime), or engage in sexual predation activity

" "To ensure the Third Place remains safe and welcoming to all, we have identified a solution to prevent this content from being viewed within our stores and we will begin introducing it to our U

S. locations in 2019," a Starbucks spokesman told Business Insider. The company has not elaborated on the content blocker

 Starbucks had previously announced it would block porn in 2016 but did not immediately follow through on its promise

In 2014, the Starbucks WiFi helped the Hillsboro, Ore., police capture a child predator

A registered sex offender was caught downloading child pornography on the Starbucks network there

In 2012, a Sacramento man on the sex offender registry was arrested for viewing child pornography on the Starbucks WiFi

Starbucks already filters pornography from WiFi at its British locations, and McDonald's began filtering out porn in 2016

Other restaurant chains with content-restricted free WiFi include Chick-fil-A, Subway and Panera Bread

 Public libraries have also waged war against the public viewing of porn — it's banned in some and widely available in others

In 2o14, Motherboard reported that some librarians were fighting for patrons' rights to view porn, seeing it as an information access rights issue

Studies have found that content blockers designed to filter out porn also disproportionately block non-pornographic sites related to LGBT issues and abortion

Watching porn in public, by the way, not only makes bystanders deeply uncomfortable — which may be why some people do it to begin with — but it's also considered sexual harassment in certain settings and may result in a disorderly conduct citation

Chipotle rehires manager who asked African American men to prepay for burritos I tried McDonald's new Triple Breakfast stacks, and now I'm full of syrup, butter and shame He's ready for his 'Top Chef' spotlight

And he wants to use it to talk about African food

For more infomation >> Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - Duration: 4:47.



For more infomation >> HISTORY SHOULD GIVE US HOPE. - Duration: 12:25.


STRANGER DANGER! | The Last of Us Remastered # 13 - Duration: 37:51.

Ianisin here and welcome back to the Last of Us remastered now we left off

we're a hunter I'm shot us from other side of the building we had a duck and

now here I am trying to escape the building and go to Salt Lake City and

Utah so let's do it okay I covered this way I just know it oh he's got an axe

shit who knows how much damage that thing does gotcha

that thing's loud really you're just gonna charge that someone with a damn

gun like I said um I think a few videos ago why would you do that

unless you're extremely fast runner Hey look the freakin lamp came up I thought

it just knocked you down yeah whatever good enough now go down for me he's good

enough for you watch this watch how good of a shot I am like I don't like to brag

but hey sometimes it's kind of worth it ooh sniper rifle mm shot his face clean

off right Bryan Joel please hey Rico damn I bet this thing's loud especially

when you're inside whoo awesome good all right so which goods cuz the matter as a

matter of frickin bullets and I guarantee I will find some as I progress

okay here comes some more just be silent they don't know where I'm at

be silent it'd be nice if you could throw the ax

I went trying to be stealthy about this

gotcha down before he got me

whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa Kim Ali you're not gonna shoot the little girl but

you're gonna shoot an old man that's fucked up I should get the other actors

it's got another hit on it I've got to say how the hell that not hit him look

at this idiot look at him just wait for him to frickin make a move it frickin

took away I damn hit even though I'd even hit him but whatever I get this

weapon look at the same one said it's got more hits on it magani ammo for

rounds nope hey let's get out of here go down there

I can go this way careful okay that's probably just the same way said it's

just a release to a different route hurry hurry


oh good shot Ellie hey bitch child and freaking hmm feel like you desert the

dog doing that shit to little girls strong with you alright Buster this door

Oh every month hey get up ahh Kalon chill you're an old man but you

got some freaking fight in you dumbass you just go gotcha gotcha

told you Joel's tough guy all right whoa so I can even reload of when he's hurt

that's good where's my weapons at besides my pistol they just


see I like that freaking positive yeah all right come on go through it

careful Oh God

all right be quick about it

no I got this Oh God Ellie gotcha look at this hand

that thing's like frickin covered in blood all right let's go I know it hurt

you guys deal with it I'm trapped you can at least help an old man out here I

can't because my freaking controllers stuttering come on

there's no people around your gun um get the Safety's off

and make sure you're well prepared hang on just wait a second I'm hurt and I'm

badly injured damn how the hell did she survive bad I'm a stick hit nice hit it

not the good out of her hand

man freakin love jewel

just get the horse

you get on

I think we're safe

this won't last very long

you're just Starla

where'd you go damn awesome cutscene bone up I don't mind that dear well stop

walking on sticks i warp that dear sir probably still there well you're

probably saying what do you think but hey I'm just saying I don't really go

hunting that often in real life I used to but I just kind of got a little bored

with it you know kind of makes that deer can't smell her cuz in real life it's a

completely different story because deer have a good sense of smell and they're

really hard to UM hunt alright careful don't stick out the don't step on them

sticks otherwise that's a complete run away yeah that's what happened hey I

can't see the little dot garter all right

I probably stained up just for a little bit but try not to walk on any sticks so

I see them on the ground that's gonna automatically yeah like that right there

don't walk on any of that because quite as you possibly can

alright so coming up is it here okay is that thanks to a lob look at it it's lip

it a little bit I can't see the freaking UM died cuz the bow and arrows in the

way how do you spit you know I can't see we hold it like that yeah this way it's

better got it

all right chase after it that thing's got to be dead now it's still running Oh

over there look at it how is that thing still alive man

wait it's still running ain't no point of even stopping yeah that's what I want

to know that's kind of like jewel how the hell did he survive a freaking

little on metal spike thing to a dang the side of a stomach I mean I mean I

know you probably can't survive it but still an old man like jewel he's a tough

guy he's gotta be one of the toughest people

and probably the last of us well he'll probably in any video game cuz he'll who

can who the hell could survive ask yep I like that attitude scissors we're not

gonna make my own ship I'm just now noticing I'm playing us Ellie yeah I

know call me crazy but it's true

who's there come out hello we just want to talk any sudden moves

and I put one right between your eyes ditto for buddy boy over there what do

you want name's David this here's my friend James from a larger group women

children we're all very very hungry so am i women and children all very hungry

too well huh maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you

need weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics we do back at the

camp welcome to follow me I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go

get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours anyone else shows

up you put one right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the

penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on

I'll take that rifle


back up

it's probably gonna be a while you uh why don't we take some shelter from the

cold bring him with us


you know you really shouldn't be out here on your own

I don't like company I see what's your name why

look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers

whoever's heard you clearly care about them sure it's gonna be just fine we'll


you had another gun sorry really like my rifle back no you have your pistol

you know how to use that thing I've had some practice alright

it's got three bits amo now back with the infected love killing these guys I

hear one wait hey wait doc hi that thing's loud hey good shot be nice if I

had a scope on it a stick it's so I'm still doing good

look at it just go look up they come in here what

the hell thank you where the hell your name is

oh thanks I need more ammo I'm running low a bit I'm glad this thing does one

on one hit kill unlike jewels must be a completely different story for him

alright anymore oh I miss one shot I guess one way to the boy and saw the

nuts stop boy has some of these um in his head flame all of them I just find

that a little pudding face

look at me go whoa damn anymore well yeah I can still hear them going

but I can't you see them loader he'll whoa you're a strong man didn't

get me didn't hit me ammo or pistol ammo

mace I still have that pistol I know what I had that while you sit on the

damn deer anything okay still find a little where how they just

put that there that's clear this way well it's good but like in real

life it's you just saying yourself what Wes twice this here that's exactly what

I would have said stay close

mm there's some down here aren't they oh Jesus there's three of them okay go slow

because these are extremely of them clickers are really hard to be stealthy

with cuz yeah I can't go I'm really silent

I gotta be sound and silent I gotta be like a mouse silent look don't move

because they're really aware they're hot they're on high alert so yeah they could

pretty much hear anything as long as I don't move turn around that scared the

hell see what I mean they'll have any eyes and they're really

hard to not and it's really hard not to be seen

remember bet you they can't see you but they have a good sense of freaking here

even moving I don't have any ista pistol rather than using a freaking knife or

running up against it I don't bow and arrow gotcha damn lucky

shot to God run oh this thing's are terrifying

okay her from the load that's six pick two ammo it lost me

okay come on go a little quicker you come this way that's right look at

village slow motion stay your ass down a mo nope

saw a brick but yeah that you had no point of even getting it cuz I don't

think she could probably like yeah she can't she can't use the little thing

that Joel did with the brick hit it three times she can't do that because

the a brick is really heavy thank you

okay plus like an upgrade something

probably that self defense uh it's um it's a fence

yeah it's I mean besides heal myself I could just throw it against a go forward

at the infected yeah kill a lot of people out right

yeah come here boost me up

you'd be quick keep a lookout for this thing you got it okay hey Mari full hey

what else okay some down there I couldn't smell them baby well that was a

wasted but a bit of a mo they clearly know where I'm at now does it smell like

it me shooting a gun yeah nothing's alright when you shoot a gun unless

you're going hunting with like animals and shit I get it no I did it but I

don't know where I'm at you tell me that thing can't shoot through the frickin so

I just wasted all my damn ammo they can hear me but they can't I'm just glad

they can't see there's one down can I wonder if I can shoot this and from

there eat okay there's more ammo down there but hey you ready no point it's my

junk down it's probably I'll get back up

all the supplies pinned it can upload something else - Travis Christophe a


hey upgrade nail bomb yeah get that might as well just get some help

why not just to be safe alright hurry

yeah not the ladder there knife that's what

exactly what I do come on good idea yeah no shit shit Wow

that she could read my mind more ammo fire some more supplies up there okay so

blow sit for explosive pistol ammo perfect ooh yeah have you really okay

without me God all these scissor bits of ammo healthkit in another one that's

pretty much I pretty much got almost everything cuz I upgraded no idea so

what do we do

I don't mind holding our ground I like being I like being the underdog

oh they're coming from that direction run l l le there we go

watch this that Bank fell straight down wait about the waste of damn AM L good

mister gotcha you're welcome bear give me more ammo

after this speaking ahead I just got one bit of a mail from a denim picker

hurry even though they can't see they're still aggressive oh yeah thanks sound

like what's in here okay get the ammo from him

whoa how'd you get up there that's effect you don't know where they come

from especially how'd that thing get in here oh yeah you got a gun I don't gotta

do everything around here him look he can't hear that just looking all over

the place like what the hell what the hell are they

hmm gotcha would youwould fine you mean like it ah it's like Henry he

didn't really do nothing but he say we

where are they I hear them but I can't fight stuck I

don't know that was a lucky shot right there

alright pistol ammo whoa did you see the brain come out

yeah just punch it with your fists exactly when you did when you got a

freaking pistol you just use your fists instead your gun ain't got nothing

except my bow and arrow and that thing does shit damage it's hard to hit them

too or you could just do that motor

all right thanks but I'll take a long time to go down hey get them all Toph

good thing I crafted it alright just kill it

gotcha okay got more ammo alright yeah about

Tom got four bits amo too and that was good

is that it that's gotta be it

I'll check the bridge


now unaffected no infected what I tell you

alright let's head on back check on that bucket bars

well you handled yourself pretty nice back there let's say we make a pretty

good team well yeah lucky lucky no no no such

thing as luck now you see I believe and everything

happens for a reason sure I do and I can prove it to you now

this winner that's been especially cruel a few weeks back I sent a group of men

out nearby town look for food only if you came back

he said that the others had been slaughtered by a crazy man

and get that he's crazy man traveling a little girl you see everything happens

for a reason don't get upset it's not your fault I'm just a kid

James lower the gun

no way David I'm not gonna let her know her Oh God now give her the medicine the

others won't be happy about this yeah well that's not your concern

with a fuck out of the way won't survive long out there I can't protect you


let's get out of here

Joel I only managed to get a little bit of

food but I did get this here we go

well then

I'm gonna make it

I'm gonna draw them away from here go back for you

go giddyup and at bat shots to go this way if they

go a certain way go the other way or they could just let him person get on

well shoot oh he got me nice shot

let's go got careful he had a two easy shots and he could have just hit me

right there all these all these hunters Jesus Christ just for a little girl

wow that merely they really want to kill me yes shoot the horse they're just now

figuring that out miss oh shit my horse you freaking mm-hmm Oh hurry ain't no

time for your worry about your legs

gotcha high gear or him I think I did all right

heel on my own now anyway I'm a stuff right

here I love y'all and I'll see you on the next video for when we take on the

rest of the hunters deal with David and James and we'll figure out what we're

gonna do with joel and fix him up and get him back in the action so I'll see

y'all then Ianisout!

For more infomation >> STRANGER DANGER! | The Last of Us Remastered # 13 - Duration: 37:51.


heaven told us; - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> heaven told us; - Duration: 2:19.


US Naval Research Laboratory | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 32:53.

For more infomation >> US Naval Research Laboratory | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 32:53.


The Real Story of How the 8-Year-Old Died in US Custody Doesn't Fit the Media Narrative - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> The Real Story of How the 8-Year-Old Died in US Custody Doesn't Fit the Media Narrative - Duration: 4:05.


California officer killing suspect arrested; was in US illegally, officials say - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> California officer killing suspect arrested; was in US illegally, officials say - Duration: 1:51.


Us 我們 2019 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Us 我們 2019 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:47.


us at umina vlog - Duration: 26:34.

For more infomation >> us at umina vlog - Duration: 26:34.


Brighter Image Lab You've Never Seen Us Make A Smile Like This Before! Wait for it (UNICORN) !!! - Duration: 9:51.

hey guys we're sitting here working on how to design some of the shirts that we

have this year about which way to go and which sleeved to actually put them on so

I just want you to know that the new Brighter Image Lab shirts are coming out

they should be here any time so for the people who've been asking or been waiting on

them they're coming but what I want to do is I wanted to tell you a little bit more

this week about it being Christmas and what I've got is I have three or four

people that are actually getting their veneers for Christmas time you guys

should have them this lady right here is out of Alabama we spoke yesterday and

I've been trying for a long time to get you a set of veneers

she sent me a video and I think a lot of her for doing it and she said if I had

this I think this will help me get started in my career my name is Kerry

and she's out of Madison Alabama Kerry you should have these for Christmas

Merry Christmas and I hope that these do everything that you wanted them to do

for you this lady right here her name is Jade Jade I'm sorry we

didn't make your graduation but I hope we make your Christmas I didn't have

time to make these earlier in the year for you and I know that that hurts when

you hope that you can get them in time for graduation I've made them I finally

got to them what you don't know is on the new life smiles everyone that we give

away I do myself I don't have anybody else do them not any part of them I

generally do them all and so when we switch to our system you were in on

maybe an old system and then it took a while to get it transferred I didn't get

you for your high school I didn't make your prom but I'm hoping to make your

Christmas the Jade I appreciate these I appreciate your patience as hard as it

difficult it is for me to do them all sometimes I just don't get to them but I

got one out of Alabama I got here have another one that I can't wait

for you guys to see they are coming out so clear this one's probably one of the

neatest ones I've seen the reason why there's some gap at the gum line is

because they're not all the way on if I can get them on then you'd understand

but they're still wet I've worked all through the night I worked until 2

o'clock in the morning to get maybe even later than 2:00 to get some of these

ready to go today that's her that's her these are going to Atlanta I just spoke

with you on the phone here's one that I've been trying for a long long long

time Jennifer thank you the world for sending me your video I thank you so

much I wish I could have gotten these maybe in the summer or fall they almost

got passed up I did these last night and it was a very challenging case and I was

able to get that done and I'm just so appreciative of what I think these are

gonna do for you Jennifer is a music teacher if you've listened to any of her

samples hopefully I can link her down below or she'll let me do that I think

the world of her I'm not gonna really show her befores but I will show her

afters this little girl needs to smile these are these are some people for new

life smiles that I wanted to get because I thought that if I can change their

Christmas then I can change their New Year and if I can change their New Year

I can change every year after that and so we're going to Atlanta we're going to

North Dakota we're going to Colorado I think the world of these clients see

these are people who've worked with me over the past year to develop a smile that

has an extreme condition something thats really bad something's happened and a

lot of things that put them in a position to where traditionally they

couldn't go about purchasing these things these are people have a smile

that have a right to smile and and I don't think that it's something that

it's something I'm incredibly passionate about so with that we're going to stop

there today I'm going to show you what we're going to go into the next thing of

our vlog so if you'll follow me hey guys Merry Christmas one last time

please let me know you've got Christmas follow me

now let me tell you what this blog is really all about you've seen us make

some smiles and we're sending out some smiles that we were able to give to

people that have contacted us through the year this vlog is gonna be the last

vlog of the year and we wanted to see if we can make a different kind of smile

today instead of doing smile makeovers we have a young lady who works for us

and she's got a little girl and it's her birthday

her name is Emma but we call her hobo and she's got a sister named Mia they

they're in and out of our blog every once in a while Emma's in love with

unicorns and everything is Unicorns everything she's been talking to me so

much about unicorns and so today we wanted to surprise her by showing her a

unicorn and I hope it goes well and I hope we make her smile like we make

everybody smile this is going to be my last vlog of the year I hope you enjoyed

this vlog and we'll see you next year

you can start driving okay you got anything planned today? Like what? I think you're going to have a

fun day

the unicorn Can I ride on him oh yeah Wow he found a Unicorn baby

hey Ryan tell Ryan thank you you're welcome sweetie

Ryan got out and found the unicorn I'm a good unicorn tracker Hi rainbow! you're very very

Did that make you cry Emma?

I told you Ryan would help us find a Unicorn!

Ryan thank you so much You're very welcome Thank you Ryan


Thank you for the awesome Birthday! It was the best birthday ever yes it was pretty good wasn't it

if you made it this far it's because you probably liked the video do me a favor

hit the like button and hit the subscribe button help us grow this

channel our subscribers mean the world to us I think you'll like what's coming

this year amazing smile makeovers for people all over the world thank you for

watching the video and hit the subscribe button talk to you later bye


For more infomation >> Brighter Image Lab You've Never Seen Us Make A Smile Like This Before! Wait for it (UNICORN) !!! - Duration: 9:51.


Who Cheats Us Is Not from Us - Duration: 14:26.

For more infomation >> Who Cheats Us Is Not from Us - Duration: 14:26.


Pitt and Oregon State gave us the worst bowl game ever played | The 2008 Sun Bowl - Duration: 7:43.

- [Narrator] The college football bowl season

has given us greatness year after year.

Michael Dyer somehow not going down on his 37 yard run

to set up Auburn's game winning field goal.

Ian Johnson going from the statue of liberty two point

conversion that won it to a sideline marriage proposal.

Tua's overtime walk off touchdown

for the national championship.

They're unforgettable moments on the biggest stages

but in 2008 we were gifted a game so miserable

and uninspired that we could only wait for the new year

to let us wash the horrors from our mind

that no one saw coming.

This is the worst bowl game.

December 31st, 2008, the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Texas.

The Oregon State Beavers faced off against

the Pittsburgh Panthers in a top 25 match up

that should have helped cap off the year with a bang.

Neither team was great but they were both good enough

that on paper it was a solid showdown.

For Pitt, they rode LeSean McCoy to a nine win season

where he was top 10 in the nation in rushing yards

to go along with 21 touchdowns, which tied him

for most in the nation.

They pulled off an upset at then unbeaten South Florida

and took down Notre Dame in quadruple overtime.

Pitt, as well as, Oregon State had scored at least 34 points

in half of their games and only twice

did they fail to reach 20.

Defensively, Pitt was giving up 23 per game

while the Beavers were allowing 25.

So both sides were capable of playing their part

in a barn burner that had an over under north of 50.

Oregon State had done it all on the backs

of the Rodgers brothers, Jacquizz and James.

They both had gone over 1,000 yards from scrimmage

and had combined for 21 touchdowns on the season.

Oregon State handed then number one USC

their only loss on the year, which would keep them

out of the national championship.

The Beavers won six of their last seven

and at this point even I almost forgot

this is a series called "The Worst"

but once the game actually kicked off

Oregon State was hit with a penalty

despite no return taking place.

- Oregon State will be charged a time out

for failing to wear white uniforms.

- [Narrator] Whatever, orange jerseys are cool,

time outs are boring, plus Mike Riley likely needed

to psych his team up considering they were without

their two best offensive pieces.

Oh right crap, forgot to mention both the Rodgers'

got hurt and were watching from the sideline

but it'll be okay.

Next man up…and that next man fumbled

on the third snap of the game.

But instead of using the short field to their advantage

Pitt one-upped Oregon State.

On their second offensive play QB Bill Stull

threw to Kinder who got a hand on it and tapped it

straight to Keenan Lewis for the interception.

This is where it's worth noting

that this day was stupid windy.

This should have been an easy completion

but going across the field meant the wind was able to

push it behind the receiver and led to the turnover.

We then witnessed the first of two lengthy punter duels

as the teams traded punts for seven straight possessions.

Fun fact, that's Johnny Hekker, future all pro,

stuck in this hell just like the rest of us.

Hekker was finally allowed some rest

when Oregon State took over at their 37

and actually covered 36 yards in six plays

finding themselves in an unfamiliar position

of actually giving their kicker a chance.

Justin Kahut gave the game some life

when he converted from 44 yards out

despite his holder doing his best to botch the attempt.

The Beavers actually started to look like

they might've figured out this whole football thing.

On their next possession they had gains of

17 yards to Shane Morales, 18 yards to Sammie Stroughter,

a 10 yard keeper by Lyle Moevao that converted

a fourth and three and then with 15 seconds left in the half

facing second and goal from the nine

Moevao threw it to the back corner.

- -[Verne] Caught, Touchdown, No, No

- [Gary] Came out.

- [Verne] I thought he had it but he did not.

- [Narrator] On the next play they went right back

to the endzone and this time it was caught,

just by a Pittsburgh defender.

Cool, cool, cool, the Panthers were able to take a knee

and mercifully end the half.

Despite the score, the teams actually combined

for over 300 total yards of offense in the first half.

They just couldn't finish drives.

While adjustments were being made in the locker rooms,

history was made in the stadium.

The largest YMCA dance, complete

with the actual Village People because why not.

When you can just create a world record

because no one else thought it should be a thing

you can't pass on that opportunity.

It also served as a great distraction

to a game that wasn't going to get any better.

For a long stretch of the second half,

the teams combined for 12 drives

that covered a grand total of 21 yards

but since the ineptitude was shared

Pitt still found themselves very much in the game

that felt closer to hot potato than it did football.

After a 22 yard punt return, Pitt setup shop

near the 50 with just a few minutes left,

ready to claw their way back.

At this point, it's almost good news that

their starting quarterback is out with an injured wrist.

I mean apologies to the Stull family,

but today wasn't Bill's finest work.

Running mainly out of the wildcat,

McCoy carried it five straight times,

inching his way to the Oregon State 40

or as Dave Wannstedt would call it: field goal range.

Facing a fourth and seven he sent in Conor Lee

who's longest attempt that year was from 45 yards out

which he missed but considering the offense

had only two plays in the second half

that covered eight or more yards

a field goal attempt from 58 was somewhat justified.

- [Verne] It might be there, guess no.

- [Narrator] And honestly that should be worth two points.

That close from 58 yards out, it's wild,

granted it was all because the wind

was at his back but still.

Oregon State took over with less than two to play,

only needing one first down to put

the final nail in this game.

So naturally when they faced fourth and one they punted.

Pitt's new quarterback Pat Bostick

completed a pass for 16 yards and another for 20 yards

to both make this game interesting and make

the fourth and seven decision look even more stupid.

As the offense was finally picking up chunk yardage

but then he took a sack and we were free to drink our way

into the new year and wash this performance from our brains.

Pitt's offense never reached the Oregon State 35 yard line.

The only two possessions to hit their red zone ended

in an Oregon State interception and a missed field goal.

It as the lowest scoring bowl game since

Air Force and TCU tied 0-0 in the 1959 Cotton Bowl Classic

and the worst Sun Bowl since 1940's scoreless tie

between Arizona State Teacher's College

and the Catholic University of America.

So, congratulations Pitt you did just

as good as those football powerhouses.

Looking at the sunny side of this debacle

somehow 11 players from this game

were selected in the 2009 NFL draft.

Oregon State entered the game favored by two and a half

so at 3-nothing they in fact covered

and to this date the game still owns the record

for largest YMCA dance at over 40,000 participants.

It serves as a great reminder, that even when

those around you are doing their best to do nothing

and it feels like the world is going up in flames

all it takes to make history is to shut up and dance.

Thanks for watching the worst.

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the worst national championship - an instant classic

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For more infomation >> Pitt and Oregon State gave us the worst bowl game ever played | The 2008 Sun Bowl - Duration: 7:43.


BASIT NAEEMI | us aj tai nai pochya | New Song Basit Naeemi | New saraiki song 2019 - Duration: 7:04.

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Huong's Third US Citizenship Interview - Duration: 7:36.

Please raise your right hand.

Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Yes I do.

Put down your hand.

What did you promise?

I promise to tell the truth.

Please sit down.

Thank you

Why are you here today?

I'm here today for my citizenship interview.

Why do you want to become an American citizen?

I want to live with my family. I want freedom.


Please show me your Green Card, your driver's license or a photo ID. Thank you.

Explain how you are eligible to become a US citizen.

I have been legal permanent resident for five years.

Five years? Good.

What is your current legal name?

My current legal name is Huong Thi Thu Nguyen.

Is your current legal name the same as the name on your Green Card?

Yes, they are the same.

What is your date of birth?

My date of birth is February 3, 1966.

What is your country of birth?


What is your country of nationality?


What is your date of permanent residence?

October 20, 2013.

What was your port of entry?

San Francisco


Do you live in San Jose or Milpitas?

Yes, I live in Milpitas.

Do you have another address? Do you have a previous home address?

I live (at) only one address.

How do you support yourself financially?

Yes, I work.

You work?

Where do you work?

I work in Home Support.

I take care of my son.

You take care of your son?

Oh yes, your son has a problem with his back?


Have you taken any trips outside of the United States in the past 5 years?

No I haven't

How many total days were you outside of the United States?


Tell me about your last trip--Oh! No trips--I'm sorry!

No trips.

What is your marital status?

Yes I'm married.

Is your husband a US citizen?

No he isn't.

When and where (did your husband become a citizen?) (WRONG QUESTION)

Excuse me. My mistake.

Do you have any children?

Yes, I have two children.

Tell me about your first child (who) you have.

My daughter is Phuong Ngo. My son is Phuc Ngo.

How old is your daughter?

She is 25.

How old is your son?

My son is 17.

17 years?

Are they born in Vietnam or in the United States?

Yes, they were born in the Vietnam.

Have you ever claimed to be a US citizen?

No, I haven't.

Have you ever voted in the United States?

No, I haven't.

Do you pay your taxes every year?

Yes, I pay taxes every year.

Do you belong to any groups or organizations?


Have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?


Have you ever been a terrorist?

No, I haven't.

Have you ever sold or given weapons to another person?


Did you serve in your country's armed forces?


Have you ever been arrested or committed a crime?


Have you ever been a habitual drunkard?


Have you ever sold or smuggled illegal drugs?


Have you ever been deported?


Do you support the Constitution and the form of government of the United States?

Yes, I do.

Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?

Yes, I am.

If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms for the United States?

Yes, I am.

Really? What is bear arms?

Bear arms is to carry a gun (to) protect the US government.

Are you willing to perform noncombatant duties in the United States?

Yes I am.

What is noncombatant?

I will help the US without using a gun.

Are you willing to help the government during a national emergency?

Yes, I am.

Do you promise that everything you said is true?

Yes, I promise.

Very good.

Now let me ask you some questions for Citizenship. Are you okay?

Can you name two national holidays?

Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

What is the Constitution?

The supreme law of the land.

What is the rule of law?

Everyone must follow THE law.

The United States...let me think about ...

Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

New York Harbor

What are the two Houses, sorry--

What are the two parts of Congress?

The Senate and the House of Representatives

What movement tried to stop (end) racial discrimination?

the civil rights movement

Name two cabinet-level positions?

The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of State

The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of State

What important things did Abraham Lincoln do?

Freed the slaves


Let's continue: on ...

What does the judicial branch?

Explain the laws

Explain the law

Name one important thing that Benjamin Franklin did.

US Diplomat

What are two rights that everyone has in the United States?

Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech



For more infomation >> Huong's Third US Citizenship Interview - Duration: 7:36.


Is open south border a national security risk to the US? - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Is open south border a national security risk to the US? - Duration: 5:29.


Some Iraqi lawmakers want US troops out after Trump's visit - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Some Iraqi lawmakers want US troops out after Trump's visit - Duration: 1:36.


China allows US rice imports amid trade war - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> China allows US rice imports amid trade war - Duration: 5:54.


Can The President of the United States Go To Jail? - Duration: 6:55.

"America is great because she is good.

If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great," wrote French political

scientist Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 book, "Democracy in America".

The USA, he believed, offered equality that was not seen in other nations.

The founding fathers of the U.S. had created a form of ruling that was not able to be tyrannical,

that was chosen by the people and served the people, and if it failed to do so it would

be removed.

This America was a long way from absolute monarchies and from authoritarian government

presided over by powerful dictators.

It was supposed to embody what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the U.S Declaration of Independence,

that, "all men are created equal."

With that in mind, welcome to this episode of the Infographics Show, Can a U.S. President

Go to Jail?

If all men are created equal, perhaps that means that all men should be treated as equals

when it comes to matters of justice.

That's why there are laws, and no people in a democracy should be immune to punishment.

We could argue that the scales of justice do seem to be tipped in favor of those that

have more money, to avoid close scrutiny by law enforcement or to hire brilliant legal

teams to perhaps undo wrongdoings.

Notwithstanding the sometimes mindboggling chicanery a very wealthy person might employ

to get them out of trouble, everyone in the USA should be answerable to the same laws.

This must mean an American president can surely go to jail, or prison.

Just so you know, jail and prison are sometimes interchangeable words, but in the USA, jail

is usually the place you go to for a short stint before you have a court hearing or you're

just serving a very short sentence.

Prison is the place you go to after you've been convicted of a crime.

Ok, so first of all, a "What If" question.

What if a U.S. President lost his mind and ran out of the White House stark naked and

then started plunging a recently-procured White House kitchen knife into astounded tourists?

Could that President be charged and convicted of a number of crimes, say, attempted murder,

murder, and perhaps public indecency.

It's not all that simple.

When the writers of the constitution drafted their timeless piece, they had to think of

what would happen if a president went off the rails and committed a crime, or crimes.

Such wrongdoing, they said, might be "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and misdemeanors."

If that should happen, they said, first there would be impeachment by the House of Representatives

and then it would be up to the Senate to convict the wrongdoer.

What this could mean is while the president is still in power, he can't be indicted,

meaning the cops couldn't just turn up outside the White House, taser the wayward leader,

and detain him in one the city's finest jails until he had his day in court.

He first would have to be impeached and then removed from office.

That would take some time.

After he has been removed, according to the constitution, he, or she, will "be liable

and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

But it is complicated.

If we look at the crime we described, it is perhaps too unbelievable to even discuss.

But would he be prosecuted if it happened?

One professor at Yale wrote this, "The framers implicitly immunized a sitting president from

ordinary criminal prosecution."

So again, he would have to be impeached first.

We don't really know what would happen in this case; perhaps an assumed enemy would

be blamed for somehow being able to control the mind of the president.

We can safely say the President would be removed from active duties, although somewhere along

the proceedings the public would be told something nefarious had happened.

He'd probably be judged insane as a result of dark outside influences.

We really don't know, and unfortunately no sources online have discussed the possibility

of such a heinous crime.

But this is an extreme case, so let's look at something more down-to-Earth.

If we look at what was called high crime, that's different.

High crimes are usually things like perjury, bribery, abuse of power.

These things we certainly can imagine a president doing.

According to U.S. legal scholar, Ronald Rotunda, if the President committed one of these high

crimes, he'd face the law.

Rotunda wrote, while investigating former President Clinton, "It is proper, constitutional,

and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts

that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president's official duties.

In this country, no one, even President Clinton, is above the law."

Still, others disagree.

Time magazine in 2018 featured a story written by the former principal lawyer for Vice President

Spiro Agnew.

He wrote, "An imperial Presidency was the worst fear of the Founders."

As we said, the founders knew tyranny was always bound to happen when one person, or

group, had too much power and attendant impunity.

The constitution had to preclude that this tyranny, or corruption, never could happen.

The writer states again that first the president would have to be impeached, then removed,

and he would then possibly face prison.

It's just never happened.

The Atlantic also wrote a story in 2018, asking if a sitting president could be indicted.

That writer said there was no clear answer.

He decided to ask the question to six well-known legal scholars, regarding if a sitting president

could be indicted.

Four answered.

Three said no and one said yes.

The writer turned to academics, and many answers came back, some saying that indicting a president

would just be too disruptive.

Another disagreed, saying the constitution was written so that such a disruption, when

needed, could occur.

Another said that no expert can answer the question, stating that one could only have

an opinion on this matter.

There is no airtight legal framework that can guarantee an answer.

We apologize that we can't ascertain a clear answer to the question in this show, but it

seems there is nobody out there who knows.

The constitution was written so that a president could face the law as you and I do, but while

in office it would seem that indicting a president would be very hard to do.

That seems wrong to some, because if the founders had wanted to give immunity to presidents,

that would have explicitly been written into the constitution.

Perhaps the constitution should have some small print where it says, "All men are

created equal."

In that small print we can read, "Subject to change without notice.

Not applicable outside of warranty."

Is that too cynical?

What do you think about all this?

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other show The President's Escape Plan If The US Is Attacked.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

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