Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily can Jan 31 2019

>> KEVIN: Every single day, millions of people say things, like,

"Oh, I'm just not inspired today."

"If only I could focus on this, maybe I could do it."

"I lack motivation."

Well, we have some good news for you.

We have answers that will make you GET OFF YOUR ASS.

Stay tuned.

>> SIMONE: Yes.

[intro music]

>> SIMONE: Hello, heroes!

I'm Simone.

>> KEVIN: And, I'm Kevin.

>> SIMONE: And, welcome to…

>> SIMONE & KEVIN: The Hero Within!

>> SIMONE: Where we unearth the secrets to success, and the power of human potential.

Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen.



>> SIMONE: [laughter]

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: Hell yeah!

>> KEVIN: Ready to get motivated?

Let's fucking go.

Today, we're going to break down one of the key barriers to success: lack of motivation.

>> SIMONE: [whispering] Woah.

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

Profound stuff.

>> SIMONE: I can't wait.

>> KEVIN: I can't wait, either.

[whispering] Let's do this!

>> SIMONE: [whispering] Yes!

In a world filled with things to do, and places to be, we all wish we could use a little bit

more motivation to get things going.

Whether it's writing a novel, chasing your dreams, or, even, making a YouTube video…

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: …we all want the stars to align, to figure out how to get motivated for long-term

gain, and ultimate growth.

>> KEVIN: Now, the simple answer to motivation is holding yourself accountable, making a

firm decision, and how powerful your "why" is against oppositional forces (i.e. you,

and your parents, for instance.

But… the real answer is a bit more complicated than that.

>> SIMONE: Alright, heroes, now we're gonna get into why we can't get motivated.

>> KEVIN: Yeah, the juicy stuff!

>> SIMONE: Yes.

>> KEVIN: Let's do it.

>> SIMONE: So, the first reason is fear of failure.

Now, this is the most cited reason why people have a hard time getting motivated; they just

don't wanna fail.

I mean, I can definitely relate to that a lot.

I think everybody can.

However, this really depends on your past success, and failures.

So, with past success, and failures, the more time you succeed, the more confident you're

gonna be, and the more likely you're gonna do more things, or even the same thing that

you've been doing before.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: However, if you fail a lot of times at it, you're gonna, likely, shy away at


And, this often permeates in other parts of your life.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: So, think about it this way: uh, a great example is Stephen King.

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: So, Stephen King is (one of the most) celebrated horror authors in the world


>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: However, Stephen King lacked confidence in the beginning.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: He kept sending his work to a bunch of publishers, and he kept getting rejection

notice, after rejection notice.

And, finally, at a certain point, Stephen King was like, "Forget it.

I'm just not a good writer.

I'm never gonna be an author.

I'm done."

And, he quit.

However, thanks to his wonderful wife, that still believed in his writing…

>> KEVIN: Aww.

>> SIMONE: …she kept submitting stuff behind his back.

And, finally, a publisher said, "Yes."

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: And, all you need is one "yes".

>> KEVIN: True shit!

>> SIMONE: One.

That's all you need to be successful.

Another reason for fear of failure is, simply, embarrassment.

It feels bad to be rejected.

It feels bad to fail.

>> KEVIN: Oh, yeah.

>> SIMONE: And, more often times, we internalize that, that we're not good enough.

We're embarrassed.

We feel that everybody's looking at us.

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: And, saying how much of a loser we are.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: That is more of your internal self talking.

And, you gotta ignore that.

>> KEVIN: Yep.

>> SIMONE: Because everybody fails at life.

There's nobody that escapes that.

>> KEVIN: True.

>> SIMONE: And, you know what?

You gotta just keep going until you succeed.

And, the very last thing we're gonna talk about is future anxiety.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: So, the great thing about us being human is the fact that we can anticipate the


>> KEVIN: Yep.

>> SIMONE: We can anticipate how wonderful, and amazing, our future's gonna be.

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: And, we can also anticipate the terrible things that are going to happen.

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: Part of motivation is about keeping positive, and keeping yourself aware of these

thoughts that are happening.

And, acknowledging them, but not letting them get to you.

>> KEVIN: Yes.

>> SIMONE: Because, you don't know what's gonna happen in the future.

You may just accidentally succeed.

>> KEVIN: Yeah.


>> SIMONE: Holy moly!

>> KEVIN: True stuff.

Holy moly!

>> SIMONE: And, if you have a history of failure, why not try to succeed instead… by, at least,

trying in the first place?

>> KEVIN: Real shit.


The 2nd reason of why you can't get motivated is the fear of success.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why would I fear success?

I wanna succeed!

Everybody wants to succeed, right?"

True, but there's still fears behind that, one of them being is that being successful

can result in a change in your lifestyle, and your comfort zone; you have to get out

of your comfort zone.

And, you know, as humans, we wanna be comfortable.

We don't wanna shake things up, usually.

So, you gotta get over that if you are faced with success.

The 2nd reason why you would fear success is that you are, all of a sudden, thrust into

a leadership position; you're responsible for something, or somebodies.

And, now your anonymity is gone.

And, that goes for whether you're an actor, you're a CEO, or, you know, you're the

leader of the PTA.

Or, in my case, when I was in the military, I made it to the rank of E-5, which is Staff


In other words, I was a middle manager, for my first time ever.

Before then, I was never in charge of anybody.

So, I was scared I was gonna mess up the person underneath me, and my own career, you know,

by proxy.

>> SIMONE: Mmm.

>> KEVIN: Fortunately, I think I did a pretty good job, according to my subordinate, and

everyone else, so…

But, yeah, you just gotta get over that.

It's like, yeah, things are gonna change; you're no longer the person you used to

be, in a sense.

But, with that can come a whole wealth of rewards.

So, just accept it.

Go with it.

Be successful.

>> SIMONE: Alright, heroes, now we're gonna talk about number 3: internal doubt.

>> KEVIN: [silly noise]

>> SIMONE: So, this is all about your inner dialogue.

Your inner dialogue is so important to maintain, and keep, when you're trying to stay motivated,

especially the most cited reason for not doing things is: "I don't deserve it."

"I am just a cog in the wheel; a brick in the wall.

Why am I special?

Those people out there, they are faster, they are better, they're stronger, they are richer;

of course they're successful."

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.



>> SIMONE: And, that may be true!

However, normal, everyday-people that come from bad circumstances, good circumstances,

okay circumstances… succeed every day.

And, that's because they cracked the code.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: And, they believed that they deserve it.

They deserve everything that comes to them.

And, remember, like we said before, you only need one success.

>> KEVIN: Just one.

>> SIMONE: Out of the failure.

>> KEVIN: Yep.

>> SIMONE: To get somewhere in life.

>> KEVIN: Real shit.

>> SIMONE: So, the fact is that everybody deserves a chance.

Or, as they say, "Everybody deserves a chance to fly."

>> KEVIN: Oh, wow, that's so poetic.

>> SIMONE: I know!

>> KEVIN: Mmm.

>> SIMONE: I got that from Wicked.

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: It's my favorite song.

I'm sorry.

>> KEVIN: Never seen it, but, nice.

>> SIMONE: It's amazing.

You should, totally, go.

>> KEVIN: Maybe I will.

>> SIMONE: But, anyway…

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: So… [laughter]

So, everybody deserves a chance to fly.

Everybody deserves a chance to do something in life that they really enjoy.

So, another reason we're gonna talk about, with internal doubt, is, simply, self-sabotage.

>> KEVIN: Right, right.

>> SIMONE: So, with self-sabotage, everything has to do with internal dialogue.

"We don't deserve it."

We think it's really hard, and too challenging, for ourselves, because we failed so many times.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: So, now, we're going to sabotage ourselves.

And, if you're going to write in your novel, instead, you're going to clean out the garage.

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: What does that have to do with anything?

>> KEVIN [laughter]

>> SIMONE: You could clean out—you have to clean out the garage at some point, but

does it really have to be right now, when you're about to write?

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: It doesn't.

>> KEVIN: No.

>> SIMONE: When you're about to start your business, you spend more time researching,

and never actually get to it.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: You sabotage yourself.

The important thing is to make sure that you get out of your own way.

>> KEVIN: For sure.

>> SIMONE: Once you get out of your own way, and you just go, and do it, and you believe

you deserve it, things will eventually happen.

It may not happen right away, but it will happen in time.

You just gotta believe in yourself.

>> KEVIN: Yes.

Trust us on this.

It's a process, but it's a proven one.

>> SIMONE: Exactly.

>> KEVIN: Yo!

Reason number 4 you're afraid of success: the fear of the opinion of others.

Now, as human beings, you know, when it comes to our friends, families, and significant

others, we want their opinions of us to be favorable.

For instance, my parents fully support me, you know, living out here in California, going

for my dreams, and stuff.

And, that means a lot to me.

It goes a long way to have that support from my family.

And, as human beings, we're social pack animals.

This goes all the way back to antiquity.

You know, back when we had to scrounge together resources, and defend our communities, we

needed to be liked, evolutionary-speaking.

Because, without that, you would get banished from the tribe.

And, what did banishment from the tribe mean?


>> SIMONE: [gasp]

>> KEVIN: And, that's, obviously, not a good thing!

So, you know, we have to stick together, and it's good for us to all have favorable opinions

each other.

And, when that doesn't happen, when that gets in the way of success, then, it's downhill

from there.

>> SIMONE: Alright, heroes, now, we're gonna give you a few examples, and, also, what people

LOVE to say to take you off your game.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: And, the eye off the ball.

>> KEVIN: Ah.

>> SIMONE: Ah.

>> KEVIN: Indeed!

>> SIMONE: Now, let's start with losing weight.

This is a great one that people are constantly doing.

What are some things that people say, Kevin?

>> KEVIN: Now, obviously, I mean…

I don't have to worry about losing weight.

I'm a slim dude, with fast metabolism, and I work out.

But, I digress.

The things people would say are things like, "Oh, you… you know, you gotta do dieting",

and, you know, "You gotta exercise a lot.

You, probably, won't be able to do that, 'cause you're lazy"; just all kinds

of negative shit, basically.

>> SIMONE: Or, "Aww, you can't have the cake we're gonna have next Saturday?"

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

Try to guilt trip you, and shit.

>> SIMONE: "That really sucks."

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: Or, "Why don't you just have a little bit?

It's not gonna do any damage."

>> KEVIN: "Just one slice."

>> SIMONE: "One slice, you know?

And, you can go back on your diet."

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: And, they do that every day.

>> KEVIN: Yes.

>> SIMONE: "Just one!"

Just one little thing each time, right?

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: It's crazy how people love to, basically, almost sabotage you, instead of

support you, and say, "That's okay.


We'll try—we'll do it with you one day a week", or something like that.

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: Or, "We'll make sure you get the proper nutrition that you need.

>> KEVIN: Mm-hmm.

>> SIMONE: Or, "Let's go to the gym together."

Or, "Let's go bike riding together."

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: There's so many positive things that you could do besides, just sabotage each

other, but we love to do it.

>> KEVIN: It's almost, like, we get high off of it, you know?

>> SIMONE: Yeah.

And, I just--- I just think it's terrible.

>> KEVIN: It is.

>> SIMONE: You should, always, support people that wanna do something different in life.

>> KEVIN: Yes.

>> SIMONE: So, let's talk about number 2: starting a business.

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: Oh, man.

This is a great one.

Let's see… what… what things that we can talk about…

"Oh, it's really hard!

It costs a lot a money!"

It actually doesn't.

>> KEVIN: Mmm.

>> SIMONE: It depends on the business that you're starting.

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: Or, "It's gonna take a long time to build the business, and what if it

fails, and you owe all of this money?"

>> KEVIN: Yeah, it's, basically, just a bunch of what-ifs, you know, being tossed

around, and this is very applicable to us, obviously, because we started this YouTube


>> SIMONE: Mm-hmm.

>> KEVIN: And, you know, it's a risk we're willing to take.

>> SIMONE: Exactly.

>> KEVIN: You know?

>> SIMONE: And, my favorite number 1 is, like, "You're not good enough; smart enough,

whatever enough to do this."

>> KEVIN: Right.

>> SIMONE: And, you know what?

>> KEVIN: Mmm?

>> SIMONE: That may be true, slightly, in the beginning, but, that's what learning

is for.

>> KEVIN: Yeah, exactly.

>> SIMONE: Exactly.

>> KEVIN: Just like I said in, uh, the New Year's video, you can't win if you don't


So, start playing.

>> SIMONE: And, let's talk about the last one…

>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: Going for a creative career.

Oh, man.

>> KEVIN: Oh, man!

>> SIMONE: We… we are, definitely, in the know for this one.

>> KEVIN: Yes!

>> SIMONE: What's some good ones?

>> KEVIN: So, the whole voice acting thing, I mean, I've been told all the time, it's

like, "Eh, if you wanna do that, you know, you gotta have connections in the industry

to make it", and…

"You know, there's a lot of competition."

It's like, yeah, no shit!

I'm aware of that.

>> SIMONE: [laughter]

>> KEVIN: But, as I said before, it's something I'm passionate about, and I'm gonna keep

doing it, regardless.

And, also, it's good, too, to surround yourself with people who are doing the same thing you're

doing; who have the same mindset.

>> SIMONE: Mm-hmm.

>> KEVIN: You know, my friend here, Simone, she's a writer.

You know, producer.

All that kind of stuff.

I have a music producer friend.

I have a voice actress friend.

So, yeah, it's good to surround yourself with people who are like-minded so that you

can all those doubts; all those uncertainties.

And, just… go for it.

>> SIMONE: Exactly.

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: Another great, uh, couple things is, um… you know, "Oh, do you know what

you're doing?"

Like, I don't… or…

Another good one is, "Why don't you have a safer career?"

>> KEVIN: Heh!

>> SIMONE: "A good, safe, government career?"



>> KEVIN: She can relate!

>> SIMONE: Yeah, exactly!


>> KEVIN: [laughter]

>> SIMONE: You know, "Have a safer career", "Have a plan B".

Well, the thing here is that, with plan Bs, is sometimes, they get in the way of your

plan A.

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: So much to the point that you never get to plan A.

>> KEVIN: Yes.

>> SIMONE: So, you gotta be careful with plan Bs.

It's… it's definitely important to have some kind of backup, but it shouldn't take

away from your complete focus.

>> KEVIN: Cool.

So, now that we know how motivation DIES, it's your job, heroes, to outvote your mind

through an unshakable purpose.

You know what that means?

That means telling those voices in your head to shut the hell up.

That means evaluating whatever excuses you may have for not doing it, and just, simply,

going for it.

That's it.

>> SIMONE: Just do it.

>> KEVIN: Just do it!

>> SIMONE: Exactly.

>> KEVIN: You already know.

>> SIMONE: And, remember this, if you remember nothing else from this video:

>> KEVIN: Yeah.

>> SIMONE: Growth starts at the edge of your comfort zone.

>> KEVIN: There you go.

>> SIMONE: So, start growing, and get uncomfortable.

Well, heroes, that's all we have for today.

Thank you for watching part 1 of our mini-series on motivation.

>> KEVIN: And, be sure to stay tuned for part 2, where we tackle the issues we talked about

head-on, with a toolbox of hero-worthy solutions.

>> SIMONE: [whispering] Yes.


>> SIMONE: And, if you enjoy our content…

>> KEVIN: Be sure to like, comment, and you already KNOW, SMASH that subscribe button,

you nah mean?!

>> SIMONE: And, don't forget to hit the notification bell so you know when the next

video's coming up.

>> KEVIN: Yessur!

>> SIMONE: And, until next time…

Continue to gain knowledge…

>> KEVIN: Take action…

>> SIMONE & KEVIN: And, be unstoppable!

>> SIMONE: [whispering] Yeah.

For more infomation >> Why You Can't Get Motivated - Motivation, Pt. 1 (The Hero Within) - Duration: 14:37.


Brent Cook: You Can Still Make Money on a Failing Stock - Duration: 6:18.

I'm Priscila Barrera with the Investing News Network, and here with me today is Brent Cook

of Exploration Insights.

Brent, thank you so much for joining us again.

Always a pleasure, thank you.

Alright, so we're here at VRIC, the first conference of the year.

Let's start maybe by talking about the main trends you saw in the exploration sector in


And do you expect any of them to carry into 2019?

Yeah, I think what we've been seeing last year and somewhat the year before — and

I expect to increase this year

is we're going to see mining companies — producing companies — continue investing

in early stage exploration via either private placement financings in companies

or joint ventures with companies.

And that's coming about because they're looking down the pipeline

And they are not finding enough new metal, new deposits

to replace what they're mining.

And they're finding it is much more efficient time-wise and cost-wise

to go via a junior explorer operating in an area they're interested in rather than trying

to set up their whole team and do it on their own.

So I think that's going to continue.

And were there any surprises last year in the sector?

Anything that happened that maybe you were not expecting?

I mean, the big mega mergers — I am somewhat surprised, but I guess it makes sense in retrospect.

Not sure it's a good or bad thing, but it's happening.

It was a worse year than I thought it would be, how's that?

That was a surprise.

And when it comes down to it there were not very many discoveries.

You know, anything that looked like it was a discovery, almost every one of those ended

up being a failure.

There were very few discoveries.


And so let's talk about exploration due diligence.

From your experience, when looking at a company and evaluating a company, what would you say

is the first maybe warning signal that this might be such a good investment?

That's a good question.

I think for anyone obviously your interest is generated somehow.

You go to the website, if it's a news release, you look at the news release.

That release should contain enough information that you can evaluate the results.

And what I mean by that is you need complete assay results, you need a plan map, potentially

a section map, that kind of tells you what's going on — even if you're not technically

competent to really understand it, if the company's presenting all that information

to you it tells you they're trying to be honest and give it to you.

Oftentimes you go there and that information's not there.

That suggests to me that they're incompetent or trying to hide something.

So that's the number one — you can screen so many out that way.

And then after that I think it's important that you talk to the people in charge to see if they

have a concept of how much it's going to cost to find what they're looking for, what that's

going to look like and how they're going to know when they fail.

You need to know when you fail.

And in terms of maybe more of the macro level, what would you say are some of the factors

investors should be keeping an eye out for in 2019 that could impact the exploration


Well I think number one is the US dollar, and confidence in the US dollar I think is

rolling over.

You know, the general global markets are slowing if not rolling over.

The economics around the world are stalling if not rolling over.

And then we've got Trump in the US who is doing his best to decimate the goodwill the

US has generated over the past decades, at best.

That's going to impact the US dollar.

We're losing our allies, confidence in the US dollar is declining.

And gold should get some of the money coming off of that.

Not a lot, it won't take much.

But it'll start looking like another safe place to put your money.

So I think that's what to watch for, is what the US dollar is going to do.

Right. And this year, what would be your best piece of advice or suggestions for investors that are

maybe looking to jump into the exploration sector?

In the exploration sector you're not investing, you're speculating.

That's important to keep in mind.

And due diligence is key.

I mean we made — in Exploration Insights we've made good money on stocks that look

good, look good, the drill [results] are good and eventually fail.

Because we were able to pick that bit of information that tells us this thing is going to fail,

or it's not working, whatever — it's closing off the metallurgy.

If you can just do the due diligence and pick that ahead of the crowd you can still make

money on what turns out to be a failure.

So that's sort of what I think is really important as well.

Alright, and my final question for you today.

Could you give our audience maybe your top stock pick for this year, or what type of

companies you like right now?

We — we bought some stocks last year in the anticipation of the gold price rising.

That would be Premier Gold, which is one we've held for a long time as well.

I like what Premier Gold's doing.

I think Mirasol Resources is at a good level.

I think Evrim Resources is at a reasonable level.

So those are three that I think are reasonably safe unless everything blows up.

Alright Brent.

Thank you so much for joining us today.

You're welcome.

Once again I'm Priscila Barrera with the Investing News Network, and here with me today is Brent

Cook of Exploration Insights.

For more infomation >> Brent Cook: You Can Still Make Money on a Failing Stock - Duration: 6:18.


March of empriTop 5 things that you can do to get free speed! - Duration: 17:34.

For more infomation >> March of empriTop 5 things that you can do to get free speed! - Duration: 17:34.


bubly Super Bowl LIII ad: "Can I have a bublé?" - Duration: 0:31.

Strawberry Bublé, my favourite!

You mean bubly.

No, I mean Bublé.

You're Michael Bublé. That's a bubly.

She's right Michael Bublé. The drink is pronouced bu…..

Bublé. I know. Thanks…


Can I have your autograph Mr. bubly?

It's Bublé.


It's bubly!

Sparkling water.


Don't do that.

For more infomation >> bubly Super Bowl LIII ad: "Can I have a bublé?" - Duration: 0:31.


Timo sad so much!Timo can not get up!pity baby Timo no streng to walk,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:19.

Timo sad so much!Timo can not get up!pity baby Timo no streng to walk,Nature Wildlife

For more infomation >> Timo sad so much!Timo can not get up!pity baby Timo no streng to walk,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:19.


My little heart can't handle the excitement ••• Oxenfree #13 [CC] - Duration: 18:10.

Come on

I'm half expecting them to not make the jump or something

Ah ok, so that's the weird chair

Let's head down

I just realised it's probably quicker going that way, oh well

At least we know it's the right way

where we came from

So we need to head back and go in the bunker

I think that was the deal

Yeah that's it

Those guys should be waiting for us outside the bunker

I reckon


That's a longer load ... oh change in time

I think they're just messing with us with memories



Well I guess there's stuff I can go look at before

we head in, that's alright - let's head in

Ooh, oh

What the hell?

Ah ok

I feel like this is a bad sign

This feels weird

I don't know, this feels like a weird moment

Ok, let's go all the way back to the start

Come on

Gimme the thing

This would be so much easier if there was maths on the walls to give me hints


Should have gone through the door

Alright, well

we're sticking with our stupid decisions


What now?

I wonder if this is a situation where

you can come out of this with

Anywhere up to 5 people

where you come out of this with Alex, or Alex and Jonas, or all 5 of them

I don't know, I don't know anything about the endings

I don't know, there's nothing

nothing red here

There's that which I opened

I don't know

Can I go somewhere else?

No? So am I actually looking for

I don't know what I'm looking for

We had 140.1 written down


Guess not

I don't know what I'm looking for

There's nothing at 140.1

Oh ok here we go, that's better

Ooh that's different

Where is it?


Oh wow, alright

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Ooh submarine, alright

For more infomation >> My little heart can't handle the excitement ••• Oxenfree #13 [CC] - Duration: 18:10.



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removed alright now let's talk about three or less late payments outside of

48 since this outside of 40 months don't

worry about it okay outside of 40 months you know televisions been made its 2019

so 2015 from from the time they look at this video outside of that and they

matter with a doorman they kind of it kind of council council itself out okay

now let's talk about three late payments on a closed account or any late payments

on a closed account all right account is closed with late

payments all right well it's a closed account bonus of closed negative two

counties now this is really affects your score that much but it affects your

credit health because when the underwriters or whomever go to look at

your credit health they're gonna see clothes late payments it may raise a red

flag is to okay if they're late with them would they be late with us okay

so close accounts will bake payments just get those accounts removed all

right so they're no longer reporting or showing up on your credit report okay so

you talked about three or less late payments inside of 48 3 late payments I

mean 48 months three late dinners outside of 48 months all right and then

we talk about closed accounts too late now let's talk about those accounts that

have multiple than more than three late payments now here's what kind of get

sticky okay now I'm gonna push the lobby up you're gonna do it

Kurt okay are not telling you the truth they're just like oh yeah oh absolutely

go down here bring some money please do that

listen I'm giving you the truth okay I want you to really know what's going on

right now if you have more than three make payments on an open account Rises

the count is still open credit card do it low mmm-hmm I'm Stuart laws all right

through loans personal loans car payment doesn't matter all right

if you have board and three late payments here here's the scenario if

that account is a new account that say is it's you know two one two three years

old and it has multiple late things well you know it gets sticky because in order

to get those big payments or boom you have to remove the account all right and

will you make a payment on that account but that's not updates it may show back

up and without the late payments but you lose the payment issue

okay so account with history the reason I said if it's new you may want to do it

account with a lot of hitch this is a ten year account right and and something

happened to surviving we have multiple late payments you know for moving that

it kind of you want to remove the legend you are late payments and it sacrifice

the history or just one just keep the ball there and see what happens but how

many times we can get removed all right if you get kind of touchy with open

accounts with history okay because if you get the cow moved then you lose the

hitch all right and there's a good chance also that count could be closed

as well to open account Guerra moon could be closed so a lot lot of touching

things there so you can do your own credit fair you work with someone else

just say hey this this account has a lot of history on it has a llama

I love late payments and you decide once you won't do that account okay you let

that individual daughter's working on your credit hey just see how he laid

things we can get off before and those legumes are still affecting the credit

you have to make a decision u-turn buy a house try to get the cars

don't get something important then you have to decide on the late payments it's

better late name is gone or the history all right and you have to decide on that

point okay so can make a mess be removal crew here absolutely just depends on the

type of situation anyways alright I want to give you the truth see some people

are they're not giving the truth it's probably messing people all up okay how

do you so more on the credit guy I hope that helps listen if you need your

credit repair fixed restored we're here to help with that there's a link down

below the first link in the area you should be an eye icon or

something like that or maybe some biggest popped up or what have you but

click on the link you're gonna get access to our free credit repair master

class we're giving away a free gift as well too so make sure you watch the

master class it's some Astra classes that give you some more viable

information and then it's gonna be a free gift that pops up at the bottom get

your get your free gift and then make sure you get the program get your credit

fix listen you're here you're watchin is you look at me Hollis Freeman camera

because you want to know about geeky predicate right get it done you have the

money you got the money to invest in yourself alright because all that other

stuff doesn't matter I don't care they're number one concerts coming up I

don't care the best game that world is coming up I don't care if they're having

a sale on your best item of clothing listen your credit is more important all

that and yes you have the money to invest in yourself alright so click on

the first link down below in the description area let's get started get

your three best places to figure and move throughout the process to get your

credit repair process set up more with the credit guy we'll see you on the

inside Raise your credit score fast nitty gritty, credit repair nitty gritty, double reporting credit repair secrets, credit repair companies that work in 30 days, don't pay collections nitty gritty, 800 credit score nitty gritty, the true cost of credit repair this stuff is crazy, how much credit repair cost nitty gritty, credit repair nitty gritty, how to fix your bad credit nitty gritty



The Can't Dance Dance (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:22.

what are you doing?

I'm trying to dance

You can't dance

yeah you're right

You know what

I'll just make my own dance

I already told you, you can't dance!


What, what does that even mean I just told you that you can't da-

This is the can't dance dance I'll teach you how to dance even though

I can't Just listen up and follow along

To this amazing dance, I made this whole song

Back and forth, left to right You'll be doing this move all through the

night It's really easy just follow me

You'll learn to dance in one, two, three

So I heard you can't dance, well neither can I

But once we're through this song, the limit is the sky

Don't floss, shoot, or any fortnight dances Once you learn my move you won't be taking

any chances

Put your right leg out, your left leg too Now spread your legs wide like you're taking

a poo

Now back and forth left to right, that's the motion

That's the whole dance, let's make some commotion

This is the can't dance dance I'll teach you how to dance even though

I can't Just listen up and follow along

To this amazing dance, I made this whole song

Back and forth, left to right You'll be doing this move all through the

night It's really easy just follow me

You'll learn to dance in one, two, three

Ok, listen, this how we're gonna do this Other dances aren't that bad, this really

isn't even a diss

This is the best dance lets show them why Just get up, start grooving, and move them


If you can't dance, don't worry friend I'll be playing the chorus right back again

So grab your friends, teach them how They can join on this party now

I don't care what they're saying The can't dance dance will be what they're


This is the can't dance dance I'll teach you how to dance even though

I can't Just listen up and follow along

To this amazing dance, I made this whole song

Back and forth, left to right You'll be doing this move all through the

night It's really easy just follow me

You'll learn to dance in one, two, three

They say that I can't move now They say that I can't dance

Just give me one more shot please just give once me more chance

This part of the song is sad Listen to the piano bars

Please try to hold the tears back I'm not crying you are

Let's get back into the song The dance I will allow

Only one way to do this I'll just say the word now


This is the can't dance dance I'll teach you how to dance even though

I can't Just listen up and follow along

To this amazing dance, I made this whole song

Back and forth, left to right You'll be doing this move all through the

night It's really easy just follow me

You'll learn to dance in one, two, three

For more infomation >> The Can't Dance Dance (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:22.


How Lakers' Anthony Davis Trade Package Can Bring Derrick Rose to L.A. | - Duration: 7:25.

How Lakers' Anthony Davis Trade Package Can Bring Derrick Rose to L.A. |

The Los Angeles Lakers find themselves squarely in the mix to make a big trade push for Anthony Davis.

After the New Orleans Pelicans star requested a trade earlier this week, speculation and rumors began to run wild.

The immediate chatter had Davis landing with the Lakers, which has been the belief for some time now, as the team is all-in on adding a second star next to LeBron James.

But due to the (understandable) lofty asking price, the Lakers and their front office have a lot to weigh.

How much will they give up for the Pelicans star? Are they willing to risk waiting for the offseason and allowing the Boston Celtics to get into the mix? What will happen with Lonzo Ball?.

The final part of that is what stands out quite a bit at this moment, as Ball's camp made an interesting request shortly after the Davis trade talks began.

 As The Athletic's Shams Charania cited, the player's side would prefer Ball to move to a third team who doesn't have an established point guard.

Sources: Should Lakers/Pelicans trade talks pick up, point guard Lonzo Ball's camp prefers Ball to be moved to a third team that doesn't have an established point guard.

  — Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) January 29, 2019  .

And this is where the Derrick Rose conversation begins.

While the Pelicans have pushed back and Tania Ganguli of the Los Angeles Times reported the team views Ball as their starting point guard, it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

New Orleans reportedly thinks the second-year guard is a player who "could become a star," per Ganguli, but they would be wise to avoid bringing in Ball if he has no interest in being there.

If this does turn into a situation where it's a three-team deal with the Lakers and Pelicans for Davis, that's where things get interesting.

Derrick Rose to the Lakers?.

Regardless of the direction, the Lakers would opt to go with the point guard position if Ball were traded, they need another player in the mix.

Rajon Rondo could still be the starter but adding depth will be key, and rumblings have started that the Lakers could have interest in Derrick Rose.

Timberwolves PG Derrick Rose holds some trade appeal headed into deadline.

The Pacers, and Lakers have both expressed interest.

  — Basketball Rehab (@BasketballRehab) January 29, 2019  .

The level of trade interest remains a question mark, but the current Minnesota Timberwolves guard who's in the midst of an impressive career revival could be a name to watch.

He's averaged 18.6 points and 4.7 assists per game this year, good for his best scoring numbers since the 2011-12 season.

Rose is also shooting 48 percent from the field, which is the second-highest mark of his career.

Assuming the Lakers' interest is there and it does turn into a three-team trade scenario, let's look at a deal that could benefit all sides.

Lakers' Anthony Davis Trade Including Derrick Rose.

*Trade created with ESPN's NBA Trade Machine.

*Lakers send a first-round pick to Pelicans, Timberwolves send second-rounder to Pelicans.

If there were ever a "blockbuster deal," I believe this qualifies.

It's an interesting option and as much as I debated not including a first-round pick from the Lakers to the Pelicans, I don't think that'll be possible.

Regardless, with Davis and LeBron on the same team and the Lakers still having a solid core with the ability to add a few inexpensive free agents (Carmelo Anthony), that pick won't be high.

On the Lakers side, they pick up a point guard who can score and play alongside Davis and James, while still holding Rondo who should thrive next to the two stars.

The Jerryd Bayless addition is for depth and the contract was needed in this deal.

The Pelicans accomplish a few things, which include adding young pieces for the future and also acquiring draft picks.

There's talk they want to move Julius Randle and would add a second-round pick for doing so.

With Jeff Teague, Brandon Ingram and Kyle Kuzma in town beyond this season and the potential to pay Ivica Zubac, New Orleans receives a nice haul.

Finally, the Timberwolves get their point guard of the future in Ball to pair with Karl-Anthony Towns and move three expiring deals, Teague and a second-round pick.

They also pick up Randle which is a great addition and immediately bolsters their starting five.

READ NEXT: Lonzo Ball Trade Talk: Best 3-Team Lakers Deals for Anthony Davis.

For more infomation >> How Lakers' Anthony Davis Trade Package Can Bring Derrick Rose to L.A. | - Duration: 7:25.


Can i call this an unboxing? - iKON New Kids Repackage Red Ver. - Duration: 16:30.

For more infomation >> Can i call this an unboxing? - iKON New Kids Repackage Red Ver. - Duration: 16:30.


Libra February 2019 Monthly Horoscope & Tarot Reading 💰💖 Change Can be a Good Thing - Duration: 16:31.

Hi Libras welcome to the show this is your February 2019 monthly

horoscope and tarot reading special numbers for you are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37 and 40

we'll have a video link at the end of this video so that you can understand

how to use them. Please SUBSCRIBE share this video on social media and hit the

bell next to the subscription box to be notified of new videos which we are

doing multiple terms for week our daily horoscope videos discusses energies that

can be used by everyone of any sign to create and overcome in life but if you

want to check out your personal daily Tarot use the Daily Horoscope app for

iOS and Android devices and there are links in the description box so you can

upload that app to your device now this is for Libra Suns moons Ascendants and

stelliums where you have four or more planets and/or asteroids in the sign of

Libra at the time of your birth this will affect you too now I'm gonna

shuffle while I give you your horoscope you have something going on that needs

to be corrected like you're in the center of a situation and you need to

have it put in order but some feisty people are willing to fight and they

don't want to see this order take place and it's very likely that like the

January 31st daily horoscope that this is taking place at work now we're gonna

see more play out in the cards we're gonna understand a little bit more about

what's going on you may have questioned whether or not you are on the right path

because everybody else is so up in arms and it's normal for you to be fair and

hear everyone's opinion but the Stars say you are in order and you are

definitely not afraid of a fight in fact you are so good at it

that it's why you give everybody else a chance to make sure they really want to

take you on because you know how you are you really you don't want to hurt

anybody you know so toward the end of the month

you made tire of the back-and-forth and just let everybody have their way but is

that for the best I mean like is that really the best thing to do you have to

think about that now your planetary ruler Venus goddess of love is in

Capricorn so you will bring fairness and creativity to the situation with

communication it's good ideas but just think about it is what in order to have

peace which is something that you really want is what you're conceding to is it

the best thing all right so we're starting off with a queen of Pentacles

business female female energy page of pentacles so maybe you're dealing with

some young people we're gonna keep it going we're gonna lay out the whole

story and then we're gonna put down clarifiers as we need to all right turn

this around okay interesting the Empress is reversed okay I'm gonna put down on

another okay I see what's going okay all right okay let me put one more

card here for the nine of Pentacles and page of pentacles this is an interesting

line okay Wow okay so let's talk about it now I am using Google Hangouts I know

that when I go live on the other YouTube system you guys can talk to me and ask

questions I don't know if you can do that on Google Hangouts but this one is

clearer and it's better because the other one skips if you can say anything

to me just send me a hello and then that way

I can know I'm gonna send a hello to you guys right now yeah I'm up there so if

you if you can do that let me know if you can't just send me a message and

I'll know to try to use the other one because I do like to answer your

questions your personal questions while I'm doing these live videos and we've

had a lot of really good responses from everybody okay so this is what I'm

dealing with the Empress or youth and creativity is

reversed and we've got a queen of swords this is an older woman who's kind of set

in her ways and you know how are you dealing with people like that

especially at work they've been there since the boss since the company started

and it's kind of like they don't want to change anything and they don't want to

do anything new and they're just really party poopers because they always want

things to go their way and their way is completely played and stale all right so

this is the overall energy that we have here and you are the person that you

know kind of how to handle things you're trying to you're kind of in between two

groups you're trying to send them off you're trying to make sure that

everybody stays peaceful now this is the odd part about this reading we have a

hangman and we have a knight of pentacles and we

have the page of pentacles and so it appears to me like these two people

don't necessarily know what they want or what is right they just kind of know

that they need a change so what I want to do is I want to put this down here

and I want to get one more card to try to understand what is going on between

the night of pentacles and the page of pentacles the page is a little bit

younger like internish type young and then we've got the five of cups so

perhaps because of this person in this energy somebody has already left the

team and these two people are trying to decide whether or not they want to leave

the team and you don't want to lose anybody else it's kind of just like it's

very similar to today's read or tomorrow's reading but it's really gonna

play out in your sign Libra so what you're gonna do is you're gonna come up

with some ideas you're gonna go on YouTube and listen to the tarot reader

you're going to create some ways to try to work with everybody and bring it all

together you're gonna do your due diligence you you guys are really good

about being fair being being humble you don't let your ego get out of whack

because when you feel that you need to fight the person is probably going to

lose but it looks like what's going to happen if somebody else is going to

leave now we have the the person walking away we've got the Death card coming where

it's being is it really is gonna be some transformation that in the overall

energy is this person now let's say that we're dealing with this from a family

standpoint okay so there there was something on the

news today and it was very interesting because it reminds me of this reading

and I want you guys to tell me what you think if you've heard of B Smith B Smith

is a woman who I believe she was the first African American woman on the

cover of Mademoiselle magazine she is someone who has been very vocal in the

food industry on TV and she was married in the early 90s and she recently in the

2000s developed a severe case of Alzheimer's and as a result her husband

has been caring for her her husband of 20-something years along with his her

stepdaughter his daughter has been caring for her and this situation kind

of reminds me of this because he has brought in his lover into the home to

semi assist him with caring for her but all but really is for his own loneliness

and because B is pretty much gone from a mental standpoint he is wondering

whether you know he's not wondering but he's putting it all out there to make it

public and there has been a lashing out of against him in social media now this

situation reminds me of it because there is the the queen of swords and there is

the the Empress reverse meaning that the youth and the things that make it

creative and good and juicy and sweet those things are no longer and that is

what is the overall energy of this reading but without losing anyone and

without anybody leaving the team what to do what to do

now because this is a challenging situation I am going to pull out another

deck and I want to look at the energies around you now the way that I'm going to

word my request is that are these energies I want to see the energies that

you need to to grasp on to because what we're trying to do is resolve we don't

just want to see the problem we want resolution so what are the energies that

Libra needs to adopt because you can adopt whatever energy you want to adopt

you can take a tarot card and if you want this tarot card to go this way you

can hold this card up and you can imagine that the energy of the Empress

is going inside of you and really it will change your life so what are the

energies that Libra needs to hold on to for the month of February as you try to

take this very sensitive situation make it right now you guys let me know in the

comments what situation is this one of the ways that we understand how to read

the cards and how to understand what energies are we need to hear from you

with regard to how is this playing out in your life you don't need to use first

and last names you can use nicknames but we just want to know what is going on

so the first energy the first energy you need to adopt is moving on it may not be

worth your time to battle this situation now this card is not permanent is sort

of temporary it's almost like you move on for now like a separation of sorts

separating yourself from the situation but then you come back when it's better

but you take care of yourself because you know when you start getting stressed

and it's all in your neck and in your back and your headache you're having a

headache every time you come home at that point it's affecting you and it's

not fair for situations to affect you when really what you're trying to do is

hold peace or bring peace in the situation or what other energies should

Libra bring into this situation you bring in a wealth of knowledge so it may

be necessary for you to sit down at the table with some people and kind of just

let them understand your point of view while they hash it out

okay so the other thing is that you have and that you bring to the table and that

you should bring to the table is to release fear of new beginnings

what what is the fear the fear has to do with new beginnings

sometimes this this is somebody who actually got locked up or something went

down and you got to now deal with it but most most of it is just trapped in fear

the number eight is the number of new beginnings there's just a little bit of

trepidation about okay we know things need to change but what needs to happen

you got to let go of fear do not let anybody trap you this card means

something to you the person asking about that you're asking about is trustworthy

so that may be why right around the 21st of February you decide to go on and kind

of let them have their way overall energy for you that you should hold on

to the month of February we've got any of these cards that I'm using you can

purchase them at the in my Amazon store linked in the information box these are

this is a mixed deck of my favorite cards okay you're the angel in this

situation you're helping those in need with no expectation of any return or

reward now one of the things about angels is that you have this you have

this love for people with Venus being your ruling planet the goddess of love

the planet of love and you really just really really want everybody to be okay

sometimes angels do have to let go and sometimes angels have to move on and

allow their charges to kind of figure it out on their own and sometimes charges

figure it out and sometimes charges don't I have lost some charges and it

has been difficult you know when the charges just don't get

it and they refuse to get it but you give them every ample opportunity to fix

it before you let it go but the thing is you never want to

really let it go you want it to hold on and as you continue in this situation

there will be a beginning of prosperity where things will work out but as we saw

in the previous reading that in the previous spread that I just put out

somebody will move on when they go it's okay that's when everybody that's

remaining will be able to work together a lot of times we saw the page we saw

the knight we're dealing with younger people perhaps somebody needs to leave

the home because they don't want to follow the rules and they are wanting to

go up against some type of traditional authority that's there and you kind of

wish that they would just stay simply because if they do they they come out

better off because they have a firmer foundation they have more time to get

themselves together it's got to be okay I can tell you that the prosperity

begins when the situation is rectified by the wrong parties being moved out all

right you guys take care bye-bye

For more infomation >> Libra February 2019 Monthly Horoscope & Tarot Reading 💰💖 Change Can be a Good Thing - Duration: 16:31.


Eden Hazard can leave Chelsea if he wants, says Maurizio Sarri - Duration: 1:46.

Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri has said Eden Hazard is free to leave the club if he wants to but the Italian hopes the forward stays at Stamford Bridge

Hazard has been linked with a move to Spanish side Real Madrid in recent months and the Belgium international had said in October last year that it was his dream to play for the reigning European champions

Chelsea are looking to renew his contract, which expires next season, and the west London side risk losing him for free in the close season in 2020 if he does not extend his current deal

'Eden is 28. If he wants to go, I think he has to go,' Sarri told reporters ahead of Wednesday's Premier League clash at Bournemouth

'Of course, I hope for the opposite, I hope he wants to stay here. He has the potential to be the best player in Europe at the moment

'Hazard has 10 goals and 10 assists in the league this season, often playing up front in a 'false nine' role to lead the attack but Sarri might play him on the wing again after the arrival of Argentine striker Gonzalo Higuain

'It's my job to improve him and put him in a position to do his best,' Sarri added

For more infomation >> Eden Hazard can leave Chelsea if he wants, says Maurizio Sarri - Duration: 1:46.





Photography Misconceptions - #1 Multiple focus points can focus on multiple parts of an image - Duration: 2:06.

Welcome to this new series of videos photography misconceptions.

I try to answer a lot of questions in facebook groups and forums.

And I frequently see some misconceptions popping up.

So I will use this series to clarify those and explain things.

Today's topic: Do multiple focus points get multiple parts of your image in focus?

I often read that people think that the more focus points they use, the more parts of their

image will be in focus.

That would be super awesome, but I´m afraid, this is not the case.

Think of focus as a layer, or a plane.

That plane is parallel to your camera and can only be on one single spot.

So it is either this or that, focus point,

and not: this and that focus point

If you choose multiple focus points, the camera will usually choose the one closest to you

and focus on it.

If you want more of your image in focus, you can change your aperture setting.

The larger your f-number, the bigger the area that is in focus.

You sure watched our effects of aperture series – if not, check them out – it´s worth it.

Another interesting thing to know: the focus area ranges roughly 1/3 to the front

and 2/3 to the back from the point you focussed on.

So in group shots, remember to make use of this fact and focus on a person that is somewhere

in the middle of the z-axis.

That´s about it for this episode.

We also plan to answer photography questions soon – so if you have a photography related

question you´d like to get answered in a video, let us know in the comments.

Stay tuned and subscribe for more photography misconceptions.

For more infomation >> Photography Misconceptions - #1 Multiple focus points can focus on multiple parts of an image - Duration: 2:06.


Can Denis Suarez play against Manchester City after completing Arsenal transfer? - Duration: 3:20.

 After weeks of negotiations, Arsenal have finally completed the loan signing of Denis Suarez from Barcelona

 The 25-year-old arrived in England on Wednesday to undergo his medical and the move was confirmed just after 12 noon on deadline day after all the necessary paperwork was completed

 Suarez, who signed a contract extension until 2021 with Barcelona before joining Arsenal, will wear the No

22 shirt at the Emirates.  His loan deal has an option which will allow the Gunners to buy him at the end of the season for around £18 million, should they wish to do so

 The delay in getting the deal done was the Barcelona wanted that option to be compulsory, something Arsenal refused to agree to

 After completing his move, Suarez, said: "I'm very pleased to be here and to be joining Arsenal

I've been pushing hard to come here. I'm finally here now and I'm really pleased

Picture special: Denis Suarez's first day as an Arsenal player View gallery  "I've come here to play as much as possible and try to help the team qualify for the Champions League

I'd like to win the Europa League with Arsenal too - why not? It's a trophy I won under Unai Emery at Sevilla and I'd love to win it again here

"  On announcing the arrival of Suarez, Arsenal stated that the loan deal is 'subject to the completion of regulatory processes'

 That is not expected to take a significant amount of time, however, and Suarez will be available to face Manchester City, where he spent two years as a youth player between 2011 and 2013, on Sunday at the Etihad

 The capture of Suarez will come as a big boost for Unai Emery, who worked with the player when he had him on loan at Sevilla during the 2014/15 season

 "We are very happy that Denis Suarez is joining us," said Arsenal's head coach. "He is a player we know well and I have worked with him at Sevilla

 "He brings us quality and options in many different attacking positions, so he'll be able to help the team

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Can Denis Suarez play against Manchester City after completing Arsenal transfer? - Duration: 3:20.


"Human Hotpot" Where People Can Bathe in Fruits & Veggies! Chinese New Year 2019 Year of the Pig - Duration: 2:17.

It's easy to love a warm, delicious, traditional hot pot.

But it may not be easy to love a hot pot that's filled with people.

As part of a Lunar New Year promotion at Hangzhou's First World Hotel in China's Zhejiang province,

guests are invited to relax in their own human hot pot on Sunday, CNN reported.

Hangzhou, also known as one of the world's most relaxing cities, is also home to the

Yunman Hot Spring, which feeds into the hotel, according to CNN.

So, as part of the celebration for the upcoming Year of the Pig, the hotel has dressed up

one of its natural hot spring pools with separate compartments filled with foods like apples,

bananas, chili peppers, corn, limes, lettuce, and other hot pot fare.

And then, folks get to take a dip in it.

But don't worry, this isn't the kind of hot pot you would eat (hopefully).

It's purely for relaxation purposes.

But guests who soak do get to feast on massive skewers of barbecued meat and bell peppers

that lay across the compartments, according to CNN.

It's definitely not an activity for shy people.

According to The Straits Times, the hot pot idea was to promote a healthy lifestyle in

honor of the holiday.

After all, a hot pot is a comfort food, especially in the winter time, explained the South China

Morning Post.

The Lunar New Year officially begins on Feb. 5.

Hangzhou's First World Hotel invited guests who are born under the Year of the Pig to

enjoy the hotels hot springs for free on Sunday, Feb. 3.

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