[Previously on JaltoidGames]
Emi: It wanted to touch Adam Sandler hair
Dalton: Adam Sandler doesn't have hair
Dalton: Oh, we need something.
Dalton: It's not a Pokemon adventure without a Nidoqueen.
Emi: Bada bing. Bada boom. Bada Butt.
Emi: Let's cheese this as much as we can.
Emi: Holy S***
Dalton: Oh, oh my god
[Intro Tune]
Dalton: Hello everybody a welcome back to JaltoidGames.
Emi: Joted Gems!
Dalton: We're strolling around after beating Brock
Dalton: I'm just walking. I feel like walking at this pace, but it cramps my thumb. Du- go!
Dalton: Um, I'm actually holding it right now go, keep walking!
Dalton: Walk! Walk! Emi: Oh my...
Emi: GOD
Dalton: It wouldn't fucking walk. Oh my god. Fuck it.
Emi: Just fucking run
Dalton: As much as I- Emi: We are children Dalton. We need to run everywhere.
Emi: Um.
Emi: I don't like that, breaks my immersion.
Emi: Found something a fucking raspberry!
Dalton: Ooo! Uh dawishus- A dawishus wazbewy.
Emi: Make sure you save those and never use them
[Emi Laughing]
Emi: Don't lick your lips at me like that.
Dalton: Wasn't that something my teeth.
Dalton: No, I'm picking corn now. Hold on man. Emi: No it's definitely sexual.
Emi: Man, you got corn?
Emi: You better fuckin to share.
Dalton: You know, I know it's a Weedle on his shirt
Dalton: What could that be interpreted as?Like, if you had no context for what-
Dalton: Pokemon was.
Emi: I have to look at it up close again, and then I'll come back to you.
Dalton: It looks like a cyclops with a horn to me
Emi: We're gonna find out Dalton: Come on.
Show us your shit kid. Show us your shit. See looks like a sorry
So let me let me just think about it for a sec. Okay, it's like a paw with one claw like a middle finger
It's like just flipping you off. Oh my god, that's good. I like that
Look so scared. He had the expression a really weird scam. Well, you don't want to fight bug catcher been here
No, I don't wanna fight
Is what's in the bushes? What's mine it Oh Queen telling me that is a Nidoran
She's an it Oh Queen to be shut up Queens. You should name her queen not curled up in bed
You told me to fight bug cat. Hold on you told me to fight but
actually, stop gulping gasps Lily Oh
Lily like actually sticks her tongue up her booty cheek
Dogs have cheeks. I think it's just a hole
She's like leaking acid into a tunnel. That's disgusting. Really you don't want to do that
No, she's fucking it hacking on the disgusting taste of shit
Okay, oh
My god, I mean I just did that thing like in the movies I said, let's play
you see
Shit. Oh
I wish I did that more dramatic. Hold on
We know we need to make that more dramatic really quit gulping asshole Emmy. I
Pull like a jet pack on
Let's play and then I die immediately. I just combust
Yeah, she combust and I just wipe my face off and then I shoot off in a rocket way
What do you wipe your face off of fire your fucking?
Ectoplasm that you just squirted on me from dying. I have a lot of questions Dom
Okay question one. Let's go through the list ectoplasm
You know guts organs boy not ectoplasm
It is in this story. Okay, who wrote it me? You're wrong who wrote it then?
Jesus is
Wrote my story
He wrote the path when I was born. Okay, we need some like proper Christian music in the background
No, but like Christian rock music, yeah, yeah
You know the the music really trying to be hip with the kids
dude, and I went to a really
modern Christian Church it like
Super modern they had like video games at church. I had a drummer
Yeah, that's the weird thing to have at a church a drumset with some who knows how to play
Yes, is that yes, how is that?
I went to a fucking church where they were a little boys in long white dress and then a bit
Like that
What I mean, I've been to churches like that and then they'd sing every fucking prayer
But is it really weird for a drumset to an esthetician?
Imagine saying the our Father but with a drumbeat our Father
Who art in heaven?
And he slipped on a banana peel
Hallowed be thy name. I don't like that. I can remember that it feels like or what he's praying the kingdom come
Today our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass
Against us. I can't keep up with this lead us not to temptation or deliver us from evil
But love resume you see I haven't been to church in
years many sake
He's gonna offer us the Apple
You know what, oh, it's tiny I'm gonna bite wait no we gotta offer him the fruit. Yeah
That's what we're gonna - no go back then I got ready, you know, press B
You asshole I would have to press B. I wanted to give them the fruit. Why get Oh, Mary
Why does he know it's part of the story or so. Oh, I thinks I'm at the pokeball. Looks like your Apple
I guess you're right. It symbolizes the same thing the temptation to take the player Christian channel everyone. See you
Yes, just episode is proof that you can watch us cuz we're Christians. Yes
I can recite Bible verses I can't you know, what I don't want that. This channel is backbone is behind this Bible verse right here
Let us know be wary of doing good for me will reap a harvest
Do not give up
What are you I don't is that real Galician 6:9 you just made that 69 eat Galatians wait
You're just saying bullshit right now. Wait, what did you just do?
We forgot
Scratch and we learned a bite a dark-type sick, which I don't know if that was a good idea
But I don't get it. We got double kick. I give a shit
It's my queen, but we're we're still at the point of the game where we can make those mistakes
Satan will just go to the old man and just
In our bag dude, wait, you can rename him now right now. Oh
My god, yeah, just open up your bag. I'll show you. I'll do it give you a walkthrough, dude
You didn't tell me when I was lying to you
Never gave me a chance you bitch. Hey go to your party. All right. Hold on selects
Changed name what should we name Evie? I
Should get a keyboard we could probably type the names out with a keyboard
You just cut it
Let's see. Um fuck go with knitter in we know their name first, Queen Lina
You want Queenie or Queen Queen? You got it, een and
Hell yeah, but did he smell throat stick?
Stick man. No just stick fast. Stick fast. Stick fine. Yeah stick fire snake. Oh
Yes Pikachu. We're not keeping Pikachu. Are we I don't want a name and if we're not keeping it. We're not keeping Pikachu
I don't want him
Doctor pokey mom. It's a boy. This one's Satan Satan
I don't think that's how the story goes. But I'm gonna call him Satan. Fuck. Yeah, we need to keep Satan
I want to pick this one. What boy how do you pronounce that boy Wow. Oh
He's a fancy boy
Who knows how to pronounce that how to pronounce that like, it's write it out in English
Yeah, like write it rain it out. How how he would pronounce it by
We didn't catch all we didn't catch them all what are you talking about?
That's what I'm talking about ass. Fuck his spirit don't want it. We you told me to get her before fuck you
No, no. No, I did not we're getting excellent. Catch Wow, Tom. We only need to catch the big and the small
You are a bitch you're a cunt
Emmy slurps ass
Its coffee thanks. I mean it is basically liquid ass. Yes. Oh
My god, dude, he's just crawling out in the middle of nowhere. You fucking kicked it and ran away you asshole
Well, keep looking crawled over like don't you do they?
Leave me alone. I just want to be left alone. Do not bother me. He's coming
You won't hey. Hey coach
Time first I'm ready time for a goddamn lesson
time to school the coach
Yeah in reality like for real. Yeah
We are brought in by the state to test these people. Okay, that's that's why we're so brutal
Yeah, that's why we just fucking roll down. We're actually fucking robots
We're androids dude. And if they lose to us what they don't realize happens is a sniper
Shoot him in the heart replace him and replace family immediately
Look-alike a look-alike and not only that but he is currently stationed behind that Bush over there
Just waiting just in case yeah. No, they don't have a lot of faith. Yeah, they have very little faith in you guys
I mean come look at this. Look at that. Did you suck it was dobra, not really fair
This is not really a fair chance of them. We're two people and I'm a ghost
We're two children of an adult can't handle two children. It should duck. No, he deserves good
What if I'm processing you?
Possessing me yeah, I mean
I'm the ghost what if I'm possessing you?
Something he's just like what you've probably just said they're thinking like, how did he hit me with two Pokemon. Why did I let him?
Payday, it's time to get fat stacks get money get paid
All right. Let's go over here so that I was salary sister
Why was a Geodude line coming crap, how did you trip over him? He's very big you see and he floats. Oh, it's me. Oh
Why are you scared? It's just such a simple baby. He's gonna eat us. Holy shit. Oh fuck. Oh, it's Team Rocket
Ume, we had to go running. He hasn't talked in this game. And that makes me think weird things
nobody talks
Never actually, does he have dialogue? No, he does not speak you're challenged by bug cat sir. Kent tense
Get over here nice. I
Don't know like when I think of kids names, I don't think like oh, hey Kent get over here
Kent did you poop in the toilet and not flush it? That's that's what seems like a kid named. That's
discouragement you probably poop and
Assumption to make about someone it just sounds like what it is double double
No, you should have been you should have been you shut the fuck up a bit
You should have bet I'll do what I want bitch. How about that for your bitch?
You should have been look at that. Dude butter Frese not gonna die now cuz it's not super effective. She should have been
You should you just should have died in a second. You're gonna die first. Don't kill my queen
Why don't you go into the cave before you into the fucking Pokemon Center? Shut up, you dick. Fuck you
Why did Pokemon gotta fight? Okay, I
Am pitch a Pokemon game and not Pokemon ranch before any of you say anything not pokemon ranch
Pokemon Ranch sucks I want
Pokemon farm, ok harvest Pokemon the story of Pokemon
Seasons whatever the fuck you want to call it? Ok, its spin-off and
You pigs between are you gonna make your own trader?
How about that you to make your own trainer right from the start instead of being a trainer?
you're like a little farm girl or boy or
Individual you have like started Pokemon right and that'll be your little farm, buddy
And you like have a farm where there's Pokemon and you get to take care of them and there's eggs
lots of eggs and you get to raise them and take care of them from baby to
evolution ok
And you get to like feed them berries and shit and you get to plant those berries Emme
Here's my suggestion. That's it. What if they just put that into Pokemon?
and like the game starts out there at their ranch and that's like the primary game and
Then like there's a Pokemon adventure on top of it that you can play
Kind of like one of these games that they just like my god
so it's almost open-world like you can just pretty much everyone and any
And you can do whatever you want. Ok, you want to enter pokemon contests? You enter pokemon contests you wanna
Be a Pokemon ambassador and you be a Pokemon master
You want to stay at home and be like, oh, it's like a breeder like a breeder or a daycare boy
That's what I'm saying. There's your class. They already pretty much have some of this stuff in the game
They just aren't really like thinking about it in the right way
They could make this game like open world with similar effort
If they just like sort of spread their resources a little differently so you get to like, okay
Let's let's back up a little bit
You get to create a trainer and you get to like pick like a height I guess which will like determine
Their age so you could be little being actual ten-year-old
You'd be a little bit taller be a teenager be a little bit taller you be an adult
Exactly, and then you get to pick like a class and maybe you can change it later on if you want
well, like there are trainer classes, so it'd be kind of like an MMO sort of a
Yeah, that's what it would feel like
Oh, you know I still don't understand how Nintendo has not done an MMO for Pokemon
Like I know they do fan games
For like online why hasn't intended just not done that yet. It's
It really would it would do great just to make a fucking Pokemon map and
Then you could use this engine right here all these assets
Like he needs a pick a face
Pick some hair and you get lots of clothes
Listen people like it when they can customize their character, okay?
Yeah, it's becoming more don't have to battle they can only battle if they want to also
Yeah, this is there's like certain genres now or it's hard like it's hard not to have the customization because it's such a staple that
People will just look forward to it it's part of the game at this point being able to customize your characters and personalize it
It's all I want regardless if Nintendo wants to
They gotta like it's as part of it just part of the gaming
sphere now
gaming the gaming
Games fear games fear I'm being approached by some green. It's a weird
Weird. Oh, hey, he their 10 year old son
And I seen even this came
I kind of like him though. He's kind of right tight. Yeah. Yeah. I like creepos like that. Yeah
Except like I wouldn't want him to be I would want him to look more confident
Like he can have that like creeper look but he has to be more confident when he gets a like shadow over his face
I love that dude who fucking love that the creep dude
I bet like a a good portion of our audience looks like him
You know to some extent like I looked like him at one point, you know, and I find that stuff attractive
That's just what I liked, and we're sitting here calling it creepy
Well, they want him to be creepy. But I like that aesthetic. Sorry. I
Can't tell if you're serious
Look at night crimes. I like his big eyebrows
If you look like that, okay
All you have to do even if you're not confident fake the confidence and girls will flock to you
Pretend to be confident and others will be confident in you
That is the moral of the story your dad I know who the fuck that was
Some scary man news came into here and whispered sweet nothings into your ears
Do not worry. It is just me Kermit the Frog coming to you for
from oh
My god, I forgot we used to joke about Kermit
The Frog is that white people in our stream say Kermit Kermit just become a meme and I don't understand Kermit the Frog
Easier he's here. He's always here big boy the big rock
Big rock with meat inside of it wasn't there a rock like that
dude, if you smash him open, he's probably looks like molten lava that
Would be cool like that'd be cool
Or like a fossil like he's literally a fossil, oh, no, he's got pink tongue a liquid fossil
Wait, you fucker go back. We got to use the bat
Oh, I got to use a raspberry. You know, I used to think raspberry with spelled raspberry
Raspberry yeah, just like Wednesday. It's actually wetness. Well, how do you think he used to be spelled?
With the end first
W en s da y w e and E I can see why
Yeah, I used to have to like say in my head differently. Yeah, here we go
If he isn't caught I'm leaving this room
But I won't cuz I'd be really inconvenient. I'm so glad that didn't have to happen
Oh my god, what I didn't have to get up and leave good news. You're too lazy to commit to the joke
Thank God you didn't have to
Alright, we need to get rid of that Zubat in our party. You want to look at it? So that's really cute
Okay, we didn't keep the chill. Held me up. Maybe we should keep the Geodude
I don't think I've ever played a game where I kept to the Geodude. Yeah, I mean I guess Gollum is pretty cool
All right, you caught a Paris
I want to really I really want to know how to pronounce that so I can call him that
Goodbye, it's proper pronunciation from now on boy
It probably sounds absolutely nothing like boy, that's fine. I'll learn for him. What if it's like
Hi, yes
Then I'll fucking say that every time I refer to him. Oh god. Damn it kid boy
Listen, you could have avoided him. I didn't I didn't fucking know I didn't fight him yet. Fuck you
Why are there kids hanging out of the dark? Scary? Yeah, kid. Go fucking youngster Robbie. That's a provocative sure. He's flipping me off
Weird he went over this that's an offensive shirt
Take it off
No, no keep your shirt on please
Dude, you know how you beat this bastard?
Pock is sand
Yeah, you're probably right
Bye Tim. Bye Tom dark moves pierce the shit out of them. I don't think that's right
No, that's totally right dark move is really effective against fighting I think
oh maybe is
Fuck my shorts me majority are pretty just if you could cash. What do y'all be able to count on it?
Cool, but you didn't have a zoo back. Yeah
And you're yeah
Why didn't he have a zoo bat then idiot? Wait, what's some here? You gotta press these craters. Hey, hold on there
We didn't go down this ladder
No, are you going on the ladder? You gotta go down the ladder check that crater
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