Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily google Jan 30 2019

We wanted to understand in what contexts consumers drink Coca-Cola.

Traditionally, we would send out questionnaires or use text mining on social media -- it revolved around text.

We analyze photos on social media.

This means very large data sets, and we didn't have a technical (or manpower) solution to the problem.

BrainPad Inc., which was introduced to us by Google, introduced Cloud Vision API to us.

This lets us gain direct consumer insights more easily.

We select images on Twitter featuring the Coca-Cola logo.

Cloud Vision API handles the process of labeling these with tags like "stadium" or "Coca-Cola".

One outcome is we now know about fifty contexts in which people drink it.

In one example of a scene with drinking, a mountain-climbing customer drinks Coca-Cola.

In another example, there was also a scene in which a pet and Coca-Cola were in a shot together.

Normally, we don't actively engage in marketing measures involving a combination of pets and Coca-Cola.

With such a customer appearing unexpectedly, however, I think it's an area where we could dig deep in the future as a marketing measure.

I believe that if we let AI take over know-how for data analysis, marketing analysis in all jobs will dramatically improve.

Currently, this is in an experimental stage.

We would like to use Cloud Vision API to further explore the emotional dimensions of consumers' use of products, such as in combination with text data.

For more infomation >> Google Cloud Next '18 in Tokyo 登壇企業インタビュー GCP 編 - 日本コカ・コーラ株式会社 - Duration: 2:19.


Can I set my Google Service Area to be seen throughout the country? - Duration: 4:52.

Hello, this is John Locke, and today I'm going to answer a question that I hear quite a lot.

And that has to do with your Google My Business listing and the 3 pack map.

So the question, or variations on this question that I hear quite a lot are, "Hey, I want

to set my service area [on Google My Business] as wide as possible, so people all across

the country will see me when they Google [the service I offer].

If I set my service area to five states wide, or the entire United States, of somebody across

the country googles for my service, are they going to see me in that three pack map?"

The quick answer to this is No.

They are not going to see you.

The reason being, the 3 pack map, the local pack map at the top of the first page of search

results -- that focuses on local results.

99.999% of the time, ot's going to return whatever is nearby.

So within a five, ten, twenty mile radius.

You're not going to be able to set the settings to where you're covering the entire country

and have people 800 miles away see you in the map if they Google that.

Now a lot of people have asked me this.

They've asked me online, they've asked me in person.

I hear this about once every couple of weeks.

The Google 3 pack map at the top of the page, it's pretty much always going to return whatever's

in the nearby area.

So setting your service area for a country-wide status is not going to do much.

So some things to know about setting your service area on Google My Business as well.

Up until very recently, you could set a radius, like a circle radius, around your base of

operations and say "This is the area that I serve within 40 or 50 or 100 miles of our


This is the area."

Now, Google has changed that.

Google Maps and Google My Business have changed that to where if you change your service area,

you are going to have to input either city names, or zip codes, and those will end up

replacing the radius.

So if you have a service area radius right now, and you want to keep it, don't change

it at all.

Now, if you need to reset something, then you'll want to put in geography names: localities,

municipalities, cities.

Somebody asked me this recently too: what's a quick way to set it for a fifty mile radius

around my business?

We've already changed it (the radius).

I would suggest putting in the county names, so the counties that are around you.

Like here in Sacramento, I think are eight counties that are considered part of the metro


I think it's Sacramento County, El Dorado County, Yolo County, Placer County -- you

get the drift.

But that is what you would do to set your service area now.

That map at the top is not a ticket to getting nationwide or statewide or worldwide rankings.

To do that, you're going to have to work on your organic rankings, meaning, the ten regular

links that follow the map.

And to do that, you'll have to invest in SEO at some point, either in-house, or hiring

a consultant or an agency.

Like I said, that's what you're going to have to do.

There's no way to just set the map to cover the whole state and you're good to go.

I hope that answers that question.

If you have a SEO question and you want to see it answered, go ahead and drop it in the

comments below.

We'll answer it out in a future video for you.

My name's John Locke.

My business is Lockedown Design and SEO.

We help manufacturing and industrial firms get found in Google, so they get more Requests

for Quotes.

Until next time, peace.

For more infomation >> Can I set my Google Service Area to be seen throughout the country? - Duration: 4:52.


Google Analytics Tracking Migration with GTM | Lesson 4 (GTM for Beginners) - Duration: 19:34.

In this lesson, we're going to learn how we can migrate over our existing tracking over

to Google Tag Manager and henceforth deploy everything through GTM.

All and more.

Hello there and welcome back to another video of teaching you the data-driven

way of digital marketing.

My name is Julian.

And in our fourth lesson of our GTM for beginner series, we are actually going to get into

implementing our tags with GtM.

So we're going to use the tag plan that we have prepared last lesson and going to put

this into action, actually go through the whole migration process of taking our tags

that are installed currently and putting them into GTM and making sure that everything works


Now, we got lots to cover but if you want to test your knowledge after this video then

head over to and

I have a little bit of a quiz prepared for you there where you can test and see if you

understood everything.

For now we've got lots to cover.

So let's dive in.

Back in our Google Tag Manager account, we have a clear new installation of Google Tag

Manager installed on our website.

We did this in the second lesson.

And we have already set up a tag plan.

So we have all the data available that we would like to now implement.

Now, we have found out that we have Google Analytics installed.

We also click through the website in order to see where it's installed.

And that is installed probably on all of our pages.

So we have Google Tag Manager,

we have Google Analytics here, Ads remarketing and the global side tag.

We have written everything down and now we are ready to implement.

So let's go over to Google Tag Manager and click on tags here or new tag right here.

And this will open up our tag screen.

Now, all tags, triggers and variables in Google Tag Manager receive a name from us that we


freely choose.

This is part of the management aspect of Google Tag Manager.

Imagine you have multiple tags, multiple tools running on your website, you want to be able

to identify them later.

And that's where a naming convention comes in.

So how do you name a tag correctly?

It depends on your preferences.

I normally utilize a naming convention.

It first of all, let's me know what tool I'm dealing with.

In our case it would be Google Analytics.

The purpose of said tag in this case, we are just doing simple page you tracking.

And the scope of where I'm installing this so is this just for one user, for all the

users, for one specific circumstance.

In my case it would be on all pages so this is the scope I will use.

Now, if I have multiple Google Analytics tags, I would be quickly able to figure out which

tag I would need to change in order to change the general page view tracking.

So with this name

out of the way, you can also put this into a folder.

I won't go into this right now.

But there is the ability to sort all your assets into folders within Google Tag Manager.

And then we get to the tag configuration.

For the tag configuration, you can just click on this big field here.

And we'll open up the tag type option.

This is where you can see different tools that you can install via Google Tag Manager.

Now, once you scroll down here, you might not find what you're looking for.

And this is totally fine because we later on have the ability to also utilize the custom

HTML tag, which I'm going to show you in a second.

But for Google Analytics, we have this option right here.

And I would always use this option if it's available as it will give you a template or

little bit of a form.

So if I click on here,

you see that it gives me all these different

configurations that I might would have had set up inside of the code.

Now, I don't need to know coding for this, I can just fill out this form.

So it's makes it easier if you choose a tag type if it's available.

And then it takes me already through the steps.

I can here choose the track type.

So what kind of interaction do I want to send over to Google Analytics.

We have the ability to send events, transaction, social timing, decorate links, and so on.

For now we want to send a page view over and then we can choose a Google Analytics settings

variable right here.

Now, there is no variable set up right here.

For now.

I will ignore this point and just use the enable override settings.

Now, this option is really where Google Analytics would like to know your configurations for

this tag.

And since we might be reusing this information over and over and certain other tags, which

will do in later lessons, we can set up

a variable, a placeholder so we can reuse it again.

So let's do this right now.

Let's choose a new variable here and build a Google Analytics settings variable.

Again, you can give a name to the settings variable.

In my case, it would be my tracking ID that I would like to save in the settings variable.

So I'm going to go over to my Google Analytics account here under tracking information, I

have my tracking code.

And you might know we can do this much faster by going just into our tracking tag plan and

copying this from our notes.

Let's go over here.

I'm going to put this in as a name so I know where it's actually been sent.

And then I'm going to utilize this as well in my tracking ID field right here.

Once I have to set up I can save it and this will now be used inside of this Google Analytics

settings variable field and we will be able to utilize this again and again in other tag

settings as well.

Now, there are tons of more settings that we can do to this tag.

But let's keep it simple.

This will actually deploy already, your page view tag with the help of Google Tag Manager.

So we don't have to care about any of the other settings.

Let's go into the trigger which we need to choose.

Now, triggers are simple rules that determine when should we deploy this tag.

We can set up triggers to deploy only on one given page, for example, our conversion page.

But in our case, obviously, we want to deploy it on all pages because we have looked this


And so we want to migrate our Google Analytics page view tracking.

And for Google Analytics page view tracking it's actually important that you deploy it

on all pages, as Google Analytics will take that data and put it all together into sessions

and users, so it needs to be deployed on all pages.

We're going to click on this triggering option and this will give us our menu of all the

triggers that we have already saved.

Now, I don't have any trigger save just yet.

We will do this in a later lesson.

For now.

We'll just go with the all pages trigger right here.

This is something that is already pre-configured for us and it's wildly use.

So it's an option that is available to us.

Now, what does that mean?

The all pages trigger actually determines where is Google Tag Manager installed, where's

our snippet and sold and every time our snippet is executed, or on a page, it will also deploy

our pageview tag.

If you don't have the GTM snippet installed on a given page, no Google Tag Manager will

be deployed at that time.

So now we have configured our tag.

We can save this obviously, and it will be put into our tags right here.

So we have a nice overview of what tags we have installed in our Google Tag Manager account.

But as we have discovered, this is not yet live on our website.

To determine if it's firing correctly, we can go into the preview mode right here.

And this will put our browser and only our browser into a special state.

We will be able to go to our website, reload this website.

And we get a little GTM debug console down here.

And this gives us more information about what is happening on our page in terms of tracking

and Google Tag Manager.

So we see here we on a summary tab, and we can see our Google Analytics Universal Analytics

fired one time.

If we click on this tag, we can actually see all the different configurations that were

done to it.

And also the firing trigger.

Now, firing triggers are always evaluated or looked upon if they turn true or false

on a event.

And these are the events that you see right here.

So on the page view event and again, click on the tag in here we see that our trigger

turn true and it's firing on the first possible moment.

This is like a waterfall diagram.

First, the page view happens, then this message happens, then the DOM ready and then the window


So our tag fired on this event called GTM JS which is the pageview event with these


Now, we shouldn't just take Google Tag Manager's word for

saying that our tag deployed correct.

There are certain steps that you can take in order to ensure and check whether something

has fired.

First of all, we have our tag assistant.

And our tag assistant shows us right here.

Google Analytics is deployed, it shows it yellow.

So we're going to go in, and it gives us an error saying the same web property ID is track


So we are sending two page views over.

This is expected behavior because as you might know, we already have a Google Analytics tag

installed on our page.

And this is hard coded.

So we have down here, in the last lesson we looked at this, a Tag Manager code installed.

Now on the live page, we would actually need to remove that later on.

But let's go through our testing and debugging even further.

The ultimate test is to actually look if your data is received by your tool.

In this case, it would be Google Analytics.

So let's go over to Google Analytics.

There's an easy way

to do this, and this is the real-time reporting.

In the real-time reporting under the overview, we can see the different pageviews that are

happening right now on our page from real users.

And we would like to know if our pageview counted as well.

Now, we could go in and just reload this page and generate a new pageview then go over to

our analytics page and see whether we see any difference here.

And there was a pageview with two page was actually at the same time tract, which hints

at that this is our pageview tag as we are deploying two pageviews.

Just a little trick that you could also use utilize is to attach something called UTM

parameters to your URL.

So for example, with a question mark and GTM

source equals test press enter.

The UTM source will be recognized by Google Analytics and we can go over in analytics

to our

Traffic Sources here.

And now we should see a test pageview.

No, we don't see one.

Maybe because we didn't enter a correct you UTM source actually UTM parameters always

need to have multiple parameters so the UTM source needs to be filled out, the UTM medium

and the UTM campaign.

Let's test this.


Wait a second and here we go we have a medium test and a source test.

So this was definitely us.

If we click on it, this would actually put a filter up here on our page and when we go

to content here we can see where the user that is filter down to test actually is at

the moment.

In our case would be happy ninja.

Now let's follow along.

Let's go over two albums here

and see if this updates correctly.

Yes, we see an update that is working.

So we have the pageview tracking code correctly installed.

This is important to notice in our real-time reporting and make sure our data is tracked


Just for data quality sake, we want to get complete data and not broken data right?


So with that in mind, we have installed Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager.

We have tested if everything works with preview debug mode, with our extensions, and then

also ultimately with the tool that receives the data, everything seems to work fine.

Now, we can go to the last step and publish this to all our users.

For that we would go over to the submit button and enter a message so we would know what

we have done in this version of what the change would be.

If you done more changes, you could also leave that in the version description down here

and then we can publish and create a version which will then set our Google Tag Manager

code live to the website which would mean that now our

Google Tag Manager code deploys our Google Analytics live on our website.

Now, we are still in the preview and debug mode.

But if we would leave this,

we load our page.

We don't see the debug console down here anymore.

But as we can see in our tag assistant, our Google Analytics code gets deployed.

It still the deploys two times because we still have the hard coded version on our page.

So in this instance, we would need to get rid of the hard coded version.

In our case, I'm running here on a WordPress blog, going to go into my WordPress settings.

This might differ from your platform that you are using, I have it in the theme.

So I'm going to edit my theme, my header php.

And get rid of the implementation of my Google Analytics tag.

This is this line of code that is implemented in the global side tag here.

And I'm going to update this file.

And now we can go back to our page, look at our tag assistant.

And this time, it's only firing once.

on the one pageview request and therefore, we are not doubling our pageview every time

we send over a hit to Google Analytics.

So now we have gone through the implementation process, tested in debug, deployed and also

correctly migrated our code from the page source here into Google Tag Manager.

So it's only deploying once and not twice.

That's something you need to make sure if you have any hard coded pixels on your page.

Now, you might be saying stop stop.

We have some other codes here that we want to implement.

Let's do this a little bit faster this time and port them over.

So first of all, we have Google Ads here with this remarketing code.

So I'm going to go over to the tags and build a new

tag for AdWords or Google ads

and this will be a remarketing tag

on all pages.

We have a tag template available here as well Google remarketing.

We need our conversion ID which we have saved right here.

And let's put this in here.

We don't need to change any other settings.

As a trigger rule, we choose all pages again.

And then we get to a new tag which is Facebook ads, which also collects page views on all


Now, this time we don't find a tag template here.

And therefore we can utilize the custom HTML tag which lets us input any kind of HTML code

that we would like to deploy.

Now, we have our facebook Pixel right here but in our page source we actually can see

right here what code we would need to port over.

You can also again, look this up in your Facebook Ads Manager.

We did this in our third lesson.

So I'm not going to repeat this right here.

But this is the code that I would need to implement.

Be aware that you need to have script tags around your JavaScript right here in order

for it to work.

This is what we want to deploy again on all pages.

Let's save this.

Do a quick test in our preview and debug mode.

We have our Facebook Ads firing, our Google Ads firing on all pages.

Let's go over to another page to test this again.

Yes, this works as planned.

In our tag assistant, we have hopefully our remarketing tags deployed and in our Facebook

Pixel helper we have our pageview that still firing.

Now again, I would recommend to go to the tools and see if you can view if there's data

actually received by the tools itself.

I'm going to skip this step and go ahead and publish a version.

Let's publish this.

And it's live on our website.

And we can go ahead again and remove any kind of hard coded tags.

In my case, again, inside of our demo shop

which is running on WordPress, I would need to remove them from the HTML which I have

implemented in the header php of my theme.

So right here we have our facebook pixel and we have our global site tag.

This time we can delete both of those right so

two and update the file

and when we go back, we still have

our Google Analytics, our remarketing and now Google Tag Manager deployed.

And we still have our facebook pixel deployed as well.

And that's because we have now deploy them through Google Tag Manager.

Let's leave our

preview and debug mode here

and everything is still firing.

Now, when we look into the page source, you should not be able to find our codes anymore

as we have removed them.

So there are no more quotes here.

But still, the data is gathered by our systems as we have deployed them now through Google

Tag Manager.

So we have successfully migrated our existing codes from our tag plan into Google Tag Manager

and deploy them to all our users.

All right, so there you have it.

This is how you can migrate your existing tracking over to Google Tag Manager and then

deploy it.

We went through the

whole tag migration process and if you want to test if you understood everything, then

head over to where we have a little bit of a quiz prepared for


And if you want to follow along with the next lesson where we're going to install our conversion

tracking, then maybe this video is already available, head over to this video over there.

Or if it's not, then definitely subscribe to our channel right over there.

Because we bring you new videos just like this one every week.

Now, my name is Julian,

til next time.

For more infomation >> Google Analytics Tracking Migration with GTM | Lesson 4 (GTM for Beginners) - Duration: 19:34.


Planilhas Google - Planilha de Pedido Online - Macro Gerar Número Sequencial de Pedido - Aula 12 - Duration: 17:00.

For more infomation >> Planilhas Google - Planilha de Pedido Online - Macro Gerar Número Sequencial de Pedido - Aula 12 - Duration: 17:00.


ESPECIAL 1000 SUBS + SORTEO Gift Card Google Play (Mira el video completo) - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> ESPECIAL 1000 SUBS + SORTEO Gift Card Google Play (Mira el video completo) - Duration: 10:41.


How to find any person by photo || Google Image - Duration: 1:52.

how to find information about person by image

Search and open google images on any browser

upload image

google is found that the image is about reteish deshmukh

if you like the video please subscribe channel

For more infomation >> How to find any person by photo || Google Image - Duration: 1:52.


These Friends Quit Their Jobs at Google to Make Candles - Duration: 2:27.

My family I should say has been really supportive in general and now they're

totally behind it but when I told them I was gonna quit my job at Google to go start a candle company,

they weren't super keen.

Steve and I met through work, we moved to New York coincidentally the same week.

The world of technology is very fast-moving.

We are running from one so-called emergency to another like a

lot of people in that kind of world I felt a bit empty, a bit caged up.

I felt definitely inspired to find something that gave me more purpose.

The idea sparked just through knowing that we had the shared love with the product.

We talked about candles a lot, we talked about starting a business,

the next thing that happened is that we quit our jobs.

Every new phase has its challenges. I think it's when you start actually taking

real steps towards it being reality as opposed to just ideas and that for us

was when we met with SolarAid.

SolarAid is a global charity that fights

poverty and climate change through solar lights. Currently they work mainly in

East Africa and the goal is to eradicate kerosene lamps.

For us it's really about continuing to stand for what we stood for.

Our dream was to create a company

that would have a net positive impact so that each candle that we sell does incremental good.

That's what gets us excited and makes it about way more than candles for us.

There's just so much more opportunity

for businesses to rethink the way that they do business and actually

create positive change and be forces for good. We want to continue making our

candles the best possible candles. The best way to see it is just to smell and enjoy

one of our candles in action and that's how most people actually have come to know us.

They smell the scent and that sort of does a lot of the talking for us.

For more infomation >> These Friends Quit Their Jobs at Google to Make Candles - Duration: 2:27.



Hey guys! What's up?

In this video I will teach you how to save a Google image

without downloading it.

Well, here on my computer's screen you can see that my Google is in English language.


Because you can have a larger range of images.

So, let's begin.

In this example I'm going to research any kind of image.

Remember to research in English.

Another tip is for you to select the size of the image that you might want.

Here on "tools" you can select the size, the color and other types of options.

I'm going to select the size "large" and I'm going to pick this image.

Instead of you download the image in your computer,

you can click with the right button of your mouse and copy the image.

After that, you go to your art and just press "Ctrl + V".

The image will appear in its original size,

so you just resize it and you can use the image the way that fits better to you.

It will not lose the resolution and you will not fill up your computer's memory

downloading images that you eventually will use once.

That's it!

I hope you enjoyed, subscribe and I see you soon!



How to make $12 Per hour Using Google Maps {working 2019} - Duration: 6:21.

Make Money Using Google Maps

For more infomation >> How to make $12 Per hour Using Google Maps {working 2019} - Duration: 6:21.


Google Drive Basics Part 4 - Duration: 6:38.

Google Drive Basics Part 4

Let's preview the different functions of Google Slides.

Google Slides is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint.

To access a new Google Slides file, select + New and then Google Slides.

Areas include: The title

undo (CTRL+Z) and redo (CTRL+Y) print

paint format Zoom

Select Text box

Image Shapes

Lines Comments

Background Layout

Theme Transitions

And Present

Let's look at a few you may not be familiar with.

The Text Box button can draw and create text boxes for you to write in.

The default title slide already has text boxes set up.

Maybe I want to draw a different shape or a different size.

I can delete the default boxes by clicking the box and pressing Delete.

Then I can draw the boxes I wanted by selecting the Text Box button and draw the box on the


I can type as much or as little in the box as I want.

The insert image button has the same options as the insert image button in Google Docs.

The Shapes button allows you to insert shapes.

Click shapes, select the shape you want, and draw the shape on the screen.

Maybe I want an arrow to point at my text box.

The Lines button allows you to insert lines.

Click lines, select the line you want, and draw the shape on the screen.

The Comments function is the same as the Google Docs.

Background allows you to change the color scheme of your slides.

Layout allows you to select premade slides.

These slides have text boxes made and arranged in different formations that you can use.

Transitions allows you to insert animation between

your slides.

Or you can click a text box, image, line, or shape and apply the animation to it so

that the object appears or disappears while you are on the slide.

Speakers Notes allows you to write a script or make notes of features you want to point

out on each slide.

Present opens up your slides to show the slides.

You can Present From the Beginning or select the more advanced Presenter view.

Present from the beginning will show you and the views of the projected slides the same

thing - your basic slide show.

The Presenter view allows you to see your speaker notes, open an Audience Q &A where

the audience are given and interactive link and they can submit questions during the presentation.

You can bring them up on screen and answer them.

This view also give you a timer to know how you are doing if you have a time limit to

your presentation.

The presentation itself allows you to use a pointer to highlight areas of the presentation.

You can also insert captions if you have an audio component.

This view also allows you to directly download the slides as a PDF or a Microsoft Powerpoint


If you need to download these slides to submit to your instructor, you can go to File, Download

As, and select PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint File depending on the preference of your instructor.

For more infomation >> Google Drive Basics Part 4 - Duration: 6:38.


Google Drive Basics Part 3 - Duration: 6:18.

Google Drive Basics Part 3

Let's look at Google Docs.

To access a new Google Doc, select + New and then Google Docs.

This will automatically open a new Google Doc in a new tab.

A Google Doc is a word processing page similar to a Word Document.

Areas include: -undo (CTRL+Z) and redo (CTRL+Y)

-print -paint format

-text formatting -hyperlink

-adding comments -inserting images

-text alignment -text spacing

-indention -clear formatting

And -sharing

Let's look at some areas that differ from Microsoft Word.

First the basics, our document needs a title.

In the upper left hand corner of the document, I can click on the title box and name the

Google Doc.

If I do not, this document will be saved on my Google Drive as Untitled Document.

A bit more advanced than creating a title, we have the sharing feature.

Let's say you are working on a group project.

You can share a Google Doc, Sheet, or Slides for your group members all to work on the

same document.

To share, click the blue SHARE icon on the upper right of the screen.

Next, enter the email address for each person, pressing enter to separate each person's


Notice that incomplete addresses will turn red, helping you fix any errors.

You can add a note that will appear in the email inviting each person to come work with


Before you send, make sure their abilities are set to your preference.

As the creator of the document, you can decide if they can edit the document, only view the

document, or can comment on the document.

When you are ready, press send.

All email addresses will be sent an access link that they can use to access this document.

If they have Google Drive, this document will be saved in their Shared with Me folder for them to access.

Let's look at the commenting function.

Your group is analyzing rhyme scheme of Taylor Swift's song "Look What You Made Me


You can highlight the area you want to comment on and click the + speech bubble.

This will open up a comment box.

Notice the top of the box has your name so that your collaborators will know who is commenting.

Once you submit the comment, notice that you can edit, delete, or link the comment to a

URL you think would be useful to your team.

A team member can click on the comment and reply to the comment.

This comment will appear in real time.

This feature allows for collaboration wherever you are.

If you feel like the question or discussion has finished/been resolved you can click Resolve


If you want to access resolved comments again, you can click the speech bubble with three

lines on the upper right of the screen to open comment history.

Let's look at the editing tools.

Right now my document is set to editing.

When my draft is finished and I am proofreading, I can change the settings to suggesting.

This color codes each contributors additions or deletions to the document so that the team

can see the changes being made and by who.

You can switch the function to viewing mode to remove the toolbar so that you can read

or present the document to others.

The last feature I will be showing you for Google Docs is the insert image tool.

When you click on the image icon, you can: upload from computer

Search the web Upload from Google Drive

Upload from Google Photos Upload by URL

Or open upload your camera to take a picture.

With the Search the Web option, you can search and insert images from Google Image Search.

When you find an image or images you would like to use, click the image or images.

This will have a blue check mark appear on the selection.

Then click insert.

With the Upload from Google Drive option,

Similar to search the web feature, you select any and all the images you have uploaded to Google Drive

for you to insert and press insert.

Unlike the Search the Web feature, all items in your drive must be created or uploaded

prior to attempting to insert it.

With the Upload from Google Photos feature, you can upload images you might have stored

on the Google Photos application.

With the upload from URL option, you can copy and paste an images url from the web to insert

the image.

To copy the image's url, right click on the image you would like to insert.

Select copy image address.

Next, select the image icon and click upload from URL.

Paste (CTRL+V) the image address into the box.

The image should appear if the image address is correct.

Then click Insert.

If you are finished with the Google Doc and want to download it in order to submit it

to your teacher, go to File, Download As, and select Microsoft Word, Rich Text File,

or PDF based on the preference of your instructor.

The file will be uploaded to your computer in the format you have selected.

For more infomation >> Google Drive Basics Part 3 - Duration: 6:18.


Braindrop: Google I/O - Duration: 1:30.

Hi, everybody.

Chris back here with an update on Google's I/O conference held last week in San Francisco.

Google made some big announcements.

They've got some big plans for Android, for virtual reality, but the big news was about

communication—specifically, person-to-person communication and also communicating back

to Google.

On the person-to-person front, Google announced Allo.

With Allo, Google allows some features like whispering or yelling in text, video chat,

encrypted chat, and also communicating with chat bots.

Sounds very similar to Facebook's messaging strategy from last month, right?

In the world of Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, iMessage, where does Allo fit in?

Google's hoping you're going to give them a chance.

Now when we're talking about communication back to Google, they announced Google Assistant,

a new service that let's you just ask questions to Google.

Very similar to Google Now or what you can do on Google Search but specifically for the


So if you have questions about "what's the weather", "what are the sports scores", or

even a fun fact, they think Assistant will have the answer.

Google also announced Google Home, a device powered by Google Assistant with a speaker

and microphone that you're supposed to set up in your house.

With Google Home, you can ask questions and Google Assistant will just tell you the answer.

So imagine a world where you walk from room to room and ask questions of Google Home,

Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, or just Ask Jeeves?

Welcome to the future.

That's it from Google I/O. Thanks, guys.

We'll talk to you again soon.

For more infomation >> Braindrop: Google I/O - Duration: 1:30.


Google Drive Basics Part 2 - Duration: 2:56.

Google Dive Basics Part 2

Sharing uploaded folders or files is simple.

Right click on the folder or file, select Share.

Next, enter the email address for each person, pressing enter to separate each person's


Notice that incomplete addresses will turn red, helping you fix any errors.

You can add a note that will appear in the email inviting each person to come work with


Before you send, make sure their abilities are set to your preference.

As the creator of the document, you can decide if they can edit the document, only view the

document, or can comment on the document.

When you are ready, press send.

All email addresses will be sent an access link that they can use to access this file

or folder.

If someone shares a folder or file with you, all shared items are stored in the Shared

With Me tab on the left of your screen.

Files will be stored here unless the uploader of the file or document chooses to unshare

the file from you, removing you from access.

To remove someone's access you need to be the creator of the file or the uploader.

To remove someone's access, right click the file and select "Share".

Next select Advanced.

This will show you all those with access to this folder or file.

Next, click the X on the right of their name to remove their access and save changes.

When using the creation tools such as Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides, the files automatically

save as I work.

This means that if my computer dies or I accidentally exit out of the window, all my work will still

be saved on the document to my Google Drive.

This is different than a Microsoft Word, Excel, or Powerpoint file because those platforms

require that you frequently manually save the document in order to keep your work.

To open an existing Word file in Google Docs, you will first upload the file using the steps you saw earlier.

Next double click the file.

This opens the Word file.

I can work on this Word file here in this document

and the changes will be saved.

Notice as I type on the top of the screen it says "Unsaved changes"

When I stop it says "Saving" and "All Changes saved" to Google Drive.

For more infomation >> Google Drive Basics Part 2 - Duration: 2:56.


Yasmin tentando falar inglês com o Google Home - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Yasmin tentando falar inglês com o Google Home - Duration: 3:59.


Google Мой Бизнес: что это такое и для чего он нужен | SEMANTICA - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Google Мой Бизнес: что это такое и для чего он нужен | SEMANTICA - Duration: 5:46.


Google Drive Basics Part 5 - Duration: 1:06.

Google Drive Basics Part 5

Uploading a file from Blackboard to Google Drive

When uploading a file from Blackboard to Google Drive

First, locate the file in Blackboard

that you need to download.

This is a PDF and it opened up in

a new tab.

I can download this PDF by selecting

the download button.

I am going to save it in my Downloads folder.

When using Google Chrome, it will save at the bottom of your screen here.

Then I can go over to my Google Drive

I can drag and drop the file if I am using Google Chrome

from the bottom of my screen

and it will upload.

I can also click +New, File Upload,

go to my Downloads and locate the correct file for me to upload,

and click open.

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