Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily music Mar 29 2017

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For more infomation >> Afrojack Drops Only @Ultra Music Festival Miami 2017 - Duration: 6:55.


T-ara bullying hwayoung controversy, instagram - Duration: 4:01.

Hello people, I'm a transgender vlogger Addison, and I'm a fan of t-ara just like any other

kpop people.

BTW, before you watch this video, Please turn on the subtitles.

So, as you know t-ara bullying controversy has been talked

over about 5 years now, and no one knows everything

about this situation except T-ara and their company people.

About 5 years ago, there was a speculation whether the member 화영 is bullied or not.

Someone said she is bullied because in some of the TV program, she seems to be bullied.

Some siad she looks dark in general, some said

members hit her even during the program while prtending they hit her unintentionally.

On the other hand, some people said the actual victim is T-ara because 화영 is so rude

and unfaithful to the group and tried to get away

and did not do her best. and the shots caught in

cameras are just some accidents.

So at that time, which was 5 years ago, no one

knew the answer, and just speculated that T-ara bullied 화영, and many fans left the

T-ara fandom.

But anyway T-ara moved their business spot to the China, and continued

their career.

Meanwhile, many fans who disappointed at T-ara kept blaming and criticizing

T-ara whenever they find something bad happends to T-ara.

What I briefly want to talk about at this point is that, I personally think it is okay

for fans to blame T-ara, but most of the people who blamed T-ara are not fans

they are random people who only knew things reported by major media and thought

T-ara is the bad people.

They didn't care T-ara in the fisrt place, but they

blamed T-ara more than their fans.

As a transgender, I feel that.

People show no interest or compassion towards us

in normal days.

But when we do queer-parade, people think we should be quiet when all we

want is to be visible and have equal right.

Queer people is strong and resilient, so we will

be fine.

Anyway, so T-ara moved on to their next chapter, which is China peformances

, people forgot about them, so things seem

quiet going right.

However, in 2017, T-ara member A-reum left an

instragram message to Ji-yeon that "she will keep Ji-yeon safe!" as if someone wants to

attack her So out of a sudden, people

thought it a bit weird.

Because in 2017, Aruem is not a member of T-ara anymore.

At the similar time, Finally, one of a former staff of T-ara revealed a Sns messages between

Areum and Hyoyoung of the past time , who is a sister of Hawyoung.

It is basically about Hyoyoung threatening Areum, saying that she will ruin Areum's

face and accrodingly, her schedules, unless Areum do what she demands to do.

The content was very shocking and the T-ara's company ackowledged it is the acutal

messages between Hyoyoung and Areum.

Plus, another former staff of T-ara came up to one TV pragram and said 'there was

almost nothing wrong with T-ara as far as I know

when it comes to this situation.'

So, over the 5 years, T-ara was speculated and blamed very much, but now they are getting

some sympathy.

Every detail is not known yet.

But I think it is okay to think that T-ara wasn't that bad people as we thought.

I'm not saying that bullying is okay.

We should listen to people who are ailleinated and being


But that doesn't mean that we can anytime speculate people who have done almost

nothing and make them attackers, insult them.

We should not deelpy involve or blame other people's buisness in general if you don't

know about the situation exactly.

So how do you think?

Do you think Hwayoung is just being patient even if she has something

to say more, or do you think now it is clear that

T-ara is a good group?

And how do you think about the bullying in general?

Please comment down below if you want!

I want to communicate with you all!


For more infomation >> T-ara bullying hwayoung controversy, instagram - Duration: 4:01.


7 TRUE Terrifying Encounters with Psychopaths- Featuring MARGBOT - Duration: 21:35.

there are times in our lives when our

paths intersect with individuals that

have bad intentions for many they find

out too late for others they discover if

they had taken a wrong turn then all

alone or then the chosen lucky one they

would have been the next victim of a

psychopath here are seven stories people

told or luck was on their side enjoy

back in the 70s my grandfather dropped

my grandmother mom and her two sisters

off to do some shopping in his way to

work since he wasn't able to pick them

up they hitchhiked home my mom at the

time was only around 10 or 11 her middle

sister would have been around seven or

eight and the youngest was about a year

old they get picked up by a guy in a

pickup truck who has them all sit in the

back row with one of them holding the

baby my grandmother was giving

directions to their home from the

highway but the guy ignored her and went

by there exit claiming he had to make a

stop first didn't really say much else

to them during the drive my mom

remembers my grandmother being very

quiet and very nervous eventually they

come up to a farm the driver tells him

to wait in the car and he goes inside

the house while he's gone they just sit

there terrified

they're in the middle of nowhere and

they know they couldn't make it out on

put a few minutes later the driver comes

out with a second guy who looks into the

truck and sees my mom's youngest sister

he starts flipping out screaming at the

driver that he shouldn't have brought

the baby back they aren't going to do

anything with her and some other things

I can't remember he ends up telling him

to get them away from the farm the

driver gets back into the truck

apologizes and they get back on the

highway and drive again in silence my

grandmother normally a very smart woman

had him drive directly to their house

although I suspect her reasoning was

she'd already given him the address

before anything seemed off they lived at

that house for several years and luckily

never saw either of them a second time

my friend's dad once answer the door

late one night it was around 11pm or so

at the door was an odd man asking for

directions to the main road her dad

usually works nights but on this rare

occasion he had taken it off so he tells

the guy the route and the weird dude

thanked him and what off but in the

opposite direction he'd seemed quite

nervous and jittery which is odd but

what's even weirder is he's known in the

area he'd lived there for years he

wouldn't need to ask directions some

main road anyway it was revealed in the

news on that same night he had broken

into a house and violently raped a woman

and her daughter and later tried to

sexually assault another woman on the

street but a passerby managed to help

her get away this was after he called at

my friend's house so he'd gone there

then went off in the wrong direction and

tried to rape someone now my friends

family was having a lot of drama at the

time her mother is a nutcase alcoholic

and the whole street knew she'd been

centre rehab with her dad working nights

it's likely that the weird of raping man

knew my friend would be home alone

once as a teenager I was seeing a

fast-food drive-through and someone in

the old bronco started to follow me at

first I thought I was a road rage

situation and did the sorry wave and

tried to let him pass but he swerved at

me like he was trying to hit my car he

pulled up alongside of me and was

screaming out the window just

incoherently furious continuing to

swerve at me this was before the days of

cell phones and I was in an unfamiliar

area of town I was draining a Firebird

and tried to outrun him but he would run

red lights and me crazy turns to keep up

with me eventually I ran into a dead end

and he pulled his truck across the road

to block it there were big bitches on

either side so I was stuck he got out

and started screaming at my door handle

doors locked and pounding on the windows

his face inches from mine just screaming

and screaming in a way that seemed he

couldn't even quite see me shaking and

crying I turned on my overhead light so

he could see I was just a teenage girl

and not who he was looking for and he

jumped on my hood and started pounding

and drooling in thick white smears on my

windshield I was screaming and crying

and he stopped held up one finger like

wait a minute and screwed off to his

truck I floored the gas and ran into the

ditch and drove like a crazy person for

45 minutes until I knew I had lost him

no idea what his deal was my mom thought

I made up this story to lie about the

damage to my car and still seems

hesitant to believe me

this is from a male's perspective when

my wife was in college she took a

philosophy class or something on the

first day everyone announced who they

were etc turns out she was sitting next

to a police officer who's taking the

class for continuing education or

promotion can't remember but he was

actively a police officer this was

really great for her because she's small

and it was a nighttime class they became

sort of friends as much as two people

sitting next to each other for food

classes could be he agreed to walk over

carved her class since the school wasn't

in the best area and it made her feel

safe around midterms he stops showing up

she's kind of confused but figured life

happens and something else probably came

up a few weeks later we were at her

parents house and her mom asks if we had

heard about the police officer who had

been arrested we hadn't so she begins to

fill us in on this police officer that

had been pulling woman over and raping

them in their cars we live in a small

town but it gets super rural super fast

so nobody is passing these scenes as

they're happening it turns out that the

officer raping the women was the same

guy that had been walking her to her car

after class every week and the reason he

wasn't in class was because he had been


my father was a supervisor of a

now-defunct inpatient mental health

hospital he supervised the children's

unit these were kids mostly boys that

had done some terrible shit or they came

from terrible families and through no

fault of their own ended up there one

day a group outing had been planned for

some kids of the unit two boys decided

it would be a great time to start a

fight right as they were about to leave

my dad decided that their behavior

didn't warrant a trip I forgot where

they were going but it was somewhere

really fun he kept them back of the

facility that day I was six at the time

later that night my dad gets a phone

call from home it's the police two boys

had managed to slip past a psych tech

sleeping on the night shift at the

facility and were found just a few

blocks from our house with duct tape and

knives and their backpacks apparently

they hadn't taken kindly to being left

behind and waited until they knew the

night crew would be distracted doing

rounds or tending to patients they had

found my dad's home address by breaking

into his office and saw a picture of me

on his desk needless to say they

confessed to my dad's face later that

night that they had planned to rape and

murder me the cops had only picked them

up because they were too young to be

elderly if they were my dad could a few

weeks later and we moved across country

this Vincent in top in when I was in

college I was 20 I lived in a big city

where I went to school but I still used

my car more than public transportation

since I needed to transport a lot of

materials back and forth through my

apartment to campus sculpture major one

week night I had been working late in

the studio and decided to stop at the

24-hour drugstore chain on my drive home

to pick up a few things tampons and

chocolate it was pretty late probably 2

a.m. so there wasn't any other customers

in the store but there were two male

cashiers around my age after I have been

there are three minutes a new customer

entered the store he was male late 30s

kind of jittery looking he noticed me

and started following me around the

store in a really obvious way I was

trying to ignore him get my stuff and

get out of there he came up to me and

started doing this noise like he was

trying to discreetly get my attention I

kept ignoring him then he said fuck you

bitch and left the store I figured

whatever weirdo as I paid for my stuff I

had this overwhelming gut feeling to ask

the cashier if he wouldn't mind walking

me to my car since the jittery guy had

creeped me out the cashiers that it was

cool and we make our way out to the

parking lot so I'm feeling more at ease

about halfway to my car and I turned to

say thanks to the cashier for his help

when he grabs my shoulder and says that

guy is under your car sure enough that

fucking jittery guy was under my car the

cashier shouts what the fuck are you

doing I'm calling the police the jittery

guy starts scrambling out from under my

car and cashier guy and me run back in

the store and he immediately calls the

cops it scared me pretty good he ran

away before the cops got there I

sometimes wonder what he would have done

to me if I hadn't asked the cashier to

walk me out grabbed my foot stabbed me

with something just let me run him over

this happened in Antioch California it

was around 2am I was at a friend house

safe and warm sheltered sabria we were

having a lot to drink chit-chatting

enjoying ourselves of course when you're

having fun time hits the fast-forward

button and those few minutes turn into

an hour I had too much to drink my

friend has a bit of an abrupt bedtime so

I had dajjal early still intoxicated I

felt too shameful thinking I'd be asking

too much to stay in his house to sleep

off the drunkenness I suppose he was

either too rude or too drunk to consider

it himself whatever sometimes a little

inconvenient makes you appreciate

everything else i needed about an hour

or so to sober up and drive back now as

fast as time passed during my stay it

decided to drastically slowed down as

soon as I stepped out of his house it

was a cold sac area a concrete jungle

with the stem of the street breaking

into a fork alongside the road my car

was parked the only streetlight that

worked was in the middle of the

cul-de-sac circle about 80 yards away I

stumbled toward my car produce my keys

felt the male line up opened my door and

shift it to the backseat because this

was a dark strange and unfamiliar

neighborhood I took the leftover

newspapers and the sweater in my

backseat to cover myself up

I was a little scared I wanted to

camouflage myself and not just be some

guy awkwardly sitting in his car waiting

for time to pass in order to drive home

I could not fall asleep the

uncomfortable feeling of a cheap

backseat bed and shouted in darkness

didn't make the chance of slumber easier

it felt too ominous and of course my

mind began to wonder I thought of

worst-case scenarios like how the police

would shine a light on me through the

window or drug driver hitting my car and

wait in the distance about a hundred

yards away I could hear footsteps

approaching the gravel scuffed with each

step forward growing in proximity but

periodically taking stops I wonder why

until it made sense in my mind whoever

it was was probably looking through cars

carefully with the intent to steal one I

couldn't recall how many cars were on

the block but I counted three full stops

until he was at my window breathing I

froze there was no more than a foot

between us the car encapsulated me as I

lay hidden beneath backseat clutter

boring myself into an object trying my

hardest to be unnoticeable unmoving and

simply not there a key you said a

40-plus year old man and perverse baby

talk imagine when you're playing

hide-and-seek and while your friends

tricks you into coming out he said it in

that tone of voice as if baiting me like

he was questioning whether the clutter

in the backseat was just clutter or a


I didn't want to move or check the

window I remained clutter give me an

Academy Award my body reacted by

minimizing my breathing so much so that

I felt paralyzed I dare not look my eyes

fixated on the back of the passenger

seat I didn't blink I didn't move I

didn't breathe my heart was pounding so

hard it shook my body with each throb he

circled around the car my ears did not

fail me I heard the steps I felt like I

was part of the car I could merely feel

him touching the trunk as he carefully

pressed down on it as if to test the

alarm as if to test me I was in the

middle of fight or flight I couldn't do

either without elevating danger I was

frozen and hoping to God he was bluffing

he circled the car again the door hailed

to my right jiggled he was pulling it

multiple times x tu same tone but more

agitated and stressed more convinced

that he was trying to make that clutter

move revealing itself to be of his

expectations that it was me my muscles

tensed like a cow before slaughter that

sound had to be metal against glass take

a penny right now and tap on your window

a crowbar knife a rock a gun my eyes

fixated on the seat in front of me never

averting my gaze like he was

I was covering up to her I couldn't see

beyond the seat in front of me I know I

couldn't see him but I could feel his

eyes resting on top of me Marnie's poker

face what's your name the voice changed

in a lower demented and serious tone my

mind for Seville and it wasn't anything

human I already accepted my death I was

ready to be shot in the head take a

life-changing bullet multiple knife

wounds just make this sleep bearable not

excruciating as you train me of life I

wouldn't know how to react my thoughts

grew dimmer I imagined my friend waking

up the next morning after a calm night

of safe and sound sleep only to discover

my mutilated defiled and bloodied body

hanging outside my car door it was then

that I heard nothing but my own heart

what was this person doing now just

staring at me in the middle of the night

talking to me or a messy pile in the

backseat time froze the footsteps were

being swallowed into the distance thank

God he left I waited another hour until

the Sun showed itself I jumped in the

front seat and bolted out of there

wide-eyed and very sober

have you ever had a close call have you

ever had that sinking feeling if you a

turn left instead of right you might be

on a milk carton if so please contact me

through any of my social media links see

you next time

For more infomation >> 7 TRUE Terrifying Encounters with Psychopaths- Featuring MARGBOT - Duration: 21:35.


New Electro House 2017 | Bass Boosted Music | Gaming Music | By DJ Channel # 65 - Duration: 15:08.

Thank you for watching, please like subscribe and share

For more infomation >> New Electro House 2017 | Bass Boosted Music | Gaming Music | By DJ Channel # 65 - Duration: 15:08.


MY JAPAN BOX - MUSIC BOX [Unboxing] (Eng subs) - Duration: 5:55.

Today in line with Music and Japan, let's discover:

My Japan box, Music special

Opening a box standing up is annoying and something might just jump out

Let's get comfy! Like...


If you don't know the concept, this is a subscription box, there are various types from different brands

You usually pay around 30-40€ and receive a box full of goodies

Usually there's a monthly theme, this one is a unique box I purchased, not a monthly one

and it's dedicated to Japanese music, so including both J-pop and more traditional music

Not sure what to expect, I reckon there are CDs inside!

That's the only box related to J-pop that I found

Let's go

AH! There's sweets!

First thing I focus on: food...

Very J-pop

What is this?

Cotton wool? Texture is like cotton candy

Yup, cotton candy!

Doesn't it look like a diaper?

Now that my diabete is up, next!

Let's see the first CD: Ayane Ikeda

No idea

We'll give it a listen, Next!

This one looks like a soundtrack for a game, it's written Konami on it

"original soundtrack, New Love Plus"

Never heard of it

As it says Konami, there's a chance it's from an idol game?

It looks cute, Next!

Oh, Bleach! "Bleach, The Best"

Too bad I'm not a big fan but that's a good idea

CD/DVD, let's open it to see

Now that it's here!

You're not helping, Ichigo

It's not opening, that's annoying

HA! Who's laughing now?

HAAA That was my finger!

The box is very pretty, I don't know if you can see but it's shimmery

Inside we have:

Bleach, The best Pinup which illustration cards

Nice, if that was Johnny's I'd have some pretty boys by now!

Well, that's pretty Anime boys

Take what you can, gurl

I like how it says Pin up but that doesn't look very pinup-ish to me

Typically this one: is that pinup or just creepy?

The book!

Lyrics I suppose? Yup, lyrics with illustrations

Bleach, the best CD!

with Orange Range, Beat Crusaders...

and finally: Bleach, the best DVD!

Aah, it's the openings and endings

It's a DVD with all the openings and endings from the series

It's a great idea, too bad I don't care about Bleach

I can make you win it though! If you'd like to get it let me know in the comments!


Back to the cheeky ladies

Pretty! Reminds me of the Ayumi Hamasaki logo, don't you think?

So I paid this box about 30 Euros? Dollars?

But the value of the CDs is above that

Best of Bleach cost... Wait Ayane, do you mind?

We'll get to you, ok!

Bleach costs 3,800Yens

Ayane Ikeda, 2,500 Yens

New Love Plus, 2,520 Yens

The CDs are almost triple the cost of the box

However I'd have like having stickers in there or random music goods

And idols stuff, like Johnny's, just saying

Even Sexy zone!

That's my desperation: "Even Sexy Zone!"



Ballad, boring

"Dear friend", might not be very jolly

I was wrong!

Interesting, I like that

Very pop, the voice is suave-ish, I like it

So far so good!

Next, where's my knife?

Under the laptop

That's so safe!

Cooperate, Konami!

Double wrapping!

Over-wrapping is a Japanese specialty

How many CDs? Ah, 2

It does look like virtual idols, they even have the names

Like Idol Master type of thing? With Schoolgirls!

That's not pervy

I need to check

For the channel, not for me you know...

You're not helping, Konami!


Is that instrumentals?

If you know it tell me, I'm a bit lost right now

Come on, drop it!

Yeah, Ok

That... is great for Christmas!

That catches you off-guard!

What's next?

Sounds like depression

That's not a great start

Next? Still no one singing, so it's probably only Instrus

BGM, you know

That's a shame, with that visual I was expecting more!

More of an Ambiance CD then

Let's put this away

before I cut my veins by accident

AAH my mic!

There you go! I hope it was interesting to discover the box together

Let me know if you know the artists or if you want to hear more about them

If there's a box you'd like to recommend to me, I'm still available on social medias: TW, FB, IG

Give this video a thumbs up to let me know you liked it

If you missed last week's video, it's right here!

And as usual, don't forget to subscribe, so you don't miss next week's video!

That's it for me this week, see you soon!

I'll take more diaper

For more infomation >> MY JAPAN BOX - MUSIC BOX [Unboxing] (Eng subs) - Duration: 5:55.


"The Pizza Boy" Official Music Video - Duration: 2:01.



Don't touch that,

my property little boy...

Don't wear that hat little boy!

It gives you powers that you don't neeeeed!

*Zeno Music - The Pizza Boy*

Where did my pizza box go?

Here ya go!

Thank you sir.

You're welcome.

*music starts again*

For more infomation >> "The Pizza Boy" Official Music Video - Duration: 2:01.


Shadows It's Different (ANIME MUSIC) - Duration: 3:12.

Run free

and dive into the sky

Hear the wind

crying out it's prayer

Why are we so

ashamed to be alive?

Break the chains

and the freedom's ours to take

Going harder

We are more than numbers


in their shade



We are

all one color

Standing in

their way


look behind your back

Chase the light

when the world is getting darker

I have a dream

where love's the only side

So take my hand,

join the army of the shadows




We are more than numbers


in their shade




We are all one color


in their way

Join the army of the shadows

Join the army of the shadows

Join the army of the shadows



Join the army of the shadows

Join the army of the shadows

Going harder

We are more than numbers

Standing in their shade

Going louder

We are all one color

Standing in their way

For more infomation >> Shadows It's Different (ANIME MUSIC) - Duration: 3:12.


Lemon Demon - Jaws (Music Video) - Duration: 4:11.

Jaws the shark!

Lurking in the dark of the depths of sea, one day on a lark

Decides to get rowdy, get real violent

Takes a vay-cay up to Amity Island

Sunshine lotion fun in sun

Blood in the ocean, everybody run

Cuz it's crazy how few fucks this shark gives

He'll eat naked ladies! He'll eat little kids!

Oh no!

But the one thing keeping the commmunity safe

is a guy named Brody and his pal Richard Dreyfuss

Jaws don't know that a storm's gonna come

He just wants everyone to be his chum, get it? get it

The mayor don't care if the townsfolk die

He doesn't want to spoil the fourth of July

He's like, "Everyone cool it, and go for swim!"

But holy shit here comes that fin!!



(He is a shark without a cause)

He was in a movie you should watch it it's called Jaws



(He is a shark who fights the law)

He was in a movie that everyone saw

Long story short, the beach gets closed

The mayor's like, "Okay, yeah this blows"

Suddenly Jaws has got a price on his head

But the wrong little shark baby ends up dead

It was Jaws' little brother! Now he's pissed

The mayor just shot to the top of his list

He sneaks in his house in the middle of the night

and he eats that fucker in a single bite


Now the mayor's dead, so Brody's in charge

He knows the real killer is still at large

So he and the Dreyfuss make a decision

They're going on a mission

They're gonna go FISHIN'

for Jaws

For more infomation >> Lemon Demon - Jaws (Music Video) - Duration: 4:11.


Welcome to Tokyo! (Vietsub) PnF Music video - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Tokyo! (Vietsub) PnF Music video - Duration: 0:59.


♫♫♫ LULLABY Mozart for Babies to go to sleep - Duration: 3:23.


LULLABY for Babies to go to sleep



music for sleep

For more infomation >> ♫♫♫ LULLABY Mozart for Babies to go to sleep - Duration: 3:23.


Cata Martinez - Three (Official Video) - Duration: 4:49.

To whom it may concern:

Welcome to our home, my friend.

A long, long walk from here to there...

that I'm willing to take.

But if you don't mind,

I'd rather cut the wait,

and heal thy soul inside my own...

away from fear.

Sister, you take away that veil,

and then open your eyes and shout,

and just let them light the way.

Just let me...

reach for your arms and touch the sky,

and then just close your eyes...

and let the tears just shine away,

and light away your darkest days.

To whom it may concern:

I'm sorry for the wait.

I wanted to be here...

to take your fears away.

But if you don't mind,

I'd rather cut to the chase:

Just open your arms and...

let yourself rest in my chest.

Brother, you take away that thrill,

and then open your mouth and shout,

and just let the sound away.

Just let me...

reach for your hands and touch the ground...

and then just close your eyes...

and let the tears just shine away,

and light away your darkest days.

To whom it may concern:

I'll show you innermost weakness,

but that's a risk that...

I'm completely willing to take.

But if you don't mind,

please don't beg forgiveness...

for all those masks that you had to fake.

So I see you...

Sister, you take away that veil,

and then open your eyes and shout,

and just let them light the way.

Just let me...

reach for your arms and touch the sky...

and then just close your eyes...

and let the tears just shine away,

and light away your darkest...

Brother, you take away that thrill,

and then open your mouth and shout...

and just let the sound away.

(I wanted to be here to take your fears away.)

Just let me...

reach for your hands and touch the ground,

and then just close your eyes...

and let the tears just shine away,

( your arms and let yours...)

and light away your darkest days.

For more infomation >> Cata Martinez - Three (Official Video) - Duration: 4:49.


Best Mash Up Popular Songs 2017 THE BEST - Duration: 59:49.

feel free to tubscribe

For more infomation >> Best Mash Up Popular Songs 2017 THE BEST - Duration: 59:49.


Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music - Duration: 3:01:22.

Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music

For more infomation >> Relaxing indian flute music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music. Sleep Music - Duration: 3:01:22.


Great Things | HLA Nazareth Music Video | Group Publishing - Duration: 2:36.

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!

We've come here expecting God to do amazing things

Right here, right now

Our friends and our family gather here to have some fun

Right here, right now

Great things happen when we come together

Great things happen when we praise our Savior

We sing, we serve

We laugh, we learn

Great thing are gonna happen

Great things are gonna happen here

We've come here expecting God to do amazing things

Right here, right now

Our friends and our family gather here to have some fun

Right here, right now

Great things happen when we come together

Great things happen when we praise our Savior

We sing, we serve

We laugh, we learn

Great things are gonna happen

Great things are gonna happen

Great things happen when we come together

Great things happen when we praise our Savior

We sing, we serve

We laugh, we learn

Great things are gonna happen

Great things are gonna happen

Great things are gonna happen here

For more infomation >> Great Things | HLA Nazareth Music Video | Group Publishing - Duration: 2:36.


Music Education at York College - Duration: 2:03.

(singing in Italian)

- [Imara] Music means life.

Music means passion.

Music is really the only way that

I know people from all over the world can connect.

My name is Imara Miles, I am a music major,

and I am from Bowie, Maryland.

I wanna be an opera singer, travel the world.

(singing gentle aria)

When I was looking for a college I thought

where is somewhere that I wanna be for the next four years?

Where is a place that is affordable,

and where is a place where at the

end of four years I can say that I met amazing people?

And York fit every single part of the criteria.

♫ Take heart

♫ Faire hedge man side

- The music program has been like

one of the greatest things of my whole life.

It's just so many interesting people.

So many professors who just wanna give

you all of their knowledge.

And every single class that I take

is preparing me for the next step.

- [Professor] More.

- Give me more pure, oh vowel.

(singing operatic notes)

Little more rounded.

(singing operatic notes)

Oh yeah!

There it is!

- [Imara] Dr. Liprid is a wonderful teacher.

She's like, "Slow it down, enunciate,

"sound it out, and think about what you're doing."

(singing gentle aria)

Besides practicing, and besides learning

the music, you have to have experience.

I'm involved in chamber singers.

I'm involved in YCP Coral.

I'm involved in YCP Enharmonix,

and off campus I actually have a job

as a church musician.

York has really made me focus on working

for my goals.

The school did Pirates of Penzance,

and I was so excited.

I played the contralto, and it was such

a wonderful production.

To succeed in opera I need technique.

And York has definitely helped me do that.

- And registration is one of the significant factors...

- [Imara] Whether it's technique with

practice methods, technique with just studying,

or technique with music theory.

And York has helped me by providing that foundation.

- Yeah, it's a new idea...

- I am so grateful to York, and all its faculty members.

And if it weren't for York, I probably

wouldn't be at college, 'cause York clicked with me,

and they're always ready to help you.

(singing in Italian)

- [Professor] There, that was good!

For more infomation >> Music Education at York College - Duration: 2:03.


Smells like van spirit: Hitting the road for street music - Duration: 1:01.

Hi Guys. My name is Marten. This is my van.

And we two have a mission.

I want to travel Europe and find the best street musicians of our continent.

Record their music inside this van and share their stories with you and the world.

This van will be my studio, my home, my everything.

It's great to have Shure on board on this journey and you could come along, too.

You can follow this project online and - who knows, maybe I come to your town soon?

Be sure to check, there you see my crowdfunding page.

And you can learn about this project, about me.

If you can, please make a small donation - every bit helps.

The more donations I get, the more countries I can visit and the more music I can share.

Please spread the words, together we can make this project reality.

Thank you so much and see you on the road. Bye guys!

For more infomation >> Smells like van spirit: Hitting the road for street music - Duration: 1:01.


Best African Music Ambient Lounge - Duration: 1:02:03.

Best African Music Ambient Lounge

For more infomation >> Best African Music Ambient Lounge - Duration: 1:02:03.


Unsung Producers 2 - Duration: 7:11.

what's up everybody its your man JFilt

from how to make very sick beats .com if

this is your first time welcome and

welcome to edition number two of unsung

producers so let's get into it just out

of curiosity where are you watching this

video what are you watching this video

on right now your cell phone at home in

the kitchen where we let I'm curious

anyway let's get right into this today

we talked about as you can see danjahndz

if you don't know who danjahandz

is if you ever heard of the guy named

timberland you've heard danjahandz

it's a good chance you've heard danjahandz if you've heard timberland danjahandz

is a musician and another one of

those cats and he actually does have a

name for itself but some of you may not

know who he is and just in case you don't

know this cat has worked with Britney

Spears Justin Timberlake TI Madonna diddy

you know diddy so you know that that's

just a few he's worked with a ton of

people anyway I want y'all to listen to

this beat that he actually worked with

timberland on speaking of timberlands

check this out g-unit alright anyways in

this beat you have two chords alright

so and this proved to you that you do

not have to think too hard when you're

making beats okay this is too simple

minor chords that's all it is so here's

the tip whatever your first minor chord

is you want to take the top note of it

in this case where an E flat E flat

minor E flat minor

now the top note be playing right and

your bass is gonna be Eb

here okay so the first move is what you

gonna do is matter fact let me play

along with it real quick so you can see

what I'm talking about okay so did y'all

see what I did just because you didn't

let me break it down so all I'm doing is

I'm taking two minor chords it's very

very easy guys right this is the e-flat

minor now the bass is also Eb

slide down here so with my with my left

hand I'm going over 2 notes to the

right or some people call it a whole

step okay so that's what I'm doing you

wanna skip one note and go to the next

note second chord is now how did I get

to that second chord here's this here's

another trick you can think about go

back to the first chord the top note of

that first chord is this so are you

going to do is for the second chord use

that same top note all the way down here

which is the same note Bflat see

if I did there

top note but for the bass for the second

chord I'm going all the way down here

same note and it also becomes a b-flat

minor so whatever note this is you

change it into a minor chord and to be

technical it's going to be a b-flat

minor second inversion if you have no

clue what I'm talking about check out my

free piano course and explains all this

stuff so that's the tip now this is the

language this is the vocabulary for you

because we're not going to do a carbon

copy of this we're going to do something

different okay but we're using the

vocabulary guys so let me let you hear

something that I'm working on right now

okay so guess what I did guys that same

concept I use the same vocabulary so in

this case I mean s so if i use i'm gonna

test you guys you tell me where does my

base go i'm on the first court my left

hand is on this F so I'm gonna walk up

to the G or a whole step and actually

what I did was instead of just going

right here I walked up to it so I that's

what I did okay and the second chord is

what's my top note me they'll have to

change that into a minor chord right so

it'll be C minor second inversion which

will be doing and where does my bass

note the same know right be well that's

all I did right i held down the chord

and then I walked up it sounds like a

totally different song but I use their

vocabulary from the inspiration of the

other beat does that make sense


yeah you know so once again get the

vocabulary that you need and then once

you have the vocabulary you can apply it

to your beats in your own way be

creative do whatever you want to do

Thanks it's positive energy so if you

like this video please hit that thumbs

up button more videos to come check out

all the link down below this video be

sure to check out the website and I'll

see you guys on the next

For more infomation >> Unsung Producers 2 - Duration: 7:11.


Zara Larsson - Only You ( Lyrics / Lyric Video ) - Duration: 3:43.

[Verse 1] I don't wanna shower even if I stink

'Cause I don't wanna wash you off, wash you off my skin

It's been about an hour, and I'm still trembling, oh

Feelin' you deep, feelin' you deep within Ayy-eh-ayy, ayy-eh-ayy

[Pre-Chorus] Opened bottles on the drawer

Rolling papers on the floor Ayy, don't want a cigarette yet

Don't want no drink on my breath, yes Wanna taste your taste some more

Feel you pourin' through my pores Ayy, I'm goin' back in my bed to play it back

in my head

[Chorus] 'Cause I can't love nobody like I love myself

Like I love myself, only you, ayy No one's ever touched me like I touch myself

No, nobody else, only you, only you Only you

[Verse 2] I feel you in my fingers, even in my toes

Steam up on the mirror and on the windows Baby, that was it, wish it would never end

I just wanna do it, do it again Ayy-eh-ayy, ayy-eh-ayy

[Pre-Chorus] I can smell your smell so sweet

On my pillow, on my sheets Ayy, I wanna keep it like that

Keep on sleeping like that, yeah Baby, you'll be hard to beat

What I have is yours to keep Ayy, I never wanted so bad, best that I ever


[Chorus] No, I can't love nobody like I love myself

Oh, like I love myself, only you, oh No one's ever touched me like I touch myself

No, nobody else, only you, only you

[Bridge] Only you

Only you Only you

Oh, oh, oh, oh

[Chorus] I can't love nobody like I love myself

Like I love myself, only you, only you No one's ever touched me like I touch myself

No, nobody else (nobody, nobody, nobody) Only you (no, oh, only you)

For more infomation >> Zara Larsson - Only You ( Lyrics / Lyric Video ) - Duration: 3:43.


Damiyr, Subway performer lookback | UNCHARTED - Duration: 4:52.

After the Uncharted video came out,

a lot of people said, "I've been going through the

same thing and to see someone else keep doing what they love,

like, gives me the ability to keep going."

If you've come from something tragic,

you can still move forward.

We're in L.A.. I just got in from New York

and we're heading to the studio.

I'm super excited.

I just want to start.

I just want to do it.

I want to get in there and make this music,

bring it to life, you know.

Hey, man.


Good to see you, brother.

Are you ready for this?

Oh, I'm so excited.

Good, good, good.

Come on in.

I'll be kind of conducting

from here.

I do like to have control, especially over my music.

I'm writing about my past and my experiences.

This is all real stuff.

So it's hard to

collaborate with your life, like, your life experiences.

In the YouTube video of 'Theresa,' you stopped a bunch.

We kept it rolling.

For artists to let go of their songs, is the hardest thing.

You're putting everything out there and somebody's changing it or adding to it or

giving their take on it.

I alternate between the B minor and the D.

Before this week, I'd met him once.

I'd met him once.

We had zero trust between each other coming into this thing.

I've never worked with Chris.

So I was a little worried that maybe our ideas would clash.

What do you think?

It's just the bass...

I guess it might show more when there's other instruments.

I think the first two days for Chris and I

were tough

because we...

I don't know if we trusted each other yet.

I do like it.

That changed me.

Now I hear it.

I'm kind of learning to trust him.

I never thought I would be recording an album in L.A. at Boulevard Studios.

I never thought that ever.

Playing him the chorus you're playing.

He's pushing something I'm not getting.

The first four days were...

were brutal.

The first two days, I sung seven different songs,

each song 15 times.

It was insane.

I know.

I think it'll be faster.

Can we try it at 145 and see how it feels?

It's been a week of just straight recording,

live instruments, vocals, drums, everything.

It's been insane.

It's been a lot of work.

I'm doing pushes on the kick, but also emphasizing the next 60

I'm just trying to stay on this...

stay on tempo.

Oh, you're going to be fine.

Recording this album has been a goal for me for the last year and a half.

I had no idea it was so expensive.

Honda and Uproxx, they just want to help me.

Why me, you know?

I'm really grateful.

For the first one, if you come in softer,

for the first chorus that you're on –

The best part about recording this album is collaborating with other musicians.

It wasn't just my song anymore.

I think where Damiyr excels the most

is his ability to be authentic.

It's not phony.

When he's singing,

he's really,

he's actually sitting in that lyric at that time and telling that story

from that place.

As a producer, all I got to do is stay out of the way of that.

I have an album.

It feels incredible.

It's super exciting,

but also it's kind of like

it's humbling because

I learned so much.

It's going to be...I think it's going to be very touching.

It's going to be really good work,

a really good project that people will be able to listen to

and really

feel better.

I'm looking to get that out of this.

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