Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily what Mar 29 2017

What is Machine to Machine?

Machine to Machine is the connection and communication

of two or more devices that utilize shared information.

What does it do?

Typically, devices such as sensors and monitors

collect & transmit data to a central application.

What are the benefits?

Machine to Machine functions help businesses gain

near real-time insights to their assets

allowing for smart and fast adjustments

to their operations.

This technology was developed before Internet

of Things, which often uses internet connections for more

advanced applications.

For more infomation >> What is Machine to Machine - Duration: 0:31.


Good Question: What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? - Duration: 2:39.






























































































For more infomation >> Good Question: What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? - Duration: 2:39.


Rep Swalwell on Devin Nunes: "This is what a cover-up to a crime looks like." - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Rep Swalwell on Devin Nunes: "This is what a cover-up to a crime looks like." - Duration: 0:59.


How To Prevent Leg Cramps While Sleeping | What Causes Leg Cramps At Night While Sleeping - Duration: 2:49.

How To Prevent Leg Cramps While Sleeping | What Causes Leg Cramps At Night While Sleepingfive tricks to avoid muscle cramp claw

sleeping most of us know what it's like

to be injured Gramps on the other hand

are a completely different story you're

totally helpless when your muscles

contract worst of all cramps often occur

while you're sleeping or trying to fall

asleep fortunately cramps aren't

dangerous and don't damage our muscles

recently I found some tips on how to

prevent cramps and I collected them

below please share them with your

friends and stop worrying about pesky

cramps during the night tips to avoid

cramp trick one sleep with a bar of soap

people who had like cramps for years

have testified that the cramps

immediately disappeared when they put a

piece of soap in bed

Trish to take a hot shower a hot shower

before bed can be the perfect medicine

to relieve sore muscles if you have leg

pain and don't want to stand up take a

warm bath trick three drink pickle juice

drink a little pickle juice it contains

most of what your muscles need to fake

rim free during the night 3 for speed of

banana after working out it's always

good to eat a banana bananas contain

many of the minerals that can counteract

crimp treat 5 eat dried apricots dried

apricots contain a lot of potassium and

they've helped a lot of people who have

problems with nocturnal cramps try

eating two dried apricots twice a day

for a month if you'd like to get

up-to-date information about brand new

videos as they become available make

sure that you subscribe because then

you'll be notified as soon as brand new

content is available thanks so much and

happy healing

How To Prevent Leg Cramps While Sleeping | What Causes Leg Cramps At Night While Sleeping

For more infomation >> How To Prevent Leg Cramps While Sleeping | What Causes Leg Cramps At Night While Sleeping - Duration: 2:49.


Foreign Chronicles - Trailer - Duration: 0:38.

Sometimes, just a few elements

can fantastically improve our understanding of a situation.

What will happen after the Islamic State will be driven out of Mosul?

Could India become the first superpower by 2050?

What is this ancient writing?

I guess the question is: what is at stake?

What is in the mind of each faction?

Foreign Chronicles is about geopolitics.

Providing maps, plans, interviews and analysis.

Click on the link to know when a video is out !

For more infomation >> Foreign Chronicles - Trailer - Duration: 0:38.


Guest BRUTALLY Attacked After Sharing Pic He Took Of Trump In WH When Angry Libs Saw What's In It - Duration: 12:56.

Guest BRUTALLY Attacked After Sharing Pic He Took Of Trump In WH When Angry Libs Saw

What's In It

President Trump has made himself the most approachable president America has ever had,

especially after reopening the White House for tours and establishing an "open door

policy" in the Oval Office.

One visitor had the opportunity to get close enough to our president to snap a cellphone

photo of Trump at his desk.

He proudly shared it online when everyone immediately noticed what else was in the shot.

Living up to his promise of being a "People's President" has also come with a great deal

of criticism from his liberal detractors who take immense issue with everything this man


Such was proven in an otherwise simple snapshot that went viral on social media when incensed

liberals accused the photographer of having no self-respect in capturing what he did in

this shot, to the left of the President's desk.

"On Wednesday, a family man from Texas had dinner with a New York City billionaire as

a chance to bring their families together after political differences led to some intensely

strained relations," Western Journalism reported.

"During the evening, the Texan's children had their picture taken with the 45th U.S.


The "Texan" in question was Senator Ted Cruz who ran against Donald Trump, and like

well-adjusted, professional adults do, the two made amends over their differences and

broke bread together with their families.

However, GQ special correspondent and former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann took the innocent

shot and their dinner completely out of sorts and was sent into a fit of rage over it.

Olbermann obliterated Cruz for "allowing" his daughters to get anywhere near who he

believes is a predatory president, claiming he put them at risk of being "grabbed."

Along with that grotesque assertion was saying the Senator was using his children as "political


This liberal should know that ploy more than any other political party considering Democrats

are notorious for the tactic, whereas Cruz was just taking a picture of his kids with

the President like any other proud parent in America would.

The assertion that there is something wrong with a father taking a picture of his kids

with our Commander-in-Chief is so preposterous that I am not even sure that Olbermann even

believes what he's saying.

He's actually the one using children as political ploys in this case since he saw

an opportunity to hate on Trump and took it because it pays better than giving him credit

where it's due.Hillary-Supporter's Boss Found Out She Skipped Work To Protest Trump

On Women's Day — Has BRILLIANT Response

If I could say one great thing about feminists in America today, it's that they never quit.

Not even when the cause has been won, or when the cause becomes ridiculous to carry on.

Many were overwhelmed on Wednesday during the women's demonstrations, not with compassion

for women and their rights, but with the feeling that the demonstrators were just outright


Women around the world, for centuries, have struggled with being treated as inferior,

bought and sold as property and taken advantage of in heinous ways.

There has been much praying for peace and wishing for relief; sadly, even still today

in many parts of the word.

Meanwhile, in America, women have the right to have children, or stay alone, work or stay

home, vote or abstain.

But that hasn't kept many women in our country from pitching a royal fit, basically just

because they don't like the tone in our current Commander in Chief's voice.

There are no actual threats to women's vital rights, but there is a threat to the jobs

of the women who act like entitled jerks and use a protest as an excuse.

This gold star employee discovered just that when she returned to work after walking out

to protest . . . whatever it is they were protesting.

I think it's just fantastic that the reply to her was from someone apart of a group KNOWN

to protest regularly.

Apparently, there's an art to protesting and keeping your job that these entitled princesses

don't know just yet.

I also love that I don't really have to point out the ridiculousness of this poster's

ideals because she does it herself with phrases like "this pussy grabs back."

Unfortunately for her, it looks like all her pussy is going to be grabbing is her keys

to head down to the unemployment office.

(Source: Red State Watcher)Fed-Up High School Just Pissed Every Illegal Kid Off In His Classroom

With What He Did Behind Their Backs

A public high school teacher became frustrated after the state he works in refused to follow

President Trump's immigration ban and dumped the problem in his classroom.

It's easy for people to make a decision when they don't have to deal with the outcome,

but this bold educator isn't taking it anymore.

He just royally enraged illegal students and liberals in town with what he's forcing

on them now.

Teaching adolescent high school teens is not a job for the faint at heart, that's challenging

enough without adding entitled immigrants into the mix who bring a new array of issues.

John Sullivan knows this first-hand, teaching social studies at Campbell High School in


The liberal island state was among those in the nation who refused to follow our president's

orders and announced this week that they plan to sue Trump over it.

The lawsuit was apparently the last straw for Sullivan who doesn't want to — nor

should have to — deal with all of the undocumented immigrants causing problems in his classroom.

Fed-up with his concerns being ignored on the issue and having to take a backseat to

the state's liberal agenda of catering to immigrants, Sullivan sent out an email about

what he's doing about it now.

Forcing these kids to find a different classroom or perhaps even a new school, the blunt teach

has refused to teach any undocumented immigrant, Hawaii News Now reported.

After a district-wide e-mail circulated to garner sympathy for illegal students in other

states who were intentionally staying home to avoid deportation, Sullivan had the perfect

response that pissed everyone off.

"Their parents need to apply for immigration like anyone else," Sullivan said in his

controversial reply.

"If they are here in the U.S. illegally, I won't teach them."

As is the case in any liberal situation, only the left is entitled to their opinion and

if anyone disagrees, they're punished for it.

Sullivan soon heard from the school's principal, Jon Henry Lee over his honest response.

"I just reminded him again that we don't discriminate against any individuals," Lee

told the news outlet, also adding that the teacher broke the school's rule about using

the department's email system to share political opinions.

Sullivan now potentially faces disciplinary action for it.

Sullivan defended his remarks by saying they were taken out of context, clarifying that

all he meant was that if illegal students choose to stay home, he doesn't have the

opportunity to teach them.

However, he's right to feel the way that it came across in the first place.

He didn't sign on to teach English as a second language or be a babysitter to difficult

immigrants who don't respect our country's laws or anyone's rules.

Teachers don't get paid enough to have to deal with everything that's dumped on them

by people who just think they're supposed to take it, then criticize them if they don't.

Obama's Former Aide Just Revealed The SICK Private Daily Ritual Obama Can't Go Without

Ever since Trump got into office, Barack Hussein Obama has been completely consumed with taking

our new president down.

As information to continues to emerge about his shadow government and his illegal spying

on Trump throughout the presidential election, now an insider close to ol' Barry is revealing

one of Obama's daily routines that's so sick, it shows just how truly demented and

obsessed Obama has become since Trump's January 20th inauguration ceremony.

As Obama settles into his new 8 bedroom swanky mansion just 2 miles from the White House

with his Iranian sidekick Valerie Jarrett, an insider reveals the clandestine operations

that's now in full swing.

Rather than resorting to his favorite hobby of playing golf, Obama spends all of his waking

hours literally obsessing over the man who succeeded him in office.

According to a recent article by Breitbart, Obama leads daily conference calls with Democratic

politicians, where they plot vile new strategies for how to completely obliterate Trump and

his administration.

But Obama's disturbing behavior doesn't stop there.

In addition to meetings, he's also established what is known in the military as an "assault

team," where his a team of 12 individuals are dispatched on a daily basis to the West

End neighborhood of Washington, with the sole mission to report back to Obama on Trump's

daily activities that the liberal media might have overlooked.

"There is a regular conference call for 'the Obama network,' a meeting the ex-president

attended with former aides a few weeks back, and ad hoc calls to Senate and House Democrats,

state-based groups and grassroots organizations."

But of course liberal loons view Obama's obsession as positive thing, as the former

president has now become the official face of the "Trump resistance" movement.

"In his mind, it is more about being strategic in the sense that it is hard to see how it

is in anyone's interests for him to become the face of the resistance or to be narrating

the Trump presidency," said a source close to the former president.

Not only does Obama's complete obsession with destroying Trump prove how mentally deranged

he is, but it shows what a freaking liar he is as well.

He pledged before Trump took office not to "interfere" with his successor's presidency,

but obviously, that was a big fat freaking lie from the pit of hell.

H/T [Conservative Tribune, Huffington Post]ICE Just Made MASSIVE Raid In Kentucky Where They

Uncovered Disturbing Find Hidden Across FOUR Towns

Kentucky just got a shake down, break down YOU'RE BUSTED!

53 illegal aliens swooped up and arrested when ICE raided four towns.

I bet there are more illegals in hiding, but ICE probably ran out of paddy wagons to transport

them in.

After reviewing the backgrounds of the people detained, the authorities identified 22 of

them as convicted criminals.

Their crimes range from burglary, DUI, drug related offenses, theft, and endangerment.

No shock there, right?

The illegal immigrants break into the country, then break the American laws.

11 of the 53 have been previously deported, so they're repeat offenders who didn't

learn their lesson after their first run in with ICE.

WKYUFM reported that 53 illegal aliens living in Kentucky were just arrested by U.S. Immigration

and Customs Enforcement after they raided four towns.

The undocumented immigrants were arrested last month in Louisville, Lexington, Shelbyville,

and Owensboro.

Shockingly, 22 of them were convicted criminals who had been charged with DUI, burglary, drug

possession, theft, and wanton endangerment.

Eleven of those arrested had previously been deported from the U.S. and had returned again


The vast majority of the newly-arrested aliens were from Guatemala and Mexico.

The ICE agency said the arrests made in Kentucky were the result of targeted enforcement operations

across the nation which are done regularly.

What we have is a conundrum's worth of illegal immigrants breaking into America and then

breaking American laws.

These are people who suck up welfare benefits and cost taxpayers money.

It's as though building the Trump Wall to prevent illegal immigrants entry would be

cheaper in the long run.

Should repeat offenders be forced to do jail in America?

What happens to them when they're deported?

Do they go to jail in their homeland?

I doubt it.

Why would their government make taxpayers fund illegal immigrants who broke into another


Wouldn't make much sense and I don't think they would want to be bothered with it, just

like we don't want to be bothered by them either.

Imagine how much money is spent paying for services on illegal immigrants every year.

That's money from your American taxpayer pockets.

I would rather see my taxes used to help veterans, poor, and homeless people who are citizens

than pay for illegal immigrant welfare and other services.

Hopefully a larger amount of my taxes goes to ICE so they can shake down more illegals.

This should be the ICE theme song.

For more infomation >> Guest BRUTALLY Attacked After Sharing Pic He Took Of Trump In WH When Angry Libs Saw What's In It - Duration: 12:56.


Liberals Are Demanding You Download This App To 'Protect' You From Conservatives — Look What It REAL - Duration: 11:19.

Liberals Are Demanding You Download This App To 'Protect' You From Conservatives — Look

What It REALLY Does!

Following the election of Donald Trump, the narrative of an epidemic of "fake news"

quickly emerged.

It's not hard to see why.

The media in its entirety absolutely despised Donald Trump – and he still won.

How could they explain away his victory aside from competition from media that couldn't

possibly be as reliable as them?

In reality, people simply woke up to the B.S. that the media was spinning.

If you want proof that "fake news" for those in the liberal media is synonymous with

nothing more than "conservative news," (unlike "CNN" for the rest of us).

Just take a look at who the "experts" consider fake news.

As Right Wing News reported:

Harvard University, a.k.a. snowflake central has just established a research guide on fake


It just so happens that all of those identified on their fake news guide happen to dozens

upon dozens of respectable conservative websites…and they are being described as "unreliable"

or "fake".

The Daily Caller, for instance, is labeled as being "political," "clickbait,"

and having "bias," whereas The Daily Kos is labeled as "political" "clickbait,"

yet is considered "credible."

Several other influential conservative outlets are included on the list of potentially fake

or discredited sources, such as Independent Journal Review, Newsmax, Conservative Review,

and The Washington Free Beacon, though none of their liberal counterparts, like Vox, Slate,

or Buzzfeed, are on the list.

In fact, the word "conservative" appears 19 times on the list while the term "liberal"

appears only 4 times.

Even if you consider the sites above to be sensationalist (and Newsmax, Conservative

Review, and the Free Beacon seldom are), that hardly makes them "false."

Maybe "disagreeable" is the word they were looking for.

You can view the full list here.

Hilariously, websites like The Onion, Andy Borowitz's column, and Clickhole are listed

as "fake news," when everyone and their mother understands that they're satirical.

And of course, Freedom Daily gets an honorary mention.

Thank God they didn't forget us.Entitled Latina Gets OWNED After Demanding White People

Pay For Her College Spring Break Vacation For SICK Reason

In today's politically correct world, it sometimes feels like talking with others is

like walking through a minefield.

Particularly if you're white or conservative, and especially if you're both.

Our modern day culture is dishing out the guilt trips like they're apple pie, and

Americans, in general, have decided to accept them as if they're just a part of life.

So who gets to decide what is a valid issue to feel guilty about?

And who gets to call a foul when someone tries to push it too far?

Up until recently, most conservatives haven't had the heart to push the issue since some

of what the injured parties had to say was based on truth.

No sense in throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as they say.

However, things have officially gone too far when an entitled college kid named Leandra

Vargas, a student at one of the best liberal arts schools in the country, demands that

her "white allies" pay for her spring break.

How could she possibly justify doing that, you may (and should) ask?

Apparently Vargas believes that she is literally owed the money because of her ancestors hard

work . . . Now while I don't personally know Vargas, her surname would lead one to

believe that she is of Latino decent.

I guess getting over that wall is considered really hard work these days.

It looks as if Pitzer University is really putting the liberal in liberal arts.

Here's what Leandra Vargas had the audacity to ask her fellow students(but only the white

ones, mind you).

Via Daily Caller:

"We are hoping ppl are willing to support us in our ventures out to queer [as f***]

oakland & some national parks to find some spaceeee to breatheee," said Pitzer University

student Leandra Vargas, who identifies with they/them pronouns, in an email obtained by

The Daily Caller News Foundation.

"Everything that [white allies] are/have [right now] is due to the genocide and enslavement

of our ppl,"

"Calling on white allies especially 4 ur support," wrote Vargas.

"Remember that everything that u are/have [right now] is due to the genocide and enslavement

of our ppl…yet all im asking 4 is a bit of cash to get us thru the week.


I would try and qualify that I didn't make this up, but honestly, I don't think I'm

smart enough to have made up something that authentically deluded.

They say that the truth is stranger than fiction, and that is being proved here today.

In case you require any extra proof, here's the original email, in all it's grammatically

flawed glory.

Unfortunately for "Leandra + the dream" some people still have enough sense to spot

"crazy" when they see it because Leandra's campaign ended up being as big of a waste

of time as her college career obviously is.

Better luck next time chica, maybe next year's crop of freshmen will have a little less sense

and a little more white guilt for you can prey on.

Until then, Vaya con Dios, and goodnight.

(Source: The Federalist Papers)BREAKING Sessions Just Fired 46 Obama Appointees At ONCE — Now

Look What's Happening!

President Trump's administration just pulled the plug on 46 appointees under Barack Obama

at once, draining the filthy cesspool of the political swamp in one fail swoop.

In all of the campaign promises he's kept yet, this one is the biggest to be made in

a single move, and as expected, isn't sitting well with the Trump-hating left.

The turnover of 93 U.S. attorneys routinely takes place at the beginning over every new

presidential administration, which had already begun, but 46 still remained, all of whom

were left over from Barack Obama's administration.

Trump didn't want or need them around and his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, just

made a formal demand today calling for their resignation — effective immediately.

"Sessions asked for the federal prosecutors to resign 'in order to ensure a uniform

transition'," DOJ spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said, according to The Hill.

"As was the case in prior transitions, many of the United States Attorneys nominated by

the previous administration already have left the Department of Justice," Flores added

in her statement.

Showing that he's serious about his call for their resignations, he has already made

preparations for the interim to tie up their loose ends so they can't use it stay around


The DOJ said Sessions' career prosecutors are already in place to "continue investigations

and prosecutions until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed," the report stated.

Trump's administration is working diligently to eliminate anyone who will stand in the

way of a conservative come back, by overturning everything that Obama did while he was president.

This is what draining the swamp looks like and liberals are on the fringe of a total

meltdown because of it.ICE Just Raided Rockville Rapist's Home And Uncovered SICK Discovery

They Didn't Expect To Find

A while back a fourteen year old girl from Rockville High School was raped.

When ICE enforcement officials did a raid on illegal immigrants they found and detained

the father of one of the boys who raped the girl.

They were all here illegally.

The father's name is Adolfo Sanchez Reyes.

He is forty three years old and a Guatemala native who's now being held in the Howard

County Detention Center.

Their will be a future hearing for him on his illegal immigration charges.

Ever since the Trump administration came into power ICE has been cracking down on sanctuary

cities full of illegal immigrants.

Under the former administration over 300,000 Central American illegal migrants roamed the


But no more.

Sanchez's son is eighteen years old and his name is Henry E. Sanchez-Milian.

The allegations against his son are that he orally, anally, and vaginally raped a freshman

girl in the stall of one of the boys bathrooms.

The son was also placed into the hands of ICE agents.

The attorney for the son and father stated the following to reporters,

"He was stopped at the border and detained by ICE.

He was detained for 12 days, but then ICE made the discretionary decision to simply

let him go.

They put him on a plane in Texas and his father had to pay for the ticket.

His father picked him up at BWI Airport and he's been in this country with the full

awareness of ICE."

Despite having a pending case against him he is still allowed to attend public school.

Which is funded by American taxpayers.

A policy expert from the Center for Immigration Studies told Breitbart the following about

illegals from Central America,

"Eighty percent of the tens of thousands of Central American kids who were caught by

the Border Patrol and released by [the Department of Health and Human Services] have been released

to other illegal aliens.

Not surprisingly, few bother to show up for or complete their immigration court proceedings

and have joined the larger illegal alien population."

If immigration had been taken seriously before then this girl never would have been violated.

While returning her attacker to his country would be justice she deserves to see her attacker

rot in prison.

Either way, she will get the justice she deserves.BREAKING Shots Fired Outside U.S. Capitol, Here's

Who Authorities Have In Custody Now

The security breaches in Washington, D.C. continue and have now stepped up a notch to

shots being fired down the street from the White House, outside the U.S. Capitol.

Now, police have a suspect in custody after this extremely close call.

According to ABC News, "Police responded to the area at Washington Ave and Independence

Ave, which is located near the U.S. Botanic Garden and the Rayburn House office building,"

after a man drove his car into a U.S. Capitol Policeman's cruiser.

The FBI is now on the scene and they have a man in custody after officers were forced

to shoot at his car.

This attack comes almost exactly 24 hours after the White House went on lockdown yesterday

due to the discovery of a "suspicious package" on the grounds, which turned out to be a box.

While it was found to not be an explosive, it could have been a trial run and needs to

be taken seriously.

This is a developing story and we are awaiting the driver's photo and more details on this


Please stay with us for more details as they come available.

For more infomation >> Liberals Are Demanding You Download This App To 'Protect' You From Conservatives — Look What It REAL - Duration: 11:19.


What It Takes to Survive - S03E06 - Duration: 2:46.

- I'm Tsvetan Naydenov.

- I'm Svetoslav Atanasov!

- And you're watching...

- What It Takes to Survive!

Episode 6: WATER

- During winter time, if you run out of water,

the easiest way to refill your bottle is

to put some snow into your bottle.

It's bad if you eat the snow directly because you might get cold,

that's why you can gather it into your bottle first.

Fill up your bottle...

Put the cap on...

And then you can place the bottle next to your armpit...

And the snow will melt down because of your core temperature.

And then you can drink water safely.

In case you have started a fire

I'll show you an interesting method to gather some water out of ice.

First, you cut down a piece of ice...

and then carefully pierce it with your knife.

Then insert a stick inside the hole you just did.

After that, place your cup next to the fire...

Add another stick to keep it steady...

And place the ice on top of your cup.

During that time, just keep the fire going.

For more infomation >> What It Takes to Survive - S03E06 - Duration: 2:46.


Fed Up High School Just Pissed Every Illegal Kid Off In His Classroom With What He Did Behind Their - Duration: 12:56.

Fed-Up High School Just Pissed Every Illegal Kid Off In His Classroom With What He Did

Behind Their Backs

A public high school teacher became frustrated after the state he works in refused to follow

President Trump's immigration ban and dumped the problem in his classroom.

It's easy for people to make a decision when they don't have to deal with the outcome,

but this bold educator isn't taking it anymore.

He just royally enraged illegal students and liberals in town with what he's forcing

on them now.

Teaching adolescent high school teens is not a job for the faint at heart, that's challenging

enough without adding entitled immigrants into the mix who bring a new array of issues.

John Sullivan knows this first-hand, teaching social studies at Campbell High School in


The liberal island state was among those in the nation who refused to follow our president's

orders and announced this week that they plan to sue Trump over it.

The lawsuit was apparently the last straw for Sullivan who doesn't want to — nor

should have to — deal with all of the undocumented immigrants causing problems in his classroom.

Fed-up with his concerns being ignored on the issue and having to take a backseat to

the state's liberal agenda of catering to immigrants, Sullivan sent out an email about

what he's doing about it now.

Forcing these kids to find a different classroom or perhaps even a new school, the blunt teach

has refused to teach any undocumented immigrant, Hawaii News Now reported.

After a district-wide e-mail circulated to garner sympathy for illegal students in other

states who were intentionally staying home to avoid deportation, Sullivan had the perfect

response that pissed everyone off.

"Their parents need to apply for immigration like anyone else," Sullivan said in his

controversial reply.

"If they are here in the U.S. illegally, I won't teach them."

As is the case in any liberal situation, only the left is entitled to their opinion and

if anyone disagrees, they're punished for it.

Sullivan soon heard from the school's principal, Jon Henry Lee over his honest response.

"I just reminded him again that we don't discriminate against any individuals," Lee

told the news outlet, also adding that the teacher broke the school's rule about using

the department's email system to share political opinions.

Sullivan now potentially faces disciplinary action for it.

Sullivan defended his remarks by saying they were taken out of context, clarifying that

all he meant was that if illegal students choose to stay home, he doesn't have the

opportunity to teach them.

However, he's right to feel the way that it came across in the first place.

He didn't sign on to teach English as a second language or be a babysitter to difficult

immigrants who don't respect our country's laws or anyone's rules.

Teachers don't get paid enough to have to deal with everything that's dumped on them

by people who just think they're supposed to take it, then criticize them if they don't.

Obama's Former Aide Just Revealed The SICK Private Daily Ritual Obama Can't Go Without

Ever since Trump got into office, Barack Hussein Obama has been completely consumed with taking

our new president down.

As information to continues to emerge about his shadow government and his illegal spying

on Trump throughout the presidential election, now an insider close to ol' Barry is revealing

one of Obama's daily routines that's so sick, it shows just how truly demented and

obsessed Obama has become since Trump's January 20th inauguration ceremony.

As Obama settles into his new 8 bedroom swanky mansion just 2 miles from the White House

with his Iranian sidekick Valerie Jarrett, an insider reveals the clandestine operations

that's now in full swing.

Rather than resorting to his favorite hobby of playing golf, Obama spends all of his waking

hours literally obsessing over the man who succeeded him in office.

According to a recent article by Breitbart, Obama leads daily conference calls with Democratic

politicians, where they plot vile new strategies for how to completely obliterate Trump and

his administration.

But Obama's disturbing behavior doesn't stop there.

In addition to meetings, he's also established what is known in the military as an "assault

team," where his a team of 12 individuals are dispatched on a daily basis to the West

End neighborhood of Washington, with the sole mission to report back to Obama on Trump's

daily activities that the liberal media might have overlooked.

"There is a regular conference call for 'the Obama network,' a meeting the ex-president

attended with former aides a few weeks back, and ad hoc calls to Senate and House Democrats,

state-based groups and grassroots organizations."

But of course liberal loons view Obama's obsession as positive thing, as the former

president has now become the official face of the "Trump resistance" movement.

"In his mind, it is more about being strategic in the sense that it is hard to see how it

is in anyone's interests for him to become the face of the resistance or to be narrating

the Trump presidency," said a source close to the former president.

Not only does Obama's complete obsession with destroying Trump prove how mentally deranged

he is, but it shows what a freaking liar he is as well.

He pledged before Trump took office not to "interfere" with his successor's presidency,

but obviously, that was a big fat freaking lie from the pit of hell.

H/T [Conservative Tribune, Huffington Post]ICE Just Made MASSIVE Raid In Kentucky Where They

Uncovered Disturbing Find Hidden Across FOUR Towns

Kentucky just got a shake down, break down YOU'RE BUSTED!

53 illegal aliens swooped up and arrested when ICE raided four towns.

I bet there are more illegals in hiding, but ICE probably ran out of paddy wagons to transport

them in.

After reviewing the backgrounds of the people detained, the authorities identified 22 of

them as convicted criminals.

Their crimes range from burglary, DUI, drug related offenses, theft, and endangerment.

No shock there, right?

The illegal immigrants break into the country, then break the American laws.

11 of the 53 have been previously deported, so they're repeat offenders who didn't

learn their lesson after their first run in with ICE.

WKYUFM reported that 53 illegal aliens living in Kentucky were just arrested by U.S. Immigration

and Customs Enforcement after they raided four towns.

The undocumented immigrants were arrested last month in Louisville, Lexington, Shelbyville,

and Owensboro.

Shockingly, 22 of them were convicted criminals who had been charged with DUI, burglary, drug

possession, theft, and wanton endangerment.

Eleven of those arrested had previously been deported from the U.S. and had returned again


The vast majority of the newly-arrested aliens were from Guatemala and Mexico.

The ICE agency said the arrests made in Kentucky were the result of targeted enforcement operations

across the nation which are done regularly.

What we have is a conundrum's worth of illegal immigrants breaking into America and then

breaking American laws.

These are people who suck up welfare benefits and cost taxpayers money.

It's as though building the Trump Wall to prevent illegal immigrants entry would be

cheaper in the long run.

Should repeat offenders be forced to do jail in America?

What happens to them when they're deported?

Do they go to jail in their homeland?

I doubt it.

Why would their government make taxpayers fund illegal immigrants who broke into another


Wouldn't make much sense and I don't think they would want to be bothered with it, just

like we don't want to be bothered by them either.

Imagine how much money is spent paying for services on illegal immigrants every year.

That's money from your American taxpayer pockets.

I would rather see my taxes used to help veterans, poor, and homeless people who are citizens

than pay for illegal immigrant welfare and other services.

Hopefully a larger amount of my taxes goes to ICE so they can shake down more illegals.

This should be the ICE theme song.

Guest BRUTALLY Attacked After Sharing Pic He Took Of Trump In WH When Angry Libs Saw

What's In It

President Trump has made himself the most approachable president America has ever had,

especially after reopening the White House for tours and establishing an "open door

policy" in the Oval Office.

One visitor had the opportunity to get close enough to our president to snap a cellphone

photo of Trump at his desk.

He proudly shared it online when everyone immediately noticed what else was in the shot.

Living up to his promise of being a "People's President" has also come with a great deal

of criticism from his liberal detractors who take immense issue with everything this man


Such was proven in an otherwise simple snapshot that went viral on social media when incensed

liberals accused the photographer of having no self-respect in capturing what he did in

this shot, to the left of the President's desk.

"On Wednesday, a family man from Texas had dinner with a New York City billionaire as

a chance to bring their families together after political differences led to some intensely

strained relations," Western Journalism reported.

"During the evening, the Texan's children had their picture taken with the 45th U.S.


The "Texan" in question was Senator Ted Cruz who ran against Donald Trump, and like

well-adjusted, professional adults do, the two made amends over their differences and

broke bread together with their families.

However, GQ special correspondent and former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann took the innocent

shot and their dinner completely out of sorts and was sent into a fit of rage over it.

Olbermann obliterated Cruz for "allowing" his daughters to get anywhere near who he

believes is a predatory president, claiming he put them at risk of being "grabbed."

Along with that grotesque assertion was saying the Senator was using his children as "political


This liberal should know that ploy more than any other political party considering Democrats

are notorious for the tactic, whereas Cruz was just taking a picture of his kids with

the President like any other proud parent in America would.

The assertion that there is something wrong with a father taking a picture of his kids

with our Commander-in-Chief is so preposterous that I am not even sure that Olbermann even

believes what he's saying.

He's actually the one using children as political ploys in this case since he saw

an opportunity to hate on Trump and took it because it pays better than giving him credit

where it's due.Hillary-Supporter's Boss Found Out She Skipped Work To Protest Trump

On Women's Day — Has BRILLIANT Response

If I could say one great thing about feminists in America today, it's that they never quit.

Not even when the cause has been won, or when the cause becomes ridiculous to carry on.

Many were overwhelmed on Wednesday during the women's demonstrations, not with compassion

for women and their rights, but with the feeling that the demonstrators were just outright


Women around the world, for centuries, have struggled with being treated as inferior,

bought and sold as property and taken advantage of in heinous ways.

There has been much praying for peace and wishing for relief; sadly, even still today

in many parts of the word.

Meanwhile, in America, women have the right to have children, or stay alone, work or stay

home, vote or abstain.

But that hasn't kept many women in our country from pitching a royal fit, basically just

because they don't like the tone in our current Commander in Chief's voice.

There are no actual threats to women's vital rights, but there is a threat to the jobs

of the women who act like entitled jerks and use a protest as an excuse.

This gold star employee discovered just that when she returned to work after walking out

to protest . . . whatever it is they were protesting.

I think it's just fantastic that the reply to her was from someone apart of a group KNOWN

to protest regularly.

Apparently, there's an art to protesting and keeping your job that these entitled princesses

don't know just yet.

I also love that I don't really have to point out the ridiculousness of this poster's

ideals because she does it herself with phrases like "this pussy grabs back."

Unfortunately for her, it looks like all her pussy is going to be grabbing is her keys

to head down to the unemployment office.

(Source: Red State Watcher)

For more infomation >> Fed Up High School Just Pissed Every Illegal Kid Off In His Classroom With What He Did Behind Their - Duration: 12:56.


What You Don't Know About TESLA! - Duration: 11:10.

What You Don't Know About Tesla!


An Affordable Tesla Right now Teslas are considered to be luxury

vehicles, and their prices reflect that.

What most people don't know, however, is that Tesla has always planned to release an

affordable car.

Elon Musk has long said in interviews that his plan for breaking into the car market

as a new player was to establish the Tesla brand as a well known high-end carmaker, and

then use that brand recognition to push into the consumer car market.

The Model 3 is that offering, and will start at just $35,000 when it is released later

this year.


Second-Oldest Publicly Traded American Car Manufacturer

It may seem surprising, but Tesla Motors is actually the second-oldest publicly traded

American auto manufacturer, behind Ford which had its initial public offering in 1956.

This is because General Motors, or GM, despite being traded since 1916, went bankrupt and

had their stock de-listed in 2009.

GM did re-enter the stock market with an IPO in November 2010, but this was five months

after Tesla's IPO in June of 2010.

Chrysler re-entered the market in 2014.


In The Company of Friends Although Tesla Motors is still considered

a new, up-and-coming car manufacturer, they've got quite a lot to show for their time in

the world.

Tesla Motors currently employs more than 14,000 people, has a market value exceeding $33 billion,

and has seen its stock rise more than 1000% since its first public offering.

Although the company technically hasn't had a profitable year yet, their annual revenue

continues to rise year over year, with revenues rising nearly $1 billion each year since 2013.

As of right now, Tesla Motors sells mainly direct to customers, as its sales model is

having difficulty gaining traction in many states.

In fact, Tesla currently only has 52 showrooms worldwide, compared to thousands owned by

other car manufacturers.


Tesla Repaid Their ATVM Loan - 9 Years Early The Department of Energy lent Tesla Motors

a whopping $465 million to help them get off the ground and get operations set up.

They were given a term of 12 years to repay the loan when it was awarded to the fledgling

company in 2010.

However, Tesla raised over $1 billion in their second offering, and wisely chose to put about

half of those funds to getting their ATVM loan paid off - a full 9 years before they

were scheduled to do so.


The Model S Broke The Stress Testing Machine The Tesla Model S, by far their most successful

vehicle to date, is renowned for being one of the safest, most durable vehicles on the


It's so safe, in fact, that when the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)

attempted to administer a crush test to the Model S, it actually broke their machine.

That's right - the machine designed to break cars itself broke when it tried to crush the

Model S. Because of this, the Model S holds the title for the highest safety rating of

any car, ever.


Highest Ever Consumer Reports Rating Consumer Reports, the organization and publication

which is widely trusted for providing crucially accurate information about products, recently

gave the Tesla Model S the highest rating they've ever awarded any car - a 99/100.

This came after rigorous testing and retesting to ensure that they hit every possible point

and discovered every possible weakness, and even then they were still astonished by how

robust the car is.

The only points the car really got against it all had to do with how it charges - the

all-electric vehicle can take up to 12 hours to refill its batteries, and charging stations

are not yet available throughout the country.

Tesla has plans to change that, however, and already offers free charging up and down the

California coast.


Tesla Supercharging Network Regarding that network up and down the California

coast, it's pretty remarkable already.

Formally announced in 2012, the network of superchargers aims to downplay anxiety over

the range of Tesla vehicles - owners and potential owners alike worry that they will not be able

to take long trips in their Tesla vehicle, since there currently aren't many places

to top up.

The network built by Tesla now provides a much faster option, and for free.

The network of Tesla charging stations currently offer a service which can charge your battery

to 50% in just 30 minutes, and are planning to integrate a system which will allow them

to swap your battery out for a full one, essentially giving you a full charge in about 2 minutes.


A Name From Greatness The name Tesla is now a familiar one in American

households, and this is largely due to the excellent marketing and strategies of CEO

Elon Musk.

However, less people know where the name itself comes from.

The name Tesla is an homage to Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American electrical engineer who

lived in the early part of the 20th century and is directly responsible for nearly every

modern electrical device.

Although Thomas Edison is given credit for bringing electricity to the masses, his systems

actually fell far short of those created by Tesla, and it was Tesla's designs which

have made our modern life possible.

Tesla Motors was named after this man to honor his legacy as well as to celebrate the work

he did.


Elon Musk Wants To Eliminate Side Mirrors Although he has already significantly changed

the face of the auto industry, Elon Musk isn't done yet.

He also wants to change the face of the cars themselves - literally.

When the Model X was debuted, spectators noticed it lacked side mirrors.

Instead, the car used small cameras built into the doors, paired with monitors on the

inside of the doors, to replace the antiquated side mirror system.

This drastically reduced the drag coefficient of the vehicle (giving it far better aerodynamics),

while keeping the vehicle just as safe.

Unfortunately this broke Federal safety regulations, so the production model of the X does in fact

have side mirrors.

Nevertheless, Musk has stated that he will seek to change those law.


Tesla's Patents Are 100% Open For Use Elon Musk has stated many times that his number

one priority with Tesla Motors is to change how humans interact with the environment.

To do this, he knows that he has to make electric cars viable for mainstream acceptance, as

well as make people want them.

Rather than just trying to do this on his own, though, Musk has taken a fairly revolutionary

step with Tesla - he has made all of its patents open for public use.

Musk encourages other manufacturers to adopt the creations and improvements Tesla has made,

in order to bring these features into public use faster and more widely than would otherwise

be possible.

This is an unprecedented step, and one for which Tesla has been widely commended.


Musk Didn't Start Tesla On His Own Although Elon Musk deserves much of the credit

for the mainstream, widespread success of Tesla Motors, he didn't do it all on his


In fact, the company was originally founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.

In fact, Eberhard served as the company's CEO until 2007.

Musk came into the company when he led the first investment round in 2004 and joined

the board of directors as Chairman, later of course going on to become the company's



The Gigafactory No one has bet on Tesla's success more than

Tesla itself.

In fact, the company is investing more than $5 billion to build what it calls the Gigafactory


The factory, which will produce lithium-ion batteries both for use in Tesla vehicles as

well as home battery arrays for solar power, is being constructed in Nevada and, although

it is not 100% operational as of yet, is already producing batteries on a limited scale.

The name Gigafactory comes from the company's goal for the plant to be able to produce 35

gigawatt-hours annually.

It is expected that this facility will reduce the cost to produce a Tesla battery by as

much as 30%.

Tesla is so invested in this idea that a Gigafactory 2 is already being planned for Europe.


Commitment to Renewable Energy Tesla means business when it comes to renewable


With a facility as large and energy-hungry as the Gigafactory discussed above, you'd

think that Tesla would have to cave and subsidise some of its power needs with traditional grid


Not so, actually - the Gigafactory will run on 100% renewable energy.

Much of this will come from onsite solar sources, since the Gigafactory is being constructed

in sunny Nevada, and will itself be covered in solar panels.

Tesla notes on its website that the Gigafactory will offset its energy needs so much by generating

renewable energy that its energy footprint will balance out to essentially zero.


Virtually No Replacements Needed A lot of people still don't quite understand

the appeal of electric vehicles.

And that's okay - companies have a long way to go before they can convince the American

public that getting rid of their gas guzzler is a good idea.

This is especially challenging when the entry cost for a Model S is just shy of $90,000.

But one fact which might help sway some potential buyers is that the Model S itself, once you

own it, requires virtually no maintenance.

The electric motor is far less hassle to maintain than an internal combustion engine, and the

car only has 6 parts which need regular replacement.

Those parts are the 4 tires and the 2 windshield wiper blades.


Solving A Major Problem Although the Model S is known to be essentially

the safest vehicle ever made, Tesla ran into some bad press in 2013 when certain car collisions

resulted in vehicle fires.

This was due mainly to the battery packs which power the Model S being punctured and catching


Although the drivers all exited the vehicles long before safety became an issue, Tesla

nevertheless received a lot of bad press regarding the incidents, and was forced to respond.

Their response was total; Tesla installed three shields along the underbody of the Model

S which effectively eliminated the risk.

The shields consist of a rounded, hollow aluminum bar which deflect or absorb the impact of

any debris in the road.

The next piece, the most substantial, is a titanium plate covering the battery area as

well as the front of the vehicle, and not only protects the vehicle but will destroy

objects caught under it.

Finally a solid aluminum extrusion blocks any debris which might remain and absorbs

the impact, effectively negating the risk they pose.


Bioweapon Defense As if regular everyday safety weren't enough,

Tesla Motors has equipped the Model X with a medical-grade air filter which is capable

of scrubbing the air inside the cabin of everything from smog to bioweapons.

In fact, this system is modeled after and specced to match that of hospital filtration



What's In A Name You may have noticed that Tesla has what appears

to be a fairly straight forward naming system for their vehicles.

They've only produced three cars to date, but the names themselves, while simple, might

seem a bit arbitrary to you.

We've got the Model S, the high-end luxury sedan, then came the Model Y, the luxury SUV.

Recently announced and soon to be released is the Model 3, the consumer grade Tesla.

What do these names stand for?

Well, it might become a bit clearer when you realize that the next Tesla is rumored to

be the Model Y, and that Elon Musk himself has confirmed that the naming conventions

do have a purpose.

Let's line those up, and it should become clear.


See it?

For more infomation >> What You Don't Know About TESLA! - Duration: 11:10.


The Brain: What Everyone Needs to Know with Guest Gary L. Wenk - Duration: 53:06.

For more infomation >> The Brain: What Everyone Needs to Know with Guest Gary L. Wenk - Duration: 53:06.


What does territorialism mean? - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> What does territorialism mean? - Duration: 0:35.


You have to find out what is NYEPI before going to BALI! - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> You have to find out what is NYEPI before going to BALI! - Duration: 4:52.


What does anatoxin mean? - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> What does anatoxin mean? - Duration: 0:45.


ODIA//2 Boys HARASSING 2 INDIAN GIRLS in the PARK - Watch to know what happens next - Duration: 1:16.

Girl: Wanna take ?

Boy: What will you give? Tell us once darling...

Girl: Why are you jumping on us ? Hey, why the hell are you checking us out?

Gril: These short babies.

( Word fighting... )

Hey Heyyy!! Why are you acting like this....

Shut up you assh*le. Will beat you like anything you motherfcker...

Girls beating guys..

For more infomation >> ODIA//2 Boys HARASSING 2 INDIAN GIRLS in the PARK - Watch to know what happens next - Duration: 1:16.


What is the PHILIPPINES celebrating and worrying about when it comes to CHINA? - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> What is the PHILIPPINES celebrating and worrying about when it comes to CHINA? - Duration: 5:22.


BREAKING Trump Fires High Profile US Attorney—Here's What He Did! - Duration: 12:18.

BREAKING: Trump Fires High Profile US Attorney—Here's What He Did!

With a change in administration comes a change in people.

Every time a new era of politicians takes office they often let go many employees from

the former administration.

It is no different here.

At the Justice Department, some controversy has arisen over those being asked to leave

and those resigning.

One of the lawyers embroiled in this scandal is U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara from the southern

district of New York.

According to reports, he is refusing to resign upon the request of the new administration.

This comes in light of allegations that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has requested that forty-six

different attorneys resign after their appointment by President Obama.

The media began reporting on it shortly thereafter.

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted the following,

"HOLDOVER: Bharara is not submitting his resignation, according to several ppl briefed

– WH not responding to what they'll do next."

Jake Tapper of CNN reported the same thing.

Even Republicans were supporting him.

Brian Kolb who is the New York State Assembly Republican leader tweeted out his support

to the now fired state attorney.

Good for Preet, he is doing the job he was appointed to do!

— Brian Kolb (@GOPLdrBrianKolb) March 11, 2017

Of the attorneys from the Obama administration, only forty-six remain and were not fired.

These firings happened to all attorneys who survived Senate confirmations.

This news wasn't surprising considering reports of Trump's meetings with Bharara

where he reportedly asked him to stay.

The famous attorney is working on the high-profile investigation into New York City mayor Bill

de Blasio who's being investigated for campaign corruption.

Two trial sessions he is watching over are about to begin as those being tried are close

allies to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

He's known for attacking and prosecuting big Wall Street banks.

It is unclear why he was let go after being asked to stay.

But he has been vocal about it willing to speak out on social media.Hillary And Obama

Were Just EXPOSED Making Secret Phone Calls To Americans—What They Said Is TREASON!


A week ago Loretta Lynch called for, "resistance" against President Donald Trump, even if that

means "blood in the streets and death.

Not completely sure how they will accomplish this considering the right is the side that

considers buying firearms should be an Olympic Sport.

After that, a ludicrous video of washed up, failed, 2008 and 2016 Presidential candidate

Hillary Clinton published on International Women's Day.

Apparently the videos also claim "There is a lot to fight for."

Now, in typical lawless Democrat fashion, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama apparently

put out robocalls trying to gather funds for… you guessed it, resisting Trump.

Again, with what?

Fly Swatters?

Even Conservative TV star Scott Baio got in on the fun.

Here are a few other Tweets.

In all seriousness, the left needs to put on it's big girl pants, or in this case

pantsuit, and knock all this off.

Donald Trump is the president now and if you don't like it, strategize for the next 4

years on how you can once again reconnect with the American middle and working class

and stop trying to convince yourselves that Muslim refugees, illegal aliens and the .03%

who are transgendered in this country will give you the win in 2020.Despicable!

Look What Liberals Are Already Doing To President Trump's Tennessee Rally

The radical left in Tennessee have posted an urgent notice, calling for all like-minded

leftists to deliberately keep President Trump's March 15th NASHVILLE, TN rally attendance


So how do they propose they do this?


By buying up as many of the rally tickets as possible before any of the Presidents supporters


In the words of their Twitter page: Buy "as many tickets as possible to keep the supporters

from being there!"

If that isn't a douchey way to go about protests, then I don't know what is…

Who's ready for a road trip?

#Nashville #resist @TNIndivisible #IndivisibleTN Get the details >>

— Indivisible East TN (@indivisible_tn) March 10, 2017

The organizer is named Sebastian Moceri (Oh, geez) and shared some of his instructions

on how to break up President Trump's rally…And I guess somehow feel better about themselves?

This was taken from a separate page called "Defeat Bob Corker, 2018:

"I believe in our haste to stick it to Trump, we're possibly neglecting a major opportunity

to spotlight the resistance in the heart of a Trump-loving red state.

I hear some bad information going around and some frustration as well."

Spoken like a true, self-unaware elitist.

When someone from a place you're not from makes a decision to support a person that

you do not like, you try to label and demean them…How enlightened of you.

"So let's clear this up: If you register for tickets to not go, those seats won't

be empty.

The tickets don't guarantee the seats.

They are purposely overselling the venue so that they can fill it with whoever does show

up (and doesn't get escorted out for protesting).

To show up wearing pink hats, yellow roses, or any other identifying outfits would mean

simply getting bullied in the venue until Trump or venue staff walks you out."

Oh, there's more…Keep reading down this rabbit hole:

"What I (and others in this group and in other groups) propose is this: the most effective

form of resistance in the face of an egomaniac who constantly watches the news is a blow

to his ego with national coverage.

If we fill the venue with resistors rather than supporters, silently sit in our seats

until he walks onstage, stand and turn our backs silently the second he takes the mic

and simply stand there for several minutes while it sinks in, then walk out on an agreed

upon cue, there is no way that goes unnoticed by him or national news."


How old are you people?

What kind of psychos do this?

You have to have so much control over other people's lives, that you need to screw them

out of a ticket to prove a perverse point?

What is the point, anyways?!

Is your cause just to disrupt?

Such insanity from the left…THOUSANDS of Thugs Showed Up At Miami Beach, What They

Left Behind Proves 1 Disturbing Thing

The first 35, of what's expected to be hundred more of arrests, was just made over the last

few hours in Florida, leading frantic officials to announce a new ban that's effective immediately.

Extra officers have been brought in to maintain the situation, but can hardly keep up with

the debauchery after hoards of thugs descended on swanky South Miami beaches.

Making the horrific situation worse was what was found left behind by these disgusting

hooligans, proving one disturbing fact.

This weekend kicks off what's to come for the next eight weeks, which will be an unbelievable

strain on taxpayers footing the bill for extra law enforcement needed in this area in particular.

College kids are flocking to the warm Florida shores, among other beachy locations, for

spring break — a vacation celebration that has gotten increasingly worse every year.

However, nothing could have prepared police for what this season would bring when thugs

invaded a Miami beach.

The Daily Mail reports that after a disastrous Float-topia during last year's Spring Break,

they were forced to ramp of law enforcement this year as a matter of precaution.

In addition to the extra presence of police, the mayor vowed "never again" and set

strict new bans on drinking, floats, loud music, limiting the number of people in specified


Even with these bans and police efforts, the thuggish debauchery that ensued was far worse

than expected.

Entitled hoodlum descended on South Beach and brought an immense amount of destruction

with their slum skills.

Entitled hoodlums descended on South Beach and brought an immense amount of destruction

with their slum skills.

With a complete disregard for rules and authority, heavy drinking ensued which led to disrespectful

girls "twerking" (seductively dancing with their rear-ends) in front of police who

had to stoically stand and take it or risk sex assault accusations.

After police on ATV's herded the swarm of slum rats out of the area, a flood of trash

covered the white sandy beach.

Officials were brought in to clean up the overwhelming amount of debris which, along

with the disgusting behavior, showed that tuition handouts and all of the other things

granted to these "underprivileged" kids, doesn't eliminate the hoodrat behavior — we're

just repeatedly paying for the debauchery for it after funding the handout.

This is why things of great value need to be earned and not just given since it's

never appreciated anyway.Trump Supporting US Marine Teacher Just Dropped Truth Bomb

On What He's Doing To Illegal Alien Students—Do You Support Him

A Hawaii social studies teacher who works at Campbell High School in Ewa Beach, Oahu,

is being punished for sending an email in response to a staff email having to do with

illegal immigrant students.

The email was first written and sent out by a counselor and showed national statistics

about illegal immigrants who have not been sending their kids to school for fear that

it will lead to their deportation.

Col. John Joseph Sullivan is the teacher who replied to the email, giving his two cents

on the matter: 'This is another attack on the President over deportation.

Their parents need to apply for immigration like everyone else.

If they are here in the U.S. illegally, I won't teach them.'

School administrators and the Department of Education were completely INCENSED by the

email response.

To think that a lowly Marine officer would have the audacity to plainly exercise his

1st amendment right to speech.

These despicable administrators attacked him for supposedly violating rules on 'discrimination'

and use of department email.

Campbell High School principal Jon Henry Lee gave his excuse for his actions:

'I just reminded him again that we don't discriminate against any individuals.

We're going to service all students that are registered in our school.'

Sullivan was forced to defended himself to the media by saying his email had been misinterpreted:

'My comment in the email refers to (the email's title) if students is (sic) kept

home, teachers cannot teach them.'

Now, this is where a Department of Education spokeswoman, specifically the Director of

Communications, Donalyn Dela Cruz oozed with pleasure as she used her administrative, lefty,

reasoning for punishing Sullivan.

Listen to the part when she says he has no freedom of speech:

'I cant speak on what appropriate action will be taken against this teacher, but rest

assured appropriate action will be taken…It's very clear in our code of conduct that we

do not discriminate on national origin as well as all the other aspects of where you're


Who you are.

Sexual orientation, religion and the list goes on and on…What it comes down to is

that we do not discriminate against anyone.

We are the public school system and we service all children.'

For more infomation >> BREAKING Trump Fires High Profile US Attorney—Here's What He Did! - Duration: 12:18.


Here's My Canada: What Canada is in My Point of View - Duration: 0:30.

Canada is my story. It is full of life

and history. My Canada is beautiful

landscapes, Rocky Mountains, Northern Lights

and maple trees. My Canada is outdoors,

colour, and season. There's a lot of beauty in winter.

My Canada means diversity.

I have many friends from different countries and we celebrate

different cultures. Even if I travel

to another country, I always feel happy

to come back home. I am a proud Canadian.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: What Canada is in My Point of View - Duration: 0:30.


What we all long Phở - Duration: 5:08.

When? That is a long story

I moved to Canada from Vietnam in 1984

1984, but did not go smoothly. I escaped from Vietnam

escaped by boat from Vietnam to Hong Kong

I stay in Hong Kong two and half years

and after that we come to Canada and

when I come to Canada, I meet my wife

we don't know about America

United States we know a little bit

Because that time I am a teacher in Vietnam Oh

Oh teacher. Yeah.

get some information from Canada and after

that Canada government take some people

from Hong Kong to Canada I am in that

in that group to go to Canada. I am lucky

When we come here

then we know Canada

Now I can say one thing

Canada very good

I think the best place in the world for living

Calgary I worked in there

after I move to Vancouver move to Nanaimo

and after that I have the business and

after the first business in Nanaimo

and then we move to Victoria for second

business about 1990. Before I

had the

first business in Nanaimo right? that

I work for company

that called Edo Japan

fast food international. I work for them from 1985

that I come to 1984 then

1985 I start cooking for

them. I start cooking and I working hard

I get up a little bit. Boss

know me working hard because I was

not by hands but by my heart too

Edo Japan... you know... Edo Japan... somewhere in

Victoria in the Bay Center in the

Bay Center that one, my business before

and I open second one there from 1990

well...who live in Victoria know

when the Bay Center in that open right?

that's my business open to yeah I worked in

in there for...we work in there, me and my wife

working there 19 years...19 years right yeah, we working hard

we have open one business for Vietnamese

for Vietnamese food I will let

people know the Vietnamese food like that

right I opened up... We are Vietnamese,

we open Vietnamese food. Let all people know about us

I want to let everyone know about my culture

special food

There are too many things about cultural right?

but the food the main thing , the one of them

In Vietnam I never make that food hahaha no

no I teach kid ok but I don't make

I didn't make it because I do know how to

make. Second thing not that

not my job because I go to school I am the teacher

and no time to make that one. Our noodle

noodle in Vietnamese we call "phở" , yeah

everyone knows. No, no pho. Everyone like

Vietnamese food because at home beacause

you born in Canada but at home we eat all

Vietnamese food

Sometimes we change. Sometimes we go out. Special(ly) my two girl

They don't like hamburger.

We are Vietnamese, I don't change. I don't need to change

like culture, I know everything about Vietnam, I don't need to change.

but I think in Canada here, lots of Vietnamese

here but for me

I don't change anything from Vietnam

because we are Vietnamese, we try to keep same thing from Vietnam.

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