Good day, Philippines!
My name's Bord
I'm Biboy
And I'm Dodoy
Right now, we have a guest, Dodoy
Dodoy, introduce yourself
Hey, how's it going? I'm from Tacloban
I know how to speak Waray
And you girls...You're all so beautiful
We want to prove that we're true Filipinos
So, we're doing some challenges.
So this is the first Filipino challenge!
We will open this can of food...
Using only a spoon
Alright, I'll go first
I'm not sure if I even know how
Wow, Dodoy is focusing so hard
His focus is so intense
That hurts!
Your turn!
Okay, Biboy will try it now
I'll take you to the hospital
Which spoon are you going to use?
This one
Here's where I'll start
Biboy is so strong!
Maybe this way
You're so talented
He's gone crazy!
that's so awful
that's not the way to do it
You're so bad. Look at this!
Fine, you try it then
Your turn, Bord
Let's see it
Hm...if I try it...
You're so skinny, there's no way you can do it
My Filipino friends told me that I was big
You can't do it
It's obvious that you're a true American
I'm hungry!
Dodoy is hungry. Hurry up, Bord!
We're sick of waiting for you
Ouch, that hurt
I don't think I have an appetite for this
Look at it, it's so gross
you'll just have to be our food, then
this is so delicious!
we gave up on this one, cause...
it was a complete failure
the cans in the Philippines are weaker
I can't do it
you're so gifted
hey, here's our roommate who's strong
it looks like you're gonna cry
alright, give it a shot
let's see which one of us is weak
just kidding
you need to have good form
Hey, what's that!
Hey! He's cheating
there's something over there
this guy is crazy
oh man, it's dirty
I told you guys he couldn't do it using only a spoon
how many hours has it been
this guy is so determined
he's not giving up
let's make you a song
Dodoy is so determined
he's so hard working
oh, he's so close!
so close, so close!
check it
Dodoy was the only one who could do it
where are you going?
eat some
even though it's a little old, it's fine
taste good?
that filipino challenge was way too hard
it was rough, but Dodoy is a true Filipino
naw, that was so hard
how many hours did we try, again?
like four
maybe four or five
we were up all night trying to open this can
we got so hungry
Dodoy has a message for you
Thank you, take care you guys!
Alright, we'll see you in the next video
Take care
For more infomation >> FILIPINO CHALLENGE Americans Open Can Using A Spoon (Ilonggo) - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Josh Gad Can't Stop Talking Like Olaf From Frozen - Duration: 1:57.
Josh Gad Can't Stop Talking Like Olaf From Frozen
Josh Gad has played a lot of great roles throughout his career.
From starring as Elder Cunningham in Broadways hit The Book of Mormon to acting as the funny sidekick LeFou in Disneys 2017 Beauty and the Beast, the actor has received high praise for his performances.
However, Gad is arguably best known for his portrayal as Olaf in Frozen. Gads voiceover performance as the lovable snowman has earned him several Frozen spinoffs, as well as an Olaf balloon in the upcoming Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade.
But during a guest appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Gad admitted it can be hard for him to turn the Olaf voice off. Gad told host Stephen Colbert he reads Frozen books to his daughters Isabella, 3, and Ava, 6.
When Colbert asked him if he always reads the books in the Olaf voice, Gad said, Well, its my voice. In fact, the Marshall actor admitted his daughters sometimes ask him to read in his everyday voice.
Theyre saying, 'Read as daddy, and theyre like, 'Not as Olaf, Gad told Colbert, and Im like, 'I dont decipher between the two. Gad even read a few lines from the Christmas poem A Visit From St.
Nicholas and the Gettysburg Address in the Olaf voice to prove his point.
Still, Gad suggested his little girls are bigger fans of the Frozen princesses Anna and Elsa (played by Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel, respectively) than they are of the snowy sidekick. Nobody wants to be me, not in my household, he said to Colbert.
Fans are about to see Gad play a more serious role as he plays Hector MacQueen in the mystery Murder on the Orient Express, which hits theaters Nov. 10.
Watch the video to see Gad discuss his character conundrum. The Late Show airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST.
How can you create a winning strategy for your business? - Duration: 3:06.
What exactly is a business strategy and how can you create a winning strategy
for your business? Hey you're watching the Swattage Files: your source for
bright ideas and special tactics to get your business to where it needs to be.
Today's question: how can you create a winning strategy for your business?
First of all, give yourself a self high-five for being here! This is such a
relevant topic today because the term business strategy has become such a
buzzword. People throw it around without even having a business strategy, let
alone knowing what one is. If that's you, you're not alone. According to a 2011
study by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 49% -- that's nearly half of executives -- claimed
that their company had no list of strategic priorities. Also, 43% said their
company's strategy didn't help them stand out from their competitors.
Well, defining a winning business strategy is completely doable for any
business of any size in any segment and if you want to become more competitive,
more performant, and increase market share, capturing a winning business
strategy is a key step to success. Quick reality check. You're at a networking
event meeting some new people and in the course of getting to know you, someone
asks, "Hey tell me about your business. What's your strategy?" Could you answer
that question in a powerful, succinct way? So, chances are if the answer is no,
you have some work to do. So, what is a business strategy? A business strategy
can be defined as a clear understanding of an organization's unique skills and
know-how, it's plan to leverage and develop them, and a plan to access a
market that wants them. So the first element is the unique skills and
know-how of the organization. These are called capabilities. It's what you do
better than anyone else like what's your distinct way of providing value ... your
secret sauce. Second is the plan to leverage and develop these skills so
your business is at the very top of the market. What are you doing to continually
sharpen the saw to stay at the top? And if you're not there, where does your
company need to grow in order to take first place? Third comes the plan to
access the market that wants what you have by targeting the right audience,
communicating of the right message, and hitting a high enough volume of sales
interactions. Fourth is the decision about what your business will not do.
Companies that do everything often end up doing nothing well. Being the best
usually requires some kind of specialization. So, if you have a business,
you owe it to yourself to create a clear description of your unique value
offering, how you're going to leverage and develop
your secret sauce and how you're going to access a market that wants what you
have. Define your strategy in this way so that when you face a decision, you can
ask yourself, "Does this align with our strategy?" and if it doesn't you just say
no and focus on the things that do. Here's a quick tweetable to help keep
these ideas in your head: Business strategy is knowing key skills and
know-how, how to leverage and develop them, and access the market that wants
them. How about you? Can you articulate your business strategy? Take a shot at it
and share it in the comments below. Was this video helpful? Would you like to
learn even more ways to get your business to where it needs to be more
quickly and with less waste? Then hit the subscribe button and go to
You'll receive more bright ideas and special tactics
straight to your inbox for free. Hang tough, keep going, we'll see you next time
on the Swattage Files. Until then, get work done!
Attorneys file motion to withdraw as counsel, Kealohas 'can no longer fund a defense' - Duration: 1:32.
Parents Tell Son They Can't Take Care Of A Handicap, Don't Know That Son Lost Limbs In War - Duration: 2:11.
Parents Tell Son They Can't Take Care Of A Handicap, Don't Know That Son Lost Limbs
In War
A soldier was finally coming home after having fought in Korea.
He called his parents from Los Angeles.
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask.
I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me.
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him."
"There's something you should know," the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly
in the fighting.
He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg.
He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that, son.
Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking.
Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us.
We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our
I think you should just come home and forget about this guy.
He'll find a way to live on his own."
At that point, the son hung up the phone.
The parents heard nothing more from him.
A few days later, however, they received a call from the Los Angeles police.
Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told.
The police believed it was suicide.
The grief-stricken parents flew to Los Angeles and were taken to the city morgue to identify
the body of their son.
They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know,
their son had only one arm and one leg.
Moral: The parents in this story are like many of us.
We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don't like
people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable.
We would rather stay away from people who aren't as healthy, beautiful, or smart as
we are.
Thankfully, there's someone who won't treat us that way.
Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us into the forever family,
regardless of how messed up we are.
Philippines Worried About Chinese Ship That Can Build Islands - Duration: 0:57.
What can you expect from Erste Group as an employer? - Duration: 3:30.
Running in the morning helps me to clear my mind
and gives me a boost of energy,
which I then take with me to work.
I am responsible for all of our branch's clients,
as well as for its employees.
This is a great challenge,
which I take very seriously
to the best of my knowledge and belief every day.
My team and I are engaged in volunteer work,
as we believe that every person in Austria
should be able to receivefinancial advice
and have a bank account.
This motivates us to continue doing what we do.
Being able to balance family and career is very important to me.
That's why I appreciate the in-office Kindergarten very much.
It provides me with a great deal of comfort to know
that my kid is only a short lift ride away.
Team spirit is definitely the thing that most defines my team.
We have people with different skills,
but with the same mindset.
Everybody contributes in their own way, shares their vision
and collaborates actively in developing the product.
In recent years, I was able
to grow my skills in app development tremendously.
I never thought that I would still
be working for a bank after 5 years,
but every day is fun, every day is a bit different,
and every day is challenging.
And I am very glad that I never had to decide
being a parent and having a career
and here both are possible.
I've been with Erste Bank for 14 years,
so I can truly call myself a veteran.
I have found such a broad range of training options here
that I was able to form my own career path.
That's why changing employers was never really an option for me.
I began in process management
and went on to hold a quite a number of different positions within the company.
For me, it was important to be able to work abroad
and to continue developing my career from there.
Besides my job, cycling is my big passion.
It enables me to unwind,
to develop a clear focus again,
and to recharge my batteries.
Why have I chosen Erste?
I actually wanted to try something different
from the very beginning
and I thought it was a great opportunity and challenge for me
to face new cultures and a new working environment
and a new working philosophy as well.
As Erste is moving forwards
and towards being a more data driven company
I am actually working in a new evolving area,
which is trying to bridge IT and business
and make them collaborate and communicate
in the right direction.
As we have to align and harmonize,
and we are always around the table discussing
it must be based on respect and positivity.
As a food blogger,
I love to cook for my colleagues and friends.
This always opens up for us the possibility
to sit around the table and discuss new and fresh ideas
with different aspects and different point of views.
MLP:FiM - Can I Do It On My Own [Indonesian] - Duration: 2:18.
Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs - Duration: 2:01.
A lot of us have an idea in our heads about what a person addicted to drugs looks like.
But the truth is, anyone can become addicted to drugs.
Addiction is when you feel a strong urge to keep taking a drug,
even if it is causing harm.
To stop, ask for help.
Drug addiction doesn't depend on your income,
your job,
your age,
race or color.
Addiction is a disease of the brain--and it can happen to anyone.
You probably already know that you can become addicted to
and illegal drugs.
But even prescription drugs can be addictive when not taken as directed
or when you take medication not prescribed for you.
There are scientists who study drug abuse.
Their research has taught us a lot about what makes you more likely to become
addicted to drugs.
Things like having family members who have had a drug problem,
starting drugs at a young age,
having mental health problems--like depression,
or hanging around other people who use drugs.
All put you at risk.
But you do not become addicted if you don't take drugs.
If you or someone you love has a problem, get help.
And if you do become addicted, you can be treated and you can recover.
Find drug treatment near you.
Call 1-800-662-HELP.
Want to learn more?
Find easy-to-read drug facts at
Smug Liberal Snowflakes Think Ben Carson Can't Handle The Job — His 4 Brutal Words Send Them Melting - Duration: 3:42.
I have a prediction which can never be tested, but is worth saying anyway.
If Mother Teresa was registered as a Republican, the Fake News Industrial Complex would have
described her as a fanatical, Bible-thumping Christian Conservative hell-bent on the destruction
of progress and professing a homophobic and misogynistic point of view that made her a
disgrace to her gender.
Of course, it's true that there's no way to test this prediction, but is there anyone
in the reading audience who believes for a moment that the FNIC wouldn't go there?
When it comes to the mainstream media and Republicans, we will never get a fair shake.
Like it or not, the Left owns the media and will never relinquish it to honesty or unbiased
That being said, Donald Trump never had a chance at being a good president.
He is a Republican, and by the FNIC definition, incapable of doing anything right or anything
Ben Carson was one of those who debated Donald Trump on stage and they had their roundabouts,
but when the dust settled, our president understood the value of a man like Carson who is an exceptional
human being and a heck of a surgeon.
Now that he's heading the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), he's
been able to show his expertise in so many different ways.
His skills aside, he was asked about his critics who think he can't handle the HUD job and
Carson responded, "People are so stupid!"
The Hill:
Ben Carson fired back at critics who were skeptical of his qualifications to run the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), calling them "stupid."
"People are so stupid," the former neurosurgeon and presidential candidate said at The Hill's
Newsmaker Series event on Wednesday morning.
Carson was confirmed as HUD secretary in March by a vote of 58-41.
"I liken it to the CEO of a large medical center," he continued.
"Now, I guarantee the CEO of Massachusetts General, or Johns Hopkins, or the Mayo Clinic
or Children's National, they probably don't know about infectious disease, or neurosurgery,
or anesthesia or pathology."
"But they have a lot of people who do know a lot about those things," he said.
"And by coordinating and creating a vision and creating an atmosphere where the synergies
work, they create a very successful organization."
The focus of the event was on the future of housing, particularly housing needs in recently
hurricane-ravaged areas in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.
Carson said rebuilding Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria could take up to 100
The Senate on Tuesday passed a disaster relief bill that would provide $36.5 billion in funding
for hurricane relief, a flood insurance program and wildfire recovery efforts in the West.
There have been a number of successes on the part of the Secretary of the HUD Department
and, all of the naysaying aside, Dr. Carson has made us proud to have him serving us and
the country.
The people who struggle from day to day and week to week to pay bills and get a decent
meal for their kids are being assured that they will have a shoulder to rest upon while
Carson is looking out for them.
That's a comforting thought for millions who know his story of hardship and how his
mother raised her children without the benefit of a husband to assist her.
It is a heartwarming story of truth, forebearance and faith.
Dr. Carson displays all three of these and more!
You Can Now Shop Reading Terminal Online - Duration: 0:22.
How Can You Protect Yourself From Harmful Chemicals? - Duration: 3:35.
Can We Improve Our Memory? - Duration: 2:41.
Can Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Change in Sobriety? - Duration: 9:04.
what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the
problem but focus on the solution and I am so excited right now you don't even
know as you saw in the thumbnail that is not me this is my first contributor
video and I want to do a bunch of these and this is from my buddy Tanya she is
going to be talking a little bit about the myers-briggs test which is to define
different personality types that people have and this is something that I've
always been very curious about and I've done it myself and I personally noticed
that I used to be one personality type and then it changed and tanya has some
great insight into that so I was like hey girl come on over make a video for
me and she's super well-versed on this stuff so I hope you enjoy this video if
you are new here I'm always doing videos about mental health mental illness and
addiction so be sure to click the little subscribe button but anyways here is
Tanya what's up guys my name is Tanya I'm coming to you live from Los Angeles
California and I'm so excited to be talking to you here today on the rewired
soul especially about one of my favorite topics of all time the psychology of
personality specifically the myers-briggs test and how it relates to
sobriety before we get into that relationship let me tell you about the
myers-briggs test so this is a super popular test and you've likely seen some
trappings of it either in your personal life or social media where I feel like
it's kind of trending right now you'll see people post things like I'm an INFP
or an ESTJ and you're like am i an ESPN is this the new horoscope what is this
part is this relate to my life so what the myers-briggs personality test is is
based on Carl Jung's theory of personality it was developed by two
women Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs they wanted to take his theory
and make it accessible to the public so they created this test the test will ask
you several questions to help you figure out your preference on four key
categories so one of them is your favorite world are you extroverted are
you introverted another one will ask you for it how you take in information are
you in too deep or you sorry another one will ask you how you
make decisions are you thinking or are you feeling and the last one will ask
you about how you structure are you judging or perceiving so you'll answer
these questions and then you'll get a foreign lettered category and this is
your myers-briggs type and this will give you information about how you show
up best and what you do best in the world so a lot of people will use this
different therapist different coaches in the workplace you see this kind of all
over so what does this have to do with people in sobriety so for those of you
who know either you are in sobriety or you know someone in sobriety as soon as
you start to get sober a lot of amazing things start to happen to you
a lot of these results can be hard so maybe you have some health benefits like
you're losing weight or you to correct a heart or liver problem because your
conception happens your consumption habits have changed maybe you're saving
a lot of money because you're going out lessons not spending as much money and
then there are also softer changes that happen maybe you're more agreeable and
less aggressive maybe you are more inclined to think before you speak
maybe you're more willing to pitch in and help these kind of soft changes or
kind of fall under the category of what we call like a psychic change no it does
not mean that you get the ability to read minds in sobriety as far as we know
these ones are a little bit harder to measure so I think people really have
this question when they first get into early sobriety is like okay so if I stop
doing this what changes what gets better about my life because you know very
often the problem is not the substance it's everything that got us there so
what's really cool about this and I'll share with you a little bit about my
story is that it really it really does work so the myers-briggs test has always
been on my radar like I said huge psychology nerd for
years I tested consistently ENTJ so that's extroverted intuitive thinking
and judging those of you who are pretty know the ENTJ personality type can be a
little bit Suvir I feel like if ENTJ it's had a
tagline they would be like the kick ass take names kind of people um if you've
got a really hard problem you don't know how to solve it and you need someone to
come in take the reins and just get the job done
and you have a friend who's an ENTJ they're the one you want to call if you
have someone who need to come over and hold your hand and talk you through a
tough situation might not want to call the ENTJ friend they can kind of have
blinders on and they miss a lot of the emotional effects that they leave on
people so recently I had just taken this test again for something related to work
and I thought I was all wrapped up and as I taken the test
I got a different result now this is massive why is this so massive because
psychology also tells us that your personality will be stable after your
early 20s or so unless a major life event has occurred and that will often
change your base personality and what could have happened in the last couple
of years well I'm currently about 2 and a half you're sober going on 3 and this
is definitely absolutely changed my personality and it's amazing to see that
there's actually a quantifiable way to measure how it's been changed so I took
the test a couple of times and so I do still test ENTJ and but it's amazing
that I do I have a new result that also shows up and I think that that just
speaks volumes and really answers that question does this work do we kind of go
and go through a foundational change to who we are once we start changing our
behavior and the answer is yes so even more I'll tell you a little bit more
what the difference is so the it was an TJ and entp so it comes down to that
last letter J and P judging and perceiving and this discusses the
difference and how we approach opportunity so previously the judging
kind of person will be very focused on it one result they won't take more they
won't take less but they are getting the result that they came for the perceiving
person might still have a goal in mind but
they're always open to new opportunity on the way and this is definitely at how
I've changed I think prior to getting sober I could only handle like one way
of thinking one goal I couldn't handle multiple things coming at me and I've
definitely softened in my time in sobriety where now I can make goal in
mind but I'm so funny before I saw this result really take like so concrete in
this test I would call it I leave room for the magic of life now and maybe you
relate to that too I hope you do we're not everything has to be so severe
I've definitely chilled out a lot and I know what you're probably thinking which
is Tonya how could someone who doesn't do drugs or drink be more chill and all
I'm telling you is you should have seen me before so I hope you relate to this I
hope you find this pretty interesting go take the myers-briggs test you can go
to myers-briggs org to learn more about it share your results in the comments or
if you have any questions for me or any questions about the test post them there
- I know Chris and I want to hear about them and hopefully I'll be back soon to
talk to you guys some more can you believe her she took my question of the
day what's up with that she's about to steal my job
anyways like ton has said in the comments down below
leave any questions that you have about all that stuff she went over I have a
ton of questions that I've been writing down and check this out more exciting
news I told you all that I was gonna be starting a podcast and Tanya is going to
be one of my first guests so be sure to leave your comments down below if you
have questions or comments about different personality types leave them
down there so I have some stuff to talk to her about when I bring her on the
podcast it'll be a live stream as well I will be posting about it on Instagram
and Facebook and Twitter once I know the exact date and time so be sure that you
stay tuned and everybody please applause for Tanya no matter where you
are she's getting an amazing job and I hope to have her back soon
but if you liked this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and again if you
are new here make sure you click that little around subscribe button cause I'm
always doing videos about mental health addiction mental illness and click or
tap on one of the thumbnails next to me because I have a ton of more videos just
for you alright thank you for watching everybody and
I'll see you next time
Group sends message that animal cruelty can be linked to societal cruelty - Duration: 1:31.
Vlog #7: What a bad pain day can look like + super Randy + engagement rings (11/7/2017) [CC] - Duration: 7:26.
[Music: Tobu - Colors]
intro: Pinhead:"I. AM. PAIN."
[Music: Disfigure - Blank]
Can woolly bear caterpillars really predict winter? - Duration: 2:21.
MTB Three Falls Trail | But can you get across yet? | New in Corner Canyon - Duration: 8:29.
Oh, wrong!
Three falls is a new Corner Canyon trail
It breaks off of Peak View and heads east
toward Lambert Park (or Rodeo grounds)
The trail ends roughly in a ravine with a river at the bottom of it
a ravine that you really can't cross. There is a bridge...
I have heard
and I hear will be installed soon, which is exciting
at which time, you will be able to ride
through Corner Canyon, over to Lambert Park
cruise around there and then come back
getting a lot of miles
bad line!
There are definitely some nice areas that feel like you are carving along
through the trees
keeping your speed up, moving very quickly
it's a very fun trail, but there are times when it feels a little
bit off camber, some of the berms aren't really cut
to go through with very much speed
but all-in-all, it is an excellent ride
a ton of fun
very enjoyable
get some miles in, go out and see the pretty view
go see the three falls, cross the river
have fun
and hopefully soon, get out to the rodeo grounds
I kinda slid out in a soft corner there
that's a bummer
Well, here at three falls, we've learned, there is no bridge installed
But it's coming, is what I hear...
I fixed the log
that was kind of blocking the rock berm thingy
[Oh I figured that's what you stopped to do]
[The trail just covers so much distance!] Yea, it's cool
Get some miles in
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