Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily or Nov 7 2017

Good morning!

Or evening!

Or whatever it is!

My name is Surprise,

And in this video, I'll tell you

How to use fish farm, sheep farm

Or any other AFK auto click farm in 1.13, while you alt-tabbed

As you may know, in snapshots of 1.13

Mojang fixed a way to stuck your key using F11.

All you have to do is...

Open Discord overlay while holding right mouse button.

I suppose, this trick works with ANY minecraft version.

At this point in time, at least.

By the way, overlay is not available for browser - you have to install desktop app.

Also, if you want to use Steam Overlay instead...

It will not work

This trick may be considered even MORE cheaty, than one from 1.12, but...

But come'on...

Whole idea about stucking your key is kinda cheaty.

So, yea, thanks for watching.

See you in my next minecraft video or game review!

For more infomation >> Minecraft 1.13: How to click while AFK or Alt-Tab - Duration: 1:07.


Mental Health Expert On Church Shooting: 'That Person, With Or Without A Gun, Is Going To Kill' - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Mental Health Expert On Church Shooting: 'That Person, With Or Without A Gun, Is Going To Kill' - Duration: 1:27.


Trial Explores Whether Kate Steinle's Death Was Deliberate Or Accidental - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Trial Explores Whether Kate Steinle's Death Was Deliberate Or Accidental - Duration: 1:57.


'Flip Or Flop: Fort Worth' Hosts Show How To Upgrade Your Home For Less | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 'Flip Or Flop: Fort Worth' Hosts Show How To Upgrade Your Home For Less | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:09.


DIY Video Intro: How to make a DIY Video Intro or Bumper for Your Small Business Video - Duration: 6:37.

Do you need to know how to make a video intro, outro?

Or maybe it's called a video bumper, or what about logo sting?

What are all these things?

Well, anyway, if you are looking for a way to create a DIY intro

for your small business video, stay tuned to this tutorial

because I'm going to show you exactly how to do that so that you can have

something at the beginning or at the end of your videos that highlight your company.

This is my video intro.

Hi, I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

I'm going to give you a tutorial on how to do a DIY video intro

for your small business marketing videos.

You may notice at the beginning of a lot of videos there will be something

that maybe kind of flashes around, has a logo, maybe either spinning or moving

or something like that.

That's what a lot of people call a video intro.

They also call it a bumper or a logo sting.

So you might hear it called any of these different terms.

If you wanted to maybe have your video look a little bit more professional

and have something like that as well, I am going to give you a full tutorial

on how I do mine.

But I also want to give you some other things.

You may simply want to leave out your intro and just have an image with your website.

That is an option for you.

You don't have to have an intro.

The other thing you could do is to basically have someone else do it for you.

That's something you can even go to a place like Fiverr and get one done

for relatively inexpensive.

But you do need to make sure-- I talked about in a recent video about copyright.

You need to make sure that the template that is used is not copyrighted.

That's something really big you need to check on.

I decided that I wanted to go ahead and do my own video intro.

I could use it as an intro. I can also use it as an outro.

But I wanted to have something that I could just come up with really quick,

really easy and do.

I'm going to show you how I do that.

I have two different ways that I do the video intros.

That is through either having the logo, either spinning-- That works

really well if you have a circular logo.

The other thing is, I also have it where it could start smaller and then gets bigger

right there and then I have the website on it.

Always make sure you include your website, that's a really good idea.

What I do is, I first create images.

So what you're doing is, you're going to take this images and make a GIF out of it.

I like to use Canva, you can use any program out there

that you like to use for your images.

Just make sure that it is the right size image for your video.

Have your first image and then-- Let's say you're going to go ahead

and do a rotating image.

Start your first image off with your logo, where you want it to be

and have that there in the center and download that.

Make sure you download these and number them, so that would be number one.

Then you're going to just simply rotate the logo a little bit,

name it number two and download that.

You're going to go around and just do as many as you want to.

I would say for a rotating logo you may want to do eight or so of them.

Just make sure you download them in order, that's really important too

when you start to upload it and make your GIF.

It just makes it a little bit easier.

If you're doing a logo where you want it to start small and then get larger,

you're going to basically just do the same thing,

except for rotating your logo.

You're just going to make it larger and smaller,

and download those, keep them in number for sequencing as well.

I always like to do the website on the last logo so just comes right up there at the end.

I go to a website called

Then I click on where it says "Pictures to gif" and I upload all of the pictures

that I'm going to use for that one logo intro or sting, or bumper, or whatever

it is we're going to be calling it today.

I put them in order.

This is where numbering really comes in handy,

is to be able to put them in order.

Because sometimes, if you're rotating you're going big or smaller,

it can be a little bit difficult to see which one actually goes before the other.

You want to make sure you get it in the right order.

I like to go ahead at this point and say that I want to have a private GIF,

I don't really want it published, it's just for me to put in my videos.

You can make it go faster or slower.

When you're finished and ready to download it,

make sure that you click on to download it as an MP4

because that's what you're going to be wanting to use in your video is an MP4 and not a GIF.

A lot of times GIF files may not work when you're using your editing software.

Sometimes it really wants an MP4 and not a GIF file.

Go ahead and download that as an MP4 file.

What I like to do is go ahead and save that in a file where every time I'm doing my videos

that I know exactly where I put it.

So if I decide to do it as an intro or if I also decide to use it as an outro,

I have it there.

I do like to leave it without any audio on it because a lot of times

I may have background audio in my videos.

That will make it a little bit harder, you'll have to mute that

and you want to just make it more consistent.

Because of that, I don't put audio on that.

That is a full tutorial on how you can make your video intro or outro

for your small business videos.

If you need some more help with your small business videos,

you can click on the link in the description below and you will get a free video

cheat sheet to help you out.

I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

I hope you enjoyed this video.

Please click the like button, share it with your friends and subscribe,

and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> DIY Video Intro: How to make a DIY Video Intro or Bumper for Your Small Business Video - Duration: 6:37.


How to see that which song or music is copyrighted || YouTube music || Easiest way - Duration: 1:15.

hi guys welcome to my new video

today i will tell u how to blur any object of video

so lets start

open creator studio

click on create

then click music policies

u can see these songs are copyrighted so u cant use this song in your videos

there are to many songs

hope u will like it please subscribe and leave a comment for more videos

For more infomation >> How to see that which song or music is copyrighted || YouTube music || Easiest way - Duration: 1:15.


Get The Puzzle Right OR DIE!!! | CazGirl plays Inside ep5 - Duration: 14:05.

Oh oh my god I exploded hello YouTube welcome back to my channel we are

playing inside and last episode we locks out a creepy mermaid gone wrong type

thing that was super scary but after doing layers of fear I feel like I'm

popper ready for like the scary shit now you know like it's fine

throw jump scares at me throw disturbing stuff at me I can handle this

I've got it! If you haven't watch that series I've come the entire 6 episodes

and you can go watch them they're in a playlist now so yeah go do that I think

I've gone the wrong way no maybe it's the other way

ah I see a beach and a red dot what is the red dot cool exit the tank thing

whoo awesome on the beach nice now what where are we we still in inside

something or are we outside now it's really hard to tell like is this like a real

beach or we still inside something ok well let's go through here

Oh god !Oh Oh God! Wow whoa yeah He definitely would have broken her legs just dang oh

there's a guy I'm assuming he's like one of those zombie guys. errrrr, what's over here?

I haven't played inside for a while because I had Comic Con and I was using

all of the week before Comic Con to actually let make costumes and stuff

which took longer than expected and then I decided it was Halloween so I was

going to play some Halloween games so I did layers of fear like all in one

sitting and that was great and I recorded it and edited it's just editing

takes up so much time what's in here? it can I do something with this well I

guess we're going on what that is later but let's just do this Oh 19

19...what? I have to get 18 people in here or 19 people in here oh maybe that

is pounds, kilograms, people....what measurement is this? you still can't do

anything oh my god okay we're moving oh that was creepy that light looks like a

face I don't think he's meant to be creepy but you know I found it creepy so

good job game good job what's over here

it's like daylight coming through obviously I'm not gonna be able to pull this

what's up ahead ah crank. oh we're going down again are we?

oo this puzzle has many layers oh look some people well some zombies whatever

these things are hey guys

right can we swim down yeah we can swim down okay okay cool cool now swim

what's that what's going on I feel like we're gonna end up back here I feel this

is all just like a part of one room of a larger puzzle. alleyoop jump okay so there are

video cameras here why I don't know ah can I jump over this it's very hard to

see there's hardly any light okay great we're across oh great now I can suck

my head into this thing what oh oh man oh oh falling off but I still have

control over them or don't I oh yeah oh they're following me oh great

cool I've got like followers and I got like to keep this cool hat thing nice okay guys

boost me oh no you can do this ok jump! thank you

let's go along here ah yes right I understand

right ehh eugh so the way they kind of clamber up it's kind of strange oh

that was standing around me awh that's grim go away I know you all my

friends really but I just you're disgusting it's it's up here

they're so freaky but like they don't have faces but neither does the kid come

on this way nice go and oh oh hello oh you oh you've

all joined me I see well I'm gonna have to get out of this hat thing did you're

gonna no no I don't want you to be on here Oh No okay what if I what happens

do this no I don't want a boost stop leave me alone Jesus maybe these guys are my

followers now and I have to like you know keep them with me and let's go do

the next bit but kid is like having a really bad headache

exactly see much pain it's feeding its head all the time maybe the helmets too

tight oh I see why okay well I don't think we have enough yet do we do it

need some more I don't know how many we have in a member I should probably

concentrate on that hey well is there anything we can do this way before I

like throw them down the hole look some more hey dudes help me everyone help I

need all of you oh great oh wait no one oh do I push you off okay

okay well let's go just go and get them and I think it involves them all falling

off so guys can you boost me? I need to get it over there

yeah oh man they are sentient and clever well they won't want to come over just

fall down dammit what's down here oh look another thing come on

what's wrong with you? wake up! oh oh I'm assuming that I just like

y'know oh okay there we go oh no don't they all come back to life

it's fun hey guys guess where you're going? what

about having it why are they were staying over there why okay so we've got

eight We need eight more? That seems excessive up we go Oh sand Oh

okay so we've escaped oh wait are we locking a cave I don't think we finished

that puzzle it definitely feels like though that was unfinished like what

this is just again another like part to the puzzle what's this oh is this a

little box thing rocket elevator okay do I have to pull it for a long time no

okay I know let's try this right result

yeah yeah more people yeah we found them they also came out of a chute much like

the one in Portal where you get the companion cubes from I feeling this game

was like heavily inspired by Portal or at least Portal 2 also they look like

construction workers well these two are I don't know who that guy is on the end but

whatever wait there's any three of you though like

we need more let's go to the top again maybe probably explore this place I have

a feeling that maybe we didn't know there was a thing to chain top here and

that fell down why is that over there oh that's another guy over there maybe we

just have to walk out into the abyss I know we can open that gate he's in right

this guy forgot about you you were at the beginning come with me Wow okay so

he's now with me so how many? we need like eight more he's another one oh and then

we've got another couple of dudes didn't we do construction guys

hey wow they can throw you pretty high hey here they are! we were missing you guys oh I'm

sorry it sounded like it hurt wait how do I

you're just gonna fall backwards Oh huh

get momentum and then time it like correctly

Oh how annoying okay wait wait it's almost like when it gets halfway through

two of the rings yeah yeah oh careful guys oh okay they're fine

yeah now go move you guys awesome let's go I think we have enough

of you now there was three that was three there was one and then there's me

maybe I've got some crazy music going on now

I must have like done the puzzle otherwise this music would be happening

what happens now

can we escape now why are they all staying there?

oh what happened to my hat? What's happening now?

oh my god oh okay so it's basically like don't be outside when that happens so

there's like a giant sound way or that's happening maybe I should

Let's wait. This is scary. oh nice

I like this game it's quite fluid because everything and it makes you do

it's kind of intuitive but at the same time it makes you feel like you're doing

it on the fly like I didn't know what that did what did that do Oh oh my god

I exploded! holy shit! Wow like literally I just exploded wow that was

not the intended effect so what does that do that stops that thing oh okay so

I'm gonna had to make a good like there okay I got it I know what I think does

now right okay now I can get behind this thing. what are they even doing in this place?

oh no no I exploded again okay there must be something I can do in

between those two points

oh...did I do it?

oh I was so close and the music went cool so it's telling the music telling

me I'm doing that correct thing no it's good it's good it's good it's all good

okay we're going to stay here and we're going to wait for that thing to come around again

and when it does we'll jump out then! ok! man, this is all timing in the hate it okay

let's do this right now

oh yes okay run run runrunrun oh my god I did it

Oh amazing that was great okay jeez I think we should leave it here for the

time being I'm pretty sure I'm like near the exit of this puzzle but that was

awesome that was a really good like little puzzle bit and that end of it was

amazing as well I love I love that I love I love it when you don't have to

look up a guide oh I like on the verge of like how do I do this should I look

up a guide? No! we solved it Oh amazing okay I'll see you next time guys this has been Inside

see you next time bye all right bye

For more infomation >> Get The Puzzle Right OR DIE!!! | CazGirl plays Inside ep5 - Duration: 14:05.


5 Tips To Prepare a Speech or Give a Talk Effectively - Duration: 14:56.

One of the greatest fears people have is public speaking. It's not as complicated

as you might think. Today on Live On Purpose TV, how to prepare a speech or

give a talk.

A big part of what I do is speaking, presenting, sharing ideas and

principles from the stage or from the microphone and they get a lot of

questions because of that. How do you prepare a speech or a talk?

What are the keys that go into that? I'm also the past president of the

National Speakers Association Mountain West chapter which has given me a chance

to hang out with some really phenomenal people who also make public speaking

part of their business or what they do. It's kind of funny because one of the

number one fears that people have is public speaking. In fact, on a lot of

lists that you can find, it comes in above death, think about it.

Jerry Seinfeld said this, he said, that means that the guy giving the eulogy at the

funeral would rather be in the box. It's kind of funny that we fear it so much.

A friend of mine, Dan Clark, who is an amazing Hall of Fame speaker, he said,

really, it's not public speaking that is the number one fear, it's not speaking

well that is the number one fear and when you think about that, makes a whole

lot of sense. It's not so much the speech that we fear, it's fearing the failure of

not doing well as we prepare that speech. So maybe a couple of points will help to

put us in position to create or prepare and prepare for better speeches and

talks. This is also, I believe, one of the best things that you can do to improve

your effectiveness in any career, in any career. If you can improve your spoken

communication, it's going to have a huge impact in a

lot of ways. So let's take a look at what we can do first of all, this is huge and

that's why I'm putting it first. It's not about you. It's not about you, it is about

your audience, it is about the people who are going to be enhanced and enriched as

a result of you being there on the stage or on the mic. So this helps with the

anxiety piece too because as long as we're feeling anxiety or is our focus,

"It's on me." Yeah, get the focus off of you. This is not about you, this is about the

people who are blessed by what you do. So get the focus back onto the audience.

So let's say that you're giving a speech to a Rotary Club, for example, or a local

lodge of some fraternity, whatever it is. You're giving this speech, have the first

thing on your mind be that audience, who's in that audience, what is it that

they're coming to this meeting for, what do they need to get from this in order

for this to be a successful outing, that's where we start, okay?

When your focus is there, it's going to go a whole lot better, trust me and you'll

have less anxiety too. So number one, it's not about you. Number two, we're going to

use the rule of three, alright. There's something magical about the number three

and this will help to simplify your preparation for the speech and the

delivery. The rule of three basically means that

you're going to have three main points. Three main points, not four, not seven,

three. Narrow it down to three. The human mind is able to comprehend and track

three things a whole lot better than a longer list and it makes more sense than

two, so come up with three points, three main ideas, three principles that you

want to share as part of your speech or your presentation. As you come

up with those three, the next step is to think about stories,

primarily stories, you can also use illustrations or examples or data.

Stories is what will connect the best with your audience. What stories can you

think of that illustrate or support the three points. Ideally, you want to find

your own stories, okay? There's a lot of stories out there that have been

published some of them are very popular for your best presentation you want

those stories to be something that has happened to you or that you are directly

aware of. Here's a little word about ethics too and I know probably most of you

aren't into the business of professional speaking, it's especially important there

but even if you're just giving a talk in church or at some community event, to use

someone else's story is really kind of a form of plagiarism. Now unless you have

some particular way that that connects to you or some interpretation of it that

is unique to you, you don't want to steal somebody else's material, okay? So here's

an example, I'll just use this one because a lot of us are familiar with it.

Some people are familiar with the story of the person who's down on the beach

throwing starfish back out into the water

this one has come up a lot in my Association the National Speakers

Association because it's been overused and therefore becomes a really great

example, so you want to make the point that every individual matters and so you

tell the starfish story, right? We're picking up starfish, somebody challenges

you, what good is that gonna do? Well it made a difference for that one, as you

throw it out into the water. You know the story, right? That story has been told

so many times that it has become a hallmark of an inexperienced speaker.

I'm not sure you want to show up that way, okay? And if you do, that's fine but it's

been used so many times if you use that story, anyone listening

will know that you've got kind of a limited amount of experience as a

speaker. Here's how we get away from that and I'm not saying it's not a good story,

it is, that's why it's been used so much but the point is, it's not yours and if

it's overused then it detracts from your message and the actual points that you

want to make, so find your own stories and you might use a story like the

starfish story to come up with, well, what has happened in my life that is similar

to that or what else would illustrate that point in another, in an equally or a

differently effective way. So find your own stories. While you're considering

stories and illustrations think about stories that are somehow remarkable or

humorous that stand out in some way, something that's bigger than life,

something that you wouldn't expect. If I were to send you out into the parking

lot here at my office and ask you to just notice what cars are out there and

then come back in and if I were to ask you, did you notice the white Toyota?

You might think through, there were a lot of cars out there, I think about half of

them were white, probably a percentage of those were Toyota's, what do you mean?

What are you talking about? What if I were to ask you, hey, did you notice the

pink Hummer? Oh yeah, you notice that one for sure. See, it

sticks out, it's bigger than life, it's different from what you would expect, so

consider that as you're coming up with examples or stories to support your

points and then you add those stories in each of these three points that you've

come up. In addition to having stories that stand out, you can use certain kinds

of mnemonics. Now a mnemonic is a memory trick, it helps someone to remember or

encode the information that you're giving them. One of the common ways that

I might use mnemonic in a speech, let's say you got three

points, okay? What if I wanted to make a point about positive psychology or my

three points in positive psychology are positivity, optimism, and perspective?

Let's just say that I pick those as my three points. I'm going to come up with

stories or illustrations that support each of those three things and then I

might put a mnemonic on it that helps you remember it, something that makes it

pop in your mind. I just gave you the mnemonic. POP, Positivity, Optimism and

Perspective. So using the first letter of each of those words, I just made it POP

for you so that you can, later on, you can remember, "Oh yeah, he said something about

POP." You know, what did the P stand for, what did the O stand for. This is called

a mnemonic. You might use a word like I just shared with you, that's an example,

you might use locations that people are familiar with, you can say, "Imagine with

me that you're going down the hallway and you notice this room and then that

room and then this room." See, that's a that's more of, we call that a low sire,

look kind of mnemonic, which helps people to attach it to a particular place and then

that is what triggers their memory. So those are just a few examples of what

I'm calling mnemonic devices that you can use to help people remember the

points that you're making. You've got your three points, right? You've got

stories and illustrations and content to support those three points.

When you're organizing your talk, put your second most powerful point first,

Your second most powerful point first. Does that sound a little weird?

Here's why. You're gonna save the most powerful point for last,

that's your anchor position, that's the point that people are going to remember

the most as they remember your speech or the talk that you gave.

So your three points, you're gonna use your second most powerful point first,

you're gonna use your most powerful point last. So if there's a story you

really like and it's attached to one of those points, save that for the last.

You want to close strong. There's also what we sometimes refer to in the speaking

industry is, the roller coaster. Little roller coaster of emotions, you want to

take them up you, want to take them down, not too far, you don't want to leave

people too far down, so your story if it's a kind of a troubling, difficult

kind of a story, you want to bring him back up after that so that there's

always this kind of up and down in the emotion and the intensity of the speech

and we could probably get into a lot more detail on that but that gives you

the sense. Now since I've mentioned the emotional roller coaster, let me share

with you another thought that came from my friend, Dan Clark, again Hall of Fame,

amazing, fabulous speaker and he said that the really good speeches,

the ones that really have the best impact have three effects on people, it causes

them to laugh, you think about the speech as you remember there's something

in there that tickled your humor a little bit, okay? Laugh, think because you

really want to have an impact on how people are thinking, that's probably the

reason you're giving the speech in the first place and third, Dan said, cry. Do we

really want to make people cry in our talk? Well maybe and if not cry, you want

them to feel something, some kind of emotional movement that gets them to not

only remember what you said but perhaps commit to do something differently after

they've heard you speak. Laugh, think, and cry or feel something.

The best speeches accomplished all three.

As you look at your three points, as you look at the purpose of your speech,

remember it's not about you, it's about that audience that you're speaking to

and then as you craft the content of that speech, consider humor, you want them

to laugh, make sure that you're giving them something to think about

and something that they can feel so that there's an emotional connection to that

talk. I know that's a quick overview, there's other techniques, obviously, and

strategies. Coaching is enormously helpful because we get stuck in our own

way of thinking and it's helpful to have someone else who can take a look at that

and kind of, not just along help us get out of our own way and associating.

Like with the National Speakers Association, there are local chapters all over,

who are there for that very purpose, to help people in the development of their

speaking abilities and business groups like Toastmasters, where you can get

together and practice those skills and get some feedback, all of those things

are helpful. Keep in mind the rule of three using your own stories as much as

you can. Get them to laugh, think, and feel something. You're gonna have a great


Speaking, it's not as fearful as you might think,

there are some simple things that you can do. Thanks for being here at

Live On Purpose TV, remember to subscribe and share.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips To Prepare a Speech or Give a Talk Effectively - Duration: 14:56.


DIY Or Professional? Tips On Taking Great Family Photos - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> DIY Or Professional? Tips On Taking Great Family Photos - Duration: 3:23.


#104 - Jumping Through Life... Or So... - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> #104 - Jumping Through Life... Or So... - Duration: 4:18.


How To Automatically Enter Date When Data Entered In A Column Or After Data Entry - Duration: 3:03.

hello everyone welcome to excel 10 tutorial in this tutorial I will show

you how to automatically enter date when a data is entered in a column that means

A date will be automatically entered after data entry. This is an advanced

level tutorial and I will need a VBA for this. Remember I am using Microsoft Excel

2010 for this demonstration let's get started this is the workbook I want for

data entry and I will be entering data in column A and I want Date automatically

placed in column B whenever I enter any data ok

for this I'm going to need visual basic code and let's do it so first click on

the sheet 1 which is lower left corner take a look here right button here and

click on View code this will open visual basic editor now I'm going to add

Visual basic code here which I have already written and I will be adding

this code in the comment section make sure you copy it from there I'm simply

copying it and paste it here take a look at here range this is a 1 to a 10 which

is in column a and cell one to sell 10 so this code will work only in this

range if you want to change the column number you can change it from here you

can change cell number anything you want just

change it from here okay and another thing is that in which cell you are

selecting here that means that date will be right beside their cell so I am

selecting the column a and their date will be in column B if I selected column

B it will be in column C no matter if there is a blank or text in column B

whenever I enter data in column a Column B text will be overwritten by Date

okay hope you understand now click save with yes and it's done so let's enter

the data in column a so I'm entering the data and in column B you can see the

date is automatically placed okay so let's just again yes it's working that's

it thanks for watching if this video was

helpful give it a thumbs up if you need any help with Microsoft Excel you can

ask me in the channel discussion section share this video with your friends and

please do subscribe this means everything to me

this is Kazi signing out from Excel 10 tutorial thank you

For more infomation >> How To Automatically Enter Date When Data Entered In A Column Or After Data Entry - Duration: 3:03.


Alain Delon - L'or du temps ('Gold of time' by Bruno Pelletier) with lyrics - Duration: 3:52.

Take off the course of the years we have left

Everything will be played, my love, come down

In the open I go forward, you're my lucky day

My placement, my favourites all the time

Days counted, countdown countdown

How many of them will be worth the detour?

Time is money, my treasure, we will look for gold

The gold of time, full of happiness

I will sing to pass the time

Like others dip and flow as the water of the torrent

To collect in the sieve, from our song - the gold of our lives

Is life worth the candle blessing or the pain?

I enlighten myself, warm myself to your pupils

Take what comes best, time is a gambler

I wholeheartedly love you without rationing

Take what comes best, time is a gambler

I wholeheartedly love you without rationing

I will sing to pass the time

Like others dip and flow as the water of the torrent

To collect in the sieve, from our song - the gold of our lives

I will sing to pass the time

Like others dip and flow as the water of the torrent

To collect in the sieve, from our song - the gold of our lives

I will sing to pass the time

Like others dip and flow as the water of the torrent

To collect in the sieve, from our song - the gold of our lives

For more infomation >> Alain Delon - L'or du temps ('Gold of time' by Bruno Pelletier) with lyrics - Duration: 3:52.


The Rebecca's Case - Plagiarism or Coincidence? - Duration: 7:10.

so today we're going to talk about one of the most iconic movies of all time in

all the allegations of plagiarism involving it

in the year of 1940 Hitchcock released his first American project he beckoned

starring Laurence Olivier in Joan Fontaine who are you Christian yet the

movie went on to win the Oscar for Best Picture and grabbed a total of 11

nominations including Best Actor and Best Actress for its leading stars based

on a novel written by deafening the Moriya released in 1939 this book is a

gothic tale of a young girl from Underwood class mrs. Van Hopper a friend

of yours or just a relation no she's my employer I'm what is known as a paid

companion the closing of the region tormented widow and things that they're

going to live happily ever after until she moves into his nation and realized

that his dead first wife is more present than ever and besides that she has to do

with being compared to her all the time whenever I meet anyone maxximum sister

or even the servants I know they're all thinking the same thing they're all

comparing me with her did you ever see anything so delicate in the creep and

obsess it employee there is the tournament to drive her crazy do you

think the Dead come back and watch the living

I wonder if she doesn't come back here to Mandalay what she'll mr. de winter

together in 1941 a New York Times article written by friends are grains

pointing out some interesting coincidence between the mauryas novel

and the novel a success order written by brazilian novelist Karolina Nabucco

releases in 1934 five years before her burka came into the same the story was

adapted into a soap opera in Brazil in 1978 and the resemblance are really

amazing indeed we also have a young girl from a

lower class the marry of reach-in problematic boy though moves into his

big house registered meant by the everlasting presence of his first dead

wife and a loyal a grip employee there are also some other similarities in the

stories like in SSS order that is also a huge pain tree of the Dead the first

wife in the house a mysterious room and opinionated

relative come here give us a abracada workforce to join DC but you see LM

there when a city like Eve even supports your hair how do you do I am axioms what

how do you do well I say you're quite different what I expected a custom party

in this case a carnival ball where the second wife dress up as the dead wife

what the devil do you think you're doing in physically hurt the presence of a

character that turned out to be one of these first wife former lovers who do

the dynamic between the new wife in the governance of the house cookie there

Martin what Rocco isn't it Samantha me si my marriage was in Shama see Madame

not another importance what is he a senator and the use of fire as a crucial

element to close the story but in a Becca's case the whole house burns into

flame in here the copper just burns the paint in the belongings of the first

dead wife the antagonist also has a mullet and in this case instead of

burning to Thames with the house she just goes crazy and

a late mistress I think it's because you felt urgent Inga well right after the

article was published the mauryas wrote a letter to the editor of the New York

Times claiming that she has not heard of Naboo cos book unto the previous evil

the mauryas publisher also denied any intentional similarities between the

true works but in a book of memoirs she claimed that she had translated the book

in 1934 and send it to publishers in New York and England and one of them were

Demaryius editor but she also claimed the in the ear of the release of the

film she got a visit from the producers

lawyers asking her to sign a document as meeting the possibility of they have

being a mere coincidence between the two stories and for that she will be

compensated with the quantity described it as a considerable value but she

refuses but she also never sued the producers of the merrier but the merits

were sued by an author named between eleven McDonald's in 1944 claiming the

Habakkuk was based on her novel blind windows published in 1927 by Audrina

lost the lawsuit

and she was also accused of plagiarism by the author Frank Bach claiming that

she used his ideas in his book the birds to write her shirts card with the same

name which was also brought to the screen by Hitchcock 296 HP so what do

you think about this have you got a chance to read both novels are there

more coincidence is this a case of place via Richmond and if it is why aren't we

also talking about 1927 Rufus Kings secretly on the DA yes

think about it the main thing we do mention gripping put on in I think it

was you know a lousy and abelian aidid sister-in-law you must

be seen oxygen mysterious room and of course a fire at the end and the Saudis

star it's kind of resemble Jane Eyre big big mansion poor girl the falls in love

with the widow ish kind of guy that is being tormented by the presence of his

first wife the studios room and fire show me everything on the comments below

and if you enjoyed this video like it share it

this is Vanessa's areas in the see you later

For more infomation >> The Rebecca's Case - Plagiarism or Coincidence? - Duration: 7:10.


'Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie': Are You an Arnold 🏈 or a Helga? 🎀 | Nick - Duration: 1:11.

Arnold and his friends are going on the field trip of a lifetime!

This is incredible!

If you were going on a jungle adventure, would you be an Arnold or a Helga?

What's so great about this mega-doofus anyway?

Let's see, do you love epic sea adventures?

- Yes, please! - Hold on tight!

- Ahh! - Ahh!

Or do you get epic sea sickness?

Time to feed the fish!


Would you bring your pet?



Or bring your locket?

I really like you, Arnold, in fact, I--

[steam engine revving]

Whoa, watch it there, Helga!

And, are you more of a--

Friend to all, force for decency, doer of good.

Thanks, Gerald! Or are you a--

Watch it, football head! Hey, who said you could touch me?

Did I say it was OK to touch me?

Oh! Jeez! Yeah, yeah!


Well, hey, let us know in the comments below,

which you think you are!

For more infomation >> 'Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie': Are You an Arnold 🏈 or a Helga? 🎀 | Nick - Duration: 1:11.


S08E03 "Monsters" - The Most Ridiculous Things From Last Night's The Walking Dead - Duration: 5:34.

(humming "The Walking Dead" Theme Song)

- [Host] We will not lose one of our ranks is exactly

the kind of thing someone says right before

they lose one of their ranks.

But I guess I shouldn't worry.

They've got a can't lose strategy

of standing around counting who's smiling

and synchronized crouching.

Wait, Ezekiel said they won't lose one of their ranks again?

Okay, they are definitely losing one of their ranks.

Probably several of their ranks.

He said it three times?

You're gonna lose all your damn ranks, Zeke.

Next time don't jinx it.

There are a lot of unanswered questions

about the sudden return of Morales and all of them

are about why he just called Rick 'Peaches.'

Is it an inside joke, is a reference to Georgia?

Does he think it's a good nickname?

Rick's name is already one syllable, Morales.

Any nickname would just make it more cumbersome to say.

Rubbing your back against a tree and tying your jacket

around your waist is a quick way to fix a bad mushroom trip

and apparently it also works

for gunshot wounds to the tummy.

Alright, make yourself comfortable, Eric.

Here's a gun you can use as a blanket.

You're about to start feeling very cold.

Morgan understandably wants to shoot the jerk

who's whistling, but Jesus reminds him

of the dumb unilateral decision he made.

When Morgan says, "The decision isn't final,"

Jesus replies, "Nothing is permanent except impermanence,

"so in that way I'll agree with you,"

except that's not agreeing at all.

That's saying shit changes but I'm right, you're wrong

and I'm taking these assholes with me.

It's a phrase most commonly said

during divorce custody battles.

Rick managed to list almost every person he's lost

since the beginning, except T-Dog, what could it mean?

It means T-Dog's not dead because a part of T-Dog

lives on in all of us forever.

Gone but not forgotten, the one true dog.

Rick telling Morales that he wouldn't shoot him

was less than convincing.

If the tables were turned, I wouldn't shoot you.

I mean, I know I wouldn't want to, it'd bum me out.

I'd be mega bummed.

And Daryl with the right idea, folks.

He's here to find guns and shoot dudes in the neck

and he's all out of guns to find.

I love that just like everyone watching at home

Daryl remembers this guy, kinda

but has zero problem with him dying.

Gee whiz, these zombies rolling down the hill

are truly living their best undead lives.

What a fun afternoon they're having.

And what a not fun afternoon this guy's having.

It's like Abraham Lincoln famously said,

"Some days you're rolling down the hill with your boys,

"some days you're getting your brain chewed on.

"My name is Abraham Lincoln."

Morgan hunts a conga line of fugitive prisoners

through the woods and just when he's about to murder

the shit out of that whistling asshole,

Jesus has to show up and ruin things.

Uh-oh, Morgan's looking at the ground

and he's mumbling a whole lot of something about nothing?

It looks like we've got a crazy Morgan on our hands.

And crazy Morgan plus unreasonable Jesus

equals woods fight, motherfuckers.

The Saviors in the back were watching the Saviors

in front of them getting mowed down and continued

to run directly into the gunfire.

It seems like running in another direction,

may I be so bold as to suggest the opposite,

may have been a better idea here.

After two and a half episodes of everyone

shooting at everything all the time

and usually hitting nothing,

Daryl and Rick finally run out of ammo.

Nobody panic, Rick's got a plan.

He's going to shoot this fire extinguisher,

which, would that work?

I'm inclined to say it would not work,

but I honestly don't know enough about fire extinguishers

and guns to weigh in here.

Please use the comments to weigh in

if you're an expert on fire extinguishers and also guns.

I read all of your comments.

Oh and if you're commenting these recaps were better

when they were articles, uh you're wrong.

They've always been bad but I still post article versions

so fucking relax.

Jesus hopes to be the first person in history

to succeed at telling a crazy dude spinning a stick

in the woods, "Hey man, you need to chill out."

Guess what, Jesus, nobody chills out when you tell them

they need to chill out, especially not crazy dudes

spinning sticks in the woods.

Thank heavens they were able to reach a peaceful resolution

of Morgan violently jamming his murder stick

half an inch away from Jesus' oddly long neck.

Alright Morgan, have fun pouting in the woods.

See you in six episodes.

Gregory tries to cover up his betrayal with a gripping tale

about this car he found somewhere and now he's here.

What more questions could you possibly have, Maggie?

After hearing Cal tell the story about Gregory

eating some little girl's pancakes.

- "You ate a little girl's pancakes?"

- Then hearing Gregory's side of things.

- "I did not eat those pancakes".

- I feel confident saying,

Gregory ate that little girl's pancakes.

Welcome to season eight of The Walking Dead,

a storyline about some little girl's pancakes

is the best thing we've got so far.

Ugh, seriously?

Come on Maggie, after he sold you out to Negan?

That's definitely one of those times

when sorry doesn't cut it and he needs to die.

For the record, I feel the same way about the pancakes.

I love that Gregory, known pile of camel ass,

decides to weight in here, saying,

"This is not a sanctuary for killers," after he almost

got everyone killed then asked for sanctuary.

It's almost as cute as the summer camp for prisoners

Jesus wants to set up in the corner with around the clock

counselors and friendship bracelet classes every Tuesday.

There will come a time for peace, and when it comes,

we're all gonna want to know how

to make each other friendship bracelets.

Rick might enjoy taking these pictures a little too much.

Where is he getting all this film?

What does he plan on doing with all these photos?

I'm glad he has a hobby, I just wish maybe it didn't involve

killing strangers and photographing their corpses.

Rick does what's best for this baby and hands her off

to a distraught crying man

covered in his dead boyfriend's blood.

Daryl lays low in the background with the

maybe if I stand still nobody will ask me to get involved

approach to conflict resolution.

Listen up Mingus, you tell Rick what he needs to know

and he'll let you take the car, you've got his word.

He'll even throw in a few Polaroids to sweeten the deal.

And Daryl once again with the right idea.

I don't know why Rick's pissed off here.

Daryl did not give his word.

Also I'm pretty sure I saw a bumble bee on that kid's face.

Daryl was just trying to scare it away.

Glad Ezekiel's smiling about losing not one of their ranks

on their journey of murder, but maybe now

is a little soon to celebrate.

You've still got a whole compound to sweep.

That's primetime for losing ranks.

Ugh, did he really just say, "We or they,"

when he could have said us or them?

Okay, please shoot this guy, he deserves it.

Tune in next week, what will Daryl say when he sees

the prisoners at Hilltop?

He's going to welcome them with open fire.

How many of his ranks did Ezekiel lose?

Not one, probably closer to 20 but definitely not one.

Will Gregory do something stupid that gets everyone killed?

Yes, but only after a hearty breakfast of some kid's food.

None of this and more next time on The Walking Dead.

For more infomation >> S08E03 "Monsters" - The Most Ridiculous Things From Last Night's The Walking Dead - Duration: 5:34.


To Roll or Not to Roll Your 401k - Duration: 2:34.

So today we are going to talk about some of the considerations with regard to 401(k) plans

versus IRA plans.

In particular, if you have a 401(k) plan from a former employer.

So what many people are not aware of is that there may be some advantages of keeping your

money in your 401(k) plan versus rolling it to an IRA.

Number 1: Depending on your age, with an IRA you cannot access the money inside of those

accounts until age 59 and 1/2.

If you do, you will be subject to a 10% penalty plus ordinary income tax.

With a 401(k) plan, if you have funds still in your 401(k) plan and you have left that

employer, you can pull your money out starting at age 55.

So that's about 4 1/2 years earlier that you have access to your money if it's in your

401(k) plan versus an IRA.

Now that might be the only reason you keep your money in a prior employer's 401(k).

So the advantages of rolling your money to an IRA are many.

The first is, inside of a 401(k) you typically have very limited investment options.

If you roll the money into an IRA, with Fidelity, Vanguard, TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, whoever.

Now you have a world of investment options available to you.

You can manage those accounts on your own according to your own goals.

Number 3: many times within 401(k) plans the fees with those investment options are much

higher than those fees that you could likely obtain on your own inside of your own IRA.

Lastly, if you want to have your accounts professionally managed, typically you cannot

do that with a 401(k) plan.

With an IRA, you can hire a competent advisor to take care of your IRA and manage those

accounts according to your goals to make sure you are financially successful.

The last thing I want to mention with regard to 401(k) plans, and many people are not aware

of this, is most people think that " If I am still working, I have to leave my money

in my 401(k) plan until I retire, regardless of what age I am."

So if you are over age 59 1/2 and still working, you can actually roll the full balance, typically,

of your 401(k) plan into an IRA.

Now you have the universe of investment options to choose from, can manage those on your own

according to your goals, and still make ongoing contributions to your 401(k) plan.

Again, lots of consideration with regard to what options make the most sense for you.

You should seek competent counsel.

For more information, go to

For more infomation >> To Roll or Not to Roll Your 401k - Duration: 2:34.


CareTrac PHR Training - Parent or guardian managing a dependent's record - Duration: 5:01.

Welcome to this CareTrac personal health record training video.

In this video, we're going to take a look at how to manage the record of a dependent.

We start at the home page, and go right over to the Providers button on the menu bar.

I click there, and it takes me to the Provider page.

Now we can see that there are no providers here in this list.

But this is the main thing to look out for when you are a guardian or a parent managing

a dependent's record.

That' because what we are looking at is your own record here.

So when we click the drop-down box, I see here is the patient's record.

This would be the dependent patient record.

I click there and the list changes.

Here is the doctor that the dependent is seeing.

This is the main difficulty in dealing with managing someone else's record - making sure

that you have chosen the person that you are wanting to manage first, before start to add

a provider or add family members, as it's possible to add these things to your OWN record,

and then these things do no good.

It's not harmful, it just doesn't give you the records and information that you are looking


So here we go - we choose the patient, and now we can add the facility or a provider.

I click on the button here, and I search....and I want to add....let's say I'm going to add

everyone at Des Moines Valley Health...[typing] we go...I'll just choose that...and Search.

And here it is.

I go all the way over here to Select, and now I can see that my request to add the Des

Moines Valley practice as a whole to this record of the dependent patient is Pending.

It will then be approved by someone at Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services, and

then people with permission at Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services will be able

to view the record and be able to upload information to the record and help with the documentation

of care for this dependent.

Next, let's go and add a family member.

Again, double-checking...okay, we have the patient now we will Add a Family


I click's the patient authorized representative acknowledgement.

You confirm that you have a legal basis for doing this, and that this person who you are

going to add to the record has a legal basis for being able to view the record.

So we will add...[typing]...a February birthday...gender...It's going to assume that the street address is

going to be that of the dependent, and so here is a question.

At the Home phone, can we leave a message" yes or I'll check "Yes."

And we'll add a Mobile phone number here....[typing]...and "yes" leave a message.

And then, you select a preferred communication method.

Would it be by phone or would it be by letter?

Let's choose cell phone....receive broadcast messages?...I'll say "yes".

And then I click Save.

So now I have added this family member here.

I click the there's three names.

The guardian, the dependent, and then the family member of the dependent.

I click on the dependent's record again, and we can see these providers are listed, and

we know from clicking here who else has access to this record.

That is how you can manage a dependent's personal health record as a guardian or parent.

So now we'll just go back to the home page, and here we are.

Thank you for watching this CareTrac personal health record training video.

For more infomation >> CareTrac PHR Training - Parent or guardian managing a dependent's record - Duration: 5:01.


11/6/17 6:31 AM (102 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, OR 97301, USA) - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> 11/6/17 6:31 AM (102 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, OR 97301, USA) - Duration: 7:14.


Athena talks (make sure you have subtitles on, or you won't here my Wonderful commentary) - Duration: 0:59.

Hello, as you all know, I am the wonderful and talented Athena

This is my introductory episode, of the soon to be fan favorite show, Athena talks

I am sure you all are amazed to be in the presence of a goddess

But know here on out that I am just like you, only much better

Here on this show I will be, in my encompassing presence, discussing an extraordinary number of topics

So just try to keep up, especially if you are used to my, while lovable, spacey owner

What, I love you, but even they know it's true

Sorry, want to make up with some cuddles?

Come on, you know you want to pet me

And where back, sorry for the brief pause

Anyway, I think you all get the gist

I will be getting back to my rest, and all of you will be recovering from my greatness

I will see you in the next video..stay..snuggles..

Okay, one goodbye head snuggle


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