Hey there~
I'm back-ish~
Um.. I'm going to do something special today
I'm doing the "try not to sing or dance challenge" anime edition
level hard-- and it says "90% will fail"
and I believe that wholeheartedly because...
You guys know how hard it is for me to NOT JAM
Are you reds? cuz I'm reds.
kay- it's like 5 minutes long-ish so-
*clicks tongue* let's go.
1, 2, 3 go!!
Okay, it hasn't even started and Big Hero 6's "Immortals" is playing and I'm...
I'll also try not to- like
move my body to jAM
*blows out air & laughs*
*small scream*
I- I won't give up. Not yet.
this song's so great
*laughs & complains*
I love this song!!
I didn't even watch this anime but I LOVE this song
//painful look on faceu
Oh, this is pretty catchy too.
*hyperventilates* I almost started singing.
I sang this song for a- a chorus thing before so-
Okay, I-
I don't know Death Parade so I'm good with this one
Okay *laughs*
I also did this song for a chorus.
It's pretty darn catchy.
One, wasn't a big fan of this song. The animation's cool but-
Two, I didn't finish the anime either cuz it's just- it was eh to me.
Oh, One Punch Man.
One Puuunch
I didn't finish this one either cuz it's NOT Melody safe.
Aaaaand I don't know this one.
Well, I've never watched Attack on Titan in general so-
Seems pretty epic though
I've heard of this song.
And I think I've tried watching the first episode of Code Geass but...
I don't think it was very Melody safe either. It was a long time ago so-
OKAY, I've DEFINITELY heard this song but I didn't know it was from this.
Do I even know this anime??
Oh, hey~ SAO
Which I haven't...
watched fully..
And this is from the second season too
T-o-o. Too.
*laughs* NNNN
This is my JAM. //crais
I had this on my phone for so long.
//crais more
Ah- no no no no no
I'm *breathes out*
I was legitimately breaking out in-
I was sweatingg hAH
*laughs and crais*
I- I've never watched that anime.
aAAAAaahhHhhH *laughs*
I can't do this. (x6)
*small scream* Lord. *breathes*
Okay- whew
I never made it far enough into Fairy Tail. I didn't like it. I stopped at like episode 10.
This song is so catchy.
Oh, oh, oh. I almost moved- bobbed my head.
I don't know if the camera caught that or if it's noticeable enough.
Okay, I don't know this anime.
It's cute though.
I almost bobbed my head to it. Not gonna lie-
Okay, okay.
I NEVER knew this song was from Bakemonogatari.
I ALWAYS heard this song but I never knew it was from the Monogatari series.
Now I know~
! ! !
I'm embarrassing. Why you guys friends with me?
For long for long~
Oh, okay..
I guess I won. mM, yES!!
Some of them were very difficult..
But I did it!!
//celebratory music
Okay, I'm done. Goodbye.
For more infomation >> Try Not to Sing or Dance Challenge || Anime Edition - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
How To Use Button To Show Or Hide Columns In Excel - Duration: 3:28.
hello everyone welcome to excel 10 tutorial in this tutorial I will show
you how to use a button to show or hide column in Excel this is advanced excel
tutorial and I will use toggle button and Visual Basic to complete this
tutorial remember I am using Microsoft Excel 2010 for the demonstration let's
get started so this is our workbook here you can see and I have simple data here
in this is my data and I want to hide F and G these two column with a button
which should be in here okay now if I click that button this two columns will
be hidden if I click that button again it will show so it's basically a toggle
button that will show or hide columns in Excel ok so to do that I have to create
a toggle button and which you will get in the Developer tab and now click insert
and take a look at here this one this is toggle button okay click on here now
draw the button so this is the button now double click here now simply replace
the code with this one I have already written and I am going to add this code
in the comment section make sure you copy it from there no let's take a look
at here here X addresses this is F and G these two are the column name if you
need to hide one column you just keep F here and simply change it according to
your need okay I want to hide column F and G so I have written F G now take a
look at here toggle button one caption this will be the caption which is here
show column so in my button it will be written show column
F and G is hidden and it will be saying hide column when F and G is open to all
okay now click save save workbook okay here is the button and now I have to stop
designer mode so click on developer and click design mode so here is the button
now take a look at here if I click here F and G those two column is hidden you can
see here and now here is a show column button if I click here those two is open
so this is how you create a simple toggle button to show or hide columns in
Microsoft Excel hope you like it thanks for watching if this video was helpful
give it a thumbs up if you need any help with Microsoft Excel you can ask me in
the channel discussion section share this video with your friends and please
do subscribe it means a lot to me this is Kazi signing out from Excel 10
tutorial thank you
19 Sweet Things To Do For a Girl or Your Girlfriend - Tricks to Easily Make Her Day - Duration: 9:15.
Gentlemen, this is Mantelligence.
today we're showing you 19 romantic things to do for your girlfriend.
A lot of guys think that big, romantic gestures are all a girl wants to see,
and while those can definitely be a nice surprise when you do them right,
to women, it's the little things you do that add up to show her how much you really
So... here are 19 sweet things to do for your girlfriend to let her know how special she
is to you.
#1: Cook Her Something
Want to show her that you care, that you know
what she likes, and show off your skills?
Cooking her a meal she's going to love is a great way to do all three at the same time.
Whether it's breakfast in bed, a fun dinner, or some homemade cookies,
getting in the kitchen for her will quickly show how much you like taking care of her.
#2: Call or Text Her, Spontaneously
Take a moment to surprise her with a call
or text just to say hey, or tell her you're thinking about her.
This simple act can easily brighten up the middle of a long day at work or in class,
and she'll likely be pretty happy knowing that you're thinking about her enough to
reach out.
#3: Do Some of Her Chores
One of the sweetest and most thoughtful things
you can do for your girl, is to take care of stuff around the house,
that she hasn't gotten around to doing.
Whether it's because she may not like to clean or she just might not have the time,
doing the dishes, a load of laundry, or sweeping up is an opportunity to show her that you
care, and will instantly make her life a little
bit easier.
#4: Go Back to The Basics: Take Her on a Date
This one may seem obvious, but if you're looking
to do something sweet for your girl, taking her out on a fun date is probably a
great place to start.
Whether it's just dinner and a movie, a fancy date, or a long day trip to a nearby destination,
taking her out and showing her a good time is an easy a way to make her happy.
#5: Comment When You Notice She Changes Something
If you want to compliment how your girlfriend
looks, that doesn't sound like all the others, compliment her when you notice she's deliberately
changed something about herself.
By letting her know she looks good after she recently changed her hair or got a new dress,
not only will you be acknowledging how great she looks,
but you're also showing her you pay enough attention to notice that she's has changed
#6: Give Her a Real Compliment
While it's great to be in the habit of letting
your girl know she looks good, if you want to show her that you really think
the world of her, try to remember to give her compliments about
all the other things that make her great.
What exactly do I mean by this?
Maybe she's reached a milestone that she's proud of, or maybe she's just really smart...
Whatever it is, your compliments should not be limited to how she looks.
So next time you notice something great about her judgment or her intellect... let her know!
#7. Brag About Her
You can even take complimenting her a step
further, by bragging about her to others.
Your girlfriend might be humble about her talents or accomplishments,
but that doesn't mean you have to be!
So if she's done something that impressed you, don't keep it a secret...
let everyone know you how highly you think of her and talk her up!
#8: Write Her a Letter
One of the most classic and romantic things
to do for your girlfriend, is taking the time to handwrite her a letter.
Actually writing a letter with pen and paper is intimate and personal,
and not only will it give you an opportunity to tell her how you feel in a really sweet
way, but the effort it takes to organize and handwrite
a letter that she can hold and keep will also show her that you care enough to
communicate with her in a really personal way.
#9: Flirt with Her in Public
As you're starting to see, it's hugely important
to let your girl know how much you like her.
And one of the best ways to do that, is to playfully flirt with her in public.
Flirting is something that happens a lot in the beginning of a relationship, but as time
goes on, a lot of guys feel that they're "shown
her all their moves", and do it much less frequently.
But it's still something almost all women love from their boyfriend.
So if it seems like you haven't flirted with her as much as you once did,
try it out and let her know she's still as special as the day she first caught your eye.
#10: Dance with Her
Probably one of the sweetest things you can
do for your girlfriend, is to spontaneously take her hand and start
slow dancing with her.
It only takes a minute or two, and it's incredibly romantic.
So try it out the next time she's in the kitchen, or doing stuff around the house.
And to make it more romantic, do it while she's telling you about her long day.
#11: Send Her Job Opportunities
If you've ever had to do it, you know that
looking for jobs can be pretty stressful.
So if she's looking for a new job, a nice way you can let her know you're looking out
for her, is to help her by sending her job postings
of opportunities you think she'd be a good fit for.
Not only will she see that you understand her goals and abilities, which is sweet all
by itself, but she'll also know for sure that you care
about her and her future.
#12: Think of the Thing you DON'T Want to do… and Suggest Doing It
Whether it's swing dancing, dressing up for a costume party or maybe going to a play,
for a lot of guys, there is probably something that their girlfriends are dying to do,
but that they really don't want to do.
So if you really want to show her you can put her happiness first,
think of the thing you know she wants to do, and suggest doing it.
Not only will she be surprised by your suggestion, but she'll also be elated to see you set aside
your reservations in order to make her happy.
#13: Make Her Coffee Ahead of a Long Day
One hugely romantic (and helpful) thing you
can do for your girlfriend, is to make her a cup of coffee ahead of a
long day.
Some mornings are crazier than others and sometimes, she may not even have the time
to make herself that all-important cup of coffee.
So if you see that happening, you can step in with a quick cup of coffee to send her
off with.
Not only will she leave ready for the day ahead,
but also with every sip of the warm coffee you made for her, she'll be reminded of you.
14: Surprise Her with Something Sweet in the Fridge After a Tough Day
Just like it's nice to make her coffee ahead of a long day,
leaving her something to enjoy when she gets home from a tough day is a simple but sweet
thing to do.
Maybe it's a piece of tiramisu or a cupcake from her favorite bakery.
whatever it is that she likes, opening the fridge after a long day and seeing
it waiting for her will definitely make her smile.
#15: Surprise Her with Something That You Remember She Likes
Surprisingly, a lot of guys don't make the effort to remember the stuff that their girlfriends
But for the guys who does, it can be a hugely romantic gesture in his girlfriend's eyes.
Maybe she once said something was cute in a store, but didn't buy it.
Or maybe she mentioned how she wanted to try out a new cafe or see a new movie.
Whatever it was, remembering the things your girlfriend passively mentions and acting on
them is probably one of the sweetest things you
can do for your girlfriend.
#16: If There's a Show You Both Like, Don't Watch It Without Her
You may think, "So what if we don't get to watch every episode of a TV show together?
...I mean, last week's episode ended on a pretty big cliffhanger."
Now, while it's obviously not a big deal to watch one episode without her,
choosing to wait for your girlfriend, is not only a super considerate, sweet thing to do
for her, but it also gives you consistent fun thing
to do together every week.
#17: Treat Her Like a Princess
Whether or not they admit it, every girl likes
being treated like a princess.
So do specific little things like: Opening the door for her, carrying her bag,
or getting her flowers.
It shows her how important she is to you, and is always a really sweet way to surprise
#18. Shake Up the Routine
You obviously don't want your girlfriend
to be bored in your relationship, so if things seem like they've gotten a
little routine, change them up by adding some variety to your
typical schedule.
Take a day off to play hooky together, Have a longer-than-usual lunch,
or doing go something instead of your standard happy hour.
This fun thing to do will add some flavor to your typical week, and will help break
the monotony.
#19. When You Go to the Store, Pick Up Something For Her
Not only does grabbing something for her clearly show her that you're thinking about her,
but it also shows her that you know what she likes and you care about her enough to get
Maybe it's something small she needs like her shampoo, maybe it's her favorite donut,
or maybe you're about to go big and get her that espresso machine she's been wanting.
Whatever it is, surprising her with something she needs or wants,
is a sweet, romantic thing to do for your girlfriend, and one that she'll definitely
That's 19 incredibly nice things you can do for your girlfriend.
If you enjoyed this video, be sure to let us know, and give it a thumbs up
and don't forget to click and subscribe.
And while you're here, why not check out these other powerful videos?
Thanks for watching!
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♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
I am so excited to share with you guys the huda beauty
Smokey obsessions palette now this palette you guys is a new release
She actually has this palette in for
Shade selections that she came out with one is mob
One is like an electric color palette one is warm Browns
And I got the smoky so the deal with this palette you guys is that it is
Tiny right, I mean that is the palm of my hand it's tiny and when you open it up
That's what you get
So you can see how small it is you get a mirror it is
cardboard packaging that has the magnetic you know clamp you hear it and
this one comes with
Formats it has what looks like a glitter, and then it has four kind of shimmery satin shades
They are gorgeous shades
I'm gonna swatch them for you today, but I also just want to kind of discuss this size and the value because it is
$27 at Sephora obviously because it's this size you might be thinking. Yeah, well. It's $27
Let's compare it today to some of my other
Favorite palettes that are also probably favorites of yours and see how valuable
This little guy really is if you are new here
I would love it if you would subscribe tap the bell so that you're notified of future content from me and
Let's get into it that each one of these colors in this little tiny palette are
ounces okay
So even though this palette is tiny tiny
You still get the same amount of eyeshadow
respectively too many other really popular palettes for example most recent favorite is the
Sweet peach palette from Too Faced you get 18 shadows in this one. Okay, and
they are 0.03 apiece that makes this palette 0.5 for
total, right
total and this puppy cost fifty three dollars
It is nearly it's one dollar short of double the price
of this one
This one total is 0.35 so it's it is not much bigger
In size it's bigger, but it is not much bigger in weight total weight
But it is double the cost. I love this palette this palette is what I have on today. I absolutely love it
it's awesome point being though is that it you can't always judge the package by the
Physical size you need to look at the actual ounces now another one that's a favorite my Anastasia
Modern Renaissance
This palette Gor did you get?
14 shades in this one and they are 0.02 a piece and
That means that you are getting a total 0.28 this
anastasia palette is
You get less in this
Then you get in this
42:27 more product less product
So again, you know I've read a bunch of reviews that are talking about how small this is or so
disappointed in the size
Honestly the size it's what makes this freaking awesome
Because it is so compact. I mean my gosh
You could travel with that so well, and you get more than the modern renaissance palette for less money
Yeah, no brainer there, so I think the point here is this is a freaking steal you guys
it's a steal and the other three that she came out with the moth the warm brown and the
Electric I want them all I mean for $27. Can you guys there's some sale left you can pick these up you guys for
$21.60 during the sale, I want to show you guys really quickly. This is the mauve
This is the warm brown and
The really fun one you guys
This is the electric palette. I mean seriously if you can pick that up during the sale for $21 and change how?
freaking awesome is that and
Let's get to the swatch e result I'm gonna start with these three, so we're gonna go here
here and here
Just gonna go right down my nice dry skin
Clearly that one's a light one it's actually super pretty three, so I'm gonna go here
They're so buttery
Here ignoring my nails I've been doing running a remodel in school. There's no time for nails around here. I
Mean like butter you guys seriously like butter
If you're in the market for some new eyeshadows that are buttery smooth just the most amazing
colors and the most incredible value
Check these out you guys are definitely awesome, so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video
I hope that you'll check out the hooter Beauty
Eyeshadow palette and give this a thumbs up and let me know if you've tried any other hooda stuff
Hope you guys have a great great day, and thank you so much for watching
Which is
Distance or arc length from angular displacement - Duration: 8:08.
MAKARTT Wax Warmer Wax Heater suitable for Professional Salon use or home waxing - Duration: 1:02.
10 TIPS BEFORE BUYING A PLANT FROM NURSERY or Store | Mistake to Avoid When Purchasing Plants - Duration: 3:33.
Hello Friends!
Today we will look into 10 important tips or things you should know before buying a
plant from a nursery or a garden store.
Please follow the video till the end, because these tips will help you get the best plants
that will survive and thrive after you buy them and thus save your precious time and
Coming up..
Purchasing a plant from nursery or garden store requires patience.
If a plant is bought in a hurry, your time, money and efforts will be wasted.
Please follow these Top 10 useful tips while choosing your plant till the end, else you
will end up buying sick and unhealthy plants.
What Type of the Plant You want to buy and You should know where to place it in your
home garden, whether its shade loving, sun loving or semi-shady plant or indoor plant
and whether it suits the present climate and this knowledge is really important for the
plant to survive.
Buy Healthy Looking Plants: First look on the plant itself will reveal its overall health.
If its looking fresh and healthy, then decide on it and judge by applying few more tips
on choosing this plant.
Proportionate size of the Pot or grow bag is also important factor.
Check whether the plant is getting adequate space for its root development.
Look for Pest attacks: Look at the plant very carefully especially underneath the leaves
for insects & pests.
Plus check for Damaged/curled leaves, you can either reject or bargain for a very low
price or even free of cost for such plants.
Because such plants may harm & contaminate your other garden plants also.
Soil and Watering: check whether they are using a good well draining soil for the plant
and check whether the plant is watered adequately.
Overall Look and Hygiene of the Nursery / Garden: Check whether they are maintaining it well
like the overall appearance like arrangements of the plants and cleanliness of the nursery
� I mean the overall impression of the nursery.
Root Bounding: This is very important.
But you cannot remove the plant and directly check this.
But one tip to grossly check this is: Check whether the roots of the plant are coming
out of the drainage holes and entering the ground.
Do not buy such plants.
Do not buy plants in Full Bloom, Instead, choose plants with healthy foliage and vigorous
growth with many flowering buds still to open.
Check for Weeds: If there are lot of weeds around the plant, it indicates poor maintenance.
ASK AND ASK: Do not hesitate to enquire with the nursery staff and question them regarding
the name of the plant, how to care for the plant, the type of plant whether indoor or
outdoor, fertilizer requirements and so on.
Then cross check them at reliable sources at google search.
Well there we have it folks, those were the top 10 tips before you choose a plant to buy
from nursery.
If you like the tips, please give a thumbs up and also if you have some more tips I missed,
please share them in comments section below the video.
Consider subscribing to the channel if you are new to the channel.
Happy Gardening!
Kid Wedding: Cute or Creepy? - Duration: 4:07.
Everyone knows that little kids like to play dress up,
but should they be walking down the aisle?
Moms of pint sized friends five-year-old Sullivan and
three-year-old Ella decided to create a mini-marriage ceremony for their kids.
The moms, who are wedding photographers, went all out to make a picture
perfect photo shoot complete with a proposal and a kiss.
>> That's a bomb photo shoot, though.
>> Yeah, I like the lighting.
>> Is that little boy black?
>> Yes, yes.
The children were told they were getting married and
the moms said the newlyweds took it from there all while giggling.
>> Yeah.
>> So.
>> Weird, super weird.
>> Why do you think it's weird?
>> I don't like when people paint in for
me what perfection looks because at that age I would be very impressionable and
I would grow up thinking that that's how my marriage should be for me.
I want it to end up.
What if the marriage doesn't look like that?
What if you don't have enough money to make it what it looks like
in the magazines?
What if they're not playing on this side of the court?
You know what I mean?
>> What if you're three years old?
>> No, I don't like it.
>> I got a question, Tam, [INAUDIBLE].
>> I don't even have memories from three years old.
I don't remember three years old.
>> Would you let your kids do this?
>> Okay, well, I'm not going to judge moms,
only because I've been on the opposite side of that and it's not fun, at all.
With that said, it's very normal for kids to say, I'm gonna marry so-and-so.
I mean, Aidan just recently said, mommy, when I grow up I wanna marry you.
And of course I almost cried.
[LAUGH] But I was like, it doesn't work that way, Aidan.
[LAUGH] You usually marry someone you love, a friend.
And he was like, I'm gonna marry Addy.
Just like that, and you know they were- >> Yes, they're friends.
>> They've been friends since like birth.
>> They make an amazing couple.
>> I know, there they are.
They are so cute.
She says the same thing, but I don't think that-
>> She black, too?
[LAUGH] >> Could we not?
>> [APPLAUSE] >> My gosh, Lottie.
But I don't take it literal, and personally, I mean,
I don't know what my kids will gain looking back at the photos.
I don't know if it would make them awkward.
I mean, they don't have a voice.
>> It's just cute.
>> [INAUDIBLE] >> Who knows?
>> If you had photos of yourself at three and five like this with a boy?
Would you be like, that's cute?
>> I would just be like, okay.
>> But why they kissing like that? >> Let me tell you guys,
have any of you guys ever been a flower girl at a wedding?
>> [LAUGH] >> No.
>> I haven't.
>> You've never been a flower girl?
>> Why is nobody paying attention to my kissing?
>> I'm sorry.
>> Cuz I wanna ask you that.
I was a flower girl in a wedding and I don't know if this is a Latina thing, but
literally they made me the mini version of the bride's dress.
[CROSSTALK] >> And my outfit was, I had the veil,
I had everything exactly like her dress.
>> Okay.
>> Okay, but what if then they made you hold hands with another brother that you
maybe- >> They didn't make me, I wanted to,
that's the problem.
>> [LAUGH] >> Really?
>> Yes, I was obsessed.
Little boy Steven, I remember you.
I asked you to be my boyfriend.
I made him dance with me.
I made him hold my hand all night.
>> How old were you?
>> I was four. >> [LAUGH]
>> And I made him hold my hand, and
I made him dance with me, and I loved him.
And it was fun.
We were four years old.
>> You know what?
You give a new meaning to Fast and Furious 4, I'll tell you that much.
>> [LAUGH] >> Well, there you have it.
>> Well, I'm just saying, it's just kids.
But listen to what you guys are saying online.
I thought this was pretty funny.
>> I wanna hear, what are they saying?
>> Christian Jones on Facebook says,
I'm confused by people saying they need to enjoy their childhood first.
This clearly isn't a legal marriage.
They aren't gonna live as a married couple-
>> That's true.
>> At age three and five, LOL.
>> Well, I guess again, it just depends.
>> What you think, Keisha?
>> I get two things from it.
It's kind of like the parents are photographers, so they're artistic.
>> Yes. >> Like modeling.
>> Yeah. >> Yeah, artistic.
>> And I feel like it was done for fun.
>> Okay, what's the second thing?
>> The second thing is it's a bit grown.
It's a bit grown.
>> The kissing part. >> All that is too much.
>> We gotta go. Sorry, babe. >> [LAUGH] >> All right, well,
we have to take a break.
But there's more of The Real coming up right after this.
>> Yes!
Women's Curly Hair Tips, Shampoo, Conditioner, No Frizz Styling, Long or Shorter - Duration: 13:13.
Hey awesome ones, hey you guys have been telling me that you like my hair and I'm
so happy for that so what I've done is I've really kind of perfected how I get
my naturally curly hair to look like this
and I'm sharing it with you, now there are no rulers involved in this and I'm
doing the old scrunch technique so I'm going to share all that with you in just
a minute
and I've really studied in the last little well shampoos and conditioners
and anti-frizz things and curling products that I really, really think are
giving me a nice look so I'm gonna share those products with you as well. I'll
probably put them in the description or maybe probably the first comment I'll
link back to my blog and if you want to get some of those products hey I got to
disclose, we make a little bit of money on it and thank you very much for that
we really appreciate it. All right so before we get started here
we are in my ensuite washroom in front of my shower, this is really weird for me
because I've invited my subscribers into my shower to watch me get my hair done
but hey anything for you guys, you know that you're so special to me so
you've been asking about my curly hair so let's do this...
The other thing I want to mention to you is right now
my hair has not been washed for about five days. I'm in the thought process
that you don't need to wash your hair every day. I'm just finding it's really
looking a lot shinier than washing it every day so that's just my opinion on
that, and the second thing I want to show you is that if you have shorter hair
than me I'm just going to just sort of look over here but I'm going to give you
an idea of how, yeah this, this could, this kind of look can still work with a
shorter bob or something like that so yeah, stay tuned... All right so let's go
This is so weird, Hello everybody! Oh it's really, really hot, hold on, hold on. Alright hey this will
go in the blooper reel. But anyway I'm using the shampoo but I'm using the
shampoo and it hardly really lathers at all so here we go, I got a lot of hair so..
I'm spitting all over the place so um again I'm going to mention to you what the
products are in the first comment so you'll be able to find them. Ok so there
you go, there'll be a link back to my blog and I'll do the beauty thing
about doing your hair. I usually leave this on for about 1 or 2 minutes and
we'll just speed this up a little bit
Okay so that's been on for about a minute or so and like I said I I probably didn't
tell you this but I do have a link for this but I also found this shampoo at my
hair salon, okay so let's start rinsing this off and then I'm going to put the
conditioner on .Rinse time, now it's perfect , now the temperature is perfect
because this really helps to tame down a lot of the frizz. Okay that was an experience, but anyway
afterwards I just towel dry my hair and well you can sort of see that my hair is
super frizzy like the shampoo and the conditioner are fantastic but I still would
probably, well yeah, well maybe not... I can't really get a comb through my hair
So now I just also want to tell you that I usually wash my hair maybe an hour and
a half before I go to bed or in the morning. My daughter told me that if you
wash your hair just before you go to sleep and you sleep on it wet you'll get
a headache and I actually tried that out, not on purpose, it was just really late and
I got a headache the next morning so she might have something there. I don't know
maybe it's just in my genes and in hers but just thought I'd point
that out. Now as far as my hair is concerned I'm just gonna look over here
at it, Bill we have to push back a little bit here... all right so, so you can see the
whole thing here. All right that's a lot better, so I'm
using this anti frizz cream because if I don't my hair is gonna be super frizzy.
I put a little bit on my hand here and again I'm going to tell you the products
in that first comment or you can get them and I just start scrunching,
scrunching it through and all around and now that I've sort of put that through
there a little bit I'm going to comb my hair with one of these big and, and look
it looks like my hair is straight right now but we'll do them, there's a little bit
of... see I told you super, super frizzy and what's going on there, okay so we got to
get rid of that... there we go. So I'm sure a lot of you get those knots
and things too, so there we go. Now looks like I just made it straight what I'm
gonna do is sort of scrunch it again,
scrunch it again and I have kind of a natural curl here and I want it to be
tamed a little bit so I just sort of put a bobby pin here so it dries nicely. Now
what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to let it naturally dry, no blow-drying
nothing. I'm just gonna let it naturally dry and I'm gonna come back to you in
just a few minutes. So it's been about an hour and now in real time and my hair is
I'd say about 90% dry I also decided to get dressed up a little bit more for you
too, so let's go to the next steps. All right so the first thing we do is I'm
going to take out that little bobby pin and you can see how it's made a really
nice little curl there, kind of goes all wiry all over the place
unless I kind of keep it in in check there. Now my hair looks very nice and
naturally curly but it's not going to hold . We need a little bit help from
my favorite mousse foam here, so let me just show you it. There we go, not too much.
All right so I just scrunch this in to my hair, here we go
and you know it's amazing in the mornings when I wake up I usually just
have to put a little bit of, you know, water on my hands and kind of Re-scrunch
it a little bit, let's get a little bit, a little bit on the the back
part here too. So you can see how absolutely lovely
that is and of course... awww this side looks pretty sad . So now this side is always a
little harder for me because I do have the part here but we can make the magic
of scrunching really work here for us right down to the ends out to the sides
it's starting to really take shape and we're almost done but I don't know I
just I just hate the way it's just kind of flat on top of my head so I don't
know maybe this is sort of me from the 60s and 70s but I just wanted a little
bit of help up here on the crown of my head. So remember those little teasing
combs? I do a little tease, just a little one,
not a lot you know, you don't want to look like super puffy or something and a
little bit of hairspray it just gives me that little extra puff or whatever,
anyway I like it. Alright so we're almost done here but
you're probably seeing I got a few flyaways, so I've got this
anti-frizz serum, if it ever gets out of here. serum, look at that? Now it's super oily so
just use a little bit and I'm gonna touch some of those flyaways up it also
adds a little bit of shine to my hair, gives me that naturally shiny kind of
look and I always find the flyaways really at the top so you know in any
kind of deadness that you're finding at the bottom of your hair, yeah
So once you've mastered this, honestly you're just doing it no time flat and
the other thing is I'm not blow-drying my hair,
I'm not ironing it I mean I literally ironed it for years and my hair is so
much healthier now. So I just love my natural curly hair and you know when I
want to comb it, a lot of times I'm just doing this and it's all combed and yeah
keeping it natural and somebody else who has beautiful natural hair is my little
Hurricane, oh yes look at the colors on you in this style and he just goes like brrrrr ,
shakes around and he's got his hair styled, but oh yeah hundred kisses. Alright
Hurricane I know that you, do you love everybody out there too, all the
subscribers, you know, so to all the subscribers out there we just want to
say a big thank you and, and I'm just enjoying this community and, and talking
to a lot of you through comments, oh yeah, you're loving it too... Oh Hurricane has a
video by the way, we did a day in the life of little Hurricane so you might want to check it out.
We just made it to make you smile ,that was about what it was for so
I'll put it up there somewhere but thank you so much and hey if you want to
subscribe there's a little button down there somewhere but this beautiful
little guy and myself, oh yeah it's time for us to go for a walk so
yeah . What did I say did I say walk? So until next time guys, we'll see you later
Everyone's invited to subscribe and join us on our journey
[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP4 - 'Debut All Together or To Be Eliminated' The Stray Kids Fate - Duration: 2:33.
(all finished their 3-3-3 unit mission)
(the second mission where the first elimination might happen)
JYP: Saying the Stray Kids came up to here
JYP: Until now, me and the company have not interfered
JYP: We put all the trust into your leader Channie
JYP: From now, the company has decided
JYP: that there is a member that is putting pressure on the team
JYP: Im sorry about this
JYP: I hope you understand that there is no other choice but to eliminate him
(Who will be the first one who is eliminated from the Stray Kids today?)
JS: there is 9 of us, the fact that all nine of us might not be able to debut together
JS: we promised each other that we would go out as all nine of us
JS: I kept thinking about what would happen, what we would do if one of us got eliminated
CB: it doesn't make much sense for one of us to be eliminated
CB: even though I believe in PD-nim (JYP) a lot
CB: the 9 of us are good at showing our teamwork together
CB: if its thought about that way, then there shouldn't be a reason for one of us to be eliminated
WJ: It would be really good if one of us doesn't get eliminated
WJ: even then the members in crisis increases
WJ: it can't be that one of the members are eliminated
WJ: it would be really good if one of us isn't eliminated
(after the 3-3-3 unit mission, they are thinking of having the first elimination)
(Stray Kids are faced with 'debut all together' or 'the first elimination')
JYP: the one who is eliminated is...
(the 9 of them who desperately wish to debut all together)
(who will be the first one who is eliminated from Stray Kids?)
JYP: is Minho
(the first elimination of the Stray Kids is Lee. Min. Ho.)
(the result of the second mission is that someone got eliminated)
pfsense 2.4.1 firewall rules for allow or deny internet access - Duration: 5:41.
Pfsense firewall rules for allow or deny internet access
ACLU sues El Paso County over pay or stay jail fee - Duration: 2:03.
North Korea demands USA removes 'lunatic old man' Donald Trump or face 'abyss of doom' - Duration: 3:07.
North Korea demands USA removes 'lunatic old man' Donald Trump or face 'abyss of
NORTH Korea has demanded the USA removes "lunatic old man" Donald Trump from power or face
World War 3.
Despot leader Kim Jong-un used his state media mouthpiece to urge the removal of the US President,
after he made stern threats during a visit to South Korea.
Using some of his strongest language yet against North Korea, Donald Trump told the state he
would "not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction.
We will not be intimidated".
He claimed people in North Korea were suffering human rights abuses in "gulags" and some
bribed government officials to work as "slaves" overseas rather than live under Kim Jong-un's
In a fiery response, North Korea's state media agency KCNA said: "The world is undergoing
unprecedented throes because of Trump, a notorious 'political heretic'.
"The US must oust the lunatic old man from power and withdraw the hostile policy towards
the DPRK at once in order to get rid of the abyss of doom.
"The US had better make a decisive choice…if it does not want a horrible nuclear disaster
and tragic doom."
President Trump gave his hard hitting address to South Korea's National Assembly before
heading to China to try and increase Beijing's role in pacifying Kim Jong-un.
He said: "Do not underestimate us and do not try us."
During a speech which attracted a standing ovation and numerous rounds of applause, Mr
Trump said: "North Korea is a country ruled by a cult."
He added: "The weapons that you are acquiring are not making you safer, they are putting
your regime in grave danger.
"Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face."
After saying he would not fall victim to intimidation, Mr Trump added: "And we will not let the worst
atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground we fought and died to secure.
"The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear
Today three US aircraft carrier groups sailed to the Western Pacific for exercises - a rare
show of such US naval force in the region.
The exercises follow a number of drills by US and South Korean forces over the previous
months, carried out as a show of force against North Korea.
And Mr Trump had planned to face off with North Korea by visiting the Korean Demilitarised
Zone at the border with the north and south, but his helicopter had to abort the mission
just minutes from landing due to fog and mist.
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Mr Trump was "actually pretty frustrated".
Thanks for watching please like , share and don't forget to subscribe Channel
Rihanna Wants to Know if You've Been Thottie or Nice - Duration: 2:43.
Rihanna Wants to Know if You've Been Thottie or Nice
As we all know, Rihanna has the superhuman power to take any look, any accessory, or anything and make it instantly cool.
Her latest feat? Convincing us all that we absolutely need a pair of Thottie or Nice? socks this holiday season (come to think of it, how do I not already have a pair of Thottie or Nice? socks in my life?).
The singer, who will now be known as the new Santa Claus, unveiled another collection of socks in collaboration with Stance just in time for the holiday season.
Featuring nine different styles, the collection most notably includes a pair of over-the-knee Santa-inspired socks and mid-calf socks that pose the important question, thottie or nice?.
Offered in two colorways, the thottie or nice socks of course act as the true star of the latest Fenty x Stance collection.
And ranging in price from $14- $24, they also happen to make the ideal stocking stuffer this holiday season (or maybe just treat yourself to a pair before they sell out).
Surely Santa is out there somewhere thanking Bad Gal Riri for the fresh material. Of course this isnt the first time Rihanna designed a collection that made us actually excited about socks.
Over the summer, the singer released a collection with Stance transforming her most iconic red carpet moments into sock form—which, unsurprisingly, sold out instantly.
The good news is that Rihannas holiday collection hasnt sold out just yet; you can shop the Fenty x Stance socks online now at stance. com.
North Korea warned to END nuclear missile tests NOW or face 'unpredictable' Donald Trump - Duration: 2:36.
North Korea warned to END nuclear missile tests NOW or face 'unpredictable' Donald
NORTH Korea has been urged to halt its missile test programme after a series of threats from
Donald Trump.
A spokeswoman for Germany's foreign ministry told a regular news conference US foreign
policy under the current president had become "unpredictable", including in areas like trade
She added rhetoric towards Pyongyang has undergone sharp shifts in recent days.
The spokeswoman said Kim Jong-un must listen to Mr Trump just hours after he warned North
Korea its "rogue regime" was in "grave danger".
President Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea before
warning Kim his nuclear weapons "are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in
grave danger".
Mr Trump used some of his toughest language yet against North Korea in a wide-ranging
address in Seoul that lodged specific accusations of chilling human rights abuses.
He called on countries around the world to isolate Pyongyang by denying it "any form
of support, supply or acceptance".
"Do not underestimate us and do not try us," Trump told North Korea as he wrapped up a
visit to South Korea with a speech to the National Assembly before heading to Beijing,
where he was making his first official visit.
Mr Trump painted a dystopian picture of the reclusive North, saying people were suffering
in "gulags" and some bribed government officials to work as "slaves" overseas rather than live
under the government at home.
He offered no evidence to support those accusations.
The US President's return to harsh, uncompromising language against North Korea came a day after
he appeared to dial back the bellicose rhetoric that had fueled fears across east Asia of
the risk of military conflict.
On Tuesday, Trump had even offered a diplomatic opening to Pyongyang to "make a deal."
He went mostly on the attack in Wednesday's speech but did promise a "path to a much better
future" for North Korea if it stopped developing ballistic missiles and agreed to "complete,
verifiable and total denuclearization" - something Pyongyang has vowed never to do.
Thanks for watching please like , share and don't forget to subscribe Channel
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